Word chinese in french

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I work in a secret lab underneath a mediocre Chinese restaurant.

Je travaille dans un labo secret sous un piètre restaurant chinois.

Chinese and western restaurants with panoramic views, bars, lounges.

Restaurants chinois et occidentaux avec vue panoramique, bars, salons.

The original Chinese translation is provided alongside English for reference.

La traduction Chinoise originale est fournie avec la version Française pour référence.

Admire its beautiful fireplace, Chinese room and large gallery.

Admirez sa magnifique cheminée, sa salle chinoise et sa grande galerie.

The Chinese authorities are seeking to develop its livestock for meat.

Les autorités chinoises cherchent à développer son élevage pour la viande.

His company is exploiting Chinese children into making automotive paint.

Sa société exploite des petits Chinois qui font de la peinture automobile.

The buffet restaurant serves a wide range of delicious Chinese cuisines.

Le restaurant buffet prépare une large sélection de délicieux plats chinois.

These tin pendants are Chinese characters that represent these animals.

Nos pendentifs en étain sont des idéogrammes chinois qui désignent ces animaux.

Right on the Chinese boulevard, it offers an excellent cuisine.

Directement sur le boulevard chinois, il offre une excellente cuisine.

The Chinese people also deserve to celebrate this momentous occasion freely.

Le peuple chinois mérite aussi de célébrer librement cette occasion capitale.

Chinese architects designed elements of the cosmos into every structure.

Les architectes chinois ont conçu des éléments du cosmos dans chaque structure.

The development of the guidelines by a Chinese body is critical.

L’élaboration des directives par un organisme chinois s’avère cruciale.

Overseas well-known brands that have not entered the Chinese market.

Marques étrangères réputées qui ne sont pas entrées sur le marché chinois.

The Chinese delegation had already addressed this question in the statement.

La délégation chinoise avait déjà abordé cette question dans sa déclaration.

The first part has already been leveled by a Chinese company.

La première partie a déjà été nivelée par une entreprise chinoise.

Was overwhelmed by the tremendous number of people of Chinese descent.

Été submergé par le nombre énorme de personnes d’origine chinoise.

It penetrated in the fascination of this dance on Chinese shades.

Il pénétra dans la fascination de cette danse sur ombres chinoises.

Sunny — the Chinese company engaged in the manufacture of tires.

Sunny — la société chinoise spécialisée dans la fabrication de pneus.

It was once used in the Chinese countryside during the harvest.

Il était autrefois utilisé dans la campagne chinoise pendant la récolte.

This growth increases the absorption capacity of the Chinese domestic market.

Cette croissance augmente la capacité d’absorption du marché intérieur chinois.

No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain chinese

Results: 172682. Exact: 172682. Elapsed time: 147 ms.

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Ø 80 mm stainless steel»chinese» terminal tfs boilers.

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CHAPEAU CHINOIS Ø80 INOX pour chaudières tfs.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

English original: chinese, english and russian.

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Eighty-two Chinese«fishermen» were captured.

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Quatre-vingt-deux << pêcheurs >gt; chinois ont été capturés.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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documented in ancient civilizations like Chinese medicine.

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dans des civilisations aussi millénaires que l’ancienne médecine chine.

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Chinese‘ is really a group of several languages, some very distinctive.

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Le« chinois» regroupe différentes langues sinitiques.

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In 2010, the Chinese Music Awards recognized

The club participated in the Chinese Super League.

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The languages range from Chinese to Tagalog and from French to Russian.

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Les langues varient entre chinois et tagalog, et français et russe.

He most recently coached Chinese Super League outfit Shanghai Shenhua.

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Matchs dirigés en Chinese Super League au Shanghai Shenhua.

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Di-long(ou ti-lung, 地龍), le dragon terrestre.

Chinese army reportedly defeats the Japanese at the Battle of Changsha.

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Several of the larger Chinese shops were targeted for looting

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De nombreux magasins et restaurants tenus par des Chinois sont pillés et incendiés.

He speaks, reads and writes Chinese, English, and French.

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Sklavounos parle, lit et écrit le français, l’anglais, et le grec.

He was associate professor of Japanese and Chinese art history at Vassar College.

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Il est professeur émérite d’ancien chinois et d’art japonais à l’Université Waseda.

His name in Chinese is 史景遷/Shǐ Jǐngqiān.

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En tibétain il est nommé Chos-rgyal, Gshin-rje.

Jian River(Chinese: 鉴江) is a river of Guangdong, China.

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Le Han Jiang(韩江) est un fleuve du Guangdong Chine.

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Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 prohibited Chinese migration for 10 years.

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Go. The Chinese are multiplying like rabbits!

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HKMCC Centre chinois de contrôle de mission.

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Submit to index your Chinese website on Baidu.

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Chinese, Eurasian, and White Russian.

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A special moment spent with a little chinese 4 or 5 years old girl.

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moment privilégié partagé avec une petite chinoise de 4 ou 5ans.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Results: 40709,
Time: 0.0277





French — English translation of «chinese» presented by lalanguefrancaise.com — These translations of the word «chinese» in English and examples are given for information purposes only and come from free dictionaries. Additional information about the word «eat» is provided by the lalanguefrancaise.com editorial team.

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How to Say Chinese in FrenchAdvertisement

Peoples and Countries

If you want to know how to say Chinese in French, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand French better.

Here is the translation and the French word for Chinese:


Chinese in all languages

Dictionary Entries near Chinese

  • chin
  • China
  • chine
  • Chinese
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Chinese food
  • chink

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«Chinese in French.» In Different Languages, https://www.indifferentlanguages.com/words/chinese/french. Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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Chinese (singular masculine). The French for "chinese (singular masculine)" is "chinois".


The French translation for “chinese (singular masculine)” is chinois.

Examples of «chinese (singular masculine)» in use

There are 3 examples of the French word for «chinese (singular masculine)» being used:

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