Саюкова Наталья Александровна
учитель английского языка
НОУ ООЦ «Школа» г. Тольятти
В последнее время перед учителями российских школ возникла необходимость эффективной подготовки к ЕГЭ. Все языковые экзамены направлены на контроль эффективности коммуникации в устной и письменной речи. Это предполагает наличие в них заданий на контроль навыков аудирования, чтения, говорения, письма и лексико-грамматических заданий. Особую сложность у выпускников наших школ вызывает раздел по словообразованию.В своей педагогической практике при подготовке к ЕГЭ я использовала следующие таблицы с прификсами и суффиксами для определенных частей речи, упражнения и тестовые задания. Я надеюсь, что учителям английского языка, работающим в выпускных классах эти материалы окажутся полезными при подготовке к ЕГЭ и к другим существующим международным и национальным экзаменам по иностранному языку.
These prefixes change the meaning of the word from positive to negative:
Un – | equal fair important official |
unequal unfair unimportant unofficial |
In — | ability adequate capable comparable |
in ability in adequate in capable in comparable |
Im – (before -m and -p) |
mobile measurable patient possible |
immobile immeasurable impatient impossible |
Dis — | order advantage honest |
disorder disadvantage dishonest |
il – (before l) |
legal logical BUT! limited likable |
illegal illogical unlimited unlikable |
Ir – (before r) |
regular resolute |
irregular irresolute |
Mis — | fortune trust |
misfortune mistrust |
Non — | sense resistance |
nonsense nonresistance |
Complete each word with prefixes in-, un-,ir-,il-,dis.
1. I am afraid that the world is full of ___ justice.
2. ___ agreements about causes of this disease seem likely to continue for many years.
3. Discrimination in hiring is ___ legal.
4. Thank you for your help. It was ___ valuable.
5. The ___ armament Conference will be held in Geneva.
6. The amount of food aid the country received is quite ___ sufficient.
7. The garden is divided into ___ equal parts.
8. Your passport is ___ valid. The date expired two month ago.
9. Why are you so ___ sensitive to other people’s problems?
10. One ___ advantage of city living is high cost.
11. I can’t believe this is happening. This is so ___ fair.
12. The newspapers depicted her as a greedy,___ responsible betrayer of the truth.
13. The teacher expressed ___ satisfaction with the work of our committee.
14. Everything is possible. The ___ possible just takes longer.
15. Good answers don’t always come quickly. So don’t be too ___ patient.
16. I was so frustrated because my dad was ___ willing to see my problems through my eyes.
Mis – (со значением неправильно, неверно) |
misinterpretation misunderstanding misusage misuse |
неверное истолкование недоразумение плохое обращение неправильное использование |
Under – (со значением недостаточно) |
undernutrition underproduction undersupply undereducated |
недостаточное питание недопроизводство недостаточное снабжение не имеющий достаточного образования |
Pre – (со значением перед, ранее; соответствует в русском языке приставке пред-) |
precaution predecessor prediction preface prehistoric |
предосторожность предшественник предсказание предисловие доисторический |
Post – (со значением после; соответствует в русском языке приставке после-, пост-) |
postglacial postwar Post-impressionism |
послеледниковый период послевоенный постимпрессионизм |
Anti – (соответствует в русском языке приставке анти-) |
anticyclone antioxidant antidepressant antipode |
антициклон антиоксидант антидепрессант антипод |
Counter – (соответствует в русском языке приставке проти-, контр-, противо- ) |
counterforce countermeasure counterpropaganda counterclockwise |
сила противодействия контрмера контрпропаганда против часовой стрелки |
Co – (обозначает сотрудничество) |
co-education cooperation coexistence |
совместное обучение сотрудничество сосуществование |
Inter – (со значением между-, взаимо-) |
interaction interdependence/cy international interdisciplinary |
взаимодействие взаимозависимость международный междисциплинарный |
Ex – (соответствует приставке экс -, бывший) |
ex-husband ex-wife ex-champion ex-president |
бывший (экс-) муж бывшая (экс-) жена бывший (экс-) чемпион бывший (экс-) президент |
Ultra – (со значением ультра-, сверх-) |
ultrasound ultramodern ultraviolet ultrasonic |
ультразвук ультрасовременный ультрафиолетовый сверхзвуковой, ультразвуковой |
Sub – (соответствует в русском языке приставке под-, суб-) |
subcommittee subconsciousness subculture submarine |
подкомитет подсознание субкультура подводная лодка |
Over – (со значением сверх-, чрезмерно-) |
overproduction overestimate overcharge |
перепроизводство слишком высокая оценка слишком высокая цена |
(1) NOUN-building suffixes:
-ty (образует существительные от прилагательных) |
social (общественный) stupid (глупый) certain (определенный) able (способный) equal (равный) |
society (общество) stupidity (глупость) certainty (определенность) ability (способность) equality (равенство) |
-ion (-ation, -tion, -sion, -ssion) (образует существительные от глаголов) |
suggest (предлагать) combine (комбинировать) elect (избирать) include (включать) transmit (передавать) |
suggestion (предложение) combination (комбинация) election (выборы) inclusion (включение) transmission (передача) |
-er,-or (присоединяется к глаголам для обозначения действующего лица) |
produce (производить) lead (вести) build (строить) govern (управлять) direct (направлять) |
producer (производитель) leader (ведущий, лидер) builder (строитель) governor (губернатор) director (директор) |
-ee (служит для обозначения лица, на которое направлено действие) |
train (тренировать(ся), обучать(ся)) address (адресовать) employ (нанимать) |
trainee (практикант, стажер) addressee (адресат) employee (служащий) |
-ness (образует существительное от прилагательных) |
bitter (горький) sick (больной) aware (осведомленный) near (близкий) weak (слабый) |
bitterness (горечь) sickness (болезнь) awareness (осведомленность) nearness (близость) weakness (слабость) |
-ian, -an, -n (для обозначения профессии, национальной принадлежности) |
history (история) library (библиотека) Canada (Канада) |
historian (историк) librarian (библиотекарь) Canadian (канадец) |
-ist (как и в русском языке для обозначения принадлежности к политическому или научному направлению и др.) |
social (социальный) science (наука) method (метод) tour (тур) |
socialist (социалист) scientist (ученый) methodist (методист) tourist (турист) |
-ment (образует существительные от глаголов) |
announce (объявлять) advertise (рекламировать) place (размещать) arrange (организовывать) require (требовать) |
announcement (объявление) advertisement (реклама) placement (размещение) arrangement (мероприятие) requirement (требование) |
-ance or ence (образует существительные от глаголов) |
occur (случаться) exist (существовать) persist (настаивать) assure (уверять) appear (появляться) |
occurrence (случай) existence (существование) persistence (настойчивость) assurance (заверение) appearance (появление) |
-age (обычно образует существительные от глаголов) |
marry (жениться) pass (проходить) |
marriage (брак) passage (проход) |
-ure (образует существительные от глаголов) |
depart (уезжать) please (доставлять удовольствие) press (давить) |
departure (отъезд) pleasure (удовольствие) pressure (давление) |
-dom (образует существительные от прилагательных и существительных) |
free (свободный) wise (мудрый) king (король) bore (скучный человек) |
freedom (свобода) wisdom (мудрость) kingdom (королевство) boredom (скука) |
-hood м(обычно образует существительные от других существительных) | brother (брат) man (мужчина) mother (мать) neighbor (сосед) adult (взрослый) |
brotherhood (братство) manhood (мужественность) motherhood (материнство) neighborhood (соседство) adulthood (зрелость) |
-ship (образует существительные от других существительных) |
citizen (гражданин) dictator (диктатор) owner (владелец) |
citizenship (гражданство) dictatorship (диктатура) ownership (собственность, право собственности) |
-ism (образует абстрактные имена существительные, ср. –изм в русском языке) |
profession (профессия) individuality (индивидуальность) journalist (журналист) |
professionalism (профессионализм) individualism (индивидуализм) journalism (журнализм) |
-th образует сущ. от прилагательных) |
warm (теплый) long (длинный) wide (широкий) young (молодой) |
warmth (теплота) length (длина) width (ширина) youth (молодость) |
Exercise 2. NOUN-building suffixes.
Complete each sentence with the words which end in –ance, -ence, -ment, -tion, -ness.
1. Dan continued to write the essay after midnight. This ___ of writing was necessary for him.
2. Schools usually place new students in different English classes depending on their English abilities. The students’ ___ depends on the scores they get on an English test.
3. President Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holyday. He made this happy ___ in 1864.
4. Television stations announce news. They interrupt programs to make important ___ as soon as they receive the news.
5. Winnie and Loretta are good friends. They are very close and tell each other everything. Their ___ will continue for many years.
6. Scientists are working to develop a cure for all kinds of cancer. The ___ of a cure will be welcome all around the world.
7. There were several ___ of Janet’s illness before she began to get well. Then her illness occurred again, and she was very unhappy.
8. Jason is my best friend. He always encourages me when I have a difficult problem. In fact, his ___ has helped me to succeed many times.
9. For centuries no one could prove the ___ of the ninth planet. Then in 1930 Clyde Tombaugh proved that Plato existed when he located it through a telescope.
10. Edward assured me enough that the plane travel was safe. In spite of all his ___ , I was very frightened on my first plane trip.
11. Alice went to doctor because she had ___ in her leg. The doctor told her that she felt weak because she didn’t exercise enough.
12. My dad wanted me to be aware of the heavy traffic on the highway. My ___ of driving conditions saved me a lot of times.
Exercise 3. NOUN-building suffixes.
Complete each word so that it ends in -hood, -ship, -dom, -ness, -ty.
1. A true friend ___ lasts throughout life.
2. After ten years in prison Paul was given his free ___.
3. Repetition of ads on TV has an incredible effect on the popular ___ of the product.
4. I spend most of my child ___ playing computer games.
5. It is very unlikely that someone could penetrate the U.S. military secure ___ system.
(2) ADJECTIVE-building suffixes:
Many adjectives do not have particular endings (young, old, pretty, etc.). However, there are some common endings for adjectives formed from nouns and verbs.
-able, -ible | changeable acceptable horrible responsible |
-ar | popular regular similar |
-ent, -ant | consistent confident distant resistant |
-ate | passionate literate (illiterate) obstinate |
-like | businesslike ladylike |
-ist | racist journalist |
-al | central cultural natural |
-ary | imaginary legendary revolutionary |
-esque | picturesque grotesque |
-ive | attentive sensitive competitive |
-ious, -ous | victorious dangerous glorious spacious |
-some | troublesome lonesome tiresome |
-ly | friendly timely dailyм weakly |
-ic/-ical | heroic tragic historical economical |
-y | lucky dirty cloudy healthy |
-ish | boyish reddish Swedish foolish |
-ful | successful useful purposeful doubtful |
-ory | contradictory compulsory introductory |
-less | jobless hopeless careless useless |
-an, -ian | Mexican Russian Indian Scandinavian |
Exercise 4. ADJACTIVE-building suffixes.
Fill in an appropriate adjective derived from the given word.
1. He had a very ___ career. success
2. He is quite ___ when making up his mind. decide
3. The solution was positively ___ . ingenuity
4. The ___ burden of running a place like this is really great. finance
5. Windsor Castle is a ___ residence, situated not far from London. luxury
6. The Castle is located in a very ___ place. picture
7. ___ chatting with a friend is not the best way to prepare for the examination. Mind
8. It is ___ inviting Barry to the party as he is so busy. worth
9. Can’t you see she is ___ after being up all night. edge
10. His words were ___ but his look became grave. play
11. Ghana is a ___ country of thick ___ forests and great beaches. color, tropics
12. The person I’m thinking of is ___ , ___ and accurate. observe, inquire
PROGRESS TEST (Word Formation)
Choose the correct item.
1. The Roosevelts spent a year in Europe traveling about, seeing ___ sights, visiting museums. (history)
2. If Teddy wanted a ___ career, he would have to go abroad for three years of study. (science)
3. He learned that ___ is a matter of give and take. (policy)
4. The Labor Party had nominated a popular and ___ leader. (power)
5. While running for presidency he made three to five ___ every day. (speak)
6. People loved their new president for his ___ . (young)
7. He started on his biggest and most ___ project. (success)
8. He described ___ deeds of American people. (hero)
9. They were ideal parents because they had ___ patience, love for children and the home life. (end)
10. In the 19th century there was ___ in London, homelessness and all attendant problems associated with big cities. (poor)
11. He had come to England shortly after the ___ of his mother. (dead)
12. This new CD tower system is attractive and ___ . (style)
13. Each evening Julia would surf through the World Wide Web in at all the information available. (amaze)
14. When a boy found a lizard he measured the total ___ of its tail with his ruler. (long)
15. We found the script ___ , and we enjoyed the dialogue between the main characters very much. (fascinate)
16. The water in many lakes and rivers is ___ . As a result, it needs to be cleaned before people can drink it. (pure)
17. ___ in large multinational companies have excellent career opportunities if they are willing to travel. (employ)
18. From this spot, we travel through ___ , rolling country to Gettysburg, a town of historic interest. (picture)
19. His dream was to become the world’s greatest ___ . (biology)
20. The lack of knowledge or reliance upon ___ is harmful. (information)
21. The population ___ in this area is very low. (dense)
22. Such kind of behavior only seems ___ . (logical)
23. The theme of his report was ___ for war. (ready)
24. On the yacht we’ve often seen passengers talking in whispers and exchanging packages. (mystery)
1. Добавьте один из суффиксов (-er, -r, -ian, -ist, -man) к словам, чтобы образовалось название профессии. Переведите образовавшиеся слова.
Н-р: police (полиция) – policeman (полицейский)
- music (музыка) 8. science (наука)
- journal (журнал) 9. art (искусство)
- post (почта) 10. sports (спорт)
- drive (водить машину) 11. manage (управляться)
- reception (встреча) 12. photograph (фотография)
- electric (электрический) 13. interpret (переводить)
- politics (политика) 14. build (строить)
15. fire (огонь)
2. Посмотрите на суффиксы существительных и прилагательных. Образуйте недостающие слова в столбцах и переведите образовавшиеся слова.
Существительные: —ness, -ion, -ation, -ment, -ance, -ition
Прилагательные: —al, -y, -ly, -ful, -ous, -tific
1) Прилагательное Существительное
1. lucky (удачный) luck (удача)
2. …… happiness (счастье)
3. wonderful (чудесный) ……
4. …… speed (скорость)
5. greedy (жадный) ……
6. …… friend (друг)
7. …… danger (опасность)
8. traditional (традиционный) ……
9. …… science (наука)
10. ill (больной) ……
11. …… truth (правда)
12. …… profession (профессия)
13. …… business (бизнес)
14. healthy (здоровый) ……
15. …… wealth (богатство)
2) Существительное Глагол
- investigation (расследование) investigate (расследовать)
- …… invite (приглашать)
- discussion (обсуждение) ……
- …… appear (выглядеть)
5. …… organize (организовать)
6. …… relax (расслабляться)
7. competition (соревнование) ……
- …… invent (изобретать)
3. Составьте как можно больше слов, добавляя к основе приставки и суффиксы. Используйте словарь. Переведите образовавшиеся слова.
Н-р: help (помогать) – helpful (услужливый), helpfulness (услужливость), unhelpful (неуслужливый), helpless (беспомощный), helplessness (беспомощность)
Приставка Основа/корень слова Суффикс
1. possible
2. polite -ful
un- 3. stress
4. thought
5. agree -ity
mis- 6. use
7. like
8. taste -less
im- 9. understand
10. hope
11. care -ness
in- 12. mortal
13. human
14. success -ment
dis- 15. conscious
16. popular -able
17. profit
4. Образуйте сложные слова и переведите их.
Н-р: clock (часы) + work (работа) = clockwork (часовой механизм)
Clock, pocket (карман), place (место), ball (мяч), dish (тарелка), sun (солнце), pool (водоем), head (голова), bird (птица), ice (лед), fire (огонь), work, black (черный), cream (сливки), pick (вынимать), swimming (плавание), ache (боль), foot (ступня), washer (мойка), glasses (стекла)
- musician (музыкант) 8. scientist (ученый)
- journalist (журналист) 9. artist (художник)
- postman (почтальон) 10. sportsman (спортсмен)
- driver (водитель) 11. manager (менеджер)
- receptionist (администратор) 12. photographer (фотограф)
- electrician (электрик) 13. interpreter (переводчик)
- politician (политик) 14. builder (строитель)
15. fireman (пожарный)
- lucky (удачный) 9. scientific (научный)
- happy (счастливый) 10. illness (болезнь)
- wonder (чудо) 11. truthful (правдивый)
- speedy (скоростной) 12. professional (профессиональный)
- greed (жадность) 13. busy (деловой)
- friendly (дружелюбный) 14. health (здоровье)
- dangerous (опасный) 15. wealthy (богатый)
- tradition (традиция)
- investigation (расследование) 5. organization (организация)
- invitation (приглашение) 6. relaxation (расслабление)
- discuss (обсуждать) 7. compete (соревноваться)
- appearance (внешность) 8. invention (изобретение)
- impossible (невозможный), possibility (возможность), impossibility (невозможность)
- impolite (невежливый), politeness (вежливость), impoliteness (невежливость)
- stressful (стрессовый), distress (недомогание), distressful (печальный)
- thoughtful (задумчивый), thoughtfulness (задумчивость), thoughtless (бездумный), thoughtlessness (бездумность)
- disagree (не соглашаться), agreement (соглашение), disagreement (расхождение), agreeable (соответствующий), disagreeable (неприятный)
- disuse (перестать употреблять), useful (полезный), misuse (неправильно использовать), useless (бесполезный), uselessness (бесполезность)
- dislike (не любить), likeness (сходство), unlikeness (несходство), unlike (непохожий)
- tasteless (безвкусный), tasteful (со вкусом), tastefulness (хороший вкус), distaste (отвращение), distasteful (противный)
- misunderstand (невернопонять), understandable (понятный), understandability (понятность)
- hopeless (безнадежный), hopeful (оптимистический), hopelessness (безнадежность), hopefulness (надежда)
- careless (беззаботный), careful (заботливый), carelessness (беззаботность), carefulness (тщательность)
- immortal (бессмертный), mortality (смертность), immortality (бессмертие)
- humanity (гуманность), inhuman (бесчеловечный), inhumanity (бесчеловечность)
- successful (успешный) , unsuccessful (безуспешный)
- consciousness (сознательность), unconscious (бессознательный), unconsciousness (бессознательность)
- popularity (популярность), unpopular (непопулярный), unpopularity (непопулярность)
- profitable (прибыльный), profitability (прибыльность), unprofitable (нерентабельный)
fire-place (камин), blackbird (черный дрозд), swimming-pool (бассейн), dishwasher (посудомоечная машина), ice-cream (мороженое), pick-pocket (карманный вор), sunglasses (солнечные очки), football (футбол), headache (головная боль)
Упражнения на словообразование (с ответами) — 4.8 out of
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437 votes
10000+ результатов для ‘word suffixes’
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word formation
Word Formation: Suffixes
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Word Formation. Noun Suffixes
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от Annfomich
English File Upper-Intermediate
Word Formation. Noun Suffixes
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от Olmi38
Подготовка к ЕГЭ
Подготовка к ОГЭ
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Prefixes and Suffixes
Word Formation. Noun Suffixes
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от U23155840
Spotlight 8
Verbs: en- / -en
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Prefixes and Suffixes
Noun suffixes
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от Iuliiasergeevna
noun suffixes
Suffixes -er, -or, -ist
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noun suffixes
Word Formation. Noun Suffixes review
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noun suffixes
Noun suffixes
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noun suffixes
Adjective Suffixes
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от Eesperas
Word Formation. Noun Suffixes
Групповая сортировка
от Aldora
Word Formation. Noun Suffixes
Групповая сортировка
от Annazolotareva3
Word Formation. Noun Suffixes
Групповая сортировка
от Annazolotareva3
Word Formation Suffixes
Групповая сортировка
от Puchkovadn90
Word Formation — Suffixes
от Daria3
Word building suffixes
от Yulyaclover1995
Пропущенное слово
от Semenzayko
Gateway B1, Unit 1. Suffixes -ment,-ion, -ence
от Volginaksenia
Gateway B1
word formation
GW B1 Noun suffixes -ness,-ship,-dom
Групповая сортировка
от Ma1204
Gateway B1
Word formation
OGE/EGE Word formation
Пропущенное слово
от Ma1204
9-й класс
10-й класс
11 класс
Средняя школа
Word formation
Noun Suffixes Quiz
Викторина «Игровое шоу»
от Olegmazurenko7
Prefixes and Suffixes
Word meanings suffixes ment ion ation
Пропущенное слово
от Bestteachersiie
Групповая сортировка
от Kikkibugs
Word Building: suffixes (Int1) — Production
Откройте поле
от Hop
Word building: suffixes (discussion questions)
Случайное колесо
от Hop
Word building: suffixes (discussion questions)
Откройте поле
от Pedagogotboga
EGE Word Formation noun suffixes
от Zadoyatatyana
Inter Word building: noun suffixes
Найди пару
от Ingabruceinklya
Word building: suffixes (discussion questions)
Откройте поле
от Hop
от Juliagutsu92
Групповая сортировка
от Natalai
от Migulinaekateri
Ударь крота
от Avselikhova
Случайные карты
от Zhuravlevaelena
Word order (предложения БЕЗ глагола действия)
Привести в порядок
от Babrasin
Sentence word order
IELTS noun suffixes (word formation) no.1
Групповая сортировка
от Acrawford2711
Копия Word building: Suffixes -hood and -ship
Правда или ложь
от Olgache
* Word-building: suffixes (SO Inter TB 5.2)
от Hop
intermediate I
Word Formation ЕГЭ Nouns (Suffixes -tion — ion)
Случайные карты
от Blissnata
Unit 5, word-building, adjective suffixes
Случайные карты
от Alionaorel
Word building: Suffixes -hood and -ship
Групповая сортировка
от Olgache
от Tallulahloulah
word formation OGE Suffixes -ment,-ion, -ence
от Annazolotareva3
от Hop
Групповая сортировка
от Puchkovadn90
* Word-building suffixes: adjectives (SO Inter 5.2)
Групповая сортировка
от Hop
intermediate I
6B Word Store / Suffixes – forming adjectives
Групповая сортировка
от Anastasiyadyatlova
Групповая сортировка
от Sonique23
от Mariagrisha
Word order (предложения с глаголом действия)
Привести в порядок
от Babrasin
Sentence word order
FCE (First Certificate) Word Formation: Verbs
en- |
-ify |
-ise |
-en |
enlarge |
beautify |
televise |
widen |
Write the correct form of the word in brackets to complete these sentences. Be very careful — these are verbs. So, for example, if the word is DEEP, the verb could be deepen, deepens, deepening or deepened.
- I find it difficult to my work. (PRIORITY)
- I’m studying medicine. I want to in genetics. (SPECIAL)
- This photograph is too small. Can you it for me? (LARGE)
- I didn’t understand what you just said. Could you it? (CLEAR)
- My electronic dictionary me to listen to the pronunciation of new words. (ABLE)
- He loves insects. He can over 50 different types of beetle.(IDENTITY)
- There are a lot of accidents on this road — the council should it. (WIDTH)
- The time we spent apart only my love for him. (STRONG)
- You didn’t what flavour you wanted, so I got you chocolate. (SPECIFIC)
- His speech was too long. He should have it. (SHORT)
- He always thinks he’s right. He never for his mistakes. (APOLOGY)
- I think the government should alcohol. (CRIMINAL)
- Thank you for the flowers you sent last month. They really up my room. (BRIGHT)
- The burglar that no one was in the house before he broke in. (SURE)
- The film «The Ring» me. I couldn’t sleep for days. (TERROR)
- The government’s plans for the hospitals will thousands of lives. (DANGER)
Word Formation: Nouns with -ion
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
application |
apply |
applicable |
permission |
permit |
permissable |
solution |
solve |
unsolved |
description |
describe |
descriptive |
intention |
intend |
unintended |
competition |
compete |
competitive |
decision |
decide |
decisive |
explanation |
explain |
unexplained |
production |
produce |
productive |
repetition |
repeat |
repetitive |
consumption |
comsume |
consumable |
qualification |
qualify |
qualified |
Write the correct form of the word in brackets to complete these sentences. Some of the answers are irregular (from the table above), but there are other regular nouns included here. Don’t forget to use an -s if necessary.
- Please send a photograph with your CV and form. (APPLY)
- You need to make a today. (DECIDE)
- Her of the grammar was very unclear. (EXPLAIN)
- We had a long about our problems. (DISCUSS)
- Students must have their parent’s to come on the trip. (PERMIT)
- He is still in hospital, recovering from his . (OPERATE)
- I entered a bowling . (COMPETE)
- My children never show for anything I do! (APPRECIATE)
- I can’t come up with a to this problem. (SOLVE)
- The of junk food has increased over the last 20 years. (CONSUME)
- You need a lot of for this job. (QUALIFY)
- When I lived abroad, I found the from my family very difficult. (SEPARATE)
- The of the new flats is nearly finished. (CONSTRUCT)
- We don’t want a of the violence at last year’s football match. (REPEAT)
- The police are conducting an into the murder. (INVESTIGATE)
- I gave the police a of the thief. (DESCRIBE)
- It wasn’t my to offend you. (INTEND)
- We are making for the wedding. (PREPARE)
- I’ve just had a very interesting with your sister. (CONVERSE)
- You can try our product for free, with no to buy it. (OBLIGE)
Verb + ment / adjective + ness
Many verbs can form nouns with the suffix -ment. And many adjectives can form their nouns with the suffix -ness.
Verb |
Noun |
Adjective |
Noun |
achieve |
achievement |
aware |
awareness |
amuse |
amusement |
dark |
darkness |
argue |
argument |
forgetful |
forgetfulness |
develop |
development |
happy |
happiness |
encourage |
encouragement |
homeless |
homelessness |
excite |
excitement |
lazy |
laziness |
improve |
improvement |
lonely |
loneliness |
involve |
involvement |
rude |
rudeness |
judge |
judgement |
tidy |
tidiness |
measure |
measurement |
weak |
weakness |
Write the correct form of the word in brackets to complete these sentences. There are lots more examples here than in the list above, so remember that often verbs use ‘ment’ to make nouns, and often adjectives use ‘ness’. And remember that sometimes the nouns will be plural!
- «Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to make an . (ANNOUNCE)
- is a problem everywhere, not just in big cities. (HOMELESS)
- His made me very angry. (RUDE)
- What does your doctor recommend for the ‘flu? (TREAT)
- We had a big about whose turn it was to wash up. (ARGUE)
- I woke up at 2am. The house was in complete . (DARK)
- We need some special if we want to go mountain climbing. (EQUIP)
- If you drink too much alcohol, it will impair your . (JUDGE)
- The interviewer asked me about my strengths and . (WEAK)
- My friends gave me a lot of when I was worried about my driving test. (ENCOURAGE)
- To my , I was offered £10,000 for my old car! (AMAZE)
- The company has made lots of to their internet services. (IMPROVE)
- I used to find his funny, but now it really annoys me. (FORGETFUL)
- Winning the race was an amazing for my daughter. (ACHIEVE)
- This book is very unrealistic, but that didn’t spoil my of it. (ENJOY)
- We are still making for the wedding next month. (ARRANGE)
- Drivers should stop to rest during long car journeys, because can cause accidents. (TIRED)
- People can experience at many times during their lives, and for many reasons. (LONELY)
Word Formation: Nouns with -ence and -ance
Two common noun endings are -ance and -ence. Usually, their adjectives are made with -ant and -ent. Here are some common examples which might help you in the FCE exam.
Noun (-ence) |
Adjective |
Verb |
evidence |
evident |
— |
existence |
existing |
to exist |
(in)dependence |
(in)dependent |
to depend |
difference |
different |
to differ |
intelligence |
intelligent |
— |
(dis)obedience |
(dis)obedient |
to (dis)obey |
excellence |
excellent |
to excel |
silence |
silent |
to silence |
violence |
violent |
to violate |
innocence |
innocent |
— |
occurrence |
— |
to occur |
(im)patience |
(im)patient |
— |
Noun (-ance) |
Adjective |
Verb |
attendance |
— |
to attend |
assistance |
— |
to assist |
(dis)appearance |
apparent |
to (dis)appear |
distance |
distant |
— |
(un)importance |
(un)important |
— |
acceptance |
accepting |
accept |
reassurance |
reassured |
to reassure |
(ir)relevance |
(ir)relevant |
— |
(in)significance |
(in)significant |
to signify |
- Unfortunately, accidents are a common along this road. (OCCUR)
- It’s difficult to believe in the of aliens. (EXIST)
- The police are looking for of the attack. (EVIDENT)
- She thinks everyone hates her and needs from her friends all the time. (REASSURE)
- Scientist believe that the mysterious of millions of bees is due to disease. (APPEAR)
- What’s the best punishment for a teenager? (OBEY)
- What he said was true, but it was completely . (RELEVANCE)
- 100% is necessary to pass this course. (ATTEND)
- I’m the only person who believes in his . Even the police think he’s guilty. (INNOCENT)
- There are three shop over there — you should ask one of them for help. (ASSIST)
- Some people think that if you enjoy your job, the salary is , but I love money! (IMPORTANCE)
- I’m excited because I’ve just got a letter of from Cambridge University! (ACCEPT)
- Cats are extremely animals. They don’t really need people. (DEPEND)
- You need a lot of if you want to work with children. (PATIENT)
Word Formation: Adjectives with -ful/-less
Most adjectives which end in -ful make the negative with -less. But, not all. Note also that we can make adverbs from these adjectives with -fully or -lessly. For example, carefully and carelessly. This is a list of key words which might appear in the FCE exam.
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
care |
care |
careful/careless |
harm |
harm |
harmful/harmless |
help |
help |
(un)helpful/helpless |
hope |
hope |
hopeful/hopeless |
pain |
pain |
painful/painless |
power |
power |
powerful/powerless |
use |
use |
useful/useless |
thought |
think |
thoughtful/thoughtless |
taste |
taste |
tasteful/tasteless |
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
count |
count |
countless/countable |
end |
end |
endless |
home |
— |
homeless |
peace |
— |
peaceful |
play |
play |
playful |
price |
price |
priceless |
success |
succeed |
(un)successful |
truth |
— |
(un)truthful/(un)true |
worth |
worth |
worthless |
Write the correct adjective or adverb for each of these questions. You will need to use -ful/-less or -fully/-lessly. Some answers will also need un-.
What a lovely present! That was very of you. (THINK)- He drives really — one day he’s going to have an accident. (CARE)
- He’s told me times about how good he is at football. (COUNT)
- Because of his bad interview, he was in his job application. (SUCCEED)
- «I didn’t eat your chocolate,» she said , hiding the empty wrapper. (TRUE)
- It’s . England will never win the World Cup football again. (HOPE)
- My best friend is a rich, lawyer. (POWER)
- You must remember to recharge your phone. Without its batteries, it’s . (USE)
- Cigarettes are to your health. (HARM)
- The sales assistant was really and rude. (HELP)
- A newborn baby is completely . (HELP)
- «Don’t worry — this injection will be completely . (PAIN)
- Thieves broke into the museum and stole a painting by Van Gogh. (PRICE)
- She’s really rich, but her clothes are always very and elegant. (TASTE)
- I bought some shares in the company 5 years ago, but unfortunately now they are . (WORTH)
- His speech went on . I thought he’d never stop talking. (END)
Word Formation: Negatives
- Negative prefixes can be used with nouns, verbs, adjective and adverbs. For example disapproval, disapprove, disapproving, disapprovingly.
- Usually im + p (impatient) but not always (unpleasant).
- Often il + l (illegal) but not always (unlikely).
- Often ir + r (irregular) but not always (unresponsive).
- Usually -ful changes to -less (harmful/less) but not always (endless).
un- |
in |
dis- |
im- |
unexpected unaware unbelievable unknown unable |
inaccurate inappropriate inefficient incapable ineffective |
disapprove dislike disagree disbelief dishonest |
improbable impossible impolite imperfect impatient |
il- |
ir- |
mis- |
-less |
illegal illiterate illogical illegible |
irregular irresponsible irrational irregular |
misbehave misunderstand misspell misuse |
careless harmless helpless endless |
- The politician was accused of being (HONEST)
- His story was so I thought he was crazy. (BELIEVE)
- She looked at him in when he told her the shocking news. (BELIEVE)
- Many people are of the dangers of mobile phones. (AWARE)
- He’s invited me to his party. It would be to say no. (POLITE)
- Too many children nowadays are growing up . (LITERATE)
- That’s not what I said! You’ve me. (UNDERSTAND)
- My dog is completely . I promise he won’t bite. (HARM)
- The medicine was — he didn’t recover. (EFFECT)
- His answers were very so he failed the Maths exam. (ACCURATE)
- It’s that people will ever live on the moon. (LIKELY)
- He waited for the train. (PATIENT)
- It’s to smoke in public places nowadays. (LEGAL)
- I would never teach children. They always . (BEHAVE)
- The shirt he’s wearing is completely for a job interview. (APPROPRIATE)
- His speech was . I thought he’d never stop talking. (END)
Word Formation: Irregular Nouns
Noun |
Verb |
Adjective |
Adverb |
(dis)belief |
(dis)believe |
(un)believable |
(un)believably |
a choice |
choose |
chosen |
— |
a defense |
defend |
defensive |
defensively |
a death |
die |
dead/deadly |
deadly |
a gift |
give |
— |
— |
a loss |
lose |
lost |
— |
a marriage |
marry |
(un)married |
— |
practice |
practise |
practising |
— |
pretense |
pretend |
— |
— |
proof |
(dis)prove |
(un)proven |
— |
safety |
save |
(un)safe |
safely |
a sight |
see |
unseen |
— |
a speech |
speak |
(un)spoken |
— |
a success |
succeed |
(un)successful |
(un)successfully |
a thought |
think |
thoughtful/less |
thoughtfully/lessly |
The flowers are poisonous — don’t eat them! (DIE)- You have no — you must do it. (CHOOSE)
- Their was a very happy one. (MARRY)
- You need to do some more of this grammar. (PRACTISE)
- We don’t have any that he committed the crime. (PROVE)
- She’s really about her new haircut.(DEFEND)
- The company made a on their new product. (LOSE)
- I stared at him in . (BELIEVE)
- Your parents really care about your . (SAVE)
- The politician’s really made me think about the issues. (SPEAK)
- We tried to keep up the that everything was OK. (PRETEND)
- I need to get a for my parents’ wedding anniverary. (GIVE)
- I’m really sorry. You were in your job application. (SUCCEED)
- He lost his in the accident (SEE)
- He’s really selfish and . (THINK)
Word Formation: height, width …
The word formation part of the FCE use of English exam often tests adjectives such as ‘short’, ‘wide’, ‘dark’ and their nouns and verbs. Here is a list of some of the more common adjectives and their forms.
Adjective |
Noun |
Verb |
deep |
depth |
deepen |
high |
height |
heighten |
— |
weight |
weigh |
wide |
width |
widen |
long |
length |
lengthen |
short |
shortage (= not enough) |
shorten |
large |
enlargement |
enlarge |
low |
— |
lower |
tight |
tightness |
tighten |
loose |
looseness |
loosen |
strong |
strength |
strengthen |
weak |
weakness |
weaken |
dark |
darkness |
darken |
bright |
brightness |
brighten |
Normally I prefer tall men, but my husband’s isn’t a problem. (SHORT)- The news report covered the economic crisis in . (DEEP)
- A healthy diet will your life expectancy. (LONG)
- If they this road, there would be fewer accidents. (WIDE)
- I think I’ll this photograph. (LARGE)
- The airport has security at passport control. (TIGHT)
- I do yoga to my back. (STRONG)
- There is a water nearly every summer in the south of England. (SHORT)
- The moment I left work I my tie and started to relax. (LOOSE)
- When I myself, I found out I’d lost 10kg! (WEIGHT)
- The of my computer screen gives me a headache. (BRIGHT)
- I’m afraid of so I couldn’t live on the 10th floor. (HIGH)
- The lights went out and the room was plunged into . (DARK)
- I’m afraid of the so I sleep with the lights on. (DARKEN)
- The government are going to the legal drinking age to 18. (LOW)
- His long illness has him. (WEAK)
- English ESL Worksheets
- Grammar Practice
- General grammar practice
- Suffixes (e.g. S, ED, ING, N’T)
Worksheet details
worksheet summary
Multiple choice Word Formation exercises with suffixes changing words into different word categories. Key is given for the exercises.
Language goals
Grammar practice
Grammar topic
Other pedagogical goals
The above lesson is a great teaching resource for:Intermediate (B1)
Student type
This resource is intended for:High schoolers
High schoolers
Solutions included
Quality check
Quality not yet verified by the community.
This resource does not contain any images, words or ideas that would upset a reasonable person in any culture.
Copyright license
This resource is licensed by maker1 under the iSLCollective Copyright License.
Published 06/12/2013
Maker1 is from/lives in Turkey and has been a member of iSLCollective since 2012-01-17. Maker1 last logged in on 2023-03-22, and has shared 79 resources on iSLCollective so far.