Word definition on your name

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Also see: name

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

your /yʊr, yɔr, unstressed yɚ/USA pronunciation  

  1. the form of the pronoun youthat is used to mean possessed or owned by you;
    of or relating to you;
    belonging to you, and is used before a noun:I like your idea. The library is on your left.
  2. (used to indicate all members of a group, occupation, etc., or things in a general way): some, any, or one:It’s just your average weekday.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(yŏŏr, yôr, yōr; unstressed yər),USA pronunciation pron. 

  1. (a form of the possessive case of you used as an attributive adjective):Your jacket is in that closet. I like your idea.Cf. yours. 
  2. one’s (used to indicate that one belonging to oneself or to any person):The consulate is your best source of information. As you go down the hill, the library is on your left.
  3. (used informally to indicate all members of a group, occupation, etc., or things of a particular type):Take your factory worker, for instance. Your power brakes don’t need that much servicing.
  • bef. 900; Middle English; Old English ēower (genitive of ye1); cognate with German euer

    See me. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

your /jɔː; jʊə; (unstressed) / determiner

  1. of, belonging to, or associated with you: your nose, your house, your first taste of freedom
  2. belonging to or associated with an unspecified person or people in general: the path is on your left heading north, this lotion is for your head only
  3. informal used to indicate all things or people of a certain type: your part-time worker is a problem

Etymology: Old English eower, genitive of ye1; related to Old Frisian jūwe, Old Saxon euwa, Old High German iuwēr

your name‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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It’s a clear, relevant definition.

Это вполне ясное и уместное определение.

I confess I have difficulty accepting a definition that says:

Признаюсь, мне сложно принять определение, которое гласит:

«A,» definition.


— I need a clear definition.

— Дайте точное определение.

— A better definition, but still not quite accurate.

— Это определение уже лучше, но все еще недостаточно соответствует.

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Beauty has taken on a broader definition to include mind, spirit, values, ideas.

Понятие красоты стало шире и теперь включает в себя и ум, и духовные ценности.

Not to probe your definition of sex or fidelity for this proceeding but while having your affair—

Не будем сейчас расследовать ваше понятие о сексе и верности для процесса но изменяя…

Someone’s definition of what constitutes cheating is in direct proportion to how much they themselves want to cheat.

Когда чье-то понятие измены находится в прямой пропорции желания изменять.

This could mean that the land occupied by the camp doesn’t fall under any statutory definition of unclaimed or unincorporated.

А это значит, что земля на которой находится лагерь не подпадает под понятие невостребованной или не имеющей статуса.

I think that you’re stretching the definition of friendship just a little bit.

Боюсь, ты слишком вольно трактуешь понятие дружбы. Самую малость.

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But that depends on your definition of floppy.

Но это зависит от вашего представления о мягкости.

In Europe we have another perspective on the American definition of friendship.

Прошу прощения, но в Европе совсем иные представления о том, что такое дружба по-американски.

Our definitions of policing may vary marginally.

Наши представления о полиции кардинально расходятся.

We just have different definitions of fun, and mine doesn’t include urinary tract infections and dry heaving.

У нас просто разные представления о веселье, и мое не включает заражение мочевого тракта и алкогольного отравления.

You and I have different definitions of emergency, then.

Значит, у нас с вами разные представления о срочности.

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The actual definition of tenacity.

Настоящее значение упорства.

Have we changed the definition of «a proven fact» to «crap you made up»?

Разве мы изменили значение «доказанного факта» на «фигню, которую ты выдумал»?

Principal Cox seriously needs to change his definition of feminism.

Директору Коксу нужно серьезно пересмотреть значение феминизма.


— Его значение?

And you both use the standard definition of the word «now»?

И вы оба имеете в виду обычное значение слова «сейчас»?

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«That is this man’s definition of lazy.»

Вот этот человек определенно ленивый.»

And I believe that that, my friends, Is the definition of an airtight alibi.

И я полагаю, друзья мои, что что это определённо отличное алиби.

It’s the definition of soul mates.

Это определенно родные души.

That by definition is not a great photo.

Это определенно не самое удачное фото.

You’re the definition of damaged goods.

Ты определенно поврежденный товар.

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Now it used to be the definitions of a mother was simple. It’s the dear lady who gave birth to you.

Раньше определение слова «мать» было простым – то прекрасная женщина, которая родила тебя.

Your definition of cool must include a lame sense of humor, ultracompetitive and has a sports analogy for everything.

В твое определение слова «классный» должны входить хромающее чувство юмора, нездоровая любовь к соревнованиям и спортивные аналогии ко всему на свете.

So I looked up the definition of «tradition» in the dictionary.

Так что я посмотрел определение слова «традиция» в словаре.

The policies are-— look up the definition, my friend-— they’re socialist.

Посмотри определение слова, друг мой… они социалисты.

Do you not know the definition of the word «separated»?

Ты знаешь определение слова «разошлись»?

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Fine. Jim and I have different definitions of friendship.

Мы с Джимом по-разному понимаем дружбу.

Well, I think we all know the definition of people. Yeah.

Я думал, мы все отлично понимаем, что такое люди.

I think we have different definitions of «fun.»

Да. Мы понимаем веселье по-разному.

I think we may have very different definitions of that word.

Похоже, мы по-разному понимаем это слово.

You and I have very different definitions of the word «party.»

Кажется, под «вечеринкой» мы понимаем разные вещи.

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[chuckles] by definition of being in this family,

По сути, являясь частью этой семьи

Now, if Mei Chen controls these dreams, then by definition they are not, in fact, lucid.

Теперь, когда Мей Чен контролирует эти сны, То по сути они не являются ясными.

Now, Luther though a Thomist by definition, departed from him

Лютер, хоть и фомист по сути, отступил от него

Uh, actually, uh, this is your job, so, by definition, it’s your concern.

Вообще-то, это твоя работа, так что, по сути, это твоё дело.

She accused me of ghosting him, and I get that she’s 15 and by definition that makes her a bitch, but it’s, like, really fucking with me.

Она обвинила меня в том, что я отреклась от него, и я понимаю, что ей только 15, и по сути это делает её сукой, но это как будто я — блядь на самом деле.

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Of course, my definition of monogamy includes sex with prostitutes.

Но мое понимание моногамии не исключает секса с проститутками.

My work is not decoration… it is definition… and this… this is my gift.

Моя работа не украшать.. а давать понимание.. и в этом..

You found out some crows died in Somalia 18 years ago. You know, your definition of «paid off»

Знаешь, твое понимание «результата»

You have a funny definition of justice.

У вас забавное понимание правосудия.

And, of course, the problem… with Martin’s definition of the novella… is that it really only applies to him.

И конечно же, проблема… своеобразного понимания Мартином такого литературного жанра как новелла… заключается в том, что только к нему она и может быть применима.

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And that’s I suppose, a classical definition of physical dependence.

И это, я полагаю, классическое описание физической зависимости.

That’s the definition of a hero.

Это описание героя.

The definition of someone who’s suicidal means they’re under duress.

Описание людей, покончивших жизнь самоубийством означает, что они находятся под давлением.

I believe, Dudley, that is the definition of cannon fodder.

Я убежден, Дадли, что это описание пушечного мяса.

the very definition of insanity.

Точное описание безумия.

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name | American Dictionary

Hello, my name is Beth.

I’m looking for someone by the name of (= who has the name) Stephen Weinberg.

She had made a name for herself as an architect by the time she was thirty.


to give a name to someone or something:

(Definition of name from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Examples of name


Sometimes, and with some letters (especially at the youngest age level), phonetic letter names are produced.

Note that the above rule may be applied provided the scope of substituted names is localised to the term to be reduced.

Do bilinguals activate phonological representations in one or both of their languages when naming words?

Their new name replaces a contentious vowel with an arrowhead.

The name has survived the demise of the political power with which it was originally identified by almost three centuries.

Even in this, the only surviving portion, no less than 50 falconers with whom he worked are named.

Name training either taught some children that novel names should be mapped onto novel kinds or enhanced their commitment to this belief.

Within this, the cultural changes have a tempo based around these recognisable events, with named key individuals and short periods of analysis.

The back of the menu, like the club name, inverted another old female stereotype, this time women’s supposed cattiness among themselves.

Because they cannot claim real property on their findings, they may attach their names to them as a gesture of symbolic ownership for their work.

But then one would be deploying an alternative conclusion of justice; one would not challenge it in the name of one of the rival claims.

Ultimately, the destructor proved inefficient and, as its name implies, it left a strong legacy of disposal.

In the restricted syntax, top-level classes do not contain nested classes; all types are top-level class names; and methods are monomorphic.

Several characteristics of confrontation naming performance by typically developing subjects have been reported in the literature.

With this in mind, it seems a shame that we have to use different names for each of these variants.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Collocations with name

These are words often used in combination with name.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

descriptive name

These segments usually start with a sharp and dramatic rise to a high pitch-thus the descriptive name.

false name

Why give him a passport in a false name?

fancy name

The constraint is that the binary tree should be atiguously marked, a fancy name for a non-contiguous marking.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.



1    of, belonging to, or associated with you  
your nose, your house, your first taste of freedom     

2    belonging to or associated with an unspecified person or people in general  
the path is on your left heading north, this lotion is for your head only     

3    Informal   used to indicate all things or people of a certain type  
your part-time worker is a problem     

your actual     (Brit)  
informal   (intensifier)  
here is your actual automatic tin-opener     
     (Old English eower, genitive of ge ye1; related to Old Frisian juwe, Old Saxon euwa, Old High German iuwer)  

      n   a request for permission (esp. in the phrase without so much as a by-your-leave)  

Slang   aggressive and confrontational  
provocative in-your-face activism     

      n   a Mediterranean urticaceous plant, Helxine soleirolii, with small dense leaves: used for cover  

Informal   a hand-rolled cigarette  

English Collins Dictionary — English Definition & Thesaurus  

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NameError — одна из самых распространенных ошибок в Python. Начинающих она может пугать, но в ней нет ничего сложного. Это ошибка говорит о том, что вы попробовали использовать переменную, которой не существует.

В этом руководстве поговорим об ошибке «NameError name is not defined». Разберем несколько примеров и разберемся, как эту ошибку решать.

NameError возникает в тех случаях, когда вы пытаетесь использовать несуществующие имя переменной или функции.

В Python код запускается сверху вниз. Это значит, что переменную нельзя объявить уже после того, как она была использована. Python просто не будет знать о ее существовании.

Самая распространенная NameError выглядит вот так:

NameError: name 'some_name' is not defined

Разберем частые причина возникновения этой ошибки.

Причина №1: ошибка в написании имени переменной или функции

Для человека достаточно просто сделать опечатку. Также просто для него — найти ее. Но это не настолько просто для Python.

Язык способен интерпретировать только те имена, которые были введены корректно. Именно поэтому важно следить за правильностью ввода всех имен в коде.

Если ошибку не исправить, то возникнет исключение. Возьмем в качестве примера следующий код:

books = ["Near Dark", "The Order", "Where the Crawdads Sing"]

Он вернет:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 3, in 
NameError: name 'boooks' is not defined

Для решения проблемы опечатку нужно исправить. Если ввести print(books), то код вернет список книг.

Таким образом при возникновении ошибки с именем в первую очередь нужно проверить, что все имена переменных и функций введены верно.

Причина №2: вызов функции до объявления

Функции должны использоваться после объявления по аналогии с переменными. Это связано с тем, что Python читает код сверху вниз.

Напишем программу, которая вызывает функцию до объявления:

books = ["Near Dark", "The Order", "Where the Crawdads Sing"]


def print_books(books):
	for b in books:

Код вернет:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 3, in 
NameError: name 'print_books' is not defined

На 3 строке мы пытаемся вызвать print_books(). Однако эта функция объявляется позже.

Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, нужно перенести функцию выше:

def print_books(books):
	for b in books:

books = ["Near Dark", "The Order", "Where the Crawdads Sing"]


Причина №3: переменная не объявлена

Программы становятся больше, и порой легко забыть определить переменную. В таком случае возникнет ошибка. Причина в том, что Python не способен работать с необъявленными переменными.

Посмотрим на программу, которая выводит список книг:

Такой код вернет:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 1, in 
	for b in books:
NameError: name 'books' is not defined

Переменная books объявлена не была.

Для решения проблемы переменную нужно объявить в коде:

books = ["Near Dark", "The Order", "Where the Crawdads Sing"]

for b in books:

Причина №4: попытка вывести одно слово

Чтобы вывести одно слово, нужно заключить его в двойные скобки. Таким образом мы сообщаем Python, что это строка. Если этого не сделать, язык будет считать, что это часть программы. Рассмотрим такую инструкцию print():

Этот код пытается вывести слово «Books» в консоль. Вместо этого он вернет ошибку:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 1, in 
NameError: name 'Books' is not defined

Python воспринимает «Books» как имя переменной. Для решения проблемы нужно заключить имя в скобки:

Теперь Python знает, что нужно вывести в консоли строку, и код возвращает Books.

Причина №5: объявление переменной вне области видимости

Есть две области видимости переменных: локальная и глобальная. Локальные переменные доступны внутри функций или классов, где они были объявлены. Глобальные переменные доступны во всей программе.

Если попытаться получить доступ к локальной переменной вне ее области видимости, то возникнет ошибка.

Следующий код пытается вывести список книг вместе с их общим количеством:

def print_books():
  books = ["Near Dark", "The Order", "Where the Crawdads Sing"]
  for b in books:


Код возвращает:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 5, in 
NameError: name 'books' is not defined

Переменная books была объявлена, но она была объявлена внутри функции print_books(). Это значит, что получить к ней доступ нельзя в остальной части программы.

Для решения этой проблемы нужно объявить переменную в глобальной области видимости:

books = ["Near Dark", "The Order", "Where the Crawdads Sing"]

def print_books():
  for b in books:


Код выводит название каждой книги из списка books. После этого выводится общее количество книг в списке с помощью метода len().

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation, that functions as a principal carrier of meaning. Words are composed of one or more morphemes and are either the smallest units susceptible of independent use or consist of two or three such units combined under certain linking conditions, as with the loss of primary accent that distinguishes the one-wordblackbird (primary stress on “black”, and secondary stress on “bird”) from black bird (primary stress on both words). Words are usually separated by spaces in writing, and are distinguished phonologically, as by accent, in many languages.

(used in combination with the first letter of an offensive or unmentionable word, the first letter being lowercase or uppercase, with or without a following hyphen): My mom married at 20, and she mentions the m-word every time I meet someone she thinks is eligible.See also C-word, F-word, N-word.


  1. speech or talk: to express one’s emotion in words;Words mean little when action is called for.
  2. the text or lyrics of a song as distinguished from the music.
  3. contentious or angry speech; a quarrel: We had words and she walked out on me.

a short talk or conversation: Marston, I’d like a word with you.

an expression or utterance: a word of warning.

warrant, assurance, or promise: I give you my word I’ll be there.

news; tidings; information: We received word of his death.

a verbal signal, as a password, watchword, or countersign.

an authoritative utterance, or command: His word was law.

Also called machine word. Computers. a string of bits, characters, or bytes treated as a single entity by a computer, particularly for numeric purposes.

(initial capital letter)Also called the Word, the Word of God.

  1. the Scriptures; the Bible.
  2. the Logos.
  3. the message of the gospel of Christ.

a proverb or motto.

verb (used with object)

to express in words; select words to express; phrase: to word a contract with great care.



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Idioms about word

    at a word, in immediate response to an order or request; in an instant: At a word they came to take the situation in hand.

    be as good as one’s word, to hold to one’s promises.

    eat one’s words, to retract one’s statement, especially with humility: They predicted his failure, but he made them eat their words.

    have a word, to talk briefly: Tell your aunt that I would like to have a word with her.

    have no words for, to be unable to describe: She had no words for the sights she had witnessed.

    in a word, in summary; in short: In a word, there was no comparison.Also in one word.

    in so many words, in unequivocal terms; explicitly: She told them in so many words to get out.

    keep one’s word, to fulfill one’s promise: I said I’d meet the deadline, and I kept my word.

    man of his word / woman of her word, a person who can be trusted to keep a promise; a reliable person.

    (upon) my word! (used as an exclamation of surprise or astonishment.)

    of few words, laconic; taciturn: a woman of few words but of profound thoughts.

    of many words, talkative; loquacious; wordy: a person of many words but of little wit.

    put in a good word for, to speak favorably of; commend: He put in a good word for her with the boss.Also put in a word for.

    take one at one’s word, to take a statement to be literal and true.

    take the words out of one’s mouth, to say exactly what another person was about to say.

    weigh one’s words, to choose one’s words carefully in speaking or writing: It was an important message, and he was weighing his words.

Origin of word

First recorded before 900; Middle English, Old English; cognate with Dutch woord, German Wort, Old Norse orth, orð, Gothic waurd, waúrd, all from Germanic wurdam (unattested); akin to Latin verbum “word,” Greek rhḗtōr (dialect wrḗtōr ) “public speaker, orator, rhetorician,” Old Prussian wirds “word,” Lithuanian var̃das “name”


in·ter·word, adjectiveout·word, verb (used with object)well-word·ed, adjective

Words nearby word

Worcester china, Worcester sauce, Worcestershire, Worcestershire sauce, Worcs, word, word accent, wordage, word association, word association test, word-blind

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to word

conversation, talk, account, advice, announcement, comment, expression, information, message, news, remark, report, rumor, saying, speech, concept, name, phrase, sound, term

How to use word in a sentence

  • In other words, the large-scale burning this summer shows that these campaigns have yet to effectively prevent deforestation or the subsequent uncontrolled wildfires in Brazil.

  • In this example, I went with the word “shoes” as this is a product listing for shoes.

  • That may feel like a strange word to describe a perennial 50-game winner — one that’s been so good, and so close — with a generational scoring talent.

  • Think of good synonyms or words connected to the brand, without compromising your Google ranking.

  • If you mouse over the word, you’ll see original English word.

  • This is acting in every sense of the word—bringing an unevolved animal to life and making it utterly believable.

  • She vowed to repay the money—no official word, however, on whether she ever did that.

  • But news of the classes is spread mainly by word of mouth, and participants bring along their friends and families.

  • Still other people have moved away from the word “diet” altogether.

  • Back in Iran, he once got word that the Iranians were going to raid a village where his men were stationed.

  • Not a word now,” cried Longcluse harshly, extending his hand quickly towards him; “I may do that which can’t be undone.

  • Every word that now fell from the agitated Empress was balm to the affrighted nerves of her daughter.

  • When we were mounted Mac leaned over and muttered an admonitory word for Piegan’s ear alone.

  • Now for the tempering of the Gudgeons, I leave it to the judgment of the Workman; but a word or two of the polishing of it.

  • Huxley quotes with satirical gusto Dr. Wace’s declaration as to the word «Infidel.»

British Dictionary definitions for word (1 of 3)


one of the units of speech or writing that native speakers of a language usually regard as the smallest isolable meaningful element of the language, although linguists would analyse these further into morphemesRelated adjective: lexical, verbal

an instance of vocal intercourse; chat, talk, or discussionto have a word with someone

an utterance or expression, esp a brief onea word of greeting

news or informationhe sent word that he would be late

a verbal signal for action; commandwhen I give the word, fire!

an undertaking or promiseI give you my word; he kept his word

an autocratic decree or utterance; orderhis word must be obeyed

a watchword or slogan, as of a political partythe word now is «freedom»

computing a set of bits used to store, transmit, or operate upon an item of information in a computer, such as a program instruction

as good as one’s word doing what one has undertaken or promised to do

at a word at once

by word of mouth orally rather than by written means

in a word briefly or in short

my word!

  1. an exclamation of surprise, annoyance, etc
  2. Australian an exclamation of agreement

of one’s word given to or noted for keeping one’s promisesI am a man of my word

put in a word for or put in a good word for to make favourable mention of (someone); recommend

take someone at his word or take someone at her word to assume that someone means, or will do, what he or she sayswhen he told her to go, she took him at his word and left

take someone’s word for it to accept or believe what someone says

the last word

  1. the closing remark of a conversation or argument, esp a remark that supposedly settles an issue
  2. the latest or most fashionable design, make, or modelthe last word in bikinis
  3. the finest example (of some quality, condition, etc)the last word in luxury

the word the proper or most fitting expressioncold is not the word for it, it’s freezing!

upon my word!

  1. archaic on my honour
  2. an exclamation of surprise, annoyance, etc

word for word

  1. (of a report, transcription, etc) using exactly the same words as those employed in the situation being reported; verbatim
  2. translated by substituting each word in the new text for each corresponding word in the original rather than by general sense

word of honour a promise; oath

(modifier) of, relating to, or consisting of wordsa word list


(tr) to state in words, usually specially selected ones; phrase

(tr often foll by up) Australian informal to inform or advise (a person)

Word Origin for word

Old English word; related to Old High German wort, Old Norse orth, Gothic waurd, Latin verbum, Sanskrit vratá command

British Dictionary definitions for word (2 of 3)

noun the Word

Christianity the 2nd person of the Trinity

Scripture, the Bible, or the Gospels as embodying or representing divine revelationOften called: the Word of God

Word Origin for Word

translation of Greek logos, as in John 1:1

British Dictionary definitions for word (3 of 3)

n combining form

(preceded by the and an initial letter) a euphemistic way of referring to a word by its first letter because it is considered to be in some way unmentionable by the userthe C-word, meaning cancer

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with word

In addition to the idioms beginning with word

  • word for word
  • word of honor
  • word of mouth, by
  • words fail me
  • words of one syllable, in
  • words stick in one’s throat
  • words to that effect
  • word to the wise, a

also see:

  • actions speak louder than words
  • at a loss (for words)
  • at a word
  • break one’s word
  • eat one’s words
  • famous last words
  • fighting words
  • four-letter word
  • from the word go
  • get a word in edgewise
  • give the word
  • go back on (one’s word)
  • good as one’s word
  • hang on someone’s words
  • have a word with
  • have words with
  • in brief (a word)
  • in other words
  • in so many words
  • keep one’s word
  • last word
  • leave word
  • man of his word
  • mark my words
  • mince matters (words)
  • mum’s the word
  • not breathe a word
  • not open one’s mouth (utter a word)
  • of few words
  • picture is worth a thousand words
  • play on words
  • put in a good word
  • put into words
  • put words in someone’s mouth
  • swallow one’s words
  • take someone at his or her word
  • take the words out of someone’s mouth
  • true to (one’s word)
  • weasel word
  • weigh one’s words

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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: a statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol


: a statement expressing the essential nature of something


: a product of defining


: the action or process of stating the meaning of a word or word group



: the action or the power of describing, explaining, or making definite and clear

the definition of a telescope

her comic genius is beyond definition


: clarity of visual presentation : distinctness of outline or detail

improve the definition of an image


: clarity especially of musical sound in reproduction


: sharp demarcation of outlines or limits

a jacket with distinct waist definition


: an act of determining


: the formal proclamation of a Roman Catholic dogma


Example Sentences

For the last eight years or so, I’ve been watching the evolution of bikes made for women. At the beginning of that time, there were a small number of women’s bikes available, most offered with low-end, sometimes no-name, spec, as if by definition all women riders were beginners.

Christine Bucher, Bicycling, March 2008

Not only is Ellen Byrne a chocolatier, but she takes the definition of artisan to a higher level.

Amy Johansson, Chocolatier, February/March 2006

One kind of poverty is that of the imagination—the inability to envision a future truly different from the present. Jasmine had long judged people based on whether or not they gave her food and clothing, but, as she watched Carolyn and Gus and other families, she found herself mulling different gauges of worth. She’d been working lately on a definition of love.

Katherine Boo, New Yorker, 28 Nov. 2005

Ideology thus provides definition of both systemic reality and values: it provides a set of preconceptions of what is and of what ought to be.

Warren J. Samuels, Modern Economic Thought, (1977) 1993

What is the legal definition of a corporation?

A week of fishing is my definition of a vacation.

a monitor with good definition and vibrant colors

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Collage: The Verge And yet, to point all this out seems like pedantry because the image undeniably looks real — for a certain definition of real, anyway.

James Vincent, The Verge, 27 Mar. 2023

Some states have a narrow definition, passing laws that ban anything with more than 10 rounds.

Todd C. Frankel, Washington Post, 27 Mar. 2023

This intra-Latino controversy is yet another example of how impossible a precise definition of Latino identity has become.

Geraldo Cadava, The New Yorker, 25 Mar. 2023

But that’s only according to one definition of a bomb cyclone, where the pressure of a low-pressure system around 40 degrees latitude needs to drop by 17 millibars in under 24 hours.

Gerry Díaz, San Francisco Chronicle, 21 Mar. 2023

Any suitable general definition must thus fulfill two disparate ends.

WIRED, 21 Mar. 2023

Best Hair Gel Odele Flex Hair Gel $12 at odelebeauty.com This medium-hold gel can give curls and waves definition or slick your hair for classic styles without crunchiness and won’t flake onto your shoulders as the day goes on.

Garrett Munce, Men’s Health, 21 Mar. 2023

The disorder may happen when someone close to the bereaved person died at least 12 months earlier, or at least six months earlier for children and adolescents, according to the definition of the disorder.

Stephanie Innes, The Arizona Republic, 20 Mar. 2023

The 2022 roster comprised 34 U.S. banks, and included all the regionals under the Fed’s definition of assets over $100 billion.

Shawn Tully, Fortune, 20 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘definition.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English diffinicioun, borrowed from Anglo-French diffiniciun, definiciun, borrowed from Latin dēfīnītiōn-, dēfīnītiō «fixing of a boundary, precise description,» from dēfīnīre «to mark the limits of, determine, define» + -tiōn-, -tiō, suffix of verbal action

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 4

Time Traveler

The first known use of definition was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near definition

Cite this Entry

“Definition.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/definition. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
30 Mar 2023
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Merriam-Webster unabridged

the borderline between various linguistic units is not always sharp
and clear, we shall try to define every new term on its first
appearance at once simply and unambiguously, if not always very
rigorously. The approximate definition of the term word
has already been given in the opening page of the book.

important point to remember about
is that they should indicate the most essential characteristic
features of the notion expressed by the term under discussion, the
features by which this notion is distinguished from other similar
notions. For instance, in defining the word one must distinguish it
from other linguistic units, such as the phoneme, the morpheme, or
the word-group. In contrast with a definition, a description
aims at enumerating all the essential features of a notion.

make things easier we shall begin by a preliminary description,
illustrating it with some examples.

may be described as the basic unit of language. Uniting meaning and
form, it is composed of one or more morphemes, each consisting of one
or more spoken sounds or their written representation. Morphemes as
we have already said are also meaningful units but they cannot be
used independently, they are always parts of words whereas words can
be used as a complete utterance (e. g. Listen!).
combinations of morphemes within words are subject to certain linking
conditions. When a derivational affix is added a new word is formed,
thus, listen
different words. In fulfilling different grammatical functions words
may take functional affixes: listen
different forms of the same word. Different forms of the same word
can be also built analytically with the help of auxiliaries. E.g.:
world should listen then as I am listening now

used in sentences together with other words they are syntactically
organised. Their freedom of entering into syntactic constructions is
limited by many factors, rules and constraints (e. g.: They
told me this story
not *They
spoke me this story).

definition of every basic notion is a very hard task: the definition
of a word is one of the most difficult in linguistics because the


word has many different aspects. It has a sound form because it is a
certain arrangement of phonemes; it has its morphological structure,
being also a certain arrangement of morphemes; when used in actual
speech, it may occur in different word forms, different syntactic
functions and signal various meanings. Being the central element of
any language system, the word is a sort of focus for the problems of
phonology, lexicology, syntax, morphology and also for some other
sciences that have to deal with language and speech, such as
philosophy and psychology, and probably quite a few other branches of
knowledge. All attempts to characterise the word are necessarily
specific for each domain of science and are therefore considered
one-sided by the representatives of all the other domains and
criticised for incompleteness. The variants of definitions were so
numerous that some authors (A. Rossetti, D.N. Shmelev) collecting
them produced works of impressive scope and bulk.

few examples will suffice to show that any definition is conditioned
by the aims and interests of its author.

Hobbes (1588-1679),
of the great English philosophers, revealed a materialistic approach
to the problem of nomination when he wrote that words are not mere
sounds but names of matter. Three centuries later the great Russian
physiologist I.P. Pavlov (1849-1936)
the word in connection with his studies of the second signal system,
and defined it as a universal signal that can substitute any other
signal from the environment in evoking a response in a human
organism. One of the latest developments of science and engineering
is machine translation. It also deals with words and requires a
rigorous definition for them. It runs as follows: a word is a
sequence of graphemes which can occur between spaces, or the
representation of such a sequence on morphemic level.

the scope of linguistics the word has been defined syntactically,
semantically, phonologically and by combining various approaches.

has been syntactically defined for instance as “the minimum
sentence” by H. Sweet and much later by L. Bloomfield as “a
minimum free form”. This last definition, although structural in
orientation, may be said to be, to a certain degree, equivalent to
Sweet’s, as practically it amounts to the same thing: free forms
are later defined as “forms which occur as sentences”.

Sapir takes into consideration the syntactic and semantic aspects
when he calls the word “one of the smallest completely satisfying
bits of isolated ‘meaning’, into which the sentence resolves
itself”. Sapir also points out one more, very important
characteristic of the word, its indivisibility:
“It cannot be cut into without a disturbance of meaning, one or two
other or both of the several parts remaining as a helpless waif on
our hands”. The essence of indivisibility will be clear from a
comparison of the article a
the prefix a-
A lion
a word-group because we can separate its elements and insert other
words between them: a
living lion, a dead lion. Alive
a word: it is indivisible, i.e. structurally impermeable: nothing can
be inserted between its elements. The morpheme a-
not free, is not a word. The


becomes more complicated if we cannot be guided by solid spelling.’
“The Oxford English Dictionary», for instance, does not
include the
reciprocal pronouns each
separate headings, although
they should certainly be analysed as word-units, not as word-groups
since they have become indivisible: we now say with
each other
one another
of the older forms one
with another
with the other.

one word according to its spelling, but how is one to treat all
is rather a similar combination?

discussing the internal cohesion of the word the English linguist
John Lyons points out that it should be discussed in terms of two
criteria “positional
To illustrate the first he segments into morphemes the following











sentence may be regarded as a sequence of ten morphemes, which occur
in a particular order relative to one another. There are several
possible changes in this order which yield an acceptable English




















under all the permutations certain groups of morphemes behave as
‘blocks’ —
occur always together, and in the same order relative to one another.
There is no possibility of the sequence s




of the characteristics of the word is that it tends to be internally
stable (in terms of the order of the component morphemes), but
positionally mobile (permutable with other words in the same

purely semantic treatment will be found in Stephen Ullmann’s
explanation: with him connected discourse, if analysed from the
semantic point of view, “will fall into a certain number of
meaningful segments which are ultimately composed of meaningful
units. These meaningful units are called words.»3

semantic-phonological approach may be illustrated by A.H.Gardiner’s
definition: “A word is an articulate sound-symbol in its aspect of
denoting something which is spoken about.»4

eminent French linguist A. Meillet (1866-1936)
the semantic, phonological and grammatical criteria and advances a
formula which underlies many subsequent definitions, both abroad and
in our country, including the one given in the beginning of this
book: “A word is defined by the association of a particular meaning
with a

An Introduction to the Study of Speech. London, 1921,

2 Lyons,
to Theoretical Linguistics. Cambridge: Univ. Press, 1969.
P. 203.

3 Ullmann
Principles of Semantics. Glasgow, 1957.

4 Gardiner
Definition of the Word and the Sentence //
British Journal of Psychology. 1922.
P. 355
from: Ullmann
cit., P. 51).


group of sounds capable of a particular grammatical employment.»1

definition does not permit us to distinguish words from phrases
because not only child,
pretty child
well are combinations of a particular group of sounds with a
particular meaning capable of a particular grammatical employment.

can, nevertheless, accept this formula with some modifications,
adding that a word is the smallest significant unit of a given
language capable of functioning alone and characterised by positional
a sentence, morphological
and semantic
All these criteria are necessary because they permit us to create a
basis for the oppositions between the word and the phrase, the word
and the phoneme, and the word and the morpheme: their common feature
is that they are all units of the language, their difference lies in
the fact that the phoneme is not significant, and a morpheme cannot
be used as a complete utterance.

reason for this supplement is the widespread scepticism concerning
the subject. It has even become a debatable point whether a word is a
linguistic unit and not an arbitrary segment of speech. This opinion
is put forth by S. Potter, who writes that “unlike a phoneme or a
syllable, a word is not a linguistic unit at all.»3
He calls it a conventional and arbitrary segment of utterance, and
finally adopts the already mentioned
definition of L. Bloomfield. This position is, however, as
we have already mentioned, untenable, and in fact S. Potter himself
makes ample use of the word as a unit in his linguistic analysis.

weak point of all the above definitions is that they do not establish
the relationship between language and thought, which is formulated if
we treat the word as a dialectical unity of form and content, in
which the form is the spoken or written expression which calls up a
specific meaning, whereas the content is the meaning rendering the
emotion or the concept in the mind of the speaker which he intends to
convey to his listener.

up our review of different definitions, we come to the conclusion
that they are bound to be strongly dependent upon the line of
approach, the aim the scholar has in view. For a comprehensive word
theory, therefore, a description seems more appropriate than a

problem of creating a word theory based upon the materialistic
understanding of the relationship between word and thought on the one
hand, and language and society, on the other, has been one of the
most discussed for many years. The efforts of many eminent scholars
such as V.V. Vinogradov, A. I. Smirnitsky, O.S. Akhmanova, M.D.
Stepanova, A.A. Ufimtseva —
name but a few, resulted in throwing light

historique et linguistique generate. Paris,
I. P. 30.

2 It
might be objected that such words as articles, conjunctions and a few
other words
never occur as sentences, but they are not numerous and could be
collected into a
list of exceptions.

3 See:
Linguistics. London, 1957.


on this problem and achieved a
clear presentation of the word as a basic unit of the language. The
main points may now be summarised.

is the
of language.
It is a dialectical
of form
Its content or meaning is not identical to notion, but it may reflect
human notions, and in this sense may be considered as the form of
their existence. Concepts fixed in the meaning of words are formed as
generalised and approximately correct reflections of reality,
therefore in signifying them words reflect reality in their content.

acoustic aspect of the word serves to name objects of reality, not to
reflect them. In this sense the word may be regarded as a sign. This
sign, however, is not arbitrary but motivated by the whole process of
its development. That is to say, when a word first comes into
existence it is built out of the elements already available in the
language and according to the existing patterns.

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Твое определение» убрать», возможно, отличается от того, что другие думают по этому поводу.

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Можно составить карту любого технологического процесса, но ваше определение« продукта» может быть немного иным.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

context icon

and it would mean that I somehow have reason to beat the crap out of poor Chris Sublette.

context icon

и значит, что я так или иначе имею причину, чтобы выбить все дерьмо из бедняги Криса Саблетта.

to draw a warm bath and slit


wrists, then I am peachy.

context icon



теплую ванну и разрезать запястья


длину, то у меня все замечательно.

All of a sudden, your definition of good and evil becomes defined by how many votes it gets you.

context icon

Внезапно, твои понятия добра и зла определяются количеством голосов, которые они тебе принесут.

illustrated with some natural images, like a dolphin playing with them.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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когда проиллюстрирована примерно естественного изображения, как дельфин играть с ними.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Not to probe your definition of sex or fidelity for this proceeding but while having



context icon

Не будем сейчас расследовать ваше понятие о сексе и верности для процесса но изменяя.

Again, your definition of»value» will change depending on the product,

but the ideas are the same.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Опять же, ваше определение« ценности» будет изменяться в зависимости от продукта,

но основной принцип остается тем же.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

but I define a lapsed donor as someone who has not donated to


organization within the last year, two years or three years.

context icon

но я определяю lapsed дарителя как кто-то которое donated к


организации в пределах last year, 2 лет или 3 лет.

Depending on your definition, two or three far right parties became the biggest party in their country.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

В зависимости от вашего определения, две или три ультраправые партии стали крупнейшими партиями в своих странах.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

You will be able to personalize and

customize probably adding to your definition of a perfect addition.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Вы сможете персонализировать и настроить наверное прибавление для вашего определения безупречного прибавления.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

When the woman arrived at the hospital, did her case fit your definition of a near-miss obstetrical emergency?

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Когда женщина поступила в стационар, подпадало ли ее состояние под ваше определение критического случая, требующего экстренного вмешательства?

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Equally, your definition of political equality is rejected both by Turkey

and Mr. Denktaş and both are adamant in their demand for equal representation in the Federal Council of Ministers, consensus decisions and Presidency by rotation.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Кроме того, как Турция, так и г-н Денкташ отвергают Ваше определение политического равенства

и оба они непреклонны в своем требовании равного представительства в федеративном совете министров, принятия решений консенсусом и пребывания на посту президента на основе ротации.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Time: 0.0184





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