Word chain lets play

  1. Учебники
  2. 4 класс
  3. Английский язык 👍
  4. Быкова
  5. №6

ГДЗ Английский язык 4 класс (часть 1) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Быкова, Дули, Поспелова, Эванс

авторы: Быкова, Дули, Поспелова, Эванс.

издательство: «Просвещение»


  • Module 3. Tasty treats!
  • 6a. Make a meal of it!

Английский язык 4 класс (часть 1) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Быкова. 6a. Make a meal of it!. Номер №6

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Word Chain! Let’s play!
Задание рисунок 1


Английский язык 4 класс (часть 1) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Быкова. 6a. Make a meal of it!. Номер №6


Перевод задания
Цепочка слов! Поиграем!
− Сливочное масло!
− Рис!


− Butter!

− Rice!

− Eggs!

− Sugar!

Перевод ответа
− Сливочное масло!
− Рис!
− Яйца!
− Сахар!

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  • Следующее

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Make a meal of it! Что готовят в разных странах!

Упражнение 1, с. 46

1. Listen and repeat. Слушай и повторяй за диктором.

a packet of biscuits – упаковка печенья
a bar of chocolate – плитка шоколада
a kilo of potatoes – килограмм картофеля
a loaf of bread – буханка хлеба
a jar of jam – банка джема
a carton of milk – пакет молока
a bottle of Coke – бутылка Колы
a tin of beans – консервная банка фасоли 

Упражнение 2, с. 46

2. Chit-Chat. 

A: Can I have a bar of chocolate, please?
B: Yes, of course. Here you are. That’s one pound fifteen pence, please.
A: Можно ли мне плитку шоколада, пожалуйста?
Б: Да, конечно. Вот, пожалуйста. С Вас один фунт пятнадцать пенсов.

A: Can I have a kilo of potatoes, please?
B: Yes, of course. Here you are. That’s two pounds fifteen pence, please.
A:  Можно ли мне килограмм картофеля, пожалуйста?
Б:  Да, конечно. Вот, пожалуйста. С Вас двадцать фунтов стерлингов.
A: Can I have a loaf of bread, please?
B: Yes, of course. Here you are. That’s eighty-nine pence, please.
A:  Можно ли мне буханку хлеба, пожалуйста?
Б:  Да, конечно. Вот, пожалуйста. С Вас восемьдесят девять пенсов. 
A: Can I have a jar of jam, please?
B: Yes, of course. Here you are. That’s one pound ten pence, please.
A: Можно ли мне банку варенья, пожалуйста?
Б: Да, конечно. Вот, пожалуйста. С Вас один фунт десять пенсов.

A: Can I have a carton of milk, please?
B: Yes, of course. Here you are. That’s ninety-five pence, please.
A: Можно ли мне коробку с молоком, пожалуйста?
Б:  Да, конечно. Вот, пожалуйста. С Вас девяносто пять пенсов.
A: Can I have a bottle of Coke, please?
B: Yes, of course. Here you are. That’s seventy-nine pence, please.
A: Можно ли мне бутылку колы, пожалуйста?
Б:  Да, конечно. Вот, пожалуйста. С Вас семьдесят девять пенсов.
A: Can I have a tin of beans, please?
B: Yes, of course. Here you are. That’s sixty-seven pence, please.
A: Можно ли мне банку фасоли, пожалуйста?
Б:  Да, конечно. Вот, пожалуйста. С Вас шестьдесят семь пенсов. 

Упражнение 3, с. 46

3. Read and choose. Прочитайте и выберите.

1 There are a lot of tomatoes in the salad.
2 Do we need much bread?
3 I take a lot of sugar in my tea.
4 There aren’t many eggs in the fridge.
5 There’s a lot of sugar in the cake.
6 Have you got many mangoes?

Упражнение 4, с. 47

4. How much do you know about food around the world? Что ты знаешь о блюдах, которые популярны в других странах?

Food Quiz Викторина о еде

1 At an Australian barbecue, snaggers are very popular.
What are they?
В Австралии барбекю Snaggers очень популярны.
Что это?

Ответ: C sausages

2 What’s another name for chips?
Как по-другому называются чипсы?

Ответ: A French fries 

3 Where is Cheddar chees from?
Какая страна является родиной сыра Чеддер?

Ответ: С England

4 In Italy, when you order a cappuccino, they bring
В Италии, когда Вы заказываете капучино, Вам приносят…

Ответ: A coffee

5 If an American is eating a cookie, he’s eating a
Если американец ест печенье, он ест…

Ответ: B biscuit

6 In Japan, they eat sushi. What is it?
В Японии едят суши. Что это?

Ответ: C fish

Упражнение 5, с. 47

5. Portfolio: Write a food quiz. Напиши викторину о еде.

Учащиеся должны вырезать из Рабочей тетради соответствующий лист (Portfolio Sheet) и составить викторину Food Quiz по образцу упр. 4.

Упражнение 6, с. 47

6. Word ChainLets play!  Цепочка из слов. Давайте поиграем!

Учащиеся делятся на две команды A и B. Представитель команды A пишет на доске какой-нибудь продукт, например, butter. Представитель команды B должен написать название другого продукта, используя одну из букв первого слова.
За каждое правильно написанное слово команда получает очко. Выигрывает команда, набравшая большее количество очков.

ГДЗ по английскому языку. 4 класс. Учебник. Быкова Н. И., Дули Д., Поспелова М. Д., Эванс В.

Рабочая тетрадь 4 класс

Английский язык. 4 класс

6 a. Make a meal of it! с. 46 – 47

4.5 (90.87%) от 103 голосующих

The Word Chain game for ESL students can be used to help build their vocabulary using a variety of themes. It can be used with larger groups or even in pairs.

Student Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Age Group: Kids, Adults

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Word Chain Game

Word Chain ESL Game Preparation:

Not much pre-class preparation is required for the Word Chain game. If you want, you could think of a few different vocabulary themes based on the words in the textbook that you are using for the class, but it isn’t really necessary.

Word Chain ESL Game Guidelines:

To explain to the class how to do the Word Chain activity, first, think of a theme like “movie stars” or something simple like “colors” if it is a very basic level of students.

Let’s use the “colors” example to start for the explanation. Grab a board marker and write the word “yellow” on the board so that everyone can see.

Now, underline the last letter of the word yellow and draw an arrow to the next word that they need to think of that starts with “W”. Tell them it has to be a color word only. They should come up with “white” fairly easily.

With the last letter of “white” being “E”, draw another arrow to start the next color word beginning with “E”.

Give students some time to answer. If nobody can think of a color that begins with “E” then suggest that they could have said the color “emerald green” and carry on with “N”. This should be enough to give them the idea of what to do for the game.

Next, have the students form a circle standing up or sitting at their desks in some kind of circular arrangement.

When everyone is ready, tell them that they are going to do the same activity, but this time they have to think of the words quickly and individually one after the other taking turns. Any student who cannot think of the next word fast enough is out of the game.

Try different themes to keep it interesting and challenging for the students. The rules can be varied somewhat, but this is the general aim of the Word Chain game.

Once you have completed a number of rounds, you could award the best student with a prize for positive reinforcement, especially if they are children.

Follow-Up ESL Activities:

As an extension to the word chain game, you could give the students five words from the activity and have them write sentences using the words.

Alternatively, you could try to find movie scenes that use words from the game and try the Movie Dialog Listening Activity as an extension to the lesson.

For a fun discussion extension to the lesson, most students really enjoy the Funny or Die ESL Speaking Activity.

More ESL Vocabulary Games for Kids and Adults:

  • I Spy
  • No Harm No Vowel
  • To Be
  • Halloween
  • Comparatives
  • Prepositions
  • Body Parts
  • Toilet Paper
  • Have You Ever
  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Word Whack
  • Hangman
  • Hot Seat
  • Simon Says
  • Pass the Marker
  • Memory Race
  • Board Race
  • Mystery Word
  • 20 Questions

View the vocabulary games archive.

View more ESL activities.

Related ESL Resources Online:

  • ESL Games for Kids on ESLkidsStuff.com

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Word Chain

Word Chain is a brilliant word game designed for kids to build and enhance their vocabulary skills. Through this game, kids can test how good they are with words and learn some new words as well. They just have to ‘click and drag’ the letter to the place of the letter which is to be replaced to make a new word. No wonder, this game is an excellent way to increase kids’ vocabulary base.

How to play Word Chain

A perfect word game to help kids learn new words and increase their vocabulary in a completely fun-filled way.

Similar Games

Word chain is a word game where the next word has to start with the last letter of the previous word. With this puzzle maker you can create a closed exercise for your kids. You will fill the puzzle with the words and when you print the puzzle the letter the start and end letters of the words are not printed. You can use the word finder of the app to find valid words for the puzzle.

How to create a puzzle:

1. Choose the lengths of the words. You can opt for a fixed length or vary. When you choose for a fixed length, all the words in the puzzle must have this length. When vary is used, than the length is variable for the words.
2. Choose chain size. You can choose between 1 and 2. This determines if the last letter is the start letter of the next word or the last 2 letter will be the first 2 letters of the next word.
3. Enter the words. You can just type the word and press enter or click on the ‘search word’ button behind the word.
    a. When you press enter, the app will try to find words that you can use for the next word.
    b. When you press on the search button, the app will use the letters that are already typed for the words. It will use the letters in front of the cursor to find new words.
    c. The app will only randomly show 100 words when searching for words. In case you cannot find a good word, press again on the search button. It will show different words, in case there are more than 100 available words.
4. The letters in the yellow fields in the puzzle will not be printed in the pdf file. These are the letters that have to be found.

Create your word chain puzzle

Length of words

Size of the chain

Terms of use of the edu games.

1. You can use the worksheets for free for non-commercial purposes, such as in schools, training centers or at home.
2. It is strictly forbidden to modify the worksheets in any way.
3. You can place an image of the worksheet on a website, but you have to place clearly and close to the image a link to www.edu-games.org.
4. It is forbidden to place the worksheet as a pdf file on a website.
5. You are allowed to use the worksheets (as pdf) in a closed environment for teaching purposes, as such Google’s Classroom. As long as the school or institution is free for the students and that they have free access to the worksheets.
6. There are no limitations on the numbers of worksheets you can create and download.
7. You give the edu games website the permission to use your created puzzles. Your puzzle will be checked and if it is suitable for other users it will be published on the website.
8. It is forbidden to embed www.edu-games.org into an i-frame of another website.

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Сообщения: 46
Зарегистрирован: 15 июл 2008 23:19
Откуда: Kursk
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Lets PLAY: Word chain

2 words. Add a word to last word made by the person before you. Example: Big Cat — Cat Fur

Lost in translation!!

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Сообщения: 46
Зарегистрирован: 15 июл 2008 23:19
Откуда: Kursk
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Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение reddy84 » 14 июн 2009 03:18

Fur ball

Lost in translation!!


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Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение Pavel » 14 июн 2009 03:21

Ball Game

Ушел с форума, т.к. переехал жить в другую

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Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение x-sea » 14 июн 2009 12:04

Game over


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Сообщения: 46
Зарегистрирован: 15 июл 2008 23:19
Откуда: Kursk
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Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение reddy84 » 15 июн 2009 00:13

press reporter

Lost in translation!!

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Откуда: Swansea
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Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение alla » 15 июн 2009 08:11

reporter camera

Каждый человек уникален и неповторим


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Откуда: Баку

Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение Rosh » 15 июн 2009 12:25

camera enclosure

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Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение Василевская » 15 июн 2009 12:42

enclosure trap

Dan bila ku cuba bukakan mataku
Dan hilang — Segala rupa yang telah ku bayang
Dan hilang — Segala rasa yang telah ku rasa
Dan hilang — Segala semua harapanku
Dan hilang — Cerita indah dalam tidurku


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Зарегистрирован: 16 фев 2009 11:33
Откуда: Баку

Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение Rosh » 15 июн 2009 12:52

Trap Gas

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Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение venus » 15 июн 2009 13:20

gas absorber

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Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение Василевская » 15 июн 2009 13:28

absorber diode

Dan bila ku cuba bukakan mataku
Dan hilang — Segala rupa yang telah ku bayang
Dan hilang — Segala rasa yang telah ku rasa
Dan hilang — Segala semua harapanku
Dan hilang — Cerita indah dalam tidurku


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Зарегистрирован: 20 май 2009 15:34
Откуда: Kazakhstan, Almaty

Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение venus » 15 июн 2009 13:31

diode action

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Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение alla » 15 июн 2009 14:48

action area

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Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение Zman » 15 июн 2009 15:00

area 51 :mrgreen: :lol:

Information wants to be FREE!

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Откуда: Москва

Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение karamel » 15 июн 2009 15:20

The 51st State

Зорко одно лишь сердце… Самого главного глазами не увидишь!
Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери

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Зарегистрирован: 20 май 2009 15:34
Откуда: Kazakhstan, Almaty

Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение venus » 15 июн 2009 15:45

state call

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Сообщения: 46
Зарегистрирован: 15 июл 2008 23:19
Откуда: Kursk
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Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение reddy84 » 15 июн 2009 16:57

call back

Lost in translation!!

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Зарегистрирован: 23 май 2009 00:55

Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение mandarinka_v » 15 июн 2009 17:02

back page

«Give thanks for what you have and have patience for the reward you will one day recieve»(Rumi)

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Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение Василевская » 15 июн 2009 17:38

Down town

Dan bila ku cuba bukakan mataku
Dan hilang — Segala rupa yang telah ku bayang
Dan hilang — Segala rasa yang telah ku rasa
Dan hilang — Segala semua harapanku
Dan hilang — Cerita indah dalam tidurku


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Сообщения: 397
Зарегистрирован: 20 май 2009 15:34
Откуда: Kazakhstan, Almaty

Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение venus » 15 июн 2009 18:19

council board

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Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение Василевская » 15 июн 2009 19:33

board broker :girl:

Dan bila ku cuba bukakan mataku
Dan hilang — Segala rupa yang telah ku bayang
Dan hilang — Segala rasa yang telah ku rasa
Dan hilang — Segala semua harapanku
Dan hilang — Cerita indah dalam tidurku


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Зарегистрирован: 23 май 2009 00:55

Re: Lets PLAY: Word chain

Сообщение mandarinka_v » 15 июн 2009 19:45

broker treaty

«Give thanks for what you have and have patience for the reward you will one day recieve»(Rumi)

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