Word data type size

In computing, a word is the natural unit of data used by a particular processor design. A word is a fixed-sized datum handled as a unit by the instruction set or the hardware of the processor. The number of bits or digits[a] in a word (the word size, word width, or word length) is an important characteristic of any specific processor design or computer architecture.

The size of a word is reflected in many aspects of a computer’s structure and operation; the majority of the registers in a processor are usually word-sized and the largest datum that can be transferred to and from the working memory in a single operation is a word in many (not all) architectures. The largest possible address size, used to designate a location in memory, is typically a hardware word (here, «hardware word» means the full-sized natural word of the processor, as opposed to any other definition used).

Documentation for older computers with fixed word size commonly states memory sizes in words rather than bytes or characters. The documentation sometimes uses metric prefixes correctly, sometimes with rounding, e.g., 65 kilowords (KW) meaning for 65536 words, and sometimes uses them incorrectly, with kilowords (KW) meaning 1024 words (210) and megawords (MW) meaning 1,048,576 words (220). With standardization on 8-bit bytes and byte addressability, stating memory sizes in bytes, kilobytes, and megabytes with powers of 1024 rather than 1000 has become the norm, although there is some use of the IEC binary prefixes.

Several of the earliest computers (and a few modern as well) use binary-coded decimal rather than plain binary, typically having a word size of 10 or 12 decimal digits, and some early decimal computers have no fixed word length at all. Early binary systems tended to use word lengths that were some multiple of 6-bits, with the 36-bit word being especially common on mainframe computers. The introduction of ASCII led to the move to systems with word lengths that were a multiple of 8-bits, with 16-bit machines being popular in the 1970s before the move to modern processors with 32 or 64 bits.[1] Special-purpose designs like digital signal processors, may have any word length from 4 to 80 bits.[1]

The size of a word can sometimes differ from the expected due to backward compatibility with earlier computers. If multiple compatible variations or a family of processors share a common architecture and instruction set but differ in their word sizes, their documentation and software may become notationally complex to accommodate the difference (see Size families below).

Uses of wordsEdit

Depending on how a computer is organized, word-size units may be used for:

Fixed-point numbers
Holders for fixed point, usually integer, numerical values may be available in one or in several different sizes, but one of the sizes available will almost always be the word. The other sizes, if any, are likely to be multiples or fractions of the word size. The smaller sizes are normally used only for efficient use of memory; when loaded into the processor, their values usually go into a larger, word sized holder.
Floating-point numbers
Holders for floating-point numerical values are typically either a word or a multiple of a word.
Holders for memory addresses must be of a size capable of expressing the needed range of values but not be excessively large, so often the size used is the word though it can also be a multiple or fraction of the word size.
Processor registers are designed with a size appropriate for the type of data they hold, e.g. integers, floating-point numbers, or addresses. Many computer architectures use general-purpose registers that are capable of storing data in multiple representations.
Memory–processor transfer
When the processor reads from the memory subsystem into a register or writes a register’s value to memory, the amount of data transferred is often a word. Historically, this amount of bits which could be transferred in one cycle was also called a catena in some environments (such as the Bull GAMMA 60 [fr]).[2][3] In simple memory subsystems, the word is transferred over the memory data bus, which typically has a width of a word or half-word. In memory subsystems that use caches, the word-sized transfer is the one between the processor and the first level of cache; at lower levels of the memory hierarchy larger transfers (which are a multiple of the word size) are normally used.
Unit of address resolution
In a given architecture, successive address values designate successive units of memory; this unit is the unit of address resolution. In most computers, the unit is either a character (e.g. a byte) or a word. (A few computers have used bit resolution.) If the unit is a word, then a larger amount of memory can be accessed using an address of a given size at the cost of added complexity to access individual characters. On the other hand, if the unit is a byte, then individual characters can be addressed (i.e. selected during the memory operation).
Machine instructions are normally the size of the architecture’s word, such as in RISC architectures, or a multiple of the «char» size that is a fraction of it. This is a natural choice since instructions and data usually share the same memory subsystem. In Harvard architectures the word sizes of instructions and data need not be related, as instructions and data are stored in different memories; for example, the processor in the 1ESS electronic telephone switch has 37-bit instructions and 23-bit data words.

Word size choiceEdit

When a computer architecture is designed, the choice of a word size is of substantial importance. There are design considerations which encourage particular bit-group sizes for particular uses (e.g. for addresses), and these considerations point to different sizes for different uses. However, considerations of economy in design strongly push for one size, or a very few sizes related by multiples or fractions (submultiples) to a primary size. That preferred size becomes the word size of the architecture.

Character size was in the past (pre-variable-sized character encoding) one of the influences on unit of address resolution and the choice of word size. Before the mid-1960s, characters were most often stored in six bits; this allowed no more than 64 characters, so the alphabet was limited to upper case. Since it is efficient in time and space to have the word size be a multiple of the character size, word sizes in this period were usually multiples of 6 bits (in binary machines). A common choice then was the 36-bit word, which is also a good size for the numeric properties of a floating point format.

After the introduction of the IBM System/360 design, which uses eight-bit characters and supports lower-case letters, the standard size of a character (or more accurately, a byte) becomes eight bits. Word sizes thereafter are naturally multiples of eight bits, with 16, 32, and 64 bits being commonly used.

Variable-word architecturesEdit

Early machine designs included some that used what is often termed a variable word length. In this type of organization, an operand has no fixed length. Depending on the machine and the instruction, the length might be denoted by a count field, by a delimiting character, or by an additional bit called, e.g., flag, or word mark. Such machines often use binary-coded decimal in 4-bit digits, or in 6-bit characters, for numbers. This class of machines includes the IBM 702, IBM 705, IBM 7080, IBM 7010, UNIVAC 1050, IBM 1401, IBM 1620, and RCA 301.

Most of these machines work on one unit of memory at a time and since each instruction or datum is several units long, each instruction takes several cycles just to access memory. These machines are often quite slow because of this. For example, instruction fetches on an IBM 1620 Model I take 8 cycles (160 μs) just to read the 12 digits of the instruction (the Model II reduced this to 6 cycles, or 4 cycles if the instruction did not need both address fields). Instruction execution takes a variable number of cycles, depending on the size of the operands.

Word, bit and byte addressingEdit

The memory model of an architecture is strongly influenced by the word size. In particular, the resolution of a memory address, that is, the smallest unit that can be designated by an address, has often been chosen to be the word. In this approach, the word-addressable machine approach, address values which differ by one designate adjacent memory words. This is natural in machines which deal almost always in word (or multiple-word) units, and has the advantage of allowing instructions to use minimally sized fields to contain addresses, which can permit a smaller instruction size or a larger variety of instructions.

When byte processing is to be a significant part of the workload, it is usually more advantageous to use the byte, rather than the word, as the unit of address resolution. Address values which differ by one designate adjacent bytes in memory. This allows an arbitrary character within a character string to be addressed straightforwardly. A word can still be addressed, but the address to be used requires a few more bits than the word-resolution alternative. The word size needs to be an integer multiple of the character size in this organization. This addressing approach was used in the IBM 360, and has been the most common approach in machines designed since then.

When the workload involves processing fields of different sizes, it can be advantageous to address to the bit. Machines with bit addressing may have some instructions that use a programmer-defined byte size and other instructions that operate on fixed data sizes. As an example, on the IBM 7030[4] («Stretch»), a floating point instruction can only address words while an integer arithmetic instruction can specify a field length of 1-64 bits, a byte size of 1-8 bits and an accumulator offset of 0-127 bits.

In a byte-addressable machine with storage-to-storage (SS) instructions, there are typically move instructions to copy one or multiple bytes from one arbitrary location to another. In a byte-oriented (byte-addressable) machine without SS instructions, moving a single byte from one arbitrary location to another is typically:

  1. LOAD the source byte
  2. STORE the result back in the target byte

Individual bytes can be accessed on a word-oriented machine in one of two ways. Bytes can be manipulated by a combination of shift and mask operations in registers. Moving a single byte from one arbitrary location to another may require the equivalent of the following:

  1. LOAD the word containing the source byte
  2. SHIFT the source word to align the desired byte to the correct position in the target word
  3. AND the source word with a mask to zero out all but the desired bits
  4. LOAD the word containing the target byte
  5. AND the target word with a mask to zero out the target byte
  6. OR the registers containing the source and target words to insert the source byte
  7. STORE the result back in the target location

Alternatively many word-oriented machines implement byte operations with instructions using special byte pointers in registers or memory. For example, the PDP-10 byte pointer contained the size of the byte in bits (allowing different-sized bytes to be accessed), the bit position of the byte within the word, and the word address of the data. Instructions could automatically adjust the pointer to the next byte on, for example, load and deposit (store) operations.

Powers of twoEdit

Different amounts of memory are used to store data values with different degrees of precision. The commonly used sizes are usually a power of two multiple of the unit of address resolution (byte or word). Converting the index of an item in an array into the memory address offset of the item then requires only a shift operation rather than a multiplication. In some cases this relationship can also avoid the use of division operations. As a result, most modern computer designs have word sizes (and other operand sizes) that are a power of two times the size of a byte.

Size familiesEdit

As computer designs have grown more complex, the central importance of a single word size to an architecture has decreased. Although more capable hardware can use a wider variety of sizes of data, market forces exert pressure to maintain backward compatibility while extending processor capability. As a result, what might have been the central word size in a fresh design has to coexist as an alternative size to the original word size in a backward compatible design. The original word size remains available in future designs, forming the basis of a size family.

In the mid-1970s, DEC designed the VAX to be a 32-bit successor of the 16-bit PDP-11. They used word for a 16-bit quantity, while longword referred to a 32-bit quantity; this terminology is the same as the terminology used for the PDP-11. This was in contrast to earlier machines, where the natural unit of addressing memory would be called a word, while a quantity that is one half a word would be called a halfword. In fitting with this scheme, a VAX quadword is 64 bits. They continued this 16-bit word/32-bit longword/64-bit quadword terminology with the 64-bit Alpha.

Another example is the x86 family, of which processors of three different word lengths (16-bit, later 32- and 64-bit) have been released, while word continues to designate a 16-bit quantity. As software is routinely ported from one word-length to the next, some APIs and documentation define or refer to an older (and thus shorter) word-length than the full word length on the CPU that software may be compiled for. Also, similar to how bytes are used for small numbers in many programs, a shorter word (16 or 32 bits) may be used in contexts where the range of a wider word is not needed (especially where this can save considerable stack space or cache memory space). For example, Microsoft’s Windows API maintains the programming language definition of WORD as 16 bits, despite the fact that the API may be used on a 32- or 64-bit x86 processor, where the standard word size would be 32 or 64 bits, respectively. Data structures containing such different sized words refer to them as:

  • WORD (16 bits/2 bytes)
  • DWORD (32 bits/4 bytes)
  • QWORD (64 bits/8 bytes)

A similar phenomenon has developed in Intel’s x86 assembly language – because of the support for various sizes (and backward compatibility) in the instruction set, some instruction mnemonics carry «d» or «q» identifiers denoting «double-«, «quad-» or «double-quad-«, which are in terms of the architecture’s original 16-bit word size.

An example with a different word size is the IBM System/360 family. In the System/360 architecture, System/370 architecture and System/390 architecture, there are 8-bit bytes, 16-bit halfwords, 32-bit words and 64-bit doublewords. The z/Architecture, which is the 64-bit member of that architecture family, continues to refer to 16-bit halfwords, 32-bit words, and 64-bit doublewords, and additionally features 128-bit quadwords.

In general, new processors must use the same data word lengths and virtual address widths as an older processor to have binary compatibility with that older processor.

Often carefully written source code – written with source-code compatibility and software portability in mind – can be recompiled to run on a variety of processors, even ones with different data word lengths or different address widths or both.

Table of word sizesEdit

key: bit: bits, c: characters, d: decimal digits, w: word size of architecture, n: variable size, wm: Word mark
Year Computer
Word size w Integer
Unit of address
Char size
1837 Babbage
Analytical engine
50 d w Five different cards were used for different functions, exact size of cards not known. w
1941 Zuse Z3 22 bit w 8 bit w
1942 ABC 50 bit w
1944 Harvard Mark I 23 d w 24 bit
(w/Panel #16[5])
{w/Panel #26[6]}
10 d w, 2w

(2 d, 4 d, 6 d, 8 d)
{2 d, 4 d, 6 d, 8 d}

1948 Manchester Baby 32 bit w w w
1951 UNIVAC I 12 d w 12w w 1 d
1952 IAS machine 40 bit w 12w w 5 bit
1952 Fast Universal Digital Computer M-2 34 bit w? w 34 bit = 4-bit opcode plus 3×10 bit address 10 bit
1952 IBM 701 36 bit 12w, w 12w 12w, w 6 bit
1952 UNIVAC 60 n d 1 d, … 10 d 2 d, 3 d
1952 ARRA I 30 bit w w w 5 bit
1953 IBM 702 n c 0 c, … 511 c 5 c c 6 bit
1953 UNIVAC 120 n d 1 d, … 10 d 2 d, 3 d
1953 ARRA II 30 bit w 2w 12w w 5 bit
IBM 650
(w/IBM 653)
10 d w
w w 2 d
1954 IBM 704 36 bit w w w w 6 bit
1954 IBM 705 n c 0 c, … 255 c 5 c c 6 bit
1954 IBM NORC 16 d w w, 2w w w
1956 IBM 305 n d 1 d, … 100 d 10 d d 1 d
1956 ARMAC 34 bit w w 12w w 5 bit, 6 bit
1956 LGP-30 31 bit w 16 bit w 6 bit
1957 Autonetics Recomp I 40 bit w, 79 bit, 8 d, 15 d 12w 12w, w 5 bit
1958 UNIVAC II 12 d w 12w w 1 d
1958 SAGE 32 bit 12w w w 6 bit
1958 Autonetics Recomp II 40 bit w, 79 bit, 8 d, 15 d 2w 12w 12w, w 5 bit
1958 Setun 6 trit (~9.5 bits)[b] up to 6 tryte up to 3 trytes 4 trit?
1958 Electrologica X1 27 bit w 2w w w 5 bit, 6 bit
1959 IBM 1401 n c 1 c, … 1 c, 2 c, 4 c, 5 c, 7 c, 8 c c 6 bit + wm
IBM 1620 n d 2 d, …
(4 d, … 102 d)
12 d d 2 d
1960 LARC 12 d w, 2w w, 2w w w 2 d
1960 CDC 1604 48 bit w w 12w w 6 bit
1960 IBM 1410 n c 1 c, … 1 c, 2 c, 6 c, 7 c, 11 c, 12 c c 6 bit + wm
1960 IBM 7070 10 d[c] w, 1-9 d w w w, d 2 d
1960 PDP-1 18 bit w w w 6 bit
1960 Elliott 803 39 bit
1961 IBM 7030
64 bit 1 bit, … 64 bit,
1 d, … 16 d
w 12w, w bit (integer),
12w (branch),
w (float)
1 bit, … 8 bit
1961 IBM 7080 n c 0 c, … 255 c 5 c c 6 bit
1962 GE-6xx 36 bit w, 2 w w, 2 w, 80 bit w w 6 bit, 9 bit
1962 UNIVAC III 25 bit w, 2w, 3w, 4w, 6 d, 12 d w w 6 bit
1962 Autonetics D-17B
Minuteman I Guidance Computer
27 bit 11 bit, 24 bit 24 bit w
1962 UNIVAC 1107 36 bit 16w, 13w, 12w, w w w w 6 bit
1962 IBM 7010 n c 1 c, … 1 c, 2 c, 6 c, 7 c, 11 c, 12 c c 6 b + wm
1962 IBM 7094 36 bit w w, 2w w w 6 bit
1962 SDS 9 Series 24 bit w 2w w w
Apollo Guidance Computer 15 bit w w, 2w w
1963 Saturn Launch Vehicle Digital Computer 26 bit w 13 bit w
1964/1966 PDP-6/PDP-10 36 bit w w, 2 w w w 6 bit
7 bit (typical)
9 bit
1964 Titan 48 bit w w w w w
1964 CDC 6600 60 bit w w 14w, 12w w 6 bit
1964 Autonetics D-37C
Minuteman II Guidance Computer
27 bit 11 bit, 24 bit 24 bit w 4 bit, 5 bit
1965 Gemini Guidance Computer 39 bit 26 bit 13 bit 13 bit, 26 —bit
1965 IBM 1130 16 bit w, 2w 2w, 3w w, 2w w 8 bit
1965 IBM System/360 32 bit 12w, w,
1 d, … 16 d
w, 2w 12w, w, 112w 8 bit 8 bit
1965 UNIVAC 1108 36 bit 16w, 14w, 13w, 12w, w, 2w w, 2w w w 6 bit, 9 bit
1965 PDP-8 12 bit w w w 8 bit
1965 Electrologica X8 27 bit w 2w w w 6 bit, 7 bit
1966 SDS Sigma 7 32 bit 12w, w w, 2w w 8 bit 8 bit
1969 Four-Phase Systems AL1 8 bit w ? ? ?
1970 MP944 20 bit w ? ? ?
1970 PDP-11 16 bit w 2w, 4w w, 2w, 3w 8 bit 8 bit
1971 CDC STAR-100 64 bit 12w, w 12w, w 12w, w bit 8 bit
1971 TMS1802NC 4 bit w ? ?
1971 Intel 4004 4 bit w, d 2w, 4w w
1972 Intel 8008 8 bit w, 2 d w, 2w, 3w w 8 bit
1972 Calcomp 900 9 bit w w, 2w w 8 bit
1974 Intel 8080 8 bit w, 2w, 2 d w, 2w, 3w w 8 bit
1975 ILLIAC IV 64 bit w w, 12w w w
1975 Motorola 6800 8 bit w, 2 d w, 2w, 3w w 8 bit
1975 MOS Tech. 6501
MOS Tech. 6502
8 bit w, 2 d w, 2w, 3w w 8 bit
1976 Cray-1 64 bit 24 bit, w w 14w, 12w w 8 bit
1976 Zilog Z80 8 bit w, 2w, 2 d w, 2w, 3w, 4w, 5w w 8 bit
16-bit x86 (Intel 8086)
(w/floating point: Intel 8087)
16 bit 12w, w, 2 d
(2w, 4w, 5w, 17 d)
12w, w, … 7w 8 bit 8 bit
1978 VAX 32 bit 14w, 12w, w, 1 d, … 31 d, 1 bit, … 32 bit w, 2w 14w, … 1414w 8 bit 8 bit
Motorola 68000 series
(w/floating point)
32 bit 14w, 12w, w, 2 d
(w, 2w, 212w)
12w, w, … 712w 8 bit 8 bit
1985 IA-32 (Intel 80386) (w/floating point) 32 bit 14w, 12w, w
(w, 2w, 80 bit)
8 bit, … 120 bit
14w … 334w
8 bit 8 bit
1985 ARMv1 32 bit 14w, w w 8 bit 8 bit
1985 MIPS I 32 bit 14w, 12w, w w, 2w w 8 bit 8 bit
1991 Cray C90 64 bit 32 bit, w w 14w, 12w, 48 bit w 8 bit
1992 Alpha 64 bit 8 bit, 14w, 12w, w 12w, w 12w 8 bit 8 bit
1992 PowerPC 32 bit 14w, 12w, w w, 2w w 8 bit 8 bit
1996 ARMv4
32 bit 14w, 12w, w w
(12w, w)
8 bit 8 bit
2000 IBM z/Architecture
(w/vector facility)
64 bit 14w, 12w, w
1 d, … 31 d
12w, w, 2w 14w, 12w, 34w 8 bit 8 bit, UTF-16, UTF-32
2001 IA-64 64 bit 8 bit, 14w, 12w, w 12w, w 41 bit (in 128-bit bundles)[7] 8 bit 8 bit
2001 ARMv6
32 bit 8 bit, 12w, w
(w, 2w)
12w, w 8 bit 8 bit
2003 x86-64 64 bit 8 bit, 14w, 12w, w 12w, w, 80 bit 8 bit, … 120 bit 8 bit 8 bit
2013 ARMv8-A and ARMv9-A 64 bit 8 bit, 14w, 12w, w 12w, w 12w 8 bit 8 bit
Year Computer
Word size w Integer
Unit of address
Char size
key: bit: bits, d: decimal digits, w: word size of architecture, n: variable size


See alsoEdit

  • Integer (computer science)


  1. ^ Many early computers were decimal, and a few were ternary
  2. ^ The bit equivalent is computed by taking the amount of information entropy provided by the trit, which is  . This gives an equivalent of about 9.51 bits for 6 trits.
  3. ^ Three-state sign


  1. ^ a b Beebe, Nelson H. F. (2017-08-22). «Chapter I. Integer arithmetic». The Mathematical-Function Computation Handbook — Programming Using the MathCW Portable Software Library (1 ed.). Salt Lake City, UT, USA: Springer International Publishing AG. p. 970. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-64110-2. ISBN 978-3-319-64109-6. LCCN 2017947446. S2CID 30244721.
  2. ^ Dreyfus, Phillippe (1958-05-08) [1958-05-06]. Written at Los Angeles, California, USA. System design of the Gamma 60 (PDF). Western Joint Computer Conference: Contrasts in Computers. ACM, New York, NY, USA. pp. 130–133. IRE-ACM-AIEE ’58 (Western). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-04-03. Retrieved 2017-04-03. […] Internal data code is used: Quantitative (numerical) data are coded in a 4-bit decimal code; qualitative (alpha-numerical) data are coded in a 6-bit alphanumerical code. The internal instruction code means that the instructions are coded in straight binary code.
    As to the internal information length, the information quantum is called a «catena,» and it is composed of 24 bits representing either 6 decimal digits, or 4 alphanumerical characters. This quantum must contain a multiple of 4 and 6 bits to represent a whole number of decimal or alphanumeric characters. Twenty-four bits was found to be a good compromise between the minimum 12 bits, which would lead to a too-low transfer flow from a parallel readout core memory, and 36 bits or more, which was judged as too large an information quantum. The catena is to be considered as the equivalent of a character in variable word length machines, but it cannot be called so, as it may contain several characters. It is transferred in series to and from the main memory.
    Not wanting to call a «quantum» a word, or a set of characters a letter, (a word is a word, and a quantum is something else), a new word was made, and it was called a «catena.» It is an English word and exists in Webster’s although it does not in French. Webster’s definition of the word catena is, «a connected series;» therefore, a 24-bit information item. The word catena will be used hereafter.
    The internal code, therefore, has been defined. Now what are the external data codes? These depend primarily upon the information handling device involved. The Gamma 60 [fr] is designed to handle information relevant to any binary coded structure. Thus an 80-column punched card is considered as a 960-bit information item; 12 rows multiplied by 80 columns equals 960 possible punches; is stored as an exact image in 960 magnetic cores of the main memory with 2 card columns occupying one catena. […]
  3. ^ Blaauw, Gerrit Anne; Brooks, Jr., Frederick Phillips; Buchholz, Werner (1962). «4: Natural Data Units» (PDF). In Buchholz, Werner (ed.). Planning a Computer System – Project Stretch. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. / The Maple Press Company, York, PA. pp. 39–40. LCCN 61-10466. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-04-03. Retrieved 2017-04-03. […] Terms used here to describe the structure imposed by the machine design, in addition to bit, are listed below.
    Byte denotes a group of bits used to encode a character, or the number of bits transmitted in parallel to and from input-output units. A term other than character is used here because a given character may be represented in different applications by more than one code, and different codes may use different numbers of bits (i.e., different byte sizes). In input-output transmission the grouping of bits may be completely arbitrary and have no relation to actual characters. (The term is coined from bite, but respelled to avoid accidental mutation to bit.)
    A word consists of the number of data bits transmitted in parallel from or to memory in one memory cycle. Word size is thus defined as a structural property of the memory. (The term catena was coined for this purpose by the designers of the Bull GAMMA 60 [fr] computer.)
    Block refers to the number of words transmitted to or from an input-output unit in response to a single input-output instruction. Block size is a structural property of an input-output unit; it may have been fixed by the design or left to be varied by the program. […]
  4. ^ «Format» (PDF). Reference Manual 7030 Data Processing System (PDF). IBM. August 1961. pp. 50–57. Retrieved 2021-12-15.
  5. ^ Clippinger, Richard F. [in German] (1948-09-29). «A Logical Coding System Applied to the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)». Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, US: Ballistic Research Laboratories. Report No. 673; Project No. TB3-0007 of the Research and Development Division, Ordnance Department. Retrieved 2017-04-05.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  6. ^ Clippinger, Richard F. [in German] (1948-09-29). «A Logical Coding System Applied to the ENIAC». Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, US: Ballistic Research Laboratories. Section VIII: Modified ENIAC. Retrieved 2017-04-05.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  7. ^ «4. Instruction Formats» (PDF). Intel Itanium Architecture Software Developer’s Manual. Vol. 3: Intel Itanium Instruction Set Reference. p. 3:293. Retrieved 2022-04-25. Three instructions are grouped together into 128-bit sized and aligned containers called bundles. Each bundle contains three 41-bit instruction slots and a 5-bit template field.
  8. ^ Blaauw, Gerrit Anne; Brooks, Jr., Frederick Phillips (1997). Computer Architecture: Concepts and Evolution (1 ed.). Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-10557-8. (1213 pages) (NB. This is a single-volume edition. This work was also available in a two-volume version.)
  9. ^ Ralston, Anthony; Reilly, Edwin D. (1993). Encyclopedia of Computer Science (3rd ed.). Van Nostrand Reinhold. ISBN 0-442-27679-6.
  1. 07-02-2010


    karuna is offline

    Registered User

    Question what is the WORD datatype?

    I had a programming class assignment to make a simple guessing game ( we’re just starting out programming in C) and I read this code that changes the color of the console:


    HANDLE mainwin = GetStdHandle ( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
        WORD DefaultColor; 
        GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(mainwin, &csbiInfo); 
        DefaultColor = csbiInfo.wAttributes;

    I know what each bit does, but I would like to know what the WORD datatype / structure is? ( sorry if I’m not using the correct terminology, I’m just beginning programming, and it’s really fun )

    Thanks alot for the help

  2. 07-02-2010


    Elysia is offline


    WORD in a Windows environment is just that — a word. Now the definition of a word is some type of data that is 16 bits (2 bytes) for x86. Typically an alias for short (ONLY guaranteed under Windows!).

    Quote Originally Posted by Adak
    View Post

    io.h certainly IS included in some modern compilers. It is no longer part of the standard for C, but it is nevertheless, included in the very latest Pelles C versions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Salem
    View Post

    You mean it’s included as a crutch to help ancient programmers limp along without them having to relearn too much.

    Outside of your DOS world, your header file is meaningless.

  3. 07-02-2010


    karuna is offline

    Registered User

    Oh ok, thanks
    So word is sort of like a string that can only hold to characters? (2 bytes?)
    Thanks for the help

  4. 07-03-2010


    DeadPlanet is offline

    Registered User

    No, a WORD is just a 2-Byte (unsigned) data type, you can use it for whatever you like.

    Windows Data Types (Windows)

  5. 07-03-2010


    Elysia is offline


    When we speak of types such as word, dword, qword, etc, they all refer to a storage unit, or place, where we can store at most n bytes (2, 4, 8 in this case respectively). What exactly you want to store in them is up to you, because to the hardware it’s all bits.
    Now, these types are all (usually) represented by integer types (short, int, long long respectively in this case).

    Quote Originally Posted by Adak
    View Post

    io.h certainly IS included in some modern compilers. It is no longer part of the standard for C, but it is nevertheless, included in the very latest Pelles C versions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Salem
    View Post

    You mean it’s included as a crutch to help ancient programmers limp along without them having to relearn too much.

    Outside of your DOS world, your header file is meaningless.

  6. 07-03-2010


    karuna is offline

    Registered User

    Oh ok, its starting to make more sense now,
    Thanks alot Elysia and DeadPlanet,
    + the link was really helpful as well

  7. 07-05-2010


    GReaper is offline

    Programming Wraith

    GReaper's Avatar

    Short question: Why are data types bigger that BYTE called *WORD? (WORD, DWORD, QWORD … )

    Devoted my life to programming…

  8. 07-05-2010


    bernt is offline

    Just a pushpin.

    bernt's Avatar

    Short question: Why are data types bigger that BYTE called *WORD? (WORD, DWORD, QWORD … )

    A word is the data size that a processor naturally handles. So for a 32-bit processor, it’s theoretically 32 bits (or an int), although x86 processors support 16 and 32 bits equally via the *x and e*x registers.

    Since smaller data sizes have to be padded for operations there’s really no speed gain from using e.g. bytes vs. words. So it’s probably more convenient to define data types that are word size rather than byte size — that way you have a much larger int range at no cost of speed.
    Therefore Windows has DWORD (double word) and QWORD (quad word), which correspond to 2 words and 4 words respectively (or a 16-bit long int and long long int).

    Since the modern Windows API really came about in Windows ’95 and that was a 16-bit system, WORD was defined to be a 16-bit data structure (on 16-bit processors, an int, and a short was 8 bits like a char). Hence the 16-bit Windows word. And it stuck on into win32, probably for compatibility reasons.

    EDIT: Nevermind the ’95 part, 16-bit started out with DOS, but the point is still valid.

    Last edited by bernt; 07-06-2010 at 08:23 AM.

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  9. 07-05-2010


    GReaper is offline

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The BYTE=8bits, WORD=16bits, and DWORD=32bits (double-word) terminology comes from Intel’s instruction mnemonics and documentation for 8086. It’s just terminology, and at this point doesn’t imply anything about the size of the «machine word» on the actual machine running the code.

My guess:

Those C type names were probably originally introduced for the same reason that C99 standardized uint8_t, uint16_t, and uint32_t. The idea was probably to allow C implementations with an incompatible ABI (e.g. 16 vs. 32-bit int) to still compile code that uses the WinAPI, because the ABI uses DWORD rather than long or int in structs, and function args / return values.

Probably as Windows evolved, enough code started depending in various ways on the exact definition of WORD and DWORD that MS decided to standardize the exact typedefs. This diverges from the C99 uint16_t idea, where you can’t assume that it’s unsigned short.

As @supercat points out, this can matter for aliasing rules. e.g. if you modify an array of unsigned long[] through a DWORD*, it’s guaranteed that it will work as expected. But if you modify an array of unsigned int[] through a DWORD*, the compiler might assume that didn’t affect array values that it already had in registers. This also matters for printf format strings. (C99’s <stdint.h> solution to that is preprocessor macros like PRIu32.)

Or maybe the idea was just to use names that match the asm, to make sure nobody was confused about the width of types. In the very early days of Windows, writing programs in asm directly, instead of C, was popular. WORD/DWORD makes the documentation clearer for people writing in asm.

Or maybe the idea was just to provide a fixed-width types for portable code. e.g. #ifdef SUNOS: define it to an appropriate type for that platform. This is all it’s good for at this point, as you noticed:

How is it that the Windows API can typedef unsigned short WORD; and then say WORD is a 16-bit unsigned integer when the C Standard itself does not guarantee that a short is always 16 bits?

You’re correct, documenting the exact typedefs means that it’s impossible to correctly implement the WinAPI headers in a system using a different ABI (e.g. one where long is 64bit or short is 32bit). This is part of the reason why the x86-64 Windows ABI makes long a 32bit type. The x86-64 System V ABI (Linux, OS X, etc.) makes long a 64bit type.

Every platform does need a standard ABI, though. struct layout, and even interpretation of function args, requires all code to agree on the size of the types used. Code from different version of the same C compiler can interoperate, and even other compilers that follow the same ABI. (However, C++ ABIs aren’t stable enough to standardize. For example, g++ has never standardized an ABI, and new versions do break ABI compatibility.)

Remember that the C standard only tells you what you can assume across every conforming C implementation. The C standard also says that signed integers might be sign/magnitude, one’s complement, or two’s complement. Any specific platform will use whatever representation the hardware does, though.

Platforms are free to standardize anything that the base C standard leaves undefined or implementation-defined. e.g. x86 C implementations allow creating unaligned pointers to exist, and even to dereference them. This happens a lot with __m128i vector types.

The actual names chosen tie the WinAPI to its x86 heritage, and are unfortunately confusing to anyone not familiar with x86 asm, or at least Windows’s 16bit DOS heritage.

The 8086 instruction mnemonics that include w for word and d for dword were commonly used as setup for idiv signed division.

  • cbw: sign extend AL (byte) into AX (word)
  • cwd: sign extend AX (word) into DX:AX (dword), i.e. copy the sign bit of ax into every bit of dx.

These insns still exist and do exactly the same thing in 32bit and 64bit mode. (386 and x86-64 added extended versions, as you can see in those extracts from Intel’s insn set reference.) There’s also lodsw, rep movsw, etc. string instructions.

Besides those mnemonics, operand-size needs to be explicitly specified in some cases, e.g.
mov dword ptr [mem], -1, where neither operand is a register that can imply the operand-size. (To see what assembly language looks like, just disassemble something. e.g. on a Linux system, objdump -Mintel -d /bin/ls | less.)

So the terminology is all over the place in x86 asm, which is something you need to be familiar with when developing an ABI.

More x86 asm background, history, and current naming schemes

Nothing below this point has anything to do with WinAPI or the original question, but I thought it was interesting.

See also the x86 tag wiki for links to Intel’s official PDFs (and lots of other good stuff). This terminology is still ubiquitous in Intel and AMD documentation and instruction mnemonics, because it’s completely unambiguous in a document for a specific architecture that uses it consistently.

386 extended register sizes to 32bits, and introduced the cdq instruction: cdq (eax (dword) -> edx:eax (qword)). (Also introduced movsx and movzx, to sign- or zero-extend without without needing to get the data into eax first.) Anyway, quad-word is 64bits, and was used even in pre-386 for double-precision memory operands for fld qword ptr [mem] / fst qword ptr [mem].

Intel still uses this b/w/d/q/dq convention for vector instruction naming, so it’s not at all something they’re trying to phase out.

e.g. the pshufd insn mnemonic (_mm_shuffle_epi32 C intrinsic) is Packed (integer) Shuffle Dword. psraw is Packed Shift Right Arithmetic Word. (FP vector insns use a ps (packed single) or pd (packed double) suffix instead of p prefix.)

As vectors get wider and wider, the naming starts to get silly: e.g. _mm_unpacklo_epi64 is the intrinsic for the punpcklqdq instruction: Packed-integer Unpack L Quad-words to Double-Quad. (i.e. interleave 64bit low halves into one 128b). Or movdqu for Move Double-Quad Unaligned loads/stores (16 bytes). Some assemblers use o (oct-word) for declaring 16 byte integer constants, but Intel mnemonics and documentation always use dq.

Fortunately for our sanity, the AVX 256b (32B) instructions still use the SSE mnemonics, so vmovdqu ymm0, [rsi] is a 32B load, but there’s no quad-quad terminology. Disassemblers that include operand-sizes even when it’s not ambiguous would print vmovdqu ymm0, ymmword ptr [rsi].

Even the names of some AVX-512 extensions use the b/w/d/q terminology. AVX-512F (foundation) doesn’t include all element-size versions of every instruction. The 8bit and 16bit element size versions of some instructions are only available on hardware that supports the AVX-512BW extension. There’s also AVX-512DQ for extra dword and qword element-size instructions, including conversion between float/double and 64bit integers and a multiply with 64b x 64b => 64b element size.

A few new instructions use numeric sizes in the mnemonic

AVX’s vinsertf128 and similar for extracting the high 128bit lane of an 256bit vector could have used dq, but instead uses 128.

AVX-512 introduces a few insn mnemonics with names like vmovdqa64 (vector load with masking at 64bit element granularity) or vshuff32x4 (shuffle 128b elements, with masking at 32bit element granularity).

Note that since AVX-512 has merge-masking or zero-masking for almost all instructions, even instructions that didn’t used to care about element size (like pxor / _mm_xor_si128) now come in different sizes: _mm512_mask_xor_epi64 (vpxorq) (each mask bit affects a 64bit element), or _mm512_mask_xor_epi32 (vpxord). The no-mask intrinsic _mm512_xor_si512 could compile to either vpxorq or vpxord; it doesn’t matter.

Most AVX512 new instructions still use b/w/d/q in their mnemonics, though, like VPERMT2D (full permute selecting elements from two source vectors).

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A word is the processor’s native data unit.
Modern consumer processors have a word width of 64 bits.

Data type

Most run-time libraries provide the native data type of a processor as the Pascal data type word.
It is a subset of all whole numbers (non-negative integers) that can be represented by the processor’s natural data unit size.

On a 64-bit architecture this means a word is an integer within the range [math]displaystyle{ [0,~2^{64}-1] }[/math].
On a 32-bit architecture a word will be an integer in the range [math]displaystyle{ [0,~2^{32}-1] }[/math], and so on, respectively.

In GNU Pascal a word is just an alias for cardinal, which has the same properties regarding possible values.

If a signed integer having the processor’s native size is wanted, the data type integer provides this functionality.


For source compatibility reasons, FPC defines word in the same way as Turbo Pascal and Delphi: the subrange data type 0..65535.
The high value 65535 is [math]displaystyle{ 2^{16}-1 }[/math].
Thus a system.word occupies two bytes of space.
Subrange data types are stored in a quantity that serves best the goals of performance and memory efficiency.

The processor’s native word size, as defined above, corresponds to different types depending on the purpose you want to use it for:

  • the (as of 2022 still undocumented) system.ALUSint and system.ALUUint types correspond to the native word size used by the processor’s ALU (arithmetic and logical unit), as defined at the beginning of this page. In general, this type should not be used in high level code. Instead, choose a data type based on the values it should be able to represent, as this is safer and more portable. It is the compiler’s job to generate optimal code.
  • system.CodePtrUInt corresponds to the size of pointers to code, such as the address of a procedure. This can be different from a pointer to data, e. g. on targets that support multiple memory models.
  • system.PtrUInt corresponds to the size of pointers to data.

On many platforms, all of these types have the same size, but it is not the case everywhere.

In FPC a smallInt has the same size as a word, but is signed.

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Author Message

 Size of WORD data type

I was in a meeting today where we were discussing why the WORD size on
Windows is an unsigned short (16 bits), yet the size of a WORD on an
Intel processor for years, has now been 32 bits.

Why has Microsoft stuck with WORD and DWORD for 16 and 32 bit types

Mon, 20 Dec 2004 03:38:24 GMT  

#2 / 14

 Size of WORD data type

A BYTE is 8 bits.  A WORD is 16 bits.  A DWORD (aka
double-word) is 32 bits.  A QWORD (aka quad-word) is 64
bits.  Is there a problem with this?

Mon, 20 Dec 2004 04:32:03 GMT  

Bo Persso
#3 / 14

 Size of WORD data type


> A BYTE is 8 bits.  A WORD is 16 bits.  A DWORD (aka
> double-word) is 32 bits.  A QWORD (aka quad-word) is 64
> bits.  Is there a problem with this?

Yes, there is!   :-)

This is just MS/Intel terminology, showing that Windows first showed up on
16 bit machines.

Before that, a WORD was the «natural» size for the processor, be it 16, 24,
32, 36, 48, or 64 bits. Some of these didn’t even have a byte size!

On the original 16 bit PC, a byte happened to be 8 bits, and a word was 16
bits. Fine!

Everyone but Intel expected the next, 32 bit, generation to logically have a
32 bit word, but someone instead invented the DWORD, never heard of before.
Shit happens!

Some of us oldies really think it *is* a problem, but that’s life…

Bo Persson

Mon, 20 Dec 2004 05:42:16 GMT  

James Curran/MV
#4 / 14

 Size of WORD data type

    Because they used «WORD» to refer to items that were going to stay
16-bits, even when everything else changed to 32-bits.

    They used UINT for items that wold change from 16 to 32-bits.

James Curran
www.NovelTheory.com  (Personal)
www.NJTheater.com   (Professional)
www.aurora-inc.com   (Day job)


> I was in a meeting today where we were discussing why the WORD size on
> Windows is an unsigned short (16 bits), yet the size of a WORD on an
> Intel processor for years, has now been 32 bits.

> Why has Microsoft stuck with WORD and DWORD for 16 and 32 bit types
> respectively?

Mon, 20 Dec 2004 05:17:16 GMT  

Yan-Hong Huang(
#5 / 14

 Size of WORD data type


Not hear of QWORD :)

Best regards,
VS.NET, Visual C++

This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Got .Net?  http://www.gotdotnet.com

Mon, 20 Dec 2004 10:06:10 GMT  

#6 / 14

 Size of WORD data type


> ???

> Not hear of QWORD :)

QWORD is not a Windows datatype.
It’s a keyword of Intel asm:

  fld dword ptr [eax] // 4-byte floating-point number (float)
  fld qword ptr [eax] // 8-byte floating-point number (double)
  fld tbyte ptr [eax] // 10-byte floating-point number
  jmp fword ptr [eax] // 6-byte (16:32) far pointer (‘f’ is for far?)


Mon, 20 Dec 2004 17:46:06 GMT  

Yan-Hong Huang(
#7 / 14

 Size of WORD data type

Cool. Thanks for the input.

Best regards,
VS.NET, Visual C++

This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Got .Net?  http://www.gotdotnet.com

Tue, 21 Dec 2004 09:57:39 GMT  

#8 / 14

 Size of WORD data type


> I was in a meeting today where we were discussing why the WORD size on
> Windows is an unsigned short (16 bits), yet the size of a WORD on an
> Intel processor for years, has now been 32 bits.

> Why has Microsoft stuck with WORD and DWORD for 16 and 32 bit types
> respectively?

I am not some expert but i feel that what they did is correct , bcoz
the processsor word size is going to change over the years…but u
need some constant type..so evenif processor changes, programmer
expects sizeof(word) to return as 16 bits..and then code can be
portable..may be this is an answer (although i am not very sure abt
thias..correct me if i am wrong)

Tue, 21 Dec 2004 13:15:28 GMT  

#9 / 14

 Size of WORD data type

So why even have a WORD datatype? In my opinion, WORD should be used
to give you the machine’s native word size. If we start adding DWORD
and QWORD, the whole meaning of WORD disappears.

Can I have some input on how others dealt with this issue in coding
standards at your company?


> > I was in a meeting today where we were discussing why the WORD size on
> > Windows is an unsigned short (16 bits), yet the size of a WORD on an
> > Intel processor for years, has now been 32 bits.

> > Why has Microsoft stuck with WORD and DWORD for 16 and 32 bit types
> > respectively?

> I am not some expert but i feel that what they did is correct , bcoz
> the processsor word size is going to change over the years…but u
> need some constant type..so evenif processor changes, programmer
> expects sizeof(word) to return as 16 bits..and then code can be
> portable..may be this is an answer (although i am not very sure abt
> thias..correct me if i am wrong)

Fri, 24 Dec 2004 22:54:45 GMT  

Phil Frisbie, Jr
#10 / 14

 Size of WORD data type


> So why even have a WORD datatype? In my opinion, WORD should be used
> to give you the machine’s native word size. If we start adding DWORD
> and QWORD, the whole meaning of WORD disappears.

> Can I have some input on how others dealt with this issue in coding
> standards at your company?

Many projects, especially portable ones, create native types. For example, in my
portable networking library, HawkNL, I have the following defined:

#if defined _UNICODE
typedef wchar_t NLchar;
typedef char NLchar;
typedef char NLbyte;
typedef unsigned char NLubyte;
typedef unsigned char NLboolean;
typedef short NLshort;
typedef unsigned short NLushort;

Phil Frisbie, Jr.
Hawk Software

Fri, 24 Dec 2004 23:35:26 GMT  

Craig Power
#11 / 14

 Size of WORD data type


> I was in a meeting today where we were discussing why the WORD size on
> Windows is an unsigned short (16 bits), yet the size of a WORD on an
> Intel processor for years, has now been 32 bits.

> Why has Microsoft stuck with WORD and DWORD for 16 and 32 bit types
> respectively?

Because they intend to give a particular meaning to the usage of the
type, and they want to be portable across 16-, 32-, and 64-bit
implementations of the Windows header files.

e.g. (and I may be wrong about specifics), in Win16, WORD=unsigned int,
DWORD=unsigned long, vs. in Win32, WORD=unsigned short,
DWORD=unsigned int or unsigned long.

It’s most useful when interfacing to API functions, since it’s expected
that their interface will change with the OS.

Sat, 25 Dec 2004 00:21:06 GMT  

Andy Sincla
#12 / 14

 Size of WORD data type


>Can I have some input on how others dealt with this issue in coding
>standards at your company?

Hello Drew.

For embedded work we use our own datatypes with obvious names such as


Sat, 25 Dec 2004 00:34:18 GMT  

Michael Lache
#13 / 14

 Size of WORD data type


> So why even have a WORD datatype? In my opinion, WORD should be used
> to give you the machine’s native word size. If we start adding DWORD
> and QWORD, the whole meaning of WORD disappears.

> Can I have some input on how others dealt with this issue in coding
> standards at your company?

use the boost library. There is a subproject there that provides int
types with a specified number of bits. something like:

boost::int<32>::least  — a type with at least 32 bits


Sat, 25 Dec 2004 14:56:24 GMT  

#14 / 14

 Size of WORD data type

In that case, I think it would have been more appropriate to use

INT8  or BYTE1
INT16 or BYTE2
INT32 or BYTE4



> > I was in a meeting today where we were discussing why the WORD size on
> > Windows is an unsigned short (16 bits), yet the size of a WORD on an
> > Intel processor for years, has now been 32 bits.

> > Why has Microsoft stuck with WORD and DWORD for 16 and 32 bit types
> > respectively?

> Because they intend to give a particular meaning to the usage of the
> type, and they want to be portable across 16-, 32-, and 64-bit
> implementations of the Windows header files.

> e.g. (and I may be wrong about specifics), in Win16, WORD=unsigned int,
> DWORD=unsigned long, vs. in Win32, WORD=unsigned short,
> DWORD=unsigned int or unsigned long.

> It’s most useful when interfacing to API functions, since it’s expected
> that their interface will change with the OS.

Sun, 02 Jan 2005 04:31:43 GMT  

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