Word building exercises untrue

Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку, раздел «Словообразование»  для  учащихся 9-11 классов.

Учитель английского  языка МАОУ гимназии № 6


Полегаева Елена Юрьевна.

Ex. 5. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса -ment. Переведите на русский язык:

 Develop, achieve, move, arrange, treat, state, improve, agree, equip,  govern, require, measure, announce, pave,amuse,argue,advertise,invest.

Ex. 6. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов -ful и -less, переведите их на русский язык:

Beauty, thank, hope, doubt, c

WORD-BUILDING  (exercises)

Ex. 1. Переведите следующие слова, выделите в них суффиксы и префиксы:

 Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex-champion, anti-body, de compose, decode, deform, depart, discover, disappearance, reread, reconstruct, coauthor, unequal, misunderstand, undress, disarm, anti-fascist, cooperation, co-existence, interaction, superhuman, ultra-violet.

Ex. 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведите их:

Achievement — achieve, resistance — resistant, assistance — assist — assistant, celebration — celebrate, difference — different, city — citizen, nation — national — nationality, measure — measurement, develop — development, act — active — activity, contain — container, discover — discovery — discoverer, literature — literary, graduate — graduation — undergraduate — post-graduate, educate — education, progress — progressive, act — action — activity — active, govern — governor — government.

Ex. З. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса -ег или -or. Переведите на русский язык:

 To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to  conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.

Ex. 4. Образуйте от данных слов существительные с помощью  суффикса -ist, -ism, -ian. Переведите на русский язык:

Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, mathematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, India.

are, aim, use, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour.

Ex. 7. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов -able,  -ible, переведите их на русский язык:

Change, convert, prevent, break, compare, desire, profit, read, comfort, respect, expect,fashion,flex.

Ex. 8. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к ка кой части речи эти слова относятся:

 British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experiment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, fundamental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attractive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.

Ex. 9. Образуйте глаголы с помощью суффикса -en:

 Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet,  sharp,

  Strong, long.

Ex. 10. Образуйте наречия с помощью суффикса -1у и переведите их:

Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.

Ex. 11. Образуйте глаголы от данных существительных. Переве дите их:

 Turn, smile, smoke, snow, start, stay, step, stop, study, talk, visit, rest, air, paper, cover, handle, cause, watch, act, address, answer, brush, clean, cross, crowd, wave, wish, work, dance, doubt, dress, end, fight, help, hope, joke, laugh, lift, light, love, mind, paper, pencil, place, plan, play, post, reply, report, return, sail, show.

Ex. 12. Переведите на русский язык. Выделите словообразу ющие элементы. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова:

 React, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; industry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free, freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care, careful, careless, carefully, carelessness; to differ, different, difference, indifferent; England, English, Englishman; poison,poisonous,extreme,extremely,extremity,extremist,friend,friendship,friendly,unfriendly.

Ex. 13. Переведите следующие сложные слова:

Aircraft,airspace,Air Force , summer-resort,rest-house, custom-house, dining-room,dining car,living-room , fireplace, nightlife,newsagent,sunglasses,popstar,snowboarding,bungee jumping,

earthquake,greenhouse,laptop,software,science-fiction,solar system,so-called,

..,haircut , hairbrush, icebox, newspaper, notebook,rain forest ,lifetime , raincoat, sportsman, sunshine,sunrise,sunset,sunflower,body-piercing.

Ex. 14. Прочтите следующие пары слов, соблюдая ударения. Переведите их:

An accent — to accent, a contract — to contract, a content — to content, a contest — to contest,an increase-to increase, a convict — to convict, a perfect — to perfect, a record — to record,refuse-to refuse,a refugee-to refuge.

Ex. 15. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова:

1. Не works as a teacher. 2. I saw one of his works at the exhibition.  3. I was waiting for your report. 4. They report the results of their experiment every Monday. 5. His report contains some of his thoughts about the experiment. 6. You’ll make progress if you work hard. 7. He thought about his new work. 8. I have a present for you. 9. I am busy at pre sent. 10. He presented me with a book.

Ex. 16. Проанализируйте состав следующих слов. Определите части речи. Дайте начальную форму. Переведите слова:

Powerful, inventor, high-quality, network, demoralize, profitable, dislike, disagree, movement, shorten, incorrect, electricity, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous, noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, teaching, rebuild, retell, leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, cooperation, schoolboy, icebreaker.

Ex. 17. Напишите сложные существительные, исходя из объяснений.

Например: A machine for drying hair – hair drier.

1. A thing for opening tins — … . 2. A machine for playing records — … . 3. A machine for mixing food — … . 4. A thing that times eggs (when they are boiling) — … . 5. Things for warming people’s legs — … . 6. Stuff that kills flies — … . 7. A liquid that removes paint — … . 8. A tool that opens bottles — … . 9. A thing for peeling potatoes — … . 10. A liquid for removing eye makeup — … . 11. Stuff for freshening the air — … .

Ex. 18. Распределите прилагательные по трем группам: 1) люди, 2) места, 3) вещи:

Obstinate, unspoilt, hand-made, waterproof, easy-going, breathtaking, aggressive, deserted, overgrown, overcrowded, cunning, picturesque, arrogant, long-lasting, spoilt, automatic, accurate, artificial.

Ex. 19Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом  или суффиксом.

1. I know Jim Kerry is very popular but I find him totally childish / childlike. 2. I couldn’t work out whom the letter was from. The signature was childish / childlike. 3. Sarah is so childish / childlike. She always plays trick on her friends. 4. It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing. I got such childish / childlike pleasure from the experience. 5. Sophie is extremely sensitive / sensible at the moment. Anything you say seems to upset her. 6. Karen is not a very sensitive / sensible person. She wore high-heeled shoes for our four-mile walk. 7. I’ve never known her to tell a lie. She’s a very true / truthful person. 8. I can never watch sad films that are based on true / truthful a story. They always make me cry. 9. Susan is so intolerable / intolerant of other people. She never accepts anyone else’s opinion, and she always thinks she knows best. 10. I find Mark’s behaviour intolerable / intolerant. It’s unfair to be so selfish. 11. We’re having an economic / economical crisis at the moment. James has lost his job and I don’t know how we are going to pay the rent. 12. It’s more economic  / economical to drive slowly. You can do a lot more miles to the gallop.

Ex.19 Подберите к каждой тройке слов такое, чтобы с его помощью образовать составные существительные, используйте слова: board, green, paper, book, birthday, blood, rain, site, road, sports, ice, water, day, night, hand, case, sun, bag.

Например: camp…, building…, bomb… – campsite, building site, bomb-site.

1. …test, …pressure, …donor. 2. …fall, …melon, …skiing. 3. …house, …grocer, …salad. 4. …club, …mare, …shift. 5. brief…, suit…, book… . 6. paper…, plastic…, shoulder… . 7. …bow, …coat, …drop. 8. …shine, …rise, …set. 9. …works, …sign, …rage. 10. black…, floor…, notice… . 11. …light, …break, …dream. 12. …shake, …writing, …book. 13. …cube, …berg, …rink. 14. …cake, …present, …card. 15. …scape, …lady, …slide. 16. …car, …center, …ground. 17. address…, visitor’s…, note… .

Ex. 20Дополните предложения сложными существительными в скобках (это могут быть и составные существительные, и существительные в притяжательном падеже в простой или аналитической форме).

1. Your coat is on the … (back, chair). 2. You’ve just spilt the … (milk, cat). 3. Can you buy some … (paper, toilet). 4. I never listened to my … (advise, parents). 5. Can you buy a … (wine, bottle) to have with supper? 6. What did that … (road, sigh) say? Did you see it? 7. It’s such a mess in here. There are empty … (wine, bottles) everywhere. 8. The … (Prime Minister, duties) include entertaining heads of the state. 9. The … (my shoe, heel) has come off. 10. Can I borrow your … (brush, hair)? 11. What happened at the … (film, end)? 12. Here is … (today, news). 13. Where is the nearest … (Metro, station)? 14. It’s my … (anniversary, parents, wedding) next week. 15. The … (company, success) is due to its efficiency. 16. I’ve got a … (fortnight, holiday) next month. 17. The … (government, economic policy) is confusing. 18. My children go to the local … (school, state). 19. The annual … (rate, inflation) is about 4 percent. 20. Are there any … (coffee, cups) in your bedroom? There are none in the kitchen. 21. Do you want a … (coffee, cup)?

Ex.21. Заполните пропуски глаголом или существительным: advice – to advise, use – to use, abuse – to abuse, belief – to believe, relief – to relieve, grief – grieve, excuse – to excuse, breath – to breathe, half – to halve, house – to house, safe – to save, bath – to bathe.

1. It is my personal … that this man is innocent. 2. Let me listen to your chest. Take a deep … and say “Ah”. 3. You should put your valuables in the … .  4. Drug … is a terrible problem all over the world. 5. I know it isn’t good for my skin, but I love sun … . 6. I’ve been so worried about you! It’s such a … to see you at last! 7. “What are we going to do with this cake?” “Cut it in two. You take … and I’ll take … .” 8. Can you show me how to … this new coffee machine? 9. The refugees are … in temporary accommodation. 10. She apologizes for her behavior, and said it was because she’d had a busy day, but that’s no … for breaking all the plates. 11. People need time to … after the death of someone they love. 12. Take my … . Never marry for money. Marry for love.

Ex. 22. Напишите слово противоположное по значению, используя префикс

Kind, honest, credible, appear, fair, equal, pleased, continue, fasten, normal, employed, friendly, trust, professional, known, cover, safe, use, probable, important, emotional.


1. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова. Переведите их:

 Beautiful, function, artist, musician, heartless, economic, worker, badly, act, action, active, basic, fruitless, population,  movement, historic, democratic, work, daily, literature, picture, organization, friendship, highly, leader, fight, fighter, national, impressive, hopeful, hopeless, beautiful, special, specialist, define, definition, humanism, humanist, humanistic, use, useful, useless.

2. Переведите слова на русский язык. Определите префикс и его значение:

Coauthor, undress, disarm, postwar, illegal, unkind, reconstruct, deformation, prewar,antihero , ex-champion, superhuman,disagreement,

3. Образуйте прилагательные от существительных при  помощи следующих   суффиксов: -al, -ful, -ous, -у,  -able, -ible, -ic, -less, -ish. Переведите пары слов.

Reason, beauty, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, desire, boy, success, heart, experiment, form, office, danger, fame, electron, base, nature, cloud, sun, child, Scott, history, home.

4. Переведите предложения. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова. Назовите сложные слова:

 1. Many pupils study English. 2. My grandfather has a large study. 3. Who ruled this country? 4. All sportsmen must obey the rules of the game. 5. The Soviet Union is tied by friendship with India in their work for peace. 6. All peace-loving people work for peace for the whole of mankind.

 5. Назовите глаголы, от которых образованы следующие существительные:

 Protection, show, writer, worker, movement, investigation, achieve ment, statement, reader, department, equipment, construction, organization, reporter, arrival, improvement, conductor, establishment, development, education, definition, regulation, assistance, agreement.

6. Переведите без словаря. Определите, к какой части  речи относятся слова:

 a) Specialist,  institute, university, culture,cultural,centre, central, nation,national, international, organization, minister, nature, natural, traditional, progressive, moral, social, socialist, public, programmer, popular, modern, revolution, revolutionary, final, talent, continent, festival, political, experiment, experimentation, electricity, technical, transformation, system, systematically, practice, practical, seminar, lecture, lecturer, period, historic, history, professor, complex, form, acceleration, instrument, philosopher, idea, basic, fundamental, conceptions, mass, class, element, motor, method, problem, energy, radio, text, material, temperature, progress, television.

b) 1. France and England are European countries. 2. In the evening we like to listen to classical music. 3. We saw a comedy at the Drama Theatre last night. 4. Your train leaves from platform two. 5. This jazz orchestra gave several concerts in our town. 6. In 1610 Galileo constructed the first tele scope in the world. 7. This was a dangerous experiment.

7. Проанализируйте следующие слова, какие они? Определите их составляющие. Переведите на русский язык:

 Ice-hockey, world-wide, bedroom, newspaper, long-term, birthplace, sportsman, apple-juice, peace-loving, schoolchildren, football, highland, television, underground, north-west, sometimes, lowland, landscape, well-known, multinational, network, vice-president.

8. Поставьте слово, указанное в скобках, в нужную форму.

1. My father is very … (act) even though he’s seventy. 2. I’ve always wanted to work in the theatre, but … (act) it isn’t a very secure profession. 3. I … (hope), we’ll soon find a solution to the problem. 4. Look … (care) to the left and to the right before crossing the road. 5. It was very … (care) of you to lose my watch. 6. I take two … (day) newspapers and three Sunday papers. 7. You’ve broken my camera! Look at it! It’s … (use)! 8. Thanks for the advice. It was really … (use). 9. I have some very … (noise) neighbours. 10. She became … (fame) as a result of her invention.

Тренировочные тесты.

Test 1.

  1. This is the most . . . . . . concert I‘ve ever been to. (Expense)
  2. Her husband’s not a very……person. (Patience)
  3. Susan is very……and wants to do well. (Ambition)
  4. Show some……. Don’t you like the idea? (Enthuse)
  5. Her problem is that she has not enough……in herself. (Confide)
  6. Dan is really very……, even rude sometimes. (Polite)
  7. I haven’t been to the cinema…… . (Recent)
  8. Mary…… and they never s aw her again. (Appear)

Test 2.

  1. Most people have no real…… in ghosts.(Believe)
  2. Mark Twain wrote many…… stories. (Humour)
  3. The children’s…… at the concert was excellent. (Behave)
  4. Rita asked for a …… and cashier gave her one. (Receive)
  5. Do you think you have the…… to pass the exam? (Able)
  6. You need a lot of …… to write a good story. (Imagine)
  7. I read an interesting …… in the newspaper. (Advertise)
  8. Their friendship began in their …… . (Child)

Test 3.

  1. I’m telling you the ……! I swear! (True)
  2. Your composition isn’t good enough. You’ll have to …… it. (Write)
  3. Did you know Ann used to work as a …… when she was younger? (Wait)
  4. They need your …… before they can do it. (Sign)
  5. It all happened quite…… . I didn’t have time to think. (Sudden)
  6. I’m sure his new film  is going to be a huge…… .(Succeed)
  7. Did Paul give an …… for his actions? (Explain)
  8. The …… of the village are all very kind. (Inhabit)

Test 4.

  1. The leaflet gives a brief…… of each place. (Describe)
  2. Can you give us a quick …… of how it works? (Explain)
  3. Olga broke the vase during an …… with her husband. (Argue)
  4. Gold is a very …… metal. (Value)
  5. Peter began to feel depressed and …… . (Help)
  6. His book is the result of years of …… research. (Care)
  7. This snake is not …… at all. (Danger)
  8. The bright flowers make the room look….. . (Cheer)

Test 5.

      1. Teenagers nowadays are more interested in ……. problems. (Globe)

      2. Have you seen the new Levi …… on TV? (Advertise)

      3. I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find him.  He’s …… (Appear)

      4. It’s very…… to drink and drive. (Danger)

      5. Can you give me some more …… about this adventure holiday? (Inform)

      6. We need to put up some …… for tonight’s party. (Decorate)

      7. The weather today will be cold and…… . (Wind)

      8. Margarita was very …… with the service. (Satisfy)

Test 6.

  1. They  put a lot of …… on him to agree to their demands. (Press)
  2. I’ve had three…… nights and l feel exhausted. (Sleep)
  3. If you have problems with your ……, see a doctor. (Circulate)
  4. I’m feeling very …… today. I think I’ll go for a run. (Energy)
  5. Remember that …… are also human. (Examine)
  6. His nose was quite …… for days after he’d it pierced. ( Pain)
  7. There are a lot of …… restaurants in this area. (Fashion)
  8. Although she isn’t beautiful, most men find her quite…… (Attract).

 Test 7.

      1.The food was completely …… ; he was a useless cook .(Taste)

      2. There were over 500 ……to the temple every day .(Visit )

      3. You can’t hope to win the race without any …… .(Train)

      4. In spite of her ……,Jane continued her journey .(Hungry )

      5.Hard as he tried , he was unable to find …… .(Solve )

      6.I …… speaking , I don’t think Latin is a useful subject .(Person)

      7.You need to organize your time more  …… (Efficient )

 Test 8.

  1. Stories are more ……. than lists of words .(Memory )
  2. His exam results were very …… . (Please )
  3. Passing exams will help you to get a ……job .(Good )
  4. You should revise on a regular …… (Base )
  5. There are books that are specially …….for foreign learners.(Simple )
  6. A degree is a very useful…….to have .(Qualify )
  7. I hope you will take into …… what I have just said to you .(Consider )
  8. This new book had many beautiful ……in it .(ILLUSTRATE)

Test 9.

               1.My aunt became …….when she went to America.


               2.Paul sings …….; I’m surprised he isn’t a professional singer. (Beauty)

               3.I was …….to see all my old friends again. (Delight )

               4.They bought some …… for their new house. (Furnish )

               5. She lives in a really ……mansion in the suburbs. (Luxury )

               6. Are you sitting ……. in that  chair ? (Comfort )

               7.Everyone was nervous about the ……’s visit. (Inspector)

               8.Our teacher  has a really strong …….  . (Person)

               9.His father has the best …… of ancient coins. (Collect)  

 Test 10.

                1.The teacher wanted to know what my greatest …….(Ambitious)

                2.I……ever go to the theatre. I don’t like  it .(Hard )

                3.Marina has a very  …… manner , which I appreciate .(Relax)

                4.Her son took part in the world ……last year .(Champion)

                5.I was …….when victor said I was beautiful.(Flatter)

                6. Julia got a ……for best leading actress .(Nominate )

                7.She’s a very ……thinker .(Origin)

                8.Her friend is very …….! You can trust him .(Rely)

Ответы к тренировочным тестам.

Test 1.

                1. Expensive

                2. Patient



                5. Confidence




Test 2.

  1. Belief
  2.  Humorous
  3.  Behaviour
  4.  Receipt
  5.  Ability
  6.  Success
  7.  Advertisement
  8.  Childhood

Test 3.

                  1. Truth

                  2. Rewrite

                  3. Waitress

                  4. Signature

                  5. Suddenly

                  6. Success


                  8. Inhabitants

Test 4.

  1. Description
  2.  Explanation
  3.  Argument
  4.  Valuable
  5.  Helpless
  6.  Careful
  7.  Dangerous
  8.  Cheerful

Test 5.

                 1. Global

                 2. Advertisement

                 3. Disappeared

                 4. Dangerous

                 5. Information

                 6. Decorations

                 7. Windy

                 8. Satisfied

Test 6.

                1. Pressure

                2. Sleepless

                3. Circulation

                4. Energetic

                5. Examiners


Test 7.


              2. Visitors


              4  . Hunger

              5. Solution

              6. Personally

              7. Efficiently

Test 8.

              1. Memorable

              2. Pleasant

              3. Better

              4. Basis

              5. Simplified

              6. Qualification

              7. Consideration

              8. ILLustrations

Test 9.

  1. Famous
  2. Beautifully
  3. Delighted
  4.  Furniture
  5. Luxurious
  6.  Comfortably
  7.  Inspector
  8.  Personality
  9.  Collection

Test 10.

  1. Ambition
  2.  Hardly
  3.  Relaxed
  4. Championship
  5. Flattered
  6. Nomination
  7. Original
  8. Reliable

Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку, раздел «Словообразование» для учащихся 9-11 классов.

Учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 9

Ст. Тамань

Фатулаева Мария Леонидовна

WORD-BUILDING (exercises)

Ex. 1. Переведите следующие слова, выделите в них суффиксы и префиксы:

Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex-champion, anti-body, de­ compose, decode, deform, depart, discover, disappearance, reread, re­construct, coauthor, unequal, misunderstand, undress, disarm, anti-fascist, cooperation, co-existence, interaction, superhuman, ultra-violet.

Ex. 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведите их:

Achievement — achieve, resistance — resistant, assistance — assist — assistant, celebration — celebrate, difference — different, city — citizen, na­tion — national — nationality, measure — measurement, develop — develop­ment, act — active — activity, contain — container, discover — discovery — dis­coverer, literature — literary, graduate — graduation — undergraduate — post-graduate, educate — education, progress — progressive, act — action — activity — active, govern — governor — government.

Ex. З. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с по­мощью суффикса -ег или or. Переведите на русский язык:

To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct,

to conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.

Ex. 4. Образуйте от данных слов существительные с помощью суффикса ist, —ism, —ian. Переведите на русский язык:

Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, ma­thematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, In­dia.

Ex. 5. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса ment. Переведите на русский язык:

Develop, achieve, move, arrange, treat, state, improve, agree, equip, govern, require, measure, announce, pave, amuse, argue, advertise, invest.

Ex. 6. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов ful и less, переведите их на русский язык:

Beauty, thank, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour.

Ex. 7. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов able,

ible, переведите их на русский язык:

Change, convert, prevent, break, compare, desire, profit, read, comfort, respect, expect, fashion, flex.

Ex. 8. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к ка­кой части речи эти слова относятся:

British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experi­ment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, funda­mental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attrac­tive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.

Ex. 9. Образуйте глаголы с помощью суффикса en:

Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet, sharp,

strong, long.

Ex. 10. Образуйте наречия с помощью суффикса lу и переведи­те их:

Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.

Ex. 11. Образуйте глаголы от данных существительных.

Переведите их:

Turn, smile, smoke, snow, start, stay, step, stop, study, talk, visit, rest, air, paper, cover, handle, cause, watch, act, address, answer, brush, clean, cross, crowd, wave, wish, work, dance, doubt, dress, end, fight, help, hope, joke, laugh, lift, light, love, mind, paper, pencil, place, plan, play, post, re­ply, report, return, sail, show.

Ex. 12. Переведите на русский язык. Выделите словообразу­ющие элементы. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова:

React, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; indust­ry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free, freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care, careful, careless, carefully, carelessness; to differ, different, difference, indifferent; England, English, Englishman; poison,poisonous,extreme,extremely,extremity,extremist,friend,friendship,friendly,unfriendly.

Ex. 13. Переведите следующие сложные слова:

Aircraft, airspace, Air Force, summer-resort, rest-house, custom-house, dining-room, dining car, living-room , fireplace, nightlife, newsagent, sunglasses, snowboarding, bungee jumping,

earthquake, greenhouse, laptop, software, science-fiction, solar system, so-called;

haircut , hairbrush, icebox, newspaper, notebook, rain forest ,lifetime , raincoat, sportsman, sunshine, sunrise, sunset, sunflower, body-piercing.

Ex. 14. Прочтите следующие пары слов, соблюдая ударения. Переведите их:

An accent — to accent, a contract — to contract, a content — to content, a contest — to contest, an increase-to increase, a convict — to convict, a perfect — to perfect, a record — to record, refuse-to refuse, a refugee-to refuge.

Ex. 15. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделен­ные слова:

1. Не works as a teacher. 2. I saw one of his works at the exhibition. 3. I was waiting for your report. 4. They report the results of their experi­ment every Monday. 5. His report contains some of his thoughts about the experiment. 6. You’ll make progress if you work hard. 7. He thought about his new work. 8. I have a present for you. 9. I am busy at pre­ sent. 10. He presented me with a book.

Ex. 16. Проанализируйте состав следующих слов. Определите части речи. Дайте начальную форму. Переведите слова:

Powerful, inventor, high-quality, network, demoralize, profitable, dis­like, disagree, movement, shorten, incorrect, electricity, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous, noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, teach­ing, rebuild, retell, leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, coopera­tion, schoolboy, icebreaker.

Ex. 17. Напишите сложные существительные, исходя из объяснений.

Например: A machine for drying hair – hair drier.

1. A thing for opening tins — … . 2. A machine for playing records — … . 3. A machine for mixing food — … . 4. A thing that times eggs (when they are boiling) — … . 5. Things for warming people’s legs — … . 6. Stuff that kills flies — … . 7. A liquid that removes paint — … . 8. A tool that opens bottles — … . 9. A thing for peeling potatoes — … . 10. A liquid for removing eye makeup — … . 11. Stuff for freshening the air — … .

Ex. 18. Распределите прилагательные по трем группам: 1) люди, 2) места, 3) вещи:

Obstinate, unspoilt, hand-made, waterproof, easy-going, breathtaking, aggressive, deserted, overgrown, overcrowded, cunning, picturesque, arrogant, long-lasting, spoilt, automatic, accurate, artificial.

Ex. 19 Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом или суффиксом.

1. I know Jim Kerry is very popular but I find him totally childish / childlike. 2. I couldn’t work out whom the letter was from. The signature was childish / childlike. 3. Sarah is so childish / childlike. She always plays trick on her friends. 4. It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing. I got such childish / childlike pleasure from the experience. 5. Sophie is extremely sensitive / sensible at the moment. Anything you say seems to upset her. 6. Karen is not a very sensitive / sensible person. She wore high-heeled shoes for our four-mile walk. 7. I’ve never known her to tell a lie. She’s a very true / truthful person. 8. I can never watch sad films that are based on true / truthful a story. They always make me cry. 9. Susan is so intolerable / intolerant of other people. She never accepts anyone else’s opinion, and she always thinks she knows best. 10. I find Mark’s behaviour intolerable / intolerant. It’s unfair to be so selfish. 11. We’re having an economic / economical crisis at the moment. James has lost his job and I don’t know how we are going to pay the rent. 12. It’s more economic / economical to drive slowly. You can do a lot more miles to the gallop.

Ex.19 Подберите к каждой тройке слов такое, чтобы с его помощью образовать составные существительные, используйте слова: board, green, paper, book, birthday, blood, rain, site, road, sports, ice, water, day, night, hand, case, sun, bag.

Например: camp…, building…, bomb… – campsite, building site, bomb-site.

1. …test, …pressure, …donor. 2. …fall, …melon, …skiing. 3. …house, …grocer, …salad. 4. …club, …mare, …shift. 5. brief…, suit…, book… . 6. paper…, plastic…, shoulder… . 7. …bow, …coat, …drop. 8. …shine, …rise, …set. 9. …works, …sign, …rage. 10. black…, floor…, notice… . 11. …light, …break, …dream. 12. …shake, …writing, …book. 13. …cube, …berg, …rink. 14. …cake, …present, …card. 15. …scape, …lady, …slide. 16. …car, …center, …ground. 17. address…, visitor’s…, note… .

Ex. 20Дополните предложения сложными существительными в скобках (это могут быть и составные существительные, и существительные в притяжательном падеже в простой или аналитической форме).

1. Your coat is on the … (back, chair). 2. You’ve just spilt the … (milk, cat). 3. Can you buy some … (paper, toilet). 4. I never listened to my … (advise, parents). 5. Can you buy a … (wine, bottle) to have with supper? 6. What did that … (road, sigh) say? Did you see it? 7. It’s such a mess in here. There are empty … (wine, bottles) everywhere. 8. The … (Prime Minister, duties) include entertaining heads of the state. 9. The … (my shoe, heel) has come off. 10. Can I borrow your … (brush, hair)? 11. What happened at the … (film, end)? 12. Here is … (today, news). 13. Where is the nearest … (Metro, station)? 14. It’s my … (anniversary, parents, wedding) next week. 15. The … (company, success) is due to its efficiency. 16. I’ve got a … (fortnight, holiday) next month. 17. The … (government, economic policy) is confusing. 18. My children go to the local … (school, state). 19. The annual … (rate, inflation) is about 4 percent. 20. Are there any … (coffee, cups) in your bedroom? There are none in the kitchen. 21. Do you want a … (coffee, cup)?

Ex.21. Заполните пропуски глаголом или существительным: advice – to advise, use – to use, abuse – to abuse, belief – to believe, relief – to relieve, grief – grieve, excuse – to excuse, breath – to breathe, half – to halve, house – to house, safe – to save, bath – to bathe.

1. It is my personal … that this man is innocent. 2. Let me listen to your chest. Take a deep … and say “Ah”. 3. You should put your valuables in the … . 4. Drug … is a terrible problem all over the world. 5. I know it isn’t good for my skin, but I love sun … . 6. I’ve been so worried about you! It’s such a … to see you at last! 7. “What are we going to do with this cake?” “Cut it in two. You take … and I’ll take … .” 8. Can you show me how to … this new coffee machine? 9. The refugees are … in temporary accommodation. 10. She apologizes for her behavior, and said it was because she’d had a busy day, but that’s no … for breaking all the plates. 11. People need time to … after the death of someone they love. 12. Take my … . Never marry for money. Marry for love.

Ex. 22. Напишите слово противоположное по значению, используя префикс

Kind, honest, credible, appear, fair, equal, pleased, continue, fasten, normal, employed, friendly, trust, professional, known, cover, safe, use, probable, important, emotional.


1. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова. Переведите их:

Beautiful, function, artist, musician, heartless, economic, worker, badly, act, action, active, basic, fruitless, population, movement, historic, democratic, work, daily, literature, pic­ture, organization, friendship, highly, leader, fight, fighter, national, im­pressive, hopeful, hopeless, beautiful, special, specialist, define, definition, humanism, humanist, humanistic, use, useful, useless.

2. Переведите слова на русский язык. Определите префикс и его значение:

Coauthor, undress, disarm, postwar, illegal, unkind, reconstruct, defor­mation, prewar, antihero, ex-champion, superhuman, disagreement,

3. Образуйте прилагательные от существительных при помощи следующих суффиксов: al, —ful, —ous, -у, —able, —ible, —ic, —less, —ish. Переведите пары слов.

Reason, beauty, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, desire, boy, success, heart, experiment, form, office, danger, fame, electron, base, nature, cloud, sun, child, Scott, history, home.

4. Переведите предложения. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова. Назовите сложные слова:

1. Many pupils study English. 2. My grandfather has a large study. 3. Who ruled this country? 4. All sportsmen must obey the rules of the game. 5. The Soviet Union is tied by friend­ship with India in their work for peace. 6. All peace-loving people work for peace for the whole of mankind.

5. Назовите глаголы, от которых образованы следующие сущест­вительные:

Protection, show, writer, worker, movement, investigation, achieve­ment, statement, reader, department, equipment, construction, organiza­tion, reporter, arrival, improvement, conductor, establishment, develop­ment, education, definition, regulation, assistance, agreement.

6. Переведите без словаря. Определите, к какой части речи относятся слова:

a) Specialist, institute, university, culture, cultural, centre, central, nation, national, international, orga­nization, minister, na­ture, natural, traditional, progressive, moral, social, socialist, public, programmer, popular, modern, revolution, revolutionary, final, talent, continent, festival, political, experiment, experimentation, electricity, technical, transformation, system, systematically, practice, practical, seminar, lecture, lecturer, period, historic, history, professor, complex, form, acceleration, instrument, philosopher, idea, basic, fundamental, conceptions, mass, class, element, motor, method, problem, energy, radio, text, material, temperature, progress, television.

b) 1. France and England are European countries. 2. In the evening we like to listen to classical music. 3. We saw a comedy at the Drama Theatre last night. 4. Your train leaves from platform two. 5. This jazz orchestra gave several concerts in our town. 6. In 1610 Galileo constructed the first tele­ scope in the world. 7. This was a dangerous experiment.

7. Проанализируйте следующие слова, какие они? Определите их сос­тавляющие. Переведите на русский язык:

Ice-hockey, world-wide, bedroom, newspaper, long-term, birthplace, sportsman, apple-juice, peace-loving, schoolchildren, football, highland, te­levision, underground, north-west, sometimes, lowland, landscape, well-known, multinational, network, vice-president.

8. Поставьте слово, указанное в скобках, в нужную форму.

1. My father is very … (act) even though he’s seventy. 2. I’ve always wanted to work in the theatre, but … (act) it isn’t a very secure profession. 3. I … (hope), we’ll soon find a solution to the problem. 4. Look … (care) to the left and to the right before crossing the road. 5. It was very … (care) of you to lose my watch. 6. I take two … (day) newspapers and three Sunday papers. 7. You’ve broken my camera! Look at it! It’s … (use)! 8. Thanks for the advice. It was really … (use). 9. I have some very … (noise) neighbours. 10. She became … (fame) as a result of her invention.

Тренировочные тесты.

Test 1.

  1. This is the most . . . . . . concert I‘ve ever been to. (Expense)

  2. Her husband’s not a very……person. (Patience)

  3. Susan is very……and wants to do well. (Ambition)

  4. Show some……. Don’t you like the idea? (Enthuse)

  5. Her problem is that she has not enough……in herself. (Confide)

  6. Dan is really very……, even rude sometimes. (Polite)

  7. I haven’t been to the cinema…… . (Recent)

  8. Mary…… and they never s aw her again. (Appear)

Test 2.

  1. Most people have no real…… in ghosts.(Believe)

  2. Mark Twain wrote many…… stories. (Humour)

  3. The children’s…… at the concert was excellent. (Behave)

  4. Rita asked for a …… and cashier gave her one. (Receive)

  5. Do you think you have the…… to pass the exam? (Able)

  6. You need a lot of …… to write a good story. (Imagine)

  7. I read an interesting …… in the newspaper. (Advertise)

  8. Their friendship began in their …… . (Child)

Test 3.

  1. I’m telling you the ……! I swear! (True)

  2. Your composition isn’t good enough. You’ll have to …… it. (Write)

  3. Did you know Ann used to work as a …… when she was younger? (Wait)

  4. They need your …… before they can do it. (Sign)

  5. It all happened quite…… . I didn’t have time to think. (Sudden)

  6. I’m sure his new film is going to be a huge…… .(Succeed)

  7. Did Paul give an …… for his actions? (Explain)

  8. The …… of the village are all very kind. (Inhabit)

Test 4.

  1. The leaflet gives a brief…… of each place. (Describe)

  2. Can you give us a quick …… of how it works? (Explain)

  3. Olga broke the vase during an …… with her husband. (Argue)

  4. Gold is a very …… metal. (Value)

  5. Peter began to feel depressed and …… . (Help)

  6. His book is the result of years of …… research. (Care)

  7. This snake is not …… at all. (Danger)

  8. The bright flowers make the room look….. . (Cheer)

Test 5.

1. Teenagers nowadays are more interested in ……. problems. (Globe)

2. Have you seen the new Levi …… on TV? (Advertise)

3. I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find him. He’s …… (Appear)

4. It’s very…… to drink and drive. (Danger)

5. Can you give me some more …… about this adventure holiday? (Inform)

6. We need to put up some …… for tonight’s party. (Decorate)

7. The weather today will be cold and…… . (Wind)

8. Margarita was very …… with the service. (Satisfy)

Test 6.

  1. They put a lot of …… on him to agree to their demands. (Press)

  2. I’ve had three…… nights and l feel exhausted. (Sleep)

  3. If you have problems with your ……, see a doctor. (Circulate)

  4. I’m feeling very …… today. I think I’ll go for a run. (Energy)

  5. Remember that …… are also human. (Examine)

  6. His nose was quite …… for days after he’d it pierced. ( Pain)

  7. There are a lot of …… restaurants in this area. (Fashion)

  8. Although she isn’t beautiful, most men find her quite…… (Attract).

Test 7.

1.The food was completely …… ; he was a useless cook .(Taste)

2. There were over 500 ……to the temple every day .(Visit )

3. You can’t hope to win the race without any …… .(Train)

4. In spite of her ……,Jane continued her journey .(Hungry )

5.Hard as he tried , he was unable to find …… .(Solve )

6.I …… speaking , I don’t think Latin is a useful subject .(Person)

7.You need to organize your time more …… (Efficient )

Test 8.

    1. Stories are more ……. than lists of words .(Memory )

    2. His exam results were very …… . (Please )

    3. Passing exams will help you to get a ……job .(Good )

    4. You should revise on a regular …… (Base )

    5. There are books that are specially …….for foreign learners.(Simple )

    6. A degree is a very useful…….to have .(Qualify )

    7. I hope you will take into …… what I have just said to you .(Consider )

    8. This new book had many beautiful ……in it .(ILLUSTRATE)

Test 9.

1.My aunt became …….when she went to America. (Fame)

2.Paul sings …….; I’m surprised he isn’t a professional singer. (Beauty)

3. I was …….to see all my old friends again. (Delight )

4.They bought some …… for their new house. (Furnish )

5. She lives in a really ……mansion in the suburbs. (Luxury )

6. Are you sitting ……. in that chair ? (Comfort )

7.Everyone was nervous about the ……’s visit. (Inspector)

8.Our teacher has a really strong ……. . (Person)

9.His father has the best …… of ancient coins. (Collect)

Test 10.

1.The teacher wanted to know what my greatest …….(Ambitious)

2.I……ever go to the theatre. I don’t like it .(Hard )

3.Marina has a very …… manner , which I appreciate .(Relax)

4.Her son took part in the world ……last year .(Champion)

5.I was …….when victor said I was beautiful.(Flatter)

6. Julia got a ……for best leading actress .(Nominate )

7.She’s a very ……thinker .(Origin)

8.Her friend is very …….! You can trust him .(Rely)

Ответы к тренировочным тестам.

Test 1.

1. Expensive

2. Patient



5. Confidence




Test 2.

    1. Belief

    2. Humorous

    3. Behaviour

    4. Receipt

    5. Ability

    6. Success

    7. Advertisement

    8. Childhood

Test 3.

1. Truth

2. Rewrite

3. Waitress

4. Signature

5. Suddenly

6. Success


8. Inhabitants

Test 4.

    1. Description

    2. Explanation

    3. Argument

    4. Valuable

    5. Helpless

    6. Careful

    7. Dangerous

    8. Cheerful

Test 5.

1. Global

2. Advertisement

3. Disappeared

4. Dangerous

5. Information

6. Decorations

7. Windy

8. Satisfied

Test 6.

1. Pressure

2. Sleepless

3. Circulation

4. Energetic

5. Examiners


Test 7.


2. Visitors


4 . Hunger

5. Solution

6. Personally

7. Efficiently

Test 8.

1. Memorable

2. Pleasant

3. Better

4. Basis

5. Simplified

6. Qualification

7. Consideration

8. ILLustrations

Test 9.

  1. Famous

  2. Beautifully

  3. Delighted

  4. Furniture

  5. Luxurious

  6. Comfortably

  7. Inspector

  8. Personality

  9. Collection

Test 10.

  1. Ambition

  2. Hardly

  3. Relaxed

  4. Championship

  5. Flattered

  6. Nomination

  7. Original

  8. Reliable

WORD-BUILDING (exercises)

Ex. 1. Переведите следующие слова, выделите в них суффиксы и префиксы:

Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex-champion, anti-body, de­ compose, decode, deform, depart, discover, disappearance, reread, re­construct, coauthor, unequal, misunderstand, undress, disarm, anti-fascist, cooperation, co-existence, interaction, superhuman, ultra-violet.

Ex. 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведите их:

Achievement — achieve, resistance — resistant, assistance — assist — assistant, celebration — celebrate, difference — different, city — citizen, na­tion — national — nationality, measure — measurement, develop — develop­ment, act — active — activity, contain — container, discover — discovery — dis­coverer, literature — literary, graduate — graduation — undergraduate — post-graduate, educate — education, progress — progressive, act — action — activity — active, govern — governor — government.

Ex. З. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с по­мощью суффикса -ег или or. Переведите на русский язык:

To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.

Ex. 4. Образуйте от данных слов существительные с помощью суффикса ist, —ism, —ian. Переведите на русский язык:

Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, ma­thematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, In­dia.

are, aim, use, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour.

Ex. 7. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов able, —ible, переведите их на русский язык:

Change, convert, prevent, break, compare, desire, profit, read, comfort, respect, expect,fashion,flex.

Ex. 8. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к ка­ кой части речи эти слова относятся:

British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experi­ment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, funda­mental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attrac­tive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.

Ex. 9. Образуйте глаголы с помощью суффикса en:

Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet, sharp,

Strong, long.

Ex. 10. Образуйте наречия с помощью суффикса -1у и переведи­те их:

Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.

Ex. 11. Образуйте глаголы от данных существительных. Переве­ дите их:

Turn, smile, smoke, snow, start, stay, step, stop, study, talk, visit, rest, air, paper, cover, handle, cause, watch, act, address, answer, brush, clean, cross, crowd, wave, wish, work, dance, doubt, dress, end, fight, help, hope, joke, laugh, lift, light, love, mind, paper, pencil, place, plan, play, post, re­ply, report, return, sail, show.

Ex. 12. Переведите на русский язык. Выделите словообразу­ ющие элементы. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова:

React, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; indust­ry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free, freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care, careful, careless, carefully, carelessness; to differ, different, difference, indifferent; England, English, Englishman; poison,poisonous,extreme,extremely,extremity,extremist,friend,friendship,friendly,unfriendly.

Ex. 13. Переведите следующие сложные слова:

Aircraft,airspace,Air Force , summer-resort,rest-house, custom-house, dining-room,dining car,living-room , fireplace, nightlife,newsagent,sunglasses,popstar,snowboarding,bungee jumping,

earthquake,greenhouse,laptop,software,science-fiction,solar system,so-called,

..,haircut , hairbrush, icebox, newspaper, notebook,rain forest ,lifetime , raincoat, sportsman, sunshine,sunrise,sunset,sunflower,body-piercing.

Ex. 14. Прочтите следующие пары слов, соблюдая ударения. Переведите их:

An accent — to accent, a contract — to contract, a content — to content, a contest — to contest,an increase-to increase, a convict — to convict, a perfect — to perfect, a record — to record,refuse-to refuse,a refugee-to refuge.

Ex. 15. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделен­ные слова:

1. Не works as a teacher. 2. I saw one of his works at the exhibition. 3. I was waiting for your report. 4. They report the results of their experi­ment every Monday. 5. His report contains some of his thoughts about the experiment. 6. You’ll make progress if you work hard. 7. He thought about his new work. 8. I have a present for you. 9. I am busy at pre­ sent. 10. He presented me with a book.

Ex. 16. Проанализируйте состав следующих слов. Определите части речи. Дайте начальную форму. Переведите слова:

Powerful, inventor, high-quality, network, demoralize, profitable, dis­like, disagree, movement, shorten, incorrect, electricity, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous, noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, teach­ing, rebuild, retell, leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, coopera­tion, schoolboy, icebreaker.

Ex. 17. Напишите сложные существительные, исходя из объяснений.

Например: A machine for drying hair – hair drier.

1. A thing for opening tins — … . 2. A machine for playing records — … . 3. A machine for mixing food — … . 4. A thing that times eggs (when they are boiling) — … . 5. Things for warming people’s legs — … . 6. Stuff that kills flies — … . 7. A liquid that removes paint — … . 8. A tool that opens bottles — … . 9. A thing for peeling potatoes — … . 10. A liquid for removing eye makeup — … . 11. Stuff for freshening the air — … .

Ex. 18. Распределите прилагательные по трем группам: 1) люди, 2) места, 3) вещи:

Obstinate, unspoilt, hand-made, waterproof, easy-going, breathtaking, aggressive, deserted, overgrown, overcrowded, cunning, picturesque, arrogant, long-lasting, spoilt, automatic, accurate, artificial.

Ex. 19Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом или суффиксом.

1. I know Jim Kerry is very popular but I find him totally childish / childlike. 2. I couldn’t work out whom the letter was from. The signature was childish / childlike. 3. Sarah is so childish / childlike. She always plays trick on her friends. 4. It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing. I got such childish / childlike pleasure from the experience. 5. Sophie is extremely sensitive / sensible at the moment. Anything you say seems to upset her. 6. Karen is not a very sensitive / sensible person. She wore high-heeled shoes for our four-mile walk. 7. I’ve never known her to tell a lie. She’s a very true / truthful person. 8. I can never watch sad films that are based on true / truthful a story. They always make me cry. 9. Susan is so intolerable / intolerant of other people. She never accepts anyone else’s opinion, and she always thinks she knows best. 10. I find Mark’s behaviour intolerable / intolerant. It’s unfair to be so selfish. 11. We’re having an economic / economical crisis at the moment. James has lost his job and I don’t know how we are going to pay the rent. 12. It’s more economic / economical to drive slowly. You can do a lot more miles to the gallop.

Ex.19 Подберите к каждой тройке слов такое, чтобы с его помощью образовать составные существительные, используйте слова: board, green, paper, book, birthday, blood, rain, site, road, sports, ice, water, day, night, hand, case, sun, bag.

Например: camp…, building…, bomb… – campsite, building site, bomb-site.

1. …test, …pressure, …donor. 2. …fall, …melon, …skiing. 3. …house, …grocer, …salad. 4. …club, …mare, …shift. 5. brief…, suit…, book… . 6. paper…, plastic…, shoulder… . 7. …bow, …coat, …drop. 8. …shine, …rise, …set. 9. …works, …sign, …rage. 10. black…, floor…, notice… . 11. …light, …break, …dream. 12. …shake, …writing, …book. 13. …cube, …berg, …rink. 14. …cake, …present, …card. 15. …scape, …lady, …slide. 16. …car, …center, …ground. 17. address…, visitor’s…, note… .

Ex. 20Дополните предложения сложными существительными в скобках (это могут быть и составные существительные, и существительные в притяжательном падеже в простой или аналитической форме).

1. Your coat is on the … (back, chair). 2. You’ve just spilt the … (milk, cat). 3. Can you buy some … (paper, toilet). 4. I never listened to my … (advise, parents). 5. Can you buy a … (wine, bottle) to have with supper? 6. What did that … (road, sigh) say? Did you see it? 7. It’s such a mess in here. There are empty … (wine, bottles) everywhere. 8. The … (Prime Minister, duties) include entertaining heads of the state. 9. The … (my shoe, heel) has come off. 10. Can I borrow your … (brush, hair)? 11. What happened at the … (film, end)? 12. Here is … (today, news). 13. Where is the nearest … (Metro, station)? 14. It’s my … (anniversary, parents, wedding) next week. 15. The … (company, success) is due to its efficiency. 16. I’ve got a … (fortnight, holiday) next month. 17. The … (government, economic policy) is confusing. 18. My children go to the local … (school, state). 19. The annual … (rate, inflation) is about 4 percent. 20. Are there any … (coffee, cups) in your bedroom? There are none in the kitchen. 21. Do you want a … (coffee, cup)?

Ex.21. Заполните пропуски глаголом или существительным: advice – to advise, use – to use, abuse – to abuse, belief – to believe, relief – to relieve, grief – grieve, excuse – to excuse, breath – to breathe, half – to halve, house – to house, safe – to save, bath – to bathe.

1. It is my personal … that this man is innocent. 2. Let me listen to your chest. Take a deep … and say “Ah”. 3. You should put your valuables in the … . 4. Drug … is a terrible problem all over the world. 5. I know it isn’t good for my skin, but I love sun … . 6. I’ve been so worried about you! It’s such a … to see you at last! 7. “What are we going to do with this cake?” “Cut it in two. You take … and I’ll take … .” 8. Can you show me how to … this new coffee machine? 9. The refugees are … in temporary accommodation. 10. She apologizes for her behavior, and said it was because she’d had a busy day, but that’s no … for breaking all the plates. 11. People need time to … after the death of someone they love. 12. Take my … . Never marry for money. Marry for love.

Ex. 22. Напишите слово противоположное по значению, используя префикс

Kind, honest, credible, appear, fair, equal, pleased, continue, fasten, normal, employed, friendly, trust, professional, known, cover, safe, use, probable, important, emotional.


1. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова. Переведите их:

Beautiful, function, artist, musician, heartless, economic, worker, badly, act, action, active, basic, fruitless, population, movement, historic, democratic, work, daily, literature, pic­ture, organization, friendship, highly, leader, fight, fighter, national, im­pressive, hopeful, hopeless, beautiful, special, specialist, define, definition, humanism, humanist, humanistic, use, useful, useless.

2. Переведите слова на русский язык. Определите префикс и его значение:

Coauthor, undress, disarm, postwar, illegal, unkind, reconstruct, defor­mation, prewar,antihero , ex-champion, superhuman,disagreement,

3. Образуйте прилагательные от существительных при помощи следующих суффиксов: al, —ful, —ous, -у, —able, —ible, —ic, —less, —ish. Переведите пары слов.

Reason, beauty, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, desire, boy, success, heart, experiment, form, office, danger, fame, electron, base, nature, cloud, sun, child, Scott, history, home.

4. Переведите предложения. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова. Назовите сложные слова:

1. Many pupils study English. 2. My grandfather has a large study. 3. Who ruled this country? 4. All sportsmen must obey the rules of the game. 5. The Soviet Union is tied by friend­ship with India in their work for peace. 6. All peace-loving people work for peace for the whole of mankind.

5. Назовите глаголы, от которых образованы следующие сущест­вительные:

Protection, show, writer, worker, movement, investigation, achieve­ ment, statement, reader, department, equipment, construction, organiza­tion, reporter, arrival, improvement, conductor, establishment, develop­ment, education, definition, regulation, assistance, agreement.

6. Переведите без словаря. Определите, к какой части речи относятся слова:

a) Specialist, institute, university, culture,cultural,centre, central, nation,national, international, orga­nization, minister, na­ture, natural, traditional, progressive, moral, social, socialist, public, programmer, popular, modern, revolution, revolutionary, final, talent, continent, festival, political, experiment, experimentation, electricity, technical, transformation, system, systematically, practice, practical, seminar, lecture, lecturer, period, historic, history, professor, complex, form, acceleration, instrument, philosopher, idea, basic, fundamental, conceptions, mass, class, element, motor, method, problem, energy, radio, text, material, temperature, progress, television.

b) 1. France and England are European countries. 2. In the evening we like to listen to classical music. 3. We saw a comedy at the Drama Theatre last night. 4. Your train leaves from platform two. 5. This jazz orchestra gave several concerts in our town. 6. In 1610 Galileo constructed the first tele­ scope in the world. 7. This was a dangerous experiment.

7. Проанализируйте следующие слова, какие они? Определите их сос­тавляющие. Переведите на русский язык:

Ice-hockey, world-wide, bedroom, newspaper, long-term, birthplace, sportsman, apple-juice, peace-loving, schoolchildren, football, highland, te­levision, underground, north-west, sometimes, lowland, landscape, well-known, multinational, network, vice-president.

8. Поставьте слово, указанное в скобках, в нужную форму.

1. My father is very … (act) even though he’s seventy. 2. I’ve always wanted to work in the theatre, but … (act) it isn’t a very secure profession. 3. I … (hope), we’ll soon find a solution to the problem. 4. Look … (care) to the left and to the right before crossing the road. 5. It was very … (care) of you to lose my watch. 6. I take two … (day) newspapers and three Sunday papers. 7. You’ve broken my camera! Look at it! It’s … (use)! 8. Thanks for the advice. It was really … (use). 9. I have some very … (noise) neighbours. 10. She became … (fame) as a result of her invention.



учитель английского языка

СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ (WORDBUILDING). Тренировочные упражнения по теме.

(для 5 – 11 классов)

СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ (WORDBUILDING). Тренировочные упражнения по теме.

В английском языке имеется несколько способов словообразо­вания:

1) конверсия (образование новых слов без измене­ния их написания и произношения)

2) словосложение (образова­ние нового слова путем сложения двух слов в одно)

3) изменение ударения в слове (и получение нового слова другой части речи).

4) аффиксация (прибавление к корню суффикса или префикса)

Конверсия. Словосложение. Изменение ударения.

Иногда слово может менять свое значение и выполнять новую синтаксическую функцию в предложении, не изменяя при этом на­писания и произношения (конверсия). Наиболее распространенным является образование глаголов от существительных:master (хозяин) — tomaster (управлять), house (дом) — tohouse (размещать), water (вода) — towater (поливать). Но глаголы могут быть образованы и от прилагательных:empty (пустой) — toempty (опустошать) white (белый) — towhite (белить).

Словосложение — это объединение полнозначных слов или их основ в сложное слово. Вновь образованное сложное слово пишется слитно или через дефис: airfield — аэродром (air — воздух, field — поле), airbase — авиабаза (air — воздух, base — база), airman — авиатор (air — воздух, man — мужчина), schoolday — школьный день (school — школа, day — день), birthplace — место рождения (birth — рождение, place — место).

Сложные слова могут состоять из двух существительных, первое из которых приобретает значение прилагательного. В этом случае слова пишутся отдельно. Например: servicedress — форменная одеж­да, одежда для службы (service — служба, dress — платье), shopwin­dow — витрина (shop — магазин, window — окно), skimmilk — снятое мо­локо (toskim — снимать (накипь и т.д.), milk — молоко).

Многие существительные совпадают по форме с глаголами, но отличаются ударением. Как правило, в существительных ударение падает на первый слог, а в соответствующих глаголах — на второй:export (экспорт) — toexport (экспортировать) present (подарок) — topresent (дарить).

Словообразование с помощью аффиксации.

Образование новых слов может происходить при помощиприсое­динения к основе слова суффиксов или префиксов (приставок). Префиксы присоединяются к корню слова в начале, а суффиксы — в конце. Слова, образованные с помощью префиксов или суффиксов, в отличие от простых слов, называются производными.

Префиксы, как и суффиксы, могут присоединяться к различным частям речи, изменяя при этом значение основы слова, например: happy (счастливый) — unhappy (несчастный) — happiness(счастье) — happily (счастливо); help (помощь) — helper (помощ­ник) — helpful (полезный) — helpless (беспомощный).

Наиболее употребительные приставки (префиксы) и их значения:

1.Префикс со значением “снова”, “заново”, “вновь”, “пере”:


to construct (строить) — to reconstruct (перестроить),to read (читать) — to reread (перечитать),to write (писать) — to rewrite (переписать)

2. Префиксы, которые придают словупротивоположное значе­ние или обозначают противоположное действие:

un- dis- de- anti- counter-


to dress (одеваться)— to undress (раздеваться), to tie (связывать) — to untie (развязывать)

to appear (появляться)— to disappear (исчезать)

formation(формирование) — deformation(деформация)

fascist(фашист) —antifascist(антифашист)

attack(атака) — counterattack(контратака)

to contradict (противоречить, возражать)

3.Префиксы, имеющие отрицательное значение:





ir- il- dis- mis- non-

amoral (аморальный, безнравственный)

absent(отсутствующий), abnormal (ненормальный)

kind (добрый) — unkind (недобрый)

possible(возможный) — impossible (невозможный)

ability(способность) — inability(неспособность)


legal(легальный)— illegal (нелегальный)

honest(честный) —dishonest(нечестный),

to understand (понимать) — to misunderstand (неправильнопонять)

interference(вмешательство) — non-interference(невмешательство)

! NOTE !

Приставка, которая начинается на “i” изменяется в зависимости от того, какая за ней стоит буква:il + l,ir + r,im + b,m, p.

4. Префиксы, имеющие значение сверх”, “пере”, “чрезмерно”:

over- super- ultra-


to pay (платить)— to overpay (переплатить)

human(человеческий) — superhuman (сверхчеловеческий)

short(короткий)— ultra-short (ультракороткий)


5.Префиксы со значением “между”, “взаимно”:



existence(существование) — coexistence(сосуществование)


6.Префиксы, которые переводятся как




war(война) —prewar(довоенный),historic (исторический) —prehistoric (доисторический)

to foresee (предвидеть)



war (война,) — postwar(послевоенный),revolutionary(революционный)postrevolutionary(после­революционный)

в)“недостаточно”, “недо-“:


topay(платить) tounderpay(оплачивать низко, т.е. недо­статочно оплачивать, недоплачивать), production(производство) — underproduction (недопроизводство)



division(разделение)— subdivision (подразделение),committee(комиссия,комитет)— subcommittee (подкомис­сия)

д)“экс”, “бывший”:


champion(чемпион) exchampion(бывший чемпион)

е)само-, авто-


autobiography(автобиография), automatic(автоматический)



semifinal(полуфинал), semicircle (полукруг)

з)через-, транс-


transatlantic (трансатлантический)

и)вверх, кверху, наверху


upstairs(вверх по лестнице), upside(верхняя часть), touproot (вырывать с корнем)

к)двойной, два, дважды


bilingual(двуязычный), bimonthly(выходящий два раза в месяц)

л)имеющий дело с книгами



м)относящийся к жизни

н)второстепенное значение



о)много-, мульти-, поли-



multicolored(многоцветный), multimillionaire (мультимиллионер)

polyglot(полиглот), polytechnic (политехнический)




7.Префикс глагола, имеющий значение “делать”:


large(большой) — to enlarge(увеличивать, делать больше), danger (опасность) — toendanger(подвергать опасности), force(сила) to enforce(принуждать, настаивать)

Основные суффиксы существительных:

1. Суффиксы, обозначающие принадлежность к

а)политическому направлению профессии или нации:


-an, -ian

Communist(коммунист),Marxist (марксист}, materialist (мате­риалист);

artist (художник), typist (машинистка),pianist (пианист), historian (историк),librarian(библиотекарь),musician (музы­кант);Russian(русский),Bulgarian(болгарин)

2. Суффикс, обозначающий учение, теорию, качество:


marxism(марксизм),heroism (героизм)

3. Суффиксы, обозначающие действующее лицо, его занятие или должность:

ег, -or

-ee, -eer

to teach (учить) — teacher(учитель),to direct (руководить) — director (руководитель)

employee (служащий), refugee (беженец,эмигрант), auctioneer (аукционер),

4.Суффикс, обозначающий результат действия:



achievement(достижение),agreement (согласие),government (правительство)

lemonade(лимонад),blockade (блокада)

5.Суффиксы, обозначающие






dictatorship(диктатура), friendship (дружба),leadership(руководство)

accuracy(точность), infancy (младенчество), supremacy (превосходство)

б)действие, состояние:





-ion, -tion

-ition, -ation



shortage(нехватка),marriage(брак, супружество), voyage(путешествие)

hunting(охота), crossing(пересечение, перекресток), living(житье)



collection(собрание, коллекция), dictation(диктант, диктовка)

competition (соревнование), hesitation(сомнение, колебание)


removal( удаление),arrival(прибытие),refusal(отказ), approval(одобрение)

в)качество или состояние:





coldness(холод), darkness (темнота), kindness(доброта), weakness(слабость)


г)место действия, занятие или состояние


bakery(булочная), surgery(кабинет хирурга), cookery(кулинария), slavery(рабство)

д)род занятий, отрасль науки


physics(физика), politics (политика)

Основные суффиксы прилагательных:

1.Суффикс, образующий прилагательные от существительных и обозначающийнациональную принадлежность или слабую степенькачества:



Chinese(китаец,китайский), Japanese (японец,японский)

Pole(поляк)— Polish (польский),Scott(шотландец)— Scottish (шотландский)

red (красный) — reddish(красноватый), child(ребенок) childish(ребячливый, детский)

2.Суффиксы, образующие прилагательные от глаголов и обозна­чающиеналичие качества:




toact(действовать) — active(активный),totalk(разговаривать) – talkative (разговорчивый)

todiffer (различать) — different(различный), toinsist(настаивать) — insistent(настойчивый)toobserve(наблюдать, замечать) observant(наблюдатель­ный, внимательный)

3.Суффиксы, образующие прилагательные от существительных
и обозначающие наличие качества, свойства:






base(основа) basic(основной),economy (экономика)economic (экономический)

centre(центр) central(центральный)

culture(культура) cultural(культурный),beauty (красота) — beautiful (красивый)

peace(мир) peaceful(мирный),fame(слава) —famous(знаменитый)

cloud(облако) — cloudy(облачный),sun (солнце)— sunny (солнечный)

4.Суффиксы, образующие прилагательные от различных частей
речи и обозначающие

а)качество, свойство:



element(элемент)— elementary (элементарный)

illusion(иллюзия)— illusory (обманчивый,иллюзорный)

б)способность что-либо сделать, состояние, качество:


— ible

to change (изменить)— changeable (изменчивый)

to eat (есть) — eatable(съедобный),reason(разум)— reasonable (разумный)



useless(бесполезный), windless(безветренный)

Основные суффиксы глаголов:



fy, —ify

ize, —ise


short(короткий) — to shorten (укоротить)

pure(чистый) — to purify (очищать), simple (простой) — to simplify (упрощать)

character(характер) — to characterize (характеризовать)

Основные суффиксы наречий

Суффиксы, образующие наречия от

а) прилагательных, иногда — существительных, порядковых чис­лительных и причастий:


bad(плохой)— badly (плохо),part(часть) — partly(частично),first(первый)— firstly (вопервых)

б) существительных и наречий и обозначающиенаправление(или направленность):



North(север) northward(s)(к северу, на север),after(после) afterwards(впоследствии, позже, потом),back(обратно, назад) backward(s)(назад, в обратном направлении)

home(дом, домой)homeward(к дому, по направлению к дому)

NOTE!В английском языке большое место занимают слова, заимст­вованные из других языков. Такие слова называютсяинтернацио­нальными. По корню этих слов легко догадаться об их значении. На­пример:telegram(телеграмма),orchestra(оркестр),concert(концерт)и др. Умение подмечать интернациональные слова в значительной степени облегчает работу по переводу текста.

WORD-BUILDING (exercises)

Ex. 1. Переведите следующие слова, выделите в них суффиксы и префиксы:

Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex-champion, anti-body, de­compose, decode, deform, depart, discover, disappearance, reread, re­construct, coauthor, unequal, misunderstand, undress, disarm, anti-fascist, cooperation, co-existence, interaction, superhuman, ultra-violet.

Ex. 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующиеслова. Переведитеих:

Achievement — achieve, resistance — resistant, assistance — assist — assistant, celebration — celebrate, difference — different, city — citizen, na­tion — national — nationality, measure — measurement, develop — develop­ment, act — active — activity, contain — container, discover — discovery — dis­coverer, literature — literary, graduate — graduation — undergraduate —post-graduate, educate — education, progress — progressive, act — action — activity — active, govern — governor — government.

Ex. З. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с по­мощью суффикса -ег или or.Переведите на русский язык:

To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.

Ex. 4. Образуйте от данных слов существительные с помощьюсуффиксаist, —ism, —ian.Переведите на русский язык:

Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, ma­thematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, In­dia.

Ex. 5. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные спомощью суффикса ment.Переведите на русский язык:

Develop, achieve, move, arrange, treat, state, improve, agree, equip, govern, require, measure, announce, pave.

Ex. 6. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксовfulиless,переведите их на русский язык:

Beauty, thank, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour.

Ex. 7. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксовable,ible,переведите их на русский язык:

Change, convert, prevent, break, compare, desire, profit, read, comfort,respect, expect.

Ex. 8. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к ка­кой части речи эти слова относятся:

British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experi­ment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, funda­mental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attrac­tive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.

Ex. 9. Образуйте глаголы с помощью суффикса en:

Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet,sharp, strength.

Ex. 10. Образуйте наречия с помощью суффикса -1уи переведи­те их:

Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.

Ex. 11. Образуйте глаголы от данных существительных. Переве­дитеих:

Turn, smile, smoke, snow, start, stay, step, stop, study, talk, visit, rest, air, paper, cover, handle, cause, watch, act, address, answer, brush, clean, cross, crowd, wave, wish, work, dance, doubt, dress, end, fight, help, hope,joke, laugh, lift, light, love, mind, paper, pencil, place, plan, play, post, re­ply, report, return, sail, show.

Ex. 12. Переведите на русский язык. Выделите словообразу­ющие элементы. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова:

React, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; indust­ry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free,freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care,careful, careless, carefully, carelessness; to differ, different, difference,indifferent; England, English, Englishman; fame, famous.

Ex. 13. Переведите следующие сложные слова:

Airport, armchair, bathroom, bedroom, bookcase, bookshelf, class­room, custom-house, dining-room, drawing-room, fireplace, folksong,gentleman, hairbrush, icebox, newspaper, notebook, postcard, post-office, raincoat, sportsman, sunshine, writing-table.

Ex. 14. Прочтите следующие пары слов, соблюдая ударения.Переведитеих:

An accent — to accent, a contract — to contract, a content — to content, a contest — to contest, a convoy — to convoy, a convict — to convict, a perfect — to perfect, a record — to record.

Ex. 15. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделен­ные слова:

1.Неworks as a teacher. 2. I saw one of his works at the exhibition. 3. I was waiting for your report. 4. They report the results of their experi­ment every Monday. 5. Hisreport contains some of his thoughts about the experiment. 6. You’ll make progress if you work hard. 7. He thought about his new work.8. I have a present for you. 9. I am busy at pre­sent. 10. He presented me with a book.

Ex. 16. Проанализируйте состав следующих слов. Определите части речи. Дайте начальную форму. Переведите слова:

Powerful, inventor, high-quality, network, demoralize, profitable, dis­like, disagree, movement, shorten, incorrect, electricity, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous, noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, teach­ing, rebuild, retell, leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, coopera­tion, schoolboy, icebreaker.

Ex. 17. Напишите сложные существительные, исходя из объяснений.

Например: A machine for drying hair – hair drier.

1. A thing for opening tins — … . 2. A machine for playing records — … . 3. A machine for mixing food — … . 4. A thing that times eggs (when they are boiling) — … . 5. Things for warming people’s legs — … . 6. Stuff that kills flies — … . 7. A liquid that removes paint — … . 8. A tool that opens bottles — … . 9. A thing for peeling potatoes — … . 10. A liquid for removing eye makeup — … . 11. Stuff for freshening the air — … .

Ex. 18. Напишите словосочетания по модели число+ существительное+существительное (! не забывайте что число и первое существительное соединяется дефисом и что это существительное обычно стоит в единственном числе)

Например: a walk lasting for three miles – a three-mile walk.

1. A girl who has just celebrated her sixteenth birthday — … . 2. A flight lasting for ten hours — … . 3. A note that is worth twenty pounds — … . 4. A language course that lasts four weeks — … . 5. A drive that takes three hours — … . 6. A meal that consists of three courses — … . 7. A holiday that lasts two weeks — … . 8. A delay at the airport that went on for two hours — … . 9. A letter that goes on for ten pages — … . 10. A university course that takes three years — … . 11. A prison sentence of ten years — … . 12. A hotel with five stars — … . 13. A speed limit of 30 miles an hour — … . 14. A house that was built two hundred years ago — … .

Ex. 19. Распределите прилагательные по трем группам: 1) люди, 2) места, 3) вещи:

Obstinate, unspoilt, hand-made, waterproof, easy-going, breathtaking, aggressive, deserted, overgrown, overcrowded, cunning, picturesque, arrogant, long-lasting, spoilt, automatic, accurate, artificial.

Ex. 20. Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом или суффиксом.

1. I know Jim Kerry is very popular but I find him totally childish / childlike. 2. I couldn’t work out whom the letter was from. The signature waschildish / childlike. 3. Sarah is so childish / childlike. She always plays trick on her friends. 4. It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing. I got such childish / childlike pleasure from the experience. 5. Sophie is extremely sensitive / sensible at the moment. Anything you say seems to upset her. 6. Karen is not a very sensitive / sensible person. She wore high-heeled shoes for our four-mile walk. 7. I’ve never known her to tell a lie. She’s a very true / truthful person. 8. I can never watch sad films that are based on true / truthful a story. They always make me cry. 9. Susan is so intolerable / intolerant of other people. She never accepts anyone else’s opinion, and she always thinks she knows best. 10. I find Mark’s behaviourintolerable / intolerant. It’s unfair to be so selfish. 11. We’re having an economic / economical crisis at the moment. James has lost his job and I don’t know how we are going to pay the rent. 12. It’s more economic / economical to drive slowly. You can do a lot more miles to the gallop.

Ex. 21. Подберите к каждой тройке слов такое, чтобы с его помощью образовать составные существительные, используйте слова:board,green,paper,book,birthday,blood,rain,site,road,sports,ice,water,day,night,hand,case,sun,bag.

Например: camp…, building…, bomb… – campsite, building site, bomb-site.

1. …test, …pressure, …donor. 2. …fall, …melon, …skiing. 3. …house, …grocer, …salad. 4. …club, …mare, …shift. 5. brief…, suit…, book… . 6. paper…, plastic…, shoulder… . 7. …bow, …coat, …drop. 8. …shine, …rise, …set. 9. …works, …sign, …rage. 10. black…, floor…, notice… . 11. …light, …break, …dream. 12. …shake, …writing, …book. 13. …cube, …berg, …rink. 14. …cake, …present, …card. 15. …scape, …lady, …slide. 16. …car, …center, …ground. 17. address…, visitor’s…, note… .

Ex. 22. Дополните предложения сложными существительными в скобках (это могут быть и составные существительные, и существительные в притяжательном падеже в простой или аналитической форме).

1. Your coat is on the … (back,chair).2. You’ve just spilt the … (milk,cat). 3. Canyoubuysome … (paper,toilet).4. I never listened to my … (advise,parents).5. Can you buy a … (wine, bottle) to have with supper? 6. What did that … (road, sigh) say? Did you see it? 7. It’s such a mess in here. There are empty … (wine, bottles) everywhere. 8. The … (Prime Minister, duties) include entertaining heads of the state. 9.The(my shoe, heel) has come off. 10. Can I borrow your … (brush,hair)?11. What happened at the … (film,end)? 12. Hereis … (today,news).13. Where is the nearest … (Metro,station)? 14. Itsmy(anniversary, parents, wedding) next week. 15. The … (company, success) is due to its efficiency. 16. I’ve got a … (fortnight, holiday) next month. 17. The … (government, economic policy) is confusing. 18. My children go to the local … (school,state). 19. Theannual(rate, inflation) is about 4 percent. 20. Are there any … (coffee, cups) in your bedroom? There are none in the kitchen. 21. Do you want a … (coffee, cup)?

Ex. 22. Заполнитепропускиглаголомилисуществительным:advice – to advise, use – to use, abuse – to abuse, belief – to believe, relief – to relieve, grief – grieve, excuse – to excuse, breath – to breathe, half – to halve, house – to house, safe – to save, bath – to bathe.

1. It is my personal … that this man is innocent. 2. Let me listen to your chest. Take a deep … and say “Ah”. 3. You should put your valuables in the … . 4. Drug … is a terrible problem all over the world. 5. I know it isn’t good for my skin, but I love sun … . 6. I’ve been so worried about you! It’s such a … to see you at last! 7. “What are we going to do with this cake?” “Cut it in two. You take … and I’ll take … .” 8. Can you show me how to … this new coffee machine? 9. The refugees are … in temporary accommodation. 10. She apologizes for her behavior, and said it was because she’d had a busy day, but that’s no … for breaking all the plates. 11. People need time to … after the death of someone they love. 12. Take my … . Never marry for money. Marry for love.

Ex. 22. Напишите слово противоположное по значению, используя префикс

Kind, honest, credible, appear, fair, equal, pleased, continue, fasten, normal, employed, friendly, trust, professional, known, cover, safe, use, probable, important, emotional.


1.Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова. Переведите их:

Beautiful, function, artist, musician, heartless, economic, worker, badly, act, action, active, basic, fruitless, population,movement, historic, democratic, work, daily, literature, pic­ture, organization, friendship, highly, leader, fight, fighter, national, im­pressive, hopeful, hopeless, beautiful, special, specialist, define,definition, humanism, humanist, humanistic, use, useful, useless.

2. Переведите слова на русский язык. Определите префикс и его значение:

Coauthor, undress, disarm, postwar, illegal, unkind, reconstruct, defor­mation, prewar, antibody, ex-champion, superhuman, ultrashort.

3.Образуйте прилагательные от существительных при помощи следующих суффиксов:al, —ful, —ous, -у, —able, —ible, —ic, —less, —ish.Переведите пары слов.

Reason, beauty, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, desire, boy, success, heart,experiment, form, office, danger, fame, electron, base, nature, cloud, sun,child, Scott, history, home.

4.Переведите предложения. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова. Назовите сложные слова:

1. Many pupils study English. 2. My grandfather has a large study. 3. Who ruled this country? 4. All sportsmen must obey therules of the game. 5. The Soviet Union is tied by friend­ship with India in their work for peace. 6. All peace-loving people work for peace for the whole of mankind.

5. Назовите глаголы, от которых образованы следующие сущест­вительные:

Protection, show, writer, worker, movement, investigation, achieve­ment, statement, reader, department, equipment, construction, organiza­tion, reporter, arrival, improvement, conductor, establishment, develop­ment, education, definition, regulation, assistance, agreement.

6.Переведите без словаря. Определите, к какой частиречи относятся слова:

a) Specialist, institute,university, culture, central, national, nation, international, orga­nization, Soviet, minister, na­ture, natural, traditional, progressive, moral, social, socialist, public, programmer, popular, modern, revolution,revolutionary, final, talent, continent, festival, political, experiment, experimentation, electricity, technical, transformation,system, systematically, practice, practical, seminar, lecture, lecturer, period, historic, history, professor, complex, form, acceleration, instrument, philosopher, idea, basic, fundamental, conceptions, mass, class, element, motor, method, problem, energy, radio, text, material, temperature, progress, television.

b)1.France and England are European countries. 2. In the evening we like to listen to classical music. 3. We saw a comedy at the Drama Theatrelast night. 4. Your train leaves from platform two. 5. This jazz orchestra gave severalconcerts in our town. 6. In 1610 Galileo constructed the first tele­scope in the world. 7. This was a dangerous experiment.

7.Проанализируйте следующие слова, какие они? Определите их сос­тавляющие. Переведите на русский язык:

Ice-hockey, world-wide, bedroom, newspaper, long-term, birthplace, sportsman, apple-pie, peace-loving, schoolchildren, football, highland, te­levision, underground, north-west, sometimes, lowland, landscape, well-known, multinational, network, vice-president.

8. Поставьте слово, указанное в скобках, в нужную форму.

1. My father is very … (act) even though he’s seventy. 2. I’ve always wanted to work in the theatre, but … (act) it isn’t a very secure profession. 3. I … (hope), we’ll soon find a solution to the problem. 4. Look … (care) to the left and to the right before crossing the road. 5. It was very … (care) of you to lose my watch. 6. I take two … (day) newspapers and three Sunday papers. 7. You’ve broken my camera! Look at it! It’s … (use)! 8. Thanks for the advice. It was really … (use). 9. I have some very … (noise) neighbours. 10. She became … (fame) as a result of her invention.

Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку, раздел «Словообразование» для учащихся 9-11 классов.

WORD-BUILDING (exercises)

Ex. 1. Переведите следующие слова, выделите в них суффиксы и префиксы:

Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex-champion, anti-body, de­ compose, decode, deform, depart, discover, disappearance, reread, re­construct, coauthor, unequal, misunderstand, undress, disarm, anti-fascist, cooperation, co-existence, interaction, superhuman, ultra-violet.

Ex. 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведите их:

Achievement — achieve, resistance — resistant, assistance — assist — assistant, celebration — celebrate, difference — different, city — citizen, na­tion — national — nationality, measure — measurement, develop — develop­ment, act — active — activity, contain — container, discover — discovery — dis­coverer, literature — literary, graduate — graduation — undergraduate — post-graduate, educate — education, progress — progressive, act — action — activity — active, govern — governor — government.

Ex. З. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с по­мощью суффикса -ег или or. Переведите на русский язык:

To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.

Ex. 4. Образуйте от данных слов существительные с помощью суффикса ist, —ism, —ian. Переведите на русский язык:

Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, ma­thematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, In­dia.

are, aim, use, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour.

Ex. 5. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса ment. Переведите на русский язык:

Develop, achieve, move, arrange, treat, state, improve, agree, equip, govern, require, measure, announce, pave,amuse,argue,advertise,invest.

Ex. 6. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов ful и less, переведите их на русский язык:

Beauty, thank, hope, doubt, c

Ex. 7. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов able, —ible, переведите их на русский язык:

Change, convert, prevent, break, compare, desire, profit, read, comfort, respect, expect,fashion,flex.

Ex. 8. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к ка­ кой части речи эти слова относятся:

British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experi­ment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, funda­mental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attrac­tive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.

Ex. 9. Образуйте глаголы с помощью суффикса en:

Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet, sharp,

Strong, long.

Ex. 10. Образуйте наречия с помощью суффикса -1у и переведи­те их:

Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.

Ex. 11. Образуйте глаголы от данных существительных. Переве­ дите их:

Turn, smile, smoke, snow, start, stay, step, stop, study, talk, visit, rest, air, paper, cover, handle, cause, watch, act, address, answer, brush, clean, cross, crowd, wave, wish, work, dance, doubt, dress, end, fight, help, hope, joke, laugh, lift, light, love, mind, paper, pencil, place, plan, play, post, re­ply, report, return, sail, show.

Ex. 12. Переведите на русский язык. Выделите словообразу­ ющие элементы. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова:

React, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; indust­ry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free, freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care, careful, careless, carefully, carelessness; to differ, different, difference, indifferent; England, English, Englishman; poison,poisonous,extreme,extremely,extremity,extremist,friend,friendship,friendly,unfriendly.

Ex. 13. Переведите следующие сложные слова:

Aircraft,airspace,Air Force , summer-resort,rest-house, custom-house, dining-room,dining car,living-room , fireplace, nightlife,newsagent,sunglasses,popstar,snowboarding,bungee jumping,

earthquake,greenhouse,laptop,software,science-fiction,solar system,so-called, haircut , hairbrush, icebox, newspaper, notebook,rain forest ,lifetime , raincoat, sportsman, sunshine,sunrise,sunset,sunflower,body-piercing.

Ex. 14. Прочтите следующие пары слов, соблюдая ударения. Переведите их:

An accent — to accent, a contract — to contract, a content — to content, a contest — to contest,an increase-to increase, a convict — to convict, a perfect — to perfect, a record — to record,refuse-to refuse,a refugee-to refuge.

Ex. 15. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделен­ные слова:

1. Не works as a teacher. 2. I saw one of his works at the exhibition. 3. I was waiting for your report. 4. They report the results of their experi­ment every Monday. 5. His report contains some of his thoughts about the experiment. 6. You’ll make progress if you work hard. 7. He thought about his new work. 8. I have a present for you. 9. I am busy at pre­ sent. 10. He presented me with a book.

Ex. 16. Проанализируйте состав следующих слов. Определите части речи. Дайте начальную форму. Переведите слова:

Powerful, inventor, high-quality, network, demoralize, profitable, dis­like, disagree, movement, shorten, incorrect, electricity, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous, noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, teach­ing, rebuild, retell, leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, coopera­tion, schoolboy, icebreaker.

Ex. 17. Напишите сложные существительные, исходя из объяснений.

Например: A machine for drying hair – hair drier.

1. A thing for opening tins — … . 2. A machine for playing records — … . 3. A machine for mixing food — … . 4. A thing that times eggs (when they are boiling) — … . 5. Things for warming people’s legs — … . 6. Stuff that kills flies — … . 7. A liquid that removes paint — … . 8. A tool that opens bottles — … . 9. A thing for peeling potatoes — … . 10. A liquid for removing eye makeup — … . 11. Stuff for freshening the air — … .

Ex. 18. Распределите прилагательные по трем группам: 1) люди, 2) места, 3) вещи:

Obstinate, unspoilt, hand-made, waterproof, easy-going, breathtaking, aggressive, deserted, overgrown, overcrowded, cunning, picturesque, arrogant, long-lasting, spoilt, automatic, accurate, artificial.

Ex. 19Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом или суффиксом.

1. I know Jim Kerry is very popular but I find him totally childish / childlike. 2. I couldn’t work out whom the letter was from. The signature was childish / childlike. 3. Sarah is so childish / childlike. She always plays trick on her friends. 4. It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing. I got such childish / childlike pleasure from the experience. 5. Sophie is extremely sensitive / sensible at the moment. Anything you say seems to upset her. 6. Karen is not a very sensitive / sensible person. She wore high-heeled shoes for our four-mile walk. 7. I’ve never known her to tell a lie. She’s a very true / truthful person. 8. I can never watch sad films that are based on true / truthful a story. They always make me cry. 9. Susan is so intolerable / intolerant of other people. She never accepts anyone else’s opinion, and she always thinks she knows best. 10. I find Mark’s behaviour intolerable / intolerant. It’s unfair to be so selfish. 11. We’re having an economic / economical crisis at the moment. James has lost his job and I don’t know how we are going to pay the rent. 12. It’s more economic / economical to drive slowly. You can do a lot more miles to the gallop.

Ex.19 Подберите к каждой тройке слов такое, чтобы с его помощью образовать составные существительные, используйте слова: board, green, paper, book, birthday, blood, rain, site, road, sports, ice, water, day, night, hand, case, sun, bag.

Например: camp…, building…, bomb… – campsite, building site, bomb-site.

1. …test, …pressure, …donor. 2. …fall, …melon, …skiing. 3. …house, …grocer, …salad. 4. …club, …mare, …shift. 5. brief…, suit…, book… . 6. paper…, plastic…, shoulder… . 7. …bow, …coat, …drop. 8. …shine, …rise, …set. 9. …works, …sign, …rage. 10. black…, floor…, notice… . 11. …light, …break, …dream. 12. …shake, …writing, …book. 13. …cube, …berg, …rink. 14. …cake, …present, …card. 15. …scape, …lady, …slide. 16. …car, …center, …ground. 17. address…, visitor’s…, note… .

Ex. 20Дополните предложения сложными существительными в скобках (это могут быть и составные существительные, и существительные в притяжательном падеже в простой или аналитической форме).

1. Your coat is on the … (back, chair). 2. You’ve just spilt the … (milk, cat). 3. Can you buy some … (paper, toilet). 4. I never listened to my … (advise, parents). 5. Can you buy a … (wine, bottle) to have with supper? 6. What did that … (road, sigh) say? Did you see it? 7. It’s such a mess in here. There are empty … (wine, bottles) everywhere. 8. The … (Prime Minister, duties) include entertaining heads of the state. 9. The … (my shoe, heel) has come off. 10. Can I borrow your … (brush, hair)? 11. What happened at the … (film, end)? 12. Here is … (today, news). 13. Where is the nearest … (Metro, station)? 14. It’s my … (anniversary, parents, wedding) next week. 15. The … (company, success) is due to its efficiency. 16. I’ve got a … (fortnight, holiday) next month. 17. The … (government, economic policy) is confusing. 18. My children go to the local … (school, state). 19. The annual … (rate, inflation) is about 4 percent. 20. Are there any … (coffee, cups) in your bedroom? There are none in the kitchen. 21. Do you want a … (coffee, cup)?

Ex.21. Заполните пропуски глаголом или существительным: advice – to advise, use – to use, abuse – to abuse, belief – to believe, relief – to relieve, grief – grieve, excuse – to excuse, breath – to breathe, half – to halve, house – to house, safe – to save, bath – to bathe.

1. It is my personal … that this man is innocent. 2. Let me listen to your chest. Take a deep … and say “Ah”. 3. You should put your valuables in the … . 4. Drug … is a terrible problem all over the world. 5. I know it isn’t good for my skin, but I love sun … . 6. I’ve been so worried about you! It’s such a … to see you at last! 7. “What are we going to do with this cake?” “Cut it in two. You take … and I’ll take … .” 8. Can you show me how to … this new coffee machine? 9. The refugees are … in temporary accommodation. 10. She apologizes for her behavior, and said it was because she’d had a busy day, but that’s no … for breaking all the plates. 11. People need time to … after the death of someone they love. 12. Take my … . Never marry for money. Marry for love.

Ex. 22. Напишите слово противоположное по значению, используя префикс

Kind, honest, credible, appear, fair, equal, pleased, continue, fasten, normal, employed, friendly, trust, professional, known, cover, safe, use, probable, important, emotional.


1. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова. Переведите их:

Beautiful, function, artist, musician, heartless, economic, worker, badly, act, action, active, basic, fruitless, population, movement, historic, democratic, work, daily, literature, pic­ture, organization, friendship, highly, leader, fight, fighter, national, im­pressive, hopeful, hopeless, beautiful, special, specialist, define, definition, humanism, humanist, humanistic, use, useful, useless.

2. Переведите слова на русский язык. Определите префикс и его значение:

Coauthor, undress, disarm, postwar, illegal, unkind, reconstruct, defor­mation, prewar,antihero , ex-champion, superhuman,disagreement,

3. Образуйте прилагательные от существительных при помощи следующих суффиксов: al, —ful, —ous, -у, —able, —ible, —ic, —less, —ish. Переведите пары слов.

Reason, beauty, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, desire, boy, success, heart, experiment, form, office, danger, fame, electron, base, nature, cloud, sun, child, Scott, history, home.

4. Переведите предложения. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова. Назовите сложные слова:

1. Many pupils study English. 2. My grandfather has a large study. 3. Who ruled this country? 4. All sportsmen must obey the rules of the game. 5. The Soviet Union is tied by friend­ship with India in their work for peace. 6. All peace-loving people work for peace for the whole of mankind.

5. Назовите глаголы, от которых образованы следующие сущест­вительные:

Protection, show, writer, worker, movement, investigation, achieve­ ment, statement, reader, department, equipment, construction, organiza­tion, reporter, arrival, improvement, conductor, establishment, develop­ment, education, definition, regulation, assistance, agreement.

6. Переведите без словаря. Определите, к какой части речи относятся слова:

a) Specialist, institute, university, culture,cultural,centre, central, nation,national, international, orga­nization, minister, na­ture, natural, traditional, progressive, moral, social, socialist, public, programmer, popular, modern, revolution, revolutionary, final, talent, continent, festival, political, experiment, experimentation, electricity, technical, transformation, system, systematically, practice, practical, seminar, lecture, lecturer, period, historic, history, professor, complex, form, acceleration, instrument, philosopher, idea, basic, fundamental, conceptions, mass, class, element, motor, method, problem, energy, radio, text, material, temperature, progress, television.

b) 1. France and England are European countries. 2. In the evening we like to listen to classical music. 3. We saw a comedy at the Drama Theatre last night. 4. Your train leaves from platform two. 5. This jazz orchestra gave several concerts in our town. 6. In 1610 Galileo constructed the first tele­ scope in the world. 7. This was a dangerous experiment.

7. Проанализируйте следующие слова, какие они? Определите их сос­тавляющие. Переведите на русский язык:

Ice-hockey, world-wide, bedroom, newspaper, long-term, birthplace, sportsman, apple-juice, peace-loving, schoolchildren, football, highland, te­levision, underground, north-west, sometimes, lowland, landscape, well-known, multinational, network, vice-president.

8. Поставьте слово, указанное в скобках, в нужную форму.

1. My father is very … (act) even though he’s seventy. 2. I’ve always wanted to work in the theatre, but … (act) it isn’t a very secure profession. 3. I … (hope), we’ll soon find a solution to the problem. 4. Look … (care) to the left and to the right before crossing the road. 5. It was very … (care) of you to lose my watch. 6. I take two … (day) newspapers and three Sunday papers. 7. You’ve broken my camera! Look at it! It’s … (use)! 8. Thanks for the advice. It was really … (use). 9. I have some very … (noise) neighbours. 10. She became … (fame) as a result of her invention.

Тренировочные тесты.

Test 1.

  1. This is the most . . . . . . concert I‘ve ever been to. (Expense)

  2. Her husband’s not a very……person. (Patience)

  3. Susan is very……and wants to do well. (Ambition)

  4. Show some……. Don’t you like the idea? (Enthuse)

  5. Her problem is that she has not enough……in herself. (Confide)

  6. Dan is really very……, even rude sometimes. (Polite)

  7. I haven’t been to the cinema…… . (Recent)

  8. Mary…… and they never s aw her again. (Appear)

Test 2.

  1. Most people have no real…… in ghosts.(Believe)

  2. Mark Twain wrote many…… stories. (Humour)

  3. The children’s…… at the concert was excellent. (Behave)

  4. Rita asked for a …… and cashier gave her one. (Receive)

  5. Do you think you have the…… to pass the exam? (Able)

  6. You need a lot of …… to write a good story. (Imagine)

  7. I read an interesting …… in the newspaper. (Advertise)

  8. Their friendship began in their …… . (Child)

Test 3.

  1. I’m telling you the ……! I swear! (True)

  2. Your composition isn’t good enough. You’ll have to …… it. (Write)

  3. Did you know Ann used to work as a …… when she was younger? (Wait)

  4. They need your …… before they can do it. (Sign)

  5. It all happened quite…… . I didn’t have time to think. (Sudden)

  6. I’m sure his new film is going to be a huge…… .(Succeed)

  7. Did Paul give an …… for his actions? (Explain)

  8. The …… of the village are all very kind. (Inhabit)

Test 4.

  1. The leaflet gives a brief…… of each place. (Describe)

  2. Can you give us a quick …… of how it works? (Explain)

  3. Olga broke the vase during an …… with her husband. (Argue)

  4. Gold is a very …… metal. (Value)

  5. Peter began to feel depressed and …… . (Help)

  6. His book is the result of years of …… research. (Care)

  7. This snake is not …… at all. (Danger)

  8. The bright flowers make the room look….. . (Cheer)

Test 5.

1. Teenagers nowadays are more interested in ……. problems. (Globe)

2. Have you seen the new Levi …… on TV? (Advertise)

3. I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find him. He’s …… (Appear)

4. It’s very…… to drink and drive. (Danger)

5. Can you give me some more …… about this adventure holiday? (Inform)

6. We need to put up some …… for tonight’s party. (Decorate)

7. The weather today will be cold and…… . (Wind)

8. Margarita was very …… with the service. (Satisfy)

Test 6.

  1. They put a lot of …… on him to agree to their demands. (Press)

  2. I’ve had three…… nights and l feel exhausted. (Sleep)

  3. If you have problems with your ……, see a doctor. (Circulate)

  4. I’m feeling very …… today. I think I’ll go for a run. (Energy)

  5. Remember that …… are also human. (Examine)

  6. His nose was quite …… for days after he’d it pierced. ( Pain)

  7. There are a lot of …… restaurants in this area. (Fashion)

  8. Although she isn’t beautiful, most men find her quite…… (Attract).

Test 7.

1.The food was completely …… ; he was a useless cook .(Taste)

2. There were over 500 ……to the temple every day .(Visit )

3. You can’t hope to win the race without any …… .(Train)

4. In spite of her ……,Jane continued her journey .(Hungry )

5.Hard as he tried , he was unable to find …… .(Solve )

6.I …… speaking , I don’t think Latin is a useful subject .(Person)

7.You need to organize your time more …… (Efficient )

Test 8.

    1. Stories are more ……. than lists of words .(Memory )

    2. His exam results were very …… . (Please )

    3. Passing exams will help you to get a ……job .(Good )

    4. You should revise on a regular …… (Base )

    5. There are books that are specially …….for foreign learners.(Simple )

    6. A degree is a very useful…….to have .(Qualify )

    7. I hope you will take into …… what I have just said to you .(Consider )

    8. This new book had many beautiful ……in it .(ILLUSTRATE)

Test 9.

1.My aunt became …….when she went to America.


2.Paul sings …….; I’m surprised he isn’t a professional singer. (Beauty)

3.I was …….to see all my old friends again. (Delight )

4.They bought some …… for their new house. (Furnish )

5. She lives in a really ……mansion in the suburbs. (Luxury )

6. Are you sitting ……. in that chair ? (Comfort )

7.Everyone was nervous about the ……’s visit. (Inspector)

8.Our teacher has a really strong ……. . (Person)

9.His father has the best …… of ancient coins. (Collect)

Test 10.

1.The teacher wanted to know what my greatest …….(Ambitious)

2.I……ever go to the theatre. I don’t like it .(Hard )

3.Marina has a very …… manner , which I appreciate .(Relax)

4.Her son took part in the world ……last year .(Champion)

5.I was …….when victor said I was beautiful.(Flatter)

6. Julia got a ……for best leading actress .(Nominate )

7.She’s a very ……thinker .(Origin)

8.Her friend is very …….! You can trust him .(Rely)

Ответы к тренировочным тестам.

Test 1.

1. Expensive

2. Patient



5. Confidence




Test 2.

    1. Belief

    2. Humorous

    3. Behaviour

    4. Receipt

    5. Ability

    6. Success

    7. Advertisement

    8. Childhood

Test 3.

1. Truth

2. Rewrite

3. Waitress

4. Signature

5. Suddenly

6. Success


8. Inhabitants

Test 4.

    1. Description

    2. Explanation

    3. Argument

    4. Valuable

    5. Helpless

    6. Careful

    7. Dangerous

    8. Cheerful

Test 5.

1. Global

2. Advertisement

3. Disappeared

4. Dangerous

5. Information

6. Decorations

7. Windy

8. Satisfied

Test 6.

1. Pressure

2. Sleepless

3. Circulation

4. Energetic

5. Examiners


Test 7.


2. Visitors


4 . Hunger

5. Solution

6. Personally

7. Efficiently

Test 8.

1. Memorable

2. Pleasant

3. Better

4. Basis

5. Simplified

6. Qualification

7. Consideration

8. ILLustrations

Test 9.

  1. Famous

  2. Beautifully

  3. Delighted

  4. Furniture

  5. Luxurious

  6. Comfortably

  7. Inspector

  8. Personality

  9. Collection

Test 10.

  1. Ambition

  2. Hardly

  3. Relaxed

  4. Championship

  5. Flattered

  6. Nomination

  7. Original

  8. Reliable

Добрый день, читатели блога grammar-tei.com. Сегодня мы займемся словообразованием и выполним несколько упражнений на словообразование в английском языке. Все упражнения даются с ответами, поэтому Вы сможете проверить себя.

Тема словообразование в английском – очень сложная, поэтому практиковаться нужно много. Всем известно, что задания на словообразования есть в ЕГЭ. Не будем откладывать и выполним упражнения на словообразование в английском.

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки. Образуйте существительные.

  1. The study calculated that replacing weekly fruit juice … with whole fruits could bring health benefits. (consume)
  2. For my birthday Mother baked a cake with yellow … . (ice)
  3. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are called … because they provide the fuel your body needs. (nutrition)
  4. Many women have to juggle … and a full-time job. (mother)
  5. … are unavoidable when three … live under one roof. (argue, generate)
  6. Her deep … of her sister was evident. (hate)
  7. Older people who live alone often need help with gardening and house … (maintain)
  8. Positive attitude helps employees to get along with … and managers. (worker)
  9. China’s air… has cut life … by an average of 5.5 years in the north of the country and caused higher rates of lung cancer. (pollute, expect)
  10. It is much safer to use stainless steel or glass … instead of plastic ones. (contain)

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки. Образуйте прилагательные.

  1. My favorite … book is “Appetite” by Nigel Slater. (cooker)
  2. Eating can also make you …, and so can waking up in the morning. (thirst)
  3. You shouldn’t rest on your laurels but try to improve your … performance. (academy)
  4. Highly … gas is naturally found in coal mines. (explode)
  5. An … species is a species of organisms facing a very high risk of extinction. (danger)
  6. The most… earthquake struck in Shanxi, China 1556. (disaster)
  7. … exploitation of nature by man has resulted in the effects we have to deal with now. (thought)
  8. Laos is a landlocked … country, widely covered by tropical forest. (mountain)
  9. I decided to take a walk. It would be too … to wait in the queue. (tire)

Упражнение 3. Используйте отрицательные приставки. Образуйте подходящие по смыслу слова.

  1. The service was slow and the waiter’s familiarity was … , so we left without paying. (accept)
  2. Some children are a challenge, especially when they … in public places. (behaviour)
  3. To my … , the restaurant was overbooked and we had to spend the evening at home. (appoint)
  4. Michael was … about what dessert to order. (decide)
  5. Parents’… of their children’s behaviour and life choices can ruin their lives. (approve)
  6. There is a huge difference between … children and those merely … to listen to their parents’ advice. (obey, will)
  7. Young children mustn’t be left … either at home or at public places. (attention)
  8. She was frequently left alone by her … husband. (faith)
  9. If you describe someone as …, you are criticising them because they are unable to do their job or a task properly or are … to act in this capacity. (competence, qualifications)
  10. Banks are still seen as … and many people keep their savings at home. (security)

Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, образуйте глаголы.

  1. Guar gum also is used in the food industry to … products like ice cream. (thick)
  2. Old Manchester houses are made of red brick… by soot. (black)
  3. David spotted the pink silk lampshade in a shop and thought it would … up the room. (bright)
  4. Do we ever stop to think about the importance of the air we … ? (breath)
  5. I’d like to … this dress for one in a larger size. (change)
  6. They … 100 dollars from a bank account an hour ago. (draw)

Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки. Образуйте подходящие по смыслу слова.

  1. Sometimes one’s … are the only people one can … in. (parental, confidence)
  2. Many people … that getting a spouse can put them out of their…, which later… wrong, because sometimes marriage makes life more difficult. (belief, miserable, proof)
  3. An … Roman … has been discovered in northwest England, (extend, settle)
  4. The dining-room is elegantly … and … carpeted, (furniture, luxury)
  5. Everyone is … of her having the chance to … abroad, (envy, student)
  6. When employers look at… candidates, beyond skills, experience, and training, they look for those who demonstrate … (prospect, enthuse)
  7. In the city the … and … were insufferable, (hot, humid)
  8. Our planet’s… regions, located just north and south of the equator, are known for their… and … (tropic, warm, humid)
  9. Next to Shakespeare, no … gets more love on Broadway than Tennessee Williams, (play)
  10. During Elizabeth’s reign England significantly … its trade … and in 1580 Sir Francis Drake became the first Englishman to successfully … the earth, (expansion, sea, circumnavigation)

Упражнение 6. Образуйте слова от данных. Вставьте слова в текст.



Located in Wiltshire, an outstanding and beautifully __________ (1), late ________ (2) style manor house was built of limestone. Originally it was a much larger property that was mostly ___________ (3). Solid in appearance and structure, it offers _________ (4) and well presented ___________ (5). As one would ___________ (6) there is a grand drawing room with oak _________ (7) walls and a large open fireplace. The large windows __________ (8) a parkland setting.



Home education is when a child is __________ (1) at home rather than at school. It’s perfectly __________ (2) in the UK and one doesn’t need to be a __________ (3) teacher to do so. Children who are home educated receive all their education from their parents, sometimes with the help of outside __________ (4). If you decide to home educate your child you don’t have to follow __________ (5) rules about how you teach or when you teach.



English philosopher, statesman, and jurist who rose to become Lei Chancellor (1618—1621) to James I but is __________ (1) remembered for the status he gave to __________ (2) research in England. Although his name is associated with the method of __________ (3) and the rejection of a priori reasoning in science, the painstaking __________ (4) of miscellaneous facts without any use of error theory which he supported in the Novum Organum has never been __________ (5)  as a practical method of __________ (6). The __________ (7) of the Baconian method was, however, an important object in the __________ (8) of the Royal Society some years later.



We’ve all heard of emotional eating. There’s also such a thing as emotional shopping. In __________ (1), neither of these activities is __________ (2), but in excess both can have serious consequences. The __________ (3) and the affordability of goods make shopping all the more appealing. For many compulsive buyers, a big part of the appeal of shopping is the process of searching out and obtaining that new, better, __________ (4) item. This process is so mesmerising that it often ruins long-term financial plans, leaving shoppers __________ (5) in debt.

Ответы к упражнениям на словообразование. Word building exercises – answers.

Exercise 1.

1 consumption, 2 icing, 3 nutrients, 4 motherhood/maternity, 5 arguments, generations, 6 hatred, 7 maintenance,  8 co-workers, 9 pollution, expectancy

Exercise 2.

1 cookery, 2 thirsty, 3 academic, 4 explosive, 5 endangered, 6 disastrous, 7 thoughtless, 8 mountainous, 9 tiresome

Exercise 3.

1 unacceptable, 2 misbehave, 3 disappointment, 4 indecisive, 5 disapproval, 6 disobedient, unwilling, 7 unattended,  8 unfaithful, 9 incompetent, unqualified, 10 insecure

Exercise 4.

1 thicken, 2 blackened, 3 brighten, 4 breathe, 5 exchange, 6 withdrew

Exercise 5.

1 parents, confide, 2 believe, misery, proves, 3 extensive, settlement, 4 furnished, luxuriously 5 envious, study, 6 prospective, enthusiasm, 7 heat, humidity, 8 tropic (al), warmth, humidity, 9 playwright, 10 expanded, oversea (s), circumnavigate

Exercise 6.


1 restored, 2 gothic, 3 demolished, 4 extensive 5 accommodation, 6 expect, 7 panel (l) ed, 8 overlook


1 educated, 2 legal, 3 qualified, 4 tutors, 5 formal


1 chiefly, 2 scientific, 3 induction,  4 collection, 5 adopted, 6 research, 7 application, 8 foundation


1 moderation, 2 harmful, 3 accessibility, 4 desirable, 5 deeply

Надеюсь, эти упражнения на словообразование помогут Вам в изучении этого непростого раздела английского языка. Word building exercises are very useful!

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку, раздел «Словообразование» для учащихся 9-11 классов.

WORD-BUILDING (exercises)

Ex. 1. Переведите следующие слова, выделите в них суффиксы и префиксы:

Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex-champion, anti-body, de­ compose, decode, deform, depart, discover, disappearance, reread, re­construct, coauthor, unequal, misunderstand, undress, disarm, anti-fascist, cooperation, co-existence, interaction, superhuman, ultra-violet.

Ex. 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведите их:

Achievement — achieve, resistance — resistant, assistance — assist — assistant, celebration — celebrate, difference — different, city — citizen, na­tion — national — nationality, measure — measurement, develop — develop­ment, act — active — activity, contain — container, discover — discovery — dis­coverer, literature — literary, graduate — graduation — undergraduate — post-graduate, educate — education, progress — progressive, act — action — activity — active, govern — governor — government.

Ex. З. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с по­мощью суффикса -ег или or. Переведите на русский язык:

To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.

Ex. 4. Образуйте от данных слов существительные с помощью суффикса ist, —ism, —ian. Переведите на русский язык:

Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, ma­thematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, In­dia.

are, aim, use, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour.

Ex. 5. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса ment. Переведите на русский язык:

Develop, achieve, move, arrange, treat, state, improve, agree, equip, govern, require, measure, announce, pave,amuse,argue,advertise,invest.

Ex. 6. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов ful и less, переведите их на русский язык:

Beauty, thank, hope, doubt, c

Ex. 7. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов able, —ible, переведите их на русский язык:

Change, convert, prevent, break, compare, desire, profit, read, comfort, respect, expect,fashion,flex.

Ex. 8. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к ка­ кой части речи эти слова относятся:

British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experi­ment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, funda­mental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attrac­tive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.

Ex. 9. Образуйте глаголы с помощью суффикса en:

Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet, sharp,

Strong, long.

Ex. 10. Образуйте наречия с помощью суффикса -1у и переведи­те их:

Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.

Ex. 11. Образуйте глаголы от данных существительных. Переве­ дите их:

Turn, smile, smoke, snow, start, stay, step, stop, study, talk, visit, rest, air, paper, cover, handle, cause, watch, act, address, answer, brush, clean, cross, crowd, wave, wish, work, dance, doubt, dress, end, fight, help, hope, joke, laugh, lift, light, love, mind, paper, pencil, place, plan, play, post, re­ply, report, return, sail, show.

Ex. 12. Переведите на русский язык. Выделите словообразу­ ющие элементы. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова:

React, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; indust­ry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free, freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care, careful, careless, carefully, carelessness; to differ, different, difference, indifferent; England, English, Englishman; poison,poisonous,extreme,extremely,extremity,extremist,friend,friendship,friendly,unfriendly.

Ex. 13. Переведите следующие сложные слова:

Aircraft,airspace,Air Force , summer-resort,rest-house, custom-house, dining-room,dining car,living-room , fireplace, nightlife,newsagent,sunglasses,popstar,snowboarding,bungee jumping,

earthquake,greenhouse,laptop,software,science-fiction,solar system,so-called, haircut , hairbrush, icebox, newspaper, notebook,rain forest ,lifetime , raincoat, sportsman, sunshine,sunrise,sunset,sunflower,body-piercing.

Ex. 14. Прочтите следующие пары слов, соблюдая ударения. Переведите их:

An accent — to accent, a contract — to contract, a content — to content, a contest — to contest,an increase-to increase, a convict — to convict, a perfect — to perfect, a record — to record,refuse-to refuse,a refugee-to refuge.

Ex. 15. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделен­ные слова:

1. Не works as a teacher. 2. I saw one of his works at the exhibition. 3. I was waiting for your report. 4. They report the results of their experi­ment every Monday. 5. His report contains some of his thoughts about the experiment. 6. You’ll make progress if you work hard. 7. He thought about his new work. 8. I have a present for you. 9. I am busy at pre­ sent. 10. He presented me with a book.

Ex. 16. Проанализируйте состав следующих слов. Определите части речи. Дайте начальную форму. Переведите слова:

Powerful, inventor, high-quality, network, demoralize, profitable, dis­like, disagree, movement, shorten, incorrect, electricity, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous, noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, teach­ing, rebuild, retell, leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, coopera­tion, schoolboy, icebreaker.

Ex. 17. Напишите сложные существительные, исходя из объяснений.

Например: A machine for drying hair – hair drier.

1. A thing for opening tins — … . 2. A machine for playing records — … . 3. A machine for mixing food — … . 4. A thing that times eggs (when they are boiling) — … . 5. Things for warming people’s legs — … . 6. Stuff that kills flies — … . 7. A liquid that removes paint — … . 8. A tool that opens bottles — … . 9. A thing for peeling potatoes — … . 10. A liquid for removing eye makeup — … . 11. Stuff for freshening the air — … .

Ex. 18. Распределите прилагательные по трем группам: 1) люди, 2) места, 3) вещи:

Obstinate, unspoilt, hand-made, waterproof, easy-going, breathtaking, aggressive, deserted, overgrown, overcrowded, cunning, picturesque, arrogant, long-lasting, spoilt, automatic, accurate, artificial.

Ex. 19Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом или суффиксом.

1. I know Jim Kerry is very popular but I find him totally childish / childlike. 2. I couldn’t work out whom the letter was from. The signature was childish / childlike. 3. Sarah is so childish / childlike. She always plays trick on her friends. 4. It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing. I got such childish / childlike pleasure from the experience. 5. Sophie is extremely sensitive / sensible at the moment. Anything you say seems to upset her. 6. Karen is not a very sensitive / sensible person. She wore high-heeled shoes for our four-mile walk. 7. I’ve never known her to tell a lie. She’s a very true / truthful person. 8. I can never watch sad films that are based on true / truthful a story. They always make me cry. 9. Susan is so intolerable / intolerant of other people. She never accepts anyone else’s opinion, and she always thinks she knows best. 10. I find Mark’s behaviour intolerable / intolerant. It’s unfair to be so selfish. 11. We’re having an economic / economical crisis at the moment. James has lost his job and I don’t know how we are going to pay the rent. 12. It’s more economic / economical to drive slowly. You can do a lot more miles to the gallop.

Ex.19 Подберите к каждой тройке слов такое, чтобы с его помощью образовать составные существительные, используйте слова: board, green, paper, book, birthday, blood, rain, site, road, sports, ice, water, day, night, hand, case, sun, bag.

Например: camp…, building…, bomb… – campsite, building site, bomb-site.

1. …test, …pressure, …donor. 2. …fall, …melon, …skiing. 3. …house, …grocer, …salad. 4. …club, …mare, …shift. 5. brief…, suit…, book… . 6. paper…, plastic…, shoulder… . 7. …bow, …coat, …drop. 8. …shine, …rise, …set. 9. …works, …sign, …rage. 10. black…, floor…, notice… . 11. …light, …break, …dream. 12. …shake, …writing, …book. 13. …cube, …berg, …rink. 14. …cake, …present, …card. 15. …scape, …lady, …slide. 16. …car, …center, …ground. 17. address…, visitor’s…, note… .

Ex. 20Дополните предложения сложными существительными в скобках (это могут быть и составные существительные, и существительные в притяжательном падеже в простой или аналитической форме).

1. Your coat is on the … (back, chair). 2. You’ve just spilt the … (milk, cat). 3. Can you buy some … (paper, toilet). 4. I never listened to my … (advise, parents). 5. Can you buy a … (wine, bottle) to have with supper? 6. What did that … (road, sigh) say? Did you see it? 7. It’s such a mess in here. There are empty … (wine, bottles) everywhere. 8. The … (Prime Minister, duties) include entertaining heads of the state. 9. The … (my shoe, heel) has come off. 10. Can I borrow your … (brush, hair)? 11. What happened at the … (film, end)? 12. Here is … (today, news). 13. Where is the nearest … (Metro, station)? 14. It’s my … (anniversary, parents, wedding) next week. 15. The … (company, success) is due to its efficiency. 16. I’ve got a … (fortnight, holiday) next month. 17. The … (government, economic policy) is confusing. 18. My children go to the local … (school, state). 19. The annual … (rate, inflation) is about 4 percent. 20. Are there any … (coffee, cups) in your bedroom? There are none in the kitchen. 21. Do you want a … (coffee, cup)?

Ex.21. Заполните пропуски глаголом или существительным: advice – to advise, use – to use, abuse – to abuse, belief – to believe, relief – to relieve, grief – grieve, excuse – to excuse, breath – to breathe, half – to halve, house – to house, safe – to save, bath – to bathe.

1. It is my personal … that this man is innocent. 2. Let me listen to your chest. Take a deep … and say “Ah”. 3. You should put your valuables in the … . 4. Drug … is a terrible problem all over the world. 5. I know it isn’t good for my skin, but I love sun … . 6. I’ve been so worried about you! It’s such a … to see you at last! 7. “What are we going to do with this cake?” “Cut it in two. You take … and I’ll take … .” 8. Can you show me how to … this new coffee machine? 9. The refugees are … in temporary accommodation. 10. She apologizes for her behavior, and said it was because she’d had a busy day, but that’s no … for breaking all the plates. 11. People need time to … after the death of someone they love. 12. Take my … . Never marry for money. Marry for love.

Ex. 22. Напишите слово противоположное по значению, используя префикс

Kind, honest, credible, appear, fair, equal, pleased, continue, fasten, normal, employed, friendly, trust, professional, known, cover, safe, use, probable, important, emotional.


1. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова. Переведите их:

Beautiful, function, artist, musician, heartless, economic, worker, badly, act, action, active, basic, fruitless, population, movement, historic, democratic, work, daily, literature, pic­ture, organization, friendship, highly, leader, fight, fighter, national, im­pressive, hopeful, hopeless, beautiful, special, specialist, define, definition, humanism, humanist, humanistic, use, useful, useless.

2. Переведите слова на русский язык. Определите префикс и его значение:

Coauthor, undress, disarm, postwar, illegal, unkind, reconstruct, defor­mation, prewar,antihero , ex-champion, superhuman,disagreement,

3. Образуйте прилагательные от существительных при помощи следующих суффиксов: al, —ful, —ous, -у, —able, —ible, —ic, —less, —ish. Переведите пары слов.

Reason, beauty, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, desire, boy, success, heart, experiment, form, office, danger, fame, electron, base, nature, cloud, sun, child, Scott, history, home.

4. Переведите предложения. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова. Назовите сложные слова:

1. Many pupils study English. 2. My grandfather has a large study. 3. Who ruled this country? 4. All sportsmen must obey the rules of the game. 5. The Soviet Union is tied by friend­ship with India in their work for peace. 6. All peace-loving people work for peace for the whole of mankind.

5. Назовите глаголы, от которых образованы следующие сущест­вительные:

Protection, show, writer, worker, movement, investigation, achieve­ ment, statement, reader, department, equipment, construction, organiza­tion, reporter, arrival, improvement, conductor, establishment, develop­ment, education, definition, regulation, assistance, agreement.

6. Переведите без словаря. Определите, к какой части речи относятся слова:

a) Specialist, institute, university, culture,cultural,centre, central, nation,national, international, orga­nization, minister, na­ture, natural, traditional, progressive, moral, social, socialist, public, programmer, popular, modern, revolution, revolutionary, final, talent, continent, festival, political, experiment, experimentation, electricity, technical, transformation, system, systematically, practice, practical, seminar, lecture, lecturer, period, historic, history, professor, complex, form, acceleration, instrument, philosopher, idea, basic, fundamental, conceptions, mass, class, element, motor, method, problem, energy, radio, text, material, temperature, progress, television.

b) 1. France and England are European countries. 2. In the evening we like to listen to classical music. 3. We saw a comedy at the Drama Theatre last night. 4. Your train leaves from platform two. 5. This jazz orchestra gave several concerts in our town. 6. In 1610 Galileo constructed the first tele­ scope in the world. 7. This was a dangerous experiment.

7. Проанализируйте следующие слова, какие они? Определите их сос­тавляющие. Переведите на русский язык:

Ice-hockey, world-wide, bedroom, newspaper, long-term, birthplace, sportsman, apple-juice, peace-loving, schoolchildren, football, highland, te­levision, underground, north-west, sometimes, lowland, landscape, well-known, multinational, network, vice-president.

8. Поставьте слово, указанное в скобках, в нужную форму.

1. My father is very … (act) even though he’s seventy. 2. I’ve always wanted to work in the theatre, but … (act) it isn’t a very secure profession. 3. I … (hope), we’ll soon find a solution to the problem. 4. Look … (care) to the left and to the right before crossing the road. 5. It was very … (care) of you to lose my watch. 6. I take two … (day) newspapers and three Sunday papers. 7. You’ve broken my camera! Look at it! It’s … (use)! 8. Thanks for the advice. It was really … (use). 9. I have some very … (noise) neighbours. 10. She became … (fame) as a result of her invention.

Тренировочные тесты.

Test 1.

  1. This is the most . . . . . . concert I‘ve ever been to. (Expense)

  2. Her husband’s not a very……person. (Patience)

  3. Susan is very……and wants to do well. (Ambition)

  4. Show some……. Don’t you like the idea? (Enthuse)

  5. Her problem is that she has not enough……in herself. (Confide)

  6. Dan is really very……, even rude sometimes. (Polite)

  7. I haven’t been to the cinema…… . (Recent)

  8. Mary…… and they never s aw her again. (Appear)

Test 2.

  1. Most people have no real…… in ghosts.(Believe)

  2. Mark Twain wrote many…… stories. (Humour)

  3. The children’s…… at the concert was excellent. (Behave)

  4. Rita asked for a …… and cashier gave her one. (Receive)

  5. Do you think you have the…… to pass the exam? (Able)

  6. You need a lot of …… to write a good story. (Imagine)

  7. I read an interesting …… in the newspaper. (Advertise)

  8. Their friendship began in their …… . (Child)

Test 3.

  1. I’m telling you the ……! I swear! (True)

  2. Your composition isn’t good enough. You’ll have to …… it. (Write)

  3. Did you know Ann used to work as a …… when she was younger? (Wait)

  4. They need your …… before they can do it. (Sign)

  5. It all happened quite…… . I didn’t have time to think. (Sudden)

  6. I’m sure his new film is going to be a huge…… .(Succeed)

  7. Did Paul give an …… for his actions? (Explain)

  8. The …… of the village are all very kind. (Inhabit)

Test 4.

  1. The leaflet gives a brief…… of each place. (Describe)

  2. Can you give us a quick …… of how it works? (Explain)

  3. Olga broke the vase during an …… with her husband. (Argue)

  4. Gold is a very …… metal. (Value)

  5. Peter began to feel depressed and …… . (Help)

  6. His book is the result of years of …… research. (Care)

  7. This snake is not …… at all. (Danger)

  8. The bright flowers make the room look….. . (Cheer)

Test 5.

1. Teenagers nowadays are more interested in ……. problems. (Globe)

2. Have you seen the new Levi …… on TV? (Advertise)

3. I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find him. He’s …… (Appear)

4. It’s very…… to drink and drive. (Danger)

5. Can you give me some more …… about this adventure holiday? (Inform)

6. We need to put up some …… for tonight’s party. (Decorate)

7. The weather today will be cold and…… . (Wind)

8. Margarita was very …… with the service. (Satisfy)

Test 6.

  1. They put a lot of …… on him to agree to their demands. (Press)

  2. I’ve had three…… nights and l feel exhausted. (Sleep)

  3. If you have problems with your ……, see a doctor. (Circulate)

  4. I’m feeling very …… today. I think I’ll go for a run. (Energy)

  5. Remember that …… are also human. (Examine)

  6. His nose was quite …… for days after he’d it pierced. ( Pain)

  7. There are a lot of …… restaurants in this area. (Fashion)

  8. Although she isn’t beautiful, most men find her quite…… (Attract).

Test 7.

1.The food was completely …… ; he was a useless cook .(Taste)

2. There were over 500 ……to the temple every day .(Visit )

3. You can’t hope to win the race without any …… .(Train)

4. In spite of her ……,Jane continued her journey .(Hungry )

5.Hard as he tried , he was unable to find …… .(Solve )

6.I …… speaking , I don’t think Latin is a useful subject .(Person)

7.You need to organize your time more …… (Efficient )

Test 8.

    1. Stories are more ……. than lists of words .(Memory )

    2. His exam results were very …… . (Please )

    3. Passing exams will help you to get a ……job .(Good )

    4. You should revise on a regular …… (Base )

    5. There are books that are specially …….for foreign learners.(Simple )

    6. A degree is a very useful…….to have .(Qualify )

    7. I hope you will take into …… what I have just said to you .(Consider )

    8. This new book had many beautiful ……in it .(ILLUSTRATE)

Test 9.

1.My aunt became …….when she went to America.


2.Paul sings …….; I’m surprised he isn’t a professional singer. (Beauty)

3.I was …….to see all my old friends again. (Delight )

4.They bought some …… for their new house. (Furnish )

5. She lives in a really ……mansion in the suburbs. (Luxury )

6. Are you sitting ……. in that chair ? (Comfort )

7.Everyone was nervous about the ……’s visit. (Inspector)

8.Our teacher has a really strong ……. . (Person)

9.His father has the best …… of ancient coins. (Collect)

Test 10.

1.The teacher wanted to know what my greatest …….(Ambitious)

2.I……ever go to the theatre. I don’t like it .(Hard )

3.Marina has a very …… manner , which I appreciate .(Relax)

4.Her son took part in the world ……last year .(Champion)

5.I was …….when victor said I was beautiful.(Flatter)

6. Julia got a ……for best leading actress .(Nominate )

7.She’s a very ……thinker .(Origin)

8.Her friend is very …….! You can trust him .(Rely)

Ответы к тренировочным тестам.

Test 1.

1. Expensive

2. Patient



5. Confidence




Test 2.

    1. Belief

    2. Humorous

    3. Behaviour

    4. Receipt

    5. Ability

    6. Success

    7. Advertisement

    8. Childhood

Test 3.

1. Truth

2. Rewrite

3. Waitress

4. Signature

5. Suddenly

6. Success


8. Inhabitants

Test 4.

    1. Description

    2. Explanation

    3. Argument

    4. Valuable

    5. Helpless

    6. Careful

    7. Dangerous

    8. Cheerful

Test 5.

1. Global

2. Advertisement

3. Disappeared

4. Dangerous

5. Information

6. Decorations

7. Windy

8. Satisfied

Test 6.

1. Pressure

2. Sleepless

3. Circulation

4. Energetic

5. Examiners


Test 7.


2. Visitors


4 . Hunger

5. Solution

6. Personally

7. Efficiently

Test 8.

1. Memorable

2. Pleasant

3. Better

4. Basis

5. Simplified

6. Qualification

7. Consideration

8. ILLustrations

Test 9.

  1. Famous

  2. Beautifully

  3. Delighted

  4. Furniture

  5. Luxurious

  6. Comfortably

  7. Inspector

  8. Personality

  9. Collection

Test 10.

  1. Ambition

  2. Hardly

  3. Relaxed

  4. Championship

  5. Flattered

  6. Nomination

  7. Original

  8. Reliable

Словообразование в английском — упражнения с ответами

Добрый день, читатели блога grammar-tei.com. Сегодня мы займемся словообразованием и выполним несколько упражнений на словообразование в английском языке. Все упражнения даются с ответами, поэтому Вы сможете проверить себя.

Тема словообразование в английском – очень сложная, поэтому практиковаться нужно много. Всем известно, что задания на словообразования есть в ЕГЭ. Не будем откладывать и выполним упражнения на словообразование в английском.

Задания на словообразование. Word building exercises.

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки. Образуйте существительные.

  1. The study calculated that replacing weekly fruit juice . with whole fruits could bring health benefits. (consume)
  2. For my birthday Mother baked a cake with yellow . . (ice)
  3. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are called . because they provide the fuel your body needs. (nutrition)
  4. Many women have to juggle . and a full-time job. (mother)
  5. . are unavoidable when three . live under one roof. (argue, generate)
  6. Her deep . of her sister was evident. (hate)
  7. Older people who live alone often need help with gardening and house . (maintain)
  8. Positive attitude helps employees to get along with . and managers. (worker)
  9. China’s air. has cut life . by an average of 5.5 years in the north of the country and caused higher rates of lung cancer. (pollute, expect)
  10. It is much safer to use stainless steel or glass . instead of plastic ones. (contain)

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки. Образуйте прилагательные.

  1. My favorite . book is “Appetite” by Nigel Slater. (cooker)
  2. Eating can also make you . and so can waking up in the morning. (thirst)
  3. You shouldn’t rest on your laurels but try to improve your . performance. (academy)
  4. Highly . gas is naturally found in coal mines. (explode)
  5. An . species is a species of organisms facing a very high risk of extinction. (danger)
  6. The most. earthquake struck in Shanxi, China 1556. (disaster)
  7. . exploitation of nature by man has resulted in the effects we have to deal with now. (thought)
  8. Laos is a landlocked . country, widely covered by tropical forest. (mountain)
  9. I decided to take a walk. It would be too . to wait in the queue. (tire)

Упражнение 3. Используйте отрицательные приставки. Образуйте подходящие по смыслу слова.

  1. The service was slow and the waiter’s familiarity was … , so we left without paying. (accept)
  2. Some children are a challenge, especially when they . in public places. (behaviour)
  3. To my . , the restaurant was overbooked and we had to spend the evening at home. (appoint)
  4. Michael was . about what dessert to order. (decide)
  5. Parents’. of their children’s behaviour and life choices can ruin their lives. (approve)
  6. There is a huge difference between . children and those merely . to listen to their parents’ advice. (obey, will)
  7. Young children mustn’t be left . either at home or at public places. (attention)
  8. She was frequently left alone by her . husband. (faith)
  9. If you describe someone as . you are criticising them because they are unable to do their job or a task properly or are . to act in this capacity. (competence, qualifications)
  10. Banks are still seen as . and many people keep their savings at home. (security)

Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, образуйте глаголы.

  1. Guar gum also is used in the food industry to . products like ice cream. (thick)
  2. Old Manchester houses are made of red brick. by soot. (black)
  3. David spotted the pink silk lampshade in a shop and thought it would . up the room. (bright)
  4. Do we ever stop to think about the importance of the air we . ? (breath)
  5. I’d like to . this dress for one in a larger size. (change)
  6. They . 100 dollars from a bank account an hour ago. (draw)

Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки. Образуйте подходящие по смыслу слова.

  1. Sometimes one’s . are the only people one can . in. (parental, confidence)
  2. Many people . that getting a spouse can put them out of their. which later. wrong, because sometimes marriage makes life more difficult. (belief, miserable, proof)
  3. An . Roman . has been discovered in northwest England, (extend, settle)
  4. The dining-room is elegantly . and . carpeted, (furniture, luxury)
  5. Everyone is . of her having the chance to . abroad, (envy, student)
  6. When employers look at. candidates, beyond skills, experience, and training, they look for those who demonstrate . (prospect, enthuse)
  7. In the city the . and . were insufferable, (hot, humid)
  8. Our planet’s. regions, located just north and south of the equator, are known for their. and . (tropic, warm, humid)
  9. Next to Shakespeare, no . gets more love on Broadway than Tennessee Williams, (play)
  10. During Elizabeth’s reign England significantly . its trade . and in 1580 Sir Francis Drake became the first Englishman to successfully . the earth, (expansion, sea, circumnavigation)

Упражнение 6. Образуйте слова от данных. Вставьте слова в текст.



Located in Wiltshire, an outstanding and beautifully __________ (1), late ________ (2) style manor house was built of limestone. Originally it was a much larger property that was mostly ___________ (3). Solid in appearance and structure, it offers _________ (4) and well presented ___________ (5). As one would ___________ (6) there is a grand drawing room with oak _________ (7) walls and a large open fireplace. The large windows __________ (8) a parkland setting.



Home education is when a child is __________ (1) at home rather than at school. It’s perfectly __________ (2) in the UK and one doesn’t need to be a __________ (3) teacher to do so. Children who are home educated receive all their education from their parents, sometimes with the help of outside __________ (4). If you decide to home educate your child you don’t have to follow __________ (5) rules about how you teach or when you teach.



English philosopher, statesman, and jurist who rose to become Lei Chancellor (1618—1621) to James I but is __________ (1) remembered for the status he gave to __________ (2) research in England. Although his name is associated with the method of __________ (3) and the rejection of a priori reasoning in science, the painstaking __________ (4) of miscellaneous facts without any use of error theory which he supported in the Novum Organum has never been __________ (5) as a practical method of __________ (6). The __________ (7) of the Baconian method was, however, an important object in the __________ (8) of the Royal Society some years later.



We’ve all heard of emotional eating. There’s also such a thing as emotional shopping. In __________ (1), neither of these activities is __________ (2), but in excess both can have serious consequences. The __________ (3) and the affordability of goods make shopping all the more appealing. For many compulsive buyers, a big part of the appeal of shopping is the process of searching out and obtaining that new, better, __________ (4) item. This process is so mesmerising that it often ruins long-term financial plans, leaving shoppers __________ (5) in debt.

Ответы к упражнениям на словообразование. Word building exercises – answers.

1 consumption, 2 icing, 3 nutrients, 4 motherhood/maternity, 5 arguments, generations, 6 hatred, 7 maintenance, 8 co-workers, 9 pollution, expectancy

1 cookery, 2 thirsty, 3 academic, 4 explosive, 5 endangered, 6 disastrous, 7 thoughtless, 8 mountainous, 9 tiresome

1 unacceptable, 2 misbehave, 3 disappointment, 4 indecisive, 5 disapproval, 6 disobedient, unwilling, 7 unattended, 8 unfaithful, 9 incompetent, unqualified, 10 insecure

1 thicken, 2 blackened, 3 brighten, 4 breathe, 5 exchange, 6 withdrew

1 parents, confide, 2 believe, misery, proves, 3 extensive, settlement, 4 furnished, luxuriously 5 envious, study, 6 prospective, enthusiasm, 7 heat, humidity, 8 tropic (al), warmth, humidity, 9 playwright, 10 expanded, oversea (s), circumnavigate

1 restored, 2 gothic, 3 demolished, 4 extensive 5 accommodation, 6 expect, 7 panel (l) ed, 8 overlook

1 educated, 2 legal, 3 qualified, 4 tutors, 5 formal

1 chiefly, 2 scientific, 3 induction, 4 collection, 5 adopted, 6 research, 7 application, 8 foundation

1 moderation, 2 harmful, 3 accessibility, 4 desirable, 5 deeply

Надеюсь, эти упражнения на словообразование помогут Вам в изучении этого непростого раздела английского языка. Word building exercises are very useful!

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

Задания на словообразование в формате ЕГЭ

Данные задания на слоовообразование в английском языке составлены по материалам пособия «Сборник тестов для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку» (М. Вербицкая, Малколм Манн и др.) и входят в цикл «Английский язык. Подготовка к ЕГЭ. СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ». Задания на словообразование рекомендуется выполнять после изучения теоретического материала, ссылки на который даны перед упражнениями.

Словообразование. Задания в формате ЕГЭ


Суффиксы существительного

Задание 1. Измените слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию предложения.

Слово «лексически» означает, что к слову нужно добавить суффикс или префикс.

Слово «грамматически» означает, что к преобразованному слову, возможно, нужно добавить окончание.

ПРИМЕР. Animal __________ will enjoy the performance. love

Animal lovers will enjoy the performance. — Любители животных получат удовольствие от представления.

Здесь требуется поставить существительное — lover во мн. число, исходя из контекста.

  1. This __________ is passed through the generations. able
  2. Stress is the ___________ with which syllables are pronounced. strong
  3. His ______________led him to discovering a lot of information. curious
  4. This book contains _________of the centuries. wise
  5. This film takes me back to my ____________. child
  6. The ___________of this corridor was surprising. long
  7. It will be disastrous for the ___________. human
  8. I appreciate our ___________. friend
  9. I will die of ____________if I live that long. bored
  10. The __________of her feelings was unexpected for me. warm
  11. The____________is given to particularly bright students. scholar
  12. He was famous for his ___________ . serious
  13. The ___________of this song is incredible. popular
  14. We were surprised at the _________in her speech. differ
  15. It is easy to learn how to do this _________. active
  16. The airplane started to lose __________. high

Задание 2. Form nouns from the words in bold.

  1. The Hercules was famous for his _________ . strong
  2. The ____________of the swimming pool was about 5 meters. wide
  3. I was surprised by the ______________ of the tablecloth. white
  4. The _________of the Tower and the __________ of the walls made it a perfect prison. high, thick
  5. The ___________was delayed by fog for an hour. fly
  6. Giving alive ___________is quite different from performing on a film. perform
  7. Our ___________to predict the weather depends on the information we have. able
  8. Another major ____________is the shape of the ball. different
  9. The __________of the baseball is very great in America. popular
  10. Much of his ________ Chekhov lived in severe poverty. child
  11. The ______of London since then has been incredible. grow
  12. We moved to our new ______________last spring. resident
  13. Many encyclopedias state with __________that the Nile is the longest river in the world. confident
  14. Her acting is closer to __________. real
  15. The story of the dodo`s ___________is one example of man`s effect on the environment. disappear
  16. He had ____________in finding a job. difficult
  17. Each _____________is worth considering. possible

Задание 3. Form nouns from the words in bold.

  1. The ______________ of this building took 20 years from start to finish. construct
  2. Famous __________were held in the Tower. prison
  3. Many _____________come to London each year. visit
  4. Before the ____________of the hot air balloon, no human had ever successfully flown into the air. invent
  5. The first successful __________was in 1783. fly
  6. The ___________of the balloon depends on the wind. direct
  7. The _____________and response of the audience can affect how the actor feels and performs. behave
  8. They want to have the opportunity to do some real _____. act
  9. London is an ideal place nightlife ____________. entertain
  10. Special _____________is used to collect weather data. equip
  11. He never seemed to be interested in ____________. educate
  12. An _______________called Clarence went on an expedition to Canada with his family. explore
  13. He is famous for his finding the __________to the problem. solve
  14. His success was an remarkable_______. achieve
  15. The ____________of its place is unknown. locate
  16. What is your ______________of the performance? impress

Задание 4. Form nouns from the words in bold.

  1. ________will find these products on sale in the supermarkets. shop
  2. In New York he became a ____________at drama school. study
  3. The ship left for New York with a crew of seven professional _________. sail
  4. To the crew’s__________ they discovered that nobody was on the island. astonish
  5. Each flag has its additional _____________. mean
  6. Another ___________started at once. argue
  7. Brighton is an ideal place for____________ . relax
  8. There are eleven ___________in each team in cricket. play
  9. They tried to persuade the ______________to introduce new laws. govern
  10. The road __________must be improved. safe
  11. Finding a good job is uneasy without proper ____________. qualify
  12. Many people consider the ____________of moving away. possible
  13. It is necessary to fill the _______________form. apply
  14. The rate of _________________is very high. employ
  15. You have a great _____________. imagine
  16. To our great ___________, it started to rain. disappoint
  17. The better your education is, the less_____________you will have in finding a job. difficult

Суффиксы и префиксы прилагательного

Задание 5. Form adjectives from the words in bold.

  1. Huge ___________dinosaurs used to walk on the Earth. power
  2. There are a lot of ______________courses to improve your skills. train
  3. This private boat carried a cargo of _______________products. commerce
  4. The dodo lived on an island where he had no ___________enemies. nature
  5. There are hundreds of ______________hotels in sunny Brighton. comfort
  6. Enjoy delicious dishes in ____________ restaurants. fashion
  7. Taking part in this attraction can be a bit ______. risk
  8. The story describes the ______________action of people. hero
  9. _________plays are staged on Broadway. vary
  10. The road was in ________________condition. excellence
  11. The _____________method is always in great use. help
  12. My father doesn’t buy _____________newspapers. expense
  13. Who is _______________for making changes in our society? response
  14. The Russians are considered to be very _____________. hospitality
  15. The ______________equipment needs to be checked. electricity
  16. I was impressed by French ______________cuisine. delicacy
  17. She is not self- ________________. confidence
  18. The job will give him more _______________freedom. artist
  19. Paul’s Cathedral is an _________________building. impress
  20. In the old days the only ___________means of transport was the horse. person
  21. The trip was very ______________. benefit
  22. Is your answer _______________ from mine? differ

Задание 6 . Form adjectives from the words in bold. Mind the prefix UN-

  1. Two _____________brothers Montgolfier were responsible for designing the first air balloon. France
  2. The design of the balloon was based on ____________________law. science
  3. Some ________________flyers have had an accident. fortunate
  4. The first ________________flight was in 1783. success
  5. You can go on a _______________ride on a horse back. enjoy
  6. He had an ____________________idea. imagine
  7. More ______________visitors can try «The Vampire Ride». adventure
  8. Riding fast high above the park can be a ______________experience . scare
  9. Nature is so ___________________that’s why we cannot forecast more than for a few days. predict
  10. _______ people or things existed in the past are considered to be a part of history. history
  11. ____________baseball began in the USA in 1865. profession
  12. In the USA baseball is considered as a __________sport. nation
  13. It will be an ________________experience for me. forget
  14. He started his own business and became ________________. wealth
  15. The bridge was very ________________. use
  16. It has become the place of _______________importance. globe
  17. At first sight it seems _________________. believe
  18. The situation is becoming more __________________. understand
  19. She is a very _________________woman. effect
  20. Everyone fell _____________in the room. silence
  21. It was the most _________________journey I have ever had. please
  22. It is ___________to drive without seatbelt. legal

Задания в формате ЕГЭ. Суффиксы и префиксы глагола

  1. He _______________ and lay on the bed. dress
  2. He could enter the house because the door was ___________. lock
  3. The usual practice at the History lesson is to ___________texts. tell
  4. The exercise must be ________________. write
  5. Teachers sometimes _____________students. understand
  6. When the child ______________ she was unable to cope with him. behave
  7. The parents ____________ the child to go out late at night. allow
  8. When the days begin to ____________then the cold begins to _____________. long/ strong
  9. They’re trying to _____________our name. black
  10. The snow ____________the mountain tops. white
  11. He was ____________by his family to learn music at a young age. courage
  12. The town is ______________by fortified walls. circle
  13. The route was built to ______________trucks to get around a waterfall. able
  14. No argument can __________a war. just
  15. If you ____________ a substance, you make it pure by removing any dirty substances from it. pure
  16. You have ______________him as an ambitious person. character
  17. His mother rarely___________ him or any of her children. critic
  18. I’m sure Rose will _____________many of us. live

Задание 8. Form verbs from the words in bold.

  1. The symptoms of her illness have____________. appear
  2. The student__________the teacher and did the wrong exercise. hear
  3. Last week the government ______________ the citizens about the political situation in the country. inform
  4. His own mind was ___________and ______________by foreign travel. large/rich
  5. Martin ___________all the people in the area. He died at the age of 101. live
  6. The elderly are usually _______________with the young. satisfy
  7. Nowadays the risk of serious illness has________. less
  8. Do you mean to____________ me? threat
  9. Unfortunately, the cooperation between two countries was _______________. organize
  10. The line was ___________, though not dead. connect
  11. I am very ________________ with you. appoint
  12. The students _______________ the teacher. obey
  13. What does the emblem _______________? symbol
  14. If someone_________a word, they spell it wrongly. spell
  15. Don’t let this ______________ you. courage
  16. He recognized her voice and his face ____________. soft
  17. The men tried to __________ each other in their generosity. do


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Словообразование английского языка + упражнения для тренировки
тест (10 класс) на тему

В данном файле содержится теория английского словообразования, а также тренировочные упражнения.


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Предварительный просмотр:


В ходе обучения иностранному языку, в частности, английскому, у студентов возникает масса вопросов при переводе слов той или иной части речи. В связи с этим необходимо остановиться на основных способах словообразования в английском языке.

В современном английском языке имеется несколько способов словообразования:

1) конверсия ( образование новых слов без изменения их написания и произношения )

2) словосложение ( образование нового слова путем сложения двух слов в одно )

3) изменение ударения в слове (и получение нового слова другой части речи ).

4) аффиксация ( прибавление к корню суффикса или префикса )

Конверсия как способ словообразования. Словосложение. Изменение ударения.

Иногда слово может менять свое значение и выполнять новую синтаксическую функцию в предложении, не изменяя при этом написания и произношения ( конверсия ). Наиболее распространенным является образование глаголов от существительных: master (хозяин) — to master (управлять), house (дом) — to house (размещать), water (вода) — to water (поливать). Но глаголы могут быть образованы и от прилагательных: empty (пустой) — to empty (опустошать) white (белый) — to white (белить).

Словосложение — это объединение полнозначных слов или их основ в сложное слово. Вновь образованное сложное слово пишется слитно или через дефис: airfield — аэродром (air — воздух, field — поле), air-base — авиабаза (air — воздух, base — база), airman — авиатор (air — воздух, man — мужчина), schoolday — школьный день (school — школа, day — день), birthplace — место рождения (birth — рождение, place — место).

Сложные слова могут состоять из двух существительных, первое из которых приобретает значение прилагательного. В этом случае слова пишутся отдельно. Например: service dress — форменная одежда, одежда для службы (service — служба, dress — платье), shop window — витрина (shop — магазин, window — окно), skim milk — снятое молоко (to skim — снимать (накипь и т.д.), milk — молоко ).

Многие существительные совпадают по форме с глаголами, но отличаются ударением . Как правило, в существительных ударение падает на первый слог, а в соответствующих глаголах — на второй: ex port (экспорт) — to ex port (экспортировать) pre sent (подарок) — to pre sent (дарить).

Словообразование с помощью аффиксации.

Образование новых слов может происходить при помощи присоединения к основе слова суффиксов или префиксов (приставок). Префиксы присоединяются к корню слова в начале, а суффиксы — в конце. Слова, образованные с помощью префиксов или суффиксов, в отличие от простых слов, называются производными.

Самым продуктивным является этот вид словообразования. В ходе обучения английскому языку уделяется большое внимание этому способу словосложения.

Префиксы, как и суффиксы, могут присоединяться к различным частям речи, изменяя при этом значение основы слова, например: happy (счастливый) — unhappy (несчастный) — happiness (счастье) — happily (счастливо); help (помощь) — helper (помощник) — helpful (полезный) — helpless (беспомощный).

Наиболее употребительные приставки (префиксы) и их значения:

1. Префикс со значением “снова”, “заново”, “вновь”, “пере”:

to construct (строить) — to reconstruct (перестроить), to read (читать) — to reread (перечитать), to write (писать) — to rewrite (переписать)

2. Префиксы, которые придают слову противоположное значение или обозначают противоположное действие :

un- dis- de- anti- counter-

to dress (одеваться) — to undress (раздеваться), to tie (связывать) — to untie (развязывать)

to appear (появляться) — to disappear (исчезать)

formation (формирование) — deformation (деформация)

fascist (фашист) — anti-fascist (антифашист)

attack (атака) — counterattack (контратака)

to contradict (противоречить, возражать)

3. Префиксы, имеющие отрицательное значение :

ir- il- dis- mis- non-

amoral ( аморальный, безнравственный )

absent (отсутствующий), abnormal ( ненормальный)

kind ( добрый) — unkind ( недобрый)

possible (возможный) — impossible (невозможный)

ability (способность) — inability (неспособность)

regular (регулярный) — irregular (нерегулярный)

legal (легальный) — illegal (нелегальный)

honest (честный) — dishonest (нечестный),

to understand (понимать) — to misunderstand (неправильно понять)

interference (вмешательство) — non-interference (невмешательство)

Приставка, которая начинается на “i” изменяется в зависимости от того, какая за ней стоит буква : il + l, ir + r, im + b, m, p.

4. Префиксы, имеющие значение “сверх”, “пере”, “чрезмерно”:

over- super- ultra-

to pay (платить) — to overpay (переплатить)

human (человеческий) — superhuman (сверхчеловеческий)

short (короткий) — ultra-short (ультракороткий)

5. Префиксы со значением “между”, “взаимно ”:

existence (существование) — co-existence (сосуществование)

national (национальный) — international (интернациональный)

6. Префиксы, которые переводятся как

war (война) — pre-war (довоенный), historic (исторический) — prehistoric (доисторический)

to foresee (предвидеть)

war (война,) — post-war (послевоенный), revolutionary (революционный) — post-revolutionary (послереволюционный)

в) “недостаточно”, “недо-“:

to pay (платить) — to underpay (оплачивать низко, т.е. недостаточно оплачивать, недоплачивать), production (производство) — underproduction ( недопроизводство)

division (разделение) — subdivision (подразделение), committee (комиссия, комитет) — subcommittee (подкомиссия)

champion (чемпион) — ex-champion (бывший чемпион)

autobiography (автобиография), automatic (автоматический)

semifinal (полуфинал), semicircle ( полукруг)

и) вверх, кверху, наверху

upstairs (вверх по лестнице), upside (верхняя часть), to uproot (вырывать с корнем)

к) двойной, два, дважды

bilingual (двуязычный), bi-monthly (выходящий два раза в месяц)

л) имеющий дело с книгами

м) относящийся к жизни

н) второстепенное значение

by-street (переулок, улочка)

о) много-, мульти-, поли-

multicolored (многоцветный), multimillionaire (мультимиллионер)

polyglot (полиглот), polytechnic (политехнический)

п) второстепенное значение

by-street (переулок, улочка)

7. Префикс глагола , имеющий значение “делать”:

large (большой) — to enlarge (увеличивать, делать больше), danger ( опасность ) — to endanger (подвергать опасности), force (сила) — to enforce (принуждать, настаивать)

Основные суффиксы существительных:

1. Суффиксы, обозначающие принадлежность к

а) политическому направлению профессии или нации :

Communist (коммунист), Marxist (марксист>, materialist (материалист);

artist (художник), typist (машинистка), pianist (пианист), historian (историк), librarian (библиотекарь), musician (музыкант); Russian (русский), Bulgarian (болгарин)

2. Суффикс, обозначающий учение, теорию, качество :

marxism (марксизм), heroism (героизм)

3. Суффиксы, обозначающие действующее лицо, его занятие или должность :

to teach ( учить) — teacher (учитель), to direct ( руководить ) — director (руководитель)

employee ( служащий), refugee (беженец, эмигрант), auctioneer (аукционер),

4. Суффикс, обозначающий результат действия :

achievement (достижение), agreement (согласие), government (правительство)

lemonade (лимонад) , blockade (блокада)

5. Суффиксы, обозначающие

brotherhood (братство), childhood (детство), manhood (мужественность)

dictatorship (диктатура), friendship (дружба), leadership (руководство)

accuracy (точность), infancy ( младенчество), supremacy ( превосходство)

б) действие, состояние :

shortage (нехватка), marriage (брак, супружество), voyage (путешествие)

hunting (охота), crossing (пересечение, перекресток), living (житье)

silence (молчание), difference (различие)

importance (важность), resistance (сопротивление)

collection (собрание, коллекция), dictation (диктант, диктовка)

competition ( соревнование), hesitation (сомнение, колебание)

removal ( удаление), arrival (прибытие), refusal (отказ), approval (одобрение)

в) качество или состояние :

freedom (свобода), kingdom (королевство), wisdom (мудрость)

coldness (холод), darkness (темнота), kindness (доброта), weakness (слабость)

activity (активность), safety (безопасность)

г) место действия, занятие или состояние

bakery (булочная), surgery (кабинет хирурга), cookery (кулинария), slavery (рабство)

д) род занятий, отрасль науки

physics (физика), politics (политика)

Основные суффиксы прилагательных:

1. Суффикс, образующий прилагательные от существительных и обозначающий национальную принадлежность или слабую степень качества :

Chinese (китаец, китайский), Japanese (японец, японский)

Pole (поляк) — Polish (польский), Scott (шотландец) — Scottish (шотландский)

red (красный) — reddish (красноватый), child (ребенок) — childish (ребячливый, детский)

2. Суффиксы, образующие прилагательные от глаголов и обозначающие наличие качества :

to act (действовать) — active (активный), to talk (разговаривать) – talkative (разговорчивый)

to differ (различать) — different (различный), to insist (настаивать) — insistent (настойчивый) to observe (наблюдать, замечать) — observant (наблюдательный, внимательный)

3. Суффиксы, образующие прилагательные от существительных
и обозначающие наличие качества, свойства :

base (основа) — basic (основной), economy (экономика) — economic (экономический)

centre (центр) — central (центральный)

culture (культура) — cultural (культурный), beauty (красота) — beautiful (красивый)

peace (мир) — peaceful (мирный), fame (слава) — famous (знаменитый)

cloud (облако) — cloudy (облачный), sun (солнце) — sunny (солнечный)

4. Суффиксы, образующие прилагательные от различных частей
речи и обозначающие

а) качество, свойство :

element (элемент) — elementary (элементарный)

illusion (иллюзия) — illusory ( обманчивый, иллюзорный )

б) способность что-либо сделать, состояние, качество :

to change (изменить) — changeable (изменчивый)

to eat (есть) — eatable (съедобный), reason (разум) — reasonable ( разумный )

в) отсутствие качества :

useless (бесполезный), windless (безветренный)

Основные суффиксы глаголов :

active (активный) — to activate (активизировать)

short (короткий) — to shorten (укоротить)

pure (чистый) — to purify (очищать), simple (простой) — to simplify (упрощать)

character (характер) — to characterize (характеризовать)

Основные суффиксы наречий

Суффиксы, образующие наречия от

а) прилагательных, иногда — существительных, порядковых числительных и причастий:

bad (плохой) — badly (плохо), part (часть) — partly (частично), first (первый) — firstly (во-первых)

б) существительных и наречий и обозначающие направление (или направленность):

North (север) — northward(s) (к северу, на север), after (после) — afterwards (впоследствии, позже, потом), back (обратно, назад) — backward(s) (назад, в обратном направлении)

home (дом, домой) — homeward (к дому, по направлению к дому)

NOTE! В английском языке большое место занимают слова, заимствованные из других языков. Такие слова называются интернациональными . По корню этих слов легко догадаться об их значении. Например: telegram (телеграмма), orchestra (оркестр), concert (концерт) и др. Умение подмечать интернациональные слова в значительной степени облегчает работу по переводу текста.

Ex. 1. Переведите следующие слова, выделите в них суффиксы и префиксы:

Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex-champion, anti-body, decompose, decode, deform, depart, discover, disappearance, reread, reconstruct, coauthor, unequal, misunderstand, undress, disarm, anti-fascist, cooperation, co-existence, interaction, superhuman, ultra-violet.

Ex. 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведите их:

Achievement — achieve, resistance — resistant, assistance — assist — assistant, celebration — celebrate, difference — different, city — citizen, nation — national — nationality, measure — measurement, develop — development, act — active — activity, contain — container, discover — discovery — discoverer, literature — literary, graduate — graduation — undergraduate — post-graduate, educate — education, progress — progressive, act — action — activity — active, govern — governor — government.

Ex. З. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса -ег или -or . Переведите на русский язык:

To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.

Ex. 4. Образуйте от данных слов существительные с помощью суффикса -ist, -ism, -ian . Переведите на русский язык:

Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, mathematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, India.

Ex. 5. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса -ment . Переведите на русский язык:

Develop, achieve, move, arrange, treat, state, improve, agree, equip, govern, require, measure, announce, pave.

Ex. 6. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов -ful и -less , переведите их на русский язык :

Beauty, thank, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour.

Ex. 7. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов -able, -ible , переведите их на русский язык:

Change, convert, prevent, break, compare, desire, profit, read, comfort, respect, expect.

Ex. 8. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к какой части речи эти слова относятся:

British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experiment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, fundamental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attractive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.

Ex. 9. Образуйте глаголы с помощью суффикса -en :

Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet, sharp, strength.

Ex. 10. Образуйте наречия с помощью суффикса -1у и переведите их:

Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.

Ex. 11. Образуйте глаголы от данных существительных. Переведите их:

Turn, smile, smoke, snow, start, stay, step, stop, study, talk, visit, rest, air, paper, cover, handle, cause, watch, act, address, answer, brush, clean, cross, crowd, wave, wish, work, dance, doubt, dress, end, fight, help, hope, joke, laugh, lift, light, love, mind, paper, pencil, place, plan, play, post, reply, report, return, sail, show.

Ex. 12. Переведите на русский язык. Выделите словообразующие элементы. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова:

React, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; industry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free, freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care, careful, careless, carefully, carelessness; to differ, different, difference, indifferent; England, English, Englishman; fame, famous.

Ex. 13. Переведите следующие сложные слова:

Airport, armchair, bathroom, bedroom, bookcase, bookshelf, classroom, custom-house, dining-room, drawing-room, fireplace, folksong, gentleman, hairbrush, icebox, newspaper, notebook, postcard, post-office, raincoat, sportsman, sunshine, writing-table.

Ex. 14. Прочтите следующие пары слов, соблюдая ударения. Переведите их:

An accent — to accent, a contract — to contract, a content — to content, a contest — to contest, a convoy — to convoy, a convict — to convict, a perfect — to perfect, a record — to record.

Ex. 15. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова:

1. Не works as a teacher. 2. I saw one of his works at the exhibition. 3. I was waiting for your report . 4. They report the results of their experiment every Monday. 5. His report contains some of his thoughts about the experiment. 6. You’ll make progress if you work hard. 7. He thought about his new work . 8. I have a present for you. 9. I am busy at present . 10. He presented me with a book.

Ex. 16. Проанализируйте состав следующих слов. Определите части речи. Дайте начальную форму. Переведите слова:

Powerful, inventor, high-quality, network, demoralize, profitable, dislike, disagree, movement, shorten, incorrect, electricity, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous, noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, teaching, rebuild, retell, leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, cooperation, schoolboy, icebreaker.

Ex. 17. Напишите сложные существительные, исходя из объяснений.

Например: A machine for drying hair – hair drier.

1. A thing for opening tins — . . 2. A machine for playing records — . . 3. A machine for mixing food — . . 4. A thing that times eggs (when they are boiling) — . . 5. Things for warming people’s legs — . . 6. Stuff that kills flies — . . 7. A liquid that removes paint — . . 8. A tool that opens bottles — . . 9. A thing for peeling potatoes — . . 10. A liquid for removing eye makeup — . . 11. Stuff for freshening the air — . .

Ex. 18. Напишите словосочетания по модели число+ существительное+существительное (! не забывайте что число и первое существительное соединяется дефисом и что это существительное обычно стоит в единственном числе)

Например: a walk lasting for three miles – a three-mile walk.

1. A girl who has just celebrated her sixteenth birthday — . . 2. A flight lasting for ten hours — . . 3. A note that is worth twenty pounds — . . 4. A language course that lasts four weeks — . . 5. A drive that takes three hours — . . 6. A meal that consists of three courses — . . 7. A holiday that lasts two weeks — . . 8. A delay at the airport that went on for two hours — . . 9. A letter that goes on for ten pages — . . 10. A university course that takes three years — . . 11. A prison sentence of ten years — . . 12. A hotel with five stars — . . 13. A speed limit of 30 miles an hour — . . 14. A house that was built two hundred years ago — . .

Ex. 19. Распределите прилагательные по трем группам: 1) люди, 2) места, 3) вещи:

Obstinate, unspoilt, hand-made, waterproof, easy-going, breathtaking, aggressive, deserted, overgrown, overcrowded, cunning, picturesque, arrogant, long-lasting, spoilt, automatic, accurate, artificial.

Ex. 20. Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом или суффиксом.

1. I know Jim Kerry is very popular but I find him totally childish / childlike . 2. I couldn’t work out whom the letter was from. The signature was childish / childlike. 3. Sarah is so childish / childlike . She always plays trick on her friends. 4. It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing. I got such childish / childlike pleasure from the experience. 5. Sophie is extremely sensitive / sensible at the moment. Anything you say seems to upset her. 6. Karen is not a very sensitive / sensible person. She wore high-heeled shoes for our four-mile walk. 7. I’ve never known her to tell a lie. She’s a very true / truthful person. 8. I can never watch sad films that are based on true / truthful a story. They always make me cry. 9. Susan is so intolerable / intolerant of other people. She never accepts anyone else’s opinion, and she always thinks she knows best. 10. I find Mark’s behaviour intolerable / intolerant . It’s unfair to be so selfish. 11. We’re having an economic / economical crisis at the moment. James has lost his job and I don’t know how we are going to pay the rent. 12. It’s more economic / economical to drive slowly. You can do a lot more miles to the gallop.

Ex. 21. Подберите к каждой тройке слов такое, чтобы с его помощью образовать составные существительные, используйте слова: board, green, paper, book, birthday, blood, rain, site, road, sports, ice, water, day, night, hand, case, sun, bag .

Например: camp. building. bomb. – campsite, building site, bomb-site.

1. . test, . pressure, . donor. 2. . fall, . melon, . skiing. 3. . house, . grocer, . salad. 4. . club, . mare, . shift. 5. brief. suit. book. . 6. paper. plastic. shoulder. . 7. . bow, . coat, . drop. 8. . shine, . rise, . set. 9. . works, . sign, . rage. 10. black. floor. notice. . 11. . light, . break, . dream. 12. . shake, . writing, . book. 13. . cube, . berg, . rink. 14. . cake, . present, . card. 15. . scape, . lady, . slide. 16. . car, . center, . ground. 17. address. visitor’s. note. .

Ex. 22. Дополните предложения сложными существительными в скобках (это могут быть и составные существительные, и существительные в притяжательном падеже в простой или аналитической форме).

1. Your coat is on the . (back, chair). 2. You’ve just spilt the . (milk, cat). 3. Can you buy some . (paper, toilet). 4. I never listened to my . (advise, parents). 5. Can you buy a . (wine, bottle) to have with supper? 6. What did that . (road, sigh) say? Did you see it? 7. It’s such a mess in here. There are empty . (wine, bottles) everywhere. 8. The . (Prime Minister, duties) include entertaining heads of the state. 9. The . (my shoe, heel) has come off. 10. Can I borrow your . (brush, hair)? 11. What happened at the . (film, end)? 12. Here is . (today, news). 13. Where is the nearest . (Metro, station)? 14. It’s my . (anniversary, parents, wedding) next week. 15. The . (company, success) is due to its efficiency. 16. I’ve got a . (fortnight, holiday) next month. 17. The . (government, economic policy) is confusing. 18. My children go to the local . (school, state). 19. The annual . (rate, inflation) is about 4 percent. 20. Are there any . (coffee, cups) in your bedroom? There are none in the kitchen. 21. Do you want a . (coffee, cup)?

Ex. 22. Заполните пропуски глаголом или существительным: advice – to advise, use – to use, abuse – to abuse, belief – to believe, relief – to relieve, grief – grieve, excuse – to excuse, breath – to breathe, half – to halve, house – to house, safe – to save, bath – to bathe .

1. It is my personal . that this man is innocent. 2. Let me listen to your chest. Take a deep . and say “Ah”. 3. You should put your valuables in the . . 4. Drug . is a terrible problem all over the world. 5. I know it isn’t good for my skin, but I love sun . . 6. I’ve been so worried about you! It’s such a . to see you at last! 7. “What are we going to do with this cake?” “Cut it in two. You take . and I’ll take . .” 8. Can you show me how to . this new coffee machine? 9. The refugees are . in temporary accommodation. 10. She apologizes for her behavior, and said it was because she’d had a busy day, but that’s no . for breaking all the plates. 11. People need time to . after the death of someone they love. 12. Take my . . Never marry for money. Marry for love.

Ex. 22. Напишите слово противоположное по значению, используя префикс

Kind, honest, credible, appear, fair, equal, pleased, continue, fasten, normal, employed, friendly, trust, professional, known, cover, safe, use, probable, important, emotional.




Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку, раздел «Словообразование»  для  учащихся 9­
11 классов.
Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с
 Develop, achieve, move, arrange, treat, state, improve, agree, equip,  govern, require, measure, announce, 
pave, amuse, argue, advertise, invest.
    помощью суффикса  
 .   Переведите
 ­  ment
Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов  
Beauty, thank, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour.
    и    ­  less
 ­  ful
 ,   переведите их на русский язык
WORD­BUILDING  (exercises)
 . 1. 
 Переведите следующие слова, выделите в них суффиксы и префиксы:
 Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex­champion, anti­body, de compose, decode, deform, depart, 
discover, disappearance, reread, reconstruct, coauthor, unequal, misunderstand, undress, disarm, anti­fascist, 
cooperation, co­existence, interaction, superhuman, ultra­violet.
 . 2. 
 Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведите
    их   :
Achievement ­ achieve, resistance ­ resistant, assistance ­ assist ­ assistant, celebration ­ celebrate, difference ­ 
different, city ­ citizen, nation ­ national ­ nationality, measure ­ measurement, develop ­ development, act ­ 
active ­ activity, contain ­ container, discover ­ discovery ­ discoverer, literature ­ literary, graduate ­ graduation
­ undergraduate ­ post­graduate, educate ­ education, progress ­ progressive, act ­ action ­ activity ­ active, 
govern ­ governor ­ government.
 Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с по
 мощью суффикса 
 . З. 
на      русский
To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to  conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to 
report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.
 ­  or   .   Переведите
 Образуйте от данных слов существительные с помощью  суффикса ­ist, ­ism, ­ian. Переведите 
 . 4. 
на русский язык:
Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, mathematics, statistics, politics, music, 
electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, India.
 . 5. 
 Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов 
 ible, переведите их на русский язык:
 ­  able
 ,  ­ 
Change, convert, prevent, break, compare, desire, profit, read, comfort, respect, expect, fashion, flex.
 Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к ка кой части речи эти слова 
 . 6. 
British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experiment, function, musician, socialist, artist, 
capitalism, professional, fundamental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attractive, 
peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, 
freedom, kingdom. Ex 
 . 7. 
 Образуйте глаголы с помощью суффикса 
 Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet,  sharp, 
  Strong, long.
 . 8. 
 Образуйте наречия с помощью суффикса 
    и переведите их:
 ­  en   :
Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.
 . 9. 
 Образуйте глаголы от данных существительных. Переведите
    их   :
 Turn, smile, smoke, snow, start, stay, step, stop, study, talk, visit, rest, air, paper, cover, handle, cause, watch, 
act, address, answer, brush, clean, cross, crowd, wave, wish, work, dance, doubt, dress, end, fight, help, hope, 
joke, laugh, lift, light, love, mind, paper, pencil, place, plan, play, post, reply, report, return, sail, show.
 Переведите на русский язык. Выделите словообразующие элементы. Определите, к какой 
 . 10. 
части речи относятся данные слова:
 React, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; industry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, 
coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free, 
freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care, careful, careless, carefully, 
carelessness; to differ, different, difference, indifferent; England, English, Englishman; 
 . 11. 
 Переведите следующие сложные слова:
Aircraft, airspace, Air Force , summer­resort, rest­house, custom­house, dining­room, dining car, living­room , 
fireplace, nightlife, newsagent, sunglasses, popstar, snowboarding, bungee jumping, earthquake, greenhouse, 
laptop, software, science­fiction, solar system, so­called, ..,haircut , hairbrush, icebox, newspaper, notebook, 
rain forest ,lifetime , raincoat, sportsman, sunshine, sunrise, sunset, sunflower, body­piercing.
 . 12. 
 Прочтите следующие пары слов, соблюдая ударения. Переведите
    их   :
An accent ­ to accent, a contract ­ to contract, a content ­ to content, a contest ­ to contest, an increase­to 
increase, a convict ­ to convict, a perfect ­ to perfect, a record ­ to record, refuse­to refuse, a refugee­to refuge.
 . 13. 
 Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова:
1. Не works as a teacher. 2. I saw one of his works at the exhibition.  3. I was waiting for your report. 4. They 
report the results of their experiment every Monday. 5. His report contains some of his thoughts about the 
experiment. 6. You’ll make progress if you work hard. 7. He thought about his new work. 8. I have a present 
for you. 9. I am busy at pre sent. 10. He presented me with a book.
 4  .   Проанализируйте
Ex. 1
Powerful, inventor, high­quality, network, demoralize, profitable, dislike, disagree, movement, shorten, 
incorrect, electricity, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous, noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, 
teaching, rebuild, retell, leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, cooperation, schoolboy, icebreaker.
 .   Определите части речи. Дайте начальную форму. 
 . 15. 
 Напишите сложные существительные, исходя из объяснений.
Например: A machine for drying hair – hair drier.
1. A thing for opening tins ­ … . 2. A machine for playing records ­ … . 3. A machine for mixing food ­ … . 4. A 
thing that times eggs (when they are boiling) ­ … . 5. Things for warming people’s legs ­ … . 6. Stuff that kills 
flies ­ … . 7. A liquid that removes paint ­ … . 8. A tool that opens bottles ­ … . 9. A thing for peeling potatoes ­ … . 10. A liquid for removing eye makeup ­ … . 11. Stuff for freshening the air ­ … .
 Распределите прилагательные по трем группам: 1) люди, 2) места, 3) вещи:
 . 16.  
Obstinate, unspoilt, hand­made, waterproof, easy­going, breathtaking, aggressive, deserted, overgrown, 
overcrowded, cunning, picturesque, arrogant, long­lasting, spoilt, automatic, accurate, artificial.
 . 17 
 Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом  или суффиксом.
1. I know Jim Kerry is very popular but I find him totally childish / childlike. 2. I couldn’t work out whom the
letter was from. The signature was childish / childlike. 3. Sarah is so childish / childlike. She always plays trick
on her friends. 4. It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing. I got such childish / childlike pleasure from
the experience. 5. Sophie is extremely sensitive / sensible at the moment. Anything you say seems to upset her.
6. Karen is not a very sensitive / sensible person. She wore high­heeled shoes for our four­mile walk. 7. I’ve
never known her to tell a lie. She’s a very true / truthful person. 8. I can never watch sad films that are based on
true / truthful a story. They always make me cry. 9. Susan is so intolerable / intolerant of other people. She
never accepts anyone else’s opinion, and she always thinks she knows best. 10. I find Mark’s behaviour
intolerable / intolerant. It’s unfair to be so selfish. 11. We’re having an economic / economical crisis at the
moment. James has lost his job and I don’t know how we are going to pay the rent. 12. It’s more economic  /
economical to drive slowly. You can do a lot more miles to the gallop.
ice, water, day, night, hand, case, sun, bag
    к     каждой
 ,   используйте
 ,   чтобы
 :   board, green, paper, book, birthday, blood, rain, site, road, sports, 
    с     его 
Например: camp…, building…, bomb… – campsite, building site, bomb­site.
1. …test, …pressure, …donor. 2. …fall, …melon, …skiing. 3. …house, …grocer, …salad. 4. …club, …mare, …shift. 
5. brief…, suit…, book… . 6. paper…, plastic…, shoulder… . 7. …bow, …coat, …drop. 8. …shine, …rise, …set. 
9. …works, …sign, …rage. 10. black…, floor…, notice… . 11. …light, …break, …dream. 12. …shake, …writing, 
…book. 13. …cube, …berg, …rink. 14. …cake, …present, …card. 15. …scape, …lady, …slide. 16. …car, 
…center, …ground. 17. address…, visitor’s…, note… .
Ex. 19 
 Дополните предложения сложными существительными в скобках (это могут быть и 
составные существительные, и существительные в притяжательном падеже в простой или 
аналитической форме).
1. Your coat is on the … (back, chair). 2. You’ve just spilt the … (milk, cat). 3. Can you buy some … (paper,
toilet). 4. I never listened to my … (advise, parents). 5. Can you buy a … (wine, bottle) to have with supper? 6.
What did that … (road, sigh) say? Did you see it? 7. It’s such a mess in here. There are empty … (wine, bottles)
everywhere. 8. The … (Prime Minister, duties) include entertaining heads of the state. 9. The … (my shoe, heel)
has come off. 10. Can I borrow your … (brush, hair)? 11. What happened at the … (film, end)? 12. Here is …
(today, news). 13. Where is the nearest … (Metro, station)? 14. It’s my … (anniversary, parents, wedding) next
week. 15. The … (company, success) is due to its efficiency. 16. I’ve got a … (fortnight, holiday) next month.
17. The … (government, economic policy) is confusing. 18. My children go to the local … (school, state). 19.
The annual … (rate, inflation) is about 4 percent. 20. Are there any … (coffee, cups) in your bedroom? There are
none in the kitchen. 21. Do you want a … (coffee, cup)?
 0  .   Заполните
 :   advice – to advise, use – to use, abuse – to 
abuse, belief – to believe, relief – to relieve, grief – grieve, excuse – to excuse, breath – to breathe, half – to
halve, house – to house, safe – to save, bath – to bathe
1. It is my personal … that this man is innocent. 2. Let me listen to your chest. Take a deep … and say “Ah”. 3.
You should put your valuables in the … .  4. Drug … is a terrible problem all over the world. 5. I know it isn’t
good for my skin, but I love sun … . 6. I’ve been so worried about you! It’s such a … to see you at last! 7. “What are we going to do with this cake?” “Cut it in two. You take … and I’ll take … .” 8. Can you show me how to …
this new coffee machine? 9. The refugees are … in temporary accommodation. 10. She apologizes for her
behavior, and said it was because she’d had a busy day, but that’s no … for breaking all the plates. 11. People
need time to … after the death of someone they love. 12. Take my … . Never marry for money. Marry for love.
 1  .   Напишите слово противоположное по значению, используя префикс
Ex. 2
Kind, honest, credible, appear, fair, equal, pleased, continue, fasten, normal, employed, friendly, trust, 
professional, known, cover, safe, use, probable, important, emotional.
1.      Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова. Переведите
 Beautiful, function, artist, musician, heartless, economic, worker, badly, act, action, active, basic, fruitless, 
population,  movement, historic, democratic, work, daily, literature, picture, organization, friendship, highly, 
leader, fight, fighter, national, impressive, hopeful, hopeless, beautiful, special, specialist, define, definition, 
humanism, humanist, humanistic, use, useful, useless.
    их   :
2. Переведите слова на русский язык. Определите префикс и его значение:
Coauthor, undress, disarm, postwar, illegal, unkind, reconstruct, deformation, prewar, antihero , ex­champion, 
superhuman, disagreement,
3.      Образуйте прилагательные от существительных при  помощи следующих   суффиксов: ­al, ­ful, 
­ous, ­у,  ­able, ­ible, ­ic, ­less, ­ish. Переведите пары слов.
Reason, beauty, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, desire, boy, success, heart, experiment, form, office, danger, fame, 
electron, base, nature, cloud, sun, child, Scott, history, home.
4.      Переведите предложения. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова. 
 1. Many pupils study English. 2. My grandfather has a large study. 3. Who ruled this country? 4. All sportsmen
must obey the rules of the game. 5. The Soviet Union is tied by friendship with India in their work for peace. 6. 
All peace­loving people work for peace for the whole of mankind.
   5. Назовите глаголы, от которых образованы следующие существительные:
 Protection, show, writer, worker, movement, investigation, achievement, statement, reader, department, 
equipment, construction, organization, reporter, arrival, improvement, conductor, establishment, development, 
education, definition, regulation, assistance, agreement.
6.      Переведите без словаря. Определите, к какой части  речи относятся слова:
 a) Specialist,  institute, university, culture, cultural, centre, central, nation, national, international, organization,
minister, nature, natural, traditional, progressive, moral, social, socialist, public, programmer, popular, modern,
revolution, revolutionary, final, talent, continent, festival, political, experiment, experimentation, electricity,
technical, transformation, system, systematically, practice, practical, seminar, lecture, lecturer, period, historic,
history, professor, complex, form, acceleration, instrument, philosopher, idea, basic, fundamental, conceptions,
mass, class, element, motor, method, problem, energy, radio, text, material, temperature, progress, television.
b) 1. France and England are European countries. 2. In the evening we like to listen to classical music. 3. We
saw a comedy at the Drama Theatre last night. 4. Your train leaves from platform two. 5. This jazz orchestra
gave several concerts in our town. 6. In 1610 Galileo constructed the first telescope in the world. 7. This was a
dangerous experiment.
7.      Проанализируйте следующие слова, какие они? Определите их составляющие. Переведите на 
русский язык:
 Ice­hockey, world­wide, bedroom, newspaper, long­term, birthplace, sportsman, apple­juice, peace­loving, schoolchildren, football, highland, television, underground, north­west, sometimes, lowland, landscape, well­
known, multinational, network, vice­president.
8. Поставьте слово, указанное в скобках, в нужную форму.
1. My father is very … (act) even though he’s seventy. 2. I’ve always wanted to work in the theatre, but … (act) 
it isn’t a very secure profession. 3. I … (hope), we’ll soon find a solution to the problem. 4. Look … (care) to the
left and to the right before crossing the road. 5. It was very … (care) of you to lose my watch. 6. I take two … 
(day) newspapers and three Sunday papers. 7. You’ve broken my camera! Look at it! It’s … (use)! 8. Thanks for
the advice. It was really … (use). 9. I have some very … (noise) neighbours. 10. She became … (fame) as a result
of her invention. Тренировочные тесты.
Most people have no real…… in ghosts.(Believe)
Mark Twain wrote many…… stories. (Humour)
The children’s…… at the concert was excellent. (Behave)
Rita asked for a …… and cashier gave her one. (Receive)
Do you think you have the…… to pass the exam? (Able)
You need a lot of …… to write a good story. (Imagine)
I read an interesting …… in the newspaper. (Advertise)
Their friendship began in their …… . (Child)
This is the most . . . . . . concert I‘ve ever been to. (Expense)
Her husband’s not a very……person. (Patience)
Susan is very……and wants to do well. (Ambition)
Show some……. Don’t you like the idea? (Enthuse)
Her problem is that she has not enough……in herself. (Confide)
Dan is really very……, even rude sometimes. (Polite)
I haven’t been to the cinema…… . (Recent)
Mary…… and they never s aw her again. (Appear)
Test 1.
Test 2.
Test 3.
Test 4.
Test 5.
      1. Teenagers nowadays are more interested in ……. problems. (Globe)
      2. Have you seen the new Levi …… on TV? (Advertise)
      3. I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find him.  He’s …… (Appear)
      4. It’s very…… to drink and drive. (Danger)
      5. Can you give me some more …… about this adventure holiday? (Inform)
      6. We need to put up some …… for tonight’s party. (Decorate)
      7. The weather today will be cold and…… . (Wind)
      8. Margarita was very …… with the service. (Satisfy)
Test 6. 
I’m telling you the ……! I swear! (True)
Your composition isn’t good enough. You’ll have to …… it. (Write)
Did you know Ann used to work as a …… when she was younger? (Wait)
They need your …… before they can do it. (Sign)
It all happened quite…… . I didn’t have time to think. (Sudden)
I’m sure his new film  is going to be a huge…… .(Succeed)
Did Paul give an …… for his actions? (Explain)
The …… of the village are all very kind. (Inhabit)
The leaflet gives a brief…… of each place. (Describe)
Can you give us a quick …… of how it works? (Explain)
Olga broke the vase during an …… with her husband. (Argue)
Gold is a very …… metal. (Value)
Peter began to feel depressed and …… . (Help)
His book is the result of years of …… research. (Care)
This snake is not …… at all. (Danger)
The bright flowers make the room look….. . (Cheer)
They  put a lot of …… on him to agree to their demands. (Press)
I’ve had three…… nights and l feel exhausted. (Sleep)
If you have problems with your ……, see a doctor. (Circulate)
I’m feeling very …… today. I think I’ll go for a run. (Energy)
Remember that …… are also human. (Examine)
His nose was quite …… for days after he’d it pierced. ( Pain) There are a lot of …… restaurants in this area. (Fashion)
Although she isn’t beautiful, most men find her quite…… (Attract). 
Stories are more ……. than lists of words .(Memory )
His exam results were very …… . (Please )
Passing exams will help you to get a ……job .(Good )
You should revise on a regular …… (Base )
There are books that are specially …….for foreign learners.(Simple )
A degree is a very useful…….to have .(Qualify )
I hope you will take into …… what I have just said to you .(Consider )
This new book had many beautiful ……in it .(ILLUSTRATE)
 Test 7. 
      1.The food was completely …… ; he was a useless cook .(Taste)
      2. There were over 500 ……to the temple every day .(Visit )
      3. You can’t hope to win the race without any …… .(Train)
      4. In spite of her ……,Jane continued her journey .(Hungry )
      5.Hard as he tried , he was unable to find …… .(Solve )
      6.I …… speaking , I don’t think Latin is a useful subject .(Person)
      7.You need to organize your time more  …… (Efficient )
 Test 8.
Test 9. 
               1.My aunt became …….when she went to America. 
               2.Paul sings …….; I’m surprised he isn’t a professional singer. (Beauty)
               3.I was …….to see all my old friends again. (Delight )
               4.They bought some …… for their new house. (Furnish )
               5. She lives in a really ……mansion in the suburbs. (Luxury )
               6. Are you sitting ……. in that  chair ? (Comfort )
               7.Everyone was nervous about the ……’s visit. (Inspector)
               8.Our teacher  has a really strong …….  . (Person)
               9.His father has the best …… of ancient coins. (Collect)  
 Test 10.
                1.The teacher wanted to know what my greatest …….(Ambitious)
                2.I……ever go to the theatre. I don’t like  it .(Hard )
                3.Marina has a very  …… manner , which I appreciate .(Relax)
                4.Her son took part in the world ……last year .(Champion)
                5.I was …….when victor said I was beautiful.(Flatter)
                6. Julia got a ……for best leading actress .(Nominate )
                7.She’s a very ……thinker .(Origin)
                8.Her friend is very …….! You can trust him .(Rely) Ответы к тренировочным тестам.
Test 1. 
                1. Expensive
                2. Patient 
                5. Confidence
Test 2.
Test 3.
                  1. Truth
                  2. Rewrite
                  3. Waitress
                  4. Signature
                  5. Suddenly
                  6. Success
                  8. Inhabitants
Test 4.
Test 5.
                 1. Global
                 2. Advertisement
                 3. Disappeared
                 4. Dangerous
                 5. Information
                 6. Decorations
                 7. Windy 
                 8. Satisfied
Test 6.
                1. Pressure
                2. Sleepless
                3. Circulation
                4. Energetic
                5. Examiners
Test 7.
              2. Visitors
              4  . Hunger
              5. Solution
              6. Personally
              7. Efficiently
Test 8.
              1. Memorable 
              2. Pleasant
              3. Better
              4. Basis
              5. Simplified
              6. Qualification
              7. Consideration
              8. ILLustrations
Test 9. 
Test 10.

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