Word building plan of the lesson

Lesson Plan

Teacher :  
Shynar  Aidarkhanovna

Professional English


:  Word Building.  Endings.
Suffixes. Prefixes.
English famous writers , poets and their

September, 15,2016

 Type of the Lesson

Aims of the lesson:

Educational :
to  know to differ the endings from the suffixes
Give information about the English writers and poet

develop  students’ writing habits doing exercises from the poems and novels.
Analyzing sentences from the writers’ biography.

 Brining up:
Giving the educational texts from the English writers’ novels ,recite and
analyze them.

and written texts
, mini projects

Teaching Aids:
about  Daniel Defoe ,William Shakespeare
George Gordon Byron
Radiard Kipling .

Subject Connection:
English Practice,English Lexicology, History of the English Language,

Literature: V.D.
«Practical Course of  English Language
of the English Language
» .

Кочетова Л.А. «
English for secondary education»
Internet resources. Slide-shows

of the Lesson
  Stages . Content

1.     Organization
moment  Greeting,
plan of the lesson

Good  Morning, students. Today we are
going to talk about famous English writers and their work. You know our subject
is called professional English, and that’s why we use here all our best ,  it
means our grammar, phonetics and Practical English .

2.     Checking
up knowledge

What can you say about these writers,
first of all their biography and a few information about their books. Please
answer my questions !

When and where was born these writers

What were their professions besides
writers ?

What work made them famous ?

3.     Introduction
of the
New Theme 

The word and its structure. We know
that word has its root and affixes. What is affix ? Here we have close
connection with English lexicology. So it is Word Formation. Prefix and suffix
is an affix.

( noun forming and adjective forming

E.g. happiness, happily, unhappy

4.     Students
self-work, creative work.

Students work with computers and
write sentences with different types of affixes and explain them.

Every student presents one writer ,
they show their slides and projects in  mini groups

5.     Consolidation

We have  talked about four famous
writers and you have known more about them I hope. Please say their individual
qualities which you like, for example Robinson’s long life in the island and
his hard life.

Student-1, Student-2, Student-3,

6.     Reflection
of the lesson
. Giving marks explaining their mistakes.

Well we ‘ve come to the end of our
lesson and you work hard and I think today’s lesson helped  us to know more
about our writers and the structure of the word. We ‘ve revised the prefixes
and suffixes and their roles in the word formation. Every ending  has its
meaning.  In future we use them in our speech very often I hope.

7.     Home
work. Literature .Tasks.
From these writers work  write out
the sentences with different affixes or any sentences with suffixes and

Subject: English

Teacher: Koptleuova B. D.

Date: 09/02/17

Grade: 6A

The theme:

Word building suffixes

The aim:

Expecting results

At the end of the lesson:

  • All learners will know more about suffixes;

  • Most learners will able to add right suffixes;

  • Some learners will able to make sentences without supporting.

Visual aids


Method of the lesson

Demonstration, question and answer, explain, conversation

New 7 major components:

“Use of ICT in Teaching and Training” Module

Use group/pair works

Plan of the lesson

Teacher’s action Pupil’s action

Organization moment

Hello children! How are you?

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent?

Hello teacher!

We are fine!

Duty’s answer for teacher’s questions

Checking up the home task

What was your home task?

Are you ready?

Who wants to begin?

Let’s check our homework.

  1. It often rains in autumn.

  2. It is too hot in winter.

  3. It is warm in spring.

  4. It is snowy in summer.

  5. It is cold in winter.

  6. There is much snow in winter.

  7. It is usually warm in spring.

Pupils should answer the question

Check h/w

New theme:

Pupils stand in a circle round and say good words to each other.

Activity 1

Teacher introduces words in paper.


Invite — invitation

Develop – development


Friend- friendly

Danger –dangerous

Care – careful

Nation — national

Pupils answer the teacher’s question

Checking up the understanding new theme

Activity 2. Complete the chart













Activity 3. Complete the chart













Activity 4

Complete with the words

  1. Mountaineering is a ____________sport.

  2. Kostanai is an _________ town.

  3. The weather in London is __________.

  4. My father is a ___________ businessman.

  5. Almaty has a problem of air _______________.

  6. My father _________me, because I broke his car.

  7. I _________ all my friends to my birthday.

  8. We ________ Women’s Day on the 8th of March.

Activity 5 . Add suffixes and make sentences with them.

Educate —

Attend –

Affect –

Add –

Write –

Dance –




What have we done at the lesson? Did you understand the theme of the lesson?

Have you any questions?

If you liked and understand lesson, if lesson was interesting for you, draw sun, if you didn’t like the lesson draw cloud.

Pupils answer the teacher’s questions

Giving homework

Your home task make sentences with words.

Pupils write it in their diaries

Giving marks

Good for you! All off you were active, but some pupils have mistakes. Your mark is….

Pupils give the diaries for mark

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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Чижова Ольга Юрьевна, учитель английского языка.

Урок английского языка в 10 классе.

По УМК «Rainbow English» издательство «Дрофа» авторы О.В. Афанасьева,

И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова. (Базовый уровень)

I четверть «In Harmony with Yourself»

Тема: 1. Gramma: Word Building and Functional Styles

2. Talking Points: What Are We Like? (Describing People)



Обогатить и закрепить лексический запас учащихся по теме.

Развивать навыки говорения, переносить лексический материал в ситуации

речевого общения.


Развивать навыки переработки информации (анализ прочитанной

информации, перевод визуального ряда в речевой (умение оформлять свои

мысли в устной форме и понимать речь других)


Развивать навыки определения целей работы

Развивать речевые и языковые способности, память, внимание,



Закрепить умения классифицировать, обобщать.

Осуществлять анализ информации.


Формировать способность оценивать усваиваемое содержание (исходя из

социальных и личностных ценностей)

Воспитывать чувство ответственности за свою работу.

Формировать положительную мотивацию к обучению, к

совершенствованию новых знаний.

Воспитывать уважение к точке зрения собеседника.

Формы работы: индивидуальна, групповая, фронтальная.

Межпредметные связи: литература, искусство.

Ресурсы: учебник, компьютерная презентация.

Речевой материал: рецептивный— a beard, a moustache, whiskers, a plait, a

fringe, a ponytail, bald; продуктивный-good-looking, healthy-looking, reliable,

stubborn, stout, shapely, lovely, ugly, pretty, precious, common, manly, slim,

skinny, turned-up, tail, ambitious, familiar, talkative, scruffy, strong, fashionable,

choosy, fair, round, thin, poor, straight, modest, curly, womanly, dark, oval.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, учебник 10 класс УМК «Rainbow


Ход урока.

1. Организационный момент.

— Good morning, friends! Glad to ice you today! Who is absent? Ok. And

now were beginning our lesson. Today we are going to talk about shortening

of English words and to widen our ability to describe people.

2. But first let’s check your home……It was Ex 8 p 17 (идет опрос

домашнего задания)

3. Аудирование № 5 «How to be your own best mate» It’s all very well being a

wonderful mate to others. But don t forget to be nice a wonderful mate to others,

but don’t forget to be nice to yourself. Here is some advice how to be fantastic all

the time.

You will hear six people speaking 1-6. Match what they say with the statements a-

g. There is one statement you don’t have to use.

4. Обсуждение текста «Be Careful What Yu Wish For», прочитанного на

предыдущем уроке. Учащиеся отвечают на предлагаемые вопросы ( Ex. 2

p.18), выражая свое мнение об особенностях поведения в подростковом

возрасте. Затем им предлагается вопрос.

— Mia writes in her diary «All I say is, be careful what you wish for. It just might

come true». What does she mean? Did you ever have situations when you could

say the same?

5. Ok. Friends, now let’s continue, аnd I’d like you to read the article about one of

the types of word formation shortening. It s used in abbreviation like BBC,

CNN, TV and also in informal speech especially like young people slang such as

BFF (Best Friend Forever), BF (Boyfriend) etc.

Учащиеся самостоятельно знакомятся с некоторыми особенностями

современного разговорного стиля; сокращениями, разговорными единицами,

относящимися к разговорной лексике, повторение некоторых слов и

словосочетаний, использование усеченных предложений.

6. Далее учащимся предлагается найти в тексте примеры, доказывающие, что

он написан в разговорном стиле. Please look through the text and find in it

words, word combination and sentences proving that the text is written and

spoken style.

7. Ok, my friends, now read the sentences and try to define the meanings of the

underlined words.

(Учащиеся знакомятся с другими примерами из Ex4.p19 и стараются

догадаться о значении сокращенных слов)

8. Every person has his or her own appearance and character in other words his or

her individuality. When we talk about different people we often want to describe

them. So, today we are going to improve our skills in describing people. You see a

list of adjectives which you should divide in three categories:

a) Adjectives describing a person s character.

b) Adjectives describing a person s appearance .

c) Adjectives describing other qualities.

(Это упражнение можно выполнить по рядам)

Ok. Which of the adjectives describe character?

Which of the adjectives describe appearance?

Which of the adjectives describe other qualities?

9.Friends, you can see some new word combination that we can also use to

describe people. Listen to the tape №6 and try to remember them.

(Аудирование №6)

You can see some portraits from the State Tretyakov gallery.

10.Let s try to describe people you see on the screen: (На экране портреты

известных художников «Всадница» К. Брюллова; «Девочка с персиками» В.

Серова; Портрет А.С. Пушкина О. Кипренского, «Пустынник» М.


Ребята описывают изображенных людей, используя новые лексические

единицы и словосочетания из Ex5p.19.

11. Заключительный этап урока.

Well, we are coming to the end of our lesson. What new things have you learnt

today? You home task is Ex.6 p.20, by oral and Ex.9 p.21 in written. Our lesson is

over. Goodbye!



Activity title

Word Formation



— forming words

— understanding text structure

— deducing meaning from context





Exam part

Reading and Use of English (Part 3)



— to practise forming words using prefixes and suffixes

— to extend range of vocabulary for talking about money and business

— to broaden the students’ knowledge of American culture


Materials needed

worksheets and dictionaries



  1. Choosing and adapting the text about the history of Black Friday.
  2. Choosing the words for talking about money and business from the text.
  3. Making an exercise to introduce these words from the text.
  4. Making a word formation exercise with these words from the text to practise forming words using prefixes and suffixes and extend range of vocabulary for talking about money and business.
  5. Reading the text again and identifying the words suitable for practising word formation.
  6. Changing the text into a word formation exercise.



Step 1. Introduction of the vocabulary for talking about money and business. Students match six words from the text they’re going to read with the definitions. (exercise 1)

Step 2.

— Using the words from exercise 1 to practise forming words and to extend range of vocabulary for talking about money and business. Students complete the table with word forms using suffixes and prefixes given in brackets. (exercise 2)

— Using the words from exercise 2 in context. Students fill in the gaps in six sentences with the suitable word from the table in exercise 2. (exercise 3)

Step 3. Reading the text about the history of Black Friday and practising forming words. Students read the text and use the words given in capitals to form the words that fit the gaps. (exercise 4).



I wouldn’t change anything.



Having done the exercises in class, I’ve decided to change exercise 2 a little. I’ve added prefixes and suffixes for students to use when forming words. In class, looking up different word forms in a dictionary may take too much time. It might be better to focus not on remembering word forms or looking them up in a dictionary but on suffixes and prefixes and the meanings of the words we form.

Black Friday

1. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right. There is one extra definition you do not need to use.

1) Finances

a) the amount of money you have to pay for something

2) Market

b) the money that an organization or person has

3) Price

c) the sale of goods in shops to customers

4) Profit

d) to take something from a shop without paying for it

5) Retail

e) money that you gain by selling things or doing business, after your costs have been paid

6) Shoplift

f) money that someone gets from working or from investing money

g) the business or trade in a particular type of goods or services

2. Complete the table. What do the words in the table mean?









…………. (-er)

…………… (-able)



…………. (-ing)

pricey / pricy


…………… (-less)



……………. (-ity)


…………… (un-)



…………… (-er)


…………… (-ing)

…………… (-er)

3. Use the word given in capital letters to form a word that fits in the gap.

  1. Wall Street is the ……………………… centre of the US. (FINANCE)
  2. The program is designed to provide students with real, ……………………… skills. (MARKET)
  3. The tablet gives us ……………………… knowledge about civilization about 3,500 years ago. (PRICE)
  4. Every company tries to boost its ………………………. . (PROFIT)
  5. The company is a ……………………… of office equipment and furniture. (RETAIL)
  6. He was arrested for ……………………… last week. (SHOPLIFT)

4. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap. There is an example at the beginning of the text.

Black Friday

The history of Black Friday started much earlier than people may think. The day after Thanksgiving has been the unofficial (OFFICIAL) beginning of the Christmas season since the late 19th century. The day after Thanksgiving wasn’t called Black Friday then.

The first recorded use of the term «Black Friday» was applied not to holiday …………… (SHOP) but to financial crisis: the crash of the US gold market on September 24, 1869. Two Wall Street …………… (FINANCE), Jay Gould and Jim Fisk, worked together to buy as much as they could of the nation’s gold in the hope of driving the price sky-high and …………… (MAXIMISE) their profits. On that Friday in September, the stock market crashed. Fisk and Gould’s actions left everyone from Wall Street barons to farmers bankrupt.

It was not until later years that the post-Thanksgiving period became …………… (ASSOCIATE) with the name.

Police officers in Philadelphia were first to link Black Friday to the post-Thanksgiving period in the 1950s. Large crowds of tourists and shoppers came to the city the day after Thanksgiving for the Army-Navy football game, creating chaos, traffic jams and …………… (SHOPLIFT) opportunities. Police officers in the city had to work long shifts to deal with the crowds and traffic. They used the term «Black Friday» to describe the chaos in Philadelphia.

By 1961, the term had caught on in Philadelphia. Some of the city’s merchants disliked the negative connotations and …………… (UNSUCCESSFUL) tried to change it to «Big Friday». By the late 1980s, the term was known across the nation and …………… (RETAIL) linked it to their post-Thanksgiving sales.

Today, Black Friday is the USA’s …………… (BIG) shopping event of the year, when many shops cut their prices on a range of products in order to boost profits.

Adapted from https://www.history.com/news/whats-the-real-history-of-black-Friday and https://www.telegraph.co.uk/black-Friday/0/did-black-Friday-get-name-history-behind-biggest-sales-event/

Word formation is of crucial importance in language learning. It gives a chance to enrich the vocabulary with the help of already-known roots and words. In this article, we will discuss affixation (adding suffixes and prefixes to the root) as a great word formation tool.

1. It is important for learners to know how to form nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. If the teacher intends to devote the lesson to noun formation suffixes, he/she may prepare a poster activity with a chart of different noun formation suffixes.

word formation Skyteach

Learners are given a pack of verbs and they need to classify these verbs according to the appropriate noun formation suffIx (e.g. move, friend, revise, appear). This is a very useful activity since the learners work in groups and they come up with the forms rather than being provided with them. See an example of the chart below.

The same activity can be applied while teaching adjective or verb formation suffixes or prefixes.

2. A maze, aimed at recapping suffixes and prefixes, is a great revision activity of word formation. Students try to exit the maze looking for words which follow the same word formation rules. The task might be the following:

  • find the right path choosing adjectives whose opposites start with the prefix in-.
  • find adjectives which form nouns by adding ance/ ity, etc
  • find the words with the correct word formation.

Students are timed and it adds extra competition spirit into the activity.
See an example of the maze activity here.

3. 3. The teacher prepares two sets of word card: prefixes/suffixes and words that fit the chosen prefixes/suffixes to create new words. Students select one card from the Words pile and try to match it with the appropriate prefix /suffix to make a new word, note the new word down, put the Words card aside, and continue until they have no Words cards left. They can play individually/in pairs, in groups, against the clock or against each other to make as many correct words as possible.

The example provided here is targeted at revising noun suffixes -ment, -tion, and -sion.

Parts of Speech Bingo is an old but a tried-and-tested way of not only teaching but also revising word formation. Teacher selects words he/she intends the students to revise and prepares bingo cards. The game can be played either in this way when learners call out names of parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb), students cross out one word at a time (even if they have several nouns on their bingo card) or read out a sentence with a gap. Students who have the fitting word say it out loud and cross it out.

5. Students stand/sit in a circle, you (or any other student) select a category (word building suffix or prefix), students pass the ball around saying the words without repeating them and you monitor whether they are correct. The first person to say the wrong word/not say anything at all is eliminated (leaves the circle). The game goes on until there are two players left. Change suffixes/prefixes for each new round. It is a super engaging game and helps the learners dig deep to find a word which fits the category.

All these games are nice tools to help learners memorize word formation affixes. In order to reinforce the material, learners may be asked to come up with sentences where they need to use some of the given words, make up stories, ask questions to their partners. In this way, the knowledge of these words seems more purposeful to them and they enjoy this great way of expanding their vocabulary.

Данныйуроквключенвциклуроков «Meet the Winners of the International Teenagers’ Competition». Ресурссодержитматериалытрехуроков: «Countries, Languages and Nationalities», «Forms of Transport», «Peace Symbols» врамкаходнойтемы «Meet the Winners of the International Teenagers’ Competition». Урок направлен на расширение представленного в УМК М.З. Биболетовой, Н.Н. Трубаневой для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений лексико-грамматического материала. Задания на первичное закрепление материала разр…

Поделитесь с коллегами:

Глава 3 Методическая разработка:

Конспект фрагмента урока на тему «Word-building of noun»

Данный урок включен в цикл уроков «Meet the Winners of the International Teenagers’ Competition». Ресурс содержит материалы трех уроков: «Countries, Languages and Nationalities», «Forms of Transport», «Peace Symbols» в рамках одной темы «Meet the Winners of the International Teenagers’ Competition». Урок направлен на расширение представленного в УМК М.З. Биболетовой, Н.Н. Трубаневой для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений лексико-грамматического материала. Задания на первичное закрепление материала разработаны с учетом дифференциации учащихся.

Кроме того, в ходе групповой работы на уроке формируются умение коллективного планирования, умение взаимодействовать с любым партнером, умения взаимопомощи в группе в решении общих задач, находить и исправлять ошибки в работе других участников группы, навыки делового партнерского общения.

Тема: «Word building of noun»

Тип урока: I тип урока

Цель урока: введение нового грамматического материала.


  1. отработать лексику по теме «English language» в серии различных языковых упражнений;

  2. развивать навыки умения работать со словарем;

  3. развивать навыки изучающего чтения и навыки перевода;

  4. развивать навыки говорения, аудирования;

  5. обучать языковой догадке;

  6. воспитывать умение работать в коллективе (группе);

  7. развивать внимание, мышление, память (зрительную);

  8. познакомить со способами образования существительных.

Оборудование: УМК, подготовленная доска, раздаточный материал, ноутбук, проектор.

Ход урока


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика



I. Начальный этап

a) Орг. момент и приветствие

b) Функциональная установка к уроку

c)Фонетическая зарядка

II. Основной этап

Речевая разминка

Работа с учебником

Первичное закрепление нового материала.

Работа в группах.

III.Заключительный этап

Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you.

The topic of our lesson is «Word building of noun». Today we know new rules of word building, learn the suffixes of the noun.

— Look at the screen. As usual, we begin with pronunciation. Listen and repeat!

Учитель предлагает учащимся послушать и повторить за диктором каждое слово. Учитель нажимает на слово, оно воспроизводится. Учащиеся повторяют слово за диктором. Чтение слов отдельными учениками.

What country you would (not) like to visit? Why? Учитель спрашивает о том, в каких странах были ученики и где они (не) хотели бы побывать. Дети дают аргументированные ответы.

-Let’s play the game «Snowball». We shall remember the adjectives that can describe the English language. What words can help us to describe this language? (It’s fantastic, wonderful, loving, international etc).

-The first pupil will name one word, the second pupil will repeat it and add another word, and the next pupil will repeat two words and say one more. The winner is the pupil who will repeat the chain of all the words on the topics.


— international and loving;

— international, loving and wonderful; Etc.

All pupils in our class would like to know English well. It is important to know the rules of word building. Let’s learn the suffixes of the nouns. You can see the examples in exercise 47, page 45. Who will read and translate the words?

Целесообразно использовать демонстрационную таблицу по данной теме. Ученики читают слова и переводят их, а затем самостоятельно формулируют правило.

Затем учащихся можно поделить на три группы (слабые, средние, сильные). Каждая группа получает свое задание.

Give (find) the nouns with these endings. I’ll give you the papers with the tasks. Your time is 15 minutes.

The time is up. Hand over the papers.

Our lesson is coming to the end. Today you have known some new information to the topic «Word building», made some exercises in the groups.

Your home task is to learn the rule, page 45 and create the nouns ending with suffixes in written form.

The lesson is over. Good — bye.

Good morning, teacher!

Читают слова по теме хором и по отдельности.

Отвечают на вопросы учителя.

Повторение темы «Словообразование имен прилагательных».

Игра «Снежный ком».

Работают по учебнику в течение 10 минут.

Получают листки с заданиями. Выполняют задания в течение 15 минут.

Сдают свои работы.

Записывают домашнее задание.

Good — bye, teacher.

1 мин

3-5 мин


3-5 мин.

15 мин

3 мин

Класс поделен на 3 группы.

Каждой группе выдан словарь

Приложение 1 (1 группа).

Приложение 2 (2 группа)

Приложение 3 (3 группа).

Приложение 1 к уроку

Give the nouns with these endings.







Приложение 2 к уроку

Find the nouns ending with suffixes in this text.

On a real safari

Safari is a Swahili word meaning travel. It became part of the English language and showed peoples’ fascination with Africa. When adventurous explorers and hunters traveled through the continent, people said they were «on safari».

Today the modern safari is very different from those old times. People still travel to Africa to see the wildlife or, sadly, to hunt. But now they do it after they have spent a comfortable night in a huge bed with 24-hour service.

However, this is not what you get with Safari Explorations. When you travel with them, it is not unusual to come within a very short distance of a dangerous animal. Instead of lodges, accommodation is mobile campsites, and cooking is done on open fires. With Safari Explorations, you get a feeling for what safari really means.

Приложение 3 к уроку

Give the nouns with the help of suffixes.

  1. We all agree that Orlando Bloom is very good looking

but we can’t say he’s a brilliant………. ACT

  1. Winning gold medals both in 1,500 and 5,000 metres

was a great……….for the Moroccan athlete. ACHIEVE

  1. Regular physical…………helps you lose weight in ACTIVE

a healthy way.

  1. Everybody is talking about teenage…………nowadays. VIOLENT

  2. If you want to see this doctor, you have to get an official… APPOINT

  3. Last night we spent about two hours discussing the … IMPORTANT

of politics in our life.

  1. actor; 2. achievement; 3. activity; 4. violence; 5. appointment; 6. Importance.

Приложение 4 к уроку

Таблица суффиксов имен существительных

Значение суффикса



Значение действия, состояния, процесса, результата

-sion / -tion

dictation (диктант, диктовка)

competition (соревнование)

decision (решение)

division (деление)

Значение занятия или должности действующего лица

-ег / -or

teacher (учитель)

driver (водитель)

inventor (изобретатель)

actor (актер)

Значение результата действия


achievement (достижение)

arrangement (соглашение)

Значение качества или состояния


possibility (возможность)

nationality (национальность)

Значение действия, состояния, процесса, результата

-ence /-ance

difference (различие)

importance (важность)

Значение действия, состояния, процесса, результата


hunting (охота)

painting (покраска)

Name ______________________________Form___________


Exercise 1

Make as many words as you can by combining different parts of the box.




















help friend luck like


Exercise 2

Match a prefix in Column A with a word in Column B. Use each prefix and word once only.

Column A

  1. il
  2. re
  3. under
  4. sub
  5. un
  6. ir
  7. ex
  8. dis

Column В

  1. organized
  2. responsible
  3. write
  4. line
  5. wife
  6. legal
  7. titles

h) comfortable

Now fill the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word formed above.

a) You wouldn’t be so ________________ if you had a diary and wrote down all the things you have to do.

b)This letter is very badly written. I’m afraid you’ll have to        it.

c) I prefer to see American films in English with        in my own language.

d)This sofa is really        . It makes my back ache.

  1. In most countries it is        to open a bank account in a false name.
  2. It was very ___________of you to go out and leave your younger brothers and sisters alone in the house.

g)        After you’ve read the book once straight through, read it again and        some of the

words you want to look up in your dictionary.
h)He has been divorced for ten years now, but he still has a good relationship with his        .

Exercise 3

Fill the gaps in the following sentences with the words in the box.

playground        truant        cheat        heart        correct      term      give    absent    hard        degree

break        university        headmaster        report        board

1.        Our teachers        our homework in the evening and        it

out the next day.

2.        My brother tried to          in the exam, but he was caught and sent to the ____________________________.

3.   I   like  to  play   football   in  the            with  my   friends   during  the   lunch ________________________________________

4.   She got a very good school        because she worked so        this ___________________

5.        I’d like to go to _______________ when I finish school and do a ___________________ in Economics.

6.        The teacher wrote the rules on the          and told us to learn them by __________.

7.   Were   you              for   a   good   reason   yesterday   or   were   you   playing ____________________?

Exercise 4

Make new words with the base words, using the suffixes and/or negative prefixes. Sometimes you need to make small changes to the spelling. Use your dictionary if necessary.

































understand                        use


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.

a)        What I appreciate most about my grandfather is his wisdom. His advice is always        

(HELP) and        (SENSE).

b)        Never go to Sue with a serious problem. She is very        (MATURE) and        


c)        I think that boxing is a        (SENSE) sport. What is the point of trying to hit another person

until they are        (CONSCIOUS).

d)        We’d been walking along the        (USE) railway track for hours before we realized

that the map was out-of-date and        (USE).

  1. The only thing poverty leads to is         (HAPPY) and        (LITERATE).
  2. My aunt isn’t fond of today’s children. She thinks that they are all        (POLITE) and


Exercise 5

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. Use your dictionary if necessary.

  1. My mother was such an        person, always busy, always in a hurry. (ENERGY)
  2. I made a stupid        and so things didn’t turn out as planned. (CALCULATE)
  3. I’d like to do it        this time. I hope you don’t mind. (DIFFERENT)
  4. If you ate more        food, you wouldn’t have all these problems with your skin. (HEALTH)

5.1 want to be an important        when I grow up. (SCIENCE)

  1. It is almost impossible to actually measure        _. (INTELLIGENT)
  2. He’s        at mending things. I’ll just have to do it myself. (USE)

Exercise 6

Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.

floods     drought     earthquake     injures      refugees        charity       emergency

  1. Many have suffered terrible
  2. The latest San Francisco
  3. In case of        
  4. Half a million___________

____________________as a result of fighting.

___________________measured 4.5 on the Richter scale.

break the glass and push the button.

have now crossed the border in an attempt to find food.

  1. I never give to        . I think it should be the government’s responsibility.
  2. There has been a        in certain parts of the country due to the lack of rain.
  3. There has been so much rain that some rivers have burst their banks and there have been ______________________.

Exercise 7

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in each space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).













I knew I would have to (0) retake my driving test as soon as I saw the

(1)        . He didn’t even say «hello» and seemed        very

(2)        . I was a little bit late I suppose as I had slightly

(3)        how long it would take me to get there. As usual

in this (4)        city all the buses were packed and I had had

to wait more than twenty minutes before a (5)        would let

me get on a bus. I knew apologizing would be (6)        so I

just got in the car. (7)        I wasn’t feeling particularly

nervous but this horrible man stared at me in (8)        as I

began to drive off. I put the car into gear, but it went (9)        

so fast I couldn’t believe it — straight into a wall. I was so (10)        

when he told me I had failed that I thought I might cry.

Exercise 8

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in each space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).












A businessman sacked his own son because of (0) laziness, incompetence

and (1)        . Stuart Bidwell received dozens of letters of

(2)        about his work during the ten years he was his

father’s employee. «He got (3)        ,» said Stephen

        of the company.

at his job and he didn’t even

Bidwell, Stuart’s father. And the (4)

«He was absolutely (5)        

. Eventually he was asked to hand

have the right (6)        

in his (7)        after being caught making phone calls

to a girlfriend in Australia. His (8)        to resign forced

according to Stuart, who is

his father to sack him, (9) _______________

now suing his father.

Exercise 9

Fill the gaps in the following text with the correct form of the words in capitals.

I always wanted to be a great (1)        . I had                     SCIENCE

these dreams of discovering a (2)        new drug        REXOLUTION

that would save the lives of hundreds of people. Unfortunately, I was

never very good at (3)        at school and kept        CHEMIST

producing these horrible smells and the teacher used to get very cross with me.

After a while, I decided I would become an (4)                INVENT

and design an amazing new (5)        which                  PRODUCE

would become a household name. My parents were quite encouraging,

but told me to be a little more (6)        and not quite so        REAL

(7)        . A few weeks later I had a brilliant idea for        AMBITION

a pen that, at least (8)_____________,would write upside                            THEORY

down. To my (9)        ____________ a friend of mine pointed out                   DISAPPOINT

that it was not a new (10) __________.                                               DISCOVER  

Exercise 10

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in each space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).


Many people find their work rather (0) boring I get a lot of

(1) _______________from my job. Advertising can be very

(2)_____        because you have to think of new ways

to attract people’s (3)        . The best way to

do this is by surprising them. (4)        is boring






and people soon get fed up with an (5) ______________ they


have seen many times before. (6)  _______________  they


want to be shocked. Apart from (7) _______________, the


other really important (8)  _________________   of a good campaign is


(9) _______________. After all if people don’t remember


what was being advertised, they won’t buy the (10)


Exercise 11

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in each space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).













In my family we don’t worry about (0) fitness. I suppose you could

say I’m rather (1)        . I only eat junk food and

I never do any exercise. I’m not very (2)        and

I’m completely (3) ______________        at sports. My two sisters are not

(4) _________________to me when it comes to leading active lives.

Neither of them has played any kind of sport since (5)        

What they lack in sporting ability, they make up for in (6)        

They are two of the (7)_____________ people I know. One of        

them works as a research (8)        and the other designs

electronic equipment like (9)        and mobile phones.

They have both done extremely well in what are very  (10)__________ professions.

Exercise 12

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in each space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).


Events like city marathons are (0) increasingly popular. You don’t        INCREASE

have to be a (1)        person to take part in        COMPETE

(2)        , though you do need to be fairly                        ATHLETE

(3)        and reasonably fit. You can build up        ENERGY

fitness by jogging. It’s not the (4)        that        DISTANT

matters, but how long your jog for. You can improve your        
(5)        gradually over a period of weeks.              PERFORM

In (6) ________________for a long race like a marathon it’s         PREPARE

(7) _________________ to run more than a couple of kilometers         NECESSARY

most days. (8) ________________________marathon runners work on        SUCCESS

the (9) ____________________aspects of running long races.        PHYCHOLOGY
Mental (10) ____________________is just as important as being          STRONG

physically fit.

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  • 8/19/2019 Lesson Plan — Word Formation



    Study Program : English Education

    Subject : Introduction to Linguistics

    Code :

    Semester : 1

    Credit : 2

    Unit : 5 – Word Formations

    Time allotment : 100 minutes

    A. Competence

    By the end of this lesson, students are going to be able to
    understand the regularities in the

    ord!formation «rocesses in English#

    . !ndicators

    » $ble to define and mention the e%am»les of coinage#

    » $ble to define and mention the e%am»les of borroing#

    » $ble to define and mention the e%am»les of com»ounding#

    » $ble to define and mention the e%am»les of blending#

    » $ble to define and mention the e%am»les of cli»»ing#! $ble to
    define and mention the e%am»les of bac&formation#

    ! $ble to define and mention the e%am»les of con’ersion#

    ! $ble to define and mention the e%am»les of acronyms#

    ! $ble to define and mention the e%am»les of deri’ation#

    ! $ble to mention the e%am»les of multi»le «rocesses#

    C. !nstructional objecti#es

    ! (tudents able to define and mention the e%am»les of

    ! (tudents able to define and mention the e%am»les of

    ! (tudents able to define and mention the e%am»les of

    ! (tudents able to define and mention the e%am»les of

    ! (tudents able to define and mention the e%am»les of

    ! (tudents able to define and mention the e%am»les of

    ! (tudents able to define and mention the e%am»les of

    ! (tudents able to define and mention the e%am»les of

    ! (tudents able to define and mention the e%am»les of

    ! (tudents able to mention the e%am»les of multi»le

  • 8/19/2019 Lesson Plan — Word Formation


    $. Sources

    ! )ule, *eorge# 2010# The Study of Language# +ambridge +ambridge
    -ni’ersity .ress

    E. %aterials

    ! .age 52 ! /5# +ha»ter 5 – Word Formation

    &. %et’od o( teac’ing and learning

    Lecturing and discussing#

    ). Learning acti#ities

    $cti’ities escri»tions ime allocation

     «re!acti’ity ! (etting u» the class, teacher «re»ares the
    students to

     be ready to start the lesson by draing their

    attention, chec&ing their attendance, etc#

    ! eacher gi’es moti’ation about the im»ortant of

    learning English the im»ortant to study hard#

    ! uestion!anser leading to to»ic#

    5 minutes



    ! uestion and anser about the ays of forming ne


    ! (tudents learn coinage#

    ! (tudents discuss sources of coined ords#

    ! (tudents discuss coinage on the gi’en «ictures#

    ! (tudents learn borroing#

    ! (tudents discuss sources of English ords from

    other languages

    ! (tudents discuss ords hich borroed from


    ! (tudents learn cal3ue 4 loan!translation#

    ! (tudents learn com»ounding#

    ! (tudents discuss ty»es and e%am»les of com»ound


    ! (tudents gi’e other e%am»les of com»ound ords#

    ! (tudents discuss blending#

    ! (tudents find other e%am»les of blending#

    ! (tudents discuss cli»»ing#

    ! (tudents discuss bac&formation#

    ! (tudents discuss con’ersion#

    ! (tudents discuss the ty»es of con’ersion#

    5 minutes

    10 minutes

    10 minutes

    5 minutes

    5 minutes

    5 minutes

    10 minutes

    5 minutes

    5 minutes

    5 minutes

  • 8/19/2019 Lesson Plan — Word Formation


    ! (tudents discuss acronyms#

    ! (tudents find other e%am»les of acronyms#

    ! (tudents discuss deri’ation#

    ! (tudents discuss multi»le «rocesses#

    ! (tudents do the e%ercise related to the gi’en


    5 minutes

    5 minutes

    5 minutes



    ! eacher as&s 3uestions to students concerning to the

    discussed to»ic#

    ! eacher gi’es ta&e!home assignment related to the

    discussed to»ic#

    ! (tudents and teacher ma&e reflection on the teaching

    and learning acti’ities#

    10 minutes

    *. Assessment

    (tudents do the e%ercise related to the materials by ansering
    true6 or false6 on the gi’en

    statements# he teacher can assess by obser’ing the class during
    the e%ercise#


    1# .refi%es are «laced in the end of the ords# 74F8

    2# he ord 9unfaithful: has to suffi%es# 74F8

    ;# We can «lace both «refi% and suffi% in a ord# 74F8

  • 8/19/2019 Lesson Plan — Word Formation


    (urabaya, Actober 22, 2015

    Lecturer in charge,

    arisatul Chasanah, (#.d

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