Word building prefix over

Словообразование — это один из самых простых способов расширения словарного запаса. Допустим, у вас уже есть определенные знания глаголов, прилагательных, существительных. Теперь вы можете на этой основе умножить свой багаж лексики вдвое, практически ничего не запоминая и не заучивая. В английском языке существует большое количество приставок и суффиксов, которые в различной мере меняют значения известных нам слов.

Не всем по силам сразу запомнить все приставки и их значения, поэтому на страницах нашего сайта мы будем публиковать материалы, посвященные отдельным суффиксам и приставкам.

В этой статье мы подробно познакомимся с приставкой over.

Слово over знакомо вам, как предлог. Over в качестве предлога имеет ряд разных значений, но чаще всего обозначает «над, сверх, поверх, выше».  Во многих случаях over выступает эквивалентом предлога above. На нашем сайте есть целая статья, посвященная этой теме.

Приставка over переняла значения предлога и если она добавляется к глаголу, то он приобретает дополнительный оттенок. К прилагательным over добавляется редко и это в основном прилагательные, образованные от глаголов. В качестве приставки over может иметь три основных значения, о которых я расскажу ниже и приведу примеры.

  1. Чрезмерность, избыточность

    В этом значении over добавляется к глаголам, не относящимся к направленным движениям, а, скорее, к процессам. Over выражает избыточность, чрезмерность выполнения действия и соответствует приставкам пере- , сверх —.

    overcook  — переварить/пережарить

    overeat — переедать

    overpay — переплачивать

    overestimate — переоценивать

    overload — перегружать

    overcharge — запрашивать слишком дорого

    overcrowd — переполнять (о людях)

    overbook — регистрировать больше клиентов, чем имеется мест (на самолет, в отеле)

    Соответственно, от многих из этих глаголов можно образовать причастия, которые будут иметь функции прилагательных:

    overcooked — переваренный

    overestimated — переоцененный

    overcrowded — переполненный

    overbooked — рейс, на который продали больше билетов, чем имеется мест

  2. Движение над чем-либо

    C глаголами движения, которые имеют направление, приставка over обозначает перемещение над чем-либо в пространстве:

    overleap — перепрыгивать

    overfly — перелетать

  3. Покрытие

    Также приставка over придает глаголу дополнительное значение — покрывать, накладывать:

    overcloud — покрываться тучами (о небе)

    overdye — перекрасить в другой цвет, покрыть краской

    overlap — перекрывать, накладывать одно на другое

    overlay — покрывать, накладывать слой 

    В немногих случаях приставка over может использоваться с прилагательным. Тогда приставку можно переводить отдельным словом — слишком или чрезмерно:

    overconfident — слишком уверенный

    over-optimistic — чрезмерно оптимистичный

    overanxious — слишком взволнованный

Однако, не любое слово с приставкой пере- можно переводить на английский, используя over. Так как в русском языке пере- может обозначать «сделать заново, переделать». Например, переписать, перечитать, перевоспитывать и так далее.

Для этих слов, будет использоваться другая приставка: re-, которой посвящена отдельная статья в нашем блоге!

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Prefixes (parts of a word that are added before the word) can really change the meaning of a word. Today we’ll look at the prefixes «over-» and «under-» and see what new words they help create.

Underestimate / overestimate —  недооценивать / переоценивать
I underestimated how much money I would need for this project. We’ve had to review our budget several times! We overestimated the number of guests and now we have too much food!

Oversleep — проспать
John forgot to set his alarm clock so of course he overslept!

Overeat — переедать
People often overeat during the holidays.

Underpay — платить недостаточно
I think you should find a new job. You are definitely underpaid in this company!

Overwork — работать слишком много
Many interns are overworked and stressed but they put up with it because they are hoping to get a good job.

Overdo — перестараться / переутомляться
After you leave the hospital, you may go back to your usual activities but try to overdo it.

Undercooked — недостаточно проваренно / прожаренно
I think the restaurant should not have included the chicken dish in our bill. After all, I had to return the chicken to the kitchen because it was undercooked. Everybody knows eating undercooked chicken is dangerous.

Overpriced — непомерно дорогой
A perfect example of something that is overpriced is airport food. They have all the same restaurants as in the city but you pay twice as much for the the same or even smaller portions.

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I’ve been teaching prefixes for many years to help my students increase their English vocabulary. I used my experience and some extra research to write this detailed study of how to use Over and Under as Prefixes.

Over is used as a prefix to mean excessively or too much
“The airport said my suitcase is overweight.” – it weighs too much.
Under is used as a prefix to mean below or not enough
“This steak is undercooked.” – it is not cooked enough.

Over – prefix = excessively or too much
overweight – weigh too much (adjective)
overconfident – be excessively [too] confident (adjective)
overeat – eat too much (verb)
Under – prefix = below or not enough 
underwater – below the surface of the water (adjective)
undercooked – not cooked enough (adjective)
underqualified – not having enough qualifications (adjective)

Do you know what a prefix is? A prefix is: a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning, such as un- in unhappy and pre- in preheat

OVER as a Prefix

The prefix over can be added to verbs, nouns, and adjectives to show that something is too much or it was done more than we need. 
overcook (verb) to cook something too much
overachiever (noun) someone who tries too hard to be successful at work
overrated (adjective) rated too high

If your luggage is too heavy when you weigh it at the airport, your bags are overweight. (Overweight is an adjective.)

Over and Under as prefixes
My suitcase is overweight.

If you eat too much at a buffet and now your stomach hurts, it may be because you overate. (Overate is the past tense of the verb overeat.)

Over and Under as prefixes
I overate at the buffet.

Both these words (overweight – overeat) show that something is too much or was done too much.

Let me give you a few more examples of how we use these words in natural sentences.

  • “I can’t believe my team lost the league championship after we played such a great season. I guess we thought the final would be easy so we were overconfident.”
    = excessively (too) confident
  • “Some people have actually died from overwork! Remember to keep time in your life for fun too!”

Overwork is a noun in this sentence. Overwork can also be a verb.

  • “Work hard but be careful not to overwork.”

OVER can also mean COMPLETELY or totally

  • “I was overjoyed when I found out that I won a free vacation!” = completely happy

Did you know? Verbs have a Past Participle form that can be used as an adjective. Learn more at my post: Use Past Participles The Right Way (25 examples + PDF list)

UNDER as a Prefix

The prefix under can be added to verbs, nouns, and adjectives to show that something is below a certain level or it is not enough for our needs
undercook (verb) to not cook something enough
undergraduate (noun) a first-level university student
underhanded (adjective) secret and dishonest

You may already know some common words that use this prefix.


Over and Under as prefixes
Subways are trains that travel in tunnels underground.


These words talk about a position or location, they mean below ground and below the surface of the water.

Let me give you a few more examples of how we use UNDER as a prefix where the meaning is NOT ENOUGH

“I’m gonna send this hamburger back. It’s undercooked.”  = not cooked enough
(Undercooked is an adjective.)

Over and Under as prefixes
I'm gonna send this hamburger back. It's undercooked.

Increase your vocabulary with the suffix ~ OUS

“Peter applied for a new job but he was underqualified.”  = Peter doesn’t have enough qualifications for this job
(Underqualified is an adjective.)

“I think that Batman vs Superman was a good movie. It’s underrated in my opinion.” I think it’s not rated high enough. People are unfairly​ judging the movie (in my opinion)

Undercookedunderqualified, and underrated are adjectives.

Some people who work very hard at their job but feel like they don’t get enough money might say:

  • “I’m overworked and underpaid.”

– both of these words are adjectives.

Over and Under as prefixes
I'm overworked and underpaid.

20 more examples of words with the prefixes OVER and UNDER

Definitions from https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/ 

I chose 10 words for each prefix, but there are hundreds to choose from. For this list, I have chosen words that I have used, heard, or read in the news recently.

The website The Free Dictionary dot com has a much longer list if you would like to take a look. (Links at the bottom of each list.)

10 words with the prefix OVER (+ 1)

overdo – to do too much (verb)
My back is really sore today. I think I overdid it at the gym yesterday.

overdone – done too much (adjective)
This steak is overdone. (= cooked too much)

oversee – to watch somebody/something and make sure that a job or an activity is done correctly (verb)
The architect oversaw the building of the model house.

overlook – to fail to see or notice something (verb X3)
We should not overlook this possibility.

overlook – to see something wrong or bad but decide to ignore it
I can overlook your mistakes this time but please be more careful in the future.

overlook – if a building, etc. overlooks a place, you can see that place from the building
My wife and I had dinner at a great restaurant overlooking the ocean.

overachiever – a person who tries too hard to be successful in their work (noun)
Spencer comes in early and works overtime every day. He is such an overachiever

overbearing – ​trying to control other people in an unpleasant way (adjective)
I feel bad for Ken. His mother is really overbearing.

overhaul – an examination of a machine or system, including doing repairs on it or making changes to it (noun)
I’m going to do an overhaul of my entire website.

overhaul – to examine every part of a machine, system, etc. and make any necessary changes or repairs (verb)
We need to overhaul the car’s engine. It’s gonna be expensive.

override – to use your authority to reject somebody’s decision, order, etc. (verb X3)
The chairman overrode the committee’s objections and signed the agreement.

override – to be more important than something
Safety concerns override all other issues.

override – to interrupt the action of a device that usually works by itself in order to control it yourself
I had to override my computer after I forgot my password.

overcharge – to make somebody pay too much for something (verb)
It’s a popular nightclub but they will overcharge you on the drinks if you don’t watch the bartenders carefully.

overturn – overturn something to officially decide that a legal decision, etc. is not correct, and to make it no longer legally recognized (verb)
The verdict was overturned by the appeal court.


10 words with the prefix UNDER

undergo – to experience something, especially a change or something unpleasant (verb)
– New COVID-19 vaccines are currently undergoing trials in Asia.

underway – ​having started (adjective)
New vaccine trials are underway.

undertake – to make yourself responsible for something and start doing it (verb)
This task has been undertaken by a group of new employees.

underhanded – secret and dishonest (adjective) 
Too many leaders and business owners are involved in underhanded deals.

underprivileged – having less money and fewer opportunities than most people in society (adjective)
We need more programs in place to support the underprivileged in our society.

underlying – important in a situation but not always easily noticed or stated clearly (adjective)
Unemployment may be an underlying cause of the rising crime rate.

undermine – to make something, especially somebody’s confidence or authority, gradually weaker or less effective (verb)
Budget cuts have undermined our efforts to vaccinate more people.

undergraduate – a university or college student who is studying for their first degree *This is commonly shortened to undergrad. (noun)
I teach language communication to undergrads at university.

underdog – a person, team, country, etc. that is thought to be in a weaker position than others and therefore not likely to be successful, win a competition, etc. (noun)
In politics, he was a champion of the underdog (= always fought for the rights of weaker people).

underage – done by people who are too young by law (adjective)
The police shut down the party due to all the underage drinking.


Over and Under as prefixes PDF E-guide (free!)

Do you know any other words that use the prefixes over or under? Write them in the comments.

Keep growing your English vocabulary with Prefixes and Suffixes! Find more great posts right HERE >> Prefixes – Suffixes

Оглавление —> Все префиксы

Давайте рассмотрим префиксы: «FORE-«, «OUT-» «OVER».

Префикс «FORE -«.

1. СМЫСЛ префикса «FORE-» — ПЕРЕД, ВПЕРЕДИ, ПРЕД. Это очень четкий сигнал — увидите “FOR” или “FORE” в составе слова — это всегда что-то связано с передним местоположением относительно остальных, или с предыдущим событием по времени . Вспомните слово — “forward” = форвард — нападающий в футболе или “before” = до того, прежде, до этого.

2. Прибавляется к любым словам, добавляя смысл префикса и оставляя в той же части речи. Если прибавили к существительному — то получили новое существительное, прибавили к глаголу — получили глагол, но с обновленным значением.

Вот несколько примеров:

FORE + father (отец) = forefather — предок;

FORE + finger ( палец) = forefinger — указательный палец;

FORE + to go ( ходить) = to forego — предшествовать;

FORE + leg ( нога) = foreleg  — передняя нога или лапа;

FORE + to know ( знать) = to foreknow — заранее знать;

FORE + to see ( видеть) = to foresee –предвидеть;

FORE + to cast ( бросать) — to forecast -предвидеть, предсказывать.

Префикс «OUT-«.

1. СМЫСЛ ( общий) префикса «OUT-» — ВНЕ, СНАРУЖИ, НАРУЖУ. Если в начале слова стоит “OUT”- это знак того, что в слове есть смысл “выхода наружу” или местоположение «вне» или состояние вне чего-либо.

2. Прибавляется к любым словам, оставляя в той же части речи. Однако по этому вопросу стоит пройтись поподробнее.

а) OUT + глагол = “ПЕРЕ” придаёт значение превосходства.

OUT + to shout = outshout — to перекричать;

OUT + to run = outrun — to перегнать;

OUT + to bid = outbid — to перебивать цену, превзойти, перещеголять.

б) + глагол =“ВЫ” придает значение завершенности, выполнения

OUT + to speak = to outspeak — высказаться;

OUT + to drink = outdrink — выпить;

в) OUT + существительное или прилагательное придает значения выхода, проявления или отдаленности.

OUT + house = outhouse — сарай, надворное строение.

OUT + break = outbreak — взрыв, вспышка ( чего угодно: вспышка гнева, взрыв чувств, восстание, внезапное начало войны и т.д.)

OUT + lying = outlying — отдаленный, удаленный.

Префикс «OVER-«.

1. СМЫСЛ префикса «OVER-» — СВЕРХ, НАД, ЧРЕЗМЕРНО, СЛИШКОМ, ЧЕРЕСЧУР, ПЕРЕ. Если английское слово начинается на префикс “OVER” — то в слове присутствует смысл чрезмерности, а если речь идет о местоположении, то это нахождение сверху, над чем-то.

2. Прибавляется к любым словам.

OVER + to sleep = to oversleep — заспаться, переспать;

OVER + much = overmuch — слишком много

OVER + to pay = to overpay — заплатить слишком много, переплатить;

OVER + dress = overdress — верхняя одежда;

OVER + balance = overbalance — перевес, избыток.


OVER = смысл: ВЕРХ, ВВЕРХУ, НАД чем-то; значит антоним будет UNDER = ВНИЗУ , ПОД чем-то.

OUT = смысл: ВНЕ, СНАРУЖИ чего-то; значит антоним будет IN = ВНУТРИ чего-то.

  • 12 / 07 / 2021

  • 2747

приставка over

Префиксация относится к продуктивным словообразовательным способам в английском. Присоединение приставок изменяет значения лексем. В качестве примера рассмотрим, что значит over в английском.

Особенности приставок

Префиксы в английском образуют новые лексические единицы либо придают дополнительно значения словам. В английском префикс добавляется к основе, дополняет либо изменяет значение словоформы. У английских приставок отмечают особенности, если сравнивают с русским языком:

  1. Префикс в русском не влияет на изменение части речи исходного слова, служит для добавления нового значения: писать – переписать – написать – надписать – подписать. В английском префиксы могут образовывать слова, принадлежащие иным частя речи: board — борт судна (noun) – overboard –за бортом (adverb).
  2. Если в русском новые глаголы получают при помощи префиксов, то в английском зачастую пользуются предлогами: to look — смотреть, осматривать – to look for (искать), to look after (ухаживать), to look out (наблюдать), to look over (просматривать).
  3. Правописание приставок – слитное или раздельное – отличается в британском и американском вариантах: overhaul (осматривать тщательно), over-indulgence (злоупотребление). В американском английском префиксы пишутся слитно со словами.

Значение приставки over

В английском форма приставки over идентична предлогу, что обозначает выше, сверх, над, поверх. Часто over – синоним предлога above. Значение приставки over совпадает с предлогом:

1. Переизбыток, излишек, чрезмерность

Over присоединяется к глаголам, что относятся к процессам, а не направленному перемещению. Приставка over переводится как сверх -,пере-:



Andrew disliked her performance, she overplayed it.

Эндрю не понравилось ее выступление, она переигрывала.


покупать слишком много (в большом количестве)

Kitty overbought meat and vegetables.

Китти купила слишком много мяса и овощей.


толпиться, переполнять

Did shoppers overcrowd the trading floor?

Покупатели переполняли торговый зал?



Do not overdo it; otherwise your back will hurt.

Не переусердствуй, иначе будет болеть спина.


пить слишком много, перепиться

Henry felt bad, he had overdrunk the day before.

Генри чувствовал себя плохо, он выпил слишком много накануне.


превосходить умением, силой

Lee overmatches his classmates, doesn’t he?

Ли превосходит своих одноклассников силой, правда?


переливание через край, наводнение

The unclosed tap is the cause of water overflow.

Незакрытый кран – причина переливания воды через край.



Does the overheat in the sun lead to the growth of heart attacks?

Перегрев на солнце вызывает рост сердечных приступов?



Who called himself superman?

Кто называл себя суперменом?


слишком много, чрезмерно

Ken chatted incessantly overmuch.

Кен ботал без умолку слишком много.



Is this district overpeopled?

Этот район перенаселенный?


переутомленный работой, перегруженный деталями

Linda was overwrought that why she went to bed earlier than usual.

Линда была переутомлена работой, поэтому легла спать раньше обычного.

2. Местоположение

Префикс over- в глаголах указывает на направление движения над чем-нибудь, положение в пространстве:



The owners decided to overbuild the garage.

Хозяева решили надстроить гараж.


печатать поверх изображения

It took Luke 30 minutes to overprint the text.

Люку понадобилось 30 минут, чтобы напечатать текст поверх изображения.



The rock overhangs the road and frightens the tourists.

Скала свисает над дорогой и пугает туристов.



Why did Al overjump the stone?

Почему Эл перепрыгнул через камень?


возвышаться (над местностью)

The village overlooked the countryside, didn’t it?

Деревня возвышалась над местностью, не так ли?


брать верх, пересиливать

Bad forebodings overpowered, didn’t allow Ann to work calmly.

Недобрые предчувствия брали верх, не давали Эн спокойно работать.


верхний, надземный, наверху

Overhead irritation of maize effects its rapid growth.

Надземное дождевание кукурузы способствует ее быстрому росту.


выше колен

The overknee skirt showed off Lina’s slender legs.

Юбка выше колен открывала стройные ноги Лины.

3. Покрытие

Приставка over- может использоваться в значении накладывать, покрывать:

overarch (v.)

образовывать арку, покрывать сводом

The green poplars on the sides of the road overarched.

Зеленые тополя по сторонам дороги образовывали арку.

overcast (n., adj.)

сплошная облачность, покрытый облаками

Overcast made it difficult to fly.

Сплошная облачность затрудняла полет.

overdye (v.)

сделать очень темным, перекрасить

When did Nina overdye the fence?

Когда Нина перекрасила забор?

overgild (v.)


He came up with the idea to overglid the bells.

К нему пришла идея позолотить колокола.

overlay (n.)

покрывало, салфетка

What overlay did Lucy choose?

Какую салфетку выбрала Люси?

overlap (v.)

частично покрывать, совпадать

Did both schedules overlap a little?

Оба графика совпали немного?

overshadow (v.)


Liza overshadows this flower to make it grow faster.

Лиза затеняет цветок, чтобы заставить расти его быстрее.

На заметку. Префикс under- является антонимом over-, в переводе означает под-, недо-:
underground – подземка, метро, underclothes – нижнее белье,underdeveloped – недоразвитый.

Какие части речи образуются

Слова с приставкой over – это не только глаголы и наречия, но и прилагательные вместе с существительными и причастиями:






панически настроенный





Participle II

перелитый через край, опустошенный, заросший


noun, adjective, adverb

спецодежда, общий, повсеместно







overwinter (v.)



overboil (v.)



overmaster (v.)


подчинить себе

overleaf (adv.)


на обратной стороне страницы (листа)



чрезвычайно, очень

Внимание! Глагол oversleep означает в переводе проспать. При употреблении oversleep прямое дополнение не требуется:
Did Kelly oversleep for the date? Келли проспала свидание?

Знание слов с приставкой over в английском языке поможет разобраться в сложном тексте и упростит понимание разговорной речи. Учащиеся смогут догадаться и определить значение неизученных слов.

Prefix OVER is widely used to form new words which may convey totally different meanings. A Prefix is placed before a root word to make a new word.

Here is the list of words with the Prefix


  1. Overburdened
  2. Overconfident
  3. Overdo
  4. Overflow
  5. Overindulge
  6. Overjoyed
  7. Overpaid
  8. Overproduction
  9. Overreact
  10. Override
  11. Overstate
  12. Overturn
  13. Overwork

Prefixes Index

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Prefixes of over

  • discover

    • verb discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of
      notice; observe; detect; find.
      • She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water
      • We found traces of lead in the paint
    • verb get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally
      pick up; get a line; see; hear; learn; find out; get wind; get word.
      • I learned that she has two grown-up children
      • I see that you have been promoted

    • More ‘discover’ Meaning
    • discover Idioms/Phrases
    • discover Associated Words
    • discover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • discover Related Words
  • cover

    • noun a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something
      concealment; covert; screen.
      • a screen of trees afforded privacy
      • under cover of darkness
      • the brush provided a covert for game
      • the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background
    • noun bedding that keeps a person warm in bed
      • he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep

    • More ‘cover’ Meaning
    • cover Idioms/Phrases
    • cover Associated Words
    • cover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • cover Related Words
  • recover

    • verb get or find back; recover the use of
      regain; retrieve; find.
      • She regained control of herself
      • She found her voice and replied quickly
    • verb get over an illness or shock
      recuperate; convalesce.
      • The patient is recuperating

    • More ‘recover’ Meaning
    • recover Idioms/Phrases
    • recover Associated Words
    • recover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • recover Related Words
  • turnover

    • noun the ratio of the number of workers that had to be replaced in a given time period to the average number of workers
      employee turnover; turnover rate.
    • noun a dish made by folding a piece of pastry over a filling

    • More ‘turnover’ Meaning
    • turnover Idioms/Phrases
    • turnover Associated Words
    • turnover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • turnover Related Words
  • lover

    • noun a person who loves someone or is loved by someone
    • noun an ardent follower and admirer
      devotee; fan; buff.

    • More ‘lover’ Meaning
    • lover Idioms/Phrases
    • lover Associated Words
    • lover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • lover Related Words
  • moreover

    • adverb in addition; furthermore, their quality is improving»; moreover, mice nested there»
      furthermore; what is more.
      • computer chess games are getting cheaper all the time
      • the cellar was dark
      • what is more, there’s no sign of a change

    • More ‘moreover’ Meaning
    • moreover Associated Words
    • moreover Related Words
  • hoover

    • verb clean with a vacuum cleaner
      vacuum-clean; vacuum.
      • vacuum the carpets
    • noun United States industrialist who manufactured vacuum cleaners (1849-1932)
      William Hoover; William Henry Hoover.

    • More ‘hoover’ Meaning
    • hoover Idioms/Phrases
    • hoover Associated Words
    • hoover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hoover Related Words
  • takeover

    • noun a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force
      coup; coup d’etat; putsch.
    • noun a change by sale or merger in the controlling interest of a corporation

    • More ‘takeover’ Meaning
    • takeover Idioms/Phrases
    • takeover Associated Words
    • takeover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • takeover Related Words
  • rover

    • noun someone who leads a wandering unsettled life
      roamer; bird of passage; wanderer.
    • noun an adult member of the Boy Scouts movement

    • More ‘rover’ Meaning
    • rover Idioms/Phrases
    • rover Associated Words
    • rover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • rover Related Words
  • dove

    • noun any of numerous small pigeons
    • noun someone who prefers negotiations to armed conflict in the conduct of foreign relations

    • More ‘dove’ Meaning
    • dove Idioms/Phrases
    • dover Associated Words
    • dover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • dover Related Words
  • uncover

    • verb make visible
      bring out; reveal; unveil.
      • Summer brings out bright clothes
      • He brings out the best in her
    • verb remove all or part of one’s clothes to show one’s body
      • uncover your belly
      • The man exposed himself in the subway

    • More ‘uncover’ Meaning
    • uncover Associated Words
    • uncover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • uncover Related Words
  • crossover

    • noun the interchange of sections between pairing homologous chromosomes during the prophase of meiosis
      crossing over.
    • noun a voter who is registered as a member of one political party but who votes in the primary of another party
      crossover voter.

    • More ‘crossover’ Meaning
    • crossover Idioms/Phrases
    • crossover Associated Words
    • crossover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • crossover Related Words
  • hanover

    • noun a port city in northwestern Germany; formerly a member of the Hanseatic League
    • noun the English royal house that reigned from 1714 to 1901 (from George I to Victoria)
      Hanoverian line; House of Hanover.

    • More ‘hanover’ Meaning
    • hanover Idioms/Phrases
    • hanover Associated Words
    • hanover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hanover Related Words
  • clover

    • noun a plant of the genus Trifolium

    • More ‘clover’ Meaning
    • clover Idioms/Phrases
    • clover Associated Words
    • clover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • clover Related Words
  • mover

    • noun workman employed by a moving company
      • the movers were very careful with the grand piano
    • noun (parliamentary procedure) someone who makes a formal motion

    • More ‘mover’ Meaning
    • mover Idioms/Phrases
    • mover Associated Words
    • mover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • mover Related Words
  • hover

    • verb be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action
      vacillate; vibrate; oscillate.
      • He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement
    • verb move to and fro
      • The shy student lingered in the corner

    • More ‘hover’ Meaning
    • hover Idioms/Phrases
    • hover Associated Words
    • hover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hover Related Words
  • leftover

    • noun a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists
    • adjective satellite not used up
      left over; unexpended; odd; remaining; left.
      • leftover meatloaf
      • she had a little money left over so she went to a movie
      • some odd dollars left
      • saved the remaining sandwiches for supper
      • unexpended provisions

    • More ‘leftover’ Meaning
    • leftover Associated Words
    • leftover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • leftover Related Words
  • rollover

    • noun the act of changing the institution that invests your pension plan without incurring a tax penalty

    • More ‘rollover’ Meaning
    • rollover Associated Words
    • rollover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • rollover Related Words
  • handover

    • noun act of relinquishing property or authority etc
      • the handover of occupied territory

    • More ‘handover’ Meaning
    • handover Associated Words
    • handover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • handover Related Words
  • changeover

    • noun an event that results in a transformation
      conversion; transition.

    • More ‘changeover’ Meaning
    • changeover Associated Words
    • changeover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • changeover Related Words
  • spillover

    • noun (economics) any indirect effect of public expenditure

    • More ‘spillover’ Meaning
    • spillover Associated Words
    • spillover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • spillover Related Words
  • hangover

    • noun disagreeable aftereffects from the use of drugs (especially alcohol)
    • noun an official who remains in office after his term

    • More ‘hangover’ Meaning
    • hangover Associated Words
    • hangover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hangover Related Words
  • rediscover

    • verb discover again
      • I rediscovered the books that I enjoyed as a child

    • More ‘rediscover’ Meaning
    • rediscover Associated Words
    • rediscover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • rediscover Related Words
  • makeover

    • noun an overall beauty treatment (involving a person’s hair style and cosmetics and clothing) intended to change or improve a person’s appearance
    • noun a complete reconstruction and renovation of something
      • the blighted neighborhood underwent a total makeover

    • More ‘makeover’ Meaning
    • makeover Associated Words
    • makeover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • makeover Related Words
  • hannover

    • noun a port city in northwestern Germany; formerly a member of the Hanseatic League

    • More ‘hannover’ Meaning
    • hannover Associated Words
    • hannover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hannover Related Words
  • hardcover

    • noun a book with cardboard or cloth or leather covers
    • adjective satellite having a hard back or cover
      hardbound; hardbacked; hardback.
      • hardback books

    • More ‘hardcover’ Meaning
    • hardcover Associated Words
    • hardcover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hardcover Related Words
  • undercover

    • adjective satellite conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods
      hugger-mugger; clandestine; secret; hole-and-corner; surreptitious; underground; cloak-and-dagger; hush-hush.
      • clandestine intelligence operations
      • cloak-and-dagger activities behind enemy lines
      • hole-and-corner intrigue
      • secret missions
      • a secret agent
      • secret sales of arms
      • surreptitious mobilization of troops
      • an undercover investigation
      • underground resistance

    • More ‘undercover’ Meaning
    • undercover Idioms/Phrases
    • undercover Associated Words
    • undercover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • undercover Related Words
  • glove

    • noun the handwear used by fielders in playing baseball
      baseball glove; baseball mitt; mitt.
    • noun handwear: covers the hand and wrist

    • More ‘glove’ Meaning
    • glove Idioms/Phrases
    • glover Associated Words
    • glover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • glover Related Words
  • grove

    • noun a small growth of trees without underbrush
    • noun garden consisting of a small cultivated wood without undergrowth
      woodlet; orchard; plantation.

    • More ‘grove’ Meaning
    • grover Associated Words
    • grover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • grover Related Words
  • improver

    • noun someone devoted to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms
      humanitarian; do-gooder.
    • noun a component that is added to something to improve it
      addition; add-on.
      • the addition of a bathroom was a major improvement
      • the addition of cinnamon improved the flavor

    • More ‘improver’ Meaning
    • improver Associated Words
    • improver Prefix/Suffix Words
    • improver Related Words
  • remover

    • noun a solvent that removes a substance (usually from a surface)
      • paint remover
      • rust remover
      • hair remover
    • noun someone who works for a company that moves furniture

    • More ‘remover’ Meaning
    • remover Idioms/Phrases
    • remover Associated Words
    • remover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • remover Related Words
  • stopover

    • noun a stopping place on a journey
      way station.
      • there is a stopover to change planes in Chicago
    • noun a brief stay in the course of a journey
      stop; layover.
      • they made a stopover to visit their friends

    • More ‘stopover’ Meaning
    • stopover Associated Words
    • stopover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • stopover Related Words
  • holdover

    • noun an official who remains in office after his term
    • noun something that has survived from the past
      • a holdover from the sixties
      • hangovers from the 19th century

    • More ‘holdover’ Meaning
    • holdover Associated Words
    • holdover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • holdover Related Words
  • drover

    • noun someone who drives a herd
      herder; herdsman.

    • More ‘drover’ Meaning
    • drover Associated Words
    • drover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • drover Related Words
  • layover

    • noun a brief stay in the course of a journey
      stop; stopover.
      • they made a stopover to visit their friends

    • More ‘layover’ Meaning
    • layover Associated Words
    • layover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • layover Related Words
  • pushover

    • noun someone who is easily taken advantage of
    • noun any undertaking that is easy to do
      picnic; walkover; duck soup; piece of cake; breeze; child’s play; cinch; snap.
      • marketing this product will be no picnic

    • More ‘pushover’ Meaning
    • pushover Associated Words
    • pushover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pushover Related Words
  • flyover

    • noun bridge formed by the upper level of a crossing of two highways at different levels
    • noun a flight at a low altitude (usually of military aircraft) over spectators on the ground
      flypast; fly-by.

    • More ‘flyover’ Meaning
    • flyover Associated Words
    • flyover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • flyover Related Words
  • rickover

    • noun United States admiral who advocated the development of nuclear submarines (1900-1986)
      Hyman Rickover; Hyman George Rickover.

    • More ‘rickover’ Meaning
    • rickover Idioms/Phrases
    • rickover Associated Words
    • rickover Related Words
  • sleepover

    • noun an occasion of spending a night away from home or having a guest spend the night in your home (especially as a party for children)

    • More ‘sleepover’ Meaning
    • sleepover Associated Words
    • sleepover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sleepover Related Words
  • groundcover

    • noun low-growing plants planted in deep shade or on a steep slope where turf is difficult to grow
      ground cover.
    • noun small plants other than saplings growing on a forest floor
      ground cover.

    • More ‘groundcover’ Meaning
    • groundcover Associated Words
    • groundcover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • groundcover Related Words
  • approver

    • noun an authority with power to approve

    • More ‘approver’ Meaning
    • approver Associated Words
    • approver Prefix/Suffix Words
    • approver Related Words
  • stover

    • noun the dried stalks and leaves of a field crop (especially corn) used as animal fodder after the grain has been harvested

    • More ‘stover’ Meaning
    • stover Associated Words
    • stover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • stover Related Words
  • plover

    • noun any of numerous chiefly shorebirds of relatively compact build having straight bills and large pointed wings; closely related to the sandpipers

    • More ‘plover’ Meaning
    • plover Idioms/Phrases
    • plover Associated Words
    • plover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • plover Related Words
  • pullover

    • noun a sweater that is put on by pulling it over the head

    • More ‘pullover’ Meaning
    • pullover Associated Words
    • pullover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • pullover Related Words
  • flashover

    • noun an unintended electric discharge (as over or around an insulator)

    • More ‘flashover’ Meaning
    • flashover Associated Words
    • flashover Related Words
  • prove

    • verb be shown or be found to be
      turn up; turn out.
      • She proved to be right
      • The medicine turned out to save her life
      • She turned up HIV positive
    • verb establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment
      shew; demonstrate; show; establish.
      • The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound
      • The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture

    • More ‘prove’ Meaning
    • prove Idioms/Phrases
    • prover Associated Words
    • prover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • prover Related Words
  • allover

    • adjective satellite covering the entire surface
      • an allover pattern
      • got an allover tan

    • More ‘allover’ Meaning
    • allover Associated Words
    • allover Related Words
  • shover

    • noun someone who pushes

    • More ‘shover’ Meaning
    • shover Associated Words
    • shover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • shover Related Words
  • groover

    • noun a device that makes grooves by cutting or punching

    • More ‘groover’ Meaning
    • groover Associated Words
    • groover Related Words
  • walkover

    • noun backbends combined with handstands
    • noun any undertaking that is easy to do
      picnic; duck soup; piece of cake; breeze; child’s play; cinch; snap; pushover.
      • marketing this product will be no picnic

    • More ‘walkover’ Meaning
    • walkover Associated Words
    • walkover Related Words
  • booklover

    • noun someone who loves (and usually collects) books
      bibliophile; book lover.

    • More ‘booklover’ Meaning
    • booklover Associated Words
    • booklover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • booklover Related Words
  • landrover

    • noun a car suitable for traveling over rough terrain

    • More ‘landrover’ Meaning
    • landrover Associated Words
    • landrover Related Words
  • bedcover

    • noun decorative cover for a bed
      counterpane; bed cover; bedspread; spread; bed covering.

    • More ‘bedcover’ Meaning
    • bedcover Associated Words
    • bedcover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • bedcover Related Words
  • reprover

    • noun someone who finds fault or imputes blame
      reproacher; rebuker; upbraider.

    • More ‘reprover’ Meaning
    • reprover Associated Words
    • reprover Related Words
  • slipcover

    • noun a removable fitted cloth covering for upholstered furniture

    • More ‘slipcover’ Meaning
    • slipcover Associated Words
    • slipcover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • slipcover Related Words
  • popover

    • noun light hollow muffin made of a puff batter (individual Yorkshire pudding) baked in a deep muffin cup

    • More ‘popover’ Meaning
    • popover Associated Words
    • popover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • popover Related Words
  • trove

    • noun treasure of unknown ownership found hidden (usually in the earth)
      treasure trove.

    • More ‘trove’ Meaning
    • trover Associated Words
    • trover Prefix/Suffix Words
    • trover Related Words

Suffixes of over

  • overcome

    • verb win a victory over
      get the better of; defeat.
      • You must overcome all difficulties
      • defeat your enemies
      • He overcame his shyness
      • He overcame his infirmity
      • Her anger got the better of her and she blew up
    • verb get on top of; deal with successfully
      get over; master; subdue; surmount.
      • He overcame his shyness

    • More ‘overcome’ Meaning
    • overcome Associated Words
    • overcome Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overcome Related Words
  • overhead

    • noun the expense of maintaining property (e.g., paying property taxes and utilities and insurance); it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes
      operating cost; operating expense; budget items.
    • noun (computer science) the processing time required by a device prior to the execution of a command
      command processing overhead time; command processing overhead; command overhead.

    • More ‘overhead’ Meaning
    • overhead Idioms/Phrases
    • overhead Associated Words
    • overhead Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overhead Related Words
  • overlap

    • noun a representation of common ground between theories or phenomena
      convergence; intersection.
      • there was no overlap between their proposals
    • noun the property of partial coincidence in time

    • More ‘overlap’ Meaning
    • overlap Associated Words
    • overlap Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overlap Related Words
  • overwhelming

    • adjective satellite so strong as to be irresistible
      • an overpowering need for solitude
      • the temptation to despair may become overwhelming
      • an overwhelming majority
    • verb overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
      overtake; overwhelm; overpower; whelm; overcome; sweep over.

    • More ‘overwhelming’ Meaning
    • overwhelming Associated Words
    • overwhelming Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overwhelming Related Words
  • overall

    • noun (usually plural) work clothing consisting of denim trousers (usually with a bib and shoulder straps)
    • noun a loose protective coverall or smock worn over ordinary clothing for dirty work
      boilers suit; boilersuit.

    • More ‘overall’ Meaning
    • overall Associated Words
    • overall Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overall Related Words
  • overview

    • noun a general summary of a subject
      • the treasurer gave a brief overview of the financial consequences

    • More ‘overview’ Meaning
    • overview Associated Words
    • overview Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overview Related Words
  • overnight

    • adjective satellite lasting, open, or operating through the whole night
      nightlong; all-night.
      • a nightlong vigil
      • an all-night drugstore
      • an overnight trip
    • adverb during or for the length of one night
      • the fish marinates overnight

    • More ‘overnight’ Meaning
    • overnight Idioms/Phrases
    • overnight Associated Words
    • overnight Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overnight Related Words
  • overseas

    • adjective satellite in a foreign country
      • markets abroad
      • overseas markets
    • adjective satellite being or passing over or across the sea
      • some overseas trade in grain arose

    • More ‘overseas’ Meaning
    • overseas Idioms/Phrases
    • overseas Associated Words
    • overseas Related Words
  • overcome

    • verb win a victory over
      get the better of; defeat.
      • You must overcome all difficulties
      • defeat your enemies
      • He overcame his shyness
      • He overcame his infirmity
      • Her anger got the better of her and she blew up
    • verb get on top of; deal with successfully
      get over; master; subdue; surmount.
      • He overcame his shyness

    • More ‘overcome’ Meaning
    • overcoming Associated Words
    • overcoming Related Words
  • overthrow

    • noun the termination of a ruler or institution (especially by force)
    • noun the act of disturbing the mind or body
      upset; derangement.
      • his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset
      • she was unprepared for this sudden overthrow of their normal way of living

    • More ‘overthrow’ Meaning
    • overthrow Associated Words
    • overthrow Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overthrow Related Words
  • overtime

    • noun work done in addition to regular working hours
    • noun playing time beyond regulation, to break a tie
      extra time.

    • More ‘overtime’ Meaning
    • overtime Idioms/Phrases
    • overtime Associated Words
    • overtime Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overtime Related Words
  • oversee

    • verb watch and direct
      superintend; manage; supervise.
      • Who is overseeing this project?

    • More ‘oversee’ Meaning
    • oversee Associated Words
    • oversee Prefix/Suffix Words
    • oversee Related Words
  • overturned

    • adjective satellite having been turned so that the bottom is no longer the bottom
      upturned; upset.
      • an overturned car
      • the upset pitcher of milk
      • sat on an upturned bucket
    • verb turn from an upright or normal position
      tump over; overturn; tip over; turn over.
      • The big vase overturned
      • The canoe tumped over

    • More ‘overturned’ Meaning
    • overturned Associated Words
    • overturned Related Words
  • overcome

    • verb win a victory over
      get the better of; defeat.
      • You must overcome all difficulties
      • defeat your enemies
      • He overcame his shyness
      • He overcame his infirmity
      • Her anger got the better of her and she blew up
    • verb get on top of; deal with successfully
      get over; master; subdue; surmount.
      • He overcame his shyness

    • More ‘overcome’ Meaning
    • overcame Associated Words
    • overcame Related Words
  • overlapping

    • noun covering with a design in which one element covers a part of another (as with tiles or shingles)
      imbrication; lapping.
    • verb coincide partially or wholly
      • Our vacations overlap

    • More ‘overlapping’ Meaning
    • overlapping Associated Words
    • overlapping Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overlapping Related Words
  • oversight

    • noun an unintentional omission resulting from failure to notice something
    • noun management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group
      supervising; superintendence; supervision.

    • More ‘oversight’ Meaning
    • oversight Associated Words
    • oversight Prefix/Suffix Words
    • oversight Related Words
  • overlook

    • noun a high place affording a good view
    • verb look past, fail to notice

    • More ‘overlook’ Meaning
    • overlook Associated Words
    • overlook Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overlook Related Words
  • override

    • noun a manually operated device to correct the operation of an automatic device
    • noun the act of nullifying; making null and void; counteracting or overriding the effect or force of something

    • More ‘override’ Meaning
    • override Associated Words
    • override Prefix/Suffix Words
    • override Related Words
  • overload

    • noun an electrical load that exceeds the available electrical power
    • noun an excessive burden

    • More ‘overload’ Meaning
    • overload Idioms/Phrases
    • overload Associated Words
    • overload Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overload Related Words
  • overflow

    • noun a large flow
      outpouring; flood.
    • noun the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity
      runoff; overspill.

    • More ‘overflow’ Meaning
    • overflow Idioms/Phrases
    • overflow Associated Words
    • overflow Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overflow Related Words
  • overflowing

    • adjective satellite covered with water
      flooded; awash; afloat; inundated.
      • the main deck was afloat (or awash)
      • the monsoon left the whole place awash
      • a flooded bathroom
      • inundated farmlands
      • an overflowing tub
    • verb flow or run over (a limit or brim)
      run over; overflow; well over; brim over; overrun.

    • More ‘overflowing’ Meaning
    • overflowing Associated Words
    • overflowing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overflowing Related Words
  • overlooked

    • adjective satellite not taken into account
      unnoted; unmarked.
      • his retirement was not allowed to go unmarked
    • verb look past, fail to notice

    • More ‘overlooked’ Meaning
    • overlooked Associated Words
    • overlooked Related Words
  • overwhelm

    • verb overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
      overtake; overpower; whelm; overcome; sweep over.
    • verb charge someone with too many tasks
      flood out; deluge.

    • More ‘overwhelm’ Meaning
    • overwhelmed Associated Words
    • overwhelmed Related Words
  • overlooking

    • adjective satellite used of a height or viewpoint
      dominating; commanding.
      • a commanding view of the ocean
      • looked up at the castle dominating the countryside
      • the balcony overlooking the ballroom
    • verb look past, fail to notice

    • More ‘overlooking’ Meaning
    • overlooking Associated Words
    • overlooking Related Words
  • overriding

    • adjective satellite having superior power and influence
      preponderant; paramount; preponderating; predominant; predominate.
      • the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism
    • verb rule against
      override; overturn; overrule; reverse; overthrow.
      • The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill

    • More ‘overriding’ Meaning
    • overriding Associated Words
    • overriding Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overriding Related Words
  • overlay

    • noun protective covering consisting, for example, of a layer of boards applied to the studs and joists of a building to strengthen it and serve as a foundation for a weatherproof exterior
      sheathing; overlayer.
    • noun a layer of decorative material (such as gold leaf or wood veneer) applied over a surface

    • More ‘overlay’ Meaning
    • overlay Associated Words
    • overlay Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overlay Related Words
  • overt

    • adjective open and observable; not secret or hidden
      • an overt lie
      • overt hostility
      • overt intelligence gathering
      • open ballots

    • More ‘overt’ Meaning
    • overt Idioms/Phrases
    • overt Associated Words
    • overt Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overt Related Words
  • overweight

    • noun the property of excessive fatness
      corpulence; stoutness; adiposis.
    • adjective satellite usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it
      heavy; fleshy.

    • More ‘overweight’ Meaning
    • overweight Associated Words
    • overweight Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overweight Related Words
  • overarch

    • verb be central or dominant
      • This scene overarches the entire first act
    • verb form an arch over
      arch over.
      • Big rocks overarch the stream

    • More ‘overarch’ Meaning
    • overarching Associated Words
    • overarching Related Words
  • overdose

    • verb dose too heavily
      • The rock star overdosed and was found dead in his hotel room

    • More ‘overdose’ Meaning
    • overdose Associated Words
    • overdose Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overdose Related Words
  • overly

    • adverb to a degree exceeding normal or proper limits
      to a fault; excessively; too.
      • too big

    • More ‘overly’ Meaning
    • overly Associated Words
    • overly Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overly Related Words
  • overhear

    • verb hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers
      catch; take in.
      • We overheard the conversation at the next table

    • More ‘overhear’ Meaning
    • overheard Associated Words
    • overheard Related Words
  • overtly

    • adverb in an overt manner
      • he did it overtly

    • More ‘overtly’ Meaning
    • overtly Associated Words
    • overtly Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overtly Related Words
  • overwhelmingly

    • adverb incapable of being resisted
      overpoweringly; irresistibly.
      • the candy looked overwhelmingly desirable to the dieting man

    • More ‘overwhelmingly’ Meaning
    • overwhelmingly Associated Words
    • overwhelmingly Related Words
  • overboard

    • adverb to extremes
      • he went overboard to please his in-laws
    • adverb from on board a vessel into the water
      • they dropped their garbage overboard

    • More ‘overboard’ Meaning
    • overboard Idioms/Phrases
    • overboard Associated Words
    • overboard Related Words
  • overland

    • adjective satellite traveling or passing over land
      • an overland journey
      • the overland route used by Marco Polo

    • More ‘overland’ Meaning
    • overland Associated Words
    • overland Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overland Related Words
  • over

    • noun (cricket) the division of play during which six balls are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch
    • adjective satellite having come or been brought to a conclusion
      concluded; terminated; complete; ended; all over.
      • the harvesting was complete
      • the affair is over, ended, finished
      • the abruptly terminated interview

    • More ‘over’ Meaning
    • overs Associated Words
    • overs Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overs Related Words
  • overtake

    • verb catch up with and possibly overtake
      catch; catch up with.
      • The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp
    • verb travel past
      overhaul; pass.
      • The sports car passed all the trucks

    • More ‘overtake’ Meaning
    • overtaken Associated Words
    • overtaken Related Words
  • oversee

    • verb watch and direct
      superintend; manage; supervise.
      • Who is overseeing this project?

    • More ‘oversee’ Meaning
    • overseeing Associated Words
    • overseeing Related Words
  • overtake

    • verb catch up with and possibly overtake
      catch; catch up with.
      • The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp
    • verb travel past
      overhaul; pass.
      • The sports car passed all the trucks

    • More ‘overtake’ Meaning
    • overtake Associated Words
    • overtake Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overtake Related Words
  • overturn

    • noun the act of upsetting something
      upset; turnover.
      • he was badly bruised by the upset of his sled at a high speed
    • noun an improbable and unexpected victory
      • the biggest upset since David beat Goliath

    • More ‘overturn’ Meaning
    • overturn Associated Words
    • overturn Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overturn Related Words
  • overcome

    • verb win a victory over
      get the better of; defeat.
      • You must overcome all difficulties
      • defeat your enemies
      • He overcame his shyness
      • He overcame his infirmity
      • Her anger got the better of her and she blew up
    • verb get on top of; deal with successfully
      get over; master; subdue; surmount.
      • He overcame his shyness

    • More ‘overcome’ Meaning
    • overcomes Associated Words
    • overcomes Related Words
  • overtake

    • verb catch up with and possibly overtake
      catch; catch up with.
      • The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp
    • verb travel past
      overhaul; pass.
      • The sports car passed all the trucks

    • More ‘overtake’ Meaning
    • overtook Associated Words
    • overtook Related Words
  • overhead

    • noun the expense of maintaining property (e.g., paying property taxes and utilities and insurance); it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes
      operating cost; operating expense; budget items.
    • noun (computer science) the processing time required by a device prior to the execution of a command
      command processing overhead time; command processing overhead; command overhead.

    • More ‘overhead’ Meaning
    • overheads Associated Words
    • overheads Related Words
  • overcast

    • noun the state of the sky when it is covered by clouds
      cloud cover; cloudiness.
    • noun gloomy semidarkness caused by cloud cover

    • More ‘overcast’ Meaning
    • overcast Associated Words
    • overcast Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overcast Related Words
  • oversee

    • verb watch and direct
      superintend; manage; supervise.
      • Who is overseeing this project?

    • More ‘oversee’ Meaning
    • oversaw Associated Words
    • oversaw Related Words
  • overturn

    • noun the act of upsetting something
      upset; turnover.
      • he was badly bruised by the upset of his sled at a high speed
    • noun an improbable and unexpected victory
      • the biggest upset since David beat Goliath

    • More ‘overturn’ Meaning
    • overturning Associated Words
    • overturning Related Words
  • oversee

    • verb watch and direct
      superintend; manage; supervise.
      • Who is overseeing this project?

    • More ‘oversee’ Meaning
    • oversees Associated Words
    • oversees Related Words
  • oversee

    • verb watch and direct
      superintend; manage; supervise.
      • Who is overseeing this project?

    • More ‘oversee’ Meaning
    • overseen Associated Words
    • overseen Related Words
  • overtaking

    • noun going by something that is moving in order to get in front of it
      • she drove but well but her reckless passing of every car on the road frightened me
    • verb catch up with and possibly overtake
      catch; catch up with; overtake.
      • The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp

    • More ‘overtaking’ Meaning
    • overtaking Associated Words
    • overtaking Related Words
  • overrun

    • noun too much production or more than expected
    • verb invade in great numbers
      • the roaches infested our kitchen

    • More ‘overrun’ Meaning
    • overrun Idioms/Phrases
    • overrun Associated Words
    • overrun Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overrun Related Words
  • overloaded

    • adjective satellite loaded past capacity
    • verb become overloaded
      • The aerator overloaded

    • More ‘overloaded’ Meaning
    • overloaded Associated Words
    • overloaded Related Words
  • overlap

    • noun a representation of common ground between theories or phenomena
      convergence; intersection.
      • there was no overlap between their proposals
    • noun the property of partial coincidence in time

    • More ‘overlap’ Meaning
    • overlaps Associated Words
    • overlaps Related Words
  • overthrow

    • noun the termination of a ruler or institution (especially by force)
    • noun the act of disturbing the mind or body
      upset; derangement.
      • his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset
      • she was unprepared for this sudden overthrow of their normal way of living

    • More ‘overthrow’ Meaning
    • overthrown Associated Words
    • overthrown Related Words
  • overgrown

    • adjective satellite covered with growing plants
    • verb grow too large

    • More ‘overgrown’ Meaning
    • overgrown Associated Words
    • overgrown Related Words
  • overseer

    • noun a person who directs and manages an organization

    • More ‘overseer’ Meaning
    • overseer Associated Words
    • overseer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overseer Related Words
  • overlook

    • noun a high place affording a good view
    • verb look past, fail to notice

    • More ‘overlook’ Meaning
    • overlooks Associated Words
    • overlooks Related Words
  • override

    • noun a manually operated device to correct the operation of an automatic device
    • noun the act of nullifying; making null and void; counteracting or overriding the effect or force of something

    • More ‘override’ Meaning
    • overrides Associated Words
    • overrides Related Words
  • overseer

    • noun a person who directs and manages an organization

    • More ‘overseer’ Meaning
    • overseers Associated Words
    • overseers Related Words
  • overload

    • noun an electrical load that exceeds the available electrical power
    • noun an excessive burden

    • More ‘overload’ Meaning
    • overloading Associated Words
    • overloading Related Words
  • overflow

    • noun a large flow
      outpouring; flood.
    • noun the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity
      runoff; overspill.

    • More ‘overflow’ Meaning
    • overflowed Associated Words
    • overflowed Related Words
  • overthrow

    • noun the termination of a ruler or institution (especially by force)
    • noun the act of disturbing the mind or body
      upset; derangement.
      • his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset
      • she was unprepared for this sudden overthrow of their normal way of living

    • More ‘overthrow’ Meaning
    • overthrew Associated Words
    • overthrew Related Words
  • overflow

    • noun a large flow
      outpouring; flood.
    • noun the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity
      runoff; overspill.

    • More ‘overflow’ Meaning
    • overflows Associated Words
    • overflows Related Words
  • overheating

    • noun excessive heating
    • verb get excessively and undesirably hot
      • The car engines overheated

    • More ‘overheating’ Meaning
    • overheating Associated Words
    • overheating Related Words
  • overheated

    • adjective satellite heated beyond a safe or desirable point
      • the child became overheated
      • overheated metal
    • verb get excessively and undesirably hot
      • The car engines overheated

    • More ‘overheated’ Meaning
    • overheated Associated Words
    • overheated Related Words
  • overthrow

    • noun the termination of a ruler or institution (especially by force)
    • noun the act of disturbing the mind or body
      upset; derangement.
      • his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset
      • she was unprepared for this sudden overthrow of their normal way of living

    • More ‘overthrow’ Meaning
    • overthrowing Associated Words
    • overthrowing Related Words
  • overwhelm

    • verb overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
      overtake; overpower; whelm; overcome; sweep over.
    • verb charge someone with too many tasks
      flood out; deluge.

    • More ‘overwhelm’ Meaning
    • overwhelm Associated Words
    • overwhelm Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overwhelm Related Words
  • overshadow

    • verb be greater in significance than
      eclipse; dominate.
      • the tragedy overshadowed the couple’s happiness
    • verb make appear small by comparison
      shadow; dwarf.
      • This year’s debt dwarfs that of last year

    • More ‘overshadow’ Meaning
    • overshadowed Associated Words
    • overshadowed Related Words
  • overlying

    • adjective satellite placed on or over something else
      • an overlying image
    • verb lie upon; lie on top of
      • the granite overlies the older rocks

    • More ‘overlying’ Meaning
    • overlying Associated Words
    • overlying Related Words
  • overtone

    • noun (usually plural) an ulterior implicit meaning or quality
      • overtones of despair
    • noun a harmonic with a frequency that is a multiple of the fundamental frequency
      partial tone; partial.

    • More ‘overtone’ Meaning
    • overtones Associated Words
    • overtones Related Words
  • overpowering

    • adjective satellite so strong as to be irresistible
      • an overpowering need for solitude
      • the temptation to despair may become overwhelming
      • an overwhelming majority
    • verb overcome by superior force
      overpower; overwhelm; overmaster.

    • More ‘overpowering’ Meaning
    • overpowering Associated Words
    • overpowering Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overpowering Related Words
  • overrule

    • verb rule against
      override; overturn; reverse; overthrow.
      • The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill

    • More ‘overrule’ Meaning
    • overruled Associated Words
    • overruled Related Words
  • overcrowd

    • verb cause to crowd together too much
      • The students overcrowded the cafeteria
    • verb crowd together too much

    • More ‘overcrowd’ Meaning
    • overcrowded Associated Words
    • overcrowded Related Words
  • overhaul

    • noun periodic maintenance on a car or machine
      inspection and repair; service.
      • it was time for an overhaul on the tractor
    • noun the act of improving by renewing and restoring
      renovation; redevelopment.
      • they are pursuing a general program of renovation to the entire property
      • a major overhal of the healthcare system was proposed

    • More ‘overhaul’ Meaning
    • overhaul Idioms/Phrases
    • overhaul Associated Words
    • overhaul Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overhaul Related Words
  • overture

    • noun orchestral music played at the beginning of an opera or oratorio
    • noun something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows
      prelude; preliminary.
      • training is a necessary preliminary to employment
      • drinks were the overture to dinner

    • More ‘overture’ Meaning
    • overture Associated Words
    • overture Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overture Related Words
  • overuse

    • noun exploitation to the point of diminishing returns
      overutilization; overexploitation; overutilisation.
    • verb make use of too often or too extensively

    • More ‘overuse’ Meaning
    • overuse Associated Words
    • overuse Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overuse Related Words
  • overlap

    • noun a representation of common ground between theories or phenomena
      convergence; intersection.
      • there was no overlap between their proposals
    • noun the property of partial coincidence in time

    • More ‘overlap’ Meaning
    • overlapped Associated Words
    • overlapped Related Words
  • overture

    • noun orchestral music played at the beginning of an opera or oratorio
    • noun something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows
      prelude; preliminary.
      • training is a necessary preliminary to employment
      • drinks were the overture to dinner

    • More ‘overture’ Meaning
    • overtures Associated Words
    • overtures Related Words
  • overestimate

    • noun an appraisal that is too high
      overappraisal; overestimation; overvaluation.
    • noun a calculation that results in an estimate that is too high
      overrating; overestimation; overreckoning.

    • More ‘overestimate’ Meaning
    • overestimate Associated Words
    • overestimate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overestimate Related Words
  • overcrowd

    • verb cause to crowd together too much
      • The students overcrowded the cafeteria
    • verb crowd together too much

    • More ‘overcrowd’ Meaning
    • overcrowding Associated Words
    • overcrowding Related Words
  • overpower

    • verb overcome by superior force
      overwhelm; overmaster.
    • verb overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
      overtake; overwhelm; whelm; overcome; sweep over.

    • More ‘overpower’ Meaning
    • overpowered Associated Words
    • overpowered Related Words
  • overlay

    • noun protective covering consisting, for example, of a layer of boards applied to the studs and joists of a building to strengthen it and serve as a foundation for a weatherproof exterior
      sheathing; overlayer.
    • noun a layer of decorative material (such as gold leaf or wood veneer) applied over a surface

    • More ‘overlay’ Meaning
    • overlaid Associated Words
    • overlaid Related Words
  • overwork

    • noun the act of working too much or too long
      • he became ill from overwork
    • verb use too much
      • This play has been overworked

    • More ‘overwork’ Meaning
    • overworked Associated Words
    • overworked Related Words
  • overestimate

    • noun an appraisal that is too high
      overappraisal; overestimation; overvaluation.
    • noun a calculation that results in an estimate that is too high
      overrating; overestimation; overreckoning.

    • More ‘overestimate’ Meaning
    • overestimated Associated Words
    • overestimated Related Words
  • override

    • noun a manually operated device to correct the operation of an automatic device
    • noun the act of nullifying; making null and void; counteracting or overriding the effect or force of something

    • More ‘override’ Meaning
    • overridden Associated Words
    • overridden Related Words
  • overbearing

    • adjective satellite expecting unquestioning obedience
      authoritarian; dictatorial.
      • the timid child of authoritarian parents
      • insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter
    • verb overcome
      • overbear criticism, protest, or arguments

    • More ‘overbearing’ Meaning
    • overbearing Associated Words
    • overbearing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overbearing Related Words
  • overrule

    • verb rule against
      override; overturn; reverse; overthrow.
      • The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill

    • More ‘overrule’ Meaning
    • overrule Associated Words
    • overrule Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overrule Related Words
  • overpower

    • verb overcome by superior force
      overwhelm; overmaster.
    • verb overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
      overtake; overwhelm; whelm; overcome; sweep over.

    • More ‘overpower’ Meaning
    • overpower Associated Words
    • overpower Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overpower Related Words
  • overwork

    • noun the act of working too much or too long
      • he became ill from overwork
    • verb use too much
      • This play has been overworked

    • More ‘overwork’ Meaning
    • overwork Associated Words
    • overwork Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overwork Related Words
  • overshadow

    • verb be greater in significance than
      eclipse; dominate.
      • the tragedy overshadowed the couple’s happiness
    • verb make appear small by comparison
      shadow; dwarf.
      • This year’s debt dwarfs that of last year

    • More ‘overshadow’ Meaning
    • overshadow Associated Words
    • overshadow Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overshadow Related Words
  • overburdened

    • adjective satellite heavily burdened with work or cares
      bowed down; loaded down; weighed down.
      • bowed down with troubles
      • found himself loaded down with responsibilities
      • overburdened social workers
      • weighed down with cares
    • verb burden with too much work or responsibility

    • More ‘overburdened’ Meaning
    • overburdened Associated Words
    • overburdened Related Words
  • oversimplification

    • noun an act of excessive simplification; the act of making something seem simpler than it really is
    • noun a simplification that goes too far (to the point of misrepresentation)

    • More ‘oversimplification’ Meaning
    • oversimplification Associated Words
    • oversimplification Prefix/Suffix Words
    • oversimplification Related Words
  • overwrite

    • verb write new data on top of existing data and thus erase the previously existing data
      • overwrite that file

    • More ‘overwrite’ Meaning
    • overwrite Associated Words
    • overwrite Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overwrite Related Words
  • overlay

    • noun protective covering consisting, for example, of a layer of boards applied to the studs and joists of a building to strengthen it and serve as a foundation for a weatherproof exterior
      sheathing; overlayer.
    • noun a layer of decorative material (such as gold leaf or wood veneer) applied over a surface

    • More ‘overlay’ Meaning
    • overlays Associated Words
    • overlays Related Words
  • overwhelm

    • verb overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
      overtake; overpower; whelm; overcome; sweep over.
    • verb charge someone with too many tasks
      flood out; deluge.

    • More ‘overwhelm’ Meaning
    • overwhelms Associated Words
    • overwhelms Related Words
  • overcoat

    • noun a heavy coat worn over clothes in winter
      topcoat; greatcoat.
    • noun an additional protective coating (as of paint or varnish)

    • More ‘overcoat’ Meaning
    • overcoat Associated Words
    • overcoat Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overcoat Related Words
  • overstated

    • adjective satellite represented as greater than is true or reasonable
      exaggerated; overdone.
      • an exaggerated opinion of oneself
    • verb to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth
      overdraw; magnify; exaggerate; overstate; hyperbolize; hyperbolise; amplify.
      • tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South’ imagery

    • More ‘overstated’ Meaning
    • overstated Associated Words
    • overstated Related Words
  • overhang

    • noun projection that extends beyond or hangs over something else
    • verb project over

    • More ‘overhang’ Meaning
    • overhanging Associated Words
    • overhanging Related Words
  • overhang

    • noun projection that extends beyond or hangs over something else
    • verb project over

    • More ‘overhang’ Meaning
    • overhang Associated Words
    • overhang Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overhang Related Words
  • overview

    • noun a general summary of a subject
      • the treasurer gave a brief overview of the financial consequences

    • More ‘overview’ Meaning
    • overviews Associated Words
    • overviews Related Words
  • overgrowth

    • noun excessive size; usually caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland
      giantism; gigantism.
    • noun a profusion of growth on or over something else

    • More ‘overgrowth’ Meaning
    • overgrowth Associated Words
    • overgrowth Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overgrowth Related Words
  • overproduction

    • noun too much production or more than expected

    • More ‘overproduction’ Meaning
    • overproduction Associated Words
    • overproduction Related Words
  • overlord

    • noun a person who has general authority over others
      lord; master.

    • More ‘overlord’ Meaning
    • overlord Associated Words
    • overlord Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overlord Related Words
  • overstate

    • verb to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth
      overdraw; magnify; exaggerate; hyperbolize; hyperbolise; amplify.
      • tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South’ imagery

    • More ‘overstate’ Meaning
    • overstate Associated Words
    • overstate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overstate Related Words
  • overvalue

    • verb assign too high a value to
      • You are overestimating the value of your old car

    • More ‘overvalue’ Meaning
    • overvalued Associated Words
    • overvalued Related Words
  • oversized

    • adjective satellite larger than normal for its kind
      outsize; outsized; oversize.

    • More ‘oversized’ Meaning
    • oversized Associated Words
    • oversized Related Words
  • overall

    • noun (usually plural) work clothing consisting of denim trousers (usually with a bib and shoulder straps)
    • noun a loose protective coverall or smock worn over ordinary clothing for dirty work
      boilers suit; boilersuit.

    • More ‘overall’ Meaning
    • overalls Associated Words
    • overalls Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overalls Related Words
  • overjoyed

    • adjective satellite extremely joyful
    • verb cause to feel extremely joyful or happy
      • the economic growth overjoyed the German industry

    • More ‘overjoyed’ Meaning
    • overjoyed Associated Words
    • overjoyed Related Words
  • overhear

    • verb hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers
      catch; take in.
      • We overheard the conversation at the next table

    • More ‘overhear’ Meaning
    • overhear Associated Words
    • overhear Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overhear Related Words
  • overeating

    • noun eating to excess (personified as one of the deadly sins)
      gula; gluttony.
    • verb overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
      engorge; gormandize; gormandise; overgorge; glut; overeat; satiate; englut; stuff; ingurgitate; overindulge; gorge; scarf out; gourmandize; binge; pig out.
      • She stuffed herself at the dinner
      • The kids binged on ice cream

    • More ‘overeating’ Meaning
    • overeating Associated Words
    • overeating Related Words
  • oversize

    • adjective satellite larger than normal for its kind
      outsize; outsized; oversized.

    • More ‘oversize’ Meaning
    • oversize Associated Words
    • oversize Prefix/Suffix Words
    • oversize Related Words
  • overdue

    • adjective satellite past due; not paid at the scheduled time
      • an overdue installment
      • a delinquent account

    • More ‘overdue’ Meaning
    • overdue Associated Words
    • overdue Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overdue Related Words
  • overhand

    • adjective with hand brought forward and down from above shoulder level
      overhanded; overarm.
      • an overhand pitch
      • an overhand stroke
    • adjective satellite sewn together with overhand stitches (close vertical stitches that pass over and draw the two edges together)

    • More ‘overhand’ Meaning
    • overhand Idioms/Phrases
    • overhand Associated Words
    • overhand Related Words
  • overtake

    • verb catch up with and possibly overtake
      catch; catch up with.
      • The Rolls Royce caught us near the exit ramp
    • verb travel past
      overhaul; pass.
      • The sports car passed all the trucks

    • More ‘overtake’ Meaning
    • overtakes Associated Words
    • overtakes Related Words
  • overturn

    • noun the act of upsetting something
      upset; turnover.
      • he was badly bruised by the upset of his sled at a high speed
    • noun an improbable and unexpected victory
      • the biggest upset since David beat Goliath

    • More ‘overturn’ Meaning
    • overturns Associated Words
    • overturns Related Words
  • overthrow

    • noun the termination of a ruler or institution (especially by force)
    • noun the act of disturbing the mind or body
      upset; derangement.
      • his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset
      • she was unprepared for this sudden overthrow of their normal way of living

    • More ‘overthrow’ Meaning
    • overthrows Associated Words
    • overthrows Related Words
  • oversimplify

    • verb simplify to an excessive degree
      • Don’t oversimplify the problem
    • verb make too simple
      • Don’t oversimplify the instructions

    • More ‘oversimplify’ Meaning
    • oversimplified Associated Words
    • oversimplified Related Words
  • overactive

    • adjective satellite more active than normal
      • a hyperactive child

    • More ‘overactive’ Meaning
    • overactive Associated Words
    • overactive Related Words
  • overrun

    • noun too much production or more than expected
    • verb invade in great numbers
      • the roaches infested our kitchen

    • More ‘overrun’ Meaning
    • overran Associated Words
    • overran Related Words
  • overrun

    • noun too much production or more than expected
    • verb invade in great numbers
      • the roaches infested our kitchen

    • More ‘overrun’ Meaning
    • overruns Associated Words
    • overruns Related Words
  • overload

    • noun an electrical load that exceeds the available electrical power
    • noun an excessive burden

    • More ‘overload’ Meaning
    • overloads Associated Words
    • overloads Related Words
  • overreaction

    • noun an excessive reaction; a reaction with inappropriate emotional behavior

    • More ‘overreaction’ Meaning
    • overreaction Associated Words
    • overreaction Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overreaction Related Words
  • oversimplify

    • verb simplify to an excessive degree
      • Don’t oversimplify the problem
    • verb make too simple
      • Don’t oversimplify the instructions

    • More ‘oversimplify’ Meaning
    • oversimplify Associated Words
    • oversimplify Prefix/Suffix Words
    • oversimplify Related Words
  • overheat

    • verb get excessively and undesirably hot
      • The car engines overheated
    • verb make excessively or undesirably hot
      • The room was overheated

    • More ‘overheat’ Meaning
    • overheat Associated Words
    • overheat Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overheat Related Words
  • overrun

    • noun too much production or more than expected
    • verb invade in great numbers
      • the roaches infested our kitchen

    • More ‘overrun’ Meaning
    • overrunning Associated Words
    • overrunning Related Words
  • oversight

    • noun an unintentional omission resulting from failure to notice something
    • noun management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group
      supervising; superintendence; supervision.

    • More ‘oversight’ Meaning
    • oversights Associated Words
    • oversights Related Words
  • overdressed

    • adjective satellite dressed too elaborately
    • verb dress too warmly
      overclothe; overdress.
      • You should not overclothe the child—she will be too hot

    • More ‘overdressed’ Meaning
    • overdressed Associated Words
    • overdressed Related Words
  • oversimplify

    • verb simplify to an excessive degree
      • Don’t oversimplify the problem
    • verb make too simple
      • Don’t oversimplify the instructions

    • More ‘oversimplify’ Meaning
    • oversimplifying Associated Words
    • oversimplifying Related Words
  • oversimplify

    • verb simplify to an excessive degree
      • Don’t oversimplify the problem
    • verb make too simple
      • Don’t oversimplify the instructions

    • More ‘oversimplify’ Meaning
    • oversimplifies Associated Words
    • oversimplifies Related Words
  • overfill

    • verb fill beyond capacity
      • overfill the baskets

    • More ‘overfill’ Meaning
    • overfilled Associated Words
    • overfilled Related Words
  • overshoot

    • noun an approach that fails and gives way to another attempt
      go-around; wave-off.
    • verb shoot beyond or over (a target)

    • More ‘overshoot’ Meaning
    • overshoot Idioms/Phrases
    • overshoot Associated Words
    • overshoot Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overshoot Related Words
  • overdrive

    • noun the state of high or excessive activity or productivity or concentration
      • Troops are ready to go into overdrive as soon as the signal is given
      • Melissa’s brain was in overdrive
    • noun a high gear used at high speeds to maintain the driving speed with less output power

    • More ‘overdrive’ Meaning
    • overdrive Associated Words
    • overdrive Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overdrive Related Words
  • overburden

    • noun the surface soil that must be moved away to get at coal seams and mineral deposits
    • noun an excessive burden

    • More ‘overburden’ Meaning
    • overburden Associated Words
    • overburden Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overburden Related Words
  • overrule

    • verb rule against
      override; overturn; reverse; overthrow.
      • The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill

    • More ‘overrule’ Meaning
    • overruling Associated Words
    • overruling Related Words
  • overstuffed

    • adjective satellite upholstered thickly and deeply
      • an overstuffed sofa
    • verb stuff too much
      • The pillow was overstuffed

    • More ‘overstuffed’ Meaning
    • overstuffed Associated Words
    • overstuffed Related Words
  • overrate

    • verb make too high an estimate of
      • He overestimated his own powers

    • More ‘overrate’ Meaning
    • overrated Associated Words
    • overrated Related Words
  • overestimation

    • noun an appraisal that is too high
      overestimate; overappraisal; overvaluation.
    • noun a calculation that results in an estimate that is too high
      overestimate; overrating; overreckoning.

    • More ‘overestimation’ Meaning
    • overestimation Associated Words
    • overestimation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overestimation Related Words
  • overuse

    • noun exploitation to the point of diminishing returns
      overutilization; overexploitation; overutilisation.
    • verb make use of too often or too extensively

    • More ‘overuse’ Meaning
    • overused Associated Words
    • overused Related Words
  • overhaul

    • noun periodic maintenance on a car or machine
      inspection and repair; service.
      • it was time for an overhaul on the tractor
    • noun the act of improving by renewing and restoring
      renovation; redevelopment.
      • they are pursuing a general program of renovation to the entire property
      • a major overhal of the healthcare system was proposed

    • More ‘overhaul’ Meaning
    • overhauled Associated Words
    • overhauled Related Words
  • overwrite

    • verb write new data on top of existing data and thus erase the previously existing data
      • overwrite that file

    • More ‘overwrite’ Meaning
    • overwritten Associated Words
    • overwritten Related Words
  • override

    • noun a manually operated device to correct the operation of an automatic device
    • noun the act of nullifying; making null and void; counteracting or overriding the effect or force of something

    • More ‘override’ Meaning
    • overrode Associated Words
    • overrode Related Words
  • overshadow

    • verb be greater in significance than
      eclipse; dominate.
      • the tragedy overshadowed the couple’s happiness
    • verb make appear small by comparison
      shadow; dwarf.
      • This year’s debt dwarfs that of last year

    • More ‘overshadow’ Meaning
    • overshadowing Associated Words
    • overshadowing Related Words
  • overreaching

    • adjective satellite revealing excessive self-confidence; reaching for the heights
      • vaulting ambition
    • verb fail by aiming too high or trying too hard

    • More ‘overreaching’ Meaning
    • overreaching Associated Words
    • overreaching Related Words
  • overlay

    • noun protective covering consisting, for example, of a layer of boards applied to the studs and joists of a building to strengthen it and serve as a foundation for a weatherproof exterior
      sheathing; overlayer.
    • noun a layer of decorative material (such as gold leaf or wood veneer) applied over a surface

    • More ‘overlay’ Meaning
    • overlaying Associated Words
    • overlaying Related Words
  • overlie

    • verb lie upon; lie on top of
      • the granite overlies the older rocks
    • verb kill by lying on
      • The sow overlay her piglets

    • More ‘overlie’ Meaning
    • overlain Associated Words
    • overlain Related Words
  • overtone

    • noun (usually plural) an ulterior implicit meaning or quality
      • overtones of despair
    • noun a harmonic with a frequency that is a multiple of the fundamental frequency
      partial tone; partial.

    • More ‘overtone’ Meaning
    • overtone Associated Words
    • overtone Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overtone Related Words
  • overstep

    • verb pass beyond (limits or boundaries)
      trespass; transgress.
    • verb be superior or better than some standard
      transcend; exceed; top; go past; pass.
      • She exceeded our expectations
      • She topped her performance of last year

    • More ‘overstep’ Meaning
    • overstepped Associated Words
    • overstepped Related Words
  • overactivity

    • noun excessive activity
      • overactivity of the sebaceous glands causes the skin to become oily

    • More ‘overactivity’ Meaning
    • overactivity Associated Words
    • overactivity Related Words
  • overweening

    • adjective satellite unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings
      extravagant; excessive; exuberant.
      • extravagant praise
      • exuberant compliments
      • overweening ambition
      • overweening greed
    • adjective satellite presumptuously arrogant
      • had a witty but overweening manner
      • no idea how overweening he would be»- S.V.Benet
      • getting a little uppity and needed to be slapped down»- NY Times

    • More ‘overweening’ Meaning
    • overweening Associated Words
    • overweening Related Words
  • overspread

    • verb spread across or over
      • A big oil spot spread across the water

    • More ‘overspread’ Meaning
    • overspread Associated Words
    • overspread Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overspread Related Words
  • overreact

    • verb show an exaggerated response to something
      • Don’t overreact to the bad news—take it easy

    • More ‘overreact’ Meaning
    • overreacting Associated Words
    • overreacting Related Words
  • overestimate

    • noun an appraisal that is too high
      overappraisal; overestimation; overvaluation.
    • noun a calculation that results in an estimate that is too high
      overrating; overestimation; overreckoning.

    • More ‘overestimate’ Meaning
    • overestimates Associated Words
    • overestimates Related Words
  • overhaul

    • noun periodic maintenance on a car or machine
      inspection and repair; service.
      • it was time for an overhaul on the tractor
    • noun the act of improving by renewing and restoring
      renovation; redevelopment.
      • they are pursuing a general program of renovation to the entire property
      • a major overhal of the healthcare system was proposed

    • More ‘overhaul’ Meaning
    • overhauling Associated Words
    • overhauling Related Words
  • overreact

    • verb show an exaggerated response to something
      • Don’t overreact to the bad news—take it easy

    • More ‘overreact’ Meaning
    • overreact Associated Words
    • overreact Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overreact Related Words
  • overwrite

    • verb write new data on top of existing data and thus erase the previously existing data
      • overwrite that file

    • More ‘overwrite’ Meaning
    • overwriting Associated Words
    • overwriting Related Words
  • overabundance

    • noun the state of being more than full
      surfeit; excess.
    • noun a quantity that is more than what is appropriate
      overmuchness; overmuch; superabundance.
      • four-year-olds have an overabundance of energy
      • we received an inundation of email

    • More ‘overabundance’ Meaning
    • overabundance Associated Words
    • overabundance Related Words
  • overmuch

    • noun a quantity that is more than what is appropriate
      overmuchness; superabundance; overabundance.
      • four-year-olds have an overabundance of energy
      • we received an inundation of email
    • adjective satellite very great in quantity; overabundant
      • showed overmuch affection

    • More ‘overmuch’ Meaning
    • overmuch Associated Words
    • overmuch Related Words
  • oversupply

    • noun the quality of being so overabundant that prices fall
      glut; surfeit.
    • verb supply with an excess of
      flood; glut.
      • flood the market with tennis shoes
      • Glut the country with cheap imports from the Orient

    • More ‘oversupply’ Meaning
    • oversupply Associated Words
    • oversupply Related Words
  • overshadow

    • verb be greater in significance than
      eclipse; dominate.
      • the tragedy overshadowed the couple’s happiness
    • verb make appear small by comparison
      shadow; dwarf.
      • This year’s debt dwarfs that of last year

    • More ‘overshadow’ Meaning
    • overshadows Associated Words
    • overshadows Related Words
  • overprotective

    • adjective satellite overly protective
      • overprotective parents

    • More ‘overprotective’ Meaning
    • overprotective Associated Words
    • overprotective Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overprotective Related Words
  • overstep

    • verb pass beyond (limits or boundaries)
      trespass; transgress.
    • verb be superior or better than some standard
      transcend; exceed; top; go past; pass.
      • She exceeded our expectations
      • She topped her performance of last year

    • More ‘overstep’ Meaning
    • overstep Associated Words
    • overstep Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overstep Related Words
  • overcharge

    • noun a price that is too high
    • verb rip off; ask an unreasonable price
      fleece; soak; plume; pluck; hook; rob; gazump; surcharge.

    • More ‘overcharge’ Meaning
    • overcharged Associated Words
    • overcharged Related Words
  • overestimate

    • noun an appraisal that is too high
      overappraisal; overestimation; overvaluation.
    • noun a calculation that results in an estimate that is too high
      overrating; overestimation; overreckoning.

    • More ‘overestimate’ Meaning
    • overestimating Associated Words
    • overestimating Related Words
  • overlie

    • verb lie upon; lie on top of
      • the granite overlies the older rocks
    • verb kill by lying on
      • The sow overlay her piglets

    • More ‘overlie’ Meaning
    • overlies Associated Words
    • overlies Related Words
  • overshot

    • adjective satellite having an upper part projecting beyond the lower
      • an overshot jaw
    • verb shoot beyond or over (a target)

    • More ‘overshot’ Meaning
    • overshot Idioms/Phrases
    • overshot Associated Words
    • overshot Related Words
  • overstep

    • verb pass beyond (limits or boundaries)
      trespass; transgress.
    • verb be superior or better than some standard
      transcend; exceed; top; go past; pass.
      • She exceeded our expectations
      • She topped her performance of last year

    • More ‘overstep’ Meaning
    • overstepping Associated Words
    • overstepping Related Words
  • overlordship

    • noun the position of overlord

    • More ‘overlordship’ Meaning
    • overlordship Associated Words
    • overlordship Related Words
  • overstretch

    • verb strain abnormally
      • I pulled a muscle in my leg when I jumped up
      • The athlete pulled a tendon in the competition

    • More ‘overstretch’ Meaning
    • overstretched Associated Words
    • overstretched Related Words
  • overexpose

    • verb expose to too much light
      • the photographic film was overexposed and there is no image
    • verb expose excessively
      • As a child, I was overexposed to French movies

    • More ‘overexpose’ Meaning
    • overexposed Associated Words
    • overexposed Related Words
  • overshoot

    • noun an approach that fails and gives way to another attempt
      go-around; wave-off.
    • verb shoot beyond or over (a target)

    • More ‘overshoot’ Meaning
    • overshooting Associated Words
    • overshooting Related Words
  • overreach

    • verb fail by aiming too high or trying too hard
    • verb beat through cleverness and wit
      outsmart; beat; outwit; outfox; circumvent.
      • I beat the traffic
      • She outfoxed her competitors

    • More ‘overreach’ Meaning
    • overreach Associated Words
    • overreach Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overreach Related Words
  • oversleep

    • verb sleep longer than intended

    • More ‘oversleep’ Meaning
    • overslept Associated Words
    • overslept Related Words
  • overtop

    • verb look down on
      overlook; dominate; command.
      • The villa dominates the town

    • More ‘overtop’ Meaning
    • overtopping Associated Words
    • overtopping Related Words
  • overcharge

    • noun a price that is too high
    • verb rip off; ask an unreasonable price
      fleece; soak; plume; pluck; hook; rob; gazump; surcharge.

    • More ‘overcharge’ Meaning
    • overcharge Idioms/Phrases
    • overcharge Associated Words
    • overcharge Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overcharge Related Words
  • overreact

    • verb show an exaggerated response to something
      • Don’t overreact to the bad news—take it easy

    • More ‘overreact’ Meaning
    • overreacted Associated Words
    • overreacted Related Words
  • overcook

    • verb cook too long
      • The vegetables were completely overcooked

    • More ‘overcook’ Meaning
    • overcooked Associated Words
    • overcooked Related Words
  • overpower

    • verb overcome by superior force
      overwhelm; overmaster.
    • verb overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
      overtake; overwhelm; whelm; overcome; sweep over.

    • More ‘overpower’ Meaning
    • overpowers Associated Words
    • overpowers Related Words
  • overlie

    • verb lie upon; lie on top of
      • the granite overlies the older rocks
    • verb kill by lying on
      • The sow overlay her piglets

    • More ‘overlie’ Meaning
    • overlie Associated Words
    • overlie Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overlie Related Words
  • overcharge

    • noun a price that is too high
    • verb rip off; ask an unreasonable price
      fleece; soak; plume; pluck; hook; rob; gazump; surcharge.

    • More ‘overcharge’ Meaning
    • overcharging Associated Words
    • overcharging Related Words
  • overwrite

    • verb write new data on top of existing data and thus erase the previously existing data
      • overwrite that file

    • More ‘overwrite’ Meaning
    • overwrites Associated Words
    • overwrites Related Words
  • overfeeding

    • noun excessive feeding
    • verb feed excessively

    • More ‘overfeeding’ Meaning
    • overfeeding Associated Words
    • overfeeding Related Words
  • overreach

    • verb fail by aiming too high or trying too hard
    • verb beat through cleverness and wit
      outsmart; beat; outwit; outfox; circumvent.
      • I beat the traffic
      • She outfoxed her competitors

    • More ‘overreach’ Meaning
    • overreached Associated Words
    • overreached Related Words
  • overrule

    • verb rule against
      override; overturn; reverse; overthrow.
      • The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill

    • More ‘overrule’ Meaning
    • overrules Associated Words
    • overrules Related Words
  • overbear

    • verb overcome
      • overbear criticism, protest, or arguments
    • verb bear too much

    • More ‘overbear’ Meaning
    • overborne Associated Words
    • overborne Related Words
  • overplay

    • verb exaggerate one’s acting
      ham; overact; ham it up.

    • More ‘overplay’ Meaning
    • overplayed Associated Words
    • overplayed Related Words
  • overmaster

    • verb overcome by superior force
      overpower; overwhelm.

    • More ‘overmaster’ Meaning
    • overmastering Associated Words
    • overmastering Related Words
  • overtire

    • verb tire excessively
      overweary; overfatigue.

    • More ‘overtire’ Meaning
    • overtired Associated Words
    • overtired Related Words
  • overstay

    • verb stay too long
      • overstay or outstay one’s welcome

    • More ‘overstay’ Meaning
    • overstayed Associated Words
    • overstayed Related Words
  • overcook

    • verb cook too long
      • The vegetables were completely overcooked

    • More ‘overcook’ Meaning
    • overcook Associated Words
    • overcook Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overcook Related Words
  • overworking

    • noun the act of working too much or too long
      • he became ill from overwork
    • verb use too much
      • This play has been overworked

    • More ‘overworking’ Meaning
    • overworking Associated Words
    • overworking Related Words
  • overrate

    • verb make too high an estimate of
      • He overestimated his own powers

    • More ‘overrate’ Meaning
    • overrate Associated Words
    • overrate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overrate Related Words
  • overhaul

    • noun periodic maintenance on a car or machine
      inspection and repair; service.
      • it was time for an overhaul on the tractor
    • noun the act of improving by renewing and restoring
      renovation; redevelopment.
      • they are pursuing a general program of renovation to the entire property
      • a major overhal of the healthcare system was proposed

    • More ‘overhaul’ Meaning
    • overhauls Associated Words
    • overhauls Related Words
  • overstretch

    • verb strain abnormally
      • I pulled a muscle in my leg when I jumped up
      • The athlete pulled a tendon in the competition

    • More ‘overstretch’ Meaning
    • overstretch Associated Words
    • overstretch Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overstretch Related Words
  • overshoot

    • noun an approach that fails and gives way to another attempt
      go-around; wave-off.
    • verb shoot beyond or over (a target)

    • More ‘overshoot’ Meaning
    • overshoots Associated Words
    • overshoots Related Words
  • overcompensation

    • noun (psychiatry) an attempt to overcome a real or imagined defect or unwanted trait by overly exaggerating its opposite
    • noun excessive compensation

    • More ‘overcompensation’ Meaning
    • overcompensation Associated Words
    • overcompensation Related Words
  • overdo

    • verb do something to an excessive degree
      • He overdid it last night when he did 100 pushups

    • More ‘overdo’ Meaning
    • overdo Associated Words
    • overdo Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overdo Related Words
  • overdone

    • adjective satellite represented as greater than is true or reasonable
      exaggerated; overstated.
      • an exaggerated opinion of oneself
    • verb do something to an excessive degree
      overdo; exaggerate.
      • He overdid it last night when he did 100 pushups

    • More ‘overdone’ Meaning
    • overdone Associated Words
    • overdone Related Words
  • overkill

    • noun the capability to obliterate a target with more weapons (especially nuclear weapons) than are required
    • noun any effort that seems to go farther than would be necessary to achieve its goal

    • More ‘overkill’ Meaning
    • overkill Associated Words
    • overkill Related Words
  • overpriced

    • adjective satellite too costly for the value
      • overpriced items at resort shops
    • verb price excessively high

    • More ‘overpriced’ Meaning
    • overpriced Associated Words
    • overpriced Related Words
  • overstatement

    • noun making to seem more important than it really is
      magnification; exaggeration.

    • More ‘overstatement’ Meaning
    • overstatement Associated Words
    • overstatement Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overstatement Related Words
  • overblown

    • adjective satellite puffed up with vanity
      pompous; portentous; grandiloquent; pontifical.
      • a grandiloquent and boastful manner
      • overblown oratory
      • a pompous speech
      • pseudo-scientific gobbledygook and pontifical hooey»- Newsweek
    • adjective satellite past the stage of full bloom
      • overblown roses

    • More ‘overblown’ Meaning
    • overblown Associated Words
    • overblown Related Words
  • overlord

    • noun a person who has general authority over others
      lord; master.

    • More ‘overlord’ Meaning
    • overlords Associated Words
    • overlords Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overlords Related Words
  • overhang

    • noun projection that extends beyond or hangs over something else
    • verb project over

    • More ‘overhang’ Meaning
    • overhang Idioms/Phrases
    • overhung Associated Words
    • overhung Related Words
  • overconfidence

    • noun total certainty or greater certainty than circumstances warrant
      certitude; cocksureness.

    • More ‘overconfidence’ Meaning
    • overconfidence Associated Words
    • overconfidence Related Words
  • overhang

    • noun projection that extends beyond or hangs over something else
    • verb project over

    • More ‘overhang’ Meaning
    • overhangs Associated Words
    • overhangs Related Words
  • overcoat

    • noun a heavy coat worn over clothes in winter
      topcoat; greatcoat.
    • noun an additional protective coating (as of paint or varnish)

    • More ‘overcoat’ Meaning
    • overcoats Associated Words
    • overcoats Related Words
  • overpass

    • noun bridge formed by the upper level of a crossing of two highways at different levels

    • More ‘overpass’ Meaning
    • overpass Associated Words
    • overpass Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overpass Related Words
  • overpayment

    • noun a payment larger than needed or expected
    • noun the act of paying too much

    • More ‘overpayment’ Meaning
    • overpayment Associated Words
    • overpayment Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overpayment Related Words
  • overextend

    • verb strain excessively
      • He overextended himself when he accepted the additional assignment

    • More ‘overextend’ Meaning
    • overextended Associated Words
    • overextended Related Words
  • overpay

    • verb pay too much

    • More ‘overpay’ Meaning
    • overpaid Associated Words
    • overpaid Related Words
  • overconfident

    • adjective satellite marked by excessive confidence
      positive; cocksure.
      • an arrogant and cocksure materialist
      • so overconfident and impudent as to speak to the queen
      • the less he knows the more positive he gets

    • More ‘overconfident’ Meaning
    • overconfident Associated Words
    • overconfident Related Words
  • overdraw

    • verb draw more money from than is available
      • She overdrew her account
    • verb to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth
      magnify; exaggerate; overstate; hyperbolize; hyperbolise; amplify.
      • tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South’ imagery

    • More ‘overdraw’ Meaning
    • overdrawn Associated Words
    • overdrawn Related Words
  • overdose

    • verb dose too heavily
      • The rock star overdosed and was found dead in his hotel room

    • More ‘overdose’ Meaning
    • overdoses Associated Words
    • overdoses Related Words
  • overstate

    • verb to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth
      overdraw; magnify; exaggerate; hyperbolize; hyperbolise; amplify.
      • tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South’ imagery

    • More ‘overstate’ Meaning
    • overstating Associated Words
    • overstating Related Words
  • overawed

    • adjective satellite overcome by a feeling of awe
    • verb subdue, restrain, or overcome by affecting with a feeling of awe; frighten (as with threats)
      overawe; cow.

    • More ‘overawed’ Meaning
    • overawed Associated Words
    • overawed Related Words
  • overvaluation

    • noun an appraisal that is too high
      overestimate; overappraisal; overestimation.
    • noun too high a value or price assigned to something

    • More ‘overvaluation’ Meaning
    • overvaluation Associated Words
    • overvaluation Related Words
  • overwinter

    • verb spend the winter
      • We wintered on the Riviera
      • Shackleton’s men overwintered on Elephant Island

    • More ‘overwinter’ Meaning
    • overwintering Associated Words
    • overwintering Related Words
  • overexposure

    • noun the act of exposing film to too much light or for too long a time
    • noun the act of exposing someone excessively to an influencing experience
      • an overexposure to violence on television

    • More ‘overexposure’ Meaning
    • overexposure Associated Words
    • overexposure Related Words
  • overdo

    • verb do something to an excessive degree
      • He overdid it last night when he did 100 pushups

    • More ‘overdo’ Meaning
    • overdoing Associated Words
    • overdoing Related Words
  • overstate

    • verb to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth
      overdraw; magnify; exaggerate; hyperbolize; hyperbolise; amplify.
      • tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South’ imagery

    • More ‘overstate’ Meaning
    • overstates Associated Words
    • overstates Related Words
  • overexploitation

    • noun exploitation to the point of diminishing returns
      overuse; overutilization; overutilisation.

    • More ‘overexploitation’ Meaning
    • overexploitation Associated Words
    • overexploitation Related Words
  • overpopulate

    • verb cause to have too great a population
      • Some towns in New Jersey are becoming overpopulated

    • More ‘overpopulate’ Meaning
    • overpopulated Associated Words
    • overpopulated Related Words
  • overripe

    • adjective satellite too ripe and beginning to turn soft

    • More ‘overripe’ Meaning
    • overripe Associated Words
    • overripe Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overripe Related Words
  • overwinter

    • verb spend the winter
      • We wintered on the Riviera
      • Shackleton’s men overwintered on Elephant Island

    • More ‘overwinter’ Meaning
    • overwinter Associated Words
    • overwinter Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overwinter Related Words
  • overspend

    • verb spend more than available of (a budget)
    • verb spend at a high rate

    • More ‘overspend’ Meaning
    • overspending Associated Words
    • overspending Related Words
  • overdose

    • verb dose too heavily
      • The rock star overdosed and was found dead in his hotel room

    • More ‘overdose’ Meaning
    • overdosed Associated Words
    • overdosed Related Words
  • overawe

    • verb subdue, restrain, or overcome by affecting with a feeling of awe; frighten (as with threats)

    • More ‘overawe’ Meaning
    • overawe Associated Words
    • overawe Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overawe Related Words
  • overage

    • noun a surplus or excess of money or merchandise that is actually on hand and that exceeds expectations
    • adjective satellite too old to be useful
      overaged; over-the-hill; superannuated.
      • He left the house…for the support of twelve superannuated wool carders»- Anthony Trollope

    • More ‘overage’ Meaning
    • overage Associated Words
    • overage Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overage Related Words
  • overpayment

    • noun a payment larger than needed or expected
    • noun the act of paying too much

    • More ‘overpayment’ Meaning
    • overpayments Related Words
  • overstrain

    • noun too much strain
    • verb strain excessively
      • He overextended himself when he accepted the additional assignment

    • More ‘overstrain’ Meaning
    • overstrained Related Words
  • overbite

    • noun (dentistry) malocclusion in which the upper teeth extend abnormally far over the lower teeth

    • More ‘overbite’ Meaning
    • overbite Associated Words
    • overbite Related Words
  • overdose

    • verb dose too heavily
      • The rock star overdosed and was found dead in his hotel room

    • More ‘overdose’ Meaning
    • overdosing Associated Words
    • overdosing Related Words
  • overstock

    • verb stock excessively

    • More ‘overstock’ Meaning
    • overstocked Associated Words
    • overstocked Related Words
  • overflight

    • noun a flight by an aircraft over a particular area (especially over an area in foreign territory)

    • More ‘overflight’ Meaning
    • overflight Associated Words
    • overflight Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overflight Related Words
  • overexertion

    • noun excessive exertion; so much exertion that discomfort or injury results

    • More ‘overexertion’ Meaning
    • overexertion Associated Words
    • overexertion Related Words
  • overpass

    • noun bridge formed by the upper level of a crossing of two highways at different levels

    • More ‘overpass’ Meaning
    • overpasses Associated Words
    • overpasses Related Words
  • overflight

    • noun a flight by an aircraft over a particular area (especially over an area in foreign territory)

    • More ‘overflight’ Meaning
    • overflights Associated Words
    • overflights Related Words
  • overdo

    • verb do something to an excessive degree
      • He overdid it last night when he did 100 pushups

    • More ‘overdo’ Meaning
    • overdid Associated Words
    • overdid Related Words
  • overdraft

    • noun a draft in excess of the credit balance

    • More ‘overdraft’ Meaning
    • overdraft Idioms/Phrases
    • overdraft Associated Words
    • overdraft Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overdraft Related Words
  • overemphasize

    • verb place special or excessive emphasis on
      overemphasise; overstress.
      • I cannot overemphasize the importance of this book

    • More ‘overemphasize’ Meaning
    • overemphasized Associated Words
    • overemphasized Related Words
  • overzealous

    • adjective satellite marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea
      rabid; fanatical; fanatic.
      • rabid isolationist

    • More ‘overzealous’ Meaning
    • overzealous Associated Words
    • overzealous Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overzealous Related Words
  • overwrought

    • adjective satellite deeply agitated especially from emotion
      • distraught with grief

    • More ‘overwrought’ Meaning
    • overwrought Associated Words
    • overwrought Related Words
  • overhear

    • verb hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers
      catch; take in.
      • We overheard the conversation at the next table

    • More ‘overhear’ Meaning
    • overhearing Associated Words
    • overhearing Related Words
  • overemphasis

    • noun too much emphasis

    • More ‘overemphasis’ Meaning
    • overemphasis Associated Words
    • overemphasis Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overemphasis Related Words
  • overemphasize

    • verb place special or excessive emphasis on
      overemphasise; overstress.
      • I cannot overemphasize the importance of this book

    • More ‘overemphasize’ Meaning
    • overemphasize Associated Words
    • overemphasize Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overemphasize Related Words
  • overeat

    • verb overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
      engorge; gormandize; gormandise; overgorge; glut; satiate; englut; stuff; ingurgitate; overindulge; gorge; scarf out; gourmandize; binge; pig out.
      • She stuffed herself at the dinner
      • The kids binged on ice cream

    • More ‘overeat’ Meaning
    • overeat Associated Words
    • overeat Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overeat Related Words
  • overpressure

    • noun a transient air pressure greater than the surrounding atmospheric pressure
      • the overpressure of the blast kills by lethal concussion

    • More ‘overpressure’ Meaning
    • overpressure Associated Words
    • overpressure Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overpressure Related Words
  • overhear

    • verb hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers
      catch; take in.
      • We overheard the conversation at the next table

    • More ‘overhear’ Meaning
    • overhears Associated Words
    • overhears Related Words
  • overdraft

    • noun a draft in excess of the credit balance

    • More ‘overdraft’ Meaning
    • overdrafts Associated Words
    • overdrafts Related Words
  • overindulgence

    • noun excessive indulgence
      • the child was spoiled by overindulgence

    • More ‘overindulgence’ Meaning
    • overindulgence Associated Words
    • overindulgence Related Words
  • overstress

    • verb place special or excessive emphasis on
      overemphasise; overemphasize.
      • I cannot overemphasize the importance of this book

    • More ‘overstress’ Meaning
    • overstressed Related Words
  • oversensitive

    • adjective satellite unduly sensitive or thin-skinned

    • More ‘oversensitive’ Meaning
    • oversensitive Associated Words
    • oversensitive Related Words
  • overemphasize

    • verb place special or excessive emphasis on
      overemphasise; overstress.
      • I cannot overemphasize the importance of this book

    • More ‘overemphasize’ Meaning
    • overemphasizing Associated Words
    • overemphasizing Related Words
  • overprint

    • noun something added by overprinting
    • verb print (additional text or colors) onto an already imprinted paper
      print over.

    • More ‘overprint’ Meaning
    • overprint Associated Words
    • overprint Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overprint Related Words
  • overexcited

    • adjective satellite unduly excited

    • More ‘overexcited’ Meaning
    • overexcited Associated Words
    • overexcited Related Words
  • overshoe

    • noun footwear that protects your shoes from water or snow or cold

    • More ‘overshoe’ Meaning
    • overshoes Associated Words
    • overshoes Related Words
  • overstress

    • verb place special or excessive emphasis on
      overemphasise; overemphasize.
      • I cannot overemphasize the importance of this book

    • More ‘overstress’ Meaning
    • overstress Associated Words
    • overstress Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overstress Related Words
  • oversexed

    • adjective satellite having excessive sexual desire or appeal

    • More ‘oversexed’ Meaning
    • oversexed Associated Words
    • oversexed Related Words
  • overtax

    • verb tax excessively
      • Don’t overtax my constituents!

    • More ‘overtax’ Meaning
    • overtaxed Associated Words
    • overtaxed Related Words
  • oversea

    • adjective satellite being or passing over or across the sea
      • some overseas trade in grain arose
    • adverb beyond or across the sea
      • He lived overseas for many years

    • More ‘oversea’ Meaning
    • oversea Associated Words
    • oversea Prefix/Suffix Words
    • oversea Related Words
  • overleaf

    • adverb on or to the other side of a page
      • data tabulated overleaf

    • More ‘overleaf’ Meaning
    • overleaf Associated Words
    • overleaf Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overleaf Related Words
  • overfed

    • adjective satellite too well nourished

    • More ‘overfed’ Meaning
    • overfed Associated Words
    • overfed Related Words
  • oversubscribed

    • adjective satellite sold in excess of available supply especially season tickets
      • the opera season was oversubscribed

    • More ‘oversubscribed’ Meaning
    • oversubscribed Associated Words
    • oversubscribed Related Words
  • overarm

    • adjective with hand brought forward and down from above shoulder level
      overhanded; overhand.
      • an overhand pitch
      • an overhand stroke

    • More ‘overarm’ Meaning
    • overarm Associated Words
    • overarm Related Words
  • overleap

    • verb defeat (oneself) by going too far
    • verb jump across or leap over (an obstacle)

    • More ‘overleap’ Meaning
    • overleap Associated Words
    • overleap Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overleap Related Words
  • overbid

    • noun a bid that is higher than preceding bids
    • noun (bridge) a bid that is higher than your opponent’s bid (especially when your partner has not bid at all and your bid exceeds the value of your hand)

    • More ‘overbid’ Meaning
    • overbid Associated Words
    • overbid Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overbid Related Words
  • overcloud

    • verb become covered with clouds
      cloud over; cloud up.
      • The sky clouded over
    • verb make obscure or unclear
      obscure; bedim.
      • The distinction was obscured

    • More ‘overcloud’ Meaning
    • overclouded Associated Words
    • overclouded Related Words
  • oversee

    • verb watch and direct
      superintend; manage; supervise.
      • Who is overseeing this project?

    • More ‘oversee’ Meaning
    • overseeding Related Words
  • overbid

    • noun a bid that is higher than preceding bids
    • noun (bridge) a bid that is higher than your opponent’s bid (especially when your partner has not bid at all and your bid exceeds the value of your hand)

    • More ‘overbid’ Meaning
    • overbidding Associated Words
    • overbidding Related Words
  • overleap

    • verb defeat (oneself) by going too far
    • verb jump across or leap over (an obstacle)

    • More ‘overleap’ Meaning
    • overleaped Associated Words
    • overleaped Related Words
  • overleap

    • verb defeat (oneself) by going too far
    • verb jump across or leap over (an obstacle)

    • More ‘overleap’ Meaning
    • overleaping Associated Words
    • overleaping Related Words
  • overleap

    • verb defeat (oneself) by going too far
    • verb jump across or leap over (an obstacle)

    • More ‘overleap’ Meaning
    • overleaps Associated Words
    • overleaps Related Words
  • overtime

    • noun work done in addition to regular working hours
    • noun playing time beyond regulation, to break a tie
      extra time.

    • More ‘overtime’ Meaning
    • overtimes Associated Words
    • overtimes Related Words
  • oversee

    • verb watch and direct
      superintend; manage; supervise.
      • Who is overseeing this project?

    • More ‘oversee’ Meaning
    • overseeded Related Words
  • overcompensate

    • verb make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities
      compensate; cover.
      • he is compensating for being a bad father
    • verb make excessive corrections for fear of making an error

    • More ‘overcompensate’ Meaning
    • overcompensate Associated Words
    • overcompensate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overcompensate Related Words
  • overfill

    • verb fill beyond capacity
      • overfill the baskets

    • More ‘overfill’ Meaning
    • overfill Associated Words
    • overfill Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overfill Related Words
  • overfill

    • verb fill beyond capacity
      • overfill the baskets

    • More ‘overfill’ Meaning
    • overfilling Associated Words
    • overfilling Related Words
  • overcomer

    • noun someone who overcomes and establishes ascendancy and control by force or persuasion
      surmounter; subduer.

    • More ‘overcomer’ Meaning
    • overcomer Associated Words
    • overcomer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overcomer Related Words
  • overcomer

    • noun someone who overcomes and establishes ascendancy and control by force or persuasion
      surmounter; subduer.

    • More ‘overcomer’ Meaning
    • overcomers Related Words
  • overcompensate

    • verb make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities
      compensate; cover.
      • he is compensating for being a bad father
    • verb make excessive corrections for fear of making an error

    • More ‘overcompensate’ Meaning
    • overcompensated Associated Words
    • overcompensated Related Words
  • overcompensate

    • verb make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities
      compensate; cover.
      • he is compensating for being a bad father
    • verb make excessive corrections for fear of making an error

    • More ‘overcompensate’ Meaning
    • overcompensating Associated Words
    • overcompensating Related Words
  • overgrow

    • verb grow too large
    • verb become overgrown
      • The patio overgrew with ivy

    • More ‘overgrow’ Meaning
    • overgrow Associated Words
    • overgrow Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overgrow Related Words
  • overreaction

    • noun an excessive reaction; a reaction with inappropriate emotional behavior

    • More ‘overreaction’ Meaning
    • overreactions Associated Words
    • overreactions Related Words
  • overfly

    • verb fly over
      pass over.
      • The plane passed over Damascus

    • More ‘overfly’ Meaning
    • overfly Associated Words
    • overfly Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overfly Related Words
  • overheat

    • verb get excessively and undesirably hot
      • The car engines overheated
    • verb make excessively or undesirably hot
      • The room was overheated

    • More ‘overheat’ Meaning
    • overheats Associated Words
    • overheats Related Words
  • overdress

    • verb dress too warmly
      • You should not overclothe the child—she will be too hot
    • verb put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive
      rig out; dress up; fig out; trick up; deck out; prink; tog out; get up; fig up; deck up; fancy up; attire; tog up; gussy up; trick out.
      • She never dresses up, even when she goes to the opera
      • The young girls were all fancied up for the party

    • More ‘overdress’ Meaning
    • overdress Associated Words
    • overdress Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overdress Related Words
  • overcall

    • noun (bridge) a bid that is higher than your opponent’s bid (especially when your partner has not bid at all and your bid exceeds the value of your hand)

    • More ‘overcall’ Meaning
    • overcall Associated Words
    • overcall Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overcall Related Words
  • overflow

    • noun a large flow
      outpouring; flood.
    • noun the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity
      runoff; overspill.

    • More ‘overflow’ Meaning
    • overflowings Related Words
  • overfly

    • verb fly over
      pass over.
      • The plane passed over Damascus

    • More ‘overfly’ Meaning
    • overflying Associated Words
    • overflying Related Words
  • overfly

    • verb fly over
      pass over.
      • The plane passed over Damascus

    • More ‘overfly’ Meaning
    • overflown Associated Words
    • overflown Related Words
  • overgrow

    • verb grow too large
    • verb become overgrown
      • The patio overgrew with ivy

    • More ‘overgrow’ Meaning
    • overgrowing Associated Words
    • overgrowing Related Words
  • overcapitalization

    • noun (business) too much capitalization (the sale of more stock than the business warrants)

    • More ‘overcapitalization’ Meaning
    • overcapitalization Associated Words
    • overcapitalization Related Words
  • overfly

    • verb fly over
      pass over.
      • The plane passed over Damascus

    • More ‘overfly’ Meaning
    • overflew Associated Words
    • overflew Related Words
  • overcompensate

    • verb make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities
      compensate; cover.
      • he is compensating for being a bad father
    • verb make excessive corrections for fear of making an error

    • More ‘overcompensate’ Meaning
    • overcompensates Associated Words
    • overcompensates Related Words
  • overcasting

    • noun a long whipstitch or overhand stitch overlying an edge to prevent raveling
    • verb make overcast or cloudy
      overcast; cloud.
      • Fall weather often overcasts our beaches

    • More ‘overcasting’ Meaning
    • overcasting Associated Words
    • overcasting Related Words
  • overdress

    • verb dress too warmly
      • You should not overclothe the child—she will be too hot
    • verb put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive
      rig out; dress up; fig out; trick up; deck out; prink; tog out; get up; fig up; deck up; fancy up; attire; tog up; gussy up; trick out.
      • She never dresses up, even when she goes to the opera
      • The young girls were all fancied up for the party

    • More ‘overdress’ Meaning
    • overdressing Associated Words
    • overdressing Related Words
  • overgrow

    • verb grow too large
    • verb become overgrown
      • The patio overgrew with ivy

    • More ‘overgrow’ Meaning
    • overgrows Associated Words
    • overgrows Related Words
  • overfill

    • verb fill beyond capacity
      • overfill the baskets

    • More ‘overfill’ Meaning
    • overfills Associated Words
    • overfills Related Words
  • overgrow

    • verb grow too large
    • verb become overgrown
      • The patio overgrew with ivy

    • More ‘overgrow’ Meaning
    • overgrew Associated Words
    • overgrew Related Words
  • overcall

    • noun (bridge) a bid that is higher than your opponent’s bid (especially when your partner has not bid at all and your bid exceeds the value of your hand)

    • More ‘overcall’ Meaning
    • overcalls Related Words
  • overtop

    • verb look down on
      overlook; dominate; command.
      • The villa dominates the town

    • More ‘overtop’ Meaning
    • overtopped Associated Words
    • overtopped Related Words
  • overprotection

    • noun excessive protection
      momism; overshielding.

    • More ‘overprotection’ Meaning
    • overprotection Associated Words
    • overprotection Related Words
  • overspill

    • noun the relocation of people from overcrowded cities; they are accommodated in new houses or apartments in smaller towns
    • noun the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity
      runoff; overflow.

    • More ‘overspill’ Meaning
    • overspill Associated Words
    • overspill Related Words
  • overstay

    • verb stay too long
      • overstay or outstay one’s welcome

    • More ‘overstay’ Meaning
    • overstay Associated Words
    • overstay Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overstay Related Words
  • overtop

    • verb look down on
      overlook; dominate; command.
      • The villa dominates the town

    • More ‘overtop’ Meaning
    • overtop Associated Words
    • overtop Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overtop Related Words
  • overburden

    • noun the surface soil that must be moved away to get at coal seams and mineral deposits
    • noun an excessive burden

    • More ‘overburden’ Meaning
    • overburdening Associated Words
    • overburdening Related Words
  • overuse

    • noun exploitation to the point of diminishing returns
      overutilization; overexploitation; overutilisation.
    • verb make use of too often or too extensively

    • More ‘overuse’ Meaning
    • overusing Associated Words
    • overusing Related Words
  • overstretch

    • verb strain abnormally
      • I pulled a muscle in my leg when I jumped up
      • The athlete pulled a tendon in the competition

    • More ‘overstretch’ Meaning
    • overstretching Associated Words
    • overstretching Related Words
  • oversimplification

    • noun an act of excessive simplification; the act of making something seem simpler than it really is
    • noun a simplification that goes too far (to the point of misrepresentation)

    • More ‘oversimplification’ Meaning
    • oversimplifications Associated Words
    • oversimplifications Related Words
  • overproduce

    • verb produce in excess; produce more than needed or wanted
    • verb produce in excess
      • The country overproduces cars

    • More ‘overproduce’ Meaning
    • overproduced Associated Words
    • overproduced Related Words
  • overstep

    • verb pass beyond (limits or boundaries)
      trespass; transgress.
    • verb be superior or better than some standard
      transcend; exceed; top; go past; pass.
      • She exceeded our expectations
      • She topped her performance of last year

    • More ‘overstep’ Meaning
    • oversteps Associated Words
    • oversteps Related Words
  • overplay

    • verb exaggerate one’s acting
      ham; overact; ham it up.

    • More ‘overplay’ Meaning
    • overplay Associated Words
    • overplay Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overplay Related Words
  • overcharge

    • noun a price that is too high
    • verb rip off; ask an unreasonable price
      fleece; soak; plume; pluck; hook; rob; gazump; surcharge.

    • More ‘overcharge’ Meaning
    • overcharges Associated Words
    • overcharges Related Words
  • overgeneralize

    • verb draw too general a conclusion
      • It is dangerous to overgeneralize

    • More ‘overgeneralize’ Meaning
    • overgeneralize Associated Words
    • overgeneralize Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overgeneralize Related Words
  • overstrain

    • noun too much strain
    • verb strain excessively
      • He overextended himself when he accepted the additional assignment

    • More ‘overstrain’ Meaning
    • overstrain Associated Words
    • overstrain Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overstrain Related Words
  • overabundant

    • adjective satellite excessively abundant
      rife; plethoric.

    • More ‘overabundant’ Meaning
    • overabundant Associated Words
    • overabundant Related Words
  • overproduce

    • verb produce in excess; produce more than needed or wanted
    • verb produce in excess
      • The country overproduces cars

    • More ‘overproduce’ Meaning
    • overproduce Associated Words
    • overproduce Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overproduce Related Words
  • overgeneralize

    • verb draw too general a conclusion
      • It is dangerous to overgeneralize

    • More ‘overgeneralize’ Meaning
    • overgeneralized Associated Words
    • overgeneralized Related Words
  • overstay

    • verb stay too long
      • overstay or outstay one’s welcome

    • More ‘overstay’ Meaning
    • overstaying Associated Words
    • overstaying Related Words
  • overlay

    • noun protective covering consisting, for example, of a layer of boards applied to the studs and joists of a building to strengthen it and serve as a foundation for a weatherproof exterior
      sheathing; overlayer.
    • noun a layer of decorative material (such as gold leaf or wood veneer) applied over a surface

    • More ‘overlay’ Meaning
    • overlayed Related Words
  • overachieve

    • verb perform better or achieve a greater degree of success than expected
      • His daughter always overachieves

    • More ‘overachieve’ Meaning
    • overachieving Associated Words
    • overachieving Related Words
  • overgeneralize

    • verb draw too general a conclusion
      • It is dangerous to overgeneralize

    • More ‘overgeneralize’ Meaning
    • overgeneralizing Associated Words
    • overgeneralizing Related Words
  • overcook

    • verb cook too long
      • The vegetables were completely overcooked

    • More ‘overcook’ Meaning
    • overcooking Associated Words
    • overcooking Related Words
  • overacting

    • noun poor acting by a ham actor
    • verb exaggerate one’s acting
      ham; overplay; overact; ham it up.

    • More ‘overacting’ Meaning
    • overacting Associated Words
    • overacting Related Words
  • oversleep

    • verb sleep longer than intended

    • More ‘oversleep’ Meaning
    • oversleep Associated Words
    • oversleep Prefix/Suffix Words
    • oversleep Related Words
  • overspread

    • verb spread across or over
      • A big oil spot spread across the water

    • More ‘overspread’ Meaning
    • overspreading Associated Words
    • overspreading Related Words
  • overmaster

    • verb overcome by superior force
      overpower; overwhelm.

    • More ‘overmaster’ Meaning
    • overmastered Associated Words
    • overmastered Related Words
  • oversleep

    • verb sleep longer than intended

    • More ‘oversleep’ Meaning
    • oversleeping Associated Words
    • oversleeping Related Words
  • overprotect

    • verb care for like a mother
      fuss; mother.
      • She fusses over her husband
    • verb protect excessively
      • Don’t overprotect your son—he is an adult now!

    • More ‘overprotect’ Meaning
    • overprotected Associated Words
    • overprotected Related Words
  • overdrive

    • noun the state of high or excessive activity or productivity or concentration
      • Troops are ready to go into overdrive as soon as the signal is given
      • Melissa’s brain was in overdrive
    • noun a high gear used at high speeds to maintain the driving speed with less output power

    • More ‘overdrive’ Meaning
    • overdriven Related Words
  • overproduce

    • verb produce in excess; produce more than needed or wanted
    • verb produce in excess
      • The country overproduces cars

    • More ‘overproduce’ Meaning
    • overproducing Associated Words
    • overproducing Related Words
  • overplay

    • verb exaggerate one’s acting
      ham; overact; ham it up.

    • More ‘overplay’ Meaning
    • overplaying Associated Words
    • overplaying Related Words
  • overreact

    • verb show an exaggerated response to something
      • Don’t overreact to the bad news—take it easy

    • More ‘overreact’ Meaning
    • overreacts Associated Words
    • overreacts Related Words
  • overrating

    • noun a calculation that results in an estimate that is too high
      overestimate; overestimation; overreckoning.
    • verb make too high an estimate of
      overestimate; overrate.
      • He overestimated his own powers

    • More ‘overrating’ Meaning
    • overrating Associated Words
    • overrating Related Words
  • overfeed

    • verb feed excessively

    • More ‘overfeed’ Meaning
    • overfeed Associated Words
    • overfeed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overfeed Related Words
  • overcrowd

    • verb cause to crowd together too much
      • The students overcrowded the cafeteria
    • verb crowd together too much

    • More ‘overcrowd’ Meaning
    • overcrowd Associated Words
    • overcrowd Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overcrowd Related Words
  • overbear

    • verb overcome
      • overbear criticism, protest, or arguments
    • verb bear too much

    • More ‘overbear’ Meaning
    • overbear Associated Words
    • overbear Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overbear Related Words
  • overreach

    • verb fail by aiming too high or trying too hard
    • verb beat through cleverness and wit
      outsmart; beat; outwit; outfox; circumvent.
      • I beat the traffic
      • She outfoxed her competitors

    • More ‘overreach’ Meaning
    • overreaches Associated Words
    • overreaches Related Words
  • overexpose

    • verb expose to too much light
      • the photographic film was overexposed and there is no image
    • verb expose excessively
      • As a child, I was overexposed to French movies

    • More ‘overexpose’ Meaning
    • overexpose Associated Words
    • overexpose Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overexpose Related Words
  • overhasty

    • adjective satellite done with very great haste and without due deliberation
      hasty; precipitate; precipitant; precipitous.
      • hasty marriage seldom proveth well»- Shakespeare
      • hasty makeshifts take the place of planning»- Arthur Geddes
      • rejected what was regarded as an overhasty plan for reconversion
      • wondered whether they had been rather precipitate in deposing the king

    • More ‘overhasty’ Meaning
    • overhasty Associated Words
    • overhasty Related Words
  • overtop

    • verb look down on
      overlook; dominate; command.
      • The villa dominates the town

    • More ‘overtop’ Meaning
    • overtops Associated Words
    • overtops Related Words
  • overachievement

    • noun better than expected performance (better than might have been predicted from intelligence tests)

    • More ‘overachievement’ Meaning
    • overachievement Associated Words
    • overachievement Related Words
  • overprotect

    • verb care for like a mother
      fuss; mother.
      • She fusses over her husband
    • verb protect excessively
      • Don’t overprotect your son—he is an adult now!

    • More ‘overprotect’ Meaning
    • overprotect Associated Words
    • overprotect Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overprotect Related Words
  • overbear

    • verb overcome
      • overbear criticism, protest, or arguments
    • verb bear too much

    • More ‘overbear’ Meaning
    • overbore Associated Words
    • overbore Related Words
  • overspread

    • verb spread across or over
      • A big oil spot spread across the water

    • More ‘overspread’ Meaning
    • overspreads Associated Words
    • overspreads Related Words
  • overestimation

    • noun an appraisal that is too high
      overestimate; overappraisal; overvaluation.
    • noun a calculation that results in an estimate that is too high
      overestimate; overrating; overreckoning.

    • More ‘overestimation’ Meaning
    • overestimations Associated Words
    • overestimations Related Words
  • overact

    • verb exaggerate one’s acting
      ham; overplay; ham it up.

    • More ‘overact’ Meaning
    • overact Associated Words
    • overact Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overact Related Words
  • overexpose

    • verb expose to too much light
      • the photographic film was overexposed and there is no image
    • verb expose excessively
      • As a child, I was overexposed to French movies

    • More ‘overexpose’ Meaning
    • overexposing Associated Words
    • overexposing Related Words
  • overmaster

    • verb overcome by superior force
      overpower; overwhelm.

    • More ‘overmaster’ Meaning
    • overmaster Associated Words
    • overmaster Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overmaster Related Words
  • overburden

    • noun the surface soil that must be moved away to get at coal seams and mineral deposits
    • noun an excessive burden

    • More ‘overburden’ Meaning
    • overburdens Associated Words
    • overburdens Related Words
  • overstay

    • verb stay too long
      • overstay or outstay one’s welcome

    • More ‘overstay’ Meaning
    • overstays Associated Words
    • overstays Related Words
  • overact

    • verb exaggerate one’s acting
      ham; overplay; ham it up.

    • More ‘overact’ Meaning
    • overacted Associated Words
    • overacted Related Words
  • overprotect

    • verb care for like a mother
      fuss; mother.
      • She fusses over her husband
    • verb protect excessively
      • Don’t overprotect your son—he is an adult now!

    • More ‘overprotect’ Meaning
    • overprotecting Associated Words
    • overprotecting Related Words
  • overdrive

    • noun the state of high or excessive activity or productivity or concentration
      • Troops are ready to go into overdrive as soon as the signal is given
      • Melissa’s brain was in overdrive
    • noun a high gear used at high speeds to maintain the driving speed with less output power

    • More ‘overdrive’ Meaning
    • overdriving Related Words
  • overrate

    • verb make too high an estimate of
      • He overestimated his own powers

    • More ‘overrate’ Meaning
    • overrates Associated Words
    • overrates Related Words
  • overplay

    • verb exaggerate one’s acting
      ham; overact; ham it up.

    • More ‘overplay’ Meaning
    • overplays Associated Words
    • overplays Related Words
  • overwrite

    • verb write new data on top of existing data and thus erase the previously existing data
      • overwrite that file

    • More ‘overwrite’ Meaning
    • overwrote Associated Words
    • overwrote Related Words
  • overachieve

    • verb perform better or achieve a greater degree of success than expected
      • His daughter always overachieves

    • More ‘overachieve’ Meaning
    • overachieve Associated Words
    • overachieve Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overachieve Related Words
  • overspecialize

    • verb become overly specialized
      • She overspecialized when she concentrated on verbs in Fijian

    • More ‘overspecialize’ Meaning
    • overspecialized Associated Words
    • overspecialized Related Words
  • overwork

    • noun the act of working too much or too long
      • he became ill from overwork
    • verb use too much
      • This play has been overworked

    • More ‘overwork’ Meaning
    • overworks Associated Words
    • overworks Related Words
  • overcapitalize

    • verb estimate the capital value of (a company) at an unreasonably or unlawfully high level
    • verb overestimate the market value of
      • overcapitalize a property

    • More ‘overcapitalize’ Meaning
    • overcapitalized Associated Words
    • overcapitalized Related Words
  • overproduce

    • verb produce in excess; produce more than needed or wanted
    • verb produce in excess
      • The country overproduces cars

    • More ‘overproduce’ Meaning
    • overproduces Associated Words
    • overproduces Related Words
  • overuse

    • noun exploitation to the point of diminishing returns
      overutilization; overexploitation; overutilisation.
    • verb make use of too often or too extensively

    • More ‘overuse’ Meaning
    • overuses Associated Words
    • overuses Related Words
  • overrefined

    • adjective satellite excessively delicate or refined
    • verb refine too much or with excess of subtlety
      over-refine; overrefine.
      • He is overrefining this matter

    • More ‘overrefined’ Meaning
    • overrefined Associated Words
    • overrefined Related Words
  • overbalance

    • verb weigh more heavily
      outweigh; outbalance; preponderate.
      • these considerations outweigh our wishes
    • verb cause to be off balance
      • It is not desirable to overbalance the budget

    • More ‘overbalance’ Meaning
    • overbalanced Associated Words
    • overbalanced Related Words
  • overlayer

    • noun protective covering consisting, for example, of a layer of boards applied to the studs and joists of a building to strengthen it and serve as a foundation for a weatherproof exterior
      sheathing; overlay.

    • More ‘overlayer’ Meaning
    • overlayer Associated Words
    • overlayer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overlayer Related Words
  • overvalue

    • verb assign too high a value to
      • You are overestimating the value of your old car

    • More ‘overvalue’ Meaning
    • overvalue Associated Words
    • overvalue Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overvalue Related Words
  • overbalance

    • verb weigh more heavily
      outweigh; outbalance; preponderate.
      • these considerations outweigh our wishes
    • verb cause to be off balance
      • It is not desirable to overbalance the budget

    • More ‘overbalance’ Meaning
    • overbalance Associated Words
    • overbalance Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overbalance Related Words
  • overextend

    • verb strain excessively
      • He overextended himself when he accepted the additional assignment

    • More ‘overextend’ Meaning
    • overextend Associated Words
    • overextend Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overextend Related Words
  • overspend

    • verb spend more than available of (a budget)
    • verb spend at a high rate

    • More ‘overspend’ Meaning
    • overspend Associated Words
    • overspend Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overspend Related Words
  • overplus

    • noun extreme excess
      embarrassment; superfluity; plethora.
      • an embarrassment of riches

    • More ‘overplus’ Meaning
    • overplus Associated Words
    • overplus Related Words
  • overachiever

    • noun a student who attains higher standards than the IQ indicated

    • More ‘overachiever’ Meaning
    • overachiever Associated Words
    • overachiever Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overachiever Related Words
  • overspend

    • verb spend more than available of (a budget)
    • verb spend at a high rate

    • More ‘overspend’ Meaning
    • overspent Associated Words
    • overspent Related Words
  • overexploit

    • verb exploit excessively
      • We should not overexploit our natural resources

    • More ‘overexploit’ Meaning
    • overexploited Related Words
  • overstock

    • verb stock excessively

    • More ‘overstock’ Meaning
    • overstocking Associated Words
    • overstocking Related Words
  • overpay

    • verb pay too much

    • More ‘overpay’ Meaning
    • overpay Associated Words
    • overpay Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overpay Related Words
  • overachiever

    • noun a student who attains higher standards than the IQ indicated

    • More ‘overachiever’ Meaning
    • overachievers Associated Words
    • overachievers Related Words
  • overwinter

    • verb spend the winter
      • We wintered on the Riviera
      • Shackleton’s men overwintered on Elephant Island

    • More ‘overwinter’ Meaning
    • overwintered Associated Words
    • overwintered Related Words
  • overpay

    • verb pay too much

    • More ‘overpay’ Meaning
    • overpaying Associated Words
    • overpaying Related Words
  • overstock

    • verb stock excessively

    • More ‘overstock’ Meaning
    • overstock Associated Words
    • overstock Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overstock Related Words
  • overgrowth

    • noun excessive size; usually caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland
      giantism; gigantism.
    • noun a profusion of growth on or over something else

    • More ‘overgrowth’ Meaning
    • overgrowths Related Words
  • overextend

    • verb strain excessively
      • He overextended himself when he accepted the additional assignment

    • More ‘overextend’ Meaning
    • overextending Associated Words
    • overextending Related Words
  • overvalue

    • verb assign too high a value to
      • You are overestimating the value of your old car

    • More ‘overvalue’ Meaning
    • overvaluing Associated Words
    • overvaluing Related Words
  • overstatement

    • noun making to seem more important than it really is
      magnification; exaggeration.

    • More ‘overstatement’ Meaning
    • overstatements Associated Words
    • overstatements Related Words
  • overprice

    • verb price excessively high

    • More ‘overprice’ Meaning
    • overpricing Associated Words
    • overpricing Related Words
  • overdraw

    • verb draw more money from than is available
      • She overdrew her account
    • verb to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth
      magnify; exaggerate; overstate; hyperbolize; hyperbolise; amplify.
      • tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South’ imagery

    • More ‘overdraw’ Meaning
    • overdraw Associated Words
    • overdraw Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overdraw Related Words
  • overwinter

    • verb spend the winter
      • We wintered on the Riviera
      • Shackleton’s men overwintered on Elephant Island

    • More ‘overwinter’ Meaning
    • overwinters Associated Words
    • overwinters Related Words
  • overutilization

    • noun exploitation to the point of diminishing returns
      overuse; overexploitation; overutilisation.

    • More ‘overutilization’ Meaning
    • overutilization Associated Words
    • overutilization Related Words
  • overmantel

    • noun a shelf over a mantelpiece

    • More ‘overmantel’ Meaning
    • overmantel Associated Words
    • overmantel Related Words
  • overawe

    • verb subdue, restrain, or overcome by affecting with a feeling of awe; frighten (as with threats)

    • More ‘overawe’ Meaning
    • overawing Associated Words
    • overawing Related Words
  • oversewn

    • adjective satellite sewn together with overhand stitches (close vertical stitches that pass over and draw the two edges together)
    • verb sew (two edges) with close stitches that pass over them both

    • More ‘oversewn’ Meaning
    • oversewn Associated Words
    • oversewn Related Words
  • overarch

    • verb be central or dominant
      • This scene overarches the entire first act
    • verb form an arch over
      arch over.
      • Big rocks overarch the stream

    • More ‘overarch’ Meaning
    • overarched Associated Words
    • overarched Related Words
  • overdo

    • verb do something to an excessive degree
      • He overdid it last night when he did 100 pushups

    • More ‘overdo’ Meaning
    • overdoes Associated Words
    • overdoes Related Words
  • overbalance

    • verb weigh more heavily
      outweigh; outbalance; preponderate.
      • these considerations outweigh our wishes
    • verb cause to be off balance
      • It is not desirable to overbalance the budget

    • More ‘overbalance’ Meaning
    • overbalancing Associated Words
    • overbalancing Related Words
  • overgenerous

    • adjective satellite very generous
      unstinting; unstinted; lavish; munificent; too-generous; unsparing.
      • distributed gifts with a lavish hand
      • the critics were lavish in their praise
      • a munificent gift
      • his father gave him a half-dollar and his mother a quarter and he thought them munificent
      • prodigal praise
      • unsparing generosity
      • his unstinted devotion
      • called for unstinting aid to Britain

    • More ‘overgenerous’ Meaning
    • overgenerous Associated Words
    • overgenerous Related Words
  • overexert

    • verb exert (oneself) excessively and go beyond one’s strength
      • don’t overexert yourself when exercising!

    • More ‘overexert’ Meaning
    • overexert Idioms/Phrases
    • overexert Associated Words
    • overexert Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overexert Related Words
  • overstrain

    • noun too much strain
    • verb strain excessively
      • He overextended himself when he accepted the additional assignment

    • More ‘overstrain’ Meaning
    • overstraining Related Words
  • overaged

    • adjective satellite too old to be useful
      overage; over-the-hill; superannuated.
      • He left the house…for the support of twelve superannuated wool carders»- Anthony Trollope

    • More ‘overaged’ Meaning
    • overaged Associated Words
    • overaged Related Words
  • overbold

    • adjective satellite improperly forward or bold
      saucy; impudent; wise; impertinent; fresh; sassy; smart.
      • don’t be fresh with me
      • impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup
      • an impudent boy given to insulting strangers
      • Don’t get wise with me!

    • More ‘overbold’ Meaning
    • overbold Associated Words
    • overbold Related Words
  • overdraw

    • verb draw more money from than is available
      • She overdrew her account
    • verb to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth
      magnify; exaggerate; overstate; hyperbolize; hyperbolise; amplify.
      • tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South’ imagery

    • More ‘overdraw’ Meaning
    • overdrawing Associated Words
    • overdrawing Related Words
  • overemotional

    • adjective satellite excessively or abnormally emotional

    • More ‘overemotional’ Meaning
    • overemotional Associated Words
    • overemotional Related Words
  • overvalue

    • verb assign too high a value to
      • You are overestimating the value of your old car

    • More ‘overvalue’ Meaning
    • overvalues Associated Words
    • overvalues Related Words
  • oversew

    • verb sew (two edges) with close stitches that pass over them both

    • More ‘oversew’ Meaning
    • oversewing Related Words
  • overstrung

    • adjective satellite being in a tense state
      jumpy; highly strung; edgy; uptight; high-strung; jittery; restive; nervy.
    • adjective satellite too tightly strung
      • an overstrung archery bow

    • More ‘overstrung’ Meaning
    • overstrung Associated Words
    • overstrung Related Words
  • overarch

    • verb be central or dominant
      • This scene overarches the entire first act
    • verb form an arch over
      arch over.
      • Big rocks overarch the stream

    • More ‘overarch’ Meaning
    • overarches Associated Words
    • overarches Related Words
  • overexploit

    • verb exploit excessively
      • We should not overexploit our natural resources

    • More ‘overexploit’ Meaning
    • overexploit Associated Words
    • overexploit Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overexploit Related Words
  • overcoating

    • noun an additional protective coating (as of paint or varnish)

    • More ‘overcoating’ Meaning
    • overcoating Associated Words
    • overcoating Related Words
  • overarch

    • verb be central or dominant
      • This scene overarches the entire first act
    • verb form an arch over
      arch over.
      • Big rocks overarch the stream

    • More ‘overarch’ Meaning
    • overarch Associated Words
    • overarch Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overarch Related Words
  • overbalance

    • verb weigh more heavily
      outweigh; outbalance; preponderate.
      • these considerations outweigh our wishes
    • verb cause to be off balance
      • It is not desirable to overbalance the budget

    • More ‘overbalance’ Meaning
    • overbalances Associated Words
    • overbalances Related Words
  • oversew

    • verb sew (two edges) with close stitches that pass over them both

    • More ‘oversew’ Meaning
    • oversew Associated Words
    • oversew Prefix/Suffix Words
    • oversew Related Words
  • overprice

    • verb price excessively high

    • More ‘overprice’ Meaning
    • overprice Associated Words
    • overprice Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overprice Related Words
  • overgarment

    • noun a garment worn over other garments
      outer garment.

    • More ‘overgarment’ Meaning
    • overgarment Associated Words
    • overgarment Related Words
  • overstock

    • verb stock excessively

    • More ‘overstock’ Meaning
    • overstocks Associated Words
    • overstocks Related Words
  • overpopulate

    • verb cause to have too great a population
      • Some towns in New Jersey are becoming overpopulated

    • More ‘overpopulate’ Meaning
    • overpopulate Associated Words
    • overpopulate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overpopulate Related Words
  • overawe

    • verb subdue, restrain, or overcome by affecting with a feeling of awe; frighten (as with threats)

    • More ‘overawe’ Meaning
    • overawes Associated Words
    • overawes Related Words
  • overpay

    • verb pay too much

    • More ‘overpay’ Meaning
    • overpays Associated Words
    • overpays Related Words
  • overexert

    • verb exert (oneself) excessively and go beyond one’s strength
      • don’t overexert yourself when exercising!

    • More ‘overexert’ Meaning
    • overexerted Associated Words
    • overexerted Related Words
  • overexert

    • verb exert (oneself) excessively and go beyond one’s strength
      • don’t overexert yourself when exercising!

    • More ‘overexert’ Meaning
    • overexerting Associated Words
    • overexerting Related Words
  • overexploit

    • verb exploit excessively
      • We should not overexploit our natural resources

    • More ‘overexploit’ Meaning
    • overexploiting Related Words
  • overprint

    • noun something added by overprinting
    • verb print (additional text or colors) onto an already imprinted paper
      print over.

    • More ‘overprint’ Meaning
    • overprinting Associated Words
    • overprinting Related Words
  • overindulge

    • verb overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
      engorge; gormandize; gormandise; overgorge; glut; overeat; satiate; englut; stuff; ingurgitate; gorge; scarf out; gourmandize; binge; pig out.
      • She stuffed herself at the dinner
      • The kids binged on ice cream

    • More ‘overindulge’ Meaning
    • overindulge Associated Words
    • overindulge Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overindulge Related Words
  • overemphasise

    • verb place special or excessive emphasis on
      overstress; overemphasize.
      • I cannot overemphasize the importance of this book

    • More ‘overemphasise’ Meaning
    • overemphasised Associated Words
    • overemphasised Related Words
  • overambitious

    • adjective satellite excessively ambitious

    • More ‘overambitious’ Meaning
    • overambitious Associated Words
    • overambitious Related Words
  • overprint

    • noun something added by overprinting
    • verb print (additional text or colors) onto an already imprinted paper
      print over.

    • More ‘overprint’ Meaning
    • overprinted Associated Words
    • overprinted Related Words
  • overemphasize

    • verb place special or excessive emphasis on
      overemphasise; overstress.
      • I cannot overemphasize the importance of this book

    • More ‘overemphasize’ Meaning
    • overemphasizes Associated Words
    • overemphasizes Related Words
  • overindulge

    • verb overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
      engorge; gormandize; gormandise; overgorge; glut; overeat; satiate; englut; stuff; ingurgitate; gorge; scarf out; gourmandize; binge; pig out.
      • She stuffed herself at the dinner
      • The kids binged on ice cream

    • More ‘overindulge’ Meaning
    • overindulged Associated Words
    • overindulged Related Words
  • overladen

    • adjective satellite loaded past capacity

    • More ‘overladen’ Meaning
    • overladen Associated Words
    • overladen Related Words
  • overlarge

    • adjective satellite excessively large
      too large.

    • More ‘overlarge’ Meaning
    • overlarge Associated Words
    • overlarge Related Words
  • overfull

    • adjective satellite exceeding demand
      • a glutted market

    • More ‘overfull’ Meaning
    • overfull Associated Words
    • overfull Related Words
  • overindulge

    • verb overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
      engorge; gormandize; gormandise; overgorge; glut; overeat; satiate; englut; stuff; ingurgitate; gorge; scarf out; gourmandize; binge; pig out.
      • She stuffed herself at the dinner
      • The kids binged on ice cream

    • More ‘overindulge’ Meaning
    • overindulging Associated Words
    • overindulging Related Words
  • overstress

    • verb place special or excessive emphasis on
      overemphasise; overemphasize.
      • I cannot overemphasize the importance of this book

    • More ‘overstress’ Meaning
    • overstressing Related Words
  • overage

    • noun a surplus or excess of money or merchandise that is actually on hand and that exceeds expectations
    • adjective satellite too old to be useful
      overaged; over-the-hill; superannuated.
      • He left the house…for the support of twelve superannuated wool carders»- Anthony Trollope

    • More ‘overage’ Meaning
    • overages Associated Words
    • overages Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overages Related Words
  • overemphasise

    • verb place special or excessive emphasis on
      overstress; overemphasize.
      • I cannot overemphasize the importance of this book

    • More ‘overemphasise’ Meaning
    • overemphasise Associated Words
    • overemphasise Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overemphasise Related Words
  • overindulgent

    • adjective satellite excessively indulgent

    • More ‘overindulgent’ Meaning
    • overindulgent Associated Words
    • overindulgent Related Words
  • overskirt

    • noun an outer skirt worn over another skirt

    • More ‘overskirt’ Meaning
    • overskirt Associated Words
    • overskirt Related Words
  • overpressure

    • noun a transient air pressure greater than the surrounding atmospheric pressure
      • the overpressure of the blast kills by lethal concussion

    • More ‘overpressure’ Meaning
    • overpressures Related Words
  • overprint

    • noun something added by overprinting
    • verb print (additional text or colors) onto an already imprinted paper
      print over.

    • More ‘overprint’ Meaning
    • overprints Associated Words
    • overprints Related Words
  • overnighter

    • noun a guest who stays overnight
    • noun a small traveling bag to carry clothing and accessories for staying overnight
      overnight case; overnight bag.

    • More ‘overnighter’ Meaning
    • overnighter Associated Words
    • overnighter Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overnighter Related Words
  • overpraise

    • verb praise excessively

    • More ‘overpraise’ Meaning
    • overpraised Associated Words
    • overpraised Related Words
  • overnighter

    • noun a guest who stays overnight
    • noun a small traveling bag to carry clothing and accessories for staying overnight
      overnight case; overnight bag.

    • More ‘overnighter’ Meaning
    • overnighters Associated Words
    • overnighters Related Words
  • overcritical

    • adjective satellite inclined to judge too severely
      • hypercritical of colloquial speech
      • the overcritical teacher can discourage originality

    • More ‘overcritical’ Meaning
    • overcritical Associated Words
    • overcritical Related Words
  • overfamiliar

    • adjective satellite taking undue liberties
      • young women disliked the overfamiliar tone he took with them

    • More ‘overfamiliar’ Meaning
    • overfamiliar Associated Words
    • overfamiliar Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overfamiliar Related Words
  • overpraise

    • verb praise excessively

    • More ‘overpraise’ Meaning
    • overpraise Associated Words
    • overpraise Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overpraise Related Words
  • overeat

    • verb overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
      engorge; gormandize; gormandise; overgorge; glut; satiate; englut; stuff; ingurgitate; overindulge; gorge; scarf out; gourmandize; binge; pig out.
      • She stuffed herself at the dinner
      • The kids binged on ice cream

    • More ‘overeat’ Meaning
    • overeats Associated Words
    • overeats Related Words
  • overemphasise

    • verb place special or excessive emphasis on
      overstress; overemphasize.
      • I cannot overemphasize the importance of this book

    • More ‘overemphasise’ Meaning
    • overemphasising Associated Words
    • overemphasising Related Words
  • overshoe

    • noun footwear that protects your shoes from water or snow or cold

    • More ‘overshoe’ Meaning
    • overshoe Associated Words
    • overshoe Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overshoe Related Words
  • overdramatize

    • verb present in an overly dramatic manner
      • She is overdramatizing her child’s failure in the physics class

    • More ‘overdramatize’ Meaning
    • overdramatize Associated Words
    • overdramatize Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overdramatize Related Words
  • overdramatize

    • verb present in an overly dramatic manner
      • She is overdramatizing her child’s failure in the physics class

    • More ‘overdramatize’ Meaning
    • overdramatized Associated Words
    • overdramatized Related Words
  • overeager

    • adjective satellite excessively eager
      • overeager in his pursuit of the girl

    • More ‘overeager’ Meaning
    • overeager Associated Words
    • overeager Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overeager Related Words
  • overanxious

    • adjective satellite anxious or nervous to an excessive degree

    • More ‘overanxious’ Meaning
    • overanxious Associated Words
    • overanxious Related Words
  • overtax

    • verb tax excessively
      • Don’t overtax my constituents!

    • More ‘overtax’ Meaning
    • overtax Associated Words
    • overtax Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overtax Related Words
  • overtax

    • verb tax excessively
      • Don’t overtax my constituents!

    • More ‘overtax’ Meaning
    • overtaxing Associated Words
    • overtaxing Related Words
  • overpoweringly

    • adverb incapable of being resisted
      irresistibly; overwhelmingly.
      • the candy looked overwhelmingly desirable to the dieting man

    • More ‘overpoweringly’ Meaning
    • overpoweringly Associated Words
    • overpoweringly Related Words
  • overcautious

    • adjective satellite unnecessarily cautious
      • sometimes it doesn’t pay to be overcautious in business

    • More ‘overcautious’ Meaning
    • overcautious Associated Words
    • overcautious Related Words
  • overfond

    • adjective satellite excessively fond

    • More ‘overfond’ Meaning
    • overfond Associated Words
    • overfond Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overfond Related Words
  • overtax

    • verb tax excessively
      • Don’t overtax my constituents!

    • More ‘overtax’ Meaning
    • overtaxes Associated Words
    • overtaxes Related Words
  • overside

    • adverb over the side of a boat
      • Willie eased himself overside into the sea

    • More ‘overside’ Meaning
    • overside Associated Words
    • overside Related Words
  • overland

    • adjective satellite traveling or passing over land
      • an overland journey
      • the overland route used by Marco Polo

    • More ‘overland’ Meaning
    • overlander Associated Words
    • overlander Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overlander Related Words
  • over

    • noun (cricket) the division of play during which six balls are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch
    • adjective satellite having come or been brought to a conclusion
      concluded; terminated; complete; ended; all over.
      • the harvesting was complete
      • the affair is over, ended, finished
      • the abruptly terminated interview

    • More ‘over’ Meaning
    • overing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overing Related Words
  • over

    • noun (cricket) the division of play during which six balls are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch
    • adjective satellite having come or been brought to a conclusion
      concluded; terminated; complete; ended; all over.
      • the harvesting was complete
      • the affair is over, ended, finished
      • the abruptly terminated interview

    • More ‘over’ Meaning
    • overed Associated Words
    • overed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overed Related Words
  • overnight

    • adjective satellite lasting, open, or operating through the whole night
      nightlong; all-night.
      • a nightlong vigil
      • an all-night drugstore
      • an overnight trip
    • adverb during or for the length of one night
      • the fish marinates overnight

    • More ‘overnight’ Meaning
    • overnights Associated Words
    • overnights Related Words
  • overland

    • adjective satellite traveling or passing over land
      • an overland journey
      • the overland route used by Marco Polo

    • More ‘overland’ Meaning
    • overlanders Related Words
  • overweight

    • noun the property of excessive fatness
      corpulence; stoutness; adiposis.
    • adjective satellite usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it
      heavy; fleshy.

    • More ‘overweight’ Meaning
    • overweighted Related Words
  • overpressure

    • noun a transient air pressure greater than the surrounding atmospheric pressure
      • the overpressure of the blast kills by lethal concussion

    • More ‘overpressure’ Meaning
    • overpressured Related Words
  • oversize

    • adjective satellite larger than normal for its kind
      outsize; outsized; oversized.

    • More ‘oversize’ Meaning
    • oversizing Related Words
  • oversupply

    • noun the quality of being so overabundant that prices fall
      glut; surfeit.
    • verb supply with an excess of
      flood; glut.
      • flood the market with tennis shoes
      • Glut the country with cheap imports from the Orient

    • More ‘oversupply’ Meaning
    • oversupplied Associated Words
    • oversupplied Related Words
  • overweight

    • noun the property of excessive fatness
      corpulence; stoutness; adiposis.
    • adjective satellite usually describes a large person who is fat but has a large frame to carry it
      heavy; fleshy.

    • More ‘overweight’ Meaning
    • overweighting Related Words
  • overpass

    • noun bridge formed by the upper level of a crossing of two highways at different levels

    • More ‘overpass’ Meaning
    • overpassed Associated Words
    • overpassed Related Words
  • overlook

    • noun a high place affording a good view
    • verb look past, fail to notice

    • More ‘overlook’ Meaning
    • overlooker Associated Words
    • overlooker Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overlooker Related Words
  • overnight

    • adjective satellite lasting, open, or operating through the whole night
      nightlong; all-night.
      • a nightlong vigil
      • an all-night drugstore
      • an overnight trip
    • adverb during or for the length of one night
      • the fish marinates overnight

    • More ‘overnight’ Meaning
    • overnighting Related Words
  • overeat

    • verb overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
      engorge; gormandize; gormandise; overgorge; glut; satiate; englut; stuff; ingurgitate; overindulge; gorge; scarf out; gourmandize; binge; pig out.
      • She stuffed herself at the dinner
      • The kids binged on ice cream

    • More ‘overeat’ Meaning
    • overeater Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overeater Related Words
  • overcoat

    • noun a heavy coat worn over clothes in winter
      topcoat; greatcoat.
    • noun an additional protective coating (as of paint or varnish)

    • More ‘overcoat’ Meaning
    • overcoated Related Words
  • overeat

    • verb overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
      engorge; gormandize; gormandise; overgorge; glut; satiate; englut; stuff; ingurgitate; overindulge; gorge; scarf out; gourmandize; binge; pig out.
      • She stuffed herself at the dinner
      • The kids binged on ice cream

    • More ‘overeat’ Meaning
    • overate Associated Words
    • overate Related Words
  • overnight

    • adjective satellite lasting, open, or operating through the whole night
      nightlong; all-night.
      • a nightlong vigil
      • an all-night drugstore
      • an overnight trip
    • adverb during or for the length of one night
      • the fish marinates overnight

    • More ‘overnight’ Meaning
    • overnighted Related Words
  • overset

    To turn or tip (anything) over from an upright, or a proper, position so that it lies upon its side or bottom upwards; to upset; as, to overset a chair, a coach, a ship, or a building.


    • More ‘overset’ Meaning
    • oversetting Related Words
  • overreach

    • verb fail by aiming too high or trying too hard
    • verb beat through cleverness and wit
      outsmart; beat; outwit; outfox; circumvent.
      • I beat the traffic
      • She outfoxed her competitors

    • More ‘overreach’ Meaning
    • overreacher Associated Words
    • overreacher Related Words
  • overeat

    • verb overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself
      engorge; gormandize; gormandise; overgorge; glut; satiate; englut; stuff; ingurgitate; overindulge; gorge; scarf out; gourmandize; binge; pig out.
      • She stuffed herself at the dinner
      • The kids binged on ice cream

    • More ‘overeat’ Meaning
    • overeaten Associated Words
    • overeaten Related Words
  • overzealous

    • adjective satellite marked by excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea
      rabid; fanatical; fanatic.
      • rabid isolationist

    • More ‘overzealous’ Meaning
    • overzealously Associated Words
    • overzealously Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overzealously Related Words
  • overriding

    • adjective satellite having superior power and influence
      preponderant; paramount; preponderating; predominant; predominate.
      • the predominant mood among policy-makers is optimism
    • verb rule against
      override; overturn; overrule; reverse; overthrow.
      • The Republicans were overruled when the House voted on the bill

    • More ‘overriding’ Meaning
    • overridingly Related Words
  • overhear

    • verb hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers
      catch; take in.
      • We overheard the conversation at the next table

    • More ‘overhear’ Meaning
    • overhearer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • overhearer Related Words
  • overpass

    • noun bridge formed by the upper level of a crossing of two highways at different levels

    • More ‘overpass’ Meaning
    • overpassing Related Words

Derived words of over

  • discovered

    • adjective satellite discovered or determined by scientific observation
      observed; ascertained.
      • variation in the ascertained flux depends on a number of factors
      • the discovered behavior norms
      • discovered differences in achievement
      • no explanation for the observed phenomena
    • verb discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of
      notice; observe; detect; find; discover.
      • She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water
      • We found traces of lead in the paint

    • More ‘discovered’ Meaning
    • discovered Associated Words
    • discovered Prefix/Suffix Words
    • discovered Related Words
  • governing

    • noun the act of governing; exercising authority
      administration; government activity; governance; government.
      • regulations for the governing of state prisons
      • he had considerable experience of government
    • verb bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations
      regularize; regularise; regulate; order; govern.
      • We cannot regulate the way people dress
      • This town likes to regulate

    • More ‘governing’ Meaning
    • governing Associated Words
    • governing Prefix/Suffix Words
    • governing Related Words
  • governed

    • noun the body of people who are citizens of a particular government
      • governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed»—Declaration of Independence
    • verb bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations
      regularize; regularise; regulate; order; govern.
      • We cannot regulate the way people dress
      • This town likes to regulate

    • More ‘governed’ Meaning
    • governed Associated Words
    • governed Prefix/Suffix Words
    • governed Related Words
  • govern

    • verb bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations
      regularize; regularise; regulate; order.
      • We cannot regulate the way people dress
      • This town likes to regulate
    • verb direct or strongly influence the behavior of
      • His belief in God governs his conduct

    • More ‘govern’ Meaning
    • govern Idioms/Phrases
    • govern Associated Words
    • govern Prefix/Suffix Words
    • govern Related Words
  • government

    • noun the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit
      authorities; regime.
      • the government reduced taxes
      • the matter was referred to higher authorities
    • noun the act of governing; exercising authority
      administration; government activity; governance; governing.
      • regulations for the governing of state prisons
      • he had considerable experience of government

    • More ‘government’ Meaning
    • government Idioms/Phrases
    • government Associated Words
    • government Prefix/Suffix Words
    • government Related Words
  • covered

    • adjective overlaid or spread or topped with or enclosed within something; sometimes used as a combining form
      • women with covered faces
      • covered wagons
      • a covered balcony
    • verb provide with a covering or cause to be covered
      • cover her face with a handkerchief
      • cover the child with a blanket
      • cover the grave with flowers

    • More ‘covered’ Meaning
    • covered Idioms/Phrases
    • covered Associated Words
    • covered Prefix/Suffix Words
    • covered Related Words
  • government

    • noun the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit
      authorities; regime.
      • the government reduced taxes
      • the matter was referred to higher authorities
    • noun the act of governing; exercising authority
      administration; government activity; governance; governing.
      • regulations for the governing of state prisons
      • he had considerable experience of government

    • More ‘government’ Meaning
    • governments Associated Words
    • governments Prefix/Suffix Words
    • governments Related Words
  • governor

    • noun the head of a state government
    • noun a control that maintains a steady speed in a machine (as by controlling the supply of fuel)

    • More ‘governor’ Meaning
    • governor Idioms/Phrases
    • governor Associated Words
    • governor Prefix/Suffix Words
    • governor Related Words
  • discovery

    • noun the act of discovering something
      uncovering; find.
    • noun something that is discovered

    • More ‘discovery’ Meaning
    • discovery Idioms/Phrases
    • discovery Associated Words
    • discovery Prefix/Suffix Words
    • discovery Related Words
  • covering

    • noun a natural object that covers or envelops
      cover; natural covering.
      • under a covering of dust
      • the fox was flushed from its cover
    • noun an artifact that covers something else (usually to protect or shelter or conceal it)

    • More ‘covering’ Meaning
    • covering Associated Words
    • covering Prefix/Suffix Words
    • covering Related Words
  • cover

    • noun a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something
      concealment; covert; screen.
      • a screen of trees afforded privacy
      • under cover of darkness
      • the brush provided a covert for game
      • the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background
    • noun bedding that keeps a person warm in bed
      • he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep

    • More ‘cover’ Meaning
    • covers Associated Words
    • covers Prefix/Suffix Words
    • covers Related Words
  • recovery

    • noun return to an original state
      • the recovery of the forest after the fire was surprisingly rapid
    • noun gradual healing (through rest) after sickness or injury
      convalescence; recuperation.

    • More ‘recovery’ Meaning
    • recovery Idioms/Phrases
    • recovery Associated Words
    • recovery Prefix/Suffix Words
    • recovery Related Words
  • governance

    • noun the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something
      governing body; organisation; administration; organization; brass; establishment.
      • he claims that the present administration is corrupt
      • the governance of an association is responsible to its members
      • he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment
    • noun the act of governing; exercising authority
      administration; government activity; governing; government.
      • regulations for the governing of state prisons
      • he had considerable experience of government

    • More ‘governance’ Meaning
    • governance Associated Words
    • governance Prefix/Suffix Words
    • governance Related Words
  • recovered

    • adjective satellite freed from illness or injury
      cured; healed.
      • the patient appears cured
      • the incision is healed
      • appears to be entirely recovered
      • when the recovered patient tries to remember what occurred during his delirium»- Normon Cameron
    • verb get or find back; recover the use of
      regain; recover; retrieve; find.
      • She regained control of herself
      • She found her voice and replied quickly

    • More ‘recovered’ Meaning
    • recovered Associated Words
    • recovered Prefix/Suffix Words
    • recovered Related Words
  • lover

    • noun a person who loves someone or is loved by someone
    • noun an ardent follower and admirer
      devotee; fan; buff.

    • More ‘lover’ Meaning
    • lovers Associated Words
    • lovers Prefix/Suffix Words
    • lovers Related Words
  • poverty

    • noun the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions
      poorness; impoverishment.

    • More ‘poverty’ Meaning
    • poverty Idioms/Phrases
    • poverty Associated Words
    • poverty Prefix/Suffix Words
    • poverty Related Words
  • coverage

    • noun the total amount and type of insurance carried
      insurance coverage.
    • noun the extent to which something is covered
      • the dictionary’s coverage of standard English is excellent

    • More ‘coverage’ Meaning
    • coverage Idioms/Phrases
    • coverage Associated Words
    • coverage Prefix/Suffix Words
    • coverage Related Words
  • controversy

    • noun a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement
      contestation; contention; arguing; tilt; argument; disputation; disceptation.
      • they were involved in a violent argument

    • More ‘controversy’ Meaning
    • controversy Associated Words
    • controversy Related Words
  • sovereign

    • noun a nation’s ruler or head of state usually by hereditary right
      monarch; crowned head.
    • adjective satellite (of political bodies) not controlled by outside forces
      self-governing; independent; autonomous.
      • an autonomous judiciary
      • a sovereign state

    • More ‘sovereign’ Meaning
    • sovereign Idioms/Phrases
    • sovereign Associated Words
    • sovereign Prefix/Suffix Words
    • sovereign Related Words
  • controversial

    • adjective marked by or capable of arousing controversy
      • the issue of the death penalty is highly controversial
      • Rushdie’s controversial book
      • a controversial decision on affirmative action

    • More ‘controversial’ Meaning
    • controversial Associated Words
    • controversial Prefix/Suffix Words
    • controversial Related Words
  • sovereignty

    • noun government free from external control
    • noun royal authority; the dominion of a monarch

    • More ‘sovereignty’ Meaning
    • sovereignty Idioms/Phrases
    • sovereignty Associated Words
    • sovereignty Related Words
  • governmental

    • adjective satellite relating to or dealing with the affairs or structure of government or politics or the state
      • governmental policy
      • public confidence and governmental morale

    • More ‘governmental’ Meaning
    • governmental Associated Words
    • governmental Prefix/Suffix Words
    • governmental Related Words
  • discover

    • verb discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of
      notice; observe; detect; find.
      • She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water
      • We found traces of lead in the paint
    • verb get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally
      pick up; get a line; see; hear; learn; find out; get wind; get word.
      • I learned that she has two grown-up children
      • I see that you have been promoted

    • More ‘discover’ Meaning
    • discovering Associated Words
    • discovering Prefix/Suffix Words
    • discovering Related Words
  • discover

    • verb discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of
      notice; observe; detect; find.
      • She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water
      • We found traces of lead in the paint
    • verb get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally
      pick up; get a line; see; hear; learn; find out; get wind; get word.
      • I learned that she has two grown-up children
      • I see that you have been promoted

    • More ‘discover’ Meaning
    • discovers Associated Words
    • discovers Prefix/Suffix Words
    • discovers Related Words
  • govern

    • verb bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations
      regularize; regularise; regulate; order.
      • We cannot regulate the way people dress
      • This town likes to regulate
    • verb direct or strongly influence the behavior of
      • His belief in God governs his conduct

    • More ‘govern’ Meaning
    • governs Associated Words
    • governs Related Words
  • discovery

    • noun the act of discovering something
      uncovering; find.
    • noun something that is discovered

    • More ‘discovery’ Meaning
    • discoveries Associated Words
    • discoveries Prefix/Suffix Words
    • discoveries Related Words
  • governor

    • noun the head of a state government
    • noun a control that maintains a steady speed in a machine (as by controlling the supply of fuel)

    • More ‘governor’ Meaning
    • governors Associated Words
    • governors Prefix/Suffix Words
    • governors Related Words
  • recovering

    • adjective satellite returning to health after illness or debility
      • convalescent children are difficult to keep in bed
    • verb get or find back; recover the use of
      regain; recover; retrieve; find.
      • She regained control of herself
      • She found her voice and replied quickly

    • More ‘recovering’ Meaning
    • recovering Associated Words
    • recovering Related Words
  • hover

    • verb be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action
      vacillate; vibrate; oscillate.
      • He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement
    • verb move to and fro
      • The shy student lingered in the corner

    • More ‘hover’ Meaning
    • hovering Associated Words
    • hovering Related Words
  • hover

    • verb be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action
      vacillate; vibrate; oscillate.
      • He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement
    • verb move to and fro
      • The shy student lingered in the corner

    • More ‘hover’ Meaning
    • hovered Associated Words
    • hovered Related Words
  • proverb

    • noun a condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people
      saw; byword; adage.

    • More ‘proverb’ Meaning
    • proverbs Associated Words
    • proverbs Related Words
  • covert

    • noun a flock of coots
    • noun a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something
      concealment; screen; cover.
      • a screen of trees afforded privacy
      • under cover of darkness
      • the brush provided a covert for game
      • the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background

    • More ‘covert’ Meaning
    • covert Idioms/Phrases
    • covert Associated Words
    • covert Prefix/Suffix Words
    • covert Related Words
  • impoverished

    • adjective satellite poor enough to need help from others
      poverty-stricken; needy; necessitous; destitute; indigent.
    • verb make poor

    • More ‘impoverished’ Meaning
    • impoverished Associated Words
    • impoverished Related Words
  • uncovered

    • adjective satellite not covered with clothing
      • her exposed breast
    • verb make visible
      bring out; uncover; reveal; unveil.
      • Summer brings out bright clothes
      • He brings out the best in her

    • More ‘uncovered’ Meaning
    • uncovered Associated Words
    • uncovered Related Words
  • controversy

    • noun a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement
      contestation; contention; arguing; tilt; argument; disputation; disceptation.
      • they were involved in a violent argument

    • More ‘controversy’ Meaning
    • controversies Associated Words
    • controversies Related Words
  • proverb

    • noun a condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people
      saw; byword; adage.

    • More ‘proverb’ Meaning
    • proverb Idioms/Phrases
    • proverb Associated Words
    • proverb Prefix/Suffix Words
    • proverb Related Words
  • governess

    • noun a woman entrusted with the care and supervision of a child (especially in a private home)
    • verb bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations
      regularize; regularise; regulate; order; govern.
      • We cannot regulate the way people dress
      • This town likes to regulate

    • More ‘governess’ Meaning
    • governess Associated Words
    • governess Prefix/Suffix Words
    • governess Related Words
  • uncovering

    • noun the removal of covering
      stripping; husking; baring; denudation.
    • noun the act of discovering something
      find; discovery.

    • More ‘uncovering’ Meaning
    • uncovering Associated Words
    • uncovering Related Words
  • mover

    • noun workman employed by a moving company
      • the movers were very careful with the grand piano
    • noun (parliamentary procedure) someone who makes a formal motion

    • More ‘mover’ Meaning
    • movers Associated Words
    • movers Prefix/Suffix Words
    • movers Related Words
  • covering

    • noun a natural object that covers or envelops
      cover; natural covering.
      • under a covering of dust
      • the fox was flushed from its cover
    • noun an artifact that covers something else (usually to protect or shelter or conceal it)

    • More ‘covering’ Meaning
    • coverings Associated Words
    • coverings Prefix/Suffix Words
    • coverings Related Words
  • discoverer

    • noun someone who is the first to think of or make something
      artificer; inventor.
    • noun someone who is the first to observe something
      spotter; finder.

    • More ‘discoverer’ Meaning
    • discoverer Idioms/Phrases
    • discoverer Associated Words
    • discoverer Prefix/Suffix Words
    • discoverer Related Words
  • introverted

    • adjective given to examining own sensory and perceptual experiences
      introspective; self-examining.
    • verb fold inwards
      invaginate; introvert.
      • some organs can invaginate

    • More ‘introverted’ Meaning
    • introverted Associated Words
    • introverted Related Words
  • recover

    • verb get or find back; recover the use of
      regain; retrieve; find.
      • She regained control of herself
      • She found her voice and replied quickly
    • verb get over an illness or shock
      recuperate; convalesce.
      • The patient is recuperating

    • More ‘recover’ Meaning
    • recovers Associated Words
    • recovers Related Words
  • leftovers

    • noun food remaining from a previous meal
      • he had leftovers for dinner last night
    • noun a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists
      leftover; remnant.

    • More ‘leftovers’ Meaning
    • leftovers Associated Words
    • leftovers Related Words
  • rediscovery

    • noun the act of discovering again

    • More ‘rediscovery’ Meaning
    • rediscovery Associated Words
    • rediscovery Related Words
  • takeover

    • noun a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force
      coup; coup d’etat; putsch.
    • noun a change by sale or merger in the controlling interest of a corporation

    • More ‘takeover’ Meaning
    • takeovers Associated Words
    • takeovers Related Words
  • recovery

    • noun return to an original state
      • the recovery of the forest after the fire was surprisingly rapid
    • noun gradual healing (through rest) after sickness or injury
      convalescence; recuperation.

    • More ‘recovery’ Meaning
    • recoveries Associated Words
    • recoveries Related Words
  • hover

    • verb be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action
      vacillate; vibrate; oscillate.
      • He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement
    • verb move to and fro
      • The shy student lingered in the corner

    • More ‘hover’ Meaning
    • hovers Associated Words
    • hovers Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hovers Related Words
  • discoverable

    • adjective satellite capable of being ascertained or found out
      • ascertainable facts

    • More ‘discoverable’ Meaning
    • discoverable Associated Words
    • discoverable Prefix/Suffix Words
    • discoverable Related Words
  • rediscover

    • verb discover again
      • I rediscovered the books that I enjoyed as a child

    • More ‘rediscover’ Meaning
    • rediscovered Associated Words
    • rediscovered Related Words
  • spillover

    • noun (economics) any indirect effect of public expenditure

    • More ‘spillover’ Meaning
    • spillovers Associated Words
    • spillovers Related Words
  • governorship

    • noun the office of governor

    • More ‘governorship’ Meaning
    • governorship Associated Words
    • governorship Prefix/Suffix Words
    • governorship Related Words
  • rediscover

    • verb discover again
      • I rediscovered the books that I enjoyed as a child

    • More ‘rediscover’ Meaning
    • rediscovering Associated Words
    • rediscovering Related Words
  • sovereign

    • noun a nation’s ruler or head of state usually by hereditary right
      monarch; crowned head.
    • adjective satellite (of political bodies) not controlled by outside forces
      self-governing; independent; autonomous.
      • an autonomous judiciary
      • a sovereign state

    • More ‘sovereign’ Meaning
    • sovereigns Associated Words
    • sovereigns Related Words
  • impoverishment

    • noun the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions
      poverty; poorness.
    • noun the act of making someone poor
      pauperization; pauperisation.

    • More ‘impoverishment’ Meaning
    • impoverishment Associated Words
    • impoverishment Related Words
  • uncover

    • verb make visible
      bring out; reveal; unveil.
      • Summer brings out bright clothes
      • He brings out the best in her
    • verb remove all or part of one’s clothes to show one’s body
      • uncover your belly
      • The man exposed himself in the subway

    • More ‘uncover’ Meaning
    • uncovers Associated Words
    • uncovers Related Words
  • proverbial

    • adjective of or relating to or resembling or expressed in a proverb
      • he kicked the proverbial bucket
      • the proverbial grasshopper
    • adjective satellite widely known and spoken of
      • her proverbial lateness
      • the proverbial absentminded professor
      • your proverbial dizzy blonde

    • More ‘proverbial’ Meaning
    • proverbial Associated Words
    • proverbial Prefix/Suffix Words
    • proverbial Related Words
  • covertly

    • adverb in a covert manner
      • he did it covertly

    • More ‘covertly’ Meaning
    • covertly Associated Words
    • covertly Related Words
  • undiscovered

    • adjective satellite not discovered
      • with earth-based telescopes many stars remain undiscovered
    • adjective satellite not yet discovered
      • undiscovered islands

    • More ‘undiscovered’ Meaning
    • undiscovered Associated Words
    • undiscovered Related Words
  • incontrovertible

    • adjective satellite impossible to deny or disprove
      irrefutable; positive.
      • incontrovertible proof of the defendant’s innocence
      • proof positive
      • an irrefutable argument
    • adjective satellite necessarily or demonstrably true
      • demonstrable truths

    • More ‘incontrovertible’ Meaning
    • incontrovertible Associated Words
    • incontrovertible Related Words
  • recoverable

    • adjective capable of being recovered or regained
      • recoverable truth of a past event

    • More ‘recoverable’ Meaning
    • recoverable Associated Words
    • recoverable Prefix/Suffix Words
    • recoverable Related Words
  • governess

    • noun a woman entrusted with the care and supervision of a child (especially in a private home)
    • verb bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations
      regularize; regularise; regulate; order; govern.
      • We cannot regulate the way people dress
      • This town likes to regulate

    • More ‘governess’ Meaning
    • governesses Associated Words
    • governesses Related Words
  • discoverer

    • noun someone who is the first to think of or make something
      artificer; inventor.
    • noun someone who is the first to observe something
      spotter; finder.

    • More ‘discoverer’ Meaning
    • discoverers Associated Words
    • discoverers Related Words
  • introvert

    • noun (psychology) a person who tends to shrink from social contacts and to become preoccupied with their own thoughts
    • verb fold inwards
      • some organs can invaginate

    • More ‘introvert’ Meaning
    • introvert Associated Words
    • introvert Prefix/Suffix Words
    • introvert Related Words
  • introvert

    • noun (psychology) a person who tends to shrink from social contacts and to become preoccupied with their own thoughts
    • verb fold inwards
      • some organs can invaginate

    • More ‘introvert’ Meaning
    • introverts Associated Words
    • introverts Related Words
  • rover

    • noun someone who leads a wandering unsettled life
      roamer; bird of passage; wanderer.
    • noun an adult member of the Boy Scouts movement

    • More ‘rover’ Meaning
    • rovers Associated Words
    • rovers Prefix/Suffix Words
    • rovers Related Words
  • introversion

    • noun the condition of being folded inward or sheathed
    • noun the folding in of an outer layer so as to form a pocket in the surface
      invagination; infolding; intussusception.
      • the invagination of the blastula

    • More ‘introversion’ Meaning
    • introversion Associated Words
    • introversion Related Words
  • rollover

    • noun the act of changing the institution that invests your pension plan without incurring a tax penalty

    • More ‘rollover’ Meaning
    • rollovers Associated Words
    • rollovers Related Words
  • extrovert

    • noun (psychology) a person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings
    • adjective satellite being concerned with the social and physical environment
      extroverted; extravertive; extrovertive; extravert; extraverted.

    • More ‘extrovert’ Meaning
    • extrovert Associated Words
    • extrovert Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extrovert Related Words
  • turnover

    • noun the ratio of the number of workers that had to be replaced in a given time period to the average number of workers
      employee turnover; turnover rate.
    • noun a dish made by folding a piece of pastry over a filling

    • More ‘turnover’ Meaning
    • turnovers Associated Words
    • turnovers Related Words
  • extroversion

    • noun (psychology) an extroverted disposition; concern with what is outside the self

    • More ‘extroversion’ Meaning
    • extroversion Associated Words
    • extroversion Related Words
  • extrovert

    • noun (psychology) a person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings
    • adjective satellite being concerned with the social and physical environment
      extroverted; extravertive; extrovertive; extravert; extraverted.

    • More ‘extrovert’ Meaning
    • extroverts Associated Words
    • extroverts Related Words
  • improver

    • noun someone devoted to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms
      humanitarian; do-gooder.
    • noun a component that is added to something to improve it
      addition; add-on.
      • the addition of a bathroom was a major improvement
      • the addition of cinnamon improved the flavor

    • More ‘improver’ Meaning
    • improvers Associated Words
    • improvers Related Words
  • ungoverned

    • adjective satellite not restrained or controlled
      uncurbed; unbridled; unchecked.
      • unbridled rage
      • an unchecked temper
      • ungoverned rage
    • adjective satellite lacking in discipline or control
      • undisciplined behavior
      • ungoverned youth

    • More ‘ungoverned’ Meaning
    • ungoverned Associated Words
    • ungoverned Related Words
  • handover

    • noun act of relinquishing property or authority etc
      • the handover of occupied territory

    • More ‘handover’ Meaning
    • handovers Associated Words
    • handovers Related Words
  • extroverted

    • adjective not introspective; examining what is outside yourself
    • adjective satellite at ease in talking to others
      outgoing; forthcoming.

    • More ‘extroverted’ Meaning
    • extroverted Associated Words
    • extroverted Related Words
  • covert

    • noun a flock of coots
    • noun a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something
      concealment; screen; cover.
      • a screen of trees afforded privacy
      • under cover of darkness
      • the brush provided a covert for game
      • the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background

    • More ‘covert’ Meaning
    • coverts Associated Words
    • coverts Related Words
  • impoverish

    • verb make poor
    • verb take away

    • More ‘impoverish’ Meaning
    • impoverish Associated Words
    • impoverish Prefix/Suffix Words
    • impoverish Related Words
  • drover

    • noun someone who drives a herd
      herder; herdsman.

    • More ‘drover’ Meaning
    • drovers Associated Words
    • drovers Related Words
  • hangover

    • noun disagreeable aftereffects from the use of drugs (especially alcohol)
    • noun an official who remains in office after his term

    • More ‘hangover’ Meaning
    • hangovers Associated Words
    • hangovers Related Words
  • impoverish

    • verb make poor
    • verb take away

    • More ‘impoverish’ Meaning
    • impoverishing Associated Words
    • impoverishing Related Words
  • misgovernment

    • noun government that is inefficient or dishonest

    • More ‘misgovernment’ Meaning
    • misgovernment Associated Words
    • misgovernment Related Words
  • makeover

    • noun an overall beauty treatment (involving a person’s hair style and cosmetics and clothing) intended to change or improve a person’s appearance
    • noun a complete reconstruction and renovation of something
      • the blighted neighborhood underwent a total makeover

    • More ‘makeover’ Meaning
    • makeovers Associated Words
    • makeovers Related Words
  • governorship

    • noun the office of governor

    • More ‘governorship’ Meaning
    • governorships Associated Words
    • governorships Related Words
  • controversialist

    • noun a person who disputes; who is good at or enjoys controversy
      eristic; disputant.

    • More ‘controversialist’ Meaning
    • controversialist Associated Words
    • controversialist Prefix/Suffix Words
    • controversialist Related Words
  • remover

    • noun a solvent that removes a substance (usually from a surface)
      • paint remover
      • rust remover
      • hair remover
    • noun someone who works for a company that moves furniture

    • More ‘remover’ Meaning
    • removers Associated Words
    • removers Related Words
  • stopover

    • noun a stopping place on a journey
      way station.
      • there is a stopover to change planes in Chicago
    • noun a brief stay in the course of a journey
      stop; layover.
      • they made a stopover to visit their friends

    • More ‘stopover’ Meaning
    • stopovers Associated Words
    • stopovers Related Words
  • rediscover

    • verb discover again
      • I rediscovered the books that I enjoyed as a child

    • More ‘rediscover’ Meaning
    • rediscovers Associated Words
    • rediscovers Related Words
  • coverall

    • noun a loose-fitting protective garment that is worn over other clothing

    • More ‘coverall’ Meaning
    • coveralls Associated Words
    • coveralls Related Words
  • coverage

    • noun the total amount and type of insurance carried
      insurance coverage.
    • noun the extent to which something is covered
      • the dictionary’s coverage of standard English is excellent

    • More ‘coverage’ Meaning
    • coverages Associated Words
    • coverages Related Words
  • crossover

    • noun the interchange of sections between pairing homologous chromosomes during the prophase of meiosis
      crossing over.
    • noun a voter who is registered as a member of one political party but who votes in the primary of another party
      crossover voter.

    • More ‘crossover’ Meaning
    • crossovers Associated Words
    • crossovers Related Words
  • controvert

    • verb be resistant to
      contradict; oppose.
      • The board opposed his motion
    • verb prove to be false or incorrect
      rebut; refute.

    • More ‘controvert’ Meaning
    • controverted Associated Words
    • controverted Prefix/Suffix Words
    • controverted Related Words
  • hovercraft

    • noun a craft capable of moving over water or land on a cushion of air created by jet engines
      ground-effect machine.

    • More ‘hovercraft’ Meaning
    • hovercraft Associated Words
    • hovercraft Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hovercraft Related Words
  • controvert

    • verb be resistant to
      contradict; oppose.
      • The board opposed his motion
    • verb prove to be false or incorrect
      rebut; refute.

    • More ‘controvert’ Meaning
    • controvert Associated Words
    • controvert Prefix/Suffix Words
    • controvert Related Words
  • cloverleaf

    • noun an interchange that does not require left-hand turns

    • More ‘cloverleaf’ Meaning
    • cloverleaf Associated Words
    • cloverleaf Related Words
  • bedcover

    • noun decorative cover for a bed
      counterpane; bed cover; bedspread; spread; bed covering.

    • More ‘bedcover’ Meaning
    • bedcovers Associated Words
    • bedcovers Related Words
  • hanoverian

    • noun any of the British rulers who were members of the House of Hanover
    • noun a member (or supporter) of the house of Hanover

    • More ‘hanoverian’ Meaning
    • hanoverians Related Words
  • uncontroversial

    • adjective not likely to arouse controversy

    • More ‘uncontroversial’ Meaning
    • uncontroversial Associated Words
    • uncontroversial Prefix/Suffix Words
    • uncontroversial Related Words
  • coverlet

    • noun a decorative bedspread (usually quilted)

    • More ‘coverlet’ Meaning
    • coverlet Associated Words
    • coverlet Prefix/Suffix Words
    • coverlet Related Words
  • ungovernable

    • adjective satellite of persons
      indocile; unruly; uncontrollable.
      • the little boy’s parents think he is spirited, but his teacher finds him unruly

    • More ‘ungovernable’ Meaning
    • ungovernable Associated Words
    • ungovernable Related Words
  • controversially

    • adverb involving controversy
      • criticism too polemically stated

    • More ‘controversially’ Meaning
    • controversially Associated Words
    • controversially Prefix/Suffix Words
    • controversially Related Words
  • sovereignty

    • noun government free from external control
    • noun royal authority; the dominion of a monarch

    • More ‘sovereignty’ Meaning
    • sovereignties Associated Words
    • sovereignties Related Words
  • plover

    • noun any of numerous chiefly shorebirds of relatively compact build having straight bills and large pointed wings; closely related to the sandpipers

    • More ‘plover’ Meaning
    • plovers Associated Words
    • plovers Prefix/Suffix Words
    • plovers Related Words
  • coverlet

    • noun a decorative bedspread (usually quilted)

    • More ‘coverlet’ Meaning
    • coverlets Associated Words
    • coverlets Related Words
  • clover

    • noun a plant of the genus Trifolium

    • More ‘clover’ Meaning
    • clovers Associated Words
    • clovers Related Words
  • incontrovertibly

    • adverb in an obvious and provable manner
      demonstrably; provably.
      • his documentary sources are demonstrably wrong

    • More ‘incontrovertibly’ Meaning
    • incontrovertibly Associated Words
    • incontrovertibly Related Words
  • noncontroversial

    • adjective not likely to arouse controversy

    • More ‘noncontroversial’ Meaning
    • noncontroversial Associated Words
    • noncontroversial Related Words
  • proverbially

    • adverb in the manner of something that has become a byword
      • this proverbially bitter plant, wormwood

    • More ‘proverbially’ Meaning
    • proverbially Associated Words
    • proverbially Related Words
  • provera

    • noun a progestin compound (trade name Provera) used to treat menstrual disorders

    • More ‘provera’ Meaning
    • provera Associated Words
    • provera Prefix/Suffix Words
    • provera Related Words
  • irrecoverable

    • adjective incapable of being recovered or regained

    • More ‘irrecoverable’ Meaning
    • irrecoverable Associated Words
    • irrecoverable Related Words
  • unrecoverable

    • adjective incapable of being recovered or regained

    • More ‘unrecoverable’ Meaning
    • unrecoverable Associated Words
    • unrecoverable Related Words
  • governmentally

    • adverb by government
      • governmentally determined policy

    • More ‘governmentally’ Meaning
    • governmentally Associated Words
    • governmentally Related Words
  • sovereign

    • noun a nation’s ruler or head of state usually by hereditary right
      monarch; crowned head.
    • adjective satellite (of political bodies) not controlled by outside forces
      self-governing; independent; autonomous.
      • an autonomous judiciary
      • a sovereign state

    • More ‘sovereign’ Meaning
    • sovereignly Associated Words
    • sovereignly Related Words
  • govern

    • verb bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations
      regularize; regularise; regulate; order.
      • We cannot regulate the way people dress
      • This town likes to regulate
    • verb direct or strongly influence the behavior of
      • His belief in God governs his conduct

    • More ‘govern’ Meaning
    • governessing Related Words
  • changeover

    • noun an event that results in a transformation
      conversion; transition.

    • More ‘changeover’ Meaning
    • changeovers Associated Words
    • changeovers Related Words
  • hoover

    • noun United States industrialist who manufactured vacuum cleaners (1849-1932)
      William Hoover; William Henry Hoover.
    • noun United States lawyer who was director of the FBI for 48 years (1895-1972)
      John Edgar Hoover; J. Edgar Hoover.

    • More ‘hoover’ Meaning
    • hoovers Associated Words
    • hoovers Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hoovers Related Words
  • retrovert

    • verb go back to a previous state
      return; turn back; revert; regress.
      • We reverted to the old rules

    • More ‘retrovert’ Meaning
    • retroverted Associated Words
    • retroverted Related Words
  • rediscovery

    • noun the act of discovering again

    • More ‘rediscovery’ Meaning
    • rediscoveries Associated Words
    • rediscoveries Related Words
  • hoover

    • noun United States industrialist who manufactured vacuum cleaners (1849-1932)
      William Hoover; William Henry Hoover.
    • noun United States lawyer who was director of the FBI for 48 years (1895-1972)
      John Edgar Hoover; J. Edgar Hoover.

    • More ‘hoover’ Meaning
    • hoovering Associated Words
    • hoovering Related Words
  • introversive

    • adjective directed inward; marked by interest in yourself or concerned with inner feelings

    • More ‘introversive’ Meaning
    • introversive Associated Words
    • introversive Related Words
  • hoover

    • noun United States industrialist who manufactured vacuum cleaners (1849-1932)
      William Hoover; William Henry Hoover.
    • noun United States lawyer who was director of the FBI for 48 years (1895-1972)
      John Edgar Hoover; J. Edgar Hoover.

    • More ‘hoover’ Meaning
    • hoovered Associated Words
    • hoovered Related Words
  • introvertive

    • adjective directed inward; marked by interest in yourself or concerned with inner feelings

    • More ‘introvertive’ Meaning
    • introvertive Associated Words
    • introvertive Related Words
  • governance

    • noun the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something
      governing body; organisation; administration; organization; brass; establishment.
      • he claims that the present administration is corrupt
      • the governance of an association is responsible to its members
      • he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment
    • noun the act of governing; exercising authority
      administration; government activity; governing; government.
      • regulations for the governing of state prisons
      • he had considerable experience of government

    • More ‘governance’ Meaning
    • governances Related Words
  • impoverish

    • verb make poor
    • verb take away

    • More ‘impoverish’ Meaning
    • impoverishes Associated Words
    • impoverishes Related Words
  • holdover

    • noun an official who remains in office after his term
    • noun something that has survived from the past
      • a holdover from the sixties
      • hangovers from the 19th century

    • More ‘holdover’ Meaning
    • holdovers Associated Words
    • holdovers Related Words
  • retroversion

    • noun a turning or tilting backward of an organ or body part
      retroflection; retroflexion.
      • retroversion of the uterus
    • noun translation back into the original language
      • the teacher translated Latin texts into English which he gave to his students for retroversion

    • More ‘retroversion’ Meaning
    • retroversion Associated Words
    • retroversion Related Words
  • controversialist

    • noun a person who disputes; who is good at or enjoys controversy
      eristic; disputant.

    • More ‘controversialist’ Meaning
    • controversialists Related Words
  • governable

    • adjective satellite capable of being controlled

    • More ‘governable’ Meaning
    • governable Associated Words
    • governable Prefix/Suffix Words
    • governable Related Words
  • flyover

    • noun bridge formed by the upper level of a crossing of two highways at different levels
    • noun a flight at a low altitude (usually of military aircraft) over spectators on the ground
      flypast; fly-by.

    • More ‘flyover’ Meaning
    • flyovers Associated Words
    • flyovers Related Words
  • layover

    • noun a brief stay in the course of a journey
      stop; stopover.
      • they made a stopover to visit their friends

    • More ‘layover’ Meaning
    • layovers Associated Words
    • layovers Related Words
  • pushover

    • noun someone who is easily taken advantage of
    • noun any undertaking that is easy to do
      picnic; walkover; duck soup; piece of cake; breeze; child’s play; cinch; snap.
      • marketing this product will be no picnic

    • More ‘pushover’ Meaning
    • pushovers Associated Words
    • pushovers Related Words
  • extrovertive

    • adjective satellite being concerned with the social and physical environment
      extroverted; extravertive; extravert; extraverted; extrovert.

    • More ‘extrovertive’ Meaning
    • extrovertive Associated Words
    • extrovertive Related Words
  • sleepover

    • noun an occasion of spending a night away from home or having a guest spend the night in your home (especially as a party for children)

    • More ‘sleepover’ Meaning
    • sleepovers Associated Words
    • sleepovers Related Words
  • coverall

    • noun a loose-fitting protective garment that is worn over other clothing

    • More ‘coverall’ Meaning
    • coverall Associated Words
    • coverall Prefix/Suffix Words
    • coverall Related Words
  • approver

    • noun an authority with power to approve

    • More ‘approver’ Meaning
    • approvers Associated Words
    • approvers Related Words
  • dover

    • noun the capital of the state of Delaware
      capital of Delaware.

    • More ‘dover’ Meaning
    • dovers Prefix/Suffix Words
    • dovers Related Words
  • controvert

    • verb be resistant to
      contradict; oppose.
      • The board opposed his motion
    • verb prove to be false or incorrect
      rebut; refute.

    • More ‘controvert’ Meaning
    • controverting Associated Words
    • controverting Related Words
  • misgovern

    • verb govern badly

    • More ‘misgovern’ Meaning
    • misgoverned Associated Words
    • misgoverned Related Words
  • controvert

    • verb be resistant to
      contradict; oppose.
      • The board opposed his motion
    • verb prove to be false or incorrect
      rebut; refute.

    • More ‘controvert’ Meaning
    • controverts Associated Words
    • controverts Related Words
  • poverty

    • noun the state of having little or no money and few or no material possessions
      poorness; impoverishment.

    • More ‘poverty’ Meaning
    • poverties Associated Words
    • poverties Related Words
  • passover

    • noun (Judaism) a Jewish festival (traditionally 8 days from Nissan 15) celebrating the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt
      Pesach; Feast of the Unleavened Bread; Pesah.

    • More ‘passover’ Meaning
    • passovers Associated Words
    • passovers Related Words
  • nonsovereign

    • adjective satellite (of peoples and political bodies) controlled by outside forces

    • More ‘nonsovereign’ Meaning
    • nonsovereign Associated Words
    • nonsovereign Related Words
  • hovercraft

    • noun a craft capable of moving over water or land on a cushion of air created by jet engines
      ground-effect machine.

    • More ‘hovercraft’ Meaning
    • hovercrafts Associated Words
    • hovercrafts Related Words
  • slipcover

    • noun a removable fitted cloth covering for upholstered furniture

    • More ‘slipcover’ Meaning
    • slipcovers Associated Words
    • slipcovers Related Words
  • pullover

    • noun a sweater that is put on by pulling it over the head

    • More ‘pullover’ Meaning
    • pullovers Associated Words
    • pullovers Related Words
  • hardcover

    • noun a book with cardboard or cloth or leather covers
    • adjective satellite having a hard back or cover
      hardbound; hardbacked; hardback.
      • hardback books

    • More ‘hardcover’ Meaning
    • hardcovers Associated Words
    • hardcovers Related Words
  • covertness

    • noun the state of being covert and hidden

    • More ‘covertness’ Meaning
    • covertness Associated Words
    • covertness Related Words
  • paloverde

    • noun a thorny shrub of the genus Cercidium that grows in dry parts of the southwestern United States and adjacent Mexico; has smooth light green bark and racemes of yellow flowers and small leaves

    • More ‘paloverde’ Meaning
    • paloverde Associated Words
    • paloverde Related Words
  • loverly

    • adjective satellite like or in the manner of a lover

    • More ‘loverly’ Meaning
    • loverly Associated Words
    • loverly Related Words
  • loverlike

    • adjective satellite like or in the manner of a lover

    • More ‘loverlike’ Meaning
    • loverlike Associated Words
    • loverlike Related Words
  • undiscoverable

    • adjective satellite not able to be ascertained; resisting discovery

    • More ‘undiscoverable’ Meaning
    • undiscoverable Associated Words
    • undiscoverable Related Words
  • popover

    • noun light hollow muffin made of a puff batter (individual Yorkshire pudding) baked in a deep muffin cup

    • More ‘popover’ Meaning
    • popovers Associated Words
    • popovers Related Words
  • irrecoverable

    • adjective incapable of being recovered or regained

    • More ‘irrecoverable’ Meaning
    • irrecoverably Associated Words
    • irrecoverably Related Words
  • lover

    • noun a person who loves someone or is loved by someone
    • noun an ardent follower and admirer
      devotee; fan; buff.

    • More ‘lover’ Meaning
    • lovering Related Words
  • trover

    (Law) (a) The gaining possession of any goods, whether by finding or by other means. (b) An action to recover damages against one who found goods, and would not deliver them to the owner on demand; an action which lies in any case to recover the value of goods wrongfully converted by another to his own use. In this case the finding, though alleged, is an immaterial fact; the injury lies in the conversion.

    • More ‘trover’ Meaning
    • trovers Associated Words
    • trovers Prefix/Suffix Words
    • trovers Related Words
  • slipcover

    • noun a removable fitted cloth covering for upholstered furniture

    • More ‘slipcover’ Meaning
    • slipcovered Related Words


About Prefix and Suffix Words

This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `over`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `over`, some are not.

You can click on each word to see it’s meaning.

Thanks for participating in the recent survey! The prefixes under- and over- are among the top 20 most commonly used prefixes, according to the The American Heritage Word Frequency Book (Carroll, Davies, & Richman, 1971). According to that source, in the school texts examined, the prefix over- was the 8th most common, and the prefix under- was the 20th most common. More Words shows 406 words that begin with the letter string under and 1,681 words that begin with over.

The poll is closed. The results are shown below, and general discussion follows, including application to the Common Core State Standards and implications for instruction.

Post publication note: Most of the words in the survey are compound words. In the comments below, the point is made that over- and under- are not actually prefixes, but instead bases. Please see the comments for more elaboration on this excellent point.

Frankly, I had a tough time responding to this poll myself (yes, I know, I created it!!). Trying to be devious (do I get absolution for admitting that?), I included a word that begins with the prefix un-, yet looks like under- (underived). I also included a word that is misspelled (*overian, for ovarian). No one fell for my tricks (attributing the 2% to statistical error for underived).

The survey question that surprised me was #2: underage—undersized. I expected more people to view these two words as sharing the same prefix, with the same meaning ‘not enough, insufficient’ but only 72% did so (136 of 190 respondents). Not sure why. I could be missing something important. I was also surprised by overlearn—overboard (I view them as different senses of the prefix) and by overfed—overnight (different, I’d say). Some words are just too nuanced for me, as with underlying—undergoing. A colleague thought they do share the same meaning, where the prefix means ‘beneath, under’. She said, «Any underlying cause rests beneath all the symptoms, and when you undergo surgery, you go under anesthesia, or under the knife.» If we can get students to explain their thinking in such ways, we are hitting the jackpot.

Think Map, Visual Thesaurus

To help me understand one survey item, I turned to the Visual Thesaurus. The Think Map to the left, generated for the targeted word underhanded, helps explain why 32 respondents felt that underarm and underhanded shared the same sense of the prefix. One colleague said that underhanded and underarm are different, because underarm suggests something spatial, directional, and physical, like a baseball pitch, but underhanded suggests something hidden and covert (sneaky, as shown in the Think Map). However, another colleague disagreed, stating that her husband is a coach, and her first thought was that you can throw an underarm pitch or an underhanded pitch (also included in the Think Map). Context matters! Prior experiences with the word make a difference! Instructional discussions matter, too.

Rather than going over each survey item, let’s discuss the various meanings of the prefixes and several instructional applications. (Even without knowing the «right answer» to the survey items, the thought process is beneficial. This is an exercise teachers might share with students, but using known words, and providing some context.)

Native English speakers and Dual Language Learners might assume that over- means ‘on top of, above’ and under- means ‘beneath, below’ (as in overcoat, undershirt) but that is not the only interpretation. Over— also suggests ‘too much’ and under also suggests ‘insufficient, not enough’ (as in overexcited and underexposed). Words that contain the prefixes over- and under-  are more likely to suggest the notion of ‘too much’ or ‘not enough’, compared to a spatial meaning.

These are broad interpretations of the two prefixes. However, a closer consideration reveals more than two meanings for each prefix. Michael Quinion, at Affixes.org, provides a brief summary of the various interpretations of the prefix over-.  He states, «Its meanings are rather variable and diffuse, and difficult to categorize.»  (Yes, indeed!)

Quinion describes multiple ways the prefix over- is used to convey word meaning:

1) suggests ‘something beyond what is usual or desirable, even excessively so’ (overambitious, overcareful, overfull, overprecise)

2) suggests ‘utterly’ or ‘completely’ (overawed, overjoyed, overcome) [as in overcome with emotion]

3) suggests ‘a spatial sense of something above or higher up’ (overhang, overarching, overlook)

4) suggests a figurative sense of ‘something that is superior’ (overseer, overlord, oversight committee)

5) suggests something ‘outer’ (overcoat, overshoes)

6) suggests something ‘extra’ (overtime, overpay) [an oxymoron]

7) suggests ‘a motion forward and down, and hence of inversion’ (overturning, overbalance, overthrow, overboard)

8) suggests ‘covering a surface’ (overpaint, overgrowth).

Implications for instruction: I can see no reason why a typical language user needs to know all these nuanced senses of the prefix, but school children should know the most commonly used interpretations. Furthermore, they should learn to think about this type of word analysis. With so many nuanced meanings of the prefix over- (and the prefix under-) it is clear that we cannot rely on simply memorizing lists of morphemes and their meanings. We might also encourage children to think about how morphemes and words interact together, with context, to convey meaning. The value is in the critical thinking and the discussion that students engage in when working collaboratively through these types of questions. Tip: When asking students to sort meanings, an «other» category is useful, for those words that are difficult to classify, and an «unknown» category helps separate the others from the unknowns.

Why bother? Teaching children to think in these ways increases their level of morphological awareness. Readers who reflect on various aspects of language are more likely to comprehend words, phrases, and passages (see post on metalinguistic awareness). In addition, interpreting affixes is one of the learning goals outlined in the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts.

Application to The Common Core State Standards
      Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

  • L. 1. 4 [First Grade] Use frequently occurring affixes as a clue to the meaning of a word.
  •  L.2.4 [Second Grade] Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known prefix is added to a known word (e.g., happy/unhappy, tell/retell).
  • L. 3. 4 [Third Grade] Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known affix is added to a known word (e.g., agreeable/disagreeable, comfortable/uncomfortable, care/careless, heat/preheat).
    Source: English Language Arts Standards (Language subsection)

Questionable Lesson Plan: I searched the Web and found a lesson plan for teaching the prefix over-. I won’t name the site, but it was not related to the Common Core. According to the webpage, the lesson applies to Grades 2 and 3.  I was happy to see the lesson, but only one meaning of over- is taught. Here is an excerpt:

Step 4. Define the meaning of over-, as well as words containing the prefix over-.  Look at the list of words with the prefix over-. Who knows what over- means? Over- means “too much.” Look at overwork. Overwork means “to work too much.” When the prefix over- is added to work, it changes the meaning of the word. Can anyone tell us what overslept means? What about overdo?

There is no additional instruction, no mention of the other meanings of over-, but the good news is that this is the most frequently occurring sense of the prefix. Nonetheless, students —and teachers— who try to interpret overnight, overseer, and overcoat with the notion of ‘too much’ will run into trouble (especially since there is no context provided).

Note: Vocabulogic readers have participated in a number of surveys on common affixes. For examples, see The Popular Prefix in- (Survey)  and The Slippery Suffix -er (Survey).

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