Word effect on water

Words have been found to affect water crystals. Japanese researcher and healer Dr. … These experiments showed human thoughts and intentions can physically alter the molecular structure of water. Specifically the water crystals were altered simply through conscious intention.

Do words effect plants?

Despite many different scientific studies on this theory there’s still no conclusive evidence that talking to plants helps them grow or if it does why it helps. … Other researchers believe that talking to plants may stimulate growth because of the carbon dioxide produced when people exhale as they speak.

How does music affect water?

Music as well words can also affect water structures. Heavy metal deathcore black metal and etc. create water spoils such as trembling and vibration whereas Mozart’s music creates smooth crystal clear structures.

What are the power of words?

Words have energy and power with the ability to help to heal to hinder to hurt to harm to humiliate and to humble.” Think of the power we wield and the impact we can make if we become more intentional about encouraging our sponsored children. The right words make all the difference.

How negative words affect your life?

However a single negative word can increase the activity in our amygdala (the fear center of the brain). This releases dozens of stress-producing hormones and neurotransmitters which in turn interrupts our brains’ functioning. (This is especially with regard to logic reason and language.)

Why shouldn’t you sleep with house plants in your bedroom?

While many plants release carbon dioxide not oxygen at night having a few plants in the bedroom will not release enough carbon dioxide to be harmful at all. … In addition certain plants also filter harmful formaldehyde benzene and allergens from the air improving air quality in our homes.

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Can negative words affect plant growth?

If Positive words are said to the plants they will grow taller. If negative words are said to plants then the growth won´t be successful.

Is a water alive?

Water is not a living thing and its neither alive or dead.

Why do words affect us?

Your words make a difference.

Powerful. … Words filter through us and seep into our community where they are absorbed then reasserted by others to people they know. When we recognize the power our words have we see the impact they can have and we choose them based on what kind of difference we want to make.

How do words harm?

April 2 2010 — Sticks and stones may break your bones but words can hurt you too according to new research. A new study suggests merely saying “This may hurt a bit ” before receiving a shot may be enough to trigger a pain response in the brain long before any actual pain is felt.

What is the importance of words?

Words can uphold the truth or nurture a lie. We use words to encompass history to describe the natural universe and even to conjure realistic visions of things that exist only in fantasy. In fact in some mythology spoken words are thought to be so powerful that they can create worlds creatures and human beings.

How do words affect our emotions?

Previous studies have shown that mere words particularly affective words can dampen emotional responses. However the effect of affective labels on emotional responding in the long term is unknown. … Thus affective labels may help dampen emotional reactivity in both the short and long terms.

Can words cause trauma?

Words do hurt. Ridicule disdain humiliation and taunting all cause injury and when it is delivered in childhood from a child’s peers verbal abuse causes more than emotional trauma. It inflicts lasting physical effects on brain structure. The remarkable thing about the human brain is that it develops after birth.

Why do words hurt me so much?

New research shows that the brain’s pain matrix gets activated by pain-related words. When people hear or read words such as “plaguing ” “tormenting” and “grueling ” the section of the brain that retains memories of painful experiences is triggered.

What plant helps you sleep?


Aside from the sweet scent valerian plants have been used for centuries to help with sleep problems including insomnia. Inhaling the scent of valerian root has been shown to induce sleep and improve the quality of sleep.

Which plant gives oxygen 24 hours?

1. Aloe Vera. Whenever a list of plants with benefits is made Aloe Vera tops the charts always. Listed as one of the plants improving the air of NASA Aloe Vera emits oxygen at night and increases the longevity of your life.

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Which plant is best for bedroom?

15 of the Best Bedroom Plants for a Prettier Healthier Space

  • Lavender (Lavandula) …
  • Lady Palm (Rhapsis excelsa) …
  • Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica) …
  • Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) …
  • English Ivy (Hedera helix) …
  • Boston Fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata) …
  • Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema commutatum)

Does talking to plants help them grow?

In a study performed by the Royal Horticultural Society researchers discovered that talking to your plants really can help them grow faster. 1 They also found that plants grow faster to the sound of a female voice than to the sound of a male voice.

Can plants hear you talk to them?

Here’s the good news: plants do respond to the sound of your voice. In a study conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society research demonstrated that plants did respond to human voices. In this study there were 10 tomato plants 8 of which had headphones placed around their pots.

Do plants respond to love?

It’s something that plant lovers have long suspected but now Australian scientists have found evidence that plants really can feel when we’re touching them.

Does water have DNA?

River water lake water and seawater contain DNA belonging to organisms such as animals and plants. Ecologists have begun to actively analyze such DNA molecules called environmental DNA to assess the distribution of macro-organisms. … In a natural environment these processes can operate in a complex way.

Is a car alive?

A car can move it gets energy from petrol (like nutrition and respiration) it might have a car alarm (sensitivity) and it gets rid of waste gases through its exhaust pipe (excretion). But it cannot grow or make baby cars. So a car is not alive.

Is water wet?

If we define “wet” as a sensation that we get when a liquid comes in contact with us then yes water is wet to us. If we define “wet” as “made of liquid or moisture” then water is definitely wet because it is made of liquid and in this sense all liquids are wet because they are all made of liquids.

How do words shape our reality?

Psychologists have found that our subconscious mind interprets what it hears very literally. The words that come out of our mouth therefore create the reality we inhabit – for better or worse.

How your words affect your child?

Through positive words parents can promote children’s cognitive functioning. With negative words a child’s brain functioning can be interrupted. Yes. Words have power.

How can words be powerful and change the world?

Words have a dramatic effect on what we know how we interact with people and the decisions we ultimately make. Words can influence us inspire us or just as easily bring us to tears. Words change our relationships our demeanor our entire system of beliefs and even our businesses.

Why can words heal or harm?

We use words thousands of times a day often without even thinking about it. We use them to communicate what we want how we are feeling where we are going what we are doing. … Words do not simply communicate information they also have the power to help heal and harm.

What hurts more actions or words?

Words are more powerful than actions. … “Actions speak louder than words” is untrue. It states that actions are more powerful and hurt more. Physically actions hurt more but mentally words hurt more.

How can words and symbolic actions cause pain?

How can words and symbolic actions cause pain? Pain is an active response to its causes not simply a passive effect. The meanings of words and deeds always include the feelings produced when one makes sense of a situation.

What is the understanding of words?

Semantics relates to the meaning of words. Initially when reading students deal with concrete objects information and meaning. Here are some strategies to help students develop their reading comprehension skills by focusing on semantic skills. …

What are the benefits of using a words correctly and appropriately?

If you get used to express this way your ideas feelings goals etc. you will achieve important benefits:

  • You will communicate with clarity. …
  • You will eliminate stress. …
  • You will be more productive. …
  • You will learn more. …
  • You will gain awareness of your reality. …
  • You will make better decisions. …
  • You will be happier.

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Why is it important to be mindful in using words correctly?

Words matter

Your words reflect your thoughts and feelings so becoming mindful of them will help you to use them more wisely. … The concept of Think before you speak is much more powerful than many realize. It helps to also Feel before you speak and that is where mindfulness comes in.

How words affect our lives?

Words have power. Their meaning crystallizes perceptions that shape our beliefs drive our behavior and ultimately create our world. Their power arises from our emotional responses when we read speak or hear them.

How do words change your brain?

When we use words filled with positivity like “love” and “peace” we can alter how our brain functions by increasing cognitive reasoning and strengthening areas in our frontal lobes. Using positive words more often than negative ones can kick-start the motivational centers of the brain propelling them into action.

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Water Experiment: Words Are Powerful

Interesting Experiment With Cooked Rice | Incredible Power Of Words Experiment By Grant Thompson

How words affect us… and our cells

Water Has Memory! Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Water Experiment!

Table of Contents

  1. Does the rice experiment actually work?
  2. How do you do the rice experiment?
  3. Who did the rice experiment?
  4. Does water react emotions?
  5. Can water feel emotions?
  6. Does water have memory?
  7. What is an Emoto anime?
  8. Does talking to your water help?
  9. What was the significance of the Rice Experiment?
  10. What happens to thank you Rice after 20 days?
  11. What did Masaru Emoto do with the Rice Experiment?
  12. Is the rice in cooked rice full of water?

Words have been found to affect water crystals. Japanese researcher and healer, Dr. These experiments showed human thoughts and intentions can physically alter the molecular structure of water. Specifically, the water crystals were altered simply through conscious intention.

Does the rice experiment actually work?

By the end of our experiment, the amount of mold on both the “love” and the “hate” rice ended up being about the same. There was no significant difference to indicate to us that the experiment had actually worked as we hoped it might. But we’re still glad that we put it to the test.

How do you do the rice experiment?


  1. Fill each jar halfway with rice. Add enough water so that the water just covers the rice.
  2. Affix a label on each of the jars. Write “love” on one, “hate” on another, and leave the last one blank.
  3. Let the experiment begin! Every day for one month, spend time speaking to each jar of rice individually.

Who did the rice experiment?

Dr. Masaru Emoto
One of the researchers in the film, Dr. Masaru Emoto, showed us a simple experiment he conducted with water and rice that reveals a possible connection between human emotion and its effect on water and organic substances.

Does water react emotions?

Emoto’s theories propose that water is able to respond to human emotion, thoughts, words and written messages. Emoto claims to capture water’s expressions though photographs of highly magnified, newly formed ice crystals. The emotion can be conveyed by speech, by silent thought, or even writing.

Can water feel emotions?

Dr. Emoto says that drinking water which has been exposed to positive emotions and ideas (such as the Ubuntu water) has a positive effect on health, while water exposed to feelings of hate or violence causes disease.

Does water have memory?

Water memory is the purported ability of water to retain a memory of substances previously dissolved in it even after an arbitrary number of serial dilutions….Water memory.

Claims Unproven claim that under certain circumstances water can retain a “memory” of solute particles after arbitrarily large dilution.
Year proposed 1988

What is an Emoto anime?

Acronym. Definition. EMOTO. Eventual Master Of The Obvious.

Does talking to your water help?

Placing positive intentions in it can actually change your health & your life. Since water has a crystalline structure, it acts like a recorder…so your water holds memory. This is very powerful, as you can tell your water how to interact with the water-based cells in your body & exchange vital information.

What was the significance of the Rice Experiment?

The rice experiment is another famous Masaru Emoto demonstration of the power of negative thinking (and conversely, the power of positive thinking). The rice experiment is another famous Masaru Emoto demonstration of the power of negative thinking (and conversely, the power of positive thinking).

What happens to thank you Rice after 20 days?

“Open Minds Open Doors to the Impossible.” After 20 Days, The “Thank You Rice” had a sweet aroma and maintained its white color. The “Stupid Rice” possessed a foul odor, became darker in color and formed a mold. What Does This Mean?

What did Masaru Emoto do with the Rice Experiment?

The rice experiment is another famous Masaru Emoto demonstration of the power of negative thinking (and conversely, the power of positive thinking). Latest Guides High Culture Knowledge Lifestyle Videos Shop Random

Is the rice in cooked rice full of water?

Cooked rice is full of water, therefore it is the water in the rice that is affected. The rice is merely the vehicle/vessel. We are mostly made of water percentage wise.

More from The Question & Answer (Q&A)

Words influence water. Our body is made up of 60% of water. Therefore, the words that we think significantly influence the structure of our bodies. This means that our health is profoundly influenced by words. Think positive words! 

Learn more about Dr. Masaru Emoto.

What do ‘words’ mean to you… Do they affect you? Can words shape the physical world? The answer is YES! Absolutely… The Truth is out there! The power of words is not a myth for my friends. Words are ‘things’ that get into your upholstery, fabric, clothes… and eventually into You. We have discovered a way to ‘measure’ the power of WORDS which are sound vibrations that ‘effect’ and ‘influence’ Us Frequency-Beings.

Some words have an ‘intention’ (aka – the spell) attached to kill us on a Cellular level e.g. die, dye, aging, old, retirement, death, sick, cancer, hate, idiot, ignore… and so on. And other words have the power to make us come alive, to flourish, to blossom, to keep us healthy like gratitude, appreciation, loving kindness, love, bliss, magic etc. We don’t ask for You to believe this evidence… We ask that you do the experiment.

Choose your Words Well and You WILL Create much Beauty… Inwards and Outwards! Think positive!

Also follow your research on water with the next articles:

The Water’s Response To Positive Words – Scientific Experiment By Dr. Masaru Emoto

Amazing Scientific Experiment on Water made by Dr. Masaru Emoto

Water Response to Positive Words

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Learn how elements provides astonishing effects on water

Water is life, and just like humans, it is connected to and is affected by its surroundings. In this article, we will show you how music, prayer and words have unbelievable, yet, realistic effects on water.

Effects of Music on Water

Did you know that there is an amazing play between music and water? In fact, there are visible proofs to the fascinating effects of music on water!

A lot can be said when it comes to music. In fact, it cannot be defined into a single term for the reason that people have different perspectives regarding music. However, one thing is for sure, music is life and that music has long been an integral part of human life. Many, if not all, would agree that without music, life is dull and boring.

Music, with its various forms and structures, fuels the mind and fosters creativity among adults and children alike. As such, it propels people to discover the wonders of this world and to create as well as innovate. An engaging form of art, music is said to be the language of the universe. It is universal in the sense that understanding it has no boundaries. Surprisingly, even other creatures such as animals can understand music as much as human beings do. Music is intertwined in the lives of people; it is one of the forms of expressing oneself in ways when mere talking is not enough. It also empowers people to a certain form of movement as it deals with the human senses. Moreover, music is a very dynamic art form; it stirs up emotions, moves one’s feelings, brings excitement and lifts up one’s soul.

Dr. Emoto Masaru’s Study on the Effect of Music on Water

Nonetheless, the power of music goes beyond feelings and emotions. It can actually have a significant effect on nature such as water. The studies of a well-known Japanese scientist, Dr. Emoto Masaru, have proven the remarkable effects of music on water and to human life, as well. In his experiments, certain music genres were used, most of which were classical music. The results were astonishing because as the structured water was frozen during the process, beautiful water crystals were formed.

From this experiment, they have concluded that music has a sort of healing properties and that it has powerful effects on water. Furthermore, another wonderful discovery is that music affects people’s health in a positive way; meaning, its healing properties can also take effect on human bodies since they are mainly composed of water. A case in point is the various frequencies of music and the vibrations created as these have different effects on water and on the bodily tissues and organs, in particular.

So, the next time you feel down and thirsty, do not just listen to music, instead, drink structured water and experience the amazing benefits and effects of music on water.

Effects of Prayer on Water

Just like music, prayer has also a miraculous connection with water and has amazing effects on water.

We all agree that prayer is vital to our being. Prayer is a channel of communication. It is a process that allows people to talk to and interact with their Maker. We all know that communication, in every sense of the word, is essential in building a relationship for without it, no relationship ever survives. Through prayers, the connections are strengthened and fostered. Moreover, prayer, as a form of communication, causes people to bare their feelings, thoughts and desires. Resultantly, prayer brings about a powerful force and its effects are truly limitless. Prayers are indeed powerful! There are actual images that testify about the wonderful effects of prayer on water.

Undeniably, water is life. Hence, it is imperative that in order to thrive, one must incorporate prayer as part of one’s growth. The interminable effects of prayer are worth relating to the importance of water. Water is a life-giving element. Ergo, it needs to be nurtured and cared for. Dr. Masaru Emoto, the inventor of structured water, has found some remarkable effects of prayer on water. Upon performing a series of experiments, discovery shows that positive words in the form of prayer have impressive and miraculous results.

Photographs of structured water were captured and examined. A clear evidence of the effects of prayer on water is proven. The formation of water that has been showered with good words is said to be more structured and better-looking compared to the water that was bombarded with negative words. Indeed, prayer and water are interconnected. Apparently, positive words and good vibes have significant effects on water. Hence, the effects of prayer on water are unquestionable.

Effects of Words on Water

Have you ever wondered if words have effects on water? Words have power; they either kill or speak life to anything and to anyone. In a sense, words are the primary medium of communication, both oral and written. The way we use them spells the difference in transmitting a message onto others. Similarly, our manner of expressing ourselves greatly affects the message that is being conveyed; that is, it can be either taken positively or negatively. The impact of the words spoken defines the gravity of the message.

Too many times, people talk without thinking and so they unconsciously utter words that are somewhat discouraging, let alone destructive. Apparently, only a few would stop and think before they gab. Of the thousands words that come out from our mouth each day, we are actually oblivious to the fact that these expressions have negative effect on the people around us. Since words have immense power, we ought to use them purposely. Words release energy and significance that stirs up responses from other people. Whatever we say, whether positive or negative, generates an effect in the lives of others, and have effects on water, too.

Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Study on the Effect of Words on Water

Yes, common effects of words on water are known. To emphasize the power of words, Dr. Masaru Emoto, the genius behind the discovery of structured water, conducted a study on the effects of words on water. In his experiment, he wrote words (both positive and negative) on vials filled with water. It was found out that beautiful crystals were formed in the vials which had positive words such as love, kindness and the like. Consequently, the ones with negative words had an opposite result.

From such experiment, serious and significant effects on water are evident. So, before saying anything, remember the effects of words on water. Moreover, words and water are interrelated. Ergo, if there are remarkable effects of words on water, we can also claim that words have impact on our body since we are largely composed of water. With that said, we are highly encouraged to take in not just healthy drinking water but the kind of water that brings restoration and healing. Structured water is the best solution!

To find out more about structured water, check our structured water units and feel free to inquire.

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