Word cloths in french

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


But whatever cloth we produce… it gets sold without advertising.

Mais quelque tissu nous produisons… il obtient vendu sans publicité.

A filter cloth is connected to each of the tubular members.

Un tissu filtrant est relié à chacun des éléments tubulaires.

Made entirely of cloth, without buttons or dangerous plastics pieces.

Fait entièrement de chiffon, sans boutons ou pièces plastiques dangereux.

The remainder may be gently absorbed with a damp cloth.

Le reste peut être absorbé doucement avec un chiffon humide.

Rolls of cotton cloth for industrial cleaning in general.

Bobines de toile de coton pour le nettoyage industriel en général.

The cloth needs to be fully saturated with the impregnation agent.

La toile doit être complètement saturée avec l’agent d’imprégnation.

Premium cloth made for applications extended according to the ratios.

Tissu haut de gamme réalisé pour des applications élargies selon les ratios.

Painted on the cloth are different scenes telling about improved stoves.

Sur le tissu, différentes scènes parlant des foyers améliorés sont peintes.

Because they will buy many beautiful cloth to show their beauty.

Puisqu’ils achèteront beaucoup beau tissu pour montrer leur beauté.

Clean your computer with a soft cloth dampened with water.

Nettoyez votre ordinateur avec un tissu doux humecté d’eau.

Cleaning your surface with a dust-free cloth will ensure optimal holding power.

Nettoyer votre surface avec un chiffon propre garantira une adhésion optimale.

Inside waterproof paper and outside cloth, then compression packing.

Intérieur papier imperméable et tissu extérieur, puis emballage de compression.

Immediately they trace their graphic characters on the same cloth.

Aussitôt ces derniers tracent leurs signes graphiques sur le même tissu.

This compact and economical version comes in a cloth pouch.

Cette version compacte et économique est livrée dans un étui tissu.

Erasable with a damp cloth + undiluted vinegar and detergent.

Lavable avec un chiffon humide + vinaigre non dilué et détergent.

The original aluminium moulding cloth, without any outer coating.

Un tissu modelable en aluminium original sans aucune couche extérieure.

Use a soft cloth dampened with alcohol for the cleaning.

Utilisez un chiffon doux imbibé d’alcool pour ce nettoyage.

This cloth is perfect for use with your precious metals collection.

Ce chiffon est idéal pour votre collection de métaux précieux.

The resulting patterns appear to hover over the translucent cloth.

Les motifs qui en résultent semblent planer sur le tissu translucide.

Soak a cloth in this solution and massage your foot.

Trempez un chiffon dans cette solution et massez votre pied.

No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain cloth

Results: 30824. Exact: 30824. Elapsed time: 130 ms.

Formes composées
cloth Anglais Français backing cloth,
n (theatre: painted cloth backdrop) (Théâtre) toile arrière nf cloth diaper,
UK: cloth nappy
n US (fabric nappy) couche lavable nf    (vieux) lange nm   Disposable diapers can be thrown away, while cloth diapers have to be washed. dishcloth,
dish cloth
n (towel: for drying dishes) torchon nm    (Belg) essuie, essuie de vaisselle nm    (Suisse) patte nf   Katie looked everywhere for the dishcloth before remembering it was draped over her shoulder. dishcloth,
dish cloth
n (cloth: for washing dishes) lavette nf   I think it’s time to buy a new dishcloth; this one is full of holes. drop cloth (US),
dust sheet (UK)
n (protective sheet) toile de protection nf   Before you start painting the walls, please put down a drop cloth to protect the floors. duck,
duck cloth
n (fabric) (Textile) coutil nm     toile à voile nf   The hammock is made of duck. emery cloth (abrasive cloth) (papier abrasif) toile émeri nf facecloth,
face cloth,
n (face flannel, wash cloth) gant de toilette nm floor cloth,
n UK (cloth for cleaning the floor) serpillière nf    (Belgique, Canada) torchon nm floor cloth,
n US (light rug) tapis nm grasscloth,
grass cloth
n (type of fabric) (papier peint) toile de ramie nf grasscloth,
grass cloth
n as adj (relating to grasscloth) en toile de ramie loc adj ground cloth n (stage floor covering) tapis de sol nm     couverture de sol nf groundcloth,
also UK: groundsheet
n (fabric for covering ground) (sous un sac de couchage) tapis de sol nm J Cloth,
n ® (cleaning cloth) (chiffon lavant) lavette nf Note: As a registered trademark, “J Cloth” should be capitalized, but it is sometimes not capitalized in informal communication. lint-free cloth n (fabric that does not shed fibres) chiffon sans peluches nm   You should use a lint-free cloth to clean your glasses.     chiffon non pelucheux nm man of the cloth n figurative (male church official, clergyman) homme d’église nm melton,
melton cloth
n (woolen cloth) molleton nm spit-up rag (US),
spit-up cloth (US),
burp cloth (UK)
n (to catch baby’s vomit) (sur l’épaule, pour faire roter) lange, linge nm terry,
terry cloth,
terry towel (US),
terry towelling (UK)
n as adj (made of toweling) en tissu-éponge, en éponge loc adj terry cloth,
terry towel (US),
terry towelling (UK)
n (toweling: absorbent fabric) tissu-éponge nm     éponge nf   These towels are made of terry cloth and are nice and soft.   Ces serviettes sont faites en éponge et sont toutes douces. traycloth,
tray cloth
n (fabric covering a tray) tissu pour plateau nm whole cloth n figurative (pure fabrication: fiction, invention) pure invention nf   Tout ce qu’il a dit n’était que pure invention.     affabulation nf   Ce qu’il a dit n’était qu’affabulation.     fabriqué de toutes pièces adj   Tout ce qu’il a raconté était en fait fabriqué de toutes pièces. wire cloth n (netting made from wires) toile métallique nf

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Clean the device with a damp, soft cloth.

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Nettoyer l’appareil avec un chiffon doux, humide.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Wipe off dirt with a damp, soft cloth.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Essuyer les salissures avec un chiffon doux et humide.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Rinse with a damp, soft cloth.

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Rincer avec un chiffon doux et humide.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

moist, soft, lint-free cloth.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Remove all spills with a damp, soft cloth.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Enlever toutes les éclaboussures avec un linge doux et humide.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Remove all spills with a damp, soft cloth.

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Enlever toutes les éclaboussures avec un linge douce et humide.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

For cleaning, use a soft, moistened cloth.

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utiliser un chiffon doux légèrement humide.

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Clean the body of your machine with a soft brush, or dry cloth.

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Nettoyez le boîtier de la machine avec un chiffon doux et humide.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Clean the device with a damp, soft cloth.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Nettoyer l’appareil avec un chiffon doux et humide.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

the accessories with a slightly damp& 139; cloth.

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accessoires avec un chiffon& 139; légèrement humide.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Clean product with a damp soft cloth.

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Nettoyez le produit avec un chiffon doux humide.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Clean the surface of your amplifier with a soft, dry cloth.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Nettoyez la surface de l’amplificateur avec un chiffon doux et humide.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Clean the housing of the product with a damp, soft cloth.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Nettoyer le boîtier de l’appareil avec un chiffon doux et humide.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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chiffon doux légèrement humide.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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A naked, young woman is lying on blue and yellow cloth,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Jeune femme nue sur des draps bleus, noirs et jaunes.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Fetch some cloth and cups.

Beads, pieces of cloth, ammunition, and war-surplus rifles.

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Des perles… des étoffes… des munitions…

Someone get me some boiling water and some clean cloth.

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Que quelqu’un m’apporte de l’eau bouillante. et des linges propres.

From simple squares of cloth she creates sublime works of art.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Elle fait de simples morceaux d’étoffes de sublimes Œuvres d’Art.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Our cloth is not measured by yards.

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Nos tissues ne sont pas mesurés en longueur.

Cleaning care: Use a soft, dry cloth for cleaning.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Entretient: Utilisez un tissues doux et sec pour le nettoyage.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Leaves are arranged in bunches and covered by cloth.

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Les feuilles sont arrangées en grappes et couvertes de tissue.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Bees Wrap- wax cloth for bread- 43×58 cm.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Bees Wrap- toile cirée pour Pain 43×58 cm.

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Bees Wrap- toile cirée pour le Sandwich.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

This cloth for glasses incorporates a famous

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Cet essuie lunette reprend un célèbre

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Press cloth polyester Professional press cloths in polyester.

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Toile pressoir polyester Toiles professionnelles en polyester.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Cloth(s) must be returned in a secure and appropriate packing.

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Made of Japanese high-tech material with cloth look.

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haute technologie à l’aspect toile.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Results: 10600,
Time: 0.0452





Les vêtements

Learn the French words for clothing so that you can dress yourself in French. Click any underlined word or phrase to hear it pronounced.

bathing suit   un maillot (de bain)
cardigan   un gilet  (learn more)
coat   un manteau
jacket   un blouson
jeans   un jean
pajamas   un pyjama
pants, trousers   un pantalon
raincoat   un imperméable
shorts   un short
ski jacket   un anorak
sweater   un pull
T-shirt   un tee-shirt
boots   des bottes (f)
sandals   des sandales (f)
shoes   des chaussures (f)
high-heeled shoes   des chaussures à hauts talons 
sneakers   des tennis (m)
socks   des chaussettes (f)

Vêtements de femme – Women’s clothing

bikini   un bikini
blouse   un chemisier
dress   une robe
miniskirt   une minijupe
skirt   une jupe
suit   un tailleur
bra   un soutien-gorge
nightgown   une chemise de nuit
panties   un slip
pantyhose / tights   un collant
slip   une combinaison
half slip   un jupon
stockings   des bas (m)

Vêtements d’homme – Men’s clothing

bow tie   un nœud papillon
cummerbund   une ceinture
shirt   une chemise
sport jacket   un veston de sport     
suit   un costume
suit vest, waistcoast   un gilet
tie   une cravate
tuxedo   un smoking
boxer shorts   un boxer-short
undershirt   un maillot de corps
underwear   un caleçon

French verbs related to clothing

(click for conjugations)

aller à   to fit, be the right size for (clothes, shoes)
chausser   to put shoes on (someone else)
to fit, be the right size (shoes)
se déshabiller   to get undressed
essayer   to try on
faire la lessive   to do the laundry
s’habiller   to get dressed
plier   to fold
porter   to wear
repasser   to iron
se rhabiller   to get dressed again

French idioms

  • À poil
  • Attacher lundi avec mardi
  • Bonnet blanc et blanc bonnet
  • C’est dans la poche
  • En avril, ne te découvre pas d’un fil
  • Mettre sa langue dans sa poche
  • Se mettre sur son treinte et un
  • Robe des champs
  • Trempé comme une soupe

 Related vocabulary

  • Accessories and jewelry
  • Body
  • Colors
  • Descriptions
  • Numbers
  • Seasons
  • Shopping phrases
  • Shops and businesses
  • Weather

 Grammar Quiz

Test yourself on demonstrative adjectives with this fill-in-the-blank exercise: Dans un magasin de vêtements

Note: You must be logged into your Progress with Lawless French account to take this test. If you don’t have one, sign up – it’s free!

French lesson plans French lesson plans

  • Clothing (Lesson, 5th-10th grade)
  • Froggy gets dressed (Lesson, 2nd-4th grade)
  • Internet clothes shopping (Lesson, 9th-12th grade)
  • Let’s go shopping (Lesson, 9th-12th grade)
  • Matching clothes (Worksheet, any grade)
  • Un grand magasin à Paris (Lesson, 9th-12th grade)

Learn Spanish En español

  • La ropa

Learn Italian In italiano

  • Il abbigliamento

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Clothing in French

Free list of 150+ French clothing names + audio recordings + English translations – clothes terms for women and men, verbs, French shoe names, French expressions about clothes…

Whether you enjoy French fashion or not, knowing the name of clothing in French is part of your essential French vocabulary.

Here is a complete list of clothes names in French with English translation, and some clothing related French expressions.

Please help me write an even more complete free lesson. Leave a comment in the comment section below with the clothing name French and English (both languages please so I can just add it to the list). Thank you!

How Do You Say Clothing in French?

The French word for a piece of clothing is “un vêtement” and it’s masculine. Clothes are usually used in the plural: “les vêtements“, and it’s also the word used for clothing.

A common synonym is “un habit” (note the pronunciation: [abi], the h and the t are silent, “des habits” [dé zabi].

In slang, you’ll often hear “les fringues (m)”.

9 Outerwear Clothing in French 🧥

How Do You Say Coat in French?

The generic French terms for coats are either “un manteau” (usually long coat) or “une veste” (shorter coat or jacket). But as you’ll see below, there are many other specific outwear clothing French terms.

Outwear Clothing Names

  1. Un manteau – long coat
  2. Une veste – coat, jacket
  3. Un anorak – winter jacket
  4. Un blouson – short outwear jacket
  5. Une doudoune – fluffy winter jacket/ coat (slang)
  6. Un imperméable – raincoat
  7. Une écharpe – scarf
  8. Un bonnet – winter hat
  9. Des gants (m) – gloves

On the topic of warm clothing names in French, let’s move on to the sweater world.

13 Sweaters In French 🤷‍♂️

How Do You Say Sweater in French?

A sweater in French is “un pull“. It’s masculine and although it’s an English word, we pronounce it the French way, with a French U sound. You will sometimes hear “un pull over” but it’s not very used in modern French.

French Sweater Names

  1. Un pull – sweater
  2. Un pull over – sweater (but a bit old-fashioned)
  3. Un chandail – sweater
  4. Un col-roulé – turtleneck sweater
  5. Un pull à capuche – hoodie
  6. Un pull col en V – V cut sweater
  7. Un pull col rond – round cut sweater
  8. Un cardigan – cardigan sweater (sweater with buttons)
  9. Un polaire, une polaire – fleece – I’ve heard it used both in the feminine and the masculine. I favor the feminine myself.
  10. Un sweatshirt / un sweat – sweatshirt
  11. Un pull à manches courtes – short sleeve sweater
  12. Un pull à manches longues – long sleeve sweater
  13. Un pull sans manche – no sleeve sweater

Now let’s see common French clothing words.

10 Unisex Clothing in French 💁

  1. Un haut – top
  2. Un bas – bottom (“les bas” can also be pantyhose)
  3. Un T-shirt – T-shirt
  4. Un débardeur – thin strap top
  5. Un maillot (de bain) – bathing suit
  6. Un pyjama – pajamas (note it’s singular in French)
  7. Un survêtement – tracksuit
  8. Un peignoir – bathrobe
  9. Une salopette – overall with straps
  10. Une combinaison – overall with sleeves (could be fancy or also a heavy duty work piece of clothing, sometimes called “un bleu de travail” because they are typically blue…)

For more French clothing vocabulary, I invite you to check-out my French beginner learning method : in chapter 4 of À Moi Paris L2, Mary and Sophie go shopping. You’ll find a fun and authentic bilingual beginner level story recorded at two levels of enunciation (overly enunciated and modern spoken French) as well as a long vocabulary list (also recorded) in the study guide.

French clothing, jewels, accessories are also studies and illustrated within the story of my French intermediate learning method À Moi Paris L3, chapters 5, 6 and 7.

À Moi Paris Audiobook Method

A new approach to learning both traditional and modern French logically structured for English speakers.

More Details & Audio Samples

We are a tiny husband-and-wife company based in France. We have no sponsors, and writing these in-depth articles with audio takes a huge amount of time. Please consider buying our audiobooks and if you are not able to support us financially at the moment, here are other easy ways you can help us. Merci !

Now let’s study the French vocabulary for pants.

Trousers/ Pants in French 👖

How Do You Say Pants in French?

The French word for pants is “un pantalon“. It’s usually used in the singular but can also be used in the plural for one pair of pants as it is usually done in English.

So you could say:

  • J’ai un pantalon noir
  • or J’ai des pantalons noirs – for one pair or pants, but that’s quite old-fashioned in French today. It’s more likely to refer to several black pants.

Note that the whole pant family tends to be used in the plural in English, and in the singular in French.

How Do You Say Jeans In French?

The common French word for jeans in “un jean“, pronounced kind of in an English way [djin]. We also say “un blue jean” pronounced again kind of in an English way [bloo djin], but it’s getting old-fashioned in today’s French.

Note that I’ve never heard someone in France call jeans denims…

8 French Pants Names

  1. Un pantalon – pants / trousers
  2. Un short – shorts
  3. Un jean – jeans
  4. Un bermuda – bermudas
  5. Un pantalon en toile – khakis
  6. Un legging (kind of English pronunciation) – leggings
  7. Un pantalon de jogging – sports pants
  8. Un capri – capri pants (mid calf lenght)

4 French Pants Cuts

  1. Un pantalon cigarette – slim fit pants
  2. Un pantalon large – wide pants
  3. Un pantalon à pattes d’éléphant – bell-bottoms
  4. Un pantalon à pinces – pleated pants

Now, we use a lot of English words for the pant cuts in French: regular fit, relaxed fit, slim, skinny, oversize, bootcut, flare, extra-flare… all these words are now common in the French fashion world.

Far from me to gender discriminate, but let’s see items of clothing usually specifically worn by men.

Clothing in French – For Men 🕺

  1. Un costume, un complet – man’s suit
  2. Un smoking – tuxedo
  3. Une veste – sportscoat (also used for women’s jacket)
  4. Un gilet, un veston – ‘a vest’ in English, the extra piece in a 3 piece suit.
  5. Une chemise – a shirt (could be for a woman’s shirt as well)
  6. Un maillot de corps – undershirt
  7. Une cravate – a tie
  8. Un noeud papillon – bow tie
  9. Une ceinture – a belt

And items of clothing usually specifically worn by women.

Clothing in French – For Women 💃

Many students assume something that relates to a woman will be feminine. But the gender of words in French is totally random. Best example:
– a shirt for man: une chemise (feminine)
– a shirt for woman: un chemisier (masculine)

This is why when you memorize a new French word, it’s essential you memorize the gender with it. You cannot dissociate the two info. Beware! Many French vocabulary lists out-there don’t show the gender of the French words. It’s a major mistake! More tips to learn French efficiently.

  1. Un tailleur – woman’s suit
  2. Une robe – dress
  3. Une robe du soir – evening gown (to go out)
  4. Une chemise de nuit – night gown (to sleep)
  5. Une jupe – skirt
  6. Une blouse, un chemisier, une tunique – blouse
  7. Un caraco – a very thin strap top

The clothes are getting smaller… it’s time to get the the French underwear names.

French Underwear Names 🩲

There’s so much more to the world of French lingerie names that I dedicated a whole article to that topic. Follow the link!

In the meanwhile, here is some essential French underwear vocabulary:

  1. Une culotte – women’s panty
  2. Un caleçon – men’s brief
  3. Un slip – brief (unisex)
  4. Un soutien-gorge – bras
  5. Des chaussettes (f) – socks
  6. Des collants (m) – stockings
  7. des bas (f) – pantyhose

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Modern French Level Test

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Let’s Start…

Now let’s enter of the world of French shoe names.

30 French Shoe Names 🥿

The French loves their shoes. If it’s very common nowadays to wear runners and tennis shoes, Frenchmen and Frenchwomen still wear leather shoes and fancy sandals, and leather boots are very popular among Frenchwomen in the colder seasons.

How Do You Say Shoe in French?

The French word for shoe is “une chaussure“. It’s feminine, and usually used in the plural “des chaussures“.

Unisex Shoe Names

  1. Des baskets (f) – tennis shoes, runners. Say the final “t”
  2. Des tennis – tennis shoes. Say the final “s”
  3. Des mocassins (m): loafers
  4. Des derbies / des richelieus (m): brogues
  5. Des chaussures de randonnée – hiking boots
  6. Des chaussures de cyclisme – bicycle shoes.
  7. Des chaussures de + French sports name – to make it that particular sport’s shoes
  8. Des sandales: sandals
  9. Des tongs – flip-flops (say the G)
  10. Des nu-pieds – another way to say sandals or flip-flops (lit. naked foot)
  11. Des sabots (m) – clogs
  12. Des mules (f): open-heel shoes, mules
  13. Des espadrilles (f) – famous French cloth shoes with rope soles.
  14. “en cuir” (made of leather), “en daim” (suede), “en synthétique” (synthetic), or en toile (cloth)
  15. Des lacets (m) – shoe laces
  16. Une semelle – sole

French Shoe Names For Women

  1. Des ballerines (f) – ballerinas
  2. Des chaussures plates (f) – flat-heel shoes
  3. Des chaussures à talons (f) – high-heel shoes.
  4. Des chaussures à plateformes (f) – platform shoes
  5. Des escarpins (m) – classic high-heel shoes
  6. Des talons hauts (m) – high-heels
  7. Des talons compensés (m) – wedge shoes

How Do You Say Boots in French?

The French word for boot is “une botte“. It’s feminine, and usually used in the plural “des bottes“. Watch-out for the pronunciation: it’s not a [boots] but [dé bot].

French Boot Names

  1. Des bottes en cuir (f) – leather boots
  2. Des bottes à talons (f) – high-heel boots
  3. Des bottines (f) – ankle boots. We also call them “des boots” with an English pronunciation
  4. Des Santiags (f) – cowboy boots
  5. Des bottes de pluie (f) – rain boots
  6. Des bottes en caoutchouc (f) – rubber boots
  7. Des après-ski (f) – snow boots

Want more? What about browsing an online French clothing store? You’ll find the names and descriptions of plenty of items of clothing!

Now, let’s study some common French verbs used around clothes and getting dressed.

13 French Clothing Verbs

There are many verbs used with clothing in French. To learn the subtleties of translating to dress in French, I’ll let you read my article.

  1. S’habiller – to get dressed
  2. Se déshabiller – to get undressed
  3. Enfiler – to slip into or to slip on
  4. Essayer – to try on
  5. Mettre – to put on
  6. Enlever – to take off
  7. Porter – to wear
  8. Aller (bien/mal) à quelqu’un – to suit/fit someone nicely or poorly
  9. Rester en (cravate for exemple) – to not change outfit, keep the same clothes on
  10. Repasser – to iron
  11. Plier – to fold
  12. Laver – to wash
  13. Ranger – to put away

This is a lot of vocabulary to memorize! Make sure you make French flashcards of the words most useful to you, then use the new words in sentences relevant to you, and review them often.

There are a lot of French idioms about clothes. Here are a few of my favorite French expressions about clothing, with a literal English translation and then the English meaning. I’ve recorded them using a modern spoken French pronunciation.

Don’t hesitate to suggest some more in the Disqus section below and I’ll add them up to the list!

  1. “Ton café, c’est du jus de chaussette” : you coffee is sock juice : it’s a very bad coffee
  2. “Elle est sur son trente-et-un“: she is on his 31st : she is dressed very chic
  3. “Je n’ai rien à me mettre“: I have nothing to wear.
  4. “Ce politicien a souvent retourné sa veste” : this politician often turned his jacket inside out: he changed his opinions
  5. “Dans le couple, c’est elle qui porte le pantalon“: in the couple, she wears the pants: she is the decision maker
  6. “Il l’a laissée tomber comme une vieille chaussette” : he dropped her like an old sock : he ditched her badly
  7. “On t’a vu venir avec tes gros sabots” : we saw you come with your large wood clog : I saw you come from far (you were not very discreet)
  8. “Elle n’a plus d’argent : elle doit se serrer la ceinture” : she is broke: she has to tighten her belt : she has to be very careful about her spendings
  9. “Finalement, Anne a vidé son sac” ; finally, Anne emptied his bag ; finally, she spilled the beans.
  10. “J’étais tellement fâchée… Je n’ai pas pris de gants” : I was so mad: I didn’t take gloves : I was so mad, I spoke directly and frankly.
  11. “J’en ai plein les bottes !” : I have plenty on my boots : I’m very tired / I’ve had enough.
  12. “Pierre n’a toujours pas trouvé chaussure à son pied” : Pierre hasn’t found a shoe that fits his foot : he hasn’t found the perfect match
  13. “Sa soeur essaie toujours de lui faire porter le chapeau” : his sister always tries to make him wear the hat : to make him be the guilty one
  14. “Ce mec est un coureur de jupons” : this guy runs after half-slip : he is a womanizer
  15. “Il lui a demandé de sortir avec lui mais il s’est pris une veste” : he asked her out but he got a jacket : she turned him down
  16. “Sophie change d’avis comme de chemise” : Sophie changes her mind like she changes shirts : she changes her mind all the time
  17. “Ne t’inquiète pas : j’ai plus d’un tour dans mon sac” : don’t worry, I have more than one trick in my bag : I’ll find a solution

Now that you know many French clothing terms and expressions, you may wonder how the French typically dress. I’ve written an article about how to dress in Paris with specific tips for women, men and teens who want to fit-in when they travel abroad.

French Clothes Vocabulary: Learn the Essential Words with audio files

In this post, we will be diving into the world of “Clothes in French”! Are you looking to improve your French vocabulary and pronunciation when it comes to clothing and accessories?

Look no further! This post is packed with a comprehensive list of French vocabulary words for different articles of clothing and accessories, including hat, sweater, and much more.

We’ve also included audio files so you can listen and repeat the words to improve your pronunciation. This list of common clothes and accessories is especially useful if you’re living in France and like to go shopping.

In addition, we’ve also included a video and a PDF of the French clothing vocabulary list that you can print and use as a reference. So, whether you’re a beginner or looking to brush up on your French skills, this post will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to talk about clothes in French.

n.m stands for masculine word and n.f. for feminine word

French Pronunciation English
bague (n.f.) ring
bandeau (n.m.) headband
baskets (n.f.) sneakers/sport shoes
bikini (n.m.) bikini
bonnet (n.m.) cap/beanie
bonnet de bain (n.m.) swimming cap
bottes (n.f.) boots
boucles d’oreille (n.f.) earings
bracelet (n.m.) bracelet
bracelet de cheville (n.m.) ankle bracelet
brassière (n.f.) bra
brosse à cheveux (n.f.) hairbrush
caleçon (n.m.) underpants
casquette (n.f.) cap
ceinture (n.f.) belt
chapeau (n.m.) hat
chaussettes (n.f.) socks
chaussures (n.f.) shoes
chemise (n.f.) shirt
claquettes (n.f.) flip-flops/sandals
col roulé (n.m.) turtleneck
collants (n.m.) thights
collier (n.m.) necklace
costard (n.m.) suit
coupe-vent (n.m.) windbreaker
cravate (n.f.) tie
culotte (n.f.) panties
écharpe (n.f.) scarf
escarpins (n.m.) pumps
foulard (n.m.) scarf
gants (n.m.) gloves
gilet (n.m.) vest
jeans (n.m.) jeans
jupe (n.f.) skirt
jupe-culotte (n.f.) culottes
legging (n.m.) leggings
lunettes (n.f.) glasses
lunettes de soleil (n.f.) sunglasses
manteau (n.m.) coat
maillot de bain (n.m.) swimming suit
mini-jupe (n.f.) miniskirt
montre (n.f.) watch
mouffles (n.f.) mittens
nœud papillon (n.m.) bow tie
pantalon (n.m.) trousers
pantoufles (n.f.) slippers
parapluie (n.m.) umbrella
peigne (n.m.) comb
peignoir (n.m.) bathrobe
perruque (n.m.) wig
portefeuille (n.m.) wallet
porte-monnaie (n.m.) purse
pull (n.m.) sweater
pull à capuche (n.m.) hoodie
pyjama (n.m.) pyjamas
robe (n.f.) dress
rouge à lèvres (n.m.) lipstick
sac à main (n.m.) handbag
sac à dos (n.m.) backpack
sac banane (n.m.) waist bag/fanny pack
salopette (n.f.) overalls
serre-tête (n.m.) headband
short (n.m.) shorts
slip (n.m.) underpants
smoking (n.m.) tuxedo
sous-vêtement (n.m.) underwear
soutien-gorge (n.m.) bra
string (n.m.) string
survêtement (n.m.) tracksuit
tee-shirt (n.m.) T-shirt
tongs (n.f.) flip-flops
veste (n.f.) jacket
vêtement (n.m.) clothes

I hope you found this lesson to be informative and beneficial. For those who prefer a visual learning experience, we’ve also included a video version of the lesson. If you have any further questions or need clarification on any of the information covered, please feel free to leave a comment below.

List of French Clothes Vocabulary: [download pdf version]

  • une bague – ring
  • un bandeau – headband
  • des baskets –  sneakers/sport shoes
  • un bikini – bikini
  • un bonnet –  cap/beanie
  • un bonnet de bain –  swimming cap
  • des bottes – boots
  • des boucles d’oreille – earings
  • un bracelet – bracelet
  • un bracelet de cheville – ankle bracelet
  • une brassière – bra
  • une brosse à cheveux – hairbrush
  • un caleçon – underpants
  • une casquette – cap
  • une ceinture – belt
  • un chapeau – hat
  • des chaussettes – socks
  • des chaussures – shoes
  • une chemise – shirt
  • des claquettes – flip-flops/sandals
  • un col roulé – turtleneck
  • des collants – thights
  • un collier – necklace
  • un costard – suit
  • un coupe-vent – windbreaker
  • une cravate – tie
  • une culotte – panties
  • une écharpe – scarf
  • des escarpins – pumps
  • un foulard – scarf
  • des gants – gloves
  • un gilet – vest
  • un jeans – jeans
  • une jupe – skirt
  • une jupe-culotte – culottes
  • un legging – leggings
  • des lunettes – glasses
  • des lunettes de soleil – sunglasses
  • un manteau – coat
  • un maillot de bain – swimming suit
  • une mini-jupe – miniskirt
  • une montre – watch
  • des mouffles – mittens
  • un nœud papillon – bow tie
  • un pantalon – trousers
  • des pantoufles – slippers
  • un parapluie – umbrella
  • un peigne – comb
  • un peignoir – bathrobe
  • une perruque – wig
  • un portefeuille – wallet
  • un porte-monnaie – purse
  • un pull – sweater
  • un pull à capuche – hoodie
  • un pyjama – pyjamas
  • une robe – dress
  • un rouge à lèvres – lipstick
  • un sac à main – handbag
  • un sac à dos – backpack
  • un sac banane – waist bag/fanny pack
  • une salopette – overalls
  • un serre-tête – headband
  • un short – shorts
  • un slip – underpants
  • un smoking – tuxedo
  • un sous-vêtement – underwear
  • un soutien-gorge – bra
  • un string – string
  • un survêtement – tracksuit
  • un tee-shirt – T-shirt
  • des tongs – flip-flops
  • une veste – jacket
  • un vêtement – clothes

Are you looking to improve your French vocabulary in the kitchen? This post is the perfect resource for you. You will find a comprehensive list of French vocabulary words related to kitchenware, such as utensils, appliances, and more. With audio files and a video, you will be able to improve your pronunciation and improve your French skills.

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