Word connected with nature

Природа окружает нас везде, где бы мы ни были. Дома мы выращиваем растения, а по выходным иногда выезжаем «на природу». Мы любим бывать на море и слушать шум волн или наслаждаться величественными горными пейзажами. Природа не всегда нас балует и бывает порой сурова. Хоть мы и не можем повлиять на природные явления, но знать, как они будут называться по-английски — должны.

Сегодня поговорим о том, как будет природа на английском языке, как переводятся те или иные погодные явления, а также, как описать пейзаж и другие элементы окружающего нас мира.

Так как же будет «природа»? Перевод на английский этого слова — «nature». Употребляется оно в качестве существительного. Кроме того, «nature» может переводиться как «сущность», «натура», «естество», «характер», «нрав» или «организм», в зависимости от контекста.

Сегодня мы разберем понятие «nature» именно относительно окружающего нас мира, погоды и явлений, и научим вас рассказывать о природе и ее красоте в полной мере. Природа на английском языке с переводом:

Seasons (времена года)

Тут все легко и просто: времен года всего четыре, и мы уже успели выучить их наизусть.

Spring — весна
Summer — лето
Autumn / Fall — осень
Winter — зима

Weather and natural phenomena (погода и явления природы)

Каждый день мы слушаем прогноз погоды, и чтобы знать, брать ли с собой зонтик или лучше вообще не выходить из дома, так как ожидается ураган, нужно знать основные названия природных явлений.

Breeze — легкий ветер, бриз
Climate — климат
Cloud — облако, туча
Dew — роса
Drizzle — мелкий дождь
Fog / Mist — туман
Frost — мороз
Hail — град
Heat — жара
Hoarfrost — иней
Humidity — влажность
Hurricane — ураган
Icicle — сосулька
Indian summer — бабье лето
Lightning — молния
Pressure — давление
Puddle — лужа
Rain — дождь
Rainbow — радуга
Raindrop — дождевая капля
Rainfall — осадки
Rainstorm — ливень с ураганом
Shower — ливень
Snow — снег
Snowfall — снегопад
Snowflake — снежинка
Storm — буря, гроза, шторм
Sun — солнце
Sunshine — солнечный свет
Temperature — температура
Thaw — оттепель
Thunder — гром
Thunderstorm — гроза
Wind — ветер

Есть и такие непредсказуемые явления, которые называют природными катастрофами:

Earthquake — землетрясение
Flood — наводнение
Tornado — торнадо
Tsunami — цунами

Описать погоду в целом, не вдаваясь в детали, можно следующими словами:

Cold — холодная
Freezing — леденящая, очень холодная
Hot — жаркая
Humid — влажная
Warm — теплая
Windy — ветреная

Если нужно указать именно степень или качество природного явления — вам на помощь придут прилагательные. Например, strong wind (сильный ветер), heavy clouds (тяжелые облака), thick fog (густой туман) и так далее.

Также, в описании погоды часто используются прилагательные и глаголы, произведенные от погодных существительных.
Вспомните ежедневный прогноз погоды, который показывают в утренних новостях. Независимо от страны или языка — визуальные обозначения погоды одинаковы для всех. Это солнце, тучи, дождь и так далее. Совет: чтобы запомнить их быстрее, представляйте картинку и «количество облачков» или капель из туч.

Sunny — солнечно
Partly sunny — местами солнечно
Cloudy — облачно

Partly cloudy — местами облачно (облачно с прояснениями)
Raining — идет дождь

Sun & Rain — дождливо с прояснениями

Thunderstorms — грозы

Snowing — идет снег
Windy — сильный ветер (ветрено)
Clear — чистое небо

«Погодные» прилагательные:

Bright — яркий, светлый
Chilly — холодный, прохладный
Clear — ясный
Cloudless — безоблачный
Cloudy — облачный
Cold — холодный
Damp — сырой
Drizzly — моросящий
Dry — сухой
Dull — пасмурный, хмурый
Foggy — туманный
Freezing — замораживающий
Hot — жаркий
Humid — влажный
Mild — мягкий, умеренный
Misty — туманный
Rainy — дождливый
Scorching — палящий, знойный
Showery — дождливый, проливной
Snowy — снежный
Stormy — штормовой
Sunny — солнечный
Warm — теплый
Wet — мокрый, влажный
Windy — ветреный

Глаголы, которые помогут рассказать о погоде: to freeze — замораживать, замерзать; to melt — таять; to pour — лить (о дожде); to hail — идти (о граде); to shine — светить, сиять (о солнце); to snow — идти (о снеге); to rain — идти (о дожде).

Landscape (Пейзаж)

Перейдем к тому, как описать то, что мы видим вокруг себя. Основные элементы природы: вода (water), воздух (air), земля (earth), камень (stone), лед (ice), огонь (fire) и песок (sand).

Beach — пляж
Boulder — валун
Canyon — каньон
Cape — мыс
Cave — пещера
Cliff — скала
Coast — побережье
Desert — пустыня
Dirt / Mud — грязь
Dust — пыль
Forest — лес
Field — поле
Glacier — ледник
Grassland — пастбище
Ground — земля
Hill — холм
Island — остров
Land — суша
Massif — массив (горный, лесной)
Meadow — луг
Mountain — гора
Peak — пик, вершина
Peninsula — полуостров
Plain — равнина
Prairie — прерия
Ridge — горный хребет
Rock / Stone — камень
Sand — песок
Shore — берег
Soil — почва
Terrain — местность, рельеф
Valley — долина
Volcano — вулкан  

Рассказывая о пейзаже, не забудьте живописные слова, например, breathtaking (захватывающий дух), boundless (бескрайний), stunning (великолепный), picturesque (живописный) и другие.

Rivers, seas and oceans (реки, моря и океаны)

Наша планета более, чем на 70% покрыта водой (water). Давайте узнаем, какими словами описать разные типы водоемов (water basins) на английском и еще несколько полезных слов о водных явлениях.

Bank — берег (реки)
Brook — ручей
Coast — берег (моря)
Current / Flow — течение, поток
Flood — потоп
High tide — прилив
Iceberg — айсберг
Lake — озеро
Low tide — отлив
Pond — пруд
River — река
Riverbed — русло реки
Sea — море
Stream — ручей, поток
Swamp — болото
Tarn — ледниковое озеро
Ocean — океан
Wave — волна
Wetlands — болотистая местность

Например, говоря о реке, мы можем сказать, что она течет (flows), по весне выходит из берегов (bursts the banks) или высыхает совсем (dries out) и вообще, впадает в море (flows into the sea). Описать реку мы можем как широкую (wide) или узкую (narrow), глубокую (deep) или мелководную (shallow), быструю (rapid) и бурную (rough), а саму ее поверхность как с рябью (rippling) или спокойную (still).

Wildlife (живая природа)

Говоря о какой-либо местности, мы обязательно затрагиваем и живую природу, которая для нее характерна. Мы говорим о животных (animals), которые там обитают, о растениях (plants), цветах (flowers), деревьях (trees), ягодах (berries) и грибах (mushrooms), которые там произрастают.
Животный и растительный мир — большая и обширная тема в английском языке, также относящаяся к понятию «nature». Она требует подробного разбора, поэтому в этой статье мы приведем только несколько основных понятий.

Animal — животное
Beast — зверь
Bird — птица
Branch — ветвь
Bush — куст
Conifer — хвойное дерево
Evergreen — вечнозеленый
Fish — рыба
Flower — цветок
Foliage — листва
Forest — лес
Jungle — джунгли
Grass — трава
Insect — насекомое
Lair — логово, берлога
Leaf — лист
Log — бревно
Mammal — млекопитающее
Mushroom — гриб
Nest — гнездо
Plant — растение
Predator — хищник
Root — корень
Seed — семя
Tree — дерево
Vine — лоза

Ну и напоследок, несколько устойчивых выражений со словом «природа» в английском языке:

Back to nature — назад к природе

Эта фраза употребляется в отношении людей, которые предпочитают жизнь на природе жизни в развитом городе и отказываются от благ цивилизации.

Second nature — вторая натура

Так говорят, когда хотят подчеркнуть особенность или способность человека в позитивном ключе (to be second nature to someone — быть привычным делом для кого-то)

In the nature of things — в природе вещей

Эта идиома означает естественное и неизбежное течение дел. Ее мы используем, когда говорим, что что-то идет своим чередом без нашего вмешательства.

nature words

Last updated:

February 2, 2023

Are you a nature lover?

If you are, being able to talk about nature in English would certainly be beneficial.

Since there are over 160 nature words on this list, regardless of your language level, you’ll definitely pick up some beautiful nature vocabulary!

You’ll learn how to describe landscapes, weather conditions, various types of plants, geological features and climate change patterns.

Let’s get started!


  • Describing Landscapes and Geological Features
  • Describing Weather Conditions
  • Describing Plants, Flowers and Trees
  • Gardening Tools Used to Take Care of Plants
  • Beautiful Landscapes in Nature
  • Ancient Geological Features in Nature
  • Climate Change Vocabulary
  • The Best Way to Practice Nature Words in English

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Describing Landscapes and Geological Features

nature words

Geological features are landscape characteristics found in nature that are not plants or animals.

  • Lush — used to describe plants and flowers that are healthy and growing well
  • Grassy — used to describe meadows and fields that have a lot of grass or green plants
  • Floral — used to describe gardens or landscapes that have a lot of flowers
  • Vivid — something that’s bright or colorful
  • Abloom — used to describe flowers or groups of flowers that are blooming
  • Vibrant — something that’s bright and eye-catching
  • Dense — used to describe plants that are growing close together and are hard to see through because they’re so thick
  • Earthy — something that contains or looks like soil or dirt
  • Diversified — used to describe a garden or landscape that has a lot of different plants
  • Dry — without water
  • Bare — without plants
  • Dead — used to describe plants that are no longer living
  • Oversaturated — used to describe plants that have had too much water or rain
  • Flooded — used to describe landscapes that are covered in water due to overflowing rivers or lakes
  • Flowering — used to describe when flowers first start appearing on plants
  • Budding — used to describe the first stage of flowering
  • Hilly — a landscape containing a lot of hills
  • Mountainous a landscape containing lots of mountains
  • Wavy  used to describe water with rough waters
  • Rolling  used to describe a landscape with a lot of hills that resembles (looks like) ocean waves
  • Stormy  used to describe a lot of rain, lightning, thunder and wind
  • Misty  a landscape that has a light haze of rain in the air; oceans and waterfalls often produce mist
  • Frigid  extremely cold
  • Desolate  a bare landscape where few plants are growing
  • Untouched — a landscape that has not been changed by human beings
  • Pristine — a lush landscape that appears untouched or “picture-perfect”
  • Tropical — a landscape that’s warm with jungle plants and palm trees; common on islands near the equator
  • Arid — a dry landscape that receives very little rain

Describing Weather Conditions

nature words

  • Sunny  a lot of sunshine
  • Humid  a lot of moisture in the air
  • Stifling — so hot that one is uncomfortable
  • Gloomy  cloudy and gray weather
  • Rainy — a lot of continuous (ongoing) rain
  • Dry — little to no rain
  • Cloudy — a sky mostly covered in clouds
  • Foggy — used to describe a landscape with a lot of fog (a light cloud at the ground level)
  • Clear — no clouds or rain
  • Crisp — describing a cool temperature
  • Cool  slightly cold or chilly
  • Windy — a lot of wind
  • Breezy  a similar meaning to windy, but a breeze is less strong than wind
  • Wet — the landscape after a lot of rain
  • Fair — weather that’s clear and warm
  • Mild pleasant or not too warm
  • Still  no wind
  • Overcast  a lot of clouds in the sky, but little to no rain

Describing Plants, Flowers and Trees

Small and Skinny Plants

nature words

  • Bush  a plant that grows close to the ground; it expands widely and has leaves
  • Shrub  another word for bush
  • Hedge  similar to bush but often trimmed to be rectangle-like; these often surround houses or are used to create a boundary or fence
  • Grass  a plant that grows widely in fields and meadows; it’s also common on household lawns
  • Moss  a soft plant that grows on rocks and trees; it looks like a green carpet
  • Mushroom  a fungus that grows in dark places; some can be eaten and others are poisonous
  • Herb  a variety of plant that’s used for flavoring food (basil, cilantro, mint, etc.) or as medicine or tea
  • Fern  an ancient (very old) plant whose leaves look like feathers
  • Reed  a plant that looks like tall grass and grows in wetlands and swamps
  • Bamboo  a plant that looks like long stalks of wood and grows in tropical places
  • Ivy  a plant with five-pointed leaves that grows close to the ground and climbs trees and buildings
  • Poison Ivy  a type of ivy that causes extreme itching and a rash, if touched

Main Parts of Plants

nature words

  • Seed — what plants grow out from
  • Root  the part of the plant that remains underground and absorbs water
  • Stem  the part of the plant that grows upward and holds the flower up
  • Stalk — another word for a stem
  • Leaf — the green part of the plant that absorbs sunlight
  • Petal  the colorful parts of the flower
  • Bud — the first stage of plant growth that’ll flower and bloom
  • Thorn  a part on the stem of a flower or plant that’s prickly and sharp
  • Branch  the part of the tree that grows out from the trunk
  • Twig  a small branch
  • Bark  the outer skin of a tree

Pretty and Common Flowers

nature words

  • Daffodil  a flower with small yellow petals
  • Rose  flowers with thorns and bright red petals
  • Dandelion  a weed that has yellow flowers
  • Daisy  a flower that has white petals around a yellow top
  • Lily  a medium-sized flower whose petals can be all different colors
  • Tulip  common in many gardens, and famous in Holland; they can be multiple colors and are associated with Easter
  • Sunflower  a big flower with bright yellow petals and a brown center

Now that you know all the basics, try practicing your plant vocabulary!

Typical Tall Trees

nature words

Two common types of trees are deciduous and evergreen.

Deciduous trees shed (get rid of) their leaves during a specific part of the year, typically autumn or fall, and evergreen trees keep their leaves all year.

Not all trees fall into these two categories though, as you’ll see in this shortlist. 

  • Palm tree (neither deciduous or evergreen) a tropical tree with large, featherlike leaves and sometimes coconuts
  • Cactus  (neither deciduous or evergreen) a plant that grows in the desert with thorns or thistles (pointy, sharp spines)
  • Maple — a deciduous tree with three-pointed leaves
  • Oak — a deciduous tree with acorns
  • Birch — a deciduous tree with thin, white bark
  • Willow  a large deciduous tree with thin leaves and curtain-like branches
  • Poplar  a medium-sized deciduous tree with teardrop-shaped leaves
  • Pine  an evergreen tree with needle-like leaves and pinecones

Gardening Tools Used to Take Care of Plants

nature words

  • Gardener — someone who maintains a garden
  • Flower pot  a container where one or more flowers grow
  • Vegetable garden  a garden that specifically grows vegetables
  • Weed  a plant in a garden that’s not desired
  • To weed — (action verb) to pick and remove the weeds from the garden
  • Shovel  a tool used to dig in the ground
  • Pail — a cylindrical (circular) container for carrying water
  • Watering can  a container specifically used to water plants
  • Shears  a tool used to cut through or trim plants
  • Rake  a tool used to gather trimmed plants or fallen leaves from the ground
  • Hoe  a single-bladed tool used to dig out weeds
  • To sow — (action verb) to plant seeds
  • To mow  (action verb) to trim the grass, often with a lawnmower
  • Lawnmower  the machine used to mow the lawn; it can be gas-powered or hand-pushed
  • Wheelbarrow  a single-wheeled cart for carrying gardening materials
  • Shed  a small shelter in a yard that stores gardening materials or other outdoor objects and tools

Beautiful Landscapes in Nature

nature words

  • Bay — where the sea curves inward to create a body of water with the coast on three sides
  • Lake  a small body of water inland; lakes are often freshwater
  • Sea  a large body of saltwater
  • Ocean  a larger body of salt water; there are five oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Southern
  • River  a flowing stream of water
  • Creek  a thin river
  • Waterfall  when water falls from a higher point like a cliff to a lower point
  • Canyon  an arid and rocky valley surrounded by cliffs
  • Glacier  a large expanse (area) of ice around the polar regions of the Earth
  • Meadow  a large field with grasses and flowers
  • Forest  a landscape with dense plants and trees
  • Mountain  a big elevation in the Earth; mountains are often rocky, snow-covered or volcanic
  • Hill  a small elevation in the Earth
  • Plain  a flat expanse of land; plains are often grassy
  • Marsh  an expanse of land that regularly floods and remains saturated
  • Island  an expanse of land surrounded by water on all sides
  • Peninsula  an expanse of land surrounded by water on three sides
  • Savanna  an arid field in a tropical region; there are a lot in Africa
  • Valley  an expanse of land between mountains or hills
  • Desert  a dry landscape often covered in sand or rocks; not many plants grow here
  • Tundra a dry landscape in cold climates
  • Cliff  a steep mountain-like formation; these are common along coasts
  • Cave  a tunnel or chamber underground
  • Beach  a sandy expanse of land near bodies of water
  • Field  an expanse of land where grasses and other plants are common

Don’t forget to practice your landscape vocabulary!

Ancient Geological Features in Nature

nature words

The word geology is a noun that means the study of the Earth and its physical processes.

This list of vocabulary also has words that describe significant events that impact human activity and are caused by the Earth.

  • Bedrock  large expanses of flat rocks
  • Sedimentary rock  rock that’s moved by water or wind
  • Igneous rock  rock that’s made directly from lava or magma
  • Metamorphic rock  sedimentary or igneous rocks changed by extreme heat
  • Crater — a large, circular hole or indentation in the Earth; usually formed by a volcano
  • Erosion  when water or air breaks away at rocks
  • Fossil  old remains from a plant or animal that died a long time ago
  • Gem  a precious stone often used for jewelry
  • Geyser — when hot water sprays up from under the Earth
  • Hot spring — a pool where water is warmed by underground Earth processes
  • Mineral  a solid material made by the Earth
  • Seismic activity the movement of the Earth’s plates created by natural processes
  • Earthquake  when seismic plates shift, causing the Earth to shake and split
  • Volcano — a mountain formed by eruptions and lava
  • Magma — hot fluid under the Earth
  • Lava  when magma surfaces from underground
  • Eruption — when lava or magma spews from the Earth at the top of a volcano
  • Tsunami — a giant wave often caused by an underwater earthquake
  • Fossil fuel  a natural fuel burned by humans to run things like cars, airplanes and electricity

Climate Change Vocabulary

nature words

Climate change is a noun that describes global weather patterns and temperatures that have changed due to the impact of human activity.

  • Atmosphere  layers of gases in the sky that encase the Earth
  • Ozone — a layer of oxygen above the Earth that protects us from the sun
  • Carbon dioxide what we exhale when we breathe; we also create this by burning fossil fuels
  • Emissions — these are produced when we burn fossil fuels; they commonly come out of cars, power plants and factories
  • Ecosystems  a community of plants and animals that depend on each other for survival
  • Habitat  a place where an animal lives
  • Extinction  when all members of an animal species die
  • The Greenhouse Effect when emissions get stuck under the Earth’s atmosphere and warm the planet
  • Pollutant something that pollutes or damages the Earth
  • Non-renewable resource  a resource that can only be used once; an example would be natural gas
  • Renewable resource  a resource that can be used over and over again; an example would be wind
  • Coal  ancient plant matter now in rock form that can be burned for fuel
  • Oil  a liquid found in the Earth that can be burned for fuel
  • Solar energy  a form of energy that uses the sun’s rays
  • Wind energy a form of energy that uses wind
  • Drought when a landscape is dry for an extended period of time
  • Ice caps  another word for glaciers in the polar regions of the Earth

While some of these words are pretty complicated, practicing climate change vocabulary is important if you want to take about current events that involve the environment.

And if you’re up for a challenge, try practicing all of the nature words together!

The Best Way to Practice Nature Words in English

Long-term memory is where knowledge and vocabulary words stay for long periods.

That means that once a word is in your long-term memory, you should be able to use that word a week from now, a month from now or even a year from now.

To move words from your short-term memory to your long-term memory, you should make words meaningful for you.

  • When learning a new word, try using it in a full sentence and write that sentence down in a notebook. In many cases, you can use several words that are related to each other to help you remember their meaning.
  • To take your practice a step further, try going for a walk in nature. As you’re walking, create sentences and descriptions of what you’re seeing.
  • Better yet, write these sentences down or bring a voice recorder with you! This is a great way to use nature words and record the descriptions you’re creating to review again later.

Your English nature word vocabulary is growing into quite a beautiful garden!

Take care of the seeds you just planted, and watch your nature vocabulary flourish!

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can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

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Английские слова на тему «Природа»

Английские слова на тему «Природа»

Словарный запас «Vocabulary»


Nature – природа

Tree (trees) – дерево (деревья)

Tree branches – ветки деревьев

Leaves – листья деревьев

Flower – цветок

Stalk — стебель

Grass – трава

Lawn- лужайка

Bushes — кустарники

River – река

Riverbank –берег реки

Lake – озеро

Pond – пруд

Water basins – водоемы

Waterfall — водопад

Sea – море

Ocean – океан

Shore — берег

Coast – побережье

Stones – камни

Pebble – галька

Sand – песок

Desert — пустыня

Waves /tides – волны

Sky – небо

Clouds – облака

Overcast – тучи

Thunder – гром

Thunderstorm – гроза

Lightning – молния

Fog — туман

Wind — ветер

Sun – солнце

Moon- луна

Field – поле

Forest / wood – лес

Valleys – долины

Mountains – горы

Rocks – скалы

Hills – холмы

Meadow – луг

Berries – ягоды

Herbs – травы

Mushrooms – грибы

Birds – птицы

Animals – животные

Weather – погода

Climate – климат

Seasons – сезоны

Summer – лето

Winter – погода

Spring – весна

Autumn / fall – осень


Natural disasters – природные катаклизмы


Hurricane – ураган

Tornado —  торнадо

Typhoon – тайфун

Earthquake – землетрясение

Volcano – вулкан

Volcano eruption – извержение вулкана

Tidal wave (tsunamin) – приливная волна (цунами)

Flood – наводнение

Drought – засуха

Диалоги (Dialogues)

—       What a wonderful weather!

—       Yes, really great! Look at these beautiful trees and flowers

—       I want to go to the sea

—       Such a good idea

—       Where?

—       Let me think. May be Spain?

—       Yes, sounds good



—       Какая прекрасная погода!

—       Да, замечательная! Посмотри на эти прекрасные деревья и цветы

—       Я хочу поехать на море

—       Какая прекрасная идея

—       Куда?

—       Дай мне подумать. Может быть Испания?

—       Да, отлично

—       Let`s go to the forest

—       I don`t know

—       Come on! We`ll pick up berries and mushrooms

—       I want to stay at home

—       Don`t be silly.

—       Ok


—       Давай пойдем в лес


—       Я не знаю


—       Давай! Мы будем собирать ягоды и грибы


—       Я хочу остаться дома


—       Не глупи


—       Ладно

—       What are you thinking about?


—       I` m dreaming about sun, sea and hot weather


—       When are going on holiday?


—       In two weeks


—       But you can enjoy the great weather now


—       Yes. You`re right. Let`s go out



—       О чем ты думаешь?

—       Я мечтаю о солнце, море и жаркой погоде

—       Когда ты поедешь отдыхать?

—       Через две недели

—       Но ты можешь насладиться великолепной погодой сейчас

—       Да, ты права. Пойдем погуляем


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Виды местоимений в английском языке достаточно лёгкая тема. Удобные таблицы помогут вам в изучении темы- виды местоимений в английском языке.


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Слова на тему "Природа" на английском языке

Тема «Природа» на английском языке очень обширна. К ней можно отнести названия небесных тел, явлений природы, слова, связанные с погодой, названия животных и многое другое. В этой подборке приведено около 40 общих слов на тему «Природа», отобранных по принципу «всего понемногу». К примеру, здесь нет перечня названий цветов и деревьев, а есть лишь общие названия flower (цветок) и tree (дерево). Для удобства слова разделены на две группы.

Более подробные подборки читайте в рубрике «Английские слова по темам»:

  • Деревья и цветы на английском языке.
  • Животные на английском.

Основные слова на тему «Природа» на английском, часть 1

nature [ˈneɪʧə] природа
north [nɔːθ] север
south [saʊθ] юг
west [wɛst] запад
east [iːst] восток
sun [sʌn] солнце
moon [muːn] луна
star [stɑː] звезда
sky [skaɪ] небо
earth [ɜːθ] Земля
ground [graʊnd] земля
space [speɪs] космос, пространство
air [eə] воздух
plant [plɑːnt] растение
tree [triː] дерево
flower [ˈflaʊə] цветок
domestic animal [dəʊˈmɛstɪk ˈænɪməl] домашнее животное
wild animal [waɪld ˈænɪməl] дикое животное
bird [bɜːd] птица
poultry [ˈpəʊltri] домашняя птица


В примерах приведены не все возможные значения слов, а только одно-два основных, относящихся к данной части речи и теме. Если вы хотите узнать больше значений и примеров, воспользуйтесь онлайн-словарями и переводчиками.

  • nature – природа

Nature always wins. – Природа всегда побеждает.

  • north – север

The ships came from the north. – Корабли прибыли с севера.

  • south – юг

We lived in the south of the country. – Мы живем на юге страны.

  • west – запад

Wild West. – Дикий Запад.

  • east – восток

Go to the east. – Идите на восток.

  • sun – солнце

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. – Солнце встает на востоке и заходит на западе.

  • moon – луна

The Moon goes around Earth. – Луна вращается вокруг Земли.

  • star – звезда

I’ve never seen a falling star. – Я никогда не видел падающую звезду.

  • sky – небо

Birds fly high up in the sky. – Птицы летают высоко в небе.

  • earth – земля

Примечание: слово «earth», как и «земля» в русском языке может обозначать поверхность земли, землю как почву, планету Земля.

The aliens came to Earth. – Инопланетяне прибыли на Землю.

The earth has shaken. – Земля (поверхность) содрогнулась.

The earth is fertile here. – Земля здесь плодородная.

  • ground – земля

Drop your shovel on the ground. – Брось лопату на землю.

  • space — космос, пространство

There is not enough space in the building. – В здании недостаточно места.

Gagarin was the first human in the space. – Гагарин был первым человеком в космосе.

  • air – воздух

Fresh air. – Свежий воздух.

  • plant – растение

The plants need watering. – Растения нужно полить.

  • tree – дерево

This is the oldest and tallest tree in the forest. – Это самое старое и высокое дерево в лесу.

  • flower – цветок

Don’t pick the flowers in the garden. – Не срывайте цветы в саду.

  • domestic animal — домашнее животное

Farmers have many domestic animals. – У фермеров много домашних животных.

  • wild animal — дикое животное

Tiger is a dangerous wild animal. – Тигр – это опасное дикое животное.

  • bird – птица

Can you see the bird is the sky? – Ты видишь птицу в небе?

  • poultry — домашняя птица

Some poultry farmers keep ducks. – Некоторые птицеводы разводят уток.


  1. Не путайте слова bird и poultry. Гуси, утки и прочая домашняя птица – это poultry. Синички, воробьи, вороны и др. – birds.
  2. Earth – это название планеты Земля. Ground –  это земля под ногами: Drop it on the ground. – Брось это на землю. Также есть похожее слово soil – почва.
  3. Слова North, South, East, West, Sun, Moon, Earth пишутся с определенным артиклем the, т. к. обозначают нечто уникальное, единичное.

Основные слова на тему «Природа» на английском, часть 2

pet [pɛt] домашнее животное (питомец)
cat [kæt] кошка
dog [dɒg] собака
horse [hɔːs] лошадь
chicken [ˈʧɪkɪn] цыпленок, курица
mouse [maʊs] мышь
sea [siː] море
seashore bank [ˈsiːʃɔː] [bæŋk] берег
river [ˈrɪvə] река
snow [snəʊ] снег
sand [sænd] песок
rain [reɪn] дождь
cold [kəʊld] холод
heat [hiːt] жара
fire [ˈfaɪə] огонь, пожар
water [ˈwɔːtə] вода
wind [wɪnd] ветер
storm [stɔːm] буря
weather [ˈwɛðə] погода
weather forecast [ˈwɛðə ˈfɔːkɑːst] прогноз погоды


  • pet — домашнее животное (питомец)

Cats and dogs are the most popular pets. – Кошки и собаки – это самые популярный домашние питомцы.

  • cat – кошка

Grumpy cat – Сердитый котик

  • dog – собака

Do you know how to train dogs? – Вы умеете дрессировать собак?

  • horse – лошадь

The poor knight could not afford a horse. – Бедный рыцарь не мог позволить себе лошадь.

  • chicken — цыпленок, курица

She is feeding the chicken. – Она кормит курицу.

  • mouse – мышь

My cat caught a mouse. – Моя кошка поймала мышку.

  • sea – море

My brother is a sailor, he is out in the sea now. – Мой брат – моряк, он сейчас в море (в рейсе).

  • seashore bank – берег

We were walking along the seashore. – Мы прогуливались вдоль берега моря.

  • river – река

What is the name of this river? – Как называется эта река?

  • snow – снег

The snow is falling. – Снег падает.

  • sand – песок

The children play in the sand. – Дети играют в песке.

  • rain – дождь

We had heavy rain all day. – У нас весь день шел проливной дождь.

  • cold – холод

Come in, don’t stand in the cold. – Заходи, не стой на холоде.

  • heat – жара

The heat is killing. – Жара (сейчас) убийственная.

  • fire – огонь, пожар

Cats are afraid of fire. – Кошки боятся огня.

The house was damaged in the fire. – Дом был поврежден пожаром.

  • water – вода

The water in the lake is polluted. – Вода в озере загрязнена.

  • wind – ветер

The wind is very strong. – Ветер очень сильный.

  • storm – буря

The storm is coming from the east. – Буря приближается с востока.

  • weather – погода

The weather in the mountains can change very quickly. – Погода в горах может меняться очень быстро.

  • weather forecast — прогноз погоды

What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? – Какой прогноз погоды на завтра?


  1. Pet – это не любое домашнее животное, а именно домашний любимец, питомец. К примеру, так называют кошек, собак, хомячков, но не коров, коз, свиней.
  2. Mouse – одно из редких английских существительных, образующих форму множественного числа особым образом: mousemice.
  3. Shore или seashore – это берег моря, bank– берег реки. Также есть похожее слово coast – побережье, береговая линия, береговая территория.


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Duncan Murdoch

New Orleans, Marti Gras

1.  Shinrin-Yoku

(n) Japanese word directly translated as “forest bathing”. A visit to the forest for relaxation.

2.  Friluftsliv

(n.) Translated as “open-air living”, this Swedish word describes the ancient Nordic philosophy of outdoor life.

3.  Waldeinsamkeit

(n.) German for a feeling of forest solitude, being alone in the woods and a connectedness to nature.

4.  Komorebi

(n.) Japanese for describing the phenomena when sunlight filters through the trees and the interplay between the light and the leaves.

5.  Mångata

(n.) This Swedish word is used to describe the light the moon casts on the water that looks like a road.

6.  Biophilia

(n.) A love of life and the living world; the affinity of human beings for other life forms.  This English word was made popular by American biologist, E. O. Wilson describing the connections that humans subconsciously seek with the rest of life.

7.  Dadirri

(n.) An Aboriginal Australian word describing contemplation, deep inner listening and quiet awareness of creation that allows you to be at peace with yourself and come to a deeper understanding of the beauty of nature.

8.  Meriggiare

(n.) A perfect word from the Italians.  Best translated as a means “to escape the heat of the midday sun by resting in the shade.”

9.  Madrugada

(n.) Spanish for the moment at dawn when night greets day.

10.  Aloha aina

(n.) A lovely Hawaiian word to express one’s love of the land.

New & Notable!

Duncan Murdoch

Duncan is a Certified Nature & Forest Therapy guide living and working in Vermont. He grew up on the shores of Lake Champlain where his deep connection to Nature was formed. Following his passion for art, he moved to NYC where he lived and worked as a professional actor for 14 years. Nature called him to become a horticulturist so he transitioned to become a NYC parks department gardener which lead him to a life of nature (re) connection. After receiving his Nature & Forest Therapy Guide Certification from the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT) in 2015, he began his practice in New York City guiding the first forest bathing groups in Central Park. He then moved back to his home state in Vermont in 2015 and began his work with the Intervale Center growing and planting native trees where he now serves as the Land Stewardship Coordinator. As a wellness practitioner, he is part of the UVM Integrative Health Practitioner Network and frequently conducts forest bathing experiences throughout Vermont and the world, in-person and online with his organization, Nature Connection Guide.

May 5, 2017/


Duncan Murdoch


Duncan Murdoch2017-05-05 02:31:362020-02-14 21:06:4110 Words From Different Languages that Perfectly Describe Nature

Below is a massive list of nature words — that is, words related to nature. The top 4 are: environment, life, universe and nurture. You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with nature, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. By default, the words are sorted by relevance/relatedness, but you can also get the most common nature terms by using the menu below, and there’s also the option to sort the words alphabetically so you can get nature words starting with a particular letter. You can also filter the word list so it only shows words that are also related to another word of your choosing. So for example, you could enter «environment» and click «filter», and it’d give you words that are related to nature and environment.

You can highlight the terms by the frequency with which they occur in the written English language using the menu below. The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. If you just care about the words’ direct semantic similarity to nature, then there’s probably no need for this.

There are already a bunch of websites on the net that help you find synonyms for various words, but only a handful that help you find related, or even loosely associated words. So although you might see some synonyms of nature in the list below, many of the words below will have other relationships with nature — you could see a word with the exact opposite meaning in the word list, for example. So it’s the sort of list that would be useful for helping you build a nature vocabulary list, or just a general nature word list for whatever purpose, but it’s not necessarily going to be useful if you’re looking for words that mean the same thing as nature (though it still might be handy for that).

If you’re looking for names related to nature (e.g. business names, or pet names), this page might help you come up with ideas. The results below obviously aren’t all going to be applicable for the actual name of your pet/blog/startup/etc., but hopefully they get your mind working and help you see the links between various concepts. If your pet/blog/etc. has something to do with nature, then it’s obviously a good idea to use concepts or words to do with nature.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for in the list below, or if there’s some sort of bug and it’s not displaying nature related words, please send me feedback using this page. Thanks for using the site — I hope it is useful to you! 🐬

That’s about all the nature related words we’ve got! I hope this list of nature terms was useful to you in some way or another. The words down here at the bottom of the list will be in some way associated with nature, but perhaps tenuously (if you’ve currenly got it sorted by relevance, that is). If you have any feedback for the site, please share it here, but please note this is only a hobby project, so I may not be able to make regular updates to the site. Have a nice day! 🐦

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Need a list of words to describe nature? Take a look at this selection of relevant terms.

abloom desert island snow
active desolate joyful soft
airy devoid lake sparkling
alive dotted land special
alluring dreary light spectacular
appealing dusky lively spring
arctic earth lovely sprouting
arresting earthy luscious stars
autumn elegant lush summer
awakening enchanting massive sun
awe-inspiring enjoyable meadow sun-drenched
barren enticing melting sun-filled
beach environment moon sun-kissed
beautiful ethereal mountain sunlit
beguiling ever-changing mountainous sunny
blazing expansive new sunshine
blissful exquisite newborn sweet
blooming fair ocean  sweet-smelling
blossoming far-flung outdoor swimming
blue fascinating paradisiac teeming
breathtaking fertile parched temperature
breezy field pastel tender
bright flawless peaceful thriving
budding flood picture-perfect towering
bustling floral picturesque undulating
buzzing flourishing planet unforgiving
cave forest pleasant unique
changing fragrant pretty unpredictable
charming fresh pure valley
cheerful gentle quaint verdant
chirping grassy rain vernal
clean green rainforest vibrant
cliff growing rainy vivid
cloudless happy refreshing volcano 
cloudy harsh rejuvenating warm
coast healthy relaxing wild
colorful heavenly renewing windswept
countryside hill river windy
crisp ice sea winter
crumbling ideal season wondrous
deciduous incredible seasonal wooded
delightful inspiring sky woodland
dense invigorating sleet young

We all human beings, feel better in the company of nature. Is not it? Whenever we sleep in the lap of nature, we become nearer to beauty. Everyone knows the earth is blessed with the beauty of nature. Nature comes in many true colors. One cannot describe nature in words.

We experience the best of nature in the silence of a deep forest, in the calmness of an attractive valley, in the hot sand of a cool beach, in the greenery of a big mountain, in the salty water of a sea, in the smoothness of a plateau, on the face of an innocent animal, in the reflection of a charming river and many other places.

Nature Vocabulary Words in English

Let’s explore list of words related to nature like season, rain, sunset, fresh, forest etc. and experience its beauty.

  1. Abloom: Used to describe flowers or groups of flowers that are blooming
  2. Arid: A dry landscape that receives very little rain
  3. Atmosphere: Layers of gases in the sky that encase the Earth
  4. Bamboo: A plant that looks like long stalks of wood and grows in tropical places
  5. Bare: Without plants
  6. Bark: The outer skin of a tree
  7. Bay: Where the sea curves inward to create a body of water with coast on three sides
  8. Beach: A sandy expanse of land near bodies of water
  9. Bedrock: Large expanses of flat rocks
  10. Branch: The part of the tree that grows out from the trunk
  11. Breezy: A similar meaning to windy, but a breeze is less strong than wind
  12. Budding: Used to describe the first stage of flowering
  13. Budding: The first stage of plant growth that’ll flower and bloom
  14. Bush: A plant that grows close to the ground; it expands widely and has leaves
  15. Cactus: Grows in the desert with thorns or thistles (pointy, sharp spines)
  16. Canyon: An arid and rocky valley surrounded by cliffs
  17. Carbon Dioxide: What we exhale when we breathe; we also create this by burning fossil fuels
  18. Cave: A tunnel or chamber underground
  19. Clear: No clouds or rain
  20. Cloudy: A sky mostly covered in clouds
  21. Coal: Ancient plant matter now in rock form that can be burned for fuel
  22. Cool: Slightly cold or chilly
  23. Crater: A large, circular hole or indentation in the Earth; usually formed by a volcano
  24. Creek: A thin river
  25. Crisp: Describing a cool temperature
  26. Daffodil: A flower with small yellow petals
  27. Daisy: A flower that has white petals around a yellow top
  28. Dandelion: A weed that has yellow flowers
  29. Dead: Used to describe plants that are no longer living
  30. Dense: Used to describe plants that are growing close together and are hard to see through because they’re so thick
  31. Desert: A dry landscape often covered in sand or rocks; not many plants grow here
  32. Desolate: A bare landscape where few plants are growing
  33. Diversified: Used to describe a garden or landscape that has a lot of different plants
  34. Drought: When a landscape is dry for an extended period of time
  35. Dry: Without water
  36. Dry: Little to no rain
  37. Earthquake: When seismic plates shift, causing the Earth to shake and split
  38. Earthy: Something that contains or looks like soil or dirt
  39. Ecosystem: A community of plants and animals that depend on each other for survival
  40. Emissions: Hese are produced when we burn fossil fuels; they commonly come out of cars, power plants and factories
  41. Erosion: When water or air breaks away at rock
  42. Eruption: When lava or magma spews from the Earth at the top of a volcano
  43. Extinction: When all members of an animal species die
  44. Fair: Weather that’s clear and warm
  45. Fern: An ancient (very old) plant whose leaves look like feathers
  46. Flooded: Used to describe landscapes that are covered in water due to overflowing rivers or lakes
  47. Floral: Used to describe gardens or landscapes that have a lot of flowers
  48. Flowering: Used to describe when flowers first start appearing on plants
  49. Foggy: Used to describe a landscape with a lot of fog (a light cloud at the ground level)
  50. Forest: A landscape with dense plants and trees
  51. Fossil: Old remains from a plant or animal that died a long time ago
  52. Fossil Fuel: A natural fuel burned by humans to run things like cars, airplanes and electricity
  53. Frigid: Extremely cold
  54. Gem: A precious stone often used for jewelry
  55. Geyser: When hot water sprays up from under the Earth
  56. Glacier: A large expanse of ice around the polar regions of the Earth
  57. Gloomy: Cloudy and gray weather
  58. Grass: A plant that grows widely in fields and meadows; it’s also common on household lawns
  59. Grassy: Used to describe meadows and fields that have a lot of grass or green plants
  60. Habitat: A place where an animal lives
  61. Hedge: Similar to bush but often trimmed to be rectangle-like; these often surround houses or are used to create a boundary or fence
  62. Herb: A variety of plant that’s used for flavoring food (basil, cilantro, mint, etc.) Or as medicine or tea
  63. Hill: A small elevation in the Earth
  64. Hilly: A landscape containing a lot of hills
  65. Hoe: A single-bladed tool used to dig out weeds
  66. Hot Spring: A pool where water is warmed by underground Earth processes
  67. Humid: A lot of moisture in the air
  68. Ice Caps: Another word for glaciers in the polar regions of the Earth
  69. Igneous Rock: Rock that’s made directly from lava or magma
  70. Island: An expanse of land surrounded by water on all sides
  71. Ivy: A plant with five-pointed leaves that grows close to the ground and climbs trees and buildings
  72. Lake: A small body of water inland; lakes are often fresh water
  73. Lava: When magma surfaces from underground
  74. Lawnmower: The machine used to mow the lawn; it can be gas-powered or hand-pushed
  75. Leaf: The green part of the plant that absorbs sunlight
  76. Lily: A medium-sized flower whose petals can be all different colors
  77. Lush: Plants and flowers that have grown well
  78. Magma: Hot fluid under the Earth
  79. Maple: A deciduous tree with three-pointed leaves
  80. Marsh: An expanse of land that regularly floods and remains saturated
  81. Meadow: A large field with grasses and flowers
  82. Metamorphic Rock: Sedimentary or igneous rocks changed by extreme heat
  83. Mild: Pleasant or not too warm
  84. Mineral: A solid material made by the Earth
  85. Misty: A landscape that has a light haze of rain in the air; oceans and waterfalls often produce mist
  86. Moss: A soft plant that grows on rocks and trees; it looks like a green carpet
  87. Mountain: A big elevation in the Earth; mountains are often rocky, snow-covered or volcanic
  88. Mountainous: A landscape containing lots of mountains
  89. Mow: To trim the grass, often with a lawnmower
  90. Mushroom: A fungus that grows in dark places; some can be eaten and others are poisonous
  91. Oak: A deciduous tree with acorns
  92. Ocean: A larger body of salt water; there are five oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Southern
  93. Oil: A liquid found in the Earth that can be burned for fuel
  94. Overcast: A lot of clouds in the sky, but little to no rain
  95. Oversaturated: Used to describe plants that have had too much water or rain
  96. Ozone: A layer of oxygen above the Earth that protects us from the sun
  97. Pail: A cylindrical (circular) container for carrying water
  98. Palm Tree: A tropical tree with palms and sometimes coconuts (large, featherlike leaves)
  99. Peninsula: An expanse of land surrounded by water on three sides
  100. Petal: The colorful parts of the flower
  101. Pine: An evergreen tree with needle-like leaves and pinecones
  102. Plain: A flat expanse of land; plains are often grassy
  103. Poison Ivy: A type of ivy that causes extreme itching and a rash, if touched
  104. Pollutant: Something that pollutes or damages the Earth
  105. Poplar: A medium-sized deciduous tree with teardrop-shaped leaves
  106. Pristine: A lush landscape that appears untouched or “picture-perfect”
  107. Rainy: A lot of continuous (ongoing) rain
  108. Reed: A plant that looks like tall grass and grows in wetlands and swamps
  109. Renewable Resource: A resource that can be used over and over again; an example would be wind
  110. River: A flowing stream of water
  111. Rolling: Used to describe a landscape with a lot of hills that resembles (looks like) ocean waves
  112. Root: The part of the plant that remains underground and absorbs water
  113. Rose: Flowers with thorns and bright red petals; it’s associated with romance and love
  114. Savanna: An arid field in a tropical region; there are a lot in Africa
  115. Scarce: Used to describe a landscape that has very few plants
  116. Sea: A large body of salt water; there are actually about 50 seas in the world
  117. Sedimentary Rock: Rock that’s moved by water or wind
  118. Seed: What plants grow out from
  119. Seismic Activity: Movement of the Earth’s plates created by natural processes
  120. Shed: A small shelter in a yard that stores gardening materials or other outdoor objects and tools
  121. Shrub: Another word for bush
  122. Solar Energy: A form of energy that uses the sun’s rays
  123. Sow: To plant seeds
  124. Stalk: Another word for a stem
  125. Stem: The part of the plant that grows upward and holds the flower up
  126. Stifling: So hot that one is uncomfortable
  127. Still: No wind
  128. Stormy: Descriptive of a lot of rain, lightning, thunder and wind
  129. Sunflower: A big flower with bright yellow petals and a brown top
  130. Sunny: A lot of sunshine
  131. The Greenhouse Effect: When emissions get stuck under the Earth’s atmosphere and warm the planet
  132. Thorn: A part on the stem of a flower or plant that’s prickly and sharp
  133. Tropical: A landscape that’s warm with jungle plants and palm trees; common on islands near the equator
  134. Tsunami: A giant wave often caused by an underwater earthquake
  135. Tulip: Common in many gardens, and famous in Holland; they can be multiple colors and are associated with Easter
  136. Tundra: A dry landscape in cold climates
  137. Twig: A small branch
  138. Untouched: A landscape that has not been changed by human beings
  139. Valley: An expanse of land between mountains or hills
  140. Vegetable Garden: A garden that specifically grows vegetables
  141. Vibrant: Something that’s bright and eye-catching
  142. Vivid: Something that’s bright or colorful
  143. Volcano: A mountain formed by eruptions and lava
  144. Waterfall: When water falls from a higher point (like a cliff) to a lower point
  145. Wavy: Used to describe water with rough waters
  146. Weed: A plant in a garden that’s not desired
  147. Wet: The landscape after a lot of rain
  148. Wheelbarrow: A single-wheeled cart for carrying gardening materials
  149. Wind Energy: A form of energy that uses wind
  150. Windy: A lot of wind
  151. Lush: The full grown plants with lush green leaves
  152. Grassy: Lot of grass or green plants in the field area
  153. Floral: Where lot of flowers are in garden area or build up landscape
  154. Vivid: Which is bright or colorful
  155. Abloom: Describing the flowers or which are blooming
  156. Vibrant: Which is bright and eye-catching
  157. Dense: describing plants which are growing close and are hard to see through because they’re so thick
  158. Earthy: Something that contains or looks like soil or dirt
  159. Diversified: describing a garden or landscape that has variety of different plants
  160. Scarce: describing a landscape having few plants
  161. Dry: With no water, plants get dried
  162. Bare: With no plants it is bare land
  163. Dead: The lifeless plants which are no longer living
  164. Oversaturated: describing plants which have had too much water or rain
  165. Flooded: Describing landscapes covered in water due to overflowing rivers or lakes
  166. Flowering: describing when flowers appears on plants
  167. Budding: describing the first stage of flowering
  168. Hilly: A landscape with lots of hills
  169. Mountainous: A landscape with lots of mountains
  170. Wavy: describing water with rough waters
  171. Rolling: describing a landscape with lot of hills that resembles ocean waves
  172. Stormy: lot of rain, lightning, thunder and wind
  173. Misty: landscape which has a light haze of rain in the air
  174. Frigid: Very and extreme cold
  175. Desolate: A bare land where few plants growing
  176. Untouched: A land which is not developed and cultivated by human beings
  177. Pristine: A lush land which is untouched
  178. Tropical: landscape which is warm with jungle plants and palm trees
  179. Arid: dry landscape receives no or very little rain
  180. Sunny: lot of sunshine
  181. Humid: lot of moisture in the air
  182. Stifling: Very hot making you feel uncomfortable
  183. Gloomy: Cloudy and rainy weather
  184. Rainy: Continuous rain
  185. Dry: Little or no rain
  186. Cloudy: Sky is mostly covered with thick clouds
  187. Foggy: Describing landscape with lots of fog light cloud at the ground level)
  188. Clear: No clouds or rain
  189. Crisp: Describing cool temperature
  190. Cool: Slightly cold or chilly
  191. Windy: lot of wind is blowing
  192. Breezy: A similar meaning to windy, but a breeze is less strong than wind
  193. Wet: landscape with lot of rain
  194. Fair: Weather that’s clear and warm
  195. Mild: Pleasant or not too warm
  196. Still: No wind
  197. Overcast: Clouds all over in the sky, with little or no rain
  198. Bush: A plant that grows quite close to the ground and expands widely and has leaves
  199. Shrub: Another meaning for bush
  200. Hedge: Similar to bush but often trimmed with designs. Often it is made the boundary wall of the house
  201. Grass: A plant that grows widely in fields and meadows and is also a common household lawns
  202. Moss: A soft plant that grows on rocks and trees
  203. Mushroom: A fungus that grows in dark places; some can be eaten and others are poisonous
  204. Herb: Plants that’s used for making the flavoring food or for the purpose of medicine or tea
  205. Fern: Ancient plant with leaves look like feathers
  206. Reed: A plant that looks like tall grass and grows in wetlands and swamps
  207. Bamboo: A plant that looks like long stalks of wood and grows in tropical places
  208. Ivy: A plant with five-pointed leaves that grows close to the ground and climbs trees and buildings
  209. Poison Ivy: A type of ivy that causes extreme itching and a rash, if touched
  210. Seed: It develops the plant
  211. Root: The part of the plant that remains underground for absorbing water and other minerals
  212. Stem: The part of the plant that grows upward and holds the flower up
  213. Stalk: Another word for a stem
  214. Leaf: The green part of the plant that absorbs sunlight
  215. Petal: The colorful parts of the flower of different types
  216. Bud: The first stage of the plant growth
  217. Thorn: Part on the stem of a flower or plant which is prickly and sharp
  218. Branch: The part of the tree that grows out from the trunk
  219. Twig: A small branch
  220. Bark: Outer skin of a tree
  221. Daffodil: Flower with small yellow petals in color
  222. Rose: Flower with thorns in the stem and with bright red petals
  223. Dandelion: Weed with yellow flowers
  224. Daisy: Flower having white petals around a yellow top
  225. Lily: Medium – Sized flower with different color petals
  226. Tulip: Very common flower found in any garden area, this can be with multiple colors and are associated with Easter
  227. Sunflower: Big flower with bright yellow petals and a brown top
  228. Palm Tree: Tropical tree normally with palms and sometimes coconuts large, featherlike leaves
  229. Cactus: Grows in desert with thorns or thistles
  230. Maple: Tree with three-pointed leaves
  231. Oak: Tree with acorns
  232. Birch: Deciduous tree with thin and white bark
  233. Willow: Large deciduous tree with thin leaves and branches look like curtains
  234. Poplar: Medium – Sized tree with teardrop-shaped leaves
  235. Pine: Evergreen tree with pointed and needle-like leaves
  236. Bay: Where the sea curves inward to create a body of water with coast on three sides
  237. Lake: Small body of water inland. It is manmade as well
  238. Sea: A large ocean where big boats, ships sails
  239. Ocean: A larger body of salt water; there are five oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Southern
  240. Creek: Thin river
  241. Waterfall: When water falls from a higher point to a lower point
  242. Canyon: A rocky valley surrounded by cliffs
  243. Glacier: A large expanse of ice around the polar regions of the Earth
  244. Mountain: A big elevation in the Earth. Mountains are often rocky, snow-covered or volcanic
  245. Hill: A small elevation in the Earth
  246. Plain: A flat expanse of land; plains are often grassy
  247. Marsh: Land that regularly floods and remains saturated
  248. Peninsula: Land surrounded by water on three sides
  249. Savanna: An arid field in a tropical region
  250. Valley: Land between mountains or hills

Following are some more words which can easily be understood:

Universe Biology Life Kind Ecology
Atmosphere Flora Earth Oxygen Sun
Sea Ice River Pond Animal
Type Cause Lava Habitat Wild
Rain Breeze Plateaus Season Sunset
Visit Time Wings Universe Plan
Decorate Canal Fish Fresh Eco
Steam Vapor Specie Abiotic Sand
Seashells Bush Pant Grass Wave
Soil sly Beach Forest Meadow Island
Lake Garden Mountain Fog Rainbow

We come across many things each day that remind us nature is watching us. Like, you feel the cool breeze that makes you realize that you are alive, you feel the colorful flowers that attract you with their odor, you feel the rays of shining sun in winter penetrating your body, you feel the delicate wings of a butterfly that touch you, you feel the cool darkness during the sunset,  you see the twinkling of the stars on the black sheet in the night, you feel the cool drops of rain, you feel the variation in the season, you enjoy the taste of fresh fruits These are all-natural events. So, in simple, we have a deep connection with nature. So, it is our need to be in the company of nature.

Nature adorned our earth with its remarkable resources and planned a good decoration with full zest, now it is our duty to maintain them all. That was all from my side for the mother nature that a little bird told me. I have made a table containing meaningful words related to nature and its process. It is your turn to use those words and explain the beauty of nature or your exposure to its events. You may use these and come up with a new idea of sketching nature’s beauty.

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Nature слова intermediate

Проверьте себя, знаете ли вы английские слова по теме «Nature» из списка №1 (для начинающих):

Существительные (nouns): the sun , sunset , sunrise, the stars, the moon, the sky, cloud, the ground, road, river, bank, lake, sea, seaside, beach, ocean, water, air, wind, hill, mountain, stone, field, grass, flower, garden, tree, forest, plant, leaves

Прилагательные (adjectives) в словосочетаниях: bright sun, cloudy sky, cloudless sky, strong wind, deep lake, high hill, thick forest, big stone, small flower, quiet evening, different trees, fresh air, beautiful plant, wonderful nature

Глаголы (verbs) в словосочетаниях: shine brightly, rise in the east, set in the west, be covered with snow, be full of water, grow high, blow strongly, smell fresh, fall down quietly

Устойчивые выражения (set- expressions): shine by day, see at night, high in the sky, sleep at sunset, wake up at sunrise, fall down on the ground, grow in the field, hide in the tree, walk at the seaside, in the forest, in the sea, in the field, up/ down the hill, in the mountain, leaves on the tree.

ПОВТОРИТЬ Nature. Английские слова по теме «Природа». Список №1 (для начинающих) 

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Английский язык. Подготовка к ЕГЭ. Устная частьПесня «What a Wonderful World!»

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Nature. Список английских слов №2 (intermediate)

  1. space (in space) – космос (в космосе)
  2. earth (on the planet Earth) – земля (на планете Земля)

  1. dawn — рассвет, утренняя заря
  2. twilight — сумерки
  3. at sunset, at sunrise (dawn), at twilight – на закате, на рассвете, в сумерках
  4. rainbow — радуга
  5. landscape — ландшафт
  6. countryside — сельская местность
  7. scenery — пейзаж
  8. view — вид
  9. path — тропинка
  10. medow — луг
  11. clearing — поляна
  12. bush — куст

  1. to twinkle – мерцать (о звездах)
  2. to fall down – падать (о звездах, о листьях)
  3. to float – плыть (по небу)
  4. to wash — омывать
  5. to flow into – втекать (о реке)
  6. to separate — отделять
  7. to lead to – вести к
  8. to appear — появляться
  9. to rustle — шуршать
  10. to turn green — зеленеть
  11. to turn yellow — желтеть
  12. to bloom – цвести
  13. to be in blossom – быть в цвету
  14. to ripen — созревать
  15. to melt — таять

  1. swift, wide, narrow – быстрый, широкий, узкий (о реке)
  2. foamy, stormy – пенный, бурный (о море)
  3. rocky –скалистый (о горах)
  4. bare — голый (о деревьях)
  5. thorny — колючий (о шипах)
  6. straight, winding – прямой, извилистый (о дороге, тропинке)

  1. magnificent — великолепный
  2. picturesque — живописный
  3. spectacular — зрелищный
  4. impressive — впечатляющий

Распространенные деревья на английском языке. Список №2 (дополнительный)

1. береза — birch
2. акация – acacia
3. бук – beech
4. бузина – elder
5. вяз – elm
6. грецкий орех – walnut
7. дуб – oak
8. ива – willow
9. кедр – cedar
10. кипарис – cypress
11. клён – maple
12. лиственница – larch
13. можжевельник – juniper
14. ольха – alder
15. орешник – hazel
16. осина – aspen
17. рябина – mountain ash
18. тис – yew
19. тополь – poplar
20. эвкалипт – eucalyptus
21. ясень – ash
22. сосна — pine-tree
23. ель — fir-tree

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