Word definitions for science

Science - Glossary of Science Terms and Scientific Definitions

Science is a very vast subject that has innumerable words, terms, definitions, etc. The following article has a glossary list that will help you understand these difficult scientific terms and definitions at a glance.Just read on the following glossary to get a quick idea about some interesting terms.

According to Richard Feynman, Nobel prize winning physicist, –
“Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt”.

Many define science as an intellectual pursuit that involves the observation of natural occurrences and events, to discover the hidden facts and to formulate laws, theories and principles based on those facts.

A Glossary of Scientific Terms and Definitions

A to Z index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
| N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X |Y | Z


• Absolute Zero
The lowest theoretical temperature, at which entropy reaches its minimum value. At this point, all the molecular activity ceases to continue. The absolute temperature is 0 K= -273.16° C

• Abzyme

A molecule that has an ability to catalyze a chemical reaction by binding and stabilizing the state of transition of an intermediate compound that is selected to carry out a biological reaction is known as an abzyme (antibody + enzyme). It is also called catalytic monoclonal antibody (catmab).

• Acceleration (a)

The rate at which velocity vector changes with time, is known as acceleration. Acceleration (unit) = meter/second2. Also check out Angular Acceleration

• Achondrite

The stony meteorites without chondrules, that have undergone changes due to melting, are known as achondrites. 

• Active Matrix

Laptop computer flat-panel displays are made by laying diodes over a superfine grid of wires. Current is applied to various points around the grid to activate the diodes. When enough of these dots are connected, an image is formed. The transistors used active matrix displays to keep their diodes in an on and off state. This different from the passive matrix displays that rely on the diodes persistence The active matrix displays are brighter and produce better color quality as compared to the passive matrix displays. Know more on How Does a Diode Work

• Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

Highly purified form of agar gelled into a matrix to separate large DNA and RNA molecules that range from over 20,000 nucleotides. Know more on Difference Between DNA and RNA.

• Alternative mRNA Splicing

The inclusion or exclusion of different sequences of DNA to form different mRNA transcripts is known as alternative mRNA splicing. Know more on DNA Translation.

• Anesthesiology

The branch of medical science that studies and applied anesthetics.

• Analog

When the behavior of one corresponds to the behavior of something else continuously rather than in steps. The signals to a composite monitor from computer are known as analog voltages.

• Applet

The small program that is written in Java programming language and was designed to provide interactivity on web pages.

• Application

A program that is designed to perform specific tasks is known as an application. Internet explorer, Adobe Photoshop are some popular applications.

•Application Server

The sole responsibility of running specific applications within the network lies with a specialized server that is based in a client/server network is known as application server.

• Argument of Perihelion

The measurement of an angle along the orbit of a planet or other solar system object from the ascending node is known as argument of perihelion. It corresponds to right ascension and longitude.

• Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

This is the mathematical core circulatory that mathematically and logically calculates the results of binary data and is applied to all the central processing units (CPU) in computers. Know more on Binary Numbers.

• Abiotic stress

The non-living environmental factors like drought, extreme cold, heat, high winds that has negative effect on the organisms in a specific environment is known as the abiotic stress.

• Anaerobe

The organisms that thrive and grow in
an anaerobic environment or environment without oxygen is known as anaerobe.



• Bacteriology
The branch of science under microbiology that studies unicellular, microscopic organisms known as bacteria. 

• Bandwidth

It is the measurement calculated in bits per second, to know the amount of data that can be sent through a connection.

• Biostasis

A state in which the cell’s and tissue structure of an organism are preserved so that they can be restored again with the help of cell repair machines.

• Bernoulli Effect

Also known as Venturi effect, means that decrease in the pressure of fluid increases the velocity of the fluid. The Bernoulli’s principle and the equation of continuity form the basis of Bernoulli’s effect.

• Biovorous

An organism that can convert biological material into energy for sustenance is known as a biovorous organism.

• Biology

The science which deals with the study of living organisms is known as biology. It is derived from the Greek word bios meaning ‘life’ and logia that means ‘study of’. Know more on Glossary of Biology Terms and Definitions.

• Black Hole

Black hole is an area in space that has a very powerful gravitational field. There is nothing in this universe not even light that can escape from the pull of a black hole. These black holes may be stars that have collapsed after the end of their lives. It is known as black as the hole reflects nothing and is similar to the black-body in thermodynamics.

• Blue Shift

The lines of spectrum shift towards the shorter wavelengths (increase in frequency) when an object moves towards the observer. This shorten wavelength shifts towards the blue side of the electromagnetic spectrum. This is known as blue shift.

• Bluetooth

The connection of electronic devices with the help of radio technology is known as Bluetooth. The Bluetooth provides a range of up to 10 meters without the help of cables to connect devices that are lined up. Know more on How Does Bluetooth Work?.

• Bose Condensate

A Bose condensate is a rare phase of matter where a large percentage of bosons collapse into their lowest quantum state. Thus, allowing observation of the quantum effects on a macroscopic scale. The bosons tend collapse in this state in extremely low temperature, that nears the value of absolute zero. Bose condensate is also known as Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). Know more on Bose-Einstein Condensate.

• Botany

• Bremsstrahlung

When a fast charged particle like an electron slows down as it passes to matter. Thus, loses energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. This is known as Bremsstrahlung. This is a German word that means ‘breaking radiation’. Know more on Types of Radiation.

• Buffer

An aqueous solution of weak acid and its conjugate acid or weak base and its conjugate acid is known as buffer solution. The buffer solution is used to maintain the pH value constant in many chemical applications.

• Buoyancy

The upward force that is exerted by a fluid on a body in it is known as buoyancy. In other words it is the ability of a body to float in fluid it is suspended in.

• Buccal Cavity

The first part of the alimentary also known as the mouth is called the buccal cavity. This portion receives the food and begins digesting the food by mixing saliva with food.



• Carbohydrates

The essential structural component of all living cells and also the main source of energy for animals is known as carbohydrates. They include simple sugars with small molecules as well as macromolecular substances. Carbohydrates are classified according to the number of monosaccharide groups contained by them. Know more on Types of Carbohydrates.

• Celestial Body

A solid object that is present in space is known as celestial body. These celestial bodies are visible from the sky.

• Celsius

A type of scale that is used to measure temperature. The values on this scale are 0° C to the freezing point of water and 100° C to the boiling point of water at standard pressure.

• Central Processing Unit (CPU) 

The heart of a computer that interprets and carries out instructions, performs numeric computations and controls all the peripherals attached to it using a microprocessor chip is known as central processing unit or the CPU. Know more on History of Computer Processor.

• Chemistry

The branch of science that studies the natural sciences which deal with the composition of substances, their properties and their chemical reactions with one another is called chemistry. It is derived from the Egyptian word keme that means ‘earth’. Know more on Glossary of Chemistry Definitions.

• Chondrule

The small spherical objects that are found in meteorites are called chondrules. The majority of chondrules contain olivine and pyroxene with little amounts of glass and iron-nickel metal.

• Circuit

A closed path within which the electric current flows is known as the circuit. Know more on circuit breaker panel.

• Coma

The tail made of gases and dust particles that surrounds a comet is known as coma. It is made by the vaporization of the nucleus due to which jets of gas and dust are released.

• Comet

It is the icy body that contain a solid nucleus made of water and other dark organic compounds orbiting the Sun. As the comets gets closer to the Sun the nucleus vaporizes forming a ‘coma’. Know more on Comet Facts.

• Cryobiology

The branch of science that deals with the study of life under low temperature conditions. The word is derived from a Greek word cryo that means cold, bios that means ‘life’ and logos meaning ‘science’. Know more on Low Body Temperature.

• Current (I)

It is the rate of flow of electric charge calculated as I = coulombs/second. Know more on Current Transformer Design.

• Cyberspace

The term is used to describe the wide range of informational resources that are available through computer networks. This term was originally coined by author William Gibson in his novel Neuromancer. Know more on Cyber Bullying.

• Cyclic Redundancy Checksum (CRC)

A redundancy check by a cyclic algorithm generating a check key. The sending and receiving stations are checked after a block check character is accumulated. Know more on Cyclic Redundancy Check Error.

• Cytology

The branch of science under life science that deals with the study of cell structure, function and chemistry is called cytology.

• Cytosol

The liquid made from complex mixture of substances dissolved in water that is present inside the cells of organisms is called cytosol. Know more on Cell Nucleus Structure and Functions.



• Dalton

The unit of measurement to express the atomic and molecular mass is known as Dalton (Da). One dalton is approximately equals to the mass of one proton or one neutron, similar to the weight of hydrogen. Know more on John Daltons Atomic Theory.

• Dark Matter

When current instruments cannot detect matter, but its existence is inferred by its gravitational interactions, it is known as dark matter.

• Decible

The unit of measurement to estimate the loudness or volume of sound waves is known as decible.

• Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

The nucleic acid molecule that contains all the genetic information regarding the development and functioning of all living organisms is known as deoxyribonucleic acid.
DNA is also known as the blueprint of life. It was discovered by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953, as the double stranded molecule containing even the minutest of information regarding the building of an organisms.

• Density Gradient Centrifugation

The centrifugation that is carried out at a very high speed, wherein the molecules ‘float’ at a point. This floating point occurs at a point when the molecule density is equal to the gradient of cesium chloride or sucrose.

• Dependent Variable

Two related variable that are dependent on each other are known as dependent variables. The variables that are free to roam are known as independent variables. The independent variable and dependent variables are plotted against each other in a two dimensional graph when carrying out a scientific experiment. The vertical axis of the graph is used to plot the dependent variable.

• Diffraction

The change in path of wave due to an obstacle is known as diffraction.

• Diode

An electrical device that allows current to flow in a single direction through it is known as a diode. It is a two terminal device having a P-N junction. It is represented by an arrow (← / → ) indicating the direction of flow of electric charge in a circuit diagram. Know more on Types of Diodes.

• Diurnality

The characteristic behavior exhibited by majority of animals that remain active during the day and sleep at night.

• Distributed Network

This is an effective process in which a network uses multiple locations. A specific job is taken care of each node present in the network instead of using an individual machine processor.

• Distance

An undefined quantity in physics that is used to measure two separate points. Know more on Metric Measurements Units and Conversions.

• Doppler Shift

The relative motion between the source and the observer that causes a change in observed frequency is known as Doppler shift.

• Dust (cosmic, interstellar)

Tiny particles that are just a few angstroms in size produced by the supernovae explosions and asteroid collisions are known as the cosmic or interstellar dust.

• Dynamo

This is a device that is used to create electricity by turning around a magnet near a wire coil. Know more on Relationship Between Magnetism and Electricity.



• Einstein Cosmological Constant (Lambda)

The supposed repulsion force value that is may contribute to the expansion of universe and first predicted by Einstein in 1917 is known as Einstein Cosmological Constant. During this period, the universe was thought to be constant and it was predicted that it may one day collapse under its own gravity. It was later proven to be expanding constantly. Einstein had stated the lambda as his biggest error.
• Electron Transport Chain

The chemical reaction in which an electron donor and an electron acceptor is coupled to transfer H+ ions across a membrane with the help of some intermediate of biochemical reactions is known as the electron transport chain.
• Elasticity

The physical property of a substance according to the science of physics that can return to its original shape after undergoing a stress that leads to deformity of its original shape. The best example of elasticity is exhibited by rubber.
• Electric Current

The measurement of movement of electricity in charges per second is known as electric current.
• Electromagnetic Waves

The wave of energy that have a frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum and are propagated as a periodic disturbance of the electromagnetic field, when an electric charge oscillates or accelerates are called electromagnetic waves. Infrared, radio waves, microwaves, gamma rays, X-rays are forms of electromagnetic radiations that are detected by specific instruments. They are described in terms of wavelength (L). The unit of measurement for electromagnetic waves includes meters (m), frequency (f) and hertz (Hz). Know more on Properties of Electromagnetic Waves.
• Electron-positron Annihilation

The collision of an electron and its anti-particle, a positron, leads to emission of gamma-ray photons of each with an energy of 511 keV that leads to their annihilation. This is known as electron-positron annihilation.
• Electronvolt (eV)

An Electronvolt is the unit of measurement of the energy that is acquired by an electron in falling through a potential difference of one volt.
• Electroporation

The increase in electric conductivity of the cell plasma membrane that is caused with the help of electric current that is externally applied is known as electroporation or electropermeabilization.
• Embryology

The study of development of an embryo is called embryology.
• Endocytosis

The process of absorption of molecules present outside the cells by the method of engulfment with the cell membrane is known as endocytosis.
• Ethernet

The original 10-megabit/second local area network, later increased to 100 gigabits/second, connecting the host with a coaxial cable developed by Xerox is called Ethernet. The transmission conflicts are minimized by backing off and re-sending later.
• Equation

The mathematical definition of an equation states that it is an equality of two expressions that are written in a linear manner. The expressions are represented by symbols and are separated into left and right sides that is joined by an equal to (=) sign. Equation is defined as a representation of chemical reaction written in a linear array with symbols and quantities of the reactants. The reactants and products are separated with an equal (=) sign, an arrow (← /→ ) or a set of opposing arrows ( < ━ > ). Know more on Types of Chemical Reactions.
• Extended Memory

The memory that expands upon a DOS systems existing convectional memory is known as extended memory. The Intel PC above 1MB were given the name extended memory. One should not confuse the extended memory with expanded memory. The term is today non-existent in the computer world since the barrier of 1 MB has been crossed.
• Extinction

The death of the last surviving individual of a species that results in total annihilation of the entire group of taxa is known as extinction. The best example of extinction is dinosaurs.
Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV)

The spectrum between the ultraviolet and X-ray regions is known as extreme ultraviolet (EUV). It is observed in the region of spectrum between 10-100 nm. Know more on Cosmic Rays-Detection and Composition.



• Facula

The bright spot or region on the Sun’s photosphere is known as facula. The largest faculae are seen near the Sunspots. Know more on  What are Sunspots.
• Fahrenheit

The scale of measurement of temperature where the water freezes at 32° F and the boiling point of water is 212° F at standard pressure.
• Fecundity

The ability of an organism to breed is known as fecundity
• Fischer-Tropsch process

The set of reactions in which organic molecules like carbon monoxide and hydrogen are converted into liquid hydrocarbons is known as Fischer-Tropsch reaction (or Fischer-Tropsch synthesis).
• Filament

A filament is the dark streak that is visible against the bright disc of Sun, appearing like a bright stream of plasma in the solar corona. It looks appears like it is radiating away from the Sun when observed off the solar limb.
• Free Electron Laser

The tunable laser that is made by wiggling a beam of electrons is known as the Free Electron Laser (FEL). Know more on Laser.
• Freeze

The state of solidification of a liquid when it reaches its freezing point is known as freeze.
• Frequency

The number of full cycles performed by an oscillating wave in a second is known as frequency.
• Friction

The force of resistance that develops when two objects rub against each other is known as friction.
• Fundamental Particles

The particles like leptons, quarks and gauge bosons that do not contain a smaller component are known as fundamental particles. 



• Gametes

The spermatozoa and the ova that carry genes donated from both parents is known as gametes.
• Gauge Bosons

The intermediate particles that help transfer energy between protons, gravitons, W and Z particles are known as gauge bosons.
• Gene amplification

The increase in number of DNA sequences in vivo by inserting cloning vectors in a host cell is known as gene amplification or DNA amplification. Polymerase chain reaction(PCR) is also used as in vitro procedure to amplify DNA.

The study of surface of the earth and its inhabitants is known as geography. Know more on Geography Terms.
• Geology

The study of earth’s crust, that is, the solid and liquid matter form the Earth is known as geology. Know more on Glossary of Geology Terms and Definitions.
• Geotropism

The growth movement of a plant or fungus towards gravity is known as geotropism. There are two types of geotropisms positive geotropism that is exhibited by the roots and negative geotropism shown by stems.
• Germanium Detector

The detection of powerful radiation like gamma rays can be detected using the instrument like germanium detector.
• Gigabytes

One gigabyte is equal to 1,024 megabytes. Gigabyte is often represented as ‘G’ or ‘GB’
• Gigapascal (GPa)

The unit of pressure that is used to measure the deep Earth. Gigapascal is measured as 1 GPa= 10 kilobars= 10,000 times air pressure at sea level.
• Gluons

The particles that help hold quarks together are known as gluons.
• Globular Clusters

A group of thousands to millions of old stars is known as globular cluster. These old stars that are help together in orbit by their own mass and are arranged in a spherical cluster. Know more on Prostar.
• Gravity

The physical force that is exerted on all masses and is proportional to the mass of an object is known as gravity.
• Ground Tissue

The simple non-meristematic tissues in plants that are made up of 3 cell types like parenenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma are known as ground tissue. These usually form the pith, cortex or the mesophyll. Know more on Plant Cell Structure and Parts.



• Hadrons

The particles that interact with a strong force are known as hadrons. All hadrons are quark composites. Baryons and mesons make up the two sub-sets of hadron.

• Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram

The scatter graph of stars that explains the relationship between the absolute magnitudes of stars. The luminosity of the stars increases logarithmically up the vertical axis of the graph. Increase in temperature is plotted in increasing order from left to right on the horizontal axis.

• Hesperian Epoch

Three broad time periods or epochs are used to explain the geologic history of the planet Mars. The oldest one being the Noachin, followed by Hesperian and Amazonian. The Hesperian Epochis known to extend from about 3.5 to 1.8 billion years ago.

• Heterochromatin

The tightly packed DNA form which has limited transcription ability is known as heterochromatin.

• HiggsBoson

The massive scalar elementary particle predicted and studied by the Standard Model in particle physics is known as the Higgs Boson.

• Highland Soil

The sediments found on lunar highland surface, that are composed of broken rocks and mineral fragments is known as the highland soil.


HTML is a programming language that is used for designing static web pages. The collection of structuring and formatting tags that are used to create Web pages. HTML is the abbreviation for Hyper Text Markup Language. Know more on List of All HTML Tags.

• Hubble Constant

The measure of rate at which the Universe expands is known as the Hubble Constant.

• Hubble Law

The phenomenon that galaxies tend to move away from each other and the farther away they are, the faster they are separated is known as Hubble Law. The velocities of these galaxies increases proportionally to their distance. This phenomenon was discovered by US astronomer Edwin T. Hubble in 1929.

• Hubble Space Telescope

The space telescope that was carried into orbit by space shuttle is called Hubble Space Telescope. It was taken into orbit in April 1990. Hubble telescope is used to observe the Universe in wavelength ranging from ultraviolet to infrared.

• Hyperpolarization

The change in a cell’s membrane potential, due to the efflux of K+channels or the influx of Cl through the Cl channels, that makes it negative is known as hyperpolarization.


The mark-up language that leads to non-linear transfers of data is known as hypertext. World Wide Web is the most commonly used form of hypertext.

• Hypothesis

A tentative explanation based on facts, observation and incomplete evidence to explain a concept that is yet not verified is known as hypothesis.



• Impact

When a body like meteorite forcefully strikes another body like moon or a planet it is known as impact.

Immortalizing Oncogene

The growth of a primary cell that grows indefinitely in a culture due to transfer of a gene that is known as immortalizing oncogene.

• Independent Variable

The variable among two related variables that can roam freely is known as independent variable. The other variable that is dependent on the former, is known as dependent variable.

• Indicator

The substance that exhibits one color in acids and another color when added to an alkali is known as indicator. This helps to determine whether a liquid is an acid or a base/alkali.

• Induction

When an object having magnetic or electrical properties produces similar properties in another object near it is known as induction.

• Inertia

A bodies tendency to remain at rest or stay in motion unless it is acted upon by an external force is known as inertia.

• Infrared Light

The light that has wavelength longer than that of visible light is called infrared. This light is measured from the nominal edge of visible red light at 0.74 micrometers (µ m), and can extend= conventionally to 300 µ m. This light is invisible to the human eye. It can be sensed as ‘heat’ or thermal radiation’. Read more on Infrared Light Theraphy.

• Inositol Lipid

The conversion of hormonal signals by stimulation of the release of any of the several chemical messengers by a membrane-anchored phospholipid. This phospholipid is known as inositol lipid

• Insulator

A material through which electricity or heat cannot flow easily is known as an insulator

• Intensity Branching (%)

It is the intensity of a radiation that is emitted during a radioactive decay. Know more on Meaning of radioactive Decay.

• Interferometer

The measuring device where the electromagnetic radiation is split and recombined after traveling through different path lengths such that the beams interfere and produce an interference pattern.

• Internet

The super network that connects smaller networks and allows different computers to exchange information is called Internet. There are a common set of rules known as protocols that are to be followed by all computers for communication. These set of protocols are called Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or Internet Protocol(IP). Know more on Basic Internet Terms and Terminology 



• Jejunum

The mid-section of the small intestine of many higher vertebrates like mammals, birds, reptiles is called jejunum. It is present between the duodenum and the ileum.

• Joule

It is a unit of energy that is equal to 0.239 calorie.



• Karyokinesis

The process of change that occurs during the division of a cell nucleus at mitosis or meiosis is called karyokinesis

• Keratins

The fibrous structural proteins that are tough and insoluble found in reptiles, birds, amphibians and mammals is known as keratin.

• Kelvin

The fundamental unit of temperature that is not calibrated in terms of boiling point and freezing point of water but energy. 0 K is equal to the lowest temperature known as absolute zero. The freezing point of water on the Kelvin scale is -273 K and boiling point of water is 373 K.

Kuiper Belt

The spherical region of the outer solar system that has a population of ‘ice dwarfs’ is known as the Kuiper Belt. Know more on Facts About Dwarf Planets.

• Kinetic Energy

The amount of work that is required to accelerate a body of given mass from its state of rest to its current velocity is known as kinetic energy. A body maintains its kinetic energy gained, till there is change is speed. Read more on Read more on Electrokinetics.



• Lagrangian Points

The gravitational forces of three different massive bodies exactly cancel each at points that are known as Lagrangian points.

• Lambda Phage

The virus particle that infects Eisherichia coli, is known as lambda phage. A lambda phage has a head, tail and tail fibers. The head of a lambda phage contains double-stranded DNA that is injected into the host bacteria for further replication to produce more phages.

• Leukocytes

The white blood cells of the immune system, that defend the body against infectious diseases and foreign materials are known as leukocytes.

• Light

The electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye is known as light.

• Lightning

The powerful flash of electricity that is due to the negative electrical charges in clouds or between the cloud and ground is known as lightning. Know more on Different Types of Lightning.

• Light Year

The distance traveled by light through space in one year, that is, 1 light year = 9.4605284 × 1015 meters, is known as light year.

• Luminosity

The radiation amount that is emitted by a star or celestial object at a given time is known as luminosity. Know more on Why Do Stars Twinkle.



• Mach Number

The ratio of fluid speed to sound speed in that fluid is known as Mach Number. If the fluid is moving at a supersonic speed, the Mach number is greater than 1. In case the fluid is moving at hypersonic speed is greater than 5.

• Magnetism

The force exerted by electric current on other electric currents is known as magnetism. Know more on History of Magnetism.

• Magnetic Field

The region near a magnet that is influenced by the forces given off by the magnet is known as magnetic field.

• Media

The substances through which the movement of light takes place like air, water, glass, etc. are known as media.

• Mathematics

The branch of science that studies the quantity, structure, space and change is known as mathematics. It includes use of abstraction and logical reasoning. Know more on Math Terms – Glossary of Math Terms and Definitions.

• Meteor Shower

A group of meteors that are seen in the same part of sky and which occur over a period of few days or few hours is known as meteor shower. Know more on Meteor Shower.

• Meson

The particles that are made of a quark and an anti-quark that are thought to bind protons and neutrons together inside the nucleus are known as mesons. Know more on Parts of an Atom.

• Microbiology

The branch of science that studies the life cycle and effects of microscopic organisms in the environment and other living creatures invisible to the naked eye is known as microbiology. Know more on  Microbiology Glossary.

• Microgravity

When in space, the near-weightlessness experienced by a person or object in free fall is known as microgravity.

• Milky Way

Our galaxy is observed as a misty band of light stretching across a night sky due to which it is known as milky way. There are one hundred million stars in our milky way. Know more on  Facts About The Milky Way.

• Modem

The change of data from digital, that is, computer language, into analog, that is phone line language, and then turning back into digital is known as a modem. Modem is made by joining two words, ‘Mo’dulation and‘De’modulation. Know more on What is the Function of a Modem.

• Momentum

The product of mass and velocity is known as momentum. In other words, it is the speed or force of a moving object.

• Mutagenesis

The process through which the genetic information of an organism is changed naturally or experimentally by using chemicals or radiation is known as mutagenisis.



• Nanosecond

It is a billionth of a second. The speed of memory chips and other computer operations are measured in nanoseconds (ns).

• Nebula

The cloud of dust and gas in space is known as nebula. Know more on Horsehead Nebula.

• Network

A computer system that receives and sends data is known as network.

• Nerve

The bundle of peripheral axons that provides a pathway for the passage of electrochemical nerve impulses transmitted along each of the axons is known as nerves. Know more on Pheripheral Nervous System.

• Nervous System

A network of specialized cells that help an organism communicate information about the surroundings and thus react accordingly is known as nervous system. Know more on Structure and Function of Nervous System.

• Neutron Star

The endpoint of the life of a massive star that explodes into a supernova that consists of mainly neutrons is known as neutron star. Know more on What Are Stars Made Of.

• Nitrocellulose

The membrane that helps immobilize DNA, RNA or protein that can be probed with a labeled sequence or antibody is known as nitrocellulose.

• Nitrogenous Bases

The purines, that is, adenine and guanine and the pyrimidines, that is, thymine, cytosine and uracil, that make up a DNA and RNA molecules are known as nitrogenous bases. Know more on Functions of Mitochondrial DNA.

• Nocturnal

The group of animals that remain active during the night and sleep during the day are known as nocturnal. There are many species of plants that flower during the night instead of day. These are known as nocturnal plants. Know more on Facts About Nocturnal Animals.

• Northern Blotting

The procedure where RNA fragments are transferred from an agarose gel to a nitrocellulose filter. This is where the RNA is hybridized to a radioactive probe. This procedure is also known as Northern Hybridization.

• Nova

A sudden increase in the brightness of a star by a factor of more than hundred is known as nova. Know more on Supernova.

• Nuclear Physics

The branch of science that studies the nucleus of an atom is known as nuclear physics. It is a subfield of quantum physics.

• Nuclease

The enzymes that degrade the DNA/ RNA molecules are known as nuclease. The nuclease enzymes cleave the phoshodiester bonds that link adjacent nucleotides of a DNA / RNA molecule. Know more on DNA Transcription.

• Nuclein

It is the material described by Friedrich Miescher in 1869, now known as DNA.



• Occulation

When an astronomical object completely or partially eclipses another astronomical object it is known as occulation. Read more on Total Solar Eclispse and Origin of Life.

• Okazaki Fragment

The short DNA fragment with an RNA primer at the 5′ terminus that is created on the lagging strand during DNA replication is known as Okazaki fragment.

• Oncogene

A gene that is mutated or inappropriately expressed, that leads to cancer is known as oncogene. • Opposition The point where a planet that is far away from the Sun than the Earth, lines up with Sun and Earth is known as opposition. Opposition is the point when the planet is closest to Earth.

•Optical Light

The light that is detected by the human eye having a wavelength of 4000 and 7000 angstroms is known as optical light. Read more on Causes of Optical Illusions.

• Organelle

A cell structure that helps carry out the important functions in the life of a cell is known as an organelle. Know more on Structure and Functions of Cytoplasm.

• Osmoregulation

The osmotic pressure of the fluids inside an organism, that is actively regulated to maintain homeostasis of the organism’s water content is known as osmoregulation. It helps prevent the organisms fluids from becoming too dilute or too concentrated.

• Ovulation

The process of menstruation cycle in females, in which the mature ovarian follicle ruptures to discharge an ovum or egg to participate in reproduction is known as ovulation.

• Oxygenated Blood
Blood that supplies oxygen bound to hemoglobin that is carried in red cells to the various tissues, and cells of the body is known as oxygenated blood. The heart pumps out the oxygenated blood through the important artery known as coronery artery. Read more on Anatomy of Coronary Artery.



• Parasitism

The close association of dissimilar organism in which the association proves to be harmful to at least one organism is known as parasitism.

• Particle

A very small piece of an indivisible object is known as particle. Read more on  How Does the Collison Theory Work. 

• Pedigree

The diagrammatic mapping of the genetic history of a particular family of organism is known as pedigree.

• Period

The time interval occurring between two consecutive and similar phases of a regularly occurring event is known as period. The rotation of Earth is the time taken to complete one revolution is an example of period.

• Peripheral

The external devices like printers, disk drives, display monitors, keyboards, mouse, etc. that are attached to a computer are known as peripherals.

• Petrology

The branch of science under geology that studies the origin, occurrence, formation, structure and composition of mineral assemblages and classification of rocks is known as petrology.

• Phobia

The anxiety disorder exhibited by a person that is related to extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations is known as phobias. Know more on List of All Phobias and Their Meanings.

• Phosphatase

The enzyme that hydrolyzes esters of phosphoric acid by removing phosphate group are known as phosphatase.

• Phosphodiester Bond

A phosphate group joined with the adjacent carbons through easter linkages is known as phosphodiester bond.

• Physics

The branch of science that studies matter and energy and its motion and interactions and all that is derived from it like force is known as physics. Know more on  Know more on Physics Formulas List.
• Pith

The soft, spongy substance consisting of parenchymatic cells present in the center of the stem in eudicots and the center of roots in monocots is known as pith.

• Planck’s Constant

It is the constant which decides the size of the photon, which is a quantum of electromagnetic radiation. This constant also decides the limits of accuracy with which any two complementary quantities can be measured. Planck’s Constant is equal to 6. 6.62606957(29)× 10 -34 Joule seconds.

• Planck’s Law

Planck’s law exactly describes the amount of electromagnetic energy with a particular wavelength radiated by a black body in thermal equilibrium.

• Planet

The large, spherical body made of rocks and ice orbiting the Sun or another star is known as planet.

• Plasma

The extremely hot matter found in or near stars that contains more or less equal number of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons is known as plasma.

• Plumes

The hot, feather-like rising gas in the atmosphere of a star or planet that is due to convection is known as plumes.

• Pon

The structure located on the brain stem, above the medulla, below the mid brain and anterior to the cerebellum in humans and other bipeds, is known as pon. Know more on Facts on Human Brain.

• Potential Energy

The mechanical energy of a body that is unused or stored, when the body is at rest is known as potential energy (P.E). Know more on Types of Energy.

• Power (P)

The amount of work carried out per second is known as power. The amount of power transmitted electrically is the product of voltage (V) with current (I). Know more on What is BHP(Brake Horsepower)?

• Psychology

The branch of science that deals with the science and study of mental life. Psychology is the only science without a specific definition.

• Pulsar

A rotating star or a pair of stars that emit electromagnetic radiation characterized by rapid frequency and regularity is known as pulsar. Know more on

What is Electromagnetic Energy.



• Quantum Theory

The theory that states that energy can only be absorbed or radiated in discrete values or quanta. Quantum theory is extended to all particles. Know more on Basics of Quantum Mechanics for Dummies.

• Quark

An elementary particle that is thought to be the fundamental structural unit from which all particles are made. Up, down, strange, charm, top and bottom are six types of quarks.

• Qualitative



• Radiation

The heat transfer between two bodies without change in the temperature of the intervening medium is known as radiation. Radiation is also the release of energy from a source.

• Radioactivity

The spontaneous decay of atomic nuclei is known as radioactivity. During radioactivity, alpha particles, beta-rays and gamma rays are emitted. Know more on List of Radioactive Elements.

• Recombinant DNA

The DNA that us created by combination of DNA sequences that do not occur naturally is known as recombinant DNA.

• Red Giant

An old star that uses up all the hydrogen present in its nucleus to keep shining is known as Red Giant. The star uses hydrogen instead of other elements present.

• Refraction

The bending or deflection of a wave path of light or sound when passing through one medium to another, is known as refraction.

• Relativity

The relative values of time, motion, mass and energy of a body in motion is known as relativity. Know more on What is Einsteins Theory of Relativity.

• Resonance

The vibrations of a substance corresponding to the air vibrations that make sound is known as resonance.

• Retrograde

The motion of a planet or the Solar System body in a clockwise direction is known as retrograde.

• Revolution

The rotation of a planet around the Sun through 360 degrees or a full circle is known as revolution. Know more on How was the Sun formed.

• Rhesus Factor

The 5 antigens, namely C, c, D, E and e that are found on the surface of red blood cells is known as Rhesus factor. The antigen that is commonly referred as Rh factor, Rh positive and Rh negative is Rh D antigen only. It is named after the Rhesus Macaque, after discovery of the factor by Karl Landsteiner and Alexander Wiener using red blood cells from rhesus monkey. Know more on Rare Blood Types.

Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)

The biological molecule that contains long chains of nucleotide units of a nitrogenous base, a ribose sugar and a phosphate is known as Ribonucleic acid. RNA is single stranded molecule with ribose, unlike DNA that is double stranded with deoxyribose. Another difference between a DNA and RNA molecule is presence of base uracil instead of thymine in RNA.


The act of a mass of body moving in a circle around its axis or fixed point is known as rotation.



• Satellite

A natural celestial body that revolves around a larger celestial body is called satellite. For example, the Moon is a satellite of Earth.

• Scalar

A quantity that can defined only by its magnitude like energy, temperature is known as scalar.

• Sea of Serenity

The maria on the Moon’s nearside known as Mare Serenitatis. Know more onFacts about the Moon.

• Sea of Tranquility

Also known as Mare Tranquillitatis, was the landing site of Apollo 11 on the Moon on 20th July 1969. Know more on Geology of the Moon’s Surface.

•Sinus venosus

The large quadrangular cavity that is present before the atrium on the venous side of the chordate heart, is known as sinus venosus.

• Solar Flare

The sudden violent explosion on the surface of the Sun above the complex active regions of photosphere is known as solar flare.

• Solar System

The Sun and the nine planets namely Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, along with their 60 moons, the asteroid belt, the comets and Kuiper belt is known as the Solar System.

Southern Blotting

The procedure in which DNA restriction fragments are transferred from agarose gel to a nitrocellulose filter, where the denatured DNA is hybridized to a radioactive probe. This process is also known as Southern Hybridization.

• Static Electricity

The electricity that is produced by friction is known as static electricity. Know more on Static Electricity.

• Super Conductivity

The flow of electricity without any resistance at certain temperatures near absolute zero in certain temperatures is known as super conductivity. Read more on  Superconductivity: Still Resisting Change.

• Synergism

The result obtained with the help of two agents that work together which could not have been possible by independent agents is known as synergism.

• Syngamy

The sexual reproduction by the union of gametes or fertilization is known as syngamy. Know more on Different Stages in the Process of Meiosis.

• Synteny

The state where two or more genes are located on the same chromosome even though there may or may not be any demonstrable linkage between them is known as synteny.

• Synapsis

When crossing over occurs during the pairing of homologous chromosome pairs during prophase of the first meiotic division is known as synapsis.



• Taq Polymerase

The DNA polymerase isolated from the bacterium Therrnus aquaticusthat is heat stabel and used in PCR is known as Taq polymerase.

• TATA Box

The sequence of adenine-thymine rich promoter located 25-30 bp upstream of a gene that is the binding site of RNA polymerase is known as TATA box.

• Template

The synthesis of a complementary nucleotide strand on an RNA or single stranded DNA molecule is known as a template.

• Terminator Codon

The three mRNA sequences (UGA,UAG,UAA) that do not code for an amino acid are known as terminator codons. These codons also known as ‘stop codon’ are a signal to the end of
protein synthesis.

• Thermal Gradient

The rate at which there is change in temperature with position is known as thermal gradient. Know more on Thermocouple.

• Time

The fourth coordinate along with three spatial dimensions needed to specify an event is known as time. Know more on Does the Fourth Dimension of Time Exist.

• Titan

The largest moon of Saturn is known as Titan. It is the second largest moon of the Solar System after Ganymede, the moon of Jupiter.

• Torque

The bodies tendency to rotate under an applied force is known as Torque. Know more on How Does a Torque Converter Work.

• Trypsin

The proteolytic enzyme that hydrolyzes peptide bonds present on the carboxyl end of the amino acids arginine and lysine is known as trypsin. Read more on Benefits of Digestive Enzymes.

• Tumor

The abnormal growth of cells that causes swelling or lesion is known as tumor. A tumor can be malignant or benign. One should not confuse cancer with tumor as cancer means malignant.

• Turbine

The device with a rotor that is turned by the force of a moving fluid like water, gas or wind that converts kinetic energy into mechanical energy is known as turbine.

• Tympanic Membrane

The thin membrane separating the inner ear from the middle ear is known as tympanic membrane or eardrum.

• Typhlosole

The internal fold of the intestine’s inner wall is known as typhlosole.



• Ubiquitin

A small 76-amino acid, highly conserved protein found in the cytoplasm and the nucleus of all eukaryotes is called ubiquitin.

• Ultra Luminous Galaxies (ULIRG)

The type of galaxy that appears too bright when observed at infrared wavelengths is known as ultra luminous galaxies.

• Ultraviolet Light

The region of the electromagnetic spectrum ranging from 9.12 nm to 350 nm is known as ultraviolet light. UV rays are emitted from the Sun which are blocked by the Earth’s atmosphere. Know more on Layer’s of Earth Atmosphere.

• Universe

The totality of everything that exists is known as Universe. This everything includes energy, matter, stars, the planets, galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space. Know more on How was Universe Created.

• Uncertainty

The fundamental law of nature which makes it impossible to know where something is and where it is going is known as uncertainty. It has a major influence on quantum theory.


A back-up power unit that can provide continuous power when the normal power supply is interrupted is called UPS. It is abbreviation for Uninterruptible Power Supply. Know more on  Uninterruptible Power Supply.

• Uterus

The reproductive sex organ in the female human body that where the fetus develops during gestation is called uterus.



• Vacuum

It is the space that is completely devoid from any matter.

• Vector

The geometric object in mathematics, physics and engineering that can be defined using
both magnitude/length and direction is known as vector.

• Velocity

The rate of change of position is called velocity. This is a physical quantity that needs speed and direction to define it. Read more on How to Increase Throwing Velocity.

• Virus

A microscopic infectious agent that has the ability to reproduce only in a host cell is called a virus. A virus in the world of computers is a computer program can infect a computer without the users knowledge or permission and copy itself, just like the biological agent. Know more on  MSRA Virus.

• Viscera

The internal organs of animals and humans especially the thorax and abdominal region is known as viscera.

• Vitamins

The organic compound that is required as a nutrient by an organism and is often obtained from its diet is known as vitamins. The deficiency of vitamins can cause many diseases and illness in the organism.

• Viroid

The plant pathogen consisting of 250-350 nucleotides of a naked RNA molecule, whose extensive base pairing results in a nearly correct double helix is called viroid.

• Viability

The ability of an organism to complete its life cycle and survive till maturity is known as viability.

• VoIP

It is the network that allows real time conversation by sending digital voice information in packet form over the Internet . It does not use the traditional circuit committed protocol that is used by public telephone networks. VoIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol. Know more on Benefits of VoIP.



• Watt

The unit of power in SI unit system is called a watt. It is equal to 1 joule per second.

• Wavelength

The distance between two peaks of a wave is known as wavelength. Know more on Electromagnetic Waves- Origin and Theory.

• Weight

The gravitational force exerted on an object is known as weight.

• Western Blot

The process to detect specific proteins in a sample of tissue extract by gel electrophoresis is known as Western Blot.

• White Light

The light that can be seen by the human eye that is made up of seven colors is known as white light. Know more on Color Spectrum Chart.

• Work

The movement of an object due to pushing or pulling is called work. There is increase in energy of the object due to work.



• X- chromosome

The sex-determining chromosome in mammals and other animal species is known as X chromosome. The XX chromosome is a pair of 23 homologous pairs of chromosomes in a female. Know more on Interesting Facts about Fragile X Syndrome.

• X- linked Disease

The mutation on X-chromosome that causes a genetic disease is called X-linked disease. Know more on Facts About Human Chromosomes.

• X- band

The radio frequency band that extends from 5200 to 10900 MHz. Know more on 

Radio Frequencies.

• X- Ray

The electromagnetic radiations that lie between ultraviolet and gamma rays with a wavelength of 0.01-10 nm is called X-rays.

• X-ray Crystallography

The diffraction pattern seen after passing X-rays through a pure crystal substance is called X-ray crystallography. Read more on Crystal Symmetries: Base of Crystallography.



• Y-chromosome

The sex-determining chromosome in mammals and other animal species is known as Y chromosome. The XY chromosome contains SRY gene that triggers the development of the embryo as a male. Know more on Inherited Genetic Disorders.

• Yolk

The part of an egg that helps in feeding the embryo as it develops in an egg.

• Yellow fever

The transmission of acute viral disease by the bite of Aedes aegyptimosquito is known as yellow fever.




The region of DNA that has a left-handed helix with alternating purines and pyrimidines that may be a site for a DNA-binding protein is known as Z-DNA. Know more on Structure of Mitochondrial DNA.

• Zoology

The branch of science under biology that studies the structure, function, behavior and evolution of animals is known as zoology. Know more on Zoology Glossary.


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[ sahyuhns ]

/ ˈsaɪ əns /

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a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.

systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.

systematized knowledge in general.

knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.

a particular branch of knowledge.

skill, especially reflecting a precise application of facts or principles; proficiency.



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Origin of science

1300–50; Middle English <Middle French <Latin scientia knowledge, equivalent to scient- (stem of sciēns), present participle of scīre to know + -ia-ia


an·ti·sci·ence, adjective, nounin·ter·sci·ence, adjectivenon·sci·ence, nounpro·sci·ence, adjective

sub·sci·ence, noun


science , séance

Words nearby science

sciamachy, sciatic, sciatica, sciatic nerve, SCID, science, science dictionary, science fiction, Science Museum, science park, scienter

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to science

art, discipline, education, information, learning, skill, system, technique, branch, erudition, lore, scholarship, wisdom

How to use science in a sentence

  • He wants to ding his opponent as unstable or unpopular, so he seizes on Biden’s actual embrace of science to do so.

  • There is an entire science behind conversion optimization, but the core fundamentals have remained the same for years.

  • It’s doing good science, but it doesn’t have any instruments that could really probe atmospheric chemistry and look for signs of organic life.

  • Americans should know that the vaccine development process is being driven completely by science and the data.

  • Cincinnati succeeds in part because it has matched minority-owned supply companies with its top science and research companies, from Johnson & Johnson and the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center to Proctor & Gamble.

  • As an example of good science-and-society policymaking, the history of fluoride may be more of a cautionary tale.

  • Citizens, perhaps, need to feel like they can communicate something to science.

  • “I heard Jeffrey was interested in supporting science and I contacted him,” Krauss said.

  • “We talked about the science the whole time the other day,” Krauss told The Daily Beast in a phone interview.

  • Great resources were devoted to the science of air crash investigation.

  • As the weeks wore on, the pretence of practical teaching was quietly dropped, and we crammed our science out of the text-book.

  • I cannot see in science, nor in experience, nor in history any signs of such a God, nor of such intervention.

  • Science teaches that man existed during the glacial epoch, which was at least fifty thousand years before the Christian era.

  • Probably they do not devote quite as much time to it as our caballeros, who are quite adepts in the science.

  • But in reality this paradox of value is the most fundamental proposition in economic science.

British Dictionary definitions for science


the systematic study of the nature and behaviour of the material and physical universe, based on observation, experiment, and measurement, and the formulation of laws to describe these facts in general terms

the knowledge so obtained or the practice of obtaining it

any particular branch of this knowledgethe pure and applied sciences

any body of knowledge organized in a systematic manner

skill or technique

archaic knowledge

Word Origin for science

C14: via Old French from Latin scientia knowledge, from scīre to know

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Scientific definitions for science

The investigation of natural phenomena through observation, theoretical explanation, and experimentation, or the knowledge produced by such investigation.♦ Science makes use of the scientific method, which includes the careful observation of natural phenomena, the formulation of a hypothesis, the conducting of one or more experiments to test the hypothesis, and the drawing of a conclusion that confirms or modifies the hypothesis. See Note at hypothesis.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary
Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:3.5 / 19 votes

  1. science, scientific disciplinenoun

    a particular branch of scientific knowledge

    «the science of genetics»

  2. skill, sciencenoun

    ability to produce solutions in some problem domain

    «the skill of a well-trained boxer»; «the sweet science of pugilism»

Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. SCIENCEnoun

    Etymology: science, French; scientia, Latin.

    1. Knowledge.

    If we conceive God’s sight or science, before the creation of the world, to be extended to all and every part of the world, seeing every thing as it is, his prescience or foresight of any action of mine, or rather his science or sight, from all eternity, lays no necessity on any thing to come to pass, any more than my seeing the sun move hath to do in the moving of it.
    Henry Hammond.

    2. Certainty grounded on demonstration.

    So you arrive at truth, though not at cience.
    George Berkeley.

    3. Art attained by precepts, or built on principles.

    Science perfects genius, and moderates that fury of the fancy which cannot contain itself within the bounds of reason.

    4. Any art or species of knowledge.

    No science doth make known the first principles, whereon it buildeth; but they are always taken as plain and manifest in themselves, or as proved and granted already, some former knowledge having made them evident.
    Richard Hooker.

    Whatsoever we may learn by them, we only attain according to the manner of natural sciences, which mere discourse of wit and reason findeth out.
    Richard Hooker.

    I present you with a man
    Cunning in musick and the mathematicks,
    To instruct her fully in those sciences.
    William Shakespeare.

    The indisputable mathematicks, the only science heaven hath yet vouchsafed humanity, have but few votaries among the slaves of the Stagirite.
    Joseph Glanvill, Sceps.

    5. One of the seven liberal arts, grammar, rhetorick, logick, arithmetick, musick, geometry, astronomy.

    Good sense, which only is the gift of heav’n,
    And though no science, fairly worth the sev’n.
    Alexander Pope.

WikipediaRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Science

    Science is a systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.Science may be as old as the human species, and some of the earliest archeological evidence for scientific reasoning is tens of thousands of years old. The earliest written records in the history of science come from Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia in around 3000 to 1200 BCE. Their contributions to mathematics, astronomy, and medicine entered and shaped Greek natural philosophy of classical antiquity, whereby formal attempts were made to provide explanations of events in the physical world based on natural causes.: 12  After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, knowledge of Greek conceptions of the world deteriorated in Western Europe during the early centuries (400 to 1000 CE) of the Middle Ages, but was preserved in the Muslim world during the Islamic Golden Age and later by the efforts of Byzantine Greek scholars who brought Greek manuscripts from the dying Byzantine Empire to Western Europe in the Renaissance.
    The recovery and assimilation of Greek works and Islamic inquiries into Western Europe from the 10th to 13th century revived «natural philosophy», which was later transformed by the Scientific Revolution that began in the 16th century as new ideas and discoveries departed from previous Greek conceptions and traditions. The scientific method soon played a greater role in knowledge creation and it was not until the 19th century that many of the institutional and professional features of science began to take shape, along with the changing of «natural philosophy» to «natural science».Modern science is typically divided into three major branches: natural sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, and physics), which study the physical world; the social sciences (e.g., economics, psychology, and sociology), which study individuals and societies; and the formal sciences (e.g., logic, mathematics, and theoretical computer science), which study formal systems, governed by axioms and rules. There is disagreement whether the formal sciences are science disciplines, because they do not rely on empirical evidence. Applied sciences are disciplines that use scientific knowledge for practical purposes, such as in engineering and medicine.New knowledge in science is advanced by research from scientists who are motivated by curiosity about the world and a desire to solve problems. Contemporary scientific research is highly collaborative and is usually done by teams in academic and research institutions, government agencies, and companies. The practical impact of their work has led to the emergence of science policies that seek to influence the scientific enterprise by prioritizing the ethical and moral development of commercial products, armaments, health care, public infrastructure, and environmental protection.

Webster DictionaryRate this definition:4.0 / 20 votes

  1. Sciencenoun

    knowledge; knowledge of principles and causes; ascertained truth of facts

  2. Sciencenoun

    accumulated and established knowledge, which has been systematized and formulated with reference to the discovery of general truths or the operation of general laws; knowledge classified and made available in work, life, or the search for truth; comprehensive, profound, or philosophical knowledge

  3. Sciencenoun

    especially, such knowledge when it relates to the physical world and its phenomena, the nature, constitution, and forces of matter, the qualities and functions of living tissues, etc.; — called also natural science, and physical science

  4. Sciencenoun

    any branch or department of systematized knowledge considered as a distinct field of investigation or object of study; as, the science of astronomy, of chemistry, or of mind

  5. Sciencenoun

    art, skill, or expertness, regarded as the result of knowledge of laws and principles

  6. Scienceverb

    to cause to become versed in science; to make skilled; to instruct

FreebaseRate this definition:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. Science

    Science, also widely referred to as Science Magazine, is the academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is one of the world’s top scientific journals.
    The peer-reviewed journal, first published in 1880, is circulated weekly and has a print subscriber base of around 130,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership is one million people.
    The major focus of the journal is publishing important original scientific research and research reviews, but Science also publishes science-related news, opinions on science policy and other matters of interest to scientists and others who are concerned with the wide implications of science and technology. Unlike most scientific journals, which focus on a specific field, Science and its rival Nature cover the full range of scientific disciplines. According to the Journal Citation Reports, Science’s 2011 impact factor was 31.201.
    Although it is the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, membership in the AAAS is not required to publish in Science. Papers are accepted from authors around the world. Competition to publish in Science is very intense, as an article published in such a highly cited journal can lead to attention and career advancement for the authors. Fewer than 10% of articles submitted to the editors are accepted for publication and all research articles are subject to peer review before they appear in the journal.

Chambers 20th Century DictionaryRate this definition:4.5 / 2 votes

  1. Science

    sī′ens, n. knowledge systematised: truth ascertained: pursuit of knowledge or truth for its own sake: knowledge arranged under general truths and principles: that which refers to abstract principles, as distinguished from ‘art:’ pre-eminent skill: trade: a department of knowledge.—n. Scib′ile, something capable of being known.—adjs. Scī′enced, versed, learned; Scī′ent, knowing; Scien′tial (Milt.), producing science: skilful; Scientif′ic, -al (obs.), producing or containing science: according to, or versed in, science: used in science: systematic: accurate.—adv. Scientif′ically.—ns. Scī′entism, the view of scientists; Scī′entist, one who studies science, esp. natural science.—adjs. Scientis′tic.—adv. Scī′ently, knowingly.—n. Scient′olism, false science, superficial knowledge.—Scientific frontier, a term used by Lord Beaconsfield in 1878 in speaking of the rectification of the boundaries between India and Afghanistan, meaning a frontier capable of being occupied and defended according to the requirements of the science of strategy, in opposition to ‘a hap-hazard frontier.’—Absolute science, knowledge of things in themselves; Applied science, when its laws are exemplified in dealing with concrete phenomena; Dismal science, political economy; Gay science, a medieval name for belles-lettres and poetry generally, esp. amatory poetry; Inductive science (see Induct); Liberal science, a science cultivated from love of knowledge, without view to profit; Mental science, mental philosophy, psychology; Moral science, ethics, the science of right and wrong, moral responsibility; Occult science, a name applied to the physical sciences of the middle ages, also to magic, sorcery, witchcraft, &c.; Sanitary science (see Sanitary); The exact sciences, the mathematical sciences; The science, the art of boxing; The seven liberal sciences, grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy—these were the seven Terrestrial sciences, as opposed to the seven Celestial sciences, civil law, Christian law, practical theology, devotional theology, dogmatic theology, mystic theology, and polemical theology. [Fr.,—L. scientiasciens, -entis, pr.p. of scīre, to know.]

The Nuttall EncyclopediaRate this definition:2.3 / 3 votes

  1. Science

    as it has been said, «has for its province the world of phenomena, and deals exclusively with their relations, consequences, or sequences. It can never tell us what a thing really and intrinsically is, but only why it has become so; it can only, in other words, refer us to one inscrutable as the ground and explanation of another inscrutable.» «A science,» says Schopenhauer, «anybody can learn, one perhaps with more, another with less trouble; but from art each receives only so much as he brings, yet latent within him…. Art has not, like science, to do merely with the reasoning powers, but with the inmost nature of man, where each must count only for what he really is.»

The Roycroft DictionaryRate this definition:4.0 / 4 votes

  1. science

    1. The knowledge of the common people classified and carried one step further. 2. Accurate organized knowledge founded on fact. 3. Classified superstition.

U.S. National Library of MedicineRate this definition:3.7 / 3 votes

  1. Science

    The study of natural phenomena by observation, measurement, and experimentation.

CrunchBaseRate this definition:2.0 / 2 votes

  1. Science

    Science creates, scales and acquires successful digital businesses by bringing together ideas, talent, resources and financing through a centralized platform. The company focuses on developing new businesses, providing emerging startups with operational strategy and capital, and transforming later-stage Internet ventures with new talent and innovations.Science is backed by a group of top institutional and independent investors, which include: Rustic Canyon, White Star Capital, The Social+Capital Partnership, Tomorrow Ventures, Siemer Ventures, Philippe Camus, Jean-Marie Messier, Jonathan Miller and Dennis Phelps.

Editors ContributionRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. science

    To feel, know and understand intuitively and systematically knowledge and understanding of a specific subject, facet of life on earth, specific manifestation on the planet or within the natural environment, society, planet, universe and multiverse created with data, facts, formula, information, proof, research and statistics we can prove easily, efficiently and effectively.

    Science can prove many things that we choose to feel, know and understand.

    Submitted by MaryC on February 5, 2020  

Suggested ResourcesRate this definition:2.0 / 2 votes

  1. science

    The science symbol — In this Symbols.com article you will learn about the meaning of the science symbol and its characteristic.

  2. science

    Song lyrics by science — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by science on the Lyrics.com website.

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘Science’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #927

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘Science’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #1613

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘Science’ in Nouns Frequency: #344

How to pronounce Science?

How to say Science in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of Science in Chaldean Numerology is: 7

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of Science in Pythagorean Numerology is: 4

Examples of Science in a Sentence

  1. Donald Trump:

    Angela Merkel is more cautious… basing Angela Merkel response on Angela Merkel knowledge of how science works, and Angela Merkel isn’t interested in getting a good image for Angela Merkel for the next election, but in doing a good job.

  2. Terrisa Bukovinac:

    Denying the humanity of the unborn is science denial, it is literally anti-progressive.

  3. Emanuel Tschopp:

    For sure, there will be other researchers that are maybe not convinced or have their own evidence against the separation of the two, in the end, this is how science works.

  4. Filmmaker Ian Shive:

    This was not an American expedition. This was a joint expedition between Americans and Cubans… Their television network there helped facilitate aspects of shooting, from the science side, it was an absolute collaboration.

  5. Eric Anderson:

    It is only by introducing the young to great literature, drama and music, and to the excitement of great science that we open to them the possibilities that lie within the human spirit — enable them to see visions and dream dreams.

Popularity rank by frequency of use

Translations for Science

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • wetenskapAfrikaans
  • علمArabic
  • ғилем, фәнBashkir
  • навукаBelarusian
  • наукаBulgarian
  • dɔnniyaBambara
  • বিজ্ঞানBengali
  • skiantBreton
  • ciènciaCatalan, Valencian
  • vědaCzech
  • ӑслӑхChuvash
  • gwyddoniaethWelsh
  • videnskab, viden, videnskabelighedDanish
  • Kenntnis, Erfahrung, Wissenschaft, WissenGerman
  • επιστήμηGreek
  • ciencia, conocimientoSpanish
  • teadus, teadusalaEstonian
  • zientziaBasque
  • علمPersian
  • tiede, tieto, tieteenalaFinnish
  • vísindiFaroese
  • scienceFrench
  • wittenskipWestern Frisian
  • eolaíocht, eolasIrish
  • saidheans, eòlasScottish Gaelic
  • cienciaGalician
  • tembikuaatyGuaraní
  • વિજ્ઞાનGujarati
  • oaylleeaghtManx
  • מדעHebrew
  • विज्ञानHindi
  • tudomány, tudásHungarian
  • գիտելիք, գիտությունArmenian
  • scientiaInterlingua
  • ilmuIndonesian
  • amamiheIgbo
  • ciencoIdo
  • fræði, vísindiIcelandic
  • scienza, conoscenzaItalian
  • מדעHebrew
  • 科学, 技能, 熟練, 知識Japanese
  • მეცნიერებაGeorgian
  • វិទ្យាសាស្ត្រKhmer
  • ಅರಿಮೆKannada
  • 科學, 과학, 지식Korean
  • زانستیKurdish
  • scientiaLatin
  • WëssenschaftLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • ວິທະຍາສາດLao
  • mokslasLithuanian
  • zinātneLatvian
  • pūtaiaoMāori
  • ശാസ്‌ത്രംMalayalam
  • sainsMalay
  • xjenza, għerfMaltese
  • သိပ္ပံBurmese
  • vitenskapNorwegian
  • wetenschap, weten, ervaring, kennisDutch
  • vitskapNorwegian Nynorsk
  • kunskapNorwegian
  • naukaPolish
  • ciênciaPortuguese
  • știință, materieRomanian
  • наука, дисциплинаRussian
  • dieđaNorthern Sami
  • наука, nauka, znanost, znanje, знање, знаностSerbo-Croatian
  • විද්‍යාවSinhala, Sinhalese
  • veda, náukaSlovak
  • znanost, znanjeSlovene
  • vetenskap, vetande, kunskapSwedish
  • அறிவியல்Tamil
  • సైన్స్Telugu
  • илмTajik
  • วิทยาศาสตร์Thai
  • agham, siyensiyaTagalog
  • bilim, ilim, bilgiTurkish
  • наука, знання, дисциплінаUkrainian
  • وگیان, سائنسUrdu
  • kiến thức, 科學, trí thức, khoa họcVietnamese
  • nol, nolavVolapük
  • וויסנשאַפֿטYiddish
  • 科学Chinese

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: knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method



: a department of systematized knowledge as an object of study


: something (such as a sport or technique) that may be studied or learned like systematized knowledge

have it down to a science


: a system or method reconciling practical ends with scientific laws

cooking is both a science and an art


: the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding


Example Sentences

The Malay tapir, the largest of the world’s four tapir species, remained largely invisible to science until recently. The other three species of these odd, endearing animals all live in South America.

Anthony King, New York Times, 2 June 2009

If there were any doubt, Golden’s muckraking investigation—he is the Ida Tarbell of college admissions—reveals that almost every word uttered by representatives of the top colleges about the care and nuance and science of the much vaunted admissions process is bunk.

Michael Wolff, New York Times Book Review, 17 Sept. 2006

Of course, there is both corporate and government-sponsored grant money available for such initiatives in science and engineering. And scientists are used to working together in laboratories. But in the humanities it was different, said the deans.

David Laurence, Association of Departments of English Bulletin, Winter 2004

The journal Annales was started in 1929, by Bloch and Lucien Febvre, two friends conversant with the new sciences of sociology and geography, psychology and anthropology.

Stephen Kotkin, New Yorker, 29 Sept. 2003

The program encourages students to pursue a career in science.

a list of terms commonly used in science

a new branch of science

advances in science and technology

Students are required to take two sciences.

students majoring in a science

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Recent Examples on the Web

Program to provide workshops in conservation science to 100 teachers from Title 1-eligible middle and high school campuses across Southern California.

Laura Groch, San Diego Union-Tribune, 6 Apr. 2023

As Ayers’ condition declined, the partners of Flaget Madonna LLC tried a more cutting-edge method, still nascent in heritage science: artificial intelligence.

Hannah Edgar, Chicago Tribune, 5 Apr. 2023

And while some judges have tossed out cases based on the weak science, others have sided with consumers who accused the company of not disclosing known risks and fined the company millions of dollars.

Ananya Bhattacharya, Quartz, 5 Apr. 2023

Related Story 13 Non-Irritating Sunscreens for Sensitive Skin Christa Sgobba For nearly 10 years, Christa has created health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness content that’s steeped in science but engaging enough that people actually want to read it.

Christa Sgobba, Men’s Health, 31 Mar. 2023

The exhibition is curated by Samuel West, a clinical psychologist who specializes in organizational science.

Sarah Kuta, Smithsonian Magazine, 29 Mar. 2023

There is some evidence that having a very diverse team, a variety of perspectives and opinions and backgrounds coming to a scientific problem, in fact, results in in better science.

Erik Klemetti, Discover Magazine, 29 Mar. 2023

Trust in the federal government and trust in science did not register as major drivers of COVID-19 death rates.

Melissa Healy, Anchorage Daily News, 29 Mar. 2023

Now, his background in science inspires some of his comedy.

Abigail Gruskin, Baltimore Sun, 29 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘science.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English, «knowledge, the ability to know, learning, branch of knowledge,» borrowed from Anglo-French science, cience, borrowed from Latin scientia «knowledge, awareness, understanding, branch of knowledge, learning,» noun derivative from scient-, sciens, present participle of sciō, scīre «to know,» perhaps going back to Indo-European *skh2-i(e/o)-, present tense formation from a verbal base *skeh2-, *skh2 «cut open, flay» (if sense development was «cut, incise, mark» > «distinguish» > «know»), whence also Sanskrit -chyati «(s/he) flays, pulls off (skin)» (verbal adjective chātaḥ, chitáḥ) and perhaps Greek scházō, scházein, also scháō, schân «to make an incision, open (a vein), let flow»

Regarding earlier use of the words science and scientist see the reference to the article by Sydney Ross in the note at scientist. — Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben (2. Auflage, 2001) regards Latin sciō as a back-formation from nesciō, nescīre «to not know, be unfamiliar with,» going back to *ne-skH-ii̯e-, a negative compound from the base of secō, secāre «to cut, sever, make an incision» (see saw entry 2), going back to *sekai̯e-, going back to *sekH-i̯e-. M. de Vaan (Etymological Dictionary of Latin and the Other Italic Languages, Brill, 2008), on the other hand, hypothesizes that sciō is formed with an athematic suffix from *skh2-, so that as a present formation it is directly comparable with Sanskrit -chyati. The semantic progression producing a verb meaning «know» is in any case questionable, if, as the Indo-Iranian and Greek evidence suggests, the base *skeh2-, *skh2 means primarily «cut open, flay» (rather than «split, separate»). Ernout and Meillet (Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue latine) note that while this is the only plausible comparison for sciō, it is not at all certain («Le rapprochement avec le groupe de ‘couper’ est en l’air, tout en étant, semble-t-il, le seul possible.»)

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 5

Time Traveler

The first known use of science was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near science

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“Science.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/science. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Other forms: sciences

Science is the field of study concerned with discovering and describing the world around us by observing and experimenting. Biology, chemistry, and physics are all branches of science.

Science is an «empirical» field, that is, it develops a body of knowledge by observing things and performing experiments. The meticulous process of gathering and analyzing data is called the «scientific method,» and we sometimes use science to describe the knowledge we already have. Science is also what’s involved in the performance of something complicated: «the science of making a perfect soufflé.»

Definitions of science

  1. noun

    a branch of study or knowledge involving the observation, investigation, and discovery of general laws or truths that can be tested systematically

  2. noun

    the sciences involved in the study of the physical world and its phenomena


    natural science

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    show 52 types…
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    bioscience, life science

    any of the branches of natural science dealing with the structure and behavior of living organisms

    chemical science, chemistry

    the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions

    natural philosophy, physics

    the science of matter and energy and their interactions

    physical science, physics

    the physical properties, phenomena, and laws of something

    earth science

    any of the sciences that deal with the earth or its parts


    the science that maps the general features of the universe; describes both heaven and earth (but without encroaching on geography or astronomy)

    biological science, biology

    the science that studies living organisms

    biomedical science

    the application of the principles of the natural sciences to medicine

    biometrics, biometry, biostatistics

    a branch of biology that studies biological phenomena and observations by means of statistical analysis


    the scientific study of the skulls of various human races


    the study of the whorls and loops and arches in the fingertips and on the palms of the hand and the soles of the feet


    the scientific study of food preparation and intake


    the study or promotion of methods of selecting for specific genetic qualities by controlled breeding (especially as applied to human reproduction); now widely considered to be biased and unscientific

    cacogenics, dysgenics

    the study of the operation of factors causing degeneration in the type of offspring produced


    the study of methods of improving human well-being and efficient functioning by improving environmental conditions

    medical science

    the science of dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention and treatment of disease

    chemoimmunology, immunochemistry

    the field of chemistry concerned with chemical processes in immunology (such as chemical studies of antigens and antibodies)

    fossilology, palaeontology, paleontology

    the earth science that studies fossil organisms and related remains

    organic chemistry

    the chemistry of compounds containing carbon (originally defined as the chemistry of substances produced by living organisms but now extended to substances synthesized artificially)

    inorganic chemistry

    the chemistry of compounds that do not contain hydrocarbon radicals

    physical chemistry

    the branch of chemistry dealing with the physical properties of chemical substances


    branch of chemistry that deals with the chemical action of electricity and the production of electricity by chemical reactions


    the branch of chemistry that studies elementary (often very fast) chemical reactions as they occur; the experimental methods are often based on the use of femtosecond laser pulses


    the chemistry of the earth’s crust


    branch of chemistry that deals with the chemical action of light

    nuclear chemistry, radiochemistry

    the chemistry of radioactive substances

    surface chemistry

    the branch of chemistry that studies processes occurring at interfaces between phases (especially those between liquid and gas)

    acoustics, phonics

    the study of the physical properties of sound

    astronomy, uranology

    the branch of physics that studies celestial bodies and the universe as a whole

    aeronautics, astronautics

    the theory and practice of navigation through air or space


    physics as applied to biological problems

    cryogenics, cryogeny

    the branch of physics that studies the phenomena that occur at very low temperatures


    the branch of science that studies the formation and structure of crystals

    electromagnetics, electromagnetism

    the branch of physics concerned with electromagnetic phenomena


    the branch of physics that deals with the emission and effects of electrons and with the use of electronic devices


    the branch of physics that deals with static electricity


    the branch of physics concerned with the motion of bodies in a frame of reference

    atomic physics, nuclear physics, nucleonics

    the branch of physics that studies the internal structure of atomic nuclei


    the branch of physics that studies the physical properties of light

    high energy physics, high-energy physics, particle physics

    the branch of physics that studies subatomic particles and their interactions

    plasma physics

    the branch of physics concerned with matter in its plasma phase

    quantum physics

    the branch of physics based on quantum theory


    the branch of physics that studies the deformation and flow of matter


    the branch of chemistry that studies the relation between chemical action and the amount of heat absorbed or generated

    solid-state physics

    the branch of physics that studies the properties of materials in the solid state: electrical conduction in crystals of semiconductors and metals; superconductivity; photoconductivity

    statistical mechanics

    the branch of physics that makes theoretical predictions about the behavior of macroscopic systems on the basis of statistical laws governing its component particles


    the branch of physics concerned with the conversion of different forms of energy


    a science that deals with the history of the earth as recorded in rocks


    the earth science dealing with phenomena of the atmosphere (especially weather)

    oceanography, oceanology

    the branch of science dealing with physical and biological aspects of the oceans


    the scientific study of bodies of fresh water for their biological and physical and geological properties

    geographics, geography

    study of the earth’s surface; includes people’s responses to topography and climate and soil and vegetation

    type of:

    scientific discipline

    a particular branch of scientific knowledge

  3. noun

    a particular branch of scientific knowledge

    science of genetics”


    scientific discipline

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    show 63 types…
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    natural history

    the scientific study of plants or animals (more observational than experimental) usually published in popular magazines rather than in academic journals

    natural science

    the sciences involved in the study of the physical world and its phenomena

    math, mathematics, maths

    a science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement

    agronomy, scientific agriculture

    the application of soil and plant sciences to land management and crop production


    the study of plant nutrition and growth especially as a way to increase crop yield


    science of soils in relation to crops

    architectonics, tectonics

    the science of architecture


    the science and technology of metals


    the scientific study of measurement


    the scientific study of food and drink (especially in humans)

    psychological science, psychology

    the science of mental life

    IP, informatics, information processing, information science

    the sciences concerned with gathering, manipulating, storing, retrieving, and classifying recorded information

    cognitive science

    the field of science concerned with cognition; includes parts of cognitive psychology and linguistics and computer science and cognitive neuroscience and philosophy of mind

    social science

    the branch of science that studies society and the relationships of individual within a society


    the science or art of strategy


    the science of systematic classification


    the branch of science that studies death (especially its social and psychological aspects)

    cryptanalysis, cryptanalytics, cryptography, cryptology

    the science of analyzing and deciphering codes and ciphers and cryptograms


    the scientific study of language


    the branch of science related to space flight and aviation

    pure mathematics

    the branches of mathematics that study and develop the principles of mathematics for their own sake rather than for their immediate usefulness

    applied math, applied mathematics

    the branches of mathematics that are involved in the study of the physical or biological or sociological world

    bioscience, life science

    any of the branches of natural science dealing with the structure and behavior of living organisms

    chemical science, chemistry

    the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions

    natural philosophy, physics

    the science of matter and energy and their interactions

    physical science, physics

    the physical properties, phenomena, and laws of something

    aeronautics, astronautics

    the theory and practice of navigation through air or space

    earth science

    any of the sciences that deal with the earth or its parts


    the science that maps the general features of the universe; describes both heaven and earth (but without encroaching on geography or astronomy)

    powder metallurgy

    the metallurgy of powdered metals; how to produce solid metal objects from powdered metal by compaction and sintering

    abnormal psychology, psychopathology

    the branch of psychology concerned with abnormal behavior

    applied psychology, industrial psychology

    any of several branches of psychology that seek to apply psychological principles to practical problems of education or industry or marketing etc.

    cognitive psychology

    an approach to psychology that emphasizes internal mental processes

    animal psychology, comparative psychology

    the branch of psychology concerned with the behavior of animals

    child psychology, developmental psychology, genetic psychology

    the branch of psychology that studies the social and mental development of children

    differential psychology

    the branch of psychology that studies measurable differences between individuals

    experimental psychology, psychonomics

    the branch of psychology that uses experimental methods to study psychological issues

    neuropsychology, physiological psychology, psychophysiology

    the branch of psychology that is concerned with the physiological bases of psychological processes

    psychometrics, psychometrika, psychometry

    any branch of psychology concerned with psychological measurements

    social psychology

    the branch of psychology that studies persons and their relationships with others and with groups and with society as a whole

    NLP, human language technology, natural language processing

    the branch of information science that deals with natural language information


    (biology) the field of science concerned with processes of communication and control (especially the comparison of these processes in biological and artificial systems)


    the social science of municipal affairs


    the social science that studies the origins and social relationships of human beings

    government, political science, politics

    the study of government of states and other political units

    domestic science, home ec, home economics, household arts

    theory and practice of homemaking

    economic science, economics, political economy

    the branch of social science that deals with the production and distribution and consumption of goods and services and their management


    the study of spatial distances between individuals in different cultures and situations


    the study and classification of human societies

    biosystematics, biosystematy

    use of data (e.g. cytogenetic or biochemical) to assess taxonomic relations especially within an evolutionary framework


    (biology) study of the general principles of scientific classification

    computational linguistics

    the use of computers for linguistic research and applications

    dialect geography, linguistic geography

    the study of the geographical distribution of linguistic features


    the study of the sources and development of words

    diachronic linguistics, diachrony, historical linguistics

    the study of linguistic change


    the branch of linguistics that studies the relation between language and the structure and function of the nervous system


    the study of language use


    the study of language meaning


    the study of language in relation to its sociocultural context

    structural linguistics, structuralism

    linguistics defined as the analysis of formal structures in a text or discourse

    synchronic linguistics

    the study of a language without reference to its historical context

    descriptive linguistics

    a description (at a given point in time) of a language with respect to its phonology and morphology and syntax and semantics without value judgments

    prescriptive linguistics

    an account of how a language should be used instead of how it is actually used; a prescription for the `correct’ phonology and morphology and syntax and semantics

    type of:

    bailiwick, discipline, field, field of study, study, subject, subject area, subject field

    a branch of knowledge

  4. noun

    a systematic method or organized body of knowledge relating to some topic or field

  5. noun

    ability to produce solutions in some problem domain

    “the sweet
    science of pugilism”



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    a natural skill


    technical skill or fluency or style exhibited by a virtuoso


    brilliant and showy technical skill

    type of:

    ability, power

    possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done

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