Word excel powerpoint etc

Приложение Office — теперь новое приложение Microsoft 365, где вы можете создавать и находить контент, а также делиться им и своими идеями с другими пользователями.


Office — теперь Microsoft 365

Экран компьютера, на котором отображается процесс создания резюме в Word в Интернете.

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Знакомый интерфейс

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Совместная работа

Делитесь нужными документами и работайте над ними вместе с коллегами в реальном времени.

Экран ноутбука, на котором несколько авторов редактируют документ в Word в Интернете

Word для Интернета

Создавайте привлекательные резюме, информационные бюллетени и документы, а также приглашайте других к просмотру и совместному редактированию в режиме реального времени.Используйте бесплатные шаблоны Word, инструменты форматирования для стилей цитирования APA, MLA и Chicago, а также дополнительные функции, доступные в бесплатных надстройках.

Excel для Интернета

Упорядочивайте свои данные в знакомых таблицах и книгах, все изменения в которых сохраняются автоматически.Превращайте обычные числа в ценные данные с помощью современных инструментов визуализации.Работайте вместе с коллегами в режиме реального времени, зная, что всем соавторам доступны самые свежие данные.

Ноутбук с разноцветными графиками и диаграммами в Excel в Интернете

Презентация в PowerPoint в Интернете на планшете Surface

PowerPoint для Интернета

Превращайте свои идеи в неотразимые презентации с помощью профессионально оформленных шаблонов.Используйте анимацию, переходы, фотографии и видео для создания неповторимых историй.Работайте над презентациями вместе с коллегами в одно и то же время, где бы вы ни находились.

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  1. Скачать Microsoft Office для Windows
  2. Microsoft Office для Windows
  3. Более известные программы
  4. Менее известные программы
  5. История версий
  6. Актуальные версии
  7. Microsoft Office 2007
  8. Microsoft Office 2010
  9. Microsoft Office 2013
  10. Microsoft Office 2016
  11. Microsoft Office 2019
  12. Программы (состав пакета)
  13. Excel
  14. PowerPoint
  15. Outlook
  16. Access
  17. Publisher
  18. Преимущества и недостатки
  19. Скачать бесплатно
  20. What is the Difference between PowerPoint, Word, and Excel?
  21. Key Difference between PowerPoint, Word, and Excel
  22. What is Microsoft PowerPoint?
  23. How does PowerPoint work?
  24. What is PowerPoint Used for?
  25. Advantage of Using PowerPoint
  26. Difference between PowerPoint and Word
  27. What is Microsoft Word?
  28. Key differences between PowerPoint and Word
  29. Difference between PowerPoint and Excel
  30. What is Microsoft Excel?
  31. Key differences between PowerPoint and Excel
  32. Using Microsoft PowerPoint, Word and Excel together
  33. Using PowerPoint and Word Together
  34. Using PowerPoint And Excel Together.
  35. Final Thoughts

Скачать Microsoft Office для Windows

Microsoft Office для Windows

Microsoft Office — официальный пакет офисных программ для Windows, включающий инструменты для форматирования текста, работы с электронными таблицами, создания презентаций, управления базами данных, а также решения множества других пользовательских задач.

Microsoft Office

Первая версиях датирована 1990 годом, но массовую популярность Microsoft Office обрел после выхода версии 7.0, поддерживающий работу с Windows 95. Новые версии выходят практически каждый год и включают усовершенствование интерфейса и добавление функционала для программ, входящих в пакет.

Последняя версия Microsoft Office 2019 вышла в сентябре 2018 года, предназначена для Windows 10 и состоит из следующих программных продуктов:

Более известные программы

  • Word — текстовый процессор;
  • Excel — табличный процессор;
  • PowerPoint — подготовка презентаций;
  • Outlook — менеджер электронной почты;
  • Access — управление базами данных;
  • Publisher — разработка публикаций.

Менее известные программы

  • OneNote — записная книжка;
  • InfoPath — средство для сбора данных;
  • Visio — работы с диаграммами;
  • Project — управление проектами;
  • Groove — совместная работа;
  • Picture Manager — работа с рисунками.

На данный Microsoft Office поставляется в нескольких видах редакции. Отличия между ними определяются составом пакета и конечной стоимости для пользователя. Microsoft также предлагает лицензию «HUP» (Home Use Program), предоставляющее пользователям или группе сотрудников доступ к ограниченному пользованию продуктов.

Пакет Microsoft Office также доступен для большинства устройств (в том числе мобильных), работающих не только на операционной системе Windows. Так, программа имеет альтернативные версии для macOS, iOS и Android.

История версий

Версия Дата Windows Особенности
4.3 02.06.1994 NT Название по номеру версии, а не по дате
95 30.08.1995 NT, 95 Совпал по времени выхода с Windows 95
97 30.12.1996 NT, 95 Впервые была издана на CD-дисках и дискетах
2000 27.01.1999 95, 98, 2000 Последняя версия, не требующая активации программы
XP 31.05.2001 2000, XP Улучшена поддержка работы под учётными записями
2003 21.10.2003 2000, XP Впервые представляла иконки в стиле Windows XP
2007 30.01.2007 XP, Vista Впервые разработан ленточный интерфейс
2010 12.05.2010 XP, Vista, 7 Впервые появилась 64-битная версия программ
2013 29.01.2013 7, 8 Поддержка протокола EAS и синхронизация файлов
2016 23.09.2015 7, 8, 10 Программы стали еще сильнее интегрированы с интернетом
2019 24.09.2018 8, 10 Оптимизация для работы с сенсорными экранами

Актуальные версии

На данный момент можно выделить пять актуальных версий Microsoft Office, которые можно использовать сегодня на старых и современных компьютерах.

Microsoft Office 2007

Этот пакет офисных программ стал следующим после Office 2003. Первое, на что тогда обратили внимание пользователи — это совершенно новый интерфейс, в котором разработчики отказались от выпадающих меню. Несмотря на то, что в новых программах доступ к основным функциям стал проще, многие пользователи встретили тогда новый дизайн прохладно. Однако интерфейс оказался лишь вершиной айсберга, огромное множество сюрпризов ждало внутри.

Логотип Office 2007

  • Поддержка электронных подписей;
  • Улучшенная работа с XML;
  • Полная поддержка Юникод;
  • Экспорт в электронные документы PDF;
  • Улучшенная работа с шаблонами.

Microsoft Office 2010

Предыдущее поколение Office вышло в конце 2006-го года, с момента релиза прошло немного времени. Революционных изменений в новых программах не было. Как Windows 7 стал улучшенной версией Vista (обе системы построены на одном ядре), так и Office 2010 стал продолжением предшественника. Несмотря на то, что многие пользователи не приняли новый интерфейс, в Microsoft понимали, что обратного пути нет, и ничего менять не стали, лишь сделали небольшие доработки.

Логотип Office 2010

  • Функция создания скриншотов;
  • Встроенный переводчик;
  • Редактирование электронных документов PDF;
  • Функция соавторства для командной работы;
  • Новые эффекты для шрифтов.

Microsoft Office 2013

Новый офисный пакет компания Microsoft представила 16 июля 2012-го года, а в продажу он поступил в январе 2013-го. Интерфейс всех программ стал проще, так как выполнен он в новом стиле Metro. Новейший плиточный интерфейс Metro пользователи также смогли увидеть через несколько месяцев в операционной системе Windows 8. Кроме того, программы еще сильнее интегрировались с облачными хранилищами, также появилась функция совместной работы в удаленном режиме.

Логотип Office 2013

  • Новые инструменты для работы с PDF;
  • Интеграция со Skype;
  • Улучшенная поддержка нового оборудования;
  • Новый предпросмотр документов;
  • Power Map – инструмент трехмерной визуализации.

Microsoft Office 2016

Пакет офисных программ стал следующим после выхода в 2012-м году Office 2013. Релиз Office состоялся 23 сентября 2015 года, спустя месяц после официального выхода Windows 10. Разработчики говорят, что новые программы были созданы полностью с нуля, при этом им удалось сделать их менее требовательными к ресурсам.

Логотип Office 2016

  • Существенно доработана совместная работа над документами;
  • Рукописный ввод;
  • В основные программы вернулся «Помощник»;
  • Новое оформление программ;
  • Инструмент захвата видео с экрана;
  • Новое меню общего доступа.

Microsoft Office 2019

Текущий пакет офисных программ поступил в продажу в сентябре 2018-го года. Новый «Офис» стал продолжением Office 2016, и кардинальных изменений в нем не было. Разработчики также признали, что в новых программах появились все те функции, которые постепенно добавлялись на протяжении последних нескольких лет в онлайновый продукт — Office 365.

Логотип Office 2019

  • Новая черная тема;
  • Инструменты обучения;
  • Функция озвучки текста;
  • Новые типы диаграмм;
  • Улучшенный предварительный просмотр.

Программы (состав пакета)

В состав пакете Microsoft Office входит достаточное большое количество отдельных программ, но можно выделить шесть самых востребованных продуктов, которые используются большинством пользователей.

Текстовый редактор, входящий в состав программ Office, является лучшим в своем роде. История этой программы началась в 1983-м году, тогда она была простым редактором, который позволял выполнять несложное форматирование документов делового предназначения.

Интерфейс Word

Word обладает огромным множеством инструментов для работы с бумагами. Сегодня ни один аналог не может предоставить такое количество возможностей, как решение от Microsoft. При этом многие функции выходят далеко за пределы оформления документов.


Программа для работы с электронными таблицами вышла в 1985-м году. Интересно то, что первая версия редактора создавалась для компьютеров Apple Mac, вариант для Microsoft DOS появился в 1987-м году. Это был первый табличный редактор, который позволял менять ширину ячеек и использовать разные шрифты. Понятно, что здесь также был набор функций, недоступных в других аналогах того времени. В пакете программ Office этот редактор поставляется с 1993-го года.

Интерфейс Excel

В программе присутствуют все необходимые инструменты для работы с электронными таблицами. При этом в каждой новой версии появляются новые инструменты, однако на основных функциях стоит сделать акцент.


Создатель программы — Боб Гаскинс. Впервые студент университета Беркли показал свое программное решение в 1984-м году. Первая версия PowerPoint работала только в монохромном режиме и предназначалась для компьютеров Apple Macintosh. В 1986-м году программой заинтересовался Билл Гейтс, и спустя год компания Microsoft купила ее за 14 миллионов долларов США.

Интерфейс PowerPoint

В программе присутствует огромное количество инструментов для создания презентаций любой сложности. В презентацию можно добавлять графику, таблицы и диаграммы из Excel, текст со сложным форматированием. Кроме того, в презентацию легко встраивать аудио- и видеофайлы.


Outlook — это решение для работы с электронной почтой. Изначально программа поставлялась бесплатно и была предустановленна в операционную систему Windows. C 2001 года этот почтовый клиент стал поставляться в пакете офисных программ Microsoft.

Интерфейс Outlook

Программа отлично подходит как для домашнего использования, так и для работы в крупных компаниях. Также с ее помощью удобно вести дела, общаться через социальные сети, планировать мероприятия.


Access — мощное программное решение для работы с таблицами и базами данных разных типов. Впервые программа была представлена в 1992-м году для ОС Windows 3,1. Второе поколение Access вышло в 1993-м году и уже поставлялось в пакете Microsoft Office.

Интерфейс Access

Внешне и по набору инструментов эта программа напоминает Excel. Также Access позволяет импортировать таблицы Excel. В программе имеется огромный набор инструментов для работы с таблицами, так как они являются основой любой базы данных. Как и в других новых офисных программах Microsoft, здесь тоже есть встроенный помощник, который ускоряет работу и позволяет быстро находить те или иные функции.


Publisher — это издательская программа, первое поколение которой вышло в 1991-м году. В решении сделан акцент на разметке страницы для создания макетов любой сложности. С помощью этого софта можно готовить к печати буклеты, брошюры, визитные карточки и даже полноценные книги.

Интерфейс Publisher

В программе есть весь необходимый набор инструментов для подготовки документа к цифровой и офсетной печати. Благодаря большому количеству шаблонов и тем, Publisher дает возможность создавать документы любой сложности даже неподготовленным пользователям.

Преимущества и недостатки

Главное преимущество Microsoft Office состоит в большим количестве программ, которые способно удовлетворить любые потребности пользователей и компаний.

Основным негативным моментом Microsoft Office является дорогостоящая лицензия, которую может себе позволить далеко не каждый пользователь.

Скачать бесплатно

Microsoft Office версии 16.0.13328 доступна для скачивания с помощью MultiSetup или официального сайта. Программа распространяется бесплатно, поддерживает Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP и имеет интерфейс на русском языке.


What is the Difference between PowerPoint, Word, and Excel?

Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, and Excel make it possible to do so much with regards to our jobs. The trio has something to offer for almost everyone. But, what exactly is the difference between PowerPoint, Word, and Excel, and what does each piece of software do? Let’s find out!

The main difference between PowerPoint, Word, and Excel is the purpose of each software. PowerPoint is used for making presentations. Excel is the most helpful for capturing, tracking, and analyzing data with the help of graphical charts. Word is used for creating documents such as reports and books.

But, there is a lot more to it and in this article, I’m going to talk about what each one does, the differences between the three, and finally, how can we leverage the power of the three applications by working with all of them together. So, keep reading!

A Quick Note Before We Begin – if you want to make jaw-dropping presentations, I would recommend using one of these Presentation Designs. The best part is – it is only $16.5 a month, but you get to download and use as many presentation designs as you like! I personally use it from time-to-time, and it makes my task of making beautiful presentations really quick and easy!

Key Difference between PowerPoint, Word, and Excel

Although these three applications can be used in a way that all three work together, there are differences that set them apart. Each application is used for different tasks and in this section, that is what we are going to talk about. So, let’s get into it.

  • PowerPoint is used to present data or talking points in a slide show format. Presentations are a great way to summarize information, a project report, learnings from a research study, and much more. Microsoft PowerPoint helps you to create presentations.
  • Excel is used to manage and organize data. You can capture data, record information over time, and analyze the data by creating charts and graphs using that data.
  • Microsoft Word is used to create detailed reports, brief summaries, proposals, and pretty much anything that requires a lot of text. This is because it is a word processor.

As you can see, each application has a different goal, and thus are designed to be different from each other. Obviously, if the goal or the objective of the software is different, there are bound to be several differences in the functionalities. That said, I shall not focus on the differences in the functionalities of the three applications as pretty much everything will be different.

What is Microsoft PowerPoint?

Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the most powerful tools that any company can use when it comes to meetings and presentations. PowerPoint uses a slide show method of giving presentations.

PowerPoint has a wealth of features that help professionals get their messages across to their colleagues or clients. We have a large library of articles that cover everything that you need to know about PowerPoint. So, after reading this article, why not go check some of them out.

How does PowerPoint work?

To use PowerPoint, you need to have Microsoft Office installed on your PC, laptop, or Mac. Most new machines come with Office pre-installed with no payment necessary. In some cases, you will only have a free trial and will need to buy a license key.

If you do not have Office at all, you can buy it from a retail store or online. Regardless of which method you choose, you will most likely need to download it. Here is a link to the Microsoft website where you will be able to download the MS Office Suite.

Once Office is installed, you will be able to open PowerPoint and start making presentations.

What is PowerPoint Used for?

PowerPoint is used for making slide show presentations. You may need a presentation for various reasons. For instance, you may want to create a presentation giving an overview of your organization, or a pitch presentation for your investors, or perhaps a summarized performance presentation for the annual report.

The purpose of creating a presentation can be endless. The type of presentations that you make depends on what your profession is. Below is a small indicative list of professions and what they use PowerPoint for.

  • Salesperson: There is no better way for a salesperson to get a message across to their potential clients than a presentation.
  • Entrepreneurs: They would use PowerPoint for the same reason as a salesperson would need presentations. If you have meetings to sell your service, product or to raise funding, a presentation can go a long way in helping.
  • Managers: Managing a team of people is not easy. If you want to really make an impression on your team, why not use presentations? You could also use them when delivering reports to your peers or reporting managers.
  • Public Speakers: This is the most common use of presentations. Using presentations is the best way to keep your audience engaged while you give an awe-inspiring speech.

Advantage of Using PowerPoint

The main advantage of using PowerPoint is that you can create intriguing and visually appealing presentations for your clients, boss, or a classroom of students. PowerPoint has a massive selection of features that allow you to create truly personalized representations of your data, product, or service.

Difference between PowerPoint and Word

For us to talk about the difference between PowerPoint and Word, the easiest way to do this would be to talk about what Word is and what it does first. Let’s get straight to it.

What is Microsoft Word?

MS Word is a word processor. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite. MS Word is the most commonly used application within all the offerings of MS Office. Here are some of the reasons why MS Word is so popular. This list should also help explain exactly what MS Word is used for –

  • Microsoft Word used for creating large pieces of content, articles, or even blog posts.
  • Microsoft Word is also used for creating detailed reports, writing summaries, capturing information about a research, etc.
  • Word is also perfectly suited for filling out application for an award, circulating instructions for a questionnaire, and other business needs.
  • Microsoft Word can also be used to write business proposals, business agreements and contracts, and other business related confidential documents, etc.
  • It is also used within the educational domain to write anything from essays to speeches.

Key differences between PowerPoint and Word

The difference between Microsoft Word and PowerPoint is pretty big. While MS Word is used to create detailed documents, PowerPoint is used to present as much information with as little text as possible.

PowerPoint can be seen as a visual representation of data and MS Word is a text-based representation of data. Other than that, it is hard to mention other differences because they are completely different applications.

Difference between PowerPoint and Excel

We have already discussed, in some detail, what PowerPoint is. So, for this section, we will focus more on Excel and this should highlight what the differences are between the two. Let’s get straight to the point.

What is Microsoft Excel?

Excel is a program that is commonly used by accountants within a company. It can be used to manage any form of data that needs to be organized and managed. It can also be used to summarize data by creating graphs and charts.

Key differences between PowerPoint and Excel

There is one major difference between PowerPoint and Excel and that difference is the use of data.

Excel manages and organizes data and while you can turn the data into charts, Excel is not really the program that you want to use to present the data. PowerPoint is the better program for representing data.

You can use PowerPoint to present your Excel data. Let me share what I mean by that in our next section.

Using Microsoft PowerPoint, Word and Excel together

Now this is where everything gets interesting and to be honest, this is where the power of Microsoft Office really stands out. All the programs can be used together to create a smooth workplace that runs like clockwork. Here’s how PowerPoint, Word, and Excel can be used together.

Using PowerPoint and Word Together

You can place your presentations inside of MS Word documents which can help to remove the tediousness of repeating the same points in your presentation in word. Here’s how to do it.

  1. In PowerPoint go to the “Files” tab and select it. You should get a drop-down menu.
  1. In the drop-down menu, select the “Export” option. You should get another drop-down menu.
  1. Select “Create Handouts”. This will open a dialogue box.
  1. Now, select what layout you want.
  1. Paste the link directly into your Word document, and you are done!

Doing this will allow real-time changes within word if they are done in PowerPoint.

Using PowerPoint And Excel Together.

You can use PowerPoint to present your Excel data by creating a chart in PowerPoint and linking it to the Excel file. We have a full tutorial on this which you can read by clicking on the link below –

Final Thoughts

We have reached the end of this article. Hopefully, you have walked away with enough knowledge to impress your peers and understand the key differences between the three applications.

We discussed the differences between these three products and what they all do. Be sure to bookmark this page and keep up to date with all of our articles which are designed to make your work a lot easier.


Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, and Excel make it possible to do so much with regards to our jobs. The trio has something to offer for almost everyone. But, what exactly is the difference between PowerPoint, Word, and Excel, and what does each piece of software do? Let’s find out!

The main difference between PowerPoint, Word, and Excel is the purpose of each software. PowerPoint is used for making presentations. Excel is the most helpful for capturing, tracking, and analyzing data with the help of graphical charts. Word is used for creating documents such as reports and books.

But, there is a lot more to it and in this article, I’m going to talk about what each one does, the differences between the three, and finally, how can we leverage the power of the three applications by working with all of them together. So, keep reading!

A Quick Note Before We Begin – if you want to make jaw-dropping presentations, I would recommend using one of these Presentation Designs. The best part is – it is only $16.5 a month, but you get to download and use as many presentation designs as you like! I personally use it from time-to-time, and it makes my task of making beautiful presentations really quick and easy!

Although these three applications can be used in a way that all three work together, there are differences that set them apart. Each application is used for different tasks and in this section, that is what we are going to talk about. So, let’s get into it.

  • PowerPoint is used to present data or talking points in a slide show format. Presentations are a great way to summarize information, a project report, learnings from a research study, and much more. Microsoft PowerPoint helps you to create presentations.
  • Excel is used to manage and organize data. You can capture data, record information over time, and analyze the data by creating charts and graphs using that data.
  • Microsoft Word is used to create detailed reports, brief summaries, proposals, and pretty much anything that requires a lot of text. This is because it is a word processor.

As you can see, each application has a different goal, and thus are designed to be different from each other. Obviously, if the goal or the objective of the software is different, there are bound to be several differences in the functionalities. That said, I shall not focus on the differences in the functionalities of the three applications as pretty much everything will be different.

What is Microsoft PowerPoint?

Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the most powerful tools that any company can use when it comes to meetings and presentations. PowerPoint uses a slide show method of giving presentations.

PowerPoint has a wealth of features that help professionals get their messages across to their colleagues or clients. We have a large library of articles that cover everything that you need to know about PowerPoint. So, after reading this article, why not go check some of them out.

How does PowerPoint work?

To use PowerPoint, you need to have Microsoft Office installed on your PC, laptop, or Mac. Most new machines come with Office pre-installed with no payment necessary. In some cases, you will only have a free trial and will need to buy a license key.

If you do not have Office at all, you can buy it from a retail store or online. Regardless of which method you choose, you will most likely need to download it. Here is a link to the Microsoft website where you will be able to download the MS Office Suite.

Once Office is installed, you will be able to open PowerPoint and start making presentations.

What is PowerPoint Used for?

PowerPoint is used for making slide show presentations. You may need a presentation for various reasons. For instance, you may want to create a presentation giving an overview of your organization, or a pitch presentation for your investors, or perhaps a summarized performance presentation for the annual report.

The purpose of creating a presentation can be endless. The type of presentations that you make depends on what your profession is. Below is a small indicative list of professions and what they use PowerPoint for.

  • Salesperson: There is no better way for a salesperson to get a message across to their potential clients than a presentation.
  • Entrepreneurs: They would use PowerPoint for the same reason as a salesperson would need presentations. If you have meetings to sell your service, product or to raise funding, a presentation can go a long way in helping.
  • Managers: Managing a team of people is not easy. If you want to really make an impression on your team, why not use presentations? You could also use them when delivering reports to your peers or reporting managers.
  • Public Speakers: This is the most common use of presentations. Using presentations is the best way to keep your audience engaged while you give an awe-inspiring speech.

Advantage of Using PowerPoint

The main advantage of using PowerPoint is that you can create intriguing and visually appealing presentations for your clients, boss, or a classroom of students. PowerPoint has a massive selection of features that allow you to create truly personalized representations of your data, product, or service.

Difference between PowerPoint and Word

For us to talk about the difference between PowerPoint and Word, the easiest way to do this would be to talk about what Word is and what it does first. Let’s get straight to it.

What is Microsoft Word?

MS Word is a word processor. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite. MS Word is the most commonly used application within all the offerings of MS Office. Here are some of the reasons why MS Word is so popular. This list should also help explain exactly what MS Word is used for –

  • Microsoft Word used for creating large pieces of content, articles, or even blog posts.
  • Microsoft Word is also used for creating detailed reports, writing summaries, capturing information about a research, etc.
  • Word is also perfectly suited for filling out application for an award, circulating instructions for a questionnaire, and other business needs.
  • Microsoft Word can also be used to write business proposals, business agreements and contracts, and other business related confidential documents, etc.
  • It is also used within the educational domain to write anything from essays to speeches.

Key differences between PowerPoint and Word

The difference between Microsoft Word and PowerPoint is pretty big. While MS Word is used to create detailed documents, PowerPoint is used to present as much information with as little text as possible.

PowerPoint can be seen as a visual representation of data and MS Word is a text-based representation of data. Other than that, it is hard to mention other differences because they are completely different applications.

Difference between PowerPoint and Excel

We have already discussed, in some detail, what PowerPoint is. So, for this section, we will focus more on Excel and this should highlight what the differences are between the two. Let’s get straight to the point.

What is Microsoft Excel?

Excel is a program that is commonly used by accountants within a company. It can be used to manage any form of data that needs to be organized and managed. It can also be used to summarize data by creating graphs and charts.

Key differences between PowerPoint and Excel

There is one major difference between PowerPoint and Excel and that difference is the use of data.

Excel manages and organizes data and while you can turn the data into charts, Excel is not really the program that you want to use to present the data. PowerPoint is the better program for representing data.

You can use PowerPoint to present your Excel data. Let me share what I mean by that in our next section.

Using Microsoft PowerPoint, Word and Excel together

Now this is where everything gets interesting and to be honest, this is where the power of Microsoft Office really stands out. All the programs can be used together to create a smooth workplace that runs like clockwork. Here’s how  PowerPoint, Word, and Excel can be used together.

Using PowerPoint and Word Together

You can place your presentations inside of MS Word documents which can help to remove the tediousness of repeating the same points in your presentation in word. Here’s how to do it.

  1. In PowerPoint go to the “Files” tab and select it. You should get a drop-down menu.
  1. In the drop-down menu, select the “Export” option. You should get another drop-down menu.
  1. Select “Create Handouts”. This will open a dialogue box.
  1. Now, select what layout you want.
  1. Paste the link directly into your Word document, and you are done!

Doing this will allow real-time changes within word if they are done in PowerPoint.

Using PowerPoint And Excel Together.

You can use PowerPoint to present your Excel data by creating a chart in PowerPoint and linking it to the Excel file. We have a full tutorial on this which you can read by clicking on the link below –

Final Thoughts

We have reached the end of this article. Hopefully, you have walked away with enough knowledge to impress your peers and understand the key differences between the three applications.

We discussed the differences between these three products and what they all do. Be sure to bookmark this page and keep up to date with all of our articles which are designed to make your work a lot easier.

The Office suite software industry has made a lot of improvement with a lot of new additions to the race but Microsoft Office still remains the king by a long distance. Most businesses and even individuals prefer Microsoft Office for their work.

This article discusses the ways we can use Office apps for free if you don’t have Microsoft Office installed on your system. A one-time purchase of Microsoft Office 2019 may cost around $249 or even more if you are going for the Pro Plus edition.

Table of contents

  • Office Web Apps
  • Office Apps

    • Office Windows Apps
    • Office Android Apps
    • Office iOS Apps
  • How to really get Microsoft Office for free?
  • Not so free Microsoft Office
  • Alternatives

    • WPX Office
    • LibreOffice
    • Apache OpenOffice
  • To Sum Up

If you are not a heavy user of Office suite, you can save this amount by using free Office apps which are also available from Microsoft but not as feature-rich as the complete Office 2019 or Office 365 suites. The free apps can get most of the daily routine work done without the need for extra features.

Office Web Apps

Microsoft Office Online Apps

Microsoft Office Online Apps

Microsoft offers free online Office apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, etc. with OneDrive. If you have a Microsoft ID (Hotmail, live.com, outlook.com), you can get all these online apps for free. You just need a web browser and an Internet connection to get going. Microsoft also gives you some free space (5 GB) for storing your documents in the OneDrive cloud.

But this is limited to being online all the time. You can’t view or edit your documents once you are offline. If that’s not a limitation for you, then you can go this path without investing in the Desktop apps.

Open Word Online

Open Excel Online

Open PowerPoint Online

Open OneNote Online

All these links require sign-in to your Microsoft account.

The best alternative to Microsoft Office Online is Google Apps i.e., Google Docs for Word Online, Google Sheets for Excel Online and Google Slides for PowerPoint Online. Technically Google Keep is an alternative to OneNote but OneNote is more feature-rich.

Office Apps

If you want to be able to access your documents even when you are offline, Microsoft has a limited solution for you. You can install the OneDrive desktop sync app which will synchronize all the documents from the cloud to your local computer.

For viewing the documents, you can use Microsoft Office Mobile apps. Otherwise, you can also use mobile apps if you are using mobile Operating Systems like Android and iOS. Here are the links for each app for each platform.

Office Windows Apps

Microsoft Store Office Apps

Microsoft Store Office Apps

Word Mobile for Windows 10

Excel Mobile for Windows 10

PowerPoint Mobile for Windows 10

OneNote Mobile for Windows 10

The above links will open the Microsoft Store where you can download and install the Office apps for free. You can view and edit your documents in these apps but only if you are on a mobile device which is running Windows 10.

The apps will get installed on a PC with Windows 10 but can only be used for viewing documents. For editing, you will need to look for something else.

Keep reading for more solutions.

Office Android Apps

Microsoft Word for Android

Microsoft Excel for Android

Microsoft PowerPoint for Android

Microsoft OneNote for Android

Office iOS Apps

Microsoft Word for iOS

Microsoft Excel for iOS

Microsoft PowerPoint for iOS

Microsoft OneNote for iOS

How to really get Microsoft Office for free?

If you are a teacher or a student, you can get Microsoft Office 365 Education for free. Not all teachers or students are eligible. If your school or university has signed-up for Microsoft services, you can get a free account.

To see if your educational institution is eligible, please visit this page, enter your school email address and get the results. If your school is eligible, you will see the following page:

Office 365 Education account verification

Office 365 Education account verification

Not so free Microsoft Office

If nothing is working for you, you can install a trial version of Office 365 Pro Plus. Although it is for enterprise customers who want some advanced Office capabilities, you can use the trial for 30 to 60 days for free.

To download a trial version of Office 365, you can sign up here. You will be given a new email address upon signup which is like username@organizationName.onmicrosoft.com. You can log in to this account and download Office 365 trial for free.

You can also download the evaluation version from Microsoft Evaluation page.

Still, aren’t satisfied with the solutions so far? You can also search on Amazon and eBay for cheap licenses of Microsoft Office. They may not be free but they will be cheap and un-reliable for sure.


There are a lot of free alternatives but nothing is like MS Office. Here, we are going to list the alternative Office suites which can create, open and edit Microsoft Office files which includes DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, etc.

WPX Office

WPX Office

WPX Office

WPX Office suite is my favorite alternative to Microsoft Office. It has a very similar interface and can create, open and edit the documents very much like Microsoft Office.

If you create a WPX Office account, you will also be able to use their online apps similar to Microsoft web apps with 1 GB of free cloud space.

Its tab interface is the best way to organize the documents. That means it only opens one window for all your documents like any web browser.

Download WPX Office




LibreOffice is just like Microsoft Office and a fierce competitor. It can successfully handle Microsoft document formats like Docx, Xlsx, and Pptx. Since LibreOffice is a suite of software, individual software corresponds as Microsoft Office app alternatives: Writer for Word, Calc for Excel, Impress for PowerPoint, etc.

There are other programs like Draw which is an alternative for Visio, Base as an alternative to Access, Math, and Charts which don’t have any Microsoft equivalents.

Download LibreOffice

Apache OpenOffice

OpenOffice Writer

OpenOffice Writer

Apache OpenOffice is probably the oldest competitor of Microsoft Office. OpenOffice comes with a slightly different interface but with most of the functionality which Microsoft Office provides.

Download OpenOffice

To Sum Up

Microsoft Office is not a free suite. But we can get the same work done using free apps whether online or offline. There are times when you are bound to buy a copy of Microsoft 2019 (one-time purchase) or Office 365 (monthly/yearly subscription). It’s better to browse through Amazon and eBay for discounts and cheaper options.

Is there any free of using Microsoft Office that we have missed in this article? Please let us know in the comments below and also tell us your preferred way to use Office apps.

Related posts:

Uses of Microsoft Office in daily life: Microsoft Office suite is a family living in almost every computer around the world. Family members are Microsoft Word to create and edit documents.

Excel to perform mathematical and logical calculations with analytical functions. PowerPoint for presentation. MS- Access for database management, and Microsoft Outlook for sending and receiving data by email, etc. And Microsoft Office or Microsoft 365 is a leader in this family.

In other words, Microsoft Office is an official application software package, developed by Microsoft Inc. headquarters in Redmond, Washington, United States. Microsoft Office suite is application software packaged with one bundle.

It means you can use Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS Access, Publisher etc. to create professional-looking documents, charts, calculations, reports, and presentations with high speed and accuracy.

Today, Microsoft Office applications are used in according to me almost 90% of official works around the world in private and government offices. It is so much popular due to its flexible features, and easier methods to create and collaborate in official works.

The first is version was launched in the ’90s with the name Microsoft Office 3.0. Today, it is now Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Office 365,  2016 that you can install on your PC.

And Office 365 is a cloud-based subscription for Microsoft Office in which all the applications are included with many other exceptional and advanced features. It is cloud-based so you can access it anywhere. And you can also use Microsoft Office Online with free Office online apps.

You only need an internet browser from any of these such as Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and Opera Mini, etc. And Microsoft Email account that you can create at Microsoft.com. After that, you can create, share and collaborate with anyone and from anywhere on online Microsoft office and Office365.

And if you have little Microsoft Office Knowledge then YouTube videos can also help you to become a master in Microsoft Office. But for mastering Official works, you have to do 100+ exercises. Only practical exercises will give you more knowledge that is needed in most jobs.

Microsoft Office knowledge is an essential requirement in offline and online jobs. You can find Microsoft Office Skills Training in the syllabus of all computer institutes and coaching centers. You can learn MS Office by doing an offline basic computer course. After that, you can learn advanced skills from online courses.

ideas for practical exercises: List of Microsoft Word Exercises for Students

When you buy Microsoft 365, Office 2016 or Office 365, you will get the following Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, 1 TB of cloud storage, and many other features. (Also depends on your plan and purchased product) application with the package.

Let’s meet with the Microsoft Office Family Members including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, etc. And find out, what the duties of each member are installed in the computer one by one.

1. Microsoft Word: –

You can use Microsoft Word to create and edit documents such as resumes, applications, and letters, school or college assignments professionally.

The following articles will increase your Microsoft word knowledge:-

18 Best Basic Microsoft Word practice exercises for beginners

Uses of Microsoft Word in our daily life

What is Microsoft Word?

How to Learn Microsoft Word

2. Microsoft Excel: –

Microsoft Excel is my favorite application in the Microsoft Office suite that anyone can use to perform daily life and business calculation by using logical and mathematical formulas in the spreadsheet. It’s a complete financial management application used by millions of people online and offline.

It is very well used in data and information analytics by using filters, conditional formatting, goal seek and pre-defined templates etc. It is also used to visualize data and information in charts, smart arts, pivot tables,s and much more.

You can read the following articles for more details:

  1. Top 8 Most Productive Uses of Microsoft Excel in daily life
  2. Microsoft Excel Basics
  3. Importance of Microsoft Excel in Business

3. Microsoft PowerPoint: –

PowerPoint is another application of Microsoft packaged with the Microsoft Office suite to create presentations using slides to present data and information in meetings and seminars. It means you can use PowerPoint to create project presentations, business plan presentations, school assignments, and presentations for seminars etc.

You can learn more here: – Uses of Microsoft PowerPoint in our daily life.

4. Microsoft Access: –

You can use MS Access to create a database and program to track and manage data and information. It means you can create a database of students, a database of your employees, and customer records. You can also track and edit their progress with the profile name, address, and everything that is needed for you to collect.

5. Microsoft Outlook: –

You can use Microsoft Outlook on a computer and online as you use Gmail. It is used to send and receive official and personal mail. With this, you can manage your day-to-day task and save important contacts.

The best feature that we use each day is you can access existing emails without an Internet connection. And you can insert all formatting options while writing an email.


The above is just a basic idea about what the Microsoft Office suite is all about and how it can be beneficial for students and midsized business owners.

Microsoft Office is really the most important application to install on computers. Microsoft Office provides tools that help business owners and remote workers to work together. It is a cloud-based application that helps to achieve higher productivity from anywhere by using any device (smartphone, tablet, computer, and laptop).

In the end, I will say that the Microsoft Office Suite is a great family and have great powerful members. Even I am writing this article by accessing one family member that is Microsoft Word.

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