Word find back to school

Challenge elementary aged students with this difficult back to school word search.

The puzzle is free to download and print.

The word search is most suited for elementary kids in grades 3 to 6 who can handle a tougher level of difficulty.

If you prefer a different level, check out these back to school word searches for kids 4th grade and younger, or this 5th grade or 6th grade puzzle.

A back to school word search puzzle with 35 words hidden in a 19 X 20 grid of letters.

A word search for kids is a great way to work on spelling right off the back, but in a fun, low key way. While they are hunting for each word, they will be focusing on the individual letters that make up a word.

Back to School Words

This hard level word search has 35 hidden words for kids to find and circle. The words can be found in every possible direction: forwards, backwards, upside down – horizontally, vertically and diagonally.

There are school words like:

  • school, teacher, students, learn, subjects, grades, homework, recess, elementary

School subjects:

  • Art, Drama, English, Geography, Health, History, Language Arts, Math, Music, Physical Education, Social Studies, Spelling, Science

Other things kids learn in school:

  • alphabet, numbers, reading, writing

School supplies:

  • backpack, books, crayons, pencil, scissors

Things you might see at school:

  • classroom, desk, friends, library
Back to school word search pdf with 35 school words hidden in a 19 X 20 grid of letters.

Free Printable Word Search

The challenging back to school word search puzzle can be downloaded free below. The pdf comes with an answer sheet.

More Back to School Printables

Here are some more free printable back to school word puzzles:

  • back to school word searches for grades 2, 3 & 4
  • 5th grade back to school word search
  • 6th grade back to school word search
  • back to school crossword puzzles for 2nd, 3rd & 4th grade
  • back to school word scrambles
  • back to school fill in puzzles

Answer Key

Here is the answer key for this back to school word search:

answer key for difficult back to school word search

Updated on August 08, 2022

Back to school word search puzzles are a great activity to have students do on the first few days back to school. It’s an easy activity that can get them use to classroom procedures without having to provide any new instruction.

These printable back to school words search puzzles are all in categories by skill level with a recommended grade level. There are also a few online ​back to school word search puzzles that would be great to set up on the classroom computers.

You’ll also want to check out this list of free science word searches that are great for this time of year or any other time.

Easy Back to School Word Search Puzzles

Julia Wheeler and Veronika Laws/Taxi/Getty Images

These easy back-to-school word searches are great for students in grades 1-3 because there are 14 or fewer hidden words in each puzzle.

  1. Back to School: You’ll need to find 9 hidden words all about going back to school.
  2. Back to School Word Search: There are 10 hidden words in this back-to-school worksheet. The word bank also includes pictures of the items.
  3. Hidden Message Back to School Word Search Puzzle: Uncover a secret message after finding the 12 words in this back-to-school word search puzzle.
  4. Back to School Word Search: You’ll need to find 12 hidden words all having with going back to school in this free, printable word search puzzle.

Medium Back to School Word Search Puzzles

Andrew Rich/E+/Getty Images

These intermediate back-to-school word search puzzles have 15-29 hidden words and will work great for kids in grades 4-5.

  1. Back to School Word Search: There are 15 words about going back to school in this free, printable word search puzzle with an answer key included.
  2. Back to School: There are 16 hidden words about school in this free word search puzzle.
  3. School Life: Find words like crayons, eraser, books, glue stick, and more in this word search puzzle.
  4. Back to School Time: You’ll need to find 18 back-to-school words to solve this word search puzzle and find the hidden message with the leftover letters.
  5. Back to School Word Search: There are 20 hidden terms in this free back-to-school word search. Can you find them all?
  6. Back-to-School Word Search: There are 23 hidden words in this back-to-school word search puzzle.
  7. A Word Search for Back to School: This 29-word back-to-school word search is just perfect for the first few days back to school.

Online Back to School Word Search Puzzles

Hero Images / Getty Images

There’s nothing to print with these online back to school word search puzzle games.

  1. Easy Back to School Word Search: This is an easy back to school word search with 10 words to find.
  2. Back-to-School Word Search Game: Complete this online back to school word search by finding 21 hidden words and phrases.

Grab this back-to-school word search to get kids excited about the new school year while building vocabulary. Students will use visual discrimination skills to locate the 12 school-specific vocabulary words to get excited about the new school year!

Green background with back to school word search featured. Multi-colored flags at the top.

🏫 Why We Love It

We love word searches because they’re challenging, fun, and engaging (just check out our Harry Potter and Minecraft word searches!)!

And after a long summer break, this school-themed word search is the perfect activity to stimulate your students’ brains in a focused and intentional way.

Each of the 12 words includes a matching picture beside it, which helps kids who may not have the reading skills to be able to decode the words appropriately.

These picture clues will help your younger or struggling readers not to feel left out or behind. We want ALL students to start off the school year with a feeling of success, and the pictures will help encourage all of your students to participate in the word search!

Educational Focus: This word search is a great back-to-school activity for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-grade students!

The printed and completed back to school word search with a pencil.

Use this image as an answer key if needed!

📝 Using the Worksheet

This word search is great for independent work. Whether you choose to use it for morning work or for a quiet activity in the middle of the day, just have your students pull out a crayon, highlighter, or pencil and they’re ready to begin the search!

All words are intentionally hidden in the word search in only three key formats: left-to-right, up-to-down, or on a diagonal left-to-right. This format provides kids with consistent directionality that they will encounter in text and in the real world like on signs or logos, etc.

👉 Since we will never read words bottom-to-top or right-to-left, let’s not have beginner readers attempt to find words this way!

🚌 12 Back-to-School Words to Locate:

  • bus
  • pen
  • gym
  • games
  • ruler
  • read
  • pencil
  • desk
  • learn
  • books
  • math
  • recess

🧑‍🏫 Extension Activities

Some kids may be up for a challenge, so use these activities to extend the word search activity. Flip the worksheet over and try these ideas:

  1. Write the words in alphabetical order.
  2. Brainstorm and list other back-to-school words.
  3. Choose a word or two and write it in a sentence.
  4. Use the words and write a story or summary about the first day of school.

👉 If a student is struggling to find the words hidden within this worksheet, your students may need some explicit instruction to improve visual discrimination skills.

  • Visual discrimination is noticing the differences and similarities between the things they see (in this case, letters).
  • Use our 9 free visual discrimination printables to help your students practice and master visual discrimination. You should also check in with the school nurse and request an eye exam.

Pinterest graphic with the back to school word search on a green background.

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  • All About Me
  • Get To Know You Bingo

Download & Print

We’d love to hear about your experience using this resource, and we value your feedback!
Please leave a comment below or tag us on Instagram @literacylearn.

TERMS: All resources and printables are designed for personal use only in your own home and classroom. Each person must visit this site and download their own free copy. Please do not photocopy, email, or reproduce our printable resources for other teachers, and please do not reproduce our printables on the web or save them to a shared drive. Instead, please share the resources with others by using the social share links provided or by distributing the link to the blog post itself. This allows us to keep making free resources for everyone! If you have any questions, please email us. Please see our Creative Credits page for information regarding the licensed ClipArt used in our resources. Thank you!

Getting ready for the first day of school?

Get this free printable Back to School Word Search with words related to this special day.

Bring it into your classroom for your students to calm down and get used to their new environment. Or, let them work in groups for an easy team-building activity that will allow them to get to know each other without any pressure.

You can also extend this activity by asking your students to write sentences with the words they find. 

If you are a mom, feel free to use this word search at home, especially if your kids are nervous. Just give them this fun activity to take their minds off of it and make them look forward to their first day.

Besides being a useful resource, this word search can also help kids develop word and letter recognition, improve spelling, introduce new vocabulary, and enhance analytical skills.

And, almost everyone will know how to find and circle the words without you having to provide any additional instructions.

Super easy, right?

Get yours at the end of this post!

School Days Word Search

Printable Back to School Word Search

This back-to-school word search puzzle is great for grades 3 and up, as it has 20 short-to-mid length hidden words that can be found in all directions (up, down, right, and left).

Those words are:

  • Books
  • School
  • Teacher
  • Crayons
  • Principal
  • Friends
  • Science
  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Students
  • Computer
  • Backpack
  • Notebooks
  • Classroom
  • Homework
  • Art
  • Math
  • Glue
  • Ruler
  • Pencil

To play, click the link at the end of this post and download your word search printable.

Then, print as many copies as you need on regular white paper. You can use them as they are or laminate them to use them again in the future.

Give your kids some crayons, highlighters, or dry-erase markers (if you laminated), and let them find all the words listed.

As I mentioned above, you can let your children relax and find the words at their own pace.

But if they are a bit more competitive, you can turn it into a quick contest to see who finds all the words first.

And, remember that if you can’t find a word, you can always take a peek at the answer key by clicking here.

Bring your kids back into class with this Back to School Word Search!


PS. If you use this printable, don’t forget to share your pictures with us on Instagram by tagging @theprintablesfairy.

*Please remember that these printables are for personal use only. You may not sell or distribute the files. If you want to share them, please link to this post and not directly to the PDF files.

More Back to School Printables

  • Back to School I Spy
  • First Day of School Signs
  • First Day Of School “All About Me”
Back to School Word Search

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Last updated on February 2nd, 2023 at 04:41 am

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Back to School Word Search Puzzle Free Printable

Back to School Word Search Puzzle Free Printable

Last updated on February 2nd, 2023 at 04:41 am

school word search puzzle

Celebrate back to school time with our free Back to School Word Search pdf! Find these 8 back to school words in this word search that is a perfect puzzle for kids of all ages.

Grab that pencil (and crayons) and celebrate the new school year with this great activity.

Mrs. Merry is an Amazon associate and participant of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. This page may contain Amazon Affiliate links. If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, and we’ll receive a small commission, which helps us continue to create these printables. Thanks for your continued support!

Print for the first day of school

Are you looking for a first day of school activity for your children or students? Whether you’re in homeschool or in-person school, this puzzle works as a great welcome back to the new school year.

Find these 8 hidden words listed in the word bank on the bottom of the word search.

This first day of school word search is great to give to students for some morning work before lessons begin.

Use the worksheet for a classroom coloring activity

Grab your crayons and color each school item. Solve the brain puzzle then color the school pictures with your favorite colors! A great way to perfect those fine motor skills!

Or give the school word search as some fun homework the first week of school!

Whats included in the School Word Search Puzzle

The back to school word search includes a 4-page PDF. The difficulty level is for the younger (early elementary school) students. Download and print this fun activity.

1. Back to School Word Search

This version of the word search puzzle features the Back to School title.

back to school word search printable

2. School Word Search

This version of the school word search includes a title with just “School Word Search”. This title change is so teachers and parents can use this school word search puzzle year round (not just for back to school).

school word search puzzle

3. Back to School Word Search Answer Key

This page features the answer key to the back to school word search.

answer sheet for back to school puzzle

4. School Word Search Answer Key

This page features the answer key to the school word search.

answer key for school word search

Strengthen visual processing with this fun back to school puzzle!

Pin the Back to School Word Search

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school word search for young kids

How to get this free printable word search for school

Grab this free printable word search for school and other exclusive content. Simply subscribe to the Mrs. Merry email list and get emailed the download link for the vampire activity instantly. Our newsletters always consist of fun and free printables! Unsubscribe at any time!

Already a subscriber? No worries! Filling this form out will NOT sign you up multiple times on our email list. It will simply check to see if you’re a subscriber and then email you the PDF file. After subscribing, check your inbox for your free printable! Your print link will be available instantly. Just fill the form out and click the “Get it now” button.

Simple as that. We do this to keep Mrs. Merry content exclusive to email subscribers!

Grab the free back to school word search and have a fun school year with mrsmerry.com

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Printables from mrsmerry.com are copyright protected and for personal use and classroom use only. Thanks and have a very merry day!

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