Word city in italian

The word for a city in Italian is città. It is derived from the Latin civitatem, a derivative of civis meaning “citizen“. It generally refers to any human settlement of considerable size with streets, public services, and a local administration.

Italian word for city, town.

Because it is an invariable feminine noun, the plural form is the same as the singular form. Here are the definite and indefinite articles it takes:

  • la città = the city
  • le città = the cities
  • una città = a city
  • (delle) città = (some) cities

There are various adjectives you can use to describe a città such as: grande (big), piccola (small), antica (ancient), moderna (modern), ricca (rich), povera (poor), abitata / popolata (populated), and scarsamente abitata / popolata (largely unpopulated).

Non mi piace vivere in città. Preferisco la campagna.

I don’t like living in the city. I prefer the countryside.

Some of the most well-known cities in Italy include:

  • la città di Milano = the city of Milan
  • la città di Roma = the city of Rome
  • la città di Firenze = the city of Florence
  • la città di Napoli = the city of Naples
  • la città di Torino = the city of Turin
View of Milan
La città di Milano = The city of Milan

What is interesting about the word città is that it can also translate as “town” in specific terms and expressions, even if the town in question isn’t particularly large or populated.

  • città natale = hometown
  • città di mare = seaside town
  • essere in città = to be in town
  • essere fuori città = to be out of town

This is especially true when it is used figuratively to refer to actual inhabitants of a town or city, rather than the place itself.

Tutta la città sa come sono stati spesi quei soldi.

The whole town knows how that money was spent.

Important: The most common translation for town is paese, a word which, somewhat confusingly for learners of Italian, can also mean country! We discuss this topic in-depth in our article about the word paese if you’d like to know more.

Derived from città is the diminutive form cittadina which literally means “small city”, so in actual fact, it is yet another translation for “town”. For a town or city to be classified as a cittadina, it should be rather small in size but with certain administrative or cultural importance and a population of 10,000 to 50,000 people.

Italian coastline with city in mountain.

Sometimes città can even mean district or quarter when referring to a specific area of a city or town. For example, the old quarter of a town is called la città vecchia whereas the Olympic district is known as la città olimpica.

Finally, città is used in various expressions to describe Italian cities, as well as other things such as the heaven:

  • la città eterna / la città dei Cesari = Rome (lit. eternal city / city of the Cesari, in reference to the various emperors of the Ancient Rome)
  • la città della Mole = Turin (the Mole Antonelliana is a tower and one of the main symbols of the city)
  • la città della Madonnina = Milan (in reference to the small Madonna golden statue on the Duomo cathedral)
  • la città delle due torri = Bologna (in reference to the city’s towers)
  • la città del santo = Padua (in reference to Anthony of Padua)
  • la città del fiore = Florence (the city’s symbol is a flower, the giglio, aka lily)
  • la città di Dio = heaven / paradise
  • una città fantasma = a ghost town
  • una città morta = an abandoned city

Nantes is a city very well served by its public transport system.

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Nantes à ̈ una città servita egregiamente dalla sua rete di trasporti pubblici.

During my time on the city council, Erv was no stranger to me. Burrell.

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Quando ero ancora al Consiglio Comunale… conoscevo già bene Erv. Burrell.

Erv was no stranger to me. Burrell. During my time on the city council.

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Conoscevo già bene Erv. Quando ero ancora al Consiglio Comunale… Burrell.

Its county seat and most populous city is Dodge City.

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Il capoluogo di contea è Dodge City== Altri progetti.

Its county seat and most populous city is Junction City.

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Il capoluogo di contea è Junction City== Altri progetti.

I just got off the phone with city council president of Hinton, Oklahoma.

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Era una telefonata dal presidente del consiglio comunale… di Hinton, Oklahoma.

The largest city and county seat is Ness City.

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Il capoluogo di contea è Ness City== Altri progetti.

Its county seat is Jefferson City,

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Il capoluogo di contea è Jefferson City== Altri progetti.

For City Council… Young, Latina,- lot of fans.

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Si è candidata per il Consiglio Cittadino… giovane, latina, molti fan.

Young, Latina, lot of fans. She’s running for City Council.

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Si è candidata per il Consiglio Cittadino… giovane, latina, molti fan.

Turin is the baroque city par excellence in Italy.

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Torino à ̈ città barocca per eccellenza.

Lyon is the 2nd ranking city in France as regards to its student population.

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Lione è la 2 ° città classifica in Francia per quanto riguarda la sua popolazione studentesca.

The caravan city is located on the parking P East 2.

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La ERIBA CITY si trova sul parking P Est 2 vedi lo schizzo.

Fbi field office new york city.

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Fbi field office new york city.

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Hostel The best hostel in shanghai—shanghai city central international youth hostel.

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Ostello Il miglior ostello a Shanghai Shanghai — città centrale internazionale ostello della gioventù.

The best hostel in shanghai—shanghai city central international youth hostel.

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Il miglior ostello a Shanghai Shanghai — città centrale internazionale ostello della gioventù.

Even City Watch won’t go, Mr. Baru.

Greve in City Chianti of the Tuscany, province of Florence.

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Greve in Chianti Cittadina della Toscana, in provincia di Firenze.

Houses the mayor, the City Council, Courts.

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Casa del sindaco, Consigli Comunali, Tribunali.

City Areas, Monuments, and Travel Diaries.

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Aree Urbane, Monumenti, e Diari di Viaggio.

Castellina in City Chianti of the Tuscany centers them, in province of Siena.

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Castellina in Chianti Cittadina della Toscana centrale, in provincia di Siena.

I’m appointing him to our Safe City committee.

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Sto per nominarlo nel nostro comitato per la Sicurezza Cittadina.

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No. City might have some down the way.

I’m McNulty, City Marine Unit.

It was as if the City of God had suddenly found a hero.

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Era come se la Ciuà di Dio ayesse u all’improwisotrovato un eroe.

Information and reservations for disabled persons for events organized by the City Administration.

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Informazioni e prenotazioni per disabili, per eventi organizzati dall’Amministrazione Cittadina.

Yeah, well, unfortunately, this city has 60,000 homeless.

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Si’, beh, purtroppo in questa citta ci sono sessantamila senzatetto.

Full of diseases. Kansas, thank God, not some big city.

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a word City in italian is City. It is derived from the Latin Cityderivative of civilian significance”citizen“. It generally refers to any human settlement with streets, public services, and local administration of any size.

Italian word for city, town.

Since it is an invariant feminine noun, the plural form is the same as the singular form. Here are the definite and indefinite articles it uses:

  • City = City
  • City = City
  • a city = a city
  • (some cities = (some cities

You can use various adjectives to describe a City like: Big (big), small (small), ancient (ancient), modern (modern), rich (rich), worse (worse), inhabited/populated (densely populated), and slightly inhabited / densely populated (basically uninhabited).

I don’t like living in the city. I prefer country.

I don’t like living in the city. I prefer country.

some of the most famous italian cities include:

  • Milan = Milan
  • rome city = rome city
  • Florence = Florence
  • Naples = Naples
  • Turin = Turin
view of milan
Milan = Milan

what’s interesting about this word City Yes it can also be translated as “town” in certain terms and expressions, even if the town in question is not particularly large or densely populated.

  • hometown = hometown
  • seaside city = seaside city
  • in the city = in the city
  • Out of town = Out of town

This is especially true when it is used figuratively to refer to the actual inhabitants of a town or city rather than the place itself.

The whole city knows how the money is spent.

The whole town knew how the money was spent.

important: most common translation town Yes nationa word that is somewhat confusing to Italian learners, can also mean nation!We discuss this topic in depth article about the word nation If you want to know more.

from City is small form small city Literally means “little city”, so actually, it’s another translation of “town”.for one town or City is classified as small citywhich should be small in size but of some administrative or cultural importance, with a population of between 10,000 and 50,000 people.

Italian coastline with cities in mountains.

sometimes City can even express Area or a quarter When referring to a specific area of ​​a city or town. E.g, This old Town a town called Old Town However Olympic area is called olympic city.

at last, City Used in various expressions to describe cities in Italy, among other things, such as heaven:

  • Eternal City/City of Caesars = Rome (Ignite the Eternal City/Cesari City, referring to the various emperors of ancient Rome)
  • moore city = Turin (The Mole Antonelliana is a tower and one of the main symbols of the city)
  • madonna city = milan (reference to the golden statue of the Madonna on the Duomo)
  • city ​​of twin towers = bologna (refer to the towers of the city)
  • city ​​of saints = Padua (cf. Antony of Padua)
  • city ​​of flowers = Florence (The symbol of the city is a flower, Giglioaka lily)
  • city ​​of god = Paradise/Paradise
  • a ghost town = a ghost town
  • a dead city = abandoned city

What is an Italian town Centre called?

noun. (British) centro (città)

What does Aldila mean in Italian?

Aldila is an Italian word meaning “the next life“ “the after life” or “above and beyond” depending on the context in which it is used.

What does educazione mean in Italian?

noun. breeding [noun] education and training good manners.

What does Cannetta mean in Italian?

[kanˈnetta] feminine noun. (da passeggio) walking stick.

See also the woman who survived the titanic

What does Aldela mean?

[ masculine ] /aldi’la/ afterlife hereafter.

How old is singer Al Martino?

Al Martino/Age at death
Al Martino a crooner who had several pop hits spanning more than 20 years and played Johnny Fontane in the 1970s “Godfather” movies died Tuesday at his childhood home in Springfield Pa. He was 82.Oct 13 2009

What was Al Martino’s biggest hit?

One of his biggest hits was “Spanish Eyes” achieving several gold and platinum discs for sales. Recorded in 1965 the song reached number five on the UK Singles chart when reissued in 1973. The song with a tune by Bert Kaempfert originally titled “Moon Over Naples” is among the 50 most-played songs worldwide.

Is Al Martino still alive?

Deceased (1927–2009)

Who first sang Spanish Eyes?

The earliest vocal version was recorded by Freddy Quinn in 1965 titled as “Spanish Eyes” soon after its release the single was pulled from the market when Polydor (Quinn’s label) and Decca (Kaempfert’s label) threatened to sue claiming ownership of the song.

Are Dean Martin and Al Martino related?

However research has disclosed that it was not Sinatra who brought in the mafia but Martino’s near namesake Dean Martin another Italian-American singer enjoying his first hit records.

How old is Vic Damone?

89 years (1928–2018)

How old is Paul Anka?

Paul Anka/Age
Paul Anka in full Paul Albert Anka (born July 30 1941 Ottawa Ontario Canada) Canadian-born American singer and songwriter whose wholesome pop songs first achieved wide popularity in the late 1950s and whose diverse songwriting talents produced hits for such artists as Tom Jones and Michael Jackson.Sep 30 2021

Who all sang Spanish Eyes?

Al Martino

Who did Spanish Eyes?

Al Martino
It was recorded by Al Martino in 1965 as “Spanish Eyes”. (Kaempfert and Singleton also co-wrote “Strangers In The Night” in 1966 a #1 hit for Frank Sinatra). “Spanish Eyes” is a song about a romantic couple.

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Who is the voice of Johnny Fontane?

Al Martino

Who made Blue Spanish Eyes famous?

Al Martino the smooth-voiced baritone who had a string of hits in the 1950s and ’60s with sentimental ballads like “Here in My Heart” and “Spanish Eyes” and then found wider fame as Johnny Fontane the wedding singer in “The Godfather ” died on Tuesday at his home in Springfield Pa. He was 82.

Who sang Spanish Harlem?

Ben E. King

How Old Is Engelbert Humperdinck?

85 years (May 2 1936)

Is Al Martino Italian?

Al Martino was one of the great Italian-American pop crooners boasting a string of hit singles and LPs that stretched from the early ’50s all the way into the mid-’70s. … His Italian immigrant parents ran a masonry business and he worked alongside his brothers as a bricklayer while growing up.

Who is the singer in The Godfather based on?

Frank Sinatra
Johnny Fontane is based on Frank Sinatra who is believed to have used his mob connections to gain a part in From Here To Eternity. Incidentally the actor he replaced was Eli Wallach who later played Don Altobello a role written for Sinatra.

Who sang Spanish Eyes In The Irishman?

To keep the authenticity of time and place the team used archival sounds including news footage on TV sets as well as a recording of late singer Jerry Vale performing “Spanish Eyes” and “Al di la” in a scene set during a gala dinner.

How do you pronounce Damone?

How old would Frank Sinatra be today?

Frank Sinatra’s exact age would be 105 years 11 months 12 days old if alive.

Why did Paul and Anka divorce?

Anne Anka who’s been married to the singer (“Diana”) and songwriter (“My Way”) Paul Anka 59 since 1963 has filed for legal separation on grounds of irreconcilable differences according to papers filed yesterday in Los Angeles Superior Court.

How old is Bobby Rydell?

79 years (April 26 1942)

See also how is surface water formed

What does it mean to have Spanish Eyes?

1. Gena. 1. If someone thinks your eyes look like Spanish eyes they would be dark and beautiful. People in Spain and Latin America might have Spanish eyes and perhaps other people with dark eyes would have that feature.

When did the song Spanish Eyes come out?


Was Johnny Fontaine based on Frank Sinatra?

Johnny Fontaine (Based on Frank Sinatra)

The character of Don Corleone’s Godson Johnny Fontaine is said to be based on Frank Sinatra. … The first is Johnny Fontaine’s desperate desire to get a role in a Jack Woltz produced Hollywood movie.

Who does Vito Corleone represent?

Premiere Magazine listed Vito Corleone as the greatest film character in history. He was also selected as the 53rd greatest film character by Empire. Vito Corleone is based on a composite of mid-20th century New York Mafia figures Carlo Gambino Frank Costello Joe Bonanno and Joe Profaci.

Is any part of the Godfather true?

Don Corleone was inspired by real-life mob boss Frank Costello. Don Vito Corleone has similarities to several real-life mobsters including Joe Profaci who used his olive oil distributorship as a front for his illegal activities and Carlo Gambino who used a quiet non-flashy style en route to power.

Who was Al Martino married to?

Judith Martino

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If you want to know how to say city in Italian, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Italian better.

Here is the translation and the Italian word for city:


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Dictionary Entries near city

  • citronella
  • citronella oil
  • citrus
  • city
  • city council
  • citywide
  • civic

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«City in Italian.» In Different Languages, https://www.indifferentlanguages.com/words/city/italian. Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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