Word classes exercises with answers

Márcia Fernandes Licensed Professor in Literature

Word classes or grammatical classes are sets that serve to classify words under the morphological aspect.

There are 10 classes of words: noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, article, numeral, preposition, conjunction, interjection and adverb.

Check out the questions on this topic commented by our expert professors.

Question 1

(And either)

The world is big

The world is big and fits

In this window over the sea.

The sea is big and fits

On the bed and on the mattress to love.

Love is great and fits

In the brief space of kissing.

ANDRADE, Carlos Drummond de. Poetry and prose. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 1983.

In this poem, the poet realized a stylistic option: the reiteration of certain constructions and linguistic expressions, such as the use of the same conjunction to establish the relationship between the phrases. This conjunction establishes, among the related ideas, a sense of:

a) opposition

b) comparison

c) conclusion

d) alternation

e) purpose

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Correct alternative: a) opposition

a) CORRECT. The conjunction used «e» («The world is big and fits», «The sea is big and fits», «Love is big and fits») is classified as an adversarial coordinator, because it expresses opposition. To better understand, we can rewrite the verses with another adversative coordinating conjunction, for example, «however»: «The world is big, but it fits», «The sea is big, but it fits», «Love is big, but it fits».

b) WRONG. The conjunction used «e» («The world is big and fits», «The sea is big and fits», «Love is big and fits») does not establish any idea of ​​comparison. An example of a comparative subordinate conjunction is «than», which when replaced in verse does not make sense: «The world is big than it fits».

c) WRONG. The conjunction used «e» («The world is big and fits», «The sea is big and fits», «Love is big and fits») does not convey any idea of ​​completion. An example of a conclusive coordinative conjunction is «therefore», which when replaced in the verses does not make sense: «The world is large, so it fits in this window over the sea.»

d) WRONG. The conjunction used «e» («The world is big and fits», «The sea is big and fits», «Love is big and fits») does not convey the idea of ​​choice. An example of an alternative coordinative conjunction is «either… or», which cannot be replaced in the verses because it makes no sense.

e) WRONG. The conjunction used «e» («The world is big and fits», «The sea is big and fits», «Love is big and fits») does not convey an idea of ​​purpose. An example of a final subordinate conjunction is «for what», which cannot be replaced in the verses because it makes no sense.

Question 2

(UFMG-Adapada) Expressions in bold correspond to an adjective, except in:

a) João Fanhoso is waking up without enthusiasm.

b) It took time on purpose in that complicated bath.

c) The bugs of the land fled in an unsuccessful career.

d) Night closed on those lost wastes of the endless caatinga.

e) And I still have this conversation with a man from the country.

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Correct alternative: b) He took his time on purpose in that complicated bath.

a) WRONG. The expression «without enthusiasm» has the same meaning as «discouraged», which is an adjective, because it attributes a characteristic to the noun «João Fanhoso».

b) CORRECT. The expression «on purpose» has the same meaning as «on purpose», which is an adverb of mode, because it modifies the verb «to delay».

c) WRONG. The expression «da terra» has the same meaning as «local» (local animals). Local is an adjective, because it attributes a characteristic to the noun «bichos».

d) WRONG. The expression «endless» has the same meaning as «infinite», which is an adjective, because it attributes a characteristic to the noun «caatinga».

e) WRONG. The expression «da roça» has the same meaning as «caipira», which is an adjective, because it attributes a characteristic to the noun «homem».

Question 3

(UnB) Check the item that only contains prepositions:

a) during, between, about

b) with, under, after

c) for, behind, for

d) in, case, after

e) after, about, above

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Correct alternative: a) during, between, about

a) CORRECT. «During» is an accidental preposition, that is, it is a word that in addition to preposition can also belong to other classes of words. «Between and over», in turn, are essential prepositions, because they only function as a preposition.

b) WRONG. «With and under» are essential prepositions, because they only function as a preposition. «After» is an adverb of time.

c) WRONG. «For and by» are essential prepositions, because they only function as a preposition. «Behind» is an adverb of place.

d) WRONG. «In and after» are essential prepositions, because they only function as a preposition. «Case» is a conditional subordinate conjunction.

e) WRONG. «After and about» are essential prepositions, because they only function as a preposition. «Above» is an adverb of place.

Question 4

(UMESP) In the sentence «Negotiations would be half open only after half a period of work», the highlighted words are, respectively:

a) adjective, adjective

b) adverb, adverb

c) adverb, adjective

d) numeral, adjective

e) numeral, adverb

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Correct alternative: b) adverb, adverb

a) WRONG. Adjectives assign characteristics to nouns. In this sentence, «open» is the adjective, while «medium» is the adverb in a way that modifies it. «After» is also an adverb, in this case of time.

b) CORRECT. The word «middle» in this sentence has the function of an adverb, because it is modifying the adjective «open». When this happens, the word «means» does not vary, but if, for example, «means» had the function of an adjective, it could vary in gender and / or number, as in: half a cup of tea. The word «after», in turn, is an adverb of time.

c) WRONG. The word «medium» is an adverb, because it is changing the adjective «open». «After» is also an adverb, in this case of time, because it refers to a circumstance of time.

d) WRONG. The word «medium» can be classified as numeral (for example: I gave each one half chocolate.), But in this case, the word «medium» is modifying the adjective «open», so it is classified as an adverb. «After» is an adverb of time, because it indicates a period of time.

e) WRONG. The word «medium» can be classified as a numeral when it indicates quantity (for example: I drank half a liter of water.), But in this case, the word «medium» is an adverb, because it is modifying the adjective «open». «After», in turn, is also an adverb.

Question 5

(Fesp) Check the option where «a» is, respectively, article, personal pronoun and preposition:

a) This is the meaning I referred to and not the one you understood.

b) The difficulty is great and I know that I will solve it in the short term.

c) The slave declared that she preferred death to slavery.

d) This is the house I bought and not the one I sold to him.

e) The one who committed the fault will receive the punishment.

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Correct alternative: b) The difficulty is great and I know that I will solve it in the short term.

a) WRONG. «A (meaning)»: article, because it precedes noun; «a (that I referred to)»: preposition, because it links the elements «meaning» and «that I referred to»; «a (that you understood)»: article, because it precedes the noun «meaning» that is hidden in the sentence «the one that you understood».

b) CORRECT. «A (difficulty»): article, because it precedes noun; «a (I will solve)»: personal pronoun, because it is replacing the personal pronoun of the straight case «she»; «a (short term)»: preposition, because it is linking the terms of the sentence «I will resolve» and «short term».

c) WRONG. The first two «a» are articles, because both precede, respectively, the nouns «slave» and «death». «À (slavery)» is the junction of an article with a preposition, since it precedes the noun «slavery», and still links the terms «death» and «slavery».

d) WRONG. The first two «a» are articles, because both precede the nouns «house», while in the second case the noun is hidden «the (house) I sold». The third «a» is a preposition «, because it links the terms» sold «and» he «.

e) WRONG. All occurrences of «a» are articles, because they all precede nouns: «The (person) who committed», «the fault», «the punishment».

Question 6

(UEPR) The forms that vividly translate the sudden, spontaneous and instinctive feelings of the speakers are called:

a) conjunctions

b) interjections

c) prepositions

d) phrases

e) coordinations

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Correct alternative: b) interjections

a) WRONG. Conjunctions have the function of linking words or sentences. Example: Ana and Maria left.

b) CORRECT. Interjections express emotions and feelings. Example: Phew!

c) WRONG. Prepositions link terms of prayer. Example: The president arrived with the first lady.

d) WRONG. Voiceovers are combinations of words that work as a unit. Example: The year’s profit did not pay for expenses. (adjective phrase that has the same meaning as «annual»).

e) WRONG. Coordination is not a grammatical class. The coordinated clauses, studied in Syntax, are independent clauses. For example: I woke up, got up and made coffee.

Question 7

(PUC-SP) «It’s kind… new… completely new! But I have a name… Batizei- the logo ‘il… you show…». Under the morphological point of view, the highlighted words correspond in order, to:

a) conjunction, preposition, article, pronoun

b) adverb, adverb, pronoun, pronoun

c) conjunction, interjection, article, adverb

d) adverb, adverb, noun, pronoun

e) conjunction, adverb, pronoun, pronoun

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Correct alternative: e) conjunction, adverb, pronoun, pronoun

But: it is a conjunction, because it is establishing a relationship between two clauses — the one that begins with «It is a species…» and the one that begins precisely with the conjunction «But already…».

In this case, the conjunction is playing the role of an adversarial coordinating conjunction, because in addition to linking independent sentences, it is also expressing opposition.

already: it is an adverb, because it is modifying the verb «has». In this case, «already» is classified as an adverb of time, because it indicates a temporal circumstance.

a: it is a pronoun, because it is replacing the noun «species» (I named the species). It is classified as the personal pronoun of the oblique case.

it: it is a pronoun, because it is completing the verb «I will». It is classified as the personal pronoun of the oblique case.

Now, let’s explain the word classes suggested in the remaining alternatives:

a) WRONG. This alternative incorrectly suggests that «already» is a preposition and «a» is an article.

The word «already» only has the function of an adverb, while «a» can be an article, but for that it has to come before a noun.

b) WRONG. This alternative incorrectly suggests that «but» is an adverb. The word «but» only serves as a conjunction.

c) WRONG. This alternative incorrectly suggests that: «already» is interjection, «a» is an article «and» him «is an adverb.

The word» already «only has the function of an adverb, while» a «can be an article, but for that it has to come before a noun. In turn, «him» only has the function of a pronoun.

d) WRONG. This alternative incorrectly suggests that: «but» is an adverb and «a» is a noun.

The word «but» only has the function of conjunction, while the word «a» only has the functions of article and pronoun. In this case, » the «is pronoun», because it is replacing the noun «species» (I named the species).

Question 8

(UFF) In “She smashed the seal and gave Seixas the paper to read”, the preposition marked introduces an idea of:

a) consequence

b) cause

c) condition

d) end

e) mode

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Correct alternative: d) end

a) WRONG. There is no type of the word class «preposition» that indicates a consequence.

b) WRONG. The preposition may indicate cause, but that is not the idea conveyed in the sentence above. Cause preposition example: The flower has withered in the sun.

c) WRONG. There is no type of the word class «preposition» that indicates condition.

d) CORRECT. The preposition «to» is conveying the idea of purpose, which can be more easily perceived if we change the order of prayer, and replace it with another preposition indicating purpose: She broke the seal and took to Seixas read the paper instead of «She broke the seal and gave to read the paper Seixas.»

e) WRONG. The preposition may indicate a mode, but that is not the idea that the sentence above conveys. Example of preposition of mode: She tore letter in pieces.

Question 9

» If I have money, I will go on vacation.»

The highlighted word is:

a) Interjection

b) Adverb

c) Conjunction

d) Preposition

e) Pronoun

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Correct alternative c) Conjunction

The «If» is a conditional subordinate conjunction that expresses a hypothesis or condition. It is worth remembering that the conjunction is a term that links two sentences or two words of the same grammatical value, establishing a relationship between them.

Question 10

Learn to Call the Police

I have a very light sleep, and one night I noticed that someone was sneaking around in the backyard.

I got up in silence and followed the light noises coming from outside, until I saw a silhouette passing through the bathroom window.

As my house was very safe, with bars on the windows and internal locks on the doors, I was not too concerned, but it was clear that I would not leave a thief there, peeking calmly.

(Luís Fernando Veríssimo)

The words highlighted above are, respectively:

a) pronoun; adjective; adverb

b) adverb; noun; adjective

c) conjunction; adverb; noun

d) noun; conjunction; pronoun

e) adjective; pronoun; conjunction

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Correct alternative: a) pronoun; adjective; adverb

The grammatical class of the highlighted terms are:

  • someone: indefinite pronoun that vaguely refers to the 3rd person in the speech.
  • lightweight: adjective that attributes a quality to the noun “noise”.
  • quietly: adverb in a way that means quietly.

Question 11

Check the correct alternative on the classification of highlighted words.

a) I didn’t like pie or cake. (interjection)

b) One day we will meet. (article)

c) Norma is getting healthier every day. (noun)

d) In the morning I had coffee with milk. (conjunction)

e) I bought my computer a year ago. (preposition)

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Correct alternative: b) One day we will meet. (article)

“Um” is an indefinite article that vaguely or imprecisely indicates something, in this case: “day”. Thus, it is not known for certain which day it will be.

In the other alternatives, we have:

a) nor — additive coordinative conjunction that expresses sum.

c) healthy — adjective that attributes quality to the proper noun “Norma”.

d) with — preposition that links the two terms of the sentence: coffee + milk.

e) my — possessive pronoun that indicates possession of something, in this case, the «computer».

Question 12

All highlighted words are pronouns, except:

a) That avenue is the widest in the city.

b) Mariana dropped the documents.

c) We will have other opportunities.

d) We visited the place where they filmed.

e) Who was in line at the bank?

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Correct alternative: b) Mariana dropped the documents.

The word highlighted in option b) is a proper noun that distinguishes the noun, always spelled in capital letters.

In the other alternatives, we have:

a) That one — demonstrative pronoun

c) others — undefined pronoun

d) where — relative pronoun

e) Who — interrogative pronoun

Question 13

I. Superinteressante is a compound adjective

II. Pure is a primitive adjective

III. Sculptor is a derived adjective

From the above statements, they are correct:

a) only I

b) I and II

c) I and III

d) II and III

e) I, II and III

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Correct alternative: e) I, II and III

All of the above statements are correct:

  • Superinteressante — compound adjective that presents more than one super + interesting radical.
  • Pure — primitive adjective that does not derive from any word.
  • Sculptor — adjective derived from the verb sculpt.

Question 14

All of the alternatives below have multiplicative numerals, except:

a) double

b) double

c) quadruple

d) half

e) triple

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Correct alternative: d) medium

Half (½) is a fractional numeral that indicates half of something. Remember that fractional numbers always represent the part of a whole.

Multiplicative numbers are those that refer to a quantity that has been multiplied:

  • double or double: 2 times
  • triple or triple: 3 times
  • quadruple: 4 times

Question 15

The sentence containing an adverb of intensity is:

a) This morning we will have a meeting.

b) I would never do that to anyone.

c) We eat a lot on Sunday.

d) I will probably be late for the parent meeting.

e) Juliana’s house is there.

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Correct alternative: c) We eat a lot on Sunday.

«Much» is an adverb of intensity that indicates the excessive amount of something.

In the other alternatives, we have:

a) Today — adverb of time

b) Never — adverb of negation

d) Probably — adverb of doubt

e) ali — adverb of place

You may also be interested in:

A. Find examples of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in the following sentences and write them below.

1   The alphabet has 26 letters.

2   750,000,000 people use the language.

3   It has five vowels: a, e, i, o and u.

4   The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

5   He studied the new words very carefully.

Nouns: alphabet, letters, …………………………………

Pronouns: ……………………………………………

Adjectives: ……………………………………………

Verbs: has, ……………………………………………

Adverbs: ……………………………………………


Nouns: people, language, vowels, fox, dog, words

Pronouns: it, he

Adjectives: quick, brown, lazy, new

Verbs: use, has, jumps, studied

Adverbs: very carefully

B. What is the subject in each of the sentences in Exercise A?

1   the alphabet

2   ………………………….

3   ………………………….

4   ………………………….

5   ………………………….


2 750,000,000 people   3 It

4 The quick brown fox   5 He

C. Complete the sentences with an appropriate word. Use the part of speech in brackets.

1   He’s a …happy…… child – he’s always smiling. (adjective)

2   ………………… loves her. (pronoun)

3   She ………………… to the pool every Saturday. (verb)

4   Can you speak more …………………? I can’t understand you. (adverb)

5   They’re both very ………………… and thin. (adjective)

6   Luckily, the weather is ………………… good. It has been sunny all week. (adverb)

7   I study at school. I’m a ………………… . (noun)

8   My teacher ………………… really good stories. (verb)

9   They work at the ………………… . They’re nurses. (noun)

10   My cousins live in Brazil. ………………… speak Portuguese. (pronoun)


Possible answers

2 He   3 goes/comes   4 slowly

5 tall   6 very   7 student   8 tells

9 hospital   10 They

D. Make sentences by putting the words in the correct order.

1   walks / he / quickly ………He walks quickly. ………….

2   we / speak / Russian ……………………………………

3   a / woman / strange / is / she ……………………………………

4   very badly / drives / my aunt ……………………………………

5   they / live / in this street ……………………………………

6   he / two brothers / has ……………………………………

7   the dog / my sandwich / ate ……………………………………

8   we / film / the / new / saw ……………………………………


2 We speak Russian.

3 She is (‘s) a strange woman.

4 My aunt drives very badly.

5 They live in this street.

6 He has two brothers.

7 The dog ate my sandwich.

8 We saw the new film.

E. Use the words in the box to complete the table below.

adjectives     adverbs      nouns      pronouns      verbs



bee     country     game     giraffe

leaves     man      moon

Morocco     pizza     spider

station     tennis match      woman



I     they     we



beautiful     crazy     purple

small     stripy     tall     ugly

wonderful     young



be     dance     eat      go     have

watch     win



angrily     happily     quickly

quietly     sadly     slowly

Now use the words from the table to make ten or more sentences and write them in your notebook. Use the verb in any appropriate tense. Your sentences must be correct but they can by crazy!

Example: The tall man ate his pizza slowly.


2 pronouns   3 adjectives   4 verbs   5 adverbs

Possible answers

The ugly giraffe danced happily.

The beautiful woman watched the purple moon sadly.

The stripy spider went to Morocco slowly.

We won a crazy tennis match quickly.

F. Circle the correct option.

1   My sister and I love computer games. ………… all the time.

      a We play them

      b Them play we

      c Play we them

2   My uncle speaks four ………… .

      a different languages

      b languages differents

      c differents languages

3   My mother is Spanish and my father is Japanese, but ………… both speak English with me.

      a we     b them     c they

4   I like the book and my friend likes ………… too.

      a book     b him     c it

5   Cat, rabbit, dog and snake are ………… .

      a adverbs

      b nouns

      c pronouns


1 a   2 a   3 c   4 c   5 b

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Grammar in EAP

Exercise 2

Nounsverbsadjectivesadverbsprepositions, pronounsdeterminers (including articles & numerals) & conjunctions are classes of word.

Can you identify the word classes in the following text. Click on a word to see if you are correct.

Caddis flies are rather nondescript, drab brown insects, which most of us fail to notice as they fly rather clumsily over rivers. That is when they are adults. But before they emerge as adults they have a rather longer incarnation as larvae walking about the river bottom. And caddis larvae are anything but nondescript. They are among the most remarkable creatures on earth. Using cement of their own manufacture, they skilfully build tubular houses for themselves out of materials that they pick up from the bed of the stream. The house is a mobile home, carried about as the caddis walks, like the shell of a snail or hermit crab except that the animal builds it instead of growing it or finding it. Some species of caddis use sticks as building materials, others fragments of dead leaves, others small snail shells. But perhaps the most impressive caddis houses are the ones built in local stone. The caddis chooses its stones carefully, rejecting those that are too large or too small for the current gap in the wall, even rotating each stone until it achieves the snuggest fit.

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Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

Exercise 5

Ex: green I bike my . → My bike is green.

1.   before  they  friends  used  to  be .


2.   go  often to  how  do you  cinema  the ?


3.  do  my  after  I  dinner  always  homework   .


4.   how  sisters  got  brother and  have  you  many  ?


5.  does  cooking  Sundays  on  my sister  the  .


6.    to  always  the  take  bus  school  we   .


7.    man  hat  with  is  the  red  who  the  ?


8.  you  speak  who   to  did ?


9.  lost  bag before  I  my  the yesterday  day.


10.  are  make  when  people  they  sad  I   laugh .


11.   movie  enjoy  did  the  you   ?


12.   was  near  the    there  a  tree  river .


13.   one  like  do  you  which   ?


14.   around  the  goes  the  earth  sun .


15.   on  are  sofa my  the  parents  sitting .


16.   from  you  where  are ?


17.   now  going  am  home I  .


18.   is raining  it  not .


19.   you  do  live  where ?


20.   broke  he  glasses  my .



  1. They used to be friends before.
  2. How often do you go to the cinema?
  3. I always do my homework after dinner.
  4. How many brother and sisters have you got?
  5. My sister does the cooking on Sundays.
  6. We always take the bus to school.
  7. Who is the man with the red hat?
  8. Who did you speak to?
  9. I lost my bag the day before yesterday.
  10. I make people laugh when they are sad.
  11. Did you enjoy the movie?
  12. There was a tree near the river.
  13. Which one do you like?
  14. The earth goes around the sun.
  15. My parents are sitting on the sofa.
  16. Where are you from?
  17. I am going home now.
  18. It is not raining.
  19. Where do you live?
  20. He broke my glasses.

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