Word ending with long a

What are long a words in the English language? The long a sound has eight varieties of spelling which can make it tricky. Here you’ll learn a little about long a, the eight ways in which you can spell long a words, and see some examples for each spelling.

What are Long A Words?

A long a is the sound pronounced the way the a is said. For example, the way you say the letter a at the beginning of the alphabet is the long sound for the letter a. So, any word that makes that sound is considered a long a word.

Ways to Spell Long A Words

There are eight ways to spell long a words:

  • a – table
  • a-e – plane
  • ai – train
  • ay – today
  • ei – beige
  • eigh – weight
  • ea – break
  • ey – hey

You may notice that most of these are in vowel teams, which means that they are working with another vowel to make the long a sound. There are some reasons, rules, and tricks to use to remember the differences.

  • a-e: This style has an a and e with a consonant in between. The e is silent in these long words.
  • ai: You will find this long a sound either in the beginning or in the middle of a base word. Most of these words also end with the letter n, but not all the time.
  • ay: This long a style will be at the end of a base word.
  • ei: This pattern is not very common and doesn’t come with any rules. You’ll see some examples below.
  • eigh: You will find this sound pattern at the end of some long a words.
  • ea: This long a pattern is the least common way to make the long a sound. You’ll see this vowel team in the middle of long a words.
  • ey: There are only ten common words that are spelled with this style.

Learn more with long vowel words English.

List of Long A Words

Here is a list of long a words in each of the eight spelling patterns


  • Acorn
  • Paper
  • Baby
  • Crazy
  • Lady
  • Basic
  • Maple
  • Table
  • Fatal
  • Potato
  • Tomato
  • Naval
  • Radio
  • Shaky
  • Bacon
  • Halo


  • Cane
  • Cake
  • Lake
  • Same
  • Case
  • Wave
  • Trade
  • Flake
  • Space
  • Cage
  • Base
  • Came
  • Stage
  • Space
  • Plane
  • Shade
  • Tame
  • Wade


  • Train
  • Rain
  • Fail
  • Nail
  • Daily
  • Afraid
  • Raisin
  • Grain
  • Gain
  • Faint
  • Trail
  • Aim
  • Sail
  • Maid
  • Paid
  • Sprain
  • Wait
  • Waist
  • Daily


  • Day
  • Play
  • Tray
  • Say
  • Clay
  • Stay
  • Pray
  • May
  • Spray
  • Gray
  • Hay
  • Pay
  • Bay
  • Tray
  • Away
  • Today
  • Relay
  • Stray
  • Yay


  • Beige
  • Their
  • Deign
  • Vein
  • Reign
  • Heir
  • Rein
  • Reindeer


  • Eight
  • Weight
  • Weigh
  • Sleigh
  • Freight
  • Neigh
  • Neighbor


  • Tear
  • Bear
  • Wear
  • Swear
  • Pear
  • Steak
  • Break
  • Great


  • Hey
  • They
  • Grey
  • Prey
  • Obey
  • Convey
  • Purvey
  • Survey
  • Whey
  • Abeyance

With having eight different ways to produce the long a sound in a word, it may be easiest to learn each sound pattern one at a time to get comfortable and familiar with them. There are several fun games and resources available that can be found online to help you learn and differentiate between these eight long a word sound patterns. The most important thing to remember in identifying a long a word is that the sound will be the same as the name of the letter a.

Long A Words | Image

Long A Words


Last Updated on February 26, 2023

Learn all about the long A sound, including the 8 ways to spell long vowel A: a, a-e, ai, ay, ei, ea, eigh, and ey. Learn how to teach long A and get a FREE printable list of words with long A sounds organized by spelling pattern.

A corkboard with the long vowel list pinned to it. Words saying "Long A Words."

All About Long A

Teaching students all the different ways to spell long vowels will help them become more independent, confident readers:

  • Long a says /ā/ like acorn.
  • Long e says /ē/ like equal.
  • Long i says /ī/ like ice.
  • Long o says /ō/ like ocean.
  • Long u says /yoo/ like unicorn, OR /oo/ like ruler.

A is the first vowel I teach, and the long A sound can be spelled using 8 different patterns:

  • The most common spellings of long A are A, A-E, AI, and AY.
  • Less frequent ways to spell /ā/ are EI, EA, EIGH, and EY.

These patterns can be heard at the beginning, middle, or end of words. Long A can be spelled with a silent e, open syllable, or using a vowel team.

👉 For a free, complete, and printable list of 229 long A words, scroll to the bottom of this post and download it. But be sure to read all about long A first!

A bright graphic with the 8 ways to spell long A sound and example keywords with pictures.

There are 8 ways to spell long A:

  1. a like acorn
  2. a-e like cake
  3. ai like rain
  4. ay like day
  5. ei like reindeer
  6. ea like steak
  7. eigh like eight
  8. ey like hey

Open Syllable Words

The letter A will say its name, or its long sound, when it is the last letter in a syllable. This is called an open syllable.

Long A sound word examples that include open syllables:

acorn major able navy patience apricot
bacon razor April native glacier ago
baby nature labor tomato mason naked
table patient maple vapor Katie Arabia
paper basil favor apron sacred apex
lady Asia Jamie equator lazy agency
station nation acre volcano basin cable
radio potato stable agent label quotation
famous crazy Amy Jason basis cradle
David basic range tornado Caleb radiant

A-E Words (Long A Silent E)

The letter A will say its name when it follows a Vowel-Consonant-e (VCe) pattern. The E is magic, stays silent, and it makes the A say its name.

That is why we hear the long A sound in these words. This spelling pattern is used at the end of base words.

Long A silent E words:

cake age rate gate awake flame
make lake race stage slave cape
came case wave tale whale sale
take safe save brave date trace
place shape trade hate shade phrase
same gave plane grade ate chase
name state cave base frame pace
face space ape cage parade escape
page game Jane pale male create
late blame snake plate cane became

AI Vowel Team Words

The vowel team AI is another way to spell long A. This is a spelling that usually comes in the middle of words.

I teach my students this jingle: “A-I in the middle says /ā/.” Make sure you say the letter names “A” and “I” when saying the jingle.

It is common to teach this spelling along with the vowel team AY (keep on reading below!).

Common words with long A in the middle, using the vowel team AI:

rain plain sail gain contain
wait paid detail faint faith
afraid laid grain pail fail
main trail remain jail maid
tail raise chain aid snail
train brain mail nail strain
explain pain daily claim railroad
paint dairy Spain waist tailor

AY Vowel Team Words

The vowel team AY is another way to spell long A, and this pattern is used at the end of base words. I use this jingle with my students: “A Y at the end says /ā/.” (Again, make sure you say the letter names “A” and “Y” when saying the jingle.)

The great thing about this vowel team is that if they hear /ā/ at the end of a base or root word, it will most likely be spelled with AY.

Common words with long A at the end, using the vowel team AY:

day hay bay mayor decay
way stay pray maybe display
away lay stray always subway
may pay Sunday yesterday sway
say gray highway payment betray
today spray essay birthday repay
play okay crayon holiday playmate
ray clay relay anyway beltway

EI, EA, EIGH, & EY Words (Vowel Teams)

These next four vowel teams are not commonly used to spell the long A sound. Be sure students have mastered the first four most common spellings for Long A before introducing these patterns.

Words with Vowel Team EI to spell long A:

  • reindeer
  • rein
  • vein
  • veil
  • reign
  • beige

Words with Vowel Team EA to spell long A:

  • steak
  • break
  • great
  • yea
  • breakup
  • outbreak

Words with Vowel Team EIGH to spell long A:

  • eight
  • eighty
  • eighteen
  • weigh
  • weight
  • neighbor
  • freight
  • sleigh
  • neigh

Words with Vowel Team EY to spell long A:

  • hey
  • they
  • obey
  • grey
  • prey
  • survey
  • convey
  • disobey

Tips & Suggestions

  • Before teaching long vowels, students should have a firm command of the five short vowel sounds, including all consonants, blends, and digraphs.
  • Be sure to explicitly teach these long A patterns one at a time, in sequential order.
  • Use a variety of activities to teach these long A spellings! Hands-on activities and multisensory activities are best.
  • Get the rest of the printable Long Vowel Word Lists: Long E, Long I, Long O, and Long U!

Related Posts

  • Long Vowel Anchor Chart
  • Printable Long & Short Vowel Sorts
  • 30 Tips for Teaching Letters & Sounds

Corkboard image with list pinned to it. Text saying "229+ Long A Sound Words."

Download & Print

How is it going teaching the long vowel A? We’d love to get your feedback! Tag us on Instagram @LiteracyLearn or comment below to let us know how you’re using the words on this list.

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Long a is another tricky sound to teach because it has many different ways to spell it. This one only has two spelling generalizations so many will depend on memory and practice. I’m going to break down each of the eight ways to spell the long a sound to help you understand and teach long a to your students.

Looking for a long a word list? You can download the list pictured by signing up below. If you don’t see the signup form, click here.

long a words list

Eight Ways To Spell Long A

The long a sound can be represented by 8 different spelling patterns:

  1. a – baby
  2. a_e – cake
  3. ai – rain
  4. ay – play
  5. ei – reindeer
  6. eigh – weight
  7. ea – steak
  8. ey – they

The majority of these are vowel teams, so students should already know the open, silent e, and vowel team syllables. Students should also be able to find the base word, as some of these rules apply to the base word even if it has a suffix.

long a spelling generalizations

Spelling Generalizations for Long A

A alone

At the end of an open syllable, a makes the long a sound (says its name). Some examples include able, apron, maple, and lady. Students must understand how to split words into syllables and know what open syllables are.

A_E Spelling Pattern

The a silent e spelling pattern is the most common one you’ll find in the middle of a base word. Examples include cake, safe, and behave. Of course, students should be confident with the magic e syllable.

AI Vowel Team

AI sometimes spells the long a sound in the beginning or middle of a base word. You will notice that most of these words end with the letter n, but this is just an observation you can share with students, not a rule!

AY Vowel Team

Ay usually spells the long a sound at the end of a base word. Examples include may and tray.

EY Vowel Team

There are only 10 commonly known words spelled with the ey phonogram at the end of the word: they, hey, grey, prey, obey, convey, purvey, survey, whey, and abeyance. You can teach these as a group. Most other words that say long a at the end of the word are spelled with ay.

EI Vowel Team

The EI spelling pattern for long a is not very common. There is no rule for this spelling pattern. Examples include rein, beige, and heir.


EIGH can spell the long a sound at the end of a word. This is another uncommon option. Examples include eight and weigh. Teach these as a group.


This is by far the least common way to spell the long a sound. I would also teach these words in a group: steak, great, break. Then you have the EA+R words like bear, tear, wear, pear, and swear.

Tips For Teaching The Long A Sound

When you start teaching long a, you really have to focus on spelling generalizations, homophones, and homographs. Teach one spelling pattern at a time, and once one is mastered you can add in another. It’s much easier to learn how to read these than to learn how to spell. Since they all sound the same and can appear in the same place, choosing the right spelling pattern can be tricky.

Teach the process for deciding on the spelling pattern.

Once students are familiar with all the options for spelling long a and they know open syllables and the silent e syllable, you can teach them the process for determining the spelling pattern a word has.

When students come across a word with long a and they need to figure out which spelling pattern to choose, here are the questions they can ask:

  1. Is there more than one syllable?
  2. Is there a base word?
  3. Where is the long a sound in the word?
  4. Could this be one of those rare spelling options?

Students should first break the word into its syllables, and go through the questions.

long a spelling generalizations checklist

This will take some practice so try going through a set of words with your students a few times, then have them do some more on their own. This is the same process they will use with other long vowel sounds so it’s a great skill for them to have.

Also, because there are multiple options expect students to get them wrong sometimes, and tell them this! It’s ok if they make mistakes as long as it’s another valid spelling option and not something that doesn’t follow any rules. Through repeated exposure and practice they will eventually internalize the correct spelling pattern for words.

Long A Activities & Lesson Ideas

Phoneme Grapheme Mapping – This is a great activity that really isolates the phonograms for students to practice. You can get the Phonics & Spelling Through Grapheme Mapping book and follow the long a lesson, or use my long a word list to do the same activity using sound boxes. See below for examples.

SOS – If you don’t already know what Simultaneous Oral Spelling is, then check out this post here. I love this multisensory spelling method for practicing spelling. And you can do this whole class or one on one making it really easy to use in any setting.

long a words spelling activity

Dictation – This is another fantastic activity but I would do this after you have spent some time on long a because it is harder for students. Also when dictating words, give students a clue about the spelling such as telling them it’s a vowel team or open syllable. I often dictate words that all have the same spelling pattern to avoid these problems.

Sorting – Sorting is always a good idea when you have multiple options for spelling. You can play matching games like memory, just sort them into piles/columns, or create any game that requires sorting by spelling pattern. This builds phonemic awareness so it’s always a good activity for all students.

long a words sorting

You can also sort by color coding the vowel team or spelling pattern in the words. I took the list from the SOS activity, then had my student highlight each vowel team in a specific color to more visually show the groups.

color coding vowel teams for long a

I include 3 different sorting activities for the long a sound in my Long A Worksheets & Activities set.

long a word sort activity

Picture cue cards – Create visual graphics of tricky words, homophones, and homographs. These picture cues really help students remember which pattern to use. I suggest you make these using index cards and keep them in a baggie or box for reference. See an example below (it’s for a long o sound but you get the idea).

Games – Of course, I always include games because it’s just so easy to add a stack of flashcards to any game and make it educational! Use an easy to play board game where students need to pick up a card on their turn and add a task like reading the word aloud and sorting it, or asking another player to spell it, or even something as simple as having them air write the word after reading it aloud. Or print off teacher-made games and worksheets in my Long A Worksheets & Activities set.

Constant Review – Remember to keep these spelling patterns in constant review after they are learned, so they are not forgotten. Using a sound wall or phonogram drills are great ways to do this without it taking up a lot of time. The set below includes 16 different activities that focus on the long a sound to help students get enough practice and review.

long a word work

Want to remember this? Save How To Teach The Long A Sound to your favorite Pinterest board!

how to teach the long a sound and free word list pin image

Delilah Orpi is the founder of Thrive Literacy Corner. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education, a Master’s degree in TESOL, and is a member of the International Dyslexia Association. She is an experienced educator and literacy specialist trained in Orton Gillingham and Lindamood Bell. Delilah creates literacy resources for educators and parents and writes to create awareness about dyslexia and effective literacy instruction based on the science of reading.

Long-AThe long a sound can be spelled several ways. The magic e or final e and the open syllable are the most common ways. In addition, the long a sound can be represented in 2 vowel teams (“ai” and “ay”). Of course, there will be exceptions or odd balls- the irregular vowel team (“ei”).

Five Ways to Spell the Long A Sound

  1. Magic E (VCe or a_e)
  2. The magic E rule states when a word contains the letter “e” at the end, it is usually silent and the preceding vowel says its name (long sound), e.g., cake and date.

  3. Vowel Team – AI
  4. The vowel team rule states when two vowels go walking the first does the talking and the second vowel is silent. The combination of both an “a” and an “i” (double vowels) results in the long a sound. There are many AI words, e.g., maid, brain and paint.

  5. Vowel Team – AY
  6. As noted above, when two vowels go walking the first does the talking. The combination of both an “a” and “y” can result in the long a sound. The AY words, e.g., day and say, are not as plentiful as the AI words.

  7. Irregular Vowel Team – EI
  8. The vowel team rule states when two vowels go walking the first does the talking and the second vowel is silent. Like most things in life, there are exceptions. The combination of the vowels “e” and “i” can result in the long a sound, e.g., eight, sleigh, neigh and weigh.

  9. Open Syllable – Long A
  10. An open syllable occurs when a vowel is at the end of the syllable (it is not closed by a consonant), e.g., A/pril and ha/zy.

Long A Words

The table below contains 169 long A words. The words are categorized into one of the five ways the long a sound can be spelled – Magic E Rule, Vowel Teams (2), Irregular Vowel Team and Open Syllable.

Long A Words Category Word Family / Sound
able Open Syllable Rule initial sound
ace Magic E Rule -ace
acorn Open Syllable Rule initial sound
acre Open Syllable Rule initial sound
afraid Open Syllable Rule /
Vowel Team — AI
initial sound /
age Magic E Rule -age
agent Open Syllable Rule initial sound
ail Vowel Team — AI -ail
aim Vowel Team — AI -aim
ale Magic E Rule -ale
angel Open Syllable Rule initial sound
ape Magic E Rule -ape
apex Open Syllable Rule initial sound
apricot Open Syllable Rule initial sound
April Open Syllable Rule initial sound
apron Open Syllable Rule initial sound
Asia Open Syllable Rule initial sound
ate Magic E Rule -ate
baby Open Syllable Rule medial sound
bade Magic E Rule -ade
bail Vowel Team — AI -ail
bait Vowel Team — AI -ait
bake Magic E Rule -ake
bale Magic E Rule -ale
bane Magic E Rule -ane
base Magic E Rule -ase
basic Open Syllable Rule medial sound
basis Open Syllable Rule medial sound
baste Magic E Rule -aste
bay Vowel Team — AY -ay
blade Magic E Rule -ade
blame Magic E Rule -ame
blaze Magic E Rule -aze
brace Magic E Rule -ace
braid Vowel Team — AI -aid
brain Vowel Team — AI -ain
braise Vowel Team — AI -aise
brake Magic E Rule -ake
brave Magic E Rule -ave
bray Vowel Team — AY -ay
cage Magic E Rule -age
cake Magic E Rule -ake
came Magic E Rule -ame
cane Magic E Rule -ane
cape Magic E Rule -ape
case Magic E Rule -ase
cave Magic E Rule -ave
chain Vowel Team — AI -ain
chaise Vowel Team — AI -aise
chase Magic E Rule -ase
chaste Magic E Rule -aste
claim Vowel Team — AI -aim
clay Vowel Team — AY -ay
crane Magic E Rule -ane
crate Magic E Rule -ate
crave Magic E Rule -ave
craze Magic E Rule -aze
crazy Open Syllable Rule medial sound
dale Magic E Rule -ale
dame Magic E Rule -ame
date Magic E Rule -ate
Dave Magic E Rule -ave
day Vowel Team — AY -ay
daze Magic E Rule -aze
detail Vowel Team — AI -ail
drain Vowel Team — AI -ain
drake Magic E Rule -ake
drape Magic E Rule -ape
eight Irregular Vowel Team — EI
enable Open Syllable Rule medial sound
equator Open Syllable Rule medial sound
explain Vowel Team — AI -ain
face Magic E Rule -ace
fade Magic E Rule -ade
fail Vowel Team — AI -ail
faint Vowel Team — AI -aint
fake Magic E Rule -ake
fame Magic E Rule -ame
fate Magic E Rule -ate
faze Magic E Rule -aze
flail Vowel Team — AI -ail
flake Magic E Rule -ake
flame Magic E Rule -ame
flavor Open Syllable Rule medial sound
frail Vowel Team — AI -ail
frame Magic E Rule -ame
fray Vowel Team — AY -ay
gage Magic E Rule -age
Gail Vowel Team — AI -ail
gain Vowel Team — AI -ain
gait Vowel Team — AI -ait
gale Magic E Rule -ale
game Magic E Rule -ame
gape Magic E Rule -ape
gate Magic E Rule -ate
gave Magic E Rule -ave
gay Vowel Team — AY -ay
gaze Magic E Rule -aze
glade Magic E Rule -ade
glaze Magic E Rule -aze
grace Magic E Rule -ace
grade Magic E Rule -ade
grain Vowel Team — AI -ain
grape Magic E Rule -ape
grate Magic E Rule -ate
grave Magic E Rule -ave
gravy Open Syllable Rule medial sound
gray Vowel Team — AY -ay
graze Magic E Rule -aze
hail Vowel Team — AI -ail
hale Magic E Rule -ale
haste Magic E Rule -aste
hate Magic E Rule -ate
hay Vowel Team — AY -ay
haze Magic E Rule -aze
hazy Open Syllable Rule medial sound
jade Magic E Rule -ade
jail Vowel Team — AI -ail
Jake Magic E Rule -ake
Jane Magic E Rule -ane
jay Vowel Team — AY -ay
Kate Magic E Rule -ate
label Open Syllable Rule medial sound
labor Open Syllable Rule medial sound
lace Magic E Rule -ace
ladle Open Syllable Rule medial sound
lady Open Syllable Rule medial sound
laid Vowel Team — AI -aid
lain Vowel Team — AI -ain
lake Magic E Rule -ake
lame Magic E Rule -ame
lane Magic E Rule -ane
late Magic E Rule -ate
lay Vowel Team — AY -ay
lazy Open Syllable Rule medial sound
mace Magic E Rule -ace
made Magic E Rule -ade
maid Vowel Team — AI -aid
mail Vowel Team — AI -ail
maim Vowel Team — AI -aim
main Vowel Team — AI -ain
make Magic E Rule -ake
male Magic E Rule -ale
mane Magic E Rule -ane
mate Magic E Rule -ate
may Vowel Team — AY -ay
maze Magic E Rule -aze
nail Vowel Team — AI -ail
name Magic E Rule -ame
nape Magic E Rule -ape
navy Open Syllable Rule medial sound
nay Vowel Team — AY -ay
neigh Irregular Vowel Team — EI -eigh
obtain Vowel Team — AI -ain
okay Vowel Team — AY -ay
pace Magic E Rule -ace
page Magic E Rule -age
paid Vowel Team — AI -aid
pail Vowel Team — AI -ail
pain Vowel Team — AI -ain
paint Vowel Team — AI -aint
pale Magic E Rule -ale
pane Magic E Rule -ane
paper Open Syllable Rule medial sound
paste Magic E Rule -aste
pave Magic E Rule -ave
pay Vowel Team — AY -ay
place Magic E Rule -ace
plain Vowel Team — AI -ain
plane Magic E Rule -ane
plate Magic E Rule -ate
play Vowel Team — AY -ay
potato Open Syllable Rule medial sound
praise Vowel Team — AI -aise
pray Vowel Team — AY -ay
quail Vowel Team — AI -ail
quaint Vowel Team — AI -aint
quake Magic E Rule -ake
quay Vowel Team — AY -ay
race Magic E Rule -ace
radio Open Syllable Rule medial sound
rage Magic E Rule -age
raid Vowel Team — AI -aid
rail Vowel Team — AI -ail
rain Vowel Team — AI -ain
raise Vowel Team — AI -aise
rake Magic E Rule -ake
rate Magic E Rule -ate
rave Magic E Rule -ave
ray Vowel Team — AY -ay
raze Magic E Rule -aze
relation Open Syllable Rule medial sound
remain Vowel Team — AI -ain
sage Magic E Rule -age
sail Vowel Team — AI -ail
saint Vowel Team — AI -aint
sale Magic E Rule -ale
same Magic E Rule -ame
sane Magic E Rule -ane
save Magic E Rule -ave
say Vowel Team — AY -ay
scale Magic E Rule -ale
scrape Magic E Rule -ape
shade Magic E Rule -ade
shake Magic E Rule -ake
shale Magic E Rule -ale
shame Magic E Rule -ame
shape Magic E Rule -ape
shave Magic E Rule -ave
skate Magic E Rule -ate
slain Vowel Team — AI -ain
slave Magic E Rule -ave
slay Vowel Team — AY -ay
sleigh Irregular Vowel Team — EI -eigh
snail Vowel Team — AI -ail
snake Magic E Rule -ake
space Magic E Rule -ace
spade Magic E Rule -ade
Spain Vowel Team — AI -ain
sprain Vowel Team — AI -ain
spray Vowel Team — AY -ay
stage Magic E Rule -age
stain Vowel Team — AI -ain
stake Magic E Rule -ake
stale Magic E Rule -ale
state Magic E Rule -ate
station Open Syllable Rule medial sound
stave Magic E Rule -ave
stay Vowel Team — AY -ay
strain Vowel Team — AI -ain
strait Vowel Team — AI -ait
stray Vowel Team — AY -ay
sway Vowel Team — AY -ay
table Open Syllable Rule medial sound
tablecloth Open Syllable Rule medial sound
tail Vowel Team — AI -ail
taint Vowel Team — AI -aint
take Magic E Rule -ake
tale Magic E Rule -ale
tame Magic E Rule -ame
tape Magic E Rule -ape
taste Magic E Rule -aste
tomato Open Syllable Rule medial sound
trace Magic E Rule -ace
trade Magic E Rule -ade
trail Vowel Team — AI -ail
train Vowel Team — AI -ain
trait Vowel Team — AI -ait
tray Vowel Team — AY -ay
vacation Open Syllable Rule medial sound
vain Vowel Team — AI -ain
vane Magic E Rule -ane
vapor Open Syllable Rule medial sound
vase Magic E Rule -ase
vibration Open Syllable Rule medial sound
volcano Open Syllable Rule medial sound
wade Magic E Rule -ade
wage Magic E Rule -age
wail Vowel Team — AI -ail
wain Vowel Team — AI -ain
wait Vowel Team — AI -ait
wake Magic E Rule -ake
wane Magic E Rule -ane
waste Magic E Rule -aste
wave Magic E Rule -ave
way Vowel Team — AY -ay
weigh Irregular Vowel Team — EI -eigh
whale Magic E Rule -ale
x-ray Vowel Team — AY -ay

Long A Worksheets

We created 30 worksheets to assist a child in learning the various ways the long A sound can be spelled.

Long A Worksheets Long A Words
Magic E Worksheet 1 lace, face, pace & race
Magic E Worksheet 2 cage, page & stage
Magic E Worksheet 3 bake, cake, make, rake, take & snake
Magic E Worksheet 4 came, game, name, same, flame & blame
Magic E Worksheet 5 made, trade & grade
Magic E Worksheet 6 Jane, crane, cane & plane
Magic E Worksheet 7 cape, gape, tape, grape & ape
Magic E Worksheet 8 date, fate, late & gate
Magic E Worksheet 9 haste, paste, waste & taste
Magic E Worksheet 10 Dave, cave, gave & wave
Magic E Worksheet 11 male, sale, scale & whale
Magic E Worksheet 12 chase, case, base & vase
Magic E Worksheet 13 daze, faze, maze, graze & blaze
AI worksheet 1 laid, raid, staid, maid, paid & braid
AI worksheet 2 hail, mail, tail & pail
AI worksheet 3 jail, bail, fail & wail
AI worksheet 4 Gail, quail, flail & trail
AI worksheet 5 rail, nail, sail & snail
AI worksheet 6 gain, main, pain, rain & vain
AI worksheet 7 chain, brain, plain, grain & train
AY Worksheet 1 bay, ray, day, say & okay
AY worksheet 2 hay, jay, may, lay, way & pay
AY worksheet 3 spray, gray, stray, pray & tray
AY worksheet 4 clay, play, sway, stay & x-ray
AY worksheet 5 gay, nay, quay, bray & fray
AI and AY worksheet 1 pay, paid, stay, staid, lay & laid
EI Worksheet 1 eight, neigh, sleigh & weigh
Homophone Worksheet ate, eight, way & weigh
Open Syllable Worksheet 1 able, acorn, also & April
Open Sylllable Worksheet 2 baby, lady, table & gravy

Source: Fry, E.B., Ph.D. & Kress, J.E., Ed.D. (2006). The Reading
Teacher’s Book of Lists 5th Edition.
San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass

Reader Interactions

A list of scrabble words ending with A

We’ve put together a list of 2,298 words that end with the letter
«A» for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends. This list starts with the highest scoring words
and is then organized by how many letters the word has, with the longest at the top (so, for 7-8 letter words
ending with «A», start at the top).

If this list isn’t cutting it, use our
Scrabble Word Finder to triangulate the
exact word you’re looking for.
Also, check out our list of
words starting with A
for more «A» related fun.

If you came here looking for hints for today’s Wordle puzzle, consider using our
Wordle Answer Finder tool.
Simply enter the letters you already know, then see a list of possible word combinations to get you started.
You can also see a list of historical Wordle answers here if you’re curious!

A is not a Scrabble word.


  • Highest scoring words ending with A
  • 8-letter words ending with A
  • 7-letter words ending with A
  • 6-letter words ending with A
  • 5-letter words ending with A
  • 4-letter words ending with A
  • 3-letter words ending with A
  • 2-letter words ending with A
  • FAQs about words that end in A

The highest scoring words ending with A

Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with a,
not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.

Top words ending with A Scrabble Points Words With Friends Points
zelkova 23 25
britzka 22 23
zemstva 21 23
chutzpa 23 25
zyzzyva 43 42
hypoxia 22 21
cerveza 21 23
bazooka 22 23
buzukia 22 25
mazurka 22 24

2,298 Scrabble words ending with a

8 Letter Words That End in A

  • abdomina13
  • abrachia15
  • abscissa12
  • academia13
  • aceldama13
  • achillea13
  • acidemia13
  • aciduria11
  • adularia9
  • adynamia14
  • agenesia9
  • agnomina11
  • agraphia14
  • agrypnia14
  • akinesia12
  • albizzia28
  • algaroba11
  • alleluia8
  • alopecia12
  • amberina12
  • ambrosia12
  • amphibia17
  • amygdala15
  • anabaena10
  • anaconda11
  • analecta10
  • analemma12
  • anaphora13
  • anasarca10
  • anathema13
  • anecdota11
  • angelica11
  • anoopsia10
  • anorexia15
  • anoxemia17
  • antefixa18
  • anthelia11
  • anthemia13
  • anthodia12
  • antidora9
  • antisera8
  • apimania12
  • apologia11
  • arapaima12
  • arboreta10
  • arethusa11
  • armonica12
  • arythmia16
  • asphyxia23
  • aspirata10
  • asthenia11
  • astigmia11
  • asyndeta12
  • ataraxia15
  • atheroma13
  • atrophia13
  • aubretia10
  • aubrieta10
  • auricula10
  • automata10
  • avifauna14
  • ayurveda15
  • azotemia19
  • azoturia17
  • babirusa12
  • babushka19
  • bacteria12
  • baidarka15
  • ballista10
  • bandanna11
  • baptisia12
  • barathea13
  • barranca12
  • basilica12
  • battalia10
  • bauhinia13
  • bedsonia11
  • berretta10
  • bethesda14
  • bignonia11
  • birretta10
  • blastema12
  • blastoma12
  • blastula10
  • boltonia10
  • borrelia10
  • botanica12
  • braciola12
  • branchia15
  • brassica12
  • bregmata13
  • britzska23
  • bronchia15
  • brouhaha16
  • brucella12
  • buddleia12
  • cabresta12
  • cabretta12
  • cabrilla12
  • cachexia22
  • cachucha20
  • calabaza21
  • calamata12
  • calcanea12
  • calcaria12
  • calctufa15
  • caldaria11
  • calisaya13
  • calvaria13
  • calyptra15
  • cambogia15
  • camellia12
  • campagna15
  • capitula12
  • capoeira12
  • caponata12
  • capybara17
  • caracara12
  • caragana11
  • carnauba12
  • carpalia12
  • cathedra14
  • cattleya13
  • cavatina13
  • cecropia14
  • celomata12
  • cercaria12
  • chalazia22
  • champaca19
  • chaqueta22
  • charisma15
  • chatchka22
  • chickpea21
  • chimaera15
  • chloasma15
  • cinchona15
  • cisterna10
  • claustra10
  • clitella10
  • coccidia15
  • cocinera12
  • cocobola14
  • collegia11
  • colluvia13
  • collyria13
  • coloboma14
  • columnea12
  • comatula12
  • conferva16
  • contagia11
  • contessa10
  • continua10
  • copremia14
  • coxalgia18
  • credenda12
  • credenza20
  • criteria10
  • ctenidia11
  • cubicula14
  • cuticula12
  • cymbidia18
  • czarevna22
  • czaritza28
  • dahabiya17
  • decennia11
  • dementia11
  • demerara11
  • dentalia9
  • diarrhea12
  • diaspora11
  • diastema11
  • dicentra11
  • dichasia14
  • diplegia12
  • diplopia13
  • djellaba18
  • dracaena11
  • dulciana11
  • dulcinea11
  • dyslexia19
  • dyspnoea14
  • dystaxia19
  • dystocia14
  • dystonia12
  • dystopia14
  • earthpea13
  • ecclesia12
  • effluvia17
  • egomania11
  • empanada13
  • encaenia10
  • endameba13
  • endostea9
  • enigmata11
  • entameba12
  • ependyma16
  • ephemera15
  • epicedia13
  • epifauna13
  • epimysia15
  • epopoeia12
  • equiseta17
  • erythema16
  • estancia10
  • esthesia11
  • etcetera10
  • eupepsia12
  • euphoria13
  • exonumia17
  • fanegada13
  • fantasia11
  • fenestra11
  • feterita11
  • fibrilla13
  • flabella13
  • flagella12
  • flotilla11
  • focaccia17
  • foramina13
  • frittata11
  • furcraea13
  • galabiya14
  • galleria9
  • gambusia13
  • gammadia14
  • gardenia10
  • gastraea9
  • gastrula9
  • gelsemia11
  • gematria11
  • gerardia10
  • gesneria9
  • glabella11
  • gladiola10
  • glaucoma13
  • gliomata11
  • glossina9
  • gloxinia16
  • golconda12
  • golgotha13
  • guerilla9
  • gymkhana21
  • gymnasia14
  • gynaecea14
  • gynaecia14
  • gynoecia14
  • habanera13
  • hacienda14
  • hamartia13
  • haphtara16
  • haplopia15
  • hatteria11
  • hematoma15
  • hemiolia13
  • hepatica15
  • hepatoma15
  • herbaria13
  • hiragana12
  • hordeola12
  • hospitia13
  • hydrilla15
  • hyphemia21
  • hyponoia16
  • hypopnea18
  • hysteria14
  • icekhana17
  • insignia9
  • insomnia10
  • intarsia8
  • intifada12
  • ischemia15
  • japonica19
  • javelina18
  • jipijapa26
  • kalamata14
  • kalyptra17
  • kamaaina14
  • katakana16
  • katchina17
  • kavakava22
  • keratoma14
  • kielbasa14
  • labrusca12
  • lavalava14
  • leucemia12
  • leukemia14
  • levodopa14
  • linguica11
  • linguisa9
  • lipomata12
  • listeria8
  • lithemia13
  • lymphoma20
  • madrassa11
  • magnesia11
  • magnolia11
  • maharaja20
  • maiolica12
  • majolica19
  • malaroma12
  • malvasia13
  • mamaliga13
  • mammilla14
  • mandioca13
  • mantilla10
  • mantissa10
  • manubria12
  • marchesa15
  • marinara10
  • mariposa12
  • marsupia12
  • mausolea10
  • mazaedia20
  • mazourka23
  • mbaqanga22
  • mechitza24
  • melanoma12
  • melodica13
  • menstrua10
  • meshugga15
  • mesoglea11
  • miasmata12
  • miliaria10
  • mollusca12
  • monstera10
  • moussaka14
  • movieola13
  • mozzetta28
  • mridanga12
  • mycetoma17
  • myotonia13
  • myxameba24
  • myxedema23
  • myxomata22
  • nonquota17
  • occipita14
  • oedemata11
  • oiticica12
  • oliguria9
  • omnivora13
  • opercula12
  • operetta10
  • opuscula12
  • palestra10
  • palladia11
  • palpebra14
  • panatela10
  • pancetta12
  • panetela10
  • panmixia19
  • panorama12
  • parabola12
  • paranoea10
  • paranoia10
  • parhelia13
  • parosmia12
  • pashmina15
  • pellagra11
  • penumbra14
  • peponida13
  • perfecta15
  • petechia15
  • phelonia13
  • photopia15
  • piassaba12
  • piassava13
  • pignolia11
  • pitahaya16
  • pizzeria28
  • placenta12
  • planaria10
  • plethora13
  • plumeria12
  • pollinia10
  • polygala14
  • polypnea15
  • polyuria13
  • postcava15
  • predella11
  • presidia11
  • proforma15
  • progeria11
  • protozoa19
  • prunella10
  • psoralea10
  • pterygia14
  • puerpera12
  • putamina12
  • pycnidia16
  • pyoderma16
  • pyorrhea16
  • qindarka22
  • quadriga19
  • quillaia17
  • quillaja24
  • quinella17
  • quiniela17
  • rachilla13
  • radialia9
  • ramtilla10
  • rendzina18
  • reptilia10
  • responsa10
  • reticula10
  • retinula8
  • rhizobia22
  • rostella8
  • rutabaga11
  • sacraria10
  • salsilla8
  • santeria8
  • sapremia12
  • sarmenta10
  • sastruga9
  • sayonara11
  • scabiosa12
  • schemata15
  • sciatica12
  • scleroma12
  • scolioma12
  • scotopia12
  • scrofula13
  • scutella10
  • semicoma14
  • semigala11
  • seminoma12
  • semolina10
  • senorita8
  • sensilla8
  • sensoria8
  • septaria10
  • serenata8
  • shigella12
  • shillala11
  • silicula10
  • simaruba12
  • sinfonia11
  • sonatina8
  • spartina10
  • spirilla10
  • sporozoa19
  • stapelia10
  • stemmata12
  • sterigma11
  • stigmata11
  • stoccata12
  • stokesia12
  • stomodea11
  • stotinka12
  • strobila10
  • stromata10
  • strontia8
  • subphyla18
  • subpoena12
  • subtopia12
  • suburbia12
  • swastica13
  • swastika15
  • sympodia16
  • symposia15
  • syncytia16
  • synergia12
  • synkarya18
  • syntagma14
  • tamandua11
  • tamboura12
  • tapadera11
  • taqueria17
  • tegmenta11
  • tegumina11
  • tenacula10
  • tentoria8
  • teratoma10
  • terraria8
  • terrella8
  • theriaca13
  • thiotepa13
  • thiourea11
  • tithonia11
  • tokonoma14
  • tortilla8
  • tourista8
  • toxaemia17
  • trachoma15
  • trapezia19
  • traumata10
  • trichina13
  • triennia8
  • trifecta13
  • triforia11
  • trihedra12
  • triptyca15
  • tristeza17
  • trochlea13
  • tsarevna11
  • tsaritza17
  • tzarevna20
  • tzaritza26
  • ultimata10
  • umbrella12
  • undersea9
  • unguenta9
  • uredinia9
  • urinemia10
  • uropygia14
  • vaccinia15
  • valencia13
  • velamina13
  • vendetta12
  • veratria11
  • veronica13
  • vertebra13
  • vesicula13
  • vestigia12
  • vibrissa13
  • victoria13
  • viewdata15
  • vinifera14
  • virtuosa11
  • viscacha18
  • vivipara16
  • vizcacha27
  • wahconda17
  • weigelia12
  • wistaria11
  • wisteria11
  • xanthoma20
  • yokozuna24
  • ytterbia13
  • zarzuela26
  • zastruga18
  • zirconia19
  • zoogloea18
  • zoomania19
  • zygomata23

7 Letter Words That End in A

  • abomasa11
  • aboulia9
  • abrosia9
  • acantha12
  • acapnia11
  • accidia12
  • acequia18
  • acerola9
  • acholia12
  • acicula11
  • acrasia9
  • acromia11
  • actinia9
  • addenda10
  • adenoma10
  • aecidia10
  • aerobia9
  • agnosia8
  • agrapha13
  • alameda10
  • albizia18
  • alfalfa13
  • alforja17
  • algebra10
  • allodia8
  • alluvia10
  • althaea10
  • alumina9
  • amanita9
  • amboina11
  • amboyna14
  • amentia9
  • ammonia11
  • amnesia9
  • amphora14
  • ampulla11
  • amreeta9
  • anaemia9
  • analgia8
  • anchusa12
  • ancilla9
  • anergia8
  • angaria8
  • angioma10
  • anhinga11
  • anopsia9
  • anosmia9
  • antenna7
  • aphagia13
  • aphasia12
  • aphelia12
  • aphonia12
  • aplasia9
  • apraxia16
  • apteria9
  • aquaria16
  • arabica11
  • araroba9
  • arcadia10
  • archaea12
  • arietta7
  • armilla9
  • arugola8
  • arugula8
  • ascidia10
  • astasia7
  • asteria7
  • atalaya10
  • atemoya12
  • atresia7
  • aureola7
  • babesia11
  • baccara13
  • baklava16
  • baklawa16
  • bandana10
  • bandora10
  • banksia13
  • barilla9
  • barista9
  • basidia10
  • bazooka22
  • begonia10
  • begorra10
  • beretta9
  • bhangra13
  • bidarka14
  • biennia9
  • biretta9
  • bisnaga10
  • biznaga19
  • boffola15
  • bohemia14
  • bolivia12
  • bologna10
  • bonanza18
  • bothria12
  • brachia14
  • bravura12
  • breccia13
  • britska13
  • britzka22
  • bubinga12
  • bulimia11
  • bumelia11
  • bursera9
  • buzukia22
  • cabbala13
  • cabomba15
  • cadenza19
  • caesura9
  • caldera10
  • camelia11
  • camisia11
  • camorra11
  • canasta9
  • candela10
  • candida11
  • canella9
  • cannula9
  • cantala9
  • cantata9
  • cantina9
  • canzona18
  • caramba13
  • carbora11
  • carioca11
  • cascara11
  • cassaba11
  • cassata9
  • cassava12
  • cassena9
  • cassina9
  • catalpa11
  • catawba14
  • cavalla12
  • cedilla10
  • celesta9
  • celosia9
  • cementa11
  • cerebra11
  • cerveza21
  • chachka21
  • chalaza21
  • chalupa14
  • chamisa14
  • charkha19
  • chiasma14
  • chimera14
  • cholera12
  • chrisma14
  • chutzpa23
  • ciboria11
  • cingula10
  • cithara12
  • clarkia13
  • coagula10
  • cochlea14
  • codeina10
  • comitia11
  • commata13
  • conidia10
  • copaiba13
  • coquina18
  • corbina11
  • cordoba12
  • coremia11
  • corolla9
  • corpora11
  • corrida10
  • cortina9
  • corvina12
  • cotinga10
  • crapola11
  • curacoa11
  • curcuma13
  • curiosa9
  • cymatia14
  • cypsela14
  • czarina18
  • damiana10
  • daphnia13
  • decidua11
  • dejecta17
  • deliria8
  • deodara9
  • deutzia17
  • dhourra11
  • dicamba14
  • digamma13
  • dilemma12
  • diluvia11
  • diorama10
  • diploma12
  • diptera10
  • diptyca15
  • dogmata11
  • dongola9
  • dracena10
  • drachma15
  • drosera8
  • duodena9
  • dyspnea13
  • dysuria11
  • echidna13
  • ecthyma17
  • ectopia11
  • ectozoa18
  • edemata10
  • emerita9
  • emporia11
  • empyema16
  • encomia11
  • enemata9
  • entasia7
  • entozoa16
  • ephedra13
  • episcia11
  • erotica9
  • eugenia8
  • euglena8
  • eulogia8
  • eupnoea9
  • excreta16
  • exempla18
  • exhedra18
  • exordia15
  • exotica16
  • extrema16
  • exurbia16
  • falbala12
  • farinha13
  • favella13
  • fazenda20
  • felucca14
  • fermata12
  • fibroma14
  • filaria10
  • fimbria14
  • fistula10
  • fontina10
  • formica14
  • formula12
  • foveola13
  • freesia10
  • frenula10
  • fuchsia15
  • furcula12
  • fusaria10
  • galabia10
  • galanga9
  • galatea8
  • galleta8
  • gallica10
  • ganglia9
  • gangsta9
  • gastrea8
  • gazania17
  • gerbera10
  • germina10
  • giardia9
  • gingiva12
  • glomera10
  • godetia9
  • gondola9
  • gonidia9
  • gordita9
  • gorilla8
  • grandma11
  • grandpa11
  • granita8
  • granola8
  • gravida12
  • guarana8
  • gummata12
  • gynecia13
  • haftara13
  • haggada13
  • halacha15
  • halakha17
  • hammada15
  • hariana10
  • harissa10
  • helluva13
  • hemiola12
  • hetaera10
  • hetaira10
  • hexapla19
  • himatia12
  • hosanna10
  • hryvnia16
  • hymenia15
  • hypogea16
  • hyponea15
  • hypoxia22
  • ignatia8
  • ikebana13
  • illuvia10
  • imperia11
  • impresa11
  • indicia10
  • indusia8
  • inedita8
  • inertia7
  • infanta10
  • infauna10
  • ingesta8
  • inocula9
  • ipomoea11
  • jellaba16
  • kabbala15
  • kachina16
  • kalimba15
  • katcina13
  • katsura11
  • keitloa11
  • kerygma17
  • khalifa17
  • kithara14
  • kopiyka20
  • labella9
  • lambada12
  • lamella9
  • lantana7
  • lasagna8
  • latakia11
  • latilla7
  • lemmata11
  • lempira11
  • leucoma11
  • leukoma13
  • lingula8
  • lixivia17
  • lobelia9
  • locusta9
  • logania8
  • lomenta9
  • lordoma10
  • macchia16
  • macumba15
  • madeira10
  • madonna10
  • madrasa10
  • madrona10
  • magenta10
  • magmata12
  • mahatma14
  • mahonia12
  • majagua17
  • malacca13
  • malanga10
  • malaria9
  • mandala10
  • mandola10
  • manilla9
  • manioca11
  • maquila18
  • maranta9
  • marasca11
  • maremma13
  • marimba13
  • markkaa17
  • marsala9
  • mascara11
  • mastaba11
  • matilda10
  • maxilla16
  • mazurka22
  • medulla10
  • megilla10
  • melisma11
  • melodia10
  • meropia11
  • meshuga13
  • mestiza18
  • metazoa18
  • micella11
  • militia9
  • minorca11
  • minutia9
  • mochila14
  • mojarra16
  • momenta11
  • monarda10
  • morphia14
  • mousaka13
  • moviola12
  • mozetta18
  • myalgia13
  • mycelia14
  • myeloma14
  • myomata14
  • nandina8
  • naphtha15
  • narcoma11
  • neuroma9
  • neurula7
  • nigella8
  • nirvana10
  • noncola9
  • noumena9
  • novella10
  • ocarina9
  • olestra7
  • oogonia8
  • ootheca12
  • opuntia9
  • oquassa16
  • organza17
  • osmunda10
  • ossetra7
  • osteoma9
  • ostraca9
  • ostraka11
  • otalgia8
  • ouguiya11
  • oversea10
  • ovipara12
  • oxymora19
  • paisana9
  • palabra11
  • palmyra14
  • panacea11
  • pandora10
  • pandura10
  • panocha14
  • papilla11
  • paprica13
  • paprika15
  • pareira9
  • parerga10
  • partita9
  • pastina9
  • patagia10
  • patella9
  • pavlova15
  • peculia11
  • peloria9
  • pembina13
  • pergola10
  • peridia10
  • perilla9
  • perinea9
  • persona9
  • petunia9
  • philtra12
  • piasaba11
  • piasava12
  • piccata13
  • pignora10
  • pinnula9
  • pintada10
  • piragua10
  • piranha12
  • piscina11
  • planula9
  • platina9
  • plectra11
  • plugola10
  • podagra11
  • podesta10
  • pogonia10
  • polenta9
  • polynya15
  • polyoma14
  • precava14
  • prepupa13
  • primula11
  • pronota9
  • propria11
  • propyla14
  • prosoma11
  • pteryla12
  • pudenda11
  • puparia11
  • purpura11
  • pyaemia14
  • pygidia14
  • pyrexia19
  • pyxidia20
  • quassia16
  • querida17
  • quinela16
  • quinina16
  • ramenta9
  • rasbora9
  • ratafia10
  • refugia11
  • regalia8
  • regatta8
  • regmata10
  • replica11
  • residua8
  • retsina7
  • rhizoma21
  • rhodora11
  • ricksha16
  • ricotta9
  • rikisha14
  • riviera10
  • robusta9
  • rosacea9
  • rosaria7
  • roseola7
  • rotunda8
  • rubella9
  • rubeola9
  • rufiyaa13
  • sambuca13
  • samsara9
  • sangria8
  • santera7
  • saphena12
  • sarcina9
  • sarcoma11
  • sardana8
  • satsuma9
  • savanna10
  • saxtuba16
  • scandia10
  • scapula11
  • scholia12
  • scopula11
  • scotoma11
  • sedilia8
  • senhora10
  • senopia9
  • sequela16
  • sequoia16
  • seriema9
  • seringa8
  • sestina7
  • sevruga11
  • shicksa16
  • shortia10
  • signora8
  • silesia7
  • siliqua16
  • sinopia9
  • solaria7
  • solatia7
  • spatula9
  • spectra11
  • specula11
  • spicula11
  • spinula9
  • spiraea9
  • spirula9
  • splenia9
  • squilla16
  • sraddha12
  • stamina9
  • stasima9
  • sthenia10
  • stomata9
  • stretta7
  • striata7
  • subarea9
  • subidea10
  • subpena11
  • subtaxa16
  • succuba13
  • sudaria8
  • sultana7
  • syconia12
  • synovia13
  • syringa11
  • taffeta13
  • talaria7
  • talooka11
  • tamasha12
  • tambala11
  • tambura11
  • tampala11
  • tantara7
  • tapioca11
  • tartana7
  • taverna10
  • tegmina10
  • tempera11
  • tempura11
  • tequila16
  • tessera7
  • tilapia9
  • timpana11
  • titania7
  • toccata11
  • tombola11
  • tomenta9
  • tostada8
  • toxemia16
  • trachea12
  • trehala10
  • tritoma9
  • trymata12
  • tsarina7
  • tuatara7
  • tuatera7
  • turista7
  • tympana14
  • tzarina16
  • uraemia9
  • urethra10
  • vaccina14
  • valonia10
  • valvula13
  • vanilla10
  • variola10
  • vascula12
  • vedalia11
  • velaria10
  • veranda11
  • verbena12
  • verruca12
  • vexilla17
  • viatica12
  • vicugna13
  • vincula12
  • viremia12
  • viscera12
  • vivaria13
  • wakanda15
  • weigela11
  • whoopla15
  • wommera14
  • woodsia11
  • woomera12
  • yamalka16
  • yamulka16
  • yeshiva16
  • zamarra18
  • zareeba18
  • zelkova23
  • zemstva21
  • zenaida17
  • zingara17
  • zooecia18
  • zooglea17
  • zorilla16
  • zyzzyva43

6 Letter Words That End in A

  • abasia8
  • abelia8
  • abolla8
  • abulia8
  • acacia10
  • acedia9
  • adnexa14
  • aftosa9
  • agenda8
  • aggada9
  • ahimsa11
  • alaska10
  • albata8
  • alexia13
  • alodia7
  • alpaca10
  • althea9
  • alumna8
  • amarna8
  • amoeba10
  • amrita8
  • amusia8
  • anemia8
  • angina7
  • angora7
  • annona6
  • anopia8
  • anoxia13
  • anuria6
  • aphtha14
  • apnoea8
  • aporia8
  • arcana8
  • areola6
  • argala7
  • arista6
  • armada9
  • arnica8
  • arriba8
  • arroba8
  • asrama8
  • asthma11
  • ataxia13
  • atonia6
  • aucuba10
  • aurora6
  • axilla13
  • azalea15
  • bacula10
  • balata8
  • balboa10
  • banana8
  • baryta11
  • beflea11
  • beluga9
  • bemata10
  • bertha11
  • bhakta15
  • bilboa10
  • boccia12
  • bodega10
  • bonita8
  • brahma13
  • bregma11
  • buckra14
  • buddha13
  • bugsha12
  • buqsha20
  • bushwa14
  • cabala10
  • cabana10
  • caeoma10
  • calesa8
  • cambia12
  • camera10
  • camisa10
  • cancha13
  • canola8
  • canula8
  • capita10
  • cardia9
  • carina8
  • casaba10
  • casava11
  • casita8
  • cassia8
  • catena8
  • cedula9
  • centra8
  • cesura8
  • chacma15
  • chaeta11
  • chakra15
  • challa11
  • charka15
  • chimla13
  • choana11
  • cholla11
  • chorea11
  • chroma13
  • chukka19
  • chuppa15
  • cicada11
  • cicala10
  • cinema10
  • citola8
  • clivia11
  • cloaca10
  • codeia9
  • concha13
  • contra8
  • coppra12
  • copula10
  • cornea8
  • cornua8
  • corona8
  • coryza20
  • cowpea13
  • crania8
  • crissa8
  • crista8
  • cuesta8
  • cumbia12
  • cupola10
  • cupula10
  • curara8
  • dagoba10
  • dahlia10
  • datcha12
  • datura7
  • deflea10
  • dharma12
  • dharna10
  • dhoora10
  • dhurna10
  • duenna7
  • eczema19
  • egesta7
  • eidola7
  • ejecta15
  • elodea7
  • eluvia9
  • elytra9
  • encina8
  • enigma9
  • entera6
  • epizoa17
  • errata6
  • eupnea8
  • eureka10
  • exacta15
  • exedra14
  • exuvia16
  • facula11
  • fajita16
  • fanega10
  • farina9
  • fascia11
  • favela12
  • fecula11
  • fedora10
  • feijoa16
  • femora11
  • ferula9
  • fibula11
  • fiesta9
  • flauta9
  • fraena9
  • frusta9
  • fulcra11
  • funkia13
  • fusuma11
  • galena7
  • gambia11
  • geisha10
  • gelada8
  • genera7
  • geneva10
  • glioma9
  • gloria7
  • glossa7
  • goanna7
  • gotcha12
  • gramma11
  • grampa11
  • grappa11
  • gringa8
  • guinea7
  • gyttja17
  • halala9
  • halloa9
  • hamada12
  • haniwa12
  • hawala12
  • hegira10
  • hejira16
  • hernia9
  • hilloa9
  • holloa9
  • hoopla11
  • hryvna15
  • hulloa9
  • hutzpa20
  • hyaena12
  • hydria13
  • iguana7
  • impala10
  • indaba9
  • intima8
  • ischia11
  • jacana15
  • jarina13
  • jejuna20
  • jerboa15
  • jicama17
  • jojoba22
  • judoka18
  • jugula14
  • kabaka16
  • kabala12
  • kabaya15
  • kahuna13
  • kalmia12
  • kamala12
  • kanaka14
  • kerria10
  • kinara10
  • kinema12
  • kishka17
  • koruna10
  • kwacha18
  • kwanza22
  • labara8
  • lacuna8
  • laguna7
  • lambda11
  • lamina8
  • latina6
  • latria6
  • lexica15
  • ligula7
  • likuta10
  • limina8
  • lingua7
  • lipoma10
  • lithia9
  • lochia11
  • loggia8
  • lorica8
  • lumina8
  • lunula6
  • lustra6
  • macula10
  • maffia14
  • makuta12
  • maltha11
  • manana8
  • manila8
  • mantra8
  • mantua8
  • maraca10
  • marina8
  • markka16
  • masala8
  • maxima17
  • mazuma19
  • medaka13
  • medina9
  • medusa9
  • megara9
  • melena8
  • metepa10
  • mezuza26
  • miasma10
  • mimosa10
  • minima10
  • mizuna17
  • modica11
  • morula8
  • mucosa10
  • muleta8
  • murrha11
  • myopia13
  • myrica13
  • myxoma20
  • nagana7
  • nausea6
  • nebula8
  • nepeta8
  • nomina8
  • novena9
  • numina8
  • nutria6
  • nympha16
  • obelia8
  • ochrea11
  • oedema9
  • omenta8
  • optima10
  • organa7
  • orisha9
  • oscula8
  • osetra6
  • ottava9
  • paella8
  • pagoda10
  • pajama17
  • pakeha15
  • pakora12
  • palapa10
  • pallia8
  • panada9
  • panama10
  • papaya13
  • papula10
  • parura8
  • pataca10
  • patina8
  • payola11
  • pelota8
  • pennia8
  • pereia8
  • peseta8
  • pesewa11
  • phobia13
  • piazza26
  • picara10
  • pinata8
  • pineta8
  • pirana8
  • piraya11
  • pitaya11
  • plasma10
  • pleura8
  • pneuma10
  • poisha11
  • posada9
  • prajna15
  • protea8
  • psylla11
  • purana8
  • pyemia13
  • pyjama20
  • pyrola11
  • pyuria11
  • qabala17
  • quagga17
  • qualia15
  • quanta15
  • quelea15
  • quinoa15
  • quinta15
  • quokka23
  • quotha18
  • radula7
  • raffia12
  • ramada9
  • rambla10
  • ramona8
  • ranula6
  • raphia11
  • realia6
  • redowa10
  • regina7
  • remora8
  • remuda9
  • reseda7
  • retina6
  • rhumba13
  • ristra6
  • rostra6
  • rugola7
  • rugosa7
  • rumina8
  • salina6
  • saliva9
  • salvia9
  • samara8
  • samosa8
  • sancta8
  • sapota8
  • satara6
  • schema13
  • scilla8
  • sclera8
  • scoria8
  • scotia8
  • scrota8
  • semina8
  • seneca8
  • senega7
  • senora6
  • serosa6
  • sharia9
  • sheila9
  • shelta9
  • sherpa11
  • shiksa13
  • sienna6
  • sierra6
  • siesta6
  • sifaka13
  • silica8
  • sistra6
  • smegma11
  • somata8
  • sonata6
  • spirea8
  • squama17
  • sradha10
  • stadia7
  • stanza15
  • stella6
  • stemma10
  • sterna6
  • stigma9
  • strata6
  • stroma8
  • struma8
  • subsea8
  • sulpha11
  • synura9
  • taenia6
  • taffia12
  • taluka10
  • tantra6
  • tapeta8
  • tarama8
  • tarsia6
  • telega7
  • tephra11
  • terbia8
  • thoria9
  • thulia9
  • torula6
  • trauma8
  • trivia9
  • troika10
  • tundra7
  • tunica8
  • ultima8
  • ungula7
  • urania6
  • uredia7
  • uremia8
  • utopia8
  • valuta9
  • vesica11
  • vicuna11
  • vimina11
  • vizsla18
  • vomica13
  • womera11
  • yakuza22
  • yantra9
  • yautia9
  • yttria9
  • zanana15
  • zareba17
  • zariba17
  • zenana15
  • zeugma18
  • zinnia15
  • zoaria15
  • zoecia17
  • zonula15
  • zoysia18
  • zygoma21

5 Letter Words That End in A

  • abaca9
  • abaka11
  • abaya10
  • aboma9
  • aceta7
  • adyta9
  • aecia7
  • agama8
  • agita6
  • agora6
  • agria6
  • ajiva15
  • ajuga13
  • akela9
  • aliya8
  • aloha8
  • alpha10
  • alula5
  • ameba9
  • amiga8
  • amnia7
  • anima7
  • antra5
  • aorta5
  • apnea7
  • areca7
  • arena5
  • arepa7
  • aroma7
  • asana5
  • asyla8
  • atria5
  • babka13
  • bacca11
  • baiza16
  • balsa7
  • banda8
  • barca9
  • belga8
  • betta7
  • biota7
  • bohea10
  • boyla10
  • brava10
  • braza16
  • bubba11
  • bulla7
  • bunya10
  • burka11
  • burqa16
  • bursa7
  • bwana10
  • caeca9
  • calla7
  • canna7
  • ceiba9
  • cella7
  • ceria7
  • cesta7
  • chela10
  • chica12
  • china10
  • chola10
  • chufa13
  • cilia7
  • circa9
  • cnida8
  • coala7
  • cobia9
  • cobra9
  • cocoa9
  • colza16
  • comma11
  • conga8
  • copra9
  • coria7
  • costa7
  • cotta7
  • crura7
  • culpa9
  • cuppa11
  • curia7
  • dacha11
  • dagga8
  • delta6
  • derma8
  • dicta8
  • dobla8
  • dobra8
  • dogma9
  • dolma8
  • donga7
  • donna6
  • dorsa6
  • doula6
  • douma8
  • doura6
  • drama8
  • dulia6
  • dumka12
  • durra6
  • edema8
  • enema7
  • entia5
  • erica7
  • etyma10
  • extra12
  • facia10
  • faena8
  • fanga9
  • fatwa11
  • fauna8
  • fella8
  • feria8
  • finca10
  • flora8
  • flota8
  • folia8
  • fossa8
  • fovea11
  • frena8
  • galea6
  • gamba10
  • gamma10
  • ganja13
  • garda7
  • gemma10
  • genoa6
  • genua6
  • gleba8
  • gonia6
  • grama8
  • grana6
  • guava9
  • gumma10
  • gutta6
  • gyoza18
  • haika12
  • halma10
  • halva11
  • hamza19
  • hansa8
  • henna8
  • herma10
  • hijra15
  • holla8
  • honda9
  • hooka12
  • hosta8
  • huzza26
  • hydra12
  • hyena11
  • hypha16
  • infra8
  • ixora12
  • jagra13
  • jnana12
  • junta12
  • kalpa11
  • kappa13
  • karma11
  • kasha12
  • kheda13
  • kibla11
  • koala9
  • koppa13
  • korma11
  • krona9
  • kurta9
  • labia7
  • labra7
  • lamia7
  • larva8
  • laura5
  • lehua8
  • lemma9
  • lepta7
  • liana5
  • libra7
  • limba9
  • limpa9
  • linga6
  • llama7
  • logia6
  • loofa8
  • louma7
  • luffa11
  • lutea5
  • lycea10
  • lycra10
  • lyssa8
  • lytta8
  • mafia10
  • magma10
  • mamba11
  • mamma11
  • manga8
  • mania7
  • manna7
  • manta7
  • maria7
  • marka11
  • massa7
  • matza16
  • mbira9
  • mecca11
  • media8
  • mensa7
  • menta7
  • micra9
  • mikra11
  • milia7
  • milpa9
  • mirza16
  • mocha12
  • moira7
  • momma11
  • moola7
  • mudra8
  • mulla7
  • murra7
  • musca9
  • myoma12
  • naira5
  • nakfa12
  • nappa9
  • ninja12
  • noria5
  • nubia7
  • nucha10
  • nyala8
  • ocrea7
  • oidia6
  • omasa7
  • omega8
  • opera7
  • ossia5
  • ostia5
  • pacha12
  • paisa7
  • palea7
  • pampa11
  • panda8
  • panga8
  • parka11
  • pasha10
  • pasta7
  • penna7
  • pepla9
  • perea7
  • phyla13
  • pieta7
  • pilea7
  • pinna7
  • pinta7
  • pitta7
  • pizza25
  • playa10
  • plaza16
  • plena7
  • plica9
  • podia8
  • polka11
  • poppa11
  • presa7
  • prima9
  • pruta7
  • pucka13
  • pukka15
  • punka11
  • purda8
  • quota14
  • raita5
  • reata5
  • recta7
  • redia6
  • regma8
  • regna6
  • retia5
  • rhyta11
  • riata5
  • rioja12
  • ruana5
  • rumba9
  • sabra7
  • sacra7
  • saiga6
  • salpa7
  • salsa5
  • samba9
  • sanga6
  • sauna5
  • scena7
  • schwa13
  • scuba9
  • scuta7
  • selva8
  • senna5
  • sensa5
  • sepia7
  • septa7
  • shiva11
  • sigla6
  • sigma8
  • signa6
  • silva8
  • sirra5
  • softa8
  • sorta5
  • spica9
  • sputa7
  • stela5
  • stoma7
  • stria5
  • stupa7
  • sulfa8
  • summa9
  • sunna5
  • supra7
  • surra5
  • sutra5
  • sutta5
  • sylva11
  • tabla7
  • tafia8
  • taiga6
  • tanga6
  • tanka9
  • tazza23
  • tecta7
  • tegua6
  • telia5
  • tenia5
  • terga6
  • terra5
  • tesla5
  • testa5
  • tetra5
  • theca10
  • theta8
  • thuja15
  • thuya11
  • tiara5
  • tibia7
  • tikka13
  • tinea5
  • tonga6
  • torta5
  • trona5
  • tryma10
  • tsuba7
  • ulama7
  • ulema7
  • ultra5
  • umbra9
  • uncia7
  • urbia7
  • usnea5
  • uvula8
  • vacua10
  • vanda9
  • varia8
  • varna8
  • veena8
  • vesta8
  • vigia9
  • villa8
  • vinca10
  • viola8
  • virga9
  • vista8
  • vitta8
  • vodka13
  • voila8
  • volta8
  • volva11
  • vulva11
  • walla8
  • wicca12
  • wirra8
  • wisha11
  • xenia12
  • yenta8
  • yerba10
  • yucca12
  • yurta8
  • zamia16
  • zanza23
  • zebra16

4 Letter Words That End in A

  • abba8
  • acta6
  • agha8
  • agma7
  • alba6
  • alfa7
  • alga5
  • alma6
  • amia6
  • anga5
  • anna4
  • anoa4
  • ansa4
  • anta4
  • aqua13
  • area4
  • aria4
  • asea4
  • atma6
  • aura4
  • baba8
  • bema8
  • beta6
  • bima8
  • bola6
  • bora6
  • bota6
  • buna6
  • bura6
  • caca8
  • casa6
  • ceca8
  • chia9
  • coca8
  • coda7
  • cola6
  • coma8
  • coxa13
  • cyma11
  • dada6
  • data5
  • deva8
  • dita5
  • diva8
  • dona5
  • dopa7
  • duma7
  • dura5
  • epha9
  • etna4
  • eyra7
  • fava10
  • feta7
  • fila7
  • flea7
  • fora7
  • gaga6
  • gala5
  • gama7
  • geta5
  • giga6
  • glia5
  • haha10
  • hila7
  • hora7
  • hoya10
  • hula7
  • hyla10
  • idea5
  • ilea4
  • ilia4
  • ilka8
  • inia4
  • iota4
  • isba6
  • ixia11
  • java14
  • jota11
  • juba13
  • juga12
  • jura11
  • kaka12
  • kana8
  • kapa10
  • kata8
  • kava11
  • kina8
  • kiva11
  • kola8
  • kora8
  • kuna8
  • lama6
  • lava7
  • leva7
  • lima6
  • lipa6
  • lira4
  • loca6
  • lota4
  • luma6
  • luna4
  • mama8
  • mana6
  • mara6
  • masa6
  • maya9
  • mega7
  • mesa6
  • meta6
  • mica8
  • mina6
  • mola6
  • mora6
  • moxa13
  • mura6
  • myna9
  • nada5
  • nala4
  • nana4
  • napa6
  • nema6
  • nipa6
  • noma6
  • nona4
  • nota4
  • nova7
  • obia6
  • odea5
  • ohia7
  • okra8
  • olea4
  • olla4
  • orca6
  • orra4
  • ossa4
  • paca8
  • papa8
  • para6
  • pica8
  • pika10
  • pima8
  • pina6
  • pita6
  • plea6
  • proa6
  • puja13
  • pula6
  • puma8
  • puna6
  • pupa8
  • raga5
  • raia4
  • raja11
  • raya7
  • rhea7
  • rota4
  • ruga5
  • saga5
  • sera4
  • seta4
  • shea7
  • shwa10
  • sika8
  • sima6
  • skua8
  • soba6
  • soca6
  • soda5
  • sofa7
  • soja11
  • sola4
  • soma6
  • sora4
  • soya7
  • stoa4
  • suba6
  • sura4
  • taka8
  • tala4
  • tapa6
  • taxa11
  • tela4
  • tepa6
  • toea4
  • toga5
  • tola4
  • tora4
  • tuba6
  • tufa7
  • tuna4
  • ulna4
  • ulva7
  • urea4
  • ursa4
  • uvea7
  • vara7
  • vasa7
  • vela7
  • vena7
  • vera7
  • viga8
  • vina7
  • visa7
  • vita7
  • viva10
  • weka11
  • whoa10
  • yoga8
  • yuca9
  • yuga8
  • zeta13
  • zoea13
  • zona13

FAQ on words ending with A

What are the best Scrabble words ending with A?

The highest scoring Scrabble word ending with A is Zyzzyva, which is worth at least 43 points without
any bonuses.
The next best word ending with A is britzka, which is worth 22 points.
Other high score words ending with A are
zemstva (21),
chutzpa (23),
hypoxia (22),
cerveza (21),
bazooka (22),
buzukia (22),
mazurka (22).

How many words end in A?

There are 2,298 words that end with A in the Scrabble dictionary.
Of those
535 are 8 letter
640 are 7 letter
468 are 6 letter
389 are 5 letter
213 are 4 letter
41 are 3 letter
12 are 2 letter

How many two letter words end with A?

There are 12 two letter words that end with the letter A.
They are

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