Word building complete the following table with the words

1.1 Before you read the text, answer these questions.

1. Do you prefer to study
A at school or college
B in a library
C at home?

2. Do you study best
A early in the morning
B during the day
C at night?

3. Do you prefer to work
A with friends
B with background music
C in silence?

1.2. Now complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. There may be more than one possible answer so try to use each verb once only.

Even the most studious among you will probably have difficulty studying at some stage in your academic career. If or when this happens, the only way to (1) _____ this problem is to go back to basics. First, make sure you have a comfortable environment to (2) _____ in. Some students need to have a quiet space to themselves and can’t (3) _____ if there are too many distractions. Others need some sort of background noise, such as music or the company of friends. Whatever your personal preference is, you need to (4) _____ this first of all. Next, make sure you have all of the equipment or tools that you need. For example, if you are (5) _____ a geography course and you have to (6) _____ about countries and their capital cities then you will need to have your atlas to hand. If you’re (7) _____your maths homework then be sure to find your calculator, ruler, protractor and compass before you start. Perhaps you’re not preparing a homework assignment or project. but are trying to (8) _____ for an exam. If so, you need to know exactly what is on your curriculum. You should also (9) _____ your notes and make sure that you have a clear understanding of what your lecturers have (10) _____ you. Of course, people with a learning disorder such as dyslexia may need to work harder than others at their studies as they often struggle to read even relatively simple texts.

1.3 Now read the text again and find a word or phrase to match these definitions.

1. describes someone who studies a lot _____

2. things that stop you from working _____

3. a sound you can hear, but do not actively listen to _____

4. two different types of homework or school task _____ and _____

5. to study for an exam _____

6. another word for syllabus _____

7. to check your work _____

8. to do something with great difficulty _____

1.4 Underline the correct words in each sentence.

1. I would really like to learn about / study about the ancient Egyptians.

2. We need to find out / know where to buy the tickets for the concert.

3. I got into trouble at school because I didn’t know / find out my multiplication tables.

4. I did well in the test because I had known / learned how to spell all of the words on the list.

5. Excuse me, do you find out / know where the nearest post office is?

6. It was difficult for me to learn / study at home, because we didn’t have a lot of space.

7. I want to learn how / study how to drive a car.

8. I think you can only really learn from / learn with experience.

2.1 Replace the words in italics below with ONE word. Then listen to the recording and check your answers.

Teacher: Can you tell me about your early education?


Can you tell me about your early education?
Well, I went to 1a school for very young children from the age of four and I remember that I didn’t enjoy it very much at all. My 2from the age of 5 to 11 school was a little better, especially because my mum was a teacher in the school. She taught in the 3younger part of the school and she was actually my teacher in first 4level, but when I went up to the 5older part of the school I didn’t see very much of her. After that I was lucky enough to receive a 6chance to go to school without paying fees for a very good 7from age 11 to 18 school. My parents couldn’t have afforded to send me to a 8not free school so it was a really great opportunity for me. It was a 9only for one sex school, so there were no boys. I’m glad I didn’t go to a 10for boys and girls school because I think there are fewer distractions so everyone can just concentrate on their studies.

2.2 WORD BUILDING Complete the table.

2.3 Complete the sentences with suitable words from the table.

1. I’ve always wanted to go on an archaeological dig to try to find fossils and ancient artefacts.

2. Have you seen a copy of the a_____ plan for the new building?

3. My daughter is a l_____ ; she speaks six different languages.

4. The government has a good e_____policy. I’m sure the recession will be over soon.

5. I’m studying j_____ I’ve always wanted to be a political writer.

6. I’m not very familiar with the g_____ of that part of the world.


3.1 You will hear part of a talk for students. Listen and complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Continuing your studies after graduation
Writing your dissertation

Important considerations:

  • Many students struggle to find a research (1) _____
  • Writing a (2) _____ is easier if you make the right choice.

You need to:

  • Study the (3) _____
  • Have a wide (4) _____ of your field of study.
  • Establish what is (5) _____ in your field.
  • Have a clear idea of the (6) _____ of your study.
  • Consider whether there are any (7) ______ in existing research.
  • Think about your (8). carefully.
  • Ask about (9) _____from outside sources.
  • Ask your (10) _____ to check your results.

3.2 Listen to the talk again and write synonyms for the words in italics in 3.1.

after graduation = postgraduate, …

4 PRONUNCIATION Mark the stress on these words. Then listen and check to see if you were correct. Practise saying the words.



1 overcome 2 study 3 concentrate / study 4 organise 5 taking / studying 6 learn 7 doing 8 revise 9 review 10 taught


1 studious 2 distractions 3 background noise 4 project, assignment 5 revise 6 curriculum 7 review 8 struggle


2 find out 3 know 4 learned 5 know 6 study 7 learn how 8 learn from


Other possible answers are in italics.
1 kindergarten / nursery
2 primary / elementary
3 junior
4 grade
5 senior
6 scholarship / grant
7 high / secondary (high school = US and Australia, secondary school = UK)
8 private / public (UK)
9 single-sex
10 mixed


2 architectural 3 linguist 4 economic 5 journalism 6 geography


1 topic 2 thesis 3 (current) literature 4 knowledge 5 relevant 6 limits / scope 7 controversies 8 financial resources 9 funding / a grant 10 tutor


dissertation = thesis, is easier = more straightforward, wide = broad, field of study = area of specialisation / research area, establish = ascertain, consider = ask yourself, think about = take into account, results = findings


assignment, consideration, concentrate, controversy (UK) or controversy (US), conduct, distraction, dissertation. economist, educational, educated, research (n), thesis, theory, theoretical

  • 1


    1. Complete the table.

    Noun Verb Adjective

    decission Decide decisive

    departure depart Departed/ departing

    information inform informative

    leak leak leaking

    difference differ different


    2. Add a noun suffix to each of the words below. Then and
    complete the sentences with the nouns you


    curious assist agree entertain friend responsible celebrate

    1. I cant do all this work without some assistance

    2. Our friendship began five years ago.

    3. Its your responsibility to clean the kitchen.

    4. We couldnt reach an agreement on the price.

    5. Children learn easily because of their natural curiosity

    6. The wedding celebration lasted all night.

    7. Helen is a talented pianist .

    8. What do you like doing for entertainment ? Choose the correct
    answer to each question. 1. Where do you see billboards?

    next to roads / in houses / on TV 2. What kind of transport is
    used for a cruise?

    a plane / a train / a ship 3. What will sink in water?

    a stone / a feather / a leaf

    4. Who usually conducts research?

    a chef / a scientist / a construction worker 5. What causes the
    most damage to the environment?

    plants / animals / people 6. Which weather conditions are the
    most treacherous?

    hurricanes / humidity / chilly winds

    Read the sentences in I. Then match the underlined words to
    their definitions in II.

    1. Our main purpose in this course is to improve our English.
    aim, goal

    2. Please keep in mind that you must arrive on time.

    3. Most smokers are aware of the fact that smoking is dangerous.
    conscious of

    4. It’s good to achieve a balance between work and fun.

    5. His parents have been quite concerned about him lately.

    Add a noun suffix to each of the following words.

    decide dark differ relation inform possible appoint

  • 2

    Complete the sentences with the correct form of the nouns you
    formed in the previous exercise.

    1. There’s a big difference between first and second class

    2. Is there any possibility of booking a room for tonight?

    3. Have you made an appointment with the doctor?

    4. They’ve made a decision about the dates of their trip.

    5. Environmentalists are concerned about the balance of nature
    in Antarctica.

    6. I’d like some information about the train to London.

    7. My sister and I have a rather stormy relationship

    8. When we arrived, the hotel was in complete darkness

    Complete the following sentences by adding a noun suffix to the
    words in brackets.

    Amazing hotels If you are looking for excitement (excite) on
    your next holiday, try staying at an unusual hotel. One possibility
    (possible) is the Mammut Hotel in Kemi, Finland, built entirely of
    snow and ice. If you prefer warmth, try the Ariau Towers in the
    Brazilian rainforest. The hotel’s construction (construct) follows
    the local way of building — all rooms are high in the treetops. The
    Malmaison Hotel in Oxford, England, was once a prison. Most rooms
    are in converted cells — the thickness (thick) of their steel doors
    makes quite an impression (impress)! Wherever you travel, if you
    seek the different and the unique, you’ll find it.

    Complete the sentences by adding a suitable noun suffix to the
    words in brackets. Make any necessary changes. 1. Your frienship is
    important to me. (friend)

    2. There’s a possibility it may rain. (possible)

    3. He made a good impression (impress)

    4. There is sadness in the man’s eyes. (sad)

    5. Have you reached an agreement yet? (agree)

    6. Don’t worry about your appearance (appear)

    7. He is an excellent guitarrist (guitar) Complete the passage
    by adding a suitable noun or adjective suffix to the words in
    brackets. Enjoying Time in Airports

    In recent years, airports have become very stressful (stress)
    places where passengers face long queues, delays and lost luggage.
    In addition, there now seems to be little difference (differ)
    between the terminal of a typical (type) airport and a crowded,
    noisy shopping centre. But airports in some cities — inc1uding
    Paris, Amsterdam and San Francisco — offer travellers a quieter
    alternative: art museums. Some feature work by contemporary local
    artists (art), while others make arrangements (arrange) with major
    museums that allow them to borrow important works of art for
    special exhibitions (exhibit). Information (inform) about airport
    museums is available online — so why not look it up before your
    next flight?

    Pay attention to the underlined words and choose a logical
    ending for each sentence.

    1. On an overnight trip, you stay for …. a. several nights b.
    one night

    2. If you buy a return ticket, …. a. you don’t plan to come
    back b. you plan to come back

    3. If your train is delayed, it will leave …. a. late b. on

    4. Your departure time is the time you …. a. leave b.

    5. If you go abroad, you …. a. go to another country b. tour
    in your own country

    6. If you need accommodation, you want ….

  • 3

    a. a way to travel b. a place to stay

    7. A passenger is a person …. a. travelling on a bus, plane,
    train or ship b. sleeping at a hotel or a youth hostel

  • 4

    The dialogue below takes place at an airport. Complete it with
    the words below. queue youth hostel flight airline luggage

    A: «Can I help you, miss?» B: I hope so! My hasn’t luggage
    arrived. I’ve also been waiting in this queue for half an hour! A:
    I’m sorry, Miss. What was your flight number? B: It was flight 938,
    from Brussels. A: They must have left your bag there. Where will
    you be staying? B: At the youth hostel in town. A: Alright. We’ll
    deliver it as soon as it arrives.

    B: And what am I supposed to do in the meantime? I think your
    airline owes me an pology! Match the verbs in I to a word or phrase
    in II to form expressions 1. stay b. at a hotel / at a youth

    2. go a. on holiday

    3. hire d. a car

    4. go e. sightseeing

    5. book c. a ticket / a room Use the expressions in the previous
    exercise to complete the sentences below. 1. I don’t want to take
    buses. Let’s hire a car

    2. Young people who haven’t got the money for hotels often stay
    at a youth hostel

    3. Where are you planning to go on holiday this summer?

    4. I’d love to go sightseeing today. What is there to see around

    5. Hello, I’d like to book a room for the night of 20th July.
    Complete the passage with the words and phrases below.

    luggage accommodation airlines departure time flight passengers
    delayed overnight

    Sleeping in an airport isn’t the most conformable form of
    accommodation , but it’s becoming more common. If your departure
    time is 4 am, it’s hardly worth the money to book a hotel for the
    night. And what if you get to the airport only to find that your
    flight has been delayed ? In the past, airlines provided free
    hotels for passengers when this happened, but nowadays this is
    rare. However, sleeping at an airport doesn’t have to be torture.
    The Mini Motel, created by business traveller Frank Giotto after an
    overnight stay at a German airport, weighs only two kilos and is
    small enough to fit into your luggage It’s a one-person tent
    complete with air mattress, pillow, reading light and alarm

    Choose the sentence that best follows the original. Many budget
    airlines charge an extra fee for luggage.

    a. For this reason, some people take their own food on

    b. That’s why some people travel with small bags only. 2. The
    two passengers were badly injured in the accident.

    a. Both of them had been driving too fast.

    b. They were both in the back seat of the car.

    3. I wasn’t aware of the problem.

    a. I’m glad you told me.

    b. I didn’t think it was so serious.

    4. I was delayed by traffic yesterday.

    a. I hadn’t expected the roads to be so empty.

    b. I missed the beginning of the ceremony.

    5. Keep in mind that Pierre isn’t fluent in English.

  • 5

    a. He may have misunderstood what you said. b. It is not
    something you need to think about. 6. The departure time is

    a. However, we must be at the station early to buy tickets.

    b. l.et’s be on time to meet Lena when she gets off the

    Complete the dialogue with the words and phrases below.

    go sightseeing flights airline book a room return ticket

    accommodation youth hostel go abroad holiday Susan: How about
    going to Greece for our summer holiday? There are flights to Athens
    now for only f79! Michelle: That’s such a low price. It must be
    only for one way. Susan: No, it’s definitely a return ticket
    Michelle: Which airline is offering that? Susan: It’s called Wings.
    Let’s go online and book seats! Michelle: Great! I’ve always wanted
    to go on holiday to Greece! Where do you think we should stay?
    Susan: I’m sure we can get cheap accommodation _ maybe we can stay
    at a youth hostel rather than at a

    fancy hotel Michelle: Great idea. Let’s try to book a room
    online. Susan: Do you think we will need a car? Michelle: No. We
    won’t need one. We’ll be able to go sightseeing on foot or by bus.
    Susan: You’re right. OK. Let’s do it. Let’s make arrangements to go
    abroad this summer!



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studying this unit you will be able to:

  • identify
    factors of production

  • define

  • find
    out about production and operations management

  • discuss
    the issues to be solved when organising a manufacturing process

  • discuss
    site selection as related to the production facility

  • explain
    modern business philosophies


Factors of production

you read

Vocabulary tasks

  1. Word building: complete the
    following table with appropriate derivatives.





















There are some collocations with the word ‘production’. Think of
other word
combinations with this word. Use dictionaries
to help yourself.


of goods

start production


of machines

launch production




Choose the Russian equivalents
for the English terms and word expressions
in the
left-hand column.

mass production

полная и неполная (частичная) занятость

factors of production

хорошо обученная рабочая сила

full- and part-time work

массовое (поточное, серийное) производство

private and public sectors


well-trained labour force

искусственные, созданные руками
человека ресурсы

natural resources

факторы производства

raw materials

средства обслуживания, удобства,
услуги; оборудование,
средства, приспособления

man-made resources

коммунальные сооружения или предприятия,
коммунальные услуги


частный и государственный секторы


естественные (природные) ресурсы

Match up the words on the left
with their
definitions on the right.


the application of practical sciences to industry or commerce

mass production

the basic physical and organisational structures and facilities
(e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation
of a society or enterprise considered as a decisive factor
influencing economic growth


any resource used in the production of goods or services


the use of resources to make goods or services which have value


making large numbers of basically identical things


assuming the risk of starting one’s own business

factor of production

) anything that can contribute to economic activity


  1. Is
    production vital for the life of modern societies? Why? Give your

  2. Which
    important elements of the infrastructure of a modern industrialised
    country can you name?

Skim the text and name different
categories of factors of production. Then read the text once more and
do the tasks given in the comprehension section below the text.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

Популярное на сайте:

Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 



Размещено 4 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от CMPunk

  1. Ответ на вопрос

    Ответ на вопрос дан

    waste    to waste

    protection    to protect

    destraction    to destroy

    pollution    to pollute

    damage    to damage

    damage    damaging

    environment    environmental

    harm    harmfull

    danger    dangerous

    safety    safe

Не тот ответ на вопрос, который вам нужен?

Найди верный ответ

Самые новые вопросы


Математика — 2 года назад

Сколько здесь прямоугольников


История — 3 года назад

Какое управление было в древнейшем риме? как звали первого и последнего из царей рима?


Литература — 3 года назад

Уроки французского ответе на вопрос : расскажите о герое по следующему примерному плану: 1.почему мальчик оказался в райцентре ? 2.как он чувствовал себя на новом месте? 3.почему он не убежал в деревню? 4.какие отношения сложились у него с товарищами? 5.почему он ввязался в игру за деньги? 6.как характеризуют его отношения с учительницей ? ответе на эти вопросы пожалуйста ! сочините сочинение пожалуйста


Русский язык — 3 года назад

Помогите решить тест по русскому языку тест по русскому языку «местоимение. разряды местоимений» для 6 класса
1. укажите личное местоимение:
1) некто
2) вас
3) ни с кем
4) собой
2. укажите относительное местоимение:
1) кто-либо
2) некоторый
3) кто
4) нам
3. укажите вопросительное местоимение:
1) кем-нибудь
2) кем
3) себе
4) никакой
4. укажите определительное местоимение:
1) наш
2) который
3) некий
4) каждый
5. укажите возвратное местоимение:
1) свой
2) чей
3) сам
4) себя
6. найдите указательное местоимение:
1) твой
2) какой
3) тот
4) их
7. найдите притяжательное местоимение:
1) самый
2) моего
3) иной
4) ничей
8. укажите неопределённое местоимение:
1) весь
2) какой-нибудь
3) любой
4) этот
9. укажите вопросительное местоимение:
1) сколько
2) кое-что
3) она
4) нами
10. в каком варианте ответа выделенное слово является притяжательным местоимением?
1) увидел их
2) её нет дома
3) её тетрадь
4) их не спросили


Русский язык — 3 года назад

Переделай союзное предложение в предложение с бессоюзной связью.
1. океан с гулом ходил за стеной чёрными горами, и вьюга крепко свистала в отяжелевших снастях, а пароход весь дрожал.
2. множество темноватых тучек, с неясно обрисованными краями, расползались по бледно-голубому небу, а довольно крепкий ветер мчался сухой непрерывной струёй, не разгоняя зноя
3. поезд ушёл быстро, и его огни скоро исчезли, а через минуту уже не было слышно шума


Русский язык — 3 года назад

помогите прошу!перепиши предложения, расставляя недостающие знаки препинания. объясни, что соединяет союз и. если в предложении один союз и, то во втором выпадающем списке отметь «прочерк».пример:«я шёл пешком и,/поражённый прелестью природы/, часто останавливался».союз и соединяет однородные члены.ночь уже ложилась на горы (1) и туман сырой (2) и холодный начал бродить по ущельям.союз и соединяет:1) части сложного предложенияоднородные члены,2) однородные членычасти сложного предложения—.поэт — трубач зовущий войско в битву (1) и прежде всех идущий в битву сам (ю. янонис).союз и соединяет:1) части сложного предложенияоднородные члены,2) ​

Аккаунт удален

Физика — 3 года назад

Вокруг прямого проводника с током (смотри рисунок) существует магнитное поле. определи направление линий этого магнитного поля в точках a и b.обрати внимание, что точки a и b находятся с разных сторон от проводника (точка a — снизу, а точка b — сверху). рисунок ниже выбери и отметь правильный ответ среди предложенных.1. в точке a — «от нас», в точке b — «к нам» 2. в точке a — «к нам», в точке b — «от нас» 3. в обеих точках «от нас»4. в обеих точках «к нам»контрольная работа по физике.прошу,не наугад важно


Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.

Что ты хочешь узнать?

Задай вопрос

Все науки




Русский яз.


Английский яз.






Окружающий мир


Українська мова


Українська література

Қазақ тiлi




Беларуская мова

Французский яз.

Немецкий яз.




Оʻzbek tili

Кыргыз тили


Физкультура и спорт

Другие предметы

  • Сайт
  • Главная страница
  • Задать свой вопрос
  • Кабинет
  • Вход в личный кабинет
  • Регистрация на сайте


У меня нет аккаунта на сайте, я хочу






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