Word car in spanish

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The car is found and that’s what matters the most.

El coche se ha encontrado y eso es lo que más importa.

The john drove them both out of there in his car.

El cliente los condujo a ambos fuera de allí en su coche.

So we stopped this car for driving with a broken taillight.

Así que detuvimos a este auto por conducir con un faro roto.

That’s the slowest I’ve ever seen a car move.

Eso es lo más lento que he visto a un auto moverse.

Collision Coverage it helps pay for the damages to your car.

Cobertura contra choque Ayuda a pagar por los daños a su automóvil.

Only of being alone in the car with an expectant father.

Solo de estar a solas en el coche con un padre ansioso.

To leave the house in safety one should use the car.

Para salir de la casa sin riesgos hay que utilizar el auto.

She tried to rescue her best friend from a burning car.

Trató de rescatar a su mejor amiga de un auto en llamas.

It wasn’t destiny when my car broke down at school.

No fue el destino cuando mi coche se averió en la escuela.

I looked under all my couch cushions, in my car

La he buscado bajo los cojines del sofá, en mi coche

There’s a gun in the car, not sure whose.

Hay un arma en el auto, no está seguro de quien.

Terribly sorry, officer, but this is actually my car.

Lo siento mucho, agente, pero en realidad es mi coche.

Sometimes… he lets me help him work on the car.

A veces me deja que lo ayude a trabajar en el auto.

Before the car reaches the mountain he screams and wakes up.

Antes de que el auto llegue a la montaña grita y despierta.

Gonzalo saw that your sister parked her car outside the school.

Gonzalo vio que tu hermana dejaba su coche frente a la facultad.

These bourgeois bought their car by the sweat of the workers.

Esos burgueses han comprado su coche con el sudor de los obreros.

His car isn’t here, so he must have gone.

Su auto no está acá, así que se debe haber ido.

The fastest car in town, and she’s totally ours.

El auto más rápido de la ciudad, y es totalmente nuestro.

Stolen switch car, they leave it running on the curb.

Cambian de coche robado, lo dejan en marcha en la cuneta.

Mom gets car sick if she doesn’t take the pill.

Mamá se marea en el coche si no se toma la pastilla.

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Principal Translations Inglés Español car n (automobile) (ES) coche nm    (AmL) carro, auto nm    (formal) automóvil nm   The car sped down the highway.   El coche iba a toda velocidad por la carretera. car n US (railway coach) vagón nm   The brakeman uncoupled the cars.   El operario desacopló los vagones. car n US (streetcar) tranvía nm   I paid my fare as I stepped into the car.   Ni bien subí al tranvía, pagué mi boleto.
Additional Translations Inglés Español car n (elevator) ascensor nm    (CU, SV, GT, MX) elevador nm    (ES) cabina del ascensor nf + loc adj   The car stopped on the second floor.   El ascensor se detuvo en el segundo piso.
Compound Forms:
car Inglés Español armored car (US),
armoured car (UK)
n (reinforced vehicle) coche blindado, auto blindado nm + adj     carro blindado nm + adj   Brinks company sends its agents in armored cars to collect money from the banks.     coche blindado nm + adj     carro blindado nm + adj     auto blindado nm + adj   La compañía envía a sus agentes en coches blindados para que recojan el dinero de los bancos. baggage car (US),
baggage van (UK)
n (coach of train for luggage, etc.) vagón de equipaje nm + loc adj     furgón de equipaje nm + loc adj battery,
car battery
n (for car’s lights, etc.) batería nf   The battery died because Wilma left the headlights on all night.   La batería se descargó porque Wilma dejó las luces encendidas toda la noche. be hit by a car v expr (be knocked down) ser atropellado por un coche, ser atropellado por un auto, ser atropellado por un carro loc verb   Greg crossed the street without checking for traffic, and was consequently hit by a car.   Greg cruzó la calle sin mirar y fue atropellado por un coche.    (coloquial) llevárselo un auto por delante, llevárselo un coche por delante, llevárselo un carro por delante loc verb    (AR, coloquial) llevárselo puesto un auto loc verb   Greg cruzó la calle sin mirar y se lo llevó un auto por delante. beat-up car n US, slang (car in poor condition) (AR, coloquial, figurado) cafetera nf    (UR, coloquial) cachilo nm   I love my beat-up car, even though it´s covered in dents and scratches.   Me encanta mi cafetera, aunque esté llena de abolladuras y rayaduras. bubble car n (small 1950s car) coche burbuja loc nom m     auto burbuja loc nom m buffet car n (train: refreshments carriage) coche buffet loc nom m     vagón buffet loc nom m   The train doesn’t have a buffet car so be sure to bring some snacks for the trip.   El tren no tiene coche buffet, así que lleva algo para picar en el viaje. by car adv (via motor vehicle) en auto loc adv   By car, you could get from Lansing to Detroit in about two hours.   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. En auto se llega en unas dos horas.     en coche loc adv   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. No hace falta que vayamos en coche, queda cerca; podemos ir caminando. cable car n US (streetcar on cable railway) tranvía nm   When we visited San Francisco, we took a ride on the cable car.   Cuando visitamos San Francisco viajamos en el tranvía. cable car n UK (ski lift) teleférico nm    (AR) aerosilla nf   The skiiers took the cable car to the top of the slope.   Los esquiadores tomaron el teleférico hasta la cima de la pendiente. car accident n (automobile crash) accidente de circulación grupo nom   The number of car accidents has fallen in Western Europe over the past 3 years.   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. El 90% de los accidentes de circulación en fin de semana se producen por el abuso del alcohol.    (España) accidente de tráfico grupo nom   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Los accidentes de tráfico han disminuido gracias a la campaña de prevención.     accidente de tránsito grupo nom   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Los accidentes de tránsito continuarán en tanto no se respeten las normas vigentes. car bomb n (incendiary device in an automobile) coche-bomba nm   Explotó un coche-bomba. car boot sale n UK (sale of used items in public place) venta de garaje loc nom f    (formal) venta de objetos de segunda mano nf + loc adj    (ES) rastrillo de segunda mano, mercadillo de segunda mano nm + loc adj   There is a car boot sale every week in the town’s main car park.   Hay una venta de garaje todas las semanas en el principal estacionamiento del pueblo. car chase n (pursuit by vehicle) persecución automovilística nf+ adj car coat (clothing) (ropa: abrigo) sobretodo nm car crash n (automobile accident) accidente de coche nm + loc adj     accidente de automóvil nm + loc adj     accidente automovilístico nm + adj mf   The driver was killed in the car crash but the passenger survived.   El conductor murió en el accidente de coche, pero el pasajero sobrevivió.     choque nm     accidente nm   El conductor murió en el choque, pero el pasajero sobrevivió car frame n (chassis) chasis nm    (CO) chasís nm Note: Plural: chasises car hire n UK (vehicle rental) alquiler de coches grupo nom     alquiler de auto grupo nom    (CL) arriendo de autos, arriendo de vehículos grupo nom   Low cost airlines can often offer you special low cost car hire too.   Las aerolíneas de descuento a menudo también te ofrecen alquiler de coches de descuento. car hood (US),
car bonnet (UK)
n (part covering car’s engine) capó nm    (BO, MX) capote nm    (MX) cofre nm    (BO) capota nf car horn n (automobile’s warning hooter) bocina nf     claxon nm     pito nm    (CU) fotuto nm   The proper use of the car horn is overlooked by a lot of motorists.   Muchos automovilistas usan la bocina de forma inapropiada. car keys npl (to unlock, start a car) llaves del coche grupo nom     llaves del auto, llaves del automóvil grupo nom   I lost my car keys, so I had to walk home to get an extra set.   Perdí las llaves del coche, así que tuve que caminar a casa para traer el juego extra. car lot n (car sales area) concesionario nm   That vehicle dealership has a huge car lot.     concesionaria nf    (PR) lote de carros grupo nom   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Por desgracia actualmente en los Estados Unidos hay lotes de carros totalmente vacíos. car maintenance n (care and repair of an automobile) mantenimiento del coche nm + loc adj   Regular car maintenance helps prolong the life of your car.   Es necesario un mantenimiento constante del coche.     mantenimiento del auto, mantenimiento del automóvil nm + loc adj     servicio al automóvil nm + loc adj     revisión nf car mileage n (fuel consumption) consumo por kilómetro grupo nom     kilómetros por litros grupo nom    (CO) kilómetros por galón grupo nom    (PR) millaje nm   Este vehículo le ofrece más kilómetros por galón.   Y ese carro… ¿te da buen millaje? car mileage n (miles travelled) kilometraje nm    (PR) millas nfpl   El kilometraje normal de un auto por año, en la ciudad de México, es 20,000.   El carro tiene pocas millas. car payment n (car loan repayment) cuota del auto, cuota del automóvil grupo nom   I lost my job so I’m afraid I won’t be able to make my car payment this month.   Me quedé sin trabajo así este mes no voy a poder pagar la cuota del auto.     cuota del coche grupo nom car plate,
n usually plural (vehicle: registration plaque) matrícula nf     placa nf   The hit and run happened so fast no one saw the car plates.   El atropello con fuga ocurrió tan rápido que nadie tuvo tiempo de mirar la matrícula del coche.    (AR) patente nf    (AR) chapa nf car polish n (product for shining car) cera para coches nf + loc adj     abrillantador para carrocerías nm + loc adj car port n (covered parking) (cubierto) garaje nm     estacionamiento nm    (ES, particular) cochera nf    (ES, compartida) plaza de garaje grupo nom car rental,
also UK: car hire
n (hiring a motor vehicle) alquiler de vehículos nm + loc adj     alquiler de coches nm + loc adj car ride n (journey, outing in a car) viaje en coche nm + loc adj     viaje en auto nm + loc adj     viaje en carro nm + loc adj   When I was a child, my family went for a car ride every Sunday.   Cuando era chico, mi familia hacía un viaje en coche todos los domingos. car salesman n (male: sells automobiles) (AmL) vendedor de carros, vendedor de autos nm + loc adj    (ES) vendedor de coches nm + loc adj    (formal) vendedor de automóviles nm + loc adj   A good car salesman will not let you walk away without buying a car.   Un buen vendedor de autos no deja que te vayas sin comprar un auto. car salesperson,
plural: car salespeople,
car salespersons
n (person who sells automobiles) (AmL) vendedor de carros, vendedora de carros loc nm, loc nf    (AmL) vendedor de autos, vendedora de autos loc nm, loc nf    (ES) vendedor de coches, vendedora de coches loc nm, loc nf    (formal) vendedor de automóviles, vendedora de automóviles loc nm, loc nf car seat n (child’s removable seat in a car) silla infantil nf + adj mf     silla de bebé nf + loc adj     silla de auto nf + loc adj    (ES) silla de coche nf + loc adj   A car seat must fit the child correctly.   El niño debe encajar correctamente en la silla infantil. car service n (maintenance work done on a car) servicio de mantenimiento de coche nm + loc adj car service n (railroad cars provided) (tren) material remolcado loc nom m     coche nm     vagón nm car starter n (device used to start car engine) (vehículo) arranque nm     motor de arranque nm + loc adj car thief n ([sb] who steals automobiles) ladrón de autos, ladrona de autos nm, nf + loc adj     ladrón de coches, ladrona de coches nm, nf + loc adj car trunk (US),
car boot (UK)
n (boot: car’s rear compartment) maletero nm    (EC, MX) cajuela nf    (AR, CO, CU, GT, HN) baúl nm    (BO, CL, PE, VE) maletera nf   When we went to the drive-in we would usually sneak in some friends in the car trunk.   Cuando íbamos al autocine solíamos meter varios amigos en el maletero. car wash n (facility: vehicle cleaning) (AmL) lavadero de carros grupo nom    (ES) lavadero de coches nm + loc adj    (AR) lavadero de autos nm + loc adj   My car is so dirty that I must take it to the car wash.   Mi carro está tan sucio que debo llevarlo al lavadero de carros.    (MX) taller de lavado grupo nom     autolavado nm   Mi carro está tan sucio que debo llevarlo al taller de lavado.    (ES) tren de lavado, túnel de lavado, túnel de lavado de coches nm + loc adj Note: Se refiere a los mecanizados en los que en un túnel hay máquinas que enjabonan aclaran y secan el coche.   Mi coche está tan sucio que tengo que llevarlo al túnel de lavado.    (AR) lavaautos nm inv   Mi auto está tan sucio que debo llevarlo al lavaautos. car wax n (car cleaning product) cera para vehículos nf + loc adj     abrillantador para carrocerías nm + loc adj car wheel n often plural (wheel of an automobile) rueda de automóvil nf + loc adj     rueda de coche nf + loc adj car window n (window of an automobile) ventanilla nf     luna nf   She rolled down the car window to say hello to the neighbors.   Bajó la ventanilla para saludar a los vecinos. carfare,
car fare
n US (fee paid for a bus or taxi ride) (ES) precio del billete grupo nom     pasaje nm     precio del boleto grupo nom carjacker,
car jacker
n (robber who hijacks a car) ladrón de automóviles, ladrona de automóviles grupo nom carpool,
car pool
n US (car-sharing arrangement) compartir el vehículo loc verb   Mandy and her friends arranged a carpool for their weekly art class.   Mandy y sus amigas comparten el vehículo para ir a su clase semanal de arte. carpool,
car pool
n US (group of car sharers) personas que comparten el vehículo nfpl + loc adj   We added another driver to the carpool.   Agregamos a otro conductor a las personas que comparten el vehículo. carpool,
car pool
n as adj US (relating to a carpool) (persona) que comparte vehículo loc adj     de un sistema de vehículo compartido loc adj   This highway should have a carpool lane.   Esta autopista debería tener un carril para gente que comparte vehículo. carsick,
UK: car-sick,
car sick
adj (nauseous from car travel) (por andar en coche) mareado/a adj   Reading in the car can make some people carsick.   Leer en el coche hace que algunas personas se sientan mareadas. chair car n (railroad car) (dos asientos a cada lado del pasillo) vagón de primera clase nm + loc adj club car n US (train car) coche club loc nom m     vagón club loc nom m compact car n (small economical car) automóvil compacto nm + adj     coche compacto nm + adj   The company launched a new model of the compact car about a month ago.   La compañía lanzó un nuevo modelo de automóvil compacto hace un mes.    (AR) auto compacto nm + adj   La compañía lanzó un nuevo modelo de auto compacto hace un mes. company car n (vehicle supplied by employer) (ES) coche de la empresa nm + loc adj    (AmL) carro de la empresa nm + loc adj    (AR) auto de la empresa nm + loc adj courtesy car n (vehicle provided free of charge) (Vehículo de renta gratuito.) vehículo de cortesía nm   Al’s Garage always lends me a courtesy car to drive while they repair my own car.   El taller mecánico siempre me da un vehículo de cortesía mientras reparan mi auto. dining car n (train carriage) coche restaurante loc nom m     vagón restaurante loc nom m     coche comedor loc nom m     vagón comedor loc nom m   It’s a good idea to reserve ahead if you want a table in the dining car.   Es buena idea reservar con anticipación si quieres una mesa en el coche restaurante. electric car n (car powered by electricity) auto eléctrico, carro eléctrico loc nom m   The auto industry needs to develop a cost-effective electric car.   La industria automotriz necesita desarrollar un auto eléctrico rentable.     coche eléctrico loc nom m   La industria automotriz necesita desarrollar un coche eléctrico rentable.     automóvil eléctrico loc nom m   La industria automotriz necesita desarrollar un automóvil eléctrico rentable. estate car,
n UK (large automobile) familiar nm    (ES) ranchera nf    (AR, UY) rural n amb    (CL, CO; voz inglesa) station wagon loc nom f flatcar,
flat car (US),
flat wagon (UK)
n (railway: car with no sides) (vagón) plataforma nf freight car n (railway carriage for cargo) vagón de carga grupo nom   The train was made up of about 40 freight cars.   El tren estaba formado por unos 40 vagones de carga.     furgón nm   El tren estaba formado por unos 40 furgones. funny car n US (type of drag racing) (usado en arrancones) carro chistoso nm + adj    (usado en arrancones) auto chistoso nm + adj   They’re called funny cars because the placement of the rear wheels gives them a funny appearance. garage sale,
yard sale
n US (sale of used items) venta de garaje loc nom f    (formal) venta de objetos de segunda mano nf + loc adj    (ES) rastrillo de segunda mano, mercadillo de segunda mano nm + loc adj   They sold a lot of their old things in a garage sale.   Vendieron muchas de sus cosas viejas en una venta de garaje. gondola car,
n US (railroad: open freight car) vagón abierto nm + adj     vagón batea nm + adj hood n US (part covering car’s engine) capó nm    (BO, MX) capote nm    (MX) cofre nm    (BO) capota nf   Jaime looked under the hood to see if she could see what the problem with her car was.   Jaime miró bajo el capó para ver cuál era el problema con su auto. hybrid car n (vehicle with combined power source) (coloquial) híbrido nm     coche híbrido, auto híbrido, carro híbrido nm + adj   I bought a hybrid car to avoid high gasoline costs.   Me compré un híbrido para evitar los altos costos del combustible. in-car adj (installed in a car) para coche loc adj     instalado en automóviles loc adj jaunting car n historical (Irish horse-drawn vehicle) tílburi nm larry,
larry car
n (metallurgy: car on rails) vagoneta nf model car n (miniature or toy vehicle) (ES) coche en miniatura, coche a escala nm + loc adj    (AmL) carro en miniatura, carro a escala nm + loc adj    (AmL) auto en miniatura, auto a escala nm + loc adj    (ES; para jugar) coche de juguete nm + loc adj   Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Mi hermano tiene una colección de coches en miniatura de los años 60 muy completa.    (AmL; para jugar) carro de juguete, auto de juguete nm + loc adj motor car,
n dated (car, automobile) automóvil nm     coche nm     carro nm     vehículo de motor nm + loc adj   Un vehículo de motor puede ser un coche, un camión, un motocarro… observation car (railroad passenger car) vagón mirador nm + adj pace car n (in race) coche de seguridad loc nom m panda car UK (police car) patrulla nf     patrulla de policía nf + loc adj     coche de policía, auto de policía nm + loc adj parking lot,
car lot,
lot (US),
car park (UK)
n (vehicle parking area) estacionamiento nm    (ES) aparcamiento, aparcadero nm    (AmC) parqueo nm    (CO, EC, PA) parqueadero nm   I left my car in the parking lot. parlor car (US),
parlour car (UK)
n US (railroad: passenger car) (tren) coche salón loc nom m passenger car (US),
passenger carriage (UK)
n (carriage of a train) vagón de pasajeros grupo nom   The ticket inspector walked through the passenger car and checked all the tickets.   El inspector recorrió el vagón de pasajeros pidiendo los billetes a todos.    (tren) vagón nm   El inspector recorrió el vagón pidiendo los billetes a todos los pasajeros.    (CL, tren) carro nm   El inspector recorrió el carro pidiendo los billetes a todos los pasajeros. passenger car n (automobile) automóvil nm     coche, carro nm

How to say CAR in Spanish. Do you use Coche, Carro or Auto?

How to say CAR in Spanish

There are three main ways of saying car in Spanish and it depends on where you live.

The following guide is a general idea of how car is said in some of the Spanish-speaking countries:

  • Argentina – auto
  • Bolivia – auto
  • Chile – auto
  • Colombia – carro
  • Mexico – carro – coche – It depends on the region of Mexico. In the middle (central part) of Mexico coche is often used. Carro is used in the rest of the country.
  • Perú – auto
  • Spain – coche
  • Uruguay – auto
  • Venezuela – carro

(If you know of the correct word for other countries, please let us know in the comments)

Auto is a short way of saying automóvil. If you ever say the complete word (automóvil) people will most likely look at you in a strange way.

Did you know….?

Did you know that in some countries (such as Chile) coche can also mean a baby stroller?
Carro can also refer to a shopping cart.

Another random fact

In Spain Coche means car but in Mexico and Chile, Coche refers to the horse-drawn buggy.
In Spain Carro refers to the horse-drawn buggy but in Mexico Carro means car.

Question for those living in (or from) a Spanish-speaking country:

How do you say CAR in your country?
What meanings do CARRO, COCHE and AUTO have in your country?

Please let us know on one of social media accounts so we can help everyone.

What does the Spanish word car mean?


How do you say car in Mexico?

In Mexico the most common form is Coche and Automovil. Carro is used more a railroad car and things of that nature. Carrito is for horse-drawn carriages, shopping carts, etc. car is coche in spain.

What is the most common word for car in Spanish?

el coche

Why do Brits say pants?

In the UK “Pants” typically refers to underwear. (Where it is also a slang term for “bad”. As in “That’s pants”.) In other parts of the world, notably the USA, “pants” refers to trousers.

Does bloody mean the F word?

Originally Answered: Does ‘bloody’ mean the ‘F word’? No. The word bloody is a minor word, whereas the F word is expressing extreme total displeasure at the person or subject, in near enough the strongest rudest way they can think of. Bloody: used to emphasise what you are saying in a slightly rude way.

Is pants a bad word in England?

And the British have taken the humor to another level: since the 1990s, British English speakers have also used pants informally to mean “nonsense,” as in “It’s ridiculous; the whole thing is pants” or “The whole thing is a pile of pants.”

What’s it called when you pull someone’s pants down?

A corresponding term in Australia (aside from pantsing) is dakking, dacking, or daxing, which originated from DAKS Simpson, a clothing brand that became a generic term for pants and underwear. The term double-dacking is used when both the pants and underwear are pulled down.

What clothes do girls like on guys?

12 Things Men Wear That Women Love

  • Well-Fitting Suit.
  • T-Shirt.
  • Dark Wash Jeans.
  • Sportcoat.
  • Casual Jacket.
  • White Dress Shirt.
  • Crewneck Sweater.
  • V-Neck Sweater.

Why do we say pants and not pants?

Answer: Pair,” from the Latin, means two like things. And pants (pantaloons) were originally two like things. You put them on one leg at a time because they actually came in two pieces.

Who wore pants first?

The oldest known trousers were found at the Yanghai cemetery in Turpan, Sinkiang (Tocharia), in present-day western China, it’s been dated to the period between the 10th and the 13th centuries BC. Made of wool, the trousers had straight legs and wide crotches and were likely made for horseback riding.

Who was the first woman to wear pants public?

Fanny Wright

Who Wore Skirts first?

A straw-woven skirt dating to 3.900 BC was discovered in Armenia at the Areni-1 cave complex. Skirts were the standard attire for men and women in all ancient cultures in the Near East and Egypt. The Sumerians in Mesopotamia wore kaunakes, a type of fur skirt tied to a belt.

Can a guy wear a skirt?

Outside Western cultures, men’s clothing commonly includes skirts and skirt-like garments; however, in North America and much of Europe, the wearing of a skirt is today usually seen as typical for women and girls and not men and boys, the most notable exceptions being the cassock and the kilt.

When did boys stop wearing skirts?

From the mid-16th century until the late 19th or early 20th century, young boys in the Western world were unbreeched and wore gowns or dresses until an age that varied between two and eight.

What year did men wear skirts?

In the 1970s, Stanford researcher David Hall advocated men to wear skirts as a far more practical attire at warmer climates. In 1985, famous French fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier created his first male skirt, and his example was followed by other famous designers like Giorgio Armani, Kenzo, and others.

When did men wear dresses and skirts?

By the 16th century they had adopted breeches and by the early 19th century trousers. Long gowns and full-skirted coats, however, remained part of fashionable men’s wardrobes until the early 20th century. Since the 1960s, several designers have attempted to re-introduce the skirt as an acceptable form of male attire.

What does the Spanish word car mean?

Alex Heath


What does the Spanish word car mean?


What is car in European Spanish?

1. ( Automobiles) coche m ⧫ automóvil m (formal) ⧫ carro m (Latin America) ⧫ auto m (Southern Cone)

Is car feminine in Spanish?

In Spanish, car is “el automobile,” making it masculine; in English, a car is a car — what’s more important is its make.

What is a chin posh?

Members of the upper classes, by repute, often have minor genetic abnormalities like receding chins. This disparaging term is often used to describe members of the British upper classes and in particular the royal family.

Is Posh a derogatory term?

Posh is most commonly used today as an informal adjective to describe a person, place, or thing as classy, fancy, or spiffy (e.g., a posh restaurant). The word has a strong upper-class connotation, related to having or spending money. Calling something posh is still closely associated with the UK.

What does posh girl mean?

adj. 1 smart, elegant, or fashionable; exclusive.

How do you act posh and classy?

20 tips to look posh and elegant on a budget

  1. Nails. Nails can make any girl look classy.
  2. Statement Sunnies. It is very important that you go and find that one pair of sunglasses that flatter your face nicely.
  3. Have one good classic wrist watch.
  4. Diamond Studs.
  5. Have a signature scent.
  6. Neutral colour.
  7. Simple makeup.
  8. Red Lips.

Can you become posh?

Being posh is often associated with wealth or class, but in truth, anyone can be posh. To be posh, you just need to invent your own definition of elegance, style, and sociability. Along with these aspects of poshness, you should also be confident and acknowledge your own self-importance.

Whats does Posh mean?

1 : elegant, fashionable a posh restaurant. 2 British : typical of or intended for the upper classes : highfalutin posh accents.

What does the Spanish word car mean?

Alex Heath


What does the Spanish word car mean?

[kɑːʳ ] Automobiles) coche m ⧫ automóvil m (formal) ⧫ carro m (Latin America) ⧫ auto m (Southern Cone)

What’s another word for car in Spanish?


Principal Translations
Inglés Español
car n (automobile) (ES) coche nm Exemplos: el televisor, un piso.
(AmL) carro nm Exemplos: el televisor, un piso.
(AR) auto nm Exemplos: el televisor, un piso.

What do Mexicans call a car?

Mexico – carro – coche – It depends on the region of Mexico. In the middle (central part) of Mexico coche is often used. Carro is used in the rest of the country. Perú – auto.

How do you say car in Puerto Rican?

Synonyms for car in Spanish Coche and carro are more widely used than auto, but all of them are widely understood. Watch out, in Puerto Rico they pronounce carro more like cajo.

Is Coche slang?

Coche. In Spain, coche means car. However, in Guatemala, it is a slang term for the word “pig” and in Chile, it can also be used to describe a baby stroller. In Mexico, people say coche or carro.

What do Italians call cars?

Apart from being a cognate of “machine” in most instances, one of the most important meanings of macchina, in Italian, is “car.” It isn’t very intuitive to translate, but it fits the description above. Other words meaning “car” are automobile, just like in English, autovettura, or just auto.

How do Dominicans say car in Spanish?

Concho is just another word for car or motorcycle. It’s a word Dominicans use when talking about any form of vehicle or transportation.

How do you say car in Cuban?

Maquina. In other Spanish-speaking countries, “maquina” means “machine”. In Cuba, however, it is used to refer to a car.

How do they say car in Argentina?

Coche. ‘Coche’ is used mainly in Spain. Auto. Short for ‘automóvil’, ‘auto’ is widely used in Argentina and Uruguay.

Is Chucho a bad word?

Chucho. What is the meaning of chucho? In most Spanish-speaking countries, chucho is a slang term for dog or mutt and also means shiver. However, in Central America chucho also means stingy and can be used to describe a crook or an unreliable person as well.

Does Coche mean pig?

IN SEVERAL Latin American countries, including Spain and Mexico, coche is the word for a car. On the other hand, since coche means pig, if someone is described as being coche or cochino, it means they are dirty or filthy. Another common expression is A cada coche le llega su sábado.

How do you spell car in Spanish?

In spanish, the word car can be spelled: automo/vil, carro. el coche. car in french.

What does Caro mean in Spanish?

Origin and Meaning of Caro. According to a user from New Zealand, the name Caro is of Spanish origin and means “Precious Jewel”.

What are cars in Spanish?

Cars in Spanish = Carros. Making a word plural is one of the easiest things to do in Spanish. Just add an “s” and you have cars in Spanish. Here are some useful phrases you can use with cars in plural. I like sport cars. Me gustan los carros deportivos. Corvettes are the best cars.

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Why don’t you move your little car before I move it for you?

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Mueva su autito antes que lo mueva por usted?

My new car… or rather, my mother’s.

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Mi nuevo auto… o mejor dicho, de mi madre.

You still carrying that matchbox car around in your pocket?

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¿Sigues llevando ese autito en tu bolsillo?

The car wash. 8:00 a.m., Jamaica Yard. Hold your nose.

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Limpia vagones 8:00 am, Jamaica Yard, Tápate la nariz.

And we have removed the Matchbox car that was lodged in your rectum.

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Y sacamos el autito que estaba en tu recto.

Sell my car to have money for the taxes.

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Vendan mi auto… para pagar los impuestos.

You could move your car, or we could damage it.

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Puedes mover tu auto… o podríamos averiarlo.

There was stuff in his car… rental agreement, maps, receipts.

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Había cosas en su coche… un contrato de alquiler, mapas e ingresos.

Each car has a capacity between 100 and 125 tons.

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Los vagones tienen capacidades entre 5 y 20 toneladas cada uno.

I get off the tube and there was this little car.

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Salí del metro y allí estaba este autito.

But that’s why I’m riding in your bumper car.

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Por eso voy en tu autito chocador.

Yesterday, I wanted to get my car out and someone was blocking my way.

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Ayer, quería sacar mi auto… Y alguien estaba bloqueando mi camino.

Put them back in the car!

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Sheriff, my car… It’s wrecked.

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Sheriff, mi coche… está destrozado.

Be so kind and go play with your toy car somewhere else!

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¡Sé amable y vete con tu autito de juguete a otro lugar!

I was thinking in the car… what if I never came back?

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Esaba pensando en el auto… ¿qué tal si nunca vuelvo?

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In the trunk of my car… it’s mine, too.

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En el maletero de mi coche… también es mía.

No fair… You got a car and I got nothing!

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¡No vale… tú tienes el autito y yo nada!

The car… There’sacar there!

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El auto… ¡Hay un auto!

Attempting to slow 777 by manually braking each car.

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Detener al triple 7 activando el freno manual de cada uno de los vagones.

He’s just a liar… about the car… about being an addict.

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Es solo un mentiroso… sobre el coche… sobre ser un adicto.

But I figure, uh, roughly your car plus four thousand?

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Calculo que aproximadamente… Su auto… más $4 mil?

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My car is having a serious problem,

I cannot pick you up.

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His car had gone off the road.

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CAR puerta se cierra.

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CAR resulta contraproducente.

Results: 152622,
Time: 0.0506

Provide permeable areas for car parking.

Three car garage plus additional storage.

When does your car insurance expire?

The car currently displays 11,000 mileage.

What Rental Car Accommodates Dikembe Mutombo?

Replaced the rears, car drove perfect.

Call Elite Car Care now: 949-829-4252.

Changing the dreaded car buying process.

Our car just fit through it.

That car was built from 1983-87.





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