Word buzz in sentence

Synonym: bombilate, bombilation, bombinate, bombination, hum, seethe. Similar words: buzz off, puzzle, guzzle, muzzle, nuzzle, puzzled. Meaning: [bʌz]  n. 1. sound of rapid vibration 2. a confusion of activity and gossip. v. 1. make a buzzing sound 2. fly low 3. be noisy with activity 4. call with a buzzer. 

1. Did the alarm clock buzz?

2. I love the buzz of a big city.

3. Give him a buzz.

4. The buzz of the Entryphone interrupted our conversation.

5. I’ll give you a buzz on Monday.

6. I’ll buzz you at work.

6. Wish you will love sentencedict.com and make progress everyday!

7. I’ll give you a buzz next week.

8. Just buzz off and leave me alone!

9. A buzz went through the crowded courtroom.

10. I wish he’d buzz off!

11. Buzz off, I’m trying to work!

12. You can sense the creative buzz in the city.

13. I’ll buzz you after work.

14. Playing well gives me a buzz .

15. I get a buzz out of public speaking.

16. I’ve finished everything, so I’ll buzz off now.

17. Sex education in schools was the buzz topic.

18. I’ll give you a buzz on Monday, OK?

19. Flying gives me a real buzz.

20. Tell her to buzz off and leave me alone.

21. She gets a buzz out of her work.

22. Neil gets a buzz from drinking one beer.

23. A buzz of excitement ran through the crowd.

24. The first person to buzz may answer.

25. Performing still gives him a buzz.

26. He got a buzz from creating confrontations.

27. There’s a buzz going round that the boss has resigned.

28. A buzz of excitement filled the courtroom as the defendant was led in.

29. She could hear him over the buzz of conversation and laughter.

30. I’ve got some stuff to do at home, so I’m going to buzz off now.

buzz — перевод на русский


I got in one of those cars… and Buzz, one of those kids, he got in the other car… and we had to drive fast… and then jump before the car came to the edge.

Я был в одной из тех машин… а Базз, один из тех ребят, он сел в другую машину… и мы ехали очень быстро… а потом я выпрыгнул перед тем как машина подошла к краю.

And I got out okay and Buzz didn’t.

Я в порядке а Базз нет.

All right, Buzz. That’s enough of that.

Ладно, Базз, хватит.

Buzz, what is goin’ on up there?

Базз, что там такое?

— The G-forces, Buzz!

— Первый уровень. — Перегрузка, Базз!

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— What do you say, Buzz?

— Что скажешь, Баз?

— The guy in back of us, Buzz.

— Он позади нас, Баз.

The blade game, Buzz?

Как насчёт ножика, Баз?

Look out, Buzz!

Осторожно, Баз!

Let’s split, Buzz.

Хватит, Баз.

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Buzzing around all day, nothing comes out but wind.

Жужжит весь день, и ничего не выпускает кроме ветра.

Tell me my lieve baby, In which ear do I have the buzz?

Скажи мне, милый ребёнок, в каком ухе у меня жужжит?


[Жужжит дверь]


[Жужжит дверь]

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a street in a sleepy provincial town, closed shutters, dull shadows, the buzzing of flies in an army post, a lounge blanketed in grey dustsheets, dust particles suspended in a ray of sunlight, bare countryside, cemeteries on a Sunday, outings in a car.

улица в сонном провинциальном городке, закрытые ставни, скучные тени, жужжание мух на армейском посту, гостиная под серыми чехлами, пылинки, танцующие в солнечном свете, голый сельский пейзаж, кладбища по воскресеньям, прогулки в автомобиле.

That buzzing noise means something.

А это жужжание неспроста.

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Revenge buzzes in the sky,

Месть гудит в небе,

It still buzzes in the sky!

Оно все еще гудит в небе! Франция,

it buzzes in the sky of a nation which draws its force from its humility.

это твое замешательство, оно гудит в небе той нации, которая черпает свою силу

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I knew your father Buzz.

Я знал твоего отца, Базза.

Here’s an old Buzz Harley move.

Старая фишка Базза Харли.

including Buzz.

Даже Базза.

First he whacked Chuckie Sol then Buzz.

Сначала убрал Чаки Сола. Затем Базза. А вскоре придёт за мной!

Buzz Lightyear mission log, stardate 4-0-7-2.

Журнал Базза Светика, звездное число 4-0-7-2.

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Honey, the General just buzzed for me.

Любимая, мне генерал звонит.

Ask not for whom the doorman buzzes…

Не веришь, так спроси, по ком звонит швейцар в звонок…

. Or is it my head buzzing?

Или это звонит у меня в голове?

Jill, your phone’s buzzing.

Джилл, твой телефон звонит.

Artie’s buzzing in.

Арти звонит.

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Gives you a buzz?

Ловите кайф?

I’m not looking for a buzz.

Я не словлю от этого кайф!

That was when I got the first buzz. This trembling excitement that my capacity is bigger than me.

Это как после первой затяжки такой кайф от осознанья, что моя вместимость — больше меня.

This is the buzz, man.

Это кайф, парень.

After that, we’ll hit the town, we’ll tie on a serious buzz.

После этого мы покорим этот город, словим офигенный кайф.

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I’m in this bar on 61st Street and I figured I’d give you a little buzz.

Я в баре на 61-й улице и я решил тебе позвонить.

You told me to buzz you about the suggestion box meeting when Jan was here.

Вы сказали позвонить вам, сказать про ящик, когда Джен у вас будет.

Why don’t you just give me a buzz when the two of you are done?

Почему бы вам просто не позвонить мне, когда вы оба закончите?

I could buzz Malcolm, get him to come and make you one.

— Нет. Я могу позвонить Малькольму, позвать его сюда, и он вам сделает.

Dawn, can you buzz Mrs. Harris?

Дон, можешь позвонить Миссис Харрис?

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Can you buzz us in, please?

Не могли бы вы нас впустить?

No, but there’s also an entryphone, so either of them could have buzzed someone up.

Нет, но, там был домофон, таким образом, любой из них, мог впустить кого угодно.

Can you buzz me in, please?

Можешь меня впустить, пожалуйста?

Okay, front doors at each entryway are locked, could’ve buzzed in a stranger.

Все наружные двери запираются, но кто-нибудь мог впустить постороннего.

And since we know you were at Lorenzo’s Deli buying onions, you couldn’t have buzzed Hannah up the night of the murder.

А так как мы знаем, что вы покупали лук в Лоренцо Дели, то не могли впустить Ханну в ночь убийства.

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гудеть, жужжать, гул, жужжание, слухи, молва, эйфория


- жужжать

her brain was buzzing — в голове у неё шумело

- гудеть (о толпе и т. п.); издавать глухой гул
- сновать, быстро и шумно двигаться (тж. buzz along, buzz about)

students were buzzing out of the building — студенты шумной толпой /гурьбой/ выходили из здания

- разг. швырять, бросать

to buzz a stone — швырнуть /запустить/ камень

- ав. жарг. пролетать на бреющем полёте

ещё 8 вариантов


- жужжание
- глухой гул, гудение (толпы)
- суета; общее движение
- молва, неясные слухи, сплетни
- телефон

ещё 6 вариантов

Мои примеры


bees buzz / hum — пчёлы жужжат  
buzz bomb — самолёт-снаряд  
buzz saw — циркулярная пила  
to buzz a bottle — осушить бутылку  
buzz wagon — амер.; разг. «тарахтелка», «тачка» (об автомобиле)  
to buzz (hum) with activity — бурлить  
speak-buzz key — ключ переговорно-вызывного устройства  
belly-buzz crawl — переползание по-пластунски  
belly-buzz robber — повар  
buzz a bottle — осушить бутылку  

Примеры с переводом

My brain was in a buzz.

Мои мозги гудели.

My mind is buzzing with ideas.

Мой мозг кишит идеями.

Shall I give him a buzz?

Не звякнуть ли мне ему?

Everyone is buzzing about the scandal.

Все шепчутся об этом скандале.

Flies were buzzing around the picnic tables.

Вокруг столиков для пикника жужжали мухи.

I’ll give you a buzz on Monday.

В понедельник я тебе позвоню /я тебя наберу, я тебе звякну/.

There is buzz on the go that we depart at 8 o’clock.

До нас дошли слухи, что мы уезжаем в восемь.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Playing well gives me a buzz.

Neil gets a buzz from drinking one beer.

Planes buzzed the crowds in the square

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Фразовые глаголы

buzz about — увиваться, виться
buzz away — смыться, улизнуть
buzz off — уходить, удаляться, смыться, улизнуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

buzzer  — зуммер, гудок, звонок, сирена, связист, автоматический прерыватель, пищик

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: buzz
he/she/it: buzzes
ing ф. (present participle): buzzing
2-я ф. (past tense): buzzed
3-я ф. (past participle): buzzed


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word buzz, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use buzz in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «buzz».

Buzz in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word buzz in a sentence.

  1. A buzz or tek is given as a warning call.

  2. The buzz generated by such famous fans as R.E.M.

  3. The buzz kept growing exponentially and it was like a coronation of Bob and Joan.

  4. Ambient noise such as the buzz of bridge controls were added to enhance certain scenes.

  5. Predator alarm calls are usually a low buzz, or sometimes a staccato tek which is repeated.

  6. Santa», continued to produce Internet buzz, the network paid Parker and Stone to write one more episode.

  7. Contestants must wait until after the host reads the entire question (including the choices) to buzz in.

  8. The first batch of A-4Gs were allocated buzz numbers 882 to 889, and the second batch were assigned 870 to 877.

  9. IGN’s Jason Bates noted that the Thief II display attracted «a bit of a buzz and a small crowd of dedicated onlookers».

  10. The No Life ’til Leather demo was recorded in July 1982, and it created a buzz in the underground tape trading circles.

  11. In October 2004, exclusive footage from the film was screened to the trade experts and critics, creating a positive buzz.

  12. As Russell concluded, to strong applause from gold delegates, there was a buzz of anticipation as Bryan ascended to the podium.

  13. This interest coupled with traditional word-of-mouth created a real buzz about the homepage, which in turn created more interest.

  14. In a 2010 interview, film critic and Chopra’s wife Anupama Chopra noted, «there was so much buzz about Parinda» before its release.

  15. The song consists of a series of short notes of increasing frequency, followed by a complex buzz that is sometimes completed by a number of clicks.

  16. The song consists of a series of short notes increasing in frequency which are followed by a complex buzz and sometimes completed by a number of clicks.

  17. Pajota suggested that to distract the guards, a United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) airplane should buzz the camp to divert the guards’ eyes to the sky.

  18. Discussing the excitement surrounding the project, Lou Diamond Phillips said, «The funny thing about the Aquaman project is that there’s so much buzz about it already.

  19. With both teams ranked going into the season (USC first, UCLA 14th in the AP Poll), there was buzz in Los Angeles that both teams might reach their December 1 game undefeated.

  20. Colin Greenwood said the song was «hardly the radio-friendly, breakthrough, buzz bin unit shifter [radio stations] can have been expecting», but that Capitol supported the choice.

  21. The deal, along with positive concert reviews in the weekly music press and an upcoming session on John Peel’s radio show on BBC Radio 1, generated a large media buzz for the band.

  22. The EP managed to generate buzz for Pavement in the UK after a cover of the song «Box Elder» by The Wedding Present received some airplay from the famous radio disc jockey John Peel.

  23. The band agreed and their song «Aggressive Perfector» created an underground buzz upon its release in mid 1983, which led to Slagel offering the band a recording contract with Metal Blade.

  24. Italian-American film producer Dino De Laurentiis visited the country in 1986; he had worked with Australian film alumni in recent years and noted industry buzz over the film Crocodile Dundee.

  25. While Colin Greenwood said the song was «hardly the radio-friendly, breakthrough, buzz bin unit shifter [radio stations] have been expecting,» Capitol supported the band’s choice for the song as a lead single.

Synonyms for buzz

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word buzz has the following synonyms: bombilation, bombination, bombinate, bombilate, hum and seethe.

General information about «buzz» example sentences

The example sentences for the word buzz that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «buzz» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «buzz».

Without the buzz of the light, the whooshing of the vents, or the babble of other passengers, he basked in the pure silence of the plane

There was a buzz of confusion as they backtracked to link his short answers to the questions the BBC had put

It was a very different buzz

He was almost shielded from the buzz of the kitchen by a large flowering shrub called a tribreak that reminded him of a rhododendron with sprays of sky-blue and lavender flowers

At a party she always had a good buzz and just listened

The buzz and the scene were important to him

The dull, colorless, empty feeling brought on by the absence of yaag hadn’t bothered her during the later part of the camping trip as much as it had before Desa made Alan share his body with her, but the quest for a buzz was still there and the presence of a keg was irresistible

Yes, Athens at night had a gentle buzz and for the first time I was in a city that actually aroused my curiosity

If she kept this up she would be tending her mast with a buzz and she didn’t think that was something Byia would approve of

There was the buzz of flying insects and rustling in dark parts of the undergrowth but apart from that, everything was still

«Uhhhh, you really know how to kill a buzz you know that?»

various parties for the upcoming elections and (c) the constant buzz of the

She noticed it was not all that accurate, there was no constant buzz of insects, she hadn’t been bitten and she knew if she was really on Earth in an age like this she would have been swarmed by now

The initial buzz cascades through her body and she becomes one with the dream

It was quiet in the room after Fred left – just a low buzz of

His head is full of the swarm, full of the buzz and drone of putrefaction, and in the middle of the swarm he can see an empty eye socket staring out at him from this heart of darkness in the middle of a Devon farmyard

His brew was a decent yellow, a little earthy in flavor but granting a decent buzz when consumed in any quantity

Alan seemed happy and dreamy as they ate, like he already had a buzz on

It became quite the buzz, Alan and the native girl

It might have had less fume, but it had a lot of belly and she knew this buzz was going to last

“You can read them them when its off, give you something to do, but Grand-papa Mother says for you not to worry they use a buzz saw

, Digg, The Buzz

create a buzz of what to expect

The refrigerator started to buzz

Grassroots marketing meant hitting the pavement, building relationships and generating a buzz

A buzz of excitement arose among the onlookers who heard her words

A buzz of whispering could be heard as they all waited for the king and queen to arrive

The buzz was simply this, was it a fantasy

living quarters in Ariel was a buzz with

When we started our hike into the hills, a nervous buzz made its way through me

That beer buzz while watching the ball game on the boob

For a while he didn’t hear the knock at his door; it was unusual these days when normally a comm link would sound and a visual image appear, or at the very least a buzz

Even the buzz of bees and birds in the bushes and trees was muted

Torbin was woken early by a buzz at his door

What he was saying was lost in the volume of the band and the buzz of the crowd, but the closeness of his huge bulk and his breath in her ear must have been annoying, judging by the expression on her face

The following morning we moved through the city carrying our kit and marching behind the transport you could feel a buzz of excitement around the city that seemed to get to you

He heard a buzz of murmuring behind him as the other inmates made snide comments

The buzz of chatter and the powerful chanting of the crowd was at its loudest now, so Raven guessed that the arena was full

He passed through three doors, each twenty centimetres thick, that banged closed behind him and resealed with a buzz

Additionally, he wanted his old friend Ray watching his back, Nathan’s old adrenalin buzz had fired up again

Their children bubbled with excitement, infected by the general buzz of anticipation of those around

It had been a few weeks since any mail or care packages had made it into the city, and the buzz of excitement was strong among the rest of the Marines, who were already munching on potato chips, beef jerky, and pouches of tuna as they sat against the wall, or on their cots, while some just stood around in a circle showing off pictures of home, girlfriends and babies

Then an angry buzz educated the silence

Suddenly, the strange wharf on the edge of the marshlands started to buzz with activity as pirates ran hither and yon with ropes and chains

In the distance a noise grew from a faint buzz to a loud constant roar

Which really caused a buzz

Feeling the buzz against his thigh, he pulled out his mobile, smiling when he saw Karla’s icon on the small screen

He was way too interesting to just let him buzz out of her life as quickly as he came in

She could, indeed, feel a soft buzz of electricity on her skin as Raine moved from chakra to chakra

Our little machine began to buzz, and click, as a reply came in from one of our queries

They couldn’t resist being the first ones to buzz our ‘drome in the woods of Artois

“No one cares what you tell your grandkids,” muttered Chosser; he projected it so beautifully, artlessly; through the hum and buzz

Bernie must have had a pretty good buzz on, but he wasn’t slurring too badly

Just four minutes later, the Lincoln player, Lennon, side-footed into the County net and the crowd buzz turned into a deflated hiss

but just think of the buzz

He’d buzz down there, vamping horny broads

Nothing other than a loud buzz of static came through the earpiece

Colling saw a flash of light through the cutter’s smashed windscreen, and then heard something buzz sharply past the right side of his head

Discovering that I was not the only one out of touch with up to the minute buzz words and phrases was most comforting

If I hear of you, that must mean that you can start a buzz

The revelations of the past half hour buzz in my mind

THAT MORNING I wake up to the buzz of an electric razor

It is faint, at first, joining the buzz of cicadas

At any time of the day or evening, it would buzz and my father’s voice would summon me to come to their house

The buzz and whirl surrounding events as they unfolded often dealt with the “Who?”

I stopped cutting it like the Abnegation when I wanted the Dauntless to see me as a potential leader, but I miss the ritual of the old way, the buzz of the clippers and the careful movements of my hands, knowing more by touch than by sight

The pre-release buzz for their first CD was tremendous

officer with a much lower buzz style haircut, unlike his

I approach the buzz box next to the glass door and scan the listed names

launch,” or “I’l help create the products for your launch,” or “I’l help create buzz using social

Free love and Marijuana were the buzz words of a new generation, flexing their wings and testing the waters of life

“You’re a buzz kill, you know that?” he said frowning

Buzz, buzz, buzz …the sound caused her attention to be focused on the window

There is a great deal of buzz surrounding the term «Human

But the crash has disturbed something, and an angry buzz fills the air

Hearing the buzz of the cameras in the trees she moved to the side

We were married in the ASU chapel by Buzz Stevens, associate pastor of the Tempe Methodist Church, but we did not join it, and attended occasionally

There was a frantic buzz

teachers at the school and the buzz of a live child

” He set the fork spinning on it’s axis at a quickly increasing rate until it was just a blur in the air emitting an angry buzz, then stopped it suddenly and set it down

Her wings moved at a fast rate, to the point where there was a lulling buzz that floated on the air

Buzz Lightyear was waving at me in the window

aware of lying there, but he was almost oblivious to the buzz of conversation that filled the air

His arm began to quiver and buzz from the strain

A constant low buzz of conversation permeated

A buzz of conversation accompanied whip snaps, mallet swings, and the whirring of ropes tied

“What do wolves do?” Dolmar’s voice was close to Simon’s ear, barely audible over the continued buzz in his thoughts

A buzz of whispered argument ended in a voice that spoke from the darkness close to them

She jumped and opened her eyes when the intercom came alive with a buzz and the passengers were reminded to fasten their seat-belts as they were cleared for take-off

I didn’t know any other places to suggest, and my buzz had subsided somewhat

With all the buzz and hype floating around the internet, many have heard it’s possible to

But he was enjoying a light buzz, and pleased with putting one over on his controlling friend

One of the latest buzz about linking popularity is the social bookmarking site

All around the buzz and scream of saws and planers, mills and sanders filled his ears

» The buzz signalled the door’s opening

The buzz you can create with that video, however, hasn’t lost its spark!

He made it to the door, having been buzzed into the driveway by George the house manager, and was ushered in by Harriet

«You told me about him a few times, but we were pretty buzzed at the time

«You’re buzzed,» doostEr told him

«I hope not, but I was buzzed, I might have told her where I’m staying

buzzed against his exposed chest

Insects buzzed around his head, whining

Theo’s phone buzzed in his pocket

She buzzed Ava

swatter and buzzed back and forth at the edge of His perception

Jimmy buzzed back and heard a young man’s strangely colloquialised voice ask, “Sorry to bother you, guv, but I’m a bit down on my luck

Two hours later the intercom buzzed, “Commander, we have a ship headed this way

My head buzzed like

Jimmy buzzed back and heard a young

Then, once they have both applied gel to their hands and buzzed for access to the main intensive care unit, she shows him to a room full of screens and monitors

The city buzzed in the streets and blocks away from it,

Her mind buzzed with fear and wonder

Her head buzzed even louder after reading this

A bee buzzed by my

If he wasn’t already so buzzed he would have started to worry about what he was getting into by running away from the expedition

When still buzzed, that took on way too much significance

Herold’s mind buzzed with art projects:

Morning came fast when the alarm in his watch buzzed

Torbin was brought back to the present with a start when his comm buzzed

The poor man – who had been spilling out his heart about his troubled upbringing – had only a few seconds to leave after she’d been buzzed by Jannson to warn her they were there by executive warrant

Barely two minutes had passed before the intercom buzzed noisily, again interrupting her beloved Beethoven

Torbin buzzed the door comm

The button lit red, buzzed aggressively and the airlock did not open

Silence would have enveloped us, but birds twittered in the tree branches, bees buzzed among the flower blossoms and insects hopped in and out of grass

From time to time they buzzed in to dock with

The phone buzzed in her ear in response,

Above her, bees buzzed around the aromatic apple blossoms

A large, winged insect buzzed inside, its droning ominous

The intercom buzzed and Holland held down a button, his voice laced with annoyance

It was as though he had mesmerised my brain to the sound of his voice, so that when he was not around it constantly buzzed in my head

I know that before the Sharpeville shootings in 1960, the Air Force buzzed the crowds with their jets

She was still and straight and the machines bleeped and buzzed around us

His mobile buzzed, Rachael sending him a copy of the picture taken at the canal

His printer buzzed and whirred

they were annoying, and then I thought as they buzzed around my

A tangle of overgrowth blocked our way ahead, and Dorian turned the wheel back toward the road just as half a dozen motorcycles buzzed out of the stand of trees, bearing down on the other SUVs and blocking our only path out

Flies buzzed around his wounds and one of his beautiful blue

The line buzzed quietly in my ear

It buzzed incessantly with the same recurring thought; that all this was indeed his fault, and Hilderich had been right to accuse him

buzzed Doctor C up in Chelsea

wanted to cut his wife loose, and buzzed Eddie Bones to work it

His cell phone buzzed

An ambo buzzed him off on a stretcher

Whitey buzzed legit when Bones called on the Hackensack job

The charcoal suits buzzed the gate, entering the grounds

The Hoovers buzzed in

More had come now, and the entire clearing buzzed with festive mood

Everything suddenly buzzed in eager expectation

They buzzed with millennia of life

The man then pushed a button and buzzed Junya through the doors

I got buzzed in after getting dressed and I entered the cancer unit

More came to and soon the whole square buzzed with voices, singing, music, and laughter

It was all quiet and bare around them, no birds sang, no insects buzzed in the air, and only a few trees and plants broke the bare land

He has a large bruise on his jaw from where Tobias hit him, and his hair is freshly buzzed

I stare at the back of his head, where the shape of his skull shows through his buzzed hair

Except now I think that she isn’t just beautiful in spite of the scar, she’s somehow beautiful with it, like Lynn with her buzzed hair, like Tobias with the memories of his father’s cruelty that he wears like armor, like my mother in her plain gray clothing

The evening was warm and Union Square buzzed with life and color

doorway buzzed as he started to pace the room, its red light

shaded bosom of the dunes as Shinra heligunner scouts buzzed

The universe buzzed with life and light from all directions

The internet buzzed with activity as the pictures were streamed

The banqueting suite was full to capacity; Distinguished guests from the world of banking had descended on the beautifully laid venue, drinking champagne and cocktails while waiters buzzed around with huge silver trays of canapés

She picked up the red receiver and buzzed Harry

When Joe came to the building and buzzed Midge to open the door to get in, she told him the door to the apartment would be unlocked and for him to enter when he came up and not to bother to knock

Clouds of insects buzzed and hummed between them, though none bothered Mark or the elves

The TreeStalker had gone silent the exuberant air that had buzzed around him, was almost nowhere to be found

Her phone buzzed cutting into her thoughts, and alerting her to an incoming call

Forty minutes after the Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force ushered Whitey out, the red phone on his desk buzzed once indicating the Chairman wished to talk to him

That the hotline for the CJCS (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) buzzed only once, instead of emitting a strident continuous ring until answered, as was once used by an imperious predecessor Admiral Radford, was a tribute to the gentleman�liness of the current CJCS, U

buzzed in his head

The Oval Office buzzed with soft conversation as the morning light filtered through

Despite a morning that warranted a good bit of television in the room, Ian stimulated a motivating date with friends, buzzed on his brew, forecasting on a solid start to experience – Janice obliged

As she waited, the arguments pro and con rolled unbidden through her mind once again, engrossing her attention so thoroughly that when The Man buzzed she needed to be told twice to go in

Activity buzzed like bees finding the first spring flowers

Machines buzzed and blinked and tubes of liquid ran into my arms

movement she exited the picnic basket and buzzed

across the street and settled in when the iPhone buzzed

Freak squawked and buzzed his wings,

The Hive Builders buzzed a tone of warning among themselves

want to see her, not in this frame of mind, so when Joe buzzed his

You recognize him instantly, hair buzzed on the sides and short box top cut, his face screwed in a confident grin, skin leaking, his eyes waver on contact with yours, Meyer

―But Captain,‖ the chief engineer‘s voice buzzed in over the same line, ―what about the

Inside his helmet, Cole‘s comlink buzzed with static and sound of

buzzed again with the voice of the lieutenant

The computerized desk beeped and buzzed

Barbara buzzed me up and the smell of cooking wafted out of her door as she

Thirty seconds later the inter-com buzzed on his desk

Mick answered and buzzed me in

All the while, the helicopter buzzed overhead

Panic buzzed in her ears, making it hard to think

Talking about whizzing – everyone here buzzes around the place on scooters … how do you fancy that?

And then the door buzzes

” He buzzes you through the first lock onto the grounds

Acid trips, car wrecks, cocaine buzzes, cheap fantastic sex, the deaths of your parents and grandparents—all too real

Her intercranial omnicerebral com-link appliance buzzes a synthetic sounding few notes of The Ode to Pain

buzzes around, warns the bustard of danger < look, ’ she whispered

Activating her wrist watch/communicator, she frantically called her manager, who answered after two buzzes

It was hard to bear these ill bombastic buzzes of people

It isn’t far to their car, but an impulse buzzes in Victoria’s mind

Orcher’s holotab buzzes and he taps its speaker

Chirps and buzzes and crunches drift around us

In the interrogation room McSpadden’s phone buzzes with a text message

Before I can ask what he means, my phone buzzes and I stoop to search for it in my purse

The machine buzzes and the bonnet opens and reveals Alex still sleeping

Sara presses the keys and the door buzzes

The computer buzzes for awhile and then a full drawing of the place appears on the screen

My cell phone buzzes in my hand

His BlackBerry buzzes, distracting us both, and he switches it off without glancing to see who it is

I could hear those piercing buzzes that were zapping and burning my memories away

At the same time, one of Hawke’s soldiers picks up Raven Number 3, carries it outside the circle, and starts its motor, which whines and buzzes as it turns the plane’s propeller

“Isn’t it true? The whole Empire still buzzes with it

) And what do they want with their ridiculous ‘Pavlofsk trees’? To sweeten my last hours? Cannot they understand that the more I forget myself, the more I let myself become attached to these last illusions of life and love, by means of which they try to hide from me Meyer’s wall, and all that is so plainly written on it—the more unhappy they make me? What is the use of all your nature to me—all your parks and trees, your sunsets and sunrises, your blue skies and your self-satisfied faces—when all this wealth of beauty and happiness begins with the fact that it accounts me—only me—one too many! What is the good of all this beauty and glory to me, when every second, every moment, I cannot but be aware that this little fly which buzzes around my head in the sun’s rays—even this little fly is a sharer and participator in all the glory of the universe, and knows its place and is happy in it;—while I—only I, am an outcast, and have been blind to the fact hitherto, thanks to my simplicity! Oh! I know well how the prince and others would like me, instead of indulging in all these wicked words of my own, to sing, to the glory and triumph of morality, that well-known verse of Gilbert’s:

Jorma leaned on his elbow and looked over Venna’s curls toward the dock, looking at the boats and listening to the charraspas buzzing in the noontime hangleaves

‘So what brought this on?’ he asked, standing by the now buzzing kettle, his arms folded

The doors at the end of the corridor open inward automatically with an annoying buzzing sound, and John and Zitteraal enter

The needles are still buzzing

could hear nothing buzzing, nothing rooting, nothing snuffling

Could this be the beginning of a stumbling optimism? Was I light-hearted? I was buzzing with expectations and questions

When she left I heard a buzzing come from the bathroom

The evening’s background sounds of bird song and bees buzzing their way from flower head to flower head were cut in two by the sharp retort of bone breaking on hard cement

appears static, but inside this statue there are protons buzzing and electrons

He just wishes, when the flies stop buzzing and the

Emanuele told me that you have to keep an eye on this if you are intending to catch the local bus – it gets re-routed when the road is closed – sounds completely lunatic to me! Even though it was eightish in the evening, the town was buzzing

buzzing in anticipation, the famous television gardener and his wife

The Sainsbury’s store opposite the retail park is buzzing

She could hardly understand him with all the bees buzzing about

At first Jack thought it was but a figment of his imagination, but it grew larger, and emitted a loud buzzing sound as he approached

buzzing through the air as they passed his ear

The buzzing noise was apparent now, hundreds

the only sound coming from the buzzing of the flies

Upon uneasy pallets stretching thee, And hush’d with buzzing night-flies to thy slumber, Than in the perfum’d chambers of the great, Under the canopies of costly state, And lull’d with sound of sweetest melody?’

insects, the air around them thick with buzzing

Books stacked here and there among buzzing

I woke to my phone buzzing on the nightstand

Sometimes you only hear voices of the dead as a slight buzzing in your ears

They sought the extended corridor ahead with utmost haste, running past more buzzing and clicking Chaurus and even battle-ready Falmer

We were a couple miles out and each step closer, the buzzing grew

He continued along but his step faltered when he heard a buzzing from behind

But her mind was still buzzing

As our ratings rowed us closer to the shore the rifle fire became fiercer it was pinging off the boats or buzzing overhead and we watched as a lot plopped into the water I saw this but felt as though I was somewhere else it was most strange

I put these things to one side as we drew very close to the shore now and the bullets if anything were whining and buzzing round us like angry bee’s but with a much deadlier sting

They moved forward cautiously and disappeared between the houses we watched and waited with the flies buzzing round our heads it had only been a short time when Sergeant Ted Wallace appeared across from us and waved us forward

After a while you seem to get used to the whizzing and buzzing of the pieces of white hot metal don’t get me wrong you are still scared and shitting yourself but your senses seem to get numbed and you seem to get a couldn’t care less attitude

They really are a curse of biblical proportions and their constant buzzing is deafening when they are present in such numbers

I have been told as how it is just one big mass of crawling buzzing black flies so it would seem thy have gone there for a better feed”, and having told us this he turned and walked off laughing

He had expected the place to be buzzing with energy; jammed to the gills

As soon as we got out of the trench we attracted gunfire and bullets flew everywhere buzzing around like bees in a honey pot

There was soon more sport on hand, for a buzzing hum and a stinging sensation on the cheek localised the swampy haunt of the tsetse fly, which fortunately had not worried us much on the upward march, and had left one or two donkeys that travelled with the force unmolested

Sandra stopped running, out of breath, the questions buzzing in her mind

He held on to the edge of his desk, head buzzing, easing himself upright in the chair as Gonzalez exerted more pressure

” The connection clicked off, leaving a soft buzzing on the line

She was panting so loudly and heavily that Pirate could not hear the flies buzzing around his head anymore

What was that? A buzzing in the distance, like an angry wasp

But the swim was taking much longer than he’d anticipated, and a funny buzzing sensation had begun in his ears

‘Ow about buzzing the stewardess?»

After he’d rung off, she lay back in the bed, head buzzing as she tried to sort out her emotions; how she felt about the man who’d spent ten years in prison for man-slaughter, even though he was adamant that he’d been innocent, set up by his old boss, Hunter

Frank was woken by an angry buzzing and it took him a few moments to realise that it was his mobile, and not another bee

They kept buzzing around my head, and

Marcos was saved from any further argument by the buzzing of his mobile

small flies all day buzzing around my head

I trailed Dorian down the stairs toward the ballroom, my mind buzzing with questions

Nothing seemed familiar anymore — except the buzzing in his ears that had suddenly started

There were several Camels buzzing around, the Biffs were coming up…

A faint buzzing sound came from the control console speaker

“Eaugh! Eaugh! Ugh…” The buzzing in his head stopped

“My head is still buzzing

Hilderich tried to put his hands to his ears but he was frozen half-way when the world-shattering cacophony ended abruptly and was replaced by a buffeting silence, his ears still buzzing from the loudness

buzzing towards the staging area

The sound of crickets and buzzing mosquitoes were drowned by the monotonous `put-put’ of the two-stroke motor that somehow managed to barely propel the barge

And fear, buzzing like an alarm in my chest

Then the buzzing stops as I remember something else Marcus said: Most of the leaders of this city risked their lives for it

My brain feels like it is buzzing with information

Instead, she’d somehow become pregnant while still unmarried, her fiancé was having second thoughts and the town was buzzing

whizzed over his head, buzzing as they zipped past his ears

resonated from the rays, buzzing erratically in the silent air like a

Manda paused and looked at Sierra, buzzing with joy as she shoved her key into the front lock

insects buzzing around the floor under them, investigating the

They were buzzing a little about the funeral, but most of them were talking about the repeal of the hated merchant tax

The air was mild and a little humid, the earliest flowers were preparing to bloom, birds were singing (in spite of Cuauhtzin’s challenges), insects were buzzing, but they were not yet a nuisance, a gentle rain would fall almost every day, and the animals in the forest darted about

It took over a week to pass through their lands and all the villages along the road were large and buzzing with activity

During the next three weeks, the grasslands were blooming with tiny wildflowers, the air was alive with buzzing insects, the sky was clear and mostly mild

He had smoked too much skunk today but Hobbs had some magic pills and, with the Red Bull he had bought earlier, he would hopefully be buzzing till the early hours

He was still buzzing from the second attack

When the room is in a buzzing fit

My voices were silent, but I could feel them buzzing in the back of my mind

Many will attend to celebrate with much buzzing and devotion

A harsh electronic buzzing

Mike turned on the radio and a dreadful buzzing filled the

He fiddled with the cord until the buzzing quit

Correspondents were still buzzing about reports and rumors when a breaking news bulletin flashed across the screen

thought, mind buzzing furiously with his latest idea, David noticed a sweater he was beginning to recognise

able to hear, it was much more of a loud, rushing, buzzing type

Elizabeth went into labor and the house was buzzing

“Now, however,” Youssaf continued, “is a good time to start my transport through that beastly hoard of insects that I see buzzing around down there!” Youssaf, with a wave of his hand toward the river, redirected their attention to the huge swarms that harassed crews as they worked at moving the barges and other water transport

Through the stillness, a faint buzzing could now be heard

The late afternoon sun rapidly disappeared into a huge, growing, fuzzy fringed, buzzing, swirling, brown mass

Then the monitor gave a different buzzing sound

” a buzzing psionic voice suddenly proclaimed

The cavernous room was full to capacity, and buzzing with excited conversation

hoard of insects that I see buzzing around down there!” Youssaf, with a wave of his hand

stillness, a faint buzzing could now be heard

Although Whitey knew of the three-MiG victory by Frederick and Bannister, he was delighted to hear the inside story of how the two pilots spun in one MiG by buzzing it

She later reported lights turning on and off by themselves, the sound of heavy breathing in one corner of her living room, strange buzzing sounds in the wall and an attic fan coming on by itself

A low buzzing noise began in Simon’s head and he tried to shake it free

The buzzing in his head grew louder

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