Word eat in italian

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Shouldn’t eat peanuts when scared…

Non bisognerebbe mangiare noccioline… quando si ha paura…

No, come eat outside instead.

No, venite a mangiare fuori, invece.

He’s making the doctor eat himself.

Sta costringendo il dottore… a mangiare se stesso.

Lepidoptera larvae eat clover, among other plants.

Le larve di lepidottero mangiano… trifogli, tra le altre piante.

Please tell me you eat carbs.

La prego, mi dica che mangiate carboidrati.

Most cultures don’t eat dolphin.

Nella maggior parte delle culture non si mangiano i delfini.

Probably true wherever they eat blood soup.

Probabilmente è vero ovunque mangino la zuppa di sangue.

I can’t eat any of this.

Non posso mangiare nulla di queste cose, sono tutte cose che provocano infarti.

They eat people like you for breakfast.

Loro li mangiano a colazione i tipi come te.

Drink my champagne, eat my oysters…

Bevete il mio champagne, mangiate le mie ostriche…

Sugar ants don’t eat wood.

Le formiche da zucchero non mangiano il legno.

That kid should just eat moderately.

Quella bambina deve solo imparare a mangiare con moderazione.

I cannot eat with hands bound.

Non riesco a mangiare con le mani legate.

That dingo better not eat no baby.

Sarà meglio che quel dingo non mangi nessun bambino.

Come eat at our restaurant later.

In seguito, vieni a mangiare al nostro ristorante.

All the pickled herring you can eat.

Tutte le aringhe in salamoia che potreste a mangiare.

Maybe it could eat itself too.

Forse, si potrebbe anche mangiare da sola.

Really anything that the driver can eat.

Proprio qualsiasi cosa che il pilota possa… mangiare.

This book says you can eat nettles.

Il libro dice che si possono mangiare le ortiche.

Kids who eat plain cheese pizza die.

I bambini che mangiano la pizza al formaggio muoiono.

No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain eat

Results: 50906. Exact: 50906. Elapsed time: 292 ms.

Who eat at you. the petty people… And he started discussing.

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Che ti divorano. E iniziò a parlare delle persone meschine.

Cause I happen to know that the lions only eat Christians. Oh,

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Perché guarda caso so che i leoni divorano solo cristiani.

Limit the consumption of meat and cheese, eat more fruit and vegetables.

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Limita il consumo di carne e formaggi, consuma più frutta e ortaggi.

Because I happen to know that the lions only eat Christians!

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Perché guarda caso so che i leoni divorano solo cristiani!

Ready to bite, kill, eat, and rip off your face.

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Pronto a mordere, uccidere, divorare. A staccarti via la testa.

The house, it makes these, um… Memories that eat other memories.

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La casa crea questi… Ricordi che divorano altri ricordi.

I have seen drugs eat the souls of many great men.

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Ho visto droghe divorare l’anima… di uomini fantastici.

He must eat insects, and animals that fail into in the waterfall.

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Probabilmente si nutre di insetti e animali che cadono dalla cascata.

Maybe I will let the beasts eat you.

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Forse lascero’ che le belve ti divorino.

These birds eat crustaceans, aquatic insects, and small fish.

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Questa specie si nutre di crostacei, insetti acquatici e piccoli pesci.

If you eat me, you would have to do it.

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Se mi divori, dovrai recuperare tutto da solo.

Griffon vultures eat only dead animals and do not attack the living prey.

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Il grifone si nutre esclusivamente di carogne e non attacca animali vivi.

I’m sure this place comes with things that could eat Chester.

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Sono sicuro che questa casa ospiti cose che potrebbero divorare Chester.

We eat boyfriends for breakfast.

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Don’t let fear eat at you like a parasite.

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Non lasciare che la paura ti divori come un parassita.

In fact, I will even let you eat my brains.

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Anzi, ti lascero’ divorare il mio cervello.

They shall eat the victim both for sin and for trespass.

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Essi si nutriranno delle oblazioni, dei sacrifizi per il peccato e dei sacrifizi per la colpa.

The lady said to me, shocked,’Eat it here.

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La signorina mi ha detto, scioccata:’Lo divori qui.

Eat, because it has not happened yet.

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Mangia… perché non é ancora successo.

In ethiopia, They eat stew off of spongy, sour bread.

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Mangiano… lo sufato In Etiopia… su pane amaro

Yeah. Eat. Quite a spread for just two people.

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Sì, una bella mangiata per due persone. Mangia.

But people have to eat this cake.

I eat husbands. Well, what?

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Let’s just eat breakfast and forget all about what happened at the last wedding.

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Mangiamo… La colazione e dimentichiamoci di quello che è successo lo scorso matrimonio.

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Yeah. in the water. You… eat.

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Mangi… nell’acqua. Sì. Tu.

What did your teacher say? Here, eat.

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Tò, mangia… Cosa ti ha detto il maestro?

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Time: 0.0409





Italy is synonymous with good eats!

Learn how to talk about eating, with the main Italian verb for eat: mangiare. Find out how to pronounce it, and how to use it in the present, past, and command forms. 

Not only that:

  • discover various ways to say eat! and enjoy your food! (like mangia! and buon appetite!)
  • find out how to talk about the Italian meals of the day from colazione (breakfast) to cena (dinner) and everything in between
  • learn adverbs for talking about eating, like piano (slowly) and tanto (a lot!)
  • learn phrases about eating a ton, like abbuffarsi (to stuff oneself)
  • find out about other verbs that mean to eat in Italian. 

Let’s dig in!


The main Italian verb in Italian for eat is mangiare. It is a regular verb with the ending -are. Mangiare means to eat. Stay tuned to find out how to use it in action!

The pronunciation of mangiare is: mahn-jee-AH-reh

Listen to how to pronounce mangiare here:

Quando vado in Italia ho un solo obiettivo: mangiare!
When I go to Italy I have just one goal: to eat! 

Have you ever heard Italians say magnare (pronounced mahn-ee-AH-reh), or magnà (mahn-ee-AH)? This is the verb magnare, which is mangiare (to eat) in Roman dialect, but it is used even more widely throughout Italy, especially in the south.


Mangiare (to eat) follows the regular pattern of verbs ending in -are. So:

I eat (io) mangio
you eat (informal singular) (tu) mangi
he/she eats (lui/lei) mangia
you eat (plural)  (voi) mangiate
we eat  (noi) mangiamo
they eat (loro) mangiano

You’ll see that the Italian subject pronouns are in parentheses. This is because you often don’t need to include the subject or subject pronoun: you can figure out who the subject is from the verb conjugation.

Mangiamo sempre tardi giovedì sera perché ho la lezione di cucina alle 18.
We always eat late on Thursday night because I have a cooking lesson at 6 pm.

Non mangi la carne?
You don’t eat meat?


To talk about eating in the past, you can use the passato prossimo form. To do it, conjugate the auxiliary verb (in this case, avere), and add the past participle: mangiato

The passato prossimo usually corresponds to both the simple past and the present perfect in English. For example, the passato prossimo of mangiare is ate, or has/have eaten

Here is the complete conjugation of mangiare (to eat) in the passato prossimo:

I ate, I have eaten (io) ho mangiato
you ate, you have eaten (informal singular) (tu) hai mangiato
he/she ate, he/she has eaten (lui/lei) ha mangiato
you ate, you have eaten (plural)  (voi) avete mangiato
we ate, we have eaten  (noi) abbiamo mangiato
they ate, they have eaten (loro) hanno mangiato

Sara e Piero hanno mangiato al nuovo ristorante giapponese ieri sera.
Sara and Piero ate at the new Japanese restaurant yesterday evening.


Woman gesturing to a plate of truffle pasta and saying in a graphic speech bubble, "È ora di mangiare!"

The Italian table is sacred, a place for family and friends to gather around meals of delicious food. Not only that, standard mealtimes give shape to the ark of the day.

What if it’s 1pm, your stomach is growling and you want to get things rolling? Or it’s time to get people to the table at mealtime? Italians have quite a few ways to say Let’s eat!

È ora di mangiare means It’s time to eat

Andiamo a mangiare means Let’s go eat.

A tavola! is a phrase you’ll hear in Italian homes up and down the peninsula. The literal translation is To the table! and you’d better get there quick or the pasta will get cold.

Tutti a mangiare! is similar to the last phrase. It means Everybody eat! so hurry up and get to the table.

Si mangia is the impersonal form of mangiare. It literally means one eats, but the sense is let’s eat, or we’re eating.

Mangiamo! means let’s eat! when said as a command.

Here are some examples of these phrases in action:

La pasta è pronta. A tavola!
Lunch is ready. To the table!

Ora che abbiamo fatto il brindisi, si mangia!
Now that we’ve made a toast, let’s eat!


When everyone has gathered around the table, even if it’s just two people, it’s polite to wish them buon appetito. Similar to the French phrase bon appetit, buon appetito means enjoy your meal

If you are bidding goodbye to someone who is off to have a meal, you can wish them:

Buon pranzo, or enjoy your lunch, have a good lunch
Buona cena, or enjoy your dinner, have a good dinner

These two phrases usually aren’t used at a meal: use buon appetito at the meal if you are eating with the person. 

Is your companion feeling shy about digging into their lasagne? Do you want to offer them the last piece of bruschetta? You can say mangia!

Mangia! is a word you’ve probably heard in films or tv shows with Italian characters. It is one conjugation of the command form, or the imperative (l’imperativo) of the verb mangiare. Use the imperative to tell someone to go ahead and eat, like this:

Mangia! means Eat! in the informal singular you form. Use it when speaking to someone you know well.

Mangi! means Eat! in the formal singular you form. Use it when speaking to someone you don’t know well, an elder, or someone with superior social status.

Mangiate! means Eat! in the plural you form. Use it when speaking to a group. 

Mangiamo! means Let’s eat!


The Italian day is punctuated by clearly defined meals, instead of being an all day snack-fest. 

  • Colazione is breakfast
  • Pranzo is lunch
  • Cena is dinner
  • Spuntino is a light snack to tide you over
  • Merenda is a snack, usually in the late afternoon
  • Aperitivo is like a pre-dinner happy hour, or cocktail hour, with a drink and plenty of food! 

However, the verb to use with these meals is not mangiare, but fare. For example, to say eat lunch, say fare pranzo. To say eat a snack, say fare merenda

Io e Caterina facciamo cena insieme sabato sera.
Caterina and I eat dinner together on Saturday night.

Mi piace fare colazione al bar, hanno i cornetti buonissimi.
I like eating breakfast at the bar, they have great croissants.

There are also two verbs that you can use directly:

pranzare means to eat lunch
cenare means to eat dinner

Non pranzo mai al ristorante.
I never eat lunch at a restaurant.


To describe how you eat, you can add an adverb to the verb mangiare, like this:

  • mangiare poco is to eat little, to eat a little
  • mangiare tanto is to eat a lot
  • mangiare troppo is to eat too much

Giuseppe mangia poco a cena.
Giuseppe eats little at dinner.

  • mangiare bene is to eat well, as in the food is good
  • mangiare male is to eat badly, as in the food is bad

Abbiamo mangiato molto bene al matrimonio di Saverio. 
We ate very well at Saverio’s wedding/The food was very good at Saverio’s wedding.

  • mangiare velocemente is to eat fast
  • mangiare di fretta is to eat in a rush
  • mangiare piano is to eat slowly

Oggi devo mangiare di fretta se voglio arrivare in orario alla riunione. 
Today I must eat in a rush if I want to be on time for the meeting. 

To talk about where you eat, you can say:

  • mangiare a casa, or to eat at home, to eat in
  • mangiare fuori, or to eat out

Stasera Giovanni le porta a mangiare fuori.
Tonight Giovanni is taking her out to eat.


When Italian meals are especially abundant and over the top (for example at the holidays), here are a few good words:

  • abbuffata= huge meal, feast
  • mangiata/magnata= big meal, feast

Sono ancora piena dopo l’abbuffata di Natale.
I’m still full after the huge Christmas meal.

Someone has to eat all that delicious Italian food, it might as well be us! Here are some phrases related to doing a lot of eating.

  • abbuffarsi = to stuff oneself
  • farsi una mangiata (di) = to eat a ton (of), to feast (on)
  • mangiare come un bufalo = to eat like a horse (literally: to eat like a buffalo)
  • essere un mangione = to be a big eater

Al ristorante di pesce ci siamo fatti una mangiata di cozze.
At the seafood restaurant we ate a ton of mussels.


Here are some other verbs that mean to eat in Italian, besides mangiare

consumare to eat or drink, as in to consume:
I pasti vanno consumati a tavola.
Meals should be eaten at the table.
nutrirsi to eat, as in to nourish oneself:
Gli atleti devono nutrirsi bene.
Athletes must eat well.
corrodere to eat away at, as in to corrode:
L’acido corrode il metallo.
Acid eats away at metal.
cibarsi to eat, as in to feed on:
Gli avvoltoi si cibano di carogna.
Vultures feed on carrion.

To this advice, Saint John Baptist de La Salle knows how to add some encouragement: “if you love God, interior prayer will be the food


of your soul and He will enter

within you and will have you eat at His table, as Saint John […]

says in the Apocalypse, and you


will then have as well the advantage of having Him present during all your actions and having no other purpose than to please Him; you will even always hunger for it, as the Wise man says, for, according to the expression of the Prophet-King, you will never be satisfied until you enjoy His glory in heaven” (Med 177.3).



Al consiglio, La Salle sa unire l’incoraggiamento: «Se amate Dio, l’orazione sarà il


nutrimento della vostra anima e lui

entrerà in voi e vi farà mangiare alla sua tavola, come […]

dice San Giovanni nell’Apocalisse,


e voi in seguito avrete il vantaggio do averlo presente nelle vostre azioni e di non avere altra vista che di piacergli; avrete anche sempre fame di lui, come dice il Saggio, perché, secondo l’espressione del Profeta-Re, non sarete saziati che quando gioirete della sua gloria nel Cielo» (Med. 177.3).



Finally, don’t forget, to have good health it is necessary to

maintain it at its best: eat healthy and varied food, […]

particularly fruits and vegetables,


do daily physical activity (not only to prevent risks arising from overweight, but also to “oxygenate” the mind after a busy workday), avoid smoking and alcohol abuse, do not lead too hectic a life, spend relaxing moments, and rest, because health should always come first!



Non bisogna dimenticare, infine che, per


avere una buona salute è necessario

conservarla al meglio: mangiare cibi sani e vari, in […]

particolare frutta e verdura, fare


attività fisica giornaliera (non solo per prevenire i rischi derivati dal sovrappeso, ma anche per “ossigenare” la mente dopo un’intensa giornata lavorativa), evitare il fumo e l’abuso di alcolici, non condurre una vita troppo frenetica, dedicare momenti al relax ed al riposo, perché la salute deve sempre e comunque venire prima di tutto!



However, most adults and

children who eat a generally healthy […]

diet should have no problems obtaining enough zinc not just


to avoid these health concerns but also to provide the body with enough of the nutrient for it to function at optimal levels.



In ogni caso, la maggior parte degli adulti e

dei bambini che si alimentano in […]

modo sano non dovrebbe avere problemi a ottenere


una quantità di zinco sufficiente non solo a evitare questi problemi di salute, ma anche ad assicurare il funzionamento ottimale del proprio corpo.



Into Instead, what the author shows us very simply, with grace, sweetness and genuineness of those who move with purity of heart in the harshness of the world and among the diversity of people with whom they compare respectfully, is that, although man is born omnivorous and hunter, as well as collector and


then, grower, has on his side the opportunity

to choose to eat food that the […]

animal (meat and fish for vegetarians, but also


dairy products and eggs for vegans) can be consciously excluded or drastically reduced, in view of ethical values based on compassion for living beings on our planet and in the name of human existence that is raised in a equal and respectful towards other forms of life.



Invece, quel che l’autore ci dimostra molto semplicemente, con la grazia, la dolcezza e la genuinità di chi si muove con purezza d’animo nella crudezza del mondo e tra la diversità delle persone con cui si confronta rispettosamente, è che, seppur l’uomo sia nato onnivoro e cacciatore, oltre che raccoglitore e poi,


coltivatore, ha dalla sua parte la possibilità di

scegliere di nutrirsi di cibo in cui […]

la parte animale (la carne e il pesce per i


vegetariani, ma anche i latticini e le uova per i vegani) possa essere coscientemente esclusa o ridotta drasticamente, in vista di valori etici fondati sulla compassione per gli esseri viventi del nostro pianeta e in nome di una esistenza umana che si ponga in maniera paritaria e rispettosa nei confronti delle altre forme di vita.



Some of the larvae from

the first generation eat quickly and are transformed […]

into chrysalises and second generation adults,


and others do not turn into chrysalises but enter into a state of hibernation until the next spring when they become chrysalises and are the first generation of the following year.



Parte delle larve procedenti dalla prima

generazione si alimentano rapidamente e si […]

trasformano in crisalidi e in adulti


come una seconda generazione e altre non crisalidano, ma entrano in svernamento fino alla primavera successiva in cui crisalidano, costituendo cosí la prima generazione dell’anno seguente.



Is Article 3a of Directive 84/450 (1 ), as amended by Directive 97/55 (2 ), to be interpreted as meaning that it is unlawful to engage in comparative advertising on the basis of the price of products meeting the same needs or intended for the same purpose, that is to say, products which are sufficiently interchangeable, on the sole ground that, in regard to food products, the extent to which consumers would like to eat those products, or, in any case, the pleasure of consuming them, is completely different according to the conditions and the place of production, the ingredients used and the experience of the producer?



Se l’art. 3 bis della direttiva 84/450 (1 ), quale modificata dalla direttiva 97/55 (2 ), debba essere interpretato nel senso che non è lecito effettuare una pubblicità comparativa tra i prezzi di prodotti che soddisfano gli stessi bisogni o si propongono gli stessi obiettivi, vale a dire che presentano tra loro una grado di intercambiabilità sufficiente, per il solo motivo che, trattandosi di prodotti alimentari, la commestibilità di ciascuno di tali prodotti e, in ogni caso, il piacere derivante dal loro consumo cambia completamente in funzione delle condizioni e del luogo di produzione, degli ingredienti utilizzati e dell’esperienza del produttore.



One of the highlights of the luxurious Atlante Star Hotel has to be its rooftop restaurant where you can enjoy spectacular views of St. Peter’s Basilica while you eat.



Uno dei punti di forza del lussuoso Atlante Star Hotel è il ristorante panoramico, dove potrete mangiare e, allo stesso tempo, ammirare le viste spettacolari sulla Basilica di San Pietro.



Article 3a(1)(b) of Council Directive 84/450/EEC of 10 September 1984 concerning misleading and comparative advertising, as amended by Directive 97/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 October 1997, is to be interpreted as meaning that the fact alone that food products differ in terms of the extent to which consumers would like to eat them and the pleasure to be derived from consuming them, according to the conditions and place of production, their ingredients and who produced them, cannot preclude the possibility that the comparison of such products may meet the requirement laid down in that provision that the products compared meet the same needs or are intended for the same purpose, that is to say, that they display a sufficient degree of interchangeability.



L’art. 3 bis, n. 1, lett. b), della direttiva del Consiglio 10 settembre 1984, 84/450/CEE, concernente la pubblicità ingannevole e comparativa, quale modificata dalla direttiva del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio 6 ottobre 1997, 97/55/CE, deve essere interpretato dichiarando che la mera circostanza che i prodotti alimentari si differenzino quanto alla loro commestibilità e quanto al piacere da essi procurato al consumatore, in funzione delle condizioni e del luogo della loro produzione, dei loro ingredienti e dell’identità del loro produttore, non è tale da escludere che il confronto di tali prodotti possa rispondere al requisito sancito dalla predetta disposizione, in base al quale essi devono soddisfare gli stessi bisogni o proporsi gli stessi obiettivi, vale a dire presentare tra loro un sufficiente grado di intercambiabilità.



Discuss how the people in the world can work together so that everyone

will have enough and the right kinds of food to eat.



Discutete su come le persone nel mondo possano lavorare insieme in

modo che ognuno abbia da mangiare il cibo sufficiente e […]

nei giusti generi.



One method extensively advertised for many years

«taught» the beginner by the scheme «Eat Another Raw Lemon,» which was supposed […]

to remind him how each


of the four letters E A R L was formed, each one adding one element to the previous one.



Un altro metodo ampiamente pubblicizzato per molti anni che si


insegnava al principiante

era quello chiamato Eat Another Raw Lemon” (mangia un altro limone acerbo), […]

che doveva ricordargli


come era costituita ognuna delle quattro lettere E-A-R-L: ciascuna aggiungeva un elemento alla precedente.



Putting on too much weight is often the cause of maternal and fetal complications (high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. for the mother and growth and metabolic problems for the baby) which result in the possible appearance of more serious


conditions, and this is why it is essential

to control yourself and eat in a balanced way, avoiding […]

hypercaloric (sweet snacks, fried


food) and highly seasoned food.



L’ eccessivo aumento di peso è spesso causa di complicanze materne (ipertensione, diabete, ecc) e fetali (difetti di accrescimento e metabolici), che hanno come conseguenza il possibile instaurarsi di condizioni più


gravi, ecco perché è indispensabile

sapersi controllare e mangiare in modo equilibrato, […]

evitando cibi ipercalorici (merendine, fritti) e molto conditi.



Following an updated review of the available scientific information, EFSA concluded that keeping to these limits leads to very low numbers of listeriosis cases in humans as most cases are due to the consumption of ready-toeat foods which support Listeria growth and a high concentration of Listeria in the food chain.



Dopo una valutazione aggiornata delle informazioni scientifiche disponibili, l’EFSA ha concluso che rientrare in tali soglie riduce significativamente il numero di casi di listeriosi nell’uomo, e che la maggior parte di essi è imputabile al consumo di cibi pronti che favoriscono la crescita di Listeria e ne sviluppano un’elevata concentrazione nella catena alimentare.



An all-you-caneat buffet breakfast is available each morning and includes the expected cooked items such as scrambled, fried, poached or boiled eggs, and pork or vegetarian sausages.



Ogni mattina viene allestito un buffet per la prima colazione a consumazione libera, che include pietanze calde, quali uova strapazzate, fritte, in camicia o sode, nonché salsicce di carne di maiale o vegetariane.



Sitting down to eat in Trieste becomes […]

a real and proper journey on tastes, smells and colours belonging to different cultures


and ways of living, but which here encounter a taste which is truly unique.



Sedersi a tavola a Trieste diventa […]

un vero e proprio viaggio tra sapori, odori e colori appartenenti a culture e modi di


vivere diversi, che però qui trovano un gusto che è veramente unico.



Lord, may this food that we are about to eat, given to us through your goodness and through the work and effort of each of us, renew our strength and make us resemble ‘the multitude of believers who were of one heart and one soul.



Signore, che questo cibo che ora prenderemo grazie alla tua bontà e al lavoro e allo sforzo di ognuno di noi rinnovi le nostre forze e ci renda semili alla “moltitudine di coloro che erano diventati credenti e che aveva un cuore solo e un’anima sola”.



Their streets and avenues, mostly pedestrianised, large plazas, designed to make life easy for those on foot, and atmosphere, a mixture of peacefulness and the bustle of city


life, make the centre of Pamplona an

ideal place to stroll, shop, eat and mix in with the typical […]

customs of the residents.



Le sue vie e viali, prevalentemente pedonali, le sue piazze ampie, pensate per la comodità dei pedoni, e il suo ambiente, tranquillo e al tempo stesso movimentato, rendono il centro


di Pamplona il luogo ideale per

passeggiare, comprare, mangiare e vivere le abitudini […]

tipiche degli abitanti della città.



Kitchens, and space for dining, allowing the people

who work in an office to eat and drink together, is […]

a longstanding habit.



Cucine e sale da pranzo che permettono alle persone che lavorano in un

ufficio di trovarsi a mangiare e bere insieme, sono […]

abitudini consolidate.



Armenia itself is fuel for western countries and for Vladimir Putin, who is now darting along the all-holes road, escorted and greeted by


policemen standing at attention;

people are distracted, they eat cakes made with condensed […]

must and nuts, they exchange a few


words about the good season being late, they elegantly wipe their dusty shoes with clean handkerchiefs, or walk on stiletto heels even with minus ten degrees centigrade and snow everywhere.



Combustibile è anche l’Armenia per i Paesi occidentali e per Vladimir Putin, che ora sfreccia sulla strada tuttabuche, scortato e


salutato da poliziotti sull’attenti;

il popolo si distrae, mangia dolci fatti con mosto […]

condensato e noci, scambia due parole


sulla buona stagione che tarda, strofina con gesto elegante il fazzoletto lindo sulle scarpe impolverate o cammina su tacchi a spillo anche con meno dieci e la neve ovunque.



From the most famous European Art Galleries to the Museum of Modern Art in New York, Marti Guixe’s research on the


concept of food and on

the technique to prepare, show and eat it, reaches ten years and introduces […]

itself with an installation


that captures the joyful and innovative spirit of the Catalan artist who anticipated some of the alimentary habits and trends of the last years.



Dalle più famose gallerie d’arte d’Europa al Museo D’Arte Moderna di New York, la ricerca di


Marti Guixe sul concetto

di cibo e sulla tecnica per prepararlo, presentarlo e gustarlo, compie dieci […]

anni e si realizza in


un allestimento che cattura lo spirito giocoso ed innovativo del creativo catalano che ha anticipato alcune delle abitudini e delle tendenze alimentari più interessati degli ultimi anni.



If we are members of the Slow Food movement and if we are part of the Terra Madre network, it is not only


because we are

concerned about the way we eat, but also because we are aware that, to eat in a good, clean and […]

fair manner, it is vital


for us to take good care of the part of the planet we live on.



Se apparteniamo al movimento Slow Food, se siamo nella rete di Terra Madre, non è solo


perché abbiamo a cuore il

nostro modo di nutrirci, ma anche perché siamo consapevoli che per nutrirci in maniera […]

buona, pulita e giusta


è indispensabile la cura della porzione di pianeta che abitiamo.



The number of pupils who eat regularly at the canteen has increased, the school has noticed that they are eating apples every day; the feedback from […]

parents, students and


teachers is positive and the enthusiasm from all involved is great.



Il numero di alunni che mangiano regolarmente in mensa è aumentato, la scuola ha riscontrato che questi alunni stanno mangiando mele ogni giorno; il […]

feedback da parte di genitori,


studenti e insegnanti è positivo e l’entusiasmo di tutti gli attori coinvolti è grande.



True to Colors’s tradition and thanks to its international network of correspondents, photographers and travellers, AFRICA MON AMOUR is a


surprising journey through an Africa never seen before, with its local artists, activities,

festival, things to do, see and eat.



Com‟è nella tradizione di Colors e grazie alla sua rete internazionale di corrispondenti, fotografi e viaggiatori AFRICA MON AMOUR offre un viaggio


sorprendente attraverso un‟Africa inedita con i suoi artisti locali, attività, festival,

cose da fare, vedere e mangiare.



But also smoked Dalmatian ham,


salted sardines, cheese and salami with

paprika taste like to eat. this country that can […]

look back on a long tradition of wine-growing is also known for its wines.



Ma anche piace mangiare prosciutto dalmata affumicato, […]

sarde salate, formaggio e salame con gusto paprika. questo paese


che può guardare indietro su una lunga tradizione della viticoltura è anche noto per i suoi vini.



Food and drink markets using singleserve packs include ready meals, and products to eat and drink on the go; plus a plethora of products for consumption in restaurants, coffee shops, and hotels.



Nell’industria alimentare, le confezioni monodose vengono utilizzate per i pasti pronti e per bevande e snack da passeggio, oltre che per una vasta gamma di prodotti destinati a ristoranti, caffè e hotel.



The Shape of Taste, curated by Beppe Finessi, an exhibition project that represents an attempt, through a display of over 200 engaging objects, to stimulate in the visitor a different kind of


aesthetic and sensory perception: a

selection of works «to eat with the eyes, taste with […]

one’s gaze and perceive with all


the senses» is how the museum describes it.



La Forma del Gusto», a cura di Beppe Finessi, un progetto espositivo che rappresenta il tentativo, attraverso gli oltre 200 vivaci oggetti proposti, di stimolare nel visitatore una diversa


percezione estetica e sensoriale; una

selezione di opere «da mangiare con gli occhi, assaporare […]

con lo sguardo e percepire con


tutti i sensi», come raccontano dal museo.



If you prefer to wait for your return flight, there are several

places at the terminals where you can eat and pass time.



Se si preferisce aspettare per il volo di ritorno, ci sono parecchi posti presso i

terminali dove potrete mangiare e passare il tempo.



Camel’s milk has excellent nutritional properties: not only is it the


main source of vitamin C for millions of

people who rarely eat fruit or vegetables, […]

it also has much lower percentages of


cholesterol and fat than cow’s milk (in Mauritania, for example, the fat content is between 2.5 and 3.5% according to the season).



Il latte di dromedario ha eccellenti proprietà alimentari: non solo è il maggiore veicolo di


vitamina C per milioni di persone che si

nutrono raramente di frutta e verdura; […]

rispetto al latte di vacca, ha colesterolo


e percentuali di grasso più basse (in Mauritania, per esempio, tra il 2,5 e il 3,5% secondo la stagione).



While you are in Hungary you are bound to find great hotels near the Sarmellek airport and many

fast food restaurants to eat at.



Mentre siete in Ungheria sono tenuti a trovare grandi Alberghi vicino all’aeroporto di Sarmellek e molti

ristoranti fast food a mangiare.



Sent by: Sonia Monteventi — Monte


San Pietro (BO) This cake requires a lot of time, preparation must be started

on a Tuesday in order to eat it on a Sunday.



Ricetta segnalata da: Sonia Monteventi — Monte


San Pietro (BO) Questa torta richiede molto tempo, bisogna incominciarla al

martedì per poterla mangiare alla domenica.



Not only do I fully support the use of EU money to tackle a priority public health concern faced by all Member States, but I also support the strong social element attached to the proposals, in that they will allow Member States to


support children from

more deprived backgrounds who tend to eat less fruit and vegetables and who tend […]

to be more at risk from obesity.



Non soltanto appoggio pienamente l’uso del denaro comunitario per far fronte a una preoccupazione di sanità pubblica prioritaria condivisa da tutti gli Stati membri, ma avallo anche la forte componente sociale connessa alle proposte nel senso che consentiranno agli Stati membri di


supportare bambini

provenienti da contesti meno abbienti che tendono a mangiare meno frutta e verdura […]

e, dunque, a essere più a rischio di obesità.



Verbi frasali
eat Inglese Italiano eat [sth] away,
eat away [sth]
vtr phrasal sep figurative (gnaw at, erode) erodere [qlcs], sgretolare [qlcs] vtr     consumare [qlcs] vtr   The chalk cliffs are being eaten away slowly by the action of the sea.   Le scogliere di gesso vengono lentamente erose dall’azione del mare. eat away at [sb/sth] vtr phrasal insep informal, figurative (worry) intaccare⇒, minare⇒, erodere⇒ vtr   Raskolnikov’s crime ate away at his peace of mind and, ultimately, his soul.   Il crimine di Raskolnikov intaccò il suo equilibrio psichico e infine anche la sua anima. eat away at [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (erode) (figurato) mangiare⇒ vtr    (figurato) consumare⇒ vtr   The river eats away at the sand banks every time there’s a flood.   Il fiume si mangia gli argini sabbiosi ogni volta che c’è una piena. eat in vi phrasal (dine at home) mangiare a casa vi   We decided to eat in rather than go out to a restaurant.   Abbiamo deciso di mangiare a casa invece di andare fuori al ristorante. eat into [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (use or consume part of) rosicchiare⇒, erodere⇒ vtr   Increasing costs are eating into the company’s profits.   I costi crescenti stanno erodendo i profitti della compagnia. eat out vi phrasal (dine at a restaurant) mangiare fuori vi   Anna wants to eat out this evening because she’s tired of cooking.   Anna vuole mangiare fuori stasera perché è stanca di cucinare. eat up vi phrasal informal (finish meal) finire di mangiare⇒ vi   If you eat up, we’ll have more time to play.   Se finisci di mangiare velocemente avremo più tempo per giocare. eat [sth] up,
eat up [sth]
vtr phrasal sep (consume food completely) finire di mangiare [qlcs] vtr   If you eat up all your vegetables, you can have dessert.   Se finisci di mangiare le verdure poi avrai il dolce. eat [sth] up,
eat up [sth]
vtr phrasal sep figurative (consume in great quantities) (figurato: consumare) mangiare⇒ vtr    (figurato: consumare liquidi) bere⇒ vtr   That new printer eats up our paper supplies at an alarming rate.   La nuova stampante si mangia tanta di quella carta che c’è da preoccuparsi. eat [sth] up,
eat up [sth]
vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (enjoy) compiacersi di [qlcs] v rif   Everyone was praising him for a job well done and he was eating it up.   Ognuno si congratulava con lui per il buon lavoro, e lui si compiaceva. eat [sth] up,
eat up [sth]
vtr phrasal sep figurative, informal (believe) (informale: credere) bersela v rif    (informale: credere) abboccare⇒ vi   He lied about everything but he was so charming about it that she ate it up.   Ha raccontato un sacco di frottole, ma in una maniera così affascinante che lei se l’è bevuta.
Compound Forms/Forme composte
eat Inglese Italiano a bite to eat n informal (snack) (informale: piccolo pasto) un boccone nm all-you-can-eat adj (restaurant buffet: unlimited) (ristorante) all you can eat nm   At the all-you-can-eat restaurant he stuffed himself with cheap food.   Si è abbuffato di roba scadente all’all you can eat. could eat a horse expr (be very hungry) (espressione: avere molta fame) mi mangerei un bue intero vtr dog eat dog,
adj figurative (merciless, fierce) (idiomatico: crudeltà) cane mangia cane nm Nota: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun   It’s dog eat dog in the music business.   It’s a dog-eat-dog world; you have to be tough to succeed. eat crow vtr + n US, informal, figurative (be forced to admit error) ammettere l’errore vtr    (idiomatico: ammettere errore) cospargersi il capo di cenere⇒ vtr    (idiomatico: ammettere errore) andare a Canossa vi eat dinner v expr (have evening meal) cenare⇒ vi   We usually eat dinner around 7 pm.   Di solito ceniamo per le 19. eat dirt v expr figurative, slang (be humiliated) subire un’umiliazione vtr   When Jessie’s album became a huge hit, her critics were forced to eat dirt.   Quando il disco di Jessie divenne un gran successo, i critici furono costretti a subire un’umiliazione. eat humble pie v expr figurative (be forced to admit error) (idiomatico) fare un bagno d’umiltà vtr   Well I was wrong, so I guess I’ll just have to eat humble pie.   The team are making their detractors eat humble pie with a series of impressive wins.   La squadra sta facendo fare un bagno d’umiltà ai suoi detrattori con una serie di vittorie notevoli. eat like a bird v expr figurative (consume little or in small amounts) (figurato) mangiare come un uccellino vi   No wonder she’s so skinny, she eats like a bird!   Per forza è così magra: mangia come un uccellino! eat like a horse v expr (eat large quantities) (figurato: tanto) mangiare come un maiale vi eat lunch v expr (have midday meal) pranzare⇒ vi   I usually eat lunch at 1p.m.   Di solito pranzo all’una. eat [sb] out of house and home v expr (eat so much as to strain [sb]‘s funds) sfondarsi di cibo, abbuffarsi⇒ vi     mangiare fino allo sfinimento vi    (per il troppo mangiare) mandare [qlcn] in rovina vtr eat out of [sb]‘s hand v expr figurative (do what [sb] wants) (figurato) farsi comandare a bacchetta da [qlcn] v rif be eating out of [sb]‘s hand figurative (be submissive to [sb](a qualcuno) sottomettersi⇒ vi    (di qualcuno) fare lo zerbino vtr eat your fill v expr (eat until full) mangiare a crepapelle, magiare fino a scoppiare⇒ vi   Everybody ate their fill at the buffet lunch.   Tutti hanno mangiato fino a scoppiare al pranzo a buffet. eat your hat v expr informal (disbelief) (non credere che qualcosa succederà) scommettere che qualcosa non succederà vtr     essere increduli vtr eat your heart out,
Eat your heart out!
interj slang, figurative (be envious) (idiomatico) te la faccio vedere io!, prendi e porta a casa! inter   Ronaldo, eat your heart out! Worcester City striker Sean Geddes has just scored a sensational goal.   Ronaldo, prendi e porta a casa! Sean Geddes, l’attaccante del Worcester City, ha appena segnato un goal sensazionale. eat your words v expr figurative (admit you are wrong) (figurato) doversi rimangiare [qlcs] v rif    (figurato) rimangiarsi quanto si è detto v rif   A fine performance by Bale made his doubters eat their words.   La buona prestazione di Bale ha fatto rimangiare agli scettici quanto avevano detto. eat-in kitchen n (kitchen used as dining room) cucina abitabile nf   We hardly ever used the dining room since we always had our meals in the eat-in kitchen.   Non abbiamo praticamente mai usato la sala da pranzo dato che abbiamo mangiato sempre nella cucina abitabile. good to eat adj (tasty, delicious) (di buon sapore) buono, delizioso, squisito agg   Fresh strawberries are good to eat.   Le fragole fresche sono deliziose.    (che si può mangiare) buono da mangiare, commestibile, edibile agg   Questa frase non è una traduzione della frase inglese. Alcuni funghi non sono buoni da mangiare. have your cake and eat it too,
have your cake and eat it
expr (have two good things at once) (idiomatico) avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca vtr I’ll eat my hat expr informal (expression of disbelief.) (espressione) mi rimangio quello che ho detto    (espressione) ci metto la mano sul fuoco    (espressione) mi venisse un colpo Nota: Used with an ‘if’ clause expressing something improbable: I’ll eat my hat if he wins that race. live high on the hog,
live high off the hog,
eat high off the hog
v expr US, figurative (live life of luxury) vivere nel lusso, vivere nel lusso
sfrenato vi safe to eat adj (food: free from germs and toxins) sicuro da mangiare agg   Uncooked meat is not considered safe to eat in many places of the world.   La carne cruda non è considerata sicura da mangiare in molte parti del mondo.

How to Say Eat in Italian

If you want to say “eat” in Italian, you would be using a conjugation of the word “mangiare”:

  • io mangio = I eat
  • tu mangi = you eat
  • lei/lui mangia = he/she eats
  • noi mangiamo = we eat
  • voi mangiate = you eat plural
  • loro mangiano = they eat

How you approach learning the Italian language will definitely depend on your objectives. Many early learners start by picking up some of the most common words and phrases and then trying to replicate the Italian accent—perfecting molto bene, capisce, mi dispiace, buongiornio, bruschetta, abbastanza, prego, and more. Others may even be coming back to Italian after having studied it for years in school or having been exposed to the language in their travels. Whatever your motivation is for taking on Italian, you should absolutely consider a language-learning program built with your goals in mind.

Rosetta Stone designs language-learning programs build confidence in speaking and understanding Italian. Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate Italian speaker looking to advance your fluency, we have you covered. Rosetta Stone’s Dynamic Immersion® methodology teaches you the language, not just the words—using an award-winning mobile app to deliver bite-sized lessons that help you learn Italian anytime and anywhere.

How Rosetta Stone Can Help

Learning a language can be an experience that transforms your life. Not only does it open you to a world full of both professional and personal possibilities, but it also expands your thinking and can prime your confidence. As technology shrinks our world and we become members of a global community, the ability to learn a language becomes an essential part of how we interact and succeed.

Perhaps you’ve hesitated to learn a new language because you’re worried about the time commitment. Or maybe you’ve heard it’s more difficult to learn a language as an adult. Set these common misconceptions about learning languages aside, because research suggests that your ability to learn a language is mostly a matter of practice—building confidence through speaking and contextualizing your learning.

After you decide on which language to learn and begin to pick up the basics, developing accurate pronunciation depends on getting immediate feedback. Rosetta Stone helps you get the pronunciation right in a snap with our patented TruAccent™ speech engine, which instantly compares your voice to native and non-native speakers, so you get real-time feedback for the most accurate pronunciation. This feedback will help you to make needed corrections to your pronunciation. Then you can practice until your mouth is able to readily shape the sounds that make up the language. It’s also adjustable, which allows you to fine-tune your accent. TruAccent is among the most powerful tools for helping you learn and speak virtually any language.

After beginners have acquired basic words, short phrases, and their proper pronunciation, it will be a natural transition to learn the longer phrases that make up so much of everyday conversation. Rosetta Stone’s brief, 10-minute lessons are built in exactly this way, teaching the basics first, then moving onto longer phrases. This approach helps you acquire the skills to understand and be understood with confidence.

Try Our Award-Winning App

Surround yourself with Italian whenever, wherever with the Rosetta Stone app .

Download a unit and knock it out on the train or a flight. Select a 5-10 minute lesson and sneak it in while you wait in line or for your ride to show up. And explore dynamic features, like Seek and Speak, where you can point at an object in the real world and get a translation .

The best part? You don’t have to choose between app or desktop. Both come with your subscription and sync, so you can switch between devices seamlessly.

Rosetta Stone

Built by experts, Rosetta Stone has been the leading language learning platform for 30 years. Through carefully scaffolded lessons, you can learn language immersively with the exact pacing you need to feel conversation ready. Whatever your reason for learning a language, Rosetta Stone helps you experience the joy of making meaningful connections with the world around you.

If you want to say “eat” in Italian, you would be using a conjugation of the word “mangiare”:

  1. io mangio = I eat.
  2. tu mangi = you eat.
  3. lei/lui mangia = he/she eats.
  4. noi mangiamo = we eat.
  5. voi mangiate = you eat plural.
  6. loro mangiano = they eat.

Simply so How do you conjugate eat in Italian? As we mentioned, the conjugation of mangiare follows a regular –ARE pattern:

  1. Io mangio= I eat.
  2. Tu mangi= you eat.
  3. Lui/Lei mangia= He/she eats.
  4. Noi mangiamo= we eat.
  5. Voi mangiate= you (plural) eat.
  6. Loro mangiano= they eat.

What can you not eat in Italy? 11 Things Tourists Should Never Eat in Italy

  • Eating Chicken with Pasta. …
  • Serving Everything on the Same Plate. …
  • Ketchup. …
  • Drinking a Cappuccino After a Meal. …
  • Asking for Non-Italian Dishes. …
  • Sprinkling Parmesan on Everything. …
  • Dipping Bread into Oil and Balsamic Vinegar. …
  • Drinking Anything Other Than Water or Wine With Food.

also How do you say eat in Sicilian? At least now you know you’ll never lose sight of anyone while in Sicily.

  1. Manciàri – To Eat. One of the most important aspects of Italian culture is food, so you have to know how to say eat in Sicilian. …
  2. Ti Vogghiu – I Love You. …
  3. Trùoppu Bedda/u – Beautiful. …
  4. Picciriddu – Boy. …
  5. Saluti – Cheers.

How do you say cheers in Italian?

Viva’ Viva and Salute are Italian for cheers.

What is Italian sugar? The word for sugar in Italian is zucchero (masculine, plural: zuccheri).

What is a boy in Italian?

How to say “Boy” in Italian, “Ragazzo.” Boy. Ragazzo.

Is pizza really Italian? Pizza was first invented in Naples, Italy as a fast, affordable, tasty meal for working-class Neapolitans on the go. While we all know and love these slices of today, pizza actually didn’t gain mass appeal until the 1940s, when immigrating Italians brought their classic slices to the United States.

Why do Italians eat slow?

Italians eat very differently than Americans do. They eat a first and second course instead of one giant main course. … Just like the French, Italians make their meals about spending time with loved ones instead of just a means of survival. Take it from the Europeans, eating slowly is key.

Why do Italians hate pineapple on pizza? Speaking to food website La Cucina Italiana, Pepe said he thought the reason many were against pineapple was because it clashed too much with the base sauce. “The combinations were probably too risky: the pineapple was combined with tomato!

What does Alora mean in Italian?

Allora (so, then, well) is one of those filler words that’s highly useful when thinking of what to say in Italian. It buys you a little time and tells the listener you’re thinking things over, especially when used by itself, or to introduce a sentence. Used by itself, it can express impatience: Allora! (Come on!, Hey!)

What is Grazie Mille? Give a million (or a thousand) thanks with grazie mille

English speakers are more familiar with this saying as “a million thanks,” but in both French and Italian, the same sentiment of gratitude is offered as “a thousand thanks.” While mille sounds like the English word “million,” it actually translates to “thousand.”

How do you say shut up in Sicilian?

How do you say cheese in Italian?

How do you say Cin Cin? “Cin-cin!” (pronounced chin-chin) is uttered by Italians when they raise and clink their glasses together in a toast before sipping from a flute of spumante sparkling wine as they look each other directly in the eye.

What is Salud Italian?

What is the Latin name of sugar?

Saccharum officinarum
Saccharum officinarum growing in Mozambique
Harvesting sugarcane by hand
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae

What kind of sugar do Italians use? The “classico” sugar, according to my trip host, would be Italian-produced crystallized beet sugar. The (slightly racist?) “tropical” sugar is labelled as “zucchero bruno di canna” or “brown sugar of cane,” so it’s like Sugar in the Raw but the grains are smaller.

Is there brown sugar in Italy?

Brown sugar is usually carried at any of the larger Italian supermarket chains, like Coop, Conad, or Esselunga.

What do you call an Italian woman? pl. si·gno·ri·ne (-nā, -nĕ) or si·gno·ri·nas. Used as a courtesy title for an unmarried woman or girl in an Italian-speaking area, equivalent to Miss. See Usage Note at miss2. [Italian, diminutive of signora, signora; see signora.]

What is Ragazzi?

They mean, roughly, ‘guys‘, ‘folks’, ‘lads’, ‘ladies’, ‘you lot’ – anything you’d use to address a group of people at once.

How do you say girl in Italian? How to Say Girl in the Italian Language. If you want to say “girl” in Italian, you would say “la ragazza.” Want to say “boy” instead? Then use “il regazzo.” The plural of each is “i regazzi” (the boys) and “le regazze” (the girls).

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