Word expert in sentence

Synonym: adept, apt, clever, handy, ingenious, masterful, proficient, skillful. Antonym: amateur, amateurish. Similar words: expertise, expect, expense, expected, experience, experiment, expedition, experienced. Meaning: [‘ekspɜːt]  n. a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully. adj. having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude. 

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1. The expert in anything was once a beginner.

2. Deciphering the code requires an expert.

3. She is an expert in finance.

4. Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate.

5. The cook was an expert at making sauces.

6. Peter’s an expert in his field .

6. Wish you will love sentencedict.com and make progress everyday!

7. She is an expert in training animals.

8. He’s an expert at getting his own way.

9. Don’t ask me-I’m no expert!

10. He posed as an expert on old coins.

11. He’s expert at/in cooking good cheap meals.

12. He’s a world expert on marine mammals.

13. He has no right to term himself an expert.

14. He is an expert in juvenile delinquency.

15. He is an expert in military strategy.

16. He was an expert on ancient Chinese astronomical literature.

17. All the young men are expert drivers.

18. I don’t claim to be an expert.

19. She is a world expert on butterflies.

20. The students get expert tuition in small groups.

21. I am no expert in cooking.

22. The Japanese are expert at lowering manufacturing costs.

23. I don’t profess to be an expert in this subject.

24. The handwriting expert attested to the genuineness of the signature.

25. Maddie’s a real expert on art, so I feel completely inadequate whenever I talk to her about it.

26. He has/makes no pretensions to being an expert on the subject.

27. I don’t profess expert knowledge of/to be an expert in this subject.

28. It takes a lot of nerve to be a bomb disposal expert.

29. He developed his own program in partnership with an American expert.

30. I extend my best wishes for your career. As a HR expert, your guidance will help the team in America. They have got the right person for the position. Wish you a smooth sailing ahead and a path full of joy, May all your dreams come true in the future!

More similar words: expertise, expect, expense, expected, experience, experiment, expedition, experienced, unexpected, experimental, at the expense of, expand, expose, export, exploit, explain, explore, explode, assert, insert, desert, exposure, explicit, dessert, other than, over there, concert, certain, convert, property. 

Definition of Expert

an expert is someone specialized in a given area

Examples of Expert in a sentence

As an expert in natural healing, the naturalist provides nutritional advice to cure diseases.


The personal trainer is an expert in kinesiology, but he doesn’t have all of the muscles memorized like he used to.


She met with the immigration expert to determine how to apply for dual citizenship.


The couple met with the investment expert to see how they should protect their financial future.


The expert in plastic surgery suggested that I not have the reconstruction surgery yet.


Other words in the Jobs, Occupations and Professions category:

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Unless of course it is amazing and she is a junior expert in

“Vinnie is a probability expert, psychologist and battlefield strategist,” Ackers explained to Nancy

‘Our expert has examined it and someone has done a very good job of repairing it

But wouldn’t say I was an expert

nelson was an expert of the Greek language who read the

«The last data we received indicated that they were able to explore the possibilities with help from the Brazilians,» Korum Noshtis, their intelligence expert on Brazilian technology said

He was a junior officer in intelligence but their expert on Brazilian politics and society

Then Athena, who has studied multimedia in London and is supposed to be a great expert in computers, yet she is completely off base

It’s about three months since I first noticed a radical change in Persephone’s behaviour: She is always shouting and laughing at top voice, she is trying to be clever and expert in all subjects, she is constantly asking for favours: “Type these poems for me” … “Tell your mother to sew this skirt of mine” … “Will you paint this picture for me?” … “Go to that public service and ask this or that” and so on

«I may not be an expert on the ways of this planet, but I already know that no one forces you to have more than you want and no one forbids you to have whatever you can pay for

‘I suppose it would come down to whichever of us is the more expert in whatever we are talking about … but, if we still can’t agree, I expect I shall have to say that you hold sway

«On them I’m not an expert

He’s probably the top expert at atomic level instrumentation of any soul aboard

was an expert at it

She has the power to animate a cherub, and it is one of Alan’s, he has thousands of stored settings packages, and as you know, he built that Desa cherub with very little help from me, so he’s an expert at cherub design

“Well, what’s next Tara,” he asked admitting she was the expert in this environment

expert said on the TV

I had become an expert in dead bodies

“Yeah, the temple employed the most expert vintners in the Isles in these days,” Yellelle told her

there were weeks of auditions held before an expert panel of

There is only one thing you need to become an expert at, and that is driving

may think), I would start out as presenting myself as an expert in that field

wound, probing it with expert fingers

The humble items of furniture were likewise adorned and though of un-dimensioned fir and cedar were none-the-less alluring for the expert craftsmanship of their construction and polished finish

were supposed to be the expert on these bloody

He suspected Ava made up the YingolNeerie story up right on the spot to protect the real source of the new soul and Kulai just went along with it because she was an expert on the technology and therefore the culture from which it had sprung

They ranged over the roadway from one side to the other, the ladies executing with expert precision each posture, block, deflection, and duck

Bailli to do his job! After all, he is the expert — not you

She knew those and some of the nearer stars, but was not an expert

Although he was no expert, he could tell

some sort of expert in these matters,’ said Henri testily

Maybe some expert carpenter could build a perfect poker table with indents to put your chips and drinks and stuff but I was I was just happy to have a nice round circular 5 foot poker table

How are you going to talk to an expert in that legal area when you’re a freshman in law school and there isn’t one comment on your essay exam? To make a long story short guess what! The student’s grade didn’t get changed and he lived with a C in contract law

The best way to get started in this business is to hire an expert in the field of product development and use their knowledge to create your own products

have become expert in the use of their spiritual weapons to free

«Aren’t you the elven expert?» Emily said

is an expert warrior

presence of God, and the expert

«I’m glad we were blessed with a system’s expert as knowledgeable and conscientious as the one we have

a deal where the expert writes the content and you do the selling, in

But this hardly daunted Father — he was an expert mariner with a keen knowledge of the stars

” I was an expert at directing the elements

One expert with the javelin had his

The building itself was made of light brown sandstone slabs, painstakingly carved from huge rocks and cleverly shaped by expert craftsmen to fit together without the slightest opening between them

Feeling overwhelmed about blogging? Think of it as a key oppty to dif-360 ferentiate your business, position yourself as the expert, & the chance to tell your story

Though he seemed to be an expert trapper, she saw no evidence that he’d ever traded furs for goods

He had an expert

It appears that you are the pixie expert here

You need an expert who’ll come to the rescue

I became an expert in complex technical areas of practice

However, I was always in close contact with people who had become expert at their jobs, and I could see that what they were doing was what I wanted to do

But even with a great headline and the best offer from the most established expert, it will fail if it’s not opened and read

Anna was a decided expert at spotting such boys — she was an experienced expert in this matter

She was an absolute expert on the fuck-about

But she was an expert on young boys and knew their feelings intimately

until you become an expert and still not have the success

The soldiers who are exercised only once aweek, or once a-month, can never be so expert in the use of their arms, as those who are exercised every day, or every other day; and though this circumstance may not be of so much consequence in modern, as it was in ancient times, yet the acknowledged superiority of the Prussian troops, owing, it is said, very much to their superior expertness in their exercise, may satisfy us that it is, even at this day, of very considerable consequence

As the Highlanders, too, from their stationary life, spend less of their time in the open air, they were always less accustomed to military exercises, and were less expert in the use of their arms than the Tartars and Arabs are said to be

She’d listened to updated versions of this programme all of twenty times, hoping with each new report there would be something – at least evidence that he would never be returning, rather than what amounted to no more than speculation; there was always the expert detailing how such cutting edge technology inevitably carried a risk of catastrophic failure

I thought you were a computer expert

computer expert to crack the computer that held

«Look, I admit that I’m not the expert

Cook, an expert in the field

Jean never won, though, she suspected Arig bloody Reidenhold had a lot to do with their improving skill! The man had been an expert archer in every lifetime – according to Adem – always a Guardian and never an Alit’aren, although he had trained to be one a number of times

Arawn explained that the farmers still to this day were expert archers, hunters, and trackers, and most trained with the blade to the extent that they could be called Blademasters whether or not they carried a wolf-marked blade

Carl stood on the battlefields of Kohn’Shard Hills, a land populated by mortals of the Hardark Rohn clans, expert swordsmen, archers, and wielders

Dreamer who thinks it appropriate for him to expound on every conceivable subject except that on which he is supposedly an expert

No expert was able to predict what would really happen

She is a brilliant war strategist and expert of the blade

expert on the matter, it was clear that to move from T’Ching to T’Chau could involve passing close

This was only one person that the expert team – among the resistance – had studied, and only sketch-like images could be generated to give any kind of coherence

Nathan had always attended Clare’s bookings in the evening as security as he was an expert

Hear what I say to you for I speak from experience as cross- jurisdictional expert when it comes to standards in Africa

Popping unbidden into his mind: an archive film of the hapless hero being faced with diffusing a bomb, with no time to wait for the expert to identify the correct wire to be cut

“A fencing expert?” Amaranthe knew little about the sport dueling the warrior caste practiced, except that enlisted soldiers had little respect for it

Neither the scarred cheek nor shaven head suggested finance expert

This troupe included Rufus Lickspittle, Nutylla Parfinn, and many of his best archers, all of them expert hunters from Thimble Down

They were in a small sailing craft they had chartered in Water-Down; the price had been right, and it came with a crew of three expert sailors, as neither of the Thimble Downers could manage anything more complicated than a canoe

As an forensic law expert I can tell you that legally any bank caught with money laundering will face severe (hundreds of millions) in fines and (we hope) a few banksters in jail

For an expert eye, the differences are easy to spot though it cannot be used as reliable evidence to establish when the pictures were taken for many kept wearing the old style uniform (it was never withdrawn officially) until the end

Before he died, Bawsen carved the whereabouts of Boddaert’s remains on the Sacred Roots, knowing that only a badger expert in the use of The Way would ever be able to decipher the locations and unify Boddaert’s body again

Her words, from my expert viewpoint, were quite respectable if repetitive

They also have the expert knowledge to do so having operated submarines since the 1960’s

However it takes more than that to become an expert fighter though all in all they did very well

Find and select the Expert View

All the black policemen and many of the white ones were expert trackers and could follow the spoor on the run or in many cases from the moving vehicles

Along the way he became an explosives expert (only Special Forces and the Security Branch had these skills) and took command of a unit known as «Vlakplaas» in folklore

Only one of the five members was a Philippines expert

And that can only be done by the forensic legal practitioner who has the expert legal knowledge to apply it to his clients’ advantage

The author of that paper evidence must explain it as an expert witness

It is much more elegant in law to keep the expert witness away from the rest to prevent corruption of evidence

As far as I am concerned they are only expert witnesses and nothing more

I will decide what their evidence is worth and they fall under my command at all times for I am the legal expert in charge

My biggest disapproval though is the problem of half trained expert witnesses in court

It will always be better to use a registered CA, as much as I wish to take work away from that honourable profession, than a CFE as an expert witness who is not an expert on the same level as a CA

He was always nervous when he was using computers, even though he was one of the best hackers and security protection experts in the world

Much to the puzzlement of recent experts, Blitzer has worn the beard of T

Hence, medical and skin experts contend that applying topical creams and other skin

This is because many medical experts are now insisting on the

Experts say that the skin is the benchmark for the body’s health

This is sound advice given by leading relationship experts to men starting the trend of online

The experts sat and watched each contestant, and as all such experts are trained to do, they sat there in po-faced silence until, with a flourish and a wicked gleam in their eyes, it came to the time for judgement

These ordinary people cringed and winced as the experts subjected them to crushing and horribly patronising witticisms, The ultimate aim of this personal degradation was focussed on one thing; to single out only the most exceptional talents, while ensuring that the audience at home was vicariously thrilled and titillated by the humiliation of those who failed

Most Federal agencies have experts who are available to help organizations apply for and manage their grants

Experts had called the India-Australia series historic

The experts sat and watched each contestant, and as all such

experts are trained to do, they sat there in po-faced silence until,

cringed and winced as the experts subjected them to crushing and

I don’t think there’ll be any capital gains involved, but I’ll check with one of our taxation experts

suppose we could have referred it to forensic experts — but

Just like everyone else in the class I promptly got out my «cheat» books from the leading constitutional law experts, looked up what they said about the constitutional law area he wanted, and basically plagiarized whatever the law experts said because that’s what he wanted on the exam; he wanted the leading constitutional law expert’s opinion on that issue, not mine

So I’m expecting to get an A on this exam because I had the leading constitutional law experts and I wrote down what they said about various constitutional law issues, exactly what he wanted

Some of the best products I’ve ever brought on the Internet were not created by the owner of the business, they either got someone to create the product for them or they brought in experts and interviewed them and turned their knowledge into a product

have no skills! Leave this to the experts, pilgrim,’ said the

When asked, fitness experts mention 4 prevalent myths that are widely believed, but

a piece of news the fact that, sometimes, some experts

In politics – where we are all experts, aren’t it? – they

Now I have experts who are strong in their specialist area

Experts are often

experts in your niche

Recent experiments by nutrition experts in the U

Many experts in this field believe that once the cord is severed, the spiritual self will not re-enter the body i

This is also similar to what experts term as analysis-paralysis

Experts say that such information is actually hidden in our subconscious mind but whatever the case may be, this missing link will always cause ourselves to treat others differently

Four info-marketing experts got

Evaluate what these experts offer and decide for yourself whether or not they can help you go further and realize your dreams

Here are the experts I consider to be my “Home Based Information Products Marketing

The depth of the eventual storage rooms would be sufficient to protect its inhabitants from any strike, thermo nuclear or otherwise, the experts agreed

that time I’d had a lot of experience in condo and timeshare sales in Mexico, so Bernie said, “I know this guy who can help us,” and brought me in as one of a group of experts

But then, the experts had probably never considered the possibility of someone like

Some experts are talking about genocide against white farmers in South Africa, but that is outside the scope of this book

All sorts of experts were being paraded in front of the cameras but they added little to the basics of the information already released by the Government

The remains were being studied by experts, who were expected to report first thing in the morning

The Liberation Movements were never highly rated as terrorists by the international experts but could put up a decent fight when cornered

By that time SAP COIN was the established counter-insurgency experts and not the Army (except Special Forces and Air Force crew)

Even today, we are considered the leading experts in counter-terrorism (of which counter-insurgency is part of) in Africa

As said in the previous chapter that the Liberation Movements were not rated highly by international terrorist experts as terrorists

have been declared upsetting and mind threatening by concerned experts of the

concerned experts of the Church, and well known Doctors of Psychoanalysis

Thus many left after their contracts expired and became security experts all over Africa

Many experts say they were the most effective counter-insurgency unit ever in the history of warfare

As with most counter-terrorism experts of his age group he was trained by the Rhodesians as part of SAP COIN but so were thousands of others who did not become assassins

There is a group of experts who believes that the «green activists» should be classified as the sixth group since many of their activities is terrorism or borderline-terrorism

During the cold war most security experts believed no terrorist group will use weapons of mass destruction as it would be counter-productive to their cause and provoke a response which will destroy them

The effects of such a weapon are in some ways comparable to the Chernobyl disaster though in general the experts are dismissive of its effectiveness which they say is not deadly

The experts say to be effective each counter-terrorism action must be adapted to suit the particular group which is logical

Regretfully this is an environment in which you are not specialists but there are many experts are who are

Most forensics experts in later years concluded the explosion was almost certainly an accident, a spark near ammunition

Any Press releases should be done in conjunction with the Authorities and Security Experts and with Board permission

Most political, military, cultural and social experts on Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Mideast, predicted the failure of these two wars

Democrats have been shamefully exploiting this unhappy event for political reasons; unyielding in their persistence that poverty and racism are (somehow) the underlying factors responsible for this (―avoidable‖) tragedy when, in fact, it was the result of ―unintended‖ consequences precipitated by decades of political cynicism, cronyism, mis-management, fiscal incompetence and (local) corruption at every conceivable level; this despite the forewarnings of field experts (Army Corps of Engineers) citing potential or probably breaches in drainage canal levees since the Johnson Administration

“Wildlife experts say it’s possible that remnant populations of the elusive cat, also known as a mountain lion, could still exist in remote areas of Ontario,” according to Constable Griffiths

Did Parkinson’s have some kind of genetic component? The experts said no; ‘although there might be environmental factors

How does one reconcile his greatness with such massive ethical failures? In all three cases he failed to challenge the experts around him, failed to see the bigoted immorality of old money anti Semites in the State Department, Anglo-American farmers and scientific racists, and the amorality of military planners in love with their own weapons

Jan researched information for her book thoroughly, interviewing experts across the

Experts agree that approximately 92% of al communication comes through

With the US only fighting the Afghanistan War instead of a useless war in Iraq most experts correctly predicted would fail, it is likely Al Qaeda and the Taliban are defeated far sooner

Lexi wanted the project closed immediately, Drewsbeck wanted her to carry on, telling her that he would send all the experts she needed to get around the problems

As is often the case, the experts do not agree, not that in my wildest dreams would I claim to be an expert

According to the experts in this field, twenty minutes twice a day will be enough to begin to develop the skill

Again the experts say that a person will need 30-70 days consistent and diligent practice before they will notice a difference

Indeed some experts say that simple measures such as these will correct any problem relationship with food over time and result in the normalization of weight whether the problem is being overweight or being underweight

‘Also,’ said Russell, continuing in his calm pleasant voice, ‘they’re experts in camouflage, both to avoid predators, and to snare victims

Fortunately there are industry experts that you can consult to help you

products to the “real experts on chocolate”

to the experts: your local sex shop

Experts said the formation of character in childhood, and I think as long as the character is not perfect, we should strive to make our character to improve and perfect, because in many cases

Of course, the initial reaction was that the box and all of its contents were part of some elaborate hoax, although it was soon proved by various experts that everything in the box was genuine

At one time every trip started with a group of experts poring over maps, trying to plot the best series of jumps to clear various sections of space

) In fact, Japanese experts say that Fukushima is currently releasing up to 93 billion

Experts in sex transmutation recommend that one should not go

is spent by experts comparing ideas as to the correct translations, sometimes accept-

Experts using the advanced PC muscle technique share that

experts on the subject have added that just retaining the fluid in the

Some sex experts, who are studying the transmutation of sex energy,

experts on this subject, who believe that the semen is broken down

Experts have learnt that by using a dual

retained their sperms as well as medical experts, that the sperms

therapists and experts on the subject

In this method, the experts are called and explained the requirements and related contexts, and they are asked to provide their estimation separately without any discussion with others

One or more auditors conducting an audit, supported if needed by Technical Experts

She has studied with experts in the

to study with many of the experts

are experts at handling documents and the

“All I can remember is hating being poked and prodded by countless medical experts who thought every child was the same, and waking up screaming covered in a sticky sweat for the next six months till my eighteen year old aunt could finally legally adopt me”

ness will have probably caused insanity and, survival experts say suicide

Expert Call Ins: Set up a date and time when your customers can call up and talk directly with experts that are related to your industry

Health experts recommend that any person should consumer dietary cholesterol

Some experts suggest that you can use interval training for 30-40

Believe it or not, but experts are now telling us that stress can send

promotes the storage of fat; and some experts believe that it also

“So far nothing out of the ordinary –“ Not that we were experts in biology, of course

In other words, leave all the decisions to the experts

Trust the experts

On the other hand, the Chinese are experts in mounting museums

Examples of how to use the word “expert” in a sentence. How to connect “expert” with other words to make correct English sentences.

expert (n, adj): a person with a high level of knowledge or skill relating to a particular subject or activity; having or showing a lot of knowledge or skill

Use “expert” in a sentence

He claimed to be an expert in finance.
He is an expert at solving such problems.
He is considered an expert in his field.
I’m not an expert in this field.
He claimed to be an expert in finance.
She is the leading expert in her field.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Unfortunately, sometimes, not burdened by knowledge of the law experts and officials have used the word «expert» in the latter sense.

К сожалению, иногда, не обремененные правовыми знаниями специалисты и чиновники применяют слово «эксперт» в последнем значении.

The word «expert» inspires confidence: many are accustomed to trust the opinion of professionals, which is not surprising.

Слово «эксперт» внушает доверие: многие привыкли доверять мнению профессионалов, что неудивительно.

I do not like the word «expert«.

I am cautious about using the word «expert«.

The word «expert» is used a lot.

I’m always sceptical of the word «expert» though!

How to put the accent in the word «expert«

Juho laughed at the word «expert

I am not fond of the word «expert

Has The Word «Expert» Lost Its Meaning?

In another interview for the website Vc.ru, Samsonova stressed the importance of having experts answer the questions, though she has her own definition of the word «expert«

В другом интервью сайту Vc.ru Самсонова подчеркнула, как важно получить ответ на вопрос от экспертов, хотя понимание слова «эксперт» у основательницы проекта своё собственное

I don’t like the word «expert«, but I mean people who really know you, who know the language, who know your history, and who feel your history.

Мне не нравится слово «эксперт», но, думаю, сейчас на официальных должностях найдется мало людей, которые действительно знают Россию, знают ваш язык, а также знают и понимают вашу историю.

(c) In the first paragraphs of the subsections, entitled «composition and participation», after what is now the word «expert«, the words «in accordance with the decision to which this annex is attached» were added.

с) в первых пунктах подразделов, озаглавленных «состав и участники», после фигурирующего в настоящее время в тексте слова «эксперт» были добавлены слова «в соответствии с решением, к которому прилагается настоящее приложение».

And the etomology of the word «expert«

Другие результаты

The words «inter alia» need to be inserted following the word «experts» in that sentence.

В третьей с конца строчке предложения после слов «экспертов из развивающихся стран» следует включить слова «в частности».

The words «expert judgement where appropriate» should be included in the first sentence.

В первом предложении следует добавить слова «мнение экспертов, когда это необходимо».

Delete the words «and/or expert«.

Delete the words «and expert«.

(b) In all instances, the words «government designated experts» were replaced by the word «experts«;

The next word was «expert

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 890. Точных совпадений: 14. Затраченное время: 313 мс


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