Word broadcast in a sentence

Synonym: announce, circulate, distribute, publish, scatter. Similar words: broad, at home and abroad, road, on the road, railroad, take the road, cast aside, brown. Meaning: [‘brɔːdkɑːst]  n. 1. message that is transmitted by radio or television 2. a radio or television show. v. 1. broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television 2. sow over a wide area, especially by hand 3. cause to become widely known. 

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1. Most of the programmes are broadcast in English.

2. The president broadcast his message on all stations yesterday.

3. The concert will be broadcast live tomorrow evening.

3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!

4. A vast audience watched the broadcast.

5. Do you listen to the broadcast?

6. The pirate radio station broadcast anti-government propaganda.

7. This broadcast comes live via satellite from New York.

8. The interview was broadcast on radio and television.

9. Loudspeakers broadcast the football results.

10. Radio One has broadcast on this wavelength for years.

11. The interview was broadcast live across Europe.

12. Since the controversial programme was broadcast, the BBC’s mailbag has been bulging.

13. This programme will be broadcast with subtitles for the hard of hearing.

14. We broadcast the news to the local population every morning.

15. Local radio stations serving coastal areas often broadcast forecasts for yachtsmen.

16. Radio Caroline used to broadcast from a boat in the North Sea.

17. In a broadcast on state radio the government also announced that it was willing to resume peace negotiations.

18. The BBC Radio 2 Roadshow will broadcast live from the exhibition.

19. After the broadcast, we were inundated with requests for more information.

20. The World Series is broadcast to Asia, Europ and South America.

21. The president gave a radio broadcast to mark the end of the war.

22. The station can now broadcast legally.

23. The concert will be broadcast in stereo.

24. We watched a live broadcast of the speech .

25. He flipped on the radio to get the hourly news broadcast.

26. We managed to record the whole of the concert from a live studio broadcast.

27. If you’re cold,I will hold you in my arms;if you worry me to wipe your tears; if you love me, I would like to broadcast around the world, I just want to give you my true love.

28. The Prime Minister set forth the aims of his government in a television broadcast.

29. He has made a name for himself by his broadcast talks.

30. Mr Smith hurriedly sought to retract the statement, but it had just been broadcast on national radio.

More similar words: broad, at home and abroad, road, on the road, railroad, take the road, cast aside, brown, load, brother, broker, bronze, eyebrow, throat, a load of, approach, case, in case, cash in, casual, casino, cash in on, in case of, casualty, in any case, in this case, in the case of, on occasion, occasional, occasionally. 

broadcast — перевод на русский


But considering we’re in Italy try to avoid broadcasting the «International Version» of your legs.

Да, я знаю. Но учти, мы находимся в Италии, попытайся избежать трансляции «Международной версии» своих ног.

We’re sorry for this interruption in our outside broadcast from Devil’s End but we still can’t get through to our unit…

Приносим извинения за перебои в трансляции из Края Дьявола, но мы все еще не может дозвониться до нашей съемочной группы…

And, in a rather embarrassing note… scrappy media mogul Elliot Carver was cut off the air tonight… in mid-speech during the inaugural broadcast… of his Worldwide Satellite Network.

И напоследок самая ошеломляющая новость .. Медия-магнат Элиот Карвер вынужден был прервать свою речь .. из-за неполадок во время всемирной трансляции… посвященной запуску его спутниковой сети.

Can we do this after the broadcast Wednesday night?

А можно мы сделаем это после вечерней трансляции в среду?

But I like to think that Jim Haggerty, who was Eisenhower’s press secretary kind of knew what they were getting into when they started allowing press conferences to be recorded for broadcast for the first time.

Но мне нравится думать, что Джим Хеггерти, который был пресс-секретарём Эйзенхауэра, вроде как знал во что они втягиваются, когда начали позволять записывать пресс-конференции для трансляции в первое время.

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In order to conserve power on battery-operated radios… bulletins will be broadcast at two-hour intervals.

В целях экономии батарей, от которых работает радио информационные радио-передачи будут выходить в эфир каждые 2 часа.

You know, this is a live broadcast, there won’t be jitters

«ы знаешь, это пр€мой эфир, Ѕез повторных дублей.

Since this series was first broadcast the dangers of the increasing greenhouse effect have become much more clear.

Со времени первого выхода этого фильма в эфир опасность увеличения парникового эффекта стала более ясной.

Except for planetary exploration, the study of galaxies and cosmology what this episode was about, have undergone the greatest advances since Cosmos was first broadcast.

В отличие от освоения планет, изучение галактик и космология, описанные в этой серии, совершили огромный прогресс с тех пор, как «Космос» впервые вышел в эфир.

I expect every minute of the VP’s PC to be taped and broadcast within 12 hours of his arrival.

Я хочу быть уверен, что ПК бывшего ВП будет записана и выдана в эфир через 12 часов после его прибытия.

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Did he hear your broadcast tonight?

А он слушал сегодняшнюю передачу?

They picked up your broadcast and pinpointed it within this building.

Вашу передачу перехватили. Они знают, что она шла здесь.

Stop the broadcast!

Прекратить передачу!

We’ll resume our broadcast now.

Мы продолжаем передачу.

Bart, you should warn people this episode is very frightening. Maybe they’d rather listen to that War of the Worlds broadcast on N.P.R., hmm?

[ Skipped item nr. 14 ] может, людям лучше послушать старую передачу «Война миров» на радио.

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This is a pirate broadcast.

Прекратить вещание.

Another exclusive live broadcast by Jumping Jump!

Новое эксклюзивное вещание от Прыгуна!

Then I’ll diffuse it, via an illegal broadcast.

Потом я распространю это через нелегальное вещание.

This is Campbell Bain reporting live from the hospital radio occupation, where we have locked ourselves into the station and have refused to stop broadcasting until our future is assured.

Кэмпбелл Бейн в прямом эфире из оккупированной больничной радиостанции, в которой мы забаррикадировались, и отказываемся прекращать вещание до тех пор, пока нам не прояснят наше будущее.

If I don’t get any good news from Evelyn tomorrow about a new mixer, we may have to stop broadcasting altogether.

Если завтра я не получу хороших новостей от Эвелин насчет нового микшера, нам вообще придется прекратить вещание.

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The BBC was worried. Could the film be broadcast?

¬¬— не на шутку встревожилось. ћожно ли транслировать фильм?

Are you continuing to broadcast tactical reports?

Вы продолжаете транслировать тактические отчеты?

Something we could hook into the communications station and broadcast over the communicator?

Чтобы присоединить его к системе связи и транслировать на планету?

Also mother, it would be best if the partisan radio broadcast of lullabies is stopped.

И еще. Мама, хватит транслировать колыбельные в партизанской радиосети.

Except the Chinese, who have refused broadcast rights.

За исключением Китая, где отказались транслировать его передачи.

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Earthforce stations are configured to broadcast their I. D. on a subchannel.

Станции Земных Сил должны передавать свой код на поднесущей частоте.

Yesterday they start broadcasting primes.

А вчера оттуда стали передавать числа. Почему?

Ever since we started broadcasting we’ve gotten reports back from half of the outer colonies still aligned with Earth.

С тех пор, как мы начали передавать, мы получаем отклики от половины внешних колоний, все еще преданных Земле.

One of our operators on Apophis’s ship will have planted a beacon that will broadcast that energy signature.

Один из наших оперативников на корабле Апофиса установит передатчик, который будет передавать этот сигнал.

I can broadcast on multiple frequencies.

Я могу передавать на многих частотах.

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I’ll broadcast on this frequency three times daily.

Я буду вещать на этой частоте три раза в день.

There’s no need to broadcast this all over the island.

Совершенно необязательно вещать на весь остров.

Here, I don’t think we need to broadcast this to the whole fleet.

Эй, я думаю нам не обязательно вещать это на весь флот.

I called my mother and told her we’re gonna broadcast all over the country.

Я позвонил матери и сказал, что мы начинаем вещать на всю страну.

Night Talk will not be broadcast nationally tonight… due to the usual corporate, big business, inefficiency, sloppiness and bureaucracy.

«Ночная Беседа» не станет сегодня вещать на всю нацию… из-за обычной корпоративной этики, большого бизнеса, неэффективности, разгильдяйства и бюрократии.

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We’re broadcasting directly from the Port of Naples.

А сейчас – неаполитанская хроника в прямом эфире.

Ruby Rhod is broadcasting live and needs to interview you.

Руби Роид проведет интервью с Вами в прямом эфире.

We just got nominated for an Excellence in Broadcasting Decency award.

Нас только что номинировали на премию в категории «Честность в прямом эфире»

Sarah’s gonna be broadcasting live from the record store, right ?

Шоу Сары будет идти в прямом эфире из музыкального магазина, так?

Broadcasting live and exclusively… to select establishments across Russia and Europe.

Эксклюзивно и в прямом эфире… Специально отобранные бойцы из исправительных учреждений России и Европы.

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Now, on the assumption that Myers is listening to the car radio, we’re issuing these broadcasts in the State, containing false information as to his whereabouts and not connecting the two men with him.

Исходя из того, что Майерс слушает радио… Мы передадим по американскому радио ложную информацию о его местонахождении. и не будем связывать с Майерсом исчезновение двух мужчин.

Ellen, didn’t you hear the radio broadcast?

Эллен, ты разве не слышала новости по радио?

A broadcast from London gave details of the transports

Лондонское радио передало подробности о последних транспортах.

In case you ever get homesick. This button gives you American language broadcasts.

Если понадобится эта кнопка включает американское радио.

How did you get interested in broadcasting?

Почему вы выбрали радио?

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«Resumption of normal broadcasting is anticipated within the next 12 hours.

…нормальное радиовещание будет восстановленов течениеследующих12-тичасов.

Civilian broadcasting.

Гражданское радиовещание.

— The teeth were broadcasting.

-Через зубы шло радиовещание.

We are gonna make this the most outrageous and original hospital broadcasting outfit in the country.

Мы создадим самое скандальное и оригинальное больничное радиовещание в стране.

This is the BBC World Service, broadcasting from London.

Это Би-би-си, радиовещание из Лондона.

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Отправить комментарий

передача, радиовещание, вещать, распространять, радиовещательный


- (радио)вещание

television broadcast — телевидение, телевизионное вещание
wire broadcast — радиотрансляция

- радиопрограмма, радиопередача
- телевидение

broadcast satellite — косм. (ретрансляционный) телевизионный спутник, спутник для ретрансляции (телепередач)

- телепрограмма, телепередача
- широкое распространение (слухов и т. п.)
- с.-х. сев вразброс


- передавать по радио; вести радиопередачу; вещать
- передавать по телевидению
- выступать по радио и телевидению
- широко распространять

to broadcast gossip [news] — распространять сплетни [новости]

- с.-х. сеять вразброс


- радиовещательный

broadcast appeal — обращение по радио

- телевизионный; передаваемый по телевидению
- имеющий широкое хождение, распространённый

broadcast rumours — распространившиеся слухи

- рассеянный, распылённый

Мои примеры


the President’s radio broadcast to the nation — радиотрансляция обращения президента к народу  
a speech that was broadcast live during prime time — речь, которая транслировалась в прямом эфире в прайм-тайм  
to carry a broadcast — передавать программу  
to beam a broadcast to — вести направленную передачу  
to jam a broadcast — глушить передачу  
the broadcast method — распространённый метод  
broadcast advertisement — реклама по радио и телевидению  
to broadcast the news — передать новости  
to broadcast gossip — распространять сплетни  
broadcast day — радиовещательный день; вещательные сутки  
broadcast live — вести прямую передачу  
broadcast time — эфирное время; время вещания  

Примеры с переводом

His speech was broadcast on national radio.

Его речь транслировалась по национальному радио.

I missed the broadcast, I forgot to listen in.

Я пропустил передачу, я забыл, что она идёт.

They broadcast the news people want to see.

Они показывают такие новости, какие люди хотят видеть.

The interview was broadcast from London.

Интервью транслировалось из Лондона.

The broadcast was delayed because of technical difficulties .

Трансляция была приостановлена по техническим причинам.

They mostly just broadcast fluff.

Они большей частью передают по радио просто ерунду.

The President’s speech will be broadcast on all channels.

Речь Президента будет передаваться по всем каналам.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…some of the movie’s most ribald, and thus funniest, scenes were cut for showing on broadcast television…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

broadcaster  — диктор, передатчик
broadcasting  — вещание, трансляция, радиовещание, вещательный, широковещательный
rebroadcast  — ретранслировать, повторять передачу, повторение передачи

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: broadcast
he/she/it: broadcasts
ing ф. (present participle): broadcasting
2-я ф. (past tense): broadcast or broadca
3-я ф. (past participle): broadcast or broadca

ед. ч.(singular): broadcast
мн. ч.(plural): broadcasts


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word broadcast, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use broadcast in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «broadcast». In addition, we also show how different variations of broadcast can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are broadcast’s, broadcaster, broadcasters, broadcasters’, broadcast—her and broadcast—scene. If you click on the variation of broadcast that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Broadcast in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word broadcast in a sentence.

  1. BBC Radio 2 broadcast Sgt.

  2. It was broadcast in Portuguese.

  3. CTV broadcast the series in Canada.

  4. The show was also broadcast on U.S.

  5. The second series was broadcast in 2004.

  6. The broadcast drew an enormous viewership.

  7. Following the radio broadcast of Meet Mrs.

  8. It was the first coronation to be broadcast.

  9. The previous season was broadcast on The WB.

  10. It was broadcast on BBC One on 5 April 2008.

  11. The BBC relented and started to broadcast the song.

  12. The first series was broadcast from September 2009.

  13. The series also was broadcast on Teletoon in Canada.

  14. In its original broadcast, «The City of New York vs.

  15. A seventh episode was broadcast on 24 December 1978.

  16. Television announced plans to broadcast The Masked Dancer as a television series.

  17. During this time, NASA scheduled a television broadcast at 31 hours after launch.

  18. Three collections of Tippett’s articles and broadcast talks have been published:.

  19. It was broadcast in Japan by TV Tokyo and released in North America by ADV Films.

  20. A sneak peek was released online shortly before the episode’s original broadcast.

  21. The VCD version was released at the same time, and Zee Network bought the exclusive broadcast rights.

  22. On October 28, 1922, Princeton and Chicago played the first game to be nationally broadcast on radio.

  23. Thirteen episodes of Lady Blue were broadcast on ABC between September 15, 1985 and January 25, 1986.

  24. The Premier League is broadcast in the United States by NBC Sports, a division of Sky parent Comcast.

  25. The broadcast, on 7 June 1960, was well received by the critics, although Waugh did not listen to it.

  26. Wilson thought that Robey’s «perfect diction and intimate manner made him an ideal broadcast speaker».

  27. Chains of Love was broadcast initially on Tuesday nights at 8:00 pm EST, premiering on April 17, 2001.

  28. The episode’s initial broadcast in the United States was viewed by approximately 2.51 million viewers.

  29. American paddlefish are broadcast spawners, also referred to as mass spawners or synchronous spawners.

  30. Smith’s 2002 plans put broadcast antennas (multiple communications dishes) at the top of the building.

  31. Because of the game’s significance, ESPN College GameDay chose it as the site of its weekly broadcast.

  32. The last episode was broadcast on April 19, 2015, with Lo imperdonable replacing it the following day.

  33. The game was broadcast live on BBC Red Button and the FA made a livestream available on its FA Player.

  34. Hamasaki herself starred in the TV commercial for the game, which was first broadcast on September 17.

  35. In 1964 he appeared in «The Bewitchin’ Pool», the last original broadcast episode of The Twilight Zone.

  36. The latter was broadcast several times in the 1970s and helped in the dissemination and understanding of Sorabji’s music.

  37. The day after the event, Dahl began his regular morning broadcast by reading the indignant headlines in the local papers.

  38. Six years after the last series was first broadcast, The Daily Mirror called Round the Horne «the last great radio show».

  39. Adaptations include a broadcast on South African radio in 1956 starring Bob Holness and a 1958 Daily Express comic strip.

  40. In January 1944 Formby described his experiences touring for ENSA in Europe and the Middle East in a BBC radio broadcast.

  41. Brown broadcast an appeal to the spectators via the public address system, urging them to refrain from barracking Miller.

  42. The match was also broadcast on the radio; Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and the BBC provided joint coverage.

  43. The IPCC sought an injunction against the broadcast of the video by Channel 4 News, but a judge rejected the application.

  44. The video recordings were initially broadcast on HBO and were subsequently made available on Laserdisc, CED, VHS and DVD.

  45. By 2006, there were independently produced versions, or «co-productions», of Sesame Street broadcast in twenty countries.

  46. The next day, at about 124 hours into the mission, the sixth and final TV transmission showed the mission’s best video images of the Earth, during a four-minute broadcast.

  47. The live-action television series was reformatted into five TV movies for further broadcast in 1981 and the Sci-Fi Channel ran both it and the cartoon series in the 1990s.

  48. Two months before the 13th season premiered, South Park Studios announced that it would be the first season to be broadcast in high definition and presented in widescreen.

  49. With the exception of the 1988 document, Applewhite’s group remained inconspicuous until 1992, when they recorded a 12-part video series which was broadcast via satellite.

  50. In The New York Times Olin Downes wrote that the new orchestra was «of very high rank» and that the broadcast concert had displayed Monteux «at the height of his powers.».

Broadcast’s in a sentence

Broadcast’s is a variation of broadcast, below you can find example sentences for broadcast’s.

  1. The television broadcast’s audio tracks served also for use on radio.

  2. For BABS, the only change was to change the broadcast’s transmissions to a series of short pulses rather than a continuous signal.

Broadcaster in a sentence

Broadcaster is a variation of broadcast, below you can find example sentences for broadcaster.

  1. Offscreen, Mutual remained an enterprising broadcaster.

  2. Jeff Hem has been the team’s lead broadcaster since 2012.

  3. He was easily defeated by the future broadcaster Robin Day.

  4. Stephen’s son, broadcaster Avram (Avi) Lewis, is his grandson.

  5. The upper platform is used as a facility building by broadcaster.

  6. Scotland’s matches are presently covered by the pay-TV broadcaster Sky Sports.

  7. Long-time Wildcats radio broadcaster Cawood Ledford wrote the book’s foreword.

  8. White Sox broadcaster Harry Caray saw groups of music fans wandering the stands.

  9. In January 1991 the broadcaster Derek Cooper presented Distilling Whisky Galore!

  10. The show survived by slashing its budget amid broadcaster UPN’s schedule revamp.

  11. In October, the Dutch broadcaster Nederlandse Programma Stichting also committed €10,000.

  12. In 2008, Polish broadcaster TVN secured the rights to a remake from Granada International.

  13. From 1970 through 1977, Mutual was the national radio broadcaster for Monday Night Football.

  14. Celebrities also visited the jamboree, including well-known broadcaster Lowell Thomas and U.S.

  15. Following his retirement from playing, he became a well-respected cricket writer and broadcaster.

  16. She joined German broadcaster ZDF and co-presented Morgenmagazin, a weekday morning show from 1992.

  17. Longtime Devils broadcaster Mike Emrick was the 2008 recipient of the Foster Hewitt Memorial Award.

  18. Journalist and broadcaster Sir David Frost also declared his love for The Canaries during his lifetime.

  19. His peers in sports journalism have frequently commented on Agnew’s skills as a broadcaster and writer.

  20. Thorpe arrived in Fukuoka having been chosen by broadcaster TV Asahi as the marketing drawcard of the event.

Broadcasters in a sentence

Broadcasters is a variation of broadcast, below you can find example sentences for broadcasters.

  1. The CIRT represents all commercial broadcasters in the country.

  2. Historically, the CIRT has been aligned with larger broadcasters.

  3. Other broadcasters including ESPN took the BBC feed from the pit lane.

  4. Brent Musburger, Jack Arute, and Gary Danielson were the game’s broadcasters.

  5. Funding for the €200,000 production was provided by BSÉ and several European broadcasters.

  6. A jamboree press tent accommodated 626 news media reporters, photographers, and broadcasters.

  7. Waters’s concerts in Germany have been boycotted by Germany’s organisation of public broadcasters ARD.

  8. From time to time Larwood supplemented his wages by commenting on cricket for newspapers and broadcasters.

  9. These links were also used by other industries with large, fixed networks, notably television broadcasters.

  10. Numerous broadcasters worldwide also showed the main races, including SuperSport across Africa and the EBU across Europe.

  11. Eurosport broadcast most matches live across 55 countries, while local broadcasters in several countries also carried matches.

  12. Producer Charles Pattinson attempted to gain co-production funding from overseas broadcasters, but met with a lack of interest.

  13. The organization changed its name and formally began including television broadcasters in 1970 after an internal restructuring.

  14. Mr Sinclair was informed about the plight of aspirant public broadcasters being unable to apply for a full-time broadcast licence.

  15. The city is also served by public and commercial radio broadcasters in Ypsilanti, the Lansing/Jackson area, Detroit, Windsor, and Toledo.

  16. Numerous broadcasters worldwide also showed the main races, including SuperSport across Africa, the EBU across Europe and CCTV-5 in China.

  17. The races were watched by around a quarter of a million spectators live, and were broadcast around the world by a variety of broadcasters.

  18. The restrictive programming style was soon adopted by many of RKO’s other stations and imitated by non-RKO broadcasters around the country.

  19. The SFA have argued that limiting the rights to free-to-air broadcasters would severely reduce the amount of revenue that they could generate.

  20. Academic Christian Potschka described «Death on the Rock» as part of a decade of «unprecedented conflict between government and broadcasters over ..

Broadcasters’ in a sentence

Broadcasters’ is a variation of broadcast, below you can find example sentences for broadcasters’.

  1. The National Chamber of the Radio and Television Industry (Spanish: Cámara Nacional de la Industria de Radio y Televisión, CIRT) is the broadcasters’ association of Mexico.

Broadcast—her in a sentence

Broadcast—her is a variation of broadcast, below you can find example sentences for broadcast—her.

  1. This broadcast—her first as a vocalist—attracted wide attention, and led to more radio work, though for Ferrier the event was overshadowed by the death of her mother at the beginning of February.

Broadcast—scene in a sentence

Broadcast—scene is a variation of broadcast, below you can find example sentences for broadcast—scene.

  1. The rewritten—and eventually broadcast—scene had the TARDIS «land directly in the Shadow Architect’s office» with four Judoon guards.

Synonyms for broadcast

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word broadcast has the following synonyms: program, programme, air, send, beam, transmit, circulate, circularize, circularise, distribute, disseminate, propagate, spread, diffuse, disperse and pass aroun.

General information about «broadcast» example sentences

The example sentences for the word broadcast that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «broadcast» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «broadcast».

Definition of Broadcast

a radio or television program

Examples of Broadcast in a sentence

My favorite broadcast usually comes on at eight, but to my dismay, it was replaced by a special program tonight.


Few people listen to a specific radio broadcast these days, but my great grandfather still listens to the radio instead of watching TV.


A committee of members is being selected to determine which TV broadcast should be played at the new timeslot we secured.


If there is one broadcast you can trust to be on TV every single day, it’s the news, since nobody likes to be left in the dark.


I do not like the broadcast currently on television, so I decided to read a book while everyone else watched it instead.


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Most Searched Words (with Video)

Even if he didn’t catch the show in the morning, the captain never missed Kevin and Becca’s evening broadcast

As he spoke, the large image on the wall of the elevator continued to broadcast his image even though he was standing right in front of them

Ava had a virtual universe set up that she said was copied from data she had gathered from the planet, animated with video and audio that is broadcast in their net

As the omnidirectional array broadcast his spoofed Staas inventory query, the intact containers from the wrecked hauler Luxor responded, and the information was projected in his visor

The Brazilians had actually met them and broadcast their pictures to Earth

I remembered the pools of gore on the streets from the television news broadcast

These images culminated in a sequence of grainy pictures depicting John Logie Baird, the inventor of television, as recorded at the dawn of the broadcast age

The director of the broadcast panned his cameras around the studio and zoomed in on every smile and every grin as the audience pulsated in time with the continual explosion of flash bulbs and the shouts and screams of the wildly happy crew

So far there had been no real fear of encountering a hostile alien power out among the stars, but that confidence was groundless, based on the presumption that any civilization capable of space flight would broadcast signals that human science could detect

inventor of television, as recorded at the dawn of the broadcast age

the broadcast panned his cameras around the studio and zoomed in

director of the television broadcast cut to close ups of the young

In clubs where people we so equipped, the club of their choice was broadcast to their brain, each user could set their room as they wished, something Ava couldn’t provide in her universe as there was only one final scene generator per soul in the basic architecture

Stevie hits the mute button and the presenter, the same woman from the morning broadcast, goes through the story one more time, the only difference being the release of names

‘A Jew,’ he whispered, careful not to broadcast the

“Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) is a continuous broadcast of recorded aeronautical information such as weather information, which runways are active, available approaches, and any other information required by the pilots

dedicated to the first broadcast film

At first, they started spreading the word about themselves through posts on various propaganda sites on the internet, before finally breaking into the mainstream media by hacking into the news channel’s broadcast signal and airing a viral massage to the people of Alataria

When we release our thought energy, it is broadcast through the space and time continuum of mind and body

Every half an hour they would broadcast status to the other two ships—Constant communication regarding their incommunicado sisters

The publisher will broadcast your advertisement «solo» only your promotional material period

This advertising space is usually at the top of the ezine owners broadcast so it will be easily seen when a subscriber opens up their email

When you have this down to a fine art, you’ll be able to broadcast an email at will to your list and watch the money come rolling in

Your auto-responder will also allow you to send what are called Broadcast emails to your list whenever you wish

Also, you’ll have long ago forgotten the details of the products you are promoting amid such a lengthy sequence, and you could easily find that they actually conflict with offers and promotions you make in your Broadcast emails

During the period of the initial follow-up sequence, which may realistically be 7 to 10 days, you can keep sending your regular broadcast messages, but you need to select the recipients as only those who have been on your list more than the 7 to 10 days

So, enable the Open Rate feature of your Autoresponder so that you can accurately measure the number of subscribers who opened your email broadcast

Victor was on the media broadcast showing

is energy and that you broadcast this energy at all times;

and this measurable electrical energy is broadcast out

that the majority of the stuff that is broadcast is actually

‘Yes, broadcast this: Torbin, I am ready to listen to all you have to tell me

If some had their way he’d be in a padded cell (a view he’d cultured ever since the media broadcast, when he’d declared the aliens’ existence)

‘But I could simply broadcast what I know

He deployed a relay beacon, to constantly record his transmitted position and vital signs and broadcast to him any changes in the local environment

He took over the broadcast

I was able to get interview with all of the local print and broadcast media

The company still refused to give any details beyond what had been broadcast

If that wasn’t difficult enough for his executives to accept, Toran then had to convince the producer to broadcast the even-more-mysterious datafile, telling his deputy not to run it through verification software since he may leave himself at risk to whatever secretive organisation wanted such information

He tried to imagine how the response would have gone if the datafile had been broadcast

The transmission was in a compression burst lasting no more three seconds, designed to insert itself, interrupting the scheduled broadcast, allowing millions of viewers to witness the true nature of those who hold power

How odd to think that it may have already been broadcast before he’d sent it; that was the paradoxical way of completing a temporal circle

The emergency generator came on line but by then the broadcast feed had been lost

These two commercials were broadcast apropos with the theme of the network programme

Afterwards, having moved to an adjacent studio, Chief correspondent Dolan Cranali said: ‘Although this broadcast had never been intended for Western media, the president has sent out an unequivocal message to the rest of the world – that India is a force to be reckoned with

A New Vistas representative, amidst a barrage of questions on a national broadcast, was forced to explain all but every last detail of the blueprint for an immersion unit

Even if they gained access to a broadcast medium, who would ever believe what he had to say? Just some fantasist spouting techno jargon

After a nationally broadcast warning, the commander made a conference call to all his coalition counterparts (including the respective nations’ leaders), going through the motions of standard procedure

Every broadcast media centre gave out a repeated warning to head for the nearest temporary shelter – which at least would protect from radiation, if not intense heat – until transport arrived to ferry the panic-stricken, the terrified, and the angry to their assigned subterranean compound

The most recent news broadcast indicated an increasing level of tension within the largest province

Still, this was only level one, the kind of stuff the Darangi made available for broadcast

It was obvious that it was forbidden to mention what was being broadcast on the German radio, though many believed that the Russians had a hand in what happened

The radio broadcast was the cause of a mood change, as we could once again feel the winds of war blowing

When the radio station went on air to broadcast the news that an old aged pensioner, dressed as Spiderman, had climbed to the top of their radio mast, the electrical current it generated had the desired effect

Somali anger over the several thousand deaths led one crowd to mutilate the bodies of dead commandos, in images broadcast worldwide

We were watching the latest broadcast from France about a group of terrorists who were holding fifty people hostage in an old chateau

Later, when games were broadcast on the radio, the name was changed for obvious reasons, including an ‘all-ages’ audience

On television, the morning news broadcast was beginning

The image of a grinning Captain Flores, speaking to a crush of reporters in the continuing broadcast, caught Truman’s attention

The race was being broadcast all over the planet, and the broadcast feed was coming from Consolidated Network, who were also providing prime-time coverage in North America via various cable and satellite affiliates

Fred Jackson and Raoul Rodriguez sat in the broadcast booth, with their headsets on, notes, papers and laptops in front of them on the desk, gazing out at viewers all across the U

“Are you trying to broadcast to me?” she asked, as she stirred the batter

Q broadcast the story, he received threats of a lawsuit from the DNC

The citizens don»t question what is printed or broadcast through the mass media

somewhat by a pro-Shinra broadcast and his mind had accepted

So funny in fact, that she mentioned it on the air during her Sistah Britain broadcast

across Japan and is operated by separate power sources that can broadcast information to

“They probably just staked out the California Confidential remote broadcast van and followed it to your building

rank of Prince, (or Princess!) Our names are instantly broadcast throughout the

And a broadcast of your show in my gallery will greatly benefit us

The latter, he notes, was broadcast as giving the ruling classes “the right to sacrifice man and his freedom” in the name of the masses of the proletariat

A screen flickered into life and broadcast the BBC; a welcome distraction he thought but to his absolute horror they had flashed a breaking news item across the current show

refused to broadcast the President’s speech on the aid to the Nicaraguan

Among other provisions that Act regulates certain “electioneering communications” by way of broadcast, cable, or satellite 30 days before a presidential primary and 60 days before a presidential election

Stuart had a site which broadcast his personal life for a fee, and around the world millions were glued to their internets whilst Stuart supposedly chatted to her alone, but wearing nothing but his gold chain, and sometimes in the company of Dale who did not even wear a gold chain, his moving scenarios were languished over by sex starved perverts all around the globe

The router will accept that command without the «broadcast» option, but routing

For his part, Roger felt comfortable during and after the interview, for the thoughts he expressed he had nurtured and talked about for a long time, though this was the first occasion he had to broadcast them live, to a whole continent on television

Fred Anderson, a Channel 7, ABC Eyewitness News reporter who had spent two summers studying in Salamanca and at that time was in Santander, Northern Spain, went to Ponferrada, recorded the visit and broadcast parts of it four months later during the local evening news on ABC in Los Angeles

Luckily the broadcast had a choice of English as well as

live broadcast that will be simulcast all over the

holding a live broadcast that will be

In America, with its television-hungry audience and huge electoral districts, candidates take to the airwaves to broadcast their message

taxpayers and used by officeholders to compose and broadcast pro-

We will broadcast a Reading of that event for those of you who wish to see it

Walter Thompson, my father had brought his broadcast holdings up to fourteen stations with John Babcock’s help, whose path had led him back to my father in 1964, as he relates in the next chapter

Roy Park lured me away from vice presidency at a major broadcast corporation with the charm and wiles that made him a great salesman

My father was sitting on top of 360,000 shares of P&G stock, and he couldn’t think of a better way to use this collateral than to break into the broadcast business

Johnnie Babcock remembers that in the early stages of building his broadcast empire my father had him accompany him on visits to large banks, where he aspired to secure credit and negotiate loans

“Shortly before my arrival in 1964, Roy’s first broadcast investment was funded by Wachovia, with help from the Society Bank of Cleveland,” Babcock recalls

His research revealed that Society Bank was uniquely experienced in broadcast financing, and at first it was the only major bank Park dealt with

He liked the idea of my participation in the negotiation because I was conversant with broadcast management terminology and was deeply involved in fashioning the pro forma operating budgets for the stations we sought

Babcock’s son, Johnnie, bringing his career experience in broadcast media to manage this first group of TV stations

” Reflecting on Pops’ meteoric rise in the broadcast industry, Broadcasting Magazine, in its issue of February 3, 1964, said: “If reverse logic can be applied to the maxim that idle hands are the Devil’s tools, then Roy H

There was another area of new electronic technology that interested my father after he reached the ceiling in broadcast ownership

My father, who was a member of the Broadcast Regulatory Review Committee, which met regularly with the FCC to discuss deregulation of the broadcast industry, said, “I figured something was going to happen down the road, so we’ve been saving our cash

Each of us is like a radio station, constantly broadcasting

Allcock’s expression could not be easily described, but was a sincere reflection of the extremes of fatherly pride he felt at Harry’s triumph, and the eagerness which he tried to constrain in broadcasting this news to everyone he encountered

Podcasting is a form of broadcasting using audio on the internet

‘Don’t think I’ll ever get used to broadcasting every last thought though,’ she replied

“I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we only tune in

Here was where their images would be beamed to every broadcasting station world wide, their voices translated into over a hundred languages

slowly getting back on their feet, Islington had electricity, a limited broadcasting service was

This building had now become the hub of current affairs broadcasting

Really, what else would you call forcing schools, and not parents, to feed children, and then inviting 41 million Americans to collect food stamps? And then, there is the not so little matter of spending tax dollars on Planned Parenthood (no friend of families), Public Broadcasting, and various United Nations activities too numerous to even attempt to make a list of

It’s a local broadcasting station,” said the kid

All of us here at Consolidated Broadcasting Group are both honored, and very excited to be a part of this pioneering new form of electric motorsport, in its second historic season

At first, oral recitation was the only method of broadcasting what must be shared

“We need to start broadcasting our thoughts as soon as we near his house,” Hunter explained

Cara then reached with her mind, searching for a connection and broadcasting

was watching a religious broadcasting station when I first heard the

A year ago I’d made a trial programme as TV presenter for the broadcasting corporation, never dreaming there’d be payment

This broadcasting system, called Bousaimusen, is set in every village, town, and city

An Australian Broadcasting Corporation website offers a “Greenhouse Calculator” that will tell you at what age you should die to save the planet

broadcasting her private life

Equally, if you are simply telling everyone how wonderful your product or service is or how competitive your prices are, or broadcasting information without any feedback or interaction from your target audience, it will be difficult for you to convert your followers into customers because even though you may be tweeting relevant and useful information, they will not feel emotionally connected with your brand

Out of curiosity, I pushed the elevator buttons for several floors in between that were, I thought, occupied by sister divisions, Broadcasting and Aerospace

I have a successful broadcasting business, I fell in love and I have a wonderful son

In the meantime, with the guidebooks gone, my father , while still consulting with P&G, entered his fourth career, founding Park Broadcasting, Inc

Despite spectacular success and recognition, Roy was restless and ambitious to get into newspapering and broadcasting

While I was in my first year in business school in 1961, and three years before Johnnie Babcock joined him, as I said, my father had moved into his fourth career in broadcasting

On September 26, 1961, at age fifty-one, he founded what would become Park Broadcasting, Inc

” Reflecting on Pops’ meteoric rise in the broadcast industry, Broadcasting Magazine, in its issue of February 3, 1964, said: “If reverse logic can be applied to the maxim that idle hands are the Devil’s tools, then Roy H

As Pops was nearing his legal ownership limit of twenty-one broadcasting stations, seven each of television, AM and FM radio stations, he realized that at this time, in order to continue to grow, he would have to move to other media acquisitions

” While he was still buying broadcasting stations, he entered the newspaper field in 1972, and by 1977, he owned forty newspapers in nine states

sue of the Tulsa Tribune, my father expressed his desire to get into the newspaper business, and why he started with broadcasting: I developed some trade publications [right after leaving the Associated Press], and always wanted to get into the [newspaper] business

In so doing, he became the first broadcaster to reach the Federal Communications Commission’s then-legal-limit of twenty-one broadcasting stations

By this time, his broadcasting group reached 25 million people or 12 percent of the total population of the United States

The stations would have a range of about ten miles from the broadcasting tower, and he applied for forty such stations, mostly in areas where he already owned a publication

McHugh (D-28th District, where Park Broadcasting was located), who said the FCC decision raised a serious policy question, and that Congress should hold hearings and make policy judgments on it

This brought his final broadcasting tally to seven television and, because he sold four radio stations in Duluth and Roanoke between 1977 and 1985, back up to twenty-one radio stations, and ended his expansion in the broadcasting field

Park, president of Park Broadcasting, Inc

Babcock While young Roy was busy attending the Johnson Graduate School of Management, and recently married, living in his own apartment in Ithaca, his father was snapping up broadcasting stations

The term operating profit, as it is calculated in broadcasting, does not account for all the costs

We combined broadcasting with a massive billboard buy (my second outdoor advertising encounter after creating billboards for the Ford Motor Dealers Association at JWT) with our “Tomorrow Together” message covering every highway leading into North Carolina

In 1963, in the midst of his broadcasting expansion, my father’s real estate division, RHP Incorporated, began the acquisition of some 3,000 outdoor billboards, under companies he named Park Outdoor Advertising and Park Displays

Monday was not a happy day at Park Broadcasting

When it came to taking work home, one of the two managers who ran the outdoor division when I transferred into broadcasting for five years had his own rule, which ran counter to my father’s

Park Broadcasting and later Park Communications never paid cash dividends on its stock, to him or any other shareholders

In 1976 I was shifted from the outdoor division to become vice president, advertising and promotion for Park Broadcasting, Inc

“He was particularly interested in the college’s communications programs in broadcasting and journalism

Park and Park Broadcasting

He hinted that his boss acquired almost 100 percent of his furniture and personal items at the expense of the broadcasting station

Just as his broadcasting properties catered to medium-sized markets, the vast majority of my father’s newspapers, as I said, had circulations under 20,000

As reported in Business Week in 1977: Unlike other owners of multiple broadcasting or newspaper properties, Park has not attempted to give the components of his empire a single look

The article was dated September 28, 1978, which was during my third year as vice president of Park Broadcasting

During the five years I was assigned to Park Broadcasting, the outdoor division had been run by two managers hired as professionals in the industry, one from the mid-to-late seventies and the other in the early eighties

Years after Johnnie Babcock resigned, my mother told me that things didn’t work out because he wanted to take over the whole broadcasting operation

Of course, she was right, since he was already the man running Park Broadcasting for my father and had been promised the eventual title of presidency, in writing, over the years

I was still part of the Park Broadcasting division when I came across this article, but I knew that the outdoor operation, under its new managers, was not performing well

While I was with Park Broadcasting, it is interesting that I remained in the same corner office on the fourth floor of Terrace Hill that I had when I first ran outdoor, but the outdoor division had been moved from the second floor to the basement

Then for five years it was network promotions, sales and annual meetings, four-hour drives to and from Ogdensburg and overnight stays there each month for the newsletter, and trips to the individual broadcasting properties for promotional events

Walter Thompson and Kincaid Advertising I was asked by my father to come home to straighten out the outdoor division he owned and restore it to profitability? And why after a couple of years, when that was done, did my father hire professional managers to run the company and move me into his broadcasting company? And after the outdoor division had slipped back into a loss situation, five years later, why was I asked to either take back its management or find another job? Was it because my father and I differed on which direction it should go? It was not easy to come to blows in the office and try to act like nothing had happened sitting around the dinner table at night

“Pledging parts of those solid assets to secure loans for desirable communications purchases, he paid cash for the many TV and radio stations that became Park Broadcasting

He did, but was soon replaced by experienced outdoor-advertising managers and shuffled off to the Park Communications broadcasting division

Members of the board at that time were my father and mother, the then treasurer of Park Broadcasting and ironically, Johnnie Babcock

The Park Foundation makes grants primarily in the areas of education, public broadcasting and the environment

Nor did I have problems with public broadcasting programming such as Nature and Nova, if it did not expand to the point that it wiped out the foundation’s ability to issue grants to other educational, charitable, faith-based and community human service programs

The newspaper and broadcasting station categories that were the basis of his media empire are hurting big time because of the shrinking advertising budgets and business closings caused by the economy and competition from the internet

He was about fifty years old, a former broadcaster of Royale Broadcasting Network

How is my proposal? Did they like my masterpiece? Finally, I have a TV show that will set the trend of Philippine broadcasting

It is surprising indeed that a series of weird murders happened inside Royale Metro Broadcasting Network (RMBN) Channel 3

When Butch Roxas’ Royale Broadcasting Network started to lose income and almost gone bankrupt, they did all measures to raise the ratings of their programs

was established between the White House and the Public Broadcasting System

was a screen broadcasting the address, atop which three flags

The LED screen above the pitch began broadcasting

His light hair was carefully styled and the room he was broadcasting from, a private office, looked immaculately clean and organized

Social broadcasting, whether it be branded programs or self produced programming, will likely continue to grow at accelerated rates with the advancement of user friendly video broadcast social applications

Broadcasting tools for the creation and distribution of user-generated media

of time, the television flicked on and the news was broadcasting

someone broadcasting it, and they probably have friends and family

unintended results of this kind of “moral broadcasting” may be to expose the implications of their

Columbia Broadcasting Company of America arranged a radio address by Gāndhiji on 13 September 1931

The only problem with this is that TV remotes don’t always want to watch what the viewer does—TV remotes are fond of public broadcasting

―Well, are we close?‖ she asked her spot in the middle of the broadcasting room

Only friends are so easy together, just as the way Reginald looks at you is broadcasting that he‘s in love

Another benefit with broadcasting a podcasts is that subscribers tend to be very

We have a bunker, secret place, I don’t know where it is, and from there they will keep broadcasting

6 From first to last, in his so-called trial before Pilate, the onlooking celestial hosts could not refrain from broadcasting to the universe the depiction of the scene of «Pilate on trial before Jesus

Many are television and radio channels broadcasting entertainment channels and news

Every television and radio channel is broadcasting the same message; and it is an invitation for Grailem to visit the planets capital

By seven that morning these two areas were crowded with reporters, photographers, cameramen, and outside broadcast teams from all the major news broadcasting companies and their equipment

Against the wishes of some station owners, who had been in their own small way part of the conspiracy, radio station employees commandeered the facility and linked with the broadcasting station in the Midwest

Raising their plows up and down to appear as formidable as possible and broadcasting a drum beat of their own from their speakers, the MMARV’s attempted to drive back the animals

miss-applied because these new broadcasting and networking platforms have

Oh, the power of politicians! Speaking of which, there are a few programs on the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) network that you may have seen: Royal Canadian Air Farce and This Hour Has 22

allowed me to view Canadian broadcasting

the Public Broadcasting Service, paid for by the taxpayers

broadcasting football to more viewers

broadcasting a person’s actions in a toilet stool

The wall across from the foot of the bed started broadcasting the news

Thanking mentally the young German for her sense of humanity, Jenny started broadcasting her warning in Japanese, fervently hoping that the Japanese sailors would heed it

A week later, during which Bonnie gleefully pummeled me with lessons about my continuing poor behavior, Wizichinski called me to work with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in the interior of British Columbia

So ended my association with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

gious community and the president of US Christian Trinity Broadcasting

Soon after this lesson, I was called by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to work in the interior of British Columbia

Most of his life now was the war, and he was going over transcripts of broadcasts that had been intercepted

“We’ve received few highly educated souls after 2152,” Charles said, “So all we know about recent history is from the broadcasts we can intercept

broadcasts onto their iPods

station broadcasts radio waves

His primary job was to do instant surveys on the populace by monitoring various broadcasts to get public reaction to the news

In one of the increasingly regular war-related analysis broadcasts, a psychologist claimed this was in part due to wartime solidarity: the sense of togetherness in the face of adversity but also imminent dramatic change

The broadcasts were full of reports about the soldiers that had been sent to the Isle of Wight to cull all the infected cats

I remember the live radio broadcasts of the event

Long a friend of the United States, they listened in horror to daily broadcasts of anti-American propaganda by the new Sandinista government

For safety’s sake, Gordon moved all records to an aunt’s house and, with travel arrangements and luggage close at hand, watched the live broadcasts of the US congressional hearings

He was in the middle seat, reserved for guests such as him during all race broadcasts

» These forces powerfully operate in ourselves and in the world (news broadcasts describing violent acts, war, racism, environmental destruction, and so on, all bear testimony to this)

He told her that during World War II, his grandfather used to follow broadcasts about the war on that radio, and that was how he had found out the Japanese were being rounded up and forced into camps

broadcasts was correct, then they would probably be trapped in the

even claimed that broadcasts of various beings residing

Some have even claimed that broadcasts of various

“No, I don’t know! Who was killed? I have not seen any of the local news for weeks just satellite channels with no news broadcasts

even claimed that broadcasts of various beings from parallel spheres have

beings The ability to receive broadcasts from low frequency (interpenetrat-

However, each time there was an event they did several fax broadcasts

vibrations and broadcasts the vibrations into space in England, an

They’re annotated, dated and indexed with links to relevant TV and radio broadcasts

However, once he had seen the super-spatial-transmitted broadcasts of The Eliminator devouring vast regions of space-time-probability-improbability and all who lived within, changing everything into itself, McWipple knew what had to be done

Developments in technology had led to satellite broadcasts of such sporting events being shown in cinemas in London and elsewhere where large Irish populations

The rumors have it that they are going to begin the broadcasts there this week

We’re going to begin sending in stories from where we are, with one editor in the bunker compiling and formatting the site and the broadcasts

The television news broadcasts blared the sensational announcement of a multiple murder at number 9 Cherry Lane, at a pleasant suburb of the city

This is merging and being spread globally through a variety of information technologies: books, tapes, Web pages, online forums, and Internet broadcasts

«Were there any subsequent broadcasts?» asked Travis hopefully

«A television gal I know in Seattle, interviewed these phonies a couple of years back, and got the mysterious Russian broadcasts line

Grailem listens to the broadcasts that are directed towards him from the planet Dangilhooley

the case of broadcasts, the organization

Even turn on your local news or National news and it appears that they spend more than half the broadcasts talking about war around the world of some national murder story

In fact, Saturday afternoons meant listening to the broadcasts of the Metropolitan opera

Murrow and the Broadcasts that

Too often, these broadcasts begin and finish a story and just before the commercial break throw out a teaser line for the next story

Al-Sharq Radio, which broadcasts its programs in French to the countries of European Union had a meeting with Prof Abdul-Qadir Al-Dayrani, the Islamic Researcher and Thinker, and of what he had said we mention:

She knew the frequency band on which to transmit, but would they reply? Unlike a phone call, the transmitter broadcasts to anyone within range and tuned to that frequency

planet, it would have been easily noticed by the Minnesota because of the number of artificial satellites in orbit, and the fact that the radio and television broadcasts that were being beamed into space lit the planet up like a small star

“The broadcasts appear to be no different than what Earth was producing in the twenty first century

From the Com/Ops station, Garcia had been recording live Iotian broadcasts since their arrival in Iotian space

She thinks, “Tonight, I’ve tuned into the only radio show that broadcasts at this late hour

“One of the reasons I was sent to Iotia was to determine the source of these television broadcasts,”

response rate and helping you to create a more successful broadcasts

The more consistent you are with your broadcasts, the easier it will be

We urge all citizens to stay alert to this developing situation by tuning in to their local Homeland Security broadcasts

broadcasts on several frequencies, so all we have to do is fine tune it

Make it Easy To Use: Networks need simplicity, for example Twitter simplifies broadcasts to the

You may have seen it on his broadcasts the past couple of days

those broadcasts with prayer, with thoughts of ‘good’ instead

silence those broadcasts with deeds and actions founded in compassion,

Most of the tapes in the archive were not even original Johnny broadcasts, but rather these fake recordings

Moreover, those of the readers who reach out to people via mass media platforms, such as books (fiction or non-fiction), radio broadcasts, films, articles in newspapers, magazines or online portals, or the likes, can incorporate these contentions so as to dispel the prejudices enumerated in the book (it is necessary to specifically bring out the prejudiced notions and have them rebutted on the basis of facts and logic as has been done in this book; it is not sufficient to just have a Muslim character in a story who is a nice person from the point of view of changing mindsets of those strongly prejudiced against Muslims)

The live broadcasts always received lots of phone calls

Olga shared during these live broadcasts was accurate about them

He (cpth) also said about the radio ‘the antichrist’s donkey’ that: «No home it shall enter but corrupts it»: that is: it corrupts the spirits of its listeners because of what immortal sexual low songs it broadcasts

the great depression on one of your TV broadcasts

broadcasts, they hardly ever even mention poverty

Radio stations for streaming radio broadcasts with iTunes

broadcasts and other content

You want to balance out promotional updates with quality broadcasts

second the memories of news broadcasts from months ago shot into

The women listened halfheartedly to the succession of news broadcasts

The Director of Information Services knew only too well the importance of catching the stations’ broadcasts

If ABC only broadcasts those programming elements with which it agrees 100%, decent Americans ought to wake up and wonder at just what values (or lack there of) are being embraced by these media apparatchiks and seriously ponder whether these reprobates should be allowed to continue their stewardship of the public airwaves

If the broadcasts of the loudspeakers that are supposed to echo the intelligence of the

minivan as a news station broadcasts Willie’s ride on the

In a consumer driven, corporate controlled economy: what point is there in having a media that broadcasts only what the consumer wants to hear and only what corporations allow them to hear? What is the point in broadcasting only one major story… the same story to billions of viewers, and by that pyramidal focus: implying that no other news stories happened that day to 7 billion people? That is the opposite of news

The room was hushed, even the veteran reporters did not know what to expect next, but knew, too, they had the lead story on that night’s broadcasts

Video showing Americans who looked as ordinary as everyone’s neighbors being placed in trucks and buses, to be driven to train stations, was interspersed with breathless broadcasts from reporters at roadblocks talking over video of cars being checked and the occasional attempt to speed away stopped by hails of bullets

Christian television and on network Sunday broadcasts

On some mosques they set up speakers connected to radios so his broadcasts could be heard by everyone in the village and in the fields

Then the morning after, on TV, we would hear of more Taliban killings and wonder what the army was doing with all its booming cannons and why they could not even stop the daily broadcasts on Mullah FM

Old Frau Stresemann, shes one of our neighbors, she says she can hear Deutschlandsender broadcasts in her tooth fillings

A subordinate tells Volkheimer there are reports of resistance broadcasts washing out of the Leopoldstadt

For five days he hears nothing on his transceiver but anthems and recorded propaganda and broadcasts from beleaguered colonels requesting supplies, gasoline, men

memory coming at Werner like a six-car train out of the darkness, the quality of the transmission and the tenor of the voice matching in every respect the broadcasts of the Frenchman he used to hear, and then a piano plays three single notes, followed by a pair, the chords rising peacefully, each a candle leading deeper into a forest

It seems certain that the broadcasts will be blamed for something, and Werner will be found out

And the model house? Did Werner let himself back into the grotto to retrieve it? Did he leave the stone inside? She says, “He said that you and he used to listen to my great-uncle’s broadcasts

There was even a radio on which the boys would be able to listen to everything from baseball games to Fibber McGee and Molly to live broadcasts of the New York Philharmonic direct from Carnegie Hall or, if Joe got his hands on the dial, to The National Barn Dance from Chicago

Each came with a shortwave tuner and a special “high-efficiency aerial” kit to ensure clear reception of both the standard radio broadcast on NBC and shortwave broadcasts in a variety of languages direct from Berlin

The news of Louie’s disappearance headlined California newspapers and led radio broadcasts on June 5

Stephan worked for a service that monitored broadcasts and sent news of POWs to family members

Wodehouse, and later realized that Roderick Spode and his Blackshorts was not a comic fantasy but a jab at Oswald Mosley, so it was shocking to find that the author was later regarded as a collaborator or even a traitor for making ill-advised broadcasts from Germany while interned by the Nazis

She would think of the hi-fi bought on installments from Sears, used only for the Metropolitan Opera broadcasts on Sunday afternoons

(If you have decades of investing ahead of you, there’s a better way to visualize the financial news broadcasts; see the sidebar on p

Broadcast messages are forwarded to all of the connected segments, however, making it possible to use protocols that rely on broadcasts without manual system configuration

This will keep the local traffic generated on each segment local and still permit broadcasts and other traffic intended for the other segment to pass through

One of the advantages of creating multiple LANs and connecting them with routers is that broadcasts are limited to the individual networks

Broadcast are an English indie electronic band, founded in Birmingham, England in 1995 by Trish Keenan (vocals, keyboards, guitar) and James Cargill (bass). (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

BT and Sky both embellish 4K sports broadcasts with Atmos audio, Sky is including Dolby Atmos on a growing number of Sky Cinema 4K movies too.


It’s essential to find a team that has cultivated contacts for your genre, has experience in pitching print (magazine and newspaper), broadcast (television, radio and podcast) and/or online and blog outlets to make an author and book newsworthy.


If you miss it you can check out our recent broadcasts or our YouTube channel.


The podcast offers audio versions of the nightly broadcast.


The company manages a global broadcast network, live events, print media titles and multiple websites, forums and e-commerce, gaming & editorial syndication platforms operating in 16 languages across 60 international markets.


I think the truth is you don’t want both sides to be shown when it helps your ideals — say, Fox News shouldn’t be forced to show an actual fair and balanced broadcast.


The commercials for Maffei, D-Syracuse, will run on both broadcast and cable TV in the Syracuse market, according to his campaign.


The game was played — and broadcast — as scheduled.


If you initiate the message on your phone, the broadcast will play on all your Google Home devices signed into the same Google Account.


Florida About Blog how to Do florida is a broadcast show that entertains, teaches, and encourages Floridians to actively engage their state.


On top of all that, Epic Games has taken the viral marketing tact, posting a strange emergency broadcast to Fortnite’s social media accounts that features a llama of all things (see below).


«The show undermines the creature comforts of the bourgeoisie and mocks the American television audience through telling moments of sadism and brutality in a way that broadcast TV can’t do.»


What a wonderful story and it shows the broadcast media will take self-published authors for guest interviews as well.


Williams said North Korea broadcast coverage of every Olympics going back to the 2004 Athens Summer Games, missing only the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010.


The Kennel Club said it was lodging the complaint over the «unfair treatment and editing and failure to fairly and properly reflect the Kennel Club’s deep commitment to the health and and welfare of dogs and responsible dog ownership despite being made aware in detail of those efforts in advance of broadcast».


Dual-Band Wi-Fi: Like many newer home routers, the Unite Pro broadcasts at both 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz.


They had come to the broadcast to clear Hackett’s name, to ask the killer why he had done it and what he felt about talking an innocent man’s life and leaving his family devastated.


In an interview broadcast Sunday on the statewide TV show «UpFront with Mike Gousha,» Evers compared the expectations on students and teachers in those proposals.


Work with Harris Broadcast System on monthly basis, to ensure checks are paid in a timely manner to media clients on the broadcast and non-broadcast side


Lima, who participated in some of the first broadcasts in 2007, says that at first it felt surreal to look down at her video feed while she was teaching and see high school students gathered in bare wooden rooms, sometimes surrounded by hammocks where their own children were sleeping.


We used the notes taken during the live broadcast to prepare this short brief.


REDMOND, Wash. — Nov. 21, 2013 — Xbox One hits store shelves and becomes available online Friday, delighting millions of fans participating in global launch celebrations, watching a live broadcast on Spike TV and lining up at retail stores to be among the first to grab an Xbox One.


By 1930 radio broadcasts could carry his voice to millions of strangers.


Andrew Siemion, director of the Berkeley SETI Research Center, says that a wider radio search beyond the so-called «hydrogen line» (which is where the most abundant element in the universe «broadcasts,» and is a smart bet for finding stray radio signals) will require more computing power.


It refers to the «first star» of the evening’s match, and in most broadcasts refers to any player NOT associated with the Toronto Maple Leafs.


Anything you transmit may be edited by or on behalf of BEAM SUNTORY, may or may not be posted to this Site at the sole discretion of BEAM SUNTORY and may be used by BEAM SUNTORY or its affiliates for any purpose, including, but not limited to, reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, broadcast and posting.


In addition to these autoresponders, I also send a weekly broadcast email.


The Note 5 can handle longer documents, and you can send live broadcasts of your videos.


New digital technology provides automated broadcast capability for more timely service.


He has also done color commentary on that station’s broadcast of the games of the Windy City Thunderbolts, a Frontier League Class A baseball team.


At least Kerstin Brätsch is lucky enough to have her massive «Blocked Radiant» paintings on paper installed in the hall outside the show’s first room, where they can breathe a little; and the strongest of an otherwise thin batch of paintings by Laura Owens, combining silk-screened appropriated imagery and freehand gesture, broadcasts loud and clear from the wall above the ground floor ticket desk.


Presenting the radio broadcast for the first time publicly in the Freud Museum, and using visual materials, the artist will give a performative talk followed by an in conversation with Dr Caterina Albano which fill focus on Harasymowicz’s art practice and methodology.


The afternoon broadcast will feature some of the sport’s biggest names.


The daughter of a fiercely nationalistic sheep farmer, Esther yearns for a taste of the wider world that reaches her only through broadcasts on the BBC.


Continuing last year’s collaboration with Clocktower Radio, the curated digital broadcast has expanded to include more interviews and special musical compilations.


The party committees (RNC, RSCC, etc) and outside organizations spent big on TV ads, particularly late in the campaign, which is also when ads on local news broadcasts (political consultants» favorite) are in heavy demand and hence expensive.


After months of rumors, Facebook’s original TV plans are official.The social network, which has been focusing hardcore on video lately with a big push into live video broadcasts, 360-degree videos, stories, and auto-playing clips in the news feed, said… Read more


Al Jazeera English broadcasts from Washington, DC, London, Qatar, and Kuala Lumpur, without commercials and without endless pundit chatter.


Listen to Christian radio ministry broadcasts, programs, and sermons from pastors, speakers like John MacArthur, Adrian Rogers, Beth Moore, David Jeremiah.


I wrote an essay for the broadcast screening.


The FCC does not actively monitor or censor broadcast media in the United States.


Make sure your Book Marketing plan covers all of your bases: Social Media, Online Marketing, Book Reviews, Amazon and other online retailers, Traditional PR (print, tv, broadcast)


After the show this week, Justin Bieber took to Instagram to explained why he looked so bummed out during the broadcast.


Jeremy Corbyn has used his first party political broadcast to set out what he stands for and to insist that campaigning for Labour is «fun».


It’s why there are 500 cable TV channels instead of everyone tuning into the same network news broadcast every night.»


The station «broadcasts segments hosted by prominent, local, regional and national business professionals on industry-specific topics.


Not only was he a broadcast journalist for CNN and CBS, but he’s coached executives at Coca-Cola, Chevron and more…


The ad will air on Central New York broadcast and cable television stations over the next couple of weeks, Katko’s campaign said.


Taking as a starting point the artist’s working method of montage, juxtaposing footage from a range of film, video and broadcast sources.


In a disturbing echo of Ukip’s last party political broadcast, which told numerous untruths about Turkey, Gove asserted that 77 million Turkish Muslim citizens would soon be using the NHS, and Albanian criminals were about to flood Britain.


We found 2000 ‘broadcast’ sentence examples to help you understand how to use broadcast in a sentence.

  • Celebrity tournaments typically air for one week each year, although there have been seasons where more than one week of celebrity shows were broadcast.
  • The announcer on the Oscars broadcast just teased that ANSEL ELGORT will be appearing soon.
  • This important ruling needs to be widely broadcast and followed.
  • Don’t broadcast it.
  • In both cases, it included a live broadcast from Santa Cruz.
  • Data broadcasting is to improve the mobile computing system scalability an important technology, this paper, a real-time data broadcast model.
  • I have yet to see a news station do an entire broadcast with no human intrest stories at all.
  • The session started early and finished late, and was broadcast live on all cable news channels.
  • Instantly his score is broadcast to all of the other gamers, and the hunt becomes more frenzied.
  • DoD wideband satellite communication services are currently provided by a combination of the existing Defense Satellite Communications System ( DSCS ) and Global broadcast Service ( GBS ) satellites.
  • Will not download any apps with broadcast sticky intents permissions.
  • Just as his concessions were being broadcast, loyal contingents rolled into Saigon.
  • Broadcast to the world.
  • The Nazis paid him rather handsomely to broadcast pro Nazi propaganda targeting Arab public opinion.
  • For a time, they held the contract to broadcast from Kempton races.
  • All of their experiences can be traced back to Neighbor Dorothy and her WDOT broadcast.
  • But on Thursday night, McCain turned to Bush and suggested that he was behind an advertising campaign by a conservative antitax group that has broadcast commercials attacking McCain.
  • The President’s speech was broadcast nationally.
  • Most households encounter problems with signal reception for broadcast television.
  • Establishment can not survive without controlling the press and broadcast airwaves.
  • By virtue of our very existence we send out broadcast signals about who we are.
  • The spacecraft broadcast ionospheric model parameters, but they are necessarily imperfect.
  • Watching broadcast television, when it’s broadcast, is a bit passe’.
  • A new tender for the station’s broadcast license is scheduled March 27.
  • The radio station was broadcast worldwide in shortwave on different frequencies.
  • But how many of us have watched every broadcast.
  • The broadcast storm in the local area network will easily break down the whole network.
  • Video broadcast by Arab TV showed the bloodied bodies of women and children who appeared to be wearing nightclothes.
  • I can’t imagine listening to a Dodger broadcast without hearing the mellifluous poetry of Vin Scully.
  • The aim of the radio station, scheduled to go on air Oct . 15 is to broadcast prodemocracy programs and news about Iraq from its base in Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Concetti said that » to broadcast the execution would hold human life up to mockery .».
  • I watch every single Olbermann Resistance broadcast on GQ.
  • In terms of the radio program of 5 years ago-I hardly think a nationally broadcast abc radio program is not a valid source although it is now now 5 years old.
  • They also broadcast local Anacortes sporting events.
  • What is worse is that now this man’s medical and criminal records are being broadcast to the world.
  • But for the first time ever, a state radio broadcast announced his death days after it occurred without waiting for his family’s permission.
  • They also use unique intonations slightly different from those used by broadcast news readers.
  • Once Warner Broadcasting purchased rights to broadcast the series during the popular Saturday morning time slot, the Pokemon series’ popularity skyrocketed throughout the rest of the western world.
  • Neither ABC nor CBS planned a live broadcast of the speech.
  • The Met Opera has an excellent live broadcast to theaters throughout the nation at a modest cost.
  • Dancing with the Stars is currently on ABC Monday evenings at 8 p.m. (7 p.m. central), with the elimination round broadcast on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. (8 p.m. central).
  • Noncommercial stations may broadcast in the commercial band, however.
  • Instead her last episode of » CD : Live » was broadcast on 4 June with her showing a curvier silhouette and she introduced the girl who would play her role : Giorgia Palmas.
  • A reminder perhaps of the truth behind the reports on war that are broadcast on our news channels.
  • Grace may be an intellectual lightweight, but why broadcast it to your entire readership.
  • Learn how to work with the green wall for TV news with expert journalism advice from an experienced broadcast journalist in this free television career video clip.
  • Also comedy sets are broadcast by Frank Skinner and Dave Gorman.
  • Formby was a former board member of broadcast Music, Inc.
  • KIST also broadcast in C-QUAM AM Stereo.
  • A BBC radio dramatisation was broadcast in the 1990s.
  • Now if broadcast 7 would hurry up already.
  • Only Livingston’s hourlong weekly program is broadcast in English.
  • The network originally broadcast lesser-known sports and events such as the World’s Strongest Man competition, Australian Rules Football and the United States Football League.
  • Imaging if a major company was launching a new product, and they only broadcast one commercial.
  • Taha said in the speech broadcast by national Radio Omdurman.
  • One of her goals is to diversify the broadcast, realistically.
  • Pittsburg is a center of broadcast media for southeastern Kansas.
  • It grew even more overwhelming after the broadcast of the eleven o’clock news.
  • George Crile, a » 60 Minutes » producer, says he plans to discuss Osorio further in an upcoming broadcast.
  • From 1961 through 1968, MPATI’s programming broadcast from two DC-6AB aircraft based at the Purdue University Airport in West Lafayette, Indiana, using a broadcasting technique known as Stratovision.
  • I found myself searching for a watchable broadcast that wasn’t available here.
  • In this paper, we present the broadcast communication system with error correcting and encryption.
  • She also complained about the repetition of news which was broadcast.
  • State television broadcast a 30-minute documentary about Falun Gong.
  • And rabbit ears for the television to broadcast.
  • A network that allows UDP packets could be mapped by sending a packet to the broadcast address on a high port.
  • They will, however, broadcast telethons to raise millions for the financing of suicide bombers.
  • The other raw SSTV signal branch was sent to the RCA scan converter where it would be processed into an NTSC broadcast television signal.
  • With this MMDS technology, television, audio and data signals were received at Look’s headend and digitally transmitted via fibre optics links to broadcast sites.
  • KHNL entered into a partnership with KIKU ( channel 20 ) to broadcast nightly news updates for the station on February 3, 2003.
  • Bryan are not broadcast as big events.
  • I saw was broadcast on 8 April 1976.
  • She wanted to get a taste of broadcast journalism and was told she would learn about newswriting, production and more.
  • It began to broadcast in Peiping under the name of «‘Peiping Xinhua Broadcasting Station «‘( ).
  • What’s the message with choosing that as the broadcast.
  • The CFF is also a Community Cinema partner, bringing the Independent Television Service films broadcast on Independent Lens.
  • The networks should not broadcast his dog and pony show.
  • There will be Deposit Center, Inquiry Office, Reception, Lost and Found, Medical Station and broadcast Station, etc. within the Expo Site.
  • This is mostly an entertaining account of Welles and his famous radio broadcast.
  • KARE 11 news helicopter was broadcast live on their 5 : 00 pm newscast.
  • I don’t need to broadcast myself to the world.
  • People listen to the broadcast.
  • Nope, the science here is at most at the level of the evening news broadcast.
  • At noon, Fox 4’s Kathy Quinn broadcast a statement from the station confirming Harman’s death.
  • The broadcast Butcher is the serial killer at the center of the novel and he was super scary.
  • IRNA gloated in the broadcast, monitored in Cyprus.
  • It was produced and broadcast on Marte TV in 1992.
  • An awards banquet, the first ever specifically for blacks in the broadcast industry, was held at the Waldorf-Astoria.
  • The same idea goes for broadcast news.
  • America is a global player, not that one would think that from its printed and broadcast press.
  • Lord Gowrie made a similar broadcast the following year.
  • By the early 1990s, the lease was not renewed for Radiovision to broadcast on 1550 and the Urban format was dropped along with Radiovision shutting down its operation.
  • «‘ CMT Cross Country «‘is a television show broadcast on Country Music Television and Palladia that pairs two country music artists together.
  • In 1945, he broadcast the first reports from Belsen concentration camp.
  • Kasey Kahne won the TNT started its six race broadcast schedule.
  • Half an hour later, it broadcast the first tornado warning.
  • It was broadcast in Germany and Austria before the Munich event on Servus TV on 19 July 2014 and was also available to watch on Red Bull TV for a month.
  • «Walkabout » was first broadcast on the Fox Network on March 28, 1997.
  • If you want to tell many people about something then you should broadcast your feelings.
  • On simulating one improved broadcast algorithm, different simulators produce simulation results that greatly differ from each other.

Other Words: Bronze Winged, Broadswords, Brogh, Broad Crested, Broadstairs, Broaching, Broch, Broadford, Broiler, Brotherless, Broad Brimmed, Broadband, Brotherhood, Bronn, Brooklin, Browbeating, Brokered, Brother In Arms, Browed, Brokenly

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