Word count in chinese

Since written Chinese are composed of Chinese characters, there is no such thing as Chinese word count, but there is a Chinese character count. But this, of course, is not the only reason. The point is that Chinese text may include not only a word consisting of several Chinese characters but also a sentence or a phrase that consists of several Chinese characters not separated by spaces. Thus, without understanding the context, it is technically challenging to determine the word count.

In modern Chinese, most words consist of two or more characters. Another exciting feature of Chinese characters is that a character corresponds to a single syllable that is also a word (or a part of a word) with meaning. Chinese writing differs from alphabetic or syllabic in that it includes a much larger number of characters — tens of thousands. But let’s not stray too far from the topic of Chinese word count, or as you already know — Chinese character count.

One of the easiest ways to count characters in Chinese text is to use Microsoft Word. MS Word has a significant advantage over many other programs since Word is localized for many languages ​​and will not show you word count statistics pulled out of a hat.

Define Chinese word count with Microsoft Word

Open your text file in MS Word. You can also open a new Word document and copy the text there.

Find Chinese word count statistics in the lower-left corner of the screen, or click Ctrl + Shift + G on your keyboard.

Chinese word count in ms word

View the character count statistics of the text selection by highlighting the part of the text. The selected part’s word count will be displayed in the bottom left corner, or click Ctrl + Shift + G on your keyboard to see the word count pop-up window.

Chinese word count in the text part in ms word

Another way to count words (or characters) is to use the word count tool.

Just like MS Word, AnyCount knows the peculiarities of word counting in Chinese. And it will show you the correct result, even if you forget to change the word count unit from words to characters. However, unlike MS Word, AnyCount can do more! The word counter can also count Chinese characters in running headers and footers, footnotes, endnotes, comments, and hidden text.

Download the free AnyCount word count tool here.

Drag the file with Chinese text into the program window.

Click on the “Count” button.

Chinese word count with AnyCount

Try Anycount now!
Download the word count tool absolutely free.

About Chinese Character Counter

In a character-based language like Chinese, word count is usually not the most important limitation. A Chinese character counter is therefore an essential tool for anyone creating original written work in Chinese or translating from a different language. 

And while sticking to a character count for social media or a magazine article may sound difficult, it can actually boost your creativity, making you shape your ideas and phrases in a way that will hook your reader. 

Simply type your text into the counter, which will track the number of characters used in real time, or copy and paste it from another document.

Many learners find measure words to be one of the most difficult aspects of the Chinese language. And no wonder: to use them correctly, you need to pay attention to a bunch of features that do not even exist in English. And whenever you learn a new noun in Chinese, you have to memorize the corresponding measure word that agrees with it.

But don’t worry. We are here to help you!

We’ll make them less scary by analyzing some of their defining features and teaching you the simple rules to use them. To make things easier for you, we’ll start by discussing just the 15 most common measure words in Chinese you’ll hear every day when you begin studying. Later on, we’ll look at how to learn the remaining measure words effectively.

How Measure Words Work in Chinese

In Chinese, a measure word is called 量词 (liàng cí). The way measure words work in Mandarin Chinese might not seem too intuitive to an English speaker. After all, English measure words are only used in very specific contexts.

On a basic level, measure words are used to specify a certain quantity of a given noun. If that doesn’t sound too clear, here are a few examples from English:

a bar of chocolate
a party of friends
two pieces of news
three rolls of toilet paper
several drops of mud

While English uses measure words rather sparingly, Chinese sentences are just full of them. Chinese measure words are indispensable when counting nouns – in many contexts which wouldn’t require a measure word in English.

The big difference with measure words between Chinese and English is that usually, only mass nouns (uncountable nouns) require one in English, while every noun – even single and countable, requires one in Chinese, that is, every time a number or a demonstrative pronoun like “this” or “that” is used with a noun, you must slip a measure word in the middle.

For example, you wouldn’t just say “a car”, “two cats”, “this cake” in Chinese, you would say “a [measure word] car” and “two [measure word] cats”, “this [measure word] cake”. (there is no additional linking particle like “of” in English)

Different measure words are used for different nouns. In total, there are about 150 measure words in Chinese that are frequently used in day-to-day conversations. Measure words in Chinese can speak to the shape or feature of the object, the category to which it belongs, the type of container it comes in, or are simply arbitrary and you must just know them. (In some cases, more than one measure word may be used for the same noun, and the choice depends on which characteristic you wish to emphasize)

Don’t let the measure word system freak you out, though.

There are some simple rules that you can learn to master this aspect of Chinese. To help you kickstart your growing vocabulary, we’ll start you off with the 15 most common measure words in Chinese that capture the most value for beginners. These core, simple measure words are easy to remember because you’ll hear them everywhere, all the time!

Let’s dive in!

15 Most Common Measure Words in Chinese You Must Know

Here’s a rundown of the 15 most commonly used measure words in daily Chinese to get you going. If your goal is to become conversationally fluent in Chinese, these are the top measure words you must know.

1. Generic Measure Word: 个 (gè)

measure word 个 (gè)

个 (gè) is the most commonly used measure word in Chinese amongst all.

It’s mostly used with nouns for people. The typical construct to use with 个 (gè), and most measure words, is “number [measure word] noun”.

For example,

  • 老人
    yí  lǎorén
    an old man
  • 孩子
    liǎng  háizi
    two kids
  • 学生
    sān  xuésheng
    three students

When the number “two” is used before a measure word, you must read it as 两 (liǎng) instead of 二 (èr). Read here for further explanations.

Many non-human items, abstract objects, and words can go with this measure word as well. For instance,

  • liǎng  zì
    two characters
  • 橙子
    sān  chéngzi
    three oranges

  • wǔ  huì
    five meetings

  • qī  yuè
    seven months
  • 问题
    shí  wèntí
    ten questions

Additionally, 个 (gè) can be used as a generic, all-purpose measure word, which means that you can use it as a substitute if you don’t know or can’t remember the more proper measure word for the noun you’re trying to quantify. It may not be technically correct (works like 30% of the time), but you’ll be understood by native speakers most of the time. And as a bonus, they may even offer up the right measure word so that you can file it away for future reference.

If the noun you are referring to is singular in the sentence, you can omit the number 一 (yī) before the measure word. For example,

  • 你是一个好人。Nǐ shì yí gè hǎo rén.
    → 你是好人。Nǐ shì  hǎo rén.
    You are a good guy.

This rule applies to all measure words.

2. 位 (wèi)

This is another commonly used measure word to count people. Compared with 个 (gè), the word 位 (wèi) is more formal. It’s a good idea to use 位 (wèi) instead of 个 (gè) when you want to show politeness or respect to the people you are talking about.

For instance,

  • 老师
    yí wèi lǎoshī
    a teacher
  • 同事
    liǎng wèi tóngshì
    two colleagues
  • 客人
    sān wèi kèrén
    three guests

And when you go to a restaurant in China, you are bound to hear the waiter say this to you as part of the Chinese courtesy.

  • ?
    Jǐ wèi?
    How many (people)?

3. 只 (zhī)

measure word 只 (zhī)

Just like 个 (gè) is the generic measure word for people, 只 (zhī) is the generic measure word for animals

Here’s this common measure word in action,

  • yì zhī māo
    a cat
  • 兔子
    liǎng zhī tùzi
    two bunnies
  • 虫子
    sān zhī chóngzi
    three bugs

  • sì zhī niǎo
    four birds

  • wǔ zhī jī
    five chickens

Note that the measure word 只 (zhī) normally sticks with smaller animals. For larger animals (pigs, cows, or elephants, for example), another measure word is used in Chinese – we’ll get there in a minute.

Now, 只 (zhī) can also be used to talk about items that come in pairs (one of a pair) such as some body parts, shoes, etc.

For example:

  • yì zhī shǒu
    a hand

  • yì zhī jiǎo
    a foot
  • 眼睛
    liǎng zhī yǎnjīng
    two eyes
  • 耳朵
    liǎng zhī ěrduo
    two ears

  • yì zhī xié
    a shoe

Note that 只 (zhī) is pronounced “zhī” here, and not “zhǐ” like in other contexts.

4. 头 (tóu)

measure word 头 (tóu)

The Chinese measure word 头 (tóu) refers to a head of something. If 个 (gè) is the go-to measure word for small animals, then 头 (tóu) is used for big animals such as livestock as well as some wild animals.

  • yì tóu zhū
    a pig

  • liǎng tóu lǘ
    two donkeys

  • sān tóu niú
    three cows
  • 狮子
    sì tóu shīzi
    four lions
  • 大象
    wǔ tóu dàxiàng
    five elephants

5. 条 (tiáo)

measure word 条 (tiáo)

条 (tiáo) is the measure word for things with a long, narrow shape – fish, snakes, ropes, ties, rivers, roads, pants, etc.

Check these examples:

  • yì tiáo yú
    a fish

  • liǎng tiáo shé
    two snakes
  • 领带
    sān tiáo lǐngdài
    three ties

  •  tiáo hé
    four rivers
  • 裤子
    shí tiáo kùzi
    ten pants

Well, you may argue that some fish doesn’t look long at all, but you still have to use the measure word 条 (tiáo) for it, since it’s the catch-all measure word for all types of fish.

6. 双 (shuāng)

When you talk about pairs of things in Chinese, the measure word 双 (shuāng) is used. The character, as you can probably guess from its structure, means “double” originally.

Here are some examples:

  • yì shuāng xié
    a pair of shoes
  • 袜子
    yì shuāng wàzi
    a pair of socks
  • 筷子
    yì shuāng kuàizi
    a pair of chopsticks

  • yì shuāng shǒu
    a pair of hands
  • 眼睛
    yì shuāng yǎnjīng
    a pair of eyes

Note that 双 (shuāng) is typically used for pairs of things that can be separated. Unlike in English, it is not used to talk about items such as pants, glasses, or scissors which are viewed as one entity in Chinese. Other measure words are used for those nouns.

7. 张 (zhāng)

measure word 张 (zhāng)

It should be quite easy to remember how to use the measure word 张 (zhāng) in Chinese, as it refers to flat things – paper, tickets, menus, tables, chairs, beds, and so on. You’ll find that you use this measure word frequently traveling or living in China, as you’ll always be buying bus, train, or subway tickets.

Let’s see it in action.

  • yì zhāng zhǐ
    a piece of paper

  • liǎng zhāng piào
    two tickets
  • 桌子
    sān zhāng zhuōzi
    three tables
  • 椅子
    zhāng yǐzi
    four chairs

  • zhāng chuáng
    five beds

8. 本 (běn)

While 张 (zhāng) is used for a single sheet of paper, you need to use a different measure word when you are talking about bound stuff such as books, or magazines. That’s where 本 (běn) comes in handy!

Let’s see some examples!

  • yì běn shū
    a book
  • 词典
    yì běn cídiǎn
    a dictionary
  • 杂志
    liǎng běn zázhì
    two magazines
  • 笔记本
    běn bǐjìběn
    five notebooks

9. 把 (bǎ)

measure word 把 (bǎ)

The measure word 把 (bǎ) literally means “handful”. It’s commonly used for objects that can be held and implements with handles.


  • yì  dāo
    a knife
  • 叉子
    yì  chāzi
    a fork
  • 剪刀
    yì  jiǎndāo
    a pair of scissors

  • yì  sǎn
    an umbrella
  • 吉他
    yì  jítā
    a guitar
  • 椅子
    yì  yǐzi
    a chair

10. 件 (jiàn)

measure word 件 (jiàn)

The measure word 件 (jiàn) is used commonly in a few ways – with things, matters, clothes (top half), gifts, furniture, luggage, etc, even though they have nothing in common.

Here are some examples:

  • yí jiàn shì
    a thing
  • 汗衫
    yí jiàn hànshān
    a T-shirt
  • 大衣
    yí jiàn dàyī
    a coat
  • 礼物
    yí jiàn lǐwù
    a gift
  • 行李
    yí jiàn xíngli
    a piece of luggage

11. 辆 (liàng)

The measure word 辆 (liàng) is commonly used for vehicles with wheels (but not trains). You can use it to talk about cars, buses, bikes, scooters, and the like.

Let’s see how it’s used:

  • 汽车
    yí liàng qìchē
    a car
  • 大巴
    liǎng liàng dàbā
    two buses
  • 自行车
    sān liàng zìxíngchē
    three bicycles
  • 摩托车
    liàng mótuōchē
    four motorcycles

As you can see from the structure of the character 辆 (liàng), its radical “车” stands for vehicle and the right part “两” – meaning “two”, indicates the common ground between these vehicles: they all have at least two wheels.

12. 家 (jiā)

measure word 家 (jiā)

The word 家 (jiā) literally means “home” or “family”, but it can also be used as a measure word for business establishments such as companies, banks, shops, restaurants, etc.


  • 公司
    yì jiā gōngsī
    a company
  • 银行
    liǎng jiā yínháng
    two banks
  • 超市
    sān jiā chāoshì
    three supermarkets
  • 餐厅
    zhè jiā cāntīng
    this restaurant
  • 酒吧
    nà jiā jiǔbā
    that bar

13. 杯 (bēi)/瓶 (píng)

Speaking of “bar”, do you ever wonder how to count drinks in Chinese? It’s pretty simple. There are two common measure words for it: 杯 (bēi) and 瓶 (píng).

Learning how to use the measure words 杯 (bēi) and 瓶 (píng) in Chinese should be quite simple as they can be directly translated to the English words “cup/glass” and “bottle”.

Let’s take a look at how they are used in action.

  • 冰水
    yì bēi bīng shuǐ
    a glass of iced water
  • 绿茶
    yì bēi lǜ chá
    a cup of green tea
  • 咖啡
    liǎng bēi kāfēi
    two cups of coffee
  • 可乐
    sān píng kělè
    three bottles of coke
  • 啤酒
    shí píng píjiǔ
    ten bottles of beer

14. 份 (fèn)

measure word 份 (fèn)

Now let’s move on to food. You can use the measure word 份 (fèn) to talk about a portion or serving of food.

For example:

  • 米饭
    yí fèn mǐfàn
    a serving of rice
  • 快餐
    yí fèn kuài cān
    a serving of fast food
  • 点心
    yí fèn diǎnxin
    a serving of Dim Sum

This measure word is also widely used for documents, copies, newspapers, shares, packages, and so on.


  • 表格
    yí fèn biǎogé
    a form
  • 报纸
    yí fèn bàozhǐ
    a newspaper
  • 外卖
    yí fèn wàimài
    a portion of delivered food

15. 元 (yuán)/块 (kuài)

measure words to count money

Finally, we’ll learn how to count money in Chinese.

We’re going to put these two measure words together, as both of them are the basic monetary unit of China. 元 (yuán) and 块 (kuài) are essentially the same, it’s just that 块 (kuài) is more colloquial. If it helps, think of 元 (yuán) as the Chinese “dollars” and 块 (kuài) as the Chinese “bucks”.

  • 五十
    wǔ shí yuán qián
    50 RMB
  • 一百
    yì bǎi kuài qián
    100 RMB

How to Memorize Common Measure Words in Chinese

As we’ve mentioned, there are about 150 commonly used measure words in Chinese, but if you can master the 15 most important ones we’ve covered in this article, you’ll be well on your way to being a measure word expert!

Since Chinese measure words are used to express the quantity of literally everything, you cannot expect to learn them all by memorizing a list of rules, that’s why we don’t suggest learning them through traditional methods like flashcards or grammar drills. (Doing this will take quite some time, and in result, it’s not effective)

memorize common measure words in Chinese

Instead, the most effective way to master Chinese measure words is to keep using them in real contexts until they all sink in. The more you practice, the more each measure word will stick with the noun. Whenever you learn a new noun, make sure to simultaneously connect it with its measure word.

And don’t be afraid of making mistakes. If you can’t think of the appropriate measure word, you can always fall back on 个 (gè). Chances are, people will still understand what you are talking about and gently correct you. The way native speakers respond to your shaky, early uses of measure words will reinforce the usage of these words like nothing else!

If you’d like to learn more Chinese measure words, we’ve got you covered! We’ve written a more detailed post on this topic with a complete list of all 150 common measure words you need to speak fluent Chinese. Get it here.

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The Word Count of Chinese Text – ACE CHINESE

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Character Count Tool — The Best Character Counter

The must-have character counter that provides an extensive report about the character count, word count, and many other useful statistics.


Word-count for chinese (Linguistics) — ProZ.com

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Charcounter: Character, Letter and Word Counter

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Word Count Tool — The Best Word Counter

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A free online word count / words counter and calculator

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Chinese word frequency counter — EasyPronunciation.com

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Free Document Word Counter — 2019 — Accurately Counts the

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by Q Cai — ‎2010 — ‎Cited by 329 — ‎Related articlesJun 2, 2010 — A first way to find information about Chinese word frequencies is to look that is more valid than the traditional books-based counts [12]–[14].


The development of the Chinese linguistic inquiry and word

by CL Huang — ‎2012 — ‎Cited by 66 — ‎Related articlesLIWC reports on the percentage of words in a text file that are in the grammatical, The development of the Chinese linguistic inquiry and word count dictionary.


So you want to count unique Chinese characters in — Sinoglot

So you want to count unique Chinese characters in a document… frequency of a given word in a sizable corpus (the Lancaster Corpus of Mandarin Chinese).


Scrivener 3: Word count wrong for Chinese when copying and pasting

Dec 3, 2017 — 2 posts — ‎2 authorsHi, Recently I updated my software and I love Scrivener 3, but there is a serious bug when copying and pasting Chinese from other websites or 


American Born Chinese | Reading Length

American Born Chinese has 240 pages. Reading Length provides a calculation for the word count of this book, find out how long it will take you to read!


A Guide to Counting in Chinese | Chinese Language Blog

Jan 14, 2015 — There have been quite a few posts about counting in Chinese on the Don’t forget to learn a new Chinese word every day while you’re at it.

A Guide to Counting in Chinese

How many Chinese characters do you know? — WordSwing

Ever wonder how many Chinese characters you know? This tool can give you a rough idea. Just respond Word Lists. Join / Sign-in. Subscribe. Settings.


Languages — Real Chinese — Mini-guides — Chinese — BBC

Revision activity where you greet people and give your name in Chinese.


Title should have minimum word count $config_vale in chinese

Sep 16, 2018 — But in the use of a small trouble encountered, statistics of Chinese characters Title should have minimum word count $config_vale in chinese.


The GITS Blog » Counting words, characters, and Asian

Oct 6, 2007 — As a translator, I often need to get word counts. As a Japanese-to-English translator, I need to get Japanese character counts as well. These are 


How many Chinese characters are there? | Hutong School

In Chinese Calligraphy, everything counts, but there is a set of 5 criteria that also contains several thousand “words”), Chinese characters have their own logic 


Read and write Chinese characters — 读写汉字 — 学中文

Learn Chinese characters with innovative Chinese-english dictionary, stroke can sort the example words by Pinyin, usage frequency, and character count.


AO3’s chinese word count times ten and then you get the

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works.

https://archiveofourown.org/tags/AO3’s chinese word count times ten and then you get the correct number/works

Topic: Chinese word count problem | WordPress.com Forums

Jun 10, 2012 — 1 post — ‎1 authoren WordPress.com Forums › Support Chinese word count problem Author Posts June 11, 2012 at 5:47 am #912923 gmaxslasherMember 


Word Count CJK — Visual Studio Marketplace

May 18, 2017 — This is a more powerful word count extension for VSCode, which In current version, all CJK characters are counted as Chinese characters.


Measure words for counting — Chinese Grammar Wiki — AllSet

Chinese uses measure words, a type of word called classifiers in linguistics which are common in East Asian languages. Measure words have a number of 


How can I count the number of occurences of individual Chinese

Apr 2, 2015 — I want to count the number of occurrences of each separate word or Chinese character in a document. The words have already been sorted into 


Developing Simplified Chinese Psychological Linguistic

by R Gao — ‎2013 — ‎Cited by 61 — ‎Related articlesThe words that people use could reveal their emotional states, intentions, thinking styles, individual differences, etc. LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) 


TeXcount: LaTeX word count

Jump to Other languages: Greek, Chinese — Words joined by — are generally counted as one word, and acronyms containing periods but no spaces are 


Free Online Text Word Counter

Count words and characters in the document and any text. Check letter and phrase statistics. Calculate words in PDF, EPUB, WORD and other formats.


Introduction to CKIP Chinese Word Segmentation System for

by WY Ma — ‎2003 — ‎Cited by 424 — ‎Related articlesInternational Chinese Word Segmentation Bakeoff 99.77% of the success rate without counting the mistakes occurred due to the existence of unknown words.


Chinese Word Count for Android — APK Download

Oct 20, 2015 — Download Chinese Word Count apk 1.0 for Android. Free Chinese word counter, simple to use, easy to share.


Analysis – Memsource

The Analysis feature makes it possible to calculate the character/word count in the use spaces between words—this excludes Chinese, Japanese, and Thai) 


Chinese LIWC Lexicon Expansion via Hierarchical — AAAI

by X Zeng — ‎2018 — ‎Cited by 11 — ‎Related articlesLinguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) is a word count- ing software tool the core lexicon has been translated into Chinese and many other languages.


Chinese Translation — TranslationDirectory.com

So if you want a 1,000–word English document translated into Chinese, the word count of the “target language,” Chinese in this case, will be 1,350 to 1,500.


Legal Chinese Translation Word Counts: Two Deceptive

Legal Chinese Translation Word Counts: Two Deceptive Practices Western law firm clients often fall victim to deceptive Chinese translation pricing. Confusion 

Legal Chinese Translation Word Counts: Two Deceptive Practices

Which Language Is Richest In Words?

Mar 7, 2018 — Does that make Spanish richer in word count? Some languages inflect much less. (Chinese is famously ending-free). So, whether we count 


WordCount — Packages — Package Control

Real-time Word, Char, Line and Page counter, in the status-bar for the document, line or selection. Sublime Text. A fork of titoBouzout’s original repo so that it 


How To Say Numbers In Chinese — Mandarin Learning Tips Blog

Jun 17, 2016 — Learning to count numbers in Mandarin Chinese is simple, because the It doesn’t require you to learn unique words for multiples of ten such 


@iarna/word-count — npm

Nov 12, 2018 — const wordCount = require(‘@iarna/word-count’) . If you happen to give this a run of, say, Chinese characters, it will consider each group 


Word Count in Google Docs – Word Counter

Learn how to count characters, words and pages in Google Docs with step-by-step instructions for PC, MAC, Android and iOS devices.


WordPress Plugin: Chinese Word Count

WordPress Chinese Word Count Plugin vulnerabilities.


How Many Chinese Characters Do I Need To Learn

May 24, 2016 — These 80 000 characters equal many, many, more Chinese words. As Chinese is a living language, it’s hard to give a definite count.

How Many Chinese Characters Do I Need To Learn?

Chinese Philosophy – 1000-Word Philosophy: An Introductory

Author: Henrique Schneider Categories: Chinese Philosophy, Historical Philosophy Word Count: 997 Wu-wei (無爲, wúwéi) is a central concept in early Chinese 


Prudential SG CNY 2019 : Word Count — YouTube

▶ 4:46 Jan 31, 2019 — Uploaded by Prudential SingaporeThis Lunar New Year, Prudential is proud to premiere Word Count, a heartwarming story about a father

How to reduce word count without reducing content

Jul 10, 2017 — Stuck with too many words to meet the word count guidelines? Here’s how you can cut down without sacrificing content.


3 Ways to Count to 10 in Chinese — wikiHow

Oct 25, 2019 — And since larger Chinese numbers are formed simply by combining the words for the two digits, if you can count to 10, you can actually count 


Liang Sicheng Why We Must Research Chinese Traditional

(1944). Word Count: 1,626. Source: Liang Sicheng, “Why We Must Research Chinese Traditional Architecture,” in Bulletin of the Society for Research in Chinese 


An application to estimate known Chinese words | zhtoolkit

Mar 17, 2011 — An application to estimate known Chinese words see the detailed score, which shows how the estimated known word count is calculated.

An application to estimate known Chinese words

McGraw-Hill’s Chinese Dictionary and Guide to — Amazon.com

McGraw-Hill’s Chinese Dictionary and Guide to 20,000 Essential Words: A New . Count these marks, and you can locate the Chinese character you need in 

The History and Cultural Heritage of Chinese Calligraphy,

Susan M. Allen, ‎Lin Zuzao, ‎Cheng Xiaolan — 2010 — ‎Language Arts & DisciplinesTo Mr Shen, 7th of September (Chinese calendar), written by Mu zimei, the craftsman. THE METHOD OF WORD COUNT PER PAGE We have found that the 

https://books.google.com/books?id=zb5sJ5NGVvIC&pg=PA109&lpg=PA109&dq=chinese word count&source=bl&ots=5azHtk1_hU&sig=ACfU3U3Kp_c8dQ2yfx2ZS7pJgfkBijLzdA&hl=en&ppis=_e&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiKub_Js7PmAhU5zDgGHd7kB1QQ6AEwZnoECGIQAQ

Statistics | Impossible Chinese

Statistics on my Chinese learning as well as Chinese textbooks (DeFrancis Beginning are getting interpreted as words and this has inflated the word count.


A Comparative Study on English and Chinese Word Uses with

by H Li — ‎Cited by 11 — ‎Related articlesAbstract. This paper compared the linguistic and psychological word uses in English and Chinese languages with LIWC (Linguis- tic Inquiry and Word Count) 


Quantifying Simplified Chinese — Ian Reynolds — Medium

Feb 17, 2015 — Then it was co-opted to mean a word with a similar pronunciation meaning . So my question is: is stroke count of Chinese characters a good 


Accelerated Reader Bookfinder US — Book Detail — AR

American Born Chinese This book alternates interrelated stories about three characters: a Chinese American trying to fit into popular Word Count: 8229.


What about word count in Asian languages such as Chinese

Ensure an accurate word count for a source text in an Asian language.


Fluency: How Many Words Do I Need To Learn? | Mandarin

Nov 23, 2017 — How many Chinese words does the average Chinese know? a certain level of “chasing the word count”, regardless of which language it is.


Chinese – Sherine Emara — Sites @ MIIS — Middlebury Institute

We had 6 files to translate with a total word count of 4189 words. We used Trados to carry on word count analysis, project quote, and deliverables. We held a 


In Japanese, Chinese and Korean, 140 characters for Twitter

Sep 27, 2017 — Words in English consist of an average of 5.1 letters each. The Chinese script, meanwhile is based on monosyllabic characters, each carrying a 


Definitive Guide To The Chinese Alphabet and Characters

Nov 17, 2018 — Chinese is all about characters and we don’t put them together like we do with letters in our alphabets to make a word because these 


Word Counter | Crowdin Documentation

Below are the principles due to which Crowdin counts words: support@crowdin.com) are considered as 1 word; Hieroglyphs in Chinese, Japanese and other 


Chinese Word Count 1.0.apk (com.benkax.wordcount) free

Chinese Word Count 1.0.apk,Free Chinese word counter,simple to use,easy to share.Designed specifically for the Chinese characters.Can be used in 


Chinese Character Test

How many Chinese characters do you know? Take this quick quiz to estimate how many characters you know. What counts as a knowing a character?


Writing and Literacy in Chinese, Korean and Japanese

Insup Taylor, ‎Martin M. Taylor, ‎Maurice Martin Taylor — 1995 — ‎Language Arts & DisciplinesThe very word for Chinese character, Hanzi, contains it (Han = Chinese; zi = character or characters). The length of a manuscript is typically counted in 

https://books.google.com/books?id=WDw4gBaPjZgC&pg=PA33&lpg=PA33&dq=chinese word count&source=bl&ots=q0o3fLWVIo&sig=ACfU3U1NJIOs9nlxPGXH3b9PZ6iPREQxtg&hl=en&ppis=_e&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiKub_Js7PmAhU5zDgGHd7kB1QQ6AEwdHoECGkQAQ

Measure Words in Mandarin Chinese — ThoughtCo

Oct 14, 2019 — When speaking Mandarin Chinese, you need to use a measure word before every noun. Here’s how to choose the proper measure word.


Counting Chinese Words — Regex Help — PHP Freaks

Oct 3, 2013 — 11 posts — ‎3 authorsHi, I had written a function to calculate total words in a string. For example: 祝你 Happy Birthday — considered as 4 words祝你生日快樂 


Voice Over Script Word Counter — The Voice Realm

A voice over script length calculator to help time out audio recording lengths. How long does my voice voer script go for?


Word count your LaTeX project — Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editor

Word count your LaTeX project. Posted by Henry on September 15, 2015. This article was originally published on the ShareLaTeX blog and is reproduced here 


Word Count as a Measure of Quality on Wikipedia — Joshua

by JE Blumenstock — ‎Cited by 287 — ‎Related articlesWe propose a simple metric – word count – Keywords: Wikipedia, information quality, word count. 1. WWW 2008, April 21–25, 2008, Beijing, China.


‎Word Counter Tools on the App Store

Rating: 5 — ‎2 reviews — ‎Free — ‎iOS — ‎Utilities/ToolsTraditional Chinese 繁體中文. We promise to keep working on Word Counter Tools and make it better. If you have any questions or suggestions for this app, feel 


Do you really know how to count in Chinese? | Hacking Chinese

Aug 1, 2013 — Counting in a foreign language is one of the first things we learn, yet it takes First, Chinese switches word every four zeroes instead of every 

Do you really know how to count in Chinese?

Say 你好 (nihao) to Duolingo’s Chinese course! | Blog — Duolingo

Nov 16, 2017 — Today, Duolingo officially launched its Chinese course for English speakers, it uses pitch changes to distinguish different meanings of words.


Writing and Meaning : Word Count : Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus

Jul 8, 2011 — Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus: Word Count — Words and meaning, clearly in our minds, for example, or remembering a delicious Chinese meal.


Word Count — Onetastic for OneNote

Author(s), : Omer Atay. Category, : Info. Last Updated, : October 06, 2017. Requirements, : OneNote 2010 or above. Screenshot, : Word Count 


Words to Time Conversion Tool | Voices.com

Those using Microsoft Word will see the word count on the status bar. If the word count is missing, simply click the status bar and then ‘Word Count.’ 

Words to Time Conversion

Some Tricks to Reduce Word Count in Academic Writing | East

You often end up needing to reduce word count in your academic writing. For example, you could replace “tea from China” with “Chinese tea”. It’s only one 


How I Memorized 600 Chinese Words in 2 Weeks

Jan 18, 2016 — When I calculated it out based on the 15 days I had left, that was 76 words per day (if you count learning the pronunciation and the character as 


Chinese word frequency list — News — Forever a student

Mar 6, 2012 — In order to count the occurrence of unique words in an English article for instance, the process would be much easier, because spaces between 


A simple explanation of Chinese characters — Noteworthy

Nov 27, 2015 — It is actually impossible to count them precisely! There are Let’s take an actual Chinese word as example and see how this works: 昨天 => 


How can I count the characters in a word document? — Super User

3 answersIn Word 2010 and 2007, to get to the word count window you click on «Words: ###» At the bottom of every document. This Window then shows you the various 


Translation Prices per word — GTS Translation Services

Competitive information about payment rates per word in the translation industry. you would count the number of words in the document and multiply it by the For example, prices of Chinese translation services will be lower than prices of 

Translation Price per Word | Translation Cost per Word

Discussion — Word count in novels | Novel Updates Forum

Apr 5, 2018 — It varies, but I’d say 3k Chinese characters is about standard, which is somewhere around 2k English words, give or take. Coiling Dragon is 800 


Simulating 80% Comprehension in Chinese | Sinosplice

Oct 13, 2016 — The tricky thing about reading Chinese is that it’s not just a matter of Obviously, I had to count the words to make sure I got the desired 

Simulating 80% Comprehension in Chinese

Radical/strokes lookup — MDBG Chinese Dictionary

some radicals appear multiple times due to different stroke count of variants. For more information on radicals, please read Radical (Chinese character) on 


Chinese Numbers — The Ultimate Guide to Numbers in Mandarin

Dec 12, 2018 — Numbers in Mandarin — Chinese Numbers from 1-10, Chinese Numbers You already know the number 29 so you simply add the word for “I” before and Beyond the number 99, when counting in Chinese, you need to use 


can I use antconc to count the total number of Chinese words

Jul 2, 2016 — can I use antconc to count the total number of Chinese words and English words at the same time if there is both Chinese words and English 


SGAG — When you need to hit that word count for your

Nov 13, 2018 — When you need to hit that word count for your Chinese compo


East Asian Languages and Chinese Characters — Pinyin.info

The conclusion drawn from these arguments is that what counts is not the writing By identifying the syllable-sized units of written Chinese with words instead of 


Chinese Text to Pinyin/Zhuyin Converter with Pronunciation

Purple Culture : Chinese Text to Pinyin/Zhuyin Converter with Pronunciation — Chinese Learning Business China Charms of China Chinese Arts and Crafts 


The limitation of word count in Chinese journals: a potential

The limitation of word count in Chinese journal may be a possible hindering factor for the application of the CONSORT statement in China. Objectives:To assess 


Learn the 30 most important words in Chinese!

Learn to count to ten in Chinese. Chinese complete language course: with 69% discount! In this video you will learn the most important words in Chinese: 


How many words in the english language ? How many do i

And if we look at the English language word count, for example, what should we Lit: Comprehensive Chinese Word Dictionary), 370,000 words; 23,000 head 

How many words do I need to know? The 95/5 rule in language learning, Part 2/2

New Approaches to Chinese Word Formation: Morphology,

Jerome L. Packard — 2011 — ‎Language Arts & DisciplinesMorphology, Phonology and the Lexicon in Modern and Ancient Chinese 140-141, 161, 198, 201-202 syllable count of, 142, 143 as syntactic words, 238, 247 

https://books.google.com/books?id=aXjB8vdnbVgC&pg=PA374&lpg=PA374&dq=chinese word count&source=bl&ots=7TNQjPMHcp&sig=ACfU3U3aypepSJEfWKlgbQpZw0lywkhf0Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjL-LHfs7PmAhUqwTgGHbmiAZo4ZBDoATAcegQIZRAB

Mandarin Chinese Character Dictionary — 中英字典

Provides detailed information about Chinese characters, including list of common words containing the characters, character etymology, and stroke order.


Developing Simplified Chinese Psychological Linguistic

LIWC (Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count) has been widely used for psychological text analysis, and its dictionary is the core. The Traditional Chinese version of 


wordfreq · PyPI

wordfreq is a Python library for looking up the frequencies of words in many. steps that are necessary to get Chinese, Japanese, and Korean word frequencies. . the same way that the words in wordfreq’s data were counted in the first place.


Cutting through the Studio Analysis… – multifarious

Oct 18, 2015 — Wordcount : Counts the number of words occurring in the files Once you have run a wordcount, or an analysis report, on your Project you can . like Chinese or Japanese, SDL Trados Studio has only character count and 

Cutting through the Studio Analysis…

Chinese Gleams of Sufi Light: Wang Tai-yu’s Great Learning

Sachiko Murata — 2000 — ‎ReligionIn other words, God’s «signs» manifest the heavenly mandate in both the A word count of the two works translated in the present book would show it to be 

https://books.google.com/books?id=cVFDIPIv3ZgC&pg=PA72&lpg=PA72&dq=chinese word count&source=bl&ots=Ad_2khx2s7&sig=ACfU3U1g2Rq9DgW7bp242gHguisNRcT_7g&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjL-LHfs7PmAhUqwTgGHbmiAZo4ZBDoATAhegQIYRAB

How to Count Words in a Scan or Image — Scrybs.com

Apr 1, 2016 — Scanned images present a unique challenge when it comes to counting words or characters. However, a simple solution is through OCR 

How to Count Words in a Scan

Index:Chinese total strokes — Wiktionary

Search for CJKV Characters by total strokes for the character: Total strokes · 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20.


CN101295291A — Mother stroke Chinese word, word library

Traditional Chinese characters and English class word combinations are: first 2, as claimed in the parent Videos Chinese word count in claim l, wherein: the 


Translation Rates — Translation Cost — Translated

Word count. or of the text to be translated, i.e. the number of words, and the linguistic combination. Translated offers an average price of US $0.10 per word.


3 basic approaches in Bag of Words which are better than

Jul 22, 2018 — Nowadays, every one is talking about Word (or Character, Sentence, Photo: https://pixabay.com/en/hong-kong-china-city-chinese-asian-383963/ count_occur_df.sort_values(‘Count’, ascending=False, inplace=True)


Your guide to translation pricing — Sure Languages

So, your 10,000-word document translation from English into Chinese might cost Equally, when you have a simple low word-count document, such as a short 


The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Chinese Philosophy

Sor-hoon Tan — 2016 — ‎PhilosophySee, for instance, James Pennebaker’s “Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count” program at http://www.liwc.net/. As part of a large, multiyear grant awarded to us at 

https://books.google.com/books?id=3P2FDAAAQBAJ&pg=PA345&lpg=PA345&dq=chinese word count&source=bl&ots=9hUzjmo9ct&sig=ACfU3U15TCvQPOQA7Hr9lEdC2KPah5Q2hg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjL-LHfs7PmAhUqwTgGHbmiAZo4ZBDoATAoegQIYBAB

CWFC — A Chinese Word Frequency Counter

Apr 7, 2001 — The Chinese Word Frequency Counter (CWFC) is a very small C program (around 150 lines of code) that counts how many times each word 


字數計算| 文字計數 — 線上工具

字數計算器可以快速地統計文章的內容所含有多少個字節數,並且能夠細分為中文字數、中文標點數、英文字數、英文標點數、行列(段落)數,阿拉伯數字。 總數: 0


Mind and Body in Early China: Beyond Orientalism and the

Edward Slingerland — 2018 — ‎ReligionSee social constructivism Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC), 163 Link, Perry, 208–209 Liu Bang, 191 Liu Chengji, 44 Liu, Li, 66 Liu Xiang, 69ns LIWC 

https://books.google.com/books?id=X2J7DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA376&lpg=PA376&dq=chinese word count&source=bl&ots=fGX_-QeZI9&sig=ACfU3U0xxLjJR7lktasUt83I6MfAnMjCsQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjL-LHfs7PmAhUqwTgGHbmiAZo4ZBDoATAregQIYhAB

Free Online Document Translator — Preserves your document’s

Free, online service which translates office documents (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, PDF, OpenOffice, text) into multiple languages, preserving the original layout.


word count — Chinese translation – Linguee

Many translated example sentences containing «word count» – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations.

https://www.linguee.com/english-chinese/translation/word count.html

Chinese Strokes List Pdf

Mandarin Chinese Count/Measure Words A measure word (liàngcí 量词 量詞), also known as a classifier or a count word, is used along with numerals to define 


How many WORDS in the chinese language (NOT characters)? — Art and

Apr 10, 2010 — 6 posts — ‎5 authorsHowever, characters and words are not equivalent, some characters are Some people even count inflected forms as separate words for the 


Chinese Students’ Writing in English: Implications from a

Maria Leedham — 2014 — ‎EducationThe different usage of the remaining elements partially explains the lower wordcount of assignments in Chi123 (discussed near the start of this chapter), as a 

https://books.google.com/books?id=1WteBAAAQBAJ&pg=PT68&lpg=PT68&dq=chinese word count&source=bl&ots=ylQGxzrtG3&sig=ACfU3U3CV7INkNL357A3K3MXiz4wPMn_hQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjL-LHfs7PmAhUqwTgGHbmiAZo4ZBDoATAwegQIYxAB

English To Chinese

Below are the latest Chinese words and phrases translated to English, which I’m not sure about the word count as the transcribe process still carry on, but I 


Numbers 1-10: Chinese Word Work and Activities (Mandarin

Numbers 1-10: Chinese Word Work and Activities (Mandarin ) Chinese (Simplified) Set 1 #Numbers 1-10 Introduction, Counting &. More information.

Word Count In Word

View the word count of any text with online tools. com March 17, 2019. A chapter and alphabets such as French, English, Latin, Cyrillic, Greek, Hindi, Chinese.


Word Count In Word

Free Online Character and Word Count Tool | Any Length — Instant Results. and it will tell you how many English letters and how many Chinese characters.


How many characters in mandarin — uusbsc.tk

Apr 11, 2019 — Enter your Chinese text in the box and then you will be able to see a word count for uusbsc.tk can also enter English text in the Chinese and it 


Japanese, Korean, Chinese: Which language is the easiest to

23 hours ago — Chinese, on the other hand, was marketed as THE language of opportunity. a phrase or word—respectively in Japanese, Korean and Chinese. . There are six tones, nine if you count the three with glottal endings closely 


Trump signs off on deal to ease China trade war — The

15 hours ago — President Trump meets with China’s President Xi Jinping in Osaka, Japan, . Trump teased investors with word of a potential deal with China, 


Chinese Translator

Each Chinese translator specializes in a different field such as legal, I’m not sure about the word count as the transcribe process still carry on, but I hope that 


5000 Word Story

Assignment with a 50000 Word Essays word count – not problem! . This list pulls together the best of FluentU’s Mandarin Chinese vocabulary word lists.


13 In Words

4: In China, the pronunciation of the word for the number four is similar to that of the To get the Word Count function seems no as simple as it was before.


Vitals — December 13, 2019 — Axios

9 hours ago — Good morning. Another week down, an infinite number to go. Today’s word count is 656, or a 3-minute read.


Accurate Synonym

It was hard to get an accurate count of the number of people in the room because Towards Accurate Word Segmentation for Chinese Patents Si Li1, Nianwen 


Word Count In Word

A word count is a numerical count of how many words a document contains. You can also enter English text in the Chinese and it will tell you how many 


Character Form — Angera Democratica

Character Count Online is a free online character and word counting tool. . I understand that copying Chinese characters had a long history as a form of 


Chinese Dataset — lamenora

The Second International Chinese Word Segmentation Bakeoff took place over connecting every person, organization, location, count, theme, news source, 


Just Light Novel — Nevo Drom

Word count for famous novels, in ascending order by number of words. light novel, web novel, korean novel and chinese novel which are daily updated!


Chinese Dataset — Autoscuola Barletta

The Second International Chinese Word Segmentation Bakeoff took place over Uauy) are publicly available to download as reads counts and transcripts per 


🧇 Strike last word meaning

2) The Chinese word meaning a place of idleness sounds something like gee A motion to strike is the proper remedy Knowing the word count of a text can be 


Word Online — unipolbet

Word Counter is an easy to use online tool for counting words, characters, Service supports 46 languages including Chinese, Japanese and Korean.


Meng zhou yale — David Huguenin

63 records — About Us. Note that most Chinese words and names are romanized in the I and II) also can count but I don’t know details CPSC Algorithms CPSC 


Vba Chinese Characters

To extract words that begin with a specific character, you can use a formula . For counting the number of characters in single or multiple cells, you may use the 


Chinese Character Counting

Count the text of the input area: Count Put result into the ‘Result’ tab. Show result as plain text in a new window. Reset the counter Clear inpur area. Chunk(s) 


Meme Phrase Generator

Type in some words to generate a mnemonic sentence (try the following: guitar strings, number of words, dropping words and including a word count table in the document. . You can use this page to create Pinyin or Chinese word search.


Actfl Chinese Test — heiko-handrich.de

Improving Oral Proficiency in Chinese Using Simulated OPI Assessment length and polysyllabic word counts (instead of single syllables) were used as 


Words with letters worse

Remember to letter count any name or intellectual property you have to use so you and I found that there are a few entries that seem to be Chinese words.


Displayed Synonym

How to display and edit Chinese on English Windows systems. Word Counter is a Macintosh OS X application that performs a word count and a character 


155 chan — Alameda Health System

Results 1 — 36 of 78 — The history of Chán in China can be divided into several periods. . High German word Stuotgarten, or stud farm, because the city was founded best known for his role as Count Dracula in a sequence of Hammer Horror 


Download Spelling — Hehl & Ludwig

Download latest version of Microsoft Word 2016 for Windows. Windows EXE file and then drag-and-drop it to the NJStar Chinese WP App icon. Word Count and Line Count Software for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML and WordPerfect.


155 chan — profilscope

Results 1 — 36 of 78 — Chop suey (/ ˈ tʃ ɒ p ˈ s uː i /) is a dish in American Chinese cuisine High German word Stuotgarten, or stud farm, because the city was founded in best known for his role as Count Dracula in a sequence of Hammer 


Word Collect 214

Improve & Personalize Word Crossy Cheat Firecracker Software LLC takes your privacy seriously. . of 1035 traditional and classic 2-character Chinese words which are good for Chinese . Knowing the word count of a text can be important.


Jos Operating System

at Intel’s Open Source Technology Center in China, and worked by combining the. count 4063 word count 712 line count 33 paragraph count 9 0 SHA-256.


N Gram Counts

The NGramCounter API generates word and n-grams counts based on large As a followup to Google n-grams and pre-modern Chinese , other features of the 


1688 English Version

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The Chinese language uses measure words to count nouns.

Unlike English and most European languages, Chinese does not distinguish between singular and plural, so nouns are simply abstract in number, with context determining whether something is singular or plural.
But when you have to specify a certain number of something, you combine the number itself with a measure word, followed by the noun.

Below is a comprehensive list of Chinese measure words and what they are used to count.

Hanzi Pinyin Use
chair, knife, umbrella, toothbrush; objects with handles
bāo pack of cigarettes; packets of objects
bēi tea, coffee, cup
bĕn book, magazine
chuàn for items that come in bunches or clusters, e.g.: grapes or bananas
chuáng blankets
dĭng hats
duì for items that are paired (but not necessarily so)
fèn newspaper; share; portion; copies
fēng letter (written document)
general measure word; people
gēn bananas; other long, slender objects
guàn can (of soda or food); jar; tin
homes; households
jiā companies; buildings; households
jià bridge; airplane
jiān room
jiàn clothes; luggage
jiè events; used for events like the Olympics, World Cup, and such that occur frequently
jīn pound (actually 0.5 kilograms)
phrase; remark
juăn reel; spool; toilet paper; camera film
text; lesson
kŏu family members; household
kuài soap; piece of land; Olympic medals; other things that come in hunks, chunks, or lumps; a measure of currency
liàng car; bicycle; wheeled vehicles
lún round (of talks, sports)
horses; bolt of cloth
píng bottles
cases (used for criminal case); batch, group (e.g.: visitors)
qún crowd; group (of people); flock (of birds, sheep); swarm (bees); herd (animals)
shŏu poems

shuāng chopsticks; items that necessarily come in pairs
sōu boats; ships
tái computers; televisions; radios; other machines
tào set (of furniture, stamps)
tiáo streets; rivers; fish; snakes; other long, winding objects
tóu domestic animals; head of cattle; mules; other larger animals
wèi person (polite usage)
zhāng map; bed; table; other flat, rectangular objects
zhī animal; one of a pair of body parts (hands, feet, ears); earrings; rings
zhī pencil, cigarette, pen; other long, thin objects
zhī pencil, cigarette, pen; other long, thin objects
zuò mountains; bridges; buildings

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