Word building adjectives exercises

Word-building: Adjectives

Ex 1. Form adjectives from the words given.

  1. She’s … of her sister’s success (jealousy).

  2. I don’t trust these figures, the report seems to be … (accuracy).

  3. It’s natural to be … if you’ve just finished school (experience).

  4. It was the only … decision to take under those circumstances (reason).

  5. It’s … to employ a nanny without any references (care).

  6. The use of “satisfy” is more … with requirements in this context (prefer).

  7. We felt uncomfortable though his cutting remarks were … (person).

  8. Having your tooth pulled can be … thanks to modern painkillers (pain).

  9. Weather‘s in England is absolutely … (predict).

  10. … life is full of doubts, insecurity and fears (adolescence).

  11. The hotel is … (luxury), I love it!

  12. If you stop shopping, you’ll manage to save a … sum of money (significance)/

  13. He’s a … musician (talent).

  14. Finally, you should make a … conclusion (meaning).

  15. It’s … that he used cribs at the exam (evidence).

Ex 2. Add suitable prefixes to the adjectives.

  1. We think you’re … as some details in your CV are false (honest).

  2. Without knowing all the facts, it seems … for me to give any comments (appropriate).

  3. In the US it’s … to sell alcohol to young people under 21(legal).

  4. This issue is largely … to this discussion (relevant).

  5. You’ve made so many mistakes, you’re so … (attentive)!

  6. Pregnant women should attend … classes to prepare for motherhood (natal).

  7. Written exams are … to those who have stronger speaking skills than writing skills (advantageous).

  8. He sat …, not knowing what to say (mobile).

  9. It’s an … fact that everybody needs to be loved (deniable).

  10. We employ people … of their race, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion or disability (respective).

  11. Google is an American … technology company (national).

  12. India is one of the … countries facing serious economical and social problems (populated).

  13. He’s physically … and often overeats, he’s already gaining extra weight (active).

  14. I’d like to go on a … cruise one day (Atlantic)!

  15. Kissing at lessons is … (acceptable), isn’t it clear?


Noun                  Adjective                             
Noun          Adjective

adventure          adventurous                          
faith             faithful     

athletic                                   fool             foolish

beautiful                                 friend          friendly

boyish                                    gold            golden

central                                    hero            heroic

continent           continental                             
industry       industrial

courage             courageous                           
metal           metallic

coward             cowardly                               
music          musical

danger              dangerous                              
mystery        mysterious

noisy                                      nation           national

poetic                                    nature           natural

starry                                     person          personal

terrible                                   skill              skillful

valuable                                 sun               sunny

Exercise 1. Form adjective
from the noun in brackets:

a………………sea  ( storm )                                 
……………….forests ( value )

a……………… sound ( metal )                              a
………………wonder ( nature )

……………behaviour ( child )                               
a……………….place ( mystery )

a……………….phrase ( poet )                              
a…………………deed ( courage )

a……………..armchair ( comfort )                         
………………….streets ( center )

a……………..class ( friend )                                  
an ……………..trip ( adventure )

Exercise 2.  Form adjectives

Eg.  This has been a very ……. Decision ( fool ) – This has
been a very foolish decision.

  1. The shop was situated in a ……..square. ( center)
  2. Gold is a very ……………….metal ( value )
  3. The runner was a man of ………build ( athlete)
  4. We studied the ………..sky through a telescope ( star )
  5. He feels quite ……….in this warm light room ( comfort )
  6. Mark Twain wrote many …………stories ( humour )
  7. A ……………person soon puts you at your  ease ( friend )

Exercise 3.  Noun + -( c )al  = Adjective

geography – geographical

nation – national

person – personal

conversation – conversational

music – musical

tradition – traditional

history – historical

practice — practical

Read and translate :

Its geographical position, his personal example,  a musical
performance , national dances,  a traditional greeting,  practical
difficulties,  conversational language ,  historical monuments

Use  one of the  adjective  with the suffix – ( c )al :

  1. Our teacher  of geography told us about the …….position of
    great Britain.
  2. Independence  day is a very important ………….holiday  in the
    United States.
  3. Each country  has its own ………….dances  and songs,  its own
  4. Lots of people  like to spend their holidays  visiting

Exercise 4.  Noun + -ic = Adjective

patriot – patriotic

hero — heroic

history – historic

artist — artistic

Read and translate :

A patriotic war,  a heroic deed,  a historic place , 
artistic skills.

Exercise 5.

care                 careful               careless

fear                 fearful                 fearless

help                helpful                 helpless

hope               hopeful                hopeless

rest                 restful                  restless

use                 useful                   useless

1.      The
man felt no fear when he went hunting. He was really a ……………hunter ( fear)

2.      The
young boy’s legs were hurt and of no use to him.  He found that his legs were
….when he tried to walk.  ( use )

3.      My
friend talks  all the time . His works are ……( end )

4.      I
like the story very much. I thought it was …….. ( delight )

5.      The
sailors understood that their situation was very dangerous. Some of them had
already lost any hope that they would be saved. They were sure that their
situation was …… ( hope )

6.      Many
racing cars have ……….engines ( power )

7.      This
grass snake is not dangerous at all.  It is quite ……. ( harm )

8.      Children
should be ………. To their parents ( thank )

9.      He
made a lot of mistakes in his composition due to writing ( care )

10.  Bright flowers make the room
look ……… ( cheer )

11.  A ……person  can do nothing
for himself  ( help )

12.  Richard was ill and could
not fall asleep. He had to spend a …..night ( sleep )

13.  Only a very ……..craftsman
could make such a beautiful piece of furniture  ( skill )

Exercise 6.


geography geographical

conversation –

practice –

classic –

tradition –

experiment –

person —


enjoy – enjoyable

value –

honour –

understand –

remark –

eat –

drink —


boast – boastful

faith –

cheer –

truth –

colour –

delight –

harm –

wonder —


mystery – mysterious

joy –

glory –

envy –

nerve –

danger –

humour –



hero – heroic

patriot –

artist –

fantasy –

history —


sun – sunny

greed –

grass –

health –

luck —


noise –noiseless

sleep –

sound –

care –

fear —

Exercise 7.






















Eg. Our situation was hopeless. All of us had a feeling of
hopelessness when we realized  we had lost our way.

  1. John is not careful in doing his work . His ………is
  2. The young soldiers found it hard to wait for the signal to
    attack. Their ……….was noticed by the officers.
  3. Ann never tells a lie. You can always depend on her …….
  4. I like the quite and ………of the forest. For me it is the
    most wonderful place in the world.

Exercise 8. Read the nouns
in a column at the left side . Think of three adjectives which may be used to
describe them.

game —

work —

weather —

performance —

scenery —

experiment —

place —

development —

minerals —

Exercise 9.  un + adjective              unhappy = not

Unhealthy, unusual, unknown, unpleasant

An unhappy end,  an unkind boy,  an unusual question, an
unknown soldier, an unhappy place

I have a collection of fairy tales. Some of them are by
unknown writers , but they are very interesting. Some tales have an unusual

Exercise 10.

            Eg.    rain – rainy

Cloud, wind, salt, sun, fun, taste, shine, noise

  1. I don’t like it when the weather in summer is ………….and
  2. The cakes that Mummy cooked were …………
  3. The water in seas and oceans  is ……………
  4. The toys on the New Year Tree were ……
  5. It’s nice to bathe and swim when the day is ………
  6. We laughed because the story was …….
  7. In autumn the sky is usually grey and ……………..

Exercise 11.

Eg.     The garden is full of bright flowers .  It looks so beautiful.

There are lots of stars in the dark sky. It looks so ….

It’s fun to watch the monkeys  at the Zoo. They look so..

The airplane is very high in the sky . It ….

The lake is very large . Can we swim in it ? It ….

Look at the shiny stars . They …….. 







  • English ESL Worksheets
  • Grammar Topics
  • Adjectives

Worksheet details

worksheet summary

Thirty-seven sentences for practicing the formation of adjectives. Key is included. Thank you!!!!

Grammar topic

Other pedagogical goals


Student type




Elementary schoolers


High schoolers


Solutions included

Quality check

Quality not yet verified by the community.


This resource does not contain any images, words or ideas that would upset a reasonable person in any culture.

Copyright license

This resource is licensed by Ktam under the iSLCollective Copyright License.

Published 31/10/2013

Ktam is from/lives in Russia and has been a member of iSLCollective since 2011-09-14. Ktam last logged in on 2022-11-15, and has shared 403 resources on iSLCollective so far.

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В данной статье из цикла «Подготовка к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ. Словообразование в английском языке» мы рассмотрим основные суффиксы прилагательных в английском языке: -ful, -less, -ous, -al, -y, -ic, -ish, -able, -ive, -ent (10), а также посвятим значительное время отработке этих суффиксов. Упражнения на суффиксы прилагательного не только помогут вам подготовиться к экзаменам по английскому языку в виде ОГЭ и ЕГЭ, но расширят ваш словарный запас и будут способствовать развитию языковой догадки.

Уважаемые посетители сайта! Копирование данной статьи с целью размещения ее на других ресурсах запрещено. © EnglishInn.ru, 2015

Суффиксы прилагательных в английском языке

Уроки английского языка для начинающих Present Simple Tense

1. Суффиксы прилагательных, образованных от существительных

  1. -ful (выражает наличие качества; beautiful, colourful)
  2. -less (выражает отсутствие качества: colourless, useless)
  3. -ous (слова франц. происхождения, аналог ful: courageous, famous)
  4. -al (central, formal)
  5. -y (cloudy, dirty)
  6. -ic (poetic, domestic)
  7. -ish (выражает национальную принадлежность: Scottish, English, а также слабая степень качества: brownish -коричневатый, reddish -красноватый)

Исключением является суффикс -ly, так как данный суффикс служит для образования наречий. Однако есть ряд прилагательных и довольное распространенных, которые образованы при помощи этого суффикса, например:

  1. friendly — дружелюбный
  2. lovely — прелестный
  3. lively — деятельный, активный

2. Суффиксы прилагательных, образованных от глаголов

  1. -able /-ible (выражает возможность подвергнуться действию, указанному глаголом: to change – changeable (менять – изменчивый); to eat – eatable (есть – съедобный)
  2. -ive (active, talkative)
  3. -ent /-ant (different, important)

Обратите внимание, что гласная в суффиксе прилагательного —ent/-ant такая же как в суффиксе существительного —ence/-ance и, наоборот, то есть:

different — difference
important — importance

Суффиксы прилагательных в английском языке. Упражнения

Упражнение 1. Translate into Russian.

The suffix -ful means «be full of» e.g. beautiful means «be full of» beauty.

  1. She was very thankful for our help.
  2. She likes colourful clothes.
  3. She is a very forgetful girl.
  4. We are not sure that our team will win but we are hopeful.
  5. They lived a peaceful happy life.
  6. He was always as helpful as possible.

Упражнение 2.1. Translate into Russian.

The suffix -less means «without» e.g. hopeless means «without» hope.

a moonless night, a cloudless sky, a noiseless machine, numberless heroes, a motherless girl, a heartless woman, a homeless cat, a leafless tree, a nameless author, a sunless room, a endless war, a lifeless body, a colorless liquid, a friendless child, a sleepless night, careless people, a doubtless victory

Упражнение 2.2. Translate into English.

Безоблачное небо, беспомощный ребенок, бесшумная машина, бесчисленные герои, безжизненное тело, беззаботный ребенок, бессердечная женщина, бездомный кот, дерево без листьев, безымянный автор, комната без солнца, бесконечная война, бесцветная жидкость. Была безлунная ночь. Он выглядел усталым после бессонной ночи.

Упражнение 3.

The suffix —ous means «ful of» which comes from French e.g. danger + ous =  dangerous

А. Form adjectives from nouns and translate them.

ОБРАЗЕЦ nerve + ous = nervous (нерв – нервный)

fame — …, humour — …, courage — …, glory (y->i) — …, poison — …, space (i) — …

В. Use the words in the sentences.

  1. We don’t know if these chemicals are ____________ to people.
  2. She became ____________as a writer.
  3. I like to read ___________stories.
  4. There are a lot of ________ snakes in the jungle.
  5. It was a _________victory.
  6. He was a ____________soldier.
  7. They liked the _______________rooms in their new house.

Упражнение 4. The suffix -y.

A. Translate into Russian.

windy day, sunny weather, cloudy sky, sleepy child, dreamy girl, icy wind, healthy food

B. Form adjectives from the nouns and translate them.

ОБРАЗЕЦ swamp — swampy (болото — болотистый)

sand — … , rock — … , juice — … , grass — … , star(r) — … , bone — … , skin(n) — …, water- … , fog (g) — …, swamp — …

C. Put the adjectives from B into this sentences to make them complete.

  1. This … land is very good for farming. Cows and sheep can feed here all the year round.
  2. Peter, eat some more roast beef. You should eat more: you have grown so … (2 variants)!
  3. On such … mornings it’s very difficult to drive, as you can’t see the road clearly.
  4. These are … apples. I like them most of all.
  5. My little brother never eats fish if it is … .
  6. Holidaymakers love the … beaches in the south of Australia.
  7. Why does this coffee taste so … ?
  8. The picture shows the … mountains of Scotland.
  9. The sky is unusually … tonight.
  10. … places have a lot of water in all seasons.

Упражнение 5. Translate into Russian the adjectives, ending with the suffix —ic.

gigantic hound, scientific expedition, domestic animal, academic year, Olympic games, thematic collection, basic knowledge

Упражнение 6. Make up adjectives with the help of suffix -al and translate them.

ОБРАЗЕЦ music – musical (музыка — музыкальный)

industry – …, culture – …, region – …, tradition – …, nature – …, nation – …, agriculture – …, comic – …

Упражнение 7. Суффиксы национальностей


ОБРАЗЕЦ Britain – British

Scotland — …, Spain — …, Sweden — …, Finland — …, Denmark — …, Poland — …, Turkey — …


ОБРАЗЕЦ Russia – Russian

America — …, Australia — .., Canada — …, Hungary — …, Belgium — …, Egypt — …, Italy  — …, Europe — …


ОБРАЗЕЦ Japan – Japanese

China — … , Portugal — …

Mind: Germany — German, France – French, Holland – Dutch, Greece — Greek

* * *
Упражнение 8. The suffix – able.

Суффикс able имеет значение «can»: movable означает can move — можно передвинуть (передвигаемый)

A. Form the words with the suffix – able.

move — .., count — …, eat — …, drink — …, comfort — … , imagine — … , break — … , read — … , respect — …., forget — …, believe — …

B. Use the words in the sentences:

  1. Though the cup is made of thin glass it is not ……….(break).
  2. She thought of all names ………to guess the name of their new classmate. (imagine).
  3. Everybody respects him. He is very …….. (respect).
  4. I can’t forget the trip. It is un ……(forget).
  5. The nouns are divided into …………. and un…………… (count).

Упражнение 9. Form the words with the suffix –ive.

create — … , impress — … , progress — …, act — … , mass — … , impulse — …

Упражнение 10. Read the adjectives and spell the suffixes used in forming them.

ОБРАЗЕЦ changeable — The adjective changeable is formed with the help of the suffix -able.

successful, cloudless, collective, central, comic, satirical, dangerous, faultless, misty, courageous, aggressive, national, breakable

Упражнение 11. Translate these combinations; say what words the adjectives are formed from.

a washable shirt, a skilful worker, democratic forces, the postal service, groundless suspicions, a humorous story, a gloomy scene, salty ham, professional interest, peaceful labour, a noiseless machine, a courageous soldier, a lucky ticket, a continental climate, a dusty road.

Упражнение 12. Copy and translate all these adjectives. Learn them by heart.

Словообразование. Суффиксы прилагательных.

B. Listen to the adjectives and translate them by ear.

На этом пока все! Буду рада, если моя статья окажется вам полезной и вы поделитесь ссылкой в соцсетях!

С уважением, автор Татьяна Н.

Продолжаем готовиться к ЕГЭ:

Источники: упражнения взяты из разных пособий, частично переделаны и и изменены. В частности использованы учебники «Английский язык 5-11 класс» авторы Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.


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