These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
This is relatively easy for simple sentences like I am hungry.
Bei einfachen Sätzen wie Ich bin hungrig ist dies relativ einfach.
Keep this furnishing unit as shine as new is very easy.
Halten Sie diese Möblierung so gut wie neu. Ganz einfach.
They were very flexible and easy to reach, if needed.
Sie waren sehr flexibel und leicht zu erreichen, wenn nötig.
This makes tidying up easy and everything is in its place.
So fällt das Aufräumen leicht und alles ist an seinem Platz.
The Arena and the Gwinett Center are also easy to reach.
Auch die Arena sowie das Gwinett Center sind gut zu erreichen.
The Smashbox Always on Gel Liner is incredibly easy to apply.
Der Smashbox Always on Gel Liner lässt sich unglaublich gut auftragen.
The way to the beach is easy and by car approx.
Der Weg zum Strand ist leicht mit dem Auto und ca…
The application is super easy and you only need one layer.
Der Auftrag ist super einfach und man benötigt nur eine Schicht.
It provides nourishment to the crop and is easy to process.
Es versorgt die Ernte mit Nährstoffen und ist leicht zu verarbeiten.
It is fast and easy to search any type of image.
Es ist schnell und einfach jede Art von Bild zu suchen.
We have learned that there are no longer any easy answers.
Wir haben gelernt, dass es keine einfachen Antworten mehr gibt.
The location was very easy to find and is absolutely lovely.
Die Lage war sehr leicht zu finden und ist absolut schön.
The variety of models makes it easy to arrange living quarters.
Die Vielfalt der Modelle macht es einfach, Wohnräume zu arrangieren.
By car, coast and mountains are also within easy reach.
Mit dem Auto sind Küste und Berge ebenfalls leicht zu erreichen.
It is easy to reach, very convenient even with children.
Es ist leicht zu erreichen, sehr praktisch auch mit Kindern.
It is very convenient to deliver as package easy and small.
Zu liefern ist sehr bequem, als einfaches und kleines Paket.
Coat is easy to combine with trousers, dresses and skirts.
Mantel ist leicht zu kombinieren mit Hosen, Kleider und Röcke.
It is very easy to make depilation with sugar at home.
Es ist sehr einfach, zu Hause mit Zucker zu enthaaren.
In addition, our product is easy to control and maintain.
Darüber hinaus ist unser Produkt einfach zu steuern und zu pflegen.
It was not easy to identify their compatriots in the city.
In der Stadt war es nicht leicht, Landsleute zu finden.
Suggestions that contain easy
Results: 618483. Exact: 618483. Elapsed time: 598 ms.
Corporate solutions
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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Easy unrolling of glue dots- in straight lines or in curves.
Easy Integration of Sensor Data; The Benefits of ISM in Process Control.
Mühelose Integration der Sensordaten: Vorteile mit ISM bei der Prozesssteuerung.
Extra wide doors and suitably equipped platforms allow easy access and transfer.
Besonders breite Türen und entsprechend ausgestattete Bahnsteige erlauben Ihnen problemloses Zu- und Umsteigen.
A CSV wizard for quick and easy mapping of standard CSV text files.
Ein CSV-Hilfsprogramm für schnelles und problemloses Mapping von herkömmlichen CSV-Textdateien.
With the help of the handy crank easy and quick work is guaranteed.
Mit Hilfe der handlichen Kurbel ist problemloses und praktisches Arbeiten garantiert.
QSlide: Enables an overlay on your phone’s display for easy multitasking.
QSlide: Damit aktivieren Sie für müheloses Multitasking eine Überlagerungsfunktion für das Telefondisplay.
Fast and easy setup with the help of an integrated assistant or TEDS feature.
Schnelles und unkompliziertes Einrichten mithilfe eines integrierten Assistenten oder von TEDS.
Through a film lifting device and pedestal for an easy film change.
Durch Folienhebevorrichtung und Podest zum mühelosen Folienwechsel.
Good lighting makes it easy to read and fosters a well-balanced day and night rhythm.
Gutes Licht ermöglicht müheloses Lesen und fördert einen ausbalancierten Tag-Nacht-Rhythmus.
Fig. 2: Easy application of the cement layer without mixing.
Abb. 2: müheloses Auftragen der Zementschicht ohne Anmischen.
Easy to install- Multiple connection options for easy setup and control.
Einfache Installation- Mehrere Anschlussmöglichkeiten zur mühelosen Einrichtung und Steuerung.
The all-new Maverick Pro Thermal brings easy speed to colder waters.
Der brandneue Maverick Pro Thermal bringt müheloses Tempo in kalte Gewässer.
Quick and easy opening of the box.
Use your prepaid card or your Tango Easy, Tango K. O.
Nutzen Sie Ihre Prepaid-Karte oder Ihr Tango Easy-, Tango K.O.
REMS Akku-ROS P 40- fast, easy cutting of pipes.
REMS Akku-ROS P 40- Schnelles, müheloses Trennen von Rohren.
OCF Softboxes are softboxes tailor-made for fast and easy on-location photography.
OCF Softboxes sind für ein schnelles und unkompliziertes Fotografieren on Location konstruiert.
Clean and effortless thanks to turbo extraction and optimum centre of gravity for easy handling.
Sauber und ermüdungsarm durch Turbo-Absaugung und optimaler Schwerpunktlage für müheloses Handling.
Repeatable setup and easy reporting.
Built-in primer helps smooth lips for an easy, even glide every time.
Der enthaltene Primer glättet die Lippen für ein müheloses, gleichmässiges Auftragen.
The plug must be easy to access when the device is installed.
Industrial keyboards- ruggedly constructed and easy to clean.
Put PDFs together, merge PDFs,
or glue PDF files very easy!!
PDF Zusammenfügen, PDF verbinden, PDF verschmelzen GANZ EINFACH!!
Easy road placement for iPad.
Easy, rapid testing approach supported by SOPs.
Unkomplizierter, schneller Prüfansatz, unterstützt durch Arbeitsanweisungen.
To guarantee comprehensive chemical resistance and easy purification we produce some parts with PTFE-coating.
Für eine umfassende chemische Beständigkeit und leichtere Reinigung fertigen wir Produkte mit PTFE-Kaschierung.
Fast and easy access to the components for maintenance and service purposes.
Schneller und problemloser Zugang zu den Bauteilen für Wartung und Service.
Easy handling due to extra strong hook-and-loop fastener.
Einfachstes Handling durch extra starken Einfach-Klett.
Simplifies network assessment with easy connectivity and deployment, no VPN required.
Einfache Netzwerkanalysen dank unkomplizierter Anbindung und Bereitstellung; kein VPN erforderlich.
Easy to install- does not require tapped holes.
EINFACHE INSTALLATION- benötigt auch keine Gewindebohrungen.
LED grow lights for easy cannabis growing.
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How to Say Easy in GermanAdvertisement
If you want to know how to say easy in German, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand German better.
Here is the translation and the German word for easy:
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«Easy in German.» In Different Languages, Accessed 14 Apr 2023.
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Easy Meaning in German
You have searched the English word easy meaning in German leicht. easy meaning has been search 4733 (four thousand seven hundred and thirty-three) times till 4/14/2023. You can also find easy meaning and Translation in Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, Spanish, French and other languages.
English — German
German — English
Definition & Synonyms
• Easy
Definition & Meaning
- (v. t.) Causing ease; giving freedom from care or labor; furnishing comfort; commodious; as, easy circumstances; an easy chair or cushion.
- (v. t.) At ease; free from pain, trouble, or constraint
- (v. t.) Free from constraint, harshness, or formality; unconstrained; smooth; as, easy manners; an easy style.
- (v. t.) Moderate; sparing; frugal.
- (v. t.) Not difficult; requiring little labor or effort; slight; inconsiderable; as, an easy task; an easy victory.
- (v. t.) Not straitened as to money matters; as, the market is easy; — opposed to tight.
- (v. t.) Not making resistance or showing unwillingness; tractable; yielding; complying; ready.
- (v. t.) Not causing, or attended with, pain or disquiet, or much exertion; affording ease or rest; as, an easy carriage; a ship having an easy motion; easy movements, as in dancing.
- (v. t.) Free from care, responsibility, discontent, and the like; not anxious; tranquil; as, an easy mind.
- (v. t.) Free from pain, distress, toil, exertion, and the like; quiet; as, the patient is easy.
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March 15, 2018
German is one of the most widely spoken languages in Europe. Aside from Germany, it’s spoken amongst people in Austria, Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg. German has been considered the language of commerce and business in Europe. The Germans are proud engineers and have been are the forefront of manufacturing high-end mechanics for a while. German people are proud and honest. If you ask someone how they are in German then don’t be surprised if they give you a starkly honest answer! However, to the beginner, German words can get overwhelming! But fret not, there ARE short and easy German words that are easy to learn and use.
The language has often been considered hard to learn due to its 3 genders and long, winding words. It holds many similarities to English, too, though. German vocab will actually bear many resemblances to English. The words zeitgeist, angst and kindergarten are all German. English is the closest language to German after Dutch. Also, some people love getting their tongues round German’s super-long words. If it suits your talking style then you will love pronouncing German!
1. Be aware there is a standardised form of spoken German.
This means German spoken around the world will be very similar.
2. German words are designed to give indications on pronunciation.
The sounds are always the same, regardless of what word they appear in. German pronunciation is pretty rigid. Once you know your way around the way it works, it is very simple (even though the words look very complex!). Also, it’s obvious but German uses the same 26 letters as English with the simple additions of ß and three vowels with umlauts: ä, ö and ü.
German has a very analytical vocabulary. The word aussergewöhnlich, which means ‘unusual’, is a good example. It contains the words ausser, meaning outside, gewöhnen, meaning to get used to and lich, which is a suffix used in adjectives. This word can be reassembled to make ausserlich, which means exterior or superficial.
3. Be aware Germans will correct you!
This is great, and they won’t do it rudely, either!
4. Focus on genders.
German has masculine, neuter and feminine genders. It’s very hard to predict what gender most nouns are. You can’t just not bother with them, either, as the meaning of the phrase changes according to the gender!
This list will give you a good idea of how German words resemble English in both obvious and subtle ways. Try and spot the similarities in how words are pronounced, too. For example, there are many words here ending in ‘en’.
Here’s a list of short and easy German words anyone can learn quickly.
42 Short and Easy German Words
- Hallo – Hello
- Danke – Thank You
- Nein – No
- Ja – Yes
- Lecker – Delicious
- Woche – week
- Heute – today
- Morgen – tomorrow
- Gestern – yesterday
- Machen – do
- Gehen – go
- Kommen – come
- Lachen – laugh
- Good – gut
- Schön – beautiful
- Kaffee – coffee
- Bier – beer
- Tee – tea
- Wein – wine
- Wasser – water
- Lamm – lamb
- Fisch – fish
- Nett – nice
- Sauber – clean
- Fein – fine
- Lieb – dear
- Liebe – love
- Komisch – funny
- Klasse – great
- Hoch – high
- Prima – fantastic
- Stark – Strong
- Lang – long
- Hell – bright
- Fähig – capable
- Kurz – short
- Klein – small
- Groß – Big
- Wunderbar – wonderful
- Ratte – rat
- Dunkel – dark
- Bye – Tschüss
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If you’ve just started learning German, you might be struggling to get past the beginner stage.
Maybe you feel overwhelmed by the Germanic umlauts on vowels (ä, ö, ü), or maybe that eszett letter (ß). Perhaps it’s the pace of spoken German that’s made you question your decision to start learning.
While there’s definitely truth to those concerns, worry not. There are several short and easy-to-learn words in German that can serve as a springboard while you become familiar with the language.
Memorizing even a few basic German words for beginners will be enough of a stepping stone to help you eventually learn more. This is because many German words are composed of several shorter words that, when combined, have a unique meaning.
Take Kühlschrank, for example. This word is composed of Kühl- which means “cool,” and -schrank which translates to “cupboard.”
Combine the two and you get “cool cupboard,” which is a funny way to describe a refrigerator—the actual meaning of the word Kühlschrank.
Pretty relieving to know this, right?
German isn’t that hard after all. The most difficult part is to summon up the courage to begin.
That’s why we took the time to put together a categorized masterlist of the most essential words in German for beginners.
Without further ado, let’s get right into it…
Table of Contents
- Pronouns
- Numbers
- Nouns
- Verbs
- Adjectives
- Conjunctions
- Others
- Conclusion
1. Pronouns
The first set of words you should add to your German vocabulary are pronouns. These are the words we use to refer to people, places, or things without actually using their names:
- Susan ate the chocolate bar. = She ate the chocolate bar.
Here, we’ll be covering three types of pronouns in German: personal, demonstrative, and interrogative.
Personal Pronouns
We’ll start with personal pronouns, given their importance in sentences. These are crucial for almost any sentence, and we recommend you memorize them by heart before you start with any other words.
English | German |
I | ich |
you | du |
he | er |
she | sie |
it | es |
we | wir |
you (plural) | ihr |
they | sie |
me | mich / mir |
you | dich / dir |
him | ihm / ihn |
her | ihr |
us | uns |
them | ihnen |
Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns are especially critical for indicating which objects or people you’re referring to in your dialogue. These four basic German words are important to master at the beginner stage.
English | German |
this | dieses |
that | das |
these | diese |
those | jene |
Interrogative Pronouns / Question Words
Interrogative pronouns, or the “Five Ws,” are the words we use to ask questions.
English | German |
who | wer |
whom | wen / wem |
whose | wessen |
what | was |
which | welche |
In a similar vein, there are a few interrogative adverbs you should learn at this stage as well:
English | German |
when | wann |
where | wo |
why | warum |
how | wie |
2. Numbers
The numbers from one to ten in German are rather similar to those in English. Just like with most languages, learning the first ten digits will help you understand and easily learn the rest of the numbers.
Numbers | English | German |
0 | zero | null |
1 | one | eins |
2 | two | zwei |
3 | three | drei |
4 | four | vier |
5 | five | fünf |
6 | six | sechs |
7 | seven | sieben |
8 | eight | acht |
9 | nine | neun |
10 | ten | zehn |
3. Nouns
Nouns are one of the most important parts of speech, so you should memorize as many of them in German as you can. When used with verbs, they create a complete sentence—in a pinch, you can even use them alone to get an urgent point across! Below, you’ll find lists of beginner German nouns you should focus on right away.
Time is king, especially in a country like Germany where punctuality is paramount. Learning time-related vocabulary will come in handy in your day-to-day interactions.
English | German |
hour | Stunde |
minute | Minute |
morning | Morgen |
afternoon | Nachmittag |
evening | Abend |
day | Tag |
month | Monat |
year | Jahr |
Monday | Montag |
Tuesday | Dienstag |
Wednesday | Mittwoch |
Thursday | Donnerstag |
Friday | Freitag |
Saturday | Samstag |
Sunday | Sonntag |
These are the words you’d learn in the first lesson of probably any German beginner copybook.
English | German |
butcher | Metzger (m.) / Metzgerin (f.) |
woodman | Holzfäller (m.) / Holzfällerin (f.) |
police officer | Polizist (m.) / Polizistin (f.) |
doctor | Arzt (m.) / Ärztin (f.) |
nurse | Krankenpfleger (m.) / Krankenschwester (f.) |
firefighter | Feuerwehrmann (m.) / Feuerwehrfrau (f.) |
teacher | Lehrer (m.) / Lehrerin (f.) |
father | Vater |
mother | Mutter |
sister | Schwester |
brother | Bruder |
Mr. | Herr |
Ms. | Frau |
Places Around Town
If you’re traveling in Germany, whether in one town or around the country, these words will help you get by and even ask for directions.
English | German |
hospital | Krankenhaus |
supermarket | Supermarkt |
school | Schule |
downtown | Innenstadt |
university | Universität |
city hall | Rathaus |
main square | Hauptplatz |
bank | Bank |
museum | Museum |
restaurant | Restaurant |
café | Café |
police station | Polizeistation |
train station | Bahnhof |
bus station | Bushaltestelle |
School/Office Essentials
If you have to study or work in Germany, these words will be helpful when you’re in class or at the office.
English | German |
pen | Kugelschreiber |
notebook | Notizbuch |
computer | Computer |
pencil case | Federmappe |
headphones | Kopfhörer |
mouse | Maus |
keyboard | Tastatur |
wifi | WLAN |
charger | Ladegerät |
cable | Kabel |
backpack | Rucksack |
desk | Schreibtisch |
copybook | Heft |
Body Parts
English | German |
eye | Auge |
nose | Nase |
ear | Ohr |
face | Gesicht |
arm | Arm |
chest | Brust |
cheek | Wange |
forehead | Stirn |
mouth | Mund |
chin | Kinn |
armpit | Achselhöhle |
abdomen | Bauch |
leg | Bein |
toe | Zeh |
finger | Finger |
ankle | Knöchel |
hip | Hüfte |
forearm | Unterarm |
elbow | Ellbogen |
wrist | Handgelenk |
Germans are proud of their cuisine and German culture values eating healthy, fresh food rather than buying frozen or ready-to-eat meals. Here’s a list of words for your next grocery shopping spree.
English | German |
ٍٍvegetables | Gemüse |
fruit | Obst |
meat | Fleisch |
milk | Milch |
egg | Ei |
coffee | Kaffee |
yogurt | Joghurt |
bread | Brot |
bacon | Speck |
pie | Kuchen |
ham | Schinken |
chicken | Huhn |
juice | Saft |
sausage | Wurst |
4. Verbs
As a beginner in German, you’ll greatly benefit from picking up the most commonly used verbs. Learning them together with nouns will give you a headstart when it comes to forming sentences and communicating with others.
Daily Routine Verbs
If you’re into daily journaling, doing that in German will require you to know a set of daily routine-related verbs. Here’s a list to get you started:
English | German |
to get up | aufstehen |
to eat | essen |
to drink | trinken |
to go | gehen |
to work | arbeiten |
to study | studieren |
to drive | fahren |
to ride | reiten |
to sleep | schlafen |
to wake up | aufwachen |
to hang | hängen |
to do laundry | Wäsche machen |
to nap | ein Nickerchen machen |
to work out | trainieren |
to go out | ausgehen |
to prepare | vorbereiten |
to cook | kochen |
to clean | putzen |
to wash | waschen |
to tidy up | aufräumen |
to connect | verbinden |
to communicate | kommunizieren |
to wear | tragen |
to warm up | aufwärmen |
to grab | greifen |
to mix | mischen |
to hold | halten |
to freeze | einfrieren |
to change | wechseln |
to move | bewegen |
Other Common Verbs
English | German |
to give | geben |
to get | bekommen |
to do | tun |
to make | machen |
to let | lassen |
to ask | fragen |
to smile | lächeln |
to find | finden |
to use | benutzen |
to take | nehmen |
to come | kommen |
to look | schauen |
to hear | hören |
to smell | riechen |
to talk | sprechen |
to exit | gehen |
to call | rufen |
to feel | fühlen |
to answer | antworten |
to laugh | lachen |
to cry | weinen |
to steal | stehlen |
to run | rennen |
to walk | gehen |
to meet | treffen |
to create | erschaffen |
to finish | beenden |
5. Adjectives
Using adjectives in your speech or writing can add a layer of meaning and help you better express yourself. To get you started, here are a few beginner German adjectives in different categories.
Describing Objects
English | German |
big | groß |
small | klein |
long | lang |
short | kurz |
round | rund |
rectangular | rechteckig |
smooth | glatt |
rough | rau |
Describing People
English | German |
pretty | hübsch |
handsome | gutaussehend |
tall | groß |
short | klein |
disgusting | ekelhaft |
sociable | kontaktfreudig |
funny | lustig |
beautiful | schön |
lovely | lieblich |
caring | fürsorglich |
selfless | selbstlos |
arrogant | arrogant |
humble | bescheiden |
courageous | mutig |
weak | schwach |
strong | stark |
quirky | schrullig |
Describing Emotions
Being able to describe our own emotions is critical for well-being and also helps us better understand others. Here’s a list of adjectives for describing emotions:
English | German |
happy | glücklich |
sad | traurig |
joyful | freudig |
angry | sauer |
depressed | depressiv |
anxious | ängstlich |
stressed out | gestresst |
jolly | fröhlich |
Describing Weather
English | German |
rainy | regnerisch |
wet | nass |
humid | feucht |
dry | trocken |
arid | dürr |
cool | kühl |
frigid | kalt |
foggy | neblig |
windy | windig |
stormy | stürmisch |
breezy | luftig |
windless | windstill |
calm | ruhig |
6. Conjunctions
English | German |
and | und |
but | aber |
then | dann |
because | weil |
so | so / also |
7. Others
Below is a short list of filler words that Germans use in their conversations. Using these will make you sound like a native and they’ll come in handy in many situations.
English | German |
I see (sudden understanding) | ach so |
sure | klar |
simply | halt |
well | tja |
already | schon |
8. Conclusion
Armed with these German beginner words, you’ll be able to understand even more of the spoken language than you may have thought (thanks to those nifty word combinations!). How many of these words were new to you? And how many did you know already? We look forward to hearing from you in the comments!
As you read more German, pay attention to how different words are composed. You’ll often notice they can be broken down into parts, which will help you derive their meanings more easily.
Your goal should be to learn around 1000 German words; statistically, that’d cover 85.5% of all words you hear.
In other words, if you learn 1000 words, you’ll be able to speak German almost fluently. You’ll only have issues expressing yourself 14.5% of the time.
Memorize the 200+ from our list, and you’ll only be 800 words away from fluency.
Wondering where and how to learn those other 800 words?
Buckle up and head to
Here, you can access lessons and word lists for the most important day-to-day vocabulary. Our lessons all feature the most effective learning tools, such as flashcards, slideshows, slowed-down audio, line-by-line breakdowns, and more.
You can also opt for 1-on-1 guidance from a language expert to answer your questions. Your private tutor can even give you a personalized learning program to match your learning goals.
You can get all of this and more by signing up for free on the GermanPod101 website.
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