Word boundaries in sentences

The importance of recognizing word boundaries is illustrated by this advertisement from the County Down Spectator.

In writing, word boundaries are conventionally represented by spaces between words. In speech, word boundaries are determined in various ways, as discussed below.

Related Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms

  • Assimilation and Dissimilation
  • Conceptual Meaning
  • Connected Speech
  • Intonation
  • Metanalysis
  • Mondegreen
  • Morpheme and Phoneme
  • Oronyms
  • Pause
  • Phonetics and Phonology
  • Phonological Word
  • Prosody
  • Segment and Suprasegmental
  • Slip of the Ear
  • Sound Change

Examples of Word Boundaries

  • «When I was very young, my mother scolded me for flatulating by saying, ‘Johnny, who made an odor?’ I misheard her euphemism as ‘who made a motor?’ For days I ran around the house amusing myself with those delicious words.» (John B. Lee, Building Bicycles in the Dark: A Practical Guide on How to Write. Black Moss Press, 2001
  • «I could have sworn I heard on the news that the Chinese were producing new trombones. No, it was neutron bombs.» (Doug Stone, quoted by Rosemarie Jarski in Dim Wit: The Funniest, Stupidest Things Ever Said. Ebury, 2008
  • «As far as input processing is concerned, we may also recognize slips of the ear, as when we start to hear a particular sequence and then realize that we have misperceived it in some way; e.g. perceiving the ambulance at the start of the yam balanced delicately on the top . . ..» (Michael Garman, Psycholinguistics. Cambridge University Press, 2000

Word Recognition

  • «The usual criterion for word recognition is that suggested by the linguist Leonard Bloomfield, who defined a word as ‘a minimal free form.’ . . .
  • «The concept of a word as ‘a minimal free form’ suggests two important things about words. First, their ability to stand on their own as isolates. This is reflected in the space which surrounds a word in its orthographical form. And secondly, their internal integrity, or cohesion, as units. If we move a word around in a sentence, whether spoken or written, we have to move the whole word or none of it—we cannot move part of a word.»
    (Geoffrey Finch, Linguistic Terms, and Concepts. Palgrave Macmillan, 2000)
  • «[T]he great majority of English nouns begins with a stressed syllable. Listeners use this expectation about the structure of English and partition the continuous speech stream employing stressed syllables.»
    (Z.S. Bond, «Slips of the Ear.» The Handbook of Speech Perception, ed. by David Pisoni and Robert Remez. Wiley-Blackwell, 2005)

Tests of Word Identification

  • Potential pause: Say a sentence out loud, and ask someone to ‘repeat it very slowly, with pauses.’ The pauses will tend to fall between words, and not within words. For example, the / three / little / pigs / went / to / market. . . .
  • Indivisibility: Say a sentence out loud, and ask someone to ‘add extra words’ to it. The extra item will be added between the words and not within them. For example, the pig went to market might become the big pig once went straight to the market. . . .
  • Phonetic boundaries: It is sometimes possible to tell from the sound of a word where it begins or ends. In Welsh, for example, long words generally have their stress on the penultimate syllable . . .. But there are many exceptions to such rules.
  • Semantic units: In the sentence Dog bites vicar, there are plainly three units of meaning, and each unit corresponds to a word. But language is often not as neat as this. In I switched on the light, the has little clear ‘meaning,’ and the single action of ‘switching on’ involves two words.​
    (Adapted from The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, 3rd ed., by David Crystal. Cambridge University Press, 2010)

Explicit Segmentation

  • «»[E]xperiments in English have suggested that listeners segment speech at strong syllable onsets. For example, finding a real word in a spoken nonsense sequence is hard if the word is spread over two strong syllables (e.g., mint in [mǀntef]) but easier if the word is spread over a strong and a following weak syllable (e.g., mint in [mǀntəf]; Cutler & Norris, 1988).
    The proposed explanation for this is that listeners divide the former sequence at the onset of the second strong syllable, so that detecting the embedded word requires recombination of speech material across a segmentation point, while the latter sequence offers no such obstacles to embedded word detection as the non-initial syllable is weak and so the sequence is simply not divided.
    Similarly, when English speakers make slips of the ear that involve mistakes in word boundary placement, they tend most often to insert boundaries before strong syllables (e.g., hearing by loose analogy as by Luce and Allergy) or delete boundaries before weak syllables (e.g., hearing how big is it? as how bigoted?; Cutler & Butterfield, 1992).
    These findings prompted the proposal of the Metrical Segmentation Strategy for English (Cutler & Norris, 1988; Cutler, 1990), whereby listeners are assumed to segment speech at strong syllable onsets because they operate on the assumption, justified by distributional patterns in the input, that strong syllables are highly likely to signal the onset of lexical words. . . .
    Explicit segmentation has the strong theoretical advantage that it offers a solution to the word boundary problem both for the adult and for the infant listener. . . .
    «Together these strands of evidence motivate the claim that the explicit segmentation procedures used by adult listeners may in fact have their origin in the infant’s exploitation of
    rhythmic structure to solve the initial word boundary problem.»​
    (Anne Cutler, «Prosody and the Word Boundary Problem.» Signal to Syntax: Bootstrapping from Speech to Grammar in Early Acquisition, ed. by James L. Morgan and Katherine Demuth. Lawrence Erlbaum, 1996)

A word boundary is the part or area of a sentence where one word ends and another one begins. The white spaces between words let us know where one word ends and another one begins. Example: John-is-tall.

How do you use the word boundaries in a sentence?

Boundaries sentence example

  1. There are no boundaries for us.
  2. They were connecting the dots now, drawing the boundaries of their relationship.
  3. The city’s boundaries were enlarged in 1905.
  4. Natural boundaries are always the most definite and the strongest, lending.

noun, plural bound·a·ries. something that indicates bounds or limits; a limiting or bounding line. Also called frontier.

What does the word boundaries mean in a sentence?

: something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent Those two trees mark the boundary of our property. the mountain range that forms the country’s northern boundary. Other Words from boundary Synonyms More Example Sentences Phrases Containing boundary Learn More About boundary.

Is underscore a word boundary?

Word Boundary: b
The word boundary b matches positions where one side is a word character (usually a letter, digit or underscore—but see below for variations across engines) and the other side is not a word character (for instance, it may be the beginning of the string or a space character).

What character’s do you use to match on a word boundary?

The metacharacter b is an anchor like the caret and the dollar sign. It matches at a position that is called a “word boundary”.

What are my personal boundaries?

Personal boundaries are the physical, emotional and mental limits we establish to protect ourselves from being manipulated, used, or violated by others. They allow us to separate who we are, and what we think and feel, from the thoughts and feelings of others.

How do you explain boundaries to a child?

5 Tips for Teaching Your Kids about Boundaries

  1. Ask what needs to be different. Before setting a boundary, your child needs to figure out what needs to change.
  2. Make the message clear.
  3. Be consistent and follow through.
  4. Treat others how you want to be treated.
  5. Remember NO means NO.

What are boundaries?

A boundary is a real or imaginary line that separates two things. In geography, boundaries separate different regions of the Earth.

What is word boundary in phonology?

Word boundaries occur between words. The problem is that it is far from obvious what it means to be a word in linguistics. Furthermore, words are hierarchically organized: a word may contain other words.

How do you set boundaries?

To start setting your boundaries straight, try these four things.

  1. Know your limits. Clearly define what your intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual boundaries are with strangers, work colleagues, friends, family, and intimate partners.
  2. Be assertive.
  3. Practice makes perfect.
  4. If all else fails, delete and ignore.

What is a word boundaries in linguistics?

A word boundary is the part or area of a sentence where one word ends and another one begins. The white spaces between words let us know where one word ends and another one begins.

What is word boundary in JS?

A word boundary b is a test, just like ^ and $ .At string start, if the first string character is a word character w . Between two characters in the string, where one is a word character w and the other is not. At string end, if the last string character is a word character w .

What is word boundary in JavaScript?

Simply put, the word boundary b allows you to carry the match the whole word using a regular expression in the following form: bwordb. Code language: JavaScript (javascript) For example, in the string Hello, JS!

What character would you use to start a regular expression pattern at a word boundary in C#?

Positive character group:

Pattern Description
b Start at a word boundary.
[A-Z] Match any uppercase character from A to Z.
w* Match zero or more word characters.
b Match a word boundary.

What is non-word boundary?

A non-word boundary matches any place else: between any pair of characters, both of which are word characters or both of which are not word characters. at the beginning of a string if the first character is a non-word character. at the end of a string if the last character is a non-word character.

What is word boundary in regex python?

Word boundaries are a great way of performing regular expression searches for whole words while avoiding partial matches. For instance, a search for the regular expression “the” would match both the word “the” and the start of the word “thesaurus”.

What are the 5 boundaries?

Below are some relationship boundaries to consider to help keep your relationship strong.

  • Physical Boundaries. Physical boundaries refer to your body, privacy, and personal space.
  • Emotional Boundaries.
  • Sexual Boundaries.
  • Intellectual Boundaries.
  • Financial Boundaries.

What are the five types of boundaries?

These types include:

  • physical boundaries.
  • emotional boundaries.
  • time boundaries.
  • sexual boundaries.
  • intellectual boundaries.
  • material boundaries.

What are some boundaries in life?

These boundaries typically fall into a few specific categories:

  • emotional (protecting our own emotional well-being)
  • physical (protecting our physical space)
  • sexual (protecting our needs and safety sexually)
  • workplace (protecting our ability to do our work without interference or drama)

How do I set boundaries with my parents?

How to Set Boundaries with Your Parents (And Stick to Them)

  1. Have a convo.
  2. Express gratitude.
  3. Don’t wait.
  4. Be specific.
  5. Compromise.
  6. Keep your stance.
  7. Take space.
  8. Bring in a professional.


  • 1 How do you use the word boundaries in a sentence?
  • 2 What type of word is boundaries?
  • 3 What does the word boundaries mean in a sentence?
  • 4 Is underscore a word boundary?
  • 5 What character’s do you use to match on a word boundary?
  • 6 What are my personal boundaries?
  • 7 How do you explain boundaries to a child?
  • 8 What are boundaries?
  • 9 What is word boundary in phonology?
  • 10 How do you set boundaries?
  • 11 What is a word boundaries in linguistics?
  • 12 What is word boundary in JS?
  • 13 What is word boundary in JavaScript?
  • 14 What character would you use to start a regular expression pattern at a word boundary in C#?
  • 15 What is non-word boundary?
  • 16 What is word boundary in regex python?
  • 17 What are the 5 boundaries?
  • 18 What are the five types of boundaries?
  • 19 What are some boundaries in life?
  • 20 How do I set boundaries with my parents?

boundaries — перевод на русский

Verify your boundaries.

Подтвердите свои границы.

We can’t verify the boundaries, my president.

Мы не можем подтвердить наши границы, господин президент.

«Now, the boundaries of our village are:»

Сейчас границы нашей деревни:

There can be no doubt that this girl, who has impressed this court, would not have crossed the boundaries of common decency had she not been encouraged to do so by the defendant.

Нет никаких сомнений в том, что эта фройлен, которая представлена суду, пересекла границы порядочности и сделала это по рекомендации обвиняемой.

«the boundaries of my language are

«Границы моего языка

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I do have boundaries.

У меня есть рамки.

Max, as your wife’s therapist, there are boundaries I have to observe.

Макс, как психотерапевт вашей жены, я должна соблюдать определённые рамки.

But our job is to do the best we can within our boundaries.

Но наша работа в том, чтобы сделать всё, что в наших силах, не выходя за рамки.

It’s a father’s responsibility to set the boundaries.

Обязанность отца установить рамки

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We have tried at this school to make Eric understand that there are boundaries, mkay?

В школе мы пытались объяснить Эрику, что всему есть пределы, м-кей?

Let’s all just try to keep cool heads, shall we? The girls are just testing our boundaries.

Девочки просто проверяют наши пределы.

Our boundaries.

Наши пределы.

No way! Glenn, remember, the thing we love most about each other is that we push each other way beyond our normal boundaries.

Гленн, запомни, мы любим друг друга больше всего за то, что мы выталкиваем друг друга далеко за пределы нормального.

Um, many people I’ve talked to have mentioned that they’re careful about what they type into search engines because they know that it’s being recorded. And that limits the boundaries of their intellectual exploration.

Многие, с кем я разговаривал, упоминали, что они стараются быть осторожными при поисковых запросах в сети, потому что знают, что запросы сохраняются, и это ограничивает пределы их интеллектуальных изысканий.

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— Not really. Kids love boundaries.

Дети любят ограничения.

Here are the boundaries:

Такие ограничения:

Kids need rules and boundaries.

Детям нужны правила и ограничения.

— You need boundaries.

— Тебе нужны ограничения.

We don’t know all the boundaries of this game yet, okay?

Пока нам не известны все ограничения этой игры, хорошо?

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What I want is to set some boundaries.

Всё, что я хочу это установить границы.

You got to set some boundaries, all right?

А нужно было установить границы, понимаешь?

Okay, look, if it’s really that important to you, you need to set a boundary.

Так, слушай, если это настолько важно для тебя, ты должна установить границы.

Apparently his flirtation was not laid to rest, and I had to redefine appropriate boundaries.

Очевидно, его флирт не прекратился и мне нужно было установить границы.

It’s all about respecting boundaries, Crane.

Надо просто установить границы, Крейн.

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She was all about crossing inappropriate boundaries.

Она сплошь и рядом нарушала всяческие границы дозволенного.

Max, I’m sorry I crossed all those boundaries.

Макс, прости, я перешла все границы дозволенного.

Don’t exceed your boundaries.

Не выходи за границы дозволенного.

Boundaries were pretty blurry back then.

Границы дозволенного были довольно расплывчивы.

— Well, you know, I’ve heard you say any number of times that, uh, they need to set boundaries with Max.

Я много раз от тебя слышала, что Макс должен научиться понимать границы дозволенного.

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He has no respect… for boundaries.

Он не осознает… граней приличия.

No respect for boundaries.

Он не осознает граней приличия.

You’ve never heard of boundaries?

Не слышал о рамках приличия?

Or do you just not understand boundaries?

Или тебя вообще не волнуют приличия?

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The universe is governed by two kinds of laws laws of evolution which determine how the universe develops in time given its state at one time, and boundary conditions which determine the initial state.

Вселенная управляется законами двух видов: законами эволюции, которые определяют, как вселенная развивается во времени, до определенного состояния в определенный момент, и законами пограничных состояний, которые определяют, каким было первоначальное состояние.

But Jim Hartle and I proposed the «no boundary condition»

Но мы с Джимом Хартлом предложили идею «никаких пограничных условий»

Hawking’s «no boundary condition» is his most radical suggestion to date.

На сегодня идея Хокинга «никаких пограничных условий» — это самое его радикальное предположение.

Boundary line, 57th Precinct to signal 32.

Пограничная линия, 57-й полицейский участок, сигнал 32.

To do as you suggest, to verify those boundaries we need your authority to cross that fence.

Чтобы последовать вашему совету и найти те пограничные столбы. Нам необходимо ваше разрешение.

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I was crossing a boundary.

Я пересекла границу.

We’ve lost a lot of good men ever since your sister crossed the boundary. Opened the gateway to the Sanctuary.

Мы потеряли много хороших людей с тех пор, как твоя сестра пересекла границу И открыла проход в Святилище.

Where Willa crossed the boundary.

Когда Вилла пересекла границу.

So I won’t be able to get beyond the boundaries of Fantasia.

Поэтому, мне не удаться пересечь границы Фантазии.

Daddy said, «Peeps who try to cross the boundary

Ж: Папуля говорил: «Люди, что пытаются пересечь границы

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Love has no boundaries!

Любовь не знает границ!

The man has no boundaries.

Этот человек не знает границ.

And he has no sense of boundaries and…

И он не знает границ и…

I would normally never bring her here, but Cece’s really vulnerable right now, and when she’s drunk, she has no boundaries.

В обычной ситуации я бы её никогда сюда не привела, но прямо сейчас Сиси очень уязвима, и когда она пьяна, она не знает границ.

Freddie has no boundaries.

Фредди не знает границ.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word boundaries, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use boundaries in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «boundaries». In addition, we also show how different variations of boundaries can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are boundaries—had. If you click on the variation of boundaries that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Boundaries in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word boundaries in a sentence.

  1. Peace came in 1815; no boundaries were changed.

  2. Recipes, like birds, ignore political boundaries.

  3. The Boulé determines the boundaries of the regions.

  4. The state’s boundaries included the contested area.

  5. Miller struck four boundaries in a 147-minute innings.

  6. Map 5: Varying boundaries of Mysore from 1617 to 1799.

  7. Localities within the boundaries of Trafford include:.

  8. Redistributions were to be presided over by an independent boundaries commission.

  9. The cyclone becomes increasingly separated from frontal boundaries on January 11.

  10. February 23 was the feast of the Terminalia, for Terminus, the god of boundaries.

  11. In 1922, the boundaries of the Clause were further defined when Senator William S.

  12. Treadwell testified that the murder was outside the boundaries of the reservation.

  13. His overall scoring rate was 42 runs per hour, with 856 (or 38.5% of his tally) scored in boundaries.

  14. The official boundaries of Aries were defined in 1930 by Eugène Delporte as a polygon of 12 segments.

  15. He struck two boundaries and helped take the score to 396 before falling with eight runs still needed.

  16. For management (and from the visitor’s perspective) the forest’s boundaries are its administered area.

  17. However, they tried to remain within each character’s boundaries set by their respective Disney films.

  18. Unlike the others, however, it had no geographic boundaries, only a mission: to develop an atomic bomb.

  19. The first, original, and truly natural boundaries of states are beyond doubt their internal boundaries.

  20. FGM practitioners see the procedures as marking not only ethnic boundaries but also gender differences.

  21. Bradman then hooked two boundaries, but suffered a fibrositis attack, which put him in significant pain.

  22. Lying within its boundaries are the Lava Lakes, two lakes dammed by lava flows erupted from The Volcano.

  23. Contusion is not typically restricted by the anatomical boundaries of the lobes or segments of the lung.

  24. He had become the first Australian to hit 20 boundaries in his reaching his century in a Test in England.

  25. Both were associated with transitions and boundaries, especially between civilization and the wilderness.

  26. Neal used novels like Logan (1822) to challenge racial boundaries between White and Indigenous Americans.

  27. Edrich hit three consecutive boundaries from Johnson before lofting a fourth ball into the crowd for six.

  28. The constellation boundaries, as set by Belgian astronomer Eugène Delporte in 1930, are defined by a polygon of 14 sides.

  29. From a very early time, the township of Manchester lay within the historic or ceremonial county boundaries of Lancashire.

  30. Because the behavior spectrum is continuous, boundaries between diagnostic categories are necessarily somewhat arbitrary.

  31. The official boundaries of Auriga were created in 1930 by Belgian astronomer Eugène Delporte as a polygon of 21 segments.

  32. It has an area of 95,212 acres (385 km), and contains the Strangmoor Bog National Natural Landmark within its boundaries.

  33. Once a male has found a mate, he selects a territory, marking the boundaries by warbling as he flies from perch to perch.

  34. The only evidence of their existence within the park boundaries is a series of shell mounds that were built by the Calusa.

  35. As the tectonic plates migrate, oceanic crust is subducted under the leading edges of the plates at convergent boundaries.

  36. Miller struck two boundaries and helped take the score to 396 before falling lbw to Cranston with eight runs still needed.

  37. Approximate boundaries of the suburb are Waltham Road, Moorhouse Avenue, Ferry Road, Ensors Road, and the Heathcote River.

  38. Headquartered at Darwin, North-Western Area Command was initially responsible for air defence, aerial reconnaissance and protection of the sea lanes within its boundaries.

  39. He drove the ball through the covers and clipped it through the leg side, and reached his century with consecutive boundaries from Coxon soon after the new ball was taken.

  40. The ditch coincides with the boundaries between the boroughs of Stockport and Manchester, and between Tameside and Manchester; it reaches as far as the Denton golf course.

  41. Though the treaty improved Anglo-American diplomatic relations, Tyler was nevertheless unsuccessful in concluding a treaty with the British to fix the boundaries of Oregon.

  42. These properties make it relatively easy to distinguish a light metal like sodium from a heavy metal like tungsten, but the differences become less clear at the boundaries.

Boundaries—had in a sentence

Boundaries—had is a variation of boundaries, below you can find example sentences for boundaries—had.

  1. Evans—mainly through boundaries—had helped England to add 69 runs in the last 45 minutes of play.

General information about «boundaries» example sentences

The example sentences for the word boundaries that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «boundaries» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «boundaries».

Мои примеры


to draw boundaries — провести границы  
the boundaries of human knowledge — пределы человеческих знаний  
administrative boundaries — административно-хозяйственные границы  
infinitely rigid boundaries — граничные условия, предусматривающие бесконечно жёсткое закрепление элемента  
developing of ferrite grain boundaries — выявление границ ферритных зёрен  
glued boundaries — склеенные границы  
boundaries of categorization — границы между категориями  
profiling of boundaries — профилирование контуров  
original austenite grain boundaries — границы исходных аустенитных зёрен  
phase diagram liquidus boundaries — линии ликвидуса на фазовой диаграмме  

Примеры с переводом

Boundaries became fluid.

Границы стали подвижными.

Multinational companies operate across national boundaries.

Транснациональные компании осуществляют деятельность за пределами национальных границ.

His films blur the boundaries between fact and fiction.

Его фильмы стирают границы между фактом и вымыслом.

Why do executives employ external advisors to span the boundaries of the firm?

Почему директора компаний нанимают внешних консультантов, стирая тем самым границы фирмы?

You need to set boundaries with your children.

Вам необходимо установить личные границы в отношениях с вашими детьми.

Did he violate the boundaries of the doctor-patient relationship?

Нарушил ли он границы отношений между врачом и пациентом?

National boundaries are becoming increasingly meaningless in the global economy.

В условиях глобальной экономики государственные границы становятся всё более бессмысленными.

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