Word count using words

Word Counter Tool for SEO Pros

Paste a text • Count words, characters and sentences • Get suggestions how to improve your content

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Paste a text

Paste a text for which you want to count the number of words, sentences and characters.

Count words

Get a results in 1 click. Find out how much words you content has and calculate word frequency.

What’s inside?

Word count tool

Tool counts a number of words and word frequency. You can detect keyword stuffing and evaluate how good is your content to get TOP in search engines.

Online text editor

Fix detected content issues using online editor. After making changes in the text all scores are re-calculated each 5 seconds.


Why word count matters?

Whether you are a college student, a content writer, manager or novelist, you know how important word usage in any type of text is. The purpose of any writing is to create a readable and convenient text that is easy to perceive. It is important to express your thoughts and ideas effectively. Generally, it means that every word counts, in the majority of cases it is better to be simple and use a minimal number of words. First of all, it makes any text shorter and, therefore, more pleasant to readers. Secondly, it makes it clear and easy to comprehend, a message of your writing should be straightforward and without any misinterpretations.

When it comes to articles, the fewer words, the better. We live in a time of information, and no one has the tolerance to deal with huge piles of text. Generally, any type of written content has a desirable amount of words, whether it is an essay, dissertation or novel. When you are limited with words, it makes you more conscious of their choice and power they have. It helps to deliver ideas logically so the reader won’t be lost in endless adjectives.

The main goal of any information source is to deliver the main idea, that’s why it is crucial to stick to the point and follow the structure. Your words use also influences your reputation as a writer. Yes, there is usually a desire to make text longer, but it is not always for the better. For example, the more clearly you understand the topic, the simpler you can explain it. If you go around with long metaphors, it might mean that you don’t actually have a good comprehension of it.

Every word one use should be efficient in what it is supposed to do. Be sure that you have a clear vision of what you are going to write and what message is being delivered, especially when we talk about academic writing or job-related communication. For example, if you are working on a presentation of the product, concentrate on the crucial features you need to underline, provide only essential information. When you are working on a science project, us the appropriate scholarly language style, which very clear, short and straightforward.

How to use words counter properly?

Writers are paid for the number of words, that why some of them might tend superficially increase them in the text. However, it might be a disadvantage if a reader will get tired of it. Unless you are Honoré de Balzac, there is no need to use all the words you know. It is better to stick to the efficient ways of message delivery.

Sometimes it is also crucial what kinds of words you use and in what number. For example, if you are a blogger or a content writer, you want your text appearing in search engine, like Google, on the first page. It means that the text should be structured and written according to the purpose and main keywords. There are also stop-words that imply that the text is overstuffed with the unnecessary lexis. It reduces the chances of your content to be viewed on the first page. Yes, if you are writing about vacation places, you need to use words in this regard, such as vacation, beach, rest, relax, etc. however, if you overuse them just to make your text relevant it will be impossible to read. Remember that the main purpose of any type of writing is to be informative and interesting to read for a perceiver.

That’s why if you are interested in increasing your writing skills and the quality of your texts, you need to care about word count. It is amazing that today we have technologies that help us to do it faster and in a very comfortable way, just behind our computer. So it is only reasonable to use professional software designed for this purpose. That’s why when you need an instant count of a specific word, Microsoft Word can show you a general word count, but it won’t get you a detailed and comprehensive report. The copywritely.com website offers an online report on word count. It is amazing because you don’t need to download anything or install additional software. Basically, you just type in or copy paste your text in a box on a website and proceed with analysis. Now you know everything you need to write a decent text!


What Is Meant by Word Count?

The term word count means the number of words contained within a document or passage of text. Checking your word count can ensure your text reaches or stays within a certain limit.

There are lots of reasons why a word count may be required for a passage of text, including readability and reliability reasons. Different word counts may be set depending on the audience of the text, its purpose, or both.

For example, a word count for a college essay may be set at 10,000 words to ensure the text contains significant research and is considered a reliable, in-depth paper. Whereas a journalist may have a 1,000-word count target to ensure the text is a short, easy-to-read summary for their target audience.

Professionals, students, authors, journalists, or anyone that needs to write a passage of text will usually find it important to know the word count.

How to Check Word Count

There are numerous ways you can check your word count. You can use Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or an online Word Counter Tool.

How to check word count using Microsoft Word

To check your word count using Microsoft Word, you can:

  1. Select the text you want to check
  2. You’ll find the word count in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen

How to check word count using Google Docs

To check your word count using Google Docs, you can:

  1. Select Tools
  2. Select Word Count
  3. View your word count

What Is the Word Counter Tool?

The Word Counter Tool is an online website that tells you the word count of a passage of text. The tool instantly counts the number of words and shows you the results. It can be used to make sure your text is of a certain length.

The Word Counter Tool can be used on a computer, laptop, or mobile device.

How Does the Word Counter Work?

The Word Counter Tool works by calculating the total number of words contained within a passage of text in real time.

It will count the words as you write, or it will show you the total number of words within text that you have copied and pasted into the box.

Using the tool, you can check the following information:

  • Word count
  • Unique word count
  • Character count (with and without spaces)
  • Sentence count
  • Paragraph count
  • Reading time

The Word Counter Tool is especially helpful if you are working on a mobile device and need to quickly check your word count.

How to Use the Word Counter

It’s easy to check your word count using the Word Counter.

To use the tool, simply:

  1. Start typing or copy and paste your text into the box
  2. Check your word count

Use Word Counter to Count Number of Words, Sentences, Characters, and Paragraphs

{{ $filters.digit(word_counts.characters) }}

characters (without spaces)

{{ $filters.digit(word_counts.all) }}

characters (with spaces)

{{ $filters.digit(word_counts.words) }}


{{ $filters.digit(word_counts.sentences) }}


{{ $filters.digit(word_counts.paragraphs) }}


Word Counter Tool: Free, Quick, And With No Limits!

Word Counter Tool is a free online word count tool to help you count and calculate the number of words in a text. This online tool can also calculate the total character or letter count, sentences, and paragraphs for the text entered in the input box. The best part? The number of words and characters you can count with this tool is unlimited!Z

Word count is an important metric for writing, especially in publishing, advertising, academia, and legal proceedings. By using this tool, you will be able to determine how many words there are in your text. You can then check to see if there are enough number of words or it has exceeded a certain limit.

This free online word counter can also help to check how many characters your text contains, especially if your text is meant for use on social media, Google Ads, app, and website headlines or Google meta description.

Chilling abstract

New ideas abstract

Why Is Word Count Important?

Whether it is for a website, a blog, an e-book or a corporate document, different types of writing requires a certain amount of word count length. Some platforms have limits as to how many words or letters can be used, for example, Google Ads search ads or Facebook banner ads.

Social media platforms are created for easy reading and quick consumption. Each platform has its own prescribed amount of viewable character count that can be posted. This is why knowing the character limits for social media platforms is important, especially if you are a digital marketer or social media manager.

If you are creating or managing social media content, it is useful to know the exact character limits for the platform you are working on. Here are the different character limits for popular social media platforms:

  • Twitter — Up to 280 characters (increased from the previous 140 characters).
  • Facebook — No more than 63,206 characters for posts and a maximum of 8,000 characters for comments.
  • Instagram — Limited to 30 hashtags and 2,200 characters for a caption (where only the first 125 characters will be displayed while the rest will be truncated).
  • LinkedIn — Headline text is limited to 120 characters, the summary section has a character limit of 2,000, position title has a limit of 100 characters, and the description box is limited to 1,000 characters.

Word Count For SEO (And How It Can Improve Your Rankings)

If you are writing for SEO, word count plays an important role. The majority of high ranking content that appears on page 1 on SERP are long-form articles. A lot of them exceed 2,000 words, while most of them are at least 1,500 words.

You will notice that a lot of long-form articles have evergreen content — the best type of content for SEO. Evergreen content receives more clicks over a long period of time, as opposed to content that is based on current news or viral trends.

Longer articles are also seen to be more authoritative. When you need to write longer content, you have the opportunity to insert more data and information into your article and make it more valuable.

As a result, your content will carry more value which increases the potential for the article being shared and linked to. The more social shares and backlinks you receive, the better your website or page rankings will be.

By using the Word Count Tool, you will be able to make sure that your article has the minimum amount of word count for SEO best practices. Having an ideal number of word count will not guarantee good search rankings but it will surely help in the long run.

Search engines abstract

Teacher abstract

How To Use An Online Word Counter And Character Counter Tool

Word Count Tool is incredibly easy to use and can give you almost instantaneous results. It will show you the word count for the number of words, characters, sentences, and paragraphs.

It also works as a character count tool and can be used to perform word count for Google Docs, PDF files, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Adobe InDesign, and many more. All you need to do is copy the text from any file types or websites and paste it into the Word Counter Tool input box.

Word Counter Tool can calculate how many words in a paragraph and even calculate the total word count for a novel, essay, or books. There is no limit to how many words you would like to count. It can also be useful if you have a maximum limit to the number of words allowed for an article or blog post you are working on.

Unlike most other word counter tools, our Word Counter Tool does not set any limit to the amount of text you wish to count. It is completely free to use with no limits to the number of times you would like to use it.

Why Use Word Counter Tool To Calculate Words And Character Count?

If you are familiar with Microsoft apps, you would know that there is also a feature that enables word count in Word. On top of that, there is also a word counter in Google Docs that can also count the number of characters.

Although software like Microsoft Word and Google Docs have their own built-in word counters, there is a clear advantage to using a free online tool like Word Counter Tool instead.

With Word Counter Tool, you are not limited to any particular file formats like Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Instead, you can copy and paste any type of text to find how many words or characters it contains.

You can perform a word count for your Microsoft Word file, Google Docs document, Microsoft Excel sheet, academic essays, or also a character count for your Google Ads search ad, Facebook posts, Instagram caption, and many more, all on Word Counter Tool.

It is easy to use and gives you results within the blink of an eye. Since it is free to use, you can perform word count checks with Word Counter Tool as many times as you would like. Whether you are a digital marketer, SEO specialist, writer, blogger, or student, Word Counter Tool will be a valuable addition to your workflow.

Decide abstract

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! You can use word counter free without seeing any ads or annoying limits.

Never! The tool is free and we will not restrict your usage of it.

There is NO LIMIT! You can paste any number of words to see the results!

Yes, you will see the number of sentences and paragraphs in your text.

Absolutely! Word counter will show you both — the number of characters with and without the spaces!

The word counter offered on DupliChecker isn’t an ordinary tool that just lets you know about the total number of words existing in a piece of text.

This wordcounter is quite efficient due to its advanced and exceptional results. The outcomes offered by this word counter include the following:

Total Number of Words

Have you ever received a task that required a specific number of words?

Counting words manually in such a situation won’t be an efficient approach. Therefore, you can utilize our word counter to find the exact number of words existing in any kind of text. If you want to rewrite an already written text file, you can rely on the paraphrasing tool.

Total Characters

Character count matters when it comes to sharing any post on social media or updating meta tags of applications and websites.Our word calculator provides you with this information. It helps you to analyze whether your text’s length is within the given character limit or not.

Total Sentences

In academic writing, the students are asked to follow the given structure and layout, which also includes the limitation on the maximum/minimum number of sentences.

Duplichecker’s sentence counter will prove to be beneficial for you in this regard, as you can figure out the total sentences existing in your content with a single click. Duplichecker also helps you to eliminate all the errors existing in your sentences, as it also offers the grammar checker facility.

Show Syllables

Enhancing the readability of written content is crucial to improving its readership.

Our syllable counter shows syllables to help people know about this important aspect of writing. Syllables play an integral role in this regard, as they work as building blocks of words.

Estimated Reading Time

How much time will you take to go entirely through your content?

The exact pace at which a reader goes through your content from top till end can’t be figured out. However, you can still find an estimated reading time based on an average reader’s skills through this online word count checker tool.

Case Conversion Toolbar

Another top-notch feature of this word checker is the case conversion toolbar.

You can easily convert your text into any case, such as uppercase, lowercase, sentence case, capitalized case, alternating case, toggle case, snake case, and hyphen case by using this word counter.

Who is this word-counting tool for?

This tool is made for anyone who needs to keep a count of their word, characters, sentences and paragraphs automatically. From teachers, students to bloggers, SEOs and content writersFor writing assignments or meta descriptions with specific word counts.

What is the best word count for SEO?

Many might suggest the longer the content, the better for ranking. But that’s a misunderstanding from studies, like Backlinko citing that the “average Google first page result contains 1,447 words”.

The length of your web copy should first be determined by how helpful the content is for your users’ needs – whether that’s getting an answer to a question or simply showcasing a product.

By checking the top ten results that rank for your main keyword and doing keyword research to understand which other words people search for, you can calculate how long your content should be, and whether you can answer the user’s intended search better.

Remember: word count is not indicative of quality!

Word counter for essays

With our tool you can find out how many words you need for each section of any essay.You can see how many words you will need in a different essay at once by using the word counter tool.

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