Word consonant in sentence

1. The word ends in a consonant.

2. English has 24 consonant phonemes.

3. ‘P’ is a bilabial consonant.

4. » N » is a syllabic consonant in » button » .

5. The quality of this suit isn’t quite consonant with its price.

6. This policy is scarcely consonant with the government’s declared aims.

7. Background noise may entirely obliterate the consonant sounds.

8. D voiceless fricative or any voiced consonant not immediately followed by a voiceless segment.

9. It occurs after another consonant, and the way it is produced depends to some extent on the nature of that consonant.

10. Some phonologists maintain that a syllabic consonant is really a case of a vowel and a consonant that have become combined.

11. You will remember that consonant sounds are made by creating a brief barrier to the flow of breath.

12. Even if she only knows a handful of consonant sounds, we can help her to live like an author.

13. The views of the black leadership are consonant with those of black Americans.

14. On the face of it, this approach is consonant with the requirements of the Act.

15. In some consonant clusters, sounds are apt to be elided, ie omitted, in rapid speech.

16. Certainly they were consonant with the views expressed by a great many Bostonians during the days after the State Report came out.

16. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and create good sentences.

17. Dissonance is most powerful in a generally consonant context — hence the need to be extremely cautious in its use.

18. Do vowel and consonant sounds pattern or cluster in particular ways?

19. Evidently the attainment of an ordered world consonant with divine laws remained the ideological framework of antislavery.

20. This consonant always occurs medially.

21. A consonant can either be unvoiced or voiced.

22. Don’t you hate the precious way she speaks, pronouncing each single consonant so precisely.

23. Their sensory perception as well as their motor responses — their behaviour — are thus totally consonant with their bodily form and function.

24. However, these interests can not conflict too directly, but must appear to be consonant.

25. Others, then, will have to judge whether my views expressed here are consonant with that tradition.

26. Here there is no contradiction, because the bass is consonant with all the upper notes.

27. We will now add a lower part which will turn the consonant effect into one of uniformly relaxed mild dissonance.

28. And resolution has a musical overtone that I like as well: the progression of a dissonant chord to a consonant one.

29. The way the storyteller handles Moses’ power-sharing in that chapter is consonant with the rest.

30. The press campaign and the Falangist demands for retribution were perfectly consonant with Franco’s own view of the 9 February events.

and the consonant without edge

consonant starved, the quietude of the bed-sit,

You are also asked to ensure that the number of nouns you use, are evenly divisible by 7; the number of words that appear in more than one form should be exactly 7; words starting with either a vowel or a consonant should be divisible by 7

— The number of words beginning with a consonant is 21, or 7 x 3

Some adjectives of nationality which end in a consonant do not,

Words which end in a consonant, EXCEPT –n or –s have the

If one allows that worldly values are the off-springs of worldly customs, (alone); that is to say, restricted to non-spiritual matters, and that eternal values are necessarily eternal in meaning; neither limited by space nor time, which would otherwise render them meaningless and incomprehensive in form; universal or eternal Values must necessarily embrace all existence, including the ―Material‖ that (always) was, is and will become, without exception; the expression or starting point of God‘s own Creation, in His own Image consonant with His own laws or (Eternal Values), whose impressions have been (indelibly) stamped on all things potentially eternal

What is generally referred to as National Sentiment is a composite of all the essential features (or values) embodied in a society‘s political and social institutions reflecting the consonant viewpoints embraced by every member of that society as well as its single-minded regard for its traditional customs and practices

Natural Law, while consonant with this essential quality or Equality of ―Being‖, does not recognize equal capacities or talents

In fact, it may be correctly argued that these aren‘t societies at all, however dimly perceived masses of people who have adopted a survival instinct rather than learned how to live a meaningful existence; to behave reasonably, within socially defined parameters, in his or her own manner, to pursue his or her (own) interests or to develop his or her (own) underlying potential or render informed judgments in consonant compliance with his or her Conscience

Written expressions are not (merely) impartial bystanders indifferent to an author‘s tireless efforts to create something meaningful or consonant with the author‘s intended designs; exhausting its own emotional and intellectual energies by sustaining elements of singular merit however dire or tiring such efforts might (otherwise) be

Any number of individuals, as indicated above, enjoying equal rights and privileges consonant with the legal requirements of a free society, may differ in a variety of ways; materially, intellectually, physically, morally, spiritually, by temperament, motivation, its expectancies, the list is endless

Exalted characterizations of the modern athlete are consonant with neo-prejudicial impressions and lack of historical perspective

A Cultural War waged by determined ideas is a much more subtle, deceptive and formidable form of warfare inasmuch as it craftily conceals its (unstated) purpose; a social and cultural conversion cutting at the (very) heart of a society‘s traditional belief system; a gradual, however determined process that oftentimes goes unchecked until an awakening society (roused from its slumbers) suddenly finds itself in the midst of altered customs and norms no longer consonant with that society‘s accustomed practices

In this manner an individual must tend to his or her moral development; that is to say, seek proper guidance in a way that reinforces principled rules of conduct; what an individual should do and avoid doing consonant with ―what the heart teaches‖ (Natural Law)

Such opinions do not admit the possibility of rational thinking human beings capable of achieving a higher order of spiritual and intellectual awareness consonant with their (own) determined designs

apart than was duly consonant with the strictest dictates of modesty, and with a

This lesson is an outline of the vowel and consonant sounds

Find some old magazines and cut out pictures beginning with each consonant sound

Say that dog, for instance, begins with the consonant sound /d/

See if you both can invent a consonant game

Say the consonant sound /m/

Say the consonant sound /n/

Say the consonant sound /s/

Say the consonant sound /t/

Most consonant blends have only one spelling and can be recognized at the beginning, middle and end of words

Beginning and ending consonant blends: You can copy the next two pages

use of vowel sounds than did the consonant dominant Semitic languages

Most psychological literature is consonant of the fact that most

The words of the judicious Hooker are worth remembering: «Till it be proved that some special law of Christ hath forever annexed unto the clergy alone the power to make ecclesiastical laws, we are to hold it a thing most consonant with equity and reason, that no ecclesiastical laws be made in a Christian commonwealth, without consent as well of the laity as of the clergy

We know that the different consonant sounds and the voice emanate through the joining of the two lips with the assistance of the tongue, and that is how the human is able to speak

kt (“al”) is made up of the same consonant pair as are several other

was represented by the consonant V at

vowel, if there be one, but not of a consonant; inother words, assonance is the correspondence of the

method, each number is assigned a consonant or a consonant sound based on the

previous lesson) What you’re going to do with the consonants or consonant sounds is to

What about numbers with double digits? The word must start with the consonant

representing the first number, and must end with the consonant representing the second

know the consonant or consonant sounds representing each number, you have nothing to

consonant, as this will severely disrupt your breathing

The term «parallel worlds» is most consonant with the concept of «Plans»

acquiring in the world some opinions not consonant with the profession for which

Consonant to this disposition was my answer, but my courage was still

Consonant to this disposition was my answer, but my courage was still more in my head, than in my heart; and as cowards rush into danger they fear, in order to be the sooner rid of the pain of that sensation, I was entirely pleased with his hastening matters into execution

On my first official day on the job, I said, “I am now permanently one consonant away from destruction

In other words, diversification might be necessary to reduce the risk involved in the separate issues to the minimum consonant with the requirements of investment

Such a procedure would appear directly consonant with our fundamental principle that straight investments should be made only in issues of unimpeachable soundness, and that securities of inferior grade must be bought only on an admittedly speculative basis

The e is dropped to save a syllable, as the next word begins with a consonant

Formerly reading was taught in Russia by attaching to the consonants useless endings (buki—uki, vyedi—yedi), and in Germany es em de ce, and so forth, by attaching a vowel to each consonant, now in front, and now behind, and that caused some difficulty

In Ushínski’s grammar (Ushínski is with us the father of the sound method), and in all the manuals on sound, a consonant is defined thus: «That sound which cannot be pronounced by itself

When I remarked that it is impossible to pronounce b alone, but that it always gives you bŭ, I was told that was due to the inability of some persons, and that it took great skill to pronounce a consonant

The proposition which he had the honor to move a few days ago, was consonant in some degree to the instructions offered by our Ministers to Great Britain and France, offering to remove the embargo in relation to either that should rescind their obnoxious decrees

This species of taxation is consonant to the genius of the country, to the habits of our people—it comes too close to the pocket of the agriculturist, and is besides a source of revenue which ought to belong exclusively to the States

In conclusion, although the theory which I have endeavoured to elucidate and establish, be subject to some difficulties and objections which science may hereafter remove, it appears to me perfectly consonant with the relative dependence and harmony of our system, and by no means at variance with the infinite wisdom and power by which it was originated

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{{lyricTraining.finished && lyricTraining.timed_out ? ‘Timed Out’ : ‘Challenge Accomplished’}}

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HITS {{lyricTraining.stats.HITS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.HITS * 10}}
LONGEST STREAK {{lyricTraining.stats.LONGEST_STREAKS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.LONGEST_STREAKS * 10}}
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{{a.word || a.name}}


{{a.type || a.sub_type}}


The example sentences of CONSONANT in videos (15 in total of 190)

when wh-adverb
one cardinal number
word noun, singular or mass
ends noun, plural
with preposition or subordinating conjunction
a determiner
consonant noun, singular or mass
sound noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
the determiner
next adjective
word noun, singular or mass
starts verb, 3rd person singular present
with preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
same adjective
consonant noun, singular or mass

is verb, 3rd person singular present
a determiner
verb noun, singular or mass
that preposition or subordinating conjunction
ends noun, plural
in preposition or subordinating conjunction
a determiner
consonant noun, singular or mass
l proper noun, singular
a determiner
vowel noun, singular or mass
a determiner
and coordinating conjunction
a determiner
consonant noun, singular or mass
y proper noun, singular

if preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
verb noun, singular or mass
ends noun, plural
with preposition or subordinating conjunction
a determiner
single adjective
vowel noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
single adjective
consonant noun, singular or mass
double adjective
the determiner
consonant noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
add verb, base form

i personal pronoun

n proper noun, singular

g proper noun, singular

verb noun, singular or mass
stems verb, 3rd person singular present
ending verb, gerund or present participle
in preposition or subordinating conjunction
a determiner
consonant noun, singular or mass
so preposition or subordinating conjunction
all predeterminer
those determiner
verb noun, singular or mass
stems verb, 3rd person singular present
that wh-determiner
have verb, non-3rd person singular present
more adjective, comparative
than preposition or subordinating conjunction
one cardinal number
syllable adjective
and coordinating conjunction
end noun, singular or mass
in preposition or subordinating conjunction
a determiner
consonant noun, singular or mass

if preposition or subordinating conjunction
there existential there
‘s verb, 3rd person singular present
only adverb
one cardinal number
consonant noun, singular or mass
after preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
vowel noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
that determiner
consonant noun, singular or mass
is verb, 3rd person singular present
followed verb, past participle
by preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
letter noun, singular or mass

when wh-adverb
you personal pronoun
have verb, non-3rd person singular present
consonant noun, singular or mass
vowel noun, singular or mass
consonant noun, singular or mass

you personal pronoun
need verb, non-3rd person singular present
to to
add verb, base form
a determiner
second adjective
consonant noun, singular or mass
or coordinating conjunction
a determiner

the determiner
st proper noun, singular
consonant noun, singular or mass
cluster noun, singular or mass
the determiner
oh interjection
diphthong noun, singular or mass
the determiner
n proper noun, singular
consonant noun, singular or mass
stone proper noun, singular

so preposition or subordinating conjunction
it personal pronoun

s proper noun, singular
just adverb
like preposition or subordinating conjunction

consonant proper noun, singular

vowel noun, singular or mass
linking verb, gerund or present participle
occurs verb, 3rd person singular present
when wh-adverb
one cardinal number
word noun, singular or mass
ends noun, plural
with preposition or subordinating conjunction
a determiner
consonant noun, singular or mass
sound noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
the determiner
next adjective
word noun, singular or mass
begins verb, 3rd person singular present
with preposition or subordinating conjunction
a determiner
vowel noun, singular or mass
sound noun, singular or mass

has verb, 3rd person singular present
a determiner
voiceless adjective
consonant noun, singular or mass
to to
match verb, base form
the determiner
voiceless adjective
consonant noun, singular or mass
that determiner
gumu proper noun, singular
s proper noun, singular
ends noun, plural
with preposition or subordinating conjunction
so adverb
in preposition or subordinating conjunction

vowels proper noun, singular
in preposition or subordinating conjunction
korean proper noun, singular
language noun, singular or mass
should modal
be verb, base form
placed verb, past participle
next adjective
to to
a determiner
consonant noun, singular or mass
or coordinating conjunction
below preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
consonant noun, singular or mass

we personal pronoun
may modal
have verb, base form
a determiner
consonant noun, singular or mass
at preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
beginning verb, gerund or present participle
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
a determiner
word noun, singular or mass
but coordinating conjunction
that determiner
consonant noun, singular or mass
is verb, 3rd person singular present
silent adjective
for preposition or subordinating conjunction
example noun, singular or mass
an determiner

if preposition or subordinating conjunction
one cardinal number
word noun, singular or mass
ends noun, plural
in preposition or subordinating conjunction
a determiner
consonant noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
the determiner
next adjective
word noun, singular or mass
begins verb, 3rd person singular present
with preposition or subordinating conjunction
a determiner
consonant noun, singular or mass

sets noun, plural
one cardinal number
for preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
initial adjective
consonant noun, singular or mass
one cardinal number
for preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
middle noun, singular or mass
vowel noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
one cardinal number
for preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
final adjective
consonant noun, singular or mass

when wh-adverb
we personal pronoun
have verb, non-3rd person singular present
a determiner
word noun, singular or mass
that preposition or subordinating conjunction
ends noun, plural
in preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
consonant noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
the determiner
next adjective
word noun, singular or mass
begins verb, 3rd person singular present
with preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
same adjective
exact adjective
consonant noun, singular or mass

this determiner
is verb, 3rd person singular present
signalled verb, past tense
in preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
orthography noun, singular or mass
by preposition or subordinating conjunction
placing verb, gerund or present participle
the determiner
new adjective
consonant noun, singular or mass
before preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
old adjective
consonant noun, singular or mass

Use «consonant» in a sentence | «consonant» example sentences

How to use «consonant» in a sentence?

  • It is always delightful when a great and beautiful idea proves to be consonant with reality.

  • A great poet ought to a certain degree to rectify men’s feelings… to render their feelings more sane, pure and permanent, in short, more consonant to Nature.

    -William Wordsworth-

  • The challenge to America is to extend to Asia the defensive shield of American power in forms consonant with Asian freedom and self-respect.

    -Ferdinand Marcos-

  • Nothing is more consonant with Nature than that she puts into operation in the smallest detail that which she intends as a whole.

    -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-

  • ‘Y’ is about the weakest letter of all. ‘Y’ can’t make up its mind if it’s a vowel or a consonant, can it?

    -David Mitchell-

  • There are many portions of economical doctrine which appear to me as scientific in form as they are consonant with facts.

    -William Stanley Jevons-

  • … naturalness is not always consonant with taste.

    -Edith Wharton-

  • Nature is very consonant and conformable with herself.

    -Isaac Newton-

Special thanks to The Free Dictionary
and azquotes

for providing us with the information used in this web page

Definition and meaning of CONSONANT

What does «consonant mean?»



relating to consonant.


A speech sound or letter that is not a vowel.

The language has 37 Consonants and 16 vowels.

A chord may sound Consonant for various reasons.

The third point is Consonant with our goals.

And it has nine Consonants.

Soon afterwards, he started to use Consonants.

The vowels, Consonants and their arrangement are:.

They have to be Consonant.

That’s right, they have to be Consonant.

Doubtful Consonants: examples.

Make sure that you can identify English Consonants and vowels.

They stay still, and the vowels dance around the Consonants.

You dont even know how many vowels or Consonant there is.

Every other Consonant is possible at the beginning of a word.

There are 25 categorized Consonants, and there are 8 uncategorized Consonants.

Consonants can all be used at the beginning of a syllable.

Consonants and articulate at the middle of the tongue and palate.

Ancient Egyptian has 25 Consonants similar to those of other Afro-Asiatic languages.

In the middle of a word followed by two or more Consonants.

The projected images of Mother’s consciousness became Consonant with Eddie’s consolidating internal story.

Jaipur is a city where you can taste more than one Consonant here.

(vi) F= {x: x is a Consonant in the English alphabet which precedes k}.

The Indian rupee is symbolized as“र”(Devanagari Consonant) and Latin letter“R” which was adopted in 2010.

I chose the second option, believing the most Consonant and respectful formula for such a happening.

For example, around 1600 unprepared seventh chords gradually became familiar and

were therefore gradually perceived as more Consonant.

In the second half of the line,‘righteousness’ is tsedaqah, and‘scream’ is tse‘aqah,

a difference of a single Consonant.

From 4 Consonants and 3 vowels,

how many words can be formed using 3 Consonants and 2 vowels?

The Indian rupee symbol is derived from the Devanagari Consonant“र”(ra) and the Latin letter“R” was adopted in 2010.

In this way, while each word needs to have a vowel,

not each word needs to have a Consonant.

Diacritics, which can appear above, below, before or after a Consonant, are used to change the inherent vowel.

While“w” is almost always a Consonant, it is considered a vowel at the end of words like“wow” or“how.”.

 Meanings and Examples of CONSONANT


 n.  a speech sound that is not a vowel

 a.  in agreement

Classic Sentence:

1  Nothing could have been less consonant with Selden’s mood than Van Alstyne’s after-dinner aphorisms, but as long as the latter confined himself to generalities his listener’s nerves were in control.

House of Mirth By Edith Wharton
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 1: Chapter 14

2  She spoke in the soft slurring voice of the coastal Georgian, liquid of vowels, kind to consonants and with the barest trace of French accent.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER III

3  Only an insane contortion of spelling could portray his lyric whine, his mangled consonants.

4  Her conception of the character was as heavy and uncompromising as her diction; she bore hard on the idea and on the consonants.

My Antonia By Willa Cather
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 3. Lena Lingard: III

5  As if I ever stop thinking about the girl and her confounded vowels and consonants.

6  All these young, maniacal, puny, merry incoherences lived in harmony together, and the result was an eccentric and agreeable being whom his comrades, who were prodigal of winged consonants, called Jolllly.

Les Misérables (V3) By Victor Hugo

Example Sentence:

1  New consonant music and postmodern music for contemporary composers and performers.

2  A polar vortex, with its satisfyingly assonant vowels and crisp consonants, sounds like either a down coat made by Patagonia or an enormous luxury-brand SUV—that is, an expensive product meant to evoke the wilds but actually used by coddled suburbanites.

3  Upon the signal, the subjects were asked to recall as many consonants in their correct places as possible.

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