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1 слайд
WORD BUILDING (словообразование) (NOUNS- имя существительное) -er, — or To buy- buyer (покупатель) To direct- director ( директор) — (t)ion, (s)ion To collect – collection ( коллекция) To express- expression (выражение) — ment To agree – agreement ( соглашение) To pay – payment ( оплата) inspection improvement instructor production submission waiter recommendation settlement admiration management decision invention achievement selection
2 слайд
Check yourself Пловец- Акция Наслаждение- Писатель- Реклама- Строитель- Ассоциация- Учитель Аргумент- Отделение- Певец- writer advertisement singer association swimmer action enjoyment separation builder argument teacher
3 слайд
WORD BUILDING (словообразование) (NOUNS- имя существительное) — ure To please – pleasure (удовольствие) To press – pressure (давление, нажим) — ance, — ence To differ- difference (различие, разница) To assist – assistance (помощь, содействие) — ing To paint – painting (живопись, картина) To watch – watching (просмотр, наблюдение) swimming, , running, interference, skating, picture, nature skiing, spelling, , seeing, sitting, agriculture
4 слайд
Check yourself perfom play accord prefer read mix meet wash fly ing ance ing ence ing ing ing ure ing
5 слайд
NOUNS- имя существительное — dom Free- freedom (свобода) King- kingdom (королевство) — hood Child- childhood (детство) Brother- brotherhood (братство) — ness Dark- darkness (темнота) Kind- kindness (доброта) — ship Friend- friendship (дружба) Leader- leadership (руководство)
6 слайд
Translate Falsehood Firmness Membership Happiness Neighbourhood Scholarship Wilderness Wisdom Ownership Dampness Relationship соседство сырость ложь владение родство выдержка членство счастье глушь, пустыня мудрость стипендия
7 слайд
Некоторые другие суффиксы для образования существительных -ism — ist — ian — ant, ent — i(ty) — ency — man — y — lion Capitalism Capitalist Magician Accountant, agent Activity Tendency Sportsman Recovery Rebellion
8 слайд
WORD BUILDING (словообразование) (Adjective- имя прилагательное) -able To change- changeable To eat- eatable -ful Beauty- beautiful Care- careful -less Hope- hopeless Home- homeless -y Cloud- cloudy Dirt- dirty 1.Fashionable, remarkable, hospitable 2.Wonderful, cheerful, frightful, restful, helpful, peaceful, thankful, joyful, frightful, successful, truthful, forgetful, respectful. 3. Heartless, friendless, useless, lifeless, fruitless, speechless 4. Sunny, windy, rainy, sanitary
9 слайд
WORD BUILDING (словообразование) (Adjective- имя прилагательное) -ant, ent To differ – different To resist – resistant -ive To act- active To effect- effective — al Centre- central Form- formal — ous Danger- dangerous Glory- glorious Intelligent, pleasant, ancient . Respective, federative, comparative, representative, massive. Architectural, political, mental, natural, chemical, medical, conditional, international, financial. marvelous, enormous, mountainous, imperious, pompous, generous.
10 слайд
Некоторые другие суффиксы для образования прилагательных — ic — an — ish — ed Heroic Russian Yellowish Armed
11 слайд
WORD BUILDING (словообразование) (Verb- глагол) -ate To decorate (украшать, декорировать) — en To frighten (пугать) — fy To unify (объединять) — ize (ise) To organize – (организовать)
12 слайд
Словообразование при помощи приставок (префиксов) un- — придает отрицательное значение или выражает противоположное действие (unhappy, unpack) in- — (перед l превращается в il-, перед m,p — im-, перед r- ir) (incorrect, impossible, irregular) re- — придает значение повторности или совершения действия вновь (reduce, recycle, reread) dis- — обозначает обратное действие, противоположное значению; отсутствие чего-либо, лишение качества ( disagreement, disadvantage, dislike, dislocate, disloyal) mis- — обозначает неправильность, противоположность значению основы (misunderstand, misadvise)
13 слайд
Некоторые другие префиксы Out- (outcome-исход, outcry-крик, протест, outline- очертание, outlook- вид снаружи) Over- (overweight- полнота, overcrowd-переполнять, overflow- переливать) Multi- (multiplication — умножение, multinational- международный ) Pre- (predominance — преобладать, prediction — предсказание)
14 слайд
Некоторые другие префиксы Sub- (subtropical- субтропический, subscription- подпись, subordinate- подчиненный) Non- (non-stop – без остановок, non-smoker- некурящий) Anti- (anti-freeze- незамерзающий, anti-fascist- антифашист, antipathy-антипатия) Counter- (countermand- отменять (приказ), counteract- противодействовать)
15 слайд
Check yourself Unfair- Dishonest- Informal- Illegal- Irresponsible- Incompetent- Inaccurate- Invisible- Unknown- Unambition Inexperienced- Uncertain- Dissatisfied- неумелый неудовлетворенный нечестный неизвестный несправедливый нелегальный неопределенный безответственный неформальный неточный невидимый бесцельный неопытный
16 слайд
WORD BUILDING (adverb-наречие) -ly (slowly, happily, excellently, clearly ) исключение Well — хорошо Better- лучше Best — лучше всех Badly- плохо Worse- хуже Worst – хуже всего Fast — быстро Внимание! Некоторые наречия после добавления суф. -ly имеют другой смысл: late (поздно)- lately (недавно) near(близко) — nearly (почти) hard (упорно) -hardly (едва)
17 слайд
WORD BUILDING (numeral — числительные) -teen six+teen=sixteen 16, но five+teen=fifteen 15 — ty sixty 60, но fifty=50 — th sixth 60-й, но fiftieth= 50-й ВНИМАНИЕ! 1st – first (первый) 2nd- second (второй) 3rd- third (третий) 5th – fifth (пятый) ninth- 9-й twelfth- 12-й twentieth- 20-й ninety-ninth – 99-й
18 слайд
Check yourself Twenty sixth Fourteenth Second Fifty seventh Ninety eighth Fortieth Thirtieth Thirty three Third Третий Тридцатый Второй Двадцать шестой Четырнадцатый Тридцать три Пятьдесят седьмой Сороковой Девяносто восьмой
19 слайд
Read and translate The President proposes, but Congress disposes. Experience is the name of everyone gives to his mistakes. Never work before breakfast, if you have to work before breakfast, get your breakfast first. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Reading is to the mind what exercise to the body. What is done cannot be undone. Better a glorious death than a shameful life. Punctuality is the politeness of kings.
20 слайд
Thank you for attention!
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Презентация по английскому языку на тему WORD BUILDING создана для 7-11 классов. Тема актуальная , так как она присутствует в заданиях ЕГЭ. Презентация объемная и работа над ней у меня заняла большое количество времени. Учащиеся могут проверить свои знания в образовании новых частей речи, но и знания лексики. Презентация можно использовать при изучении английского языка с любым УМК по данной теме. На последнем слайде презентации вы можете прочитать некоторые поговорки и крылатые выражения, что расширит кругозор обучающихся.
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Слайд 1
Afexes -
Слайд 2
The formation of new words without changing their spelling and pronunciation.
From the verb
master – to master
house – to house
water – to water
From the adjective
empty – to empty
white – to white -
Слайд 3
air + field = airfield
birth + place = birthplace -
Слайд 4
syllables which we add before certain words to form new words. The meaning of the new word depends on the prefix that has been usedsyllables which we add to the end of the certain words to from new verbs
Слайд 5
The prefixes below are used to express opposite meanings.
de- (destabilise, dethrone)
dis- (disadvantage, disbelief)
in- (insufficient) ,il- (before l) illegal
im- (before b,m,p) immature, improbable
ir- (before r) irrelevant BUT unreal, unremarkable
non- (non-dairy),
un- (unattractive, uncivilized)
anti – (anticlockwise)
counter- (counterattack) -
Слайд 6
The prefixes with negative meaning
a- (amoral) ab- (absent)
mis- (misread) non- (nonexistent)The prefixes with meaning «too»
over- (to overpay) super- (superior)
ultra- (ultra-shot) out- (outlast) -
Слайд 7
uni- (one) uniform bi- (two) bilingual
co- (with) co-educational inter- (between) interstate
inter- (between) interstate multi- (many) multicultural
post- (after) postwar pre- (before) prenuptial
re- (again) redesign semi- (half) semi-circle
sub- under less- (subordinate)
trans- (travel) transatlantic
pro- (in favour of) pro-American
under- (not enough) underdeveloped
ex- (previous, former) ex-president -
Слайд 8
Nouns referring to people
verb+ -er/-or/-ar(work – worker, act- actor, burgle – burglar)
noun/verb/adjective+ -ist(social-socialist)
verb+ -ant/-ent(assist-assistant, reside – resident)
noun+ -an/-ian(republic – republican, Italy – Italian)
verb+ -ee (passive meaning) (employ – employee) -
Слайд 9
Nouns formed from verbs
–age post-postage
–al propose-proposal
–ance perform-performance
–ence coincide-coincidence
–ation animate-animation
–ion televise-television
–ment employ-employment
–sion pretend-pretension
–tion describe-description
–ure close-closure
–y discover-discovery -
Слайд 10
Nouns formed from adjectives
–ance relevant-relevance
–cy urgent-urgency
–ence patient-patience
–ion isolated-isolation
–iness happy-happiness
–ness sad-sadness
–ity relative-relatively
–ty royal-royalty
–y honest-honesty -
Слайд 11
Adjectives formed from nouns
–ous nausea-nauseous
–al nation-national
–ic history-historic
–ical theatre-theatrical
–ish girl-girlish
–ive suppression-suppressive
–ful (with) dread-dreadful
–less (without) name-nameless
–ant brilliance-brilliant
–able reason-reasonable
–y wealth-wealthy
–ly world-worldly -
Слайд 12
Adjectives formed from verbs
–able treat-treatable
–ible sense-sensible
–ive exclude-exclusive
–ate consider-considerate
–ent differ-deffererntVerbs formed from adjectives
–en bright-brighten
–ise real-realiseVerbs formed from nouns
–en strength-strengthen -
Слайд 13
literature – Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley “Wishes”
Marina Bobrova. 1077/2
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- Количество слайдов: 45
Word-building in Modern English
By word-building are understood processes of producing new words from the resources of this particular language. Together with borrowing, word-building provides for enlarging and enriching the vocabulary of the language.
Morpheme is the smallest recurrent unit of language directly related to meaning
All morphemes are subdivided into two large classes: roots (or radicals) and affixes. The latter, in their turn, fall into prefixes which precede the root in the structure of the word (as in re-read, mispronounce, unwell) and suffixes which follow the root (as in teach-er, cur-able, diet-ate).
We can distinguish words due to a morphological structure Words which consist of a root are called root words : house, room, book, work, port, street, table, etc.
We can distinguish words due to a morphological structure Words which consist of a root and an affix (or several affixes) are called derived words or derivatives and are produced by the process of word-building known as affixation (or derivation) : re-read, mis-pronounce, un — well, teach-er.
We can distinguish words due to a morphological structure A compound word is made when two words are joined to form a new word: dining-room, bluebell (колокольчик) , mother-in-law, good-for-nothing (бездельник)
We can distinguish words due to a morphological structure С ompound-derivatives are words in which the structural integrity of the two free stems is ensured by a suffix referring to the combination as a whole, not to one of its elements: kind-hearted, old-timer, schoolboyishness, teenager.
There are the following ways of word-building : • Affixation • Composition • Conversion • Shortening (Contraction) • Non-productive types of word-building: A) Sound-Imitation B) Reduplication C) Back-Formation (Reversion)
Affixation The process of affixation consists in coining a new word by adding an affix or several affixes to some root morpheme.
The role of the affix in this procedure is very important and therefore it is necessary to consider certain facts about the main types of affixes. From the etymological point of view affixes are classified into the same two large groups as words: native and borrowed.
Some Native Suffixes Noun- f ormi ng -er work er , min er , teach er , paint er , etc. -ness coldn ess , loneli ness , loveli ness , etc. -ing feel ing , mean ing , sing , read ing , etc. -dom free dom , wis dom , king dom , etc. -hood child hood , man hood , mother hood , etc. -ship friend ship , companion ship , master ship , etc. -th leng th , bread th , heal th , tru th , etc.
Some Native Suffixes Adjective-f orming -ful care ful , joy ful , wonder ful , sin ful , skil ful , etc. -less care less , sleep less , cloud less , sense less , etc. -y coz y , tid y , merr y , snow y , show y , etc. -ish Engl ish , Span ish , redd ish , child ish , etc. -ly lone ly , love ly , ug ly , like ly , lord ly , etc. -en wood en , wooll en , silk en , gold en , etc. -some hand some , quarrel some , tire some , etc.
Some Native Suffixes Verb-forming -en wid en , redd en , dark en , sadd en , etc. Adverb-formi ng -ly warm ly , hard ly , simp ly , careful ly , cold ly , etc.
An affix of foreign origin can be regarded as borrowed only after it has begun an independent and active life in the recipient language and it is taking part in the word-making processes of that language. This can only occur when the total of words with this affix is so great in the recipient language as to affect the native speakers’ subconscious to the extent that they no longer realize its foreign flavour and accept it as their own.
By productive affixes we mean the ones, which take part in deriving new words in this particular period of language development. The best way to identify productive affixes is to look for them among neologisms and so-called nonce-words. The adjectives thinnish ( жидковатый) and baldish ( лысоватый) bring to mind dozens of other adjectives made with the same suffix: oldish (староватый) , youngish (моложавый) , mannish (мужеподобная) , girlish (женоподобный) , longish (длинноватый) , yellowish (желтоватый) , etc. The same is well illustrated by the following popular statement: «/ don’t like Sunday evenings: I feel so Mondayish «. ( Ч уувствующий лень поусле воскреусного оутдыха)
One should not confuse the productivity of affixes with their frequency of occurrence. There are quite a number of high-frequency affixes which, nevertheless, are no longer used in word-derivation e. g. the adjective-forming native suffixes — ful, -ly ; the adjective-forming suffixes of Latin origin -ant, -ent, -al which are quite frequent
Some Productive Affixes Noun-forming suffixes — er, -ing, -ness, -ism (materialism), -ist (impressionist), -ance Adjective-forming suffixes -y, -ish, -ed (learned), -able, -less Adverb-forming suffixes -ly Verb-forming suffixes -ize/-ise (realise), -ate Prefixes un- (unhappy), re- (reconstruct), dis- (disappoint)
Some Non-Productive Affixes Noun-forming suffixes -th, -hood Adjective-forming suffixes -ly, -some, -en, -ous Verb-forming suffix -en
Composition is a type of word-building, in which new words are produced by combining two or more stems
Compounds are not homogeneous in structure. Traditionally three types are distinguished: neutral morphological syntactic
Neutral In neutral compounds the process of compounding is realised without any linking elements, by a mere juxtaposition of two stems, as in blackbird (дрозд) shopwindow (витрина) sunflower (подсолнух) bedroom (спальня) etc.
There are three subtypes of neutral compounds depending on the structure of the constituent stems. The examples : shopwindow (витрина), sunflower (подсолнух), bedroom (спальня) represent the subtype which may be described as simple neutral compounds : they consist of simple affixless stems.
Compounds which have affixes in their structure are called derived or derivational compounds. E. g. blue-eyed (голубоглазый) , broad-shouldered (широкоплечий)
The third subtype of neutral compounds is called contracted compounds. These words have a shortened (contracted) stem in their structure: V-day (день победы) (Victory day), G-man (агент ФБР) (Government man «FBI agent»), H-bag (сумочка) (handbag), T-shirt (футболка) , etc.
Morphological compounds are few in number. This type is non-productive. It is represented by words in which two compounding stems are combined by a linking vowel or consonant: e. g. Anglo-Saxon, Franko-Prussian, handiwork( изделие ручной работы) , statesman (политический деятель/политик)
Syntactic These words are formed from segments of speech, preserving in their structure numerous traces of syntagmatic relations typical of speech: articles, prepositions, adverbs. e. g. father-in-law, mother-in-law etc.
Conversion consists in making a new word from some existing word by changing the category of a part of speech, the morphemic shape of the original word remaining unchanged.
It has also a new paradigm peculiar to its new category as a part of speech. Conversion is a convenient and «easy» way of enriching the vocabulary with new words. The two categories of parts of speech especially affected by conversion are nouns and verbs.
Verbs made from nouns are the most numerous amongst the words produced by conversion: e. g. to hand ( передавать ) to back (поддерживать) to face (стоять лицом к кому-либо) to eye (рассматривать) to nose (разнюхивать) to dog (выслеживать)
Nouns are frequently made from verbs: e. g. make (марка) run (бег) find (находка) walk (прогулка) worry (тревога) show (демонстрация) move (движение)
Verbs can also be made from adjectives: e. g. to pale (побледнеть) to yellow (желтеть) to cool (охлаждать) Other parts of speech are not entirely unsusceptible to conversion.
Shortening (Contraction) This comparatively new way of word-building has achieved a high degree of productivity nowadays, especially in American English. Shortenings (or contracted words) are produced in two different ways.
The first way The first is to make a new word from a syllable (rarer, two) of the original word. The latter may lose its beginning (as in phone made from telephone , fence from defence ), its ending (as in hols from holidays , vac from vacation , props from properties , ad from advertisement ) or both the beginning and ending (as in flu from influenza , fridge from refrigerator )
The second way of shortening is to make a new word from the initial letters of a word group: U. N. O. from the United Nations Organisation , B. B. C. from the British Broadcasting Corporation , M. P. from Member of Parliament. This type is called initial shortenings.
Both types of shortenings are characteristic of informal speech in general and of uncultivated speech particularly: E. g. Movie (from moving-picture ), gent (from gentleman ), specs (from spectacles ), circs (from circumstances , e. g. under the circs), I. O. Y. (from I owe you ), lib (from liberty ), cert (from certainty ), exhibish (from exhibition ), posish ( from position )
Non-productive types of word-building Sound-Imitation Words coined by this interesting type of word-building are made by imitating different kinds of sounds that may be produced by human beings : to whisper ( шептать) , to whistle (свистеть) , to sneeze (чихать) , to giggle (хихикать) ;
animals, birds, insects : to hiss (шипеть) , to buzz (жужжать) , to bark (лаять) , to moo (мычать) ; inanimate objects : to boom (гудеть) , to ding-dong (звенеть) , to splash (брызгать);
Reduplication In reduplication new words are made by doubling a stem , either without any phonetic changes as in bye-bye (coll, for good-bye ) or with a variation of the root-vowel or consonant as in ping-pong , chit-chat (this second type is called gradational reduplication ).
This type of word-building is greatly facilitated in Modern English by the vast number of monosyllables. Stylistically speaking, most words made by reduplication represent informal groups: colloquialisms and slang. E. g. walkie-talkie («a portable radio»), riff-raff («the worthless or disreputable element of society»; «the dregs of society»), chi-chi (sl. for chic as in a chi-chi girl)
In a modern novel an angry father accuses his teenager son of doing nothing but dilly-dallying all over the town. ( dilly-dallying — wasting time, doing nothing)
Another example of a word made by reduplication may be found in the following quotation from “The Importance of Being Earnest” by O. Wilde: Lady Bracknell: I think it is high time that Mr. Bunbury made up his mind whether he was going to live or to die. This shilly-shallying with the question is absurd. ( shilly-shallying — irresolution, indecision)
Back-formation Forming the allegedly original stem from a supposed derivative on the analogy of the existing pairs, i. e. the singling-out of a stem from a word which is wrongly regarded as a derivative.
The earliest examples of this type of word-building are the verb to beg ( попрошайничать) that was made from the French borrowing beggar (нищий, бедняк) , to burgle (незаконно проникать в помещение) from burglar (вор-домушник). In all these cases the verb was made from the noun by subtracting what was mistakenly associated with the English suffix -er.
Later examples of back-formation are to blood-transfuse (делать переливание крови) from blood-transfuing , to force-land (совершать вынужденную посадку) from forced landing , to baby-sit ( присматривать за ребенком) from baby-sitter.
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Слайды презентации
Слайд 1
enjoy enjoyment enjoyable
Получать удовольствие
Доставляющий удовольствие
Слайд 2
Create Творить создавать
creative творческий
creation Творение создание (процесс)
Creativity креативность
Creator Создатель творец
Creature Создание
Слайд 3
Beauty красота Beautiful прекрасный
Слайд 4
Science наука Scientist учёный Scientific научный
Слайд 5
Use использовать Useful полезный Using использование Useless бесполезный user пользователь
Слайд 6
Friend друг Friendship дружба Friendly дружелюбный
Unfriendly недружелюбный
Слайд 7
Care забота Careful заботливый Careless бесполезный
Слайд 8
Impress Производить впечатление
Impressive впечатляющий
Impression впечатление
Impressionism импрессионизм
Слайд 9
Talk Разговаривать болтать
Talker говорящий
Talkative разговорчивый
Talking говорящий
Слайд 10
help помогать Helper помощник Helpful отзывчивый Helpless беспомощный
Слайд 11
Love любить Loving любящий Lovely милый
Слайд 12
Russia Россия Russian русский
Слайд 13
History история
historic Исторический (имеющий историческое значение)
Historical Исторический (связанный с историей)
Слайд 14
Music музыка Musical музыкальный Musician музыкант
Список похожих презентаций
Word formation (словообразование)
depend (on/upon) v зависеть (от). dependent a зависимый, зависящий (от). dependence n зависимость, доверие. independent a независимый, не зависящий …
The printed word
The Earliest Books Tablets of wood Clay tablets. Ancient World Papyrus Parchment. The First Public Library Library in Greece Celsius Library. The …
Советы как сделать хороший доклад презентации или проекта
- Постарайтесь вовлечь аудиторию в рассказ, настройте взаимодействие с аудиторией с помощью наводящих
вопросов, игровой части, не бойтесь пошутить и искренне улыбнуться (где это уместно). - Старайтесь объяснять слайд своими словами, добавлять дополнительные интересные факты, не нужно
просто читать информацию со слайдов, ее аудитория может прочитать и сама. - Не нужно перегружать слайды Вашего проекта текстовыми блоками, больше иллюстраций и минимум текста
позволят лучше донести информацию и привлечь внимание. На слайде должна быть только ключевая
информация, остальное лучше рассказать слушателям устно. - Текст должен быть хорошо читаемым, иначе аудитория не сможет увидеть подаваемую информацию, будет
сильно отвлекаться от рассказа, пытаясь хоть что-то разобрать, или вовсе утратит весь интерес. Для
этого нужно правильно подобрать шрифт, учитывая, где и как будет происходить трансляция презентации,
а также правильно подобрать сочетание фона и текста. - Важно провести репетицию Вашего доклада, продумать, как Вы поздороваетесь с аудиторией, что скажете
первым, как закончите презентацию. Все приходит с опытом. - Правильно подберите наряд, т.к. одежда докладчика также играет большую роль в восприятии его
выступления. - Старайтесь говорить уверенно, плавно и связно.
- Старайтесь получить удовольствие от выступления, тогда Вы сможете быть более непринужденным и будете
меньше волноваться.