Word by heart school

Word by heart school

 This school is currently not running. 

 We hope to run it again some time in the future. 

Word By Heart is a 3-month long school with the vision of becoming “eyewitnesses” to Jesus’ story, the greatest story ever told! 

Word By Heart helps you know Jesus personally and share him in a unique way by internalizing the Gospels and sharing them word-for-word with others. You’ll experience Him through your own imagination- as if you were actually walking with Jesus himself while he performed many miracles, such as opening the eyes of a blind man!


In this course, you will discuss, debate, and meditate on weekly Scriptures from the gospel of Luke, in order to find deeper meaning and understanding of the Bible. Through this, you will have an experience so deep that you will be able to re-tell the stories from the Gospel of Luke, word for word in your native language — as if you yourself were an actual eyewitness to the event!

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Word by Heart is about experiencing Jesus through His Word. What if you had lived during Jesus’ time, and had actually walked the streets with him as one of his 12 disciples? What if you witnessed his miracles right before your very own eyes? How would this have affected your life, and the way you relate with the people/world around you? And how would you tell your friends about your experiences with Jesus? As we put ourselves into each of the stories found in the gospel, we begin to see Jesus in a whole new way — and become more like Jesus himself. Be prepared to be transformed through His Word!

In just 12 weeks, your way of approaching the scriptures will be transformed – and so will you! Experiencing the gospel in this way molds us to become more like Jesus. You will develop a deep hunger for more of the Word, and the Word itself will begin to naturally flow out of you as you share your experiences of the gospel with the people around you.


  • Retelling the story in a way that captivates your audience

  • The process of “truth-telling”

  • Re-imagining and experiencing the word/events

  • Personalization of the passage/events

  • Understanding the cultural/historical background

  • Learning the exact words of Scripture – without memorizing!



The Word by Heart school is open for any person who would like to join for a week or two – to learn about Word by Heart and internalize stories from Luke.

One seminar week costs 3000 NOK, including housing and food. 
Price without housing is 2000 NOK

You can attend max two weeks of seminars.

If you would like to know more about the content of the weeks, please write us an email: wordbyheart@ywamskien.com 

All classes are held in English. BUT you will learn the content in your mother tongue.


Nina Seidlitz from Germany will be part of leading this school.

She would love to get in touch with you if you are interested or have any questions! You can contact her here:


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  • Join

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  • ETEDs

      • Multicultural
      • ETED Águias
      • Louvor
      • Artes

      • Urbana
      • ETED Águias
      • Justiça e Compaixão

      • Fund. em Estudos Bíblicos
      • Louvor e Adoração
      • Word by Heart
      • Escola de Missões Estratégicas
      • Seminário De Liderança
      • Seminário Intens. de Evangelismo

      • Fund. da Comunicação
      • Cinema Digital
      • Seminário de Fotografia

      • Humanidades e Ciências

      • Escola Ministerial da Família
      • Cuidado Integral do Missionário
    • ARTES

      • Escola de Circo
      • Workshop Moda
      • Seminário de Palhaço

      • Seminário de Esportes

      • Seminário de Inglés
    • King’s Kids Águias
    • Mission Adventures
    • Niko
    • Cordas
    • JOCUM Int.
    • UofN
    • Nossos Ministérios
      • Administração
      • Arte 7
      • Comunicação
      • Logística
      • Viva Hop
    • Faça Parte
  • Faça uma Doação

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Bad Blankenburg ,

Word by Heart School

Training Course

Youth With A Mission Bad Blankenburg

Youth With A Mission Bad Blankenburg, GERMANY


In Word by Heart you learn one Gospel of the Bible by heart to be able to tell it later like the first disciples told the stories. This school is about the Bible and storytelling.


Begins every: Apr

Length: 11-12 weeks

Language(s): English,German

Related passion: Bible

Region & Country:

Last updated:
Monday 28 September, 2015

More about Youth With A Mission Bad Blankenburg

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This three-month Bible school will transform your life. You will know Jesus intimately. His Word will become a part of you. As you go deep, you will experience transformation, and as you pass it on, it will change the world.

Our goal is to know God by taking His Word deep into our hearts. The school will ground you in a complete overview of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. However, you won’t just study the Word; you will experience it. That experience will change you.

This school is training storytellers – bringing the words of Jesus to life by bridging cultures and languages – to have an understanding of the Bible as a whole. 

OPEN WEEKS: Do the whole 12 weeks or come and join us for 1 – 3 open weeks!  Maybe you are available for just a week or two, or maybe you want to have a taste of the school to see if it is for you?  See more information in the tab below or on the specific page.

* There is no prerequisite (i.e. DTS is not required – although recommended)

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