- answer
- explanation
- interpretation
- rationale
- solution
- translation
- analogue
- annotation
- characterization
- clarification
- clue
- comment
- commentary
- cue
- delimitation
- delineation
- demarcation
- denotation
- determination
- diagnosis
- drift
- elucidation
- exemplification
- explication
- exposition
- expounding
- fixing
- formalization
- gloss
- individuation
- key
- rendering
- rendition
- representation
- settling
- signification
- terminology
- outlining
- statement of meaning
On this page you’ll find 76 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to definition, such as: answer, explanation, interpretation, rationale, solution, and translation.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
TRY USING definition
See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.
How to use definition in a sentence
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- comment
- commentary
- definition
- elucidation
- exegesis
- explanation
- explication
- footnote
- gloss
- glossary
- illustration
- interpretation
- note
- observation
- accuracy
- articulateness
- brightness
- certainty
- cognizability
- comprehensibility
- conspicuousness
- decipherability
- definition
- directness
- distinctness
- evidence
- exactitude
- exactness
- explicability
- explicitness
- intelligibility
- legibility
- limpidity
- limpidness
- lucidity
- manifestness
- obviousness
- openness
- overtness
- palpability
- penetrability
- perceptibility
- perspicuity
- plainness
- precision
- prominence
- purity
- salience
- simplicity
- tangibility
- transparency
- unambiguity
- unmistakability
- apprehension
- construal
- definition
- exegesis
- explication
- exposition
- exposé
- inference
- interpretation
- reading
- rendering
- rendition
- translation
- version
- definition
- implication
- indication
- meaning
- signification
- ABCs
- blow-by-blow
- brief
- characterization
- chronicle
- confession
- declaration
- definition
- delineation
- depiction
- detail
- explanation
- explication
- fingerprint
- information
- make
- monograph
- narration
- narrative
- picture
- portraiture
- portrayal
- presentment
- recital
- recitation
- record
- recountal
- rehearsal
- report
- representation
- rundown
- sketch
- specification
- statement
- story
- summarization
- summary
- tale
- version
- vignette
- writeup
- yarn
- Abcs
- blow by blows
- briefs
- characterizations
- chronicles
- confessions
- declarations
- definitions
- delineations
- depictions
- details
- explanations
- explications
- fingerprints
- informations
- makes
- monographs
- narrations
- narratives
- pictures
- portraiture
- portrayals
- presentments
- recitals
- recitations
- records
- recountals
- rehearsals
- reports
- representations
- rundowns
- sketches
- specifications
- statements
- stories
- summaries
- summarizations
- tales
- versions
- vignettes
- writeups
- yarns
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Слайд 1Lecture 4. Synonymy, Antonymy, Homonymy
Слайд 2Outline of the lecture:
Definition of Synonyms and their Classification
Definition of
Antonyms and their Classification
Definition of Homonyms and their Classification
Слайд 3Synonyms
are two or more words of the same meaning,
belonging to the same part of speech, possessing one or
more identical meaning, interchangeable at least in some contexts without any considerable alteration in denotational meaning, but differing in morphemic composition, phonemic shape, shades of meaning, connotation, affective value, style, and emotional coloring peculiar to one of the elements in a synonymic group.
Слайд 4Classification of synonyms
V.V. Vinogradov classified synonyms into:
ideographic words conveying the
same notion but different in shades of meaning (ex., battle/fight)
synonyms – words differing in stylistic characteristics (ex., to put off/to postpone)
absolute synonyms – words coinciding in all their shades of meaning and stylistic characteristics (ex., pilot — airman — flyer – flyingman; screenwriter — scriptwriter — scripter – сценарист; semasiology – semantics.)
Слайд 5G.B. Antrushina’s approach:
the connotation of intensity (ex., to shout-to yell-
to bellow- to roar)
emotive connotation (ex., alone-single-lonely-solitary)
evaluative (ex., to sparkle
– to shine with amusement, good humour and happiness, to glitter – to shine with anger, hatred, malice)
stylistic connotations (ex., snack-refreshment-feast)
the connotation of duration (ex., to shudder – brief action, to shiver – lasting action)
causative (ex., to blush – from modesty, shame, embarrassment, to redden – from indignation)
connotation of manner (ex., to stroll-to trot-to pace-to stumble)
connotation of attendant circumstances (ex., to pip – through a hole, to peer – in darkness or through the fog)
connotation of attendant features (ex., beautiful – associated with classical features and figure, pretty – associated with some small delicate features and a fresh complexion)
Слайд 6The synonymic dominant
expresses notion common to all synonyms of
the group in the most general way without contributing any
additional information to the manner or intensity of the referent (ex., to look – synonymic dominant of “pip, peer, stare”).
Characteristics of the dominant:
high frequency of usage,
broad combinability – ability to be used in combinations with various classes of words
broad general meaning
lack of connotation.
Слайд 7Antonyms
are two or more words of the same language
belonging to the same part of speech and to the
semantic field identical in style and nearly identical in distribution associated and used together so that their denotative meaning renders opposite notions.
Слайд 8Classification of antonyms
According to the type of notion they
Contradictory antonyms express mutually opposed and denying one another notions.
(Ex. married=not single; male=not female; alive= not dead.)
Contrary antonyms are so opposed to each other that the language admits possibilities between and beyond them. The denial of one member of the contrary opposition does not necessarily imply the assertion of the other. (Ex. Old-young.)
Слайд 9Classification by John Lyons:
Antonyms proper. They are regularly gradable.
Love-attachment- liking- indifference- dislike- antipathy- hate.)
Complementary antonyms imply self-denial (Ex.
Conversives denote one and the same referent as viewed from different angles that of subject and that of the object. (Ex. To teach-to learn; to buy- to sell.)
Reversives designate the reverse or the undoing of the action expressed by one of them. (Ex. To tie-to untie; to marry-to divorce.)
Слайд 10Homonymy
Homonyms are the words, different in meaning and either identical
both in sound and spelling or identical only in spelling
or sound.
Classification of homonyms
The most widely accepted classification of them is the following:
Homonyms proper (or perfect homonyms)
Слайд 11Homonyms proper
are words identical in pronunciation and spelling:
as a round object used in game, “ball” as a
gathering of people for dancing.
Слайд 12Homophones
are words of the same sound, but of different
meaning, for example:
“Air” – “heir”, “arms” – “alms”, “bye” –
“buy” – “by”, “him” – “hymn”, “knight” – “night”, “rain” – “reign”, “not” – “knot”, “or” – “ore” – “oar”, “piece” – “peace”, “scent” – “cent”, “steal” – “steel” – “still”, “write” – “right”, “sea” – “see”, “son” – “sun”.
Homophonic sentences: “The sons raise meat” — “The sun’s rays meet”.
Слайд 13Homographs
are words different in sound and in meaning but
accidentally identical in spelling:
Bow [bou] – лук / [bau] – поклон
или нос корабля
Lead [li:d] – вести / [led] – свинец
Row [rou] – грести или ряд / [rau] – шум, скандал
Wind [wind] – ветер / [waind] – заводить (часы)
Слайд 14A.I. Smirnitsky’s classification:
Full lexical homonyms (ex., match-matches: a short piece
of wood+ a game, contest).
Partial homonyms are subdivided into 3
simple lexico-grammatical partial homonyms (ex., “found”- Past Simple of “to find”, “to found” — основывать),
complex lexico-grammatical partial homonyms (ex., maid-made)
partial lexical homonyms (ex., to hang-hung-hung-вешать, to hang-hanged-hanged-казнить, to lie-lay-lain, to lie-lied-lied).
- Размер: 181.5 Кб
- Количество слайдов: 14
Lecture 4. Synonymy, Antonymy, Homonymy Lexicology
Outline of the lecture: 1. Definition of Synonyms and their Classification 2. Definition of Antonyms and their Classification 3. Definition of Homonyms and their Classification
Synonyms are two or more words of the same meaning, belonging to the same part of speech, possessing one or more identical meaning, interchangeable at least in some contexts without any considerable alteration in denotational meaning, but differing in morphemic composition, phonemic shape, shades of meaning, connotation, affective value, style, and emotional coloring peculiar to one of the elements in a synonymic group.
Classification of synonyms V. V. Vinogradov classified synonyms into: ideographic words conveying the same notion but different in shades of meaning (ex. , battle/fight) stylistic synonyms – words differing in stylistic characteristics (ex. , to put off/to postpone) absolute synonyms – words coinciding in all their shades of meaning and stylistic characteristics (ex. , pilot — airman — flyer – flyingman; screenwriter — scripter – сценарист; semasiology – semantics. )
G. B. Antrushina’s approach: the connotation of intensity (ex. , to shout-to yell- to bellow- to roar) emotive connotation (ex. , alone-single-lonely-solitary) evaluative (ex. , to sparkle – to shine with amusement, good humour and happiness, to glitter – to shine with anger, hatred, malice) stylistic connotations (ex. , snack-refreshment-feast) the connotation of duration (ex. , to shudder – brief action, to shiver – lasting action) causative (ex. , to blush – from modesty, shame, embarrassment, to redden – from indignation) connotation of manner (ex. , to stroll-to trot-to pace-to stumble) connotation of attendant circumstances (ex. , to pip – through a hole, to peer – in darkness or through the fog) connotation of attendant features (ex. , beautiful – associated with classical features and figure, pretty – associated with some small delicate features and a fresh complexion)
The synonymic dominant expresses notion common to all synonyms of the group in the most general way without contributing any additional information to the manner or intensity of the referent (ex. , to look – synonymic dominant of “pip, peer, stare”). Characteristics of the dominant: high frequency of usage, broad combinability – ability to be used in combinations with various classes of words broad general meaning lack of connotation.
Antonyms are two or more words of the same language belonging to the same part of speech and to the semantic field identical in style and nearly identical in distribution associated and used together so that their denotative meaning renders opposite notions.
Classification of antonyms According to the type of notion they express: Contradictory antonyms express mutually opposed and denying one another notions. (Ex. married=not single; male=not female; alive= not dead. ) Contrary antonyms are so opposed to each other that the language admits possibilities between and beyond them. The denial of one member of the contrary opposition does not necessarily imply the assertion of the other. (Ex. Old-young. )
Classification by John Lyons: Antonyms proper. They are regularly gradable. (Ex. Love-hate Love-attachment- liking- indifference- dislike- antipathy- hate. ) Complementary antonyms imply self-denial (Ex. Prose-poetry) Conversives denote one and the same referent as viewed from different angles that of subject and that of the object. (Ex. To teach-to learn; to buy- to sell. ) Reversives designate the reverse or the undoing of the action expressed by one of them. (Ex. To tie-to untie; to marry-to divorce. )
Homonymy Homonyms are the words, different in meaning and either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in spelling or sound. Classification of homonyms The most widely accepted classification of them is the following: Homonyms proper (or perfect homonyms) Homophones Homographs
Homonyms proper are words identical in pronunciation and spelling: “ Ball” as a round object used in game, “ball” as a gathering of people for dancing.
Homophones are words of the same sound, but of different meaning, for example: “ Air” – “heir”, “arms” – “alms”, “bye” – “buy” – “by”, “him” – “hymn”, “knight” – “night”, “rain” – “reign”, “not” – “knot”, “or” – “ore” – “oar”, “piece” – “peace”, “scent” – “cent”, “steal” – “steel” – “still”, “write” – “right”, “sea” – “see”, “son” – “sun”. H omophonic sentences : “The sons raise meat” — “The sun’s rays meet”.
Homographs are words different in sound and in meaning but accidentally identical in spelling: Bow [ bou ] – лук / [ bau ] – поклон или нос корабля Lead [ li : d ] – вести / [ led ] – свинец Row [ rou ] – грести или ряд / [ rau ] – шум, скандал Wind [ wind ] – ветер / [ waind ] – заводить (часы)
A. I. Smirnitsky ’s classification: Full lexical homonyms (ex. , match-matches: a short piece of wood+ a game, contest). Partial homonyms are subdivided into 3 groups: simple lexico-grammatical partial homonyms (ex. , “found”- Past Simple of “to find”, “to found” — основывать ), complex lexico-grammatical partial homonyms (ex. , maid-made) partial lexical homonyms (ex. , to hang-hung- вешать , to hang-hanged- казнить , to lie-lay-lain, to lie-lied).
Synonyms and Antonyms! In this lesson, you will learn synonyms and antonyms of common words in English.
Synonyms of Words
Adult >>> grown person
After >>> following, succeeding
Aggressive >>> hostile
Always >>> all the time
Apparent >>> evident, obvious
Arrive >>> come
Artificial >>> false, insincere
Authentic >>> genuine
Awkward >>> unpleasant
Before >>> prior to, previous to
Believe >>> trust
Beneficial >>> advantageous
Brave >>> courageous
Brief >>> short
Busy >>> occupy
Calm >>> still
Care >>> bother
Cease >>> stop, finish
Charming >>> delightful, pleasant
Chubby >>> plump
Close >>> end
Combine >>> integrate
Complex >>>compound
Comprehend >>> understand
Condemn >>> criticize
Confess >>> admit
Conflict >>> dispute
Conform >>> obey, follow
Congested >>> crowed, full
Conscientious >>> diligent
Consecutive >>> successive
Considerate >>> thoughtful
Contaminate >>> pollute
Continue >>> go on
Convenient >>> suitable, appropriate
Correct >>> right
Courteous >>> polite, well behaved
Cozy >>> warm, comfortable
Crazy >>> mad
Cry >>> weep
Dangerous >>> threatening
Dark >>> unlighted, black
Dead>>> passed away
Deduct >>> subtract
Defy >>> escape, defeat
Demolish >>> destroy
Dense >>> thick, heavy
Deposit >>> prepayment
Despise >>> detest, hate
Destroy >>>demolish
Deter >>> discourage
Die >>> pass away
Difficult >>> hard
Diminish >>> decrease
Disagree >>> contradict
Diverse >>> various
Docile >>> obedient
Doubt >>> uncertainty
Drastic >>> serious
Dry >>> withered
Dull >>> drab, dreary, somber
Early >>> advance
Eccentric >>> abnormal
Encourage >>> cheer, motivate
Enjoy >>> like
Enormous >>> huge, vast
Entirely >>> totally, fully
Evident >>> apparent, obvious
Exceptional >>> abnormal, unusual
Exhilarated >>> thrill
Exquisite >>> beautiful, lovely, elegant
Fast >>> quick
Feasible >>> possible
Few >>> any
Fill >>> enough, sufficient, plenty
Follow >>> accompany
Former >>> prior
Frank >>> straight
Frigid >>> frozen, freezing
Full >>> filled
Gallant >>> gentlemanly
Gaunt >>> skinny
Gentle >>> kind
Give >>> present
Gloomy >>> dark, shadowy
Good >>> wonderful, great
Gratitude >>> gratefulness
Hard >>> difficult
Help >>> assist, aid
Hold >>> carry, keep
Hospitable >>> friendly
Huge >>> big, vast
Humiliate >>> embarrass, mortify, humble
Idle >>> lazy
Immature >>> childish
Impartial >>> neutral
Imperative >>> vital, crucial
Independent >>> individualistic
Insane >>> mad
Intelligent >>> clever
Internal >>> interior
Irrelevant >>> immaterial
Join >>> connect
Keep >>> remain, stay
Large >>> big
Least >>> smallest
Long >>> prolonged
Magnify >>> enlarge
Maximum >>> highest
Mean >>> intend, aim
Migrant >>> immigrant
Minor >>> slight, small
Negligent >>> careless, irresponsible
Nice >>>pleasant
Numerous >>> many
Oblivious >>> unaware, unconscious
Observe >>> notice
Offend >>> upset
Optimistic >>> positive
Ordinary >>> usual, normal
Outstanding >>> excellent
Passive >>> submissive
Patience >>> tolerance
Perfect >>> ideal
Poor >>> poverty-stricken
Possible >>> feasible
Precious >>> valuable
Premature >>> early
Preserve >>> conserve
Prevalent >>> common
Probable >>> likely
Profit >>> gain
Prominent >>> well known
Prosperous >>> flourishing, successful,
Push >>> shove, thrust
Question >>> inquiry, query
Quit >>> leave, stop
Radiant >>> bright
Relevant >>> pertinent
Reluctant >>> unwilling
Resist >>> withstand
Ridiculous >>> hilarious
Sad >>> unhappy, sorrowful
Scarce >>> short, insufficient
Seize >>> grab
Sick >>> ill, unwell
Smooth >>> even
Sorrow >>> sadness, unhappiness
Spontaneous >>> unplanned
Stationary >>> motionless
Stop >>> end, finish
Stupid >>> unintelligent, brainless
Successful >>> victorious
Superb >>> excellent, superlative
Surplus >>> excess
Tender >>> caring, kind
Trivial>>> unimportant, insignificant
Upset >>> distress
Vacant >>> empty, unoccupied, unfilled
Valiant >>> brave
Vicious >>> violent
Wealth >>> affluence, prosperity
Wholehearted >>> sincere
Win >>> gain
Wonderful >>> marvelous, magnificent, superb,
Wrong >>> incorrect, mistaken
Antonyms of Words
Adult >>> child
After >>> before
Aggressive >>> passive
Always >>> never
Apparent >>> hidden
Arrive >>> depart
Artificial >>> real, authentic
Authentic >>> false, artificial
Awkward >>> graceful
Before >>> after, behind
Believe >>> doubt, distrust
Beneficial >>> harmful, adverse
Brave >>> cowardly, timid
Brief >>> long
Busy >>> idle, inactive
Calm >>> excited
Care >>> neglect
Cease >>> continue
Charming >>> obnoxious
Chubby >>> thin, skinny
Close >>> open
Combine >>> separate
Complex >>> simple
Comprehend >>> confuse, misinterpret
Condemn >>> approve
Confess >>> deny
Conflict >>> agree
Conform >>> dissent, dispute
Congested >>> empty
Conscientious >>> neglectful
Consecutive >>> interrupted
Considerate >>> thoughtless
Contaminate >>> purify
Continue >>> discontinue, stop
Convenient >>> inconvenient
Correct >>> wrong, incorrect
Courteous >>> rude
Cozy >>> uncomfortable
Crazy >>> sane
Cry >>> laugh
Dangerous >>>safe
Dark >>> light
Dead >>> alive
Deduct >>> add
Defy >>> obey, comply
Demolish >>> restore
Dense >>> sparse
Deposit >>> withdraw
Despise >>> love
Destroy >>>restore
Deter >>> encourage
Die >>> live
Difficult >>> easy
Diminish >>> increase
Disagree >>> agree
Diverse >>> same, similar
Docile >>> wild
Doubt >>> believe
Drastic >>> mild, moderate
Dry >>> wet
Dull >>> sharp, bright
Early >>> late
Eccentric >>> normal
Encourage >>> discourage
Enjoy >>> dislike
Enormous >>> tiny
Entirely >>> partly
Evident >>> doubtful, vague
Exceptional >>> ordinary, usual
Exhilarated >>> depressed
Exquisite >>> revolting
Fast >>> slow
Feasible >>> impossible
Few >>> many
Fill >>> empty
Follow >>> precede
Former >>> latter
Frank >>> evasive
Frigid >>> warm, hot
Full >>> empty
Gallant >>> ungentlemanly
Gaunt >>> overweight, plump
Gentle >>> rough, harsh
Give >>> take, receive
Gloomy >>> cheery, bright
Good >>> bad, awful
Gratitude >>> ungratefulness
Hard >>> soft, easy
Help >>> hinder, thwart
Hold >>> release, discharge
Hospitable >>> rude, unfriendly
Huge >>> small, tiny
Humiliate >>> honor, dignify
Idle >>> busy
Immature >>> mature, adult
Impartial >>> prejudiced
Imperative >>> unnecessary
Independent >>> dependent, unsure
Insane >>> sane
Intelligent >>> ignorant, dense
Internal >>> external, outer
Irrelevant >>> relevant
Join >>> separate
Keep >>> discard
Large >>> small
Least >>> most
Long >>>short
Magnify >>> reduce, minimize
Maximum >>> minimum, least
Mean >>> pleasant, nice
Migrant >>> stationary, immovable
Minor >>> major
Negligent >>> conscientious
Nice >>> unpleasant
Numerous >>> few, scanty
Oblivious >>> mindful, aware
Observe >>> ignore, disregard
Offend >>> please, delight
Optimistic >>> pessimistic
Ordinary >>> unusual
Outstanding >>> insignificant
Passive >>> forceful
Patience >>> impatience
Perfect >>> imperfect, faulty
Poor >>> rich, wealthy
Possible >>> impossible
Precious >>> cheap, worthless
Premature >>> late, delayed
Preserve >>> destroy, neglect
Prevalent >>> uncommon
Probable >>> improbable, doubtful
Profit >>> loss
Prominent >>> unknown
Prosperous >>> unsuccessful, fruitless
Push >>> pull
Question >>> answer
Quit >>> continue, remain
Radiant >>> dim
Relevant >>> irrelevant, insignificant
Reluctant >>> willing
Resist >>> comply, conform
Ridiculous >>> sensible, believable
Sad >>> happy, glad
Scarce >>> plentiful, abundant
Seize >>> release, free
Sick >>> well, healthy
Smooth >>> rough
Sorrow >>> joy, ecstasy
Spontaneous >>> planned, rehearsed
Stationary >>> movable, portable
Stop >>> start, begin
Stupid >>> knowledgeable, smart
Successful >>> failing, unsuccessful
Superb >>> inferior, mediocre
Surplus >>> lack, deficit
Tender >>> harsh, rough
Trivial >>> important, crucial
Upset >>> soothe, calm
Vacant >>> filled, occupied
Valiant >>> cowardly, fearful
Vicious >>> kind
Wealth >>> poverty
Wholehearted >>> insincere
Win >>> lose
Wonderful >>> awful
Wrong >>> correct, right
Antonyms and Synonyms| Infographic
Synonyms and Antonyms |Infographic 1
Synonyms and Antonyms |Infographic 2
Antonyms and Synonyms|Infographic 3
Antonyms and Synonyms|Infographic 4
Table of contents
What makes our language is rich and colorful? The use of various artistic and grammatical techniques. In this article, we consider the following definition: antonyms, synonyms, homonyms. What do they mean and why they are used in speech?
Vocabulary and lexicology
Lexis — it’s the whole vocabulary of the individual language. If we usually speak and write in Russian, we use the vocabulary of the Russian language.
A Science that studies vocabulary of language is the lexicon. The basic unit of study of this branch of knowledge is word and its value. Therefore, this science does not ignore definition: a synonym, antonym and homonym.
The Definition of the synonym
The Evil, cruel, unkind, inhumane — synonyms. And what is it? The definition of «synonym» is very simple. These are the words that have the same or almost the same meaning.
What is the synonyms have slight differences in meaning, helps to give something the most accurate definition. Using synonyms can colorful, avoiding repetition to describe any event. Synonyms you can pick up almost any word that has meaning, regardless of part of speech.
- Building — dwelling — house — apartment — Villa — building — shelter — shelter — a roof over my head — housing;
- Bribe — bribe — bribe — kickback;
- Eye — eyes — eyes — eyes — cataracts — balls;
- Friend — friend — friend — Kent.
- Old — old — old — middle-aged;
- Stupid — stupid — stupid — lame;
- Sad — sad — depressed — sad — unhappy;
- Surprised — amazed — shocked.
- Run — to rush;
- Listen to hearken;
- To ask, to wonder — to inquire — to ask a question;
- To vanish, to disappear — to escape — to get lost.
- Good — excellent — good — fine;
- Fast — fast — soon — headlong;
- Bad — bad — no matter;
- Loud — noisy.
In addition to the definition of «synonym» in the vocabulary of the Russian language are antonyms — words with opposite meanings. By the way, the opposites belong to the same part of speech.
The origin of the Slavs. The influence of different cultures
Slavs (under this name), according to some researchers, appeared in the story only in 6 century ad. However, the language of nationality bears the archaic features of the Indo-European community. This, in turn, suggests that the origin of the Slavs h…
What do you think, are antonyms of the word delicious and lonely? No, they are not, because the language involves the juxtaposition of words is only one symptom.
- Health — disease;
- Man — woman;
- Love — hate;
- Heat — cold;
- Heat — cool;
- The mind — dur;
- The loss is a godsend.
- Excited — calm;
- Nerve — balanced;
- Virtual — real;
- Wide — narrow;
- Rare — frequent;
- Strong — weak;
- Clever — naive.
- To continue — to discontinue;
- Start — finish;
- Lead — to obey;
- Sell — buy;
- Ask — to answer;
- Dig — dig;
- Earn to spend.
- Good — bad;
- Deliberately — accidentally;
- Right or wrong;
- Perfectly awful;
- In person — in absentia;
- Sweet — bitter;
- Fast — slow.
Homonyms — these are the words twins. But one should not confuse the value of this concept with the definition of synonym. Only they are written and pronounced the same but mean quite different things.
The Modern man who hears or reads the noun «the key» is likely to imagine the key from the door lock; and, for example, an old man living as a hermit somewhere in a forest hut, think that it refers to the spring from under the ground.
Compare deals
- They noticed smoke rising over the forest. Girls go to the club after the lectures?
- Birthday Cole was given a Dachshund. I wonder what is the fee for taxi drivers?
- Sorry, I can’t come, this time in Turkey. I work as a vet, I treat animals.
- Illusionist showed the trick. The photographer was not able to bring it into focus.
So, we discussed some basic lexicological concepts: synonym, antonym, homonym. They all play a significant role in the language: their use in speech and writing makes it more beautiful, richer and brighter and more eloquent than us.
Article in other languages:
AR: https://tostpost.com/ar/education/10252-learn-the-definitions-synonyms-antonyms-homonyms.html
BE: https://tostpost.com/be/adukacyya/18408-vuchym-vyznachennya-s-non-my-anton-my-amon-my.html
DE: https://tostpost.com/de/bildung/18418-lernen-definition-synonyme-antonyme-homonyme.html
ES: https://tostpost.com/es/la-educaci-n/18428-aprender-la-definici-n-de-sin-nimos-ant-nimos-hom-nimos.html
HI: https://tostpost.com/hi/education/10261-learn-the-definitions-synonyms-antonyms-homonyms.html
JA: https://tostpost.com/ja/education/10263-antonyms.html
KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/b-l-m/18407-yrenem-z-any-tau-sinonimder-antonim-omonimy.html
PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/edukacja/18381-uczymy-si-okre-lenia-synonimy-antonimy-homonimy.html
PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/educa-o/18380-ensinamos-defini-o-sin-nimos-ant-nimos-hom-nimos.html
TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/e-itim/18414-renme-tan-m-e-anlaml-z-t-anlaml-e-sesli.html
UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/osv-ta/18402-vchimo-viznachennya-sinon-mi-anton-mi-omon-mi.html
ZH: https://tostpost.com/zh/education/11103-learn-the-definitions-synonyms-antonyms-homonyms.html
Alin Trodden — author of the article, editor
«Hi, I’m Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I’m not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects.»
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the Bar – of the society formed of groups with rights and duties prescribed by law and which become inherited. A class structure of a society implies that people depend on their belonging to a particular class. This dependen…
The Amundsen sea: Geology, climate, fauna
The North Pacific ocean on the one hand surround the glaciers, and on the other – West coast of Antarctica. The entire surface of pond covered with ancient ice.next to him cut into the permafrost, pointed toe Dart. To the Ea…
The Viscount is… the origin of the title
Medieval nobility, the hierarchy remains for many of our contemporaries are complex and confusing. This is not surprising, as even among his contemporaries noble families often were differences in the importance and reliability of…