Word carnival in a sentence


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word carnival, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use carnival in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «carnival».

Carnival in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word carnival in a sentence.

  1. After the carnival, Michael phones Dr.

  2. That’s old-time religious carnival music!

  3. Lodz’s character arc starts with Ben joining the carnival.

  4. Since 1932, Birchington has held a street carnival each summer.

  5. Anderson played Samson, the diminutive manager of the carnival.

  6. After work ends, they move to the shipyards and then to the carnival.

  7. Stroud first tracks Scudder’s old life and later follows the route of the carnival.

  8. In September 1901, at a major charity match, the press noted the carnival atmosphere.

  9. The opening track, «Breadcrumb Trail», describes a day at a carnival with a fortune-teller.

  10. As a result, he did not swim in his first race until a school carnival at the age of seven.

  11. The carnival featured a large ice palace, which in 1917 was built by World War I internees.

  12. One day his mother agreed to pay one dollar to get him into an airplane at the local carnival.

  13. In addition to the traditional rides and carnival games, the midway features four concert areas.

  14. In 1932 the first illuminations were turned on and the following year Butlin launched a carnival.

  15. Apollonia and Sofie Agnesh Bojakshiya are fortunetellers in a mother-daughter act at the carnival.

  16. Out of the 17 actors receiving star billing in the first season, 15 were part of the carnival storyline.

  17. Scudder escaped and encountered carnival performer Lodz on the battlefield, searching for his bear Bruno.

  18. The third, Din, centers around an underground transit system, a steampunk carnival, and a mechanical maze.

  19. Watchet is a historic harbour town with a marina and is home to a carnival, which is held annually in July.

  20. Except during the war years of 1943 and 1944, the carnival, pony swim and auction have occurred every year since.

  21. The carnival people reappear and form a ring around the children’s party, with Louise lost between the two groups.

  22. There are also interactive art installations throughout EDC, free roaming carnival performers, and carnival rides.

  23. When the series starts with Ben joining the carnival, Apollonia can no longer shield Sofie from her own true self.

  24. The opera was first performed at the Teatro Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice during the 1639–1640 carnival season.

  25. The movement of the carnival crowd in the pantomime had been entrusted to Mamoulian, and his version was not working.

  26. Lila Villanueva, also known as the Bearded Lady of Brussels, is the lover of Lodz and the dressmaker of the carnival.

  27. The scenes at these meetings have been described as something between a carnival and an evangelist’s revival meeting.

  28. In this episode, Michael passes out during a bungee jump while he is at a carnival with Rex and Emma (Daniela Bobadilla).

  29. At a police carnival at an amusement park, Emma (Daniela Bobadilla), Rex’s girlfriend, asks if she and Rex can bungee jump.

  30. After a short-lived relationship with Ben, Sofie leaves the carnival altogether and becomes the Crowes’ maid in California.

  31. The death of Management in season 2 leads to Samson’s secret deal with Ben to make the boy the new commander of the carnival.

  32. As Ben learns from staying with the carnival, he seems to be related to Henry Scudder, a man who once worked at the carnival.

  33. Besides the full-day carnival, the day rewards the best professor of the year with the Dorothy Brown Award, as voted by students.

  34. He remains in the care of Brother Justin and Iris until the carnival sets up near Brother Justin’s home at the end of the series.

  35. L’incoronazione di Poppea was first performed at the Teatro Santi Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, as part of the 1642–43 carnival season.

  36. She is teased and mocked by her schoolmates, and Louise becomes attracted to the rough carnival people, who symbolize Billy’s world.

  37. He begins the story as a young Oklahoma farmer and chain gang fugitive who is picked up by a traveling carnival when his mother dies.

  38. As they proceed on a revolving stage, carnival characters appear, and at last the carousel is assembled onstage for the girls to ride.

  39. At the same time the young composer was engaged to undertake another Milan carnival opera, for the 1772–73 season, at an increased fee.

  40. From a fairy, they learn that the Skull Kid is waiting at the top of the tower, which is only accessible during the eve of the carnival.

  41. After narrowly surviving a cave-in in Babylon, he joined the Hyde & Teller Company, a small carnival working the southeastern circuit.

  42. The carnival, pony swim, and subsequent auction constitute a highlight of the town’s calendar, attracting tens of thousands to the island.

  43. Season 1’s first storyline is led by Nick Stahl portraying the protagonist Ben Hawkins, a young Okie farmer who joins a traveling carnival.

  44. In October 1772 Leopold and Wolfgang returned to Milan to work on the carnival opera that had been commissioned at the end of the first journey.

  45. A dismissed carnival barker who hits his wife, attempts a robbery and commits suicide seemed an unlikely central character for a musical comedy.

  46. A carnival atmosphere pervaded Tyburn, where his «official» autobiography, published by Applebee and probably ghostwritten by Defoe, was on sale.

  47. Within a year, O’Brien rose from being a country carnival champion to a national-level athlete, despite the death of his father in the same year.

  48. Until the 1950s, most tourists to the island, except during the annual carnival and pony penning, were sportsmen, there to fish or hunt waterfowl.

  49. Freaks of the 1930s, however, who may not have found another place offering a future outside of a carnival, tended to be celebrities in the period.

  50. The costume designers chose the costumes of the Daily Brothers Show, a rival carnival, to have a new color tone to set them apart from the Carnivàle.

Synonyms for carnival

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word carnival has the following synonyms: circus, fair, funfair and .

General information about «carnival» example sentences

The example sentences for the word carnival that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «carnival» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «carnival».

carnival — перевод на русский


Beg your pardon, signoro, the carnival is beginning.

Прошу прощения, синьор, карнавал начинается.

All our advertising has been about the carnival for the last three years.

В последние три года мы рекламируем только карнавал..

— Yes, little one. Carnival.

Да, малютка, карнавал.

Carnival is the last three days preceding the Lent which, in Roman Catholic countries is given up to feasting and merry-making.

Карнавал — это последние три дня перед великим постом. В римско-католическом календаре они отданы пиршествам и веселью.

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He must never know about that carnival incident.

Он не должен узнать о том инциденте на ярмарке.

I am not gonna be satisfied nurturing something you’d win at a carnival.

Но меня не устраивает заботиться обо всем, что ты выигрываешь на ярмарке.

The carnival is short-handed…

— Самсон сказал, на ярмарке не хватает людей.

Now they’re exposed to the glare, reflecting my darkness like some grotesque carnival mirror.

Теперь их выставили на всеобщее обозрение, и они отражают тьму внутри меня, как кривые зеркала на ярмарке.

— Just because I’m in a carnival

— Потому, что я на ярмарке

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— The Tellurian carnival lingo.

— Теллурианский карнавальный жаргон.

Carnival season in Germany officially begins at 11:11 on the 11th day of the 11th month every year.

Карнавальный сезон в Германии официально начинается в 11:11 11 числа 11 месяца каждый год.

That bitch put handcuffs on me and then that no-nuts McCourt parades me around that station like I’m a goddamn carnival prize.

Эта сука надела на меня наручники и потом этот безъяйцовый МакКурт прогуляется со мной по участку, будто я проклятый карнавальный приз.

Some kind of carnival quick-draw artist, are we?

Какого-то вида, карнавальный карикатурист, не так ли?

No offense, but you’re just some two-bit carnival barker, and your head is more ears than face! Oh, yeah?

Не обижайся, но ты просто дешёвый карнавальный зазывала, а твои уши больше лица.

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You were in a carnival?

Ты работал в цирке?

Everything that happens at this carnival is my business.

— Все, что происходит в цирке, мое дело.

There was an incident of blood rage at the Sherban Carnival.

Инцидент в бродячем цирке. Вспышка жажды крови…

I was the special children’s clown to Rusty Westchester’s Traveling Carnival.

Я был специальным детским клоуном в Передвижном Цирке Расти Уэстчестера.

There’s a-a Russian traveling carnival that features a squirrel that’s running on a wire wheel.

В русском бродячем цирке показывают белку, которая бегает в проволочном колесе.

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It turned me into a grown-up. Last night at the carnival. No!

— Он превратил меня во взрослого, вчера вечером на аттракционах.

— You saw me at the carnival, right?

— Ты же видел меня на аттракционах, так?

If Nick comes back looking for the crystal, I don’t want us to end up like those guys at the carnival.

Если Ник вернётся за кристаллом, не хочу, чтобы для нас всё кончилось так, как для тех ребят на аттракционах.

Why are we spying on children at a carnival?

А почему мы шпионим за детьми на аттракционах?

Carnivals and fairs.

Аттракционы и ярмарки.

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# You’re in The Devil’s Carnival!

Этот праздник для ТЕБЯ.

And as you can see, this is a real-estate carnival right here.

И как видите здесь у нас настоящий праздник.

Booth wanted to give these children a carnival.

Бут захотел подарить этим детям праздник.

All those in favor of the Atrian seven attending homecoming carnival raise your hand.

Все те, кто за то, чтобы семеро Атрийцев смогли посетить праздник поднимите руки.

This carnival goes down in 48 hours.

Праздник начнется через 48 часов.

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Carnival freaks?

Ярмарочный уродец?

The carnival magician’s going to put on a show.

Ярмарочный фокусник покажет шоу.

She’s like a carnival game, you know?

Она как ярмарочный атракцион

I’m a carnival barker, remember?

Я же ярмарочный зазывала, помните?

Back then it was just a carnival attraction, a simple technical discovery.

В те времена кино было всего лишь ярмарочным развлечением, просто технической новинкой.

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They used the carnival.

Он использовал парк развлечений.

The last ticket stub, dated two days ago, a carnival in Dobbs Ferry, right outside town.

Последний билет куплен два дня назад, парк развлечений в Доббс Ферри, недалеко за городом.

So he called a meeting at the carnival tonight.

Так что сегодня будет общий сбор в парке развлечений.

At the carnival?

В парке развлечений?

At the carnival?

Из парка развлечений?

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Definition of Carnival

a seasonal or roaming fair which usually has many fun attractions

Examples of Carnival in a sentence

As the carnival was being set up at the state park for this week, passersby could tell that a roller coaster and several spinning rides would be included.


Once a year, the town’s carnival sets up a merry-go-round and a Ferris wheel along with yummy food and entertainers for its citizens.


Once the carnival was over, it would disassemble the rides and cart them off to their next location.


The smell of cotton candy and funnel cakes wafted through the air at the carnival as many screams of joy and excitement could be heard coming from the roller coasters.


While riding at the carnival’s Tilt-a-whirl, I had so much fun that I knew I would ride it ten more times.


Other words in the Geography category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

карнавал, масленица


- карнавал
- масленица (в католических странах)
- фестиваль

winter carnival — зимний фестиваль /праздник/

- массовые развлечения ярмарочного типа (странствующий цирк, разъездной эстрадный ансамбль)

Мои примеры


the school’s annual winter carnival — ежегодный зимний карнавал, проводящийся в данной школе  
preparations for this year’s carnival — подготовка к карнавалу этого года  
a carnival atmosphere in the town — праздничная атмосфера в городе  
a wandering carnival that visited small towns all over the South — странствующий карнавал, который побывал в маленьких городках по всему югу  
carnival sharpers eager to relieve the yokels of their money — ярмарочные шулера, страстно желающие освободить этих деревенских простаков от их денег  
to be a shill for a carnival show — быть зазывалой для карнавала  
carnival procession — карнавальное шествие  
carnival song — карнавальная песня  
carnival tape — серпентин  
she had been tizzied up for the carnival — она мишурно вырядилась на карнавал  
surf carnival — праздничное шествие спасателей  
the town is lit up for the carnival — по случаю карнавала в городе иллюминация  

Примеры с переводом

There is a carnival atmosphere in the office.

В офисе царит атмосфера праздника.

The garden became a carnival of color.

Сад превратился в настоящий карнавал цветов.

I managed to get some good shots of the carnival.

Мне удалось получить несколько хороших кадров карнавала.

The carnival parade is timetabled for 12.00 on both days.

Парад-карнавал назначен на двенадцать часов в оба дня.

We stood and watched the Carnival floats drive past.

Мы стояли и смотрели, как проезжают мимо карнавальные платформы.

That part of town is a carnival on Friday and Saturday nights.

По пятницам и субботам в этом районе города очень праздничная атмосфера.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Shakespeare’s carnival of images

…I think we’ve been hornswoggled by that carnival barker….

…a traveling carnival that was run by fakirs preying on small-town rubes…

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): carnival
мн. ч.(plural): carnivals

Synonym: fair, festival, fete, jamboree. Similar words: carnivorous, connivance, warning, garnish, tarnish, rival, earnings, yearning. Meaning: [‘kɑːnɪvl]  n. 1. a festival marked by merrymaking and processions 2. a frenetic disorganized (and often comic) disturbance suggestive of a large public entertainment 3. a traveling show; having sideshows and rides and games of skill etc.. 

Random good picture Not show

1. I got some good shots of the carnival.

2. The carnival parade was a magnificent spectacle.

3. We stood and watched the Carnival floats drive past.

4. The streets were strewn with rubbish after the carnival.

5. There’s a real carnival atmosphere in the streets.

6. It’s like one enormous street carnival here.

7. People mingled happily at the carnival.

8. While I was in Madrid there was a carnival.

9. The town springs into life during the carnival.

10. The carnival was a magnificent spectacle.

11. There is a local carnival every year.

12. Our street puts on a carnival every year.

13. Towards evening the carnival entered its final stage.

14. The countdown to the Notting Hill Carnival is in its final hours.

15. The carnival parade is timetabled for 12.00 on both days.

16. The carnival will go down in history as one of the best ever.

17. Bloomsday has turned into a carnival, attended by thousands of people who know little about James Joyce.

18. The carnival got off to a virtually trouble-free start with the police reporting only one arrest.

19. Tabitha was just another cowboy at the carnival.

20. It was as wild as a carnival.

21. He was like a freak show at the carnival.

22. They’re raffling off a new Cadillac at the carnival.

22. Sentencedict.com try its best to gather and create good sentences.

23. He hoped there would be a carnival atmosphere.

24. Vicky will appear in the Cinderford Carnival next Saturday.

25. The carnival kicked off with a wonderful firework display.

26. Crime at this year’s carnival rose by 27 %.

27. I’ve been asked to organize this year’s Summer Carnival.

28. He went to the shop to buy bread, and got entangled in/with a carnival parade.

29. There is nothing to rival the weird and wonderful things that come out on the streets at carnival time.

30. I managed to get some good shots of the carnival.

More similar words: carnivorous, connivance, warning, garnish, tarnish, rival, earnings, yearning, arrival, carnal, survival, unrivaled, incarnate, early warning, ambivalent, equivalent, ambivalence, equivalence, equivalency, incarnation, universe, universal, sniveling, university, omnivorous, anniversary, barn, earn, warn, learn. 

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