Word collocation of take

Collocations with Take! Learn commonly used collocations and expressions with Take in English with example sentences and ESL picture to improve your English.

Useful list of verb noun collocations in English.

List of Expressions with Take

  • Take (sb) to court
  • Take (sb’s) temperature
  • Take a bite
  • Take a bow
  • Take a break
  • Take a call
  • Take a chance
  • Take a class
  • Take a decision (make)
  • Take a holiday
  • Take a lesson
  • Take a look
  • Take a message
  • Take a nap
  • Take a number
  • Take a photo/ a photograph
  • Take a picture
  • Take a rest
  • Take a risk
  • Take a seat
  • Take a shower (have)
  • Take a step
  • Take a taxi/bus/train/plane
  • Take a test
  • Take a while/ a minute/ five minutes
  • Take action
  • Take advantage (of)
  • Take advice
  • Take ages
  • Take an exam/ a test/ a course
  • Take care of
  • Take charge (of)
  • Take drugs
  • Take exercise
  • Take medicine
  • Take notes
  • Take notice
  • Take part
  • Take place
  • Take pride in
  • Take somebody’s place
  • Take someone’s temperature
  • Take time
  • Take turns
  • Take up space
  • Take your time

Examples of Collocations with Take

List of collocations with take with example sentences.

Take (sb) to court

  • I will take you to court if you persist in pestering my client.

Take (sb’s) temperature

  • We take temperature readings every two hours.

Take a bite

  • I make up a soft taco and take a bite.

Take a bow

  • During the show, I could barely take a bow.

Take a break

  • I wanted to take a break and work on some things.

Take a call

  • Apologies for the delay, I had to take a call.

Take a chance

  • We will take a chance to have the party outdoor.

Take a class

  • You could just walk in, sit down and take a class.

Take a decision (make)

  • You have to take lots of decisions in life.

Take a holiday

  • He had intended to take a holiday in New York.

Take a lesson

  • I might take a lesson from you.

Take a look

  • I’ll take a look at the website and let you know what I think.

Take a message

  • The manager is out, can I take a message?

Take a nap

  • I usually take a nap after lunch.

Take a number

  • I think it will take a number of months for this to play out.

Take a photo/ a photograph

  • Why did you take so many photos on holiday?

Take a picture

  • Could I take a picture of you?

Take a rest

  • Take a rest from your hard work.

Take a risk

  • She is left with little choice but to take a risk.

Take a seat

  • Take a seat while I get you something to drink.

Take a shower (have)

  • I usually take a shower before having my breakfast.

Take a step

  • I take a step into the center of the circle.

Take a taxi/bus/train/plane

  • Let’s not take a taxi; we can easily walk over.

Take a test

  • Have you taken your driving test yet?

Take a while/ a minute/ five minutes

  • It might take a while for this file to upload.

Take action

  • We must take action to cut vehicle emissions.

Take advantage (of)

  • Many schools don’t take full advantage of the Internet.

Take advice

  • We don’t have to take advice from him.

Take ages

  • It’ll probably take ages to find a parking space.

Take an exam/ a test/ a course

  • Do you have to take an exam in French?

Take care of

  • We had a chance to take care of our own business.

Take charge (of)

  • The policeman said he would take charge of the gun.

Take drugs

  • He does not smoke or take drugs.

Take exercise

  • Take exercise if you’re out of shape.

Take medicine

  • Take medicine when you get gripes.

Take notes

  • He drew out his notebook and began to take notes.

Take notice

  • This news made us all sit up and take notice.

Take part

  • He will take part in this contest.

Take place

  • The wedding will take place in October.

Take pride in

  • I take pride in my work.

Take somebody’s place

  • He has just begged off, can you take his place in the team?

Take someone’s temperature

  • I took my temperature and I found that I am running a fever.

Take time

  • Her mental scars will take time to heal.

Take turns

  • We take turns to answer the phone.

Take up space

  • You take up space and you slow me down.

Take your time

  • Whatever you do, slow down and take your time.

Expressions with Take | Picture

Useful Collocations with Take in English | Picture 1

Collocations with TAKEPin

Useful Collocations with Take in English | Picture 2

Collocations with TAKEPin

Expressions with TAKE: 46 Collocations with TAKE

Last Updated on April 3, 2020

Знаете ли вы, как в Англии «уходят по-английски», а точнее, не попрощавшись? Они уходят по-французски, «take French leave».  А французы винят по всем англичан, говоря «filer à l’anglaise», хотя на русский и то, и другое переводится как «уйти по-английски».

По одной из версий, это выражение появилось в период Семилетней войны, в которой Англия и Франция враждовали. Во время затяжных сражений обе стороны друг друга высмеивали, и англичане саркастично говорили про французскую сторону — мол, они любят «уходить по-французски». Таким образом они делали акцент на частых случаях дезертирства во французской армии, а также постоянных самоволках. Обидевшись, французы стали так же говорить про англичан. 

Сегодня в выпуске — устойчивые сочетания со словом «take».

To take a holiday взять отпуск
To take a trip съездить куда-л.
To take a train сесть на поезд
To take a bus сесть на автобус
To take a liking to smth войти во вкус чего-л., пристраститься к чему-л.
To take a risk рискнуть
To take an interest in smth интересоваться чем-л.
To take photos of smb, smth сфотографировать кого-л., что-л.
To take a chance рисковать
To take a dislike to smb невзлюбить кого-л.
To take advantage of smth воспользоваться чем-л.
To take action начинать действовать; принимать меры
To take a back seat стушеваться, отойти на задний план
To take a bath принять ванну
To take a boat сесть на катер/на корабль
To take a break сделать перерыв
To take a deep breath сделать глубокий вздох/глубоко вздохнуть
To take French leave уйти, не попрощавшись; уйти по-английски
To take a good turn принимать хороший оборот
To take a nap вздремнуть
To take a pride in smth гордиться чем-л.
To take a rest отдыхать
To take a seat садиться/занимать место
To take a short cut срезать путь, пойти кратчайшей дорогой
To take an offer принимать предложение
To take care of smb ухаживать, заботиться о ком-то

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Вам просто не останется другого выбора — только заговорить по-английски!

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Запись на консультацию

    • See Also:
      • tablespoon
      • tablet
      • tack
      • tackle
      • tacky
      • tag
      • tail
      • tailor
      • tailored
      • tainted
      • take
      • takeaway
      • taken
      • takeover
      • taking
      • tale
      • talent
      • talented
      • talk
      • talkative
      • talking
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Inflections of ‘take‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p

Collocations for «take»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «take» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. take the [money, bribe, offer, proposal]
  2. take a [shower, bath, phone call]
  3. take a [break, vacation, day off, tour]
  4. take sick leave
  5. take a look (at)
  6. take a breath
  7. take [a hint, a tip, advice] (from)
  8. can’t take a [hint, joke]
  9. take a [risk, gamble]
  10. take a [moment, second, minute] to [enjoy, relax, listen, imagine]
  11. take cover (from enemy fire)
  12. take the lead
  13. take (your) time
  14. take (the) time to
  15. take her place in the [office, company]
  16. take care of [yourself, her]
  17. take part in a [conversation, decision]
  18. take advantage of [her feelings, the situation]
  19. take [a pill, medication, your medicine]
  20. please take one
  21. take [pictures, video] (of)
  22. take a [survey, quiz, exam]
  23. take stock (of)
  24. take an interest in
  25. take it to mean
  26. take it into [account, consideration] (when)
  27. take it for granted
  28. UK: you can take it as read (that)
  29. I (just) can’t take it anymore!
  30. takes [some, a little] getting used to
  31. won’t take no for an answer
  32. took a [fall, tumble]
  33. take the fall for your [friend, brother, coworker]
  34. [she, things] took a turn for the worse
  35. take me [home, to the hospital]
  36. took me [three years, 10 minutes] (to)
  37. this won’t take long
  38. what will it take to [change, make, get, ensure, help]
  39. it takes a lot to make her [angry, laugh]
  40. took a lot of [hard work, effort]
  41. take up [the piano, knitting]
  42. take over the [company, government, position]
  43. take out your [phone, wallet, keys]
  44. take your [phone] out
  45. take something away from the [experience, event]
  46. take away his [toys, dessert]
  47. take back the [title, presidency]
  48. take on [an opponent, the champion]
  49. take off (for France)
  50. the [plane, sales] took off
  51. takes after her [mother, father]
  52. take in the [information, news]
  53. take up a pair of [jeans, pants]


  1. took [two, three, ten] takes (to)
  2. on the [first, third, final] take
  3. the [scene, line] took [three] takes
  4. a [lazy, whimsical, surprising] take
  5. has a [carefree, calm, laid-back] take on life
  6. what’s your take on the [situation, decision, news]?
  7. a new take on the [classics, idea, song]
  8. your hot take on (the subject)
  9. the [judge, officer] is on the take
  10. most [politicians, senators, agents] are on the take
  11. the take at the [event, fundraiser, fair, store]
  12. the take was [over, more than] [$5,000]
  13. the take from [taxes, lottery tickets, charity boxes]

take‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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Take the bus

Сесть на автобус.

Take a bite: взять укус.


Take a break: взять раскаливание!!


Take a cab

Сесть на такси.

Take a look: взять взгляд.


Take a minute, an hour, a week etc.: взять минуту, час, неделю и т.д.

Отнимать минуту, час, день и т.д.

Пример: It took me three hours to fix this computer: у меня три часа ушло только

на то, чтобы чинить этот компьютер.

Take a nap: взять дремоту.


Take a phone call

Принимать звонок.

Take a photo

Снять фотографию.

Take a seat: взять сидение.


Take a seat please: присаживаетесь пожалуйста.

Take a shower

Принимать ванну.

Take a walk: прогуляться.

Let’s take a walk: давай прогуляемся.

Дополнительные Выражения

Take ages: взять вечность.

Длиться очень долго.

it took us ages to reach the next village by bus: мы добирались очень долго в соседнюю деревню.

Take one’s breath away: отнимать дыхание.


His new car took her breath away: у неё дух захватило от его новой машины.

Take forever: взять навсегда.

 Длиться очень долго.

That movie is taking forever: этот фильм никак не заканчивается.

Take a holiday: взять отпуск.

They took a holiday and went to Italy: они взяли отпуск и поехали в Италию.

Take heart: взять сердце.

Взять себя в руки.

Take heart and tell her that you love her: возьми себя в руки и скажи ей что ты её любишь.

Take medicine: взять лекарство.

Принимать лекарство.

Don»t forget to take your medicine: не забудь принимать своё лекарство.

Take notes: делать записи.

He takes notes of everything the teacher says: он записывает всё, что учитель говорит.

Take part: взять часть.

Участвовать, принимать участие.

I don’t want to take part in this business: я не хочу впутываться в такие дела.

Take place: взять место.

Происходить, состояться.

The festival took place yesterday: фестиваль состоялся вчера.

Take a rest: взять отдых.


Let’s take a rest now and drink some tea: давай отдохнём сейчас и попьём чай.

Take a risk: взять риск.


Take (sb’s) temperature: мерить температуру у кого-нибудь.

The vet took the cat’s temperature: ветврач померил температуру у кота.

Take a test: взять тест.

Сдавать экзамен.

He is so nervous because he will soon take a driving test: он сильно нервничает, потому что скоро ему сдавать на права.

Take turns: взять очереди.

Делать что-нибудь по очереди.

The children took turns to draw the monkey: дети рисовали обезьянку по очереди.

Take up space: взять пространство.

Занимать много места.

 That wardrobe takes up a lot of space. Let’s throw it through the window: тот шкаф занимает много место. Давай его выкинем через окно.

Take your time: возьми своё время.

Значение: не торопись. 

List of common Collocations with take in English with PDF. These 63+ plus collocations are very useful collocations. When we have to give a thing to someone or we have to give advice we use these most common & conversational collocations with take.

collocations with take

Collocations with take

List of collocations with Take

  • Take a sauna
  • Take a sample
  • Take a nap
  • Take a seat
  • Take a seminar
  • Take a coaching
  • Take a swim
  • Take a bus
  • Take a meeting
  • Take a hike
  • Take a photograph
  • Take a test
  • Take a quiz
  • Take exercise
  • Take a bike ride
  • Take effect
  • Take a photography class
  • Take a plane
  • Take a message
  • Take a painting class
  • Take a bath
  • Take place
  • Take a memo
  • Take a supplement
  • Take charge
  • Take a vacation
  • Take a video
  • Take action
  • Take cover
  • Take a run
  • Take a course
  • Take a train
  • Take a class
  • Take a holiday
  • Take a break
  • Take my place
  • Take a counseling
  • Take lessons
  • Take a therapy
  • Take your time
  • Take ages
  • Take medicine
  • Take a long time
  • Take a chance
  • Take a note
  • Take a photo
  • Take a rest
  • Take up space
  • Take a walk
  • Take a bite
  • Take a screenshot
  • Take a number
  • Take a call
  • Take a conference
  • Take a certification
  • Take a measurement
  • Take a language class
  • Take a picture
  • Take a degree
  • Take class
  • Take part
  • Take notes
  • Take advice
  • Take a training
  • Take a bow
  • Take a lesson
  • Take a look
  • Take a decision
  • Take a journey
  • Take turns
  • Take notice
  • Take a step
  • Take a risk
  • Take care
  • Take drugs
  • Take a mentoring
  • Take a yoga class
  • Take pride in
  • Take a massage
  • Take a shower
  • Take a dance class
  • Take a music lesson
  • Take a workshop
  • Take a license
  • Take advantage
  • Take a trip
  • Take a sit
  • Take care of
  • Take the bus
  • Take part in sth
  • Take a cooking class
  • Take it apart
  • Take a medication
  • Take an exam
  • Take it seriously
  • Take time
  • Take a survey
  • Take heart
  • Take a taxi

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List of collocations with take List of collocations with take pdf

Examples of Collocations with Take

  • Take up space

It will take up a lot of extra space.

  • Take lessons

You should take lessons from the mistakes of your elder brother.

  • Take pride in

We take pride in raising poor children.

  • Take it apart

The mechanic has to take apart the machine to diagnose the problem.

  • Take a bow

The national cricket team should take a bow for its remarkable success.

  • Take my place

I’m not interested in politics you can take my place. I want to live peacefully.

  • Take a holiday

If you are not feeling good you should take a holiday. I will manage the work.

  • Take drugs

It is a very disgusting act to sell drugs. They should be punished.

  • Take medicine

Kindly, take medicine your health is very upset.

  • Take a rest

You should take a rest, you have completed a long journey.

  • Take a trip

We take a trip to the northern hills and enjoyed the beauty of nature.

  • Take notes

I would not mind it if you take my notes.

  • Take a hike

After 9 pm she was behaving awkwardly and the boss asked her to take a hike.

  • Take a class

You should take the class you have already missed in the previous lectures.

  • Take a chance

You have good potential you should take a chance to improve your abilities.

  • Take place

Nothing take place as was expected.

  • Take a bite

She started to take a bite of her pizza, at once agitated and longing.

  • Take care of

I will take care of her baby, you should not worry about him.

  • Take a break

We should take a break, my brain is burning.

  • Take notice

The Police should take notice of this serious act by the politician.

  • Take a long time

You can take a long time but I need complete details of this paper.

  • Take a course

After paying the fee you can take a course.

  • Take time

Take time according to your desire but I need output.

  • Take a step

You have to take a step to give him a chance to improve this relationship.

  • Take a decision

The government take a decision to punish all the corrupt people.

  • Take care

I am going to the office don’t forget to take care of my baby.

  • Take a taxi

Take a taxi and reach immediately. We have to present our project.

  • Take a bus

You can take a bus to go there.

  • Take a plane

We don’t have much time you should take a plane.

  • Take a photograph

I was gloomy when she asked me to take a photograph.

  • Take a photo

They took a photo for their last memory.

  • Take your time

Take your time I need the final results with an explanation.

  • Take a picture

They take a picture of her finance to show her.

  • Take a nap

They usually take a nap after their meal.

  • Take turns

You should not take turns without watching the mirror.

  • Take a vacation

Take a vacation and enjoy the party.

  • Take advantage

You should take advantage of this offer.

  • Take a risk

I have to take a risk to start this new project.

  • Take it seriously

Why are you laughing, Take it seriously!

  • Take a number

Take a number I will tell you the next digit in your mind.

  • Take a shower

She was taking a shower when her husband called her.

  • Take exercise

If you want to live a healthy life you should take exercise.

  • Take charge

Tomorrow, you have to take charge of this post.

  • Take a seat

I can stand, Take a seat, please!

  • Take a survey

Take a complete survey to figure out the no. of votes for this person.

  • Take action

Why are you hesitating? Take action!

Other Common Collocations with Take in example Sentences

  • I need to take a rest after a long day at work.
  • I often take a nap after lunch to recharge my energy.
  • I am planning to take a vacation to a tropical island next month.
  • I would like to take a trip to Europe to explore different cultures.
  • I dream of taking a journey across the world someday.
  • We should take a hike in the mountains for some fresh air and exercise.
  • Let’s take a walk in the park to enjoy the sunshine.
  • I usually take a run in the morning to start my day.
  • I love to take a bike ride along the beach for fun.
  • It’s hot outside, so I’m going to take a swim in the pool.
  • After a long day, I like to take a shower to relax my muscles.
  • I prefer to take a bath with some essential oils for a spa-like experience.
  • I love to take a sauna to detoxify my body and reduce stress.
  • I treat myself to take a massage once a month for some self-care.
  • I plan to take a yoga class this weekend to improve my flexibility and mindfulness.
  • I signed up to take a dance class to learn salsa and have fun.
  • I want to take a cooking class to learn new recipes and culinary skills.
  • I enrolled in a take a language class to learn Spanish and communicate with more people.
  • I am taking take a music lesson to learn how to play the piano.
  • I want to take a painting class to unleash my creativity.
  • I need to take a photography class to improve my skills for my job.
  • I decided to take a course in digital marketing to improve my career prospects.
  • I completed my take degree in psychology and landed a great job.
  • I am studying for my take certification in project management to advance my career.
  • I passed my take license exam for real estate and can now sell houses.
  • I am preparing for my take test in mathematics and need to study hard.
  • I have an take an exam in biology next week and need to review my notes.
  • I just finished a take a quiz on world history for fun.
  • I need to take a survey to gather feedback on my product.
  • I am going to take a sample of the new product to try it out.
  • I need to take a measurement of the room before buying furniture.
  • Let me take a photo of this beautiful sunset.
  • I want to take a video of my daughter’s first ballet recital.
  • I will take a screenshot of this important document for future reference.
  • I need to take note of the meeting agenda.
  • I sent a take a memo to my team to update them on the project.
  • Can you take a message for me while I am in a meeting?
  • I have to take a call from my boss in a few minutes.
  • I am attending a take a meeting with my colleagues to discuss the project.
  • I registered for a take a conference on entrepreneurship next month.
  • I am going to take a workshop on public speaking to improve my communication skills.
  • I attended a take a seminar on time management and learned a lot.
  • I am participating in a take a training program to learn new skills for my job.
  • I hired a coach to take a coaching session on career development.
  • I am looking for a mentor to take a mentoring relationship for guidance.
  • I am going to take a counseling session to improve my mental health.
  • I need to schedule a take a therapy session to manage my anxiety.

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