Word criminal in sentence

Definition of Criminal

A person that commits a crime acts that are against the law

Examples of Criminal in a sentence

The criminal had a long rap sheet with several past theft charges.


To make sure she wasn’t a criminal with an illegal past, the company ran a background check on the driver wanting the job.


Police arrested the criminal right after he robbed the 5th street bank.


Even though he doesn’t have any current warrants, the criminal has a long history of committing crimes.


The jury decided the man was guilty and sentenced the criminal to several months in jail.


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criminal — перевод на русский


I’m also a criminal and a hotel thief.

Ещё я преступник и гостиничный вор.

When you keep a horse in the barn on handicap day, when he runs the mile in 1:36, you are a… you are a criminal.

Если вы запираете лошадь в день скачек, а она пробегает милю за 1:36, вы… вы преступник.

You are criminals.

Вы преступник.

To hear the police talk, you’d think that every lad in the parish was a criminal.

Послушать полицейских, так каждый паренек в нашей пастве — преступник.

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Your son may have commited a criminal offense.

Ваш сын совершил уголовное преступление.

Serious criminal matter.

Серьезное уголовное дело.

Now, would you please describe for us the changes in criminal law.

А теперь, пожалуйста, расскажите, какие изменения были внесены в уголовное право.

I’ll direct the District Attorney to bring a criminal case against you.

Я посоветую окружному прокурору возбудить уголовное дело против тебя.

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They took with them eight lovely adolescent girls to serve as victims for their criminal desires plus four women well versed in debauchery whose narrative skills would serve to stimulate their already jaded appetites whenever interest flagged

Они захватили с собой восемь нежнейших невиннейших дев чтобы те пали жертвой их преступной похоти да ещё четырёх прожжёных дам, искушённых в пьяных дебошах чьё искусство болтовни могло разогреть и увлечь их пресыщенные организмы лишь только они дадут им знак.

But this is a case of criminal carelessness!

Но это пример преступной беспечности!

If you frequent criminal circles, you can’t be choosey.

Раз уж связались с преступной средой, нечего привередничать.

To do that would be criminal folly!

Сделать это будет преступной глупостью!

This is the noblest thing that women can think of, to take a job in a criminal corporation that’s poisoning the environment and robbing customers out of their money?

Это что высшая точка стремления женщин? Получить работу в преступной корпорации которая отравляет окружающую среду и оставляет своих клиентов без гроша в кармане?

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It’s been replaced by sorted association with criminal exploitation and wasted lifes.

Ќа смену приход€т ассоциации св€занные с криминальной эксплуатацией и загубленными жизн€ми.

According to intelligence, the target is the last surviving member of the Slitheen family, a criminal sect from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorious, masquerading as a human being. OK!

Согласно сведениям, нашей целью является последний выживший член семьи Сливинов, криминальной группы с планеты Раксакорикофаллапаториус, маскирующейся под людей с помощью костюма из человеческой кожи.

We have here a witness that will further testify to Michael Corleone’s rule of a criminal empire that controls all gambling.

У нас есть свидетель, который продолжит давать показания… об управлении Майклом Корлеоне криминальной империей… которая контролирует весь игорный бизнес в нашей стране… и, возможно, других странах.

It looks like it’s the part of a bigger criminal operation.

Похоже, что это часть более крупной криминальной операции.

I’m going to start reading those criminal activity reports.

Когда мы вернемся на станцию, я начну читать эти рапорты о криминальной активности.

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That’s absolutely criminal.

Это просто преступление.

However, incitement to disaffection is criminal.

Однако подстрекательство к неподчинению — это преступление.

What you did was criminal.

То, что вы совершили, — преступление.

-That’s criminal!

— Это преступление!

You know, it’s criminal to keep a lover like you on the road for so long.

Знаешь, это просто преступление — столько времени мариновать на трассе такого любовника, как ты.

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— I’m saying you’re a criminal!

Я сказал, что ты преступница!

But then, you’re a criminal, so that pretty much works out.

Но все же, ты — преступница, поэтому в этом нет ничего странного.

This Jade Fox is a master criminal.

Эта Лиса — опытная преступница.

But you are some dumb, common criminal.

Но ты же и есть какая-то глупая, обычная преступница.

I did. But I’m not a criminal.

Но я не преступница.

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You! You criminal!

Понял, грязный уголовник?

I have to hide myself like a criminal.

Я вынужден скрываться, как уголовник.

You’re at the awkward age. Too old to be a juvenile delinquent, too young to be a hardened criminal.

Вам ничто не грозит, вы уже не малолетний преступник и еще не закоренелый уголовник.

— You’re a disgusting criminal.

— Ты! Уголовник!

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No known criminal record for Sally.

За Салли не числится судимостей.

Both had lona criminal records.

У обоих — длинный список судимостей.

«No criminal record.

«Без судимостей.

— No criminal record.

— Нет судимостей.

No pimp, no criminal record. Also no family or friends, unfortunately.

Ни сутенера, ни судимостей, но и не семьи, и не знакомых.

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To take some of the mystery out of it, Major, the photographs you see are shots of male models, Mexican circus performers, Czech research chemists, Japanese criminals,

Чтобы не играть в таинственность, майор, на этих фотографиях изображены манекенщики, цирковые артисты из Мексики, чешские химики, японские бандиты, французские метрдотели, турецкие борцы, деревенские психиатры.

The criminals are long gone.

Бандиты уже далеко.

These are not just criminals, Valentin, they’re traitors.

— Они не только бандиты. Они предатели.

These people are either criminal or insane or both.

Эти люди либо бандиты, либо ненормальные. А может и то, и другое!

— They’re rich and they’re criminals.

— они богачи и бандиты.

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Lee is a colorful character but he’s still the best criminal lawyer in the state.

Ли колоритный персонаж, но он по-прежнему лучший адвокат по уголовным делам в государстве.

Who was that top criminal lawyer?

Кто это был топ адвокат по уголовным делам?

A heavyweight criminal lawyer.

Крутая адвокатша по уголовным делам.

Then you should have received a copy of a «61» or a criminal court complaint.

— Тогда вы должны были получить копию по форме № 61, … или копию иска из суда по уголовным делам.

I’m a criminal lawyer.

Я адвокат по уголовным делам.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word criminal, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use criminal in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «criminal».

Criminal in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word criminal in a sentence.

  1. There was no criminal inquiry.

  2. No criminal charges were filed.

  3. Sands was a convicted criminal.

  4. Statutory criminal defenses (e.g.

  5. I have been subject to criminal attack.

  6. The criminal trial began later that day.

  7. You must not make the criminal the hero».

  8. The police never pressed criminal charges.

  9. It accords a criminal defendant «the right ..

  10. As long as there is a criminal element, I’m of it.

  11. Failure to notify was a criminal offence unless exempt.

  12. Doubleday twice served as a witness in criminal matters.

  13. At the university, Rodham taught classes in criminal law.

  14. Lord Scott noted that «it is fundamental to criminal law ..

  15. He did very little criminal work in this part of his career.

  16. Others found significance in Rand’s admiration of the play’s criminal characters.

  17. In addition, a federal grand jury investigated the incident for criminal wrongdoing.

  18. He studied law under his father, one of Kentucky’s leading criminal defense lawyers.

  19. At the time of the conspiracy, Kamo ran a criminal organization called «the Outfit».

  20. The bill further prescribed criminal penalties for any person who monopolizes trade.

  21. With the help of the criminal stowaway, Muganga accuses Tintin of destroying the tribe’s sacred idol.

  22. Rather than go into exile, however, the ex-president opted to defend himself against criminal charges.

  23. Wild was lucky to survive, and his grip over his criminal empire started to slip while he recuperated.

  24. She ultimately became central to one of the most famous English criminal mysteries of the 18th century.

  25. Subsequently, 38 officers were extradited to Yugoslavia to face criminal charges, and 10 were executed.

  26. Had it of been a criminal from outside who stalked her and killed I think it would be long forgotten.».

  27. During the exams, Orochimaru, a wanted criminal, invades Konoha and kills the Third Hokage for revenge.

  28. Arizona one week earlier, where the Court enlarged protections against the police for criminal suspects.

  29. Gavin asked Reg Tucker, a second-hand-car salesman, who had no criminal record, to reconnoitre the bank.

  30. No criminal responsibility was established; verdicts of death by misadventure were recorded in each case.

  31. Gambling continued illegally in many places, though, creating new opportunities for criminal enterprises.

  32. Area residents considered the island and their homes entirely safe in spite of rampant criminal activity.

  33. Nobody could call the whole nation a criminal, nor the individuals that have aired their political views.

  34. The criminal had outdone the misdeeds of ancient story; in him, what had been a play became an execution.

  35. According to Jarvis, the criminal trial was orchestrated to force Mackenzie to testify in the proceedings.

  36. The story focuses on the respected London doctor Henry Jekyll and his involvement with Edward Hyde, a loathsome criminal.

  37. Similar to the novel, Ratchett is revealed to be Cassetti, the criminal mastermind behind the Daisy Armstrong kidnapping.

  38. The Aborigines in the KMT slammed President Tsai over the criminal punishment of a hunter of Bunun Aboriginal background.

  39. That night, the police apprehend a criminal in possession of a knife who is caught attempting to murder an elderly woman.

  40. I want them brought in dead, not alive, and I will reprimand any officer who shows the least bit of mercy to a criminal.».

  41. As of March 2016, Ruffin was in prison for violating the apprehended violence order, burglary, assault and criminal damage.

  42. No criminal charges were brought against the chief officers, but Jordan and Whitehouse both faced disciplinary proceedings.

  43. The film is notable as the first in over 30 years, in which he plays a negative character—a criminal and compulsive gambler.

  44. In cross-examination, Flint suggests Andre and Regan were using knowledge of past criminal activities to blackmail Faulkner.

  45. Shortly afterward, Naruto discovers the Akatsuki, a criminal organization that seeks to extract the Nine-Tails from his body.

  46. Henry Scudder, an American who had escaped prosecution for criminal activities in his home country by joining foreign armies, had had psychokinetic powers since childhood.

  47. The first words on the record are «God bless the criminal,» and its remainder is filled with tales of sad sacks and pessimists who never built a bridge they wouldn’t burn.

  48. The following day, when two of the co-conspirators were arrested, police briefed the media about the arrests and stressed the criminal, not political, aspects of the case.

  49. Although there was never any doubt that Kehoe was the perpetrator, the jury was asked to determine if the school board or its employees were guilty of criminal negligence.

  50. In 2007, Eve and Julian discover that Vincent Clarkson (a blackmailer who raped and murdered several people) is their son, and try to support him despite his criminal past.

Synonyms for criminal

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word criminal has the following synonyms: condemnable, deplorable, reprehensible, vicious, wrong, felonious, illegal, guilty, felon, crook, outlaw and malefactor.

General information about «criminal» example sentences

The example sentences for the word criminal that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «criminal» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «criminal».

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(1) Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people. 

(2) A criminal gang terrorized the neighbourhood.

(3) I hounded a criminal to San Francisco.

(4) Robbery is a criminal act.

(5) We got the drop on the criminal.

(6) The released criminal always tries to evade the police.

(7) The possession of stolen property is a criminal offence.

(8) The criminal will be punished sooner or later.

(9) The criminal was captured soon.

(10) A policeman has the power to arrest a criminal.

(11) The policeman ordered the criminal to drop his weapon.

(12) The criminal pushed a pedestrian down and ran away.

(13) The police tracked the criminal to his hideout.

(14) It’s criminal to charge so much for a book.

(15) The criminal confessed to the priest.

(16) The criminal throttled the watchman and robbed the bank.

(17) We had a struggle to stop the criminal.

(18) The criminal was arrested yesterday.

(19) The criminal is armed and dangerous.

(20) The criminal broke away from his captors.

(21) They’ve renounced their old criminal way of life.

(22) 34 protesters were arrested for violating criminal law.

(23) The criminal was punished with severity. Sentencedict.com

(24) Police overpowered the criminal and took him away.

(25) He was charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage.

(26) The police kept after the criminal until they seized him.

(27) The police kept after the criminal until they finally caught him.

(28) He decided there was insufficient evidence to justify criminal proceedings.

(29) The criminal escaped from prison[sentencedict.com], and the policemen were running behind.

(30) Line up these men and see if the witness can recognize the criminal.

More similar words: incriminate, discriminate, incriminating, recrimination, discrimination, indiscriminate, self-incrimination, indiscriminately, eliminate, nominally, preliminary, elimination, crime, crimson, acrimony, scrimmage, primitive, acrimonious, timing, brimming, in all, diminish, minimize, final, diminished, finale, finally, all in all, diminution, diminutive. 

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It was thus suggested to insert the word «criminal» before «investigations».

Было предложено добавить слово «уголовные» перед словом «расследования».

She also repeated the word «criminal

She used the word «criminal» in this context more than once.

What makes up the word «criminal«?

The «Real Housewives of New Jersey» star, 44, refused to say the word «criminal» in regards to herself or her husband on her show.

Звезда реалити-шоу «Настоящие домохозяйки из Нью-Джерси» отказалась использовать слово «преступник» в отношении себя и своего мужа.

The word «criminal,» however, was excised in real-time by the Russian-language interpreter at the press conference.

Определение «преступная», однако, не было переведено переводчиком-синхронистов на русский язык во время пресс-конференции.

Kurchenko himself, when commenting his claim, said that the word «criminal» is not used for anyone in particular unless the court judged that person commited a crime.

Сам Курченко, комментируя подачу иска, отметил, что слово «преступник» в адрес конкретного человека не применяют без наличия соответствующего решения суда.

It was proposed as an alternative the possibility of referring to the «responsibility» of the juridical persons without including the word «criminal«.

В качестве альтернативы было предложено говорить об «ответственности» юридических лиц, опустив при этом слово «уголовной«.]

The Ukrainian Government blames the situation on war in the east of the country and on corruption of the previous-the word «criminal» is always used- regime.

«Украинское правительство винит во всем войну на востоке страны и коррупцию предыдущих «криминальных» (это слово настойчиво повторяют в Киеве) властей.

Richard Milhouse Nixon was the first US president whose name contains all the letters from the word «criminal

Ричард Никсон (Richard Millhouse Nixon) был первым президентом США, в имени которого содержались все буквы слова «criminal» (преступник).

In accordance with the civilized laws word «criminal» is applicable to a person recognized as such by the court. The court may be neither «the most human» nor «the fairest» nor «the most impartial».

Согласно цивилизованному законодательству, слово «преступник» применяется к человеку, которого таковым назвал суд. Не обязательно «самый гуманный», не обязательно «самый справедливый», и, наконец, не обязательно «самый непредвзятый».

Другие результаты

Mr. O’Flaherty suggested adding the words «criminal or military» to the end of the first sentence.

Г-н О’Флахерти предлагает добавить в конце первого предложения слова «уголовный или военный».

Instead, after the words «criminal offences established», the words «pursuant to the provisions of this Convention» could be inserted.

Вместо этого следует просто сделать ссылку на «уголовные преступления, признанные таковыми в соответствии с положениями настоящей Конвенции».

The President of Romania was fined for using the word «criminals«

The President of Romania was fined for using the word «criminals«

The President of Romania was fined for using the word «criminals«

In paragraph 1, the word «other» should be inserted before the words «criminal acts».

In the second sentence, after words «International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda» insert the words «or their residual mechanism».

Во втором предложении после слов «Международный уголовный трибунал по Руанде» вставить слова «или замещающий их механизм».

In rule 6.24, sub-rule 1, replace the words «criminal responsibility of the accused, or sentence and reparations« with the words «criminal responsibility of the accused, sentence and reparations».

В подправиле 1 правила 6.24 заменить слова «уголовной ответственности обвиняемого или наказании и возмещении» словами «уголовной ответственности обвиняемого, наказании и возмещении».

(a) In operative paragraph 9, the words «on a country-by-country basis» were added after the words «criminal justice systems»;

а) в пункте 9 постановляющей части после слов «систем уголовного правосудия» были вставлены слова «на пострановой основе»;

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 567. Точных совпадений: 11. Затраченное время: 432 мс


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