Word born in germany

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

родился в Германии

родилась в Германии

родились в Германии

рожден в Германии

родившиеся в Германии

родившимся в Германии

свет в Германии

рожденных в Германии

рожденный в Германии

родившегося в Германии

Родившись в Германии

родившийся в Германии

Born in Germany 1883, he received a traditional, general, and rabbinical education.

Он родился в Германии 1883 года, получил традиционное, общее и раввинское образование.

Born in Germany in 1880, Joseph was a sickly child.

Он родился в Германии в 1880, с самого рождения Джозеф был хилым, болезненным ребенком.

Born in Germany, Nadja is an Austrian and American citizen, and was educated in Europe and the United States.

Будучи гражданкой Австрии, Надя родилась в Германии и получила образование на территории Европы и США.

My mother was born in Germany.

He was, most likely, born in Germany.

Both of them were born in Germany and shared a common interest in creating something unique.

Оба родились в Германии и разделяли общий интерес в создании чего-то уникального.

Born in Germany, he grew up in England where he started his stage career.

Born in Germany, White grew up in England where he started his stage career.

Born in Germany, Berens made a name for himself as a pianist in Sweden, playing in chamber music concerts in Stockholm.

Родился в Германии, но получил известность в Швеции как аккомпаниатор, выступая на концертах камерной музыки в Стокгольме.

How to Obtain a Record of Birth if Born in Germany

Born in Germany, at the age of 22 Caroline joined her older brother William in the English city of Bath to train as a singer, but it was soon astronomy that would become the focus of their lives.

Родилась в Германии, в возрасте 22 лет, Каролина присоединилась к своему старшему брату Уильяму и они стали обучаться пению в английском городе Бат, но вскоре астрономия стала смыслом их жизни.

Born in Germany, grew up in America, moved to England at the age of 16.

Born in Germany, living in Switzerland.

Born in Germany and raised in Northern California, many of Thiel’s views on the future grew out of the science-fiction books and TV shows he loved while growing up.

Тиль родился в Германии и вырос в Северной Калифорнии, И многие его взгляды на будущее сформировались из книг по научной фантастике и сериалов, которые он любил в отрочестве.

Born in Germany and raised in Belgium, he competed in the Japanese Super Formula series for more than a decade, winning the title in 2011.

Он родился в Германии и воспитывался в Бельгии, он более десяти лет соревновался в японской серии Super Formula, завоевав титул в 2011 году.

Born in Germany, she has lived in many places including Hawaii, Austria, and more recently, Richmond, Virginia.

Родилась в Германии, и ей посчастливилось назвать многие красивые места своим домом, а именно Гавайи, Австрию и совсем недавно Ричмонд, штат Вирджиния.

Born in Germany, 1946. Immigrated to the US in 1980. Worked in international export.

Родился в Германии в 1946, эмигрировал в США в 1980 году, работал в международном экспорте

Born in Germany and now living in New York, Alex Proba — a graphic designer, illustrator, and art director — established Studio Proba after working as Art Director for Kick Starter.

Родилась в Германии, а сейчас живет в Нью-Йорке, Алекс Проба — графический дизайнер, иллюстратор и арт-директор — создала Studio Proba после того, как работала арт-директором в Kick Starter.

Born in Germany in 1954, he has taught Heart & Spirit-Tai Ji and Qi Gong for 27 years.

Он родился в Германии в 1954 году. Уже 27 лет он обучает людей Тай Цзи Сердца и Духа и Чи Гонг.

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Born in Germany, White grew up


England where he started his stage career.

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Born in Germany 1883, he received a traditional, general, and rabbinical education.

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Born in Germany, 1946. Immigrated to the US


1980. Worked


international export.

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Родился в Германии


1946, эмигрировал




1980 году, работал


международном экспорте.

As from 1 January 2000 children of foreign parents born in Germany will be German nationals by birth.

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С 1 января 2000 года рожденные в Германии дети иностранных родителей будут становиться немецкими гражданами


силу рождения.

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а затем


1852 году-



and holds degrees from Princeton University and the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

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славянские языки и культура) и Школы права и дипломатии им.

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Fascism born in Germany and Italy kept under danger not only those countries

but also the whole of the world.

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но и для всего человечества.

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His older brother Jonathan was born in Germany, but their family later relocated,

first to France, and then to Belgium



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Его старший брат был уроженцем Германии, но затем их семья перебралась сначала во Францию,

а оттуда в 1938 году в Бельгию.

There is a trend called post-migratory theatre-

plays put on by actors born in Germany but with an immigrant background.

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Сегодня мы присутствуем при рождении так называемого«

постмиграционного» театра, созданного артистами, родившимися в Германии, но обладающими опытом мигрантов.

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CERD recommended that


facilitate acquisition of German citizenship by long-term residents and

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КЛРД рекомендовал Германии упростить процедуру приобретения немецкого гражданства долгосрочными резидентами и

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To further the integration of children of foreign parents born in Germany, a ius soli component was added

to the traditional principle of descent under which only children of German parents became German nationals and which was hardly able to contribute to the integration of the foreign population.

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С целью активизации интеграции рожденных в Германии детей иностранных родителей компонент ius soli был добавлен

к традиционному принципу происхождения,


соответствии с которым только дети немецких родителей становились немецкими гражданами и который едва ли мог способствовать интеграции иностранного населения.

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Two groups were entitled to naturalization:

children and young people born in Germany who applied for naturalization between the ages of 18 and 23,

having attended a German school and having no criminal record; and foreigners who had been living

in Germany

for 15 years or longer.

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Право на натурализацию имеют две группы:

23 лет, посещавшие германскую школу и не имеющие судимости; а также иностранцы, проживающие

в Германии в

течение 15 и более лет.

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The Committee recommends that

the State party facilitate acquisition of German citizenship by long-term residents and persons born in Germany


order to promote the integration of such residents as may wish

to acquire German citizenship without relinquishing their own.

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Комитет рекомендует государству-

участнику упростить процедуру приобретения германского гражданства долгосрочными резидентами и родившимися в Германии лицами


целях поощрения интеграции таких резидентов,

если они желают приобрести германское гражданство


дополнение к своему первоначальному.

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The Federal Administrative Court decided


1993 on the petition of a girl with Turkish nationality born in Germany


1977 who attended a municipal co-educational grammar school

and professed the Islamic religion.

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1993 году Федеральный административный

суд принял решение по ходатайству девочки, имеющей турецкое гражданство и родившейся в Германии


1977 году, которая посещала муниципальную среднюю

школу и исповедовала ислам.

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According to this, children born in Germany but with foreign parents acquire German nationality

at birth if one parent has had his legal residence

in Germany

for at least eight years and has a right to reside or has had an unlimited residence permit for at least three years.

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Согласно этому принципу рожденные в Германии дети от иностранных родителей приобретают немецкое гражданство при рождении,

если один из родителей проживал на законных основаниях

в Германии в

течение не менее восьми лет и имеет право на проживание там или имеет неограниченный временем вид на жительство


течение по меньшей мере трех лет.

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The representative outlined the new German legislation concerning asylum-seekers and the difficulties experienced


applying it;

he stated that expulsion or enforced repatriation of persons born in Germany was extremely rare

and that the proportion of asylum requests accepted was currently very low.

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Представитель дал краткую информацию о новом германском законодательстве, касающемся лиц, добивающихся убежища, и о трудностях, встречающихся при его выполнении; он уточнил,

что возможность высылки или принудительной репатриации лиц, родившихся в Германии, используется крайне редко и что,

с другой стороны, доля удовлетворенных заявлений о предоставлении убежища


настоящее время крайне мала.

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Rosenthal, like her husband, was born in Germany and became a philanthropist.

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Since you were born in Germany, I thought we could talk about German flags?

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Предложения с «he was born in germany»

Germany will become the first country in Europe where it will be allowed to indicate undetermined instead of male or female sex when registering children born as hermaphrodites.

Германия станет первой страной в Европе, где будет разрешено при регистрации детей, родившихся гермафродитами , вместо мужского или женского пола указывать неопределенный.

Germany became the first European nation to recognize a third gender for babies born with ambiguous genitalia.

Германия стала первой европейской страной, которая признала третий пол у детей, рожденных с наружными половыми органами промежуточного типа.

I was born on April 20, 1925, in Peine, Germany , Europe.

Я родился 20 Апреля, 1925 года, в Пайне, Германия , Европа.

I was born on February 18th, 1987 in Germany , at Baden-Baden.

Я родилась 18 февраля 1987 г. в Баден — Бадене, в Германии .

They were all born in Lowkowitz, Silesia, Prussia, Germany .

Все они родились в Лоуковице, Силезии, Пруссии, Германии .

Frederic Nausea, born Friedrich Grau about 1496 in Waischenfeld, Germany ; † 6 February 1552 in Trient, was the Catholic Bishop of the diocese of Vienna.

Фредерик тошнота, урожденный Фридрих Грау около 1496 года в Вайшенфельде, Германия ; † 6 февраля 1552 года в Триенте, был католическим епископом Венской епархии.

Born in Germany , supposedly of a German mother and a Yugoslav father, and raised in Bavaria, Germany .

Родился в Германии , предположительно от немецкой матери и югославского отца, и вырос в Баварии, Германия .

Born Lūcija Rudzītis, in Latvia, Peka was educated and worked in Sweden, France, Germany , and Canada.

Родилась Люция Рудзитис в Латвии, Пека получила образование и работала в Швеции, Франции, Германии и Канаде.

She was born in Hannover, Germany on 30 May 1907.

Она родилась в Ганновере, Германия , 30 мая 1907 года.

The first European-born boxer to win the heavyweight championship in thirty-three years, Schmeling was also the first from Germany to hold the distinction.

Шмелинг был первым боксером европейского происхождения, выигравшим за тридцать три года первенство в супертяжелом весе,а также первым из Германии , получившим это звание.

In 2007, Jalda Rebling, born in Amsterdam and now living in Germany , became the first openly lesbian cantor ordained by the Jewish Renewal movement.

В 2007 году Джалда Реблинг, родившаяся в Амстердаме и ныне живущая в Германии , стала первым откровенно лесбийским Кантором, посвященным еврейским движением обновления.

Born in Berlin, Schaller grew up in Germany , but moved to Missouri as a teen.

Шаллер родился в Берлине, вырос в Германии , но подростком переехал в Миссури.

Gustav Pielstick was born on 25 January 1890 in Sillenstede, Friesland, Germany and died on 11 March 1961 in Zurich, Switzerland.

Густав Пилстик родился 25 января 1890 года в Силленстеде, Фрисландия, Германия , и умер 11 марта 1961 года в Цюрихе, Швейцария.

Oster was born on June 3, 1965 in Amberg, a town in Bavaria, Germany .

Остер родился 3 июня 1965 года в городе Амберг в Баварии, Германия .

Mayer was born in Mannheim, Germany ; his father was a brewer.

Майер родился в Мангейме, Германия ; его отец был пивоваром.

DRAM was born in Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Rhineland-Palatinate, West Germany .

Драм родился в Нойштадт — ан — дер — Вайнштрассе, Рейнланд — Пфальц, Западная Германия .

A study on Germany found that foreign-born parents are more likely to integrate if their children are entitled to German citizenship at birth.

Исследование, проведенное в Германии , показало, что родители — иностранцы с большей вероятностью интегрируются, если их дети имеют право на немецкое гражданство при рождении.

Kusch was born in Blankenburg, Germany to John Mathias Kusch, a Lutheran missionary, and his wife, Henrietta van der Haas.

Куш родился в Бланкенбурге, Германия , в семье Иоанна Матиаса Куша, лютеранского миссионера, и его жены Генриетты ван дер Хаас.

He was born in Silesia, Prussia and died in Silesia, Germany .

Он родился в Силезии, Пруссия, и умер в Силезии, Германия .

At the outbreak of the war there were about 35,000 people who had been born in either Germany or Austria-Hungary living in Australia.

На момент начала войны в Австралии проживало около 35 000 человек, родившихся либо в Германии , либо в Австро — Венгрии.

It has become clear, that Dzierzon was born in Silesia in the Kingdom of Prussia , and he died in the same place , when it was Germany .

Выяснилось, что Дзирзон родился в Силезии в Королевстве Пруссия , а умер он там же, когда это была Германия .

Piquet Jr., born in Heidelberg, West Germany , is the son of three-time Formula One world champion Nelson Piquet, one of Brazil’s most successful F1 drivers.

Пике — младший, родившийся в Гейдельберге, Западная Германия , является сыном трехкратного чемпиона мира Формулы — 1 Нельсона Пике, одного из самых успешных пилотов F1 в Бразилии.

Pace was born in Paterson, New Jersey and served in the Army USO in Germany where he met his wife Anneliese Glaser, they traveled back to the states in 1954.

Пейс родился в Патерсоне, штат Нью — Джерси и служил в армии США в Германии , где он встретил свою жену Аннелизу Глейзер, они вернулись в Штаты в 1954 году.

Born in Trier, Germany , Marx studied law and philosophy at university.

Маркс родился в Трире, Германия , изучал право и философию в университете.

He was born in Frankfurt, Germany and died in Berlin.

Он родился во Франкфурте, Германия , и умер в Берлине.

Bokito was born in the Zoologischer Garten, Berlin, Germany , and was abandoned by his mother at birth.

Бокито родился в Зоологическом саду в Берлине, Германия , и был оставлен матерью при рождении.

Schwarzschild was born in Wiesbaden, Germany .

Шварцшильд родился в Висбадене, Германия .

Walter Hallstein was born on 17 November 1901 in Mainz, Germany .

Уолтер Холлстейн родился 17 ноября 1901 года в Майнце, Германия .

Born in Germany to Jewish parents, Strauss later emigrated from Germany to the United States.

Родившись в Германии у еврейских родителей , Штраус позднее эмигрировал из Германии в Соединенные Штаты.

Fritz Perls was born in Berlin, Germany , in 1893.

Фриц Перлз родился в Берлине, Германия , в 1893 году.

Max was born on 6 March 1971, in Germany’s famous Frankfurt Zoo and died 5 May 2004, at the Johannesburg Zoo.

Макс родился 6 марта 1971 года в знаменитом немецком Франкфуртском зоопарке и умер 5 мая 2004 года в зоопарке Йоханнесбурга.

Germany had not yet been unified into a nation-state, but Nietzsche was born a citizen of Prussia, which was then part of the German Confederation.

Германия еще не была объединена в национальное государство, но Ницше родился гражданином Пруссии, которая тогда была частью Германской Конфедерации.

Schlemmer was born in 1856 to German parents living in Scheibenhardt, on the border of Germany and France.

Шлеммер родился в 1856 году в семье немцев, живущих в Шайбенхардте, на границе Германии и Франции.

Peres was born in Berlin, West Germany to a Christian father Peter, and Jewish mother Nurith Frasch.

Перес родился в Берлине, Западная Германия , в семье христианина отца Петра и еврейской матери Нурит Фраш.

Melanie Raabe was born in Jena, East Germany , and grew up in Wiehl.

Мелани Раабе родилась в Йене, Восточная Германия , и выросла в Виле.

Born in West Berlin, Germany , to an army family, Atkinson was brought up in Germany , and Britain.

Аткинсон родился в Западном Берлине, Германия , в семье военного, и вырос в Германии и Великобритании.

Karim was born on 28 October 1979 in Merseburg, East Germany , to a German mother and Bangladeshi father.

Карим родился 28 октября 1979 года в Мерзебурге, Восточная Германия , в семье матери — немки и отца — бангладешца.

Elzer was born in Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany and died in Rottach-Egern, Bavaria, Germany at age 57.

Эльцер родился в Карлсруэ, Баден — Вюртемберг, Германия и умер в Роттах — Эгерне, Бавария, Германия в возрасте 57 лет.

Albers was born into a Roman Catholic family of craftsmen in Bottrop, Westphalia, Germany in 1888.

Альберс родился в 1888 году в Ботропе, Вестфалия, Германия , в Римско — католической семье ремесленников.

Kanthak was born in 1958 in Torgau, Saxony; at the time located in East Germany .

Кантхак родился в 1958 году в Торгау, Саксония; в то время он находился в Восточной Германии .

Luke was born May 19, 1897, in Phoenix, Arizona, after his father emigrated from Germany to America in 1874 and settled there.

Люк родился 19 мая 1897 года в Финиксе, штат Аризона, после того, как его отец эмигрировал из Германии в Америку в 1874 году и поселился там.

But I read that there are no men living in Germany born before 1900.

Но я читал, что в Германии нет мужчин, родившихся до 1900 года.

Ghosemajumder was born in Stuttgart, Germany and grew up in London, Ontario, Canada.

Госемаджумдер родился в Штутгарте, Германия , и вырос в Лондоне, провинция Онтарио, Канада.

Although still having a home in Germany , his children were born in the United States.

Хотя у него все еще был дом в Германии , его дети родились в Соединенных Штатах.

Born in Berlin, Germany , to a German Jewish family, Bargmann studied there from 1925 to 1933.

Родившийся в Берлине, Германия , в немецкой еврейской семье, Баргман учился там с 1925 по 1933 год.

Nicole Christine Karafyllis was born in Germany as the child of a German mother and a Greek father.

Николь Кристин Карафиллис родилась в Германии в семье матери — немки и отца — грека.

Andreas Dorschel was born in 1962 in Wiesbaden, West Germany .

Андреас Доршель родился в 1962 году в Висбадене, Западная Германия .

Maksakova has German citizenship since she was born in Germany to a German father.

Максакова имеет немецкое гражданство, так как родилась в Германии у отца — немца.

Jaeger was born in Darmstadt, a city in the state of Hesse, Germany , and studied Law at Cologne, Munich and Lausanne.

Егер родился в Дармштадте, городе в земле Гессен, Германия , и изучал право в Кельне, Мюнхене и Лозанне.

Martin Niemöller was a German Lutheran pastor and theologian born in Lippstadt, Germany , in 1892.

Мартин Нимеллер был немецким лютеранским пастором и теологом, родившимся в Липпштадте, Германия , в 1892 году.

Dorothee Pesch was born in Düsseldorf, Germany 3 June 1964, as the only child of Walter, a truck driver, and Barbara Pesch.

Дороти Пеш родилась в Дюссельдорфе, Германия , 3 июня 1964 года, как единственный ребенок Вальтера, водителя грузовика, и Барбары Пеш.

Garrett was born in Aachen, Germany , to an American prima ballerina, Dove Garrett, and a German jurist, Georg Bongartz.

Гаррет родился в Ахене, Германия , в семье американской примы — балерины дав Гаррет и немецкого юриста Георга Бонгарца.

Heinrich Kirchweger was born on 12 June 1809 in Stettin, then part of Germany , now Szczecin in Poland.

Генрих Кирхвегер родился 12 июня 1809 года в Штеттине, тогда входившем в состав Германии , а ныне Щецине в Польше.

He was born on August 27, 1770 in Stuttgart, capital of the Duchy of Württemberg in southwestern Germany .

Он родился 27 августа 1770 года в Штутгарте, столице герцогства Вюртемберг на юго — западе Германии .

Born in Stuttgart, Germany , he immigrated to the U.S. in 1947 and became a naturalized citizen in 1955.

Родившись в Штутгарте, Германия , он иммигрировал в США в 1947 году и стал натурализованным гражданином в 1955 году.

Cuban-born singer-songwriter Addys Mercedes started her international career from Germany mixing traditional elements of Son with pop.

Кубинская певица и автор песен Эдди Мерседес начала свою международную карьеру из Германии , смешивая традиционные элементы Son с поп — музыкой.

Rose Laub Coser was born on May 4, 1916 in Berlin, Germany .

Роза Лауб Козер родилась 4 мая 1916 года в Берлине, Германия .

It was named for Clemens Augustus Danneman, who was born in Germany , came to Oregon in 1879, and owned a ranch in Gilliam County.

Он был назван в честь Клеменса августа Даннемана, который родился в Германии , приехал в Орегон в 1879 году и владел ранчо в округе Гиллиам.

Josef Carl Meffert was born out of wedlock in Koblenz, Germany on 26 March 1903.

Йозеф Карл Мефферт родился вне брака в Кобленце, Германия , 26 марта 1903 года.

And born in a very wonderful place in Germany , and so I have a great feeling for Germany .

И родился в очень замечательном месте в Германии , и поэтому у меня есть большое чувство к Германии .

While searching for some keywords, I accidentally found keywords «German-born American poet» and it shows me the following page:
enter image description here

Now, I have a confusion. It should be ‘Germany-born’ rather than ‘German-born’. As an SEO guy, I know, we can take certain liberty while searching terms on the Internet as Mr. Google can understand what we exactly want to find… But then, it is written in a few articles as well.

Is ‘German-born’ is correct or not?

ColleenV's user avatar


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asked Mar 13, 2018 at 6:18

Rucheer M's user avatar


To say that someone is

German born
nationality born

means they are German and born in Germany, in your example

German born American

means Charles was born in Germany but has US citizenship, he may or may not have American parents. Or similarly

American born Chinese

means one is of Chinese ethnicity, but born in America, which by birth right makes them American.

You would not say

Germany born

but rather

born in Germany
born in country

answered Mar 13, 2018 at 6:53

Peter's user avatar


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To indicate that a person was born in a particular country, we would use the adjectival form of the country name




South African-born



unless the country name ends in land

Icelandic-born possible but some would not use it

Greenlandish-born no

Swazilandian-born no

in which case we would most likely (but not always) use the country name itself (or a prepositional phrase, born in {country name} )

Newfoundland-born painter …

Iceland-born actor…

Swaziland-born singer

New Zealand-born director …

It would depend on whether we mean the person was born into a nationality or we mean to say where (in which country) the person was born.

answered Mar 13, 2018 at 12:44

Tᴚoɯɐuo's user avatar


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A person born of a parent with German citizenship at the time of the child’s birth is a German citizen. Place of birth is not a factor in citizenship determination based on parentage. Those born after 1 January 1975 are Germans if the mother or father is a German citizen.

What do Germans call the US?

In truth, German uses both “USA” and “die Vereinigten Staaten”, but the abbreviation is of course simpler, and they use the English one (since it’s one of several accepted and internationally recognised abbreviations), rather than using an acronym of the German term, “die VS”, which I don’t think anyone would

Why was the German army called the Bosch?

Boche is a French slang word for ‘rascal’ first applied to German soldiers during World War One, and borrowed during the early years of that conflict into British English. Bosche is a rarer English alternative spelling. The word was first used in the phrase tête de boche.

  • #1

Dear all,

How do you say it in correct English:

If I was born in Germany, I would take the German nationality


If I had been in Germany, I would have taken the German nationality ?

Best regards


  • london calling

    • #2

    If you are born in Germany are you automatically a German citizen? If so:

    If I had been born in Germany I would have been given German citizenship.

    I would use ‘take’ differently. For example:

    If I had been married to a German I would/could have taken German citizenship.


    • #3

    If you are born in Germany are you automatically a German citizen? If so:

    If I had been born in Germany I would have been given German citizenship.

    If it is automatic, as seems likely, then a more natural way to say this would be «If I had been born in Germany, I would have German citizenship». (It’s a default, so there is no need to say «been given».)

    • #4

    Dear london calling and Dretagoto,

    Many thanks for your help.

    Best regards


    london calling

    • #5

    If it is automatic, as seems likely, then a more natural way to say this would be «If I had been born in Germany, I would have German citizenship». (It’s a default, so there is no need to say «been given».)

    That sounds odd to me. My version is a standard third conditional sentence. Mixed conditionals and all that are fine (sometimes) but…

    That said, I think we need to know exactly what Christos is trying to say, because to me there’s a difference in meaning between:

    If I was born in Germany I would have German citizenship


    If I had been born in Germany I would have been given German citizenship.

    The first one is a more general statement. The second one strongly suggests that whoever is speaking was not born in Germany, which is what I took Christos to mean (wrongly, maybe).

    london calling

    • #7

    Thanks Hildy.:) I asked because it isn’t automatic in the UK either these days if both parents are foreign and have not been resident in the UK for (I can’t remember how many) years.

    Christos, what are you trying to say exactly?

    Edit. I am assuming that the person speaking is not a German citizen given that you wish to use the conditional.

    Last edited: May 20, 2017

    • #8

    Hello london calling,

    Thanks for getting in touch with me.

    I was just looking for an example in Indirect speech with a conditional sentence.

    For this reason I just wanted to know if you say. He said to his friend: If I was born or I had been born …

    I had no idea if I had to use in this case I was or I had been grammatically ?

    Best regards


    london calling

    • #9

    Ok, so what is the sentence in direct speech? Do you mean (assuming the person speaking

    has a right to

    has no right to German citizenship by birth):

    Direct speech.
    «If I was born in Germany I would have German citizenship».

    Indirect speech.
    He said that if he had been born in Germany he would have had German citizenship.


    Last edited: May 20, 2017

    • #10

    Hello london calling,

    Perfect. That’s it what I meant.

    Best regards


    • #11

    In my opinion it would be correct to say «I was born in Germany so my nationality is German» ,but it does not sound right to say «If I was born in Germany my nationality would be German».
    I would say «If I had been born in Germany, my nationality would be German»

    You could talk about an unborn baby boy for example by saying «If he was born in Germany his nationality would be German» or «If he was to be born in Germany his nationality would be German.

    london calling

    • #12

    I will edit my post above, having had second thoughts, because if he were a German citizen by birth he would have no need to use a hypothetical sentence. He would say something like «I am a German citizen by birth».

    Edit: Welcome, Word.:)

    Be careful, there is a difference between citizenship and nationality. I think it’s been discussed on here before, so I won’t go into it now.

    Last edited: May 20, 2017

    • #13

    Thanks London calling. I am learning all the time.

    london calling

    • #14

    Aren’t we all?:) I learn something new all the time here.

    What are people born in Germany called?

    Since the early modern period, it has been the most common name for the Germans in English. The term “Germans” may also be applied to any citizen, native or inhabitant of Germany, a person of German descent, or member of the Germanic peoples, regardless of whether they are of German ethnicity.

    Is Germany a she or a he?

    No. It is Germany and its people. People wanting to be poetic and refer to things as male or female should stick to poetry. In serious writing, a country is an it.

    Why is Germany not called Deutschland?

    Originally Answered: Why is Germany in the English language not called Deutschland? There is no common root in the names Germany and Deutschland. You’re right, Matthew, about there being no common root between the names Germany and Deutschland, and that’s because they come from two very separate languages.

    Is a child born in Germany a citizen?

    German citizenship acquired through birth in Germany Since 2000, children born in Germany to foreign parents acquire German citizenship at birth in addition to the foreign citizenship of their parents, on the principle of jus soli (Latin for “right of the territory”).

    Are Vikings German?

    The people commonly called Vikings were the Norse, a Scandinavian sea faring people from Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. In effect, they were the Germans who stayed behind, as many of the German tribes can be traced back to Sweden and Denmark. The Vikings were, basically, traders.

    What are Germans known for?

    8 Things Germany Is Famous For

    • Bread. Each region of this country has its own variety and specialty of bread, ranging from, light wheat breads in the south to the dark, heavy breads in the north.
    • Beer. Just like bread, beer too is part of German culture.
    • Cars.
    • Castles.
    • Sausages.
    • Music.
    • Berlin.
    • Freikoerperkultur.

      Is USA a male or female country?

      There’s no set pattern to what gender citizens of a country assign to their country. The U.S. is female, as is Russia, Great Britain, France. Germany is male.

      Are countries male or female?

      Country is neither a masculine or feminine word. Nouns in English are not generally assigned genders. It is relatively common (although slightly old-fashioned) to refer to a country as a person when talking about it.

      How did we get Germany from Deutschland?

      The root of the name is from the Gauls, who called the tribe across the river the Germani, which might have meant “neighbor” or maybe “men of the forest.” English borrowed the name in turn and anglicized the ending to get Germany.

      Why is Germany called Fatherland?

      The Latin word for fatherland is “patria.” One more explanation: Fatherland was a nationalistic term used in Nazi Germany to unite Germany in the culture and traditions of ancient Germany. The Russians used Motherland as the symbol of a country that nourished and supported its citizens during times of crisis.

      What happens if you marry a German?

      If you marry a German citizen, you are not automatically entitled to German citizenship. However, spouses of German citizens are permitted to apply for citizenship by naturalisation much sooner than others: usually after two years of marriage.

      What happens if I give birth in Germany?

      After giving birth in Germany, you must arrange your baby’s registration and apply for a German birth certificate. A child born on German soil or to German parents can claim German citizenship if they meet certain conditions.

      What do you call a person from Germany?

      That’s one way to call a German. Also nice are Hans, Jürgen oder Peter for men or Laura, Lisa and Anna for girls. Originally Answered: What do we call people from Germany? How about German?

      Can a German citizen be born in another country?

      A child born in Germany will be considered a German citizen at birth if at the time of delivery (at least) one parent has German nationality or has been legally residing in Germany for (at least) eight years and holds a permanent residence permit (“Niederlassungserlaubnis”).

      How to tell if you were born in Germany?

      26 signs you were born and raised in Germany 1. Your mother ironed your bed linen, underwear, and towels. 2. You’ve never watched The Sound of Music. 3. Döner kebab is your life-saving 3am hangover-prevention food. 4. Efficiency is your middle name. 5. Elevators are a place of silence. 6. You never, ever step on lawns.

      How old do you have to be to become a German citizen?

      The child must be stateless from birth. The child must have been born in Germany or on board of a German plane or ship. The child must be legally residing in Germany for at least five years. The child must not have been sentenced to more than five years’ of imprisonment. The child must apply for naturalisation before his/her 21st birthday.

      German citizenship is mainly acquired and passed on through descent from a German parent. The parent has to be German citizen at the time of the birth of the child. Children who are born to former German citizens do not acquire German citizenship.

      Which nationality is Deutsch?

      German language
      Deutsch: The German language, in Germany. Deutsche: Germans, as a feminine or plural demonyma. Deutsch (word), originally referring to the Germanic vernaculars of the Early Middle Ages.

      What is Germany known for?

      • Beer.
      • Football.
      • Bread & Sausages.
      • Palaces & Castles.
      • Cathedrals & Monuments.
      • Festivals & Carnivals.
      • Cars.
      • Free Education.

        An example of this is that the Romans named the land north of the Danube and east of the RhineGermania which has its roots in the first Germanic tribe they heard about from the nearby Gauls. The name was anglicized by the English when they made a small adjustment to the ending of Germany to get Germany.

        What is Germany well known for?

        Located in the heart of the old continent, Germany is compelled of 16 states and is well known for being the largest national economy in Europe and one of the biggest in the world. Usually when one says Germany, among the first things that come to people’s mind is Hitler, the Berlin Wall and beer.

        Is Deutsche and German the same?

        German language, German Deutsch, official language of both Germany and Austria and one of the official languages of Switzerland.

        Why do Germans stare?

        People stare at you all the time German pedestrians also use it to communicate, and the right amount of eye contact at the right time can mean “I am walking here, and it’s not my fault if you don’t move over and get pushed off the sidewalk.” It might take some practice, but just try to stare as the locals stare.

        Do Germans have big noses?

        Germans have larger noses, full jaws, broad shoulders, and larger bone structure overall.

        Is English easier than German?

        English Grammar is easier than German Grammar. English is 50% of Grammar and 50% or vocabulary. Whereas German is 75% Grammar and 25% vocabulary ( which is equally difficult).

        Is French easier than German?

        Grammatically, French is absolutely easier than German. However, German has a lot more words and concepts of words that just makes sense. Once you have the basic structure of German and are growing your vocabulary, it feels like German is easier.

        What is Germany’s motto?

        Unity and Justice and Freedom
        National Motto “Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit.” (“Unity and Justice and Freedom.”)

        Why is Germany called the Fatherland?

        Motherland was defined as “the land of one’s mother or parents,” and fatherland as “the native land of one’s fathers or ancestors.” One more explanation: Fatherland was a nationalistic term used in Nazi Germany to unite Germany in the culture and traditions of ancient Germany.

        Why is Germany so powerful?

        German power rests primarily on the country’s economic strength. In terms of gross domestic product (GDP), Germany ranks fourth in the world, behind the United States, China, and Japan, and ahead of France and the United Kingdom. Germany has strong economic, social, and political ties with all its neighbors.

        How is Germany so rich?

        Germany is a founding member of the European Union and the Eurozone. In 2016, Germany recorded the highest trade surplus in the world worth $310 billion, making it the biggest capital exporter globally. Germany is rich in timber, lignite, potash, and salt. very good.

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