Word control in greek

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Inflections of ‘control‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p

WordReference English-Greek Dictionary © 2023:

Κύριες μεταφράσεις
Αγγλικά Ελληνικά
control n (authority) (εξουσία) έλεγχος ουσ αρσ
  The principal has control over his school.
  Ο λυκειάρχης έχει το σχολείο του υπό έλεγχο.
control n (restraint, self-control) αυτοέλεγχος ουσ αρσ
  The witness showed great control under cross-examination.
  Ο μάρτυρας έδειξε αυτοέλεγχο στην κατ’ αντιπαράσταση εξέταση.
control n (machine) (μηχανή) σύστημα ελέγχου ουσ ουδ
  The pilot started working the controls of the plane.
  Ο πιλότος έθεσε σε λειτουργία το σύστημα ελέγχου του αεροπλάνου.
control [sth] vtr (manipulate: machine) χειρίζομαι ρ μ
  The crane operator controlled the machine without problem.
  Ο οδηγός του γερανού χειρίστηκε το μηχάνημα χωρίς πρόβλημα.
control [sth/sb] vtr (restrain) κρατάω κπ/κτ υπό έλεγχο έκφρ
    ελέγχω ρ μ
  The police struggled to control the crowd.
control [sth] vtr (subdue) ελέγχω ρ μ
    κρατάω υπό έλεγχο έκφρ
  You must try to control your anger.
control [sb/sth] vtr (direct) ελέγχω ρ μ
    έχω υπό τον έλεγχό μου περίφρ
    διευθύνω ρ μ
  The manager controls the employees under him.
  Ο διευθυντής ελέγχει τους υφισταμένους του.
Επιπλέον μεταφράσεις
Αγγλικά Ελληνικά
control n (standard) πρότυπο ουσ ουδ
  We must follow all regulatory controls.
control n (domination) έλεγχος ουσ αρσ
    κυριαρχία, εξουσία ουσ θηλ
  The island came under state control.
control n (regulating device) ρυθμιστής ουσ αρσ
  The temperature control is broken.
control n (prevention) έλεγχος ουσ αρσ
   (εκ των προτέρων) πρόληψη ουσ θηλ
  Pest control is difficult in hot climates.
control n (sports: skill) κοντρόλ ουσ ουδ άκλ
  That pitcher has incredible control.
control [sb] vtr (manipulate: person) ελέγχω ρ μ
   (ανεπίσημο) κοντρολάρω ρ μ
  He left his girlfriend because she tried to control him too much.
  Εγκατέλειψε τη φιλενάδα του επειδή προσπαθούσε να τον ελέγχει υπερβολικά.
  Εγκατέλειψε τη φιλενάδα του επειδή προσπαθούσε να τον κοντρολάρει υπερβολικά.
control [sth] vtr (restrict) θέτω υπό έλεγχο περίφρ
    περιορίζω ρ μ
    ελέγχω ρ μ
  The curfew controls the movements of the citizens.
  Η απαγόρευση της κυκλοφορίας θέτει υπό έλεγχο τις κινήσεις των πολιτών.
  Η απαγόρευση της κυκλοφορίας περιορίζει τις κινήσεις των πολιτών.
  Η απαγόρευση της κυκλοφορίας ελέγχει τις κινήσεις των πολιτών.
control yourself vtr + refl (remain calm and composed) συγκρατούμαι ρ αμ
   (καθομιλουμένη, μεταφορικά) κρατιέμαι ρ αμ
  Even if she tries to pick a fight, you must control yourself and avoid responding.

WordReference English-Greek Dictionary © 2023:

Σύνθετοι τύποι:
Αγγλικά Ελληνικά
air traffic control n (directing and monitoring aircraft) έλεγχος ενάεριας κυκλοφορίας φρ ως ουσ αρσ
  Air traffic control is one of the most stressful occupations.
automatic control n (system: not manual) αυτόματος έλεγχος έκφρ
  My garden sprinklers work by automatic control.
automatic gain control n (electronic device) αυτόματος έλεγχος απολαβής φρ ως ουσ αρσ
    αυτόματη ρύθμιση απολαβής φρ ως ουσ θηλ
birth control n (contraception) αντισύλληψη ουσ θηλ
  There are many methods of birth control.
  Υπάρχουν πολλές μέθοδοι αντισύλληψης.
birth control pill,
birth-control pill,
contraceptive pill
(contraceptive tablet) (συνήθως πληθυντικός) αντισυλληπτικό χάπι επίθ + ουσ ουδ
    αντισυλληπτικό επίθ ως ουσ
  Women take the birth control pill to avoid getting pregnant.
climate control (thermostat) κλιματισμός ουσ αρσ
control center (US),
control centre (UK)
(operational hub) κέντρο ελέγχου φρ ως ουσ ουδ
control freak n slang ([sb] dominating and perfectionist) θέλει να έχει τον έλεγχο, θέλει να ελέγχει τα πάντα περίφρ
   (κατά λέξη) μανιακός με την άσκηση ελέγχου περίφρ
  My brother is a control freak when it comes to using the computer.
control group n (in a scientific study) ανθρώπινο δείγμα σε έρευνα ουσ ουδ
control key n (Ctrl: touch control on a keyboard) (σε συσκευή υπολογιστή) πλήκτρο Control, πλήκτρο ελέγχου φρ ως ουσ ουδ
  The control key is used to modify the actions of other keys.
control panel n (dashboard) πίνακας οργάνων ουσ αρσ
control panel n (computing: settings) (Η/Υ) εργαλειογραμμή ουσ θηλ
control room (room with controls) αίθουσα ελέγχου φρ ως ουσ θηλ
control tower n (for airplane traffic) (εναέριας κυκλοφορίας) πύργος ελέγχου ουσ αρσ
  Before the airplanes collided, the control tower alerted them that they were too close.
control yourself vtr + refl (resist temptation) συγκρατούμαι ρ αμ
    αντιστέκομαι στον πειρασμό περίφρ
   (καθομιλουμένη, μεταφορικά) κρατιέμαι ρ αμ
cruise control n (vehicle’s automatic speed system) (όχημα: ρυθμιστής ταχύτητας) ταχοστάτης ουσ αρσ
    συσκευή ρύθμισης της ταχύτητας κίνησης περίφρ
   (καθομιλουμένη) cruise control ουσ ουδ άκλ
damage control n (reduction of loss by fire, etc.) έλεγχος ζημιών φρ ως ουσ αρσ
    διαχείριση ζημιών φρ ως ουσ θηλ
    περιορισμός βλαβών φρ ως ουσ αρσ
    αντιμετώπιση βλαβών φρ ως ουσ αρσ
damage control n (reducing damage to reputation) έλεγχος ζημιάς φρ ως ουσ αρσ
    διαχείριση ζημιάς φρ ως ουσ θηλ
    περιορισμός βλαβών φρ ως ουσ αρσ
flood control n (measures to prevent flood damage) αντιπλημμυρική προστασία ουσ θηλ
    αντιπλημμυρικά μέτρα ουσ ουδ πλ
  The city council is planning to implement new flood control measures.
ground control n (airport facility) έλεγχος εδάφους φρ ως ουσ αρσ
gun control n (restrictions on owning firearms) περιορισμός οπλοκατοχής φρ ως ουσ αρσ
have control of vtr (be in charge of) έχω τον έλεγχο έκφρ
  I have control of the communication department.
have control of vtr (master) δαμάζω, υπερνικώ ρ μ
in control adj (has authority) που έχει τον έλεγχο περίφρ
    επικεφαλής επίρ
  When we have a meeting, Bob is always in control and runs things very efficiently.
in control of [sth] expr (in charge) που είναι αρμόδιος για κτ, που είναι υπεύθυνος για κτ περίφρ
in control of [sb] expr (in charge of [sb]) που είναι υπεύθυνος για κπ περίφρ
in control adj (has mastery) που έχει τον έλεγχο περίφρ
  After months of practicing driving, Wendy was fully in control during her exam.
in control of [sth] expr (has mastery of [sth]) που διατηρεί τον έλεγχο ενός πράγματος περίφρ
  Even with the pouring rain, she was very much in control of the car.
  Μολονότι έβρεχε καταρρακτωδώς, διατήρησε, σε πολύ μεγάλο βαθμό, τον έλεγχο του αυτοκινήτου.
in control of [sth] expr (mastering emotions) (μεταφορικά: αισθήματα) που δαμάζει κτ, που ελέγχει κτ περίφρ
in your control adj (your responsibility) στην αρμοδιότητα σου, που εξαρτάται από εσένα έκφρ
in your control adv (within your power) μέσα στις δυνατότητες σου έκφρ
joint control n (shared authority) έλεγχος από κοινού έκφρ
keep control v expr (stay calm and composed) δεν χάνω τον έλεγχο περίφρ
    συγκρατιέμαι ρ αμ
keep control v expr (retain authority) έχω υπό έλεγχο περίφρ
    κρατάω υπό έλεγχο περίφρ
  Make sure you keep control of the situation, or we’ll be in real trouble.
lose control vtr + n (no longer have composure) χάνω τον έλεγχο έκφρ
lose control of [sth/sb] v expr (no longer have authority) χάνω τον έλεγχο έκφρ
  The Republicans lost control of the U.S. Senate.
lose control of [sth/sb] v expr (no longer be in command) χάνω τον έλεγχο του εκφρ
  He was so frightened, he lost control of his bladder.
manual control,
(operation by hand) χειροκίνητος έλεγχος επίθ + ουσ αρσ
Σχόλιο: hyphen used when term is an adj before a noun
mission control (aerospace) κέντρο ελέγχου αποστολής φρ ως ουσ ουδ
out of control adv (wild, unrestrained) εκτός ελέγχου φρ ως επίρ
  The child was screaming and stamping his feet, quite out of control.
out of control adj (unrestrained, wild) εκτός ελέγχου φρ ως επίθ
    ανεξέλεγκτος επίθ
    που έχει ξεφύγει από κάθε έλεγχο περίφρ
  You’re just an out-of-control brat!
out of your control adj (not within your power to affect) πέρα από τον έλεγχο σου έκφρ
Σχόλιο: δεν υπάρχει ακριβής αντιστοιχία
  The situation is out of your control.
parental control n (control exercised by parents) γονικός έλεγχος επίθ + ουσ αρσ
parental control n (computer feature) γονικός έλεγχος επίθ + ουσ αρσ
passport control n (identity check at airport, etc.) έλεγχος διαβατηρίου ουσ αρσ
  I always get nervous at passport control, even though I’ve nothing to hide.
pest control n (rats, insects: extermination) έλεγχος παρασίτων φρ ως ουσ αρσ
  Organic farmers use natural pest control.
price control n (limits set on prices) αγορανομικός έλεγχος ουσ αρσ
  The first thing the new dictator did was to establish price control on basic goods.
quality control (system for maintaining quality) έλεγχος ποιότητας φρ ως ουσ αρσ
remote control n (device: for TV, etc.) τηλεχειριστήριο ουσ ουδ
  The remote control for the TV didn’t work because the batteries were flat.
  Το τηλεχειριστήριο της τηλεόρασης δεν λειτουργούσε επειδή είχαν τελειώσει οι μπαταρίες.
remote-control plane n (model aircraft) αεροσκάφος απομακρυσμένου ελέγχου φρ ως ουσ ουδ
    τηλεκατευθυνόμενο αεροσκάφος, τηλεκατευθυνόμενο αεροπλάνο επίθ + ουσ ουδ
  Tony built a remote-control plane from a kit.
rent control n (restrictions on rent charges) έλεγχος μισθωμάτων, έλεγχος ενοικίων περίφρ
Σχόλιο: Δεν υπάρχει ακριβής αντιστοιχία καθώς στην Ελλάδα δεν υπάρχει αντίστοιχο καθεστώς.
  Because of rent control regulations, my landlord could only raise my rent $50 last year.
self-control n (restraint, discipline) αυτοέλεγχος ουσ αρσ
  Please try to exercise a little bit of self-control today; this is a very important meeting.
simmer control n (feature which prevents [sth] boiling over) έλεγχος βρασμού φρ ως ουσ αρσ
sole control n (monopoly) αποκλειστικός έλεγχος επίθ + ουσ αρσ
spiral out of control expr (become uncontrollable) βγαίνω εκτός ελέγχου περίφρ
  Ben’s spending began to spiral out of control and he soon got into serious debt.
state control n (government ownership) ετατισμός, κρατισμός ουσ αρσ
take control of [sth] v expr (take charge or command of) (με γενική) παίρνω τον έλεγχο περίφρ
    ελέγχω ρ μ
  The cops had a rough time taking control of the situation once the riot broke out.
temperature control n (thermostat: device that regulates heat) θερμοστάτης ουσ αρσ
  It’s way too hot in here — the temperature control must be faulty.
traffic control n (management of road use) ρύθμιση της κυκλοφορίας ουσ θηλ
under control adv (being managed) υπό έλεγχο φρ ως επίρ
  Don’t worry, I’ve got everything under control here at the office.
under your control adv (in your charge or command) υπό τον έλεγχο επίρ
Σχόλιο: επιρρηματικός προσδιορισμός
  Well, I’m going out for the evening, the kids are under your control!
volume control n (switch used to adjust level of sound) διακόπτης που ρυθμίζει την ένταση του ήχου ουσ αρσ
Σχόλιο: δεν υπάρχει ακριβής αντιστοιχία
  The volume control on my MP3 player’s not working properly.
weight control n (dieting) δίαιτα ουσ θηλ
  Weight control is a multi-million pound industry these days.

They are designed to work with electronic locks and access control systems.

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Έχουν σχεδιαστεί για να λειτουργούν με ηλεκτρονικές κλειδαριές και ηλεκτρονικά συστήματα πρόσβασης(ACCESS CONTROL).

Showing posts with label blues control.

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Δεν υπάρχουν αναρτήσεις με ετικέτα CAPITAL CONTROL.

Move to HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop.

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Zone-, control-, shut-off, mechanical and electronic pressure independent valves.

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Ζώνες-, έλεγχος-, τερματισμός, μηχανικές και ηλεκτρονικές ανεξάρτητες βαλβίδες πίεσης.

Distal motor control is good. Good,

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Περιφερικός έλεγχoς κίνησης, καλός.

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She said the control pillar was in that first cupola. All right.

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Eίπε ότι o πυλώvας ελέγχoυ είναι στov πρώτο τρoύλo.

This is Delos Control to Station 3.

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Its easy control and realistic 3D airplanes will ensure you hours of free fun.

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Εύκολο να ελεγχθούν και ρεαλιστική 3D αεροσκάφη της θα εξασφαλίσει ώρες διασκέδασης για δωρεάν.

Central Control, this is Zero X. Emergency.

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Τι συνέβη; Κεντρικέ έλεγχε, εδώ Zέρο X.

And political control of Russia would be up for grabs.

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O πoλιτικός έλεγχoς της Pωσίας θα αφεθεί στηv τύχη.

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Master control, what do you see in pod four overflow?

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Κεντρικέ έλεγχε, τι βλέπεις στον επάνω τομέα 4;?

There’s a rage control technique I would like to go over with you right now.

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Yπάρχει μια τεχvική ελέγχoυ oργής πoυ θέλώ vα τη συζητήσoυμε τώρα.

Control the blood sugar if you are diagnosed with diabetes,

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Να ελέγξτε το σάκχαρο στο αίμα αν έχετε διαγνωστεί με διαβήτη,

We’re gonna fit you with a control collar and auction you off to the highest bidder.

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Θα σoυ βάλoυμε κoλάρo ελέγχoυ και θα σε πoυλήσoυμε στov πλειoδότη.

Mac Parental control— keylogger for Mac.

That’s why we must control the evolution of human genes.

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Για αυτό πρέπει να ελέγχεται η εξέλιξη των ανθρώπινων γονιδίων.

Auxiliary control, my Vulcan friend.

And now it has control of the Enterprise, and taking us out of the galaxy.

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Εχει τoν έλεγχo τoυ Εντερπράιζ και μας βγάζει εκτός γαλαξία.

Immediate purpose- seizure and control of starship Enterprise and crew.

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Μεσoς σκoπός: κατάληψη και έλεγχoς τoυ Εντερπράιζ και τoυ πληρώματoς.

It is no longer under control, he listens to you more!

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Δεν βρίσκεται πλέον υπό έλεγχον, δεν σε ακούη πια!

You were a fussy, whiny control freak.

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Ήσουν ιδιότροπος, ένα μικρό φρίκουλο που έλεγχε τα πάντα.

Could you back off the control panel a little bit?

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Aπoμακρύvεσαι λίγo από τov πίvακα ελέγχoυ,:?

Prontalluso produced under the control of ISO 9001: 2008 and HACCP.

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Η GRIZLI 27% έχει κατασκευαστεί σύμφωνα με τους έλεγχους ISO 9001:2008 και HACCP.

Forget it, Mr. High And Mighty Master Control.

Results: 239926,
Time: 0.0636








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How to Say Control in GreekAdvertisement


If you want to know how to say control in Greek, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Greek better.

Here is the translation and the Greek word for control:




Control in all languages

Dictionary Entries near control

  • contrivance
  • contrive
  • contrived
  • control
  • control panel
  • controlled
  • controller

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«Control in Greek.» In Different Languages, https://www.indifferentlanguages.com/words/control/greek. Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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  • a lot
  • attract attention
  • booked
  • boyhood
  • general purpose
  • howling
  • inwardly
  • snicker
  • spacious
  • vigil

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Greek Word Pronunciation: sun-EK-oh
Strong’s Number: 4912
Goodrich/Kohlenberger Number: 5309
Key Verse: “… the love of Christ controls us.” — 2 Corinthians 5:14

Sunexo is a compound word comprised of sun, “together,” and exo, “to hold.” Thus, it came to mean, a “holding together or compressing.” It was used metaphorically of “straits, distress, or anguish” and has a large variety of translations in both the Old and New Testaments.

Luke used this word 9 times out of the 12 occurrences in New Testament. Luke 4:38, Acts 28:8, and Matthew 4:24, all make reference to individuals suffering or being afflicted with various diseases. In Luke 8:37, the people were gripped with great fear. In Luke 8:45, people are crowding in on Jesus. In Luke 12:50, Jesus refers to the future baptism He is to undergo by saying “how distressed I am until it is accomplished.” In Luke 19:43, Jesus approached Jerusalem and spoke of her future enemies that would “surround you and hem you in on every side.” Luke 22:63 refers to the men who were “holding Jesus in custody.” In Acts 7:57, the people “covered (stopped) their ears and rushed” at Stephen to stone him.

In Acts 18:5, Paul began “devoting himself completely to the word.” (KJV translates as “pressed in the Spirit.”) Feeling “pressed” made Paul, more than ever, pressed in his preaching. In Philippians 1:23, Paul said “I am hard-pressed from both directions.” (KJV translates in a strait and NIV is torn between.) The idea is of a strong pressure bearing upon him from two sides, to live or to die and be with Christ.

In 2 CORINTHIANS 5:14, “The love of Christ controls us» (KJV translates constraineth and NIV is compels). The love which Christ has for man is the constraining power of Paul’s preaching. The love of Christ completely dominates Paul so that he has no option but to preach. On the basis of Christ’s death, the only natural decision for Paul (as for all other believers) is no longer to live for self, but to live for Jesus Christ.


The term ‘control’ has been used in the literature to refer to two logically separate phenomena, namely: a) the semantic phenomenon of obligatory coreference between a higher clause argument and the empty subject in the complement clause, and b) a syntactic configuration with the empty category (ec) PRO in subject position of a complement clause following a verb of control (verb with the feature specification [+subject control] or [+object control]). The fact that in English, as Chomsky (1981) has argued, these phenomena coincide has led to the view that whenever there is obligatory coreference between main clause argument and a missing embedded subject, the latter must necessarily be a PRO. In this paper we will argue that the semantic and syntactic correlates of control are separable by providing evidence from Greek (Gr) which shows that, although obligatory coreference between main clause argument and an embedded empty subject obtains, the controlled ec has the properties of pro rather than PRO. In this context, it will also become clear that the functional category responsible for the characterisation of a clause as finite in Gr is that of person and number agreement (AGR). The question of finiteness is crucial in discussing the distribution of PRO because, in its standard definition, being [+anaphor, +pronominal], it must obey the “PRO theorem”, i.e. it must be ungoverned and uncased. This, in turn, means that PRO can only occur as the subject of a non-finite verb and that since all clauses in Gr, with the exception of gerunds not discussed here, contain verbs with rich AGR, PRO cannot be licensed as their subject. Even in theories such as Bouchard (1982), Manzini (1983), Koster (1984), Hornstein and Lightfoot (1987) and others, where it is argued that controlled PRO should be interpreted as an ec governed by the higher verb (more accurately the higher V’) establishing coreference via Principle A of the Binding Theory, PRO must still be ungoverned from within its own clause and must also be uncased.

We would like to thank two anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and criticisms which have contributed to the clarity of the ideas presented here. Irene Phillipaki-Warburton’s research was supported by the Reading University which is hereby gratefully acknowledged.


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Author information

Authors and Affiliations

  1. Reading University, Greece

    Irene Phipippaki-Warburton

  2. University of Crete, Greece

    Georgia Catsimali


  1. Irene Phipippaki-Warburton

    You can also search for this author in
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  2. Georgia Catsimali

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Editor information

Editors and Affiliations

  1. ZAS, Berlin, Germany

    Artemis Alexiadou

  2. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

    Geoffrey Horrocks

  3. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

    Melita Stavrou

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© 1999 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht

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Phipippaki-Warburton, I., Catsimali, G. (1999). On Control in Greek.

In: Alexiadou, A., Horrocks, G., Stavrou, M. (eds) Studies in Greek Syntax. Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, vol 43. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-015-9177-5_8

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-015-9177-5_8

  • Publisher Name: Springer, Dordrecht

  • Print ISBN: 978-90-481-5117-2

  • Online ISBN: 978-94-015-9177-5

  • eBook Packages: Springer Book Archive

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