Word ending in line

We’ve put together a list of 178 words that end with the letters
«Line» for word games like Scrabble and Words with Friends.

We’ve organized this list by starting with the highest scoring Scrabble words, and then by
the number of letters that the word has. Use the Table Of Contents below to navigate to the exact
word lists you’re looking for.

Whether you’re playing Wordle, Scrabble, or any word game like it, Wordfind can help you get ahead
of the pack and win game after game.

Line is a playable Scrabble Word!


  • Highest scoring words ending with Line
  • 11-letter words ending with Line
  • 10-letter words ending with Line
  • 9-letter words ending with Line
  • 8-letter words ending with Line
  • 7-letter words ending with Line
  • 6-letter words ending with Line
  • 5-letter words ending with Line
  • 4-letter words ending with Line
  • FAQs about words that end in Line

The highest scoring words ending with Line

Want to go straight to the words that will get you the best score? Here are all the highest scoring words with line,
not including the 50-point bonus if they use seven letters.

Top words ending with Line Scrabble Points Words With Friends Points
myeline 12 14
hyaline 13 13
hemline 12 14
guyline 11 14
skyline 14 15
bowline 12 15
hipline 12 14
offline 13 15
jawline 17 21
choline 12 14

178 Scrabble words ending with line

9 Letter Words That End in Line

  • anticline11
  • arecoline11
  • bengaline12
  • bloodline12
  • breadline12
  • coastline11
  • coralline11
  • cosmoline13
  • covelline14
  • crinoline11
  • driveline13
  • frontline12
  • frostline12
  • guideline11
  • halocline14
  • helicline14
  • inquiline18
  • interline9
  • laughline13
  • mandoline12
  • masculine13
  • mescaline13
  • messaline11
  • metalline11
  • monocline13
  • multiline11
  • musteline11
  • nepheline14
  • nonsaline9
  • pargyline15
  • parvoline14
  • percaline13
  • picholine16
  • quinoline18
  • ridgeline11
  • shoreline12
  • sibylline14
  • sightline13
  • silkaline13
  • silkoline13
  • touchline14
  • truckline15
  • underline10
  • vitelline12
  • waistline12
  • waterline12
  • zibelline20

8 Letter Words That End in Line

  • acauline10
  • alkaline12
  • aquiline17
  • baculine12
  • balkline14
  • baseline10
  • beltline10
  • beryline13
  • blueline10
  • bubaline12
  • buntline10
  • bustline10
  • compline14
  • dateline9
  • deadline10
  • dragline10
  • figuline12
  • fishline14
  • flatline11
  • gantline9
  • gasoline9
  • grapline11
  • hairline11
  • hardline12
  • headline12
  • induline9
  • isocline10
  • landline9
  • lanoline8
  • lifeline11
  • lobeline10
  • longline9
  • mainline10
  • neckline14
  • pemoline12
  • petaline10
  • picoline12
  • pipeline12
  • plotline10
  • reguline9
  • roofline11
  • sepaline10
  • sideline9
  • syncline13
  • tapeline10
  • timeline10
  • tramline10
  • trapline10
  • trotline8
  • tumpline12
  • vaseline11
  • vituline11
  • zibeline19

7 Letter Words That End in Line

  • airline7
  • aniline7
  • beeline9
  • berline9
  • bowline12
  • carline9
  • cauline9
  • choline12
  • cutline9
  • decline10
  • gumline10
  • guyline11
  • hemline12
  • hipline12
  • hotline10
  • hyaline13
  • incline9
  • isoline7
  • jawline17
  • kaoline11
  • marline9
  • midline10
  • milline9
  • myeline12
  • offline13
  • opaline9
  • outline7
  • potline9
  • praline9
  • proline9
  • purline9
  • ralline7
  • ratline7
  • recline9
  • redline8
  • setline7
  • skyline14
  • subline9
  • tagline8
  • topline9
  • towline10

4 Letter Words That End in Line

  • line4

FAQ on words ending with Line

What are the best Scrabble words ending with Line?

The highest scoring Scrabble word ending with Line is Doxycycline, which is worth at least 29 points without
any bonuses.
The next best word ending with Line is hyaline, which is worth 13 points.
Other high score words ending with Line are
hemline (12),
guyline (11),
skyline (14),
bowline (12),
hipline (12),
offline (13),
jawline (17),
choline (12).

How many words end in Line?

There are 178 words that end with Line in the Scrabble dictionary.
Of those
9 are 11 letter
16 are 10 letter
47 are 9 letter
53 are 8 letter
41 are 7 letter
9 are 6 letter
2 are 5 letter
1 is a 4 letter

  • Dictionary
  • Words ending with line

4 letter words ending with line

  • line — a thickness of glue, as between two veneers in a sheet of plywood.
  • -yard line — In football, a team’s 5-yard line, or 10-yard line, and so on, is a line painted across the field and numbered, that marks the distance from the goal line.
  • 56k line — (communications)   A digital connection (possibly a leased line, possibly switched) capable of carrying 56 kbps. Compare DS0.
  • above the line — a mark or stroke long in proportion to its breadth, made with a pen, pencil, tool, etc., on a surface: a line down the middle of the page.
  • accommodation line — insurance that, by itself, would not be acceptable to an insurer but is written in connection with other policies as an accommodation to an agent or broker.

5 letter words ending with line

  • aline — align
  • cline — a continuous variation in form between members of a species having a wide variable geographical or ecological range
  • kline — one of a series of lines (K-series) in the x-ray spectrum of an atom corresponding to radiation (K-radiation) produced by the transition of an electron to the K-shell.
  • franz kline — Franz (Josef) [joh-zuh f,, -suh f] /ˈdʒoʊ zəf,, -səf/ (Show IPA), 1910–62, U.S. painter.
  • patsy cline — Patsy (Virginia Patterson Hensley) 1932–63, U.S. country singer.

6 letter words ending with line

  • -cline — indicating a slope
  • a-line — (of a garment, esp a skirt or dress) flaring slightly from the waist or shoulders
  • b-line — An early CAD language.
  • boline — (in Wicca) a knife, usually sickle-shaped and with a white handle, used for gathering herbs and carving symbols
  • byline — A byline is a line at the top of an article in a newspaper or magazine giving the author’s name.

7 letter words ending with line

  • adaline — (architecture)   Name given by Widrow to adaptive linear neurons, that is neurons (see McCulloch-Pitts) which learn using the Widrow-Huff Delta Rule. See also Madaline.
  • adeline — a feminine name: var. Adelina, Aline
  • airline — An airline is a company which provides regular services carrying people or goods in aeroplanes.
  • aniline — a colourless oily pungent poisonous liquid used in the manufacture of dyes, plastics, pharmaceuticals, and explosives. Formula: C6H5NH2
  • barline — A vertical line in musical notation indicating the start of a new bar.

8 letter words ending with line

  • acauline — having no stem
  • air-line — straight; direct; traveling a direct route: Some railroads advertise air-line routes between stations.
  • alkaline — Something that is alkaline contains an alkali or has a pH value of more than 7.
  • aquiline — If someone has an aquiline nose or profile, their nose is large, thin, and usually curved.
  • backline — (in some team sports) the defensive players considered as a unit

9 letter words ending with line

  • anticline — a formation of stratified rock raised up, by folding, into a broad arch so that the strata slope down on both sides from a common crest
  • arecoline — a drug derived from betel nuts and producing a range of effects, including increased salivation, body temperature, and heart rate
  • bandoline — a glutinous hair dressing, used (esp formerly) to keep the hair in place
  • baulkline — a straight line across a billiard table behind which the cue balls are placed at the start of a game
  • bengaline — a heavy corded fabric, esp silk with woollen or cotton cord

10 letter words ending with line

  • adrenaline — a hormone that is secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress and increases heart rate, pulse rate, and blood pressure, and raises the blood levels of glucose and lipids. It is extracted from animals or synthesized for such medical uses as the treatment of asthma. Chemical name: aminohydroxyphenylpropionic acid; formula: C9H13NO3
  • amygdaline — of or relating to a tonsil
  • anopheline — (of mosquitoes) belonging to the genus Anopheles, which carries malaria
  • arvicoline — inhabiting meadows or rural areas
  • borderline — The borderline between two different or opposite things is the division between them.

11 letter words ending with line

  • antalkaline — neutralizing an alkali or counteracting alkalinity
  • bright-line — (of rules, standards, etc.) unambiguously clear: This muddies the waters of what should be a brightline rule.
  • clothesline — A clothesline is a thin rope on which you hang washing so that it can dry.
  • crystalline — A crystalline substance is in the form of crystals or contains crystals.
  • doxycycline — a synthetic analog of a broad-spectrum antibiotic tetracycline drug, C 22 H 24 N 2 O 8 , used against a wide range of susceptible Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms.

12 letter words ending with line

  • carbocholine — carbachol.
  • clothes-line — a strong, narrow rope, cord, wire, etc., usually stretched between two poles, posts, or buildings, on which clean laundry is hung to dry.
  • indiscipline — lack of discipline or control: a campus problem of student indiscipline.
  • intercolline — (of a valley or hollow) situated between hills
  • isoprenaline — a compound that is a derivative of adrenaline and that is used to treat asthma and bronchial conditions. Formula: C11H17NO3

13 letter words ending with line

  • acetylaniline — acetanilide.
  • acetylcholine — a chemical substance secreted at the ends of many nerve fibres, esp in the autonomic nervous system, and responsible for the transmission of nervous impulses. Formula: CH3CO2(CH2)2N(CH3)3+
  • aminophylline — a derivative of theophylline that relaxes smooth muscle and is used mainly to dilate the airways in the treatment of asthma and emphysema
  • amitriptyline — a tricyclic antidepressant drug. Formula: C20H23N
  • amitryptyline — a drug with several uses, most commonly prescribed to treat depression

14 letter words ending with line

  • above-the-line — denoting entries printed above the horizontal line on a company’s profit-and-loss account separating the entries that show how the profit (or loss) was made from the entries showing how the profit is to be distributed
  • below-the-line — denoting the entries printed below the horizontal line on a company’s profit-and-loss account that show how any profit is to be distributed
  • demeclocycline — a broad-spectrum antibiotic, C 21 H 21 ClN 2 O 8 , derived from a mutant strain of the bacterium Streptomyces aureofaciens: used against a wide range of susceptible microorganisms.
  • hydroxyproline — a nutritionally nonessential amino acid, C 5 H 9 NO 3 , found chiefly in collagen.
  • hypermasculine — pertaining to or characteristic of a man or men: masculine attire.

15 letter words ending with line

  • benzoglyoxaline — benzimidazole.
  • dimethylaniline — a very toxic oily liquid used in industry to harden certain synthetic resins and as a solvent
  • holocrystalline — (of igneous rocks) having only crystalline components and no glass
  • hypocrystalline — (of igneous rocks) having both glass and crystalline components
  • isothermal-line — Meteorology. a line on a weather map or chart connecting points having equal temperature.

16 letter words ending with line

  • hexahydroaniline — cyclohexylamine.
  • intercrystalline — situated or passing between the crystals of a substance.
  • microcrystalline — minutely crystalline; composed of microscopic crystals.
  • multi-discipline — training to act in accordance with rules; drill: military discipline.
  • tetrahydrozoline — a compound, C 13 H 16 N 2 , used in the treatment of nasal congestion and certain conditions of eye irritation.

17 letter words ending with line

  • chlortetracycline — an antibiotic used in treating many bacterial and rickettsial infections: obtained from the bacterium Streptomyces aureofaciens. Formula: C22H23ClN2O8
  • cryptocrystalline — (of rocks) composed of crystals that can be distinguished individually only by the use of a polarizing microscope

18 letter words ending with line

  • bottom-of-the-line — being the cheapest item of its kind made by a manufacturer; produced as inexpensively as possible (opposed to top-of-the-line): bottom-of-the-line merchandise that has no warranty.
  • magnetocrystalline — (physics) Describing the interaction between the magnetization and the crystal structure of a material.
  • phanerocrystalline — (of a rock) having the principal constituents in the form of crystals visible to the naked eye.

On this page, we collect all words that ending in LINE. To make easier to find the right word we have divided all 721 words to groups according to their length. So you should go to appropriate page if can’t find the word that ends in LINE that you are searching. Also you can use this page in Scrabble.

There are 197 words which end with ‘line

4 letter words

ending with ‘line’:

5 letter words

ending with ‘line’:

6 letter words

ending with ‘line’:

7 letter words

ending with ‘line’:

8 letter words

ending with ‘line’:

9 letter words

ending with ‘line’:

10 letter words

ending with ‘line’:

11 letter words

ending with ‘line’:

12 letter words

ending with ‘line’:

13 letter words

ending with ‘line’:

14 letter words

ending with ‘line’:

15 letter words

ending with ‘line’:

16 letter words

ending with ‘line’:

17 letter words

ending with ‘line’:

19 letter words

ending with ‘line’:

Other Info & Useful Resources for the Word ‘line’

Info Details
Points in Scrabble for line 4
Points in Words with Friends for line 6
Number of Letters in line 4
More info About line line
List of Words Starting with line Words Starting With line
List of Words Ending with line Words Ending With line
5 Letter Words Starting with line 5 Letter Words Starting with line
6 Letter Words Starting with line 6 Letter Words Starting with line
7 Letter Words Starting with line 7 Letter Words Starting with line
5 Letter Words Ending with line 5 Letter Words Ending with line
6 Letter Words Ending with line 6 Letter Words Ending with line
7 Letter Words Ending with line 7 Letter Words Ending with line
List of Words Containing line Words Containing line
List of Anagrams of line Anagrams of line
List of Words Formed by Letters of line Words Created From line
line Definition at Wiktionary Click Here
line Definition at Merriam-Webster Click Here
line Definition at Dictionary Click Here
line Synonyms At Thesaurus Click Here
line Info At Wikipedia Click Here
line Search Results on Google Click Here
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Tweets About line on Twitter Click Here
Hint Word
An upward graded slope
What recedes on the follicly challenged
Having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men
Pertaining to cats
Petrol in USA
A type of petroleum jelly
To knock down an opponent by placing one’s outstretched arm at neck level
The latest time or date by which something should be completed
To lean or lie back in a relaxed position
To improve the appearance or efficiency of; modernize
A fabric springboard for acrobatic or gymnastic exercises
The boundary between land and ocean
What expands after too many big meals
A general rule, principle, or piece of advice
A line extending from an observer’s eye to a viewed object or area
The line to which a vessel’s hull is immersed when loaded in a specified way
A sequence of direct ancestors especially in a pedigree
Depression era charity that provided food
Hint Word
To be in a state of no progress or advancement; medically, having no heartbeat
A phone which does not use radio waves
A hormone secreted by the adrenal medulla; an epinephrine rush
To render incapable of participation (often connected to injury)
Text at the top of a newspaper article
A conduit for conveying oil, gas over long distances
A series of events listed in chronological order
e.g. United, American, Lufthansa, Frontier
To become smaller, fewer, or less
The line along which the horizon is visible
The level of the lower edge of a garment
To take a straight, direct path from one point to another; often preceded by ‘make a’
A structural summary of a written work
Related to the internet, what you have to be to be playing this quiz
Non-acidic, having a relatively low concentration of hydrogen ions
On the cusp
A branding slogan typically used in marketing

Firstly, it is preferable not to split a word at the end of a line.

From the APA Style Guide, Section 1.A.9

Do not hyphenate (split) words at the end of a line.

If possible, add another word to the line, or take one away, so you don’t need to split in the first place.

In fact. NEVER EVER split words. However, I will give what I consider to be ok guidelines:

There are really no proper rules as to how it should be done, when it is, so basically, use common sense.
If it must be done, try to keep the components of meaning together — this is easy with obviously compound words, such as keyboard. E.g.


It is also easy with words with prefixes such as «quasi» or «psuedo» e.g.


But mostly, splitting the words just makes them hard to read — and can lead to nightmares when the content of text is changed, because words that were once at the end of a line will no longer be at the end of a line, and everything will have to be re-done.

Unfortunately, most word processors are not very good at automatically splitting words, so it is best to keep that feature off. It is also possible, however, to put markers in words where the word processor will be allowed to split the word. In Microsoft Word, this is done by using Ctrl+-. This hyphen is invisible, unless the word gets split at the end of a line.

But as a rule of thumb, see if the word is still easy to understand if you say it out loud with a pause where you are going to break the word. Usually, try and split it in the middle of the word.


But, as you can see, it just makes it harder to read. Just don’t do it.

Splitting Words at the End of the Line

The rules for splitting words at the end of the line in the English language are quite complicated, and in many cases rather subjective. To be on the safe side -simply avoid doing it. We recommend you to turn off the automatic hyphenation off in your word processor, which is likely to hyphenate in American English where the rules are far more flexible than in British English. If breaking a word is inevitable make sure you put the hyphen after a complete syllable: neg-li-gent. Hyphenating in the middle of a syllable is regarded as a mistake.

For line splits in words ending in -ing, if the final root consonant is doubled before -ing , put the hyphen between the consonants; in other cases hyphenate at the suffix itself:

e.g Dig-ging
      Sing -ing

There are a few «never» rules you should remember when breaking the words at the end of the line:

  • Never break up a one-syllable word.
  • Never hyphenate a word that already has a hyphen.
  • Never split a proper noun (any noun starting with a capital letter).
  • Never leave one or two letters on either line. However, you may use hyphen before the inflexion for the past participle (e.g play-ed) with regular verbs, at the same time it is less common for irregular verbs (e.g brok -en).
  • Never put the first or last letter of a word at the end or beginning of a line.
  • Never start the new line with two-letter suffixes.

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When we see two lines of words in an MS Word document, we don’t get to see what is separating them. There are severl characters that act as line break. There are several names; line break, new line, carriage return, paragraph break etc.

Today, while doing a bit of data processing, I was required to remove all the line breaks (carriage return) in an MS-Word document and replace line breaks with a comma. I was processing a long list of email addresses with one email address per line. And I wanted this list to become a comma separated list (CSV); so as to use it somewhere else.

In MS-Word, paragraph break is represented by invisible character (¶) which looks like a horizontally flipped P letter. You can toggle the visibility of this character by clicking a button given on the Home tab in MS Word. The button bears the same ¶ symbol. You should click this button to be able to see what exactly is separating the lines.

Our tips on MS-Word make your life easier and increase your productivity at work.

If lines are breaking because of paragraph break then ¶ will appear at the end of the lines. If lines are breaking due to line break (carriage return), a left-angled arrow symbol will appear at the end. Let’s first see how to deal with paragraph break:

How to Remove / Replace Paragraph Break

  • Open the Word document that you want to work on
  • Press CTRL + H to bring up the Find and Replace box
  • In the “Find what” box type ^p [this upward arrow character is called caret and is usually available on a number key]
  • In “Replace with” box type a comma
  • Click on Replace All button.

Thus all the paragraph breaks in you document will get replaced by a comma. You can use whatever character(s) you like in “Replace with” box. For example, if you want to replace every paragraph break with two paragraph breaks –then you should type ^p^p in “Replace with” box.

If you simply want to remove paragraph breaks; just leave the “Replace with” box blank. And you’ll get a monolithic chunk of text!

READ ALSO: How to find ant replace formatting

How to Remove / Replace Line Break, Carriage Return (Enter key)
Follow the same process as given above. Instead of finding paragraph sign (^p), now you should look for line break or carriage return sign (represented by ^l). Therefore, type ^l in “Find what” box and replace it something else (or with nothing).

NOTE: This article is part of my MS Word Guide. This guide solves your day to day MS Word problems. Easily!

So, this is how you can replace line breaks, paragraph breaks and carriage returns in MS Word document. Please le t me know if you have any questions about this topic. I will be glad to try and assist you. Thank you for using TechWelkin.

Is there a way to find any lines in a Word document then end with a single woes at the end of the visible line?

This example if of one line, and I want to find it in a whole document, as it ends with a single word at the last visible line.
enter image description here
Also, is there a way to find a certain word «minim», given that it shows at the end of the visible line? And ignore it if it shows in the middle of any line?

Thor's user avatar


6,2941 gold badge35 silver badges42 bronze badges

asked Jan 4, 2019 at 13:33

Mike's user avatar

No, that is not possible.

What you are seeing as a «line» in a document is based on the margin settings of the document and the text dynamically wraps to the next line based on available space. There is not a character in the text line that is forcing the wrap, thus there is nothing that can be searched and found.

Regarding line breaks, MS-Word only allows wildcard searches for words followed by a paragraph character or line feed character.

answered Jan 4, 2019 at 14:47

Rich Michaels's user avatar

Rich MichaelsRich Michaels

2,7962 gold badges10 silver badges20 bronze badges


I agree with @rich that this is not technically possible as it depends on the document settings for margins and font sizes, etc., and will be different between computers.

However, if that does not matter to you, you can try to work something out using a macro.

Note that you would have to examine each line (not covered here) until the end of the document.
And also be wary of highlighting only punctuation and repeating steps for a single line if needed.

Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
' here check for word - make sure to remove punctuation as needed
' continue to next line and repeat
Selection.MoveDown Unit:=wdLine, Count:=1
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdWord, Count:=1, Extend:=wdExtend
' here check for word - make sure to remove punctuation as needed
' you will have to MoveLeft again if you did select punctuation

answered Jan 4, 2019 at 17:00

BlueGI's user avatar


2671 silver badge5 bronze badges


Stop Words from Breaking Across Lines or Pages in Microsoft Word

by Avantix Learning Team | Updated March 14, 2021

Applies to: Microsoft® Word® 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 365 (Windows)

There are many ways to stop words from splitting across lines in Microsoft Word. If Word is inserting hyphens in a word you don’t want to break across lines, you can turn off automatic hyphenation for the paragraph. You can also keep words or characters (numbers or letters) together in Microsoft Word using nonbreaking spaces or nonbreaking hyphens.

To view nonbreaking spaces, nonbreaking hyphens and paragraph marks:

  1. Click the Home tab in the Ribbon.
  2. Click the Show/Hide ¶ in the Paragraph group.

You can turn off the symbols by clicking on the same button.

Recommended article: 14 Timesaving Microsoft Word Selection Shortcuts to Quickly Select Text

Do you want to learn more about Microsoft Word? Check out our virtual classroom or live classroom Word courses >

Turning off automatic hyphenation

In Microsoft Word, automatic hyphenation is turned on by default for normal paragraphs (using the Normal style) so Word may insert hyphens and break words across lines.

To stop words from splitting across lines in a paragraph or paragraphs by turning off automatic hyphenation:

  1. Select the paragraph or paragraphs.
  2. Click the Home tab in the Ribbon.
  3. Click the dialog box launcher on the bottom right corner of the Paragraph group. The Paragraph dialog box appears.
  4. Click Line and Page Breaks.
  5. Select or check Don’t Hyphenate.
  6. Click OK.

Below is the Paragraph dialog box with the option to turn off hyphenation:

Paragraph dialog box to turn off hyphenation in Microsoft Word.

You can also turn off automatic hyphenation for multiple paragraphs by editing the style for those paragraphs (for example, the Normal style).

Turning off automatic hyphenation for all new documents

If you prefer to turn off automatic hyphenation for new documents, you can change the default settings.

To turn off automatic hyphenation for new documents based on the default Normal template:

  1. Create a new blank document (this should be based on the Normal template)..
  2. Click the Home tab in the Ribbon.
  3. Click the dialog box launcher on the bottom right corner of the Paragraph group. The Paragraph dialog box appears.
  4. Click Line and Page Breaks.
  5. Select or check Don’t Hyphenate.
  6. Click Set As Default. A dialog box appears.
  7. Select All documents based on the Normal.dotm template. Note that you can select the current document only.
  8. Click OK twice.

Stop words from breaking across lines using nonbreaking spaces

If you want words or characters to stay together on the same line, you can use nonbreaking spaces instead of standard spaces.

For example, it is unlikely that you would want the following to break across lines or pages:

416 736 2288

3 M

To insert a nonbreaking space between two words or characters using a keyboard shortcut:

  1. Position the cursor between the two words or characters you want to keep together (there should be no space between these characters).
  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar. Word inserts a nonbreaking space.

To insert a nonbreaking space between two words or letters using the Insert Symbol dialog box:

  1. Position the cursor between the two words or characters you want to keep together (there should be no space between these characters).
  2. Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon.
  3. Click Insert Symbol and then More Symbols in the drop-down menu. A dialog box appears.
  4. Select the Special Characters tab.
  5. Select Nonbreaking space and click Insert.
  6. Click Close. Word inserts a nonbreaking space.

The Insert Symbol dialog box has two tabs (a tab for Symbols and a tab for Special Characters):

Keep text together in Microsoft Word using Insert Symbol to insert nonbreaking space.

Stop words from breaking across lines using nonbreaking hyphens or dashes

You can also use nonbreaking hyphens or dashes to keep words or characters together.

For example, it is unlikely that you would want the following to break across lines or pages:



To insert a nonbreaking hyphen between two words or characters using a keyboard shortcut:

  1. Position the cursor between the two words or characters you want to keep together (there should be no space between these characters).
  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + Underscore (_). Word inserts a nonbreaking hyphen.

To insert a nonbreaking hyphen between two words or characters using the Insert Symbol dialog box:

  1. Position the cursor between the two words or characters you want to keep together (there should be no space between these characters).
  2. Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon.
  3. Click Insert Symbol and then More Symbols in the drop-down menu. A dialog box appears.
  4. Select the Special Characters tab.
  5. Select Nonbreaking hyphen and click Insert.
  6. Click Close. Word inserts a nonbreaking hyphen.

It’s common to use nonbreaking spaces and hyphens to keep words or characters together in Microsoft Word and in documents in other programs.

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More resources

How to Insert an Em or En Dash in Microsoft Word

How to View Word Count in Microsoft Word (4 Ways)

How to Find and Replace in Word (and Use Wildcards)

How to Insert a Check Mark or Tick Mark in Word (5 Ways)

Microsoft Word Tricks to Keep Text Together (Paragraphs, Lines or Words)

Related courses

Microsoft Word: Intermediate / Advanced

Microsoft Excel: Intermediate / Advanced

Microsoft PowerPoint: Intermediate / Advanced

Microsoft Visio: Introduction


Our instructor-led courses are delivered in virtual classroom format or at our downtown Toronto location at 18 King Street East, Suite 1400, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (some in-person classroom courses may also be delivered at an alternate downtown Toronto location). Contact us at info@avantixlearning.ca if you’d like to arrange custom instructor-led virtual classroom or onsite training on a date that’s convenient for you.

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Microsoft, the Microsoft logo, Microsoft Office and related Microsoft applications and logos are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in Canada, US and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of the registered owners.

Avantix Learning |18 King Street East, Suite 1400, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5C 1C4 | Contact us at info@avantixlearning.ca

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