‘beoriq] — подшипник
support [sa’
po: t] — поддерживать
confine [кэп’
fain] — ограничивать
f t] — вал,
rotate [rou’
teit] — вращать
d33: пэ1]
— шейка
slide [‘slaid]
— скользить
f ijnt] — достаточный
streq 0] — сила
dAkta] — проводник
: t] — тепло
— единый, однородный
— сопротивляться
Abrasion |’ эЬге!зп| — шлифовка, снашивание
— коэффициент
— трение
— сепаратор подшипника
— смазка
reduce [ri
‘dju: s] — уменьшить
— клеть
dissipate [‘disipeit] — рассеивать
— иначе, в противном случае
: z] — застревать,
combinations for connected reading:
bearing —
bearing —
bearing —
bearing —
bearing —
bearing —
— шариковый подшипник
Inner race — внутренний бегунок (канал)
— внешний бегунок (канал)
— однорядный подшипник
— подшипник с наклонным корпусом
— двухрядный шарико-подшипник
— самоустанавливающийся подшипник
-антифрикционный подшипник
is a
machine part whichsupports
a moving
part andconfines
motion. That part of ashaft
in a
bearing is called ajournal.
fall into three general classes:radial
Bearings may also be classed asplain
A bearing in which the journal is supported by rolling contact, i.
e. by rollers of balls, is commonly referred to asantifrictional
materials must have sufficient
strength. They
must be goodconductors
of heat,
uniform in structure,resistant
and have
a lowcoefficient
when dry
or slightly greasy. Steel, cast iron and various alloys are commonly
used as bearing materials.
simplest roller bearing consists of an inner
race, an
race, and
a set of rollers without any retainer.
are many types of ball bearings. These are single-row
bearings, radial bearings, angular contact bearings, double-row
bearings and self-aligning bearings.
reduce the
frictional contact between the rolling members and the rotatingcages,
to helpto
dissipate the
bearing mayseize.
1.1. Find
the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:
a moving part; confines its motion; rotates in a bearing; conductors
of heat; sufficient strength; resistant to abrasion; various alloys;
uniform in structure; a low coefficient of friction; a set of
rollers without any retainer; to dissipate the heat; bearing may
seize; to reduce friction.
снашиванию; комплект роликов без
сепаратора; рассеивать тепло;
подшипник может заедать; различные
сплавы; проводники тепла; поддерживает
движущуюся деталь; низкий коэффициент
трения; ограничивает его движение;
достаточной длины; вращается в
подшипнике; едины по структуре (строению);
уменьшать трение.
the questions:
is a bearing? -
is a journal? -
classes do bearings fall into? -
is an antifrictional bearing? -
bearings similar in structure? -
are properties of a bearing? -
does a roller bearing consist of? -
types of ball bearings do you know? -
reduces the frictional contact between the rolling members and the
rotating cages? -
is lubrication used for?
4, V
1.3. Compose
the statements using the following variants:
bearing supports a moving part and confines:
coefficient of friction; -
motion; -
structure of bearings is:
frictional contact between the rolling members and the rotating
cages; -
frictional between two balls.
journal is a part of shaft which:
stationary; -
antifrictional bearing the journal is supported:
rollers of ball; -
balls; -
rolling contact.
1.4. Translate
into English:
поддерживает движущуюся детапь и
ограничивает ее движение. -
могут делиться на шариковые и роликовые;
подшипники скольжения и скользящие
опоры. -
подшипник состоит из внутреннего и
внешнего бегунков и роликов без
сепаратора. -
сопротивляются снашиванию и имеют
низкий коэффициент трения. -
уменьшает трение и помогает рассеивать
тепло. -
являются хорошими проводниками тепла
и едины в своем строении.
Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]
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Simple rules for reading in English
Reading in English has many features. They are quickly mastered in practice, but first you have to learn the basic rules of pronunciation of sounds. In this article, we have tried to present them clearly and simply.
The reading rules in English are not simple. But you have to understand them at the very beginning of the training — otherwise you will not be able to advance further. Therefore, the rules for reading English for beginners (and for children) are usually laid out succinctly and clearly — and thanks for that. Transcriptions with examples and other supporting materials (tables, exercises) and, of course, constant practice (reading aloud and listening to audiobooks) help a lot.
Transcription — this is the transfer of sound in writing using special conventional signs. In transcription, each sound has its own special sign.
True, there are features of the transcription of reading in English, which are difficult for Russian-speaking students. These difficulties are due to objective differences in pronunciation in English and Russian.
We just have “the language is different” from childhood, and retraining is always not easy. Especially when you consider that often sounds in English are pronounced differently than they are written.
Historically, this happened due to the large number of dialects in which the same letters and letter combinations were read in different ways. But it doesn’t make it any easier for us.
Rules for reading transcription in English
Different English teachers solve this difficult task in different ways. For example, they use the so-called «English transcription in Russian», that is, the recording of English words in Russian letters. To be honest, we do not support this technique.
Because it doesn’t allow you to truly learn English pronunciation correctly. You can only very approximately convey the pronunciation of English words in Russian letters.
Well, there are no some English sounds in Russian, but the pronunciation of English and Russian sounds that is similar at first glance is still different.
Therefore, we are in favor of trying and still from the very beginning to learn the phonetic symbols with which transcriptions are recorded. This will help you understand and remember the rules for reading English for beginners. And then English lessons will be much easier. As for the transmission of English sounds in Russian letters, this technique is needed for transliteration (like the transliteration of Russian names and surnames into English), but not for practicing pronunciation.
Vowel reading rules in English
As we have already noted, letters and sounds in English often do not match. And there are much more sounds: 44 sounds for only 26 letters. Linguists even joke about this:
«We write Liverpool and we read Manchester»
So there is a great difference between the written word and its pronunciation in English. Well, let’s start in order. With syllables that affect the reading of vowels. Syllables in English (as in any other) are open and closed:
- Open the syllable ends in vowel… It can be in the middle of a word or it can be the last one in a word. For example: age, blue, bye, fly, go, etc.
- Closed the syllable ends in consonant… He, too, can stand in the middle of a word or be the last in a word. For example: bed, big, box, hungry, stand, etc.
Here is a table that explains how the same letter is read differently in closed and open syllables and in different positions in a word:
A [ei] — in an open syllable | lake, make |
A [æ] — in a closed syllable | rat, map |
A [a:] — in a closed syllable on r | car, bar |
A [εə] — at the end of a word vowel + re | care, fare |
A [ɔ:] — combinations all, au | all, tall |
O [əu] — in an open syllable | no, home |
O [ɒ] — in a closed stressed syllable | lot, boss |
O [ɜ:] — in some words with «wor» | word, work |
O [ɔ:] — in a closed syllable with r | horse, door |
O [u:] — in combination «oo» | too, food |
O [u] — in combination «oo» | good look |
O [aʊ] — in combination «ow» in the stressed syllable | Now, CLOWN |
O [ɔɪ] — in combination «oy» | boy, joy |
U [yu:], [yu] — in an open syllable | blue, duty |
U [ʌ] — in a closed syllable | butter, cup |
U [u] — in a closed syllable | put, bull |
U [ɜ:] — in combination «ur» | Purse, hurt |
E [i:] — in an open syllable, a combination of «ee», «ea» | he, meet, leaf |
E [e] — in a closed syllable, combination «ead» | head, bread |
E [ɜ:] — in combinations «er», «ear» | her, pearl |
E [ɪə] — in ear combinations | near, dear |
i [aɪ] — in an open syllable | nice, fine |
i [aɪ] — in combination «igh» | high, night |
i [ɪ] — in a closed syllable | big, in |
i [ɜ:] — in combination «ir» | bird girl |
i [aɪə] — in combination «ire» | hire, tired |
Y [aɪ] — at the end of a word under stress | my cry |
Y [ɪ] — at the end of a word without stress | happy family |
Y [j] — at the beginning of a word | yes, yellow |
Rules for reading consonants in English
Consonants in English are less complex than vowels. Only some of them (C, S, T, X and G) are read differently depending on the position in the word and adjacent sounds. And for clarity — again a table:
C [s] — before i, e, y | Place, Cinema |
C [tʃ] — in combinations ch, tch | children, catch |
C [k] — in other cases | cat, picnic |
Rules for reading vowels. Live and different reading rules in English. Consonant sounds with two readings
«Plumbing installation» Rules for reading vowels. Live and different reading rules in English. Consonant sounds with two readings
Knowledge of the English language has already become the norm and commonplace in society, however, for those who are just starting to learn it, many questions arise, including about the correct pronunciation of not only words, but even letters. By the way, there are 26 of them in English.
There are much more sounds — sometimes even native speakers cannot understand how each letter is read. It is the peculiarities of the pronunciation of letters that make English difficult to learn and understand. But with an effort, you can always achieve good results.
Self-study of the English language and the rules of reading in it requires a lot of self-discipline. Only by making every effort, you can achieve results — you need to train in reading every day, devoting at least half an hour of your time to this. It’s better than going back to school once or twice a week.
Rules for reading letters in English
In the English language there are a number of rules, without the knowledge of which the mastering of competent reading is impossible. Recall that there are 44 sounds in English — this means that one letter can be read in different ways, depending on where it stands and what it is surrounded by.
Reading consonants
Pronunciation of a large number of English consonants is not difficult, therefore they are read in the same way as Russian. These letters includem ,n ,l ,b ,f иz other. Consonantst иd can also be attributed to this group, but with a slight clarification — they should be pronounced with some aspiration:dentist, door ,tape ,talk .
With the rest of the letters, you need to master simple rules, without which it will be difficult to navigate in the correct pronunciation:
Letterc has two types of pronunciation. If she stands in front of vowels such asi ,e иy , then it reads like a letter [s ]:City ,cite ,spice, ice.
Otherwise, before the vowelsа ,о ,u and other consonants, it will read as [k ]:comfort ,confused ,dictionary, clean .
With the letterg the situation is the same — in combination with lettersi ,e иy it reads like [dʒ ]:gymnastics ,Georgia ,general, age … But there are exception words, the pronunciation of which must be remembered: inget ,give ,forget ,begin ,girl consonant reads as [g ]. Before vowelsа , o, u and other consonants, the letter is pronounced as [g ]:good, gold, galaxy, glad
Letterq in combinations with vowels occurs only in the formqu and reads like [kw ]:quality ,queen ,quake equipment .
Pronunciation of a letterj easy to remember: in all cases it reads as [dʒ ]:June ,jacket ,jungle, jet .
Letters reads as [s ] in cases where it is at the beginning of a word, in the middle before voiceless consonants, and at the end after voiceless consonants:song
Unpronounceable sounds in English (knowledge, father, listen, etc.)
In this article, we will look at cases where letters in English words are written but not pronounced. In English, as in any other language, there are rules for reading words.
According to them, some letters are not read at all the way they sound in the alphabet, and some letters in words are not read at all. In the Russian language, this phenomenon also occurs.
For example, in the word «sun» we do not pronounce the consonant «l» and read the word as «sun», in the word «feel» we do not pronounce «v» after «y».
There are also many words in the English language with unpronounceable letters.
For example, the
Knowledge — knowledge. The first k is not pronounced.
The difficulty arises when we start looking for this word in the dictionary. After all, by ear it sounds like «nowledge». Naturally, we will not find such a word in the dictionary.
There are rules that allow you to determine in what situation certain letters from the word «fall out» and do not give any sounds, that is, they are not pronounced.
In this article, we have collected such rules and organized them for easy use and study. So, these are the rules.
Unpronounceable consonant «b «.
In a combination of letters «mb», the letter «b» is not pronounced if the word ends in these two letters, that is, in «mb».
Example: climb [klaim] climb, lamb [lam] lamb
In a combination of letters «bt», the letter «b» is not pronounced if the word ends in these two letters, that is, in «bt».
Example: debt [det] debt
Unpronounceable vowel «c «.
In the combination of letters «scl», the consonant «c» is not pronounced.
Example: muscle [m sl] muscle.
Unpronounceable vowel «and».
The vowel «e» at the end of a word is not readable.
Example: to breakdance move [mu: v] move, a name [neim] name, a Pink [rouz] rose
Unpronounceable consonant «g «.
In the combination of letters «gn» at the beginning and at the end of a word, the consonant «g» is not pronounced.
Example: campaign [kampein] campaign (meaning “action”, eg anti-smoking campaign),
design [dizain] design.
Consonants g, h.
In the combination of letters «igh», the consonants «gh» are not pronounced.
Example: eight [eit] eight, night [nait] night.
In the combination of letters «ough» and «augh», the consonants «gh» are not pronounced.
Example: thought [] thought, thought, thought.
There are also exclusion words in which «gh» is read as [g] or [f].
Example: cough [kof] cough, ghost [goust] ghost
Unpronounceable consonant «h «.
In the combination of letters «wh», the consonant «h» is not pronounced if after the combination of letters there is any vowel other than «o».
Example: Where [wee] where, white [wait] white.
The letter «h» is often not pronounced at the beginning of a word.
Example: hour [oue] hour, honor [uh: ne] honor.
Unpronounceable consonant «k ».
In the combination of letters «kn», the consonant «k» is not pronounced if the word begins with this combination of letters.
Example: knee [ni:] knee.
Unpronounceable consonant «l ».
The consonant letter «l» is not pronounced after the vowels «a», «o», «u».
Example: Could [ku: d] could (could, could).
In letter combinations «lm», «lk», «ln», the consonant «l» is not readable.
Example: calm [kam] calm, walk [wk] walk, walk, half [haf] half.
Unpronounceable consonant «not».
In the combination of letters «mn», the consonant «n» is not readable.
Example: column [color] column.
Unpronounceable consonant «p «.
Letter combinations in English — reading rules, pivot tables
Consider letter combinations in English in the key of the rules of reading and pronunciation with the ability to listen to each letter combination in the examples. For brevity, the basic rules for reading letter combinations are given in the tables.
Reading vowel combinations
The table below shows the basic (common) set of vowel combinations (see table 1), Russian and English transcriptions with examples of words and notes.
Table # 1. Reading vowel combinations Letter combination Transcription Examples (listen) Notes
ee, ea | [i:] (AND |
see [si:], sea [si:] | |
ai, ai | [ei] (HEY) | straight [streit], May [mei] | |
oo | [u:] (U |
too [tu:] | before a consonant letter, except for k, r; also at the end of a word |
oo | [u] (Ooh) | book [buk] | before the letter k; exception: good [gud] |
ear | [ɔ:] (Ouch |
door [dɔ:] | |
ow | [au] (au), [u] (eu) | now [nau], window [‘windəu] |
oi, oi | [ɔi] (OH) | coin [kɔin], employ [im’plɔi] | |
ou | [au] | out [aut] | |
oa | [əu] (EU) | coat [kəut] |
Reading letter combinations with consonants
Below (in table 2) are the main consonant combinations.
Table 2. Letter combinations in English. Reading consonant combinations Letter (combination of letters) Transcription When used Examples (listen)
b | [B] | in all cases | begin [bi’gin] |
mb | [m] | b is not read at the end of a word after the letter m | climb [climb] |
c | [s] | before vowels e, i, y | city [‘siti], nice [nais], cycle [saikl] |
[k] | in all other cases | cap [kaep] | |
k | [k] | in all cases | kite |
ck | [k] | in all cases | black [blaek] |
kn | [n] | at the beginning of a word | know [nəʊ] |
g | [ʤ] | before vowels e, i, y | gentleman |
[g] | in all other cases | gate [geit] Exceptions: give [giv], get [get] | |
j | [ʤ] | in all cases | jacket [ˈʤækɪt] |
z | [z] | in all cases | zoo [zuː] |
h | [H] | in all cases | happy [ˈhæpɪ] |
sh | [ʃ] | in all cases | she [ʃiː] |
tch | [ʧ] | in all cases | catch [[kæʧ] |
ch | [ʃ] | in words of French origin | champagne [ʃæmˈpeɪn] |
[k] | in words of Greek origin | school [skuːl], chemistry [ˈkemɪstrɪ] | |
[ʧ] | in all other cases | chalk [ʧɔːk] | |
th | [θ] | at the beginning and end of significant words | think [θɪŋk] |
[ð] | at the beginning of service words (pronouns, articles) | the [ðiː] | |
in significant words between vowels | clothes [kləʊz] | ||
x | [ks] | before a consonant and at the end of words | text [text] |
[gz] | before the stressed vowel | exam [ɪgˈzaæm] | |
ph | [f] | photo [ˈfəʊtəʊ] |
English reading rules for beginners
» English » Reading rules in English
If you set yourself the ambitious goal of mastering a foreign language, be prepared to face many challenges. One of them is correct pronunciation in general and learning the rules of reading in particular.
Some European languages do not have this problem. For example, in German and Spanish, words are pronounced in much the same way as they are spelled.
But if you are studying English, then you will have to sweat a lot, mastering the rules of reading in English. However, do not despair: if you remember a number of rules, there will be no more problems.
At the same time, the English language has a certain layer of vocabulary that you just have to learn, since the pronunciation of these words does not fall under any of the rules.
A whole section of the science of languages is devoted to the study of sounds — phonetics. She is seriously studied in specialized linguistic universities.
However, as practice shows, it is possible to master the rules of reading and use them correctly in practice without delving into such a jungle.
At the beginning of your English lessons, you will immediately understand that the differences between him and your native language are very large, including in terms of pronunciation.
Therefore, no matter how you would like to pronounce similar letters in the same way as in Russian, you need to remember that the laws are different here.
Linguists like to joke: «It is written Manchester — pronounced Liverpool.» In fact, everything is not so complicated and incomprehensible.
However, the complexity of reading rules has its roots in history. English developed in parallel with the country itself. In ancient times, Britain was repeatedly invaded by tribes — German and French speaking. In addition, while studying English, you will come across a lot of lexical borrowings that have affected the rules for reading words in English.
The situation is aggravated by the existence of many English dialects, in which their own reading rules are sufficient.
Over the years, these dialectal laws have had a tremendous impact on the official pronunciation of the capital.
In them, the same letters can be pronounced in different ways, and these differences persist in modern pronunciation.
For example, ough can be read differently in words that differ from each other by only one or two letters.
But enough of the «lyrics» — let’s get down to specifics, namely, the study of the rules for reading letters in English.
Vowel reading rules
The English alphabet has the following vowels — A, E, I, O, U, Y. In practice, their sounds are much larger, taking into account diphthongs and dialects.
Moreover, all these letters are not always pronounced as they are called in accordance with the alphabet. It is important to remember that no English word ends in I or U.
Before turning directly to reading vowels, let’s dwell on the consideration of English syllables.
This is important because the vowel can be read differently depending on the type of syllable.
A syllable (or syllable) is one or more sounds pronounced together with one push of air. A syllable is a constituent part of a word that has a direct impact on pronunciation.
There are open and closed syllables. Closed is called such because it ends in a consonant. Open: eye, see
Closed: bad, plan
In an open syllable, there are no problems with vowels: they sound the same as in the alphabet, with the exception of Y, which reads «ah».
You can visually familiarize yourself with the rules using the table below. When this table becomes clear to you, we will give and analyze in more detail examples of all cases.
So, the first letter of the alphabet is A. In a closed syllable, it reads like «e»: fat (thick), cap (cap). In a closed syllable that ends in the letter R, it reads like a long sound «a»: car (car). If the word ends with a combination of letters -re, then A will be read as «ea»: care (care), fare (fare).
The English letter E can be read as «e» (in a closed syllable and when combined -ead: bread (bread)), «e» (when combining the letters -er or -ear: pearl (pearl)) or «ua» (while the same combination –ear: hear).
We will read the letter I in a closed syllable as «and»: big (big). In other cases, it all depends on the combination of letters: igh (ah: night (night)), ir (e: bird (bird)) or ire (aye: tired (tired)).
The rules for reading Y depend on where this letter appears. If it is at the end of a word, and the stress falls on it, then we read it as «ay» (cry — to cry). If it is in the same place, but there is no stress, then «and» (happy — happy). At the beginning of the word Y sounds almost like «y» in Russian (yellow — yellow).
Rules for reading consonants
The English alphabet has 20 consonant letters. Some of them are deaf and voiced pairs. At the same time, unlike Russian, they do not soften here and always sound solid.
The consonants c, g, s, and x have two different readings depending on which letter they are next to. For clarity, we present a table.
As we can see, the reading of consonants is influenced by the letters a, i, o, y, e, as well as consonants and stressed sounds.
There are also a number of rules that indicate how certain consonants are read correctly in different combinations. Let’s turn to another table, and then we will analyze it in more detail using examples.
If there are consonants sh next to them, then we read them as «sh»: sheep (sheep), bookshelf (bookshelf). At the same time, it is important that this combination is pronounced exactly like that, regardless of the place occupied in the word.
The combination ch gives us the sound «h», which is also always preserved, and the position in the word is not important: chain (chain) or March (March).
When reading the combination of consonants ck, correctly pronounce it as «k». However, this rule is true only in those cases when these consonants follow the short A and other sounds: back (back).
Th can be read differently depending on which word this combination is in.
If we see it at the beginning of a significant word or at the end of a word, then it is pronounced like «s», pronounced through clenched teeth: birth (birth) or thin (thin).
At the beginning of a pronoun or service word, this combination sounds more solid: this (this), they (they).
The consonant wh also has two pronunciations. If it is followed by the letter O, then it is correct to read it as «x»: who (who), whole (all).
Before the rest of the letters, it is pronounced as «in»: where (where), what (what).
Qu at the beginning of a word reads «q»: queue.
Compare the pronunciation of the combination of kn and ng: in the first case, we read it as «n» (knight — knight), in the second this sound is nasal (thing — thing). This rule is true for finding kn at the beginning of a word and ng at the end.
The same nasal «n» sounds in the combination nk regardless of the place in the word: bank — bank.
There are also two combinations that, although they consist of two letters, are read as one: ph (read as «f» — phone (phone)) and wr (p — wrong). Note that wr is only pronounced like this at the beginning of a word.
Separately, it should be said about the combination with the English letters a, u, o and i. These rules for reading English are clearly demonstrated in the following table.
As you can see from it, the combination with the vowel al before the letter k is read as a long «o»: walk (to walk). In other cases — «ol», where «o» is also long (small — small).
Regardless of the place in the word, gu turns into «g» (guard — guard). Finally, for the combination with the vowel wa, the pronunciation of «wa» (wonderful — wonderful) or «vo» (before r — work) is characteristic.
Now that we know about all the complexities of consonants in English, it remains for us to consider the staging of stress in English words. After that, you can safely say that you have mastered the rules of reading the English language, and all that remains is to tirelessly practice and hone the knowledge gained.
How to put stress correctly?
Stress plays a huge role in the rules for reading English words. It should be given special attention. If there are fewer problems with the French language in this sense (the emphasis is always on the last syllable), and in Russian you will have to memorize almost every word separately, then with English everything is different. There are a number of laws you need to memorize to help you stress correctly and make your reading of English words correct.
We put stress on the first syllable in most cases when it comes to two-syllable nouns and adjectives: table (table), clever (smart).
The last syllable becomes stressed in the bulk of trisyllabic verbs: to decide (decide). The penultimate is stressed for words that end in –ic, –sion, and –tion: solution, biologic.
The third syllable from the end will be stressed for words that end in combinations with the vowel Y: –cy, -ty, -phy, -gy, as well as –al: biblical (biblical), democracy (democracy), biology (biology).
While all of these reading rules are important and require memorization, keep in mind that English has many exceptions. You will also have to memorize them, or always have special dictionaries at hand.
Learning to read with Capital School Center
Classes at the Capital School Center are characterized by the fact that teachers try to equally combine the study of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. At the exit, all our students have already mastered all the rules of reading in English, and can also speak and write fluently.
A separate difficulty for beginners is the transcription, which is taught to compose in order to just read English words correctly.
It is an excellent tool for memorizing the pronunciation, but very few people will be able to learn how to compose it on their own.
We will help you to master it without any particular difficulties and not delve into the linguistic jungle.
To remember how certain words sound, you need to listen to English speech as much as possible. The auditory element is one of four that we use in our classes in accordance with the 4D methodology. Another element useful for practicing is visual. With regard to our theme, it is important that you have all the visual materials at your disposal — both the drawing and the table.
Of course, in the classroom, we are also directly engaged in reading in English.
At your disposal are excellent adapted English texts on different topics and with different levels of difficulty, suitable for both beginners and those who have been studying the language for a long time.
It is believed that in order to formulate the pronunciation of words and texts, it is best to study with a native speaker. This opinion is fair, because who knows better than a person who speaks English since childhood about all its intricacies and laws in general and the rules of reading in particular? However, it should be borne in mind that such classes are not always suitable for those who are just starting to learn English.
Those who plan to take the IELTS or TOEFL exam are also required to familiarize themselves with the reading rules.
Another way to practice English is to travel to his country. Our school offers study trips to the UK and the USA, during which you will listen to English language and speak independently with the locals all the time.
Our school offers its clients a wide range of services. Depending on your needs, we will select the format of teaching English that is convenient for you. We have courses for those who are just starting their studies or want to continue their studies.
Upon completion of the courses, all of our students are tested and receive a certificate proving their level of English proficiency.
Sign up for a free trial lesson online or by phone. We will be glad to see you and are ready to answer any of your questions!
English letter combinations: rules for reading vowels and consonants, sound length, a list of the first words to study and summary tables
From the previous lessons, we learned how to correctly read the letter combinations AI, as in the word train, and AY, as in the word play. We already know how to pronounce the combination of letters OO in the words book (short sound [u]) and moon (long sound [u:]).
In addition, we already know how the letter O is read in combination with W — cow [kau]. Now let’s talk about how vowels are read in combination with the letter R. If the letter R comes before a vowel, then it usually reads like [r].
Pay attention to the peculiarities of pronunciation of the sound [r]: it does not look like the Russian sound [p] and in order to pronounce it correctly, you need to touch the palate with the tip of your tongue. Practice pronouncing this sound using the words rose [rəuz] and rabbit [‘ræbɪt].
Here are some more examples to illustrate the reading of the letter R in front of vowels:
My rose is red. — My rose is red (fig. 1).
His robot is green. — His robot is green.
Reading vowels before the letter R
If the letter R is after the vowels, then they will be read differently than in an open or closed syllable. For example, the letter combination AR will be read as a long sound [ɑː]: park [pɑːk] — park, car [kɑː] — car, star [stɑː] — star (Fig. 2), party [pɑːtɪ] — party, farm [fɑːm] — farm, arm [ɑːm] — hand.
Pay attention to the reading of the AR combination in these sentences:
We are at a party. — We’re at a party.
His garden is dark. — His garden is dark.
The letter combination OR will be read as a long sound [ɔː]: horse [hɔːs] — horse, fork [fɔːk] — fork, morning [‘mɔːnɪŋ] — morning, popcorn [‘ pɔpkɔːn] — popcorn (Fig. 3).
The longitude of a sound is very important in the English language. If we pull and pronounce Russian words briefly, then only the intonation will change. And in English words, their meaning depends on the brevity and longitude of the sound.
In the third type of reading, after the vowels, there is the letter R, which affects the longitude of the sound, that is, all these sounds are read as long.
Compare, paying attention to the short sounds in the left column and the long sounds in the right column:
cut [kʌt] — cut | cart [kɑːt] — cart |
duck [dʌk] — duck | dark [dɑːk] — dark |
spot [spɔt] — spot | sport [spɔːt] — sport |
pot [pɔt] — pot | port [pɔːt] — port |
Reinforce the difference in pronunciation by practicing reading these pairs of words.
All other English vowels in combination with R are read the same way: they make a long sound [əː] (Fig. 4). Rice. 4. Combination of vowels and R
Please note that there is no such sound in Russian. It is a bit like the sound in the word «honey». Practice reading words with this sound:
purple [‘pɜːpl] — purple, nurse [nɜːs] — nurse, fur [fɜː] — fur, her [hɜː] — her, bird [bɜːd] — bird, girl [gɜːl] — girl, first [fɜːst] — first.
Now pay attention to the reading of these words in sentences:
The fur is purple. — Fur — purple (fig. 5).
The girl has got a bird. — The girl has a bird.
Reading combinations of vowels before R
Consider reading some of the vowel combinations before the letter R.
If there is a letter combination AI before R, then together AIR will be pronounced as [eə]: air [eə] — air, hair [heə] — hair, chair [ʧeə] — chair, fair [feə] — light. His hair is fair. — His hair is blond (Fig. 6).
My teddy bear is on the chair. — My teddy bear on the chair.
If there is a letter combination ЕA before R, then together ЕAR will also be pronounced as [eə]: bear [beə] — bear, pear [peə] — pear. However, not all English words read EAR as [eə].
In some words, it reads as [ɪə]: ear [ɪə] — ear, near [nɪə] — near, hear [hɪə] — to hear, tear [tɪə] — tear. The combination of letters EER — [ɪə] will also be read: deer [dɪə] — deer (Fig.
7), engineer [ˌenʤɪ’nɪə] is an engineer.
Read the same but write differently
There are words in English that are read the same way but are spelled differently. Plus, they have different meanings. Compare:
meet [mi: t] — meet | meat [miːt] — meat |
flour [‘flauə] — flour | flower [‘flauə] — flower |
their [ðeə] — their | there [ðeə] — there |
Pay attention to these words in sentences:
Meet me, please. — Meet me, please.
English letter combinations — English for children in simple explanations
Consider letter combinations in English in the key of the rules of reading and pronunciation with the ability to listen to each letter combination in the examples. For brevity, the basic rules for reading letter combinations are given in the tables.
How to read words in English correctly?
Now you have already passed the first stage of learning English — you have learned the alphabet. You already know what the letters are called, you know how to write them. But this does not mean at all that you can read any word in English correctly. In addition, you need to deliver pronunciation with the help of a professional teacher or tutor, so as not to make mistakes at first.
Unlike many other foreign languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Ukrainian), where words are read the same way as they are written, you just have to learn how to pronounce the letters. In English, everything is much more complicated and confusing. But remembering the simple laws of reading words in English. You will soon realize that things are much simpler.
- Why is it difficult to read in English?
Why is it difficult to read in English?
The thing is that in the English language the number of sounds prevails over the letters, and in order to convey them in writing, it is necessary to combine several letters in a certain order. And this is done in various ways. And the pronunciation and recording of some sounds depends on which letters surround them. And all this must be remembered!
To make it easier to remember the combination of letters, English linguists have developed a number of rules for reading words in English. Even if you know the language well enough, it is still advisable to double-check an unfamiliar word in the dictionary, make sure it is translated and remember the transcription, that is, how it is pronounced.
At school, most teachers only briefly mention how to reproduce words in English or do not talk about them at all. They refer students to dictionaries with transcriptions, arguing that «there are many exceptions to the reading rules.» Protect your children from such teachers!
Yes it is. Indeed, there are many exceptions to the rules for reading words in English. But this does not mean at all that one should keep silent about them. Rather, on the contrary, you first need to talk about them. Yet most words obey the rules.
Knowing the basic rule of how words are read correctly, it will be much more interesting and easier for you to learn the language itself. And exceptions can be remembered as they become available during training, repeating the rules that these words do not so stubbornly refuse to obey.
Word reading rule
I think you are anxious to learn about these simple rules of reading in English. Well, let’s get started.
The most common letter combinations are ch and sh, which they denote the sounds «soft h» and «soft sh» (ch and sh). In international transcription, they are denoted with a special sign [ʃi:] and [tʃ].
To memorize the sound of the letter combination sh transcription icon, look closely at the icon and you will see that it looks like a snake standing on its tail and hissing. Or rather hissing. sh = shе = [shь].
And if you connect imaginative creative thinking and take a closer look at the sign that in dictionaries denotes the sound of the letter combination ch, then it slightly looks like the Russian letter «h». Only here “ch” should be pronounced very softly — like in Russian “hours” — [chyasy]. сh = chain = [chi].
Here is an example of words with such combinations: sh and ch: she [shyii] — she
chain [ch’ane] — chain
English letter combinations English for children
›Learning a language› Translation and reading ›English letter combinations — English for children in simple explanations
Acquaintance of kids with the English language is fun and bright: with songs, rhymes, cartoons and a variety of games. The playful form of classes instills in children an interest in the language and allows them to quickly memorize new information. It is very easy to conduct such lessons when learning the alphabet, sounds or popular words.
But how can you explain to a child the complex rules of reading that not every adult will understand the first time? Yes Easy! Our material about English letter combinations will teach English to children in an accessible and interesting way.
Today we will study the basic combinations of English letters with kids, but first, we will explain to adults when to start learning the rules of reading with children.
At what age to teach a child to read in English and how to conduct classes
Only a lazy person didn’t joke about the differences in spelling and pronunciation of English words, so it is widely known that reading is one of the pitfalls of British speech. Yes, in Russian we also often write differently than we pronounce. But, as a rule, this is an error of one letter and does not change the meaning of the word. But the grammar of the English language in terms of reading is much more difficult, because here it should be borne in mind that:
- There are 26 sounds for 44 letters of the alphabet;
- The pronunciation of some letters depends on the type of syllable;
- There are «dumb» syllables;
- Combinations of letters are often used (diphthongs, triphthongs);
- The duration of the sound affects the meaning of the word.
All these nuances led to the development of special reading rules, but not all words obey them either! Many English expressions have entered speech use with «wrong» pronunciation and are considered exceptions to the rule.
In such a confusion, not all adults are able to understand, and even more so for children. Therefore, we would recommend starting to engage in English reading with a child no earlier than 7-8 years old. During this period, children already go to school, become more disciplined and begin to understand the importance of knowledge. At the same time, the rules of reading in English are a rather complex topic, so it must be studied gradually. Here are some tips for class format.
- Conduct reading lessons at least 2 times a week.
- Be sure to memorize the correct transcription of the pronunciations.
- During the lesson, master 3-4 rules with the baby, carefully fixing them in practice. For example, we studied the pronunciation of a letter in an open syllable — read 10-15 words for this rule. In the next lesson, they necessarily conducted a repetition of what was previously learned.
- Memorizing letter combinations is best supported by writing. It is recommended to conduct a written dictation every 2 weeks (letter / combination — pronunciation).
- Encourage your child to read short texts and dialogues. Entertaining mini-stories will increase interest in classes and help consolidate the knowledge gained.
In addition to general recommendations, we note that you should not forget about individuality. When conducting classes, focus on the mood and well-being of the child: without the child’s interest, no lessons will bring the desired result.
Now, after a little theory, it’s time to move on to practice. Let’s consider the rules of reading in English and work them out using examples. Note that the material is largely simplified, since in this article we study English letter combinations in the English for children format. Let’s get started!
English reading rules for children
There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. Surely, you already know how they are spelled and how they are pronounced.
But did you know that pronunciation can change when we put letters into different words? For example, in the word sky (sky — sky) the last letter is read as «ah», and in the word family (family — family) the same last letter y already reads «and».
So how do you read English words then? In order not to be mistaken, we just need to learn special English rules and get acquainted with the options for the sound of letters.
Open syllable rule
An open syllable is the syllable of a word that ends with a vowel. We remind you that any syllable must necessarily contain a vowel sound and cannot consist of one letter.
For example, let’s analyze the word cake (cake — cake) by syllables:
- Take the first letter C.
- Add vowel A.
- 2 letters K and E remain, but the last E cannot be read, so a new syllable cannot be made with it. It turns out that the whole given word is one syllable cake.
- Even though E cannot be read, it is still a vowel. Therefore, we have an example of an open syllable. And in this case, the letter A reads «hey».
So, if the last letter of a syllable is a vowel, then it is an open syllable. In this case, the vowel is taken into account even in those cases when it is not pronounced.
Closed syllable rule
A closed syllable is a syllable ending in a consonant.
Let’s analyze the word cat (cat — cat): take the first letter C, add the vowel A. One remaining letter T cannot be a separate syllable, so it belongs to the first syllable, and again our whole word consists of one syllable cat. This syllable ends with a consonant letter, which means it is closed and here the rule of reading the letter A as «e» applies.
Note that if we pronounced the word cat like «Kate», we would not have gotten a cat, but the female name Kate. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to correctly distinguish between open and closed syllables. Now let’s find out what other letters change their sound in different words.
This table explains the English vowel sounds for children.
Letter | Sound in an open syllable | Closed syllable sound | Open syllable + R | Closed syllable + R |
A | [ei] «hey» make, lake, game | [æ] «uh» apple, man, map | [eǝ] «ee» care, hair, square | [a:] «aa (p)» car, far, star |
E* | [i:] «and» me, he, she | [e] «e» pen, pencil, red | [iǝ] «ye» clear, here, fear | [ə:] «ё» her |
I | [aɪ] «ah» wife, fine, bike | [ɪ] «and» |
How to pronounce the sound th, or The devil is not so terrible as he is painted
Readers of our constant phonetic column have repeatedly asked in the comments to make out the interdental sound th. This is not at all surprising: th is one of the most common sounds in the English language, while in Russian (and in many others) this sound simply does not exist.
How to pronounce it? How to fix common mistakes? How to “train your mouth” to pronounce correctly? Today we will answer these questions with videos, exercises, tongue twisters, words and examples from songs.
What sound do the letters th
Let’s just make a reservation right away that th is not a sound. This is a combination of letters that can be read as two sounds: voiceless / θ /, as in a word thanks, and voiced / ð /, as in the word that. It is with these signs that the interdental “th sounds” are denoted in transcription. But in the article I will sometimes write “th sound” for convenience.
Both sounds, both ringing and deaf, articulated the same (lips and tongue are in the same position). Therefore, we will build the work as follows:
- First, let’s learn the correct position of the mouth for both sounds;
- Then we will analyze possible mistakes and find out how to fix them;
- Then we will work out each sound separately on tongue twisters and words.
How to pronounce th in english
Yes, we do not have these sounds. But we have the concept of lisping. Do you remember the sloth Sid from the Ice Age: “No, I фwhetherфwho is young фto die! ”. In the English explanatory dictionary, the word «lisp» (to lisp) is interpreted as «a speech defect in which s and z sound like th in think and this, respectively.»
This video is just talking about the lisp. I recommend for viewing: simple and humorous.
That is, it turns out that we need to pronounce Russian / s / lisp for a deaf / θ / and Russian / z / — for a voiced / ð /. How is it «lisping»? Say the word «composition» right now. When pronouncing the sound / c /, your tongue is behind your teeth. Now put your tongue between teeth (th sound — interdental) and say “composition” again. You will get a semblance of a voiceless th, as in the word thick.
Now do the same, but with the word «gap». As a result, you will get a semblance of a voiced th, as in the word then.
Why do I say «likeness»? Because the Russians / s — z / are not identical to the English ones / s — z /, which means that their lisp will be slightly different. Therefore, let’s still dwell in more detail on the position of the articulatory apparatus.
How to pronounce th sound in english
Language sprawled and tense, and its tip is between the upper and lower teeth, forming a narrow flat gap between incisal edge of upper teeth and the surface of the anterior edge of the tongue.
To learn the ideal setting of the articulation apparatus, I suggest you watch the video. It shows three life hacks:
2:08 — how to put the articulation apparatus in the ideal position: open your mouth, put your tongue on top of your lower teeth so that the tip is directly behind your lower lip and slowly lower your upper teeth onto your tongue — try to pronounce the voiceless variant th, as in think.
2:52 — how to feel the necessary tension of the tongue: we take a straw and put it between the tongue and upper teeth — this way you will feel how strong the tension should be on the tongue.
3:36 — how far to stick your tongue forward: put your finger perpendicular to your lips (as when we ask you to be quieter) and stick your tongue out. The tongue should lightly touch the finger — this is the limit.
And do not forget to repeat the sentences and words after the leader! This sound takes practice and more practice.
Interdental sound pronunciation th: video.
How to pronounce th sound in russian
Now that you have figured out what position the articulation apparatus should be in, let’s laugh together at the typical mistakes of Russian speakers in order to avoid them in practice (which, by the way, will go right after this point).
Possible mistakes: | How to fix: |
Replacing the voiceless / θ / with / s / (think we pronounce “sync”); Replacing the voiced / ð / with / z / (then we pronounce it like “zen”). | Do not bend the front back of your tongue up. + The tip of the tongue should be between the teeth, and not at the base of the lower front teeth (and not at the alveoli, as for English sz) .Consider exercises for the contrast of words, for example: mouth / maʊθ / — mouse / maʊs /, thing / θɪŋ / — sing / sɪŋ /, with / wɪð / — whizz / wɪz /. |
Replacing the voiceless / θ / with / f / (pronounce three like “fri”); Replacing the voiced / ð / with / in / (pronounce breathe like “brive”). | Expose your teeth, especially the lower ones, as when brushing them, so that the lower lip does not come into contact with the upper teeth and does not come close to them. /. |
Replacing the voiceless / θ / with the sound / t / (pronounced thick as “tick”); Replacing the voiced / ð / with / d / (pronounce this as “diz”). | Do not press the front of the tongue against the upper teeth: it is lowered down, and the tip is between the teeth. Read the exercises for the contrast of words, for example: thick / θɪk / — tick / tɪk /. |
Stunning the voiced variant of th / ð / ⇒ replacement with the voiceless variant / θ / at the end of a word. It can happen out of habit, because in Russian, voiced consonants at the end of a word are pronounced dull. | Remember that in English, voiced sounds at the end of a word are not stunned! Rebuke exercises for contrast of words, for example: teeth / tiːθ / — teethe / tiːð /. |
See, it’s not all that difficult.
Hi! Your page is great. I have trouble explaining when to pronounce yu = u (unique) and when to use an = un (unbearable, unbelievable). Is it possible to describe it? I could only find «unique» on your page. Many thanks. Best regards. Heidi
The negative prefix «un» (unable, unbearable, unbelievable, unimportant, unmarried, unusual, undo, unemployment, etc.) is pronounced [ʌn]. The initial letter «u» in the negative prefix «un» is never pronounced [yu] or [yu:], so this may be a good hint in your explanation.
In words without the negative prefix «un», the initial letter «u» usually represents either the sound [yu:] or the sound [ʌ]. For example:
The initial letter «u» before a single consonant followed by a vowel is usually pronounced [yu:]: union, unit, unite, unique, unanimous, universe, universal, university, use, useful, usual, utility, utensil, etc.
The initial letter «u» before two consonants is usually pronounced [ʌ]: under, understand, underline, uncle, ugly, umbrella, ultimate, update, upper, usher, utter, etc.
Initial «u» before «r» is [ər]: urban, urge, urgent. (See Spelling Patterns for Vowels in the section Writing.)
Good day! My name is Denis. Please help me learn to pronounce the th sound.
The letter combination th can convey two sounds: voiceless [θ] and voiced [ð]. There are no rules as to where and which of them is pronounced, so the words with them must be written out in two columns and learned. For examples of words with these sounds, see Spelling Patterns for Consonants under Writing and Practice for Consonants under Phonetics. You can listen to the pronunciation of these sounds in the materials Listening for Consonants (AmE) and Listening for Consonant Contrast (AmE) in the Phonetics section.
The sound [θ] is dull: thick, think, thank you, thunder, through, three, method, author, bath, breath [breθ].
Sound [ð] — voiced: this, that, then, there, they, though, other, mother, father, bathe [beið], breathe [bri: ð].
You need to start studying the pronunciation of sounds by listening to phonetic materials specially designed for setting pronunciation (video courses, audio courses, textbooks with audio recordings).
Pronunciation of sounds [θ] and [ð]
1. Lean the sides of the tongue against the upper molars. Don’t press, just to touch, and hold there. This position is the starting position for pronouncing most English consonants, it helps to control the position of the tongue so that it does not sink too low, as for Russian consonants.
2. When the flanks of the tongue are slightly leaning against the upper molars, the front of the tongue and the tip of the tongue will be near / opposite the upper front teeth. The tip of the tongue does not touch anything and does not protrude to the lips, it should remain behind the upper front teeth. The mouth is slightly parted, the lips are not rounded.
3. In this position, there is a passage / gap between the front of the tongue and the upper front teeth through which air is simply blown out for a dull sound [θ]. First, for training, blow out for a long time, with a continuous stream of sound, which should look a little like a hiss.
You may first get [s] or the Russian sound C, try without stopping blowing to move the tip of your tongue a little higher, a little lower, in order to feel where you get [θ], and where [s]. (The tip of the tongue for the English sound [s] is placed higher, near the alveoli, these are the tubercles above the upper teeth. The tip of the tongue for the Russian sound C is placed lower, near the upper edge of the lower front teeth.
) When you are convinced that you get a stream of monotonous dull sound [θ], reduce it to one sound [θ] and say in words: thick, thank you, method, truth, etc.
4. For the ringing sound [ð], everything is the same, only when blowing out the air, turn on the voice. You should get an even, prolonged buzz, a little ticklish to the tip of the tongue. Again, at first you can get [z] or the Russian sound Z.
Try moving the tip of your tongue a little higher, a little lower, in order to catch where [ð] is clearly obtained, and not [z]. The tip of the tongue for [ð], as well as for [θ], is behind the upper front teeth. (The tip of the tongue for the English sound [z] is placed higher, near the alveoli.
The tip of the tongue for the Russian sound З is placed lower, near the upper edge of the lower front teeth.) Then pronounce the sound [ð] in the words: this, that, then, mother, etc.
5. Make sure that the resulting sounds [θ] and [ð] are correct. Hear the pronunciation of these sounds by the announcers and compare your sounds with those you hear from the announcers, then tweak your sound further.
You can also record your pronunciation of sounds and compare it with the voiceover, this will make it possible to evaluate your sounds more objectively.
Only after making sure that the sounds are obtained consistently correctly, it is possible to learn the position of the speech organs for these sounds and the mechanism of their pronunciation by numerous repetitions of them in different words. Otherwise, it is possible to memorize incorrectly, and it is always very difficult to correct what is memorized.
Note: The sounds [θ] and [ð] can also be pronounced between the teeth, creating a gap for blown air between the lower front part of the tongue and the lower edge of the upper teeth, but in this case it is more difficult to feel the difference in the place of pronunciation between [θ] and the Russian sound С, between [ð] and the Russian sound З, so I recommend a slightly higher version of the position of the front of the tongue behind the upper teeth, as described in paragraphs 1-4, so that when pronouncing [θ] and [ð] do not get lost in the familiar Russian sounds C and Z.
Establishing pronunciation yourself is difficult, especially if you feel that your hearing is not very helpful for you to correctly catch the pronunciation and analyze your result. It is best to take a phonetic course with an experienced phonetic teacher, who will not only explain how to pronounce sounds, but also tell you, listening to you, how to correct the errors that arise. And it will help you do a lot of phonetic exercises to consolidate what you have achieved.
Lesson 14. Pronunciation of English sounds [w] and [r]. Reading letter combinations wr, wh, rh, er / or
We continue our lessons on teaching reading in English. On the left plate, green arrows indicate the sounds that we have already passed. Since we have studied almost all consonants, in this lesson we will repeat 8 learned vowel sounds to consolidate their pronunciation. There are only 4 consonants left. Sounds [r] и [w] we go through in this lesson, and the sounds [j] and [ŋ] in the next. So, let’s begin!
From lesson number 14 you will learn:
- how are English consonants read Rr и Ww;
- how letter combinations are read wr, wh, rh, er / or,
Let’s start with the pronunciation of sounds, and then move on to reading letter combinations.
So the letter Ww denotes a sound in writing [w]. Letter Rr denotes a sound in writing [r]. Both sounds are quite complex, because there are no similar sounds in Russian.
* * *
How to pronounce the English sound [w] correctly?
Exercise for the mouth, which will help you learn to pronounce the English sound [w]: pull your lips into a tube, as if you want to blow out a candle, and then sharply move the corners of your mouth to the sides, as if in a smile. And so many times: a pipe — a smile, a pipe — a smile, a pipe — a smile
Pronunciation of the English sound [w]. Now that your mouth is ready, let’s start pronouncing the sound. Pull your lips into a tube for a moment, as if you want to utter the sound «y», and when you start saying «u», immediately smile sharply. The result is a sound a bit like «v».
Actually sound [w] very often the letters «y» and «v» are conveyed in Russian. Even in official sources, the name William is spelled either William or William. Because in Russian there is NO such sound.
If you have not yet fully understood how to pronounce the English sound [w] correctly, then pronounce it like a short «y», but in no case, like «in».
Note again that when you say “w” your lips are rounded and NOT touching your teeth, the same lip position must be observed when pronouncing the sound [w].
When pronouncing the sound «in», the upper teeth touch the lower lip. This shouldn’t be!
* * *
How to pronounce English [r] sound correctly?
I will say right away that this is a very complex sound. At least it was like that for me.
What you need to do to make an English sound [r] right and how does English [r] differ from Russian “r”?
- When making a sound [r] can come from sound [ʒ], which you already know how to pronounce. Only the tip of the tongue needs to be bent even further back with a ringlet.
- Tip of the tongue when making a sound [r] located in the back of the upper palate, the tongue does not shake. Sounds like a bursting «r» sound.
- When pronouncing the Russian sound «p», the tongue shakes at the upper teeth: «pppp-pp-p»
Listen how the sounds [w] and [r] are pronounced correctly — HERE
Reading letter combinations with the sound R: wr, rh, er / or
1. Letter r and combination of letters re at the end of a word not readable: car, care and are used to designate type III of a syllable (as in the word car) and type IV of a syllable (as in the word care). You can read more about the types of syllables in English.
2. Letter combinations er, or at the end, words are read like [ə]: sister, doctor, etc.
3. wr, rh read how [r]: wrist [rist] — wrist, rhythm [‘rɪð (ə) m], as well as in such common words that we cannot read yet: write (to write), wrong (wrong)
* * *
Reading letter combinations with the sound W: wh
1. wh reads like [w]: what [wɔt] — what, as well as in such common words that we cannot read yet: why (why), white (white), while (while).
An exception.Wh before o read how [H]: who (who), whose (whose)
2. At the end of a word wnot readable: slow
Phonetic exercises for practicing the sounds [w] and [r] with audio recording (closed content)
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Description: Access to a course of lessons on teaching reading in English and pronunciation at the same time. 50% discount until 01.01.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX. Author T.V. Nabeeva
Phrases with the sounds [w] and [r] for practicing during the week:
- What? — What?
- When? — When?
- Very well. — Very good.
- The weather is terrible. — The weather is awful.
- We will see. — We will think about it.
- What did she see? — What did she see?
- He is sorry. — He’s sorry.
- We are ready. — We are ready.
- Get well! — Get well soon!
- Keep in touch [tʌʧ]. — We will be in touch.
Let’s sum up Lesson 14, from which you learned:
- how to pronounce english sounds [w] и [r] correctly;
- how letter combinations are read wh, wr, rh, er / or.
See you at the next English lesson. Learn to read English on your own and learn English on your own friends! The author of the lessons, Tatiana Nabeeva.
Rules for reading consonants in English
The purpose of this article is to familiarize the reader with rules for reading consonants in English… This will help you develop pronunciation skills and improve your reading technique, successfully prepare for the USE. Currently, one of the main principles of teaching sounds and intonation is a consciously imitative approach.
Nevertheless, in my lessons I also successfully use the principle of comparing the sounds of the Russian and English languages in order to identify elements of similarity and difference. Children are happy to work in front of a mirror, perform various phonetic exercises, pronouncing the same words many times, which leads to a mechanical memorization of the pronunciation of these words.
Of course, there are many exceptions to remember. Where is without them in English ?!
Rules of reading
Required skills for students:
— the ability to reproduce orally and dictation the transcriptional signs of all sounds of the English language, both vowels and consonants
— the ability to find a match between a word and its transcription
— the ability to reproduce transcription of English words taken at random in the English-Russian dictionary
So, from the previous article «Rules for reading vowels in English» you learned that there are 44 sounds in English: 20 vowels и 24 consonants.
The consonants of the English language can be divided into:
- similar to Russian: [f] — [v], [k] — [g], [p] — [b], [s] — [z], [m], [j]
- different from Russian: [t] — [d], [ʃ] — [ʒ], [ʧ] — [ʤ], [l], [n], [r]
- not in Russian: [θ] — [ð], [w], [h], [ŋ]
Secrets of English pronunciation.
- Make mouth-toothed sounds [f] — [v] the way you pronounce them in Russian names Фeating, Варвmacaw, Вera, Вiktor: favorite, flea, flipper, variant, very, victory, virus, improve, shovel.
- Make a lip sound [w] so that the upper teeth do not touch the lower lip; fold your lips as if you are about to whistle.
The sound is pronounced on the exhale through the lips: what, where, when, why, white, winter, window, Wales, walrus, waltz [wɔːls], with
Exceptions: who [huː], whose [huːz], whom [huːm], whole [həul], wholesome [ʹhəulsəm]
Important! Do not confuse the pronunciation of the sounds [v] and [w]!
For training, say the phrase “Verywell« in front of the mirror at least 10 times daily (it takes exactly 10 seconds!), bringing the correct pronunciation of this pair of sounds to automatism.
Rhyme time!
- I see a bird. — What?
- I see a bear. — Where?
- I see a hen. — When?
- I see a cow. — How?
What? Where? When? how?
- Make sounds [k], [p], [t] aspirated. To make sure you pronounce these sounds correctly, do the following exercises. Bring a sheet of paper to your lips at a distance of 5-6 cm and say in turn the words purple, pupil, pillow, price, September, alternately, then with aspiration, then without it. If you pronounce the sound [p] correctly, then the sheet of paper will deflect to the side from the stream of air, and small pieces of paper laid out in the palm of your hand will fly apart.
- Make sounds [t] — [d], [s] — [z], [l], [n], placing the tip of the tongue on the alveoli (tubercles above the upper teeth). When pronouncing Russian sounds, the tongue touches the teeth.
[t] — time, tiger, cat, potato, tennis, fifty, tea, butter
[d] — Tuesday, dog, London, good, red, draw, daddy
[l] — lion, lane, listen, light, lamp, small, glass, lesson
[n] — nine, ten, eleven, name, nice, plane, paint, independence
[s] — sister, silence, sightseeing, silly, summer, insist
[z] — zoo, zebra, zipper, puzzle, business, buzz, organization, gaze
- Make sounds [ʃ], [ʒ], [ʤ]
Many English learners pronounce each word separately because they want to make sure their speech is clear and easily understood or because they may “think” in individuals words instead of thought groups. Speaking this way may help with clarity, but it also creates speech that sounds non-native and a bit choppy and mechanical, somewhat like computer-generated speech. Linking words is key to avoiding this unnatural sound.
Native English speakers connect, or “link,” words together when communicating one thought group. Linking means connecting the last sound of one word to the first sound of the following word. The result? Smooth, natural, fluent-sounding English.
Do you sometimes drop word endings by not pronouncing the final consonant? This problem will be solved if you apply the rules of linking to your speech since linking requires you to connect the final consonant with the following word, if it begins with a vowel. As a result, the final sound becomes the first sound of the word that follows it.
You know what? This will make things easier for you, too!
Linking Consonants to Vowels
Let’s look at an example.
Which is more difficult for you to pronounce: “burned out” or “burn doubt?”
We’re guessing the first one is more of a challenge for you. The good news is that a native speaker would pronounce “burned out” as we would read “burn doubt.”
Another example? “It’s – a – cold – evening” can be a mouthful when pronounced separately, but if you say “it sa col devening,” you’ll sound more natural and will spend less effort getting that phrase out!
Word combination | Sounds like |
Deep end | Depend (w/ accent on the first syllable) |
I like it | I lie kit |
Hold on | Hole Don |
Get up late | Ge da plate |
This guy | The sky |
Kicked out | Kick doubt |
Linking ing + Vowel
Be careful not to skip the /g/ sound when linking the ing ending of a word to the vowel sound of the following word. For example, “going on” should not be pronounced as “goin’ on” in standard English. Be sure to create a quick nasal “ng” /ŋ/sound by touching the back of your mouth with the back of your tongue.
Try linking in these examples
- I’m thinking about it
- How about staying in tonight?
- Are we really doing it?
- This just isn’t working out
Linking Consonant to Same Consonant
When the final consonant of one word is the same as the first consonant of the next word, the consonant is pronounced only once, with a slightly lengthened sound.
Word combination | Sounds like |
He speaks Swahili | He speak Swahili |
Black car | Black are |
Big game | Big aim |
Well lit | Well it |
Can never | Can ever |
Turned down | Turn down |
Linking Two Different Consonants
In our section on consonants, we explained the difference between stops and continuants. Remember that “stops” are consonants that are pronounced with a stop in airflow (ex. /b/) while “continuants” are pronounced with a continuation of airflow (ex. /s/).
Understanding these two types of consonants will help you sound more natural when linking words.
Here are the rules of linking two different consonants:
- When a stop sound is followed by another consonant, you must hold the stop sound. What does this mean? Instead of releasing air after you create the sound with your lips or tongue, hold the pressure inside your mouth. This applies to both to linking words (ex. “Sit down”) and consonant combinations within words (ex. “lobster”)
- Linking continuants is easier since you can just continue from one consonant to the next without stopping the airflow. For example, “aims to” sounds “aim Stu,” “it’s tall,” sounds like “it stall.”
Make sure that you hold the final consonant of the first word.
up top baked buns great day cookbook
help now fried beans big dog dark night
Need help?
For more tips on how to make your English speaking sound more natural, check out these articles on connected speech:
- Intrusive Sounds (when sounds are added)
- Elision (when sounds are removed)
- Assimilation (when sounds change)
Would you like a little more coaching on your pronunciation with a professional ESL teacher? To learn more about English pronunciation and practice it in conversation, join SpeakUp, a dynamic program that engages you in authentic conversations on relevant topics and provides you with feedback from a professional experienced English teacher. The first week is free for you to try it out!
The first thing a person, a beginner,learning English — difficulty in reading most words. On this score, many jokes among even the speakers of this language, what to say about those for whom he is not native. One Dutch linguist even wrote a poem containing the most difficult and contradictory cases of English phonetics — it is difficult to read it without mistakes even to someone who knows the language well.
But jokes are jokes, but you have to learn how to pronouncewords are correct. This is helped by the rules of reading in English. For beginners they will be a bit complicated, but it’s only with unaccustomed. Having understood them and having well established the theory on examples, you will see how much they will make your life easier for you.
What are these rules for?
Without knowing them, it will be difficult to learn to read. Of course, you can remember the transcription of those words that you meet. But in this case your ability to read will be very limited. And if you meet a word with a familiar root, but incomprehensible for reading the suffix or prefix? Or your own name? In such cases errors are inevitable, if you do not know the rules of reading in English. For beginners, they are especially important, because they allow you to feel and understand the logic of constructing the language at all levels, beginning with phonetics.
Next, you will learn how to read the variousSounds and their combinations, how to present the English rules to children and what exercises you can use to learn to read and remember the symbols of transcription.
Reading consonants
Let’s start with the simplest, and then we willmove on to the complex. Most consonant sounds in the English language differ little from the Russians. But still the difference is felt. In general, we can distinguish such characteristic features:
- always firmly pronounced;
- sonorous sounds are not stunned at the ends of words;
- after the sounds [p, t, k] there is an aspiration, because lips open faster than in pronunciation in Russian;
- the sound [w] is pronounced distinctly, with two lips;
- when pronouncing the sound [v], on the contrary, only the lower lip is involved;
- many sounds [t, d, s, z, n, l, tʃ, dʒ] are pronounced with the tip of the tongue touching the alveoli, and not to the teeth (as in Russian pronunciation).
Reading vowels: 4 types of syllable
We continue to disassemble the reading rules in English. For beginners with examples it is better to submit material. Then it will be clearer how to pronounce this or that sound.
In the English alphabet there are only six vowels, but the difficulty of reading them is due to the presence of four different types of syllables:
- open;
- closed;
- vowel + r;
- vowel + r + vowel.
Consider them all in order, not forgetting the examples.
In the open syllable, the vowel is read as it isis called in the alphabet: O is read as «ou (eu)», U is read for a long «yu,» etc. The exception is only the letter Y, which is pronounced «ay». How to determine that the syllable is open? It must end with a vowel that can stand:
- at the end of the monosyllabic word (me, go);
- in the beginning or in the middle (game, time, music);
- next to another vowel (suit).
In a closed syllable, which ends in a consonant (sometimes doubled), the vowels are read truncated:
- Aa [æ] turns into something between Russian sounds [a] and [e], for example: cat, apple.
- Uu [ʌ] is similar to the Russian sound [a], for example: rubber, jump.
- Ii [i] is read as a short Russian sound [and], for example: sit, finger.
- Ee [e] is read by the sound [e], for example: pen, egg.
- Oo [ɔ] is read by a short sound [o], for example: shop, fox.
- Yy [i] under stress must be read as a short sound [and], for example: mystery, myth.
This is the minimum that includes reading rules forEnglish for beginners. With exercises for all 4 types it is better not to rush, but first to learn the differences between closed and open syllables. Then you can go further, to more complex cases.
The type of the syllable «vowel + r» is read as follows:
- -ar pronounce with a long sound [aaa];
- -or is read as long [ooo];
- -ur, -ir, -er are similar to the sound [o], but only pronounced by the throat.
The type of the syllable «vowel + r + vowel» turns the sound into a special two-part phenomenon of English phonetics — diphthong:
- Aa is read [ɛə], an example: dare.
- Ee is read [iə], an example: mere.
- Ii is read [aiə], example: fire.
- Uu is read [juə], an example: cure.
- Yy is read [aiə], example: tyre.
The exception is the letter Oo, which in the fourth type of the syllable is not read by the diphthong, but simply by a long one [ɔ:]. For example: more.
Reading of letter combinations
Reading rules in English (for beginners and continuing study) can not do without explaining the various combinations of consonants and vowels. Let’s start with the first.
The combination of wr at the beginning of the word: the sound [w] is not pronounced. Examples: write, wrist, wrong.
The combination of wh at the beginning of the word: the sound [h] is not pronounced. Examples: why, what, white. But there is an exception: if -wh is followed by the letter -o, the sound [w] is «dropped out» when reading. So the words: who, whole, Who and others sound.
In the letters kn and gn at the beginning of the word: only the sound [n] is read. Examples: knot, gnat.
The combination of ng at the end of the word sounds like a sound [ŋ], pronounced through the nose (going), and in the middle of the word — just [ŋg], for example: hungry, singer.
The combination of ch is read [tʃ], as the Russian sound [h ‘], soft. For example: cheese, coach.
The combination sh gives a sound [ʃ], similar to the Russian [w] in the soft version of the pronunciation. For example: she, push.
The combination of the letters qu is read [kw], for example: queen, quite.
The bland combination of -our is read [ə]: color, favorite.
The combination of -ous at the end of words should be read [əs]: dangerous, famous.
The combination of the letters -sion after the consonant is pronounced [ʃn], for example: mission. And after a vowel sound there is a ringing to [ʒn], an example: decision.
Before the letters e, i, y: the consonant C is pronounced with the sound [s], G is pronounced [dʒ]. In other cases it reads like this: C — [k], G — [g]. Compare: cell — cat, gym — game.
Vowel combinations: -ee, as well as -ea give a long sound [i:], the -ai combination is read [ai], the -oo combination gives the sound a long [u:]. For example: bee, seal, moon.
True, there are sometimes exceptions. For example, blood: in this word, the double O is read as a sound [ʌ]. But there are not many such cases. They are easy to remember, and they do not particularly complicate the rules of reading in English.
For beginners
For children and adults, the explanation of the rules will bedifferent. Young «Englishmen» will well learn the knowledge, if they are presented with elements of the game and fairy tales. For example, you can explain 1 and 2 types of reading as «open» and «closed» doors, where in the first case the letters feel free and scream their name (from the alphabet) loudly, and in the second — they are almost not audible. Similarly, you can compose a kind of grammar fairy tale and tell her child. An interactive element can be the task: «spell» the words, correctly reading them. It is much easier and more interesting to remember the rules of reading in English.
For primary school
The following small table includesthe rules of reading vowels in two types of syllables. For the convenience of a child who is new to transcription, next to the sound is placed about his reading, written in Russian letters. In any case, the table should be read aloud together with an adult who knows the language: one must pay attention to how the same letter behaves in different types of syllables, and to understand the proposed examples of words.
Primary school children are often asked to go homelearn transcription icons. You can make a set of cards and work out like this: you read a short word, where there is a certain sound, and the child shows a card with its designation. In group work, everyone should have their own set.
Read without hesitation
As soon as possible and better to rememberrules of reading in English? For beginners, exercises will be the best option. It’s great if you manage to combine 2 types of classes: listen to samples and read independently. However, this approach may soon become boring, so it is good to connect the elements of the game and the competition. For example, take two different lists of words for various rules — one for you, another for a friend — and check who will read faster and with fewer errors. The game version can be this: using mixed cards with separate words and with transcription signs, find and lay out the matches.
Who needs reading rules in English? For beginners to study it (this goes without saying), for the continuer — to test yourself, and for the forgotten — to remember the knowledge that has not been used for a long time.
</ p>
Typical Spelling Patterns for Vowel Sounds
Spelling and pronunciation are closely connected and should be studied together. This is especially true of English vowel sounds and their representation in writing.
This material provides examples of typical spelling patterns for English vowel sounds, proceeding from the sound to spelling. If it is more convenient for you to proceed from the letters and letter combinations to the sounds that they represent, you can reorganize this material according to your wish. (An example how to do it is given in Method 2 in the section Phonetics.)
Note that spelling and pronunciation in this material are given according to the American variant of the English language. (See British and American Spelling in the section Writing; English Vowel Sounds and Vowels Glossary of Terms in the section Phonetics.)
Letters and sounds
There are six vowel letters in English: A, E, I, O, U, Y. The letter Y represents the vowel sounds [i], [ai] (mystery, type) and the consonant (semivowel) sound [y] (yes). Together, vowel letters represent from 15 to 22 vowel sounds. This difference comes mostly from counting the diphthongs differently in British English and in American English. Generally, American linguists list five diphthongs: [ei], [ai], [au], [oi], [ou].
The number of English vowel sounds represented by vowel letters and by certain vowel combinations is larger than the number of vowel letters and their combinations, which means that one and the same vowel letter or letter combination is used to represent more than one sound. English also has several spelling variants for each vowel sound, which means that the same vowel sound is represented by different letters and letter combinations in writing.
For example, the letter A typically represents five sounds: [ei], [æ], [o:], [a:], [ə] (Kate, cat, call, card, alone). Its common open-syllable sound [ei] is represented in writing not only by the letter A as in «Kate» but also by five different vowel combinations as in «may, rain, weigh, they, break». The combinations EI, EY, which are usually pronounced [ei] in English words, represent the sound [ai] in some words of foreign origin (Einstein, geyser).
There is also a connection between a sound, its spelling, and the surrounding letters. For example, the combination AR, which is normally pronounced [a:r] as in «car, park, hard», is pronounced [o:r] after the consonant W (war, ward, warm, warn).
The most practical approach is to learn typical spelling patterns for vowel sounds. The other spelling variants may be present only in a couple of words or in words that are not used very often.
1. SOUND [i:]
Spelling examples: me, Pete, Japanese, equal, rewrite, seem, read, piece, seize, police.
Letter E
The sound [i:] is represented by the letter E in the open syllable of the root: me, be, he, she, we; Pete, eve, these, theme, scene, complete, intervene, precede.
The sound [i:] is represented by the letter E in the root in the initial syllable that is not easily recognizable as an open syllable, usually under stress: equal, evening, evil, recent, region, meter, secret, media, demon, female, legal, genius, senior, convenient, frequent, veto, premium, previous.
The sound [i:] is represented by the (first) letter E in the suffix «ese»: Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Maltese, Portuguese, Lebanese, Burmese, manganese.
The sound [i:] is represented by the letter E in the prefixes «pre, re» in some words: prehistoric, prewar, prefix, preoccupy, prepay, preview, react, rewrite, remake.
Note: In many words, the letter E in the prefixes «pre, re» represents the short sound [i] (remove, repair, repeat, reply, return, prepare, prevent, presume).
Letter combinations EE, EA
The sound [i:] is represented by the combination EE: see, free, agree, knee, feel, feed, proceed, succeed, keen, seek, seem, screen, deep, greet, sleeve.
The sound [i:] is represented by the combination EA: sea, tea, peace, teach, lead, read, peak, deal, reveal, scream, team, clean, leap, please, release, beat, beneath, breathe, creature, leave.
Letter combinations IE, EI
The sound [i:] is represented by the combination IE in the root: piece, field, achieve, believe, relief, brief, chief, fiend, siege, shriek, priest.
The sound [i:] is represented by the combination EI in the root: seize, receive, receipt, deceive, conceive, perceive, ceiling, Leigh.
Letter I
In some English words of foreign origin, the sound [i:] is represented in writing by the letter I: police, caprice, gasoline, machine, magazine, marine, routine, vaccine, prestige, regime, elite, naive, pizza, ski, liter, fatigue, intrigue, antique, physique, technique, unique.
Rare spelling for the sound [i:]: key, people, Aesop, Oedipus.
2. SOUND [i]
Spelling examples: sit, ignore, public, working, enough, reply, hardness, boxes, symbol, lady, Annie, honey.
Letter I
The short sound [i] is represented by the letter I in the closed syllable of the root: it, sit, miss, tip, pick, pin, bring, list, fill, film, trim, dinner, finger, river, consist.
The short sound [i] is represented by the letter I in some prefixes: inform, illogical, immune, impudent, irregular, dislike, disturb, mistake, misunderstand. Note spelling: ignore, ignorant, ignite.
The short sound [i] is represented by the letter I in some suffixes: public, dramatic, habit, justice, native, foolish, working.
Letter E
The short sound [i] is represented by the letter E in the initial syllable of the root: English, pretty, ecology, enough, eleven, electric.
The short sound [i] is represented by the letter E in some prefixes: effect, emotion, become, before, despair, depart, remove, repair, repeat, reply, return, preliminary, prepare, prevent, secure.
The short sound [i] is represented by the letter E in some suffixes and endings: hardness, madness, actress, countless, childless, rocket, pocket, boxes, catches, added, counted.
It is very difficult to decide where to say the long sound [i:] and where to say the short sound [i] when they are represented by the letter E in the root or prefix. For easier memorization, it is advisable to make a comparison list of such words arranged in two columns.
Note: The final single letter E, which is usually mute in English words, is pronounced as [i], or as a shorter variant of [i:], in the words «apostrophe, catastrophe, psyche».
Letter Y
The sound [i] is represented by the letter Y in the root: symbol, lyrics, myriad, hymn, hypnosis, pyramid, sympathy, synchronize, crystal, system, typical, tyranny, mystery, myth, rhythm, antonym, synonym, pseudonym, acronym.
The sound [i] is represented by the letter Y in the suffix: lady, family, Daddy, duty, whisky, carry, hurry, funny, happy, busy, dirty, many, very, lovely, nicely, hardly, Larry, Billy, Mary.
Letter combinations IE, EY
The sound [i] is represented by the combination IE in the suffix: Annie, Carrie, Katie, auntie.
The sound [i] is represented by the combination EY in the suffix: honey, hockey, journey, money, monkey, whiskey, Sydney, Casey, Rodney.
Note: According to many dictionaries, the letter Y in the suffix (lady, busy) and the combinations IE, EY in the suffix (Annie, honey) are pronounced as a shorter variant of the long sound [i:].
3. SOUND [e]
Spelling examples: end, well, bread, heavy, many.
Letter E
The sound [e] is represented by the letter E in the closed syllable in the root: bet, set, well, guest, seldom, empty, every, berry, regular, accept, connect, inspector, impress, address, architect, project, enter, entrance, entire.
The sound [e] is represented by the letter E in the prefixes «em, en»: embalm, embark, embody, embrace, employ, enable, enlarge, engage, enjoy, environment.
Note: The prefixes «em, en» may also be pronounced [im], [in], especially in BrE; in some cases, two words exist, e.g., «ensure, insure; enquire, inquire».
Letter combination EA
There are many words (but still a limited number) in which the sound [e] is represented by the letter combination EA.
Learn them by heart: bread, dead, head, header, lead, read, spread, thread, dread, tread, instead; already, ready, steady, meadow; sweat, sweater, threat, threaten; breath, death, health, stealth, wealth; weather, leather, feather; measure, pleasure, treasure, treasury, pleasant, peasant, pheasant; dealt, meant, cleanse, jealous, realm; heaven, heavy, endeavor, deaf; breakfast, breast, treachery, weapon.
Rare spelling for the sound [e]: any, many, friend, said, says, bury.
4. SOUND [ei]
Spelling examples: age, lake, nation, wait, play, they, eight.
Letter A
The sound [ei] is represented by the letter A in the open syllable in the root: Kate, ate, late, take, race, name, save, ache, table, cradle, change, strange, paste, taste, waste.
The sound [ei] is represented by the letter A in the root in the initial syllable that is not easily recognizable as an open syllable, and sometimes in the closed syllable, usually under stress: bacon, baby, lazy, angel, danger, stranger, chamber, April, paper, basin, basis, Asia, pastry, nation, patriot, fatal, naval, facial, racial, vacant, ancient, patient, radio.
The sound [ei] is represented by the letter A in the verbal suffix «ate»: decorate, educate, create, celebrate, concentrate, separate, dictate, investigate, originate.
Letter combinations AI, EI
The sound [ei] is represented by the combination AI, usually before a consonant letter in the root: aim, aid, sail, tail, main, vain, rain, raise, faint, paint, saint, strait, straight, remain, complain, disdain, explain, restrain.
The sound [ei] is represented by the combination EI, usually before a consonant letter in the root: rein, veil, vein, feign, reign, deign, sleigh, weigh, weight, eight, freight, neighbor.
Note: The combination EI is pronounced [ai] in the words «height, sleight, either». (See 7. SOUND [ai].)
Letter combinations AY, EY
The sound [ei] is represented by the combination AY, usually in the final position in the root: day, gray, may, say, way, hay, gay, play, pray, stay, stray, essay, relay, delay; betrayal, player, essayist, saying. But: daily, gaily (also, gayly).
The sound [ei] is represented by the combination EY, usually in the final position in the root: they, grey, prey, hey, whey, survey, obey, convey, conveyance, surveyor.
Note: In some words of foreign origin the combinations EI, EY are pronounced as [ai]: Einstein, Fahrenheit, geyser, Meyer.
Note: Note the spelling of these words: mayor, major.
Letter combination EA
In the following words, the sound [ei] is represented by the combination EA: break, great, steak.
Words of French origin
In some English words of French origin, the final sound [ei] is represented in writing by the letters E, EE, ET: cafe, attache, pate, resume, fiance, fiancee, divorcee, matinee, entree; ballet, beret, buffet, bouquet, fillet, gourmet.
Note: There is usually a French stress mark on the final letter E (cafe) and on the first letter E in EE (matinee) in the above-mentioned words, but some of such words may be written without the stress mark (e.g., divorcee, matinee, entree) in AmE.
There are some English words with the ending EE that is pronounced [i:]: employee, trainee, refugee. A large number of English words have the ending ET (pronounced [it]): bullet, wallet, skillet, packet, picket, pocket, rocket.
5. SOUND [æ] as in CAT
Spelling examples: bad, sat, bank, stand, family, accident, apple.
Letter A in the closed syllable
In American English, the letter A under stress in the closed syllable of the root is usually pronounced [æ]: ask, task, fast, last, contrast, master, disaster, castle, answer, act, pack, actor, factory, add, mad, staff, after, half, class, glass, grass, jazz, chance, dance, can’t, land, handle, command, talent, example, happy, happen, travel, fashion, bath, matter, Manhattan.
In British English, the letter A in many of these words is pronounced [a:], for example, in the words «class, dance, answer, master, castle, fast, disaster, after, half, bath».
The sound [ei] represented in writing by the letter A changes to [æ] in some derivatives: Nature [ei] – natural [æ]; nation [ei] – national [æ]; sane [ei] – sanity [æ]; vain – vanity.
Rare spelling for [æ] (AmE): aunt, laugh.
6. SOUND [a:]
Spelling examples: army, regard, father, calm, bravo, mirage.
Letter combination AR
The sound [a:] is represented by the combination AR in the root, usually under stress: arm, art, car, card, yard, part, charge, large, margin, argue, guard, regard, garden, pardon, market.
Letter A
The letter A represents the sound [a:] in several English words in American English: father, Pa, Papa, Ma, Mama; calm, palm, balm, alms, psalm. (The letter L in these words is silent.)
The letter A represents the sound [a:] in some words of foreign origin: drama, Panama, saga, cantata, sonata, spa, bravo, aria, lama; mirage, garage, espionage, sabotage, massage, facade.
Note: In some words of French origin the sound [a:] is represented by the initial combination «en»: entree, ensemble.
Rare spelling for [a:]: sergeant, heart; (BrE) aunt, laugh, draught.
Sounds [æ] and [a:] in AmE and BrE
In British English, the letter A is usually pronounced [æ] as in CAT under stress in the closed syllable of the root, but the letter A is usually pronounced [a:] before the consonants f, ff, ph, sk, sp, ss, st, th, nce, nd, and some others.
In American English, the letter A under stress in the closed syllable of the root is usually pronounced [æ] as in CAT in all cases.
Examples of words with AmE [æ] or BrE [a:]: staff, after, draft, half, ask, task, grasp, grass, glass, class, fast, last, castle, master, disaster, bath, path, example, chance, dance, answer, can’t, demand, command.
7. SOUND [ai]
Spelling examples: nice, surprise, minus, private, type, reply, dynamic, find, light, tie.
Letter I
The sound [ai] is represented by the letter I in the open syllable of the root: ice, nice, ride, life, file, smile, line, pipe, quite, wise, hi, polite, surprise, prize, combine, arrive.
The sound [ai] is represented by the letter I, stressed or unstressed, in the root in the syllable that is not easily recognizable as an open syllable: idea, identical, idol, isolation, item, science, society, client, crisis, climate, minus, private, library, finance, horizon, dial, vital, vitamin.
The sound [ai] is represented by the letter I and by the letter Y in the verbal suffixes «ize» (ise), «yze» (yse) and «fy»: organize, modernize, analyze, analyse, satisfy, modify, signify.
The sound [ai] is represented by the letter I in some prefixes: diagram, dialect, digest, digress, bicycle, biannual, biography.
Letter Y
The sound [ai] is represented by the letter Y in some English words, usually in the final position in the root: by, my, cry, dry, fly, fry, ply, pry, sky, sly, try.
The sound [ai] is represented by the letter Y in many words of Greek and Latin origin: style, type, hype, rhyme; deny, rely, apply, reply; cycle, cyclone, dynamic, dynamite, hybrid, hyphen, nylon, hyperactive, hypodermic, psychopath, psychiatrist.
Note: Final Y in words like «cry, fly, try, satisfy» in certain cases changes to I before suffixes or endings: cries, flier, flyer, tried, trial, trying, satisfied, satisfying. (See the materials on adding suffixes and endings in the section Writing.)
Other spelling variants for the sound [ai]
The sound [ai] is represented by some other spelling variants in a limited number of words.
The letter I before LD, ND and before some other consonant combinations: child, mild, wild, climb, find, kind, mind, blind; rifle, trifle, title, idle, Bible.
The letter I before GH, GHT, GN: high, sigh, thigh; fight, light, night, right, slight; sign, align, benign, malign.
Letter combinations IE, YE, EI, EY, UY: die, tie, lie, pie, vie; dye, lye, rye, bye; height, sleight, either, neither; eye, geyser; buy, guy.
Latin plural ending I: alumni, fungi, stimuli, alkali, alibi. (Nouns with Latin plural endings are listed in the material Irregular Plural Nouns in the section Writing.)
Note: The sound [ai] represented by the letter I may change to [i] in some derivatives: signature, malignant, biblical.
Note: The combination EI in the words «either, neither» is pronounced [i:] or [ai] in AmE.
8. SOUND [au]
Spelling examples: how, brown, out, noun.
Letter combinations OW, OU
The sound [au] is represented by the combination OW in any position in the word: now, how, cow, row, bow, brow, allow, plow, crowd, owl, fowl, howl, prowl, down, gown, town, clown, brown, drown, crown, browse, browser, powder, power, flower, tower, allowing, allowance.
The sound [au] is represented by the combination OU, usually before a consonant letter in the root: out, about, doubt, couch, cloud, loud, proud, foul, noun, announce, bounce, ounce, pound, found, ground, hound, around, sound, surround, count, account, amount, mountain, house, mouse, louse, blouse, mouth, south, scout, shout, bough, plough, drought.
It is difficult to decide where to say [ou] and where [au] when they are represented by the combination OW. For example: own – owl; bowl – brown; mow – pow. Besides, there are a few homonyms that are spelled in the same way but are pronounced differently: row [rou] and [rau]; bow [bou] and [bau]; sow [sou] and [sau]. It is advisable to make a comparison list of such words.
It may also be difficult to decide where to write OW and where to write OU. For example: fowl – foul; browse – blouse; crowd – cloud; powder – pound. It would be useful to have a comparison list of such words.
9. SOUND [o:]
Spelling examples: more, order, law, call, cause, caught, bought, course, war, water.
Spelling patterns for the sound [o:]
Letter combinations OR, ORE: cord, Ford, form, born, corn, torn, short, sport, torch, porch, orange, order, orient, normal, mortal, storm, story, glory, forum, forty, morning; bore, more, before, shore, sore, store, tore, explore, ignore.
Letter combination AW: law, draw, drawer, saw, thaw, crawl, shawl, hawk, dawn, lawn, awful, awkward.
Letter combinations ALL, AL: all, ball, call, fall, hall, wall, appall, alter, always, already, walk, talk, chalk, false, salt, halt.
Letter combination AU: cause, pause, applause, sauce, audio, audience, fraud, August, auto, author, Paul, fault, haunt, launch, laundry.
Letter combination AUGHT: caught, taught, daughter, slaughter, haughty, naughty.
Letter combination OUGHT: bought, brought, fought, ought, sought, thought; cough.
Letter combinations OUR, OAR, OOR: course, court, four, mourn, pour, source, your; board, hoarse, hoard, roar, soar, broad; door, floor.
Letter combinations WAR, WA: war, warm, ward, warden, warn, warning, award, reward; water, want, wand, wash, wasp, watch, swamp, swan.
Letter combination QUAR: quart, quarter, headquarters, quartz, quarrel, quarantine.
Letter O as [o:] in AmE: long, wrong, song, boss, lost, cost, dog, gone, coffee.
Note: In AmE, the letter O in words like «long, cost, dog» may be pronounced as [o:] or as [o]. In BrE, the letter O in such words usually has the sound [o].
There are several spelling variants for the sound [o:] that are also used for some other sounds. For example: door [o:] – poor [u]; pour [o:] – tour [u]; cost [o:] – post [ou]. Nevertheless, spelling patterns for the sound [o:] are quite recognizable and should be easy to memorize.
10. SOUND [o]
Spelling examples: not, stop, rob, body, sorry, model, conference, want, watch, wash.
Spelling patterns for the sound [o]
Letter O: got, hot, not, stop, rob, odd, off, clock, coffee, gone, bomb, bond, soft, often, body, hobby, dollar, doctor, document, occupy, college, compliment, conference, model, monitor, option, promise, prompt, follow, borrow, sorrow, tomorrow, sorry, orange.
Letter combination WA: want, watch, wash, what, swamp, swallow, swan.
Letter combination QUA: quality, qualify, quantity, quarrel, quarantine.
Rare spelling for [o]: cough, knowledge, yacht.
Sound [o] in BrE and AmE
It is interesting to note that in American English there is no sound like the British short sound [o]. Instead of it, the sound that sounds like a hybrid of the long sounds [o:] and [a:] is pronounced in American English where British English has the short sound [o].
This hybrid American sound is usually indicated in American dictionaries as [o], but may be indicated as [a:]. For example, there may be the following variants of transcription for the word «want» in American dictionaries: [wont] or [wo:nt]; [wo:nt] or [wa:nt].
The same hybrid sound [o], or [o:] colored as [a:], may be pronounced in American English in words like «water, ought, daughter» in which long [o:] is considered standard. But long [o:] always remains [o:] in the stressed syllable before [r]: more [mo:r], lord [lo:rd], normal, port.
Examples of words with BrE [o] or AmE hybrid [o]: got, not, hot, stop, rob, odd, off, dog, log, clock, coffee, cough, gone, long, song, cost, loss, boss, bomb, bond, soft, often, body, hobby, dollar, doctor, document, occupy, college, compliment, conference, model, monitor, option, promise, prompt, follow, borrow, sorrow, tomorrow, sorry, orange, quality, quantity, want, wash, watch, what, swamp, swallow, swan.
This peculiar hybrid sound [o], the sound [r] that is pronounced in all positions, and the sound [æ] in words like «class, ask, castle, fast, demand, dance» give American English its characteristic accent.
11. SOUND [oi]
Spelling examples: boil, noise, toy, loyal.
Letter combinations OI, OY
The sound [oi] is represented in writing by the combination OI, usually before a consonant letter in the root: oil, ointment, boil, foil, spoil, toil, coin, join, voice, void, avoid, point, appoint, noise, poison, hoist, moist, exploit, loiter, embroidery.
The sound [oi] is represented in writing by the combination OY in any position in the word: boy, joy, ploy, soy, toy, annoy, destroy, employ, corduroy, oyster, loyal, royal, voyage, boyish, joyful.
12. SOUND [ou]
Spelling examples: home, post, bonus, hero, know, road.
Letter O
The sound [ou] is represented by the letter O in the open syllable of the root: home, role, cone, stone, hope, note, close, remote, suppose, homeless, lonely, hopeful.
The sound [ou] is represented by the letter O in the root in the syllable that is not easily recognizable as an open syllable: open, obey, omit, omen, opal, ocean, potent, polar, solar, motor, rotor, modal, total, moment, rodent, soldier, bonus, focus, notice, social, donate, donut, vogue, rogue. Note: In the words «obey, omit», the letters «ob, o» are Latin prefixes.
The sound [ou] is represented by the letter O in the closed syllable of the root, usually before LD, LT, LL and before some other consonant combinations: old, bold, cold, hold, sold, bolt, colt, roll, poll, toll, control, folk, yolk, most, post, host, ghost, gross, both, comb, don’t, won’t.
The sound [ou] is represented by the letter O in the prefix «co» and in some cases in the prefix «pro»: coeducation, coworker, coexist, coordinate, pronoun, program, prohibit, prohibition.
Note: In many words, the letter O in the prefix «pro» represents the sound [ə] (propose, pronounce, protect, provide, production, profession).
Letter O in the final position
The sound [ou] is represented by the letter O in the final position in the word: go, no, so, also, cargo, echo, hero, zero, piano, potato, tomato, mosquito, radio, studio, Mexico, Idaho, motto, logo, veto.
Note:: The final letter O may represent the sound [u:] as in «do, two, who, to, into» and the sounds [u:] or [ə] in the unstressed position as in «to, into».
Letter combinations OW, OA
The sound [ou] is represented by the combination OW in any position in the word: know, low, show, row, tow, owe, grow, throw, blow, flow; bowl, own, blown, flown, grown, shown, thrown, growth; follow, hollow, borrow, narrow, window, yellow; owing, growing, follower, lower, yellowish.
The sound [ou] is represented by the combination OA, usually before a consonant letter in the root: oat, oak, coal, goal, load, road, boat, coat, soak, toast, roast, coast, boast, coach, approach, cockroach.
Letter combinations OE, OUGH, OU
The sound [ou] is represented by the combinations OE, OUGH, OU in a limited number of words: toe, roe, doe, foe, woe; though, although, dough; soul, shoulder, poultry, boulder, mold / mould.
Because the letter O can represent different vowel sounds, for example, [ou], [o:], [o], [ə], and can also form a number of combinations with the other vowels, it would be most useful to study its pronunciation by arranging groups of words in columns on one page according to the sound that the letter O represents.
13. SOUNDS [u:] and [yu:]
Spelling examples: use, rude, food, do, few, blue, group.
Spelling patterns for the sound [u:]
The letter U and the combinations EW, EU, UE, UI represent the sound [u:] after the consonants R, L, J, CH. The vowel O and the combinations OO, OU represent the sound [u:].
Letter U as [u:]: rude, crude, rule, rumor, brutal, prune; Lucy, Luke, lumen, flute; judicial, June, junior, Julia, judo; chute, parachute.
Letter O as [u:]: do, two, who, whom, whose, lose, move, prove, improve, tomb, womb.
Letter combination OO as [u:]: food, mood, room, broom, moon, cartoon, cool, pool, school, scoop, tooth, boots, poodle, ooze, choose, soothe, shoot, too, zoo, bamboo, taboo, kangaroo, shampoo, tattoo.
Letter combination OU as [u:]: group, soup, loupe, cougar, coupon, mousse, route, routine, wound, souvenir, through, rouge.
Letter combination OE as [u:]: shoe, canoe.
Letter combination EW as [u:]: jewel, Jew, flew, blew, chew, crew, screw.
Letter combination UE as [u:]: true, blue, clue, glue.
Letter combination UI as [u:]: juice, fruit, bruise, cruise, recruit, sluice.
Spelling patterns for the sound [yu:]
The letter U and the combinations EW, EU, UE, UI represent the sound [yu:] after the other consonants (except R, L, J, CH). The letter U is pronounced [yu:] when it starts the word.
Letter U as [yu:]: use, usual, union, unit, unite, unique, universe, universal, university, urine, utility, utensil, ubiquitous.
Letter U as [yu:]: fume, funeral, fuse, refuse, fuel; cube, cute, vacuum; music, museum, amuse, community, immune, mute; pupil, human, humor, huge, Hugh.
Letter U as [yu:]: duty, due, produce, tulip, tune, student; nude, nuclear, numeral, menu; super, Susan, consumer.
Letter combination EW as [yu:]: few, nephew, view, dew, new, mew, pew, stew.
Letter combination EU as [yu:]: eucalyptus, euphemism, feud, neurotic, neutral.
Letter combinations UE, UI as [yu:]: hue, cue, due, sue, pursue, suit.
After Y always [yu:]: yule, yuletide, Yukon; youth, yew.
Rare spelling for [yu:]: beauty.
Note: In American English, the sound [u:], not [yu:], is usually pronounced after the consonants D, T, N, S, though both variants are considered standard. Examples: duty [‘du:ti], dew [du:], due [du:], dual; tune [tu:n], tulip [‘tu:lip], stew [stu:], student; new [nu:], nude [nu:d], nuclear; suit [su:t], sue [su:], pursue, super.
14. SOUND [u]
Spelling examples: book, good, pull, sugar, could.
Spelling patterns for the short sound [u]
Letter combination OO: book, cook, look, hook, shook, took, good, stood, wood, hood, childhood, foot, wool, broom, rookie.
Letter U: put, push, pull, bush, bull, bullet, full, pudding, sugar, cushion, butcher.
Letter O: wolf, woman.
Letter combination OU: could, should, would.
It is quite difficult to decide where to say the long sound [u:] and where to say the short sound [u] when they are represented by the combination OO (and, to a lesser extent, by the letter U). It is advisable to keep a comparison list of such words. In some cases, there are two variants of pronunciation: room – [ru:m], [rum]; roof – [ru:f], [ruf]; hoop – [hu:p], [hup]; soot – [sut], [su:t].
15. SOUND [ər] as in SIR
Spelling examples: verb, turn, first, learn, work, journey, dollar.
In American English, the sound [ər] is represented by the combinations of vowels with the letter R in the root, prefix, or suffix, under stress or unstressed. The sound [r] is pronounced in all positions in the word in AmE. All of the vowels can form such combinations. The combination AR represents the sound [ər] only in an unstressed position, usually in the suffix.
Spelling patterns for the sound [ər]
Letter combination ER: her, herb, serve, verb, verse, were, certain, person, concern, emergency, energy, perceive, percent, prefer, teacher, mister, buyer, finger, better, powder.
Letter combination UR: urge, fur, burn, turn, curse, purse, purr, hurry, current, occur, curtain, furnish, turkey, purpose, pursue, disturb, pleasure, lecture, pressure.
Letter combination IR: sir, fir, girl, bird, stir, shirt, skirt, third, whirl, circle, circus, dirty, thirsty.
Letter combination EAR: learn, heard, search, early, earn, earth, pearl, yearn, rehearse.
Letter combination OR: word, work, worm, world, worry, worse, worth; attorney, forgive, forget, doctor, visitor, favor, effort, comfort.
Letter combination OUR: courage, courtesy, journey, journal, glamour.
Letter combination AR: dollar, collar, grammar, sugar, solar, vulgar, anarchy, monarchy, beggar, coward, hazard.
Letter combination YR: martyr, satyr, zephyr.
Letter combination EUR: amateur, connoisseur, chauffeur.
It would be easier to memorize spelling patterns of words with the sound [ər] if you arrange such words in columns according to their spelling.
Note: In the words above (and in other similar words), the sound [ər] in American English generally corresponds to the sound [ə:] in stressed syllables and to the sound [ə] in unstressed syllables in British English.
Note: In British English, the first vowel sound in the words «hurry, current, courage, worry» is [ʌ], not [ə:].
Spelling examples: about, son, much, rough, golden, possible.
The neutral sound [ə] (the schwa) is the most common vowel sound of English. It occurs in initial, medial, or final position in the root, prefix, and suffix, under stress or unstressed. Usually, transcription symbols for the neutral sound are [ʌ] (caret) in stressed syllables and [ə] (schwa) in unstressed syllables. In American ESL materials, the neutral sound is often shown as [ə] (schwa) both in stressed syllables and in unstressed syllables. The neutral sound is represented by several spelling patterns.
Spelling patterns for the neutral sound
Letter A: about, around, asleep, Italy, ornament, likable, central, resistance, assistant, cinema, opera, soda.
Letter O: son, mother, money, other, front, done, some, love, observe, oppress, protect, provide, decorate, memory, history, freedom, lesson.
Letter U: but, sun, much, lucky, ugly, sudden, number, punish, publish, consult, submit, success, suggest, unhappy, understand, industry, difficult, minus, helpful, skillful.
Letter E: tolerate, operate, academy, gallery, system, golden, kitten, different, movement.
Letter I: terrible, possible, family.
Letter combination OU: rough, tough, country, cousin, couple, double, trouble, touch, flourish, nourish, young, famous, dangerous.
Letter combination OO: blood, flood.
The neutral sound is one of the most difficult vowel sounds in terms of pronunciation and spelling. In everyday speech, the unstressed short vowels are often pronounced as the neutral sound, and in some cases the neutral sound is dropped. In some other cases, the neutral sound may appear in the syllable between two consonants where there is no vowel in spelling, for example, in «table, apple, idle, riddle, prism». This stresses the necessity to study the pronunciation of English words together with their spelling.
Типичные варианты написания для гласных звуков
Написание слов и их произношение тесно связаны и должны изучаться вместе. Это особенно верно в отношении английских гласных звуков и их передачи на письме.
Данный материал даёт примеры типичных вариантов написания для английских гласных звуков, идя от звука к написанию. Если вам более удобно идти от букв и буквосочетаний к звукам, которые они передают, вы можете преобразовать данный материал согласно своему желанию. (Пример, как это сделать, дан в материале «Method 2» в разделе Phonetics.)
Обратите внимание, что написание и произношение в данном материале даются согласно американскому варианту английского языка. (См. «British and American Spelling» в разделе Writing; «English Vowel Sounds» и «Vowels Glossary of Terms» в разделе Phonetics.)
Буквы и звуки
В английском языке шесть гласных букв: A, E, I, O, U, Y. Буква Y передаёт гласные звуки [i], [ai] (mystery, type) и согласный (полугласный) звук [y] (yes). Вместе, гласные буквы передают от 15 до 22 гласных звуков. Эта разница происходит в основном из разного подсчета числа дифтонгов в британском английском и в американском английском. Обычно, американские лингвисты приводят пять дифтонгов: [ei], [ai], [au], [oi], [ou].
Количество английских гласных звуков, передаваемых гласными буквами и определёнными сочетаниями гласных, больше, чем число гласных букв и их сочетаний, а это значит, что одна и та же гласная буква или буквосочетание используется для передачи более чем одного звука. В английском языке также есть несколько вариантов написания для каждого гласного звука, что значит, что один и тот же гласный звук представлен на письме разными буквами и буквосочетаниями.
Например, буква A типично передаёт пять звуков: [ei], [æ], [o:], [a:], [ə] (Kate, cat, call, card, alone). Её распространённый звук открытого слога [ei] представлен на письме не только буквой A как в «Kate», но и пятью различными сочетаниями гласных букв как в «may, rain, weigh, they, break». Буквосочетания EY, EI, которые обычно произносятся [ei] в английских словах, передают звук [ai] в некоторых словах иностранного происхождения (Einstein, geyser).
Также есть связь между звуком, его написанием и окружающими буквами. Например, буквосочетание AR, которое обычно произносится [a:r] как в «car, park, hard», произносится [o:r] после согласной W (war, ward, warm, warn).
Наиболее практичный подход – выучить типичные модели написания для гласных звуков. Другие варианты написания могут присутствовать только в нескольких словах или в словах, которые не часто употребляются.
1. ЗВУК [i:]
Примеры написания: me, Pete, Japanese, equal, rewrite, seem, read, piece, seize, police.
Буква E
Звук [i:] передаётся буквой E в открытом слоге корня: me, be, he, she, we; Pete, eve, these, theme, scene, complete, intervene, precede.
Звук [i:] передаётся буквой E в корне в начальном слоге, который нелегко распознать как открытый слог, обычно под ударением: equal, evening, evil, recent, region, meter, secret, media, demon, female, legal, genius, senior, convenient, frequent, veto, premium, previous.
Звук [i:] передаётся (первой) буквой E в суффиксе «ese»: Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Maltese, Portuguese, Lebanese, Burmese, manganese.
Звук [i:] передаётся буквой E в префиксах (приставках) «pre, re» в некоторых словах: prehistoric, prewar, prefix, preoccupy, prepay, preview, react, rewrite, remake.
Примечание: Во многих словах, буква E в префиксах «pre, re» передаёт краткий звук [i] (remove, repair, repeat, reply, return, prepare, prevent, presume).
Буквосочетания EE, EA
Звук [i:] передаётся буквосочетанием EE: see, free, agree, knee, feel, feed, proceed, succeed, keen, seek, seem, screen, deep, greet, sleeve.
Звук [i:] передаётся буквосочетанием EA: sea, tea, peace, teach, lead (вести), read (читать), peak, deal, reveal, scream, team, clean, leap, please, release, beat, beneath, breathe, creature, leave.
Буквосочетания IE, EI
Звук [i:] передаётся буквосочетанием IE в корне: piece, field, achieve, believe, relief, brief, chief, fiend, siege, shriek, priest.
Звук [i:] передаётся буквосочетанием EI в корне: seize, receive, receipt, deceive, conceive, perceive, ceiling, Leigh.
Буква I
В некоторых английских словах иностранного происхождения звук [i:] представлен на письме буквой I: police, caprice, gasoline, machine, magazine, marine, routine, vaccine, prestige, regime, elite, naive, pizza, ski, liter, fatigue, intrigue, antique, physique, technique, unique.
Редкое написание для звука [i:]: key, people, Aesop, Oedipus.
2. ЗВУК [i]
Примеры написания: sit, ignore, public, working, enough, reply, hardness, boxes, symbol, lady, Annie, honey.
Буква I
Краткий звук [i] передаётся буквой I в закрытом слоге корня: it, sit, miss, tip, pick, pin, bring, list, fill, film, trim, dinner, finger, river, consist.
Краткий звук [i] передаётся буквой I в некоторых префиксах: inform, illogical, immune, impudent, irregular, dislike, disturb, mistake, misunderstand. Обратите внимание на написание: ignore, ignorant, ignite.
Краткий звук [i] передаётся буквой I в некоторых суффиксах: public, dramatic, habit, justice, native, foolish, working.
Буква E
Краткий звук [i] передаётся буквой E в начальном слоге корня: English, pretty, ecology, enough, eleven, electric.
Краткий звук [i] передаётся буквой E в некоторых префиксах: effect, emotion, become, before, despair, depart, remove, repair, repeat, reply, return, preliminary, prepare, prevent, secure.
Краткий звук [i] передаётся буквой E в некоторых суффиксах и окончаниях: hardness, madness, actress, countless, childless, rocket, pocket, boxes, catches, added, counted.
Очень трудно решить, где произнести долгий звук [i:], а где краткий звук [i], когда они передаются буквой E в корне или в префиксе. Для более легкого запоминания целесообразно сделать сравнительный список таких слов, расположенных в двух колонках.
Примечание: Конечная одиночная буква E, которая обычно является немой в английских словах, произносится как [i], или как более короткий вариант звука [i:], в словах «apostrophe, catastrophe, psyche».
Буква Y
Звук [i] передаётся буквой Y в корне: symbol, lyrics, myriad, hymn, hypnosis, pyramid, sympathy, synchronize, crystal, system, typical, tyranny, mystery, myth, rhythm, antonym, synonym, pseudonym, acronym.
Звук [i] передаётся буквой Y в суффиксе: lady, family, Daddy, duty, whisky, carry, hurry, funny, happy, busy, dirty, many, very, lovely, nicely, hardly, Larry, Billy, Mary.
Буквосочетания IE, EY
Звук [i] передаётся буквосочетанием IE в суффиксе: Annie, Carrie, Katie, auntie.
Звук [i] передаётся буквосочетаниями IE, EY в суффиксе: honey, hockey, journey, money, monkey, whiskey, Sydney, Casey, Rodney.
Примечание: Согласно многим словарям, буква Y в суффиксе (lady, busy) и буквосочетания IE, EY в суффиксе (Annie, honey) произносятся как более короткий вариант долгого звука [i:].
3. ЗВУК [e]
Примеры написания: end, well, bread, heavy, many.
Буква E
Звук [e] передаётся буквой E в закрытом слоге корня: bet, set, well, guest, seldom, empty, every, berry, regular, accept, connect, inspector, impress, address, architect, project, enter, entrance, entire.
Звук [e] передаётся буквой E в префиксах «em, en»: embalm, embark, embody, embrace, employ, enable, enlarge, engage, enjoy, environment.
Примечание: Префиксы «em, en» могут также произноситься [im], [in], особенно в BrE; в некоторых случаях, существуют два слова, например, «ensure, insure; enquire, inquire».
Буквосочетание EA
Есть много слов (но всё же ограниченное количество), в которых звук [e] передаётся буквосочетанием EA.
Выучите их наизусть: bread, dead, head, header, lead (свинец), read (читал), spread, thread, dread, tread, instead; already, ready, steady, meadow; sweat, sweater, threat, threaten; breath, death, health, stealth, wealth; weather, leather, feather; measure, pleasure, treasure, treasury, pleasant, peasant, pheasant; dealt, meant, cleanse, jealous, realm; heaven, heavy, endeavor, deaf; breakfast, breast, treachery, weapon.
Редкое написание для звука [e]: any, many, friend, said, says, bury.
4. ЗВУК [ei]
Примеры написания: age, lake, nation, wait, play, they, eight.
Буква A
Звук [ei] передаётся буквой A в открытом слоге корня: Kate, ate, late, take, race, name, save, ache, table, cradle, change, strange, paste, taste, waste.
Звук [ei] передаётся буквой A в корне в начальном слоге, который нелегко распознать как открытый слог, и иногда в закрытом слоге, обычно под ударением: bacon, baby, lazy, angel, danger, stranger, chamber, April, paper, basin, basis, Asia, pastry, nation, patriot, fatal, naval, facial, racial, vacant, ancient, patient, radio.
Звук [ei] передаётся буквой A в глагольном суффиксе «ate»: decorate, educate, create, celebrate, concentrate, separate, dictate, investigate, originate.
Буквосочетания AI, EI
Звук [ei] передаётся буквосочетанием AI, обычно перед согласной буквой в корне: aim, aid, sail, tail, main, vain, rain, raise, faint, paint, saint, strait, straight, remain, complain, disdain, explain, restrain.
Звук [ei] передаётся буквосочетанием EI, обычно перед согласной буквой в корне: rein, veil, vein, feign, reign, deign, sleigh, weigh, weight, eight, freight, neighbor.
Примечание: Буквосочетание EI произносится [ai] в словах «height, sleight, either». (См. 7. ЗВУК [ai].)
Буквосочетания AY, EY
Звук [ei] передаётся буквосочетанием AY, обычно в конечном положении в корне: day, gray, may, say, way, hay, play, pray, stay, stray, essay, relay, delay; betrayal, player, essayist, saying. Но: daily, gaily (также, gayly).
Звук [ei] передаётся буквосочетанием EY, обычно в конечном положении в корне: they, grey, prey, hey, whey, survey, obey, convey, conveyance, surveyor.
Примечание: В некоторых словах иностранного происхождения сочетания EI, EY произносятся как [ai]: Einstein, Fahrenheit, geyser, Meyer.
Примечание: Обратите внимание на написание этих слов: mayor, major.
Буквосочетание EA
В следующих словах, звук [ei] передаётся буквосочетанием EA: break, great, steak.
Слова французского происхождения
В некоторых английских словах французского происхождения конечный звук [ei] представлен на письме буквами E, EE, ET: cafe, attache, pate, resume, fiance, fiancee, divorcee, matinee, entree; ballet, beret, buffet, bouquet, fillet, gourmet.
Примечание: Обычно ставится французский знак ударения на конечной букве E (cafe) и на первой букве E в EE (matinee) в вышеуказанных словах, но некоторые из таких слов могут писаться без знака ударения (например, divorcee, matinee, entree) в AmE.
Есть некоторые английские слова с окончанием EE, которое произносится [i:]: employee, trainee, refugee. Большое количество английских слов имеют окончание ET (произносится [it]): bullet, wallet, skillet, packet, picket, pocket, rocket.
5. ЗВУК [æ] как в CAT
Примеры написания: bad, sat, bank, stand, family, accident, apple.
Буква A в закрытом слоге
В американском английском буква A под ударением в закрытом слоге корня обычно произносится [æ]: ask, task, fast, last, contrast, master, disaster, castle, answer, act, pack, actor, factory, add, mad, staff, after, half, class, glass, grass, jazz, chance, dance, can’t, land, handle, command, talent, example, happy, happen, travel, fashion, bath, matter, Manhattan.
В британском английском буква A во многих из этих слов произносится [a:], например, в словах «class, dance, answer, master, castle, fast, disaster, after, half, bath».
Звук [ei], представленный на письме буквой A, изменяется на звук [æ] в некоторых производных словах: Nature [ei] – natural [æ]; nation [ei] – national [æ]; sane [ei] – sanity [æ]; vain – vanity.
Редкое написание для [æ] (AmE): aunt, laugh.
6. ЗВУК [a:]
Примеры написания: army, regard, father, calm, bravo, mirage.
Буквосочетание AR
Звук [a:] передаётся буквосочетанием AR в корне, обычно под ударением: arm, art, car, card, yard, part, charge, large, margin, argue, guard, regard, garden, pardon, market.
Буква A
Буква A передаёт звук [a:] в нескольких английских словах в американском английском: father, Pa, Papa, Ma, Mama; calm, palm, balm, alms, psalm. (Буква L в этих словах немая.)
Буква A передаёт звук [a:] в некоторых словах иностранного происхождения: drama, Panama, saga, cantata, sonata, spa, bravo, aria, lama; mirage, garage, espionage, sabotage, massage, facade.
Примечание: В некоторых словах французского происхождения, звук [a:] передаётся начальным буквосочетанием «en»: entree, ensemble.
Редкое написание для [a:]: sergeant, heart; (BrE) aunt, laugh, draught.
Звуки [æ] и [a:] в AmE и BrE
В британском английском буква A обычно произносится [æ] как в CAT под ударением в закрытом слоге корня, но буква A обычно произносится [a:] перед согласными f, ff, ph, sk, sp, ss, st, th, nce, nd и некоторыми другими.
В американском английском буква A под ударением в закрытом слоге корня обычно произносится [æ] как в CAT во всех случаях.
Примеры слов с AmE [æ] или BrE [a:]: staff, after, draft, half, ask, task, grasp, grass, glass, class, fast, last, castle, master, disaster, bath, path, example, chance, dance, answer, can’t, demand, command.
7. ЗВУК [ai]
Примеры написания: nice, surprise, minus, private, type, reply, dynamic, find, light, tie.
Буква I
Звук [ai] передаётся буквой I в открытом слоге корня: ice, nice, ride, life, file, smile, line, pipe, quite, wise, hi, polite, surprise, prize, combine, arrive.
Звук [ai] передаётся буквой I, под ударением или без ударения, в корне в слоге, который нелегко распознать как открытый слог: idea, identical, idol, isolation, item, science, society, client, crisis, climate, minus, private, library, finance, horizon, dial, vital, vitamin.
Звук [ai] передаётся буквой I и буквой Y в глагольных суффиксах «ize» (ise), «yze» (yse) и «fy»: organize, modernize, analyze, analyse, satisfy, modify, signify.
Звук [ai] передаётся буквой I в некоторых префиксах: diagram, dialect, digest, digress, bicycle, biannual, biography.
Буква Y
Звук [ai] передаётся буквой Y в некоторых английских словах, обычно в конечном положении в корне: by, my, cry, dry, fly, fry, ply, pry, sky, sly, try.
Звук [ai] передаётся буквой Y во многих словах греческого и латинского происхождения: style, type, hype, rhyme; deny, rely, apply, reply; cycle, cyclone, dynamic, dynamite, hybrid, hyphen, nylon, hyperactive, hypodermic, psychopath, psychiatrist.
Примечание: Конечная Y в словах типа «cry, fly, try, satisfy» в определённых случаях изменяется на I перед суффиксами или окончаниями: cries, flier, flyer, tried, trial, trying, satisfied, satisfying. (Посмотрите материалы на прибавление суффиксов и окончаний в разделе Writing.)
Другие варианты написания для звука [ai]
Звук [ai] представлен некоторыми другими вариантами написания в ограниченном количестве слов.
Буква I перед LD, ND и перед некоторыми другими сочетаниями согласных: child, mild, wild, climb, find, kind, mind, blind; rifle, trifle, title, idle, Bible.
Буква I перед GH, GHT, GN: high, sigh, thigh; fight, light, night, right, slight; sign, align, benign, malign.
Буквосочетания IE, YE, EI, EY, UY: die, tie, lie, pie, vie, dye, lye, rye, bye; height, sleight, either, neither; eye, geyser, buy, guy.
Латинское окончание мн. числа I: alumni, fungi, stimuli, alkali, alibi. (Существительные с латинскими окончаниями мн. числа даны в материале «Irregular Plural Nouns» в разделе Writing.)
Примечание: Звук [ai], представленный буквой I, может изменяться на [i] в некоторых производных: signature, malignant, biblical.
Примечание: Буквосочетание EI в словах «either, neither» произносится [i:] или [ai] в AmE.
8. ЗВУК [au]
Примеры написания: how, brown, out, noun.
Буквосочетания OW, OU
Звук [au] передаётся буквосочетанием OW в любом положении в слове: now, how, cow, row, bow, brow, allow, plow, crowd, owl, fowl, howl, prowl, down, gown, town, clown, brown, drown, crown, browse, browser, powder, power, flower, tower, allowing, allowance.
Звук [au] передаётся буквосочетанием OU, обычно перед согласной буквой в корне: out, about, doubt, couch, cloud, loud, proud, foul, noun, announce, bounce, ounce, pound, found, ground, hound, around, sound, surround, count, account, amount, mountain, house, mouse, louse, blouse, mouth, south, scout, shout, bough, plough, drought.
Трудно решить, где произнести звук [ou], а где звук [au], когда они представлены сочетанием OW. Например: own – owl; bowl – brown; mow – pow. Кроме того, есть несколько омонимов, которые пишутся одинаково, но произносятся по-разному: row [rou] и [rau]; bow [bou] и [bau]; sow [sou] и [sau]. Желательно сделать сравнительный список таких слов.
Также может быть трудно решить, где писать OW, а где писать OU. Например: fowl – foul; browse – blouse; crowd – cloud; powder – pound. Будет полезно иметь сравнительный список таких слов.
9. ЗВУК [o:]
Примеры написания: more, order, law, call, cause, caught, bought, course, war, water.
Модели написания для звука [o:]
Буквосочетания OR, ORE: cord, Ford, form, born, corn, torn, short, sport, torch, porch, orange, order, orient, normal, mortal, storm, story, glory, forum, forty, morning; bore, more, before, shore, sore, store, tore, explore, ignore.
Буквосочетание AW: law, draw, drawer, saw, thaw, crawl, shawl, hawk, dawn, lawn, awful, awkward.
Буквосочетания ALL, AL: all, ball, call, fall, hall, wall, appall, alter, always, already, walk, talk, chalk, false, salt, halt.
Буквосочетание AU: cause, pause, applause, sauce, audio, audience, fraud, August, auto, author, Paul, fault, haunt, launch, laundry.
Буквосочетание AUGHT: caught, taught, daughter, slaughter, haughty, naughty.
Буквосочетание OUGHT: bought, brought, fought, ought, sought, thought; cough.
Буквосочетания OUR, OAR, OOR: course, court, four, mourn, pour, source, your; board, hoarse, hoard, roar, soar, broad; door, floor.
Буквосочетания WAR, WA: war, warm, ward, warden, warn, warning, award, reward; water, want, wand, wash, wasp, watch, swamp, swan.
Буквосочетание QUAR: quart, quarter, headquarters, quartz, quarrel, quarantine.
Буква O как [o:] в AmE: long, wrong, song, boss, lost, cost, dog, gone, coffee.
Примечание: В AmE, буква O в словах типа «long, cost, dog» может произноситься как [o:] или как [o]. В BrE, буква O в таких словах обычно имеет звук [o].
Есть несколько вариантов написания для звука [o:], которые также используются для некоторых других звуков. Например: door [o:] – poor [u]; pour [o:] – tour [u]; cost [o:] – post [ou]. Тем не менее, модели написания для звука [o:] вполне узнаваемые и должны легко запоминаться.
10. ЗВУК [o]
Примеры написания: not, stop, rob, body, sorry, model, conference, want, watch, wash.
Модели написания для звука [o]
Буква O: got, hot, not, stop, rob, odd, off, clock, coffee, gone, bomb, bond, soft, often, body, hobby, dollar, doctor, document, occupy, college, compliment, conference, model, monitor, option, promise, prompt, follow, borrow, sorrow, tomorrow, sorry, orange.
Буквосочетание WA: want, watch, wash, what, swamp, swallow, swan.
Буквосочетание QUA: quality, qualify, quantity, quarrel, quarantine.
Редкое написание для [o]: cough, knowledge, yacht.
Звук [o] в BrE и AmE
Интересно отметить, что в американском английском нет такого звука, как британский краткий звук [o]. Вместо него, звук, который звучит как гибрид долгих звуков [o:] и [a:], произносится в американском английском там, где в британском английском краткий звук [o].
Этот гибридный американский звук обычно указывается в американских словарях как [o], но может указываться как [a:]. Например, в американских словарях могут быть следующие варианты транскрипции для слова «want»: [wont] or [wo:nt]; [wo:nt] or [wa:nt].
Тот же гибридный звук [o], или [o:] окрашенный как [a:], может произноситься в AmE в словах типа «water, ought, daughter», в которых долгое [o:] считается нормой. Однако долгое [o:] всегда остается [o:] в ударном слоге перед [r]: more [mo:r], lord [lo:rd], normal, port.
Примеры слов с BrE [o] или AmE гибридным [o]: got, not, hot, stop, rob, odd, off, dog, log, clock, coffee, cough, gone, long, song, cost, loss, boss, bomb, bond, soft, often, body, hobby, dollar, doctor, document, occupy, college, compliment, conference, model, monitor, option, promise, prompt, follow, borrow, sorrow, tomorrow, sorry, orange, quality, quantity, want, wash, watch, what, swamp, swallow, swan.
Этот своеобразный гибридный звук [o], звук [r], который произносится во всех положениях, и звук [æ] в словах типа «class, ask, castle, fast, demand, dance» придают американскому английскому его характерный акцент.
11. ЗВУК [oi]
Примеры написания: boil, noise, toy, loyal.
Буквосочетания OI, OY
Звук [oi] представлен на письме буквосочетанием OI, обычно перед согласной буквой в корне: oil, ointment, boil, foil, spoil, toil, coin, join, voice, void, avoid, point, appoint, noise, poison, hoist, moist, exploit, loiter, embroidery.
Звук [oi] представлен на письме буквосочетанием OY в любом положении в слове: boy, joy, ploy, soy, toy, annoy, destroy, employ, corduroy, oyster, loyal, royal, voyage, boyish, joyful.
12. ЗВУК [ou]
Примеры написания: home, post, bonus, hero, know, road.
Буква O
Звук [ou] передаётся буквой O в открытом слоге корня: home, role, cone, stone, hope, note, close, remote, suppose, homeless, lonely, hopeful.
Звук [ou] передаётся буквой O в корне в слоге, который нелегко распознать как открытый слог: open, obey, omit, omen, opal, ocean, potent, polar, solar, motor, rotor, modal, total, moment, rodent, soldier, bonus, focus, notice, social, donate, donut, vogue, rogue. Примечание: В словах «obey, omit», буквы «ob, o» – латинские префиксы.
Звук [ou] передаётся буквой O в закрытом слоге корня, обычно перед LD, LT, LL и перед некоторыми другими сочетаниями согласных: old, bold, cold, hold, sold, bolt, colt, roll, poll, toll, control, folk, yolk, most, post, host, ghost, gross, both, comb, don’t, won’t.
Звук [ou] передаётся буквой O в префиксе «co» и в некоторых случаях в префиксе «pro»: coeducation, coworker, coexist, coordinate, pronoun, prohibit, prohibition.
Примечание: Во многих словах, буква O в префиксе «pro» передаёт звук [ə] (propose, pronounce, protect, provide, production, profession).
Буква O в конечном положении
Звук [ou] передаётся буквой O в конечном положении в слове: go, no, so, also, cargo, echo, hero, zero, piano, potato, tomato, mosquito, radio, studio, Mexico, Idaho, motto, logo, veto.
Примечание:: Конечная буква O может передавать звук [u:] как в «do, two, who, to, into» и звуки [u:] или [ə] в неударном положении как в «to, into».
Буквосочетания OW, OA
Звук [ou] представлен на письме буквосочетанием OW в любом положении в слове: know, low, show, row, tow, owe, grow, throw, blow, flow; bowl, own, blown, flown, grown, shown, thrown, growth; follow, hollow, borrow, narrow, window, yellow; owing, growing, follower, lower, yellowish.
Звук [ou] представлен на письме буквосочетанием OA, обычно перед согласной буквой в корне: oat, oak, coal, goal, load, road, boat, coat, soak, toast, roast, coast, boast, coach, approach, cockroach.
Буквосочетания OE, OUGH, OU
Звук [ou] представлен на письме буквосочетаниями OE, OUGH, OU в ограниченном количестве слов: toe, roe, doe, foe, woe; though, although, dough; soul, shoulder, poultry, boulder, mold / mould.
Поскольку буква O может передавать разные гласные звуки, например, [ou], [o:], [o], [ə], а также может образовывать ряд буквосочетаний с другими гласными, будет очень полезно изучать её произношение, расположив группы слов в колонках на одной странице согласно звуку, который буква O передаёт.
13. ЗВУКИ [u:] и [yu:]
Примеры написания: use, rude, food, do, few, blue, group.
Модели написания для звука [u:]
Буква U и буквосочетания EW, EU, UE, UI передают звук [u:] после согласных букв R, L, J, CH. Гласная O и буквосочетания OO, OU передают звук [u:].
Буква U as [u:]: rude, crude, rule, rumor, brutal, prune; Lucy, Luke, lumen, flute; judicial, June, junior, Julia, judo; chute, parachute.
Буква O as [u:]: do, two, who, whom, whose, lose, move, prove, improve, tomb, womb.
Буквосочетание OO as [u:]: food, mood, room, broom, moon, cartoon, cool, pool, school, scoop, tooth, boots, poodle, ooze, choose, soothe, shoot, too, zoo, bamboo, taboo, kangaroo, shampoo, tattoo.
Буквосочетание OU as [u:]: group, soup, loupe, cougar, coupon, mousse, route, routine, wound, souvenir, through, rouge.
Буквосочетание OE as [u:]: shoe, canoe.
Буквосочетание EW as [u:]: jewel, Jew, flew, blew, chew, crew, screw.
Буквосочетание UE as [u:]: true, blue, clue, glue.
Буквосочетание UI as [u:]: juice, fruit, bruise, cruise, recruit, sluice.
Модели написания для звука [yu:]
Буква U и буквосочетания EW, EU, UE, UI передают звук [yu:] после других согласных букв (кроме R, L, J, CH). Буква U произносится [yu:], когда она начинает слово.
Буква U as [yu:]: use, usual, union, unit, unite, unique, universe, universal, university, urine, utility, utensil, ubiquitous.
Буква U as [yu:]: fume, funeral, fuse, refuse, fuel; cube, cute, vacuum; music, museum, amuse, community, immune, mute; pupil, human, humor, huge, Hugh.
Буква U as [yu:]: duty, due, produce, tulip, tune, student; nude, nuclear, numeral, menu; super, Susan, consumer.
Буквосочетание EW as [yu:]: few, nephew, view, dew, new, mew, pew, stew.
Буквосочетание EU as [yu:]: eucalyptus, euphemism, feud, neurotic, neutral.
Буквосочетания UE, UI as [yu:]: hue, cue, due, sue, pursue, suit.
После Y всегда [yu:]: yule, yuletide, Yukon; youth, yew.
Редкое написание для [yu:]: beauty.
Примечание: В американском английском звук [u:], а не [yu:], обычно произносится после согласных D, T, N, S, хотя оба варианта считаются нормой. Примеры: duty [‘du:ti], dew [du:], due [du:], dual; tune [tu:n], tulip [‘tu:lip], stew [stu:], student; new [nu:], nude [nu:d], nuclear; suit [su:t], sue [su:], pursue, super.
14. ЗВУК [u]
Примеры написания: book, good, pull, sugar, could.
Модели написания для краткого звука [u]
Буквосочетание OO: book, cook, look, hook, shook, took, good, stood, wood, hood, childhood, foot, wool, broom, rookie.
Буква U: put, push, pull, bush, bull, bullet, full, pudding, sugar, cushion, butcher.
Буква O: wolf, woman.
Буквосочетание OU: could, should, would.
Довольно трудно решить, где произнести долгий звук [u:], а где краткий звук [u], когда они представлены буквосочетанием OO (и буквой U, хотя и в меньшей степени). Целесообразно вести сравнительный список таких слов. В некоторых случаях есть два варианта произношения: room – [ru:m], [rum]; roof – [ru:f], [ruf]; hoop – [hu:p], [hup]; soot – [sut], [su:t].
15. ЗВУК [ər] как в SIR
Примеры написания: verb, turn, first, learn, work, journey, dollar.
В американском английском, звук [ər] передаётся сочетаниями гласных с буквой R в корне, префиксе или суффиксе, под ударением или без ударения. Звук [r] произносится во всех положениях в слове в AmE. Все гласные буквы могут образовывать такие сочетания. Сочетание AR передаёт звук [ər] только в безударном положении, обычно в суффиксе.
Модели написания для звука [ər]
Буквосочетание ER: her, herb, serve, verb, verse, were, certain, person, concern, emergency, energy, perceive, percent, prefer, teacher, mister, buyer, finger, better, powder.
Буквосочетание UR: urge, fur, burn, turn, curse, purse, purr, hurry, current, occur, curtain, furnish, turkey, purpose, pursue, disturb, pleasure, lecture, pressure.
Буквосочетание IR: sir, fir, girl, bird, stir, shirt, skirt, third, whirl, circle, circus, dirty, thirsty.
Буквосочетание EAR: learn, heard, search, early, earn, earth, pearl, yearn, rehearse.
Буквосочетание OR: word, work, worm, world, worry, worse, worth; attorney, forgive, forget, doctor, visitor, favor, effort, comfort.
Буквосочетание OUR: courage, courtesy, journey, journal, glamour.
Буквосочетание AR: dollar, collar, grammar, sugar, solar, vulgar, anarchy, monarchy, beggar, coward, hazard.
Буквосочетание YR: martyr, satyr, zephyr.
Буквосочетание EUR: amateur, connoisseur, chauffeur.
Будет легче запомнить модели написания слов со звуком [ər], если вы расположите такие слова в колонках согласно их написанию.
Примечание: В словах выше (и в других похожих словах), звук [ər] в американском английском обычно соответствует звуку [ə:] в ударных слогах и звуку [ə] в неударных слогах в британском английском.
Примечание: В британском английском, первый гласный звук в словах «hurry, current, courage, worry» – [ʌ], а не [ə:].
Примеры написания: about, son, much, rough, golden, possible.
Нейтральный звук [ə] – самый распространённый гласный звук английского языка. Он встречается в начальном, среднем или конечном положении в корне, префиксе и суффиксе, под ударением или без ударения. Обычно, символы транскрипции для нейтрального звука – [ʌ] (caret) в ударных слогах и [ə] (schwa) в безударных слогах. В американских материалах ESL нейтральный звук часто даётся как [ə] (schwa) и в ударных слогах, и в безударных слогах. Нейтральный звук представлен несколькими моделями написания.
Модели написания для нейтрального звука
Буква A: about, around, asleep, Italy, ornament, likable, central, resistance, assistant, cinema, opera, soda.
Буква O: son, mother, money, other, front, done, some, love, observe, oppress, protect, provide, decorate, memory, history, freedom, lesson.
Буква U: but, sun, much, lucky, ugly, sudden, number, punish, publish, consult, submit, success, suggest, unhappy, understand, industry, difficult, minus, helpful, skillful.
Буква E: tolerate, operate, academy, gallery, system, golden, kitten, different, movement.
Буква I: terrible, possible, family.
Буквосочетание OU: rough, tough, country, cousin, couple, double, trouble, touch, flourish, nourish, young, famous, dangerous.
Буквосочетание OO: blood, flood.
Нейтральный звук – один из самых трудных гласных звуков, говоря о произношении и правописании. В разговорной речи безударные краткие гласные часто произносятся как нейтральный звук, а в некоторых случаях нейтральный звук выпадает. В некоторых других случаях нейтральный звук может появляться в слоге между двумя согласными, где для него нет гласной буквы на письме, например, в «table, apple, idle, riddle, prism». Это усиливает необходимость изучать произношение английских слов вместе с их написанием.