Word book pre intermediate

Page 1: English File Pre intermediate 3rd Ed - WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY

English File Third Edition Pre-intermediate Workbook answer key © Oxford University Press 1

third edition

Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden

Paul Seligson

with Jane Hudson

ENGLISH FILEPre-intermediate Workbook Key Booklet


Page 2: English File Pre intermediate 3rd Ed - WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY

English File Third Edition Pre-intermediate Workbook answer key © Oxford University Press 2


1 GRAMMARa 2 Do you have any brothers or sisters?

3 What university do you go to? 4 What languages can you speak? 5 Where did you study English before? 6 What kind of music do you listen to? 7 How often do you do exercise? 8 Where did you go last weekend?

b 2 did you do last night 3 TV programmes does your girlfriend watch 4 is your birthday 5 are you from 6 did your friends go on holiday last year 7 do you read 8 were you angry yesterday

2 VOCABULARYa 2 d 3 i 4 g 5 e 6 h 7 b 8 a 9 f 10 c

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 P 3 R 4 M 5 B 6 K 7 I

c 2 programme 3 thirteen 4 thirty 5 university 6 weekend 7 magazine 8 sister 9 language 10 address

4 SPELLING AND NUMBERSa 2 seventeen, eighteen

3 eighty, ninety 4 one hundred, one hundred and one 5 eight hundred, nine hundred 6 four hundred and fifty, five hundred 7 five thousand, seven thousand 8 thirty thousand, forty thousand

b 2 exercise 3 breakfast 4 family 5 cinema 6 thousand 7 teacher 8 university 9 weekend 10 important

5 LISTENINGa Because some friends are waiting for him. /

Because Sandra’s boyfriend arrives.

b 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F

1B1 GRAMMARa 2 It doesn’t rain a lot here

3 We don’t live in a flat 4 I don’t play tennis 5 He doesn’t have a beard 6 They don’t go to the gym 7 She doesn’t write a blog

b 2 Does 3 do 4 Does 5 do 6 Does 7 Does

c 2 earns 3 study 4 want 5 lives 6 share 7 have 8 doesn’t come 9 doesn’t like 10 prefer 11 don’t see 12 get on

2 VOCABULARYa 2 bald 3 straight, curly

4 beard, moustache 5 fat, slim 6 thin, overweight 7 red, medium height

b 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 b 6 f

c 2 extrovert 3 mean 4 unfriendly 5 lazy 6 unkind 7 funny 8 intelligent

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 1 watches 2 lives 3 likes 4 starts

5 leaves 6 cooks

c 2 extrovert 3 unfriendly 4 generous 5 moustache 6 serious 7 curly 8 quiet 9 overweight

4 READINGb 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T

5 LISTENINGa three

c 1 E 2 A, F 3 B, D


1 VOCABULARYa Down: 2 leggings 3 trousers 4 shirt

6 tracksuit 7 cap Across: 3 trainers 5 belt 8 coat

9 dress 10 tie

b 2 on the left 3 in front of 4 next to 5 behind 6 between

2 GRAMMAR a 2 are relaxing 3 are walking 4 is lying

5 is relaxing 6 are sitting 7 are they doing 8 are waiting 9 are watching 10 is playing

b 2 drives 3 are sleeping 4 ’s raining 5 drinks 6 like 7 works 8 wears 9 ’re studying 10 live

3 PRONUNCIATIONa /ə/: fashion, sandals, sweater, trainers,

trousers /ɜː/: shirt, skirt, T-shirt, third, world

4 LISTENINGa David Hockney used his iPhone and iPad to

draw them.b 1 In Paris.

2 The sunrise. 3 He sends them to his friends. 4 30 January. 5 Five euros.

Practical English Hotel Problems

1 CALLING RECEPTION 2 There’s a problem with the shower.

3 I’ll send somebody up right away. 4 I’m sorry to bother you again. 5 I have a problem with the Wi-Fi. 6 I’ll put you through to IT.

2 SOCIAL ENGLISH 2 good view 3 looking forward

4 must be 5 By the way

3 READINGa 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 F

2A1 VOCABULARYa 2 for, walk 3 book 4 abroad

5 hire 6 out 7 stay 8 sightseeing 9 sunbathe 10 away

b 2 sunny 3 crowded 4 delicious 5 unhelpful 6 basic 7 friendly 8 lovely 9 cloudy 10 disgusting

2 GRAMMARa Regular: arrived, asked, invited, rented,

stayed, sunbathed Irregular: bought, could, chose, ate, felt, said

b 2 They didn’t buy 3 The people weren’t 4 I didn’t sunbathe 5 We didn’t hire 6 He didn’t spend 7 Our room wasn’t

c 2 wanted 3 booked 4 took 5 arrived 6 went 7 asked 8 looked 9 couldn’t 10 went

d 2 did they want 3 did they book 4 did they arrive 5 did the woman at the desk 6 did they go

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 wanted 3 booked 4 invited

c 1 caught, saw 2 rang, sat 3 drove, wrote 4 said, went 5 gave, made

4 LISTENING a 2 c 3 d 5 e 4

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1 GRAMMARa 2 was snowing 3 weren’t driving

4 was he doing 5 were you crying 6 was sitting 7 were living 8 wasn’t working

b 2 He fell off his bike when he was cycling home 3 The children were playing video games when the visitors arrived 4 We were having a barbecue when it started to rain 5 I was finishing my report when my computer crashed

c 2 were having 3 got 4 was speaking 5 noticed 6 was sitting 7 decided 8 went 9 said 10 stopped 11 was passing 12 took 13 came 14 was smiling 15 looked 16 was laughing

2 VOCABULARYa 2 in 3 on, in, at, on 4 on 5 on

6 at, in, at 7 in, on 8 At, in, in

b 2 on, in 3 on, in, on 4 in, on 5 at 6 on, on 7 at, in 8 at, at


b 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 a

2C1 GRAMMARa 2 Next day 3 when 4 Suddenly

5 Two minutes later 6 After that

b 1b so 1c Although 2a Although 2b so 2c because 3a but 3b Although 3c because

c 1 so I didn’t have any breakfast 2 but I had a great holiday in Egypt 3 although I don’t really like him 4 so I called the police 5 although he has a lot of money 6 because she couldn’t find her wallet

2 VOCABULARYa 2g 3 f 4 b 5 h 6 a 7 e 8 c

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 1 awful, birthday, evening, perfect,

restaurant, second

2 again, although, because, invite

4 READINGa 2, 5, 1, 4, 3

5 LISTENING 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 T


1 GRAMMARa 2 ’m going to book

3 isn’t going to sleep 4 ’s, going to get 5 isn’t going to fly 6 ’re going to be 7 ’m not going to stay 8 Are, going to need

b 2 we aren’t going to go 3 We’re going to go 4 are you going to travel 5 We’re going to be 6 are you going to do 7 We’re going to stay 8 we’re going to rent 9 Is it going to be 10 it isn’t going to rain

2 VOCABULARY 2 lift 3 Departures 4 check-in 5 gate

6 passport control 7 Baggage Reclaim 8 trolley 9 Customs 10 Arrivals

4 READINGa three

b 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F

5 LISTENINGa Dialogue 2 Check-in

Dialogue 3 Immigration Dialogue 4 Baggage reclaim Dialogue 5 Customs

c 1 a sandwich 2 B28 3 415 673 702 4 grey 5 some chocolate


1 GRAMMARa 2 ’re driving 3 aren’t stopping 4 ’re getting

5 ’re going 6 aren’t taking 7 ’re stopping 8 ’re arriving 9 ’re picking 10 ’re catching

b 2 ✓ 3 it’s going to be 4 he’s going to get the job 5 aren’t going to miss 6 ✓ 7 ✓ 8 she’s going to have

2 VOCABULARY 2 in 3 about 4 for 5 on 6 to 7 at 8 of

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 I’d love to.

3 Are you free this weekend? 4 Sorry, no. I’m working on Saturday. 5 What about next weekend? What are you doing then? 6 Nothing. Next weekend is fine. 7 Great. Do you like walking?

8 I love it! 9 OK. Let’s go to Devon – the countryside is beautiful!

4 READINGa nine

b 2 B 3 P 4 B 5 V 6 P

5 LISTENINGa Italy and France

b 2 a student 3 a week 4 Venice 5 the Louvre 6 in hotels


1 GRAMMARa 2 a 3 d 4 h 5 b 6 g 7 e 8 c

b 2 which 3 who 4 which 5 which 6 where 7 who 8 where 9 where 10 who

2 VOCABULARY 2 kind 3 similar 4 like 5 something

6 example 7 someone 8 somewhere

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 a quite, b quiet 3 a shoes, b socks

4 a sweet, b suit 5 a sightsee, b sunbathe 6 a weight, b height 7 a shirt, b shorts 8 a cloudy, b crowded

4 READINGa 2 fashionista 3 Chick lit 4 E-waste

5 sandwich generation 6 Agritourism 7 Netiquette 8 staycation

5 LISTENINGa three

b 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 F 7 F 8 T

Practical English Restaurant problems

1 VOCABULARY 2 menu 3 starter 4 main course

5 waiter / waitress 6 dessert 7 bill

2 AT THE RESTAURANT 2 Yes, please.

3 Can I get you something to start with? 4 No, thank you. Just a main course. I’d like the steak, please. 5 And how would you like your steak? Rare, medium or well done? 6 Rare, please. 7 Would you like that with fries or with a baked potato? 8 A baked potato, please. 9 OK. And to drink? 10 Water, please. 11 Still or sparkling?

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12 Still. 13 Here’s your steak, madam. 14 I’m sorry but I asked for my steak rare and this is well done.

3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 1 start with 2 any suggestions, be great

3 we have 4 a mistake, my day 5 to go

4 READINGa 2 5 p.m.–7 p.m. 3 $12.95 4 214 E.9th St

5 Restaurants in the Theatre District 6 $30–$45 7 At lunchtime 7 Scandinavian food


1 VOCABULARYa 2 make 3 tidy 4 lay 5 clean 6 take out

7 do 8 put away

b 2 make 3 make 4 do 5 do 6 make 7 do 8 make

2 GRAMMARa 2 Have you made any plans for the

weekend yet 3 We haven’t finished lunch yet 4 Daniel has already tidied his room 5 I’ve already done the ironing 6 Have you been to the supermarket yet 7 I haven’t cleaned the bathroom yet 8 Edward has already taken out the rubbish

b 2 ’s just fallen 3 ’ve just won 4 ’ve just cleaned 5 ’s just laid 6 ’ve just missed

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 young 3 year 4 yellow 5 uniform

6 jacket 7 teenager 8 bridge 9 jumper 10 enjoy


b 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 F 7 T

5 LISTENINGa Speaker 3

b Speaker 2 E, Speaker 3 A, Speaker 4 D, Speaker 5 C


1 VOCABULARYa 2 changing rooms 3 checkout 4 receipt

5 suit 6 size 7 fit 8 take, back 9 shop assistants

b Down: 2 item 5 auction 7 website

Across: 3 basket 4 payment 6 checkout 8 delivery

2 GRAMMARa 2 I haven’t brought my credit card

3 Has Anna gone / been shopping 4 Has your sister ever worked as a model 5 You haven’t worn your new shirt 6 Have I ever told you about my holiday in Greece 7 The shopping centre’s never been so crowded 8 I’ve never used eBay

b 2 A Have you ever sold, B have, A did you sell, B didn’t want 3 A Have you ever worn, B haven’t 4 A Have you ever lost, B have, left 5 A Have you ever had, B have, didn’t have, couldn’t

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 proceed 3 clothes 4 card

4 LISTENINGa A shopping centre

b 2 £1.45 billion 3 Two department stores, one supermarket, and 300 smaller shops 4 70 5 10,000 6 By car, bus, train, and by the underground 7 Some trousers 8 Because there were too many people in the changing rooms to try them on


1 GRAMMARa 2 anything 3 anywhere 4 anywhere

5 anyone 6 something 7 nobody 8 somewhere 9 somebody

b 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F 7 F

2 VOCABULARY 2 relaxing 3 boring 4 depressed

5 interested 6 exciting 7 depressing 8 relaxed 9 bored 10 excited

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 1 anything, dress, friendly, sweater, website

2 coat, don’t, goes, home, photos 3 funny, gloves, lunch, something, nothing

4 READINGa 2 Tidy your wardrobe

3 Listen to some podcasts 4 Play board games 5 Bake a loaf of bread 6 Learn how to juggle 7 Meet your neighbours 8 Organize your shelves 9 Take some photos 10 Start a blog

5 LISTENINGa Speaker 1 went camping in the Lake District.

Speaker 2 stayed in a hotel in Paris.

Speaker 3 went to a local museum. Speaker 4’s brother and wife came to stay.

b 1 Speaker 3 2 Speaker 4 3 Speaker 2 4 Speaker 3 6 Speaker 4 8 Speaker 2


1 GRAMMARa 2 worse 3 more slowly 4 hotter

5 harder 6 further 7 better 8 healthier 9 more dangerous 10 busier

b 2 as stylish as her shoes 3 as big as my boss’s 4 play as well as Spain 5 drive as carefully as me 6 as expensive as laptops 7 look as relaxed as Harry 8 as dirty as his shirt

2 VOCABULARY 2 spend 3 on 4 waste 5 save 6 in

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 centre 3 parents 4 ago 5 children

6 patient 7 problem 8 communication 9 traditional 10 around 11 seconds 12 better

b 2 cen tre 3 par e nts 4 a go 5 childr e n 6 pati e nt 7 probl e m 8 c o mmunica tio n 9 tr a dit io nal 10 a round 11 sec o nds 12 bett er

4 READINGb 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 F

5 LISTENINGa 1 Speaker 3

2 Speaker 5 3 Speaker 2 5 Speaker 4

b Happiest: Speakers 4 + 5 Least happy: Speaker 2


1 GRAMMARa 2 wettest 3 furthest 4 worst 5 ugliest

6 safest 7 most exciting 8 friendliestb 2 the most interesting 3 most expensive

4 best 5 busiest

c 2 That’s the fastest car I’ve ever driven 3 It’s the most beautiful building we’ve ever seen 4 That’s the healthiest meal he’s ever eaten 5 It’s the best photograph you’ve ever taken 6 This is the most exciting sport I’ve ever done 7 That’s the worst flight we’ve ever had 8 This is the most interesting city I’ve ever visited

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2 VOCABULARYa 2 coast 3 west 4 population 5 famous

b 2 polluted 3 safe 4 noisy 5 boring 6 crowded

c 2 town hall 3 castle 4 statue

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 crowded 3 dangerous 4 exciting

5 frightening 6 generous 7 interesting 8 polluted 9 romantic

4 LISTENINGa 1, 2, 4, 6

b 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F


1 VOCABULARYa 2 illness 3 skin 4 faces 5 bones

6 prevent 7 brain

2 GRAMMARa 2 a few 3 many 4 much 5 a little

6 enough 7 many 8 A little 9 a lot of 10 a few

b 2 tall enough 3 too much 4 enough time 5 too much 6 too many 7 enough exercise 8 sleep enough

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 1 much, none 2 few, food, too

3 diet, like, quite 4 any, healthy, many

4 READINGa potatoes

b 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 F 7 T

5 LISTENINGa Alice is 35. Her body age is 31.

b 2 no 3 any 4 a lot of 5 positive 6 a little 7 a few 8 enough

Practical English The wrong shoes

1 VOCABULARY 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 b


2 bought 3 problem 4 afraid 5 size 6 small 7 medium 8 see 9 sorry 10 refund 11 changing rooms 12 receipt

3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 2 Oh, you know. Working! But it was OK.

3 Why don’t we go out for dinner? I could book a restaurant. 4 OK. For what time?

5 Eight o’clock? 6 Can we make it a bit earlier? Say, seven thirty? 7 OK. I’ll go and have a shower then. 8 Sure.

4 READINGa 2 Tiffany & Co 3 Ricky’s 4 Ricky’s

b 1 keyboard 2 pricey 3 accessories 4 engagement 5 huge 6 do-it-yourself


1 GRAMMARa 2 won’t win 3 won’t remember

4 ’ll forget 5 won’t sell 6 ’ll miss

2 VOCABULARY 2 learn 3 ’ll pass 4 Pull 5 broken

6 borrow 7 lose 8 turn on 9 sent 10 found

4 READINGa 2 Gemini 3 Aries 4 Aquarius 5 Taurus

5 LISTENINGa Matt’s star sign is Capricorn and Amy’s star

sign is Virgo.

b 2 M 3 A 4 A 5 M 6 M 7 M


1 GRAMMARa 2 Shall I lend you some money

3 I’ll have the chicken 4 Shall I take your coat 5 Shall I turn off the air conditioning? 6 I won’t be late

b 2 P 3 O 4 O 5 D 6 P

2 VOCABULARY 2 pay 3 come 4 take 5 give 6 send

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 decide , email, promise

3 practise, listen, repair

4 borrow, forget , agree

5 sunbathe, invite , complain

4 READINGa Paul learnt not to lend money to strangers.

b a 6 b 3 c 5 e 4 f 2 g 8 h 7

5 LISTENINGa They had problems with crime.

b Speaker 2 A Speaker 3 C Speaker 4 B Speaker 5 E


1 GRAMMARa 2 do … go, read

3 will win, ’ll lose 4 were … doing, was watching 5 Have … dreamt, ’ve … had 6 are … doing, ’m reading 7 Did … sleep, woke up 8 are … leaving, going to go

b 2 have done 3 works 4 ’s studying 5 has … published 6 helped 7 chose 8 discovered 9 had 10 saw 11 were watching

2 VOCABULARY 2 with 3 for 4 at 5 to 6 in 7 of 8 from

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 now 3 borrow 4 down

4 LISTENINGa 2 You are falling. 3 You are lost.

4 You are flying. 5 You can’t escape.

b Dream 2 a Dream 3 d Dream 4 c Dream 5 b


1 GRAMMARa 2 to see 3 not to finish 4 to find

5 not to tell 6 not to do 7 to rent

b 2 difficult to talk 3 easy to buy 4 important not to say 5 great to hear 6 fun to be

c 2 to study 3 to book 4 to make 5 to get 6 to take

d 2 when to call 3 how many to buy 4 where to go 5 what to study 6 how much to take

2 VOCABULARY 2 offered 3 didn’t want 4 pretended

5 needed 6 promised 7 planned 8 forgot / didn’t remember 9 forgot / didn’t remember 10 tried 11 learned

4 READINGa The writer is generally positive about


b 2 b 3 a 4 c


b 2 J 3 D 4 D 5 J 6 D 7 D 8 J

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1 GRAMMARa 2 playing 3 studying 4 writing

5 snowing 6 going 7 swimming 8 getting 9 listening 10 using, not driving

b 2 a 3 e 4 f 5 d 6 b

c 3 imagining 4 driving 5 listening 6 Staying 7 reading 8 getting up 9 taking 10 going 11 exercising 12 having 13 Turning 14 leaving

d 2 to use 3 buying 4 to carry 5 travelling 6 to read 7 to look for 8 to show 9 reading 10 looking 11 not to lose 12 to borrow 13 to lend 14 reading 15 to take 16 to charge

2 VOCABULARY 2 e 3 b 4 a 5 d 6 f

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 promise 3 surprise 4 engine


b Speaker 2 D Speaker 3 A Speaker 4 E Speaker 5 B


1 GRAMMARa 1 don’t have to, have to

2 Do … have to, have to, don’t have to 3 Do … have to, don’t have to, have to 4 Does … have to, doesn’t have to, has to

b 2 You must 3 You mustn’t 4 You mustn’t 5 You must 6 You mustn’t

c 2 mustn’t 3 mustn’t 4 don’t have to 5 mustn’t 6 don’t have to

2 VOCABULARY 2 quite difficult to understand

American films 3 new teacher speaks very fast 4 of those students are a bit unfriendly 5 English books is a really good idea 6 incredibly hard to learn Chinese

4 READINGa Students’ own answers.

b 2 Luis 3 Kiko 4 Josef 5 Gloria 6 Paolo

5 LISTENINGa On all Mac computers, iPhones, the iPod

touch and the iPad.

b 2 around 3,000 3 8,000 4 290,000 5 2006

Practical English At the pharmacy

1 VOCABULARY 2 cold 3 bad stomach 4 temperature

5 headache 6 cough

2 GOING TO A PHARMACY 2 well 3 symptoms 4 have 5 allergic

6 better 7 take 8 every 9 often 10 much

3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 1 lovely, glad 2 Can, for 3 should, sure

4 READING 2 C 3 A 4 I 5 H 6 G 7 F 8 B 9 D


1 GRAMMARa 2 should, F 3 shouldn’t, E 4 shouldn’t, A

5 should, C 6 shouldn’t, D

b 2 shouldn’t drink 3 should go 4 should see 5 should tell 6 shouldn’t give 7 should call

c B 4 C 1 D 7 E 6 F 2 G 5

2 VOCABULARY 2 gets home 3 got lost 4 get fit

5 getting worse 6 got tickets 7 get on 8 got, text message 9 getting up 10 get, school

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 could 3 soup 4 book


b Speaker 2 B Speaker 3 D Speaker 4 E Speaker 5 A


1 GRAMMARa 2 e 3 a 4 f 5 b 6 d

b 2 see 3 use 4 won’t get 5 don’t take 6 doesn’t work 7 will be 8 isn’t

c 2 hang, ’ll bring, C 3 walk, ’ll have, F 4 throw, make, will come, A 5 ’s, catch, won’t be, G 6 break, ’ll have, B 7 see, runs, ’ll go, E

2 VOCABULARYa 2 lost, missed 3 tell, says

4 waiting, hope 5 watching, look at 6 known, met 7 borrow, lend 8 looking for, found 9 wearing, carrying 10 take, bring


b 2 In May and June. 3 Extra nights in a hotel if you can’t fly home. 4 Things will only get worse. 5 Your family and friends at home. 6 What they will do if there is a natural disaster.


1 GRAMMARa 2 yours

3 Whose laptop is that, his 4 Whose keys are those, hers 5 Whose car is that, ours 6 Whose coats are those, yours 7 Whose house is that, theirs

b 2 yours, ours 3 his, His 4 ours, theirs 5 Your, Mine, hers

2 VOCABULARY 2 quietly 3 seriously 4 lazily

5 dreamily 6 calmly

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 distance 3 dollar 4 advantage

5 enjoy 6 completely 7 remember 8 promise 9 suspicious

4 READINGa Students’ own answers.

b 2 G 3 D 4 H 5 J

5 LISTENINGa The experiment hoped to found out

if men and women cook differently. It wasn’t successful.

b 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 T


1 GRAMMARa 2 e 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 d

b 2 would you do if you found a million euros 3 a phone if he could afford one 4 gave me caviar I wouldn’t eat it 5 would you say if you could talk to the president 6 look for a new job if I were you

c 2 saw, would scream 3 wouldn’t have, didn’t have 4 wasn’t, would get 5 lived, would learn 6 would … do, attacked

2 VOCABULARYa Across: 2 cow 6 jellyfish 7 whale

9 bear 10 snake Down: 3 spider 4 bee 5 sheep 8 horse

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1 VOCABULARYa 2 d 3 b 4 f 5 e 6 h 7 g 8 a

2 GRAMMARa 2 sent 3 she met 4 They fell 5 they got

6 They had 7 They moved 8 they’ve lived 9 has just put 10 he’s been 11 have made

b 2 did … get, ’ve been 3 has … worked, finished 4 have … had, bought 5 did … meet, ’s known 6 have … lived, arrived

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 1 married, primary, secondary, separate

2 divorced, musician, retire, successful

4 READINGa A 7 B 2 C 6 D 3 E 5 G 4

b 2 did his mother buy 3 were 4 did John Lennon die 5 has Julian Lennon made 6 has Sean Lennon played

5 LISTENINGa They were both two years old.

b 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 T 6 T 7 T 8 F

Practical English Getting around

1 VOCABULARY 2 straight 3 round 4 exit 5 lights

6 take 7 left 8 right

2 ASKING HOW TO GET THERE 2 Could you say that again?

3 How many stops is that? 4 OK. And then? 5 Where is it? 6 OK. Thanks. See you later.

3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 2 said 3 don’t 4 stay 5 feel 6 long

7 think

4 READING 2 30–40 minutes 3 $14 4 $45

5 nothing 6 6.30 a.m. 7 $13


1 VOCABULARYa 2 given 3 discovered 4 used 5 played

6 shown 7 called 8 invented 9 opened 10 based

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 camel 3 chicken 4 crocodile 5 dolphin

6 elephant 7 giraffe 8 jellyfish 9 lion 10 monkey 11 mosquito 12 rabbit 13 spider 14 tiger

4 READINGa Students’ own answers.

b 2

5 LISTENINGa By pressing his fingers into the shark’s eye.

b 1 Australia 2 Fishing 3 His head, shoulders, and one of his arms. 4 Metal 5 His son 6 By helicopter 7 He had deep cuts all over his body and a broken nose. 8 Over three metres long


1 VOCABULARYa 2 claustrophobia d 3 arachnophobia a

4 glossophobia e 5 acrophobia c

b 2 scared 3 fear 4 terrified 5 afraid 6 phobia

2 GRAMMARa 2 since 3 since 4 for 5 for

6 since 7 for 8 since

b 2 since 3 since 4 for 5 since 6 Since 7 for 8 since 9 since

c 2 How long has … played 3 How long has … lived 4 How long has … had 5 When did … hear

d 2 ✗ How long 3 ✓ 4 ✗ since February 5 ✗ have you had 6 ✗ for eight years 7 ✓ 8 ✓

4 LISTENINGa a fear of dogs

b 2 c 3 a 4 c

2 GRAMMARa 2 The film The Iron Lady is based on the

life of Margaret Thatcher 3 Mobile phones weren’t invented by Apple 4 Lead isn’t used in petrol nowadays 5 Low-cost flights are sold online 6 The Petronus Towers were designed by an Argentinian architect 7 Avatar wasn’t directed by Steven Spielberg 8 Minis aren’t made by a British company any more

b 2 Contact lenses were invented by a Czech chemist 3 Where are olives grown 4 The VW Beetle was designed in the 1930s 5 Diamonds are found in many different colours 6 When were vitamins discovered 7 Spanish is spoken in Spain and many parts of South America 8 Where were the Lord of the Rings films made

c 2 are worn by people of all ages 3 weren’t invented by Microsoft 4 the heating controlled by a computer 5 was written by Stieg Larsson 6 aren’t used by people very much today 7 wasn’t painted by Picasso 8 all the Harry Potter films directed by the same person

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 checked 3 wanted 4 rained 5 decided

4 LISTENINGa 2 c 3 a

b 2 in Percy Spencer’s pocket, not on the table. 3 German, not American 4 glass and paper, not water and air. 5 the man’s wife’s hand, not his hand 6 potato chips, not crisps 7 a chef, not a waiter 8 ‘Saratoga chips’, not ‘Saratoga potatoes’


1 VOCABULARYa 2 h 3 e 4 b 5 a 6 f 7 i 8 d 9 g

b 2 g 3 c 4 a 5 b 6 i 7 f 8 d 9 e

2 GRAMMARa 2 I didn’t use to behave

3 We used to wear 4 Did Alex use to have 5 didn’t use to study 6 used to be 7 didn’t use to play 8 Did your teachers use to give

b 2 He used to go 3 We didn’t use to understand 4 Did you use to 5 School used to 6 Did your friends used to help

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4 READINGa 2 What’s the most important lesson

you learned at school? 3 Did you ever behave badly? 4 What subjects were you good at? 5 What did you want to do when you left school? 6 Did you have a favourite teacher?

b 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 T 7 T 8 F

5 LISTENINGa Amy was good at languages at school, but

Tony wasn’t.

b 2 studied it at university 3 some numbers 4 too uncomfortable 5 German 6 make younger pupils learn languages


1 GRAMMARa 2 might go 3 might have 4 might take

5 might rain 6 might invite 7 might make 8 might eat

b 2 might not get 3 might have 4 might not come 5 might not be 6 might miss 7 might go 8 might fail

2 VOCABULARYa 3 decision 4 die 5 education 6 elect

7 imagination 8 inform 9 invitation 10 live 11 option 12 organize 13 succeed

b 2 decision 3 invite 4 Success 5 inform 6 decided 7 imagine 8 life

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 ✓ 3 ✗ 4 ✗ 5 ✗ 6 ✓ 7 ✗ 8 ✓

4 READINGa To discover if a good night’s sleep helps when

you have to make an important decision.

b 2 at different times 3 some time later 4 Some 5 four 6 different 7 lost 8 REM sleep


b Speaker 2 D Speaker 3 A Speaker 4 E Speaker 5 B


1 VOCABULARYa 2 track 3 match point, serve 4 bunker

5 lap 6 penalty 7 corner

b 1 into 2 round 3 into 4 out of 5 towards 6 past 7 to, into

c Across: 4 down 5 up 7 towards 8 across

Down: 1 out of 2 round 3 into 6 past 7 through 8 along

2 GRAMMARa 2 kicked, under 3 went through

4 threw, into 5 ran across 6 hit, over

b 2 out of 3 to 4 into 5 along 6 under 7 past 8 through 9 along 10 towards 11 across

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 volleyball 3 motor racing 4 skiing

5 windsurfing 6 cycling 7 basketball 8 rugby 9 athletics

4 LISTENINGa cards, tennis, football, board games,


b 2 Speaker 5 3 Speaker 1 4 Speaker 4 5 Speaker 3


1 VOCABULARYa 2 over 3 after 4 off 5 in 6 on

b 2 throw away 3 turn up 4 look up 5 look forward to 6 get on with 7 go out 8 try on 9 take back 10 give up

2 GRAMMARa 2 pay it back 3 look for them 4 ✓

5 looks after my kids 6 ✓

b 2 She’ll give them back on Friday 3 Are you looking forward to it 4 I called her back when I got home 5 We don’t get on with them 6 Shall we turn it on

4 READINGa 2 get up 3 go out 4 take off 5 put on

6 give up 7 turn on 8 write down

b 1 ✓ 2 ✗ 3 ✗ 4 ✗ 5 ✗ 6 ✗ 7 ✓ 8 ✗ 9 ✓ 10 ✓

5 LISTENINGa positive

b 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 T


1 GRAMMARa 2 Neither was I 3 So do I 4 So would I

5 So am I 6 Neither have I

b 2 So did I 3 Neither have I 4 So was I 5 Neither am I 6 Neither can I 7 So would I 8 Neither do I

2 VOCABULARY 2 as 3 like 4 both 5 so 6 neither

7 identical

3 PRONUNCIATIONc 2 similar 3 coincidence 4 amazing

5 discover 6 everywhere 7 personality 8 definitely


b 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F

5 LISTENINGa 2 a 3 b

b 2 KB 3 OT 4 KB 5 RR 6 OT

Practical English Time to go home

1 ON THE PHONEa 2 sorry, wrong

3 line, busy, leave, message, call, back 4 put

2 SOCIAL ENGLISHa 2 great news 3 go first 4 later

5 Never better


b 2 f 3 i 4 e 5 d 6 b 7 m 8 g 9 j 10 k 11 a 12 l 13 h

Page 9: English File Pre intermediate 3rd Ed - WORKBOOK ANSWER KEY

English File Third Edition Pre-intermediate Workbook answer key © Oxford University Press 9


1 GRAMMARa 2 hadn’t closed 3 had started

4 hadn’t f lown 5 had read 6 hadn’t heard

b 2 Had they eaten sushi before 3 Had he won a medal before 4 Had they made a cake before 5 Had she run a marathon before 6 Had you been there before

c 2 had done the ironing, he put the clothes away 3 they had watched the news, they turned off the TV 4 I had read the book, I gave it back 5 had tried on the top, she went to the checkout 6 we had had dinner, we did the washing up

d 2 opened 3 had broken 4 had already left 5 hadn’t stolen 6 hadn’t lost 7 had seen 8 had left 9 had put

2 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 We’d lost it. 3 You’d seen her.

4 It’d been a terrible day. 5 I hadn’t sent it. 6 She hadn’t done it. 7 They hadn’t told me.

3 VOCABULARYa 2 put 3 belonged 4 left 5 gone on

6 got out of 7 had 8 realized 9 was 10 got on

4 LISTENINGa A 2 B 1 C 4 D 3

b 2 30 hours (not 13) 3 Zambia (not Kenya) 4 swum to safety (not walked) 5 cooking (not washing up) 6 too small (not big) 7 living room (not kitchen). 8 Mrs Dodd’s husband (not Mrs Dodd)


1 GRAMMARa 2 didn’t like her parents

3 was getting divorced 4 ’d been to the police station 5 hadn’t met his girlfriend 6 ’d seen James with another woman 7 couldn’t cook 8 wouldn’t tell anyone 9 ’d speak to her tomorrow / the next day 10 ’d got a lot of work to do

b 2 I want a cup of coffee 3 We haven’t seen the new neighbours yet 4 I don’t want to go to the cinema 5 We’ll go to the party 6 My computer has just broken 7 The city is very old 8 We’ll visit you

2 VOCABULARYa 2 told 3 told 4 said 5 told 6 said 7 said

8 told 9 said 10 said

b 2 told 3 told 4 said 5 told 6 said 7 said 8 said 9 told 10 told

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 married 3 letter 4 middle 5 hurry

6 different 7 sorry 8 summer 9 message 10 happy

4 LISTENINGa Jess gossips, but Alan doesn’t.

b 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 T 7 T 8 F

12C1 GRAMMARa 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 a 7 a 8 b

b b 4 c 5 d 1 e 6 f 8 g 2 h 7

c 2 did Spain win 3 did REM stay 4 plays 5 did Amy Winehouse die 6 do polar bears live 7 roads join 8 produces the most bananas

2 VOCABULARYa 2 overweight – It isn’t used to describe

personality. 3 tracksuit – It isn’t an item of jewellery. 4 a phone call – It doesn’t use the verb ‘do’. 5 exciting – It isn’t a negative word. 6 town hall – It isn’t somewhere you can do shopping. 7 finish – It isn’t a verb that can be followed by ‘to’. 8 get up – It isn’t a use of ‘get’ which means ‘become’. 9 bat – It isn’t an insect.

b 2 on 3 back 4 out 5 to 6 forward 7 into / across 8 in 9 on 10 up

c 2 stay 3 fall 4 make 5 do 6 lend 7 spend 8 get 9 earn 10 find

3 PRONUNCIATIONa 2 school 3 hope 4 turn 5 bald

6 towel 7 thin 8 horse 9 word 10 wear 11 fear 12 city 13 chemist’s 14 forget

4 READINGa 2 G 3 J 4 C 5 H 6 D 7 F 8 A

9 I 10 B

5 LISTENINGa 1 mind 2 Sport 3 Call 4 Millionaire

5 Pop

b Speaker 2 C Speaker 3 D Speaker 4 B Speaker 5 A



English Vocabulary in Use, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate, Redman S., 2017.

   This book will help you learn more than 2,000 words and phrases, and you can use it without a teacher. There are 100 units in the book. You can study them in any order, but the first four units have information about vocabulary that will help you with your learning.
After you do the exercises, you can check your answers in the Answer key at the back of the book. You will also find possible answers for most of the Over to you exercises.

English Vocabulary in Use, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate, Redman S., 2017

Learning vocabulary.
Using this book.
It’s a good idea to have a routine when you use this book, [something you do often and usually in the same way] For example:
• a weekly routine when you study a new unit for at least [not less than] 30-45 minutes;
• a daily routine when you revise that unit, [study it again] You may only need to revise for five or ten minutes each time.

Studying a new unit.
When you are studying a unit for the first time, you need to be active when you are learning.
• With a new word or phrase, say it aloud [speak it so you can hear it], and repeat it to yourself silently [in your head, not speaking]. If you have the eBook that goes with the book, use it to check the pronunciation.
• Use a highlighter pen to mark words you think are important or difficult.
• Writedown new words and phrases in your notebook. (See Unit 2 for more information.)
• Always try to write an example sentence for new words. You can choose an example from this book or a dictionary, but an example from your own life will often help you to remember a word, e.g. I shared a flat with an Australian girl when I was in London last year.
• Do exercises in pencil, then you can rub them out (using a rubber) and do them again later. This is a good way to revise vocabulary.

The world around us.
Daily life.
Education and study.
Work and business.
Leisure and entertainment.
Communication and technology.
Social issues.
Functional language.
Word formation.
Phrase building.
Key verbs.
Words and grammar.
Connecting and linking.
Style and register.
Answer key.
Phonemic symbols.

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учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Redman

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  • Academic Vocabulary in Use, Second Edition, McCarthy M., O’Dell F., 2016 — This book is for anyone who wants or needs to learn the kind of English which is used in academic … Книги по английскому языку

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  • Cool grammar, Английская грамматика для 1-4 классов, Уровень 1, Наумова Е.А., 2013 — Новые книжки серии Cool Grammar представляют собой учебные пособия, которые соответствуют учебному плану, а тематики и сферы общения — действующим … Книги по английскому языку
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  • Все правила английского языка с развивающими заданиями, Журлова О., 2019 — Данное издание содержит грамматические темы программы по английскому языку для начальной школы и предназначено для детей младшего школьного возраста, их … Книги по английскому языку
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third edition


Pre-intermediate  Workbook Key Booklet

Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden

Paul Seligson

with Jane Hudson


English File Third Edition Pre-intermediate Workbook answer key

© Oxford University Press  1



a2 Do you have any brothers or sisters?

3 What university do you go to?

4 What languages can you speak?

5 Where did you study English before?

6 What kind of music do you listen to?

7 How often do you do exercise?

8 Where did you go last weekend?

b2 did you do last night

3 TV programmes does your girlfriend watch

4 is your birthday

5 are you from

6 did your friends go on holiday last year

7 do you read

8 were you angry yesterday


a 2 d  3 i  4 g  5 e  6 h  7 b  8 a  9 f  10 c



2 P  3 R  4 M  5 B  6 K 

7 I


2 programme 

3 thirteen

4 thirty 

5 university 

6 weekend

7 magazine

8 sister  9 language  10 address


a2 seventeen, eighteen

3 eighty, ninety

4 one hundred, one hundred and one

5 eight hundred, nine hundred

6 four hundred and fifty, five hundred

7 five thousand, seven thousand

8 thirty thousand, forty thousand

b 2 exercise 

3 breakfast 

4 family

5 cinema 

6 thousand 

7 teacher

8 university  9 weekend  10 important


aBecause some friends are waiting for him. / Because Sandra’s boyfriend arrives.

b 1 T  2 F  3 F  4 T  5 T  6 F



a2 It doesn’t rain a lot here

3 We don’t live in a flat

4 I don’t play tennis

5 He doesn’t have a beard

6 They don’t go to the gym

7 She doesn’t write a blog


2 Does 

3 do  4 Does  5 do  6 Does 

7 Does


2 earns 

3 study 

4 want  5 lives 

6 share 

7 have 

8 doesn’t come 

9 doesn’t like  10 prefer  11 don’t see 

12 get on



2 bald  3 straight, curly 

4 beard, moustache 

5 fat, slim 

6 thin, overweight 

7 red, medium height


2 d  3 e  4 a  5 b 

6 f


2 extrovert  3 mean  4 unfriendly  5 lazy

6 unkind  7 funny 

8 intelligent



1 watches  2 lives  3 likes 

4 starts 

5 leaves  6 cooks


2 extrovert 

3 unfriendly 

4 generous 

5 moustache

6 serious  7 curly  8 quiet

9 overweight


b 2 T  3 F  4 F  5 T





1 E  2 A, F  3 B, D




Down: 2 leggings 

3 trousers  4 shirt 

6 tracksuit  7 cap

Across: 3 trainers 

5 belt 

8 coat 

9 dress  10 tie


2 on the left  3 in front of 

4 next to 

5 behind  6 between



2 are relaxing 

3 are walking  4 is lying 

5 is relaxing 

6 are sitting  7 are they doing 

8 are waiting 

9 are watching  10 is playing


2 drives 

3 are sleeping  4 ’s raining 

5 drinks 

6 like  7 works  8 wears 

9 ’re studying 

10 live


a/ə/: fashion, sandals, sweater, trainers, trousers

/ɜː/: shirt, skirt, T-shirt, third, world


aDavid Hockney used his iPhone and iPad to draw them.

b1 In Paris.

2 The sunrise.

3 He sends them to his friends.

4 30 January.

5 Five euros.

Practical English Hotel Problems


2There’s a problem with the shower.

3I’ll send somebody up right away.

4I’m sorry to bother you again.

5I have a problem with the Wi-Fi.

6I’ll put you through to IT.


2 good view  3 looking forward 

4 must be  5 By the way


a 2 T  3 T  4 F  5 T  6 F  7 F




2 for, walk 

3 book 

4 abroad 

5 hire  6 out  7 stay 

8 sightseeing 

9 sunbathe 

10 away


2 sunny  3 crowded 

4 delicious 

5 unhelpful 

6 basic 

7 friendly  8 lovely 

9 cloudy  10 disgusting


aRegular: arrived, asked, invited, rented, stayed, sunbathed

Irregular: bought, could, chose, ate, felt, said

b2 They didn’t buy

3 The people weren’t

4 I didn’t sunbathe

5 We didn’t hire

6 He didn’t spend

7 Our room wasn’t


2 wanted  3 booked  4 took  5 arrived 

6 went  7 asked  8 looked  9 couldn’t

10 went



did they want


did they book 


did they arrive


did the woman at the desk


did they go



2 wanted  3 booked  4 invited


1 caught, saw 

2 rang, sat  3 drove, wrote

4 said, went 

5 gave, made


a 2  c 3  d 5  e 4

English File Third Edition Pre-intermediate Workbook answer key

© Oxford University Press  2



a 2 was snowing 

3 weren’t driving 

4 was he doing 

5 were you crying 

6 was sitting 7 were living  8 wasn’t working

b 2 He fell off his bike when he was cycling home

3The children were playing video games when the visitors arrived

4We were having a barbecue when it started to rain

5I was finishing my report when my computer crashed

c 2 were having  3 got  4 was speaking  5 noticed  6 was sitting  7 decided 

8 went 

9 said  10 stopped  11 was passing

12 took 

13 came  14 was smiling 

15 looked  16 was laughing



2 in  3 on, in, at, on 

4 on  5 on 

6 at, in, at 

7 in, on 

8 At, in, in


2 on, in 

3 on, in, on 

4 in, on  5 at  6 on,

on 7 at, in  8 at, at



b2 b  3 c  4 a  5 a




2 Next day  3 when 

4 Suddenly

5 Two minutes later 

6 After that


1b so 

1c Although 

2a Although 

2b so 

2c because 

3a but  3b Although 

3c because

c1 so I didn’t have any breakfast

2 but I had a great holiday in Egypt

3 although I don’t really like him

4 so I called the police

5 although he has a lot of money

6 because she couldn’t find her wallet


a 2g  3 f  4 b  5 h  6 a  7 e  8 c


a1 awful, birthday, evening, perfect, restaurant, second

2 again, although, because, invite

4 READING a 2, 5, 1, 4, 3


1 T  2 F  3 F  4 T  5 F  6 T



a2 ’m going to book

3 isn’t going to sleep

4 ’s, going to get

5 isn’t going to fly

6 ’re going to be

7 ’m not going to stay

8 Are, going to need

b2 we aren’t going to go

3 We’re going to go

4 are you going to travel

5 We’re going to be

6 are you going to do

7 We’re going to stay

8we’re going to rent

9Is it going to be

10it isn’t going to rain


2 lift  3 Departures 

4 check-in  5 gate 

6 passport control  7 Baggage Reclaim

8 trolley  9 Customs 

10 Arrivals





2 T  3 F  4 T  5 T 

6 F


aDialogue 2  Check-in  Dialogue 3  Immigration  Dialogue 4  Baggage reclaim Dialogue 5  Customs

c 1

a sandwich  2 B28  3 415 673 702 


grey  5 some chocolate



a 2 ’re driving 

3 aren’t stopping  4 ’re getting

5 ’re going 

6 aren’t taking 

7 ’re stopping

8 ’re arriving  9 ’re picking 

10 ’re catching

b 2

3it’s going to be

4he’s going to get the job

5aren’t going to miss

8she’s going to have


2 in  3 about  4 for  5 on  6 to  7 at  8 of


a2 I’d love to.

3 Are you free this weekend?

4 Sorry, no. I’m working on Saturday.

5 What about next weekend? What are you doing then?

6 Nothing. Next weekend is fine.

7 Great. Do you like walking?

8I love it!

9OK. Let’s go to Devon – the countryside is beautiful!

4 READING a nine

b 2 B  3 P  4 B  5 V  6 P



Italy and France


2 a student 

3 a week  4 Venice

5 the Louvre 

6 in hotels



a 2 a  3 d  4 h  5 b  6 g  7 e  8 c

b 2 which 

3 who 

4 which 

5 which 

6 where 

7 who 

8 where 

9 where 

10 who


2 kind  3 similar  4 like  5 something

6 example  7 someone  8 somewhere


a 2 a quite, b quiet 

3 a shoes, b socks

4 a sweet, b suit 

5 a sightsee, b sunbathe

6 a weight, b height  7 a shirt, b shorts

8 a cloudy, b crowded


a 2 fashionista 

3 Chick lit  4 E-waste 

5 sandwich generation  6 Agritourism 

7 Netiquette 

8 staycation



b2 F  3 T  4 T  5 F  6 F  7 F  8 T

PracticalEnglish Restaurantproblems


2 menu  3 starter 

4 main course 

5 waiter / waitress 

6 dessert  7 bill


2Yes, please.

3Can I get you something to start with?

4No, thank you. Just a main course. I’d like the steak, please.

5And how would you like your steak? Rare, medium or well done?

6Rare, please.

7Would you like that with fries or with a baked potato?

8A baked potato, please.

9OK. And to drink?

10Water, please.

11Still or sparkling?

English File Third Edition Pre-intermediate Workbook answer key

© Oxford University Press  3


13Here’s your steak, madam.

14I’m sorry but I asked for my steak rare and this is well done.


1 start with  2 any suggestions, be great 3 we have  4 a mistake, my day  5 to go


a 2 5 p.m.–7 p.m.  3 $12.95  4 214 E.9th St

5Restaurants in the Theatre District

6$30–$45  7 At lunchtime 

7Scandinavian food




2 make 

3 tidy 

4 lay 

5 clean 

6 take out

7 do 

8 put away


2 make 

3 make 

4 do 

5 do 

6 make 

7 do 

8 make


a2 Have you made any plans for the weekend yet

3We haven’t finished lunch yet

4Daniel has already tidied his room

5I’ve already done the ironing

6Have you been to the supermarket yet

7I haven’t cleaned the bathroom yet

8Edward has already taken out the rubbish

b 2

’s just fallen  3 ’ve just won 


’ve just cleaned  5 ’s just laid 


’ve just missed


a 2 young 

3 year  4 yellow  5 uniform

6 jacket 

7 teenager  8 bridge  9 jumper

10 enjoy


b 2 F  3 T  4 T  5 F  6 F  7 T


a Speaker 3

b Speaker 2 E,  Speaker 3 A,  Speaker 4 D,

Speaker 5 C




2 changing rooms 

3 checkout  4 receipt

5 suit  6 size  7 fit 

8 take, back

9 shop assistants


Down: 2 item  5 auction  7 website

Across: 3 basket  4 payment  6 checkout

8 delivery


a2 I haven’t brought my credit card

3 Has Anna gone / been shopping

4 Has your sister ever worked as a model

5 You haven’t worn your new shirt

6 Have I ever told you about my holiday in Greece

7 The shopping centre’s never been so crowded

8 I’ve never used eBay

b2 AHave you ever sold, Bhave, Adid you sell,

B didn’t want  3 A Have you ever worn, B haven’t  4 A Have you ever lost, B have, left  5 A Have you ever had, B have, didn’t have, couldn’t


a 2 proceed  3 clothes  4 card


aA shopping centre

b2 £1.45 billion

3 Two department stores, one supermarket, and 300 smaller shops

4 70

5 10,000

6 By car, bus, train, and by the underground

7 Some trousers

8 Because there were too many people in the changing rooms to try them on




2 anything 

3 anywhere 

4 anywhere

5 anyone 

6 something 

7 nobody

8 somewhere 

9 somebody


2 T  3 T 

4 F 

5 T  6 F 

7 F


2 relaxing  3 boring  4 depressed

5 interested  6 exciting  7 depressing

8 relaxed  9 bored  10 excited


a1 anything, dress, friendly, sweater, website

2 coat, don’t, goes, home, photos

3 funny, gloves, lunch, something, nothing


a2 Tidy your wardrobe

3 Listen to some podcasts

4 Play board games

5 Bake a loaf of bread

6 Learn how to juggle

7 Meet your neighbours

8 Organize your shelves

9Take some photos

10Start a blog


aSpeaker 1 went camping in the Lake District. Speaker 2 stayed in a hotel in Paris.

Speaker 3 went to a local museum. Speaker 4’s brother and wife came to stay.

b 1

Speaker 3 


Speaker 4 


Speaker 2


Speaker 3 


Speaker 4 


Speaker 2



a 2 worse 

3 more slowly  4 hotter

5 harder 

6 further 

7 better  8 healthier 

9 more dangerous 

10 busier

b2 as stylish as her shoes

3 as big as my boss’s

4 play as well as Spain

5 drive as carefully as me

6 as expensive as laptops

7 look as relaxed as Harry

8 as dirty as his shirt


2 spend  3 on  4 waste  5 save  6 in



2 centre 

3 parents  4 ago  5 children

6 patient 

7 problem 

8 communication

9 traditional  10 around  11 seconds

12 better


2 centre 

3 parents 

4 ago

5 children  6 patient 

7 problem

8 communication  9 tradit ional

10 around  11 seconds  12 better


b 2 F  3 T  4 T  5 F  6 F


a1 Speaker 3

2 Speaker 5

3 Speaker 2

5 Speaker 4

bHappiest: Speakers 4 + 5 Least happy: Speaker 2




2 wettest 

3 furthest 

4 worst  5 ugliest

6 safest 

7 most exciting  8 friendliest


2 the most interesting 

3 most expensive

4 best  5 busiest

c2 That’s the fastest car I’ve ever driven

3 It’s the most beautiful building we’ve ever seen

4 That’s the healthiest meal he’s ever eaten

5 It’s the best photograph you’ve ever taken

6 This is the most exciting sport I’ve ever done

7 That’s the worst flight we’ve ever had

8 This is the most interesting city I’ve ever visited

English File Third Edition Pre-intermediate Workbook answer key

© Oxford University Press  4


a 2 coast  3 west  4 population  5 famous


2 polluted 

3 safe  4 noisy  5 boring

6 crowded


2 town hall 

3 castle  4 statue


a 2 crowded 

3 dangerous 

4 exciting

5 frightening  6 generous 

7 interesting

8 polluted 

9 romantic


a1, 2, 4, 6

b2 F  3 F  4 T  5 F



a 2 illness 

3 skin  4 faces  5 bones

6 prevent 

7 brain



2 a few  3 many  4 much 

5 a little

6 enough  7 many  8 A little  9 a lot of

10 a few


2 tall enough  3 too much 

4 enough time

5 too much  6 too many  7 enough exercise

8 sleep enough


a 1 much, none  2 few, food, too 

3 diet, like, quite  4 any, healthy, many

4 READING a potatoes

b 2 F  3 F  4 T  5 F  6 F  7 T


a Alice is 35. Her body age is 31.

b 2 no  3 any  4 a lot of  5 positive  6 a little  7 a few  8 enough

Practical English The wrong shoes


2 d  3 e  4 a  5 b


2 bought 

3 problem 

4 afraid 

5 size

6 small 

7 medium 

8 see  9 sorry

10 refund  11 changing rooms 

12 receipt


2Oh, you know. Working! But it was OK.

3Why don’t we go out for dinner? I could book a restaurant.

4OK. For what time?

5Eight o’clock?

6Can we make it a bit earlier? Say, seven thirty?

7OK. I’ll go and have a shower then.




2 Tiffany & Co 

3 Ricky’s  4 Ricky’s


1 keyboard  2 pricey 

3 accessories

4 engagement 

5 huge 

6 do-it-yourself



a 2 won’t win 

3 won’t remember 

4 ’ll forget 

5 won’t sell  6 ’ll miss


2 learn  3 ’ll pass 

4 Pull  5 broken

6 borrow  7 lose 

8 turn on  9 sent

10 found


a 2 Gemini  3 Aries  4 Aquarius  5 Taurus


aMatt’s star sign is Capricorn and Amy’s star sign is Virgo.

b2 M  3 A  4 A  5 M  6 M  7 M



a2 Shall I lend you some money

3 I’ll have the chicken

4 Shall I take your coat

5 Shall I turn off the air conditioning?

6 I won’t be late

b 2 P  3 O  4 O  5 D  6 P


2 pay  3 come  4 take  5 give  6 send


a2 decide , email, promise

3 practise, listen, repair

4 borrow, forget , agree

5 sunbathe, invite , complain


a Paul learnt not to lend money to strangers. b a 6  b 3  c 5  e 4  f 2  g 8  h 7


a They had problems with crime.

b Speaker 2 A  Speaker 3 C  Speaker 4 B Speaker 5 E



a2 do … go, read

3 will win, ’ll lose

4 were … doing, was watching

5 Have … dreamt, ’ve … had

6 are … doing, ’m reading

7 Did … sleep, woke up

8 are … leaving, going to go

b 2 have done  3 works 

4 ’s studying 

5 has … published  6 helped  7 chose

8 discovered  9 had 

10 saw 

11 were watching


2 with  3 for  4 at 

5 to  6 in  7 of  8 from



2 now  3 borrow 

4 down



2 You are falling. 

3 You are lost.

4 You are flying. 

5 You can’t escape.


Dream 2 a  Dream 3 d  Dream 4 c

Dream 5 b



a2 to see  3 not to finish  4 to find 5 not to tell  6 not to do  7 to rent

b2 difficult to talk  3 easy to buy

4 important not to say  5 great to hear

6 fun to be


2 to study  3 to book  4 to make  5 to get

6 to take


2 when to call  3 how many to buy 

4 where to go 5 what to study

6 how much to take


2 offered 

3 didn’t want  4 pretended

5 needed 

6 promised  7 planned

8 forgot / didn’t remember 

9 forgot /

didn’t remember  10 tried 

11 learned


aThe writer is generally positive about mothers-in-law.

b 2 b  3 a  4 c





2 J  3 D  4 D  5 J  6 D  7 D  8 J

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2 playing 

3 studying 

4 writing 

5 snowing  6 going 

7 swimming 

8 getting 

9 listening 

10 using, not driving


2 a  3 e 

4 f 

5 d  6 b


3 imagining 

4 driving 

5 listening

6 Staying 

7 reading 

8 getting up

9 taking 

10 going  11 exercising

12 having  13 Turning 

14 leaving


2 to use  3 buying  4 to carry  5 travelling

6 to read 

7 to look for 

8 to show

9 reading 

10 looking 

11 not to lose

12 to borrow 

13 to lend  14 reading

15 to take 

16 to charge


2 e  3 b  4 a  5 d  6 f


a 2 promise  3 surprise  4 engine


b Speaker 2 D  Speaker 3 A  Speaker 4 E Speaker 5 B



a1 don’t have to, have to

2 Do … have to, have to, don’t have to 3 Do … have to, don’t have to, have to

4 Does … have to, doesn’t have to, has to


2 You must 

3 You mustn’t  4 You mustn’t

5 You must 

6 You mustn’t


2 mustn’t 

3 mustn’t  4 don’t have to

5 mustn’t 

6 don’t have to


2quite difficult to understand American films

3new teacher speaks very fast

4of those students are a bit unfriendly

5English books is a really good idea

6incredibly hard to learn Chinese


a Students’ own answers.

b 2 Luis  3 Kiko  4 Josef  5 Gloria  6 Paolo


aOn all Mac computers, iPhones, the iPod touch and the iPad.

b 2 around 3,000  3 8,000  4 290,000 5 2006

Practical English At the pharmacy


2 cold  3 bad stomach  4 temperature

5 headache  6 cough


2 well 

3 symptoms  4 have  5 allergic

6 better 

7 take  8 every  9 often  10 much


1 lovely, glad  2 Can, for  3 should, sure


2 C  3 A  4 I  5 H  6 G  7 F  8 B  9 D




2 should, F 

3 shouldn’t, E 

4 shouldn’t, A

5 should, C 

6 shouldn’t, D


2 shouldn’t drink  3 should go

4 should see 

5 should tell

6 shouldn’t give 

7 should call


B 4  C 1  D 7 

E 6  F 2 

G 5


2 gets home  3 got lost  4 get fit

5 getting worse  6 got tickets  7 get on

8 got, text message  9 getting up

10 get, school

3 PRONUNCIATION a 2 could  3 soup  4 book


b Speaker 2 B  Speaker 3 D  Speaker 4 E Speaker 5 A



b2 In May and June.

3 Extra nights in a hotel if you can’t fly home. 4 Things will only get worse.

5 Your family and friends at home.

6 What they will do if there is a natural disaster.


1 GRAMMAR a 2 yours

3Whose laptop is that, his

4Whose keys are those, hers

5Whose car is that, ours

6Whose coats are those, yours

7Whose house is that, theirs

b 2 yours, ours  3 his, His  4 ours, theirs 5 Your, Mine, hers


2 quietly  3 seriously  4 lazily

5 dreamily  6 calmly


a 2 distance  3 dollar  4 advantage 5 enjoy  6 completely  7 remember 8 promise  9 suspicious


a Students’ own answers. b 2 G  3 D  4 H  5 J


aThe experiment hoped to found out if men and women cook differently. It wasn’t successful.

b2 F  3 T  4 F  5 F  6 T




2 e  3 a  4 f 

5 b  6 d


2 see  3 use 

4 won’t get 

5 don’t take

6 doesn’t work  7 will be 

8 isn’t

c2 hang, ’ll bring, C

3 walk, ’ll have, F

4 throw, make, will come, A

5 ’s, catch, won’t be, G

6 break, ’ll have, B

7 see, runs, ’ll go, E


a 2 lost, missed  3 tell, says 

4 waiting, hope 5 watching, look at

6 known, met 7 borrow, lend

8 looking for, found  9 wearing, carrying

10 take, bring



a 2 e  3 a  4 c  5 b  6 d

b2 would you do if you found a million euros 3 a phone if he could afford one

4 gave me caviar I wouldn’t eat it

5 would you say if you could talk to the president

6 look for a new job if I were you

c2 saw, would scream

3 wouldn’t have, didn’t have

4 wasn’t, would get

5 lived, would learn

6 would … do, attacked


a Across: 2 cow  6 jellyfish  7 whale 9 bear  10 snake

Down: 3 spider  4 bee  5 sheep  8 horse

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a 2 camel  3 chicken  4 crocodile 

5 dolphin

6 elephant 

7 giraffe  8 jellyfish 

9 lion

10 monkey 

11 mosquito  12 rabbit

13 spider  14 tiger


aStudents’ own answers.



aBy pressing his fingers into the shark’s eye.

b1 Australia

2 Fishing

3 His head, shoulders, and one of his arms.

4 Metal

5 His son

6 By helicopter

7 He had deep cuts all over his body and a broken nose.

8 Over three metres long




2 claustrophobia d  3 arachnophobia a

4 glossophobia e 

5 acrophobia c


2 scared  3 fear 

4 terrified  5 afraid

6 phobia



2 since 

3 since 

4 for 

5 for

6 since 

7 for 

8 since


2 since 

3 since 

4 for 

5 since  6 Since

7 for  8 since 

9 since

c2 How long has … played

3 How long has … lived

4 How long has … had

5 When did … hear

d2 How long


4 since February

5 have you had

6 for eight years



4 LISTENING a a fear of dogs b 2 c  3 a  4 c



a 2 d  3 b  4 f  5 e  6 h  7 g  8 a


a 2 sent  3 she met  4 They fell  5 they got

6 They had  7 They moved 

8 they’ve lived

9 has just put  10 he’s been 

11 have made

b 2

did … get, ’ve been


has … worked, finished


have … had, bought


did … meet, ’s known


have … lived, arrived


a1 married, primary, secondary, separate

2 divorced, musician, retire, successful


a A 7  B 2  C 6  D 3  E 5  G 4

b2 did his mother buy

3 were

4 did John Lennon die

5 has Julian Lennon made

6 has Sean Lennon played


aThey were both two years old.

b2 F  3 T  4 T  5 T  6 T  7 T  8 F

Practical English Getting around


2 straight  3 round  4 exit  5 lights

6 take  7 left  8 right


2Could you say that again?

3How many stops is that?

4OK. And then?

5Where is it?

6OK. Thanks. See you later.


2 said  3 don’t  4 stay  5 feel  6 long 7 think



30–40 minutes  3 $14 

4 $45


nothing  6 6.30 a.m. 





a 2 given 

3 discovered  4 used 

5 played

6 shown 

7 called  8 invented 

9 opened

10 based


a2 The film The Iron Lady is based on the life of Margaret Thatcher

3Mobile phones weren’t invented by Apple

4Lead isn’t used in petrol nowadays

5Low-cost flights are sold online

6The Petronus Towers were designed by an Argentinian architect

7Avatar wasn’t directed by Steven Spielberg

8Minis aren’t made by a British company any more

b2 Contact lenses were invented by a Czech chemist

3Where are olives grown

4The VW Beetle was designed in the 1930s

5Diamonds are found in many different colours

6When were vitamins discovered

7Spanish is spoken in Spain and many parts of South America

8Where were the Lord of the Rings films made

c2 are worn by people of all ages

3 weren’t invented by Microsoft

4 the heating controlled by a computer

5 was written by Stieg Larsson

6 aren’t used by people very much today

7 wasn’t painted by Picasso

8 all the Harry Potter films directed by the same person


a 2 checked  3 wanted  4 rained  5 decided

4 LISTENING a 2 c  3 a

b2 in Percy Spencer’s pocket, not on the table.

3 German, not American

4 glass and paper, not water and air.

5 the man’s wife’s hand, not his hand

6 potato chips, not crisps

7 a chef, not a waiter

8 ‘Saratoga chips’, not ‘Saratoga potatoes’




2 h 

3 e 

4 b 

5 a 

6 f 

7 i 

8 d 

9 g


2 g 

3 c 

4 a 

5 b 

6 i 

7 f 

8 d 

9 e


a2 I didn’t use to behave

3 We used to wear

4 Did Alex use to have

5 didn’t use to study

6 used to be

7 didn’t use to play

8 Did your teachers use to give

b2 He used to go

3 We didn’t use to understand

4 Did you use to

5 School used to

6 Did your friends used to help

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a2 What’s the most important lesson you learned at school?

3Did you ever behave badly?

4What subjects were you good at?

5What did you want to do when you left school?

6Did you have a favourite teacher?

b 2 T  3 F  4 F  5 T  6 T  7 T  8 F


aAmy was good at languages at school, but Tony wasn’t.

b2 studied it at university

3 some numbers

4 too uncomfortable

5 German

6 make younger pupils learn languages




2 might go 

3 might have  4 might take

5 might rain 

6 might invite  7 might make

8 might eat


2 might not get  3 might have

4 might not come  5 might not be

6 might miss  7 might go  8 might fail



3 decision 

4 die  5 education 

6 elect

7 imagination  8 inform  9 invitation

10 live  11 option  12 organize 

13 succeed


2 decision 

3 invite 

4 Success 

5 inform

6 decided 

7 imagine 

8 life


a 2   3   4   5   6   7   8


aTo discover if a good night’s sleep helps when you have to make an important decision.

b 2 at different times  3 some time later 4 Some  5 four  6 different  7 lost 8 REM sleep





Speaker 2 D  Speaker 3 A  Speaker 4 E

Speaker 5 B




2 track  3 match point, serve  4 bunker

5 lap 

6 penalty 

7 corner


1 into 

2 round 

3 into  4 out of

5 towards  6 past  7 to, into


Across: 4 down 

5 up  7 towards 

8 across

Down: 1 out of 

2 round  3 into 

6 past

7 through  8 along



2 kicked, under  3 went through

4 threw, into 

5 ran across  6 hit, over


2 out of 

3 to 

4 into  5 along  6 under

7 past 

8 through  9 along  10 towards

11 across


a 2 volleyball  3 motor racing  4 skiing 5 windsurfing  6 cycling  7 basketball 8 rugby  9 athletics


acards, tennis, football, board games, basketball

b 2 Speaker 5  3 Speaker 1  4 Speaker 4 5 Speaker 3



a 2 over  3 after  4 off  5 in  6 on

b 2 throw away  3 turn up  4 look up

5 look forward to  6 get on with  7 go out 8 try on  9 take back  10 give up


a 2 pay it back  3 look for them  4 5 looks after my kids  6

b2 She’ll give them back on Friday

3 Are you looking forward to it

4 I called her back when I got home

5 We don’t get on with them

6 Shall we turn it on



2 get up 

3 go out  4 take off 

5 put on

6 give up 

7 turn on 

8 write down




3   4  

5   6  

7   8





b2 T  3 F  4 F  5 T  6 T




2 Neither was I  3 So do I 

4 So would I

5 So am I 

6 Neither have I


2 So did I 

3 Neither have I 

4 So was I

5 Neither am I  6 Neither can I 

7 So would I  8 Neither do I


2 as  3 like  4 both  5 so 

6 neither

7 identical



2 similar 

3 coincidence  4 amazing

5 discover 

6 everywhere 

7 personality

8 definitely





2 F  3 F 

4 T  5 T  6 F

5 LISTENING a 2 a  3 b

b 2 KB  3 OT  4 KB  5 RR  6 OT

Practical English Time to go home


a2 sorry, wrong

3 line, busy, leave, message, call, back

4 put


a 2 great news  3 go first  4 later 5 Never better





2 f 

3 i  4 e  5 d 

6 b  7 m  8 g  9 j

10 k 

11 a  12 l 

13 h

English File Third Edition Pre-intermediate Workbook answer key

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a 2 hadn’t closed 

3 had started 

4 hadn’t flown 

5 had read  6 hadn’t heard

b2 Had they eaten sushi before

3 Had he won a medal before

4 Had they made a cake before

5 Had she run a marathon before

6 Had you been there before

c2 had done the ironing, he put the

clothes away

3they had watched the news, they turned off the TV

4I had read the book, I gave it back

5had tried on the top, she went to the checkout

6we had had dinner, we did the washing up

d 2 opened 

3 had broken  4 had already left

5 hadn’t stolen  6 hadn’t lost  7 had seen

8 had left 

9 had put


a 2 We’d lost it.  3 You’d seen her.

4 It’d been a terrible day.  5 I hadn’t sent it. 6 She hadn’t done it.  7 They hadn’t told me.


a 2 put  3 belonged 

4 left  5 gone on

6 got out of  7 had 

8 realized  9 was

10 got on


a A 2  B 1  C 4  D 3

b2 30 hours (not 13)

3 Zambia (not Kenya)

4 swum to safety (not walked)

5 cooking (not washing up)

6 too small (not big)

7 living room (not kitchen).

8 Mrs Dodd’s husband (not Mrs Dodd)



a2 didn’t like her parents

3 was getting divorced

4 ’d been to the police station

5hadn’t met his girlfriend

6’d seen James with another woman

7couldn’t cook

8wouldn’t tell anyone

9’d speak to her tomorrow / the next day

10’d got a lot of work to do

b2 I want a cup of coffee

3 We haven’t seen the new neighbours yet

4 I don’t want to go to the cinema

5 We’ll go to the party

6 My computer has just broken

7 The city is very old

8 We’ll visit you



2 told 

3 told 

4 said 

5 told 

6 said  7 said

8 told 

9 said 

10 said


2 told 

3 told 

4 said 

5 told 

6 said

7 said 

8 said 

9 told 

10 told


a 2 married 

3 letter 

4 middle  5 hurry

6 different 

7 sorry 

8 summer

9 message 

10 happy


a Jess gossips, but Alan doesn’t.

b 2 F  3 F  4 F  5 T  6 T  7 T  8 F



a 2 a  3 a  4 b  5 b  6 a  7 a  8 b b b 4  c 5  d 1  e 6  f 8  g 2  h 7

c2 did Spain win

3 did REM stay

4 plays

5 did Amy Winehouse die

6 do polar bears live

7 roads join

8 produces the most bananas


a2 overweight – It isn’t used to describe personality.

3tracksuit – It isn’t an item of jewellery.

4a phone call – It doesn’t use the verb ‘do’.

5exciting – It isn’t a negative word.

6town hall – It isn’t somewhere you can do shopping.

7finish – It isn’t a verb that can be followed by ‘to’.

8get up – It isn’t a use of ‘get’ which means ‘become’.

9bat – It isn’t an insect.


2 on  3 back  4 out 

5 to 

6 forward

7 into / across 

8 in 

9 on 

10 up


2 stay  3 fall 

4 make 

5 do  6 lend

7 spend  8 get 

9 earn 

10 find


a 2 school 

3 hope  4 turn 

5 bald

6 towel 

7 thin 

8 horse 

9 word  10 wear

11 fear 

12 city 

13 chemist’s  14 forget


a 2 G 

3 J  4 C  5 H  6 D  7 F  8 A 

9 I 

10 B



1 mind  2 Sport  3 Call 

4 Millionaire

5 Pop


Speaker 2 C  Speaker 3 D 

Speaker 4 B

Speaker 5 A

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