Word building affix is

is one of the main ways of enriching vocabulary. There are four main
ways of word-building in modern English: affixation, composition,
conversion, abbreviation. There are also secondary ways of
word-building: sound interchange, stress interchange, sound
imitation, blends, back formation.


is one of the most productive ways of word-building throughout the
history of English. It consists in adding an affix to the stem of a
definite part of speech. Affixation is divided into suffixation and


main function of suffixes in Modern English is to form one part of
speech from another, the secondary function is to change the lexical
meaning of the same part of speech. ( e.g. «educate» is a verb,
«educatee» is a noun, and « music» is a noun, «musicdom» is
also a noun) .

are different classifications of suffixes :

Part-of-speech classification. Suffixes which can form different
parts of speech are given here :

noun-forming suffixes, such as : -er (criticizer), -dom
(officialdom), -ism (ageism),

adjective-forming suffixes, such as : -able (breathable), less
(symptomless), -ous (prestigious),

verb-forming suffixes, such as -ize (computerize) , -ify (micrify),

adverb-forming suffixes , such as : -ly (singly), -ward (tableward),

numeral-forming suffixes, such as -teen (sixteen), -ty (seventy).

Semantic classification . Suffixes changing the lexical meaning of
the stem can be subdivided into groups, e.g. noun-forming suffixes
can denote:

the agent of the action, e.g. -er (experimenter), -ist (taxist), -ent

nationality, e.g. -ian (Russian), -ese (Japanese), -ish (English),

collectivity, e.g. -dom (moviedom), -ry (peasantry, -ship
(readership), -ati ( literati),

diminutiveness, e.g. -ie (horsie), -let (booklet), -ling (gooseling),
-ette (kitchenette),

quality, e.g. -ness (copelessness), -ity (answerability).

Lexico-grammatical character of the stem. Suffixes which can be added
to certain groups of stems are subdivided into:

suffixes added to verbal stems, such as : -er (commuter), -ing
(suffering), — able (flyable), -ment (involvement), -ation

suffixes added to noun stems, such as : -less (smogless), ful
(roomful), -ism (adventurism), -ster (pollster), -nik (filmnik), -ish

suffixes added to adjective stems, such as : -en (weaken), -ly
(pinkly), -ish (longish), -ness (clannishness).

Origin of suffixes. Here we can point out the following groups:

native (Germanic), such as -er,-ful, -less, -ly.

Romanic, such as : -tion, -ment, -able, -eer.

Greek, such as : -ist, -ism, -ize.

Russian, such as -nik.

Productivity. Here we can point out the following groups:

productive, such as : -er, -ize, —ly, -ness.

semi-productive, such as : -eer, -ette, -ward.

non-productive , such as : -ard (drunkard), -th (length).

can be polysemantic, such as : -er can form nouns with the following
meanings : agent,doer of the action expressed by the stem (speaker),
profession, occupation (teacher), a device, a tool (transmitter).
While speaking about suffixes we should also mention compound
suffixes which are added to the stem at the same time, such as -ably,
-ibly, (terribly, reasonably), -ation (adaptation from adapt).

are also disputable cases whether we have a suffix or a root morpheme
in the structure of a word, in such cases we call such morphemes
semi-suffixes, and words with such suffixes can be classified either
as derived words or as compound words, e.g. -gate (Irangate), -burger
(cheeseburger), -aholic (workaholic) etc.

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Lecture 3.
Word-building: affixation, conversion, composition, abbreviation.
Sound interchange
Sound imitation
10. Distinctive stress
11. Back-formation
Word-formation is a branch of Lexicology which studies the process of building new
words, derivative structures and patterns of existing words. Two principle types of wordformation are distinguished: word-derivation and word-composition. It is evident that wordformation proper can deal only with words which can be analyzed both structurally and
semantically. Simple words are closely connected with word-formation because they serve as the
foundation of derived and compound words. Therefore, words like writer, displease, sugar free,
etc. make the subject matter of study in word-formation, but words like to write, to please, atom,
free are irrelevant to it.
1. Word-derivation.
Speaking about word-derivation we deal with the derivational structure of words which
basic elementary units are derivational bases, derivational affixes and derivational patterns.
A derivational base is the part of the word which establishes connection with the lexical
unit that motivates the derivative and determines its individual lexical meaning describing the
difference between words in one and the same derivative set. For example, the individual lexical
meaning of the words singer, writer, teacher which denote active doers of the action is signaled by
the lexical meaning of the derivational bases: sing-, write-, teach-.
Structurally derivational bases fall into 3 classes:
1. Bases that coincide with morphological stems of different degrees оf complexity, i.e.,
with words functioning independently in modern English e.g., dutiful, day-dreamer. Bases are
functionally and semantically distinct from morphological stems. Functionally the morphological
stem is a part of the word which is the starting point for its forms: heart – hearts; it is the part
which presents the entire grammatical paradigm. The stem remains unchanged throughout all
word-forms; it keeps them together preserving the identity of the word. A derivational base is the
starting point for different words (heart – heartless – hearty) and its derivational potential
outlines the type and scope of existing words and new creations. Semantically the stem stands for
the whole semantic structure of the word; it represents all its lexical meanings. A base represents,
as a rule, only one meaning of the source word.
2. Bases that coincide with word-forms, e.g., unsmiling, unknown. The base is usually
represented by verbal forms: the present and the past participles.
3. Bases that coincide with word-groups of different degrees of stability, e.g., blue-eyed,
empty-handed. Bases of this class allow a rather limited range of collocability, they are most
active with derivational affixes in the class of adjectives and nouns (long-fingered, blue-eyed).
Derivational affixes are Immediate Constituents of derived words in all parts of speech.
Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding derivational affixes to
different types of bases. Affixation is subdivided into suffixation and prefixation. In Modern
English suffixation is mostly characteristic of nouns and adjectives coining, while prefixation is
mostly typical of verb formation.
A derivational pattern is a regular meaningful arrangement, a structure that imposes
rigid rules on the order and the nature of the derivational base and affixes that may be brought
together to make up a word. Derivational patterns are studied with the help of distributional
analysis at different levels. Patterns are usually represented in a generalized way in terms of
conventional symbols: small letters v, n, a, d which stand for the bases coinciding with the stems
of the respective parts of speech: verbs, etc. Derivational patterns may represent derivative
structure at different levels of generalization:
- at the level of structural types. The patterns of this type are known as structural
formulas, all words may be classified into 4 classes: suffixal derivatives (friendship) n + -sf →
N, prefixal derivatives (rewrite), conversions (a cut, to parrot) v → N, compound words (musiclover).
- at the level of structural patterns. Structural patterns specify the base classes and
individual affixes thus indicating the lexical-grammatical and lexical classes of derivatives
within certain structural classes of words. The suffixes refer derivatives to specific parts of
speech and lexical subsets. V + -er = N (a semantic set of active agents, denoting both animate
and inanimate objects - reader, singer); n + -er = N (agents denoting residents or occupations Londoner, gardener). We distinguish a structural semantic derivationa1 pattern.
- at the level of structural-semantic patterns. Derivational patterns may specify semantic
features of bases and individual meaning of affixes: N + -y = A (nominal bases denoting living
beings are collocated with the suffix meaning "resemblance" - birdy, catty; but nominal bases
denoting material, parts of the body attract another meaning "considerable amount" - grassy,
The basic ways of forming new words in word-derivation are affixation and conversion.
Affixation is the formation of a new word with the help of affixes (heartless, overdo).
Conversion is the formation of a new word by bringing a stem of this word into a different
paradigm (a fall from to fall).
2. Affixation
Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding derivational affixes
to different types of bases. Affixation includes suffixation and prefixation. Distinction between
suffixal and prefixal derivates is made according to the last stage of derivation, for example,
from the point of view of derivational analysis the word unreasonable – un + (reason- + -able) is
qualified as a prefixal derivate, while the word discouragement – (dis- + -courage) + -ment is
defined as a suffixal derivative.
Suffixation is the formation of words with the help of suffixes. Suffixes usually modify
the lexical meaning of the base and transfer words to a different part of speech.
Suffixes can be classified into different types in accordance with different principles.
According to the lexico-grammatical character suffixes may be: deverbal suffixes, e.d.,
those added to the verbal base (agreement); denominal (endless); deadjectival (widen,
According to the part of speech formed suffixes fall into several groups: noun-forming
suffixes (assistance), adjective-forming suffixes (unbearable), numeral-forming suffixes
(fourteen), verb-forming suffixes (facilitate), adverb-forming suffixes (quickly, likewise).
Semantically suffixes may be monosemantic, e.g. the suffix –ess has only one meaning
“female” – goddess, heiress; polysemantic, e.g. the suffix –hood has two meanings “condition or
quality” falsehood and “collection or group” brotherhood.
According to their generalizing denotational meaning suffixes may fall into several
groups: the agent of the action (baker, assistant); collectivity (peasantry); appurtenance
(Victorian, Chinese); diminutiveness (booklet).
Prefixation is the formation of words with the help of prefixes. Two types of prefixes can
be distinguished: 1) those not correlated with any independent word (un-, post-, dis-); 2) those
correlated with functional words (prepositions or preposition-like adverbs: out-, up-, under-).
Diachronically distinction is made between prefixes of native and foreign origin.
Prefixes can be classified according to different principles.
According to the lexico-grammatical character of the base prefixes are usually added to,
they may be: deverbal prefixes, e.d., those added to the verbal base (overdo); denominal
(unbutton); deadjectival (biannual).
According to the part of speech formed prefixes fall into several groups: noun-forming
prefixes (ex-husband), adjective-forming prefixes (unfair), verb-forming prefixes (dethrone),
adverb-forming prefixes (uphill).
Semantically prefixes may be monosemantic, e.g. the prefix –ex has only one meaning
“former” – ex-boxer; polysemantic, e.g. the prefix –dis has four meanings “not” disadvantage
and “removal of” to disbrunch.
According to their generalizing denotational meaning prefixes may fall into several
groups: negative prefixes – un, non, dis, a, in (ungrateful, nonpolitical, disloyal, amoral,
incorrect); reversative prefixes - un, de, dis (untie, decentralize, disconnect); pejorative prefixes
– mis, mal, pseudo (mispronounce, maltreat, pseudo-scientific); prefix of repetition (redo),
locative prefixes – super, sub, inter, trans (superstructure, subway, intercontinental,
3. Conversion
Conversion is a process which allows us to create additional lexical terms out of those
that already exist, e.g., to saw, to spy, to snoop, to flirt. This process is not limited to one syllable
words, e.g., to bottle, to butter, nor is the process limited to the creation of verbs from nouns, e.g.,
to up the prices. Converted words are extremely colloquial: "I'll microwave the chicken", "Let's
flee our dog", "We will of course quiche and perrier you".
Conversion came into being in the early Middle English period as a result of the leveling
and further loss of endings.
In Modern English conversion is a highly-productive type of word-building. Conversion
is a specifically English type of word formation which is determined by its analytical character,
by its scarcity of inflections and abundance of mono-and-de-syllabic words in different parts of
speech. Conversion is coining new words in a different part of speech and with a different
distribution but without adding any derivative elements, so that the original and the converted
words are homonyms.
Structural Characteristics of Conversion: Mostly monosyllabic words are converted,
e.g., to horn, to box, to eye. In Modern English there is a marked tendency to convert
polysyllabic words of a complex morphological structure, e.g., to e-mail, to X-ray. Most converted
words are verbs which may be formed from different parts of speech from nouns, adjectives,
adverbs, interjections.
Nouns from verbs - a try, a go, a find, a loss
From adjectives - a daily, a periodical
From adverbs - up and down
From conjunctions - but me no buts
From interjection - to encore
Semantic Associations / Relations of Conversion:
The noun is the name of a tool or implement, the verb denotes an action performed by the
tool, e.g., to nail, to pin, to comb, to brush, to pencil;
The noun is the name of an animal, the verb denotes an action or aspect of behavior
considered typical of this animal, e.g., to monkey, to rat, to dog, to fox;
When the noun is the name of a part of a human body, the verb denotes an action
performed by it, e.g., to hand, to nose, to eye;
When the noun is the name of a profession or occupation, the verb denotes the activity
typical of it, e.g., to cook, to maid, to nurse;
When the noun is the name of a place, the verb will denote the process of occupying the
place or by putting something into it, e.g., to room, to house, to cage;
When the word is the name of a container, the verb will denote the act of putting
something within the container, e.g., to can, to pocket, to bottle;
When the word is the name of a meal, the verb means the process of taking it, e.g., to
lunch, to supper, to dine, to wine;
If an adjective is converted into a verb, the verb may have a generalized meaning "to be
in a state", e.g., to yellow;
When nouns are converted from verbs, they denote an act or a process, or the result, e.g.,
a try, a go, a find, a catch.
4. Word-composition
Compound words are words consisting of at least two stems which occur in the language
as free forms.
Most compounds in English have the primary stress on the first syllable. For example,
income tax has the primary stress on the in of income, not on the tax.
Compounds have a rather simple, regular set of properties. First, they are binary in
structure. They always consist of two or more constituent lexemes. A compound which has three
or more constituents must have them in pairs, e.g., washingmachine manufacturer consists of
washingmachine and manufacturer, while washingmachine in turn consists of washing and
machine. Compound words also usually have a head constituent. By a head constituent we mean
one which determines the syntactic properties of the whole lexeme, e.g., the compound lexeme
longboat consists of an adjective, long and a noun, boat. The compound lexeme longboat is a
noun, and it is а noun because boat is a noun, that is, boat is the head constituent of longboat.
Compound words can belong to all the major syntactic categories:
• Nouns: signpost, sunlight, bluebird, redwood, swearword, outhouse;
• Verbs: window shop, stargaze, outlive, undertake;
• Adjectives: ice-cold, hell-bent, undersized;
• Prepositions: into, onto, upon.
From the morphological point of view compound words are classified according to the
structure of immediate constituents:
• Compounds consisting of simple stems - heartache, blackbird;
• Compounds where at least one of the constituents is a derived stem -chainsmoker,
maid-servant, mill-owner, shop-assistant;
• Compounds where one of the constituents is a clipped stem - V-day, A-bomb, Xmas,
• Compounds where one of the constituents is a compound stem - wastes paper basket,
postmaster general.
Compounds are the commonest among nouns and adjectives. Compound verbs are few in
number, as they are mostly the result of conversion, e.g., to blackmail, to honeymoon, to
nickname, to safeguard, to whitewash. The 20th century created some more converted verbs, e.g.,
to weekend, to streamline,, to spotlight. Such converted compounds are particularly common in
colloquial speech of American English. Converted verbs can be also the result of backformation.
Among the earliest coinages are to backbite, to browbeat, to illtreat, to housekeep. The 20th
century gave more examples to hitch-hike, to proof-read, to mass-produce, to vacuumclean.
One more structural characteristic of compound words is classification of compounds
according to the type of composition. According to this principle two groups can be singled out:
words which are formed by a mere juxtaposition without any connecting elements,
e.g., classroom, schoolboy, heartbreak, sunshine;
composition with a vowel or a consonant placed between the two stems. e.g.,
salesman, handicraft.
Semantically compounds may be idiomatic and non-idiomatic. Compound words may be
motivated morphologically and in this case they are non-idiomatic. Sunshine - the meaning here
is a mere meaning of the elements of a compound word (the meaning of each component is
retained). When the compound word is not motivated morphologically, it is idiomatic. In
idiomatic compounds the meaning of each component is either lost or weakened. Idiomatic
compounds have a transferred meaning. Chatterbox - is not a box, it is a person who talks a great
deal without saying anything important; the combination is used only figuratively. The same
metaphorical character is observed in the compound slowcoach - a person who acts and thinks
The components of compounds may have different semantic relations. From this point of
view we can roughly classify compounds into endocentric and exocentric. In endocentric
compounds the semantic centre is found within the compound and the first element determines
the other as in the words filmstar, bedroom, writing-table. Here the semantic centres are star,
room, table. These stems serve as a generic name of the object and the determinants film, bed,
writing give some specific, additional information about the objects. In exocentric compound
there is no semantic centre. It is placed outside the word and can be found only in the course of
lexical transformation, e.g., pickpocket - a person who picks pockets of other people, scarecrow an object made to look like a person that a farmer puts in a field to frighten birds.
The Criteria of Compounds
As English compounds consist of free forms, it's difficult to distinguish them from
phrases, because there are no reliable criteria for that. There exist three approaches to distinguish
compounds from corresponding phrases:
Formal unity implies the unity of spelling
solid spelling, e.g., headmaster;
with a hyphen, e.g., head-master;
with a break between two components, e.g., head master.
Different dictionaries and different authors give different spelling variants.
Phonic principal of stress
Many compounds in English have only one primary stress. All compound nouns are
stressed according to this pattern, e.g., ice-cream, ice cream. The rule doesn't hold with
adjectives. Compound adjectives are double-stressed, e.g., easy-going, new-born, sky-blue.
Stress cannot help to distinguish compounds from phrases because word stress may depend on
phrasal stress or upon the syntactic function of a compound.
Semantic unity
Semantic unity means that a compound word expresses one separate notion and phrases
express more than one notion. Notions in their turn can't be measured. That's why it is hard to
say whether one or more notions are expressed. The problem of distinguishing between
compound words and phrases is still open to discussion.
According to the type of bases that form compounds they can be of :
compounds proper – they are formed by joining together bases built on the stems
or on the ford-forms with or without linking element, e.g., door-step;
derivational compounds – by joining affixes to the bases built on the word-groups
or by converting the bases built on the word-groups into the other parts of speech, e.g., longlegged → (long legs) + -ed, a turnkey → (to turn key) + conversion. More examples: do-gooder,
week-ender, first-nighter, house-keeping, baby-sitting, blue-eyed blond-haired, four-storied. The
suffixes refer to both of the stems combined, but not to the final stem only. Such stems as nighter,
gooder, eyed do not exist.
Compound Neologisms
In the last two decades the role of composition in the word-building system of English has
increased. In the 60th and 70th composition was not so productive as affixation. In the 80th
composition exceeded affixation and comprised 29.5 % of the total number of neologisms in
English vocabulary. Among compound neologisms the two-component units prevail. The main
patterns of coining the two-component neologisms are Noun stem + Noun stem = Noun;
Adjective stem + Noun stem = Noun.
There appeared a tendency to coin compound nouns where:
 The first component is a proper noun, e.g., Kirlian photograph - biological field of
 The first component is a geographical place, e.g., Afro-rock.
 The two components are joined with the help of the linking vowel –o- e.g.,
bacteriophobia, suggestopedia.
 The number of derivational compounds increases. The main productive suffix to coin
such compound is the suffix -er - e.g., baby-boomer, all nighter.
 Many compound words are formed according to the pattern Participle 2 + Adv =
Adjective, e.g., laid-back, spaced-out, switched-off, tapped-out.
 The examples of verbs formed with the help of a post-positive -in -work-in, die-in,
sleep-in, write-in.
Many compounds formed by the word-building pattern Verb + postpositive are numerous
in colloquial speech or slang, e.g., bliss out, fall about/horse around, pig-out.
ATTENTION: Apart from the principle types there are some minor types of modern wordformation, i.d., shortening, blending, acronymy, sound interchange, sound imitation, distinctive
stress, back-formation, and reduplicaton.
5. Shortening
Shortening is the formation of a word by cutting off a part of the word. They can be
coined in two different ways. The first is to cut off the initial/ middle/ final part:
 Aphaeresis – initial part of the word is clipped, e.g., history-story, telephone-phone;
 Syncope – the middle part of the word is clipped, e.g., madam- ma 'am; specs
 Apocope – the final part of the word is clipped, e.g., professor-prof, editored, vampirevamp;
 Both initial and final, e.g., influenza-flu, detective-tec.
Polysemantic words are usually clipped in one meaning only, e.g., doc and doctor have
the meaning "one who practices medicine", but doctor is also "the highest degree given by a
university to a scholar or scientist".
Among shortenings there are homonyms, so that one and the same sound and graphical
complex may represent different words, e.g., vac - vacation/vacuum, prep —
preparation/preparatory school, vet — veterinary surgeon/veteran.
6. Blending
Blending is a particular type of shortening which combines the features of both clipping
and composition, e.g., motel (motor + hotel), brunch (breakfast + lunch), smog (smoke + fog),
telethon (television + marathon), modem , (modulator + demodulator), Spanglish (Spanish +
English). There are several structural types of blends:
Initial part of the word + final part of the word, e.g., electrocute (electricity +
initial part of the word + initial part of the word, e.g., lib-lab (liberal+labour);
Initial part of the word + full word, e.g., paratroops (parachute+troops);
Full word + final part of the word, e.g., slimnastics (slim+gymnastics).
7. Acronymy
Acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of parts of a word or phrase,
commonly the names of institutions and organizations. No full stops are placed between the
letters. All acronyms are divided into two groups. The first group is composed of the acronyms
which are often pronounced as series of letters: EEC (European Economic Community), ID
(identity or identification card), UN (United Nations), VCR (videocassette recorder), FBI
(Federal Bureau of Investigation), LA (Los Angeles), TV (television), PC (personal computer),
GP (General Practitioner), ТВ (tuberculosis). The second group of acronyms is composed by the
words which are pronounced according to the rules of reading in English: UNESCO (United
Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization), AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome), ASH (Action on Smoking and Health). Some of these pronounceable words are
written without capital letters and therefore are no longer recognized as acronyms: laser (light
amplification by stimulated emissions of radiation), radar (radio detection and ranging).
Some abbreviations have become so common and normal as words that people do not think
of them as abbreviations any longer. They are not written in capital letters, e.g., radar (radio
detection and ranging), laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) yuppie,
gruppie, sinbads, dinkies.
Some abbreviations are only written forms but they are pronounced as full words, e.g.,
Mr, Mrs, Dr. Some abbreviations are from Latin. They are used as part of the language etc. - et
cetera, e.g., (for example) — exampli gratia, that is - id est.
Acromymy is widely used in the press, for the names of institutions, organizations,
movements, countries. It is common to colloquial speech, too. Some acronyms turned into
regular words, e.g., jeep -came from the expression general purpose car.
There are a lot of homonyms among acronyms:
MP - Member of Parliament/Military Police/Municipal Police
PC - Personal Computer/Politically correct
8. Sound-interchange
Sound-interchange is the formation of a new word due to an alteration in the phonemic
composition of its root. Sound-interchange falls into two groups: 1) vowel-interchange, e.g., food
– feed; in some cases vowel-interchange is combined with suffixation, e.g., strong – strength; 2)
consonant-interchange e.g., advice – to advise. Consonant-interchange and vowel-interchange
may be combined together, e.g., life – to live.
This type of word-formation is greatly facilitated in Modern English by the vast number
of monosyllabic words. Most words made by reduplication represent informal groups:
colloquialisms and slang, hurdy-gurdy, walkie-talkie, riff-raff, chi-chi girl. In reduplication new
words are coined by doubling a stem, either without any phonetic changes as in bye-bye or with a
variation of the root-vowel or consonant as in ping-pong, chit-chat.
9. Sound imitation or (onomatopoeia)
It is the naming of an action or a thing by more or less exact reproduction of the sound
associated with it, cf.: cock-a-do-doodle-do – ку-ка-ре-ку.
Semantically, according to the source sound, many onomatopoeic words fall into the
following definitive groups: 1) words denoting sounds produced by human beings in the process of
communication or expressing their feelings, e.g., chatter; 2) words denoting sounds produced by
animals, birds, insects, e.g., moo, buzz; 3) words imitating the sounds of water, the noise of metallic
things, movements, e.g., splash, whip, swing.
10. Distinctive stress
Distinctive stress is the formation of a word by means of the shift of the stress in the
source word, e.g., increase – increase.
11. Back-formation
Backformation is coining new words by subtracting a real or supposed suffix, as a result
of misinterpretation of the structure of the existing word. This type of word-formation is not
highly productive in Modern English and it is built on the analogy, e.g., beggar-to beg, cobbler to cobble, blood transfusion — to blood transfuse, babysitter - to baby-sit.

Для знания иностранного языка богатство словарного запаса ничуть не менее важно, чем понимание грамматики. Чем большим количеством слов владеет человек, тем свободнее он себя чувствует в иноязычной среде.

Многообразие лексики во многом определяется богатством словообразования в английском языке. Построение новых слов основано на общих принципах. И тот, кто знает эти принципы, чувствует себя среди незнакомой лексики гораздо увереннее.

Структура слова и ее изменение

Новые слова усваиваются постепенно. Чаще всего, сначала мы только понимаем их в текстах или чужой речи, а уже потом начинаем активно использовать в своей. Поэтому освоение новой лексики – процесс длительный и требует от ученика терпения, активной практики чтения, слушания и работы со словарем.

Один из методов быстро расширить свой словарный запас – освоить способы словообразования в английском языке. Поняв принципы, по которым строятся слова, можно из уже известного слова вывести значения его однокоренных слов.

Строительный материал для каждого слова – это корень, приставки и суффиксы. Корень – это та часть слова, которая несет основной смысл. Слово без корня не может существовать. Тогда как приставки и суффиксы – необязательная часть, однако прибавляясь к корню, именно они помогают образовать новые слова. Поэтому, описывая словообразование в английском, мы будем разделять приставочные и суффиксальные способы.

Все приставки и суффиксы обладают собственным значением. Обычно оно довольно размыто и служит для изменения основного значения слова. Когда к корню добавляется приставка или суффикс (или же оба элемента), то их значение прибавляется к значению корня. Так получается новое слово.

Образование новых слов может приводить не только к изменению значения, но и менять части речи. В этой функции чаще выступают суффиксы. Прибавляясь к корню, они переводят слово из одной части речи в другую, например, делают прилагательное из глагола или глагол из существительного.

Так, от одного корня может образоваться целая группа, все элементы которой связаны между собой. Поэтому словообразование помогает изучающим английский видеть смысловые отношения между словами и лучше ориентироваться в многообразии лексики.

Получить новое слово можно не только за счет приставок и суффиксов. Еще один способ – это словосложение, при котором в одно слово объединяются два корня, образуя новый смысл. Кроме того, к словообразованию относится сокращение слов и создание аббревиатур.

Приставки как способ словообразования в английском

Приставка (также употребляется термин «префикс») – элемент слова, который ставится перед корнем. Приставочное словообразование английский язык редко использует для смены частей речи (в качестве исключения можно назвать префикс «en-» / «em-» для образования глаголов). Зато приставки активно используются для изменения значения слова. Сами префиксы могут иметь различные значения, но среди них выделяется большая группа приставок со схожей функцией: менять смысл слова на противоположный.

1. Приставки с отрицательным значением:

  • un-: unpredictable (непредсказуемый), unable (неспособный)
  • dis-: disapproval (неодобрение), disconnection (отделение от)
  • im-, in-, il -,ir-: inactive (неактивный), impossible (невозможный), irregular (нерегулярный), illogical (нелогичный). То, какая из этих приставок будет присоединяться к слову, зависит от следующего за ней звука. «Im-» ставится только перед согласными «b», «p», «m» (impatient — нетерпеливый). «Il-» возможно только перед буквой «l» (illegal — незаконный), «ir-» – только перед «r» (irresponsible — безответственный). Во всех остальных случаях употребляется приставка «in-» (inconvenient – неудобный, стесняющий).
  • mis-: misfortune (несчастье, беда). Приставка «mis-» может использоваться не только для образования прямых антонимов, но и иметь более общее значение отрицательного воздействия (misinform — дезинформировать, вводить в заблуждение, misunderstand — неправильно понять).

2. Другие приставочные значения

  • re-: rebuild (отстроить заново, реконструировать). Приставка описывает повторные действия (rethink — переосмыслить) или указывает на обратное направление (return — возвращаться).
  • co-: cooperate (сотрудничать). Описывает совместную деятельность (co-author – соавтор).
  • over-: oversleep (проспать). Значение префикса — избыточность, излишнее наполнение (overweight — избыточный вес) или прохождение определенной черты (overcome — преодолеть).
  • under-: underact (недоигрывать). Приставку можно назвать антонимом к приставке «over-», она указывает на недостаточную степень действия (underestimate — недооценивать). Кроме того, приставка используется и в изначальном значении слова «under» — «под» (underwear — нижнее белье, underground — подземка, метро).
  • pre-: prehistoric (доисторический). Приставка несет в себе идею предшествования (pre-production — предварительная стадия производства).
  • post-: post-modern (постмодернизм). В отличие от предыдущего случая, приставка указывает на следование действия (postnatal – послеродовой).
  • en-, em-: encode (кодировать). Префикс служит для образования глагола и имеет значение воплощения определенного качества или состояния (enclose — окружать). Перед звуками «b», «p», «m» приставка имеет вид «em-» (empoison — подмешивать яд), в остальных случаях – «en-» (encourage — ободрять).
  • ex-: ex-champion (бывший чемпион). Используется для обозначения бывшего статуса или должности (ex-minister — бывший министр).

Образование новых слов при помощи суффиксов

Суффиксы занимают позицию после корня. За ними может также следовать окончание (например, показатель множественного числа «-s»). Но в отличие от суффикса окончание не образует слова с новым значением, а только меняет его грамматическую форму (boy – мальчик, boys – мальчики).

По суффиксу часто можно определить, к какой части речи принадлежит слово. Среди суффиксов существуют и такие, которые выступают только как средство образования другой части речи (например, «-ly» для образования наречий). Поэтому рассматривать эти элементы слова мы будем в зависимости от того, какую часть речи они характеризуют.

Словообразование существительных в английском языке

Среди суффиксов существительных можно выделить группу, обозначающую субъектов деятельности и группу абстрактных значений.

1. Субъект деятельности

  • -er, -or: performer (исполнитель). Такие суффиксы описывают род занятий (doctor — доктор, farmer — фермер) или временные роли (speaker — оратор, visitor — посетитель). Могут использоваться и в качестве характеристики человека (doer — человек дела, dreamer — мечтатель).
  • -an, -ian: magician (волшебник). Суффикс может участвовать в образовании названия профессии (musician — музыкант) или указывать на национальность (Belgian — бельгийский / бельгиец).
  • -ist: pacifist (пацифист). Этот суффикс описывает принадлежность к определенному роду деятельности (alpinist – альпинист) или к социальному течению, направлению в искусстве (realist — реалист).
  • -ant, -ent: accountant (бухгалтер), student (студент).
  • -ee: employee (служащий), conferee (участник конференции).
  • -ess : princess (принцесса). Суффикс используется для обозначения женского рода (waitress – официантка).

2. Абстрактные существительные

Основа этой группы значений – обозначение качества или состояния. Дополнительным значением может выступать объединение группы людей и обозначение определенной совокупности.

  • -ity: activity (деятельность), lability (изменчивость).
  • -ance, -ence, -ancy, -ency: importance (важность), dependence (зависимость), brilliancy (великолепие), efficiency (эффективность).
  • -ion, -tion, -sion: revision (пересмотр, исправление), exception (исключение), admission (допущение), information (информация).
  • -ism: realism (реализм). В отличие от суффикса «-ist» обозначает не представителя некоторого течения, а само течение (modernism — модернизм) или род занятий (alpinism — альпинизм).
  • -hood: childhood (детство). Может относиться не только к состоянию, но и описывать группу людей, форму отношений: brotherhood (братство).
  • -ure: pleasure (удовольствие), pressure (давление).
  • -dom: wisdom (мудрость). Также используется при обозначении группы людей, объединения по некоторому признаку: kingdom (королевство).
  • -ment: announcement (объявление), improvement (улучшение).
  • -ness: darkness (темнота), kindness (доброта).
  • -ship: friendship (дружба). К дополнительным значениям относится указание на титул (lordship — светлость), умение (airmanship — лётное мастерство) или на объединение круга людей определенными отношениями (membership — круг членов, partnership — партнерство).
  • -th: truth (правда), length (длина).

Словообразование прилагательных в английском языке

  • -ful: helpful (полезный). Указывает на обладание определенным качеством (joyful — радостный, beautiful — красивый).
  • -less: countless (бессчетный). Значение суффикса близко к отрицанию и характеризует отсутствие определенного качества, свойства (careless — беззаботный). Этот суффикс можно определить как антоним для «-ful» (hopeless — безнадежный, а hopeful — надеющийся).
  • -able: comfortable (комфортный). «Able» (способный) существует и как самостоятельное прилагательное. Оно определяет значение суффикса – возможный для выполнения, доступный к осуществлению (acceptable – приемлемый, допустимый, detectable – тот, который можно обнаружить).
  • -ous: famous (знаменитый), dangerous (опасный).
  • -y: windy (ветреный), rusty (ржавый).
  • -al: accidental (случайный), additional (добавочный).
  • -ar: molecular (молекулярный), vernacular (народный).
  • -ant, -ent: defiant (дерзкий), evident (очевидный).
  • -ary, -ory: secondary (второстепенный), obligatory (обязательный).
  • -ic: democratic (демократический), historic (исторический).
  • -ive: creative (творческий), impressive (впечатляющий).
  • -ish: childish (детский, ребяческий). Суффикс описывает характерный признак с негативной оценкой (liquorish – развратный) или с ослабленной степенью качества (reddish — красноватый). Кроме того, суффикс может отсылать к национальности (Danish — датский).
  • -long: livelong (целый, вечный). Такой суффикс обозначает длительность (lifelong — пожизненный) или направление (sidelong — косой, вкось) и может принадлежать не только прилагательному, но и наречию.

Словообразование глаголов

Для глагольных суффиксов сложно определить конкретные значения. Основная функция таких суффиксов — перевод в другую часть речи, то есть само образование глагола.

  • -ate: activate (активизировать), decorate (украшать).
  • -ify, -fy: notify (уведомлять), verify (проверять).
  • -ise, -ize: summarize (суммировать), hypnotize (гипнотизировать).
  • -en: weaken (ослабевать), lengthen (удлинять).
  • -ish: demolish (разрушать), embellish (украшать).

Словообразование наречий

  • -ly: occasionally (случайно).
  • -wise: otherwise (иначе). Обозначает способ действия (archwise — дугообразно).
  • -ward(s): skyward/skywards (к небу). Обозначает направление движения (northward — на север, shoreward — по направлению к берегу).

Суффиксы: таблица словообразования по частям речи

Приведенный список суффиксов – это далеко не все возможности английского языка. Мы описали наиболее распространенные и интересные случаи. Для того чтобы разобраться в этом множестве вариантов и лучше усвоить образование слов в английском языке, таблица резюмирует, для каких частей речи какие суффиксы характерны.

Поскольку суффиксальное преобразование слов в английском языке различается по частям речи, таблица разбита на соответствующие группы. Одни и те же суффиксы могут добавляться к разным частям речи, но в результате они определяют, к какой части речи принадлежит новое слово.


Объединение суффиксов и приставок

Важная характеристика словообразования – это его продуктивность. От одного корня можно образовать целую группу слов, добавляя разные приставки и суффиксы. Приведем несколько примеров.

  • Для possible словообразование может выглядеть следующим образом: possible (возможный) — possibility (возможность) — impossibility (невозможность).
  • Цепочка переходов для слова occasion: occasion (случай) — occasional (случайный) — occasionally (случайно).
  • Для слова agree словообразование можно выстроить в цепочки с приставкой и без приставки: agree (соглашаться) — agreeable (приемлемый / приятный) — agreeably (приятно) — agreement (соглашение, согласие).
    agree (соглашаться) — disagree (противоречить, расходиться в мнениях) — disagreeable (неприятный) — disagreeably (неприятно) — disagreement (разногласие).

Словосложение и сокращение слов

Словосложение — еще один способ образовать новое слово, хотя и менее распространенный. Он основан на соединении двух корней (toothbrush — зубная щетка, well-educated — хорошо образованный). В русском языке такое словообразование тоже встречается, например, «кресло-качалка».

Если корень активно используется в словосложении, то он может перейти в категорию суффиксов. В таком случае сложно определить, к какому типу – суффиксам или словосложению – отнести некоторые примеры:

  • -man: fireman (пожарный), spiderman (человек-паук)
  • -free: sugar-free (без сахара), alcohol-free (безалкогольный)
  • -proof: fireproof (огнестойкий), soundproof (звукоизолирующий)

Помимо объединения нескольких корней, возможно также сокращение слов и создание аббревиатур: science fiction — sci-fi (научная фантастика), United States of America – USA (Соединенные Штаты Америки, США).

Новые слова без внешних изменений

К особенности словообразования в английском языке относится и то, что слова могут выступать в разных частях речи без изменения внешнего вида. Это явление называется конверсией:

I hope you won’t be angry with me — Надеюсь, ты не будешь на меня злиться (hope – глагол «надеяться»).

I always had a hope to return to that city — У меня всегда оставалась надежда вернуться в этот город (hope – существительное «надежда»).

The sea is so calm today — Море так спокойно сегодня (calm – прилагательное «спокойный»).

With a calm she realized that her life was probably at its end — Со спокойствием она осознала, что ее жизнь, вероятно, подходила к концу (calm – существительное «спокойствие, невозмутимость»).

I beg you to calm down — Я умоляю тебя успокоиться (calm – глагол «успокоиться»).

Слайд 1Word Building
(word formation)
1. Affixation as

a basic means of forming words.

3. Conversion.
4. Shortening.
5. Other ways of word formation.

Word Building 
 (word formation)  1. Affixation as a basic means

Слайд 2Scientists usually distinguish:

(shortening, clipping, acronymy),
back formation (disaffixation),

interchange and distinctive change,
onomatopoeia (sound imitation).

Scientists usually distinguish:  affixation,  composition,  conversion,  abbreviation (shortening,

Слайд 3Affixation (the addition of an affix)

a basic means of forming words in


A prefix is an affix attached to the front of its base.
A suffix is an affix attached to the end of its base.
An infix is a type of affix that occurs within a base of a word to express such notions as tense, number, or gender٭.

Affixation (the addition of an affix)  is a basic means of

Слайд 4Affixation = suffixation + prefixation
In Modern

English, suffixation is characteristic of noun and

adjective formation, while prefixation is typical of verb formation.
Prefixes modify the lexical meaning of stems to which they are added:
usual – unusual; fit – misfit.
Suffixes don’t only modify the lexical meaning of the stem, but the word itself is usually transferred to another part of speech:
care (n) – careless (adj).

Affixation = suffixation + prefixation  In Modern English, suffixation is characteristic

Слайд 5Suffixes and prefixes may be classified along

different lines.
The logical classification of suffixes

is according to their origin, meaning, part of speech they form, productivity.
Prefixes can be classified according to their meaning and origin.

Suffixes and prefixes may be classified along different lines.  The logical

Слайд 6Suffixes
(a) their origin: Romanic (-age, -ment,

-tion), Native (-er, dom, -ship), Greek (-ism,

-ize), etc.;
(b) meaning: -er (the agent of the action), -ess (feminine gender), -ence/ance (abstract meaning), -ie and -let (diminutiveness), -age, -dom (collectivity), -an, -ese, -ian (appurtenance), etc.;
(c) part of speech they form: noun suffixes -er, -ness, -ment; adjective-forming suffixes -ish, -ful, -less, -y; verb-suffixes -en, -fy, etc.;
(d) productivity – productive suffixes are -er, -ly, -ness, -ie, -let, non-productive (-dom, -th) and semi-productive (-eer, -ward).

Suffixes  (a) their origin: Romanic (-age, -ment, -tion), Native (-er, dom,

Слайд 7Prefixes
negative (unpack, non-formal, inseparable);
denoting repetition or

reversative action (decolonize, rewrite, disconnect, undo);
denoting time

(pre-election), space (interethnic) and degree relations (overwork) or
Germanic (underestimate);
Romanic (ex-wife);
Greek (hypertext).

Prefixes  negative (unpack, non-formal, inseparable); denoting repetition or reversative action (decolonize,

Слайд 8Some linguists distinguish between suffixes and semi-suffixes

such as -man (postman); -burger (fish-burger); -aholic

(workaholic) – either affixed words or compound words.
Some prefixes are treated as root morphemes because they are met as words: afternoon – after school; overhead – over the wall. American lexicographers treat such words as compound words, while British lexicographers regard them as affixed words. There are also semi-prefixes such as -mini (mini-plane); -maxi (maxi-taxi); -aero (aerospace); -eco (eco menu), etc.

Some linguists distinguish between suffixes and semi-suffixes such as -man (postman); -burger

Слайд 9The main function of prefixes in English

is to change the lexical meaning of

the same part of speech. However, in ME there are prefixes that form one part of speech from another:
danger (n) → endanger (v),
head (n) → behead (v),
sleep (v) → asleep (stative).
AFFIXATION is a way of word formation consisting in adding an affix to the stem of a word: sixteen, friendship, unkindly, heartless, ex-husband, etc.

The main function of prefixes in English is to change the lexical

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Word-building in Modern English

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  • Сейчас обучается 268 человек из 64 регионов

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Word-building in Modern English

    1 слайд

    Word-building in Modern English

  • By word-building are understood processes of producing new words from the res...

    2 слайд

    By word-building are understood processes of producing new words from the resources of this particular language. Together with borrowing, word-building provides for enlarging and enriching the vocabulary of the language.

  • Morpheme is the smallest recurrent unit of language directly related to mean...

    3 слайд

    Morpheme is the smallest recurrent unit of language directly related to meaning

  • All morphemes are subdivided into two large classes: roots (or radicals) and...

    4 слайд

    All morphemes are subdivided into two large classes: roots (or radicals) and affixes. The latter, in their turn, fall into prefixes which precede the root in the structure of the word (as in re-read, mispronounce, unwell) and suffixes which follow the root (as in teach-er, cur-able, diet-ate).

  • We can distinguish words due to a morphological structure

	Words which consi...

    5 слайд

    We can distinguish words due to a morphological structure

    Words which consist of a root are called root words:
    house, room, book, work, port, street, table, etc.

  • We can distinguish words due to a morphological structure
Words which consist...

    6 слайд

    We can distinguish words due to a morphological structure

    Words which consist of a root and an affix (or several affixes) are called derived words or derivatives and are produced by the process of word-building known as affixation (or derivation):
    re-read, mis-pronounce, un-well, teach-er.

  • We can distinguish words due to a morphological structure

A compound word is...

    7 слайд

    We can distinguish words due to a morphological structure

    A compound word is made when two words are joined to form a new word:
    dining-room, bluebell (колокольчик), mother-in-law, good-for-nothing(бездельник)

  • We can distinguish words due to a morphological structureСompound-derivatives...

    8 слайд

    We can distinguish words due to a morphological structure
    Сompound-derivatives are words in which the structural integrity of the two free stems is ensured by a suffix referring to the combination as a whole, not to one of its elements:
    kind-hearted, old-timer, schoolboyishness, teenager.

  • There are the following ways of word-building:Affixation

    9 слайд

    There are the following ways of word-building:
    Shortening (Contraction)
    Non-productive types of word-building:
    A) Sound-Imitation
    B) Reduplication
    C) Back-Formation (Reversion)

  • Affixation 		

	The process of affixation consists in coining a new word by...

    10 слайд


    The process of affixation consists in coining a new word by adding an affix or several affixes to some root morpheme.

  • The role of the affix in this procedure is very important and therefore...

    11 слайд

    The role of the affix in this procedure is very important and therefore it is necessary to consider certain facts about the main types of affixes. From the etymological point of view affixes are classified into the same two large groups as words: native and borrowed.

  • Some Native Suffixes

  • Some Native Suffixes

  • Some Native Suffixes

  • An affix of foreign origin can be regarded as borrowed only after it has...

    15 слайд

    An affix of foreign origin can be regarded as borrowed only after it has begun an independent and active life in the recipient language and it is taking part in the word-making processes of that language. This can only occur when the total of words with this affix is so great in the recipient language as to affect the native speakers’ subconscious to the extent that they no longer realize its foreign flavour and accept it as their own.

  • By productive affixes we mean the ones, which take part in deriving new wor...

    16 слайд

    By productive affixes we mean the ones, which take part in deriving new words in this particular period of language development. The best way to identify productive affixes is to look for them among neologisms and so-called nonce-words.
    The adjectives thinnish (жидковатый) and baldish (лысоватый) bring to mind dozens of other adjectives made with the same suffix: oldish (староватый), youngish (моложавый), mannish (мужеподобная), girlish (женоподобный), longish (длинноватый), yellowish (желтоватый), etc.

    The same is well illustrated by the following popular statement: «/ don’t like Sunday evenings: I feel so Mondayish». (Чу́вствующий лень по́сле воскре́сного о́тдыха)

  • One should not confuse the productivity of affixes with their frequency of...

    17 слайд

    One should not confuse the productivity of affixes with their frequency of occurrence. There are quite a number of high-frequency affixes which, nevertheless, are no longer used in word-derivation

    e. g. the adjective-forming native suffixes -ful, -ly; the adjective-forming suffixes of Latin origin -ant, -ent, -al which are quite frequent

  • Some Productive Affixes 

  •   Some Non-Productive Affixes 

    19 слайд

    Some Non-Productive Affixes

  • Composition		

		Composition is a type of word-building, in which new words...

    20 слайд


    Composition is a type of word-building, in which new words are produced by combining two or more stems

  • Compounds are not homogeneous in structure. Traditionally three types ar...

    21 слайд

    Compounds are not homogeneous in structure. Traditionally three types are distinguished:

  • Neutral                                 
		In neutral compounds the process...

    22 слайд


    In neutral compounds the process of compounding is realised without any linking elements, by a mere juxtaposition of two stems, as in
    shopwindow(витрина) sunflower(подсолнух) bedroom(спальня) etc.

  • There are three subtypes of neutral compounds depending on the structure of...

    23 слайд

    There are three subtypes of neutral compounds depending on the structure of the constituent stems.

    The examples: shopwindow(витрина), sunflower(подсолнух), bedroom(спальня) represent the subtype which may be described as simple neutral compounds: they consist of simple affixless stems.

  • Compounds which have affixes in their structure are called derived or de...

    24 слайд

    Compounds which have affixes in their structure are called derived or derivational compounds.

    E.g. blue-eyed(голубоглазый),

  • The third subtype of neutral compounds is called contracted compounds. Thes...

    25 слайд

    The third subtype of neutral compounds is called contracted compounds. These words have a shortened (contracted) stem in their structure:
    V-day (день победы) (Victory day), G-man (агент ФБР) (Government man «FBI agent»), H-bag (сумочка) (handbag), T-shirt(футболка), etc.

  • Morphological		Morphological compounds are few in number. This type is non-...

    26 слайд


    Morphological compounds are few in number. This type is non-productive. It is represented by words in which two compounding stems are combined by a linking vowel or consonant:
    e. g. Anglo-Saxon, Franko-Prussian, handiwork(изделие ручной работы), statesman (политический деятель/политик)

  • Syntactic 
		These words are formed from segments of speech, preserving in...

    27 слайд


    These words are formed from segments of speech, preserving in their structure numerous traces of syntagmatic relations typical of speech: articles, prepositions, adverbs.
    e.g. father-in-law, mother-in-law etc.

  • Conversion

		Conversion consists in making a new word from some existing wor...

    28 слайд


    Conversion consists in making a new word from some existing word by changing the category of a part of speech, the morphemic shape of the original word remaining unchanged.

  • It has also a new paradigm peculiar to its new category as a part of sp...

    29 слайд

    It has also a new paradigm peculiar to its new category as a part of speech. Conversion is a convenient and «easy» way of enriching the vocabulary with new words. The two categories of parts of speech especially affected by conversion are nouns and verbs.

  • Verbs made from nouns are the most numerous amongst the words produced b...

    30 слайд

    Verbs made from nouns are the most numerous amongst the words produced by conversion:
    e. g. to hand(передавать)
    to back(поддерживать)
    to face(стоять лицом к кому-либо)
    to eye(рассматривать)
    to nose(разнюхивать)
    to dog(выслеживать)

  • Nouns are frequently made from verbs: 
   	e.g. make(марка) 

    31 слайд

    Nouns are frequently made from verbs:
    e.g. make(марка)

  • Verbs can also be made from adjectives: 
		e. g. to pale(побледнеть)...

    32 слайд

    Verbs can also be made from adjectives:
    e. g. to pale(побледнеть)
    to yellow(желтеть)
    to cool(охлаждать)

    Other parts of speech are not entirely unsusceptible to conversion.

  • Shortening (Contraction)
		This comparatively new way of word-building has ac...

    33 слайд

    Shortening (Contraction)

    This comparatively new way of word-building has achieved a high degree of productivity nowadays, especially in American English.
    Shortenings (or contracted words) are produced in two different ways.

  • The first way		The first is to make a new word from a syllable (rarer, two) o...

    34 слайд

    The first way
    The first is to make a new word from a syllable (rarer, two) of the original word.
    The latter may lose its beginning (as in phone made from telephone, fence from defence), its ending (as in hols from holidays, vac from vacation, props from properties, ad from advertisement) or both the beginning and ending (as in flu from influenza, fridge from refrigerator)

  • The second way		The second way of shortening is to make a new word from the i...

    35 слайд

    The second way
    The second way of shortening is to make a new word from the initial letters of a word group:
    U.N.O. from the United Nations Organisation, B.B.C. from the British Broadcasting Corporation, M.P. from Member of Parliament. This type is called initial shortenings.

  • Both types of shortenings are characteristic of informal speech in general...

    36 слайд

    Both types of shortenings are characteristic of informal speech in general and of uncultivated speech particularly:
    E. g. Movie (from moving-picture), gent (from gentleman), specs (from spectacles), circs (from circumstances, e. g. under the circs), I. O. Y. (from I owe you), lib (from liberty), cert (from certainty), exhibish (from exhibition), posish (from position)

  • Non-productive types of word-buildingSound-Imitation
		Words coined by this i...

    37 слайд

    Non-productive types of word-building
    Words coined by this interesting type of word-building are made by imitating different kinds of sounds that may be produced by
    human beings: to whisper (шептать), to whistle (свистеть), to sneeze (чихать), to giggle (хихикать);

  • animals, birds, insects: to hiss (шипеть), to buzz (жужжать), to bark (лаять...

    38 слайд

    animals, birds, insects: to hiss (шипеть), to buzz (жужжать), to bark (лаять), to moo (мычать);
    inanimate objects: to boom (гудеть), to ding-dong (звенеть), to splash (брызгать);

  • Reduplication
		In reduplication new words are made by doubling a stem, eithe...

    39 слайд

    In reduplication new words are made by doubling a stem, either without any phonetic changes as in bye-bye (coll, for good-bye)
    or with a variation of the root-vowel or consonant as in ping-pong, chit-chat (this second type is called gradational reduplication).

  • This type of word-building is greatly facilitated in Modern English by the...

    40 слайд

    This type of word-building is greatly facilitated in Modern English by the vast number of monosyllables. Stylistically speaking, most words made by reduplication represent informal groups: colloquialisms and slang. E. g. walkie-talkie («a portable radio»), riff-raff («the worthless or disreputable element of society»; «the dregs of society»), chi-chi (sl. for chic as in a chi-chi girl)

  • In a modern novel an angry father accuses his teenager son of doing noth...

    41 слайд

    In a modern novel an angry father accuses his teenager son of doing nothing but dilly-dallying all over the town. (dilly-dallying — wasting time, doing nothing)

  • Another example of a word made by reduplication may be found in the followi...

    42 слайд

    Another example of a word made by reduplication may be found in the following quotation from “The Importance of Being Earnest” by O. Wilde:
    Lady Bracknell: I think it is high time that Mr. Bunbury made up his mind whether he was going to live or to die. This shilly-shallying with the question is absurd. (shilly-shallying — irresolution, indecision)

  • Back-formation

		Forming the allegedly original stem from a supposed derivat...

    43 слайд


    Forming the allegedly original stem from a supposed derivative on the analogy of the existing pairs, i. e. the singling-out of a stem from a word which is wrongly regarded as a derivative.

  • The earliest examples of this type of word-building are the verb to beg (по...

    44 слайд

    The earliest examples of this type of word-building are the verb to beg (попрошайничать) that was made from the French borrowing beggar (нищий, бедняк), to burgle (незаконно проникать в помещение) from burglar (вор-домушник).
    In all these cases the verb was made from the noun by subtracting what was mistakenly associated with the English suffix -er.

  • Later examples of back-formation are to blood-transfuse (делать перелива...

    45 слайд

    Later examples of back-formation are to blood-transfuse (делать переливание крови) from blood-transfuing, to force-land (совершать вынужденную посадку) from forced landing, to baby-sit (присматривать за ребенком) from baby-sitter.

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