Word expressions for love

Emotions are not proven by love words but action – there’s no doubt about that.

However, all of us enjoy hearing words of love, receiving goodnight paragraphs, good morning paragraphs for him and her, love poems, and other romantic things from our partners. So, your loved one is no exception. 

That’s why we’re here: to give you a hand and save you from having to think of the right words to express your feelings.

Deepen your love by using all the right words – CLICK HERE.

Here you have the ultimate list of love messages and romantic words of love for every situation. 

List of Romantic Words For Her And Him

happy couple standing close to each other

1. Sweetie, when I tell you how much I love you, I don’t say it out of habit. I say it to remind you that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.

2. Until I met you, I wasn’t aware that I could love another person this much.

3. Words can’t express the magnitude and the depth of my feelings for you.

4. You might have your flaws, but to me, you’re perfectly imperfect.

5. The way you look at me makes it impossible not to love you.

6. I could never thank you enough for being the light to my darkness and the angel in my hell.

7. Sometimes, I wonder what I did to deserve having someone as you in my life.

8. Loving you made me the happiest person in the world .

9. If I could choose how to die, I’d want for it to happen in your arms.

10. I love the person I became next to you. Thank you for showing me that I am lovable.

11. From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, I adore everything and everywhere in between.

12. I cannot imagine my life with you not being a part of it. I cannot imagine a life without your kissable lips, captivating look, and a calming hug. 

13. Just remember, when things aren’t going the right way, I’ll be there to make it better.

14. I thought I fell in love with you from the very first moment I caught your captivating look and saw your ravishing beauty. I knew that you’re the love of my life after all the love songs started reminding me of you and I started looking for you in all romantic quotes.

15. When I met you, I finally realized why it never worked out with anyone else before you and why I had to go through all of those heartbreaks. You’re my only true love, my best friend, my destiny, my soulmate, my forever person, and the love of my life.

16. Waking up next to you every morning is a dream come true.

17. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I wake up just to listen to the rhythm of your breathing.

18. I can’t find the right words to express my undying love for you. I can only promise to love you for the rest of our lives. I know I love you because every time you cross my mind, I can’t help but smile.

19. You’re my peaceful harbor and your kindhearted soul is my home.

20. Having you in my life makes each day a little brighter.

21. Every love story is beautiful but ours is my favorite.

22. There’s no doubt about one thing – we belong together.

23. The moment you showed up in my life, you filled all the empty space in my heart.

24. Your mesmerizing eyes captured my attention from the very first time I saw you. And those mesmerizing eyes are the reason I keep falling in love with you every time you look at me.

25. I’m convinced you were made to perfectly fit in my arms and that your luscious and kissable lips were made for mine. 

Man kisses woman near pine tree

26. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can’t thank God enough for sending you in my life.

27. Nothing and nobody could ever stop me from loving you.

28. I love the way you love me.

29. I choose you. And I will choose you over and over again. Without a doubt, in a heartbeat, I will forever keep on choosing you.

30. Sweetie, I will stop loving you when the stars fall from the sky, when all the rivers run dry, and when I die.

31. Your love is like a flame that has been lighting my path. 

32. You’re not just my number 1, you’re my one and only. You’re not just my main squeeze, you’re the only person in my life. 

33. I wish you two things: everything and nothing. Everything that makes you happy and nothing that makes you suffer.

34. You make my entire body tremble and my heart smile. You’re endearing, lovable, and adorable. 

35. The first person I think of when I hear the word “love” is you.

36. Thoughts of how much I love you are keeping me up longer and longer each night.

37. I’m addicted to your touch and smile. I’m hooked on your love.

38. If I could give you one thing in life, I’d give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes because only then would you realize how special you are to me.

39. Now that I have you, I know that fairytales come true.

40. The adorable sound of your voice is my favorite melody.

41. I might have fallen for you just because you’re a good-looking heartthrob. But I grew to love you because of your kindhearted and feisty personality. 

42. Ever since you entered my life, I cry a little less, laugh a little harder, and smile a little more.

43. All of us have our motivation to get up in the morning and face the world. You’re mine.

44. I’m not asking you to do any romantic things for me. Just promise that we’ll laugh together for the rest of our lives. 

45. You are my answered prayer, my fulfilled wish, and my realized dream. My whole life would be pointless without you in it. 

46. I don’t know for how long I am going to live, but I know that every single second will be worth a lifetime because I will spend it with you.

47. You may hold my hand for a while but you hold my heart forever.

48.All sweet words of love that exist on this planet might not be enough for me to tell you how much I love you and how much you mean to me.

49. Whenever you feel alone, I will be your shadow. Whenever you want to cry, I will be your shoulder. Whenever you’re sad, I will be your smile. Whenever you need me, I will be there.

50. My loved one, thank you for painting my whole life with the colors of happiness.

Love Messages And Romantic Words For A Long Distance Relationship

woman typing on her phone while sitting on floor

When you’re in a long distance relationship and you don’t have your partner by your side all the time, doing romantic things for them is quite difficult.

However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t at least try and come up with some sweet good morning texts for him or her to send them at the beginning of every day to let them know you’re thinking about them and put a smile on their face. 

1. I miss you more and more every day and I can’t wait to roll to the other side of the bed to find your luscious lips instead of a text message. 

2. Even though we’re apart, you’re still my best friend, and my soulmate. 

3. Out of all the sweet love words, I can’t find one that can express how much I miss you. 

4. Every day I spend without you by my side is a new heartbreak. 

5. Whenever I close my eyes, I can’t help but see your bewitching look right in front of me. 

6. When I fell in love with you, suddenly, all the love songs and love messages started making sense.

7. In love like ours, the smallest distance is too great and the greatest distance can be bridged. 

8. You might be a thousand miles away, but no one else is closer to my heart than you are. 

9. My sweet love, I’m jealous of the people who get to see you every day. 

10. The thought of being with you tomorrow gives me the strength to get through today. 

Love Messages And Romantic Words For A Special Occasion

couple looking each other while holding glass of wine

You don’t need a special occasion to declare your love to your significant other.

However, there are days in which you want to tell them some love romantic words to let them know how important they are to you on that day and always. 

Romantic Words About Love For Valentine’s Day: 

smiling woman with gift box hugging with her boyfriend

1. There’s nothing better than spending this day with the person I care about the most. 

2. You make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I just want nothing else but to be with you on Valentine’s Day and forever after. 

3. On this day of lovers, I want to make you three promises: to always be there for you, to respect you, and to love you for all my life. 

4. You are a special gift from the heavens. Your smile warms my heart and your presence makes me whole. I love you on this special day and forever. 

5. There is no one I’d rather share my heart with on this Valentine’s Day than you.

Romantic Words For Lover On Their Birthday:

woman giving gift to her boyfriend

1. May you have a birthday that is as awesome as you.

2. Every day with you is special, but today is extra special because it’s your day. With all my love and kisses, happy birthday to you! 

3. Your birthday is just another excuse for me to shower you with kisses, love, and affection.

4. What poem should I write for you? Which song should I sing for you? Which lyrics should I pen for you? Which notes should I compose for you? Which melody should I hum for you? If you have an answer to this, let me know today so I can wish you an original happy birthday. 

5. You’re not special because it’s your birthday. You’re special because you’re you. 

Romantic Words For Him And Her On Your Anniversary: 

man in suit hugging woman in red dress

1. With every year, I love you more and more. Remember that our best years are still ahead of us, and you and I will be there for every up and down in between.

2. On the day I met you, you gave me a reason to wake up every morning and thousand more to love you after that. 

3. You’re the one who keeps reminding me what butterflies feel like after all these years. 

4. You are mine, forever and a day. I thank God for this date that marks the day we officially became an item. 

5. Our anniversary is not just a date. It signifies how beautifully intertwined our fates are.  

Funny and Sassy Love Messages And Romantic Quotes

smiling man hugging woman outside

Romantic words don’t have to be pathetic – they can also be sassy yet classy. So, here is a witty list of romantic words: 

1. You’re my main squeeze and my only true love. 

2. I know looks aren’t everything. But I love it that you’re good-looking, just in case. 

3. I kinda love you (meaning: I’m madly in love with you and absolutely adore you, but I’m afraid to say it.)

4. I know I’m a handful but that’s why you’ve got two hands.

5. Your lips are the gun. Your smile is the trigger. Your kisses are the bullets. I label you a killer. 

6. If I had a dollar for every time I thought of you, I’d be in a higher tax bracket.

7. I love you with all of my belly. I would say heart but my belly is bigger.

8. I am yours and you are mine – no refunds. 

9. I lost my teddy bear, will you sleep with me tonight?

10. I promise to always be by your side. Or under you. Or on top.

11. You’re stuck with me. Deal with it. 

12. Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then I remember that I put up with you as well. So I guess we’re even.

13. I love you so much that I’d fight a bear for you. Well, not a grizzly bear, they have claws, and not a panda bear, they know kung fu. But a care bear, I’d definitely fight a care bear for you.

14. I didn’t want to fall in love with you but at some point, you smiled and I blew it. 

15. I plan on bugging you every single day for the foreseeable future.

90 Romantic Words & Messages For Your Loved One To Melt Their Heart

Грядущий день святого Валентина — самый романтичный праздник в году. В этот день влюбленные голубки традиционно дарят друг другу валентинки, мягкие игрушки и конфеты. Застенчивые парни и девушки осмеливаются признаться в любви. Кто-то испытывает любовь с первого взгляда, а за кем-то нужно долго ухаживать, чтобы потом свить семейное гнездышко. Но всем нам одинаково хочется счастья. Сегодня мы выучим самые романтичные идиомы о любви!

В любви все идиомы хороши

Даже если ваше настроение не расположено к романтике, британский блогер и учитель английского языка Люси исправит ситуацию. Девушка расскажет о наиболее распространенных идиомах, посвященных отношениям. С таким арсеналом выражений вы сможете признаться в любви по-английски, смотреть романтические комедии и слушать песни о любви на английском в оригинале.

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10 English love expressions. — 10 английских выражений о любви.

Текст Словосочетания
Let’s get started with the love and romance idioms. let’s get started with — давайте начнем с
romance (здесь) — романтический
The first one is a match made in heaven. A match made in heaven. What do you think it means? Have a little think. A match made in heaven is a couple that is seemingly perfect. They are a perfect match. The relationship is likely to be very, very successful. They’re very good for each other, very good for each other. It’s what we all aspire to be with our partners, a match made in heaven. a match made in heaven — союз, свершившийся на небесах
to have a little think — немного поразмышлять
a couple — пара
seemingly — на вид, судя по всему
a perfect match — идеальная пара
likely — по-видимому, по всей вероятности
successful — успешный
good for — удачный/хороший для
each other — друг друга
to aspire to — хотеть, стремиться
a partner — партнер, вторая половинка
The next one, number two, is a double date. A double date. And you go on a double date. What do you think it is? A double date is a date involving two couples. So if you and your partner go on a date, or out for dinner, or to the cinema, with another friend and their partner, that’s a double date. It’s a really nice thing to do. a double date — двойное свидание
to involve — включать, предусматривать
to go out for dinner — ужинать не дома
Okay, the next one, number three, is to be an item. To be an item. Sounds really obvious, of course I’m an item. I’m an object. Don’t treat me as an object. Don’t treat me as an object! To be an item means that you‘re involved with someone. So it might be used in a situation like «Are you two an item? Are you two official yet?” And you would say «Yeah, we’re an item.» It’s a nice one. It’s quite slang. to be an item — встречаться
obvious — очевидно
an item — предмет, деталь, пункт
an object — вещь, неодушевленный предмет, объект
to treat smb as — относиться к кому-то, как
to be involved with smb — быть с кем-то в романтических отношениях
Are you two an item? — Вы в отношениях?
Are you two official yet? — Вы уже официально вместе?
Yeah, we’re an item. — Да, мы вместе.
quite slang — достаточно сленговый
Number four, you might have heard this before. It is to be head over heels in love. And this just means to be really, really in love with someone. And you can also fall head over heels in love, «I fell head over heels in love with him.» to be head over heels in love — быть по уши влюбленным
to be in love with smb — быть влюбленным в кого-то
Number five is to pop the question. To pop the question. I’ve never had anyone pop the question to me in person. I’ve had a couple of email questions. But to pop the question is to ask for somebody’s hand in marriage. It means to ask somebody if they would like to be your husband or wife. to pop the question — сделать предложение
in person — лично
a couple of — парочка чего-то
an email question (здесь) — предложение по электронной почте
to ask for smb’s hand in marriage — просить чьей-то руки и сердца
And then, number six, after popping the question, you then, hopefully, tie the knot. To tie the knot, and to tie the knot is to get married. So my mum and dad tied the knot 27 years ago. Oh my God. hopefully — хотелось бы надеяться
to tie the knot (разг.) — пожениться
to get married — пожениться
Oh my God. — О боже мой.
The next one, puppy love. Oh my God, this one is so cute. And for my entire childhood, I thought that this was just that you loved baby dogs, but it’s not. Puppy lug, puppy lug? Puppy love is adolescent romance. You’re a teenager, you’re young, and you feel like the most important, most in love, most romantic person in the world with your boyfriend or girlfriend, and nothing else matters, all that matters is your love for that person, that’s puppy love, because it’s not necessarily, I’m not gonna say real, ’cause feelings can feel really, really strong, especially when you’re young, but it’s not maybe the most logical thing on Earth. puppy love — щенячья любовь, юношеские сентиментальные чувства
cute — милый
entire — весь, целый
childhood — детство
adolescent romance — юношеские романтические отношения
to matter — иметь значение
love for smb/smth — любовь к кому-то/чему-то
necessarily — обязательно
to feel strong — ощущаться сильно, казаться сильными
The next one, number eight, a blind date. A blind date. What is a blind date? Now, it could be a date that can’t see, but not in an idiomatic sense. A blind date is when somebody else chooses somebody for you, and sets you up. When somebody sets you up, that’s a good phrasal verb, to set up, they set you up on a date with somebody that you don’t know, and so you both arrive at this date, and it’s the first time you’ve met each other. So that’s a blind date. It can be quite a risky thing, to leave your love life in the hands of somebody else. a blind date — свидание вслепую
an idiomatic sense — переносное значение
a phrasal verb — фразовый глагол
to set smb up on a date with smb — свести кого-то с кем-то
to arrive at a date — прийти на свидание
to leave one’s love life in the hands of smb — вверять свою личную жизнь в чьи-то руки
Number nine, to be on the rocks. To be on the rocks. This one’s not so nice. If your relationship is on the rocks, it means there’s problems with the relationship, and you might break up soon. It’s not going well. So you definitely don’t want your relationship to be on the rocks, but if it is on the rocks, then hopefully you’ll be able to sort it out, another good phrasal verb there, sort it out, and fix the problems. to be on the rocks — находиться на грани разрыва (об отношениях)
a relationship — отношения
to break up — расстаться
definitely — однозначно
to sort smth out — решить, разобраться
to fix a problem — решить проблему
And the final one, to get hitched. To get hitched. To get hitched is exactly the same as to tie the knot. It means to get married. Right guys, that’s it for today’s lesson. to get hitched (разг.) — пожениться
exactly the same as — абсолютно то же самое, что
guys — ребята
that’s it for today’s lesson — на сегодняшний урок это все

Примеры использования 10 идиом из видео

  1. She has always thought that they were a match made in heaven. — Она всегда думала, что их союз свершился на небесах.

  2. Going on double dates is always fun. — Всегда весело ходить на двойные свидания.

  3. They were finally an item again. — Они наконец снова стали встречаться.

  4. She felt that he was head over heels in love with her. — Она чувствовала, что он был по уши в нее влюблен.

    Первоначально идиома звучала как heels over head и употреблялась в буквальном значении — «вверх тормашками». В XIX веке выражение приобрело нынешний смысл. Чаще всего оно относится к всепоглощающей любви, но может выражать также и крайнюю степень какого-либо другого состояния.

    This former banker is head over heels in debt, he can’t afford this large house any more. — Этот бывший банкир погряз в долгах, он больше не может себе позволить такой большой дом.

  5. He couldn’t dare to pop the question. — Он не мог решиться сделать предложение.

    Похожий по значению и многим из вас знакомый глагол — to propose.

  6. They were inseparable after tying the knot. — После свадьбы они были неразлучны.

    На свадебных церемониях многих народов жених (a groom) и невеста (a bride) вяжут узлы (to tie the knots) из ленточек (ribbons), что символизирует единение пары. В русском языке есть похожее выражение — «связать себя узами брака».

  7. An outburst of sudden puppy love arose between them. — Между ними возникла яркая вспышка юношеской привязанности.

    Идиома возникла от сравнения ощущения влюбленности с искренней привязанностью собаки к своему владельцу. Вам может также пригодиться фразовый глагол для обозначения нежных юношеских чувств — to moon over (восхищаться кем-либо). Еще одна схожая по значению идиома — calf love, выражающая подростковую влюбленность, которая не продлится долго.

  8. It’s quite a risky thing — blind dating. — Свидания вслепую — довольно рисковая штука.

  9. They didn’t want to realize that their relationship was on the rocks. — Они не хотели признавать, что их отношения находились на грани разрыва.

    Выражение первоначально использовалось в буквальном смысле — для обозначения крушения кораблей, налетевших на скалы (to run aground on rocks). Потом идиома стала метафорой для обозначения любых катастроф (disasters) и проблем, в том числе и любовных.

  10. One should get hitched only if they are madly in love. — Человеку следует жениться (выходить замуж), если только он безумно влюблен.

+5 влюбленных идиом

  1. Love at first sight — любовь с первого взгляда.

    Другой вариант с аналогичным значением — love at first glance.

  2. I love you — я люблю тебяThose three little words — три заветных слова.

    Услышите про три коротких слова от британца или американца, знайте — это добрый знак. Если же три слова сократятся до двух (Marry me! — Выходи за меня!), смело выбирайте свадебный наряд.

  3. To steal one’s heart = to win one’s love — завоевать чье-то сердце.

    Объяснить эту идиому нам поможет песня группы Coldplay — Till Kingdom Come.

    Steal my heart,
    and hold my tongue.
    I feel my time,
    My time has come.
    Укради мое сердце,
    Я промолчу,
    Чувствую, мой час,
    Мой час пробил.
  4. to have a soft/tender spot for somebody — испытывать слабость к кому-тоTo have a soft/tender spot for somebody — испытывать слабость к кому-то, любить или нежно относиться к кому-то.

    I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards and broken things. — Я питаю слабость к калекам, бастардам и несчастным.

  5. Фраза означает не только влечение к кому-то, но и чье-то слабое место (a weak point), которое можно использовать (to exploit) в своих целях.

  6. To wear one’s heart on (upon) one’s sleeve — не скрывать своих чувств.

    Один из первых источников, в котором встречается эта идиома, — пьеса Уильяма Шекспира «Отелло». Какое отношение влюбленность дочери драматурга имеет к такому интересному выражению, узнаем из видео.

Надеемся, что в ваших отношениях всегда будет взаимопонимание и любовь, а эти фразы помогут выразить ее по-новому! В изучении интересных идиом вам всегда помогут наши преподаватели. Перед тем как отправиться на романтическое свидание, предлагаем вам скачать список слов и пройти короткий тест для повторения идиом и фразовых глаголов.

Tест по теме «В любви все идиомы хороши»

Скачать список лексики по теме «В любви все идиомы хороши» (*.pdf, 294 Кб)

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Whenever I think about why we are here on this planet, the best answer I can come up with is to love one another. Love is, by far, the most beautiful, exhilarating and mind-blowing emotion we can experience.

It has its ups and downs – it may lift you up, it may bring you down. It might make you the happiest person in the world, it can also put you through hell. Anyhow, we all need somebody to love.

In this article we are going to introduce you to some of the most common English idioms about love you may use when talking about this wonderful feeling.

This “Idioms about Love” image was created by Kaplan International. Click here to see the original article or to discover how you can study English abroad.

start feeling love towards somebody

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Russianrussian flag Кажется, я влюбляюсь в свою лучшую подругу. Что мне делать?
Chinesechina flag 我想我爱上了我最好的朋友。我应该怎么做?
Japanesejapan flag 親友を好きになってしまったようです。どうしたらいいですか?
Polishpoland flag Myślę, że zakochuję się w moim najlepszym przyjacielu. Co powinnam zrobić?
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Azt hiszem, beleszerettem a legjobb barátomba. Mit tegyek?
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Jag tror att jag håller på att bli kär i min bästa vän. Vad ska jag göra?

falling in love with somebody the first time you see them

  • My wife and I met at a party. It was love at first sight.
English uk flag My wife and I met at a party. It was love at first sight.
Spanishspain flag Mi mujer y yo nos conocimos en una fiesta. Fue amor a primera vista.
Frenchfrance flag Ma femme et moi nous sommes rencontrés à une fête. C’était le coup de foudre.
Italianitaly flag Io e mia moglie ci siamo conosciuti a una festa. È stato amore a prima vista.
Germangermany flag Meine Frau und ich haben uns auf einer Party kennengelernt. Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick.
Portugueseportugal flag A minha mulher e eu conhecemo-nos numa festa. Foi amor à primeira vista.
Russianrussian flag Мы с женой познакомились на вечеринке. Это была любовь с первого взгляда.
Chinesechina flag 我和妻子是在一次聚会上认识的。这是一见钟情。
Japanesejapan flag 私と妻は、あるパーティーで出会いました。一目惚れでした。
Polishpoland flag Moja żona i ja poznaliśmy się na imprezie. To była miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian A feleségemmel egy partin találkoztunk. Szerelem volt első látásra.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Min fru och jag träffades på en fest. Det var kärlek vid första ögonkastet.

two people are an item when they are having a romantic relationship

  • I didn’t know Chris and Sue were an item. They didn’t even look at each other at dinner.
English uk flag I didn’t know Chris and Sue were an item. They didn’t even look at each other at dinner.
Spanishspain flag No sabía que Chris y Sue eran pareja. Ni siquiera se miraron en la cena.
Frenchfrance flag Je ne savais pas que Chris et Sue étaient ensemble. Ils ne se sont même pas regardés au dîner.
Italianitaly flag Non sapevo che Chris e Sue fossero una coppia. Non si sono nemmeno guardati a cena.
Germangermany flag Ich wusste nicht, dass Chris und Sue ein Paar sind. Sie haben sich beim Essen nicht einmal angeschaut.
Portugueseportugal flag Eu não sabia que Chris e Sue eram um item. Nem sequer olharam um para o outro ao jantar.
Russianrussian flag Я не знала, что Крис и Сью вместе. Они даже не смотрели друг на друга за ужином.
Chinesechina flag 我不知道克里斯和苏是一个项目。他们吃饭的时候连看都不看对方一眼。
Japanesejapan flag クリスとスーが付き合っているとは知らなかった。夕食の時もお互いに目を合わせなかったし。
Polishpoland flag Nie wiedziałam, że Chris i Sue są parą. Nawet nie spojrzeli na siebie przy kolacji.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Nem tudtam, hogy Chris és Sue együtt vannak. Még csak nem is néztek egymásra a vacsoránál.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Jag visste inte att Chris och Sue var tillsammans. De tittade inte ens på varandra under middagen.

a relationship in which the two people are great together, because they complement each other so well

  • Do you think Matt and Amanda will get married?
  • I hope they will. They’re a match made in heaven.
English uk flag They’re a match made in heaven.
Spanishspain flag Son una pareja perfecta.
Frenchfrance flag Ils sont faits l’un pour l’autre.
Italianitaly flag Sono un’accoppiata perfetta.
Germangermany flag Sie sind ein himmlisches Paar.
Portugueseportugal flag São um fósforo feito no céu.
Russianrussian flag Это пара, сделанная на небесах.
Chinesechina flag 他们是天作之合。
Japanesejapan flag 天国のような相性ですね。
Polishpoland flag To para stworzona w niebie.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Ők egy mennyei párosítás.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish De är en perfekt kombination.

be in love with somebody very much

  • Look at them. They’re head over heels in love with each other.
English uk flag Look at them. They’re head over heels in love with each other.
Spanishspain flag Míralos. Están locamente enamorados el uno del otro.
Frenchfrance flag Regardez-les. Ils sont follement amoureux l’un de l’autre.
Italianitaly flag Guardateli. Sono innamorati pazzi l’uno dell’altro.
Germangermany flag Sieh sie dir an. Sie sind Hals über Kopf ineinander verliebt.
Portugueseportugal flag Olha para eles. Eles estão apaixonados um pelo outro.
Russianrussian flag Посмотри на них. Они влюблены друг в друга с ног до головы.
Chinesechina flag 看看他们 他们是头在脚后跟的爱与对方。
Japanesejapan flag 彼らを見てください。彼らはお互いに熱烈に愛し合っている。
Polishpoland flag Spójrz na nich. Są w sobie zakochani po uszy.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Nézd meg őket. Fülig szerelmesek egymásba.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Titta på dem. De är förälskade i varandra.

expressing your love in public by constantly kissing and hugging

  • I don’t want to go out with Jenny and David. They’re so lovey-dovey, I just can’t stand it.
English uk flag Jenny and David are so lovey-dovey. I can’t stand it.
Spanishspain flag Jenny y David están tan enamorados. No puedo soportarlo.
Frenchfrance flag Jenny et David sont tellement amoureux. Je ne peux pas le supporter.
Italianitaly flag Jenny e David sono così innamorati. Non lo sopporto.
Germangermany flag Jenny und David sind so verliebt ineinander. Ich kann es nicht ertragen.
Portugueseportugal flag A Jenny e o David são tão apaixonados. Não suporto isto.
Russianrussian flag Дженни и Дэвид такие влюбленные. Я этого не вынесу.
Chinesechina flag 珍妮和大卫是如此的恩爱。我无法忍受。
Japanesejapan flag ジェニーとデビッドはとてもラブラブ。我慢できません。
Polishpoland flag Jenny i David są tacy kochliwi. Nie mogę tego znieść.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Jenny és David annyira nyálasak. Nem bírom elviselni.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Jenny och David är så kära. Jag står inte ut med det.

finding somebody extremely attractive

  • Nadine has the hots for the new apprentice. I wouldn’t be surprised if she asked him out.
English uk flag Nadine has the hots for the new apprentice. I wouldn’t be surprised if she asked him out.
Spanishspain flag A Nadine le gusta el nuevo aprendiz. No me sorprendería que lo invitara a salir.
Frenchfrance flag Nadine a le béguin pour le nouvel apprenti. Je ne serais pas surpris si elle l’invitait à sortir.
Italianitaly flag Nadine ha una cotta per il nuovo apprendista. Non mi sorprenderebbe se lei gli chiedesse di uscire.
Germangermany flag Nadine ist scharf auf den neuen Azubi. Es würde mich nicht überraschen, wenn sie ihn um ein Date bitten würde.
Portugueseportugal flag Nadine tem o desejo de ser a nova aprendiz. Não ficaria surpreendido se ela o convidasse para sair.
Russianrussian flag Надин очень хочет нового ученика. Я не удивлюсь, если она пригласит его на свидание.
Chinesechina flag 纳丁对这个新学徒情有独钟。如果她约他出去,我也不会惊讶。
Japanesejapan flag ナディーンは新入社員に熱を上げている。彼女が彼を誘っても不思議ではありません。
Polishpoland flag Nadine podkochuje się w nowym praktykancie. Nie zdziwiłbym się, gdyby się z nim umówiła.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Nadine odavan az új tanoncért. Nem lennék meglepve, ha randira hívná.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Nadine är förtjust i den nya lärlingen. Det skulle inte förvåna mig om hon bjöd ut honom.

short-term adolescent love

  • My son is only twelve, but he’s already in love. Isn’t it a bit too early?
  • Don’t worry, it’s only puppy love. It won’t last.
English uk flag It’s only puppy love. It won’t last.
Spanishspain flag Es sólo amor de cachorro. No durará.
Frenchfrance flag C’est seulement un amour de chiot. Ça ne durera pas.
Italianitaly flag È solo un amore da cuccioli. Non durerà.
Germangermany flag Es ist nur eine Jugendliebe. Sie wird nicht von Dauer sein.
Portugueseportugal flag É apenas amor de cachorrinho. Não vai durar.
Russianrussian flag Это всего лишь детская любовь. Это не продлится долго.
Chinesechina flag 这只是小狗的爱。它不会持久。
Japanesejapan flag ただの子犬のような愛だ。長くは続かないでしょう。
Polishpoland flag To tylko szczenięca miłość. Nie będzie trwała.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Ez csak kölyökszerelem. Nem tart sokáig.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Det är bara valpkärlek. Den kommer inte att hålla.

two couples going out together on a date

  • I’m so glad you and Tom’s brother are an item. From now on we can go on double-dates.
English uk flag Four of us can go on a double-date.
Spanishspain flag Cuatro de nosotros podemos ir a una cita doble.
Frenchfrance flag Quatre d’entre nous peuvent aller à un double rendez-vous.
Italianitaly flag Quattro di noi possono andare ad un doppio appuntamento.
Germangermany flag Wir können zu viert auf ein Doppeldate gehen.
Portugueseportugal flag Quatro de nós podem ir num encontro duplo.
Russianrussian flag Мы вчетвером можем пойти на двойное свидание.
Chinesechina flag 我们四个人可以双宿双飞。
Japanesejapan flag 4人でダブルデートに行ける。
Polishpoland flag Czworo z nas może pójść na podwójną randkę.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Négyen mehetünk egy dupla randira.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Fyra av oss kan gå på en dubbelträff.

if there are problems in a relationship, we may say it’s on the rocks

  • I wonder if they will call off the wedding. Their relationship seems to be on the rocks.
English uk flag I wonder if they will call off the wedding. Their relationship seems to be on the rocks.
Spanishspain flag Me pregunto si cancelarán la boda. Su relación parece estar en las rocas.
Frenchfrance flag Je me demande s’ils vont annuler le mariage. Leur relation semble être sur les rochers.
Italianitaly flag Mi chiedo se annulleranno il matrimonio. La loro relazione sembra essere in crisi.
Germangermany flag Ich frage mich, ob sie die Hochzeit absagen werden. Ihre Beziehung scheint in die Brüche zu gehen.
Portugueseportugal flag Será que vão cancelar o casamento? A sua relação parece estar com gelo.
Russianrussian flag Интересно, отменят ли они свадьбу. Их отношения, похоже, на грани.
Chinesechina flag 不知道他们会不会取消婚礼。他们的关系似乎已经岌岌可危了。
Japanesejapan flag 私は、彼らが結婚式を中止するのではないかと思っています。二人の関係は揺らいでいるようです。
Polishpoland flag Ciekawe, czy odwołają ślub. Ich związek wydaje się być na skraju załamania.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Vajon lemondják-e az esküvőt? Úgy tűnik, hogy a kapcsolatuk zátonyra futott.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Jag undrar om de kommer att ställa in bröllopet. Deras förhållande verkar vara på väg att gå i stöpet.

More for you:
Love definition (love dialogue in English, love collocations and idioms)
What are the other ways to say I LOVE YOU?


somebody who cheats on his/her partner

  • Don’t even think about asking Jane out. How could you look your wife in the eye? Don’t be a love rat.
English uk flag Don’t be a love rat! Don’t be a cheater on her!
Spanishspain flag ¡No seas una rata del amor! ¡No seas un tramposo con ella!
Frenchfrance flag Ne sois pas un rat d’amour ! Ne la trompe pas !
Italianitaly flag Non essere un topo d’amore! Non essere un traditore con lei!
Germangermany flag Sei keine Liebesratte! Seien Sie kein Betrüger bei ihr!
Portugueseportugal flag Não seja um rato do amor! Não sejas um traidor!
Russianrussian flag Не будь любовной крысой! Не изменяй ей!
Chinesechina flag 不要做情敌!不要做她的小三!
Japanesejapan flag 愛のネズミにならないで! 彼女に浮気をするな!
Polishpoland flag Nie bądź miłosnym szczurem! Nie bądź jej zdrajcą!
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Ne légy szerelmi patkány! Ne légy hűtlen hozzá!
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Var inte en kärleksråtta! Var inte otrogen mot henne!

ask somebody to marry you

  • So, did Ben pop the question last night?
  • No, he didn’t. He just took me out for dinner and that’s all.
English uk flag Did Ben pop the question last night? Did he ask you to marry him?
Spanishspain flag ¿Ben te hizo la pregunta anoche? ¿Te pidió que te casaras con él?
Frenchfrance flag Est-ce que Ben a posé la question hier soir ? Il vous a demandé de l’épouser ?
Italianitaly flag Ben ti ha fatto la domanda ieri sera? Ti ha chiesto di sposarlo?
Germangermany flag Hat Ben letzte Nacht die Frage gestellt? Hat er Sie gebeten, ihn zu heiraten?
Portugueseportugal flag O Ben fez a pergunta ontem à noite? Pediu-lhe em casamento?
Russianrussian flag Бен задал вопрос прошлой ночью? Он просил тебя выйти за него замуж?
Chinesechina flag 本昨晚有没有向你求婚?他有没有向你求婚?
Japanesejapan flag ベンは昨夜、質問したの?彼はあなたに結婚を申し込んだの?
Polishpoland flag Czy Ben zadał ci pytanie ostatniej nocy? Poprosił cię o rękę?
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Ben tegnap este feltette a kérdést? Megkérte a kezed?
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Ställde Ben frågan i går kväll? Frågade han dig om du vill gifta dig med honom?

get married

  • When are you and Jenny going to tie the knot?
  • This year, but we haven’t set a date yet.
English uk flag When are you and Jenny going to tie the knot?
Spanishspain flag ¿Cuándo os vais a casar tú y Jenny?
Frenchfrance flag Quand allez-vous vous marier avec Jenny ?
Italianitaly flag Quando vi sposerete tu e Jenny?
Germangermany flag Wann werden Sie und Jenny den Bund fürs Leben schließen?
Portugueseportugal flag Quando é que você e a Jenny vão dar o nó?
Russianrussian flag Когда вы с Дженни завяжете узел?
Chinesechina flag 你和珍妮什么时候结婚?
Japanesejapan flag ジェニーとはいつ結婚するのですか?
Polishpoland flag Kiedy ty i Jenny zamierzacie zawrzeć węzeł?
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Mikor fogtok Jennyvel összeházasodni?
Swedishtranslation in Swedish När ska du och Jenny gifta er?

when two people who have never seen each other before go on a date

  • My sister keeps organising blind dates for me. She’d just love to fix me up with someone.
English uk flag My sister keeps organizing blind dates for me.
Spanishspain flag Mi hermana sigue organizando citas a ciegas para mí.
Frenchfrance flag Ma soeur continue d’organiser des blind dates pour moi.
Italianitaly flag Mia sorella continua a organizzare appuntamenti al buio per me.
Germangermany flag Meine Schwester organisiert ständig Blind Dates für mich.
Portugueseportugal flag A minha irmã continua a organizar encontros às cegas para mim.
Russianrussian flag Моя сестра продолжает организовывать для меня свидания вслепую.
Chinesechina flag 姐姐一直为我组织相亲。
Japanesejapan flag 姉が私のためにお見合いパーティーを企画してくれます。
Polishpoland flag Moja siostra organizuje dla mnie randki w ciemno.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian A nővérem folyamatosan vakrandikat szervez nekem.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Min syster organiserar blindträffar åt mig.
Sloveniantranslation in slovenian Moja sestra mi vedno znova organizira zmenke na slepo.

find a romantic partner for somebody

  • I’m not going to the party unless you promise me you won’t try to fix me up with another friend of yours.
English uk flag I’m not going to the party unless you promise me you won’t try to fix me up with another friend of yours.
Spanishspain flag No iré a la fiesta a menos que me prometas que no intentarás emparejarme con otro amigo tuyo.
Frenchfrance flag Je n’irai pas à la fête si tu ne me promets pas de ne pas essayer de me caser avec un autre de tes amis.
Italianitaly flag Non andrò alla festa se non mi prometti che non cercherai di sistemarmi con un altro tuo amico.
Germangermany flag Ich gehe nicht auf die Party, es sei denn, du versprichst mir, dass du mich nicht mit einer anderen Freundin von dir verkuppeln wirst.
Portugueseportugal flag Não irei à festa a menos que me prometa que não tentará arranjar-me outro amigo seu.
Russianrussian flag Я не пойду на вечеринку, пока ты не пообещаешь мне, что не будешь пытаться свести меня с другим твоим другом.
Chinesechina flag 我不会去派对的,除非你答应我 你不会想撮合我和你的另一个朋友。
Japanesejapan flag 他の友達と私をくっつけようとしないと約束してくれない限り、私はパーティーに行かないわ。
Polishpoland flag Nie pójdę na imprezę, jeśli nie obiecasz mi, że nie będziesz próbował umówić mnie z innym swoim przyjacielem.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Nem megyek el a partira, hacsak nem ígéred meg, hogy nem próbálsz összehozni egy másik barátoddal.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Jag går inte på festen om du inte lovar mig att du inte kommer att försöka fixa ihop mig med en annan av dina vänner.
Sloveniantranslation in slovenian Ne grem na zabavo, če mi ne obljubiš, da me ne boš skušal spraviti s še enim svojim prijateljem.

I love you (yes, that’s exactly three words)

  • I think he loves me, but he hasn’t said those three little words yet.
English uk flag I think he loves me, but he hasn’t said those three little words yet.
Spanishspain flag Creo que me quiere, pero aún no ha dicho esas tres palabritas.
Frenchfrance flag Je pense qu’il m’aime, mais il n’a pas encore dit ces trois petits mots.
Italianitaly flag Credo che mi ami, ma non ha ancora detto quelle tre piccole parole.
Germangermany flag Ich glaube, er liebt mich, aber er hat diese drei kleinen Worte noch nicht gesagt.
Portugueseportugal flag Penso que ele me ama, mas ainda não disse essas três palavrinhas.
Russianrussian flag Я думаю, что он любит меня, но он еще не сказал эти три маленьких слова.
Chinesechina flag 我想他是爱我的,但他还没有说出那三个小字。
Japanesejapan flag 彼は私を愛していると思いますが、まだその3つの小さな言葉を言っていません。
Polishpoland flag Myślę, że mnie kocha, ale nie powiedział jeszcze tych trzech małych słów.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Azt hiszem, szeret engem, de még nem mondta ki azt a három kis szót.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Jag tror att han älskar mig, men han har inte sagt de tre små orden än.
Sloveniantranslation in slovenian Mislim, da me ima rad, vendar teh treh majhnih besed še ni izrekel.

leave your partner and end the relationship

  • You’re the second men to walk out on me. I won’t let it happen ever again.
English uk flag You’re the second men to walk out on me. I won’t let it happen ever again.
Spanishspain flag Eres el segundo hombre que me abandona. No dejaré que suceda nunca más.
Frenchfrance flag Tu es le deuxième homme à me laisser tomber. Je ne laisserai pas cela se reproduire.
Italianitaly flag Sei il secondo uomo che mi abbandona. Non lascerò che accada di nuovo.
Germangermany flag Du bist der zweite Mann, der mich im Stich lässt. Ich werde das nicht noch einmal zulassen.
Portugueseportugal flag Vocês são os segundos homens a abandonar-me. Não vou deixar que isso volte a acontecer.
Russianrussian flag Ты второй мужчина, который ушел от меня. Я не позволю этому повториться.
Chinesechina flag 你是第二个离开我的人。我不会让它再次发生。
Japanesejapan flag あなたは私を見捨てた2人目の男性です。もう二度とそんなことはさせません。
Polishpoland flag Jesteś drugim mężczyzną, który mnie opuścił. Nie pozwolę, żeby to się powtórzyło.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Te vagy a második férfi, aki elhagyott. Nem hagyom, hogy ez még egyszer megtörténjen.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Du är den andra mannen som lämnar mig. Jag kommer inte att låta det hända igen.
Sloveniantranslation in slovenian Ti si drugi moški, ki me je zapustil. Ne bom dovolila, da se to še kdaj zgodi.

decide not to marry somebody just before the wedding

  • I’ve just met my ex-boyfriend. I think I still have feelings for him.
  • But you’re about to get married to John. Are you going to leave him at the altar?
English uk flag LEAVE SOMEBODY AT THE ALTAR. Decide not to marry somebody just before the wedding
Spanishspain flag DEJAR A ALGUIEN EN EL ALTAR. Cuando decides no casarte con alguien justo antes de la boda
Frenchfrance flag LAISSER QUELQU’UN DEVANT L’AUTEL. Lorsque vous décidez de ne pas épouser quelqu’un juste avant le mariage.
Italianitaly flag LASCIARE QUALCUNO ALL’ALTARE. Quando si decide di non sposare qualcuno poco prima del matrimonio
Germangermany flag JEMANDEN VOR DEM ALTAR STEHEN LASSEN. Wenn Sie sich kurz vor der Hochzeit entscheiden, jemanden nicht zu heiraten
Portugueseportugal flag DEIXAR ALGUÉM NO ALTAR. Quando se decide não casar com alguém imediatamente antes do casamento
Russianrussian flag ОСТАВИТЬ КОГО-НИБУДЬ У АЛТАРЯ. Когда ты решаешь не жениться на ком-то прямо перед свадьбой.
Chinesechina flag 把一些人留在祭坛上。当你在婚礼前决定不与某人结婚时
Japanesejapan flag 結婚式の直前に誰かと結婚しないと決めた場合
Polishpoland flag ZOSTAWIĆ KOGOŚ PRZY OŁTARZU. Kiedy zdecydujesz się nie brać z kimś ślubu tuż przed ślubem
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian VALAKIT AZ OLTÁRNÁL HAGYNI. Amikor úgy döntesz, hogy nem mész hozzá valakihez közvetlenül az esküvő előtt.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish LÄMNA NÅGON VID ALTARET. När du bestämmer dig för att inte gifta dig med någon strax före bröllopet.
Sloveniantranslation in slovenian PUSTITE NEKOGA PRED OLTARJEM. Ko se tik pred poroko odločite, da se z nekom ne boste poročili.

end the relationship

  • Have you heard? Marian and Joseph have split up. I wonder what went wrong. They were so good together.
English uk flag Have you heard? Marian and Joseph have split up. I wonder what went wrong. They were so good together.
Spanishspain flag ¿Te has enterado? Marian y Joseph se han separado. Me pregunto qué fue lo que salió mal. Estaban tan bien juntos.
Frenchfrance flag Tu as entendu ? Marian et Joseph se sont séparés. Je me demande ce qui a mal tourné. Ils étaient si bien ensemble.
Italianitaly flag Avete sentito? Marian e Joseph si sono lasciati. Mi chiedo cosa sia andato storto. Stavano così bene insieme.
Germangermany flag Hast du es schon gehört? Marian und Joseph haben sich getrennt. Ich frage mich, was schief gelaufen ist. Sie waren so gut zusammen.
Portugueseportugal flag Já ouviu falar? Marian e Joseph separaram-se. Pergunto-me o que terá corrido mal. Eles eram tão bons juntos.
Russianrussian flag Ты слышал? Мариан и Иосиф разошлись. Интересно, что пошло не так. Им было так хорошо вместе.
Chinesechina flag 你听说了吗?玛丽安和约瑟夫已经分手了。我不知道出了什么问题。他们在一起那么好。
Japanesejapan flag 聞いていますか?マリアンとジョセフは別れてしまった。何が悪かったんだろうね。二人はとても仲が良かったのに。
Polishpoland flag Słyszałeś? Marian i Józef się rozstali. Zastanawiam się, co poszło nie tak. Było im tak dobrze razem.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Hallottad? Marian és Joseph szakítottak. Vajon mi lehetett a baj? Olyan jól megvoltak együtt.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Har du hört det? Marian och Joseph har gjort slut. Jag undrar vad som gick fel. De var så bra tillsammans.
Sloveniantranslation in slovenian Ste slišali? Marian in Joseph sta se razšla. Zanima me, kaj je šlo narobe. Bila sta tako dobra skupaj.

make peace after and argument

  • Our relationship is like a roller-coaster ride. We fight nearly every day, but then we always kiss and make up.
English uk flag Our relationship is like a roller-coaster ride. We fight nearly every day, but then we always kiss and make up.
Spanishspain flag Nuestra relación es como una montaña rusa. Nos peleamos casi todos los días, pero luego siempre nos besamos y nos reconciliamos.
Frenchfrance flag Notre relation est comme un tour de montagnes russes. Nous nous disputons presque tous les jours, mais ensuite nous nous embrassons toujours et nous nous réconcilions.
Italianitaly flag La nostra relazione è come un giro sulle montagne russe. Litighiamo quasi ogni giorno, ma poi ci baciamo sempre e facciamo pace.
Germangermany flag Unsere Beziehung ist wie eine Achterbahnfahrt. Wir streiten fast jeden Tag, aber dann küssen wir uns immer und versöhnen uns.
Portugueseportugal flag A nossa relação é como um passeio de montanha-russa. Lutamos quase todos os dias, mas depois beijamo-nos e fazemos sempre as pazes.
Russianrussian flag Наши отношения как американские горки. Мы ссоримся почти каждый день, но потом всегда целуемся и миримся.
Chinesechina flag 我们的关系就像坐过山车一样。我们几乎每天都会吵架,但我们总是亲吻,然后和好。
Japanesejapan flag 私たちの関係は、まるでジェットコースターのようなものです。ほぼ毎日、喧嘩をしますが、その後は必ずキスをして仲直りします。
Polishpoland flag Nasz związek jest jak przejażdżka kolejką górską. Kłócimy się prawie codziennie, ale potem zawsze się całujemy i godzimy.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian A kapcsolatunk olyan, mint egy hullámvasút. Szinte minden nap veszekszünk, de aztán mindig csókolózunk és kibékülünk.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Vårt förhållande är som en berg- och dalbana. Vi bråkar nästan varje dag, men sedan kysser vi oss alltid och blir sams.
Sloveniantranslation in slovenian Najino razmerje je kot vožnja po toboganu. Skoraj vsak dan se prepirava, vendar se nato vedno poljubiva in spraviva.

More for you:
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1000+ Most Popular English Idioms and Their Meanings

21. Madly in love 
to be deeply or extremely in love with somebody

  • They are madly in love, they love and trust each other and will always be loyal to one another.
English uk flag They are madly in love, they love and trust each other and will always be loyal to one another.
Spanishspain flag Están locamente enamorados, se quieren y confían el uno en el otro y siempre se serán leales.
Frenchfrance flag Ils sont follement amoureux, ils s’aiment, se font confiance et seront toujours fidèles l’un à l’autre.
Italianitaly flag Sono follemente innamorati, si amano e si fidano l’uno dell’altro e saranno sempre fedeli l’uno all’altro.
Germangermany flag Sie sind wahnsinnig verliebt, sie lieben und vertrauen einander und werden einander immer treu sein.
Portugueseportugal flag Estão loucamente apaixonados, amam-se e confiam uns nos outros e serão sempre leais uns aos outros.
Russianrussian flag Они безумно любят друг друга, они любят и доверяют друг другу и всегда будут верны друг другу.
Chinesechina flag 他们疯狂的爱着对方,他们爱着对方,信任着对方,永远忠诚于对方。
Japanesejapan flag 二人は狂おしいほどに愛し合い、信頼し合い、常に忠誠を誓い合う。
Polishpoland flag Są szaleńczo zakochani, kochają się i ufają sobie i zawsze będą wobec siebie lojalni.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Őrülten szerelmesek, szeretik és bíznak egymásban, és mindig hűségesek lesznek egymáshoz.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish De är galet förälskade, de älskar och litar på varandra och kommer alltid att vara lojala mot varandra.
Sloveniantranslation in slovenian Zaljubljena sta do ušes, ljubita se in si zaupata ter si bosta vedno zvesta.

22. Make love
a romantic way to refer to sexual intercourse

  • They made love for the first time.
English uk flag They made love for the first time.
Spanishspain flag Hicieron el amor por primera vez.
Frenchfrance flag Ils ont fait l’amour pour la première fois.
Italianitaly flag Hanno fatto l’amore per la prima volta.
Germangermany flag Sie haben sich zum ersten Mal geliebt.
Portugueseportugal flag Fizeram amor pela primeira vez.
Russianrussian flag Они впервые занялись любовью.
Chinesechina flag 他们第一次做爱。
Japanesejapan flag 二人は初めて愛し合った。
Polishpoland flag Kochali się po raz pierwszy.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Először szeretkeztek.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish De älskade för första gången.
Sloveniantranslation in slovenian Prvič sta se ljubila.

23. No love lost between
there is a mutual animosity between two people

  • There is no love lost between the two colleagues, they have never liked each other.
English uk flag There is no love lost between the two colleagues, they have never liked each other.
Spanishspain flag No hay amor perdido entre los dos colegas, nunca se han gustado.
Frenchfrance flag Il n’y a pas d’amour perdu entre les deux collègues, ils ne se sont jamais aimés.
Italianitaly flag Non c’è amore perso tra i due colleghi, non si sono mai piaciuti.
Germangermany flag Zwischen den beiden Kollegen ist keine Liebe verloren, sie haben sich nie gemocht.
Portugueseportugal flag Não há amor perdido entre os dois colegas, eles nunca gostaram um do outro.
Russianrussian flag Между двумя коллегами нет любви, они никогда не любили друг друга.
Chinesechina flag 两个同事之间没有失恋,他们从来没有喜欢过对方。
Japanesejapan flag 2人の同僚の間には、お互いに好きになったということはありません。
Polishpoland flag Między tymi dwoma kolegami nie ma żadnej straconej miłości, nigdy się nie lubili.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian A két kolléga között nincs szerelem, sosem szerették egymást.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Det finns ingen förlorad kärlek mellan de två kollegorna, de har aldrig gillat varandra.
Sloveniantranslation in slovenian Med sodelavcema ni izgubljene ljubezni, nikoli se nista imela rada.

24. For love nor money
this idiom means that a person won’t do something no matter what is offered to them

  • I won’t sell this house, it is my family home. It has been in the family for decades! I won’t sell it for love nor money, there is nothing that you can say or do that will change my mind.
English uk flag I won’t sell my house for love nor money, there is nothing that you can say or do that will change my mind.
Spanishspain flag No venderé mi casa por amor ni por dinero, no hay nada que puedas decir o hacer que me haga cambiar de opinión.
Frenchfrance flag Je ne vendrai pas ma maison par amour ou par argent, et rien de ce que vous pourrez dire ou faire ne me fera changer d’avis.
Italianitaly flag Non venderò la mia casa per amore o per soldi, non c’è niente che tu possa dire o fare che mi farà cambiare idea.
Germangermany flag Ich werde mein Haus weder für Liebe noch für Geld verkaufen, es gibt nichts, was Sie sagen oder tun können, was meine Meinung ändern wird.
Portugueseportugal flag Não venderei a minha casa por amor nem por dinheiro, não há nada que possa dizer ou fazer que me faça mudar de ideias.
Russianrussian flag Я не продам свой дом ни за любовь, ни за деньги, ничего из того, что ты можешь сказать или сделать, не изменит моего мнения.
Chinesechina flag 我不会为了爱情也不会为了钱而卖房,你说什么做什么都不能改变我的想法。
Japanesejapan flag 私は愛やお金のために家を売ることはありません。あなたが何を言っても、何をしても、私の気持ちは変わりません。
Polishpoland flag Nie sprzedam mojego domu z miłości ani za pieniądze, nie ma nic, co możesz powiedzieć lub zrobić, że zmieni moje zdanie.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian Sem szerelemért, sem pénzért nem adom el a házamat, semmit sem tudsz mondani vagy tenni, ami megváltoztatná a véleményemet.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Jag kommer inte att sälja mitt hus för kärlek eller pengar, det finns inget du kan säga eller göra som kan få mig att ändra mig.
Sloveniantranslation in slovenian Svoje hiše ne bom prodal ne zaradi ljubezni ne zaradi denarja, ničesar ne morete reči ali storiti, kar bi spremenilo mojo odločitev.

25. Blinded by love
when a person is so madly in love with somebody that they can’t see the persons faults or negative characteristics

  • She is so blinded by love that she can’t see him for who he truly is. He is not a good person, he is rude and disrespectful to everyone around him, including her.
English uk flag She is so blinded by love that she can’t see him for who he truly is. He is not a good person, he is rude and disrespectful to everyone around him, including her.
Spanishspain flag Está tan cegada por el amor que no puede verle como es en realidad. No es una buena persona, es grosero e irrespetuoso con todos los que le rodean, incluida ella.
Frenchfrance flag Elle est tellement aveuglée par l’amour qu’elle ne peut pas le voir tel qu’il est vraiment. Il n’est pas une bonne personne, il est grossier et irrespectueux envers tous ceux qui l’entourent, y compris elle.
Italianitaly flag Lei è così accecata dall’amore che non riesce a vederlo per quello che è veramente. Lui non è una brava persona, è maleducato e irrispettoso con tutti quelli che lo circondano, compresa lei.
Germangermany flag Sie ist so geblendet von der Liebe, dass sie ihn nicht so sehen kann, wie er wirklich ist. Er ist kein guter Mensch, er ist unhöflich und respektlos zu allen um ihn herum, einschließlich ihr.
Portugueseportugal flag Ela está tão cega pelo amor que não consegue vê-lo por quem ele realmente é. Ele não é uma boa pessoa, é rude e desrespeitoso para com todos à sua volta, incluindo ela.
Russianrussian flag Она так ослеплена любовью, что не видит его таким, какой он есть на самом деле. Он нехороший человек, он груб и неуважителен ко всем окружающим, в том числе и к ней.
Chinesechina flag 她被爱情蒙蔽了双眼,看不清他的真面目。他不是个好人,他粗鲁无礼,不尊重身边的每一个人,包括她。
Japanesejapan flag 彼女は愛に目がくらんでしまい、彼の本当の姿を見ることができないのです。彼は善人ではなく、彼女を含めた周りの人に失礼な態度をとっています。
Polishpoland flag Ona jest tak zaślepiona miłością, że nie widzi go takim, jakim jest naprawdę. On nie jest dobrym człowiekiem, jest niegrzeczny i lekceważący dla wszystkich wokół niego, w tym dla niej.
Hungariantranslation in Hungarian A lányt annyira elvakítja a szerelem, hogy nem látja a férfit annak, aki valójában. Nem jó ember, bunkó és tiszteletlen mindenkivel szemben, aki körülötte van, beleértve őt is.
Swedishtranslation in Swedish Hon är så förblindad av kärlek att hon inte kan se honom för den han verkligen är. Han är ingen bra människa, han är oförskämd och respektlös mot alla i sin omgivning, inklusive henne.
Sloveniantranslation in slovenian Ljubezen jo tako zaslepi, da ne vidi, kakšen je v resnici. Ni dober človek, je nesramen in nespoštljiv do vseh okoli sebe, tudi do nje.

I hope the above expressions have brightened up your day and made you happy – love is a feeling we should all experience and treasure. If you have any questions or would like to add more expressions to the above list, please feel free to do so in the comment area below.

There are many ways to talk about that feeling you get when you’re romantically attracted to someone. The go-to word is love, but that little word has to do a lot of work to communicate such a deep feeling that can also have many shades of meaning. Luckily for all of us, the English language has lots of idioms, or figurative expressions, to help us describe our affections more vividly. Whether you’re trying to pen the perfect message for Valentine’s Day or hoping to win over the cutie you just met, these idioms might be just what you need to reveal what’s in your heart!

head over heels

Ever been so in love that the object of your affections is all you can think about? Then you were head over heels for them. The idiom head over heels describes the action of falling down or doing a somersault. (Originally the expression was heels over head, but it, well, flipped during the 1700s.) In other words, if you are head over heels for someone, you are thoroughly in love with them.

apple of one’s eye

Someone or something that is special to you is the apple of your eye. What is so special about apples? Historically, the apple of the eye was an idiom that simply described the pupil, or black aperture in the eyeball. In ancient times, it was believed that the pupil was a hard round object, like an apple. The apple of one’s eye came to be associated with a particular object of affection or focus by the early 1800s, possibly because one’s pupil is associated with sight—and gazing fondly at someone.

love you to the moon and back

What is the farthest distance you can imagine from where you are right now? Probably somewhere in outer space, right? That is the thinking behind the hyperbolic expression love you to the moon and back: you love them as much as you can possibly imagine loving someone. While the origins of this expression are a little obscure, it may have been inspired by the moon race in the 1960s. At any rate, the meaning is clear. If you love someone to the moon and back, you really love them a lot.

puppy love

If the notion of puppy love sounds adorable, that’s because it often is. A puppy is a young dog, and puppy love is something typically associated with young people, particularly teenagers (or someone acting like a teenager). Puppy love describes a “temporary infatuation of a young person for another person.” The temporary part is important here—often young people will fall in and out of love very quickly.

What’s the origin and meaning of XOXO?


The word lovebirds is another animal-inspired idiom used to describe a couple. Lovebirds are small parrots, particularly Agapornis, that live as bonded pairs. So the word lovebirds can describe couples who display similar behavior, acting affectionately towards each other.

take one’s breath away

If the mere sight of someone sets the world spinning, you could say that person takes your breath away. The expression is not only used to describe love, but any strong emotion of astonishment or shock. Take one’s breath away refers to that moment when people hold their breath while experiencing strong emotions.

to have butterflies in one’s stomach

The object of your affections might inspire a sensation that can be described as having butterflies in one’s stomach. Imagine if you actually had a bunch of butterflies in your tummy—it would probably feel kind of strange and fluttery. This idiom can refer to anything that makes you nervous, whether that’s someone you have a crush on or a big speech.

have the hots (for)

Affection is not always about love—sexual attraction can be an important component of that emotion as well. That’s what the expression to have the hots (for someone) describes. Someone who is physically attractive causes a heated feeling of desire and can be described as hot. It is this figurative expression that to have the hots (for) is likely referencing. You find the other person to be hot.

old flame

Love, sadly, does not always last forever. Someone you used to date or desire, but no longer do, can be described as an old flame. The word flame suggests you once may have had the hots for that person.

carry a torch for

Another fire-related idiom to describe love is carry a torch (for). If you are carrying a torch for someone, you still have love for them even though the relationship is over and may have ended a long time ago. It’s often advised that you should not carry a torch for someone who doesn’t love you back, but it’s easier said than done. Interestingly, this idiom might be linked to the term torch song, which in the early 1900s referred to a sad love song.

tie the knot

When two people get married, one idiom to describe this rite of passage is tying the knot. The expression dates to the 1700s. This idiom has quite a literal origin. It refers to the ancient Celtic practice of handfasting, when a cord or ribbon is used to bind the hands of the two betrotheds together in a symbol of their marriage.

get hitched

Another informal expression for describing marriage is to get hitched. To hitch means “to fasten oneself to something.” If two people are getting hitched, it means they are, figuratively, fastening themselves together.

whisper sweet nothings

When you are lying in bed with the person you love, they may whisper sweet nothings in your ear. The expression sweet nothings refers to the kind of nonsensical, sappy things that lovers will say to one another. Another word to describe this kind of dopey language is sweet talk.


A couple that is particularly affectionate with each other can be described as lovey-dovey. The origins of this phrase are a little obscure. It is possible that dove, as in the bird also known as a pigeon, simply rhymes well with love. Another possible explanation is that doves are particularly affectionate towards their mates and are used as a symbol for love. Whatever the origin, when two people act all lovey-dovey, they are really in love.

better half

One concept of love is that the person you love “completes” you; you are “half a person” without them. This notion is what is illustrated in the expression better half. This is most often used to describe one’s spouse.

those three little words

A confession of love can change everything about a relationship—especially if these three words are involved: I. Love. You. The expression those three little words or those three small words refers specifically to the sentence “I love you.”

my person

Sometimes labeling a relationship can be tricky. The phrase my person, popularized by the long-running medical drama Grey’s Anatomy, describes someone who is a close partner but may not be a spouse. It implies that two people belong together, even if the relationship is not formalized.

ride or die

Ride or die is a colloquial expression describing extreme loyalty, such as you would have between two people who love each other. The term comes from modern hip-hop in reference to the legendary outlaws Bonnie and Clyde. It can function as a noun (as in she’s my ride or die) or a verb (we would ride or die for each other).

Take the quiz!

Love might be confusing, but we hope these idioms are not! You can test your knowledge of them with our love-related idioms quiz here.

english idioms about love

Last updated:

August 17, 2022

Did you know words like crush, fall and smitten can mean positive things?

Or that a triangle can be dangerous?

Have you ever been the apple of someone’s eye?

Idioms are crazy. Crazy fun!

They add flavor to the language in unexpected ways.

They can have surprising meanings that are very far from the words included in them. And native speakers love using them.

Idioms are at the core (center) of every language, and learning them means you get closer to fluency.

English idioms about love are numerous (many).

Some describe the purest forms of love, others make fun of a person’s feelings and there are even a few that have a very dark meaning.

However, together they form a very powerful weapon for learning English vocabulary and expressing ideas.

Today’s list of idioms is about love in all its forms.

You’re going to love them. Trust me.

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Fall Head Over Heels for These 30 English Idioms About Love

1. To fall in love/to fall for someone

When you fall in love with someone, you have a strong attraction to or desire for them.

I think I’m falling in love with you.

You can say the same thing by using to fall for someone.

I think I’m falling for you.

2. To fall out of love

You first fall in love, and then, if it doesn’t go well, you can fall out of love, which normally means that you don’t love that person anymore.

She fell out of love two months ago.

3. To be head over heels in love

If you are or fall head over heels in love with someone, it means you’re completely in love with them.

I fell head over heels in love with you the moment I saw you.

4. A blind date

Going on a blind date doesn’t mean that your date is blind or that you can’t see them.

A blind date is just a romantic meeting between two people who haven’t met before.

I get very nervous when I have to go on a blind date.

Pro tip: My best friend went on a blind date nine years ago, and she and her husband have three children now!

5. To be blinded by love/love is blind

It seems the metaphor of blindness appears often in expressions related to love.

Maybe this has to do with the fact that when we fall in love, we don’t see any defect (imperfection) in the other person, and we blindly (without thinking about it) do anything for them.

This is exactly the meaning of to be blinded by love and the expression love is blind. You love someone so much that everything looks perfect. You can’t see your significant other’s faults (imperfections).

He was so blinded by love that he couldn’t see that she wasn’t faithful.

Mary believes everything Christian says even when he lies to her. Love is blind!

Pro tip: Check out the series “Love Is Blind” on Netflix!

6. To be infatuated

Have you ever had a super strong feeling for someone only to see that feeling disappear in a few days?

If so (if the answer is yes), then you were infatuated.

When we’re infatuated, we can’t think clearly. We’re somehow (in some way) blinded by infatuation.

We think we’re in love, but it’s normally only passion, and it lasts a very short period of time.

Anna is infatuated with her neighbor, Mark.

7. Those three little words

When someone refers to those three little words, they’re talking about the words I love you.

For some people, these words can be difficult to say, or they can even be taboo words (words you shouldn’t use) in some conversations.

If you don’t feel comfortable saying the words I love you, just use this expression instead!

He said those three little words last night. I’m so happy!

You know I don’t want to listen to those three little words anymore.

Pro tip: Play the game “Taboo” to practice your English vocabulary!

8. To have the hots for someone

If you have the hots for someone, you find them very attractive.

I have the hots for Marian.

You can also use the word hot to describe someone who’s attractive.

Wow, Tiff is so hot!

9. Love at first sight

This is an example of an expression that’s literal (it means what it says).

When you fall in love at first sight, you start having strong, romantic feelings the very moment you see a person for the first time.

It was love at first sight, and we’ve been together for 12 years already.

Love at first sight can also be used when talking about animals or even objects.

When I saw the puppy, I knew it was love at first sight.

Mark fell in love at first sight as soon as he saw that car.

Pro-tip: Listen to Kylie Minogue’s song, “Love at First Sight,” to practice this idiom.

10. To be a love rat

Not all idioms about love are positive and full of nice feelings.

Many people normally don’t like rats, so maybe this is the reason why English has the idiom to be a love rat, which describes a person who’s unfaithful to their partner.

John has had affairs with several women. He’s definitely a love rat!

11. A match made in heaven

If a match is made in heaven, it means that two people are perfect for each other.

This is the kind of relationship many of us want in our lives.

Jill and I are a match made in heaven. We couldn’t be happier!

On the other side, we have a match made in hell.

As you can imagine, a couple who are a match made in hell don’t have the best relationship.

They’ve been fighting since they moved in together. They can’t see that they’re a match made in hell.

12. To be an item

When two people are an item, it means they’re together. They’re a couple.

Did you know that Sam and Jeffree are an item?

13. Puppy love

Puppy English is cute, and so is puppy love.

But while it may be cute, it normally just describes infatuation (see the sixth idiom on this list), especially between children or teenagers.

This idiom is most often used by adults to describe young people who’re starting to discover feelings and attraction.

What Timmy and Suzy have is just puppy love, but they look so cute together!

Pro-tip: Watch this video to learn more English vocabulary about puppies!

14. Kiss and make up

No, we’re not talking about English makeup (beauty product) vocabulary. We’re talking about making up.

To kiss and make up means that a couple solves a problem they had and reconciles (they make peace).

They just kissed and made up as if nothing happened.

This expression doesn’t necessarily mean that two people kiss and apologize. It can also be used outside of couples when two people (for example, two friends) stop fighting and forgive each other.

I’m sorry. I don’t want to lose my best friend. Please, let’s kiss and make up.

Pro-tip: Practice this idiom with Dua Lipa’s and BLACKPINK’s superb song, “Kiss and Make Up.”

And, if you really wanted to learn about makeup (beauty products) in English instead, you can watch this video about beauty vocabulary!

15. To be lovey-dovey

If you’re not a fan of PDA (public displays of affection), you probably don’t like couples who are lovey-dovey because this idiom is used to refer to couples that love showing how much they’re in love.

They’re always lovey-dovey. I’m so jealous!

16. To be the apple of someone’s eye

Simply put, the apple of your eye is the person you love the most.

This idiom can be used with a person you have romantic feelings for or with family members (especially kids) and even objects.

You’re the apple of my eye. I love you so much.

It’s clear that little Brian is the apple of her eye.

Unfortunately, his money is the apple of his eye.

17. To be smitten with someone

If you’re smitten with someone, you have strong feelings of affection or attraction for that person.

He’s smitten with his girlfriend. It’s amazing.

You can also use this idiom with animals and people.

I’m smitten with my new puppy.

Thomas is absolutely smitten with New York.

18. To have a crush on someone

Contrary to what you may think, to have a crush on someone doesn’t mean to destroy or be destroyed by someone.

It actually means that you have strong romantic feelings for someone, but normally you don’t know the person very well, and sometimes they may not even know you exist!

I have a crush on a guy I see every day on the bus, but we’ve never spoken.

19. To be under someone’s spell

When you’re under someone’s spell, you’re very attracted to them romantically, but you’re also influenced by them.

This means that sometimes you can be manipulated by the other person (as if they had a real spell on you), so that’s probably why this idiom is normally used negatively.

I don’t know my own brother since he fell under that girl’s spell.

20. To tie the knot

When two people tie the knot, they get married.

Sylvia and Lukas have just tied the knot.

You can also see this idiom used when two or more companies join to become a bigger one.

McThomas and LuggerKing have decided to tie the knot after years of competition for the market.

21. To think that someone hung the moon

If you think someone has hung the moon (and possibly the stars, too) in the sky for you to see, you definitely think they’re the most extraordinary person in the world.

Congratulations, you’re in love!

He adores her. He probably thinks she hung the moon!

You can also use this expression when a little kid loves and admires an adult.

Her little brother thinks she hung the moon and the stars.

22. To be over the moon

And since we’re talking about the moon, have you ever been over it?

If you’re over the moon, you’re blissfully and happily in love.

I’m over the moon ever since I met you.

However, you don’t have to be in love or even be talking about romantic feelings to be over the moon.

I got the job. I’m over the moon!

23. To fall for someone/something hook, line and sinker

When someone falls for someone hook, line and sinker, it means they’re completely infatuated with them.

I completely fell hook, line and sinker for him the moment I saw him.

But when someone falls for something hook, line and sinker, they believe it, even if it’s a lie.

He told her the same old story and she fell hook, line and sinker for it once again.

24. On the rocks

My friend, if your relationship is on the rocks, it’s having difficulties. You better kiss and make up (see the 14th idiom on this list) or break up (see the 29th idiom on this list).

Our relationship has been on the rocks for three months already. I don’t know what to do.

25. To take someone’s breath away

When someone takes your breath away, you have probably fallen in love with them. You think they’re so amazing that you forget to even breathe.

You take my breath away every day.

Things can also take your breath away when you think they’re awesome. They make you have intense feelings, too, but not the romantic kind explained above.

His paintings always take my breath away.

Pro-tip: Practice this idiom with one of the most superb classics in the history of music, Berlin’s “Take My Breath Away.”

26. To pop the question

When someone pops the question, they ask the person they love to marry them.

He was totally surprised when she popped the question!

27. To be in a love triangle

Triangles can be in a math book, in an orchestra and even in a relationship!

A love triangle is a romantic relationship that involves three people instead of two. For example, person A loves person B, but person B loves person C and person C loves person A… confusing!

I would never accept being in a love triangle.

28. To only have eyes for someone

To only have eyes for someone means that you look only at that one person romantically. You’re so in love with them that there’s no other option out there.

Tom only has eyes for you. You’re such a lucky girl!

29. To break up/to split up

This is probably one of the saddest idioms on this list.

If a couple breaks up or splits up, they end their relationship.

Destiny broke up with me last summer.

30. To be the love of someone’s life

If you’re the love of someone’s life, it means that they love you wholeheartedly (with their whole heart, or a lot), and you’re the most important person in their life. They’ll probably also tell you that they want to spend the rest of their life with you.

Marissa, you’re the love of my life. I love you.

And on this sweet note, we’ve finished our list of love idioms!

As you’ve seen, there are a lot of idioms in English to talk about love and relationships.

Some of them are more positive than others, but they all have something in common: They’re often used by native English speakers and are a part of everyday conversations.

The more idioms you learn, the better you’ll be able to express all the nuances this beautiful language has to offer.

Stay in love, my friends, and as always, happy learning!

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