Word clock in and out


Punch in
Punch out

Meaning of Idioms ‘Clock In’ and ‘Clock Out’

To clock in is to record your time of arrival at work, usually by punching a time clock; to begin work.

To clock out is to record your time of departure from work; to end work.


Although this idiom often refers literally to punching a time clock, this idiom can be used figuratively to mean beginning and ending work.

Examples Of Use

“I always clock in at nine o’clock on the dot. The one time I punched in five minutes late, my boss threw a fit.”

“I forgot to clock out yesterday. We both left work together so can you vouch for me?”

“I get paid a salary. It doesn’t really matter when I clock in and out, as long as I get my work done.”

Meaning of idiom clock in and clock out


Since the late 1800’s time clocks have been used to record the time workers arrive at and leave work. These clocks are special timers that punch a time on a card when it is inserted into a slot, hence the idiom ‘punch a clock.’ When one arrives at work, they use the time clock to ‘punch in’ to work and they ‘punch out’ when they leave. This allows the employers who pay workers an hourly wage to precisely track the amount of time each employee works. 1Spears, Richard A. McGraw-Hill’s American Idioms Dictionary. Boston: McGraw Hill, 2008.,2Ammer, Christine. American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013.

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The optional ADC can be synchronised to an external word clock. By pressing the front panel Ext switch, the synchronisation mode

can be switched between standard external word clock and 256X external word clock. Both types of external word clock should be

connected to the ISA428 MkII ADC card at the Word Clock In BNC connector.

The Word Clock Out BNC connector either regenerates the external word clock connected at the Word Clock In BNC connector, or

transmits the internal sample frequency of the ADC card. Where the ISA428 MkII is being used as a slave device within a larger

digital system, the Word Clock Out BNC connector can be used to pass on the external word clock signal to the next device. When the

unit is not slaved to another device and is in internal clock mode, the Word Clock Out BNC connector outputs the sample frequency

selected on the ISA428 MkII front panel.

Digital output front panel controls

Clock select

Pressing this switch allows the user to select between sample frequencies of 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz,

176.4kHz, and 192kHz.


Pressing this switch allows the ISA428 MkII to be slaved to an external word clock source. Selecting 256X allows

the ISA428 MkII to be slaved to an external clock running at 256 times faster than the sample frequency and enables

connection to systems such as the Digidesign ‘Superclock’ or other 256X slave clock devices.

Lock LED

When lit, LOCK indicates that the unit is successfully synchronised to an external clock. Note: When using 256X

external clock, no lock indication is given, if audio can be heard in this mode then 256X clock is locked.


Mic preamp input impedance

A major element of the sound of a mic pre is related to the interaction between the specific microphone being used and the type of

mic pre-amp interface technology it is connected to. The main area in which this interaction has an effect is the level and frequency

response of the microphone, as follows:


Professional microphones tend to have low output impedances and so more level can be achieved by selecting the higher impedance

positions of the ISA428 MkII mic pre-amp.

Frequency response

Microphones with defined presence peaks and tailored frequency responses can be further enhanced by choosing lower impedance

settings. Choosing higher input impedance values will tend to emphasise the high frequency response of the microphone connected,

allowing you to get improved ambient information and high end clarity, even from average-performance microphones.

Various microphone/ISA428 MkII pre-amp impedance combinations can be tried to achieve the desired amount of colouration for the

instrument or voice being recorded.

To understand how to use the impedance selection creatively it may be useful to read the following section on how the microphone

output impedance and the mic pre¬amp input impedance interact.

Switchable impedance: In depth explanation

Dynamic moving coil and condenser microphones

Almost all professional dynamic and condenser microphones are designed to have a relatively low nominal output impedance

of between 150Ω and 300Ω when measured at 1kHz. Microphones are designed to have such low output impedance because the

following advantages result:

They are less susceptible to noise pickup.

They can drive long cables without high frequency roll-off due to cable capacitance.


Note that you should say either «In order to track employee attendance…» or «In order to keep track of employee attendance…».

I would simply say:

In order to track employee attendance, the company prompts employees to clock in and out on weekdays.

or perhaps «sign» instead:

In order to track employee attendance, the company prompts employees to sign in and out on weekdays.

In both cases the language is a little outdated: they are not putting cards in a clock which stamps them (like people used to) and they’re not actually signing anything either. But the language persists because they are effectively performing the same function.

For a more up-to-date version, you could say «swipe» instead of «sign» or «clock», reflecting the fact that it is usually done by swiping a card across or near a card reader, and the verb «swipe» has become synonymous with the process of presenting a card to a card-reading device.

level image
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