Word definitions change over time

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Vincent Von

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(49 votes)

In diachronic (or historical) linguistics, semantic change is a change in one of the meanings of a word. Every word has a variety of senses and connotations, which can be added, removed, or altered over time, often to the extent that cognates across space and time have very different meanings.

Why do definitions change?

The alteration of meaning occurs because words are constantly used and what is intended by speakers is not exactly the same each time. If a different intention for a word is shared by the speech community and becomes established in usage then a semantic change has occurred.

Do definitions change?

What’s worth keeping in mind is that meanings don’t change over night. Different meanings of the same word often overlap, and new meanings can co-exist with older meanings for centuries.

Has the definition of literally changed?

Gizmodo has discovered Google’s definition for literally includes this: “Used to acknowledge that something is not literally true but is used for emphasis or to express strong feeling.” But it doesn’t end with Google. Merriam-Wesbter and Cambridge dictionaries have also added the informal, non-literal definition.

Who decides definitions of words?

To decide which words to include in the dictionary and to determine what they mean, Merriam-Webster editors study the language as it’s used. They carefully monitor which words people use most often and how they use them.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

They also assume that people’s skills cannot change over time.

Они также основываются на предположении о том, что навыки людей не могут меняться со временем.

The park will change over time.

Each fish has a unique personality that may change over time.

Каждый ребёнок обладает уникальным набором индивидуальных особенностей, которые могут меняться с течением времени.

Keep in mind that purchased cosmetics may change over time.

I was looking for something that can change over time.

It will even talk about potential depreciation that could change over time.

This is because our values and motivations change over time.

Buildings and vehicles will change over time.

We often forget that people change over time.

A forthcoming publication will analyse how gender gaps change over time as children reach adolescence.

Готовящаяся к изданию публикация будет содержать анализ того, как гендерные проблемы изменяются с течением времени по мере достижения детьми подросткового возраста.

Support and resistance values can change over time but they generally remain fairly stable.

Значение поддержки и сопротивления могут меняться с течением времени, но они, как правило, остаются достаточно стабильными.

Essentially, they learn and change over time.

People with fibromyalgia often find their symptoms change over time.

People’s skin tones can naturally change over time.

Rather they learn and change over time.

Remember that risks change over time.

Though-these rules vary from state to state and can change over time.

Just like people, dogs joints can change over time.

Those definitions change over time and are different in different places.

No results found for this meaning.

Results: 2136. Exact: 2136. Elapsed time: 224 ms.


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1. [taım]


1. время

absolute [relative, objective] time — абсолютное [относительное, объективное] время

with time, in (the) course of time, in (the) process of time, as time goes — с течением времени; по мере того, как идёт время; в конце концов

to the end of time — до скончания века, до конца мира

in the retrospect of time — сквозь призму времени /прошлого/

in the mists of time — во мраке времени; ≅ канувший в Лету

the accumulation of prejudices over time — рост предрассудков на протяжении (многих) веков

time will show — время покажет; ≅ поживём — увидим

time alone could answer the question — только время могло дать ответ на этот вопрос

time presses /is short/ — время не терпит

2. 1) время ()

Greenwich time — время по Гринвичу, среднеевропейское время

sidereal [solar] time — звёздное [солнечное] время

daylight-saving /summer/ time — летнее время

2) время выполнения ()

3. 1) период времени

a long [a short] time — длительное [короткое] время

he was there a long [a short] time — он пробыл там долго [недолго]

it took him a long time to do it /in doing it/, he took a long time doing it /over it/ — ему потребовалось /у него ушло/ немало времени, чтобы сделать это; он немало с этим провозился

what a long time he’s taking! — как долго он копается!; сколько же можно копаться?

I didn’t see him at the club for some time — некоторое время я не встречал его в клубе

all the time, the whole time — всё (это) время, всегда [ тж. 5]

they were with us all the time /the whole time/ — они всё время были с нами

all the time we were working — в течение всего времени, что мы работали

he does it all the time — он всегда /постоянно/ это делает

he’s been watching us all the time /the whole time/ — он не переставая /неотрывно/ следил за нами, он ни на секунду не упускал нас из виду

one time and another — а) одно время; б) время от времени

idle time — а) простой, перерыв в работе; б) свободное время

at the /that/ time — в это /в то/ время [ тж. 4, 2)]

at this time of (the) day — в это время дня [ тж. ]

at one time — одно время, когда-то [ тж. 4, 2)]

at one time this book was very popular — некогда /было время, когда/ эта книга была очень популярна

for a time — а) на некоторое время, временно; б) некоторое время

for the time being — пока, до поры до времени

in time — со временем [ тж. 4, 4) 13, 1)]

I think that we may win in time — думаю, что со временем нам удастся победить

in no time, in less than /next to/ no time — очень быстро, мигом, в два счёта

I’ll come back in no time — я моментально вернусь; я обернусь в два счёта

in the same flash of time — в то же мгновение, в тот же миг

to give smb. time to do smth. /for smth./ — дать кому-л. время /срок/ сделать что-л. /для чего-л./

to give smb. time to turn round — дать кому-л. возможность перевести дух, дать кому-л. передышку

the patient has her good time more often now — теперь больная чаще чувствует себя хорошо [ тж. 8, 2)]

it takes time — это требует времени, это скоро не сделаешь

2) сезон, пора, время

sowing time — время /пора/ сева, посевной период, посевная

autumn is a good time of year to be in the country — в осеннюю пору хорошо пожить за городом

3) долгое время

he was gone time before you got there — он ушёл задолго до того, как вы туда явились

what a time it took you! — долго же вы возились!; неужто нельзя было побыстрее?

4. 1) час, точное время

what time, at what time — в какое время, в котором часу; когда

to fix /to appoint/ a time — назначить время

to forget the time of the appointment — забыть время свидания /встречи/

to keep (good) [bad] time — хорошо [плохо] идти () [ тж. 11]

to lose [to gain] time — отставать [спешить] ()

what is the time?, what time is it? — сколько времени?, который час?

what time do you make it? — сколько (времени) на ваших часах?; сколько сейчас, по-вашему /по-твоему/, времени?

2) момент, мгновение; определённый момент, определённое время

some time — в какой-то момент, в какое-то время

I’ll drop in some time next month — я (к тебе) загляну как-нибудь в следующем месяце

some time (or other) — когда-нибудь, рано или поздно

at times — по временам, время от времени

at the /that/ time — в тот момент, в то время [ тж. 3, 1)]

at one time — одновременно [ тж. 3, 1)]

at the same time — в то же самое время, одновременно; в тот же момент [ тж. ]

you can’t be in two places at the same time — нельзя быть в двух местах одновременно

at any time you like — в любой момент /в любое время/, когда вам будет удобно

at the proper time, when the time comes — в своё время, когда придёт время

we shall do everything at the proper time — мы всё сделаем, когда нужно; ≅ всему своё время

between times — иногда, временами

by this [that] time — к этому [тому] времени

you ought to be ready by this time — к этому времени вы должны быть готовы

it will be nearly two by the time you get down — вы приедете не раньше двух часов

the time has come when… — пришло время /наступил момент/, когда… [ тж. 4)]

3) время прибытия отправления ()

to find out the times of the London trains — узнать расписание лондонских поездов

4) срок, время

in time — в срок, вовремя [ тж. 3, 1) 13, 1)]

on time = in time [ тж. ]

to arrive exactly on time — приехать /прибыть/ минута в минуту /точно в назначенный час/

in due time — в своё время, своевременно

to be in time for smth. — поспеть точно к чему-л.

I was just in time to see it — я успел как раз вовремя, чтобы увидеть это

ahead of time, before one’s time — раньше срока [ тж. 5]

behind time, out of time — поздно, с опозданием [ тж. 5]

to be ten minutes behind [ahead of] time — опоздать [прийти раньше] на десять минут

the train was running (half an hour) behind time — поезд опаздывал (на полчаса)

(it is) high time — давно пора, самое время

it is time to go to bed /you went to bed/ — пора ложиться спать

time! — время вышло!; ваше время истекло /вышло/

time is drawing on — времени остаётся мало, срок приближается

my time has come — мой час пробил; пришло время умирать [ тж. 2)]

the time for feeding is nearing, it’s nearing the time for feeding — приближается /подходит/ время /срок/ кормления

5) подходящий момент, подходящее время

now is the time to go on strike /for going on strike/ — теперь самое время начать забастовку

this is no time /not the time/ to reproach /for reproaching/ me — сейчас не время упрекать меня

5. времена, пора; эпоха, эра

our time(s) — наше время, наши дни

hard [troublesome] time(s) — тяжёлые [смутные] времена

peace [war] time — мирное [военное] время

the times we live in — наши дни; время, в которое мы живём

at all times, all the time — всегда, во все времена [ тж. 3, 1)]

a book unusual for its time — книга, необычная для своего /того/ времени

from time immemorial /out of mind/ — с незапамятных времён, испокон веку /веков/; искони, исстари

(in) old /ancient, olden/ time(s) — (в) старое время; в древности, в стародавние времена, во время оно

in happier times — в более счастливые времена, в более счастливую пору

in times to come — в будущем, в грядущие времена

abreast of the times — вровень с веком; не отставая от жизни

to be abreast of the times, to move /to go/ with the times — стоять вровень с веком, не отставать от жизни, шагать в ногу со временем [ тж. ]

ahead of the /one’s/ time(s) — опередивший свою эпоху, передовой [ тж. 4, 4)]

behind one’s /the/ time(s) — отстающий от жизни, отсталый [ тж. 4, 4)]

to serve the time — приспосабливаться [ тж. ]

other times, other manners — иные времена — иные нравы

these achievements will outlast our time — эти достижения переживут нас /наше время/

time was /there was a time/ when… — было время, когда…

6. возраст

at his time of life — в его возрасте, в его годы

I have now reached a time of life when… — я достиг того возраста, когда…

7. период жизни, век

it was before her time — это было до её рождения; она этого уже не застала

he died before his time — он безвременно умер; ≅ он умер в расцвете сил

if I had my time over again — если бы можно было прожить жизнь сначала /заново/

this hat has done /served/ its time — эта шляпка отслужила своё /отжила свой век/

8. 1) свободное время; досуг

to have much /plenty of, loads of, heaps of oceans of/ time, to have time on one’s hands иметь много /уйму/ (свободного) времени

to have no time, to be hard pressed for time — совершенно не иметь времени, торопиться

I have no time for such nonsense — мне недосуг заниматься такой ерундой /чепухой/

to beguile /to while away/ the time — коротать время

to waste /to squander, to idle away, to trifle away/ one’s time — даром /попусту/ терять время

to make up for lost time — наверстать упущенное; компенсировать потери времени

there’s no time to lose /to be lost/ — нельзя терять ни минуты

to save time — экономить время, не терять попусту времени

to take one’s time — а) не торопиться, выжидать; б) мешкать, копаться

I need time to rest — мне нужно время, чтобы отдохнуть

time enough to attend to that tomorrow — у нас будет время заняться этим завтра

a lot of time, effort and money has been spent — было потрачено много времени, усилий и денег

2) время (); времяпрепровождение

to have a good /a fine/ time (of it) — хорошо провести время, повеселиться [ тж. 3, 1)]

to have the time of one’s life — а) переживать лучшую пору своей жизни; б) повеселиться на славу; отлично провести время

to have a high old time = to have the time of one’s life б)

to have a bad /rough/ time (of it) — а) терпеть нужду /лишения/, хлебнуть горя; повидать всякое; he had a rough time (of it) — ему пришлось туго /нелегко/; б) пережить несколько неприятных минут; she had a bad /rough/ time (of it) with her baby — у неё были трудные роды

to give smb. a rough time — а) заставить кого-л. мучиться; б) заставить кого-л. попотеть, доставить кому-л. несколько неприятных минут

what a time I had with him! — с ним пришлось немало помучиться; ≅ уж как он изводил меня!

the patient had a bad time for three hours before the medicine worked — больной три часа мучился, прежде чем подействовало лекарство

9. 1) рабочее время

task time — время для выполнения какой-л. работы

full [part] time — полный [неполный] рабочий день

to work full [part] time — работать полный [неполный] рабочий день

to work /to be/ on short time — работать сокращённую рабочую неделю, быть частично безработным

2) плата за работу

we offer straight time for work up to 40 hours and time and a half for Saturdays — мы платим полную ставку за 40-часовую рабочую неделю и полторы ставки за работу по субботам

10. (удобный) случай, (благоприятная) возможность

to watch /to bide/ one’s time — ждать благоприятного момента

to keep time with one’s stop watch — засекать время с помощью секундомера [ тж. 4, 1) 13, 1)]

12. 1) интервал между раундами ()

2) тайм; период, половина игры ()

13. 1) скорость, темп; такт; размер; ритм

waltz [march] time — ритм вальса [марша]

in time — а) ритмичный; б) ритмично; [ тж. 3, 1) 4, 4)]

out of time — а) неритмичный; б) неритмично

to march in quick [in slow] time — идти быстро [медленно]

to keep /to beat/ time — отбивать такт; выдерживать такт /ритм/ [ тж. 11]

to break into quick time — ускорить шаг, перейти на ускоренный шаг

to quicken [to slow] the time — убыстрять /ускорять/ [замедлять] темп


1. 1) раз, случай

a dozen [several] times — много [несколько] раз

four times running — четыре раза подряд /кряду/

the first [the second] time — (в) первый [(во) второй] раз

this is the third time he has come — вот уже третий раз, как он приходит

the one time I got good cards — единственный раз, когда у меня были хорошие карты

at a time — разом, сразу, одновременно [ тж. 2]

to do one thing at a time — делать по очереди, не браться за всё сразу

to do two things at a time — делать две вещи одновременно /зараз/

time after time — повторно; тысячу раз

times out of /without/ number — бесчисленное количество раз

time and again, time and time again — снова и снова

he said it time and again — он не раз говорил это; он не уставал повторять это

I had to prove it time and time again — мне приходилось доказывать это вновь и вновь /снова и снова, бессчётное количество раз/

from time to time — время от времени, от случая к случаю

nine times out of ten — в девяти случаях из десяти; в большинстве случаев

I’ve told you so a hundred [a thousand] times — я тебе это говорил сто [тысячу] раз

2) раз

three times six is /are/ eighteen — трижды шесть — восемнадцать

2. каждый раз; каждый случай; каждая штука

it costs me 3 pounds a time to have my hair done — каждый раз я плачу 3 фунта за укладку волос

at a time — за (один) раз, за (один) приём [ тж. 1, 1)]

to run upstairs two at a time — бежать вверх по лестнице через две ступеньки

to read a few pages at a time — читать не больше нескольких страниц за раз /за один присест/

3. раз, крат

three times as wide [as tall] — в три раза /втрое/ шире [выше]

three times as much /as many/ — втрое больше

you’ll get two times your clock — я заплачу вам вдвое больше, чем по счётчику ()

the big time — верхушка лестницы, верхушка пирамиды; сливки общества

to be in the big time, to have made the big time — принадлежать к сливкам общества, входить в элиту

the time of day — а) положение вещей /дел/; б) последние сведения /данные/

at this time of day — а) так поздно; б) на данном этапе; после того, что произошло; [ тж. I 3, 1)]

to know the time of day — а) быть настороже; б) быть искушённым ()

to give smb. the time of day — а) обращать внимание на кого-л. ( с отрицанием); б) = to pass the time of day with smb.

to pass the time of day with smb. — здороваться с кем-л.

that’s the time of day! — такие-то дела!, значит, дело обстоит так!

against time — а) в пределах установленного времени; to talk against time — стараться соблюсти регламент [ тж. в)]; to work against time — стараться уложить /кончить работу/ в срок; б) с целью побить рекорд; to run against time — стараться побить ранее установленный рекорд; в) с целью выиграть время; to talk against time — говорить с целью затянуть время () [ тж. а)]; г) в большой спешке

at the same time — тем не менее, однако [ тж. I 4, 2)]

your statement is not groundless; at the same time it is not wholly true — ваше замечание не лишено основания, однако оно не совсем правильно

in good time — а) со временем, с течением времени; you’ll hear from me in good time — со временем я дам о себе знать; б) своевременно; в) заранее, заблаговременно; to start [to come] in good time — отправиться [прийти] заблаговременно; come in good time! — не опаздывай!; all in good time — всё в своё время

in bad time — не вовремя; поздно, с опозданием

on time — в рассрочку [ тж. I 4, 4)]

once upon a time — давным-давно; во время оно; когда-то

to buy time — а) выигрывать время; б) оттягивать /тянуть/ время, канителить

to have a time — а) переживать бурное время; б) испытывать большие трудности

to have no time for smb. — плохо выносить кого-л.

to make time — поспешить, поторопиться

we’ll have to make time to catch the train — нам нужно поспешить, чтобы не /если мы не хотим/ опоздать на поезд

to make good time — быстро преодолеть какое-л. расстояние

to make a time about /over/ smth. — волноваться, суетиться по поводу чего-л.; шумно реагировать на что-л.

to mark time — а) шагать на месте; б) оттягивать /тянуть/ время; в) выполнять что-л. чисто формально, работать без души

to do time — отбывать тюремное заключение, отсиживать свой срок

to serve /to complete/ one’s time — а) отслужить свой срок (); б) отбыть срок (); [ тж. I 5]

to sell time — предоставлять за плату возможность выступить по радио телевидению

to take /to catch/ time by the forelock — действовать немедленно; воспользоваться случаем, использовать благоприятный момент

to go with the times — плыть по течению [ тж. I 5]

time works wonders — время делает /творит/ чудеса

2. [taım]

1. связанный с временем

2. снабжённый часовым механизмом

3. связанный с покупками в кредит с платежами в рассрочку

4. подлежащий оплате в определённый срок

3. [taım]

1. выбирать время; рассчитывать (по времени)

to time oneself well — удачно выбрать время прихода /приезда/

to time one’s blows skilfully — искусно выбирать момент для (нанесения) удара

to time one’s march through the city — выбрать время для марша по улицам города

the publication of the book was well timed — книга была опубликована в самый подходящий момент

2. назначать устанавливать время; приурочивать

he timed his arrival for six o’clock — он намечал свой приезд на шесть часов

the train was timed to reach London at 8 a.m. — поезд должен был прибыть в Лондон в 8 часов утра

3. 1) ставить ()

to time all the clocks in the office according to the radio — поставить все часы в конторе /в бюро/ по радио

to time one’s watch by the time signal — ставить часы по сигналу точного времени

the alarm-clock was timed to go off at nine o’clock — будильник был поставлен на девять часов

2) задавать темп; регулировать ()

4. отмечать по часам; засекать; определять время; хронометрировать

to time the horse for each half mile — засекать время лошади на каждой полумиле

to time how long it takes to do it — засечь, сколько времени требуется, чтобы сделать это

I timed his reading — я следил за его чтением /за скоростью его чтения/ по часам

5. 1) рассчитывать, устанавливать продолжительность

clockwork apparatus timed to run for forty-eight hours — часовой механизм, рассчитанный на двое суток работы

2) выделять время для определённого процесса

6. (to, with)

1) делать в такт


совпадать, биться в унисон

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English over timeif something happens over time it happens gradually during a long period The research project will be assessed over time. … → timeExamples from the Corpuschanges over time• As well as differing from place to place what is defined as crime changes over time.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishrange1 /reɪndʒ/ ●●● S1 W1 AWL noun 1 variety of things/people [countable usually singular] a number of people or things that are all different but are all of the same general typerange of a range of services The drug is effective against a range of bacteria.

https://www.ldoceonline.com › Geography-topic › range

over timeif something happens over time it happens gradually during a long period The research project will be assessed over time. … → timeExamples from the Corpuschanges over time• As well as differing from place to place what is defined as crime changes over time.

What is the meaning of over the time?

1 : time in excess of a set limit: such as. a : working time in excess of a standard day or week. b : an extra period of play in a contest.

What is another word for over time?

In this page you can discover 19 synonyms antonyms idiomatic expressions and related words for overtime like: supplementary late hours extra pay extra time-and-a-half extra-time additional additional pay late regulation time and pay.

What is the difference between overtime and over time?

Overtime may be used as a noun or an adverb to mean time worked above the usual amount of hours one is expected to work. … Over time is an adverb phrase that describes something that happens little by little something that occurs gradually.

Whats the opposite of overtime?

What is the opposite of overtime?

part-time hardly ever
sparingly sporadically
uncommonly unusually
sometimes hardly
periodically irregularly

See also what does buddha say about suffering

How many hours is overtime?

Employee Overtime: Hours Pay and Who is Covered. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) states that any work over 40 hours in a 168 hour period is counted as overtime since the average American work week is 40 hours – that’s eight hours per day for five days a week.

Is it good to work overtime?

Working overtime may also help advance your career by proving that you are reliable and motivated in your role. For the employer the pros of overtime include having more hourly employees who don’t need to be paid a salary or extra benefits in exchange for higher output when required.

How is overtime paid?

Overtime pay is calculated: Hourly pay rate x 1.5 x overtime hours worked. … Regular pay rate x 40 hours = Regular pay plus. Regular pay rate x 1.5 x 2 hours = Overtime pay equals. Total pay for the week.

Is overtime over 8 hours a day?

Yes California law requires that employers pay overtime whether authorized or not at the rate of one and one-half times the employee’s regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of eight up to and including 12 hours in any workday and for the first eight hours of work on the seventh consecutive day of work …

Do you lose money working overtime?

As you’ll recall from the section about overtime and taxes the government will expect its share of any dollar you earn while working extra hours (in fact the IRS and CRA see no difference between money earned through overtime and regular income).

How many hours is overtime 2021?

All the non-exempt employees who are qualified for overtime are paid 1.5 times the regular rate for all hours worked in excess of 8 hours in a workday in excess of 40 hours in a workweek or for the first eight hours worked on the 7th consecutive day worked in any workweek.

Can you get fired for refusing to work overtime?

“Yes ” your employer can require you to work overtime and can fire you if you refuse according to the Fair Labor Standards Act or FLSA (29 U.S.C. § 201 and following) the federal overtime law. The FLSA sets no limits on how many hours a day or week your employer can require you to work.

Is it okay to say no to overtime?

Yes your boss can tell you that you need to work overtime. They can also legally fire you for saying “no.” But any mandatory overtime request needs to fall under the rules and regulations for your state and under federal law.

Is working overtime bad?

Significant effects include stress lack of free time poor work-life balance and health risks. Employee performance levels could also be lowered. Long work hours could lead to tiredness fatigue and lack of attentiveness.

Is overtime after 8 hours or 40 hours?

The definition of what is or is not overtime depends on the Modern Award enterprise agreement or contract of the employee. For some employees overtime may be after 8 hours for other it may be after 40 hours. However in most awards weekly overtime is payable after 38 hours for full time employees.

How do overtime hours work?

Modern awards that provide for overtime require overtime to be paid: At 150% (time and a half) of an employee’s ordinary time hourly rate for the first two or three hours of overtime worked. At 200% (double time) of an employee’s ordinary time hourly rate after the two or three hours of overtime worked.

Is unpaid overtime legal?

Yes. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is the federal law which requires employers to pay one and a half times your normal hourly wage for all overtime hours. … If your employer fails to pay you overtime wages for all overtime you work you may be entitled to receive compensation through a wage and hour claim.

Is working 32 hours considered full time?

Most employers determine full-time status based on business needs and typically consider an employee to be full-time if they work anywhere from 32 to 40 or more hours per week.

Is it legal to work over 12 hours a day?

12 hour shifts are legal. However the regulations generally require that there should be a break of 11 consecutive hours between each 12 hour shift.

Can you work 14 hours a day?

Some employees may have much longer shifts working 12 hours or more in a single day. … So while it is indeed legal to work 12 hours a day or more in California the employee must be compensated at double the regular rate for the hours past 12. Between eight and 12 hours they must be paid time and a half.

Does overtime get taxed?

It’s important to understand how your tax implications change if you work overtime. The first thing to know is that overtime does get taxed since it’s classified as a type of income. Overtime pay gets taxed at the same rate as ordinary income and not at a higher tax rate.

How much is overtime pay taxed?

Third the first $25 000 or so of income of a new worker is taxed at a 15 percent rate whereas a worker who makes over $30 000 a year and works extra hours is taxed at the 28 percent rate on all overtime income.

Working Overtime Is More Taxing Than You Think.

The Government’s Take
Overtime Pay $240.00
Worker’s Take‐​Home Pay $144.00
Government’s Take 114.40

See also a pioneer who had never farmed before was known as *

Do you get taxed more for doing overtime?

So does overtime get taxed? The simple answer is yes – overtime does get taxed. In fact overtime is taxed as the same rate as ordinary pay. However this can be slightly more complicated where your overtime isn’t paid at the same rate as your ordinary hours.

Can I sue my employer for not paying me overtime?

Workers covered under the FLSA can sue their past or present employer if required overtime wages were not properly paid. … If a number of employees at the same company have similar claims they may be able to file a class action lawsuit to recover their unpaid wages.

Who is eligible for overtime pay?

Employees covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) must receive overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40 in a workweek of at least one and one-half times their regular rates of pay.

Is it legal to work 50 hours a week?

Ordinarily an employer must not request that an employee works more than 38 hours a week unless the additional hours are reasonable. There is no fixed meaning of what reasonable additional hours may be and this may vary on a case by case basis.

Can I get fired for not answering my phone on my day off?

So to summarize yes your boss can fire you for not answering your phone on your day off. Some employers are respectful of employees’ time off. Others may abuse at-will employment laws and harass you consistently on your days off. In fact they may consider it part of your job.

Can my boss text me on my day off?

Simple answer: Yes. It’s legal. No laws require vacation time and as long as she’s not docking your pay for taking your kids to the doctor she can bug you about it and even require that you not do it. Long answer: Your boss has issues.

What is the longest shift you can legally work in a day?

Under California labor laws non-exempt employees shall not work more than eight (8) hours in any workday or more than 40 hours in any workweek unless they are compensated with overtime pay.

Is it legal to work 7 days a week?

Employers can get permission from the Department of Labor to work their employees 7 days a week but they can only do that a maximum of 8 weeks a year. See the complete rules here. The Department of Labor also enforces the law on behalf of employees.

How do I get out of overtime?

8 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Employee’s Overtime

  1. Treat overtime as the exception not the rule. …
  2. Make sure your team has the right equipment and resources. …
  3. Track and identify overtime patterns. …
  4. Cross-train your employees. …
  5. Try flexible work schedules to reduce overtime. …
  6. Cap overtime. …
  7. Match staffing to demand.

See also what are umbrella species

Can you be forced to work on your day off?

Your employer cannot make you work on a day contractually guaranteed to be your day off. … Written employment contracts and religion are the only reasons the employer could not require you to work on your day off—and fire you if you don’t. There is some good news though at least for hourly employees.

Is it smart to work overtime?

Working too many hours can lead to burnout fatigue and stress and employers need to ensure overtime is compliant with regulations on a worker’s right to rest. … Overtime can also actually seriously limit our productivity since when we work extended hours we don’t give our brains the rest they need to perform well.

What are the benefits of overtime?

The Positives of Working Overtime

  • More Money. The most obvious perk for employees who work overtime is more money. …
  • Extra Money Around the Holidays. Padded paychecks can especially help during the holidays. …
  • Opportunities for Promotions. …
  • Better Productivity for the Company.

Can Your Personality Change Over Time?

How Personality Traits Change Over Time with Wiebke Bleidorn PhD

SMED: How to do a Quick Changeover

How does ideology change over time?

What is the term for words that have changed meaning over time? For example, in relation to this question on Workplace Stack Exchange the term snafu was of military origin and was used to define a person, team, organisation, etc that continually makes mistakes. The first time I saw the term was in relation to a data protection leak and this now seems a pretty common usage e.g this article amongst the tech community.

Is there a term to describe words that have changed meaning over time, or words that have been adopted by a particular community and had their meaning altered?

Community's user avatar

asked Nov 26, 2012 at 15:16

br3w5's user avatar


There isn’t a word for those words, but the evolution of meaning is called semantic change.

answered Nov 26, 2012 at 15:26

joulesm's user avatar


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Snafu has not so much changed its meaning over time as come to be used by a larger linguistic community. Nevertheless, words do change their meaning over time. Where a word with a general meaning comes to have a more specific one, the process is semantic narrowing. An example is deer, which once meant any kind of animal, but now means only members of the family Cervidae. The opposite process is semantic widening. An example is office, which was limited to various ecclesiastical meanings before developing the uses which we know today.

answered Nov 26, 2012 at 15:28

Barrie England's user avatar

Barrie EnglandBarrie England

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At first I thought this…

anachronisms (words which have changed in meaning over the centuries)

…was a slightly odd definition. But then I realised I was conflating anachronisms with archaisms (words which aren’t used at all any more). In a language context, an anachronism arises if you try to use a word with a meaning which it no longer has (because the meaning has changed).

answered Nov 26, 2012 at 17:31

FumbleFingers's user avatar


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When a word goes from having a positive connotation to a negative one, it is said to have undergone «pejoration» (def: The process by which the meaning of a word becomes negative or less elevated over a period of time).

answered Oct 29, 2013 at 15:06

user55170's user avatar

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That said, Nouveau is constantly evolving,

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Тем не менее, драйвера Nouveau постоянно развиваются,

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The selection of indicators

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При выборе показателей учитывалось также,

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Clean technology is a concept of relative environmental performance, which is subject to change over time.

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Концепция чистой технологии связана с ее относительными природоохранными параметрами, которые со временем меняются.

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Good monitoring allows strategies to change over time


increase effectiveness and to support learning for future programmes.

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и делать соответствующие поправки для будущих.

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The issues affecting tourism growth,

competitiveness and sustainability have switched and will continue to change over time.

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Проблемы, влияющие на рост, конкурентоспособность

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With the exception of UNSTAT,

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The choice of scales and equivalence figures will reflect differences in

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Выбор шкал и показателей эквивалентности будет отражать различия в социальных условиях,

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Such policies, however, could also be expected to change over time, depending on economic and social development patterns.

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Тем не менее можно рассчитывать на то, что со временем в такую политику будут вноситься коррективы в зависимости от избранной модели экономического и социального развития.

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This requirement is likely to change over time, allowing you


use your wireless LAN card in more areas within France.

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Эти требования, вероятно, изменятся со временем, Вы можете использовать сетевую беспроводную карту во многих районах Франции.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

First, business accounting standards tend to change over time and there are different interpretations of the rules from


to time

which results in discontinuities.

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что в

свою очередь ведет к разрывам


рядах динамики.

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These legal definitions are bound by criminal law, operational policies and procedures,

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Такие юридические определения основаны на уголовном праве, оперативных мерах и процедурах,

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Ideally, your child’s bedroom offers an environment which stimulates his or her creativity and imagination,

context icon

Идеально, спальня вашего ребенка предлагает окружающую среду которая стимулирует his or her creativity и воображение,

Self-revision rates depend on a combination of factors that are likely to change over time, from language


language and from duty station


duty station.

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Показатели саморедактирования зависят от сочетания факторов, которые зачастую меняются во времени и зависят от языка и от места службы.

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As companies evolve all the time— in their ownership structure, financial resources, or geographical base,

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Поскольку компании со временем переживают эволюцию с точки зрения структуры собственности, финансовых ресурсов или географической базы,

их этика и система ценностей также имеют тенденцию меняться.

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The indicators, on the other hand, are intended


help in assessing compliance with the criteria and sub-criteria,

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Показатели, с другой стороны, направлены на содействие при оценке соответствия критериям и подкритериям, следовательно,

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These factors can be subject to change over time, and it is possible that fluctuations in such factors could

impact on the applicant’s claims that an alternative is not economically viable.

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повлиять на утверждения заявителя относительно экономической нежизнеспособности той или иной альтернативы.

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Unlike the CAPM, the APT, however, does not itself reveal the identity of its priced factors-

the number and nature of these factors is likely to change over time and between economies.

context icon

В отличие от CAPM, модель APT однако сама по себе не раскрывает сущность ее оцениваемых

UNOPS anticipates that both the programmatic content and

implementation modalities of development projects will continue to change over time, and that, accordingly, adjustments in the type of services provided

by UNOPS will be required.

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УОПООН предполагает, что как программное содержание, так и

формы осуществления проектов в области развития будут продолжать изменяться со временем и что, в соответствии с этим, потребуется проводить корректировку тех

видов услуг, которые предоставляются УОПООН.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

But such is the fate of this, namely, the residential complex-


live, to change over time and carry the features of different epochs,


be strangely attractive, repulsive and intriguing at the same


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Но, такова судьба этого, именно, жилого комплекса- жить, изменяться со временем и нести черты разных эпох,

быть странно притягательным, отталкивающим и интригующим одновременно.

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In many technical systems determining parameter(DP), which dominates as the»weakest link» in terms of parametric reliability, that is a quantitative measure of quality,

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Во многих технических системах определяющий параметр( ОП), который доминирует как« слабое звено» с точки зрения параметрической безотказности, то есть количественной мерой ее качества,

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The latter approach is more suited


monitoring where there is an exactly

defined objective that is not expected to change over time, e.g.,


answer the question»Are there differences

in diffuse soil contamination levels and trends between these land uses?

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Последний подход в большей степени пригоден для мониторинга в том случае, если поставлена четко определенная

цель, которая, как ожидается, не будет изменена с течением времени, например, заключающаяся в получении ответа на вопрос:»

Существуют ли между определенными видами землепользования различия


точки зрения уровней и трендов диффузного загрязнения почв?

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As the Secretary-General pointed out in his report, the objectives for which specific sanctions regimes were imposed and the criteria for their lifting have not been clearly defined,

or have seemed to change over time, as has been the case for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia(Serbia and Montenegro)

and Iraq.

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Как указал Генеральный секретарь в своем докладе, цели, ради которых были введены конкретные режимы санкций,

а также критерии их отмены не являются четко определенными или меняются со временем, как это было с Федеративной Республикой Югославией(

Сербия и Черногория) и Ираком.

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Given the great variety of situations and their susceptibility to change over time, it would appear


be impossible



a single set of methods for determining the object and purpose of a treaty, and admittedly a certain amount of subjectivity is inevitable- however, that is not uncommon in law in general and in international law in particular.

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учетом большого разнообразия ситуаций и их подверженности изменениям с течением времени представляется невозможным разработать единый комплекс методов

для определения объекта и цели договора и следует признать, что определенная степень субъективности неизбежна,- однако это не является чем-то необычным в праве в целом и в международном праве в частности.

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It is inevitable that words change their meanings over time but it is still interesting to know the English words the meanings of which became very different from what they mean originally.

You might be surprised to know that the words you’ll find here are mostly words that you use regularly. It is a regular occurrence and the change of meaning could be narrowed or broadened. An example of this is the word ”hound.” Previously, a canine is traditionally called hound, while dog is used to indicate a canine that is fierce and big. The term ”dog” became the common term, which is broadening its meaning. The meaning of ”hound” became narrow as it now only refers to hunting dogs. Dogs of smaller breeds, especially, including Chihuahuas and toy dogs should never be called hounds.

Some of the narrowing and broadening of the meaning of words happened randomly. The question whether someone drinks refers to imbibing alcoholic drinks rather than all liquids. Previously, enjoying music means enjoying classical music, nothing else. When you say you enjoy reading today, it more or less means that the person is reading fiction instead of books on various subjects including history, science, nature and the like.

Intuitive and transformative shift

The changing of the meaning of words follows a mild transformative and intuitive direction. In the old days ”meat” referred to all items related to food, which is why ”candy” is called sweetmeat. Now meat solely pertain to flesh, which, while narrowed stayed within the sphere of food.

Some of the shift was lateral. Bird for example used to refer to a baby animal before it became the overall term for flying animals, which used to be called ”fugol.” The latter narrowed and changed to ”fowl” and now refers to birds raised in farms such as hens, geese, ducks and turkeys.

Distant shifts

The meanings of many English words today are very far from the original because of implications.


One of them is the word ”audition” that seems to have the root word that refers to ”audio.” Today, when you hear the term, what easily comes to mind is a person trying out for a film or play.

However, when ”audition” first came to be used, the word was used by doctors to mean that a patient’s hearing would be better once the ears are cleared of whatever is blocking the sound.

In 19th century England, the term for tryouts became ”hearings” because at that time trying out for plays means listening to a person reciting something, which writers turned into something fancier by using the word ”audition.”

The word stuck and used primarily to mean trying out for a performance while hearing became the term that refers to sound perception.


Commodity now refers to staple products the quantity of which remains constant regardless of producers. The term is commonly used when referring to futures contracts that ensure uniformity in price even when the market fluctuates.

When the word was first used, it referred to comfort, for example, in accommodation, meaning indulging in personal comforts, such as enjoying the pleasure of staying in bed or spreading your body on a cozy sofa.

The current meaning is very distant for the original intent – from feeling comfortable to being products in the futures market, which is about financial contracts.


The word ”fine” came from the French word, ”fin” or end. Today, it has evolved to mean something that is ”the best,” ”the ultimate” or ”the top of the line.” Thus, initially fine, means either something of high quality or the end. The high quality meaning is what made it into the English language, which became associated with something delicate. It implies top quality as the item was produced with high precision.

However, there are other used for the word fine. When someone is asked how they are doing, the standard reply is he/she is fine. In this context, the word fine implies that the person is not hurt, is feeling great or in good health. The meaning extends to other things, such as the payment for a minor violation.

When you watch a French film, you are still likely see the word ”fin” at the end before the credits. But outside France, fine means something else.


The original meaning of the word ”minority” was a ”small portion” of something, which means that it was a technical term. However, today the word is generally used as a demographic term. When you say minority, the implication is that you refer to people of color. In the minds of many Americans, minority refers to Latino and Black people. So even if the Whites were outnumbered by Latinos or Blacks, they would never be referred to as minority because they do not have dark complexions.


Merry is a word the original meaning of which is very different from how it is used today. In the past, ”merry” meant ”short.” It is because something short or brief is pleasant. Now merry means joy, gaiety, full of merriment, fun, lively and so on. The English language already had a word ”short” in the early days, however, it meant ”sliced off.”

Merry had a long past as well. It started from the steppes in Ukraine where most of the languages in Europe originated. Merry came from the word ”mregh” that became ”brakhion” in Greece. It was a term used for the upper arm, as physically, the lower arm is longer than the upper arm. Brakhion entered the Latin language as ‘brakh” but ended as a pastry term, as in brachitella or bread that resembles folded arms. Old German adopted the term as brezitella that morphed into brezel in Middle High German, which is now known as pretzel.

In the French language, brach referred to shoulder straps that extended to mean the chemise worn by children. Brach evolved into brassiere which was shortened to ”bra.”

In a sense, pretzel and bra are the same as merry, although the evolution that happened gradually means that it would be impossible today to use the three words in a sentence that would make sense.

Awful and awesome

Both words came from ”awe,” which is an Old English word that originally meant dread, terror or fear. When used to refer to God, it meant respectful or reverential fear. Awesome and awful used to be synonyms, but in the 19th century however, awful became a term that is synonymous to the emotion’s negative aspect thus it usually refers to something very bad or something frightful. Awesome on the other hand became the term used to mean mind-boggling, stunning or marvelous, which were cited initially in a 1980 publication called Official Preppy Handbook.

old dictionary with page open, showing side tabs

Old dictionary with page open, showing side tabs

Opposite meaning

The meaning of words will continue to change as long as there are speakers of the language. Some of the meanings shift to become the opposite of the original while some become complimentary or otherwise.


From the Anglo-Norman language to classical Latin to English, the word ”nice” used to refer to someone ”ignorant” from the Latin word ”nescius.” Starting from the 1300s up to the 1600s the meaning was the same – ignorant, foolish or silly. But during the same period, nice took on different meanings, from being dissolute, wanton, cowardly, effeminate, lazy, intricate, sluggish, refined to elegant.

In the 16th century the meanings changed to sharp, attentive, meticulous. When the 18th century arrived, the meanings lost much of its prestige; it gained the meaning we use today, such as pleasant or agreeable.


Dinner started from the French word ”disner” that originated from the Latin term, ”disjejunare” or breaking the fast. Thus it originally referred to the first meal you have for the day. Through the evolution of the word, it was used to refer to the day’s main meal, which is still used in some circles. For the fashionable and professional classes today, as mentioned in the Oxford English Dictionary, dinner now refers to the largest meal taken in the evening. The last meal served during the day is called supper, which is seldom used today. The current meaning is a light meal in the early evening if you had dinner in the middle of the day. You could also have supper before you go to bed.


Naughty people in the 1300s were those who had naught or nothing. It meant they were either needy or poor. A millennium later, the meaning shifted to someone morally wicked or bad or someone who was worth nothing. So the meaning changed from having nothing to someone sexually provocative, promiscuous or licentious. But in the late 17th century other meanings were added to naughty. These are gentler terms, often used to refer to children who display misbehavior, disobedience or mischievousness.

Several more English words have changed meanings. Silly for example used to mean blessed or worthy before the meanings became vulnerable or weak. Today, it is mainly used to refer to someone foolish. Some are more difficult to comprehend, such as clue coming from the word ”clew” meaning a ball of yarn to being important pieces of evidence. Fathom used to mean, ”to encircle with your arm” whereas today it means understanding something after spending time to think about it.

It does not matter if the meanings of many English words continue to change. The human translators of Day Translations, Inc. will always use the most applicable words to accurately translate your documents. They are all native speakers and located around the world to serve your translation requirements quickly and efficiently. We serve clients 24/7, 365 days a year. So contact us for translation services anytime by calling us at 1-800-969-6853 or sending us an email at Contact us.

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