Word для honor 9a

Microsoft Word — приложение сочетает знакомый внешний вид, интерфейс и качество Office с интуитивным сенсорным управлением, разработанным для телефонов и планшетов с Android. Приложение Word идеально подходит для создания документов, их просмотра и быстрого редактирования на ходу. Приложения Office обеспечивают наиболее качественное оформление документов, форматирование и содержимое которых остаются неизменными на любых устройствах. Вы сможете в любое время получить доступ к документам в облаке.

Бесплатное приложение Microsoft Word предоставляет основные возможности — просмотр, создание и редактирование документов — на устройствах, размер экрана которых составляет 10,1 дюйма или меньше. Получить доступ ко всем возможностям Word можно с помощью подписки Office 365.


  • Вы можете использовать изображения, таблицы, диаграммы, объекты SmartArt, ссылки, формулы и т. д., причем все это будет отлично отформатировано. 
  • Документы Word выглядят так же великолепно, как и на компьютере. 
  • Просматривайте вложения электронной почты и получайте доступ ко всем вашим документам Word из OneDrive, Dropbox, OneDrive для бизнеса или SharePoint.
  • Начинайте работу с того места, где вы прервали ее в прошлый раз, потому что приложение Word знает, над каким документом вы работали, независимо от того, какое устройство вы используете.
  • Печатайте документы Word.
  • Открывайте DOC- и DOCX-файлы.

Microsoft Word

Дата обновления:07.04.2023

Последняя версия:16.0.16227.20132

Размер:84,24 Mb

Microsoft Word для Андроид — приложение, ориентированное на желающих избавиться от «привязки» к компьютеру, чтобы работать с документами в любом месте: в данную программу включен весь классический интерфейс, только управление сенсорное — и крайне удобное. Вы можете создавать документы, смотреть их либо редактировать — и всё это делается мгновенно. Подавляющая масса функций, присутствующих в версии для компьютера, есть и здесь: за счёт удобного масштабирования вы без проблем можете управлять приложением.

Сбербанк Онлайн


186,67 Mb

Сбербанк Онлайн – специально разработанный софт для клиентов банка «Сбербанк», позволяющий получать доступ к счетам, проводить

Microsoft PowerPoint


76,38 Mb

Microsoft PowerPoint — программа для просмотра или подготовки презентаций, является частью пакета Microsoft Office, однако

Последняя версия:16.0.16227.20132



Microsoft Excel


79,52 Mb

Microsoft Excel – всем известный инструмент, создающий и редактирующий документы теперь на Андроид устройствах. Известный

Последняя версия:16.0.16227.20132





Госуслуги — это приложение позволяет заказать оформление услуг в практически любой государственной сфере. В каталоге программы у

Google Документы


96,48 Mb

Google Документы – инструмент для удобной работы с электронными текстовыми файлами распространенных форматов на Андроид. Имеет

Последняя версия:



Google Таблицы


87,12 Mb

Google Таблицы — официальное приложение от Google, которое позволит работать с таблицами одному или в компании коллег, и все это

Последняя версия:



Полное описание Microsoft Word

Функционал и его частичное описание

  • Основные функции. Вы можете работать с изображениями, таблицами, диаграммами, формулами — привести даже частичный перечень функций едва ли возможно в рамках одной статьи. Всё автоматически форматируется, ввиду чего никаких проблем с созданными на компьютере файлами возникнуть не может.
  • Скорость. Приложение не требует больших аппаратных ресурсов, ввиду чего отлично работает даже на не самых современных устройствах.
  • Управление. Удобное сенсорное управление позволяет совершать все действия мгновенно.
  • Онлайн. Вы можете просматривать вложения электронной почты; даётся доступ к Dropbox, OneDrive и т.д.
  • Печать. При необходимости вы можете осуществлять печать документов за счёт возможности связи с принтером.
  • Сохранение. Приложение автоматически сохраняет работу на том месте, где она была прервана, за счёт чего вы можете мгновенно приступить к продолжению.
  • Дизайн. Широкий функционал и удобство управления не единственные преимущества; Microsoft Word также отличается изящным дизайном в стиле минимализма, приятным практически для каждого человека.
  • Шаблоны. Есть удобные шаблоны, ощутимо упрощающие работу с документом.


Microsoft Word для Андроид — передовое приложение, уже в течение многих лет не имеющее конкурентов. Это неудивительно: ввиду вышеописанных преимуществ данная программа может быть полезна как для научного сотрудника либо бизнесмена, так и для школьника либо студента, поскольку она универсальна. Приложение постепенно совершенствуется, ввиду чего полностью соответствует требованиям современности.

Скачать Microsoft Word на Андроид можно бесплатно с нашего сайта, без регистрации и смс, по прямой ссылке ниже.

Скачать Microsoft Word на Android бесплатно


Скачать Microsoft Word 16.0.16227.20132

Android 9+ armeabi RU

Скачано: 356
84.24 Mb

Возможные угрозы: 0

Последняя проверка: 07 апреля 2023, 16:40

Файл проверен на наличие вирусов с помощью сервиса Virustotal.

WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE — запись на карту памяти.

MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE — широкий доступ к внешнему хранилищу в хранилище с заданной областью.

INTERNET — открытие сетевых сокетов.

ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE — просмотр состояния сетевых подключений.

RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED — получение широковещательных сообщений после завершения загрузки системы.

FOREGROUND_SERVICE — использование файлов службы вывода на передний план.

GET_ACCOUNTS — доступ к списку учетных записей.

AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS — авторизация аккаунта для менеджера аккаунтов.

ACCESS_WIFI_STATE — просмотр подключений wi-fi.

RECORD_AUDIO — запись аудио.

CAMERA — доступ к устройству камеры.

READ_CONTACTS — чтение данных контактов пользователя.

WAKE_LOCK — предотвращение переключения устройства в спящий режим.

GET_PACKAGE_SIZE — информация о пространстве, используемым любым пакетом приложения.

SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW — использование особых окон, показывающихся поверх всех других приложений.

READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE — чтение из внешнего хранилища.

BLUETOOTH — установление связи с устройствами bluetooth.

MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS — изменение глобальных настроек звука.

VIBRATE — управление функцией вибросигнала.

NFC — выполнение операций ввода-вывода через nfc.

Другие приложения Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Excel


79,52 Mb

Microsoft Excel – всем известный инструмент, создающий и редактирующий документы теперь на Андроид устройствах. Известный

Последняя версия:16.0.16227.20132





111,37 Mb

Xbox — приложение, которое благодаря Андроид помогает участнику игрового сообщества оставаться на связи с друзьями вне

Последняя версия:2304.1.2



Microsoft PowerPoint


76,38 Mb

Microsoft PowerPoint — программа для просмотра или подготовки презентаций, является частью пакета Microsoft Office, однако

Последняя версия:16.0.16227.20132



MSN Погода


46,87 Mb

MSN Погода — приложение для отслеживания на Андроид изменений состояния погоды в населенном пункте. Представлен прогноз на

Последняя версия:22.9



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Simple Gallery


26,03 Mb

Simple Gallery – галерея для просмотров фотографий, видеороликов из внутренней памяти мобильного устройства или с SD-карты.

Последняя версия:5.5.4



Твой Календарь


5,28 Mb

Твой Календарь — приложение для управления таблицей с календарем, позволяющее вносить заметки, напоминания, события и так далее.

Последняя версия:1.4.11



Huawei AppGallery store


48,52 Mb

Huawei AppGallery store – альтернативный магазин для установки приложений на мобильные устройства, который способен заменить Play

Последняя версия:



Мой говорящий Том


119,76 Mb

Мой говорящий Том — приложение для Андроид, где котенок по имени Том милым голоском повторяет все, что говорит пользователь. Как

Последняя версия:



Animal Face


48,75 Mb

Animal Face — приложение, предназначенное для редактирования фото на Андроид посредством накладывания на портрет реалистичной

Последняя версия:2.5.3



Открытки на все случаи


6,51 Mb

«Открытки на все случаи» – каталог анимированных и статичных изображений для использования в качестве поздравлений к различным

Последняя версия:2.1



Любовные письма Тома


35,05 Mb

Приложение Любовные письма Тома для Андроид — это одно из самых лучших способов выразить свои чувства к любимому человеку. В

Последняя версия:



Super Slime Simulator


98,96 Mb

Super Slime Simulator — забавное приложение, которое позволяет хлюпать и растаскивать слизь по экрану Андроид. В виртуальной

Последняя версия:9.82



Microsoft Word на Андроид – бесплатная оригинальная программа от корпорации Майкрософт для Android-гаджетов (смартфонов и планшетов), сочетающая в себе привычное внешнее оформление с интуитивным сенсорным управлением. Обеспечит открытие, просмотр файлов и внесение изменений в удобное время с помощью онлайнового хранилища.

Скачать Ворд на Андроид бесплатно на русском

Скачать офисное приложение Ворд на Андроид можно бесплатно и на русском языке с официального магазина Гугл или по ссылке ниже через APK файл.

Софт поможет пользователям в работе и изучению документов в дороге, причем форматирование останется неизменным при открытии на других устройствах. Больше нет необходимости спешить к компьютеру, чтобы прочитать содержимое или внести коррективы в важный документ.

Мобильное приложение обладает знакомым классическим интерфейсом, практически не отличающимся от компьютерной версии. Для оптимизации работы элементы управления сосредоточены в нижней части экрана.

Основные возможности Майкрософт Ворд на Андроид

  • создания, просмотра и редактирования;
  • использования удобных шаблонов;
  • интеграции с популярными «облачными» сервисами;
  • добавления графических элементов, ссылок, таблиц и т.п.;
  • синхронизации, рецензирования и печати;
  • режима навигатора и чтения.

2 3 4

Скачать Microsoft Word можно на устройства под управлением Android 4.4.X и выше, с минимальным объемом оперативной памяти от 1 ГБ.

Отличительные особенности Microsoft Word

  1. Автоматическая адаптация файла под размер экрана планшета или смартфона.
  2. Элементы управления оптимизированы для сенсорных гаджетов и не требуют клавиатуры.
  3. Знакомые навигация, компоненты и параметры меню помогут быстро начать работу.
  4. Экономия времени с перечнем удобных предустановленных шаблонов.
  5. Просмотр последних файлов на другом устройстве с того места, где остановились.
  6. Совместная работа с другими пользователями с помощью комментариев и пометок.

Для создания и редактирования документов понадобится пройти регистрацию и получить бесплатную учетную запись Майкрософт.

Чтобы получить доступ ко всем возможностям, а также для использования на устройствах с размером экрана более 10,1 дюймов (25,654 см), необходима подписка Office 365.

Скачать Ворд на Андроид можно бесплатно на русском языке по прямой АПК ссылке ниже для ARM и x86 процессоров.

  • Версия: 16.0.16026.20116 от 24.01.2023
  • Бесплатно скачали: 284 345
  • Русский язык: имеется
  • Разработчик: Microsoft
  • Совместимость: Android 4.1+
  • Категория: Офисные программы
  • Подписаться: ВК и Twitter

Также скачивают:

Word office — надежный программный продукт, предназначенный для создания, редактирования и просмотра документов (вложений в письма на e-mail), с предоставлением доступа. С программой, в которой встроены возможности текстового редактора, все в доступности. Наличие этого приложения будет не лишним для  тем, кто сталкивается с ведением документов, работает в текстовом редакторе по роду профессиональной деятельности. Благодаря новым возможностям приложения, у пользователя  появиться возможность просмотра PDF-файлов и чтение книг в электронном формате в любое удобное время.

Документация, сценарии праздников, важные заметки, письма, резюме, текстовые материалы для блогов и средств массовой информации — в приложении, с его форматированием возможно создание, форматирование и красивое оформление документов.


  • Создание идеально оформленной документации. Для того чтобы создать текстовый документ, соответствующий современным запросам, используются  профессиональные шаблоны приложения. Точно отобразить идеи  пользователя, занимающегося созданием документа, поможет многочисленный инструментарий. Кроме того, документы идентично выглядят при просмотре на ПК и портативных устройствах.
  • Комфорт при прочтении, творческий процесс и возможность редактирования, используя режим чтения приложения, удобно просматривать содержание документа. Есть возможность быстрого редактирования, преобразования одного формата документа в другой, вносить исправления, поделиться им с другими пользователями в один клик.
  • Совместное взаимодействие по ходу редактирования. В приложении предусмотрена возможность оставления комментариев на поле документа. Пользователь может принять участие в обсуждении, отслеживать  последние изменения в документе, разметку и форматирование. За счет модернизации журнала версий, можно взглянуть, как выглядел исходный документ на момент создания.
  • Контроль над общим доступом.

Внимание! при работе документа на Андроид есть требования к версии устройства.

  • Параметрам объема памяти

Приложение предоставляется корпорацией MS или сторонним издателем. Плата за подписку списывается в течение года.

Есть возможность скачать бесплатно приложение для Андроид, воспользовавшись магазином приложений. Для этого потребуется зайти на ресурс и ввести в опцию поиска название приложения.

Word Office на APKshki.com скачали 10851 раз. Word Office распространяется бесплатно в расширении .

Все приложения и игры на нашем сайте проходят обязательную проверку антивирусом с последними сигнатурами.


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Word Office: All Document Viewer

  • ARMv6
  • ARMv7
  • v. 4.2
  • 04.05.2020

Скачиваний: 747

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Word Office: All Document Viewer на Huawei Honor 9 Lite



Версия Android:
5.0 и выше
ARMv6, ARMv7
Планшет, Смартфон
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14 ноября 2019
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Huawei Honor 9 Lite

Приложение совместимо по системным требованиям с Huawei Honor 9 Lite

Приложение недели

Приложение месяца

Need to book a space? Outlook Mobile is here to make your transition to hybrid work easier. Search and book conference rooms when you need to collaborate with colleagues OR book a workspace when you need some focus time.

Replying inline has never been easier. Select text, tap *Quote* and Outlook will add the selected text and the author to your reply.

As you type, Outlook Mobile can help you save time and reduce spelling and grammar errors by making suggestions that you can easily accept and insert into your email.

Tell us what you think! Say «I have feedback» during Play My Emails to send your feedback to the Microsoft product team.

Tell us what you think! Say «I have feedback» during Play My Emails to send your feedback to the Microsoft product team.

Tell us what you think! Say «I have feedback» during Play My Emails to send your feedback to the Microsoft product team.

When adding a recipient to an email, tap «X» to remove unwanted people suggestions. When you remove a suggested person, you will not see it appear on other Outlook apps either.

Tell us what you think! In order to hear straight from you, we’re updating our send feedback experience so that everything you say goes directly to our product team. Just go to Settings > Help & feedback > Send feedback.

Replying inline has never been easier. Select text, tap *Quote* and Outlook will add the selected text and the author to your reply.

As you type, Outlook Mobile can help you save time and reduce spelling and grammar errors by making suggestions that you can easily accept and insert into your email.

Outlook is making it easier to identify emails from senders outside your organization to protect against spam & phishing threats. If admin configured, there will be a new external label on emails and the sender’s email address can be viewed by tapping the external label at the top of the email.

Outlook is making it easier to identify emails from senders outside your organization to protect against spam & phishing threats. If admin configured, there will be a new external label on emails and the sender’s email address can be viewed by tapping the external label at the top of the email.

Outlook is making it easier to identify emails from senders outside your organization to protect against spam & phishing threats. If admin configured, there will be a new external label on emails and the sender’s email address can be viewed by tapping the external label at the top of the email.

Outlook is making it easier to identify emails from senders outside your organization to protect against spam & phishing threats. If admin configured, there will be a new external label on emails and the sender’s email address can be viewed by tapping the external label at the top of the email.

Outlook is making it easier to identify emails from senders outside your organization to protect against spam & phishing threats. If admin configured, there will be a new external label on emails and the sender’s email address can be viewed by tapping the external label at the top of the email.

When scheduling a meeting with colleagues, Outlook automatically provides time suggestions that makes it easy to find a time that works for everyone.

Stay on top of your tasks — now your top 3 tasks are available on the Search home page. Mark them done right in Outlook or tap to manage more tasks in To Do.

You can now create tasks in Outlook! Need to follow up on an email — just create a task from it. To add due dates and reminders, use the To Do app.

Creating virtual meetings is a breeze with a new setting that automatically adds an online meeting link to all your meetings.

Creating virtual meetings is a breeze with a new setting that automatically adds an online meeting link to all your meetings.

Creating virtual meetings is a breeze with a new setting that automatically adds an online meeting link to all your meetings.

Sick of that company-wide email that everyone is still replying all to? So are we. Stay focused on what’s important by getting it and all future replies out of your inbox and straight into deleted items with our new Ignore Conversation feature.

Sick of that company-wide email that everyone is still replying all to? So are we. Stay focused on what’s important by getting it and all future replies out of your inbox and straight into deleted items with our new Ignore Conversation feature.

Want to sync events between Outlook and other calendars on your Android device? Outlook for Android now supports 2-way calendar sync for Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Outlook.com accounts. Events created in other calendar apps (Samsung Calendar, Google Calendar, etc) can now be viewed/edited from Outlook mobile and vice versa!

Want to sync events between Outlook and other calendars on your Android device? Outlook for Android now supports 2-way calendar sync for Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Outlook.com accounts. Events created in other calendar apps (Samsung Calendar, Google Calendar, etc) can now be viewed/edited from Outlook mobile and vice versa!

Want to sync events between Outlook and other calendars on your Android device? Outlook for Android now supports 2-way calendar sync for Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Outlook.com accounts. Events created in other calendar apps (Samsung Calendar, Google Calendar, etc) can now be viewed/edited from Outlook mobile and vice versa!

We heard your feedback when we introduced new views for your foldables and tablets that let you see your inbox and email or agenda and event side by side, so we’ve made it easy for you to make it work for you: now you can switch between the single pane and dual pane layout by tapping the expand icon.

We heard your feedback when we introduced new views for your foldables and tablets that let you see your inbox and email or agenda and event side by side, so we’ve made it easy for you to make it work for you: now you can switch between the single pane and dual pane layout by tapping the expand icon.

We heard your feedback when we introduced new views for your foldables and tablets that let you see your inbox and email or agenda and event side by side, so we’ve made it easy for you to make it work for you: now you can switch between the single pane and dual pane layout by tapping the expand icon.

The side-by-side views you know and love are now optimized for the two screens on your Samsung Fold and your tablet. Log onto Outlook and enjoy the familiar pairings of your inbox with an email, or your agenda with an event.

Show your mail notifications some love. Customize mail notification actions by navigating to Settings > (Mail) Notifications > Custom actions. Choose from five custom actions, like Flag or Mark Read, or remove extraneous actions to tailor email notifications to your heart’s content.

Show your mail notifications some love. Customize mail notification actions by navigating to Settings > (Mail) Notifications > Custom actions. Choose from five custom actions, like Flag or Mark Read, or remove extraneous actions to tailor email notifications to your heart’s content.

Introducing Play My Emails — listen to a natural read out of new email and upcoming events while you walk the dog or get your steps in for the day. You can even reply quickly using your voice. Available for eligible accounts in English in the United States.

Show your Pride! Go to Settings to turn on a visual theme inspired by the flags of the LGBTQI+ community.

Show your Pride! Go to Settings to turn on a visual theme inspired by the flags of the LGBTQI+ community.

Outlook is making it easier to identify emails from senders outside your organization to protect against spam & phishing threats. If admin configured, there will be a new external label on emails and the sender’s email address can be viewed by tapping the external label at the top of the email.

Outlook is making it easier to identify emails from senders outside your organization to protect against spam & phishing threats. If admin configured, there will be a new external label on emails and the sender’s email address can be viewed by tapping the external label at the top of the email.

Outlook is making it easier to identify emails from senders outside your organization to protect against spam & phishing threats. If admin configured, there will be a new external label on emails and the sender’s email address can be viewed by tapping the external label at the top of the email.

Sick of that company-wide email that everyone is still replying all to? So are we. Stay focused on what’s important by getting it and all future replies out of your inbox and straight into deleted items with our new Ignore Conversation feature.

Want to sync events between Outlook and other calendars on your Android device? Outlook for Android now supports 2-way calendar sync for Microsoft 365, Office 365 and Outlook.com accounts. Events created in other calendar apps (Samsung Calendar, Google Calendar, etc) can now be viewed/edited from Outlook mobile and vice versa!

We heard your feedback when we introduced new views for your foldables and tablets that let you see your inbox and email or agenda and event side by side, so we’ve made it easy for you to make it work for you: now you can switch between the single pane and dual pane layout by tapping the expand icon.

The side-by-side views you know and love are now optimized for the two screens on your Samsung Fold and your tablet. Log onto Outlook and enjoy the familiar pairings of your inbox with an email, or your agenda with an event.

Show your mail notifications some love. Customize mail notification actions by navigating to Settings > (Mail) Notifications > Custom actions. Choose from five custom actions, like Flag or Mark Read, or remove extraneous actions to tailor email notifications to your heart’s content.

Show your Pride! Go to Settings to turn on a visual theme inspired by the flags of the LGBTQI+ community.

Looking to highlight that perfect photo? Give Gallery a try — a new and immersive image browsing experience built right into the camera.

Looking to highlight that perfect photo? Give Gallery a try — a new and immersive image browsing experience built right into the camera.

There are more remote meetings than ever, so we’re making them easier to join. You’ll now see a Join button on events from common online meeting providers such as Zoom, WebEx, BlueJeans, and GoToMeeting.

There are more remote meetings than ever, so we’re making them easier to join. You’ll now see a Join button on events from common online meeting providers such as Zoom, WebEx, BlueJeans, and GoToMeeting.

There are more remote meetings than ever, so we’re making them easier to join. You’ll now see a Join button on events from common online meeting providers such as Zoom, WebEx, BlueJeans, and GoToMeeting.

Stay on top of your upcoming events! Outlook now surfaces what’s Up Next in your calendar right at the top of your inbox, 30 minutes before the start of your event.

Stay on top of your upcoming events! Outlook now surfaces what’s Up Next in your calendar right at the top of your inbox, 30 minutes before the start of your event.

Stay on top of your upcoming events! Outlook now surfaces what’s Up Next in your calendar right at the top of your inbox, 30 minutes before the start of your event.

Stay on top of your upcoming events! Outlook now surfaces what’s Up Next in your calendar right at the top of your inbox, 30 minutes before the start of your event.

Your recent files are now front-and-center. With added support for OneDrive, SharePoint, Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box you can now easily find, attach, or preview files.

Your recent files are now front-and-center. With added support for OneDrive, SharePoint, Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box you can now easily find, attach, or preview files.

Your recent files are now front-and-center. With added support for OneDrive, SharePoint, Google Drive, Dropbox, and Box you can now easily find, attach, or preview files.

What was once lost, can now be easily found. With this update we’ve expanded the scope of search with the ability to include deleted items in your results.

Point out every detail. Now you can annotate your photos and documents by drawing on screen with your finger or stylus!

Point out every detail. Now you can annotate your photos and documents by drawing on screen with your finger or stylus!

Point out every detail. Now you can annotate your photos and documents by drawing on screen with your finger or stylus!

Do you see what I see? We’ve got new icons in the app, designed for a modern mobile experience and exclusive to Microsoft.

Do you see what I see? We’ve got new icons in the app, designed for a modern mobile experience and exclusive to Microsoft.

Do you see what I see? We’ve got new icons in the app, designed for a modern mobile experience and exclusive to Microsoft.

Do you see what I see? We’ve got new icons in the app, designed for a modern mobile experience and exclusive to Microsoft.

Do you see what I see? We’ve got new icons in the app, designed for a modern mobile experience and exclusive to Microsoft.

Want the whole picture? Now you can add your Evites and other event attachments to your Outlook calendar instantly with built-in support for iCS attachments.

Don’t let work emails steal your nights! We’ve improved our Do Not Disturb feature with a new evenings option and the ability to customise the days and hours to meet your needs.

New life hack…Files and documents relevant to your meeting will now appear in the event description so you always show up prepared.

New life hack…Files and documents relevant to your meeting will now appear in the event description so you always show up prepared.

Get more done without leaving your inbox! Outlook for Android now supports Actionable Messages for emails from Microsoft Flow, SharePoint, MyAnalytics, and more. You’ll see buttons in the body of supported messages that let you take action in context. (Office 365 and Outlook.com accounts)

Get more done without leaving your inbox! Outlook for Android now supports Actionable Messages for emails from Microsoft Flow, SharePoint, MyAnalytics, and more. You’ll see buttons in the body of supported messages that let you take action in context. (Office 365 and Outlook.com accounts)

Get more done without leaving your inbox! Outlook for Android now supports Actionable Messages for emails from Microsoft Flow, SharePoint, MyAnalytics, and more. You’ll see buttons in the body of supported messages that let you take action in context. (Office 365 and Outlook.com accounts)

RSVP to meeting invites in the moment! The next time you’re invited to a meeting you can RSVP right from the push notification on your lock screen.

RSVP to meeting invites in the moment! The next time you’re invited to a meeting you can RSVP right from the push notification on your lock screen.

RSVP to meeting invites in the moment! The next time you’re invited to a meeting you can RSVP right from the push notification on your lock screen.

Using Outlook on a Samsung Note device? You can now use your S Pen to hover over Mails, Attachments, Events or People to take a sneak peek and perform quick actions.

POP3 has been around since 1988, and in 2019 we’ve brought it to your favorite email app! Add a POP3 account in Settings.

We just spruced up the app for large screens — with three pane layout and flexible reading pane. Now open as many windows as you need in Outlook in DeX Mode with multi-window support and optimized keyboard and mouse support.

You don’t have to dim the lights to love Dark Mode. Every detail has been designed and engineered to help you be even more productive where you couldn’t before. Our true black color palette takes full advantage of your OLED screens so your eyes can rest easy and you can go about your day or night without worrying about battery life. Find it in Settings under Preferences. This feature is slowly rolling out.

Give those tired thumbs a rest! You can tap a suggestion to jump-start your reply for some emails. Don’t worry, you’ll have the chance to edit your response before it’s sent. All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

Give those tired thumbs a rest! You can tap a suggestion to jump-start your reply for some emails. Don’t worry, you’ll have the chance to edit your response before it’s sent. All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

Looking for an event? Your calendar events will now show as part of your search results so it’s easier to keep track of your busy life.

Finish what you started! When you open a conversation, jump right back into the draft you were working on. All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

See the big picture in Outlook by adding calendars that are already syncing to your phone. Now you can access all of your events from one convenient location. All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

Make your mark on just the most important parts of a conversation. Now you can flag or mark just a single message as unread by tapping the ellipsis next to any message. All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

We all have some favorite people. Now you can easily star them on their contact details. Stay focused by changing your notifications setting to receive notifications only from your favorite people! Available for all Outlook.com accounts and rolling out to Office 365 customers soon! All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

We’ve updated our icon to reflect how we bring email and calendar together with carefully crafted experiences that honor our Office heritage and welcome the future. Thank you for helping us make Outlook better.

We’ve updated our icon to reflect how we bring email and calendar together with carefully crafted experiences that honor our Office heritage and welcome the future. Thank you for helping us make Outlook better.

Squint no more! We’ve heard your feedback and have increased the font size for our Calendar Widget.
All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

Squint no more! We’ve heard your feedback and have increased the font size for our Calendar Widget.
All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

Whether or not you’re the organizer, you can prepare for the unexpected by checking to see who’s RSVP’d to your event.
All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

Whether or not you’re the organizer, you can prepare for the unexpected by checking to see who’s RSVP’d to your event.
All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

Whether or not you’re the organizer, you can prepare for the unexpected by checking to see who’s RSVP’d to your event.
All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

Whether or not you’re the organizer, you can prepare for the unexpected by checking to see who’s RSVP’d to your event.
All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

See a preview of your calendar when you RSVP to an event invitation. We’re always improving to help you get things done even faster.
All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

See a preview of your calendar when you RSVP to an event invitation. We’re always improving to help you get things done even faster.
All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

Search for contacts, messages or files, now with helpful suggestions from Outlook.

All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you

Search for contacts, messages or files, now with helpful suggestions from Outlook.

All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you

This week’s update improves the Contact Support experience by providing a clear indication when a support agent responds.

All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

This week’s update improves the Contact Support experience by providing a clear indication when a support agent responds.

All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

Manage your notifications with Outlook’s new Do Not Disturb feature. Tap the bell icon in the left navigation to check it out!

All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

Manage your notifications with Outlook’s new Do Not Disturb feature. Tap the bell icon in the left navigation to check it out!

All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

Manage your notifications with Outlook’s new Do Not Disturb feature. Tap the bell icon in the left navigation to check it out!

All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

You can now capture and send images of documents and whiteboards along with photos, right in your message.

All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

You can now capture and send images of documents and whiteboards along with photos, right in your message.

All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

See relevant information about your upcoming events with the redesigned agenda widget

All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you

— A new simplified navigation bar with Search front and center.
— Direct access to top contacts, upcoming travel itineraries, package deliveries and recent attachments right from the Search tab.
— Search for emails and contacts from a single search box.
— Contacts and files are integrated directly into the experience.

Changes will be rolled out over the next few weeks.

— A new simplified navigation bar with Search front and center.
— Direct access to top contacts, upcoming travel itineraries, package deliveries and recent attachments right from the Search tab.
— Search for emails and contacts from a single search box.
— Contacts and files are integrated directly into the experience.

Changes will be rolled out over the next few weeks.

— A new simplified navigation bar with Search front and center.
— Direct access to top contacts, upcoming travel itineraries, package deliveries and recent attachments right from the Search tab.
— Search for emails and contacts from a single search box.
— Contacts and files are integrated directly into the experience.

Changes will be rolled out over the next few weeks.

— All messages now appear uncollapsed in conversations, with clearer separation between them for easy scanning.
— When tapping on a conversation in your inbox, we will now automatically position you where you last left off. No more scrolling around to find the message you need to read first.

All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

— New sidebar to easily access accounts and folders.All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

— New sidebar to easily access accounts and folders.All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

— Resize large images attached to your message to use less data.All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

— Include a note when you respond to an event— Respond to an event without notifying the organizer— Set events on your calendar as free or busy— Mark events as private to keep them to yourself even when your calendar is sharedAll of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

— Mark messages as spam, and empty your spam folder with one tap.All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

— Support for 10 new languages: Amharic, Belarusian, Bosnian Latin, Hausa, Kazak, Khmer, Lao, Macedonian, Norwegian Nynorsk, and UzbekAll of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

— Support for 10 new languages: Amharic, Belarusian, Bosnian Latin, Hausa, Kazak, Khmer, Lao, Macedonian, Norwegian Nynorsk, and UzbekAll of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

We’ve added new capabilities to Groups this week, available to all Office 365 users:— Create or delete a group right from your phone.— Edit a group and add or remove group members.Access your Groups, as well as these new features from the sidebar.All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

We’ve added new capabilities to Groups this week, available to all Office 365 users:— Create or delete a group right from your phone.— Edit a group and add or remove group members.Access your Groups, as well as these new features from the sidebar.All of our weekly updates also include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.

All of our weekly updates include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you. This week also includes a new scheduling assistant to help you find time to meet with coworkers in just a few taps. Create a new event and add invitees to see their availabilities and schedule a time that works for everyone.(Office 365 accounts only)

All of our weekly updates include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.Feel free to send us any comments or questions through our in-app support in Settings – we’d love to hear from you.

All of our weekly updates include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.Feel free to send us any comments or questions through our in-app support in Settings – we’d love to hear from you.

All of our weekly updates include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you. This week also includes support for your Meetup calendar in Outlook. Connect your Meetup account from our calendar menu to see all your upcoming events.

All of our weekly updates include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you. This week also includes:— Contact management. Now you can add and edit your contacts on Outlook.com and Office365 accounts.

All of our weekly updates include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.Feel free to send us any comments or questions through our in-app support in Settings – we’d love to hear from you.

All of our weekly updates include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you.Feel free to send us any comments or questions through our in-app support in Settings – we’d love to hear from you.

All of our weekly updates include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you. This week includes, among other things:— Archived and moved messages now stay that way and don’t reappear in your inbox.— Forwarding an email or reviewing a long draft won’t make the app crash any more.— Google Drive files can now be viewed or downloaded without any issues.— We’ve increased the size limits for attachments and drafts limits so you can now send more in one message.

All of our weekly updates include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you. This week includes, among other things, accessibility improvements to help differentiate read and unread messages in your inbox.

All of our weekly updates include performance improvements and bug fixes to make Outlook better for you. Some of this week’s highlights:— Added a completely redesigned people card. Tap on any contact in a conversation or event and see all the information available on that person, including past conversations, events and shared files.— Improved our send experience to make it faster and more efficient.— Fixed a bug where we would pick the wrong calendar as your default.

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