Word cloud using phrases

Word cloud generators serve a great purpose for presenters, illustrators, and analysts. These tools are used for presentation, explanation or illustration purposes, through a combination of words and images which pass a great and very powerful message to the audience. This is exactly what word cloud generator shapes are used for, they help combine the power of words and images together. Nowadays, many people including teachers are known to use word cloud generator shapes to make presentations for their students and many others. It adds a bolder collection of words in a visual manner. It has become an important e-learning tool for clarity and a better understanding of many. Best word cloud generators add excitement to graphical illustrations making sure your audience never get bored by keeping them focused on the right information. Some of this word cloud generators assist students with group text analysis, others let users show their creativity with custom cloud shapes and more!

Word Cloud Generator Shapes

There are so many of these online word cloud generators for web users out there, the problem usually comes down to getting the really good ones for free online. This is the main reason we have come up with 12+ Online Word Cloud Generators for you to use in your own unique way to improve your presentations, illustrations and wallpaper designing.

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WordArt(Tagul) Word Cloud Generator

WordArt(Tagul) Word Cloud Generator has one of the most amazing features which makes it an option for more experienced users. You can incorporate different shapes into your word cloud designs. This is a feature Wordle and some others don’t have. WordArt(Tagul) word cloud generator has custom shapes, colors, cloud fonts, and more. It has a much fancier look than most of the other tools, the downside is you have to register before you can use this tool and it is free.

free word cloud generator

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ABCya! – Word Cloud With Phrases

This is another word cloud generator website dedicated to learning. Teachers the special ABCya word cloud generator provided for them on this website, to teach their students with ease. It is easy to use and similar to Wordle. It can be used as a substitute for Wordle as it also does not require any registration to use this tool.

ABCya! - Word Cloud With Phrases

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Wordle – Word Cloud Generator Powerpoint

First on our list is Wordle. It is one of the most amazing and populous word cloud generators out there. This creates word cloud generator shapes with awesome graphical presentations. This wonderful online word cloud generator is free but requires JavaScript plugin to work. You do not have to sign up to use it. Check it out below.

Wordle - Word Cloud Generator PowerpointWordle - Word Cloud Generator Presentation

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Tagxedo -Word Cloud Generator That Keeps Phrases Together

This is by far one of the best and most incredible tools for creating word cloud generator shapes on the internet. Tagxedo allows users to customize words such as speeches, themes, love letters, slogans and much more into their desired shapes. With this tool, you can create any shape you want and also customize it how you like it even the fonts. This Word Cloud Generator That Keeps Phrases Together, and shape comes in stunning graphical illustrations, which can be saved as JPG and PNG image files.

Tagxedo -Word Cloud Generator That Keeps Phrases Together


Daniel Soper’s Wordcloud Generator

Daniel Soper’s Word cloud generator is a free tool which allows for the amazing creativity of words into beautiful graphical text designs. Its simple interface makes this tool very easy to use. All you have to do is paste or type text into the box on the website and click “Draw Cloud” button to see the effects. By using the Word Cloud Options panel, you can customize how you want your image to look.

Daniel Soper’s Wordcloud

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Image Chef’s Word Mosaic Word Cloud Creator

This online word cloud generator shapes tool is not the best in terms of website appearance but it is a powerful word cloud generator. Word Mosaic Creator will give you that impressive result you are looking for. It is especially good social media graphics for Facebook, Instagram effortlessly without stress. The downside of this tool is the fact that the word cloud images are generated with watermarks. If that won’t be a problem for you then it is also a good option.

Image Chef’s Word Mosaic Word Cloud Creator


Jason Davies Word Cloud With Phrases

If you are looking for something fun and exciting, this online word cloud generator shapes tool is definitely your best bet. Its simple layout design makes it easy to use. The results from Jason Davies Word Cloud Generator are magnificent.

Jason Davies Word Cloud With Phrases

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TagCrowd Word Art Creator

Visualizing words is the sole reason TagCrowd was developed. It is a web-based application used for word cloud image, a tag cloud or text cloud. It is easy and makes word clouds easy and readable for different purposes.

TagCrowd Word Art Creator

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ToCloud – Word Cloud Generator

This word cloud generator tool uses word frequencies to generate word clouds that are optimized and easy to understand. ToCloud is a smart tool that works by removing phrases and gives out great results even more than most word cloud generators out there.

ToCloud - Word Cloud Generator

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Tricklar – Google Word Cloud Generator

This is one simple but awesome word cloud generator is owned by the news website Tricklar. It can create word clouds from words in articles, websites and more. Tricklar is a tool in its own lane because it is unique and different from other word cloud generator shape tools. You don’t need to type or paste words in a box to generate word clouds, all you have to do instead is type the category, time and location of the articles you wish to use and see amazing results. You can create word clouds in triangular, circular, rectangular shapes or use the default ones. Fonts, word cloud background, font colour and more can be changed.

Tricklar - Google Word Cloud GeneratorGoogle Word Cloud Maker

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Vocab Grabber – Word Cloud With Phrases

Vocab Grabber is a professional tool for people who aim to become grammarians and wordsmiths. It is not precisely a word cloud generator, it is more like a thesaurus which creates a word map of words and their synonyms. It creates the same effects as other word cloud generators. You can use this tool for free but you still have to pay a small fee after the free trial expires, this is because it is a professional tool, unlike other word cloud generators.

Vocab Grabber - Word Cloud With Phrases

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Word-It-Out Google Word Cloud Generator

This tool lets users create amazing text transformations into word cloud generator shapes. These transformations can be shared on social media and other platforms. Word-It-Out does not require any sign-up, login or JavaScript plugin to use this online word cloud generator. This tool has random setting options to create your desired word clouds, it is equally very easy and powerful to use.

Word-It-Out Google Word Cloud Generator

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Last on our list is Wordclouds, it is also a simple tool to use. They are using a syntax for achieving this shape. So we need to follow their instructions to achieve this Cloud shapes. Though it looks a bit unusual, it is very useful. Teachers will most likely opt for this tool more than any other as it will help them illustrate and present better to their students.

Wordclouds Generator


Shapecloud- Wordcloud generator from Creative Fabrica

Shapecloud is a word cloud generator that is simple, creative, and fun. It is a great tool for visualizing data and ideas. First, you’ll need to create a account and login. Next, you’ll need to choose a shape. You can either select a pre-made shape or create your own.  You can then customize the word cloud by changing the font, color, and shape of the words. Shapecloud is a great way to add a personal touch to your words. Whether you’re creating a word cloud for a presentation, a resume, a blog post, a social media post, or just for fun, Shapecloud is the perfect tool for you.



If you are looking for some of the best online word generator shape tools, then you most certainly have it. These tools help make presenters, illustrators and analysts do their jobs effectively by getting the attention of their audience. These 12+ online word cloud generator shapes will add flair to your presentations either as a teacher, analyst and so on. The combination of words and images create a better explanation which passes strong messages to the audience. So these tools are most likely to give you the best of results, some of which can be customized to any desired outcome of your choice in PNG or JPG images.

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Всем привет! Хочу продемонстрировать вам, как я использовал библиотеку WordCloud для создания подарка для друга/подруги. Я решил составить облако слов по переписке с человеком, чтобы выделить основные темы, которые мы обсуждаем.

Выгружаем переписку

Для начала нам нужно будет выгрузить переписку из ВК. Как это сделать? Очень просто! Я пользовался расширением для браузера «VkOpt». Скачиваем его и устанавливаем. Теперь заходим в диалог с человеком, переписку с которым хотим скачать.

Наводим на три точки и выбираем «сохранить переписку». Далее будет окно с выбором типа файла. Я предпочитаю json.

Обработка переписки

Импортируем json и открываем наш файл с перепиской.

import json
vk = open('vk2.json', 'r', encoding='utf8')
vk = json.load(vk)

Теперь давайте выведем его и посмотрим как он выглядит.

Ну в общем всё ясно, массив таких вот сообщений. Каждый элемент соответствует одному облако-сообщению.

Давайте теперь вытащим из каждого сообщения его текст и разделим этот текст на слова.

mas = []
for i in range(len(vk)):
data = []
for i in mas:
    for j in range(len(i)):

Теперь у нас есть массив data, в котором каждый элемент — это одно слово. Далее создадим большую строку, в которую просто запишем через пробел все наши слова.

for i in range(len(data)):
    big_string+=(data[i]+' ')


Почти всё готово, теперь давайте воспользуемся библиотекой WordCloud и построим наше облако слов.

pip install wordcloud

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS
wordCloud = WordCloud(width = 10000, height = 10000, random_state=1, background_color='black', colormap='Set2', collocations=False).generate(big_string)


Убираем стоп-слова

Так, и что же это? Не очень похоже на оригинальный подарок. Естественно всё не так просто. Дело в том, что в нашей речи и сообщениях встречается куча стоп-слов. Собственно, эти слова вы и видите на картинке. Они встречались в диалоге чаще всего, поэтому алгоритм выделил их крупным шрифтом.

Теперь наша задача: почистить строку от ненужный слов. Для этого скачаем словарик стоп-слов русского языка(https://snipp.ru/seo/stop-ru-words). Он представлен как обычный txt-шник, а значит прочитаем его и разделим по переносу строки.

stop_words = open('stop-ru.txt', 'r', encoding='utf8')
stop_words = stop_words.read()
stop_words = stop_words.split('n')

Далее создадим массив clear_data, куда будем заносить слова из массива data, которые не содержатся в списке стоп-слов(т. е. нормальные слова).

for i in data:
    if(i not in stop_words):

А теперь формируем нашу большую строку, только теперь из нового массива и заново строим WordCloud.

for i in range(len(clear_data)):
    big_string+=(clear_data[i]+' ')
wordCloud = WordCloud(width = 10000, height = 10000, random_state=1, background_color='black', colormap='Set2', collocations=False).generate(big_string)

Результат на лицо. Начинает проявляться оттенок переписки с тем или иным человеком. Ну и, естественно, куда же мы русского могучего, он тоже начинает проявляться на изображении, приходится его замазывать :)

Переходим на ручное управление

Так, вроде стоп-слова убрали, но картинка всё равно не выглядит привлекательной. В выборке остались различные выражения, которые мы часто используем в переписке. Например, мои слова паразиты: «ок», «ща», «крч». Что делать? Все просто. Открываем наш текстовик с русскими стоп-слова и просто вписываем туда слова, которые не должны присутствовать в новом облаке слов(не забудьте сохранить текстовик, перед повторным чтением).

P.S. На самом деле есть и второй вариант удалить слова паразиты. Создадим массив, который заполним словами паразитами, и подадим его как параметр в WordCloud. Тоже хороший вариант, но мне больше нравится с текстовиком.

stopw = ['а', 'ок', 'крч'] #массив слов, которые хотим удалить
#подадим массив stopw в WordCloud как параметр stopwords
wordCloud = WordCloud(width = 1000, height = 1000, random_state=1, 
                      background_color='black', colormap='Set2', 
                      collocations=False, stopwords=stopw).generate(big_string)

Таким образом, мы всё глубже и глубже погружаемся в чертоги нашей переписки. Обычно появляются слова, соответствующие темам, которые вы и ваш друг часто обсуждаете.

Форма облака слов

Теперь давайте воспользуемся одной фишкой WordCloud. Оформим наше облако слов в виде какой-то картинки. Я выберу банальное сердечко)

from PIL import Image
original_image = Image.open('путь до картинки')
image = original_image.resize([2000,2000], Image.ANTIALIAS)
image = np.array(image)

Подадим в функцию нашу картинку как параметр mask.

wordCloud = WordCloud(width = 1000, height = 1000, random_state=1, 
                      background_color='black', colormap='Set2', 
                      collocations=False, stopwords=stopw, mask=image).generate(big_string)

Вот такая штука у меня получилась.

По-хорошему, нужно удалить ещё около десятка слов, для более-менее приятной картины, но я уверен ту вы справитесь сами)

P.S. Выбирайте черно-белые изображения предметов. Лучше всего, если они выглядят как силуэты. С .png у меня не прошло, поэтому я сохранял в .jpg, может быть у вас получится.


Я нарисовал облако слов, которое отражает тональность переписки с тем или иным человеком. Дополнительно, в облаке содержатся слова, которые соответствуют тем темам, которые вы часто обсуждали в диалоге. Как вариант, можно сохранить эту картинку, распечатать, поставить в рамочку и вручить как подарок вашему собеседнику. Ему будет очень приятно, ведь всегда интересно посмотреть на то, как оценивает вашу переписку алгоритм)

I am trying to make a word cloud from a list of phrases, many of which are repeated, instead of from individual words. My data looks something like this, with one column of my data frame being a list of phrases.

df$names <- c("John", "John", "Joseph A", "Mary A", "Mary A", "Paul H C", "Paul H C")

I would like to make a word cloud where all of these names are treated as individual phrases whose frequency is displayed, not the words which make them up. The code I have been using looks like:

df.corpus <- Corpus(DataframeSource(data.frame(df$names)))
df.corpus <- tm_map(client.corpus, function(x) removeWords(x, stopwords("english")))
#turning that corpus into a tDM
tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(df.corpus)
m <- as.matrix(tdm)
v <- sort(rowSums(m),decreasing=TRUE)
d <- data.frame(word = names(v),freq=v)
pal <- brewer.pal(9, "BuGn")
pal <- pal[-(1:2)]
#making a worcloud
png("wordcloud.png", width=1280,height=800)
wordcloud(d$word,d$freq, scale=c(8,.3),min.freq=2,max.words=100, random.order=T, rot.per=.15, colors="black", vfont=c("sans serif","plain"))

This creates a word cloud, but it is of each component word, not of the phrases. So, I see the relative frequency of «A». «H», «John» etc instead of the relative frequency of «Joseph A», «Mary A», etc, which is what I want.

I’m sure this isn’t that complicated to fix, but I can’t figure it out! I would appreciate any help.

Variety and novelty in English lessons encourage learners to be more engaged. On the contrary, monotonous tasks, no matter how useful they are, cause boredom. How to bring variety without too many changes in the process of learning vocabulary? Use word clouds.

 Word clouds are a graphical representation of words and words combinations. They can be used for:

  • vocabulary revision
  • presenting lexis
  • practicing new words
  • student’s projects.

It is just a more visually appealing way to teach vocabulary. Instead of using lists, which students are probably fed up with, make clouds. You can utilize them for word searches, making monologues and dialogues, word games, writing tasks, etc.

Here are some examples of the tasks.

Task 1

Make a story about a detective investigating a case using all the words and tell your partner  (the teacher).

Word Art Edit WordArt.com Google Chrome 2019 04 16 19.48.32 Skyteach

Task 2

Work in pairs. Ask and answer five questions using the words.

Task 3

Give a definition of one of the words. Can your partner guess the word? Swap roles.

There are some services for creating word clouds:

Word Art


Word clouds

I personally prefer to use Word art because it’s possible to create clouds containing collocations. As we know teaching collocations is more effective for learners. Other services just break the word pairs into single words.

Let’s see how to create word clouds using Word art. It’s quick and easy, no registration is required. So click ‘Create’ and make your cloud.

Step 1

Fill in the words or word combinations. You can type as many words as you need, even 30 or even 50. It’s possible to Capitalize letters, use the UPPER or lower case. Click ‘Options’ and opt for repetition of the words as you see in one of the pictures above or choose no repetition.

Word Art Edit WordArt.com Google Chrome 2019 04 14 17.32.49 Skyteach

Step 2

Choose the shape of your cloud: animals, nature, people or some holidays themes. If you want to see the changes, click the red button ‘Visualize’.

For example, this charming ladybird will definitely catch kids’ interest.

Word Art Edit WordArt.com Google Chrome 2019 04 14 17.40.00 SkyteachStep 3

Choose a font which you like. There are more than 50 fonts to select.

Step 4

Pick out a layout: horizontal, vertical, crossing words, dancing words, slopes and random. The layout will depend on the task and the learners. Teens prefer something less ordinal and more creative. For adults, I usually make more conservative things like a horizontal layout.

Step 5

Choose a style: colours of the words and the background. If you want to change a colour of the words, click ‘Words colours’ and ‘Custom’ and add more colours to the pallette.

Word Art Edit WordArt.com Google Chrome 2019 04 14 19.45.35 Skyteach

Step 6

To apply all the changes, press ‘Print’ or ‘Download’ your cloud and enjoy it in your lessons.

[This article was first published on The Schmitt-R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)

Want to share your content on R-bloggers? click here if you have a blog, or here if you don’t.

The wordcloud package for R is great, but all the examples I found used the tm package to process a large amount of textual data (web pages, text files, google docs, etc.)

But what if you have normalized data where you have a word and its frequency? Or, what if you have phrases that you want in a wordcloud? One example being terms which users have entered into a web search.

I happen to be pulling from a data source via PHP and then I output the data to CSV format in descending order by frequency.

The relevant part of the PHP script (after populating the array $terms):

$cwd = getcwd();
$local_path = $cwd.’/csv/’;
$filename = $local_path.’searchterms.csv’;
$fp = fopen($filename, ‘w’);
fputcsv($fp, array(‘term’,’freq’));
arsort($terms); //reverse sort array by values
$max_terms = 100;
$i = 0;
foreach ($terms as $q => $v) {
    if ($v > $min_freq) fputcsv($fp, array($q,$v));
    if ($i > $max_terms) break;

Here is the sample data:


“target black friday”,8239

“walmart layaway”,6502

“america idol”,1777

“american idol episodes”,1741

“mexican train domino game”,1585

“jc penny outlet store”,1159

“the chicago code”,1130

The R script:



datain <- read.csv(«csv/searchterms.csv», colClasses=c(«character», «numeric»))

pal2 <- brewer.pal(8,»Dark2″)

png(“wordcloud.png”, width=1000,height=1000)

wordcloud(datain$term,datain$freq, scale=c(8,.4),min.freq=1, max.words=Inf, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=.15, colors=pal2)


One consideration is that if a search phrase is too long, R will produce a warning and omit it from the resulting wordcloud, so you need to compensate with the image dimensions. It may be possible to dynamically scale the image based on the string length of the highest frequency result.

Here is the resulting wordcloud:

For more on R, visit http://www.r-bloggers.com/

Word cloud is a beautiful visualization of your audience’s thoughts. You simply ask your participants a question, they submit a one or two-question answer into an app, and all their submissions gather in a word collage – a “cloud” made of words.

Word clouds are great icebreakers and presentation openers. They’re awesome for checking the mood in the room, re-engaging people during meetings or events, and crowdsourcing what’s on their minds.

They look impressive when displayed on the screen and they’re very versatile tools in your arsenal if you want to create your presentation or speech more interesting and interactive.

Get inspired by these 52 word cloud questions examples. Pick your favorite ones for your next meeting or event.

  1. Openers & Icebreaking word clouds
  2. ‘Get to know your audience’ word clouds
  3. Word clouds to spark a discussion
  4. Team building and people celebrating word clouds
  5. Just for fun word clouds

Openers & Icebreaking word clouds

These word clouds are great for breaking the ice at the start and setting the tone for your meeting or event. Collect your audience’s thoughts in a nice word collage and use their insights as a springboard for your main presentation.

#1. Where are you joining us from?

slido word cloud with displayed cities where the participants are joining from

Tip: This word cloud is suitable for larger meetings or events. At Slido, we use it often as an opener during our user education webinars.

It’s a great way for us to kick off our webinars with a little interactive activity and welcome our attendees in a more personalized way. Plus, it looks great seeing all the locations and places where our participants are tuning in from!

#2. Which emoji best describes your current state of mind? 

Screenshot of a Slido word cloud with emojis

Tip: Have your word cloud open as your participants are joining in. It’s great for filling the waiting time with an interactive activity. On top of that, you’ll get your participants into Slido right at the start so it will be easier for them to use it later.

For example, this word cloud is a great example of such activity. Submitting emojis is simple and doesn’t require any hard thinking, but will get your participants interacting with you straight away.

Create your own word cloud in Slido.
Sign up below and try it for yourself.

Try Slido word cloud

#3. In one word, how would you describe your past week/month?

Slido icebreaker poll

Tip: Word clouds look best with one-word or two-word answers. To make your participants submit such short answers, consider starting the word cloud question with “In one word, what do you …” or “Using just one word, which is your…”

More word cloud ideas:

#4. Using one word, how are you feeling right now?
#5. Use one word to describe how 2022 has been for you so far.
#6. What’s your favorite country to visit?
#7. What is your next dream holiday destination?
#8. Where are you planning to go for the summer vacation?
#9. Describe your ideal vacation using one emoji.
#10. If you weren’t at work, where would you be right now?
#11. If our company were an animal, what would it be?

Read also: 35 Virtual Icebreakers for Your Online Meetings

‘Get to know your audience’ word clouds

Learn something more about your audience at the start. What are their expectations? What topics interest them the most? It will help you understand them better and make your presentation more tailored to their needs.

#12. Which topic would you like to learn more about today?

Slido live poll example

#13. Using one word, what do you expect from this event?

Slido word cloud

Tip: Once the word cloud starts to fill in with words, comment on the individual entries and use them as a bridge to your main content.

More word cloud ideas:

#14. In one word, how would you describe yourself?
#15. What’s your favorite way of travel?
#16. What is your favorite book?
#17. What was your first job?
#18. What is currently the biggest challenge in your work?
#19. What’s your biggest strength?
#20. What’s your biggest weakness?
#21. Which global brand do you admire?
#22. What helps you to be more successful in your job?
#23. What are your expectations from today’s event/meeting?

Word clouds to spark a discussion

As a speaker, you can use a word cloud to crowdsource insights from your audience that you can use to kick off a discussion with your audience. Use one of these thought-provoking word clouds to make your presentation more conversational.

#24. In one word, what’s the biggest challenge you’re facing when working from home?

slido icebreaker poll

Tip: Running a word cloud is a great interactive activity for virtual or hybrid meetings and events because it allows everyone – remote or on-site – to join and chip in with their idea.

More word cloud ideas:

#25. What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘leader’?
#26. What personality traits should a great leader have?
#27. Which skills or qualities make one a good manager?
#28. What’s the best tech invention of the 21st Century?
#29. What makes a great webinar/event/meeting?
#30. What one word would you use to describe our new logo?
#31. What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear “hybrid meetings?”
#32. In your view, what is the key factor contributing to good business cases?
#33. What is the #1 business book that everyone should read?
#34. In one word, what’s the future of work?

Team building and people celebrating word clouds

These word clouds will give your meeting or event a bit of a personal touch. And we mean that literally – some of these word clouds are really quite touching.

#35. Who was your silent hero last week/month?

Slido word cloud poll

Tip: This word cloud is perfect for large all-company meetings such as all-hands and town halls. We use the silent hero activity at each of our all-hands meetings to give a shoutout to our colleagues who went the extra mile.

#36. Who is your ultimate female role model?

slido word cloud poll

More word cloud ideas:

#37. In one or two words, what are you most grateful for?
#38. If you’d like to say thanks to someone, you can do it here.
#39. Which industry figure is your personal hero?
#40. If you could go for a coffee with one historical figure, who would it be?
#41. What do you value most about our company culture?
#42. Describe our company in one word.
#43. Name a colleague whose job you can’t imagine doing.
#44. Name a colleague with whom you’d switch jobs for a week.
#45. What word should describe our team culture?

Read also: 80+ Best Poll Questions To Ask Your Online Audience

Just for fun word clouds

The purpose of these word clouds is to help your event attendees or colleagues loosen up, exchange some funny ideas, and have a little laugh. We all need that sometimes, don’t we?

#46. As a child, what did you want to be when you grow up?

slido wordcloud poll

#47. Which color would best describe your current state of mind?

slido playful word cloud

Tip: In Slido, the word cloud poll has a profanity filter on by default which means that swear words won’t go through at all.

More word cloud ideas:

#48. Which sport would you like to be an Olympic champion in?
#49. Who was your childhood celebrity crush?
#50. If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
#51. Which superpower would you like to have?
#52. What’s your favorite animal/food/flower/ice cream flavor?

Over to you

So, which one of these word clouds is your favorite?

In Slido, creating a word cloud and running it during an online meeting or event is as easy as 1-2-3.

If you don’t have a Slido account yet, create one below and you can try it for yourself. It’s free. Just like all good things in life.

Create your word cloud

The Value of Our Free Word Cloud Generator

Speak’s AI word cloud generator uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to reveal insights, help with writer’s block, be a root as an AI content generator and more. 

Word clouds are a great way to highlight the most important words, topics and phrases in a text passage based on frequency and relevance. Generate word clouds from your text data to create an easily understood visual breakdown for deeper analysis. Use our free word cloud generator below! 

Speak’s online tool demo is the best free word cloud generator that can serve as your word cloud maker, allowing you to get a word cloud online and be a great tool for brainstorming word clouds so that you can present meaningful visualizations.

More than a free word cloud creator or a basic word cloud, Speak can generate clickable word clouds. Speak makes word cloud creation instant so you can make your own word cloud, word cloud art, tag cloud, Twitter word cloud generator or other variations of keyword cloud generators to drive value and understanding for stakeholders. You can even create a free wordle generator! The possibilities are endless with a word cloud creator free of risk and technical difficulties. 

You can also check out how to transcribe a YouTube video to effortlessly bring valuable video content into Speak for transcription and analysis so that you can produce free word cloud generation.  

What Is A Word Cloud?

Word clouds, also known as tag clouds, are visual representations of text data. They are used to provide insight into the structure, content, and meaning of a text by displaying the most frequently used words in the text.

What Data Is Good For Word Clouds?

Drop your text, call transcripts, customer reviews, blog content, website copy and more and instantly see brands, locations, numbers, events, products and more visualized. With a Speak account, you can add custom keywords and phrases that will also appear in your visualizations! 

What Is The Purpose Of A Word Cloud?

This information can be useful for a variety of purposes, from market research to data analysis.

Words clouds are often used to explore relationships between words and phrases, allowing users to quickly gain an understanding of the text. For example, word clouds can be used to compare the language used in different files, identify the most frequently used words in a particular text, or uncover the meaning of a text by displaying the words in a visually appealing way.

The purpose of word clouds is to quickly convey information. By displaying the most frequently used words in a text, they can help to identify the main themes and topics of the text. This makes them a useful tool for market research, as they can help to identify the main topics that customers are interested in, as well as the language they use to talk about those topics.

Word clouds can also be used to compare multiple texts, audio files, video files and other types of unstructured language data media. Comparing the words used in each text can help to identify the similarities and differences between them. This can be useful for data analysis, as it can help to identify patterns and trends in the data.

Word clouds can also be used to help to get an understanding of the general sentiment of the text. For example, media full of negative words might imply a negative sentiment, while media with more positive words might imply a positive sentiment.

Word clouds can also be a useful tool for search engine optimization. Displaying the most important words and recurring words used in media can give you ideas and help you optimize your content for search engines. 

Who Uses Word Clouds?

Word clouds are a popular tool for businesses of all sizes to visualize large amounts of data in a visually pleasing way. Word clouds are used by businesses to gain insights from customer feedback, surveys, and other sources of data. They are used to provide an overall picture of how customers feel about a product, service, or company.

Word clouds are used by small and medium-sized businesses, marketing agencies, market research firms, organizations with 51 to 1,000 employees, marketers, qualitative researchers, customer experience managers, market researchers, product researchers, SEO specialists, business analysts, data scientists, academic researchers, business owners and more. 

Small & Medium Sized Businesses

Small and medium-sized businesses can use word clouds to gain insight into customer feedback and to get an overall picture of how customers feel about their product or service.

Word clouds can help small businesses gain a better understanding of the customer’s needs and wants, as well as what they are looking for in terms of product or service offerings. This understanding can be used to create better marketing campaigns and to help the business better understand its customer base.

Marketing Agencies

Marketing agencies can use word clouds to help them create more targeted campaigns. By understanding the customer’s needs and wants, marketing agencies can create campaigns that are more likely to resonate with the customer. Word clouds can also help marketing agencies identify the most popular words and phrases associated with a business or product, which can help them create more effective campaigns.

Market Research Firms

Market research firms can use word clouds to gain insights into customer feedback and to get a better understanding of customer sentiment. By understanding the customer’s needs and wants, market research firms can create better surveys and polls to gain more accurate feedback. Word clouds can also help market research firms identify the most common words and phrases associated with a business or product, which can help them create more effective surveys and polls.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Word Clouds

It is also worthwhile to explore the advantages and disadvantages of using word clouds to visualize data. We’ll look at why they are useful for business owners and professionals, and how they can be detrimental if not used correctly. After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of what word clouds can do and how to best use them for your business needs.

Advantages of Word Clouds

Easily Interpretable

Word clouds make complex data more easily interpretable by transforming it into an eye-catching visual that can be understood by even those who aren’t familiar with interpreting data reports. This makes it easier for customers and business owners alike to identify trends within their data sets quickly and accurately.

Quickly Identify Keywords

By filtering out unnecessary words and displaying only the most common terms in a visually appealing manner, word clouds allow users to quickly identify keywords that are relevant to their search query or project objectives.

Creates Aesthetic Visuals

Word clouds are an aesthetically pleasing way to present data in a way that looks visually appealing without sacrificing accuracy or readability. This makes them great for presentations or online content that requires visual appeal for maximum impact on viewers.

Affordable & Easy To Set Up

Setting up a word cloud is relatively easy and affordable compared to other types of data visualization tools. Many online tools allow users to quickly set up word clouds with minimal effort required, making them ideal for those who don’t want to invest too much time or money into creating visuals from their data sets.

Disadvantages of Word Clouds

May Not Be Accurate Representation Of Data

While word clouds do provide an aesthetically pleasing representation of selected terms within a given data set, they cannot accurately represent the full scope of the information contained within it due to their simplified nature – meaning that any conclusions drawn from these visuals should be taken with a grain of salt until confirmed by further analysis.

Reduced Readability

Since the sizes of words displayed in a word cloud are determined by frequency rather than grammar rules, it can be difficult for readers to parse out individual words without enough context surrounding them which can lead to difficulties in understanding what is being presented – particularly when trying to spot patterns within dense data sets with multiple terms involved.

Not Customizable Enough For Complex Projects

Although word clouds are great for quickly presenting basic information in an attractive visual format, they may not be detailed enough when working on more complex projects as there aren’t many options available when it comes to customization or formatting features offered with most available services or software programs – like changing colours/backgrounds/fonts etc., which could limit its effectiveness depending on the type project being worked on or result desired from the visualization process.

What Is The Best Word Cloud Generator?

We’ve got a little bias here at Speak AI that our software is the best word cloud generator, but to help guide you on our journey we’ve also created a list of the best word cloud generator software so your data visualization journey is as successful as possible! 

Use Our Free Speak Word Cloud Generator Tool!

Word clouds can offer businesses several advantages when used correctly including providing an easy-to-interpret visual representation of text-based data sets as well as identifying common keywords quickly and creating aesthetically pleasing visuals for presentations or online content purposes.

However, there are several drawbacks that need to be considered before using this tool such as reduced accuracy due to oversimplification and limited customization options which could limit its effectiveness depending on the project’s requirements or desired outcome from the visualization process.

As with any tool or technique used in business applications, understanding all potential advantages and disadvantages is key – so consider carefully before deciding if this tool is right for you and your business needs!

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