Word every three years

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

каждые три года

раз в три года

каждые З года

каждые три месяца

каждый три года

каждых трех лет

каждый третий год

каждые 3 года

каждый год

раз в З года

раз в 3 года

каждые два года


Every three years the members of parliament are re-elected.

Every three years, on average, the female gives birth to a single young, after a gestation of seven months.

В среднем каждые три года после длящейся семь месяцев беременности самка приносит одного детёныша.

Every three years Hindus gather from all over India in one of four sacred cities.

То есть примерно раз в три года толпы людей со всей Индии стекаются в один из священных городов.

Every three years since 1997, the World Water Forum mobilizes creativity, innovation, competence and know-how in favor of water.

Всемирный водный форум собирается раз в три года; данный процесс мобилизует творчество, инновации, компетенцию и технические знания на благо воды.

How often: Every three years.

Every three years, the Bank of International Settlements does a survey of the foreign exchange market.

Каждые З года банк международных расчётов проводит исследования самого крупного валютного рынка.

Every three years and when significant changes in listed wetlands occur

Раз в три года, а также в том случае, если происходят существенные изменения в связи с перечисленными водно-болотными угодьями

Every three years there is a partial update of the composition of judges and legal advisers.

Каждые три года частично обновляется состав судей и юридических советников.

Every three years, we undergo our recertification audits — they confirm that our quality management system meets every requirement.

Каждые три года мы проходим ресертификационные аудиты — они подтверждают, что наша система менеджмента качества соответствует всем требованиям.

Every three years, the policies are reviewed in depth.

Every three years or so, change the soil in the container.

Every three years, one third of the seats falls vacant.

Every three years the priests gathered here in order to cook the myrrh and then it was sent across the country.

Раз в три года здесь собирались священнослужители, чтобы его сварить, а потом оно рассылалось по всей стране.

How often: Every three years.

Every three years we replace one of the plow trucks.

Раз в три года вы производите частичную замену грузовиков.

Every three years a child’s eligibility is reviewed.

Every three years, employers are to draw up a plan for their gender equality work.

Раз в три года работодатели готовят план работы по достижению гендерного равенства.

Every three years its implementation plans are drafted.

Every three years bauma offers us the unique opportunity to meet with customers from around the world.

Каждые три года BAUMA предлагает уникальную возможность встретиться с клиентами со всего мира и презентовать новую продукцию.

Every three years since 2000, a festival has been held at the beginning of July.

Каждые три года начиная с 2000, в середине июля в городе проводится фестиваль.

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Table of Contents

  • 1. What is another word for every three years?
  • 2. What do you call something that happens every few years?
  • 3. What event happens every 3 years?
  • 4. What does every 3rd year mean?
  • 5. What is every 5 years called?
  • 6. What is a 3rd year student called?
  • 7. How old are third years?
  • 8. What is the meaning of ” three times per year “?
  • 9. How often does a 3 year period occur?
  • 10. How do you call an event which is held every 4 years?
  • 11. Which is an event that occurs every two years?
  • 12. What is the corresponding single word for occurring every two year, three year, four year?

Triannual is commonly used to mean one of two things: occurring once every three years or occurring three times per year. Triannual is a synonym of the less commonly used triennial, which can mean every three years or lasting for three years (though triannual is rarely if ever used in this second sense.)

What do you call something that happens every few years?

1 : occurring every two years a biennial celebration. 2 : continuing or lasting for two years specifically, of a plant : growing vegetatively during the first year and fruiting and dying during the second Biennial herbs flower in their second year.

What event happens every 3 years?

event occurring every three years
Event occurring every three years
Event occurring every six years

What does every 3rd year mean?

1. triennial – occurring every third year or lasting 3 years.

What is every 5 years called?

1 : consisting of or lasting for five years. 2 : occurring or being done every five years. You may like this How can I make a game using notepad?

What is a 3rd year student called?

When there is a course of five years, the third year student is called as “Middler”. Similarly fourth and fifth year students are called “Juniors and Senior”.

How old are third years?

8 years old
Age Requirements and Grade Placement

Grade Age by 31st August
2 7 years old
3 8 years old
4 9 years old
5 10 years old

What is the meaning of ” three times per year “?

Triennial = three times a year (or thrice a year) biannual = Happening twice each year; semiannual. triannual = Occurring three times a year. biennial = Happening every second year; lasting or living for two years. triennial = Happening every third year; lasting or living for three years.

How often does a 3 year period occur?

EUdict dictionary: English – English. English. 3-year period, event occurring every three years; three year period; three year anniversary, happening every 3 years, lasting 3 years, occurring every three years; consisting of three years, third anniversary.

How do you call an event which is held every 4 years?

…like Olympic Games or World Cup. Is there a word to describe their periodical characteristic or just simply “every 4 year”? There are words like Annual, Biennial, Triennial (every 1, 2, 3 years) but Quadennial seems not to be a valid word. You may like this How to find the hidden word in a sentence?

Which is an event that occurs every two years?

An event that occurs every two years. 1. Lasting or living for two years. 2. Happening every second year. 3. Botany. Having a life cycle that normally takes two growing seasons to complete. n. 1. An event that occurs every two years. kmtext: Not to be confused with biannual, which is twice a year.

Triennial = three times a year (or thrice a year) biannual = Happening twice each year; semiannual. triannual = Occurring three times a year. biennial = Happening every second year; lasting or living for two years. triennial = Happening every third year; lasting or living for three years.

EUdict dictionary: English – English. English. 3-year period, event occurring every three years; three year period; three year anniversary, happening every 3 years, lasting 3 years, occurring every three years; consisting of three years, third anniversary.

What is the corresponding single word for occurring every two year, three year, four year?

What is the corresponding single word for occurring every two year, three year, four year etc. I understand that it’s surely not exhaustively defined for all possible year gap, but how far is it define? Here are the direct answers to the ones you’ve asked and a few more.

…like Olympic Games or World Cup. Is there a word to describe their periodical characteristic or just simply “every 4 year”? There are words like Annual, Biennial, Triennial (every 1, 2, 3 years) but Quadennial seems not to be a valid word.


  • #1

I am wondering if so in the sentence below means more:

Daddy got a new car every three years or so and…




Senior Member

English-Ireland (top end)

  • #2

Every three years or so = approximately every three years.
Could be more, could be less.


A man wanted to become a monk so he went to the monastery and talked to the head monk.

The head monk said, “You must take a vow of silence and can only say two words every three years.”

The man agreed and after the first 3 years, the head monk came to him and said, “What are your two words?”

“Food cold!” the man replied.

Three more years went by and the head monk came to him and said “What are your two words?”

“Robe dirty!” the man exclaimed.

Three more years went by and the head monk came to him and said, “What are your two words?”

“I quit!” said the man.

“Well,” the head monk replied, “I am not surprised. You have done nothing but complain ever since you got here!”

Are you having trouble with the answer to “Every three years” clue of “7 little words” game? Don’t worry. We have found the answers all 7 clues of today’s puzzles.

A lot of people play 7 little words. Especially those who like crossword puzzles but do not have a lot of time to spare. Finding the answers to 7 puzzles is not so time consuming. So I guess you could consider “7 little words” a mini crossword game.
Back to the answers.

Every three years

Answer: Triennially
Now there is nothing left but to form the word Triennially from the pool of letters.

More puzzles on September 15 2020 7 little words.

  1. Represented in symbols 7 Little Words
  2. One of the Jetsons 7 Little Words
  3. Even as we speak 7 Little Words
  4. Ken’s girlfriend 7 Little Words
  5. Every three years 7 Little Words
  6. Comic-Con attendee, often 7 Little Words
  7. Feeling pain 7 Little Words
  8. Vibrate and shake with force 7 Little Words

Every three years 7 little words

A lot of our visitors have asked us to post the answes to 7 little words, eventhough our website focuses on another game. We did our best effort to ensure that the answers are all correct, but sometimes some typos may occur. If there is any mistake at this level, please visit the following link: Every three years 7 little words. This website focuses only on 7 little words aswers has all the daily answers posted in a perfect style.

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Is it hard to find the answer to today’s clue “Every three years” of 7 Little Words game?

The main aim in 7 little words is to find the 7 words using the provided clues. Along with 7 clues, the number of letters in the word that needs to be figured out is also given. Using both these clues, the player tries to find the word. Give it another try to find the answer for Every three years, it has 11 letters. Below is the answer.

Every three years 11 letters

Answer to the puzzle: Triennially
Rearrange the letters to form the word Triennially.

Other puzzles for Today:

  1. Represented in symbols 7 Little Words
  2. One of the Jetsons 7 Little Words
  3. Even as we speak 7 Little Words
  4. Ken’s girlfriend 7 Little Words
  5. Every three years 7 Little Words
  6. Comic-Con attendee often 7 Little Words
  7. Feeling pain 7 Little Words
  8. Vibrate and shake with force 7 Little Words

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every three years 7 Little Words


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