Word document in javascript


Word documents are everywhere and are used for countless tasks so you may have a requirement to support their generation from within your web application or webpage, this could include downloading a C.V from your personal site to the generation of a report based on data from within your web application that can be printed out or emailed by your client.


Create and save a Word document using only client-side vanilla/plain JavaScript.


In order to complete this example you should have some basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript.

Step 1 — Setup project

In order to concentrate on the job in hand and to get up and running as quickly as possible we are going to use CodeSandbox and their vanilla starter project.

A new CodeSandbox project can be created by opening the following link vanilla JavaScript project.

Step 2 — Install dependencies needed to create a Word document

With the project setup we can now install the two modules/dependencies needed to successfully create and save a Word document. The first package (docx) allows you to build your Word document and the second package (file-saver) gives the ability to save the document locally.

Add the two packages using the «Add Dependency» button.

Step 3 — Add a button to create our Word document

Before we start writing the code required to generate our Word documents lets add a button to the index.html file. We can then use this button to fire off the actions needed to generate the Word document.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Parcel Sandbox</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />

    <div id="app"></div>
    <button id="generate">Generate Word Document</button>
    <script src="src/index.js"></script>

Enter fullscreen mode

Exit fullscreen mode

Step 4 — Create a blank Word document

From now one we will be working solely within the index.js JavaScript file, lets start by deleting everything that is currently there as this is not need.

All we will need to create a blank word document is the Document and Packer features from the docx module and the saveAs feature from file-saver module.

import { Document, Packer } from "docx"
import { saveAs } from "file-saver"

Enter fullscreen mode

Exit fullscreen mode

Next add an event listener that is listening for clicks on the button we created in Step 3.

// Listen for clicks on Generate Word Document button
  function(event) {

Enter fullscreen mode

Exit fullscreen mode

Once the event listener is triggered we will call a function that will create a new instance of Document from the docx module and send this instance to a saveDocumentToFile function.

function generateWordDocument(event) {
  // Create a new instance of Document for the docx module
  let doc = new Document()
  // Call saveDocumentToFile with the document instance and a filename
  saveDocumentToFile(doc, "New Document.docx")

Enter fullscreen mode

Exit fullscreen mode

The saveDocumentToFile function creates a new instance of Packer from the docx modules, Packers in docx are used to turn your JavaScript code into a .docx file. We then send our document instance to Packers toBlob function which in turn converts our instance of Document into a Blob object, a mimeType is added to the Blob and finally the Blob is sent to saveAs feature of the file-saver module which will create the file and prompt you to save or open.

function saveDocumentToFile(doc, fileName) {
  // Create new instance of Packer for the docx module
  const packer = new Packer()
  // Create a mime type that will associate the new file with Microsoft Word
  const mimeType =
  // Create a Blob containing the Document instance and the mimeType
  packer.toBlob(doc).then(blob => {
    const docblob = blob.slice(0, blob.size, mimeType)
    // Save the file using saveAs from the file-saver package
    saveAs(docblob, fileName)

Enter fullscreen mode

Exit fullscreen mode

Clicking the ‘Generate Word Document’ button will now create and save a blank Word document.

Step 5 — Create content of the Word document

We can now start adding some content to the Word document. We will simply add a title, subtitle, two headings and a long paragraph as this will make it easier to understand once we come to start styling the document.

function generateWordDocument(event) {
  let doc = new Document()
  doc.createParagraph("Heading 1")
  doc.createParagraph("Heading 2")
    "Aliquam gravida quam sapien, quis dapibus eros malesuada vel. Praesent tempor aliquam iaculis. Nam ut neque ex. Curabitur pretium laoreet nunc, ut ornare augue aliquet sed. Pellentesque laoreet sem risus. Cras sodales libero convallis, convallis ex sed, ultrices neque. Sed quis ullamcorper mi. Ut a leo consectetur, scelerisque nibh sit amet, egestas mauris. Donec augue sapien, vestibulum in urna et, cursus feugiat enim. Ut sit amet placerat quam, id tincidunt nulla. Cras et lorem nibh. Suspendisse posuere orci nec ligula mattis vestibulum. Suspendisse in vestibulum urna, non imperdiet enim. Vestibulum vel dolor eget neque iaculis ultrices."
  saveDocumentToFile(doc, "New Document.docx")

Enter fullscreen mode

Exit fullscreen mode

The Word document will now look something like this

Step 6 — Style the Word document

Now that we have some content we can look at styling the document.

Firstly we will create a theme object that will hold all the information about which fonts and colours we want to use.

function generateWordDocument(event) {
  // Create new instance of Document for the docx module
  let doc = new Document()
  doc.theme = {
    font: {
      normal: {
        family: "Calibri",
        color: "303856",
      header: { family: "Calibri Light" },
    title: {
      color: "4ABDAC",
    headings: {
      one: {
        color: "FC4A1A",
      two: {
        color: "F7B733",
  // Call saveDocumentToFile withe the document instance and a filename
  saveDocumentToFile(doc, "New Document.docx")

Enter fullscreen mode

Exit fullscreen mode

After creating the theme object we can start creating our styles. We will create 5 styles

  • Custom Heading 1
  • Custom Heading 2
  • Custom Title
  • Custom Subtitle
  • Custom Normal

These should tie up nicely to the content that we created in Step 5.

You can learn more about styles in Microsoft Word here

function generateWordDocument(event) {
  // Create new instance of Document for the docx module
  let doc = new Document()
  doc.Styles.createParagraphStyle("customHeading1", "Custom Heading 1")
    .basedOn("Heading 1")
    .spacing({ after: 250 })

  doc.Styles.createParagraphStyle("customHeading2", "Custom Heading 2")
    .basedOn("Heading 2")
    .spacing({ after: 150 })

  doc.Styles.createParagraphStyle("customTitle", "Custom Title")
    .spacing({ after: 250 })

  doc.Styles.createParagraphStyle("customSubtitle", "Custom Subtitle")
    .spacing({ after: 150 })

  doc.Styles.createParagraphStyle("customNormal", "Custom Normal")
    .spacing({ after: 150 })
  // Call saveDocumentToFile withe the document instance and a filename
  saveDocumentToFile(doc, "New Document.docx")

Enter fullscreen mode

Exit fullscreen mode

With our styles in place we can apply them to our content.

function generateWordDocument(event) {
  // Create new instance of Document for the docx module
  let doc = new Document()
  doc.createParagraph("Heading 1").style("customHeading1")
  doc.createParagraph("Heading 2").style("customHeading2")
      "Aliquam gravida quam sapien, quis dapibus eros malesuada vel. Praesent tempor aliquam iaculis. Nam ut neque ex. Curabitur pretium laoreet nunc, ut ornare augue aliquet sed. Pellentesque laoreet sem risus. Cras sodales libero convallis, convallis ex sed, ultrices neque. Sed quis ullamcorper mi. Ut a leo consectetur, scelerisque nibh sit amet, egestas mauris. Donec augue sapien, vestibulum in urna et, cursus feugiat enim. Ut sit amet placerat quam, id tincidunt nulla. Cras et lorem nibh. Suspendisse posuere orci nec ligula mattis vestibulum. Suspendisse in vestibulum urna, non imperdiet enim. Vestibulum vel dolor eget neque iaculis ultrices."
  // Call saveDocumentToFile withe the document instance and a filename
  saveDocumentToFile(doc, "New Document.docx")

Enter fullscreen mode

Exit fullscreen mode

Clicking the ‘Generate Word Document’ button now will create a Word document that look something like this


With the use of a couple of great packages we can easily create a nice looking Word document using solely client side JavaScript. Docx is very powerful and this article only covers the basics to get you up and running with a simple Word document.

Complete Example

A complete example of the code can be found here

No browsers currently have the code necessary to render Word Documents, and as far as I know, there are no client-side libraries that currently exist for rendering them either.

However, if you only need to display the Word Document, but don’t need to edit it, you can use Google Documents’ Viewer via an <iframe> to display a remotely hosted .doc/.docx.

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/gview?url=http://remote.url.tld/path/to/document.doc&embedded=true"></iframe>

Solution adapted from «How to display a word document using fancybox».



However, if you’d rather have native support, in most, if not all browsers, I’d recommend resaving the .doc/.docx as a PDF file Those can also be independently rendered using PDF.js by Mozilla.


Huge thanks to cubeguerrero for posting the Microsoft Office 365 viewer in the comments.

<iframe src='https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/embed.aspx?src=http://remote.url.tld/path/to/document.doc' width='1366px' height='623px' frameborder='0'>This is an embedded <a target='_blank' href='http://office.com'>Microsoft Office</a> document, powered by <a target='_blank' href='http://office.com/webapps'>Office Online</a>.</iframe>

One more important caveat to keep in mind, as pointed out by lightswitch05, is that this will upload your document to a third-party server. If this is unacceptable, then this method of display isn’t the proper course of action.

Live Examples:

Google Docs Viewer

Microsoft Office Viewer

Updated 18th January 2021


Word documents are everywhere and are used for countless tasks so you may have a requirement to support their generation from within your web application or webpage, this could include downloading a C.V from your personal site to the generation of a report based on data from within your web application that can be printed out or emailed by your client.


Create and save a Word document using only client-side vanilla/plain JavaScript.


In order to complete this example you should have some basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript.

Step 1 – Setup project

In order to concentrate on the job in hand and to get up and running as quickly as possible we are going to use CodeSandbox and their vanilla starter project.

A new CodeSandbox project can be created by opening the following link vanilla JavaScript project.

Step 2 – Install dependencies needed to create a Word document

With the project setup we can now install the two modules/dependencies needed to successfully create and save a Word document. The first package (docx) allows you to build your Word document and the second package (file-saver) gives the ability to save the document locally.

Add the two packages using the dependencies section.

Code Sample 1

Step 3 – Add a button to create our Word document

Before we start writing the code required to generate our Word documents lets add a button to the index.html file. We can then use this button to fire off the actions needed to generate the Word document.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Parcel Sandbox</title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />

    <div id="app"></div>
    <button id="generate">Generate Word Document</button>
    <script src="src/index.js"></script>

Step 4 – Create a blank Word document

From now one we will be working solely within the index.js JavaScript file, lets start by deleting everything that is currently there as this is not need.

All we will need to create a blank word document is the Document and Packer features from the docx module and the saveAs feature from file-saver module.

import { Document, Packer } from 'docx'
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver'

Next add an event listener that is listening for clicks on the button we created in Step 3.

// Listen for clicks on Generate Word Document button
  function (event) {

Once the event listener is triggered we will call a function that will create a new instance of Document from the docx module and send this instance to a saveDocumentToFile function.

function generateWordDocument(event) {
  // Create a new instance of Document for the docx module
  let doc = new Document({ sections: [] })
  // Call saveDocumentToFile with the document instance and a filename
  saveDocumentToFile(doc, 'New Document.docx')

The saveDocumentToFile function creates a new instance of Packer from the docx modules, Packers in docx are used to turn your JavaScript code into a .docx file. We then send our document instance to Packers toBlob function which in turn converts our instance of Document into a Blob object, a mimeType is added to the Blob and finally the Blob is sent to saveAs feature of the file-saver module which will create the file and prompt you to save or open.

function saveDocumentToFile(doc, fileName) {
  // Create a mime type that will associate the new file with Microsoft Word
  const mimeType = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document'
  // Create a Blob object from Packer containing the Document instance and the mimeType
  Packer.toBlob(doc).then((blob) => {
    const docblob = blob.slice(0, blob.size, mimeType)
    // Save the file using saveAs from the file-saver package
    saveAs(docblob, fileName)

Clicking the ‘Generate Word Document’ button will now create and save a blank Word document.

Step 5 – Create content of the Word document

We can now start adding some content to the Word document. We will simply add a title, subtitle, two headings and a long paragraph as this will make it easier to understand once we come to start styling the document.

Import Paragragh from docx.

import { Document, Packer, Paragraph } from 'docx'

Add the new paragraph to the document.

function generateWordDocument(event) {
  let doc = new Document({
    sections: [
        children: [
          new Paragraph({ text: 'Title' }),
          new Paragraph({ text: 'Subtitle' }),
          new Paragraph({ text: 'Heading 1' }),
          new Paragraph({ text: 'Subtitle' }),
          new Paragraph({ text: 'Heading 2' }),
          new Paragraph({
              'Aliquam gravida quam sapien, quis dapibus eros malesuada vel. Praesent tempor aliquam iaculis. Nam ut neque ex. Curabitur pretium laoreet nunc, ut ornare augue aliquet sed. Pellentesque laoreet sem risus. Cras sodales libero convallis, convallis ex sed, ultrices neque. Sed quis ullamcorper mi. Ut a leo consectetur, scelerisque nibh sit amet, egestas mauris. Donec augue sapien, vestibulum in urna et, cursus feugiat enim. Ut sit amet placerat quam, id tincidunt nulla. Cras et lorem nibh. Suspendisse posuere orci nec ligula mattis vestibulum. Suspendisse in vestibulum urna, non imperdiet enim. Vestibulum vel dolor eget neque iaculis ultrices.',
  saveDocumentToFile(doc, 'New Document.docx')

Blank report

Step 6 – Style the Word document

Now that we have some content we can look at styling the document using the built in styles of Word.

Blank report

Firstly we will need to import HeadingStyles from docx

import { Document, Packer, Paragraph, HeadingLevel } from 'docx'

Then we can apply the Heading level to each paragraph.

function generateWordDocument(event) {
  // Create new instance of Document for the docx module
  let doc = new Document({
    sections: [
        children: [
          new Paragraph({ text: "Title", heading: HeadingLevel.TITLE }),
          new Paragraph({ text: "Heading 1", heading: HeadingLevel.HEADING_1 }),
          new Paragraph({ text: "Heading 2", heading: HeadingLevel.HEADING_2 }),
          new Paragraph({
              "Aliquam gravida quam sapien, quis dapibus eros malesuada vel. Praesent tempor aliquam iaculis. Nam ut neque ex. Curabitur pretium laoreet nunc, ut ornare augue aliquet sed. Pellentesque laoreet sem risus. Cras sodales libero convallis, convallis ex sed, ultrices neque. Sed quis ullamcorper mi. Ut a leo consectetur, scelerisque nibh sit amet, egestas mauris. Donec augue sapien, vestibulum in urna et, cursus feugiat enim. Ut sit amet placerat quam, id tincidunt nulla. Cras et lorem nibh. Suspendisse posuere orci nec ligula mattis vestibulum. Suspendisse in vestibulum urna, non imperdiet enim. Vestibulum vel dolor eget neque iaculis ultrices."
  // Call saveDocumentToFile withe the document instance and a filename
  saveDocumentToFile(doc, "New Document.docx")

Clicking the ‘Generate Word Document’ button now will create a Word document that look something like this

Styled report

You can learn more about styles in Microsoft Word here.

Step 7 – Add a custom style to the document

In step 6 we used the built in styles of Word. We can also create custom styles to use in the document.

Add a new styles object to the document and start creating a new style, by adding colours, size, font etc.

let doc = new Document({
    styles: {
      paragraphStyles: [
          id: "myCustomStyle",
          name: "My Custom Style",
          basedOn: "Normal",
          run: {
            color: "FF0000",
            italics: true,
            bold: true,
            size: 26,
            font: "Calibri",
          paragraph: {
            spacing: { line: 276, before: 150, after: 150 }

You can then apply the custom style to a paragraph.

sections: [
        children: [
          new Paragraph({
            text: "This is a paragraph styled with my custom style",
            style: "myCustomStyle"

Custom styled report


With the use of a couple of great packages we can easily create a nice looking Word document using solely client side JavaScript. Docx is very powerful and this article only covers the basics to get you up and running with a simple Word document.

Complete Example

GitHub Repo here

A complete example of the code on CodeSandbox can be found here

title description ms.date ms.prod ms.localizationpriority

Word add-in tutorial

In this tutorial, you’ll build a Word add-in that inserts (and replaces) text ranges, paragraphs, images, HTML, tables, and content controls. You’ll also learn how to format text and how to insert (and replace) content in content controls.




Tutorial: Create a Word task pane add-in

In this tutorial, you’ll create a Word task pane add-in that:

[!div class=»checklist»]

  • Inserts a range of text
  • Formats text
  • Replaces text and inserts text in various locations
  • Inserts images, HTML, and tables
  • Creates and updates content controls

If you’ve already completed the Build your first Word task pane add-in quick start, and want to use that project as a starting point for this tutorial, go directly to the Insert a range of text section to start this tutorial.


[!includeYeoman generator prerequisites]

  • Office connected to a Microsoft 365 subscription (including Office on the web).

    If you don’t already have Office, you can join the Microsoft 365 developer program to get a free, 90-day renewable Microsoft 365 subscription to use during development.

Create your add-in project

[!includeYeoman generator create project guidance]

  • Choose a project type: Office Add-in Task Pane project
  • Choose a script type: JavaScript
  • What do you want to name your add-in? My Office Add-in
  • Which Office client application would you like to support? Word

Screenshot showing the prompts and answers for the Yeoman generator in a command line interface.

After you complete the wizard, the generator creates the project and installs supporting Node components.

[!includeYeoman generator next steps]

Insert a range of text

In this step of the tutorial, you’ll programmatically test that your add-in supports the user’s current version of Word, and then insert a paragraph into the document.

Code the add-in

  1. Open the project in your code editor.

  2. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.html. This file contains the HTML markup for the task pane.

  3. Locate the <main> element and delete all lines that appear after the opening <main> tag and before the closing </main> tag.

  4. Add the following markup immediately after the opening <main> tag.

    <button class="ms-Button" id="insert-paragraph">Insert Paragraph</button><br/><br/>
  5. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.js. This file contains the Office JavaScript API code that facilitates interaction between the task pane and the Office client application.

  6. Remove all references to the run button and the run() function by doing the following:

    • Locate and delete the line document.getElementById("run").onclick = run;.

    • Locate and delete the entire run() function.

  7. Within the Office.onReady function call, locate the line if (info.host === Office.HostType.Word) { and add the following code immediately after that line. Note:

    • This code adds an event handler for the insert-paragraph button.
    • The insertParagraph function is wrapped in a call to tryCatch (both functions will be added in the next step). This allows any errors generated by the Office JavaScript API layer to be handled separately from your service code.
    // Assign event handlers and other initialization logic.
    document.getElementById("insert-paragraph").onclick = () => tryCatch(insertParagraph);
  8. Add the following functions to the end of the file. Note:

    • Your Word.js business logic will be added to the function passed to Word.run. This logic doesn’t execute immediately. Instead, it’s added to a queue of pending commands.

    • The context.sync method sends all queued commands to Word for execution.

    • The tryCatch function will be used by all the functions interacting with the workbook from the task pane. Catching Office JavaScript errors in this fashion is a convenient way to generically handle uncaught errors.

    async function insertParagraph() {
        await Word.run(async (context) => {
            // TODO1: Queue commands to insert a paragraph into the document.
            await context.sync();
    /** Default helper for invoking an action and handling errors. */
    async function tryCatch(callback) {
        try {
            await callback();
        } catch (error) {
            // Note: In a production add-in, you'd want to notify the user through your add-in's UI.
  9. Within the insertParagraph() function, replace TODO1 with the following code. Note:

    • The first parameter to the insertParagraph method is the text for the new paragraph.

    • The second parameter is the location within the body where the paragraph will be inserted. Other options for insert paragraph, when the parent object is the body, are «End» and «Replace».

    const docBody = context.document.body;
    docBody.insertParagraph("Office has several versions, including Office 2016, Microsoft 365 subscription, and Office on the web.",
  10. Save all your changes to the project.

Test the add-in

  1. Complete the following steps to start the local web server and sideload your add-in.

    [!INCLUDE alert use https]

    If you’re testing your add-in on Mac, run the following command in the root directory of your project before proceeding. When you run this command, the local web server starts.

    • To test your add-in in Word, run the following command in the root directory of your project. This starts the local web server (if it isn’t already running) and opens Word with your add-in loaded.

    • To test your add-in in Word on the web, run the following command in the root directory of your project. When you run this command, the local web server starts. Replace «{url}» with the URL of a Word document on your OneDrive or a SharePoint library to which you have permissions.

      [!INCLUDE npm start:web command syntax]

  2. In Word, if the «My Office Add-in» task pane isn’t already open, choose the Home tab, and then choose the Show Taskpane button in the ribbon to open the add-in task pane.

    Screenshot displaying the Show Taskpane button highlighted in Word.

  3. In the task pane, choose the Insert Paragraph button.

  4. Make a change in the paragraph.

  5. Choose the Insert Paragraph button again. Note that the new paragraph appears above the previous one because the insertParagraph method is inserting at the start of the document’s body.

    Screenshot showing the Insert Paragraph button in the add-in.

Format text

In this step of the tutorial, you’ll apply a built-in style to text, apply a custom style to text, and change the font of text.

Apply a built-in style to text

  1. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.html.

  2. Locate the <button> element for the insert-paragraph button, and add the following markup after that line.

    <button class="ms-Button" id="apply-style">Apply Style</button><br/><br/>
  3. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.js.

  4. Within the Office.onReady function call, locate the line that assigns a click handler to the insert-paragraph button, and add the following code after that line.

    document.getElementById("apply-style").onclick = () => tryCatch(applyStyle);
  5. Add the following function to the end of the file.

    async function applyStyle() {
        await Word.run(async (context) => {
            // TODO1: Queue commands to style text.
            await context.sync();
  6. Within the applyStyle() function, replace TODO1 with the following code. Note that the code applies a style to a paragraph, but styles can also be applied to ranges of text.

    const firstParagraph = context.document.body.paragraphs.getFirst();
    firstParagraph.styleBuiltIn = Word.Style.intenseReference;

Apply a custom style to text

  1. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.html.

  2. Locate the <button> element for the apply-style button, and add the following markup after that line.

    <button class="ms-Button" id="apply-custom-style">Apply Custom Style</button><br/><br/>
  3. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.js.

  4. Within the Office.onReady function call, locate the line that assigns a click handler to the apply-style button, and add the following code after that line.

    document.getElementById("apply-custom-style").onclick = () => tryCatch(applyCustomStyle);
  5. Add the following function to the end of the file.

    async function applyCustomStyle() {
        await Word.run(async (context) => {
            // TODO1: Queue commands to apply the custom style.
            await context.sync();
  6. Within the applyCustomStyle() function, replace TODO1 with the following code. Note that the code applies a custom style that does not exist yet. You’ll create a style with the name MyCustomStyle in the Test the add-in step.

    const lastParagraph = context.document.body.paragraphs.getLast();
    lastParagraph.style = "MyCustomStyle";
  7. Save all your changes to the project.

Change the font of text

  1. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.html.

  2. Locate the <button> element for the apply-custom-style button, and add the following markup after that line.

    <button class="ms-Button" id="change-font">Change Font</button><br/><br/>
  3. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.js.

  4. Within the Office.onReady function call, locate the line that assigns a click handler to the apply-custom-style button, and add the following code after that line.

    document.getElementById("change-font").onclick = () => tryCatch(changeFont);
  5. Add the following function to the end of the file.

    async function changeFont() {
        await Word.run(async (context) => {
            // TODO1: Queue commands to apply a different font.
            await context.sync();
  6. Within the changeFont() function, replace TODO1 with the following code. Note that the code gets a reference to the second paragraph by using the ParagraphCollection.getFirst method chained to the Paragraph.getNext method.

    const secondParagraph = context.document.body.paragraphs.getFirst().getNext();
            name: "Courier New",
            bold: true,
            size: 18
  7. Save all your changes to the project.

Test the add-in

  1. [!includeStart server and sideload add-in instructions]

  2. If the add-in task pane isn’t already open in Word, go to the Home tab and choose the Show Taskpane button in the ribbon to open it.

  3. Be sure there are at least three paragraphs in the document. You can choose the Insert Paragraph button three times. Check carefully that there’s no blank paragraph at the end of the document. If there is, delete it.

  4. In Word, create a custom style named «MyCustomStyle». It can have any formatting that you want.

  5. Choose the Apply Style button. The first paragraph will be styled with the built-in style Intense Reference.

  6. Choose the Apply Custom Style button. The last paragraph will be styled with your custom style. (If nothing seems to happen, the last paragraph might be blank. If so, add some text to it.)

  7. Choose the Change Font button. The font of the second paragraph changes to 18 pt., bold, Courier New.

    Screenshot showing the results of applying the styles and fonts defined for the add-in buttons Apply Style, Apply Custom Style, and Change font.

Replace text and insert text

In this step of the tutorial, you’ll add text inside and outside of selected ranges of text, and replace the text of a selected range.

Add text inside a range

  1. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.html.

  2. Locate the <button> element for the change-font button, and add the following markup after that line.

    <button class="ms-Button" id="insert-text-into-range">Insert Abbreviation</button><br/><br/>
  3. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.js.

  4. Within the Office.onReady function call, locate the line that assigns a click handler to the change-font button, and add the following code after that line.

    document.getElementById("insert-text-into-range").onclick = () => tryCatch(insertTextIntoRange);
  5. Add the following function to the end of the file.

    async function insertTextIntoRange() {
        await Word.run(async (context) => {
            // TODO1: Queue commands to insert text into a selected range.
            // TODO2: Load the text of the range and sync so that the
            //        current range text can be read.
            // TODO3: Queue commands to repeat the text of the original
            //        range at the end of the document.
            await context.sync();
  6. Within the insertTextIntoRange() function, replace TODO1 with the following code. Note:

    • The function is intended to insert the abbreviation [«(M365)»] into the end of the Range whose text is «Microsoft 365». It makes a simplifying assumption that the string is present and the user has selected it.

    • The first parameter of the Range.insertText method is the string to insert into the Range object.

    • The second parameter specifies where in the range the additional text should be inserted. Besides «End», the other possible options are «Start», «Before», «After», and «Replace».

    • The difference between «End» and «After» is that «End» inserts the new text inside the end of the existing range, but «After» creates a new range with the string and inserts the new range after the existing range. Similarly, «Start» inserts text inside the beginning of the existing range and «Before» inserts a new range. «Replace» replaces the text of the existing range with the string in the first parameter.

    • You saw in an earlier stage of the tutorial that the insert* methods of the body object don’t have the «Before» and «After» options. This is because you can’t put content outside of the document’s body.

    const doc = context.document;
    const originalRange = doc.getSelection();
    originalRange.insertText(" (M365)", Word.InsertLocation.end);
  7. We’ll skip over TODO2 until the next section. Within the insertTextIntoRange() function, replace TODO3 with the following code. This code is similar to the code you created in the first stage of the tutorial, except that now you are inserting a new paragraph at the end of the document instead of at the start. This new paragraph will demonstrate that the new text is now part of the original range.

    doc.body.insertParagraph("Original range: " + originalRange.text, Word.InsertLocation.end);

Add code to fetch document properties into the task pane’s script objects

In all previous functions in this tutorial, you queued commands to write to the Office document. Each function ended with a call to the context.sync() method which sends the queued commands to the document to be executed. But the code you added in the last step calls the originalRange.text property, and this is a significant difference from the earlier functions you wrote, because the originalRange object is only a proxy object that exists in your task pane’s script. It doesn’t know what the actual text of the range in the document is, so its text property can’t have a real value. It’s necessary to first fetch the text value of the range from the document and use it to set the value of originalRange.text. Only then can originalRange.text be called without causing an exception to be thrown. This fetching process has three steps.

  1. Queue a command to load (that is, fetch) the properties that your code needs to read.

  2. Call the context object’s sync method to send the queued command to the document for execution and return the requested information.

  3. Because the sync method is asynchronous, ensure that it has completed before your code calls the properties that were fetched.

The following step must be completed whenever your code needs to read information from the Office document.

  1. Within the insertTextIntoRange() function, replace TODO2 with the following code.

    await context.sync();

When you’re done, the entire function should look like the following:

async function insertTextIntoRange() {
    await Word.run(async (context) => {

        const doc = context.document;
        const originalRange = doc.getSelection();
        originalRange.insertText(" (M365)", Word.InsertLocation.end);

        await context.sync();

        doc.body.insertParagraph("Original range: " + originalRange.text, Word.InsertLocation.end);

        await context.sync();

Add text between ranges

  1. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.html.

  2. Locate the <button> element for the insert-text-into-range button, and add the following markup after that line.

    <button class="ms-Button" id="insert-text-outside-range">Add Version Info</button><br/><br/>
  3. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.js.

  4. Within the Office.onReady function call, locate the line that assigns a click handler to the insert-text-into-range button, and add the following code after that line.

    document.getElementById("insert-text-outside-range").onclick = () => tryCatch(insertTextBeforeRange);
  5. Add the following function to the end of the file.

    async function insertTextBeforeRange() {
        await Word.run(async (context) => {
            // TODO1: Queue commands to insert a new range before the
            //        selected range.
            // TODO2: Load the text of the original range and sync so that the
            //        range text can be read and inserted.
  6. Within the insertTextBeforeRange() function, replace TODO1 with the following code. Note:

    • The function is intended to add a range whose text is «Office 2019, » before the range with text «Microsoft 365». It makes an assumption that the string is present and the user has selected it.

    • The first parameter of the Range.insertText method is the string to add.

    • The second parameter specifies where in the range the additional text should be inserted. For more details about the location options, see the previous discussion of the insertTextIntoRange function.

    const doc = context.document;
    const originalRange = doc.getSelection();
    originalRange.insertText("Office 2019, ", Word.InsertLocation.before);
  7. Within the insertTextBeforeRange() function, replace TODO2 with the following code.

    await context.sync();
    // TODO3: Queue commands to insert the original range as a
    //        paragraph at the end of the document.
    // TODO4: Make a final call of context.sync here and ensure
    //        that it runs after the insertParagraph has been queued.
  8. Replace TODO3 with the following code. This new paragraph will demonstrate the fact that the new text is not part of the original selected range. The original range still has only the text it had when it was selected.

    doc.body.insertParagraph("Current text of original range: " + originalRange.text, Word.InsertLocation.end);
  9. Replace TODO4 with the following code.

Replace the text of a range

  1. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.html.

  2. Locate the <button> element for the insert-text-outside-range button, and add the following markup after that line.

    <button class="ms-Button" id="replace-text">Change Quantity Term</button><br/><br/>
  3. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.js.

  4. Within the Office.onReady function call, locate the line that assigns a click handler to the insert-text-outside-range button, and add the following code after that line.

    document.getElementById("replace-text").onclick = () => tryCatch(replaceText);
  5. Add the following function to the end of the file.

    async function replaceText() {
        await Word.run(async (context) => {
            // TODO1: Queue commands to replace the text.
            await context.sync();
  6. Within the replaceText() function, replace TODO1 with the following code. Note that the function is intended to replace the string «several» with the string «many». It makes a simplifying assumption that the string is present and the user has selected it.

    const doc = context.document;
    const originalRange = doc.getSelection();
    originalRange.insertText("many", Word.InsertLocation.replace);
  7. Save all your changes to the project.

Test the add-in

  1. [!includeStart server and sideload add-in instructions]

  2. If the add-in task pane isn’t already open in Word, go to the Home tab and choose the Show Taskpane button in the ribbon to open it.

  3. In the task pane, choose the Insert Paragraph button to ensure that there’s a paragraph at the start of the document.

  4. Within the document, select the phrase «Microsoft 365 subscription». Be careful not to include the preceding space or following comma in the selection.

  5. Choose the Insert Abbreviation button. Note that » (M365)» is added. Note also that at the bottom of the document a new paragraph is added with the entire expanded text because the new string was added to the existing range.

  6. Within the document, select the phrase «Microsoft 365». Be careful not to include the preceding or following space in the selection.

  7. Choose the Add Version Info button. Note that «Office 2019, » is inserted between «Office 2016» and «Microsoft 365». Note also that at the bottom of the document a new paragraph is added but it contains only the originally selected text because the new string became a new range rather than being added to the original range.

  8. Within the document, select the word «several». Be careful not to include the preceding or following space in the selection.

  9. Choose the Change Quantity Term button. Note that «many» replaces the selected text.

    Screenshot showing the results of choosing the add-in buttons Insert Abbreviation, Add Version Info, and Change Quantity Term.

Insert images, HTML, and tables

In this step of the tutorial, you’ll learn how to insert images, HTML, and tables into the document.

Define an image

Complete the following steps to define the image that you’ll insert into the document in the next part of this tutorial.

  1. In the root of the project, create a new file named base64Image.js.

  2. Open the file base64Image.js and add the following code to specify the Base64-encoded string that represents an image.

    export const base64Image =

Insert an image

  1. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.html.

  2. Locate the <button> element for the replace-text button, and add the following markup after that line.

    <button class="ms-Button" id="insert-image">Insert Image</button><br/><br/>
  3. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.js.

  4. Locate the Office.onReady function call near the top of the file and add the following code immediately before that line. This code imports the variable that you defined previously in the file ./base64Image.js.

    import { base64Image } from "../../base64Image";
  5. Within the Office.onReady function call, locate the line that assigns a click handler to the replace-text button, and add the following code after that line.

    document.getElementById("insert-image").onclick = () => tryCatch(insertImage);
  6. Add the following function to the end of the file.

    async function insertImage() {
        await Word.run(async (context) => {
            // TODO1: Queue commands to insert an image.
            await context.sync();
  7. Within the insertImage() function, replace TODO1 with the following code. Note that this line inserts the Base64-encoded image at the end of the document. (The Paragraph object also has an insertInlinePictureFromBase64 method and other insert* methods. See the following «Insert HTML» section for an example.)

    context.document.body.insertInlinePictureFromBase64(base64Image, Word.InsertLocation.end);

Insert HTML

  1. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.html.

  2. Locate the <button> element for the insert-image button, and add the following markup after that line.

    <button class="ms-Button" id="insert-html">Insert HTML</button><br/><br/>
  3. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.js.

  4. Within the Office.onReady function call, locate the line that assigns a click handler to the insert-image button, and add the following code after that line.

    document.getElementById("insert-html").onclick = () => tryCatch(insertHTML);
  5. Add the following function to the end of the file.

    async function insertHTML() {
        await Word.run(async (context) => {
            // TODO1: Queue commands to insert a string of HTML.
            await context.sync();
  6. Within the insertHTML() function, replace TODO1 with the following code. Note:

    • The first line adds a blank paragraph to the end of the document.

    • The second line inserts a string of HTML at the end of the paragraph; specifically two paragraphs, one formatted with the Verdana font, the other with the default styling of the Word document. (As you saw in the insertImage method earlier, the context.document.body object also has the insert* methods.)

    const blankParagraph = context.document.body.paragraphs.getLast().insertParagraph("", Word.InsertLocation.after);
    blankParagraph.insertHtml('<p style="font-family: verdana;">Inserted HTML.</p><p>Another paragraph</p>', Word.InsertLocation.end);

Insert a table

  1. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.html.

  2. Locate the <button> element for the insert-html button, and add the following markup after that line.

    <button class="ms-Button" id="insert-table">Insert Table</button><br/><br/>
  3. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.js.

  4. Within the Office.onReady function call, locate the line that assigns a click handler to the insert-html button, and add the following code after that line.

    document.getElementById("insert-table").onclick = () => tryCatch(insertTable);
  5. Add the following function to the end of the file.

    async function insertTable() {
        await Word.run(async (context) => {
            // TODO1: Queue commands to get a reference to the paragraph
            //        that will precede the table.
            // TODO2: Queue commands to create a table and populate it with data.
            await context.sync();
  6. Within the insertTable() function, replace TODO1 with the following code. Note that this line uses the ParagraphCollection.getFirst method to get a reference to the first paragraph and then uses the Paragraph.getNext method to get a reference to the second paragraph.

    const secondParagraph = context.document.body.paragraphs.getFirst().getNext();
  7. Within the insertTable() function, replace TODO2 with the following code. Note:

    • The first two parameters of the insertTable method specify the number of rows and columns.

    • The third parameter specifies where to insert the table, in this case after the paragraph.

    • The fourth parameter is a two-dimensional array that sets the values of the table cells.

    • The table will have plain default styling, but the insertTable method returns a Table object with many members, some of which are used to style the table.

    const tableData = [
            ["Name", "ID", "Birth City"],
            ["Bob", "434", "Chicago"],
            ["Sue", "719", "Havana"],
    secondParagraph.insertTable(3, 3, Word.InsertLocation.after, tableData);
  8. Save all your changes to the project.

Test the add-in

  1. [!includeStart server and sideload add-in instructions]

  2. If the add-in task pane isn’t already open in Word, go to the Home tab and choose the Show Taskpane button in the ribbon to open it.

  3. In the task pane, choose the Insert Paragraph button at least three times to ensure that there are a few paragraphs in the document.

  4. Choose the Insert Image button and note that an image is inserted at the end of the document.

  5. Choose the Insert HTML button and note that two paragraphs are inserted at the end of the document, and that the first one has the Verdana font.

  6. Choose the Insert Table button and note that a table is inserted after the second paragraph.

    Screenshot showing the results of choosing the add-in buttons Insert Image, Insert HTML, and Insert Table.

Create and update content controls

In this step of the tutorial, you’ll learn how to create Rich Text content controls in the document, and then how to insert and replace content in the controls.

There are several types of content controls that can be added to a Word document through the UI, but currently only Rich Text content controls are supported by Word.js.

Before you start this step of the tutorial, we recommend that you create and manipulate Rich Text content controls through the Word UI, so you can be familiar with the controls and their properties. For details, see Create forms that users complete or print in Word.

Create a content control

  1. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.html.

  2. Locate the <button> element for the insert-table button, and add the following markup after that line.

    <button class="ms-Button" id="create-content-control">Create Content Control</button><br/><br/>
  3. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.js.

  4. Within the Office.onReady function call, locate the line that assigns a click handler to the insert-table button, and add the following code after that line.

    document.getElementById("create-content-control").onclick = () => tryCatch(createContentControl);
  5. Add the following function to the end of the file.

    async function createContentControl() {
        await Word.run(async (context) => {
            // TODO1: Queue commands to create a content control.
            await context.sync();
  6. Within the createContentControl() function, replace TODO1 with the following code. Note:

    • This code is intended to wrap the phrase «Microsoft 365» in a content control. It makes a simplifying assumption that the string is present and the user has selected it.

    • The ContentControl.title property specifies the visible title of the content control.

    • The ContentControl.tag property specifies an tag that can be used to get a reference to a content control using the ContentControlCollection.getByTag method, which you’ll use in a later function.

    • The ContentControl.appearance property specifies the visual look of the control. Using the value «Tags» means that the control will be wrapped in opening and closing tags, and the opening tag will have the content control’s title. Other possible values are «BoundingBox» and «None».

    • The ContentControl.color property specifies the color of the tags or the border of the bounding box.

    const serviceNameRange = context.document.getSelection();
    const serviceNameContentControl = serviceNameRange.insertContentControl();
    serviceNameContentControl.title = "Service Name";
    serviceNameContentControl.tag = "serviceName";
    serviceNameContentControl.appearance = "Tags";
    serviceNameContentControl.color = "blue";

Replace the content of the content control

  1. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.html.

  2. Locate the <button> element for the create-content-control button, and add the following markup after that line.

    <button class="ms-Button" id="replace-content-in-control">Rename Service</button><br/><br/>
  3. Open the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.js.

  4. Within the Office.onReady function call, locate the line that assigns a click handler to the create-content-control button, and add the following code after that line.

    document.getElementById("replace-content-in-control").onclick = () => tryCatch(replaceContentInControl);
  5. Add the following function to the end of the file.

    async function replaceContentInControl() {
        await Word.run(async (context) => {
            // TODO1: Queue commands to replace the text in the Service Name
            //        content control.
            await context.sync();
  6. Within the replaceContentInControl() function, replace TODO1 with the following code. Note:

    • The ContentControlCollection.getByTag method returns a ContentControlCollection of all content controls of the specified tag. We use getFirst to get a reference to the desired control.
    const serviceNameContentControl = context.document.contentControls.getByTag("serviceName").getFirst();
    serviceNameContentControl.insertText("Fabrikam Online Productivity Suite", Word.InsertLocation.replace);
  7. Save all your changes to the project.

Test the add-in

  1. [!includeStart server and sideload add-in instructions]

  2. If the add-in task pane isn’t already open in Word, go to the Home tab and choose the Show Taskpane button in the ribbon to open it.

  3. In the task pane, choose the Insert Paragraph button to ensure that there’s a paragraph with «Microsoft 365» at the top of the document.

  4. In the document, select the text «Microsoft 365» and then choose the Create Content Control button. Note that the phrase is wrapped in tags labelled «Service Name».

  5. Choose the Rename Service button and note that the text of the content control changes to «Fabrikam Online Productivity Suite».

    Screenshot showing the results of choosing the add-in buttons Create Content Control and Rename Service.

Next steps

In this tutorial, you’ve created a Word task pane add-in that inserts and replaces text, images, and other content in a Word document. To learn more about building Word add-ins, continue to the following article.

[!div class=»nextstepaction»]
Word add-ins overview

See also

  • Office Add-ins platform overview
  • Develop Office Add-ins

In this guide we’ll look at how to create a docx template and fill out that document using JavaScript. We’ll do this by using the docxtemplater package. This works in both NodeJS and React.

  1. Installing Requirements
  2. The Code
  3. Filling out the Template with JavaScript
  4. Direct Values
  5. Styling
  6. Lists
  7. Table Rows
  8. Conditional Rendering
  9. Helpful Tips
    • Too Much Spacing
    • Error Finding 1
    • Error Finding 2
    • Tag Names

Installing Requirements

Install the docxtemplater & pizzip packages using the following command:

npm i docxtemplater pizzip

The Code

The main code for all the below examples will stay the same. The only thing that will be changing is the dataToAdd Object (line 14). All other lines will stay the same.

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const PizZip = require('pizzip');
const Docxtemplater = require('docxtemplater');

// Load the templated docx file
const templateFile = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'template.docx'), 'binary');
const zip = new PizZip(templateFile);

try {
	// Attempt to read all the templated tags
	let outputDocument = new Docxtemplater(zip);

	const dataToAdd = {};

	// Set the data we wish to add to the document

	try {
		// Attempt to render the document (Add data to the template)

		// Create a buffer to store the output data
		let outputDocumentBuffer = outputDocument.getZip().generate({ type: 'nodebuffer' });

		// Save the buffer to a file
		fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'OUTPUT.docx'), outputDocumentBuffer);
	catch (error) {
		console.error(`ERROR Filling out Template:`);
} catch(error) {
	console.error(`ERROR Loading Template:`);

Filling out the Template with JavaScript

All of the data that will be added to the template will be contained within a single Object called dataToAdd.

Each key in the dataToAdd Object refers to a tag that was placed in the docx file. Let’s see how to do this:

Direct Values

Direct values simply mean static values that we wish to insert into the document. Some examples would be the date, author, title. Simple text values you wish to add that may change with each document.

Docx File

The Code

const dataToAdd = {
    document_creation_date: (new Date()).toLocaleDateString()



The style that is applied to the tag in the document will be inherited by the value that is inserted:

Docx File

The Code

const dataToAdd = {
    document_creation_date: (new Date()).toLocaleDateString(),
    document_author: 'Alexander Wells',



A very useful feature is to be able to template repetitive sections. Perhaps the document is suppose to contain the profiles of some employees. Let’s see how we can use lists to do this:

Docx File

  • Lists are prefixed with the # character to start the list scope, and the / character to end the list scope.

The Code

const dataToAdd = {
    employeeList: [
        { id: 28521, name: 'Frank', age: 34, city: 'Melbourne' },
        { id: 84973, name: 'Chloe', age: 28, city: 'Perth' },

  • When using lists, the value should be a list of Objects.
  • The keys of each Object will refer to the tags used inside the List in the docx file (id, name, age, city).


Table Rows

We can also use lists to create additional rows of a table. Let’s use the employee example again, but this time let’s use a table to represent the data:

Docx File

The Code

const dataToAdd = {
    employeeList: [
        { id: 28521, name: 'Frank', age: 34, city: 'Melbourne' },
        { id: 84973, name: 'Chloe', age: 28, city: 'Perth' },
        { id: 10349, name: 'Hank', age: 68, city: 'Hobart' },
        { id: 44586, name: 'Gordon', age: 47, city: 'Melbourne' },


Conditional Rendering

Docx File

Another useful feature would be if we could only render certain things if a condition is met. Let’s see how we can do that:

The Code

const dataToAdd = {
    showDocumentAuthor: true,
    document_author: 'Alexander Wells',


Changing showDocumentAuthor to false means the data inside the conditional statement won’t be rendered.

Helpful Tips

Too Much Spacing

You may notice if you use loops that extra spacing gets added where you don’t want. Let’s look at an example where this is very clear:

const dataToAdd = {
    groceryList: [
        { item: 'Eggs' },
        { item: 'Steak' },
        { item: 'Apples' }

  • With visible formatting enabled we can see the issue.
  • An extra line has been inserted between each list element.

We can fix this by enabling by enabling paragraphLoop option when creating our output document:

let outputDocument = new Docxtemplater(zip, { paragraphLoop: true });

Error Finding 1

  • One downside of this library is that error locations is actually a paid feature (yes I’m serious), look here.
  • This is an inconvenience and nothing more.
  • I STRONGLY suggest that you do templating in small batches. Add a few tags, test, add a few more, then test again.
  • Please do not spend hours (or even an hour) templating before testing. It will save you a massive headache when the program just says error, and you have to hunt through your document to find the issue.

Error Finding 2

  • Ensure that your tags in the docx file do not contain spaces at the start or end.
  • If you have a list tag called {#employeeList}, ensure there is no whitespace like this {#employeeList }, as this can cause the program to fail.
  • Microsoft Word can automatically add spaces so be aware of that.

Tag Names

  • Just like when programming you try and use good variable names, same goes here.
  • A large document may have dozens or hundreds of tags. Using date for a tag name is BAD!
  • Using document_creation_date is much better as it’s clear exactly what date it’s referring to.

В этой статье мы создадим приложение, которое позволит пользователям вводить свой данные в текстовом редакторе и генерировать из него документ Word. Мы будем использовать Express для внутреннего интерфейса и React для внешнего интерфейса.

Back End

Мы начнем с серверной части. Для начала мы создадим папку проекта с папкой backend внутри. Затем в папке backend запустите, npx express-generator чтобы создать приложение Express. Затем запустите npm i для установки пакетов. Далее мы устанавливаем наши собственные пакеты. Нам нужен Babel для запуска приложения с последней версией JavaScript, CORS для междоменных запросов, HTML-DOCX-JS для преобразования строк HTML в документы Word, Multer для загрузки файлов, Sequelize для ORM и SQLite3 для нашей базы данных.

Мы устанавливаем все это, выполнив:

npm i @babel/cli @babel/core @babel/node @babel/preset-env cors html-docx-js sequelize sqlite3 multer

После этого мы изменим package.json чтобы добавить команды start и babel-node:

"start": "nodemon --exec npm run babel-node - ./bin/www", 
"babel-node": "babel-node"

Таким образом мы запускаем наше приложение с Babel вместо обычной среды выполнения Node.

Затем создайте файл .babelrc в папке backend и добавьте:

    "presets": [

чтобы указать, что мы запускаем наше приложение с последней версией JavaScript.

Далее мы добавляем код нашей базы данных. Запустите npx sequelize-cli init в папке backend, чтобы создать код Sequelize.

В config.js добавьте:

  "development": {
    "dialect": "sqlite",
    "storage": "development.db"
  "test": {
    "dialect": "sqlite",
    "storage": "test.db"
  "production": {
    "dialect": "sqlite",
    "storage": "production.db"

Затем создайте нашу модель и выполните миграцию, запустив:

npx sequelize-cli model:create --name Document --attributes name:string,document:text,documentPath:string

создать модель Document и таблицу Documents.

Затем мы запускаем:

npx sequelize-cli db:migrate

Далее мы создаем наши маршруты. Создайте файл document.js в папке routes и добавьте:

var express = require("express");
const models = require("../models");
var multer = require("multer");
const fs = require("fs");
var router = express.Router();
const htmlDocx = require("html-docx-js");
const storage = multer.diskStorage({
  destination: (req, file, cb) => {
    cb(null, "./files");
  filename: (req, file, cb) => {
    cb(null, `${file.fieldname}_${+new Date()}.jpg`);
const upload = multer({
router.get("/", async (req, res, next) => {
  const documents = await models.Document.findAll();
router.post("/", async (req, res, next) => {
  const document = await models.Document.create(req.body);
router.put("/:id", async (req, res, next) => {
  const id = req.params.id;
  const { name, document } = req.body;
  const doc = await models.Document.update(
    { name, document },
    { where: { id } }
router.delete("/:id", async (req, res, next) => {
  const id = req.params.id;
  await models.Document.destroy({ where: { id } });
router.get("/generate/:id", async (req, res, next) => {
  const id = req.params.id;
  const documents = await models.Document.findAll({ where: { id } });
  const document = documents[0];
  const converted = htmlDocx.asBlob(document.document);
  const fileName = `${+new Date()}.docx`;
  const documentPath = `${__dirname}/../files/${fileName}`;
  await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    fs.writeFile(documentPath, converted, err => {
      if (err) {
  const doc = await models.Document.update(
    { documentPath: fileName },
    { where: { id } }
router.post("/uploadImage", upload.single("upload"), async (req, res, next) => {
    uploaded: true,
    url: `${process.env.BASE_URL}/${req.file.filename}`
module.exports = router;

Мы выполняем стандартные операции CRUD для таблицы Documents в первых 4 маршрутах. У нас есть GET для получения всех Documents, POST для создания Document, PUT для обновления Document по ID, DELETE для удаления Document путем поиска по ID. У нас есть HTML в поле document для создания документа Word позже.

Маршрут generate для создания документа Word. Мы получаем идентификатор из URL, а затем используем пакет HTML-DOCX-JS для создания документа Word. Мы генерируем документ Word путем преобразования документа HTML в объект файлового потока с помощью пакета HTML-DOCX-JS, а затем записываем поток в файл и сохраняем путь к файлу в Document с идентификатором в параметре URL.

У нас также есть маршрут uploadImage, позволяющий пользователю загружать изображения с помощью CKEditor с помощью плагина CKFinder. Плагин ожидает uploaded и url в ответе, поэтому мы возвращаем их.

Затем нам нужно добавить папку files в backend.

Далее в app.js мы заменим существующий код на:

var createError = require("http-errors");
var express = require("express");
var path = require("path");
var cookieParser = require("cookie-parser");
var logger = require("morgan");
var cors = require("cors");
var indexRouter = require("./routes/index");
var documentRouter = require("./routes/document");
var app = express();
// view engine setup
app.set("views", path.join(__dirname, "views"));
app.set("view engine", "jade");
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "public")));
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "files")));
app.use("/", indexRouter);
app.use("/document", documentRouter);
// catch 404 and forward to error handler
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
// error handler
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
  // set locals, only providing error in development
  res.locals.message = err.message;
  res.locals.error = req.app.get("env") === "development" ? err : {};
// render the error page
  res.status(err.status || 500);
module.exports = app;

Мы открываем папку с файлом:

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "files")));

и устанавливаем маршрут document с помощью:

var documentRouter = require("./routes/document");
app.use("/document", documentRouter);

Внешний интерфейс

Теперь наше API готово, мы можем перейти к работе с интерфейсом. Создайте приложение React с помощью команды «Create React App». Запускаем npx create-react-app frontend в корневой папке проекта.

Затем мы устанавливаем наши пакеты. Мы будем использовать CKEditor для нашего текстового редактора, Axios для выполнения HTTP-запросов, Bootstrap для стилей, MobX для простого управления состоянием, React Router для маршрутизации URL-адресов к компонентам, а также Formik и Yup для обработки значений формы и проверки формы соответственно.

Установите все пакеты, запустив:

npm i @ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic @ckeditor/ckeditor5-react axios bootstrap formik mobx mobx-react react-bootstrap react-router-dom yup

После установки пакетов мы можем заменить существующий код в App.js на:

import React from "react";
import HomePage from "./HomePage";
import { Router, Route } from "react-router-dom";
import { createBrowserHistory as createHistory } from "history";
import TopBar from "./TopBar";
import { DocumentStore } from "./store";
import "./App.css";
const history = createHistory();
const documentStore = new DocumentStore();
function App() {
  return (

( )} />

); } export default App;

добавить наш верхний бар и маршрут к домашней странице.

В App.css, мы заменим существующий код на:

.page {
  padding: 20px;
.content-invalid-feedback {
  width: 100%;
  margin-top: 0.25rem;
  font-size: 80%;
  color: #dc3545;
nav.navbar {
  background-color: green !important;

добавить некоторые отступы на нашу страницу и стилизовать сообщение проверки для редактора Rich text, а также изменить цвет navbar.

Далее мы создаем форму для добавления и редактирования документов. Создайте файл DocumentForm.js в src и добавьте:

import React from "react";
import * as yup from "yup";
import Form from "react-bootstrap/Form";
import Col from "react-bootstrap/Col";
import Button from "react-bootstrap/Button";
import { observer } from "mobx-react";
import { Formik, Field } from "formik";
import { addDocument, editDocument, getDocuments, APIURL } from "./request";
import CKEditor from "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-react";
import ClassicEditor from "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-build-classic";
const schema = yup.object({
  name: yup.string().required("Name is required")
function DocumentForm({ documentStore, edit, onSave, doc }) {
  const [content, setContent] = React.useState("");
  const [dirty, setDirty] = React.useState(false);
  const handleSubmit = async evt => {
    const isValid = await schema.validate(evt);
    if (!isValid || !content) {
    const data = { ...evt, document: content };
    if (!edit) {
      await addDocument(data);
    } else {
      await editDocument(data);
  const getAllDocuments = async () => {
    const response = await getDocuments();
  return (
        }) => (
                    if (edit) {
                  onChange={(event, editor) => {
                    const data = editor.getData();
                    ckfinder: {

{dirty && !content ? "Content is required" : null}

)} ); } export default observer(DocumentForm);

Мы обертываем нашу React Bootstrap Form в компоненту Formik, чтобы получить функцию обработки формы от Formik, которую мы используем непосредственно в полях формы React Bootstrap. Мы не можем сделать то же самое с CKEditor, поэтому мы пишем свои собственные обработчики форм для редактора форматированного текста. Мы устанавливаем data в, CKEditor чтобы установить значение ввода редактора форматированного текста. Эта функция onInit используется, когда пользователи пытаются редактировать существующий документ, поскольку мы должны установить параметр data с помощью редактора, который инициализируется при запуске setContent(doc.document);. Метод onChange является функция обработчика для установки content всякий раз, когда он обновляется, так что параметр data будет иметь последнее значение, которое мы будем представлять, когда пользователь нажимает кнопку Сохранить.

Мы используем плагин CKFinder для загрузки изображений. Чтобы это работало, мы устанавливаем URL загрузки изображения на URL маршрута загрузки в нашем бэкэнде.

Схема проверки формы предоставляется объектом Yup schema, который мы создаем в верхней части кода. Мы проверяем, заполнено ли поле name.

Функция handleSubmit предназначена для обработки представления данных в заднюю часть. Мы проверяем оба объекта content и evt, чтобы проверить оба поля, поскольку мы не можем включить обработчики форм Formik непосредственно в CKEditor компонент.

Если все верно, то мы добавляем новый документ или обновляем его в зависимости от того, является ли реквизит верным или нет.

Затем, когда сохранение getAllDocuments прошло успешно, мы вызываем, чтобы заполнить последние документы в нашем хранилище MobX, запустив documentStore.setDocuments(response.data);.

Далее мы делаем нашу домашнюю страницу, создав HomePage.js в папке src и добавив:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { withRouter } from "react-router-dom";
import DocumentForm from "./DocumentForm";
import Modal from "react-bootstrap/Modal";
import ButtonToolbar from "react-bootstrap/ButtonToolbar";
import Button from "react-bootstrap/Button";
import Table from "react-bootstrap/Table";
import { observer } from "mobx-react";
import { getDocuments, deleteDocument, generateDocument, APIURL } from "./request";
function HomePage({ documentStore, history }) {
  const [openAddModal, setOpenAddModal] = useState(false);
  const [openEditModal, setOpenEditModal] = useState(false);
  const [initialized, setInitialized] = useState(false);
  const [doc, setDoc] = useState([]);
const openAddTemplateModal = () => {
const closeAddModal = () => {
const cancelAddModal = () => {
const cancelEditModal = () => {
const getAllDocuments = async () => {
    const response = await getDocuments();
const editDocument = d => {
const onSave = () => {
const deleteSingleDocument = async id => {
    await deleteDocument(id);
const generateSingleDocument = async id => {
    await generateDocument(id);
    alert("Document Generated");
useEffect(() => {
    if (!initialized) {
return (


Add Document Edit Document

{documentStore.documents.map(d => { return ( ); })}

Name Document Generate Document Edit Delete
{d.name} Open
); } export default withRouter(observer(HomePage));

У нас есть таблица React Bootstrap для перечисления документов с кнопками для редактирования, удаления документов и создания документа Word. Кроме того, в каждой строке есть ссылка Open для открытия документа Word. У нас есть кнопка создания в верхней части таблицы.

Когда страница загружается, мы вызываем getAllDocuments и заполняем их в хранилище MobX. 

Далее создайте request.js в папке src и добавьте:

export const APIURL = "http://localhost:3000";
const axios = require("axios");

export const getDocuments = () => axios.get(`${APIURL}/document`);

export const addDocument = data => axios.post(`${APIURL}/document`, data);
export const editDocument = data => axios.put(`${APIURL}/document/${data.id}`, data);

export const deleteDocument = id => axios.delete(`${APIURL}/document/${id}`);
export const generateDocument = id => axios.get(`${APIURL}/document/generate/${id}`);

Добавив функции для отправки запросов к нашим маршрутам в серверной части.

Затем мы создаем наше хранилище MobX. Создайте store.js в папке src и добавьте:

import { observable, action, decorate } from "mobx";

class DocumentStore {
  documents = [];
  setDocuments(documents) {
    this.documents = documents;

DocumentStore = decorate(DocumentStore, {
  documents: observable,
  setDocuments: action

export { DocumentStore };

Мы имеем функцию, setDocuments чтобы поместить данные в хранилище, который мы использовали в HomePage и DocumentForm и мы инстанцировали его перед экспортом , так что мы должны сделать это только в одном месте.

Этот блок:

DocumentStore = decorate(DocumentStore, {
  documents: observable,
  setDocuments: action

обозначает массив documents в DocumentStore в качестве объекта, который может отслеживаться компонентами на предмет изменений. setDocuments обозначается как функция , которая может быть использована для установки массива documents в хранилище.

Затем мы создаем верхнюю панель, создав файл TopBar.js в папке src и добавив:

import React from "react";
import Navbar from "react-bootstrap/Navbar";
import Nav from "react-bootstrap/Nav";
import { withRouter } from "react-router-dom";

function TopBar({ location }) {
  return (
      Word App

export default withRouter(TopBar);

Это содержит Reac Bootstrap Navbar чтобы показать верхнюю панель со ссылкой на главную страницу и имя приложения. Мы показываем ее только если существует token. Также мы проверяем pathname чтобы выделить правильные ссылки, установив параметр active.

Далее в index.html мы заменим существующий код на:

После написания всего этого кода мы можем запустить наше приложение. Прежде чем что-либо запускать, установите nodemon, запустив, npm i -g nodemon чтобы нам не приходилось перезагружать сервер при изменении файлов.

Затем запустите back end, запустив команду npm start в папке backend и npm start в папке frontend, затем выберите «yes», если вас попросят запустить его с другого порта.

Тогда вы получите:

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
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