Word construction and engineering

Unit 8

I. Read the text:

Construction engineering

Construction engineering concerns the planning and management of the construction of structures such as highways, bridges, airports, railroads, buildings, dams, and reservoirs. Construction of such projects requires knowledge of engineering and management principles and business procedures, economics, and human behavior. Construction engineers engage in the design of structures temporary, cost estimating, planning and scheduling, materials procurement, selection of equipment, and cost control.

Construction Engineering is differentiated from Construction Management from the standpoint of the use of math, science, and engineering to analyze problems and design a construction process. Construction engineers build many of the things that people use everyday. Construction engineering involves many aspects of construction including: commercial, residential, bridges, airports, tunnels, and dams. It is an extremely large industry that provides jobs to many and continues to grow. Currently there are nearly 6 million people working on construction in the United States

Construction engineers are in high demand so it is easy for a CE to get a job in any part of the country.

II. Find the following words and word combinations in the text:

касается планирования — ___________________________

знание инженерных принципов — _______________________________

методы деловой деятельности — _______________________________

калькуляция стоимости — _____________________________

закупка материалов — ________________________________

контроль за расходами — _____________________________

планировать процесс строительства — ____________________________

коммерческие объекты — _________________________

жилые объекты — _________________________

обеспечивать работой — ________________________

пользоваться большим спросом — ______________________________

получить работу — ___________________________

планирование и составление калькуляции графиков по проекту — ____________________________________________________________

III. Give Russian equivalents of the following:

construction of dams and reservoirs — _____________________________

to require knowledge — _____________________________

management principles — _________________________________

human behavior — ___________________________

standpoint — ________________________

use of math — ____________________________

to analyze problems — ______________________________

to involve many aspects — _________________________________

an extremely large industry — _________________________________

selection of equipment — ______________________________

IV. Translate the text and say whether these statements are true or false:

1. Construction of highways, bridges, airports, railroads, buildings, dams and reservoir requires knowledge of parts of a building.

2. Construction engineering concerns the planning and management of the construction of structures.

3. The design of structures is only a part of the activities construction engineers engage in.

4. Construction Engineering is almost the same as Construction Management from the standpoint of the use of math.

5. Construction engineering involves only residential building.

6. There area lot of unemployed people in construction industry in the USA.

7. They don’t need any construction engineers in the USA.

V. Choose the right variant:

1. Construction engineering concerns the planning and management of the construction of structures …

а) Строительная промышленность контролирует планирование и руководство строительства конструкций …

б) Строительная промышленность планирует руководство строительства сооружений …

в) Строительная промышленность занимается планированием и руководством строительства сооружений …

2. Construction engineers engage in the design of structures …

а) Инженеры-строители вовлечены в дизайн конструкций …

б) Инженеры-строители увлечены планированием и сооружениями …

в) Инженеры-строители занимаются проектированием сооружений …

3. It is an extremely large industry that provides jobs …

а) Это очень большая индустрия по найму на работу …

б) Это чрезвычайно, что большая промышленность проводит работу …

в) Это чрезвычайно большая промышленность, которая обеспечивает работой …

4. Construction engineers are in high demand so it is easy …

а) Инженеры-строители очень требовательны, так как легко …

б) Инженеры-строители предъявляют высокие требования, поэтому легко …

в) Инженеры-строители пользуются большим спросом, поэтому это легко …

VI. Continue the sentence:

1. The planning and management of the construction of structures is the main task of …

a) construction process.

b) Construction Engineering.

c) Construction Management.

2. Construction engineers engage in …

a) making laws.

b) selling and buying goods.

c) cost estimating, materials procurement, selection of equipment, etc.

3. Construction engineers build many of the things …

a) that are out of use today.

b) that people don’t need.

c) that people use everyday.

4. Construction engineers …

a) aren’t in great demand in the USA.

b) are wanted all over the USA.

c) are out of demand in the USA.

VII. a) Complete the table: 











b) Choose the word from the table to complete the sentence:

1. Construction of bridges, airports, railroads, buildings and things like that … knowledge of engineering and management principles.

2. Construction engineering concerns the planning and … of the construction of structures.

3. Construction engineering involves many aspects of …

4. Construction engineering is an extremely large industry and continues …

5. Construction engineers … a lot of things that people use everyday.

6. Construction engineers engage in the design of structures, planning and scheduling, … of equipment, cost control and so on.

7. Construction engineers engage in the … of structures.

VIII. Scan the text and answer the questions:

1. Construction of what structures concerns the planning and management in construction engineering?

2. What knowledge does construction of highways, bridges, airports, buildings and things like that require?

3. What do construction engineers deal with?

4. Does Construction Engineering differ from Construction Management?

5. Why are construction engineers very popular among people?

6. What aspects of construction does construction engineering involve?

7. Is construction engineering a large industry?

8. Do many people work on construction in the USA?

9. Are there many unemployed among construction engineers in the USA?

Grammar revision:

1. Explain the grammar phenomena underlined in the text.

2. Put questions to the following sentences.

1. Construction engineers build many of the things that people use everyday.     (What)

2. Six million people are working on construction in the USA. (How many)

3. They tested the device again yesterday. (When)

4. The students will prepare some reports for the conference. (What)

5. The word “electricity” was known in ancient Greece. (Where)

3. Open the brackets.

1. This month he (to read) many articles on the development of engineering.

2. There (to be) a large physics laboratory at our university.

3. The students (to know) the results of the examination by 3 o’clock tomorrow.

4. During the experiment the scientist observed that a small electric current (to flow).

5. This method (to work out) by a young scientist last year.


Construction noun — Something put together by arranging or connecting an array of parts.

Engineering and construction are semantically related In some cases you can use «Engineering» instead a noun «Construction».


Engineering noun — The discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems.

Construction and engineering are semantically related in act of turning material to use topic. You can use «Construction» instead a noun «Engineering».

Mutual synonyms

Both words in one sentence

  • APA
  • MLA
  • CMS

Synonyms for construction

Synonyms for engineering

Google Ngram Viewer shows how «construction» and «engineering» have occurred on timeline

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Группа сохранила в своем распоряжении консультантов, обладающих опытом оценки строительных и инженерно— конструкторских работ.

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that were confiscated by the Iraqi authorities in 1992 or 1993.

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Многие из переданных Группе претензий в отношении строительных и инженерных работ касаются имущества,

которое было конфисковано иракскими властями в 1992 или 1993 году.

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assessment reports in field operations to review progress of construction and engineering projects,


to monitor the effectiveness of goods


services obtained under system contracts.

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Доклада об инженерно-технических оценках полевых

операций в целях анализа успехов в области строительства и инженерных проектов, а также контроля за эффективностью товаров



полученных в рамках системных контрактов.

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The Committee expects that UNAMID will closely supervise all construction and engineering projects to ensure that they are completed on schedule.

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Комитет ожидает,

что ЮНАМИД будет обеспечивать тщательный надзор за осуществлением строительных и инженерных проектов, с тем чтобы оно было завершено в соответствии с графиком.

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A significant number of claimants were engaged in the service industry,

providing services in areas such as construction and engineering, legal, financial, medical, transportation, travel


travel-related services.

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Значительное число заявителей работали в сфере услуг в таких областях, как строительство и инжиниринг, юридические, финансовые,



транспортные услуги, а также туризм


туристическое обслуживание.

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equipment interested in becoming the main contractors or suppliers of the project.

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Так, например,

заинтересованные в том, чтобы стать главными подрядчиками или поставщиками в рамках проекта.

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Every €1,000 of turnover generated in the wind industry generates €250 of economic activity in other sectors such as metals, chemicals,

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Каждые 1 тысяча евро оборота ветроиндустрии приносят 250 евро в другие секторы экономики, такие как: металлургия, химическая промышленность,

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equipment interested in becoming the main contractors or suppliers of the project.

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Поэтому в проектный консорциум обычно входят строительные и машиностроительные компании, а также поставщики капитального оборудования,

которые заинтересованы в том, чтобы стать основными подрядчиками или поставщиками по проекту.

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Local content’s increase in subsurface use considered in Atyrau 09 March 2015 Atyrau hosted IV Annual Conference»Kazneftegazservis- 2015:

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Вопросы увеличения уровня местного содержания в сфере недропользования РК обсудили в Атырау 09 Марта 2015 В Атырау состоялась IV- ая Ежегодная

While welcoming the establishment of the project management group to oversee all construction and engineering projects, the Advisory Committee notes that the timely

implementation of projects remains an issue of concern.

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Приветствуя создание Группы по управлению проектами, которая будет обеспечивать надзор за всеми строительными и инженерными проектами, Консультативный комитет отмечает, что

своевременное осуществление проектов попрежнему имеет важное значение.

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It embodies the 10-year-old Ukrainian exhibition business experience combined with the latest European


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Он воплощает в себе 10- летний опыт украинского выставочного бизнеса в сочетании с новейшими европейскими


Its analyses of the recurrent substantive

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Свой анализ регулярных существенных вопросов,

которые затрагиваются в представленных Комиссии претензиях в связи со строительными и инженерными контрактами.

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Компания» Энергопроект» предоставляет услуги в области строительства и инжиниринга


участвовала в осуществлении в Ираке различных проектов.

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As part of the Operation’s efforts to continually improve


project management



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Будучи заинтересована в постоянном совершенствовании системы управления




улучшении их осуществления, Операция создала

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The valuation analysis ensures clarity


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Метод оценки обеспечивает четкое


последовательное применение некоторых принципов оценки к претензиям в отношении строительной и инженерно— конструкторской деятельности.

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As part of its efforts to continually improve project management



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В рамках ее усилий по постоянному совершенствованию системы управления проектами


улучшению их осуществления ЮНАМИД создала Группу по

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These projects have been designed, in consultation with the Haitian Government,

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Эти проекты были разработаны в консультации с правительством Гаити с целью обеспечить

подготовку военнослужащих на рабочих местах по соответствующим строительным и инженерным специальностям.

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SEM brand has become one of the machines brands of

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Марка SEM стала Один из брендов

The FIDIC awards are aimed to

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Конкурс, проводимый федерацией,

призван продемонстрировать лучшие мировые достижения в области архитектуры, строительства и инженерного консалтинга.

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Many claimants were engaged in service industries, e.g., construction and engineering services, real estate, transportation,


security services.

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The Committee expects that UNAMID will supervise all construction and engineering projects closely to ensure that they are completed

on schedule by the end of the 2011/12 period.

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Комитет выражает надежду на то, что ЮНАМИД будет осуществлять тщательный контроль за всеми строительными и инженерными проектами, чтобы они

завершились в установленные сроки к концу 2011/ 12 года.

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The Governing Council approved the thirteenth, sixteenth, nineteenth, twentieth,

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Совет управляющих одобрил тринадцатую, шестнадцатую, девятнадцатую, двадцатую, двадцать первую


двадцать третью партии претензий категории E3 претензии некувейтцев в отношении строительных и инженерно— конструкторских работ.

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It offers customized drive, control,


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Подразделение предлагает индивидуальные варианты приводов


систем контроля для автоматизации производства, проектирования и создания систем, мобильной техники


грузовых автомобилей.

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They also find employment in IT companies, public


educational institutions, fuel


energy companies, retail,

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Бакалавры также находят работу в IТ- компаниях, государственных


образовательных учреждениях, топливно-энергетических компаниях, ритейле,

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The Governing Council approved the tenth, fourteenth, fifteenth,

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Совет управляющих одобрил десятую, четырнадцатую, пятнадцатую, семнадцатую


восемнадцатую партии претензий категории E3 претензии некувейтцев в отношении строительных и инженерно— конструкторских работ.

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Word Meaning aggregate A particulate material which is made up of sand or crushed stone. backfilling The process of refilling trenches or holes created during excavation, especially around foundations. beam Beams run horizontally along the main walls of a building at ceiling level, supporting the structure. beam A piece of wood, steel or other material that runs across the structure of a building to hold weight. bim Building Information Modeling is the process of creating a computer model of a building that includes all of the details of that structure, from its basic layout to the smallest measurements. blueprint The design or drawing that shows the plan for a building or other structure, such as a house. boq The bill of quantities is a contract document that contains a list of materials and workmanship involved in a construction project. brick Brick work for construction bricklayer A person who builds walls, structures and pathways with bricks. bulldozer Bulldozer for lifting or breaking heavy objects cad The computer-aided design refers to using architecture software to create detailed models of buildings carpenter Carpenter work for furnishing interiors ceiling joist Parallel framing members that support ceiling loads and are themselves supported by load-bearing walls. circuit breaker A switch in the electrical panel that shuts off power to certain parts of the building. commercial property A commercial property is a property that’s intended for non-residential buildings. In other words, it should be used for a business, not for living. concrete A building material created by a hardened mixture of cement, gravel, sand, and water. It is used for slabs, columns, and other types of structures. construction site The place where a structure is being built. contractor A contractor is a person or company who provides services for a specific job. crane Crane for lifting heavy material demolition Demolition of existing building or room dimension A dimension is used in the planning stage and refers to a measure between two points. drywall A panel made from gypsum plaster that is wrapped in cardboard. ducts Piping that carries air throughout a structure. Dump truck This is a large truck that has an open back, which can be filled with trash and debris. egress A way of exiting a structure, such as a window or door. electrician A person who installs the electric wires of a building or structure. field measure Taking measurements within the structure itself rather than relying on blueprints. floor plan The floor plan refers to the layout of the building. general contractor The person or company responsible for everyday work of all members on a construction site. girder The main horizontal support of a structure that supports smaller beams. hard hat Hard hat for safety horizontal The left-to-right or side-to-side direction. hvac An abbreviation that stands for heat, ventilation, and air conditioning. I beam A beam that has a cross-section that looks like the capital letter I. Girders often have an I-beam cross-section. insulation Material that’s designed to prevent heat from leaving or entering a building. joist The location where the surfaces of two components are joined. joist A supportive beam of wood or metal in a building. Usually, it runs parallel to the ceiling or floor. king stud A framing member that runs from the bottom to the top of a panel or sheet. ladder A ladder has steps or bars to allow people to climb up and down. lath A metal wire on the frame of a building that serves as a base for laying down stucco or plaster. load bearing wall A partition or load-bearing wall carries the load of the structure above it. mortar In masonry, mortar is the paste that is used to bind stones, bricks, and other similar types of units used to construct the walls of a building. particle board A substitute for plywood that is composed of sawdust mixed with resin. plumber Plumber for looking after the interest of plumbing jobs plywood A panel of wood that is made from multiple layers of veneer, compressed together. property You probably know the general English term “property,” referring to someone’s belongings. In construction, a property is a specific piece of land—often including the building or buildings on that land. pvc Short for polyvinyl chloride, this common plastic is used most commonly for water pipes and sometimes for flooring. rafter A series of roof frame pieces that are connected to the supports and hold up the roofing and sheathing. reconstruct To build again, often after a structure has been damaged. reinforced concrete Concrete that is strengthened by adding steel bars or mesh within the concrete. remodel To change the inner structure of a building renovate Similar but slightly different from “remodel.”  roofer This person is responsible for building the roof of a building or structure. scalffolding Scaffolding for repairing front elevation of a building section This is a drawing or model that shows what it would look like if you sliced vertically through a building and were able to see its various components or layers, showcasing exactly how a building is constructed top to bottom. shovel This is a tool used to pick up dirt, sand, gravel and snow. skirting Material that covers up the joint between the floor and a wall in the interior of a building, for aesthetic purposes. steeplejack A person who climbs tall structures and buildings to clean them and make repairs. stonemason A person who builds and works with stone. stucco A material made from aggregates, a binder, and water. surveyor A person who investigates land to see if it’s possible to build there. trim The materials used to provide a clean finish of the building veneer A very thin sheet of wood. vertical The up-to-down or top-to-bottom direction. warping A distortion of material, which can be a sign of water damage. wheelbarrow A device used to move material such as rocks or soil from one place to another. zoning A government regulation that involves restricting how a property is used.

We hope that after learning these words you’ll be able to clearly understand the conversation related to construction.

Learn the dialogue by heart

Customer. I would like to
order a countryside house. Here is the


Foreman: Let’s see. A
two-storey house with a garage. Ten rooms

and two staircases. What will the
foundation be made of? Concrete?

С: Yes,

F.: And what about the

C: I want red brick
walls. The windows are large. By the way,

the panes should be airtight. I
want them to be double-glazing!

F.: We’ll make them
hermetic with putty. We put it in the grooves,

and then fix the panes.

C: Excellent. The
hinges and handles should be bronze.

F.: Ok. What type of
roof would you like?

C.: I want the roof to be flat,
with a small garden.

F.: Do you have an

C.: Yes, but the
drafts aren’t ready.

F.: What idea does he

C..- There will be a mantelpiece in
the hall and the

decorated with panels.

F: Plastic panels?

C: Oh, no. Panels
must be made of wood.

F.: What wood do you

C.; I think oak is the best.

F.: How do you pay the

C: I’ve got a
mortgage for 25 years from the bank.

F.: So we’ll make oak
panels then.



Let’s Revise the Grammar

(see Grammar Appendix p.p. 239-242)

12. Translate the
sentences having in mind different use of the verb
to have. Explain its

1. We’ll have them down for a few

2. They had enough coal in for the
whole winter.

3.1 won’t have you do it.

4. Please, have your brother bring
the book.

5. She had her photo taken.

6. Go and have a lie down.

7. You had better attend the

8. My watch will have to be fixed
by a specialist.

9. The day was cold and she had a
hat and an overcoat on.

10. Will you have the goodness to
visit them?

11. The knowledge of how to make
durable concrete has been lost for centuries.

12. Its successful use has been
developed rapidly during the last two decades.

14. Form
PARTICIPLE i of the following, verbs and translate

them into Russian

to build, to produce, to become, to
realize, to follow, think, to bring, to prevent, to move, to have, to offer, to
work, to assemble, to form, to consist, to enter, to develop, to cut, to save.

15. Form
и of the following
verbs and translate

them into Russian

to make, to produce, to burn, to
install, to find, to send, to show,to take, to use, to keep, to read, to leave,
to cause, to write, to get, to develop, to bring, to discover, to calculate, to
change, to found.

Translate the following word-combinations in accord

the given models:

студент, посещающий лекции—the student
attending lectures

содержащий много деталей рабочие, строящие новый дом

использующий новые методы завод, выпускающий автомобили

Model 2: разрабатывая
новые методы—
developing new techniques работая
на стройке получая новую информацию строя новый городской театр повторяя
материал ,

полученные результаты—the results
achieved / the achieved results

основанный в 19 веке развитые страны автострада, построенная в прошлом году
запланированное строительство

в университет — having entered the university сдав вступительные экзамены :
закончив строительные работы внедрив новые методы разработав план

Translate the following words with the Participles I and 11

well-known, well-read, well-armed, well-bred, well-done,  welleducated, well-tried,
well-founded, well-grounded.

well-becoming, well-being, well-liking, well-meaning,  wellseeming, well-doing,
well-wishing, well-sinking, well-boring.

16. Translate the
following word-combinations in accord

to the given

Model 1: студент, посещающий лекции—the student


план, содержащий
много деталей

рабочие, строящие
новый дом

использующий новые методы

завод, выпускающий

Model 2: разрабатывая новые методы—developing new

работая на стройке

получая новую

строя новый городской

повторяя материал

Model 3: полученные
the results achieved / the

achieved results

основанный в 19 веке

развитые страны

построенная в прошлом году


Model 4: поступив в
университет —
having entered the university

сдав вступительные
экзамены :

строительные работы ^__

внедрив новые методы

разработав план

17. Translate the
following words with the Participles I and 11

1. well-known, well-read, well-armed,
well-bred, well-done, welleducated, well-tried, well-founded, well-grounded.

2. well-becoming, well-being,
well-liking, well-meaning, wellseeming, well-doing, well-wishing, well-sinking,

18. Translate the
sentences and state the functions of the


1. There are embassies, cycling and
walking tracks and lakes in many parts of Canberra.

2. Opera House with its striking
architecture is the symbol of Sydney together with the bridge across the
natural harbor.

3. Concrete being a brittle
material has practically no strength in tension.

4. Being widely distributed stone
is available as a building material.

19. Translate the
sentences with the OBJECTIVE PARTICIPLE


1.1 want the construction be finished
by May.

2.1 watched them yesterday
installing the new French window.

3. We found him looking through a Home Plan Ideas magazine.

4. We watched the new car being

5. Joy got her Roman holiday photos

6. We want our translations
corrected as soon as possible.

7.1 have the data of my research
published in one of the scientific



1. Compile as many
words as you can with the letters of the word


Remember: this is not a
burden, but a great opportunity to revise your active vocabulary!

2. Read and try to
retell the anecdote changing Direct Speech into Indirect.

A train arrived at a border station.
The passengers opened their suitcases and waited for the inspection of their
things. One of the passengers had a lot of packets of cigarettes in his
suit-case. He knew they were not duty-free and he decided to put all of them
into his pockets. When his pockets were already full of cigarettes he asked a man
at the window, «Will you please take some of these packets and put them
into your pockets?» «Why don’t you leave them in your suit-case?
» asked the passenger. «They must be liable to duty and I wouldn’t
like to pay duty on them, answered the man. «All right, I’ll take the
cigarettes but I shall not give them back to yon». «Why?»
«I am a Customs official».

3. Write the name
of the country next to its currency. Then

write the




















    South Africa

S             K



E            U



Lesson 6.



/. Read and translate
the text

Modern Building Materials


Concrete is perhaps the
most widely spread building material used nowadays. Concrete is an artificial
stone, made by thoroughly mixing such natural ingredients or aggregates as
cement, sand and gravel or broken stone together with sufficient water to
produce a mixture of the proper consistency. It has many valuable properties. It
sets under water, can be poured into moulds so as to get almost any

desirable form, and together with
steel in reinforced concrete it has very high strength, and also resists fire.
Prestressed concrete is most widely used at present while prefabricated blocks
are employed on vast scale for skeleton structures.


 By the simple definition from the
dictionary «aggregates are the materials, such as sand and small stones,
that are mixed with

cement to form concrete». In
other words
(or cushioning materials)
can be defined as a mass of practically inert mineral materials, which,
when surrounded and bonded together by an active
binder, form the
rock. This rock is denoted by the general term
concrete. Aggregates have
three principal functions in the concrete: they
provide a
relatively cheap filler for the concreting material, or binder;
they provide a
mass of particles which are suitable for resisting
the action of
applied loads, of abrasion, of percolation of moisture
through the mass,
and of climate factors; they reduce volume changes resulting from the action of
the setting and hardening of the concrete mass.
All aggregates,
both natural and artificial, which have sufficient
strength and
resistance to weathering, and which do not contain
harmful impurities
may be used for making concrete.
As aggregates such natural materials as
sand, pebbles, broken

broken brick, gravel, slag, cinder, pumice and others can be


not a new material. Its successful use has been developed rapidly during the
last two decades, chiefly because steel of a more suitable character has been
produced. Concrete is strong in compression but weak when used for tensile
stresses.If, therefore, we consider a beam made of plain concrete, and spanning
a certain distance, it will at once be realized that the beam’s own weight will
cause the beam to «sag» or bend. This sagging at once puts the lower
edge of the beam in tension, and if the cross-sectional area is small, causes
it to break, especially if the span is relatively large. If, *on the other
hand’, we use a beam of similar cross-section, but incorporate steel bars in
the lower portion, the steel will resist the tensile stress derived from the
sag of the beam, and thus assist in preventing it from breaking. In prestressed
concrete steel is not used as reinforcement, but as a means of producing a
suitable compressive stress in the concrete. Therefore any beam (or member)
made of prestressed concrete is

• permanently under compression,
and is consequently devoid of crack under normal loading, or so long as the
«elastic limit» is not exceeded. Prestressed

concrete is not only used for beams
but is now employed extensively for columns, pipes, and cylindrical water
towers, storage tanks, etc.

2. A few
explanations to the text

.on the other hand,—
с другой

3. Key vocabulary /expressions

bend [bend] — v сгибаться;
гнуться; изгибаться

crack [‘kraek] — n 1. треск
2. трещина

desire [di’zaia] —
и желание; просьба, требование

gravel [‘grasvol]
— гравий

load [loud] — n груз;

sag [sasg] —
оседать, обвивать; падать»

store [‘sto:]—n запас;
склад;/?/универсальный магазин

tensile [‘tensail]—растяжимый

4. Phonetic drill.
Read the words paying attention to the

pronunciation of
the italicized letters

[s:] Purpose virtual
certain work

urgent mirth — alternate worse

burden birch term worship

turn sir perhaps worth

surface fir-tree external world

5. Word construction
(Different ways to construct words)

5.1. Write out
international words out of the text and translate

them without a

5.2. Translate the
following words Keeping in mind their suffixes

Memories the words
of the same stem

em’ ploy—employ’ ее—em’ ployer — em’

‘nature — ‘natural — ‘naturally


6. Add the missing
parts of the sentences from the text

1… .to produce a mixture of the
proper consistency.

2. Concrete is an artificial stone,
made by thoroughly…

3. …they provide a relatively
cheap filler for the concreting

material, or binder;…

4. This sagging at once puts the lower

5—as a means of producing a
suitable compressive stress in the concrete.

6… .any beam made of prestressed
concrete is permanently under compression…

7. This sagging at once puts the
lower edge….

7. Find in the text
equivalent Russian phrases to the following English

a relatively cheap filler

the proper consistency

resistance to weathering

spanning a certain distance

the cross-sectional area

negotiated fee

8. Find in the
text equivalent English phrases to the following


вредные примеси




постоянно под напряжением

заполняющие материалы

Speaking Practice. Switch on your imagination.

Complete the sentences

1. The
worst thing for me is…

What I love most is…

3. The
best thing for me is…

What I hate most…

Let’s talk a bit

1. Why
is concrete more fit for foundation?

What floor covering is the best?


What color should bedroom walls be? (kitchen walls, living room


What should a chimney be made of?

5. Why
is it nice to have a mantelpiece?

What timber is considered to be the best for the window frames?

What professionals does a construction team need?

We continue enlarging your vocabulary. International
















further reading on the given topic

recommend Supplementary texts

Materials, p.p. 144-146.

Let’s Revise the Grammar

(see Grammar Appendix p.p. 237-239)

12. Translate the following words using

into English

тренировка, получение, увеличение, уменьшение, построение, написание, общение, предотвращение,

into Russian.

computing machine, drawing-table, measuring devices, building materials,
dining-room, reading-room, looking-glass, adding machine.

13. Translate the
sentences paying attention to GERUND

1. What I really like is finding
out about different cultures.

2. The thing I love most is sightseeing.

3. The best thing for me is
socializing with my friends.

4. Concrete is made by thoroughly
mixing cement, sand and


5. All aggregates may be used for
making concrete.

6. The steel will resist the
tensile stress and thus assist in preventing the beam from breaking.

7. The term «engineering»
means the art of designing, construction or using engines.

8. The ancient Egyptians often
erected their huge buildings without thinking of their usefulness.

9. A person can’t be successful
without clear understanding of goals in his life.

10. It goes without saying.

11. One can’t be healthy without
giving up bad habits.

14. State the
functions of GERUND in the following sentences

and translate them
into Russian

1. Cutting stones and timbers
became possible with the invention

of tools.

2. By using industrial methods of
construction the speed of construction

may be considerably increased.

3. Erecting tall buildings without
using building mechanisms is

now unthinkable.

4. Methods of designing structures
are changing.

5. Up-to-date building is based
upon using industrial methods of work.

6. What other materials are used
for facing the external walls of a building?

7. The new method is very efficient
and besides it plays an important role in saving materials.

15. Translate the
sentences into English using GERUND

1. Вредно так
много курить.

2. Эта статья
трудная. Вы не можете перевести ее без использования словаря.

3. Она любила
путешествовать по стране.

4. Недолго думая,
он согласился с их предложением.

5. Вместо того
чтобы реставрировать старый городской драмтеатр, они решили строить новый в
центре города.

6. Ничто не могло
помешать ему построить новый дом.

7. У тебя есть
какая-нибудь трудность в решении этой проблемы?

8. Есть ли у них
подходящий строительный материал?

9. Подрядчик
отвечает за то, чтобы работа была выполнена вовремя.


1. Read the small
dialogues in pairs


Professor: Why are you late?

Student: Class started
before I got here.


Teacher: Which is farther
away, Anthony, themoon or

Anthony: China.

Teacher: What makes you
think that?

Anthony: Because we can see
the moon any
night and we

can’t see China.


Father: I see you did very
badly in your History examination.

Son: It wasn’t my
fault. They asked me about things that happened long before I was born.

2. What do you
think we can see with our eyes shut?

3. Read and try to
retell the anecdote changing the Direct

Speech into

Once a French cabman played a good
joke on Conan Doyle. When Conan Doyle arrived in Paris it was raining heavily.
He took a cab and asked the cabman to take him to the Ritz Hotel as he had reserved
a room there a few days before. The cabman brought him to the hotel. When he
had received his fare he said, «Thank you, Mr. Conan Doyle».
«How do you know my name?» asked Conan Doyle.

«Well, sir,» replied the
driver, «the other day I saw in the papers that you were coming from the
South of France to Paris. Your appearance told me you were British, and I also
saw you had had your hair cut in the South of France. So I decided it was you. «You
are a wonderful detective,» said Conan Doyle. «Were there any other
things about me, that could help you to think it was I?»

«Well,» said the cabman,
«there was also your name on your suit-case, sir».

Lesson 7.


1. Read and
translate the text

Silicate Industry

Silicate industry is the industry
processing the natural compounds of silicon. *It embraces the production of
cement, glass, and ceramics1. The production of ceramic goods is based on the
property of clay when mixed with water to form putty, from which various
articles can easily be moulded. When these are dried and then for easily moulding
baked, that is, ignited at a high temperature, they become

hard and retain their shape, no
longer being softened by water. In this way clay, mixed water and sand is
moulded into bricks, which are then dried and baked. The materials used to make
silicate bricks are white sand and slaked lime.
Cement Production.
is made from limestone and clay, or from their natural mixture, marls. The
materials roasted in cylindrical rotary kilns are charged into a slowly
rotating kiln at its upper end and travel, mixing continuously, towards the
lower end, while a current of hot gases, the products of the burning of fuel,
flows in the opposite direction. During the period of their movement through
the kiln the clay and the limestone react chemically, and the material emerging
from the kiln in lumps of a caked mass is cement, which is then grounded. When
cement is mixed with water, it forms mortar, which hardens, binding various
objects, such as bricks or stones, very firmly. It is for this reason that
cement is used widely as a binding materials in large-scale construction,
including underwater construction.

Cement is often mixed with sand or
gravel, in which case we get concrete. Concrete has roughly the same
coefficient of thermal expansion as iron.

Glass Production. The initial
materials for the production of ordinary glass are mainly soda, limestone, and
sand. A mixture of these substances is heated in a bath-shaped furnace. When it
cools, the liquid mass of glass *does not become hard at once2. At first it
becomes viscous and readily assumes any shape.

property of glass is used in making various articles out of it. Definite
portions of the cooling semiliquid mass are taken from the bath, and these are
blown or pressed to make various glassware. By machine methods glass sheets,
tubes, etc., can be drawn continuously from the molten mass.

      Sand is the chief material
used as a fine aggregate. It is required in mortar or concrete for economy and
to prevent the excessive cracking. Mortar made without sand would be expensive.
The word «sand» is applied to any finely divided material which will
not injuriously affect the cement or lime and *which is not subject to
disintegration or decay3. Sand is almost the only material which is sufficiently
cheap and which can fulfill these requirements. A mixture of coarse and fine
grains is very satisfactory, as it makes a denser and stronger concrete with a less
amount of cement than when only fine-grained sand is used. The following sands
are used for mortars: pit or quarry sand, river sand and sea sand.

         Lime is a calcium
oxide. It is used in great quantities for mortar and plaster. Lime (quicklime)
is a white solid that reacts violently with water to form calcium hydroxide. It
is made by heating limestone in a special kind of furnace called a «kiln».
Lime must be stored in a dry place, otherwise it will absorb moisture.

Limes may be divided into three
distinct classes:

 /. Rich limes that contain not
more than 6 percent of impurities, slake very rapidly, and are entirely
dependent *on external agents for setting power4. These are widely used for
interior plasterer’s works.

2. Poor limes that contain from
15 percent to 30 percent of useless impurities and possess the general
properties of rich limes, only to a lesser degree.

3. Hydraulic limes
contain certain proportions of impurities, which when calcinated, combine with
the lime and endow it with the valuable property of setting under water or
without external agents. Lime is a basic building material extensively used all
over the world, but it was not until the later years of the 19th century
that a greater appreciation of the fuel-burning problems involved became

apparent. Until this time the
requirement for lime was largely agricultural and it was produced by farmers or
by small builders who used it for making mortar and plaster. As industrial
requirements increased «running» kilns were developed.

These were lined with firebrick and
charged at regular interval swith stone and fuel. Around the world there are
many different types of kilns and

variations in lime-burning

2. A few
explanations to the text.

1. It embraces the production of
cement, glass, and ceramics. —
Она включает производство цемента, стекла и керамики.

2… .does not become hard at once.
—.. .
не застывает сразу.

3…. ,which is not subject to
disintegration or decay.—
который не подвержен разрушению или загниванию.

4. …on external agents for
setting power —
от внешнего фактора для застывания

3. Key vocabulary
/ expressions

bind [baund] — v (bound) связывать;

embrace [im’
breis]—v включать, охватывать

grind [graind] —v
(ground) размалывать

ignite [ig’nait] —
v зажигать; загораться; прокаливать

impurity [im’
pjuariti] —

lump [1лтр] —п глыба;

pit [pit] — n яма; копь;

putty [‘pAti] —n замазка

quarry [‘kwori]—и
каменоломня, карьер

roast [roast]—v
обжигать; кальцинировать

slake [sleik] — v
гасить (известь)

4. Read the words
paying attention to different pronunciation

of letter
«c». Translate from English into Russian

crucial, specific, special,
sociology, license, financial, associate, medicine

perception, beneficiary, process, percent, essentially,


5. Word
construction. (Different ways to construct the

words). Give
antonyms to the following words

misunderstand, dislike, unlock, nonprofit
able, irregular, truth less,

dissatisfied, illegal, useless,
indifferent, lawless, unskilled,

misfortune, nonessential,
important, meaningful, displeased,

imperfect, unfair, inactive,

6. Match the
halves of the following questions.

Could you not smoking, please?

Would you mind switch off your
laptop, please?

Can you tell me make sure the
letter is received?

Would you please what is the time
now, please?

Could I ask you send an e-mail?

Is there somewhere I could borrow
your mobile?

to wait for me outside?

7. Find the
following words and word combinations in

the text

жидкая масса

изделия из стекла

природная смесь



вращающаяся печь_


раствора и штукатурки,

гашеная известь :

8. Complete the
sentences with the information from the text

1. A mixture of coarse and fine

2 often mixed with sand or

3. The production of ceramic goods
is based on the property of


4… .is mounded into bricks, which
are then dried and baked..

5. The following sands are used for

6. Until this time the requirement
for lime was largely agricultural…

9. Explain in
English the meaning of the following words.

Do it in the most
detailed words

cooling ,


slaked lime ;


running kilns

10. Group these
phrases under the following headings:

a) Cement Production

b) Glass Production

to roast in; large-scale
construction; ordinary glass; to move through the kiln; building material;
bath-shaped furnace; definite portions; cylindrical rotary kilns; to ignite at
a temperature; a mixture of substances; cooling semiliquid mass; to press;

the molten mass.

//. Speak about the
glass production.

12. Speaking
Practice. Discuss the topic «My Native Town

(City) » with
your partner using such words as

 native(s), citizen, inhabitant,
city council, settlement, a fast-growing town, an advantage of living, to be
situated (located),to stretch, to be surrounded by, an ancient city, a
relatively young town, a monument to, to be connected to, to be divided into..
.districts, to be noted for, places of interest, a convenient geographical
position, a Hero City, to be named after, to be proud of, to grow up around…,
to dominate, to be the center of, to have one’s own infrastructure, sister

For further reading on the given topic

we recommend texts

The Properties of Concrete, p.p.

Let’s Revise the Grammar

Grammar Appendix p.p. 226-229; 241-242)

14. Convert into

1. «He is a good architect.
Nobody can offer a better project», remarks the boss.

2. «I asked the manager some
questions on construction works», said Peter.

3. The engineer pointed out to the
workers, «Only the best devices can be used here».

4. The students said, «It is
not easy to study such subject as architecture.»

5. He said to us, «Don’t use
this cement. It is not of a good quality».

6. He said to the students,
«Almost everyone saw the construction of a building».

7. Our contractor promised,
«I’ll undertake all my endeavors to

supply equipment».

8. My friend asked me, «What
natural stones do you know?»

9. The guide told us, «This
city is famous for its cement industry».

10. The manager wondered, «Are
you specialized in civil engineering?»

15. Translate the
following sentences into English.

1. Он говорит, что
не встречал ничего величественнее, чем египетские пирамиды.

2. Меня спросили,
кем я работаю на стройке.

3. Мы спросили
начальника, что конкретно мы должны делать.

4. Наши партнеры
интересовались, не хотим ли мы построить для них еще один объект.

5. Я не знал, где
можно купить новые фильтры для кондиционеров.

6. Мастер сказал,
чтобы мы использовали только ламинат для отделки офиса.

7. Он утверждает,
что сразу после института работал инженером на стройке.

8. Глава компании
пообещал, что они будут поставлять нам только натуральные материалы.

16. Translate the
following sentences into Russian.

1. Nick says that you are a
wonderful carpenter.

2. He never realized that his draft
was so brilliant.

3. She asked what kind of tile we
were going to use for the roof of the new building.

4. We were warned that the
materials would arrive only in June.

5. The professor demanded that the
students should come to the exam in time.

6. The lecturer said that the
profession of an engineer was as old as civilized life.

7.1 wondered if he was a bricklayer
or mason and where he worked.

8. He said that marble is a natural
stone used for decorative purposes.

9. The manager announced that his
staff had very much work that month.

10. They promised that they would
have reconstructed this bridge by autumn.

Translate the sentences with the ABSOLUTE PARTICIPLE


1. The
investors financed the building of City Business Center, there being plenty of

2. The
research being easy, the students conduct it themselves.

Some of our students prefer to study German, the rest choosing to study Spanish.

4. The
observation being over, the students recorded the data.

5. The
progress of the reforms being slow, the government is determined to continue
supporting the needy countries.

6. It
being already late, the workers had to stop laying bricks.

7. The
materials being taken next week, we shall be able to build this block of flats
in due time.

Translate the sentences with the SUBJECTIVE PARTICIPLE


1. The
building project can be considered over.

2. He
may be made our new chief engineer.

3. The
inspector was seen examine the construction.

4. The
cement was found lying in the first section of the storehouse.

5. The
architect could be seen representing his project.

6. The
two men were heard arguing.

7. He
was left finishing the test.


What is your version of the following? Discuss this with your partner

Why do
you think birds fly to the south?

Compile as many words as you can with the letters of the word demographics

this is not a burden, but a great opportunity to revise

active vocabulary!

Lesson 8.


/. Read and translate
the text


 Asbestos has been known and used
as a textile since the earliest times. The first written evidence of asbestos
was recorded by Pliny *in the first century A. D.1

It is told that one of the Emperors
of Rome delighted guests by throwing atablecloth made of asbestos into fire and
then removing it unchanged from the flame. A few centuries later Marco Polo
told his friends in Italy about a substance he observed in Siberia. He told that
it could be woven into attractive textiles, which did not burn even in direct
flame. Asbestos is one of the strangest of all the naturally occurring fibers.
It is a rock, * which has been subjected to unusual treatment during its
formation2. Asbestos is the only mineral substance used as

a textile fiber in the form it is
obtained from natural sources. There are many varieties of asbestos rocks but
only chrysotile is widely used for textile products. Chrysotile is mined in
many countries of the world. The soft, long, white fibers of this mineral can
be spun into yarn by the usual processes. Pure asbestos being very difficult to
spin, a proportion of cotton fiber is usually added to help to bind the

asbestos fibers together. The
strangest characteristic of asbestos fibers is their resistance to heat and
burning. This property determines the ways in which they are used. Early uses
for asbestos included such articles as handkerchiefs and table coverings. The
Chinese used asbestos to make false sleeves, which could be cleaned by putting
them in the fire. All the dirt was burned off, leaving the asbestos clean. We
know commercial development of the fiber to have started in the 19th century.
Asbestos was used in flameproof clothing of many kinds, for laboratory,
industrial and military purposes^ Fabrics made of asbestos have good strength.
Today the main applications are those in which non-inflammability is essential
such as conveyor belting for hot materials, industrial pickings, fireproof clothing,
etc. Asbestos is sometimes used with glass fiber in making decorative fabrics
for curtains used in hospitals, theatres and other buildings where the public
assembles. Some grades of asbestos are used for electrical windings and

2. A few
explanations to the text.

1. …in the first century A. D. — в первом веке нашей эры (лат. anno domino)

2. .. .which has been subjected to
unusual treatment during its formation.—
который подвергся необычному воздействию во время своего образования.

3. Key vocabulary
/ expressions

belt [belt]—n пояс

dirt [da: t]—грязь

fiber = fibre [‘faiba] —n волокно; нить

handkerchief [‘has rjkatfif] —n носовой платок; косынка

sleeve [sli:v] — n рукав

spin [spin]—v (span, spun) прясть

[‘tri:tmant] —
n обращение; обработка; зд.


пряжа, нить

4. Phonetic drill.
Read the words paying attention to the

Prommciation of the italisized

[KW] square, squaw, squirrel,
queen, require, quarrel, squeeze,


Ы КЦУ— guarantee,
guard, guess, guest, guerilla, guide, guitar

5. Find Russian equivalents
to the following international words

potential [pa’tenjal]

geography [CTji’ografi]

agent [‘eid^ant]

university [juni’va:siti]

ethics [‘e8iks]

surveyor [sa:’veia]

underwriter [Anda’raita]

discounter [dis’kaunta]

marketing [‘ma:ketirj]

traffic [‘traefik]

trainer [‘treina]

interview [‘inta:vju]

economy [ir’konami]

profession [ргэ‘ feian]

regional [‘rirdjanl]

period [‘piariad]

provider [ргэ Vaida]

warrant [‘worant]

spelling f’spelirj]

manager [‘ maenad3a]

conductor [kan’dAkta]

6. Word
construction (Different ways to construct the words)

6.1. Translate the
following words Keeping in mind their prefix

pre- meaning

prehistoric, precaution, preheat,
prewar, preamble, prearrange, pre-revolutionary, pre-condition, pre-date,

6.2. Translate the
following words Keeping in mind their suffix

proof- meaning стойкий, сопротивляющийся, непроницаемый

flameproof, waterproof,
bulletproof, fireproof, weatherproof, hacker proof, loss proof, foolproof,
shockproof, age proof.

That is another
way how the same words can be used

weatherproof = proof against

bulletproof = proof against bullets

7. Translate the
sentences paying attention to different

meanings of the
verb «to build»( build
built built)

1.1 would not built on that if I
were you.

2. He is not built that same way.

3. They have built in their garden
with the wall just recently.

4. We need more place and I would
like to build a wing on to our house.

5. Much work has built up over the
past years.

8. Find the
following words and word combination in text.

одежда, занавес для театра открытое пламя

сопротивление жару и горению, невоспламеняемость

9. Match the verbs
in column A with those in column B.


1.to use

2. to weave

3. to burn

4. to occur

5. to mine

6. to spin

7. to start

8. to add

9. to include











10. Complete the

1. Fabrics made of asbestos have…

2 one of the Emperors of Rome…

3. Early uses for asbestos included
such articles…

4. All the dirt was burned off,

5. .. .fibers of this mineral can
be spun into yarn by the usual processes.

11. Ask questions
so that the sentences below could be


1. Marco Polo told his friends
about the substance that could be woven into attractive textiles.

2. Asbestos was used in flameproof
clothing of many kinds for different purposes.

3. The strangest characteristic of
asbestos fibers is their resistance to heat and burning.

12. Find in the
text a definition of asbestos and translate it

into Russian.

For further reading on the given

topic we recommend
Supplementary texts

1. To the History of Construction,
p.p. 146-147.

Essential Grammar:

(see Grammar Appendix p.p. 190-192)

14. Analyze the
following sentences with the ATTRIBUTIVE

translate them into Russian

1. Decorative asbestos fabrics are
used in the houses where the public assembles.

2. The building materials, which
are produced at this factory, are widely used on the city construction sites.

3. One of the most important
requirements when we use timber is to see that it is properly dried.

4. This property determines the
ways in which they are used.

5. Respect the people who answer to

6. What do you do to cut the labor
expenses that are connected with the erecting of a house at the construction

7. The building of the university
where we study is a pre-revolutionary one.

8. In a space heated by radiators,
where there is no fan, the air, which comes into contact with the radiators, is
heated and made lighter.

9. Many people have some experience
that can easily be turned into a business.

10.1 clearly remember the day when
we met with you first.

11. The fact that the lime can be
slaked was discovered by the Romans.

12. Fabrics that are made of
asbestos have good strength.

13. Egyptian pyramids are huge
structures that are almost 4,600 years old.

14. The more people who manufacture
and trade, the greater the competition.

15. They wish that some of the
rules they must follow were not necessary.

16. The «pseudo concrete»
was not the concrete people use today.

17. The fact that cement is used
widely as a binding material is quite reasonable.

18. Nowadays plastics, which are
artificial materials, can be applied to almost every branch of building.

15. Translate the
sentences with double clauses

1. Sand is the only material, which
is sufficiently cheap, and which will fulfil these requirements.

2. All aggregates, which have
sufficient strength and resistance to weathering, and which do not contain
harmful impurities may be used for making concrete.

3. Joiner is a man who makes
joinery and works mainly at the bench on wood, which has been cut and shaped by
the machinists.

4. The word «sand» is
applied to any finely divided material, which will not affect the cement or
lime and which is not subject to disintegration or decay.

5. Aggregates are defined as a mass
of practically inert mineral materials, which form the rock, which is denoted
by the general term concrete.

16. Make up
sentences according to the model.

Model A: This is the device which
our engineer has constructed. This is the device our engineer has constructed.

1. The technology that the company
used in building is up-to date.

2.1 remember the day when you first
came in our company.

3. The reason why the roof leaks is
quite plain.

4. The specialist that you wanted
to hire is in our office.

5. The oldest book that we have
sets the principles of building.

6. The subject that they have
chosen for the discussion was connected with modern management practices in the
construction industry.

Model B: This is the house in which
I used to live This is the house I used to live in.

1. There is an optimum condition of
temperature and humidity at which the processing of different materials may be
carried out.

2. This is a concept on which our
company was built.

3. Kiln is a kind of furnace in
which limestone is heated.

4. Foundation is a part of construction
on which all the building based.

5. These is a mixture of cement and
sound from which we get concrete.

6. He was offered to work with the
architect of whom he had heard much before.


   1. Read the

Buying a House: Daydream or
Nightmare I recently heard from my old friend Norman. He called to tell me that
he has decided to buy a house. That’s very

interesting because I’m thinking
about buying a house too. Sometimes I sit alone at my desk before work and draw
houses. I think I’ll call a real estate agent

next week, so I can begin to look
for a house. Or maybe I’ll wait. I’m

just not sure. Norman is a dentist.
He wants to have his office in his house. So

the house has to be large with two
separate entrances. Norman told me that he hasn’t been himself lately. He
thinks about houses morning, noon and night. He looks at houses with his fiancée
in different towns every week. He looks at the prime lending rate every week. Sometimes
he heard about houses he liked a lot. He went back to see it a week later. The
owner had already sold it. Another time he saw a beautiful house. It was perfect—the
right size, close to the city, near public transportation. It had a huge yard,
and it even had a swimming pool. It looked like the house where he was born.
His fiancée loved too, and the price was right. He made an offer the next
morning so he would not lose the house. But then he had a house inspected. Poor
Norman! The house had termites, asbestos in the basement,

leaking water pipes, and a broken
hot water heater. He was very disappointed. His  wanted to give up. Norman
wanted to try again. He’s been looking for a year. I wish him good luck.

2. Answer the

1. What kind of a house would you
like to have?

2. What are your dreams?

3. Retell the text

4. Learn the
dialogue by heart

Could I speak to Mr. William Jefferson, please? That’s the supervisor of the
builders’ team. 1 would like to discuss some details about the construction of your
house in Abby Moth.
Jefferson, customer;
what’s up?

CM.: Hallo, Mr.
Jefferson. I just wanted to talk over some possible

changes in the project of the

 С .What are those?

CM: You have ordered
to make a concrete foundation. But those

concrete beams are too heavy.СSo?

CM.: I suggest that we
make it faro-concrete. It will be better.

C: Fine. And could we
possibly discuss some details concerning the woodwork?

СМ.: But we haven’t
started the earthworks yet, Mr. Jefferson…

С: You know, I’m
leaving for USA for a long time, so I won’t be

able to order some changes later.

CM.: Ok, I can come to
you with the project plans tomorrow.

С: Thank you. So
I’m waiting for you tomorrow at 10 a.m.

CM: See you tomorrow.

C: Good-bye then

Lesson 9.


/. Read and translate
the text



Air-conditioning is the bringing of
air in a building to a desired temperature, purity, and humidity throughout the
year to maintain healthy and comfortable atmosphere. Air-conditioning may be
divided into two main sections: *one for

the processing of materials1 in
industry; the other for human comfort. It has been found that there is an
optimum condition of temperature and humidity at which the processing of
different materials may be carried out with the minimum of wastage and the
maximum of goods of specification quality. The system is therefore designed to produce
air of predetermined temperature and moisture content and

to keep it so despite all external
influences. Such air is filtered free of foreign material.

        Conditioning air for human
comfort may also be divided into two main sections — winter and summer.
Frequently, the systems installed in office buildings provide control during
both seasons. Complete air-conditioning provides the following services.

First, filtration of the
air both in winter and summer to remove dust.

Second, circulation of the
air at low velocity and with proper diffusion to prevent draughts and maintain
*a uniform temperature and humidity2 at all parts of the inhabited space.

Third, introduction of
enough fresh air from the outside atmosphere.

Fourth, heating of the air
in winter.

Fifth, cooling of the air
in summer below the outside atmosphere.

Sixth, humidifying the
air in winter to a relative humidity of at least 20-25 per cent.

Seventh, dehumidifying the
air in summer to a relative humidity not exceeding 55 per cent.

The basic pieces of equipment are
the filters, preheat coils, humidifiers, reheat coils, additional cooling
coils, fans and controls. The control of air purity can be achieved in various
degrees. As a minimum control some sort of filtering must be done near the
entrance of the air-conditioning system. Possibly the most efficient filtering device
is the electrostatic precipitator. Air conditioning for human comfort is
employed in both large and small installations, such as theaters, office
buildings, department stores, residences, airplanes, railways, cars and


People are comfortable when they
are *neither too cold, nor3 too warm and when the air about them is neither too
dry, nor too damp and is not stuffy or dusty. To bring about these desirable
conditions the heating or air-conditioning apparatus must be capable of
maintaining the following conditions inside the house, whatever the conditions outside
may be. To avoid stuffiness, the air should be given a certain amount of motion.
Under winter conditions this must be sufficient to distribute the heat
uniformly throughout the rooms. It must not be too cold at

the floor, not too hot at the
ceiling. *A stove causes the hot air around it4 to rise up toward the ceiling
and cooler air to flow toward the stove. A radiator acts in this respect like a
stove. Warm-air registers bring heated air into a room with a certain motion or
velocity which imparts movement to the air already in the room. An outlet for
this air should be provided in order to have good ventilation. In summer

time much greater air motion is
needed, enough to change the air in a room completely from three to ten times
per hour. Sometimes a fan is placed in the attic to blow the warm air out and
to cause the cooler night air to flow through open windows. When this is done,
air in the house can be expected to be changed completely every two or three minutes.
When air is brought into a house from outside, heated in a furnace and
distributed through all the rooms, it ought to be cleaned by passing it through
«filters» before it enters the furnace:

A few explanations to the text.

…one for the processing of materials —
первый для обработки материалов

2. …
a uniform temperature and humidity —
одинаковую температуру и влажность

neither…, nor…—

4. A
stove causes the hot air around it… —
Сушильная печь заставляет горячий воздух вокруг

Key vocabulary / expressions

amount of [a’maunt]—
количество чегол.

[‘ aetik] —
мансарда; чердак;

capable of [‘keipabl] —
быть способным

[di’zaia] —

проток, канал

[ik’ si:d] — v превышать, превосходить

[‘ hju: ‘miditi] — и влажность

[in’ hasbit]—v
жить, обитать

Гэ]—n влажность

[‘ moujn]—

[‘ autlet] —
или выходное отверстие

[pri’sipiteita] —
n осаждатель, ускоритель

[‘ pjusriti] —
n чистота

[‘sUf] —


[‘ weist] —

Phonetic Test. Read the following words correctly

dust, include, require, must, crude, humidity, build, hundred, molecular,
sufficient, adequate, cause, furnace, requite, thousand, truly, evolution.

Word construction (Different ways to construct words)

Translate the words keeping in mind their suffices and prefixes

— humidity — humidify — humidor — dehumidifying —humify

— wasteful—waster—wastrel—wasting inhabit — inhabitant — inhabitable —
inhabitancy — inhabitation

Translate the sentences with some odd meaning of the familiar


Stop hammering at me.

would like to hammer it home to you that market research is

for business.

Would you kindly hand me the magazine.

4. She
handed the elder woman into a bus.

5. He
who hesitates is lost.

6. A
teaching load of twelve hours a week seems to be normal


They have loaded too much information into the computer


Translate both parts of the text reading firstly how to convert temperature
from Fahrenheit scale to Centigrade scale.

Measuring Temperature


On the
Centigrade scale the * boiling point1 of water is fixed at 100 (one hundred
degrees), its *freezing point2 is at 0 (zero). The equivalent points on the
Fahrenheit scale are at 212 and by 32. When it is necessary to convert
temperature reading from the Fahrenheit scale to the Centigrade, we subtract 32
and multiply by 5/9.

scientists use the Absolute Scale in which the temperature is measured in
degrees Centigrade from the point at which molecular motion ceases. Absolute
zero is -273.1 C.


adequate heating when it is cooled outside the heating plant, including the
necessary ducts, registers, piping, radiators, etc., must be able to keep all
the rooms at 70° Fahrenheit, even if it is 20 or 30 degrees below zero outside.


boiling point—
точка кипения

freezing point—
точка замерзания

Fahrenheit [Tcuranhait] scale —
шкала, предложенная немецким физиком Фаренгейтом

Speaking practice. Discuss air-conditioning of the house

your partner using the following phrases:

Another important thing is…

2. You
must keep in mind that…

3. You
avoid this… should…

.(this) must be sufficient.

5. What people need most of all…

9. Speaking
Practice. Discuss the topic «My Country»

with your partner
using such words as

to occupy, to consist of (to
include, to be made up of), to be washed by, to border on, to be famous for,
the population of…is about…, total area, to vary (the climate varies), to
be of great importance to , to became the cradle of, to be rich in, to date

back to, to lie on, to be linked
with, to extend out, a highly developed industrial country, to be limited by,
to establish, to conquer, to proclaim, to recognize, sovereign, independent, natural
resources, authority, density, to be densely peopled, political set-up, a
presidential republic.

Home reading. For further reading on the given topic

recommend Supplementary texts

Community and Architecture, p.p. 143-144.

Essential Grammar:

(see Grammar Appendix p.p. 233-237)

the required form of the INFINITIVE

1. He seems (to
read ) a lot.

2. He
seems (to read) now.

3. He seems
(to read) all the books in the library.

4. He
seems (to read) a lot all his life.

5. She
was glad (to help) her friends.

6. She
was glad (to help) by her friends.

7. She
is always glad (to help) her friends.

8. Can
your cell (to use) in another city?

9. We
may not (to use) dictionaries at the exams.

This question is too complicated (to answer) at once.

Can you (to answer) the question?

State the functions of the INFINITIVE in the following sentences and translate
them into Russian.

1. The high ceiling
is lowered somewhat near the decider wall to make the space a little more

2. The
living room is intentionally designed away from the kitchen and family room to
guarantee some adult space.

3. The
challenge of working with a narrow lot is to save as many trees as possible and
still have portions where the sun shines in.

Include penalties when writing a contract for any failure to meet start-up and
competition dates.

Naturally, you will need to do some research on architectural styles to get
additional information.

6. You
should work at your English as much as possible.

7. Get
to know your competitors over time.

8. To
create a quiet port basin and provide safe accommodation for the ships the
harbour should be protected from the wind and wave actions by special engineering
works if sheltering has not been provided by nature.

9. То avoid stuffiness,
the air should be given a certain amount of motion.

10. Place a fan in the attic to
blow the warm air out and cause the cooler breeze flow through the open

11. The house ought to be cleaned
as often as possible.

12. Air motion is necessary to
change the air in the room.

13. To carry out the work of leveling
the site one must employ the earth-moving machinery.

14. They try to adapt their
policies and tactics to meet the new conditions.

15. The type of policy to be
followed will be widely discussed in mass media.

13. Translate the
sentences paying attention to modal verbs


1. The idea of such building
materials might have been borrowed from the ancient Greeks.

2. It is surprising, therefore,
that after the fall of the Roman Empire, so much of the great knowledge should
have disappeared so completely.

3. This piece of wood should have
been cut and shaped by the machinists.

4. To my mind, we should have done
everything to prevent them from becoming our enemy.

5. Their decision might have been
caused by circumstances.


1. Are you sure
you remember the words of your active vocabulary? Compile as many words as you
can with the letters of the word construction

              Lesson 10.



/. Read and translate
the text

Its Forms and Functions

Architecture is the art or science
of planning, building and structures. Without consideration of structural
principles, materials, social and economic requirements a building cannot take
form. But without aesthetical quality inherent in its form *a building cannot
be considered as a work of architecture1 as well. From the very beginning of
construction in human history lots of architectural skills, systems and
theories have been evolved for the construction of the buildings, which have
housed nations and generations of people in any kind of their activity.
Writings on architecture are almost as old as writing itself. Books on the
theory of architecture,

on the art of buildings, and on the
aesthetical view of buildings exist in great number. The oldest book, which
sets forth the principles, upon which buildings should be designed and which
aim is to guide the architect, is the work of Markus Vitruvius Polio written *in
the first century B. C.2

       Architecture is an art. Its
nowadays expression should be creative and consequently new. The heritage of
the past cannot be ignored, but it must be expressed in modern terms. There
exists an evident paradox in the coexistence of change and survival in every period
of human civilization. This paradox of change and repetition is clearly illustrated
in any architectural style. Architecture is also the style or manner of
building in a particular country or period of history. There are widely known
examples of Gothic architecture all round the globe. During many centuries mankind
admires the architecture of ancient Greece or Roman Empire as well.

         Nearly two thousand years
ago the Roman architect Vitruvius listed three basic factors in architecture.
They are convenience, strength and beauty. These three factors have been
present and are always interrelated in the best constructions till the 21st
century. *No true architect could think of any of them3 without almost
automatically considering the other two as well. Thus, architectural design entails
not only the necessity to study various solutions for convenience, structure,
and appearance as three separate processes. Architectural design also includes
the necessity to keep in mind the constant interaction of these factors. It’s
impossible for an architect first plan a building from the point of view of
convenience, and then make the design of a strong construction around his plan
to shelter it. Then, as a final touch, try to adjust and decorate the whole to
make it pretty. Any design evolving from such kind of work will produce only a
confused, incoherent, and unsatisfactory building. When speaking about any
truly great building we cannot but say that every element in it has a triple
implication or significance. This triple nature of architectural design is one
of the reasons why architecture is a difficult art. *It needs some unique type
of imagination4 as well as long years of training and experience to make a
designer capable of getting requite in the light of these three factors—use,
construction, and aesthetic effect—simultaneously. The designer must have a
good knowledge as of engineering so of building materials. This knowledge will
enable him to create economically strong and practical construction. The
designer, in addition, must possess the creative imagination, which will enable
him to integrate the plan and the construction into the harmonious whole. The
architect’s feeling of satisfaction in achieving such integration is one of
his/her (their) greatest rewards.

2. A few
explanations to the text

1… .a building cannot be
considered as a work of architecture.

—здание не может
считаться архитектурным произведением.

2… .in the first century В. С.
before Christ) —.. .в первом
веке до нашей эры (до рождества Христова).

3. No true architect could think of any of them… — Ни один
настоящий архитектор не смог бы думать только об одном из них…

4. It needs some unique type of
imagination… —
Она (архитектура) требует своеобразного видения

3. Key vocabulary
/ expressions

entail [in’teil] — v вызывать

evolve [i’volv]—v развиваться

incoherent [inkou’hiarant] — adj непоследовательный,


inherent [in’ Ыэгэпг] — adj присущий, неотъемлемый

heritage [‘heritidj] — n наследство

requite [ri’ kwait] — n вознаграждение

triple f’traipl]—adj тройной; v утраивать

4. Phonetic Test.
Read the following words correctly

pseudo-concrete, honor, chancellor,
quote, fluent, psychology, champagne, bath, asphalt, psalm, guide, chronicles,
chef, technology, basic, architecture, question.

5. Word construction

5.1. Translate the
words keeping in mind their suffixes and prefixes

necessary — necessitate — necessity

evolve — evolutive —
evolution—evolutionist — evolutionary— evolutional

architect — architectonic —
architectonics — architectural — architecture

5.2. Memories the
words with the same stem

stuff—’ stuffy —’ stuffiness

intro’ duce—intro’ diction—intro ‘doctor
‘ person—’personal—’ personage—personality—per’ sonify—’ personable—’
personally—personify’ cation—’personate

General understanding. Answer the questions to the text

What is architecture?

What is the oldest book to set forth the principles of construction?

3. How
should mankind deal with the heritage of the past?

What three basic factors in architecture were listed nearly two thousand years

5. Why
architecture is a difficult art?

What can we say about any truly great building?

What integration must an architect achieve?

about architecture.

What famous Russian/English architecture do you know?

2. Among
Seven Wonders of the World there were some famous

and constructions. Do you know them?

What famous architectural complexes in Russia do you know?

What do you think about your city/town architecture?

Home reading. For further reading on the given topic we recommend Supplementary

p.p. 149-156.

Translate the sentences with some odd meaning of the familiar words

1.1 am
on the run the whole day with these documents.

2. The
book has a considerable run.

3. The
lease runs for four years.

4. Do
you know the proverb: cut the coat according to the cloth?

5. The
trip made a pleasant break.

Just give her a break!

They break the vase into small pieces.

8. The
building houses the City Council.

9. He
is considered to be the best mind of our time.

Mind your own business!

Essential Grammar:

(see Grammar Appendix p.p. 192-196)

Make up the complex sentences with ADVERBIAL CLAUSES and translate the
resulting sentences.

1. You
can’t reach your market. Your business will fail.(if)

Builders are attracted to imported goods. There is always a guarantee,

People are comfortable. They are neither too cold, nor too warm, (when)

4. All
works are completed and the project is ready for the commissioning.

contractor notifies the engineer with the message, (as soon as)

5. The
definition «civil engineering» dates back only two centuries. The
profession of civil engineer is as old as civilized life, (while)

told about the development of different branches of engineering. You might
understand clearly what civil engineering constitutes nowadays, (in order that)

Parquet is a very expensive material. Many people prefer to use it in their
flats, (though)

8. You
have finished your work. You may go home, (since)

They spent a great amount of money for the building. It were a real palace, (as

The air-conditioning system are installed in the buildings. Filtration of the
air introduction of fresh air are needed, (where)


1.1 could do the work
now but I’d rather put it off till the weekend.

There’s a nice sunset, it ought to be a fine day tomorrow.

3. How
much time should I spend doing this job?

hardly need to say how much I enjoyed the holiday.

5. They haven’t widened this road
yet, but I dare say they will comeback..

6. We didn’t dare to ask if we
could have a holiday.

7.1 hardly needed to be told that.

8. How dare you say such a thing?

9.1 never dared to reach the moon.

10. The investors financed the
building of City Business Center there being plenty of reasons.

11. We found him looking through a
Home Plan Ideas magazine.

12.1 want the construction be
finished by May.

13.1 watch them installing the new
French window.


1. Are you sure
you remember the words of your active vocabulary? Compile as many words as you
can with the letters of the word


2. Check yourself
Guess the words. Fill in the blanks with the proper letters.


















3. Read and try to
retell the anecdote.

One day Mr. Bent received a picture
from his friend who was a painter. Mr. Bent was very pleased with it as the
painter told him that it was the most wonderful picture he had ever painted.
However, when Mr. Bent wanted to hang it up he could not decide which was the
top and which was bottom. So Mr. Bent thought of a plan. He hung the picture in
the dining room and wrote a letter to the painter in which he said he looked forward
to seeing him in his house for dinner. The painter promised to come and see
him. The next day the painter came to join Mr. Bent for dinner. There was a
large choice of dishes and wines, and the painter enjoyed the dinner very much.
They started with gin and tonic. When the painter was eating soup, he looked at
the picture few times. When he was eating roast-beef, he looked at the picture
with surprise. Before he began drinking coffee, he walked up to the picture. The
painter looked at the picture for some time and understood that the picture was
hanging upside down. «Why, my friend,» he said, «my picture is
upside down». «Is it?» said Mr. Bent. «But why did it take
you so long to find it out? You have painted it».

Lesson 11.




/. Read and translate the text

                       What Is
Meant by «Bioclimatic Architecture»

Bioclimatic architecture is a way
of designing buildings and manipulating the environment within buildings by
working with natural forces around the building rather than against them. Thus it
concerns itself with climate as a major contextual generator, and with benign
environments using minimal energy as its target. Bioclimatic architecture aims
to protect and enhance the environment and life. It is developing on many
different levels from rethinking basic concepts about our need for shelter and
the function of the «city» in our lives to developing recycled or
sustainable building materials.

The impact of traditional building
on the environment and natural resources is enormous. However, the ideal of
designing and building structures that are environmentally friendly has become
fairly widespread throughout the community of architects and builders in
developed nations. In many areas there is the necessity of complying with new
regulations and standards aimed at protecting the environment. In addition,
there are an increasing number of incentives for putting up buildings with more
efficient energy consumption and that reduces the negative impacts on natural
resources by using recycled or sustainable materials. While these vary around
the world, there is awareness that our need for shelter must not jeopardize the
environment. There is growing interest in «green» building practices,
which offer an opportunity to create environmentally sound and resource
efficient buildings by using an integrated approach to design.»Green»
buildings promote resource conservation through energy efficiency, renewable
energy, and water conservation features. They take into consideration the
environmental impact of the building and minimize waste. Other goals are to
create a healthy and comfortable environment, reduce operation and maintenance
costs, and address issues such as historical preservation, access to public
transportation and other community infrastructure systems. The entire life
cycle of the building and its components is considered, as well as the economic
and environmental impact and performance. *As public awareness of environmental
issues increases1, the construction developers are also beginning to see that
«green building» can be profitable and a selling point. Market
surveys are showing that a surprising number of potential buyers are interested
and will pay the

higher prices for a home that is
environmentally friendly. In the last few years there has been much talk
concerning environmentally responsible architecture, that is, architecture
respectful of the earth’s resources and its natural beauty. Unfortunately, many
of the architects and designers *who profess interest in the concept of
sustainable architecture2 do not practice it in their own work for whatever
reason, be it their client’s lack of interest or their own lack of conviction.
In fact, most architects ignore the issue altogether, preferring to regard
architecture as fashion. This is a terribly irresponsible view, because in
terms of energy use and visual pollution, «»buildings have had an
increasingly severe and damaging impact on the environment,3 this makes the
issue of sustainable architecture not only an important consideration but also
a necessary one. As for a building philosophy for national parks, which were
created to conserve nature for future generations, it seems that sustainable
architecture, or «integrated bioclimatic architecture», is the only
logical and responsible approach. What is integrated bioclimatic architecture?
It is the architecture that arises out of the landscape, with the site
determining the orientation and construction of a building, not just
aesthetically, but also mechanically, determining its heating, cooling, and
lighting too. Thus, it is an architecture that respects nature and its

and provides its occupants with the
most comfortable and pleasing environment possible. However, this architectural
approach need not be a restrictive one for imaginative practitioners. As
integrated bioclimatic architecture encompasses examples of vernacular archi
tecture, like the
typical «white stucco Mediterranean fishing village»,
as well as mimetic
architecture, which draws on the materials,

even the plants of the surrounding landscape for its inspiration.Indeed, good
integrated bioclimatic architecture should exist in harmony with the site.

A few explanations to the text

As public awareness of environmental issues increases,—По мере
того как растет осведомленность общественности по вопросам окружающей среды…

.who profess interest in the concept of sustainable architecture—
которые открыто интересуются концепцией поддерживающей архитектуры

…buildings have had an increasingly severe and damaging impact on the
environment —
здания оказывают все более разрушающее воздействие на окружающую среду

Key vocabulary /expressions

benign [binain] —adj благотворный;
плодоносная (почва)

comfortable [‘ kAmfstabl] — adj уютный, удобный

[кэш’ plai]—v исполнять (
просьбу, приказ—with )

[kan’vikjn]—и убеждение, убежденность

[in’ha:ns] — v усиливать, повышать

an impact [‘ impaekt]—оказывать влияние / воздействие

[in’sentiv] —

[‘djepadaiz]—v угрожать, подвергать опасности


[pra’mout]—v способствовать, продвигать

[ri’strikt]—v ограничивать

[sUkau] —и штукатурка; v штукатурить


Phonetic Test.
the words correctly.

moisture, comfort, specialty, introduction, velocity, circulation, wastage,
desire, summer, installation, intensively, whether, substantial, measure, wild.

Word construction (Different ways of how to construct


5. Translate
the following words keeping in mind the meaning of prefix rerethink,

refuel, reread, reform, restructure, remake, refocus, re-establish, re examination,
recycling, renew.

5. 2
Do you know the meaning of the following words? bio-diplomacy,
bio-organization, bio-education, bio-history, bio-archaeology

Speak on the usage of the words mentioned above. Discuss with your partner such
notions as

architecture, sustainable architecture

Find in the text all synonyms to the phrase «green


Find Russian equivalents:

environmentally friendly

bioclimatic architecture

more efficient energy consumption

4. to
promote resource conservation

5. an
irresponsible view ,

6. to
exist in harmony with the site or nature

public awareness of environmental issues

resource-efficient buildings

9. the
environmental impact of the building

Translate from Russian into English

поддерживаемая колоннами создание здоровой окружающей среды


воздействие___ пересмотр основных взглядов(понятий)

запланированное в этом районе повторное использование материалов возобновляемые
ресурсы_ развитые страны отсутствие убежденности_

General Understanding. Answer the questions to the


What is bioclimatic architecture?

2. The
impact of traditional building on the environment and

resources is not enormous, is it?

3. Why
is there growing interest in «Green» building practices?

What makes the construction developers see that «green»

can be profitable?

5. Do
most architects regard architecture as fashion?

What is integrated bioclimatic architecture?

Explain the words «vernacular architecture».

Good integrated bioclimatic architecture should exist in harmony

the site, shouldn’t it?

//. Read the text and
tell what are the main concerns of environmentalists. Discuss them with your

is an organized movement of concerned citizens and government to protect and
enhance people’s living environment, that is, to prevent the environment from
being spoilt. Environmentalists are the public concerned with strip mining,
forest depletion, factory smoke, billboards; with the loss of recreational opportunity;
and with the increase in health problems caused by bad

water, and chemically sprayed food. Environmentalist is a person who tries to
prevent the environment from being spoilt. Environmentalists are not against
marketing and consumption; they simply want businesses and consumers to operate
on more ecological principles. They think the goal of the marketing system
should be to maximize life quality of the environment. They require business to

in antipollution device, taxing nonreturnable bottles, and banning high—phosphate
detergents. These measures are as necessary to induce businesses abed consumers
to act in environmentally sound ways.

Check yourself. Guess the words. Fill in the blanks

the proper letters.











Essential Grammar:

(see Grammar Appendix p.p. 229-232)

13. Translate the
following sentences into Russian using the SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD.

1. The idea of
«pseudo concrete» might have been borrowed from the ancient Greeks.

2. It is curious that the Mexican
Indians should have employed concrete in their buildings.

3. But for timber piles, the Romans
couldn’t have built roads.

4. He insisted that the
construction works should be continued.

5.1 wish the house would be
protected by several coats of paint.

6. It is necessary that you protect
the thumb and the fingers with leather pads.

7. It is time your company created
a new turnkey project.

8. This laminated floor looks as if
it were parquet.

9. The plan was that the
specialists should provide air-conditioning of the building.

10. Within what period of time
would you be able to finish this pavilion?

11. As
a rule the contractor supplies spare parts so that the project could normally operate
during the maintenance guarantee.

The heating or air-conditioning apparatus must be capable of maintaining the
following conditions inside the house, whatever the conditions outside may be.

Complete the sentences


They would have gone long ago …

2.1 am
sure they were pressed …

1. But
for Marcus Proclus Cato …


3. It
is required …

4. The
suggestion was …


.that the materials designed for modern buildings be practical and cheap.

ancient Romans shouldn’t have learnt to bake lime in the kilns.

but we insisted on their finishing the work.

4. …
that the vertical «blinds» on the facade of the building were mobile.

you had used marble for decoration of my house.

they would have prepared a better draft.

Translate the sentences into English.

Хорошо, что ты был дома. Как бы я сделала без тебя ремонт в квартире?

Жаль, что вы не обратили внимание на предупреждение инспектора.

Ее требование состояло в том, чтобы ей заплатили за дополнительную работу.

Не может быть, чтобы эта компания строила такие старомодные дома.

Я потребовал, чтобы они показали мне проект дома.

Ах, если бы вы видели этот замечательный памятник архитектуры!

В этой комнате так холодно, как будто здесь забыли поставить батарею.

Нам бы хотелось, чтобы вы использовали дерево, а не фанеру при отделке нашей

Мы прочитаем эту статью, чтобы мы знали о современных строительных технологиях.


Life comes from and depends on nature.

2. The
environment has been drastically changed under the influence of our developing

Protection of the nature is to be observed in every human society or culture.

Absence of rainwater can be replaced by the use of irrigation from rivers.

5. The
combination of need and opportunity has led to high technological and political

6. In
Central Europe, the Danube has always been a cultural liaison between distant

7. The
environmental protection brings together social, economic, moral and political

8. The
challenge of working with a narrow lot is to save as many trees as possible and
still have portions where the sun shines in.

Ever since the human being appeared on Earth, he has been observing, deifying,
thinking, understanding, controlling and dominating the world into which he was

Myths concerned with water are widespread in various cultures, testifying this
major reality of human life.

The humidity has begun to produce its own food through the planting of crops.

Account should be taken of the worst conditions of air temperature and humidity
likely to arise.

13. It’s not enough to build a
better mousetrap, you have to build a better mousetrap company.

14. You ought to know the names of
the scientists who have contributed much to the development of your profession.


Express your opinion on the following

1. Money couldn’t buy friends, but
you got a better class of

enemy. Spike Milligan

2. If you can actually count your
money, then you are not really a rich man.

J.Paul Getty

3. You can be young without money
but you can’t be old without it.

Tennessee Williams

4. Ambition is the last refuge of
the failure. Oscar Wilde

5. People think that at the top
there isn’t much room. They tend to think of it as an Everest. My message is
that there is tons of room at the top. Margaret Thatcher

Lesson 12.



1. Read and
translate the text

New Trends in Urban Management The
environmental protection brings together social, economic, moral and political
considerations. Urban management must take

these considerations into account
and incorporate the following principles:

about the environmental threshold of the earth’s carrying capacity requires the
adoption of the precautionary principle and calls for demanding management.

Environmental efficiency. Reducing the use
of natural resources, increasing durability and closing resource loops will
contribute to long-range environmentally compatible urban management.
Welfare efficiency
and equity.
use and social and economic diversity, as well as a fair distribution of
natural resources are

key elements to be considered in
urban planning. *To reconcile continuing development with environmental limits 1
mankind must choose certain types of development rather than others. Efficiency
has meanings beyond maximizing the economic output of each human being. Human
benefit is not necessarily identical

to utility as measured by
neo-classical economics. Quantity of goods should be replaced with quality of
life. Environmental protection is closely connected to social equity.

Natural building

Natural building has emerged as a
response to an increasing concern for our built environment. Natural materials
*can provide an alternative2 to toxic substances which have led to widespread environmental
illness.. While interest has surged in the industrialized West, the ancient
roots of natural building are being lost in many

traditional areas. Ironically,
builders in the industrialized countries are now turning to these very cultures
for solutions to their building problems. It is to be hoped that increased
interest and research into vernacular building systems will increase respect
for these timeless ideas in their native lands, and through diligent efforts by
a number of people, many of these techniques are indeed being revived, studied

and implemented throughout the

*As natural building and design is
still in its infancy3, the state of the art is in constant flux as
practitioners and techniques, hitherto isolated, arc identified and brought
into partnership with others. Most popular natural building techniques and
materials include: adobe, bamboo, compressed earth, earthen floors, light
straw-clay, natural fibers, living roofs, natural plasters and finishes, paper

rammed earth, straw bale
construction, thatch. *wattle and daub4

and wood. Many of the European city
problems could be resolved by paying

greater attention to the
environment. Architecture and urban planning based on environmental
preservation are the only option for maintaining quality of life and preventing
lasting environmental damage. Pollution reduction, waste minimisation and
energy conservation can be furthered through environmentally friendly

urban design and construction.
Awareness of these issues and information on possible opportunities existing
worldwide are vital to the development of new possibilities and new scopes in
restructuring urban and agricultural areas, as well as human settlements in general.
Bio-architecture links the appreciation of the environment and biodiversity
with urban design and planning. Bio-architecture also promotes the use of
materials and techniques, which are environmentally

sound, culturally sensitive and
reliant on local resources and skills. A «Biopolis» functions as a
model for the harmonious convolution of humanity with the bio-environment. It
is based on the application of clean energy sources (solar, wind, hydrogen,
etc.), cleaner production and environmentally friendly materials, and
protection of bios aims at creating a self-sufficient, aesthetically pleasing urban
environment with an active participation of every member of society in the
conservation of nature.

2. A few
explanations to the text

1. To reconcile continuing
development with environmental limits —
Чтобы совместить непрерывное развитие с возможностями окружающей среды.

2…. can provide an alternative —
. . .
могут стать альтернативой

3. As natural building and design is still in its infancy… — так
ка строительство с применением природных материалов и дизайн все еще в
зачаточном состоянии…

4. …wattle and
daub — строение, сплетенное из прутьев, камыша или соломы и обмазанное глиной

3. Key vocabulary
/ expressions

adobe [э’ daub]—саман, кирпич
воздушной сушки

bale [beil] — v
увязывать в кипы, укладывать

[кэиЫ:ззп] —и связь; сплоченность

diligent [‘dilid33nt]

equity fekwiti] —п справедливость,

flux [fkks] — п 1.
течение, поток; 2. постоянное движение

further [Тэ:3з]—v
содействовать, способствовать ~ through

hitherto [‘ЫЗэШ] —
сих пор

loop [lu:p] — п петля

output [‘autput] —

reconcile [rikan’
sail]—v примирять, улаживать
(ссору, спор)

surge [sa:d3] — v возникать

4. General
Understanding. Ansyver the questions to the text.

1. How can you explain the notion
«vernacular architecture».

2. What principles must urban
management incorporate?

3. What should replace quality of

4. Give your understanding of the
word «Biopolis».

5. Do you know the geographical
regions where natural building materials are widely used?

5. Word

5, 1 Translate the
following words keeping in mind the meaning

of prefix semi полу

semi-manufactured, semi-detached,
semi-basement, semifinal, semiconductor, semicircle, semi-automatic, semi-conscious,

5. 2 Translate the
words having in mind that the stem «herb»

means «трава«:

— herbarium — herbicide — herbivorous — herbogize

6. Find Russian

take into account

the adoption of the precautionary

neo-classical economics

be still in one’s infancy

straw bale construction

living roofs

long-range environmentally
compatible urban management

7. What
environmentally friendly building materials do you

know? List them.

8. What clean
energy sources do you know? How are they

used or can be
used by mankind?

9. Speaking

9.1. What do you think of the
following? Discuss this statement

with your partner.

Quantity of goods should be
replaced with quality of life.

9.2. Read the text
and discuss with your partner how
the issues of

it are implementing in your city

In Europe, the European
Commission’s Green Paper on the urban environment of the world, the Sustainable
Cities Report, shows an integrated approach to urban problems encompassing social,
economic, and environmental issues. The Systematic Cities project, serve as
encouraging, and assisting cities and towns to establish and implement local
Agenda 21 or similar sustainabihty plans through policy reports, exchange of
experience, networking and dissemination of good practices cases. In the
specific context of environmental policy, the EU is now adopting a more
bottom-up approach. Heller implementation in a partnership approach and the use
of alternative instruments in environmental policy, are priorities where the
urban dimension plays an important role. The «greening» of the
Structural Funds has also become a central concern, as explained in the Communication
on Cohesion and Environment. What do you know about local Agenda 21 ?

PRACTICE. Discuss the topic «My Future Profession

» with your
partner using such words as

ambition, occupation, job, to make
one’s choice, to succeed in, qualified, skilled, many roads are opened, to make
up one’s mind, to apply for, to serve the interest of, one’s future speciality,
to take a special living, to commit an error, the duty of… is to’…, to
start a career, to start training, to be one’s chief interest, to have a try,
to give a plenty of opportunities, social importance, one’s final choice, to be
well aware of the fact that:.., a matter of future, prestige and wealth, to
discuss professional matters, to encourage, motivation,

For further reading on the given topic we recommend Supplementary texts

1. People Are the Heart of Every
Business, p.p. 159-163.

2. On Management in Russia, p.p.

Essential Grammar:

Appendix p.p. 196-199)

12. Translate the


1. If a traditional construction
manager proves too expensive for your project, you will be able to negotiate
with a small general constructor to provide these same services.

2. If a company produced work of a
quality that would satisfy customers, then a continuous flow of work to the
company would follow.

3. If new management techniques are
not considered and adopted, there will be a loss in competitive advantage.

4. If they had taken into
consideration the properties of these materials, they should have been changed
the draft.

5. If the company expanded, it
would acquire in engineering, construction and civil works a high level of

6. If I were you, I would
constructed the project on a prime site on Victoria Island.

7. Operational acceptance of the
project will take place if the guarantees have met.

8. Had he been a skilled engineer,
he would continue building• of the theatre.

9. Had we more investments, we
could continue building of the theatre.

10. Were I in your place I wouldn’t
use granite for decorating the facade of the building.

13. Translate the
sentences into English using the different

types of the

1. Если вы
пришлете кирпич, мы закончим строительство объекта в этом месяце.

Если бы вы
прислали кирпич в следующем месяце, мы бы закончили строительство объекта.

Если бы вы
прислали кирпич в прошлом месяце, мы бы уже закончили строительство объекта.

2. Если вы не
будете нам мешать, мы закончим работу в срок.

Если бы вы не
мешали нам сейчас, мы бы закончили работу в срок.

Если бы вы не
мешали нам вчера, мы бы закончили работу в срок.

3. Конструкция
будет надежнее, если вы используете этот материал.

Конструкция была
бы надежнее, если бы вы использовали этот материал. (Используйте его.)
Конструкция была бы надежнее, если бы вы использовали

этот материал.(Но
вы не использовали его.)

14. Make sentences
and write sentence chains.

Model: If… hadn’t done…….
wouldn’t have done.

1. The ancient Egyptians discovered
how to cut stone -≫constructed stone buildings -≫ erected huge pyramids ->
became famous throughout the world.

2. The workers dug the excavation
for the basement. -> The excavator bucket suddenly stopped. -≫They saw many
construction fragments, -> The scientists found out an ancient town.

15. Read the
situation and find the conditional structure.

Before Mr. Harris bought the house
he should have called in a surveyor. Now he realizes what a big mistake he
made. Cracks have begun to appear in the walls and the roof leaks. If Mr.
Harris had consulted a surveyor first, he would never have bought the house.

16. Give the
Russian equivalents of the proverbs

1. If you run after two hares,
you’ll catch none.

2. If the sky falls, we shall catch

3. If there were no clouds, we
should not enjoy the sun.

4. If it were not for hope, the
heart would break.

5. If my aunt had been a man, she’d
have been my uncle.


17. Translate the
sentences with odd meaning of the familiar words

1. My joke was
wasted upon him.

2. The documents worked out were
fit for waste-paper-basket.

3. Do decision at the top get
effectively trsanslatedinto actions by others?

4. Clear lines of authority are
vital in any organization.

5. Most managers determine their
jobs in terms of the tasks to be done rather than the methods to be used.

6. Managing people is far too
important to be left to chance.

7. The book I was looking for was
staring me in the face.

8. A narrative Executive Summary is
useful for businesses that break new grounds.

9. Venture capitalist is an individual
or firm who invests money

in new enterprises.

10. It’s a good idea to keep your
first-aid kit handy when you are on holiday.

11. Today Munster’s merchant
tradition is the best reflected in the busy pedestrian precints and shopping

12. Experts know that most fine
pearls will have been housed in an oyster at least two or three years.

13. City history should be
presented against the background of general country history.

Lesson 13.



1. Read and
translate the text

                           A Few
Tips of Marketing in General


It is not enough to have a great
idea or new building technique as the basis of your construction business; you
must also have a market that is sufficiently large, accessible, and responsive.
*If you can’t reach your market1, or it isn’t ready for you, your business will
fail.*Consider the automatic teller machine (ATM)2 now seen on virtually every
street corner. It was invented more than 10 years before

it became popular, but the company
that initially marketed the ATM was unsuccessful — people weren’t yet willing
to trust their banking to machines. Market readiness is one of the most
difficult and most unpredictable aspects to measure when examining your market.
That is why companies spend substantial amounts of money on market research
before launching a product.

Even if you are not creating an
entirely new product, service or technology, you should attempt to determine if
your market is ready for you. For instance, if you are opening a flower shop in
a neighborhood where none currently exists, what indications are there that the
neighborhood residents are interested in buying flowers? Do they currently purchase
flowers at a nearby supermarket? Does the national demographic data on flower
purchasers coincide with neighborhood demographics? Perhaps you should conduct
a survey of the neighborhood’s

residents, asking about their
flower-buying habits and preferences. You may not have the funds to undertake
extensive market research, but even a small amount of analysis can help you
gauge the receptivity of a particular market to your idea.

In addition to market readiness,
key market factors will influence your choice of marketing strategy and help
you make realistic financial projections. When gathering information for your
business plan, spend considerable time learning about your market. The more
thoroughly you understand the various factors that

affect your market, the more likely
you are to succeed. Once you have clarified what you want to tell customers
about your construction company, you must describe how you disseminate that
information. How do you reach potential customers? Do you advertise? If so, where?
Do you send *direct mail?3 If so, to what mailing lists? Do you participate in
trade shows? If so, which ones and how frequently? Since every marketing
vehicle costs money, and money is always

limited, carefully plan how you
intend to spend your marketing dollars.

In devising your overall marketing
program, be sure you look for:

Fit. Your marketing
vehicles must reach your actual target customer

and be appropriate to your image. /

Mix. Use more than one
method so customers get exposure to

you from a number of sources.

Repetition. It takes many
exposures before a customer becomes

aware of a message.



Marketing Vehicles

Often the best marketing vehicles
are not the most obvious or the most expensive. A large ad in a specialty
publication may prove far more effective and less expensive than a small one in
a general newspaper. A well-stocked public library can be an excellent source
of marketing information.

       To find information on trade
shows, refer to books, such as the Trade Shows and Professional Exhibits
Directory, Trade Show and Exhibit Schedule, or Trade Show Week Data Book. Some
of the marketing vehicles you may choose include:

Brochures. Leaflets, flyers,
or other descriptive circulars; these

are particularly useful for service

Print media. Newspapers,
magazines, and specialty publications.

Broadcast media. Radio can be
targeted to specific markets; television can be expensive, especially on
network stations.

Advertising Specialties. Items imprinted
with the company name given to custo-mers (i.e. giveaways),
ex. calendars, caps,
desk sets, and gifts.

Direct Mail. Flyers,
catalogues, brochures, and coupons.

Public Relations. Free feature and
news articles in the media and other publicity, usually secured by public
relations specialists.

*— Sampling4. Distribution of
free product samples, or coupons entitling recipients to free or discounted
samples of your product or


Informal Marketing/Networking. Activities such as
joining organizations, public speaking, or attending conferences.

2. A few
explanations to the text

1. If you can’t reach your
если вы не можете

проникнуть на свой рынок

2. Consider the automatic teller
machine (ATM)…—

Рассмотрим на
примере банкомата…

3… .direct mail
— адресная рассылка рекламы

4. Sampling—Раздача торговых образцов

3. Key vocabulary
I expressions

[3’fo:d3biliti] —
n возможность, допустимость;

возможность по

become aware
[э’wes] of smth—ознакомиться с чем-нибудь

dissiminate [di’
semineit] — v распространять

entire [in’taia] —adj полный,
весь; целый, сплошной

[iks’p3U33] —
выставка, подверг-

гание (риску)

gauge [geid3 ] — v

launch [lo:ntf] —
v выпускать(тоея^)

predict — v

trust—v доверять

4. Speaking
Practice. Read and speak on the proble
raised by a practitioner

«The main thing is to keep
going back and talking to the people who actually use what you are making. See
if what you’re making is truly helpful to your customers».

Larry Leigon

Aerial Vineyards

5. Read the
definition of the word «marketing» and translate

it into Russian

The origin of this word is the
Latin word

«to track and
barter «.
therefore, is made up, on the one hand, of such physical activity as
transporting, storing, and selling goods, and, on the other hand, of a series
of decisions that must be reached by any organization undertaking any part of
the process of moving goods from the producer to the customer.

It’s also necessary to have «a
hot line» for customer inquiries and complaints to facilitate from the
market to the producer.

What do you know about
marketing in your specialty?

What is marketing to
your mind?

6. That’s an
example of how to advertise one’s construction


If something out
of the blue happened to your house,

could you find a contractor to fix it?

Is there anyone to
offer a three-year workmanship

An Allsta te A gen
t could help you.

Being in good hands is the only place
to be.

7. All the words in
the box form partnership with the word


Decide if each word goes before or after
the word: «market» and

enter it in the table.





















further reading on the given topic

we recommend
Supplementary text

Marketing and Advertising, p.p.


8. Read and
translate the following sentences explaining the functions of words ending in

1. Proper relation
between theory and practice must be observed in training young specialists.

2. The students get their practical
training while they are working at different firms. 3. From the very beginning
the students are made responsible for their work.

4. Such an arrangement is leading
to better understanding of a speciality, namely, to its application in daily

5. For improving their knowledge in
any particular field of science the students use the materials available in the
readingroom or in the library.

6. Simple adding machines were known
as far back as the 17th century

7. In modern computers transistors
are used for performing complicated operations.

8. Having settled on a type of
construction we must fix the spacing of columns.

9. Being rich in mineral deposits
outlying districts were turned

into large industrial bases.

10. Synthetic plastics are light
and hard, being produced by mixing together a number of gases and liquids.

11. A civil engineer may aim at
highway engineering, structural engineering or some other branch, and his education
will be influenced to some extent by the choice he has made.


1. Are you sure
you remember the words of your active vocabulary? Compile as many words as you
can with the letters of the word advertisement

2. Read and try to
retell the anecdote changing Direct

Speech into

One day Mr. Wells came to see his
friends Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. They were sitting at the table and having tea. There
was milk and sugar, some ham and bread and butter on the table, but there was
no cheese. The mistress of the house said, «I am sorry. I have no cheese in
the house to-day» and gave Mr. Wells another cup of tea.

«Oh, it’s all right,»
answered Mr. Wells, though he liked cheese

most of all. Mrs. Wilson’s little
boy was also at the table. He didn’t say a

word, but got up from his chair and
hurried out of the room.

. A few minutes later he came back
and gave the guest a small piece of cheese. Mr. Wells was about to put it into
his mouth when he said, «That’s a good boy! You have better eyes than your
mother. Where have you found this piece of cheese?» The boy answered with
a smile, «In the mouse-trap».

Lesson 14.


1. Read and
translate the text


Competition can be distinguished as
price competition and the competition based on the quality development and
better sales organization. A fair competition is necessary for free market
economy. New competitors enter markets all the time and sometimes current competitors
drop out. Some competitors are more important than others, due entirely to the
fact that they command a large percentage

of the market part. Although these
companies may not necessarily provide the best product or service at the best
price, they nevertheless make the competitive environment more active. Any
construction firm for to be competitive must follow some rules. The firm’s
management has to examine the current realities of the

industrial branch. The next step is
the estimation of the business — when and where the firm can be the best. The
most important subject is your target market.

Here is a practical example of the
proper competitive behavior. The British company
Profit Ltd is one of the
respectable construction firms. For the last few years,
Profit has been rated
among the top 50 construction companies worldwide. The company specializes in
electrical and agricultural turnkey projects, as well as industrial projects
for governments and the private sector. One of the company’s branches operates
in almost every region of Nigeria as well as other West African countries and
the Middle East.
extends to road construction, bridges, culverts, mass earthworks, port design
and hospital constructions. Among the construction and turnkey projects
undertaken by

Profit are the following:

1. Coffee-processing and
food-packaging factory in Lagos.

2. Air-conditioning and generator
Assembly plant in Ondo State, Nigeria.

* Profit has constructed three rice
mills in rural areas of Nigeria. The project includes designing, construction
and commissioning of the rice mills, as well as the training of stuff. And it
is not a full list of course.

   So we can see how Aprofim has found its
geographical target market and how the firm operates there. For Nigerian
economy and business groups
Profit is beyond any doubt one of the most
important investor and partners because
Profit meets the current needs of Nigeria,
the country with a tropical climate resulting agricultural problems.

Aprofim understands its
competitiveness as permanent activities for increasing the number of
life-important projects having been done in the region.

2. A few
explanations to the text

1. generator
assembly plant—завод по сборке генераторов

2. mass
earthworks—большие объемы земельных работ

3. Key vocabulary
/ expressions

culvert—дренажная труба

generator assembly plant—завод по сборке генераторов

earthworks—большие объемы земельных работ

mill — мельница

4. General
understanding. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What do you think the target
market is?

2. When a firm can be competitive?

3. What competition is a real
mechanism for free market economical system?

4. Why does Aprofim work long and
successfully in many countries?

5. Is it necessary to diverse a
firm’s activity to be competitive?

5. Read the
derivatives correctly and translate thempay-

— ing attention to
the suffixes

compete—competence — competent — competitioner—competitive—
competitor — competition — competitiveness

6. Complete the
following sentences using a form of the


1 .There is a lot of among
chocolate producers.

2.Nescafe’s main is Caferoma at present.

3. Vitek needs to at home
and abroad.

4.To be successful in business one
needs to reach a edge.

5 .There were many for a vacant

6.Being is very important for any

7.A successful businessperson needs
to assess of his business on the market from time to time.

7. Read, translate
and discuss the situation with your partner

Each business is rated in terms of
two major dimensions: market attractiveness and business strength. These two
factors make excellent marketing sense for rating a business. Companies will be
successful to the extent that they go into attractive markets and possess the
required business strength to succeed in those markets. If one or the other is
missing, the business will not produce outstanding results. Neither a strong
company operating in an unattractive market nor a weak company operating in an
attractive market will do any good.


8.1. For further
reading on the given topic we recommend Supplementary


Always be Certain To Watch Who’s
Gaining on You. p.p. 156-159.

8.2. Conduct your
own research to make a story about any world famous company you know.

8.3. Share your
information in a monological speech with your proupmates.

8.4. Make a
written report using your data. It must contain not less 300 words (up to the
international level).


1. Vaults were cast on timber

2. A number of factors had a
bearing on slow concrete adaptation for anything other than foundations.

3. At the beginning of the 19th
century concrete became a matter of great interest.

4. Many people say that J.Mouier
should be credited with the invention of reinforced concrete.

5. The trees were sheltering the
early people from severe north winds.

6. Failure to control natural
forces led to immediate disasters or gradual degradation of the environmental.

7. Myths concerned with basic human
need for water are widespread in various cultures.

8. The oldest Neolithic settlement
ever excavated, and the oldest conserved wooden boat are dated back to the 4th


9. The bridge will not sustain
heavy loads.

10. Children need a happy home

11. The passengers were informed by
radio about the flight being delayed for the nearest two-three hours.

12. The wind had fallen, the moon
was shining over the quiet sea.

13. Pepsi-cola developed a one-way
plastic biodegradable soft drink bottle.

14. The basic concept of the
competition is responsiveness to customers.

15. As you begin your competitive
assessment, keep in mind that you need to evaluate only these competitors
aiming for the same target market.

16. One of the worst statements you
can make in your business plan is «We have no competition.»

Lesson 15.





1. Read and
translate the text

Management Practices

the Competitive Construction Industry

Civil engineering is the oldest and
one of the most highly respected of all the engineering disciplines. It is a
traditional industry, by its nature. From the very beginning man has been a
builder and his creative ability and skilful craftsmanship are what the modern
civil engineering industry is founded on. Today these traditional skills are
coupled with the entire modern technology and thinking available to enable
civil engineers to carry out their work to the highest of

standards. The traditional
background of the industry presents, however, some problems. First of all, it
is often perceived as old fashioned and reluctant *to fully come to terms with
the business world of today1. But it is obvious that new ideas cannot be
implemented until they have been tried, proved and tested. So, if new
management techniques are not considered and adopted, there would be a loss in
competitive advantage, a vital factor in a highly competitive industry. That’s
why it is necessary to ascertain the importance and relevance of management
training in the construction industry. People have been managing companies ever
since companies came into existence. If a company produces work of a quality

satisfies customers, then a
continuous flow of work to the company will follow. The world has, however,
changed. It is now necessary to manage a company effectively and efficiently as
well as to produce high quality goods. It is especially important nowadays when
construction work is limited and construction companies *have to cut margins to
obtain work.2 Therefore, the effective management of an organization has become
an art form in itself.

          Civil engineering is a
business and its survival is in making a profit. And it is the success of the
«team» that is important. The team could be made up of engineers,
quantity surveyors, estimators, planners, QA managers^ personnel and computer
specialists; all form an integral and equally important part of the business.
Engineers may not grow into managers, but they must be trained for this role. But
it would be wrong to assume that years of engineering experience

produce an effective manager.
Mainstream management focuses on repetitive operations, as in a factory or
retail store, but in the construction industry these operations are not
applied. Managers in this industry operate in an unstable business environment,
according to the workload of their company. And it is a recognized fact that
construction managers do not come into being by themselves.

The range of skills required is so
diverse that a natural progression up now a need to train managers through the
ranks of seniority

will not provide all the necessary
knowledge to produce an effective manager.

         The training of graduate
engineers in the construction industry at present consists of the undergraduate
training within tertiary education, and postgraduate training within the
industry itself. Although the number of hours devoted to teaching management is
increasing at educational establishments, graduates are still not adequately
prepared for industry. Further training within the industry is varied and dependent
on many factors such as the needs of the company, size of

the company, and current health of
the industry. Management and management training within the construction industry
is varied and is dependent on the sector, consulting or contracting, within
which an engineer operates. It is necessary to take

into consideration the attitudes of
civil engineers and their companies towards modern management practices. Constrictors
(or construction managers) are moving rapidly to meet the challenges of a modern
business world and *are making full use of the tools available

3. Consultants are a little behind
in their attitudes to modern management but are improving; they have not yet
realized the full potential of management training.

     *The alteration of construction
industry attitude towards management practice4 would appear to stem from the
business market within which a company is going to operate.

2. A few
explanations to the text

1… .to fully come to terms with the
business world of today… —
полностью соответствовать современному деловому миру

2… .have to cut margins to obtain work.—приходится
снижать стоимость, чтобы получить работу.

3. .. .are making full use of the
tools available. —
полностью используют все доступные средства.

4. The alteration of construction
industry attitude towards management practice… —
Изменение отношения к управлению в строительной отрасли… . .

3. Key vocabulary
/ expressions

couple [клр1] with—v соединять (ся)

embrace [im’breis] — v принимать {теорию, учение и т.п.);


homogeneous [homa’ 63 i :nj as]—adj однородный

ladder [‘lasda’] —n лестница

lag [lasg] — n отставание,

margin [niacin] — n край,
граница; резерв, запас

relevant [‘
relivant] —

reluctant [ri’
Lvktant] —
~ ly


4. Phonetic Test

scope, scientist, contractor,
scene, services, scythe, invoice, critical, cycle, relevance, architect, client,
scalp, charge, gain, general, obligation, edge, margin, graduate, management,
forget, progression, gymnastic.

5. Explain the
meaning of the words

tertiary education

mainstream management

the ranks of seniority

the effective management of an

6. Translate and memories
the words with same stem

— manageress

— environmentalist —

7. Speaking Practice.
Read and translate the following

Discuss the difference between these two notions

with your partner

Business Ethics—moral principles
concerning acceptable and inacceptable

behavior by business people.
Executives are supposed to maintain a high sense of values and conduct honest
and fair practices with the public. An example of a lack of business ethics is
when an advertising firm develops a deceptive and grossly

misleading ad campaign for a

Business Etiquette

generally accepted behavior, which may be open to dispute. The professional
behavior may be based on custom and morality. There are social guidelines and
manners to be followed in business situation when dealing with others. An
example of a lack of business etiquette is when a salesperson is late in
visiting a client.

7.1. Explain the
role of a construction manager and his/her (their) duties.

7.2. Explain how
the proper management process makes a construction

company quite

For further reading on the given topic

we recommend
Supplementary text

1. How To Effectively Manage
the People, p.p. 164-168.

2. How To Productive Manage Your
Time. p.p. 168-169.


1. Construction
industry suffers greatly when the economy is in recession.

2. All managers have their own
style, even if they’ve never thought about their approach to management.

3. New management techniques make
the construction industry a highly competitive field.

4. A construction company’s
management must rule the company effectively to have a good profit.

5. Usually any new idea in building
industry can’t be adopted until it has been proved and tested.

6. When speaking about engineering
education one should keep in mind that the education of an engineer, therefore,
extends over a wide range of knowledge: from pure science, and especially from
what is known as engineering science, to technology.

7. Contractors are moving rapidly
to meet the challenges of a modern business world and are making full use of
the tools available.

8. Consultants, however, are
lagging behind in their attitudes and are slower in embracing the theories and
practices involved.

9. Sufficient information must be
provided to seriously think about the subject of management, and the training
of managers within the construction industry.

10. Each funding round is used to
successfully reach new stages of company development.

11. The market should be large
enough to profitably sustain your business.

12. Due diligence is the process
undertaken by venture capitalists, investment bankers or others to thoroughly
accompany before

1. Read and try to
retell the anecdote.

     A rich businessman was dying.
He asked all his family to leave him alone with his partner who had been in the
same business with him for years. The rich man considered him a reliable
partner and an excellent man. The dying man wanted to tell him something
important and he did not want anybody to hear their conversation. «George,»
the man said when they were left alone. «I’m dying…. I

must tell you. Listen, please. I’ve
always been bad to you. When you were away on business two years ago, I took a
big sum of money from the safe and never put it back. I’ve always tried not to
let you be a success in business. I’ve greatly disliked you all my life. You,
certainly, remember that plan of yours. I did my best to fail it. You thought
that the changes in business had caused its failure, but it wasn’t so. The real
reason was quite different. I had sold your secret to another company for a
hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Oh, George, forgive me, please».
«Don’t worry, Jim,» said George, «That’s all right. I’ve also got
to tell you something. I was not so

reliable as you thought I was. It
was I who put poison into your soup at dinner yesterday».

Lesson 16.


1. Read and
translate the text

Capable Management

Perhaps more than any other factor,
competent management stands out as the most important ingredient in business
success. The people you place in key positions are crucial in determining the health
and viability of your business. * Moreover, if you want to raise additional
funding their apparent experience and skills1 often

determine whether a business plan you
submit for funding is acted upon favorably by investors or banks. Because of
the significance of management to business success, many venture capital firms
place the single greatest emphasis on this factor when deciding on their
investments, and they review the management

section of a business plan with
special scrutiny. Your business plan must inspire confidence in the
capabilities of your management. Before submitting your business plan to
investors, conduct your own analysis of your management team. Evaluate each
individual (and yourself) to see if he or she fits the profile of a successful

         Some of the traits shared
by successful managers are the following:

Experience. They have a long
work history in their company’s industry and/or they have a solid management
background that translates well to the specifics of any business in which they
become involved.

Realism. They understand
the many needs and challenges of their business and honestly assess their own
limitations. They recognize the need2 for careful planning and hard work.

Flexibility. They know things
go wrong or change over time, and they are able to adapt without losing focus.

Ability to Work
Well with People.
are leaders and motivators with the patience necessary to deal with a variety
of people. They may be demanding, but they are fair3.In developing your own
business plan, determine whether key

members of your management team
possess these characteristics. If not, perhaps you can increase training, add
staff, or take other mea- • sores to enhance your management’s effectiveness. *
For instance , if you have little or no experience in your chosen field,
perhaps you should first take a job with an existing company in that field
before opening your own business.

2. A few
explanations to the text

1. Moreover, their apparent
experience and skills —
Более того, их личный опыт и навыки….

2. They recognise
the need… — Они признают необходимость…

3. They may be demanding, but they are fair. — Они
могут быть требовательными, но справедливыми.

4. For instance,… — Например,…

3. Key vocabulary
I expressions

crucial [‘kru: rial]—adj решающий, критический

inspire [in’ spaia] — v вдохновлять; внушать

possess [pa’zes] —
v владеть; обладать

scrutiny [‘skru:tini]
критический разбор;

правильности подсчета

[s3b’mit](for) — v подавать, представлять на


trait [treit]—и
черта, особенность

PRACTICE. Read and speak on the problem

raised by the

«Part of planning is people
planning. We want our managers to tell us about their people resources. People
issues make up one of the largest sections of our business plan. We want to
know how people will be used, and how managers are training their people and
preparing for succession».

George James, Sr.
V.P. & CFO, Levi Strauss & Co.

What do the
abbreviations after his name mean?

«The one element that will
automatically eliminate a (business) plan from consideration is an inexperienced
management team. Execution is 95% of success. So, get experience before you
start your own business».

Nancy Glaser

Venture Capitalist

5. Translate the
proverbs. Find exact Russian equivalents for them.

1. All is well that ends well.

2. Honesty is the best policy.

3. Better an open enemy than a
false friend.

4. In the evening one may pray the

5. Faint heart never won fair lady.

6. He dances well to whom fortune

7. Fool’s haste is no speed.

8. Nothing is impossible for a willing

6. Discuss with
your partner the situations raised in the


For further reading on the given topic

we recommend
Supplementary texts

1. Business Ethics, p.p. 170-172.

2. Qualities of a Good Manager,
p.p. 172-173.


Translate the following sentences paying attention togrammar structures used in

1. То be more
successful you should know and use appropriate basic business terms.

2. Do
not use lots of technical jargon in the hope of sounding impressive when
speaking to the people.

3. It
is certainly not necessary to be a Business School graduate to develop a good
business plan.

Once you have defined your market, you should then assess its size and trends.

5. You
cannot have everything. Where would you put it?

Nothing happens unless first a dream.

7. We
can’t control others or certain events in our lives but we can control how we
react to those events.

8. Do
you know the proverb «cut the coat according to the cloth»?

9. When
a body in a rotational motion moves in a radial direction, a force acts to
speed up the body.

10. We
have a big students body at our university.

Christopher Wren was an outstanding English architect, the one who built
St.Paul’s Cathedral.

11. We
couldn’t have picked a worse day for a picnic — it rained nonstop.

12. Of
course, one must make profit, but not if it involves exploiting people.

The government could do a lot more to assist small business.

They have been granted the permission to pull down the old

city theatre.


be read for more information on construction history

the Ancient Builders Put a Hand To the Development of Different Languages

people of Babylonia were rich and powerful. They were also happy. They loved
each other and they enjoyed working together. But one thing was lacking. Men
had only the earth to enjoy. God had kept heaven for himself and his angels.

King of Babylonia decided that his people should have Heaven as well as Earth.
So he ordered them to build a great tall tower. Six hundred thousand men began
making bricks and mixing mortar and piling up a building higher and higher. All
day every day men carried bricks and mortar up a stairway on the east side of
the tower.

         Then they walked down
another stairway on the west to get more loads. This went on for forty-two
years until the Tower was twenty-seven miles high. It was so high that it took
a man a whole year to carry bricks from the ground to the top.

Now the Tower had risen nearly to
Heaven, and God saw that he would have to do something to keep the invaders
out. Perhaps if he made it hard for people to co-operate, they would not be
able to finish the Tower. To carry out his plan God sent seventy angels down to
Earth. The angels had orders: first to take away the one

language everybody understood, then
to split the people up into groups, with each group speaking a new tongue of
its own. In no time the men who made bricks couldn’t talk to the men who
carried them. And the men who carried bricks couldn’t say an understandable word
to the men who laid the bricks. Everything was a mess, and everybody blamed
everybody else for not understanding. People no longer talked about the Tower
of Heaven. Nobody worked there any

longer. And the Tower was soon

Ancient Wonders of the World

The Great Pyramid
only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that still stands. It was
built at the order of the Pharaoh Cheops, who once ruled Egypt. More than
100,000 slaves labored for twenty years to build it. They had no machines, not even
carts — all the work was done by human strength alone. Yet

each huge block was so well laid
that the Pyramid has stood for 5,000 years.

Near the Great Pyramid in Egypt
stands a huge sculptured rock called the
Sphinx. The face is that of a man, perhaps
the Pharaoh Khafre who had it built almost 5,000 years ago. But the body is that
of a lion, and between its great stone paws is a small temple. Since no one
knows exactly why the Sphinx was built, it remains a

symbol of mystery — a riddle.

    In Babylon, one of the great
cities of the Ancient World, there was a famous garden which amazed visitors
for hundreds of years. It was called the
Hanging Gardens, because it was
built along arches and towers and looked like a wall of flowers and green shrubs.
The garden was kept alive by a hidden pool on the highest terrace, from which
the water was drawn to appear in a series of fountains. The gardens were built
by King Nebuchadnezzar, who is mentioned in the Bible as the cruel conqueror of
Jerusalem. The greatest god of the ancient Greeks was Zeus, for whom the Roman
name was called Jupiter. The greatest
statue of Zeus was at

Olympia, where the famous Olympic
Games were held in its honor.

          The statue was 40 feet
high •— about seven times a man’s high — and was made of marble, decorated with
pure gold and ivory. After 1,000 years, an earthquake tumbled it down.

temple of Artemis
one of the most famous temples of the ancient world. It stood for 600 years in
Ephesus, a great city of Syria. The temple was sacred to Artemis, also called
Diana, goddess of the moon. The finest sculptors and painters of Greece
decorated this beautiful building, which was destroyed by the barbaric Goths. Only
a few pieces of statues columns remained. They were dug up by modern
scientists. Few remember the tiny kingdom of Caria, which once flourished in
what is now southwestern Turkey. But the name of its king, Mausoleums, is known
because of the word «mausoleum» — a massive tomb. The original
Mausoleum, built in memory of
this king by his widow, Queen Artemisia, was so magnificent that it was one of
the Wonders of the Ancient World. Rhodes, an island near Greece, was one of the
richest and busiest towns of the ancient world. Standing across the entrance to
its big harbor, was a huge statue of the sun god Helios, famous as the

      Colossus of
ships sailed beneath these giant feet, the Colossus was not as large as the
American Statue of Liberty. The most famous lighthouse in ancient times was
the Pharos of Alexandria
built by Alexander the Great. It guarded the harbor of Alexandria, in Egypt,
and light atop a high tower could be seen for sixty miles. To keep the beacon
the powerful electric lamps behind glass lenses used in our lighthouses were
not yet.

Answer the
questions to the text

1. What is a mausoleum?

2. Who destroyed the Temple of

3. Describe the Hanging Yardens.

4. Where was the greatest statue of

5. What is Rhodes famous for?

6. Why was the Pharos built?


        The World Famous Buildings
and Constructions

Moscow Kremlin

       The Moscow Kremlin is the
chief architectural ensemble of the capital. It has few rivals in the number of
unique masterpieces of architecture and other art concentrated within its
walls. The might of its walls, its ridge-roofed towers and the
three-dimensional expressiveness of the buildings clustered on its grounds

offer panoramas of rare beauty. The
triangle of the Kremlin walls, repeating the outline of Borovitsky Hill,
encloses an area of 27.5 hectares. The maximum height of the hill above the
level of the Moskva River is about 25 meters.

      The ensemble of the Moscow
Kremlin is the result of the efforts of many generations. Signs of a Slavic
settlement here date to no later than the end of the 11th century. At the time
the fortress on the top of Borovitsky Hill covered the area of about 5 hectares.
The first Moscow fortifications consisted of a moat, a rampart and a palisade.
The city built here on the orders of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in the 12th
century was 5 to 6 times as large as the initial area. By the end of the 15*
century the unification of the Russian feudal principalities was completed and
a United Russian State had been formed. Ivan the III the Grand Prince of all
Russia launched reconstruction of the Kremlin on a large scale, having invited
a number

of master builders from Italy for
the purpose. So the Italian architect and military engineer Aristotle
Fioravanti arrived in Moscowm to work there for many years.

The new Cathedral of the Dormition
(1475-1479) was the first to be built. In 1484-1489 the festive Cathedral of
the Annunciation was erected next to it They were joined by the Cathedral of
the Archangel in 1505-1508.

For a whole decade starting from
1485 old walls and towers were replaced with new ones. It was then that the
Kremlin acquired its present-day outlines. The fortress walls forming an
irregular triangle are of 2,235 m long, from 3.5 to 6.5 m thick and from 5 to
19 m high. Atop the walls stand 1,045 bifurcated merlons from 2 to 2,5 m in
height and fitted with narrow embrasures. Along the east a moat 12 m deep and
32 m high surrounded Kremlin walls.

         On its northwest side
Borovitsky Hill was protected by the Neglinnaya

River and on its south side by the
Moskva River. The Kremlin was a superb example of the fortification art of the


Answer the
questions to the text

1. What was the Moscow Kremlin

2. What was the 15th century marked

3. Who launched reconstruction of
the Kremlin?

4. Who came to Moscow to take part
in the construction of the city?

5. What cathedrals were built?

6. What can you tell about the
Kremlin walls?

7. How was the Kremlin protected?

         Flood Defense System . In
October 1980 the first stone with the words «Let’s protect St. Petersburg
from floods» was thrown into the waves of the Gulf of Finland near
Gorskaya—that was the beginning of the construction of a flood defense system
supposed to protect St. Petersburg from floods. During the years of its
existence the city has had nearly 300 floods. Three of them, in 1777, 1824 and
1924 were catastrophic. Ever since the foundation of the city by Peter the
Great in 1703 various schemes for its protection were offered by specialists.
But only due to modem technology such a giant hydro engineering project was
made possible.

     The starting point was the
adoption of the General Plan of St. Petersburg development (1966) which
provided for the construction of a flood defence system. Fifty two scientific,
designing and other organizations worked on this scheme for six years.

What does the hydro engineering
complex look like? Eleven giant dams of rock and soil (each 8 meters high above
sea level) cross the Gulf of Finland from Gorskaya in the north to Lomonosov in
the south of the Gulf through Kotlin Island (Kronstadt Fortress). Along the
length of the dams there are six spillways to let the water through in normal
conditions. Ships will pass through two deep-water channels which are located on
each side of the island, the 200 meters wide southern channel will be the main.

         When a rise in the water
level is forecast the whole automatic system will be put in action. The gates
which are located over the spillways will go down to close the
«windows» and the gates which slide along special rails on the bottom
of the channels will come out •of the dock chambers and bar the way to the sea
wave. It will take only 30 minutes to perform all the operations. It should be
said that the construction of such gates is a sort of revolution and has no
analogy in modern world practice.

     Motor-car highway—24.4 kilometers
long and 35 meters wide— runs along the top of the dams and bridges over the
spillways and twice it «dives» into the tunnels under the bottom of
the channels. The length of the southern tunnel is some 2,000 meters and that
of the northern one is 1,400 meters. The construction of the highway is paid
great attention top’s as according to: the General Plan for the development of
the city It is to become the outer part of the 150 km ring motor-road which
will be built around the city. However, the construction of the dam aroused hot
discussions, the opposition was very strong. As a result the work was stopped half-way.

Some years later it became evident
that it was a grave error and that the defense system should be built. The
present government of St. Petersburg is doing everything possible to resume and
finish the construction to prevent the city from serious damages.

Answer the
questions to the text

1. What was the starring point for
the construction of a flood defense system of the city?

2. Were any schemes for the
protection of St.Petersburg offered in the past?

3. What does the hydro engineering
complex act?

4. Is there any analogy of such a
construction in the world?

5. Is it possible to prevent the
city from serious damages?

  Washington, D.C. ‘ The capital of
the United States is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia.
This area is not a state, but Federal Land. The nation’s first president,
George Washington, selected the site for the district. It is the first
carefully planned capital in the world.

       The center of the city is
the Capitol Building, the seat of the Government. It is the highest building in
the city that doesn’t have any skyscrapers. Home of both the Senate and the
House of Representatives, it contains some 430 rooms. Topping the dome is the
19-foot bronze statue of Freedom. The 36 columns which surround the lower part
of the dome represent the states in the Union at the time this impressive
structure was designed. Construction of it began in 1793, finished in 1867.

The White House in Pennsylvania
Avenue has been the official residence of every American President except
G.Washington. The original design of the house was drawn by James Hoban, an Irish
born architect.

The White House has a lot of
beautiful rooms, each one has its own distinctive style. The largest is the
East Room which is used for State balls, receptions, press-conferences and
other events. The finest room is the Blue Room used by the President to receive
guests. The Red Room is used for small receptions. It is a favorite room of
First Ladies. The Capitol and the White House are open to visitors daily.

    The Washington Monument, built
at intervals between 1848 and 1885, memorializes George Washington’s
achievements and unselfish devotion to the country. The Monument is situated in
Potomac Park and is over 180 meters. The top may be reached in 70 seconds by
elevator or by an iron stairway. From the top visitors can see the entire
District of Columbia and parts of Virginia and Maryland.        The Lincoln
Memorial is designed like a Greek Temple with columns, representing the states
in the Union at the time of Lincoln’s death. The main feature of the building
is the magnificent, realistic figure of Lincoln seated in the center of the
open temple.

           The Jefferson Memorial
with wonderful cherry-trees around is a circular stone structure. In the
central chamber there is a full-length figure of the third President of the
USA, the author of the Declaration of Independence. The statue was created by
the American sculptor Rudolf Evans.

            Arlington National
Cemetery is a site of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. John Kennedy was buried
there in 1963. John Kennedy Center for Performing Arts is the official memorial
to President Kennedy in the Nation’s capital.

Answer the
questions to the text

1. Who selected the site for the
District of Columbia?

2. What is the center of

3. Whom was the design of the White
House drawn by?

4. What rooms are there in the
White House?

5. Where is the Washington Monument

6. What structure has the Jefferson

Lincoln Memorial

     Welcome to the Lincoln
Memorial, located on the west bank of the Potomac River, on the axis of the
Capital Building and the Washington Museum,

The structure itself was designed
by Henry Bacon in 1912 and completed ten years later at a cost of 2.9 million
dollars. The outer walls of the Memorial are White Colorado marble 189 feet
long and 118 feet 8 inches wide. The thirty-six outer columns are also of
marble, representing his thirty-six states that were in the Union at the time
of Lincoln’s death. The name of each state is cut into stone

above the column. Inside the
Memorial, the walls are Indiana limestone and the

floor is pink Tennessee marble.
Three commemorative features include the huge seated statue of Lincoln and two
inscribed stone tablets. The marble statue occupies the place of honor,
centrally located and facing the Washington Monument and the Capitol Building. The
statue is 19 feet high and 19 feet wide, made of twenty-eight blocks of Georgia
white marble. Because of the immense size, it took two men four years to
complete the carving. On the north wall, inscribed in stone, is Lincoln’s
Second Inaugural Address; on the south wall, similarly inscribed, is the
Gettysburg Address. There is a mural above each inscription, representing the
two greatest accomplishments of Lincoln’s presidency—the emancipation of the skives
and the unification of the North and South after the Civil War.

    This Memorial is open daily
from eight o’clock in the morning to midnight. Stay as long as you like, and be
sure to ask one of the park service employees if you have any questions.

Answer the
questions to the text

1. What material was used in the
construction of most of the Lincoln Memorial?

2. Why are there thirty-six

3. What other buildings can be seen
from the Memorial?

4. When is the Memorial open?

5. Why are there thirty-six outer

6. What materials were used for the

7. What is inscribed in stone?

8. What does a mural above each
inscription represent?


         New York, one of the
largest and most exciting cities in the world, is situated at the mouth of the
Hudson River, where it empties into the Atlantic Ocean, and consists of five
parts, called boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island.

      Manhattan is an island 13
miles long and 2 miles wide Manhattan is the centre of American finance,
advertising, art, theatre, publishing, fashion—and everything else. This famous
island is divided into the East Side and the West Side. The dividing line is
Fifth Avenue.

       The Wall
Street Area The
Europeans to settle in Manhattan were the Dutch. To protect themselves from
possible attacks, they built strong wooden wall. This wall, which is now
destroyed, gave its name to a street in Lower Manhattan, and the street, in its
turn, become a synonym of American capitalism. Of course, this street is Wall
Street. Both the New York Stock Exchange and the American

Stock Exchange are located in the
Wall Street area, as well as many banks and offices of many large corporations.
The twin towers of the World Trade Centre destroyed by terrorists on the 11t h
of September, 2002 were also here. Their height was 1350 feet, and on the 107th
floor of one of the towers there was an observation desk.

     Midtown Many of New York
offices and jobs are concentrated in Midtown, as well as many of its famous
skyscrapers. The first skyscraper in New York was built in 1902. It was twenty storey’s
high. The first building boom for skyscrapers came in the late 1920’s. These
skyscrapers were built in art deco style and were abundantly and richly
decorated. The most beautiful and famous of the art deco skyscrapers of than
type there are the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building, the third
highest building in the world.

State Empire Building
became a symbol of New York. The Empire State.
Building was designed by the internationally famous firm of architects and
completed in 1931. The exterior of the world’s most famous building is made of
Indiana limestone and granite trimmed with millions of sparkling stainless steel
which reach from the sixth floor to the pinnacle of the building.

        The Empire State
Building soars more than a quarter of a mile into the

atmosphere above the heart of
Manhattan. Centrally located in the heart of Manhattan, it presents
unprecedented views to all four sides. The upper 30 floors of the Empire State
Building are illuminated nightly from sunset to midnight either in white or an
appropriate color scheme commemorating special events.

There are two observatories, one on
the 86th and one on the 102″ floor. The 86lh floor observatory, 1050 feet
(320 m); reached by high speed elevators, has both a glass-enclosed area, which
is heated in winter and cooled in summer, and spacious outdoors promenades an all
flour sides of the building. Standing on the 102nd floor — 1,250 feet (381 m)
above the bustling streets below, visitors can see the surrounding countryside
for distance up to 80 miles. Over 3,5 million visitors come to the top of the
Empire State Building every year. In 1955 the American Society of Civil
Engineers honored the Empire State Building as one of the Seven Modern Wonders
of the Western Hemisphere.

was built in the 1930’s, is the world’s largest privately owned business and
entertainment centre. Today it consists of nineteen buildings, which include
offices, shops, and various places of entertainment. In the 1950’s there was a
second building boom, which introduced a new style — buildings of steel and glass.
The United Nations Secretariat building was the first steeland- glass

its name from the New York Times, the most popular newspaper in America, which
has its main office there.

the whole of the Manhattan area is a sea of concrete. Luckily for New Yorkers,
there is one exception: Central Park. The huge park in the middle of the city
was designed in the 1850’s by the landscape architect Frederic Law Olmsted.

Answer the
questions to the text

1. Who were the first Europeans to
settle in Manhattan?

2. Why is Wall Street called Wall

3. Why is Wall Street a synonym of
American capitalism?

4. When was the first skyscraper
built in New York?

5. What style were the first
skyscrapers built in?

6. What is Rockefeller Centre?

7. Explain the name «Times

8. When was Central Park opened?
What architect designed it?

 London: Places of Interest

There are a lot of places of
interest in London. Among them are the world famous buildings and architectural
masterpieces: Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, St.Paul’s Cathedral
and others. Here you will find their descriptions.

the political centre of London, was until the 11th century a sacred
place. King Edward the Confessor decided to build a great abbey church here..
It was consecrated in 1065, but a week later the King died and was buried in
the abbey. His tomb became a popular place of pilgrimage. William the Conqueror
was crowned in the Abbey and since then all Coronations have taken place here.

The Abbey contains many royal
tombs, memorials to eminent people. But the most popular ones are those to writers,
actors and musicians in Poets’ Corner.

Alongside the Abbey Edward the
Confessor had a palace built. The palace of Westminster was the royal
residence. Until the 19th

century it was also the country’s
main court of law, and Parliament has met there since the 16th century.

             The present Houses of
built after the old palace burnt down in 1834. The building contains the House
of Commons and the House of Lords, the two chambers where parliamentary
business is debated. On the corner next to Westminster Bridge stands St. Stephen’s
Tower, which houses the famous bell, Big Ben, which chimes the hours.

in 1702-1705 is the Queen’s official London residence. In front of the palace
you can see London’s most popular spectacle — Changing the Guard. It lasts
about 30 minutes.

Paul’s Cathedral
well as
Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpieces. The construction of the Cathedral started
in 1675 and was not finished until 1709. The magnificent classical structure is
crowned by the dome. Inside the dome is the famous Whispering Gallery. There
are many memorials in the Cathedral including those to heroes such as General
Wellington and Admiral Nelson.

Tower of London
been closely associated with many important events in Englisn history. It has
served as citadel, palace prison, mint and menagerie. The White Tower was built
in 1078 by William the Conqueror to protect the city. The Tower is guarded by the
Yeoman Warders popularly known as «Beefeaters», clad in their traditional
Tudor uniforms.

on a rock overlooking the river Thames,was founded by William the Conqueror and
was later fortified and enlarged by almost every monarch since the Norman
Conquest. Charles 11 and later monarchs continued to make alterations to suit
the needs and fashions of the day, including the laying out of the Great Park
as their personal estate. Nowadays Windsor Castle

is a comfortable country place
within an hour’s drive from the capital, where the Royal family can relax.

Court Palace
Court is a royal residence which is associated with Henry VIII. Cardinal
Wolsey, Henry’s friend and adviser, was a brilliant politician and diplomat. He
began building this grand palace in red brick in 1514. In 1526 Wolsey presented
the unfinished palace to his king, and Henry continued the work until Hampton
Court was one of the largest brick buildings in Europe. Like many English old
castles and palaces, Humpton Court is haunted. According to a legend, one of
the galleries is haunted by Henry’s fifth wife Catherine Howard, who was
executed on a charge of infidelity. Another legend says that Jane Seymour, his
third wife, also walks here in the palace where she died giving birth to the
future Edward Yl. Some legends tell that the ghost of Anne Boleyn, Henry’s second
wife who was executed, sometimes walks along the ramparts of the Bloody Tower.
Henry himself, however, rests quietly: his ghost has never been seen by

Barbican Centre
an enormous complex which contains two theatres, an art gallery, a library,
three cinemas, two restaurants and two exhibitions halls.

         The building itself is
very interesting: it is built on eight levels. Four of these levels are
underground. On the fifth level there is a lake, complete with 45 fountains,
and air terrace where you can have coffee. The Centre has been finally opened
after seventeen years’ discussion and planning. The construction of the Centre
was started in 1970. At that time it was expected to cost 190 million. At last
on the 3rd of March 1982 Barbican Centre was opened by Queen Elisabeth herself.

At that time the final cost of the
construction was 150 million.

1. Answer the
questions to the text

1. Who began building Windsor
Castle? With what purpose did he build it?

2. How far from London is Windsor
Castle situated?

3. Why is there a mixture of styles
in the architecture of Hampton Court Palace?

2. Find words and
phrases in the text that mean:

Завоеватель ;

священное место



«Галерея шепота»

монетный двор

зверинец :

страж Тауэра


Constructional issues

Community and Architecture

         The forms to be taken by
community must be decided before they are constructed. But long-term
«master plans», we have learned, must not be too detailed. Someone
must plan where streets are to run, parks are to be laid out, and industrial
facilities are to be furnished.

      Someone must plan new housing
and new public buildings, parks, and playgrounds. Surely architects are
necessary for these goals. And yet, community plans need the contribution of
experts in many fields. Modern city planning has become so complex, so enmeshed
in static, and so controlled by financial interests that too often community plans
appear that are lifeless and mechanical. In this field it is the architect’s
task to redress the balance, to realize that cities exist for people, that
business and industry and science should serve the people and not enslave them.
During the last century hundreds of cities grew up throughout the world, and
thousands of country towns expanded into great industrial or commercial
centers. In the sense that all the buildings in Chicago or Los Angeles were
constructed in recent times, they are modern communities. But in these new
cities one searches in vain for any common principle of design that would
distinguish them from earlier towns. If, however, one examines the contemporary
city more closely, one comes upon forms that had no counterpart in any earlier civilization.
The country villa and the suburb are time-honored forms; but only with the
development of rapid transportation, however, did it become possible to
disperse the population of a great center over an area at least ten times as
great as the biggest cities of the past. The skyscraper has permitted the
assembling of business offices and light

industry in concentrated hives,
served by vertical transportation; but the erection of such buildings on
streets designed for four-story buildings and horse drawn transportation has
everywhere produced chaos. Nowhere have the new forces in urbanism been
organized so as to create both a functional and an aesthetic unity. One cannot
derive an archetype for the modern city from any existing example. Neither can
one create it merely by uncritically accepting all technological

devices as essential ingredients.
There is room, then, for an effort to define the modern community in ideal
terms, on the basis of existing facts and tendencies. These facts and
tendencies are not confined to the provinces of engineering and architecture;
they issue from industry, from education, from medicine and psychology, and
indeed from politics.

Answer the
questions to the text

1. Who must plan new housing and
public buildings?

2. What forms are time-honored?

3. Are there any forms in the
modern cities that have counterparts

in earlier civilizations?


Portland Cement.
chemical composition and characteristics

of white Portland cement are
similar to those of ordinary Portland cement except that the latter is of a
grey color. The color of white cement is due to the raw materials used and
special precautions taken in its production. The materials are pure limestone and
china (white) clay, the iron oxide content being less than 1 per cent.

        White cement is more
expensive than ordinary cement. It is used in places where, off ornamental
purpose, the white color is desirable.
Portland Blast-Furnace Cement. This is a mixture
of ordinary Portland cement and blast-furnace slag. The slag is mixed with
ordinary cement clinker and passed to a ball mill for thorough incorporation and
fine grinding. The proportion of slag must not exceed 65 per cent, and that of
Portland cement clinker not less than 35 percent.
High Alumina
is dark brown in color. It contains about 40 per cent each of lime and alumina
with about 15 per cent of iron oxides. This cement sets at about the same rate
as Portland cement but gains strength very rapidly. Owing to the chemical activity
after hardening for the first 24 hrs, it requires very wet curing

C . Tuba Cement. Tuba Cement is
formed by grinding pulverized tuba with an approximately equal volume of
Portland cement. Tuba is a rock of volcanic origin, consisting of 65 to 75 per
cent silica and 10 to 15 per cent alumina, with some of the silica soluble.

division comprises those stones which are chiefly employed for building
purposes. Most of these rocks are formed of fragments of igneous rocks, which
have been deposited by water in layers or strata. As successive layers were
formed these sediments became hardened and consolidated by great pressure and were
cemented together by sandy or clayey paste or by a chemical substance (such as
carbonate of lime) conveyed by the percolating water. Other rocks of this
division are formed from remains of marine organism (shellfish, etc) and
chemically by precipitation. The principal sedimentary rock are sandstones and limestone’s.

consist of grains of quartz (sand or silica) held together by a cement or
matrix. Sandstones are classified according to the nature of the binding
material thus
Sandstones form one of the most valuable materials. The durability of

sandstones depends very/largely
upon the cementing material. Siliceous sandstones are therefore generally
considered to be the most durable of the sedimentary rocks, as the binding
material of silica is highly resistant to acid attack. The excellent state of
preservation of many ancient, buildings ‘built of this stone is evidence of
this. City buildings constructed of sandstone often assume a drab appearance

owing to the dark color.

Ask your questions
to the text

To the History of Construction

        With the introduction of
the railways and steam machinery, transportation and manufacturing costs were
considerably reduced and concrete came to be more widely used, but it was still
very much a neglected material. Therefore, good concrete was scarce and a great
deal of poor concrete was used. The big break-through was the discovery of
Portland cement by Joseph Aspin in 1824, a worker in an English town. When he
was working an idea came to him as to how to make his work better. He started
his experiments. After some time he obtained a powder. When it was mixed with water
and allowed to stand it «sets» forming a hard substance. This
substance was so much like the building stone from Portland that the powder was
named Portland cement. As years passed different materials were found in many countries
from which Portland cement could be made. Portland cement was first used on a
large scale in the construction of the Thames tunnel in 1828. As early as 1830
the first idea of reinforced concrete was mentioned in a publication, which
suggested that a lattice of iron rods be embedded in concrete to from a roof. Patents
were taken out for all sorts of systems in all countries.

The development of reinforced
concrete really got under way in the

1850’s and 60’s. Lambert, a French
contractor, built a concrete boat for the Paris

International Exhibition of 1855,
with 2 inches sides reinforced with

a skeleton of iron rods. W.
Wilkinson, who patented a method of constructing a concrete floor in 1854, is
considered by many to be the inventor of reinforced

concrete as well. — But many people
say that a Frenchman, J. Monier, who took out

a patent in 1867 for the
construction of plant tubs, tanks, etc., made of concrete reinforced with a
mesh of rods or wires, should be credited with the invention. Certainly Monier
did a great deal to develop the use of reinforced concrete and his name came to
be so closely linked with reinforced concrete that reinforced concrete was
known as the Monier System. Wilkinson, however, certainly appears to have been
the first. His patent covered for concrete floor slabs reinforced with a
network of flat iron rods placed on edge. One of his main claims was the good

fire resistance of the floor. He
appears to have understood the principles of reinforced concrete, for he stated
that the reinforcement was to be placed in the concrete to take the tension. A
number of buildings were erected, using Wilkinson’s system. He also described
method for the construction of pipes, reservoirs, and walls of concrete
reinforced with metal sheets, bars and chains.

        Freyssinet is known for his
work in prestressed concrete for which he had his first ideas before First
World War. With the improved materials and the new knowledge available,
Freyssinet realised the advantage to be obtained from prestressing, and he used
his system in prestressed works. From now on structures became bigger, better
and more exciting, and concrete steadily strengthened its position as a
building material. Reinforced concrete was recognized as the best material for
all types of structures. The post-war era has given the biggest boost to
concrete, both reinforced and prestressed. After the war steel was short in
Europe and many architects had to use either reinforced or prestressed concrete
in their structures in order to economize in steel.

          Architects were perhaps a
little surprised to discover that in many cases reinforced concrete structures,
apart from using the minimum of steel, were also cheaper than other forms of
construction, and could be erected as quickly. They also discovered that they
had more freedom for planning than they had ever before, and a larger number of
different solutions to each structural problem were available. Beams could be
eliminated, floor spans could be increased, and

shells were available for roofing
large areas.

            Another big factor,
which encouraged the use of concrete, was the introduction of fire regulations,
which recognized the superiority of concrete over other structural materials in
its fire resistance properties.

your questions to the text

The Properties of Concrete

Concrete must be hard, strong,
durable, dense, non-porous, fireresisting and economical. Concrete has proved
to be durable when made of good materials, well mixed, and properly cured.
Failures can be found in concrete work, but the trouble is usually caused by
poor material, faulty foundations, lack of knowledge of the properties of
concrete or poor workmanship. For example, some cements will give better
results in sea water than others. This fact had to be established by experience
and experiments. It is more difficult to secure durable reinforced concrete
than mass concrete. This is due to the reinforcing steel and the additional water
required to make the concrete flow around the steel bars. When moisture reaches
the steel, it will rust and the expansion caused by the rust will crack the
concrete, resulting in an unsightly structure and necessary repairs. In all
structures exposed to the weather the reinforcing steel must be carefully
placed and well secured so that it cannot be displaced while concreting. No
metal should project to the surfaces. Small wires will soon cause rust spots on
the surface of the concrete if they are exposed.

        Concrete, to be durable,
must be made of good materials, uniform in quality, mixed with a minimum amount
of water, and properly placed and protected while curing. Concrete exposed to
sea water and the rise and fall of water levels, especially in cold climates
where ice forms on the structures, requires special attention in the selection of
the cement, aggregates, mixing, placing and curing.

         With the use of dense
aggregates the proportions which will produce the densest products are
generally those which contain the maximum amount of coarse aggregate and still
contain enough fine aggregate to produce a smooth surface. With porous
aggregates used in the production of light weight units, the amount of

material in the mix passing a
50-mesh sieve is generally limited and in addition more of the coarse aggregate
is used to produce a unit of less density and lower weight. This is generally
desirable for light weight units except where fire resistance or water
tightness are important.

       The strength of plain
concrete depends upon the quality of the cement, the strength and character of
the aggregate, the quantity of cement in a unit of volume, and the density of
the concrete.

       Other things being equal the
strongest concrete is that containing the largest amount of cement in a given
volume of concrete, the strength of the concrete varying directly as the amount
of cement. With a given quantity of cement in a unit of volume, the strongest concrete
is that in which the aggregates are proportioned so as to give a concrete of
the greatest density that is of the greatest weight per unit of volume. The
strength of concrete also depends upon the methods used in mixing, upon the
care taken in measuring the ingredients, and in mixing and placing the
concrete. Concrete exposed to the air hardens more rapidly than protected

      The setting of cement is a
chemical change brought about by the addition of water to the cement, the
strength increasing very rapidly the first few days, after which the mixture
slowly hardens and increases in strength. Concrete has poor elastic and
tensional properties, but it is strong in compression. Its tensile strength is
only one-tenth of its compressive strength. The compressive strength of plain
concrete varies between wide limits, depending upon the cement, the proportions
of cement and aggregates, and the methods of mixing, and depositing, and the

Ask your questions
to the text


Environmental issues


        Under the influence of our
developing civilization the environment has been drastically changed. These
changes have given rise to a new milieu to which humanity itself, which has
caused these changes, has not adapted. However, in order to survive and to
protect the environment, we must now find a way not only to adjust to the changes
in the environment, but also to compensate for the deleterious effects of our
activities. By establishing close links between biological

evolution and human history, we can
face the challenges of a new era and create harmonious relations with the
environment in order to overcome the serious environmental problems of our
times. Life has been tested in unlimited varieties for millions of years, and
the most viable species have survived through the powerful selection of
evolution. A major direction for bio-history concerns the interactions between
the biosphere and humankind in different historical eras. It also concerns the
ways that the environment has influenced the evolution of human civilization
and has shaped our societies, present and past. Environmental consciousness in
the course of human history can be distinguished by a direct focus on action,
the progress of mythology, the philosophical interpretation of the natural

world and an integrated conception
of the environment.

New Perspectives

       Ever since life appeared on
Earth, living organisms have engaged themselves in a perpetual process of adaptation
to their natural environment, as life comes from and depends on nature. Through
this struggle, species have been developing and creating their identities. But
the only species that developed extensively enough to become conscious of its
bio-environment and provoke alterations through interventions is the human

        All of human development
during the last few thousand years could be interpreted as the result of the
struggle for adaptation to the bio-environment. From the most basic needs of
survival (water, food, shelter, energy) towards the absolute domination of
nature, the human being has been observing, deifying, thinking, understanding, controlling
and dominating the world into which he was born. Out of this bilateral
exchange, behavioral patterns, culture, experience,

knowledge and science have

         The consequences of this
millennium-long development have had such a great and sometimes devastating
impact on the environment that the conservation and protection of bios has
grown into one of the most acute needs at the dawn of the third millennium.

          We have to learn from the
past, and have to realize that most of the fields of bio-environmental
interaction between man and nature have already occupied the conscious thought
or unconscious knowledge in previous times and other cultures.

Protection of nature, the urge to
dominate it and to have the choice of decision upon natural phenomena, is to be
observed in every human society or culture, independently from its geographical
location or chronological appearance. These matters become of an important
didactic interest in our times.

         The understanding of
changing environmental circumstances and of the fluidity of the concept of
environmental protection requires the development of a critical appreciation of
the numerous influences affecting the interactions between humanity and the
environment. Biohistory can be seen as a new promising research direction, of
interest both to the scientific community and to the general public. Its aim is
to bring history and the sciences closer together, with the intention of constructing
long and well-founded perspectives on environmental issues, past and present.
As part of an integrated bio-centric education, the main ideas of bio-history
need to be promoted worldwide.

Development of Civilization

        Water is one of the crucial
components regulating human life and survival. Regions with either complete
absence or threatening abundance of water have obliged men to adapt to this
challenging environment and fight systematically and intelligently against
aridity or flood. Regions with no rain are very hostile towards human installation.
This absence of rainwater can be replaced by the use of

irrigation from rivers.

         Thus, it is no coincidence
that exactly in the cradles of the big rivers, such as the Tigris and
Euphrates, the Hindus, the Yellow River (Huang He), the Nile or the Niger, the
Amazon and others, human beings proceeded first towards the systematic
organization and technical controlling of natural forces. And the first large
agricultural civilization have grown out of this challenging, difficult but

very rich environment. The combination
of need and opportunity led to high technological and political achievements.
People were dependent on the river waters to survive. So they invested huge
amounts of human effort into the construction of canals, dams and dikes. Failure
to control natural forces led to immediate disasters or gradual degradation of
the environment, including floods, changing river courses, meager harvests and
famine as a result of excess salt

in the soil.

         The human need for water
is universal, independent from the geographical region or the chronological
period in cause. Myths concerned with this basic need are widespread in various
cultures, testifying this major reality of human life.

Rivers are indispensable,
life-ensuring natural elements. On riverbanks human settlements experienced the
slow development from Palaeolithic toTSfeolithic agrarian societies. The river
provides food, essential quantities of water and the possibility to travel.

       In the Balkan region, some
of the oldest human settlements are systematically identified near rivers. The
oldest Neolithic settlement ever excavated and the oldest conserved wooden boat
are dated back to the 4th millennium B.C. In Central Europe, the Danube has
always been a cultural liaison between distant nations, and the wealth produced
by the river is not negligible. One of the most ancient Stone Age figurines
representing an obese woman, the so-called Venus from Willendorf in Austria,
has been found on the northern banks of the Danube, in the environs of Vienna.
This is only one example of the fertility cults developed near the life-giving
rivers. Similar evidence comes from the east, showing how widespread between
the Middle East and Europe this Stone-Age fertility cult was.

Rivers have been deified, connected
with myths, stories about mermaids or ghosts. The river is something man has to
traverse; it is a passage of some kind. The very ancient feeling of respect man
experiences for this vital natural element has led to the development of superstitions
and beliefs.

       One of the most famous is
the Homeric description of Odysseus’ visit to the underworld, where he
navigated the underworld Acheron River in Epirus. The ancient Greeks believed
that the passage to the world of the dead leads through this river, controlled
by the boat pilot. The dead had to be equipped with the so-called danake, often
put in the mouth of the dead, in order to pay for transport across the river.

          Food and
Defining Cultural
Identity and Social Structure

            Without any doubt,
people were always preoccupied with the quality of food consumed. This is an
essential prerequisite for health, and dietary attention is not restricted to
our modern over-consuming societies. Whether we consider the staple crops
common in each continent, or the transition from foraging to farming, or
religious restrictions concerning food preparation or consumption, we realize

that a bio-historical investigation
of human culture is very intensely connected to nutritional matters. Nutrition
is a basic element of cultural identity, and it influences the way of living,
social structure (large-scale agriculture engenders centralized urban societies
as opposed to nomadic hunters), and health.

         In 1999, a very original
exhibit was organized at the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, Greece,
as a result of an exemplary international and interdisciplinary collaboration.
Through bioarchaeological, zoological, anthropological, and archaeological analyses,
the nutritional backgrounds of two major cultures which flourished in Greece
during the second millennium B.C. were examined: the Minoans in Crete and the Mycenae’s,
who inhabited many

regions in continental Greece.

          The study began with the
examination of ceramic artifacts, the clay vessels used for the preparation and
consumption of food. Organic remains on the clay shreds were analyzed. The
results of the analysis were astonishing, proving that every single examined shred
revealed some kind of information about the products it had once contained.
Thus, through chemical analysis, long speculated theories

about the nutritional habits of
early societies would be checked and re-examined upon a purely scientific
basis. In addition, skeletal remains from 227 tombs and various sites were
examined, in search of the protein content of diet (stable isotope analysis).
As a result, a generally held theory about Bronze Age diet, that meat was
reserved for high days and holidays, has been disproved. All Bronze Age results
indicate that Minoans and Mycenae’s had diets rich in animal protein. This has
been shown for surprise was that the population buried in the cemetery of
Armenoi in Central Crete was not eating fish. A Neolithic bowl from Cave Gerani
in Rethymnon contained vegetable stew.

        Honey was used as a
sweetener for drinks. Wine was resonated, sometimes with pine resin, proving
that the Greek retina is more than 3,500years old. Mixed fermented beverages
(wine, beer and mead) have been attested for both Crete and the Mainland.
Perfume industries have been traced, using oil of iris, an extremely valuable product
even today. The production of olive oil in Crete, the consumption of meat, leafy
vegetables, fruit, olive oil, stew, lentils in various palatial settlements of
Crete and of pork, cereals, pulses and honey at Mycenaean Thebes, are revealed
by the analysis of the shreds. This information can be compared to iconographic
representations or references in later texts — like Homer — and contribute
towards a lively bioar-chaeological examination of the organic past of these
major European civilizations.

Cultural Evolution and Bios

        Concerns about human
cultural evolution were first expressed through literary studies, as most of
the sciences searched for their scientific forerunners and
«godfathers» in the literary treasures of the distant classical or
more recent past.

        During the 19th century,
out of the movements of neo-classicism and romanticism and in combination with
the military expeditions of European countries into the regions of ancient
civilizations of the Mediterranean and the Middle East, new branches of
humanitarian sciences were born, such as Classical Archaeology, Egyptology, Oriental
and Eastern Asian Studies or, later, Amerindian studies.

        In the first decades of the
20th century dynamic concern was invested in migration studies, so-called
«objective history» as an argument for resolving actual geopolitical
crises or political theories.

        After the Second World War,
humanitarian studies again intensively reflected the preoccupations of postwar
societies. Social, economic and political studies, sexuality and gender
studies, women’s studies, and studies of common everyday life in Greek, Roman
or Byzantine antiquity or medieval Europe attracted as much attention as some decades
ago the highest artistic expression of the various cultural elites, or
classical Greek philosophy. Archaeologists no longer reserved their

attention to intact, precious,
illustrated vases or marble statues, but began to systematically collect and
observe with the same attention common clay dishes, traces of human waste or
the accidental impressions of leaves or hand-woven baskets on scattered prehistoric
utilitarian pottery. History textbooks were rewritten, examining not only the big
events but also the histories of the simple anonymous people and their natural
and material environments.

       As the modern world we are
living in, with its dangers and challenges, has awakened an increased awareness
of our natural environment, humanitarian research also started expanding into
that direction. During the second half of the 20th century, interest in various
aspects of the natural environment in relation to human history has
systematically intensified. Today, major reference works on all thinkable
subjects are abundant, representing various directions of research and
scientific specialization. Aspects and points of view, analysis systems and
methods vary of course considerably, but one common truth does not seem to be
contested: the importance of the natural environment for the development of
human culture in its various forms cannot be over-stressed. New methods and
technologies allow us today to read, observe, collect and extract information
about environmental history, which gives us equally pertinent and exact knowledge
as ancient texts, inscriptions, iconography or sheer tradition of cultural behavior,
all of which used to monopolies for a long period of time the interest of

Industrialization and Population Growth.

       Industrialization and
intense population growth have fundamentally altered the relationship between
humans and their natural environment. Traditionally nature was seen as a
hostile force. It could bring about floods, cold winters, or poor harvests,
making life miserable, causing much suffering and even leading to numerous

        Today, it seems that the
situation has changed completely. Nature and the environment seem to be at the
mercy of our actions and their protection seems to be necessary for future

         For the greatest portion
of human history, mankind relied on hunting, fishing and gathering of naturally
grown fruits and vegetables for its food supply. Only in the last 10,000 years
has humanity begun to produce its own food through the planting of crops and
the domestication of animals. These developments resulted in a more static
population and the emergence of towns and cities. For defensive and later for
commercial purposes, people chose to live in close proximity to one another.
The emergence of agriculture also coincided with a period of widespread
climatic and ecological change.

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