Word ending in visits

A list of words that end with visits for Scrabble that can also be used while playing Words With Friends.
Here’s a list of words that end with visits of all different lengths.

Visits is a playable Scrabble Word!


  • Highest scoring words ending with Visits
  • 6-letter words ending with Visits
  • 9-letter words ending with Visits
  • 8-letter words ending with Visits
  • FAQs about words that end in Visits

The highest scoring words ending with Visits

Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with visits,
not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.

Top words ending with Visits Scrabble Points Words With Friends Points
previsits 14 16
revisits 11 12
visits 9 10

3 Scrabble words ending with visits

6 Letter Words That End in Visits

  • visits9

8 Letter Words That End in Visits

  • revisits11

FAQ on words ending with Visits

What are the best Scrabble words ending with Visits?

The highest scoring Scrabble word ending with Visits is Previsits, which is worth at least 14 points without
any bonuses.
The next best word ending with Visits is revisits, which is worth 11 points.
Other high score words ending with Visits are
visits (9).

How many words end in Visits?

There are 3 words that end with Visits in the Scrabble dictionary.
Of those
1 is a 6 letter
1 is a 9 letter
1 is a 8 letter

посещение, визит, поездка, осмотр, посещать, побывать, навещать, гостить


- визит, посещение; пребывание в гостях

- посещение, осмотр

visit to a museum [to a theatre, to a gallery] — посещение музея [театра, галереи]
visit to the scene of the crime — выезд на место преступления

- временное пребывание; поездка

to be on a visit to smb. — гостить у кого-л.
I don’t live here, I am only on a visit — я здесь не живу, я приезжий
a brief visit to Ireland — кратковременная поездка в Ирландию
we decided to prolong our visit to Rome — мы решили продлить своё пребывание в Риме

- амер. разг. дружеская беседа

I have much enjoyed this pleasant visit — очень было приятно с вами поговорить

- осмотр, обыск (преим. судов)
- остановка и проверка документов судна в открытом море, визитация
- воен. поверка (караулов)


- навещать (кого-л.); заходить (к кому-л.), приходить в гости

to visit an old friend — навестить старого друга
a doctor visits his patients — врач посещает больных

- посещать (что-л.); бывать (где-л.); ходить, ездить (куда-л.)

- гастролировать
- преим. амер. (with, in, at) гостить, быть чьим-л. гостем; останавливаться, временно пребывать

to visit in the country — останавливаться в деревне
to visit at a new hotel — остановиться в новой гостинице
visiting in Paris — находясь /во время пребывания/ в Париже
I’ll visit with mother tomorrow — завтрашний день я проведу у матери

- быть постоянным посетителем

to visit pubs — быть завсегдатаем пивных

ещё 6 вариантов

Мои примеры


my semiannual visit to my cousin — моё посещение родственника, происходящее раз в полгода  
archival footage of the President’s visit in 1969 — архивные кадры визита президента в 1969 году  
a lengthy visit from her mother-in-law — длительный визит её свекрови  
to go on / make a home visit — съездить домой  
to go / visit lulu — ходить в туалет  
the object of the visit — цель визита  
the oncoming visit — предстоящий визит  
visit to the dentist — посещение дантиста  
to be on a visit — гостить  
to cancel a visit — отменить визит  
to go on a visit to the seaside — поехать к морю  
pay an official visit to a country — находиться в стране с официальным визитом  

Примеры с переводом

Did you ever visit Paris?

Вы когда-нибудь бывали в Париже?

I’d like to visit Japan someday.

Я бы хотел когда-нибудь побывать в Японии.

I’ll visit him if I have time.

Я навещу его, если у меня будет время.

Be sure to visit our Web site.

Обязательно посетите наш веб-сайт.

‘May I visit him?’ ‘Yes, certainly.’

— Можно его навестить? — Да, конечно.

She doesn’t visit her family much.

Она нечасто навещает свою семью.

I decided to pay my folks a visit.

Я решил навестить родителей /родных, своих, родню/.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The grant administrator visited the laboratory

Our captain put in a courtesy visit during dinner.

She had a constant parade of young men coming to visit her.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

revisit  — снова посетить, повторное посещение
visitable  — открытый для посетителей
visitant  — гость, высокий гость, перелетная птица, залетный
visiting  — посещающий, навещающий, визитный
visitor  — посетитель, гость, инспектор, экскурсант, ревизор, перелетная птица
visiter  — посещать, л, осматривать, обозревать, обыскивать, осматривать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: visit
he/she/it: visits
ing ф. (present participle): visiting
2-я ф. (past tense): visited
3-я ф. (past participle): visited

ед. ч.(singular): visit
мн. ч.(plural): visits

regular model: work
verbs ending in -e: like

— model verb

Variants of the regular models:

  1. pass -s, -sh, -x, -o: +e
  2. try -y>ie
  3. omit -X>-XX
  4. die -ie: -ie>y
  5. agree -ee: +d

Irregular past tense models:

  1. cost invar.
  2. feed vowel: long>short
  3. find i>ou
  4. know [o,a]>e
  5. mean +t
  6. panic -k-
  7. pay -ay>aid
  8. send -d>-t
  9. sing i>a, u
  10. show >ed, -n
  11. stick a>u, i>u
  12. sleep -ee_>-e_t
  13. speak >o_e, o_en
  14. spell >ed, -t
  15. take -ake>-ook, -aken
  16. think >-ought
  17. wear -ear>-ore, -orn
  18. write -i_e>o_e, i_en

Firefox and Chrome users: install a shortcut (Firefox or Chrome) then type «conj visit» in your address bar for the fastest conjugations.


It is conjugated like: work

present participle:
past participle:
(to) visit
definition in Spanish
in French
in Italian


presentAlso known as:
present simple or simple present
I visit
you visit
he, she, it visits
we visit
you visit
they visit
simple pastAlso known as:
past simple or preterit
I visited
you visited
he, she, it visited
we visited
you visited
they visited
I will visit
you will visit
he, she, it will visit
we will visit
you will visit
they will visit

Perfect tenses

present perfect
I have visited
you have visited
he, she, it has visited
we have visited
you have visited
they have visited
past perfectAlso known as:
I had visited
you had visited
he, she, it had visited
we had visited
you had visited
they had visited
future perfect
I will have visited
you will have visited
he, she, it will have visited
we will have visited
you will have visited
they will have visited

Continuous (progressive) and emphatic tenses

present continuous
I am visiting
you are visiting
he, she, it is visiting
we are visiting
you are visiting
they are visiting
past continuous
I was visiting
you were visiting
he, she, it was visiting
we were visiting
you were visiting
they were visiting
present emphatic
I do visit
you do visit
he, she, it does visit
we do visit
you do visit
they do visit
past emphatic
I did visit
you did visit
he, she, it did visit
we did visit
you did visit
they did visit

Compound continuous (progressive) tenses

present perfect
I have been visiting
you have been visiting
he, she, it has been visiting
we have been visiting
you have been visiting
they have been visiting
past perfect
I had been visiting
you had been visiting
he, she, it had been visiting
we had been visiting
you had been visiting
they had been visiting
I will be visiting
you will be visiting
he, she, it will be visiting
we will be visiting
you will be visiting
they will be visiting
future perfect
I will have been visiting
you will have been visiting
he, she, it will have been visiting
we will have been visiting
you will have been visiting
they will have been visiting


I would visit
you would visit
he, she, it would visit
we would visit
you would visit
they would visit
perfectAlso known as:
past conditional
I would have visited
you would have visited
he, she, it would have visited
we would have visited
you would have visited
they would have visited
present continuous
I would be visiting
you would be visiting
he, she, it would be visiting
we would be visiting
you would be visiting
they would be visiting
perfect continuous
I would have been visiting
you would have been visiting
he, she, it would have been visiting
we would have been visiting
you would have been visiting
they would have been visiting


(you) visit!
(we) let’s visit!
(you) visit!


I visit
you visit
he, she, it visit
we visit
you visit
they visit
I visited
you visited
he, she, it visited
we visited
you visited
they visited
past perfectAlso known as:
pluperfect subjunctive
I had visited
you had visited
he, she, it had visited
we had visited
you had visited
they had visited
I should visit
you should visit
he, she, it should visit
we should visit
you should visit
they should visit

*Blue letters in conjugations are irregular
forms. (example)
*Red letters in conjugations are exceptions to
the model. (example)

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Перевод visit с английского на русский

  • посетить (навещать, посещать, навестить, наведаться, наведываться, проведать)
  • гостить
  • бывать (побывать)
  • приезжать (приходить, заходить, ходить, ездить, съездить)
  • осматривать
  • нанести визит


  • visit the child (навещать ребенка)
  • never visit (никогда не посещать)
  • visit relatives (навестить родственников)
  • visit abroad (бывать за границей)
  • visit there (побывать там)
  • visit russia (ездить в россию)
  • visit the city (осматривать город)

3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form
Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
visit visited visited visiting
[ˈvɪzɪt] [ˈvɪzətəd] [ˈvɪzətəd] [ˈvɪzətɪŋ]
[ˈvɪzɪt] [ˈvɪzɪtɪd] [ˈvɪzɪtɪd] [ˈvɪzɪtɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм


Спряжение visit в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

  • I visit
  • you visit
  • he, she visits
  • we visit
  • you visit
  • they visit

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

  • I visited
  • you visited
  • he, she visited
  • we visited
  • you visited
  • they visited

Future Simple
Простое будущее

  • I will visit
  • you will visit
  • he, she will visit
  • we will visit
  • you will visit
  • they will visit

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

  • I am visiting
  • you are visiting
  • he, she is visiting
  • we are visiting
  • you are visiting
  • they are visiting

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

  • I was visiting
  • you were visiting
  • he, she was visiting
  • we were visiting
  • you were visiting
  • they were visiting

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

  • I will be visiting
  • you will be visiting
  • he, she will be visiting
  • we will be visiting
  • you will be visiting
  • they will be visiting

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

  • I have visited
  • you have visited
  • he, she has visited
  • we have visited
  • you have visited
  • they have visited

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

  • I had visited
  • you had visited
  • he, she had visited
  • we had visited
  • you had visited
  • they had visited

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

  • I will have visited
  • you will have visited
  • he, she will have visited
  • we will have visited
  • you will have visited
  • they will have visited

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

  • I have been visiting
  • you have been visiting
  • he, she has been visiting
  • we have been visiting
  • you have been visiting
  • they have been visiting

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

  • I had been visiting
  • you had been visiting
  • he, she had been visiting
  • we had been visiting
  • you had been visiting
  • they had been visiting

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

  • I will have been visiting
  • you will have been visiting
  • he, she will have been visiting
  • we will have been visiting
  • you will have been visiting
  • they will have been visiting

Conditional — Условное наклонение


  • I would visit
  • you would visit
  • he, she would visit
  • we would visit
  • you would visit
  • they would visit


  • I would have visited
  • you would have visited
  • he, she would have visited
  • we would have visited
  • you would have visited
  • they would have visited

Present Continuous

  • I would be visiting
  • you would be visiting
  • he, she would be visiting
  • we would be visiting
  • you would be visiting
  • they would be visiting

Perfect Continuous

  • I would have been visiting
  • you would have been visiting
  • he, she would have been visiting
  • we would have been visiting
  • you would have been visiting
  • they would have been visiting

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


  • you visit
  • we Let’s visit
  • you visit

Проспрягать другие глаголы

explain, study, generate, fancy, recognize, mean, protect, spark, defray, fill, crack, challenge, compete, customize, neglect, adopt, shift, change, accompany, bind, paste, blame, pinch, hand, regard, enter, bin


She is visiting her aunt in New York.

When are you coming to visit?

He is visiting a client in Phoenix.

She visits her doctor regularly.

I would like to visit Rome someday.

City officials visited the building site.

Our town was once visited by the President.

Be sure to visit our website.


We had a visit from the company president.

Our son came home for a visit.

Have you been here before, or is this your first visit?

We had a nice visit after the meeting.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Police visited Sturgeon’s residence with a search warrant and seized items, Gwinn-Villaroel said.

Anumita Kaur, Washington Post, 12 Apr. 2023

Sandu has held steadfast in her support for Ukraine, visiting the beleaguered city of Bucha — site of a massacre last year by Russian forces — with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on March 31.

Nabih Bulos, Los Angeles Times, 12 Apr. 2023

Just last Friday, Renner posted a photo of him and his family on Instagram visiting Six Flags Magic Mountain theme park in Valencia, Calif.

Marc Malkin, Variety, 12 Apr. 2023

Just last Friday, Renner posted a photo of him and his family on Instagram visiting Six Flags Magic Mountain theme park in Valencia, Calif.

Variety, NBC News, 12 Apr. 2023

Voters can check whether their registration is current and what party they are registered with by visiting Oregonvotes.gov/MyVote and entering their first and last name and birthday.

Jamie Goldberg, oregonlive, 12 Apr. 2023

According to a report from The Omaha World-Herald, Nebraska head coach Fred Hoiberg and an assistant traveled to Spokane, Washington, on Sunday to visit with Sallis.

The Courier-Journal, 11 Apr. 2023

The Sea Dragons visit the Battlehawks at 2 p.m. Sunday, with ESPN televising the game.

Mark Inabinett | Minabinett@al.com, al, 11 Apr. 2023

The Masked Singer host, 42, made sure to spend time with each of his kids on Sunday, visiting with all 11 children and taking several photos with his little ones while dressed up in an Easter bunny suit.

Angela Andaloro, Peoplemag, 10 Apr. 2023

Laredo, Texas, had the lowest cost per doctor’s visit at $65.00, which is 3.6 times less expensive than in Juneau, which had the highest cost at $235.22.

L’oreal Thompson Payton, Fortune Well, 4 Apr. 2023

The Queen Consort’s top tiara moments show a definite penchant for statement sparklers — and one favorite headpiece Share Tweet Pin Email March 2023 Queen Camilla shimmered in the Greville Tiara at a state banquet in Germany during the first overseas visit of the new reign.

Janine Henni, Peoplemag, 3 Apr. 2023

The visit sparked a business idea, and now Ginsky runs MexiVet Express, a transportation and liaison service that takes American pets to clinics in Baja California and back.

Bailey Schulz, USA TODAY, 3 Apr. 2023

Months later, Knight invited Smith back to the restaurant, insisting Holy Hog’s brisket, ribs, Brunswick stew and mac and cheese had improved since the initial visit.

Phillip Valys, Sun Sentinel, 3 Apr. 2023

The visit comes just days after Honduras became the latest country to break with Taiwan in favor of establishing ties with China.

Megan Janetsky, ajc, 1 Apr. 2023

Or the regular visits Basquiat made to Gemini G.E.L. to watch Robert Rauschenberg work on prints.

Carolina A. Miranda, Los Angeles Times, 1 Apr. 2023

Enter Email Sign Up Their ties get stronger with the visits.

Jim Mcbride, BostonGlobe.com, 1 Apr. 2023

Then, upon discovering that the visit was imagined, Tai purposely crashed her car — while driving her estranged wife Simone (Rukiya Bernard) — into oncoming traffic for a cliffhanger ending to the second episode (which mainly centered around the cannibalistic Jackie feast in the past timeline).

Jackie Strause, The Hollywood Reporter, 1 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘visit.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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